using Xunit; namespace MfGames.Markdown.Gemtext.Tests { public class PlainTextTests { [Fact] public void NormalText() { string input = "This is input."; string expected = "This is input."; string actual = MarkdownGemtext.ToGemtext(input); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); } [Fact] public void Paragraphs() { // Okay, this one isn't based on the, but seems // useful to have while converting logic. string input = string.Join( "\n", "Paragraph One", string.Empty, "Paragraph Two"); string expected = string.Join( "\n", "Paragraph One", string.Empty, "Paragraph Two"); string actual = MarkdownGemtext.ToGemtext(input); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); } [Fact] public void SoftBreakParagraphs() { // Okay, this one isn't based on the, but seems // useful to have while converting logic. string input = string.Join( "\n", "Paragraph", "One", " Three", string.Empty, "Paragraph Two"); string expected = string.Join( "\n", "Paragraph One Three", string.Empty, "Paragraph Two"); string actual = MarkdownGemtext.ToGemtext(input); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); } } }