import * as fs from "fs"; import * as path from "path"; import * as yamlFrontMatter from "yaml-front-matter"; /** * Parses the input files and returns a list of YAML metadata with special * columns for calculated values. */ export function scanFiles(argv, files: string[]) { var list: any[] = []; for (var file of files) { // Load the metadata from the given file. var contents = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8') var metadata = yamlFrontMatter.loadFront(contents); // Add in the standard fields as "_" entries. metadata._filename = file.replace(argv.prefix, ""); metadata._basename = path.basename(file); metadata._words = metadata.__content .replace("'", "") .split(/\s+/g) .length; // Add the metadata to the list. list.push(metadata); } return list; }