package scenes import ( "sort" "" tea "" "" "" "" "" "" teaUtils "" "" ) var _ tea.Model = (*apply)(nil) type modProgress struct { downloadProgress utils.GenericProgress extractProgress utils.GenericProgress downloading bool complete bool } type status struct { modProgresses map[string]modProgress installName string overallProgress utils.GenericProgress done bool } type apply struct { root components.RootModel parent tea.Model error *components.ErrorComponent installChannel chan string updateChannel chan cli.InstallUpdate doneChannel chan bool errorChannel chan error cancelChannel chan bool title string status status overall progress.Model sub progress.Model cancelled bool } func NewApply(root components.RootModel, parent tea.Model) tea.Model { overall := progress.New(progress.WithSolidFill("118")) sub := progress.New(progress.WithSolidFill("202")) installChannel := make(chan string) updateChannel := make(chan cli.InstallUpdate) doneChannel := make(chan bool, 1) errorChannel := make(chan error) cancelChannel := make(chan bool, 1) model := &apply{ root: root, parent: parent, title: teaUtils.NonListTitleStyle.MarginTop(1).MarginBottom(1).Render("Applying Changes"), overall: overall, sub: sub, status: status{ installName: "", done: false, }, installChannel: installChannel, updateChannel: updateChannel, doneChannel: doneChannel, errorChannel: errorChannel, cancelChannel: cancelChannel, cancelled: false, } go func() { for _, installation := range root.GetGlobal().Installations.Installations { installChannel <- installation.Path installUpdateChannel := make(chan cli.InstallUpdate) go func() { for update := range installUpdateChannel { updateChannel <- update } }() if err := installation.Install(root.GetGlobal(), installUpdateChannel); err != nil { errorChannel <- err return } stop := false select { case <-cancelChannel: stop = true default: } if stop { break } } doneChannel <- true }() return model } func (m apply) Init() tea.Cmd { return teaUtils.Ticker() } func (m apply) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) { switch msg := msg.(type) { case tea.KeyMsg: switch keypress := msg.String(); keypress { case keys.KeyControlC: return m, tea.Quit case keys.KeyEscape: m.cancelled = true m.cancelChannel <- true return m, nil case keys.KeyEnter: if m.status.done { if m.parent != nil { return m.parent, m.parent.Init() } } return m, nil } case tea.WindowSizeMsg: m.root.SetSize(msg) case components.ErrorComponentTimeoutMsg: m.error = nil case teaUtils.TickMsg: select { case <-m.doneChannel: m.status.done = true m.status.installName = "" break case installName := <-m.installChannel: m.status.installName = installName m.status.modProgresses = make(map[string]modProgress) m.status.overallProgress = utils.GenericProgress{} break case update := <-m.updateChannel: switch update.Type { case cli.InstallUpdateTypeOverall: m.status.overallProgress = update.Progress case cli.InstallUpdateTypeModDownload: m.status.modProgresses[update.Item.Mod] = modProgress{ downloadProgress: update.Progress, downloading: true, complete: false, } case cli.InstallUpdateTypeModExtract: m.status.modProgresses[update.Item.Mod] = modProgress{ extractProgress: update.Progress, downloading: false, complete: false, } case cli.InstallUpdateTypeModComplete: m.status.modProgresses[update.Item.Mod] = modProgress{ complete: true, } } break case err := <-m.errorChannel: wrappedErrMessage := wrap.String(err.Error(), int(float64(m.root.Size().Width)*0.8)) errorComponent, _ := components.NewErrorComponent(wrappedErrMessage, 0) m.error = errorComponent break default: // Skip if nothing there break } return m, teaUtils.Ticker() } return m, nil } func (m apply) View() string { strs := make([]string, 0) if m.status.installName != "" { strs = append(strs, lipgloss.NewStyle().Render(m.status.installName)) strs = append(strs, lipgloss.NewStyle().MarginBottom(1).Render(m.overall.ViewAs(m.status.overallProgress.Percentage()))) } keys := make([]string, 0) for k := range m.status.modProgresses { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) for _, modReference := range keys { p := m.status.modProgresses[modReference] if p.complete { strs = append(strs, lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("22")).Render("✓ ")+modReference) } else { if p.downloading { strs = append(strs, lipgloss.NewStyle().Render(modReference+" (Downloading)")) strs = append(strs, m.sub.ViewAs(p.downloadProgress.Percentage())) } else { strs = append(strs, lipgloss.NewStyle().Render(modReference+" (Extracting)")) strs = append(strs, m.sub.ViewAs(p.extractProgress.Percentage())) } } } if m.status.done { if m.cancelled { strs = append(strs, teaUtils.LabelStyle.Copy().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("196")).Padding(0).Margin(1).Render("Cancelled! Press Enter to return")) } else { strs = append(strs, teaUtils.LabelStyle.Copy().Padding(0).Margin(1).Render("Done! Press Enter to return")) } } result := lipgloss.NewStyle().MarginLeft(1).Render(lipgloss.JoinVertical(lipgloss.Left, strs...)) if m.error != nil { return lipgloss.JoinVertical(lipgloss.Left, m.title, m.error.View(), result) } return lipgloss.JoinVertical(lipgloss.Left, m.title, result) }