import * as yargs from "yargs"; import * as scanner from "../scanner"; import * as table from "./table"; export var command = "count"; export var describe = "Counts the number of works in the given input"; export function builder(yargs: yargs.Arguments) { return yargs .help("help") .default("fields", ["_basename", "_words:r"]) .describe( "fields", "The dotted fields in the metadata to display, or _basename for " + "the name of the file, or _words to count the number of words. " + "Appending a `:r` at the end right-aligns the output.") .default("table-start", "") .default("table-end", "") .default("table-delimiter", ": ") .boolean("table-rule") .default("table-rule", false) .boolean("table-header") .default("table-header", false) .boolean("total") .alias("t", "total") .describe( "total", "If provided, adds a special entry with a _basename of Totals " + "that adds up all the words.") .boolean("separator") .alias("s", "separator") .describe( "separator", "If provided, then the word counts will have comma separators " + "for thousands." ) .alias("o", "output") .default("output", "-") .demand(1); } export function handler(argv: any) { var files = argv._.splice(1); var data = scanner.scanFiles(argv, files); if ( { argv.fields[1] += "t"; } if (argv.separator) { argv.fields[1] += "s"; } table.render(argv, data); }