
169 lines
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2015-01-02 13:12:01 -06:00
# Setup
# Directives
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
binmode(STDERR, ":utf8");
# Modules
use File::Basename;
# Paths
# These scripts are designed to work within the Git repository and
# makes assumptions of all the relative paths and outputs.
my $REPO_DIR = dirname(dirname($0));
my $BUILD_DIR = "$REPO_DIR/build";
my $DICT_MARKDOWN = "$BUILD_DIR/dictionary.markdown";
my $DICT_DIR = "$REPO_DIR/dictionary";
# Make sure the build directory exists.
unless (-d $BUILD_DIR)
print STDERR "Creating build directory\n";
# Processing
# Create the initial Markdown file.
open DICT, ">:encoding(UTF-8)", $DICT_MARKDOWN
or die "Cannot write dictionary file ($!)";
# Write out the front matter.
print DICT join(
"title: Miwāfu Dictionary",
"---"), "\n\n";
# Loop through the directories in the dictionary.
for my $s (sort(glob("$DICT_DIR/*")))
# Figure out the basename.
my $bs = basename($s);
# Determine if we have any entries in here.
my @w = sort(glob("$s/*.markdown"));
next unless @w;
my $w = scalar(@w);
# Write out the entry.
print STDERR "Processing: $bs ($w entries)\n";
print DICT "# $bs\n\n";
# Go through each of these entries.
for $w (@w)
# Finish up the dictionary.
close DICT;
# Finished
print STDERR "Done\n";
# Subroutines
sub process_word
# Pull out the entries from the file.
my ($file) = @_;
# Read in this file and process the entries.
open WORD, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $file;
# The format of the file matches Wikionary's format which is not
# how most dictionaries are created.
my $pos = undef;
my $word = undef;
my %defs = ();
while (<WORD>)
# Clean up the line.
next if /^\s*$/;
next if /^=/;
next if /^-/;
# Figure out the parts of speech.
if (m@(Noun|Verb|Marker|Pronoun|Adjective|Adverb)@)
$pos = lc($1);
$pos = "adv" if $pos eq "adverb";
$pos = "adj" if $pos eq "adjective";
$pos = "pro" if $pos eq "pronoun";
$pos = "mark" if $pos eq "marker";
if (m@^Related$@)
$pos = undef;
# If we haven't hit a POS, then skip it.
next unless defined $pos;
# If we have a number in the beginning, then it's a definition.
if (m@^(\d+)\. (.*?)$@)
# Make sure we have an entry here.
push @{$defs{$word}{$pos}}, "**$1** $2";
# Anything else is a word to add.
my %def_pos = ();
my @def_list = ();
$word = $_;
$defs{$word} = \%def_pos unless defined $defs{$word};
$defs{$word}{$pos} = \@def_list unless defined $defs{$word}{$pos};
# Finish up the file.
close WORD;
# Write out the Markdown line.
foreach $word (sort(keys(%defs)))
# Start by formatting the word.
my $buffer = "**$word**:";
# Add in the parts of speech.
for $pos (qw(noun verb adj adv pro mark))
# If we don't have one, skip it.
next unless exists $defs{$word}{$pos};
# Add in the POS.
$buffer .= " *$pos* ";
# Go through the definitions.
$buffer .= join(" ", @{$defs{$word}{$pos}});
print DICT "$buffer\n\n";