using MfGames.Markdown.Gemtext; using Xunit; namespace MfGames.Markdown.Gemini.Tests.PythonInspired { /// /// /// public class CodeBlockPythonTests { [Fact] public void EndsWithNoNewLines() { string input = string.Join( "\n", "Non code block", "", " code block here"); string expected = string.Join( "\n", "Non code block", "", "```", "code block here", "```"); string actual = MarkdownGemtext.ToGemtext(input); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); } [Fact] public void NoExtraNewline() { string input = string.Join( "\n", "Non code block", "", " code block here", "", "More non code"); string expected = string.Join( "\n", "Non code block", "", "```", "code block here", "```", "", "More non code"); string actual = MarkdownGemtext.ToGemtext(input); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); } [Fact(Skip = "Not sure how to implement or justification of this one")] public void WithExtraNewline() { string input = string.Join( "\n", "Non code block", "", " code block here", "", "", "More non code"); string expected = string.Join( "\n", "Non code block", "", "```", "code block here", "", "```", "", "More non code"); string actual = MarkdownGemtext.ToGemtext(input); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); } } }