import * as _ from "lodash"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as scanner from "../scanner"; import * as yaml from "js-yaml"; import * as yargs from "yargs"; export var command = "extract"; export var describe = "Extracts a YAML from a list of files"; export function builder(yargs: yargs.Arguments) { return yargs .help("help") .option("list", { type: "boolean", default: true, describe: "Extract the data as a list of files, otherwise as a single file", }) .option("output", { alias: "o", default: "-", describe: "Write output to a file or `-` for standard out", }) .option("yaml", { alias: "y", type: "boolean", default: false, describe: "Extract the output as YAML instead of JSON", }) .option("content", { type: "string", describe: "Include the content as a property in the extracted data", }) .demand(1); } export function handler(argv: any) { // Parse through the files and retrieve the metadata. var files = argv._.splice(1); var data: any = scanner.scanFiles(argv, files); // Figure out how to handle the content property. if (!argv.content) { // Remove the content from the parsed file. data.forEach((x) => delete x.__content); } else if (argv.content !== "__content") { // Rename the content property. data.forEach((x) => { x[argv.content] = x.__content; delete x.__content; }); } // Determine if we are displaying a list of items. If we want a list, then // we wrap the data in another list (list of a list) so it writes out only // one item. Otherwise, we write out each one. const items = argv.list ? [data] : data; // Figure the output of the results (JSON or YAML). const output = argv.yaml ? any) => yaml.safeDump(x)).join("\n") : any) => JSON.stringify(x)).join("\n"); // Figure out where to write. if (argv.output === "-") { console.log(output); } else { fs.writeFileSync(argv.output, Buffer.from(output, "utf-8")); } }