Priduck (name is nonscense) is a color theme originally designed for [Fedran]( where the base color is a hue (in degrees, 0-360) with with nine colors based on an even distribution around the wheel with nine-levels of brightness ranging from a near-black to a near-white.
Combines a number of CSS style fragments together and intersperses them in a manner that supports `prefers-color-scheme` and `prefers-contrast` in the various methods to support no preferences or a preference in one or more of the options.
For purposes of the read me file, an example of use has to suffice.
If a fragment isn't included, then it isn't used. So to generate an output file that defaults to dark mode and honors `prefers-color-scheme`, the command
Generate a CSS file using variables. The thirty colors all follow the pattern of `--color-priduck-cXbY` where `X` is a number between 0 and 9 (inclusive) and `Y` is the brightness (also in the range of 0 to 9, inclusive).
All of the colors are calculated based on the variable `--color-priduck-hue`, which is not included by default. If `--hue` is provided with a number between 0 and 360, then `--color-priduck-hue` will be set to the given color.
If `--selector` is included, the colors will be wrapped in a selector and slightly indented:
The CLI uses [debug]( for logging and (relatively) minor output. The CLI will produce no output unless the `DEBUG` environment variable is set, such as: