#!/usr/bin/env sh cd $(dirname $0)/.. ./scripts/setup.sh || exit 1 # Verify the input. if [ "x$NUGET_TOKEN" = "x" ] then echo "The environment variable NUGET_TOKEN is not defined" exit 1 fi if [ "x$NUGET_PUSH_URL" = "x" ] then echo "The environment variable NUGET_PUSH_URL is not defined" exit 1 fi # Clean up everything from the previous runs. dotnet clean # Version the file based on the Git repository. (cd src && dotnet dotnet-gitversion /updateprojectfiles) # Build to pick up the new version. dotnet build # Create and publish the NuGet packages. dotnet pack --include-symbols --include-source dotnet nuget push src/*/bin/Debug/*.nupkg --api-key $NUGET_TOKEN --source $NUGET_PUSH_URL