# MfGames .NET Libraries This [monorepo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monorepo) is the collection of all Moonfire Games's libraries for languages supported by the [Common Intermediate Language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Intermediate_Language) (CIL), also known as .NET and C#. Some of these libraries have roots back into development since 2001 and they have gone through a number of iterations. ## Documentation The documentation for the entire project can be found in the [./docs/ folder](./docs/index.md) of this project, but below are some notable links are: - [MfGames.Gallium](./docs/gallium/index.md) - A simplified Entity-Component-System (ECS) modeled after LINQ methods calls and suitable for environment where ease of use is more critical than performance. - [MfGames.Nitride](./docs/nitride/index.md) - A flexible, configuration-as-code, static site generator build on top of MfGames.Gallium. ## Installing Packages These packages are not available on NuGet.org, but are available through the MfGames package register for this project. The best way to use them is to configure the `NuGet.config` file in the root of the project. ```xml