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title: The Opened Cage
availability: private
access: private
> The Rat Hunters were a famed band of mercenaries who traveled across the land to eliminate the worst infestations of escaped experiments and dangerous creatures. --- Ralisman Dupren, *The Rise of the Kormar Mercenary Armies*
Karin yawned as she hopped off the back of the wagon. Her breath fogged around her as she limped away and let the others off behind her. Her hip protested her landing and she rubbed it as she glared around her.
There were four wagons pulled into a circle. Two of the younger Rat Hunters were stacking up wood for a long fire. A third was using his magic to start a flame with his fingertip. Others were setting up a stall for the paymaster; every time someone got in line to try being first, they were volunteered for some duty.
Roal, one of the other warriors, came up with two large steaming mugs. "I could have sworn there were only dicks in the wagon with you."
She stared at him for a moment, then grabbed one of the mugs. "Dicks?"
It took a moment for the scent of tea to penetrate the fog of waking up and realize he was referencing her sore hip. "You know me, I would let any of those guys between my legs. No, Maril's damn boots fell out of the netting, and I was too cold to move. Spent the entire night with those steel toes digging into my hip and my tits crushed against one of the crates."
Roal patted her shoulder and then grinned. "Want me to rub anything?"
She looked at him for a long count before giving him a sweet smile. "Not unless I can cut your balls off in trade."
"I meant your hip." He didn't seem perturbed by her threat.
She scratched the dried blood scabbing over a recent burn. "I'd rather find a peach instead of an old man like you. Your hands are too big, and I'd rather have something softer near my privates."
He smirked.
Peach, it was a sly phrase for the women who were untouched by the brutal life of a mercenary. They were soft, beautiful, and lovely to touch. More importantly, peaches were lovers of women like Karin.
Roal had a fondness for the same type of beauty, though they were apples if they preferred men over women. They both had bonded over their shared appreciation of the female form and made a point of not competing with each other in the days they had between jobs.
"The city council is going to open the door after they verify that we aren't going to bring any weapons inside. Apparently San Graif prides itself in being a just and noble city with a high moral caliber." Roal rolled his eyes.
She gulped down some of the tea in her mug. As it burned down her throat, she smiled. Being unarmed wasn't a concern for her. "So, you're saying there are a lot of ripe lovelies in there desperate to have a little fun?"
"By the Divine Couple's blessing, I hope so. It also means if we're going to have fun, we need to stay away from these assholes." He gestured to the rest of the Rat Hunters. "The guards are going to be stuck on them like those damn leeches."
"Which ones? The ones in the cave or the forest?"
"The big glowing ones that went for the eyeballs." He barked out a laugh. "Remember when I had to use both hands to get the one out of your gut wound?"
She shuddered. "Oh, I hate those things. I also hate that you accepted that job."
"That's my talent, Old Lady. I'm always where I need to be."