
231 lines
6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package scenes
import (
tea ""
teaUtils ""
var _ tea.Model = (*apply)(nil)
type modProgress struct {
downloadProgress utils.GenericProgress
extractProgress utils.GenericProgress
downloading bool
complete bool
type status struct {
modProgresses map[string]modProgress
installName string
overallProgress utils.GenericProgress
done bool
type apply struct {
root components.RootModel
parent tea.Model
error *components.ErrorComponent
installChannel chan string
updateChannel chan cli.InstallUpdate
doneChannel chan bool
errorChannel chan error
cancelChannel chan bool
title string
status status
overall progress.Model
sub progress.Model
cancelled bool
func NewApply(root components.RootModel, parent tea.Model) tea.Model {
overall := progress.New(progress.WithSolidFill("118"))
sub := progress.New(progress.WithSolidFill("202"))
installChannel := make(chan string)
updateChannel := make(chan cli.InstallUpdate)
doneChannel := make(chan bool, 1)
errorChannel := make(chan error)
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cancelChannel := make(chan bool, 1)
model := &apply{
root: root,
parent: parent,
title: teaUtils.NonListTitleStyle.MarginTop(1).MarginBottom(1).Render("Applying Changes"),
overall: overall,
sub: sub,
status: status{
installName: "",
done: false,
installChannel: installChannel,
updateChannel: updateChannel,
doneChannel: doneChannel,
errorChannel: errorChannel,
cancelChannel: cancelChannel,
cancelled: false,
go func() {
for _, installation := range root.GetGlobal().Installations.Installations {
installChannel <- installation.Path
installUpdateChannel := make(chan cli.InstallUpdate)
go func() {
for update := range installUpdateChannel {
updateChannel <- update
if err := installation.Install(root.GetGlobal(), installUpdateChannel); err != nil {
errorChannel <- err
2022-06-22 22:24:35 +00:00
stop := false
select {
case <-cancelChannel:
stop = true
if stop {
doneChannel <- true
return model
func (m apply) Init() tea.Cmd {
return teaUtils.Ticker()
func (m apply) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case tea.KeyMsg:
switch keypress := msg.String(); keypress {
case keys.KeyControlC:
return m, tea.Quit
case keys.KeyEscape:
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m.cancelled = true
m.cancelChannel <- true
return m, nil
case keys.KeyEnter:
if m.status.done {
if m.parent != nil {
return m.parent, m.parent.Init()
return m, nil
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
case components.ErrorComponentTimeoutMsg:
m.error = nil
case teaUtils.TickMsg:
select {
case <-m.doneChannel:
m.status.done = true
m.status.installName = ""
case installName := <-m.installChannel:
m.status.installName = installName
m.status.modProgresses = make(map[string]modProgress)
m.status.overallProgress = utils.GenericProgress{}
case update := <-m.updateChannel:
switch update.Type {
case cli.InstallUpdateTypeOverall:
m.status.overallProgress = update.Progress
case cli.InstallUpdateTypeModDownload:
m.status.modProgresses[update.Item.Mod] = modProgress{
downloadProgress: update.Progress,
downloading: true,
complete: false,
case cli.InstallUpdateTypeModExtract:
m.status.modProgresses[update.Item.Mod] = modProgress{
extractProgress: update.Progress,
downloading: false,
complete: false,
case cli.InstallUpdateTypeModComplete:
m.status.modProgresses[update.Item.Mod] = modProgress{
complete: true,
case err := <-m.errorChannel:
wrappedErrMessage := wrap.String(err.Error(), int(float64(m.root.Size().Width)*0.8))
errorComponent, _ := components.NewErrorComponent(wrappedErrMessage, 0)
m.error = errorComponent
// Skip if nothing there
return m, teaUtils.Ticker()
return m, nil
func (m apply) View() string {
strs := make([]string, 0)
if m.status.installName != "" {
strs = append(strs, lipgloss.NewStyle().Render(m.status.installName))
strs = append(strs, lipgloss.NewStyle().MarginBottom(1).Render(m.overall.ViewAs(m.status.overallProgress.Percentage())))
keys := make([]string, 0)
for k := range m.status.modProgresses {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, modReference := range keys {
p := m.status.modProgresses[modReference]
if p.complete {
strs = append(strs, lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("22")).Render("✓ ")+modReference)
} else {
if p.downloading {
strs = append(strs, lipgloss.NewStyle().Render(modReference+" (Downloading)"))
strs = append(strs, m.sub.ViewAs(p.downloadProgress.Percentage()))
} else {
strs = append(strs, lipgloss.NewStyle().Render(modReference+" (Extracting)"))
strs = append(strs, m.sub.ViewAs(p.extractProgress.Percentage()))
if m.status.done {
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if m.cancelled {
strs = append(strs, teaUtils.LabelStyle.Copy().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("196")).Padding(0).Margin(1).Render("Cancelled! Press Enter to return"))
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} else {
strs = append(strs, teaUtils.LabelStyle.Copy().Padding(0).Margin(1).Render("Done! Press Enter to return"))
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result := lipgloss.NewStyle().MarginLeft(1).Render(lipgloss.JoinVertical(lipgloss.Left, strs...))
if m.error != nil {
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return lipgloss.JoinVertical(lipgloss.Left, m.title, m.error.View(), result)
return lipgloss.JoinVertical(lipgloss.Left, m.title, result)