using System.Collections.Generic; using Nitride.Tests; using Xunit; using Xunit.Abstractions; namespace Nitride.Slugs.Tests; /// /// Tests the functionality of the WriteFiles(). /// public class UnicodeNormalizingSlugConverterTest : NitrideTestBase { public UnicodeNormalizingSlugConverterTest(ITestOutputHelper output) : base(output) { } [Fact] public void DefaultConversions() { var slug = new UnicodeNormalizingSlugConverter(); var expected = new List(); var actual = new List(); this.Test(slug, expected, actual, "One", "one"); this.Test(slug, expected, actual, "Two-Words", "two-words"); this.Test(slug, expected, actual, "Rutejìmo", "rutejimo"); this.Test(slug, expected, actual, "C#", "c"); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); } [Fact] public void ReplacementConversions() { var slug = new UnicodeNormalizingSlugConverter( new Dictionary { ["#"] = "-sharp", }); var expected = new List(); var actual = new List(); this.Test(slug, expected, actual, "One", "one"); this.Test(slug, expected, actual, "Two-Words", "two-words"); this.Test(slug, expected, actual, "Rutejìmo", "rutejimo"); this.Test(slug, expected, actual, "C#", "c-sharp"); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); } private void Test(ISlugConverter slug, List expected, List actual, string input, string output) { expected.Add(output); actual.Add(slug.ToSlug(input)); } }