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using System;
using MfGames.Gallium;
using MfGames.Nitride.Generators;
using NodaTime;
namespace MfGames.Nitride.Temporal.Schedules;
/// <summary>
/// A schedule that goes against all entities it is applied to.
/// </summary>
public partial class SimplePathSchedule : ISchedule
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets when the first item is scheduled.
/// </summary>
public DateTime? ScheduleStart { get; set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public virtual Entity Apply(
Entity entity,
TimeService timeService)
DateTime start = this.ScheduleStart
?? throw new NullReferenceException(
"Cannot use a schedule without a start date.");
Instant instant = timeService.CreateInstant(start);
// If the time hasn't past, then we don't apply it.
Instant now = timeService.Clock.GetCurrentInstant();
return instant > now
? entity
: this.Apply(entity, instant);
/// <inheritdoc />
public virtual bool CanApply(Entity entity)
return true;
protected virtual Entity Apply(
Entity entity,
Instant instant)
return entity.Set(instant);