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2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
using Humanizer;
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
using Serilog;
namespace Nitride.Pipelines;
/// <summary>
/// A manager class for all of the pipelines. This class is responsible for
/// hooking everything up and handling the ordering of pipelines as they
/// are run.
/// </summary>
public class PipelineManager
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
private readonly PipelineRunner.Factory createEntry;
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
private readonly ILogger logger;
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
private List<PipelineRunner> entries;
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
private bool isSetup;
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
private ICollection<IPipeline> pipelines;
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
public PipelineManager(ILogger logger, IEnumerable<IPipeline> pipelines, PipelineRunner.Factory createEntry)
this.createEntry = createEntry;
this.logger = logger.ForContext<PipelineManager>();
this.pipelines = new HashSet<IPipeline>(pipelines);
this.entries = null!;
public ICollection<IPipeline> Pipelines
get => this.pipelines;
set => this.pipelines = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
/// <summary>
/// Runs all of the pipelines in the appropriate order while running
/// across multiple threads.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A task with zero for success or otherwise an error code.</returns>
public Task<int> RunAsync()
// Make sure everything is setup.
DateTime started = DateTime.UtcNow;
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
if (!this.Setup())
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
return Task.FromResult(1);
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
// Go through all the entries and start each one. We gather the
// resulting tasks and then wait for all of them to end.
this.logger.Verbose("Starting {Count:l}", "pipeline".ToQuantity(this.pipelines.Count));
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
Task[] tasks = this.entries.Select(x => Task.Run(async () => await x.RunAsync())).ToArray();
var report = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);
while (!Task.WaitAll(tasks, report))
var waiting = this.entries.Where(x => !x.IsFinished).ToList();
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
this.logger.Debug("Waiting for {Count:l} to finish running", "pipeline".ToQuantity(waiting.Count));
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
IOrderedEnumerable<IGrouping<PipelineRunnerState, PipelineRunner>> states =
waiting.GroupBy(x => x.State, x => x).OrderBy(x => (int)x.Key);
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
foreach (IGrouping<PipelineRunnerState, PipelineRunner>? state in states)
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
var statePipelines = state.OrderBy(x => x.Pipeline.ToString()).ToList();
"Waiting for {Count:l} in {State}: {List:l}",
", ",
state.Key == PipelineRunnerState.Started
? statePipelines.Select(x => $"{x.Pipeline} ({x.ElapsedFromState})")
: statePipelines.Select(x => x.Pipeline.ToString())));
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
// Figure out our return code.
bool hasErrors = this.entries.Any(x => x.State == PipelineRunnerState.Errored);
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
this.logger.Information("Completed in {Elapsed}", DateTime.UtcNow - started);
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
return Task.FromResult(hasErrors ? 2 : 0);
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// Performs the final initialization and preparation for the pipelines
/// and get them ready for deploying.
/// </summary>
private bool Setup()
// If we've already set up ourselves, then we do nothing.
if (this.isSetup)
return true;
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
// If we don't have any pipelines, then we can't process.
if (this.pipelines.Count == 0)
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
"There are no registered pipelines run, use" + " ConfigureContainer to include IPipeline instances");
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
return false;
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
this.logger.Verbose("Setting up {Count:l}", "pipeline".ToQuantity(this.pipelines.Count));
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
// Wrap all the pipelines into entries. We do this before the next
// step so we can have the entries depend on the entries.
this.entries = this.pipelines.Select(x => this.createEntry(x)).ToList();
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
// Go through and connect the pipelines together.
foreach (PipelineRunner? entry in this.entries)
var dependencies = entry.Pipeline.GetDependencies().ToList();
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
foreach (IPipeline? dependency in dependencies)
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
// Get the entry for the dependency.
PipelineRunner dependencyPipeline = this.entries.Single(x => x.Pipeline == dependency);
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
// Set up the bi-directional connection.
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
// Loop through all the entries and tell them we are done providing
// and they can set up internal threads other structures.
foreach (PipelineRunner? entry in this.entries)
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00
// We have run successfully.
this.isSetup = true;
return true;
2021-09-07 05:15:45 +00:00