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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using MfGames.Gallium;
using MfGames.Nitride.Contents;
using MfGames.Nitride.Slugs;
namespace MfGames.Nitride.Markdown;
/// <summary>
/// An operation that turns list items that starts with a link into a single
/// link for the entire list item, even if there are additional links in the
/// list.
/// </summary>
public class MakeSingleLinkListItems : IOperation
private readonly ISlugConverter slugs;
public MakeSingleLinkListItems(ISlugConverter slugs)
this.slugs = slugs;
/// <inheritdoc />
public IEnumerable<Entity> Run(IEnumerable<Entity> input)
return input
x => x
/// <summary>
/// This turns all links that start with a link into a single link while
/// removing all trailing links within the line. This is to simplify the
/// rendering of the link on page.
/// </summary>
private Entity MakeSingleLinkLists(Entity entity)
string content = entity.GetTextContentString()!;
string output = Regex.Replace(
@"- \[\[(?<label>[^\]]+?)\]\](?<post>[^\n]+)\n",
match =>
string wiki = match.Groups["label"].ToString();
string path = string.Format(
string label = wiki.Split('|').Last();
string after = match.Groups["post"].ToString();
string post = this.RemoveLinks(after);
string value = $"- [{label}{post}]({path})\n";
return value;
output = Regex.Replace(
@"- \[(?<label>[^\]]+?)\]\((?<path>[^\)]+?)\)(?<post>[^\n]+)\n",
match =>
string label = match.Groups["label"].ToString();
string path = match.Groups["path"].ToString();
string after = match.Groups["post"].ToString();
string post = this.RemoveLinks(after);
string value = $"- [{label}{post}]({path})\n";
return value;
return entity.SetTextContent(output);
/// <summary>
/// Removes a normal link and replaces it with the text.
/// </summary>
private string RemoveLinks(string input)
string output = Regex.Replace(
match =>
string link1 = match.Groups["label"].ToString();
string label1 = link1.Split('|').Last();
return label1;
output = Regex.Replace(
match => match.Groups["label"].ToString());
return output;