feat: added parsing heading one from Markdown into a model

This commit is contained in:
D. Moonfire 2024-03-18 21:12:22 -05:00
parent da16d3f28e
commit 55a4bbe676
3 changed files with 253 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
using FluentValidation;
using Markdig.Renderers.Roundtrip;
using Markdig.Syntax;
using MfGames.Gallium;
using MfGames.Nitride.Contents;
using MfGames.Nitride.Generators;
namespace MfGames.Nitride.Markdown;
/// <summary>
/// An operation that parses the Markdown and converts the first heading one
/// into a model to include in the component. The rest of the Markdown is put
/// back as the text content of the entity.
/// </summary>
public partial class ParseMarkdownHeadingOne : IOperation
private readonly IValidator<ParseMarkdownHeadingOne> validator;
public ParseMarkdownHeadingOne(IValidator<ParseMarkdownHeadingOne> validator)
this.validator = validator;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a callback for adding a heading to a given entity.
/// </summary>
public Func<Entity, string?, Entity>? AddModelCallback { get; set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public IEnumerable<Entity> Run(
IEnumerable<Entity> input,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default
return input.SelectManyEntity<IsMarkdown>(x => x.Select(this.Parse));
private string? GetText(MarkdownObject? block)
if (block == null)
return null;
var writer = new StringWriter();
var renderer = new RoundtripRenderer(writer);
return writer.ToString();
private Entity Parse(Entity entity)
// Get the text content of the file. No text, we don't do anything (but
// there is going to be text since we filtered on IsMarkdown).
string? oldText = entity.GetTextContentString();
if (oldText == null)
return entity;
// Parse the result as Markdown and pull out the heading. If we can't
// find one, then we just return the entity. We need to track trivia
// because we are round-tripping back to Markdown.
MarkdownDocument document = Markdig.Markdown.Parse(oldText, true);
Block? block = document.FirstOrDefault(block => block is HeadingBlock);
if (block is not HeadingBlock { Level: 1 } heading)
return entity;
string? headingText = this.GetText(heading.Inline);
// Convert the heading into the model.
// Pull out the heading so we can write the rest back.
string newText = this.GetText(document)!;
// Allow the extending class to add the model to the entity and then
// set the text content to the new value before returning the results.
return this.AddModelCallback!.Invoke(entity, headingText).SetTextContent(newText);

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
using FluentValidation;
namespace MfGames.Nitride.Markdown.Validators;
public class ParseMarkdownHeadingOneValidator : AbstractValidator<ParseMarkdownHeadingOne>
public ParseMarkdownHeadingOneValidator()
this.RuleFor(x => x.AddModelCallback).NotNull();

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@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using MfGames.Gallium;
using MfGames.Nitride.Contents;
using MfGames.TestSetup;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace MfGames.Nitride.Markdown.Tests;
/// <summary>
/// Tests the functionality of the ParseMarkdownHeadingOne operation.
/// </summary>
public class ParseMarkdownHeadingOneTests : TestBase<MarkdownTestContext>
public ParseMarkdownHeadingOneTests(ITestOutputHelper output)
: base(output) { }
public void ParseComplexHeader()
using MarkdownTestContext context = this.CreateContext();
List<Entity> input =
new Entity()
.SetTextContent("# Heading [One](/test)\n\nContent\nsecond\n\nline"),
ParseMarkdownHeadingOne op = context
.WithAddModelCallback((entity, heading) => entity.Set(heading));
IEnumerable<Entity> output = op.Run(input);
Entity first = output.First();
string content = first.GetTextContentString()!.Trim();
Assert.Equal("Content\nsecond\n\nline", content);
Assert.Equal("Heading [One](/test)", first.Get<string>());
public void ParseEmptyHeader()
using MarkdownTestContext context = this.CreateContext();
List<Entity> input =
new() { new Entity().Set(IsMarkdown.Instance).SetTextContent("#\nContent"), };
ParseMarkdownHeadingOne op = context
.WithAddModelCallback((entity, heading) => entity.Set(heading));
IEnumerable<Entity> output = op.Run(input);
Entity first = output.First();
string content = first.GetTextContentString()!.Trim();
Assert.Equal("Content", content);
Assert.Equal("", first.Get<string>());
public void ParseHeaderTwo()
using MarkdownTestContext context = this.CreateContext();
List<Entity> input =
new Entity().Set(IsMarkdown.Instance).SetTextContent("## Heading Two\nContent"),
ParseMarkdownHeadingOne op = context
.WithAddModelCallback((entity, heading) => entity.Set(heading));
IEnumerable<Entity> output = op.Run(input);
Entity first = output.First();
string content = first.GetTextContentString()!.Trim();
Assert.Equal("## Heading Two\nContent", content);
public void ParseMultipleHeaderOne()
using MarkdownTestContext context = this.CreateContext();
List<Entity> input =
new Entity()
.SetTextContent("# Heading One\n\n# Heading Two\n Content"),
ParseMarkdownHeadingOne op = context
.WithAddModelCallback((entity, heading) => entity.Set(heading));
IEnumerable<Entity> output = op.Run(input);
Entity first = output.First();
string content = first.GetTextContentString()!.Trim();
Assert.Equal("# Heading Two\n Content", content);
Assert.Equal("Heading One", first.Get<string>());
public void ParseNoHeader()
using MarkdownTestContext context = this.CreateContext();
List<Entity> input =
new() { new Entity().Set(IsMarkdown.Instance).SetTextContent("Content"), };
ParseMarkdownHeadingOne op = context
.WithAddModelCallback((entity, heading) => entity.Set(heading));
IEnumerable<Entity> output = op.Run(input);
Entity first = output.First();
string content = first.GetTextContentString()!.Trim();
Assert.Equal("Content", content);
public void ParseSimpleHeader()
using MarkdownTestContext context = this.CreateContext();
List<Entity> input =
new Entity().Set(IsMarkdown.Instance).SetTextContent("# Heading One\n\nContent"),
ParseMarkdownHeadingOne op = context
.WithAddModelCallback((entity, heading) => entity.Set(heading));
IEnumerable<Entity> output = op.Run(input);
Entity first = output.First();
string content = first.GetTextContentString()!.Trim();
Assert.Equal("Content", content);
Assert.Equal("Heading One", first.Get<string>());