markdowny =========================== > A set of command-line utilities for working with Markdown + YAML files, specifically for novels and short stories. ## Setup and usage Install `markdowny` using `npm` as a utility: ```sh npm install --global markdowny ``` Basic usage is: ```sh markdown verb *.markdown markdowny-wc *.markdown ``` ## Verbs ### version > Retrieves the version of the command-line utility and prints it out to the console. ```sh markdowny version ``` ### content > Extract the content from one or more files. ```sh markdowny content *.markdown ``` ### count > Counts the number of words excluding the YAML header and displays it. ```sh markdowny count *.markdown [options] ``` Options: * `-t`, `--total`: Add a total line to the bottom that combines. * `-s`, `--separator`: Comma-separates the numbers in the total. ### extract > Extract the metadata (front matter) from one or more files. ```sh markdowny extract *.markdown [options] ``` Options: * `--no-list`: Don't write out the extract data as a list/sequence of items (default). * `-y`, `--yaml`: Extract the data as YAML instead of JSON (default). * `--content PROPERTY`: Extract the content as a property of the given name instead of just removing it. Defaults to not extracting the content. ### sections > Displays each file as a heading 1 section with the title and contents provided. Assuming that a file has a `title` and `summary` (which can be multiple lines) inside it, display a section for each file with the title as heading 1 and the contents of the `summary` value as the text for that section. ```sh markdowny sections *.markdown -t title -f summary ``` Options: * `-t`, `--title`: The name of the property to put in for the section. May be nested such as ``. Defaults to `title`. * `-f`, `--field`: The name of the property used for the contents of the section. Defaults to `summary`. ### table > Displays a table of one or more fields inside the summary. To list every file, it's title, the number of words inside it, and the list of secondary characters inside a nested value. The `:rs` makes the "Words" column right-aligned (`r`) and comma-separated (`s`). ```sh markdowny table *.markdown -f _basename title _words characters.secondary -t File Title Words:rs "Secondary Characters" ``` Options: * `-f`, `--fields`: A parameter-separated list of YAML fields to list in the table, in the order they should be shown. Defaults to `_basename title`. These may also have a format specifier, starting with `:` (see below). This may be a nested value, such as `characters.secondary`. * `-t`, `--titles`: A parameter-separated list of titles for the columns. If there are more fields than titles, the field names will be used for the headers. These may have format specifiers. * `--table-start`: The characters to insert at the beginning of the row. Defaults to `| `. * `--table-end`: The characters to insert at the end of each row. Defaults to ` |`. * `--table-delimiter`: The characters to insert between each field. Defaults to ` | `. * `--no-table-rule`: Do not put a dashed line between the header and the various files. * `--no-table-header`: Do not display the header titles. The format of the headers is still parsed and used. * `--list-delimiter`: The characters to put between list items when inserted into a field. Defaults to `, `. * `--prefix`: The filename prefix that is trimmed from the `_filename` propery. There are a number of special properties that are included in all files. * `_filename`: The full path of the filename, with the `--prefix` removed. * `_basename`: The name of the file without a directory. * `_words`: The number of words in the file, excluding the YAML header.