MfGames.ToolBuilder.Tables (5.5.1)

Published 2024-04-21 04:54:20 +00:00 by dmoonfire


dotnet nuget add source --name mfgames-cil --username your_username --password your_token 
dotnet add package --source mfgames-cil --version 5.5.1 MfGames.ToolBuilder.Tables

About this package

Provides a tool service for creating tools that output tabular data to the console.


ID Version Target Framework
MfGames.ToolBuilder 5.5.1 net6.0
Autofac 8.0.0 net6.0
ConsoleTableExt 3.2.0 net6.0
CsvHelper 31.0.4 net6.0
FluentResults 3.15.2 net6.0
Glob 1.1.9 net6.0
Humanizer.Core 2.14.1 net6.0
Newtonsoft.Json 13.0.3 net6.0
Serilog 3.1.1 net6.0
SerilogAnalyzer 0.15.0 net6.0
System.CommandLine 2.0.0-beta4.22272.1 net6.0
YamlDotNet 15.1.2 net6.0
2024-04-21 04:54:20 +00:00
Dylan Moonfire
38 KiB
Assets (3)
Versions (20) View all
5.5.1 2024-04-21
5.5.0 2024-03-11
5.4.1 2024-03-08
5.3.0 2024-03-08
5.2.2 2024-03-08