chore: adding teasers and summaries

This commit is contained in:
D. Moonfire 2020-06-27 17:54:18 -05:00
parent 1e575ccd11
commit 55c6cc1649
4 changed files with 204 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
title: The Opened Cage
teaser: >
Karin wakes up outside of San Graif, a town of "just and noble city with a high moral caliber." That means there might be some peaches (femme lesbians) willing to have a little fun.
summary: >
Karin wakes up outside of San Graif after a miserable night. She commiserates with her friend, Roal, and they talk about their shared appreciate for beautiful woman (peaches for lesbians, apples for straights). The city has a no weapons policy and appears to be rather moralistic; they both decide there are peaches and apples willing to have a little fun.
> The Rat Hunters were a famed band of mercenaries who traveled across the land to eliminate the worst infestations of escaped experiments and dangerous creatures. --- Ralisman Dupren, *The Rise of the Kormar Mercenary Armies*

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@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
title: Passing Surprise
teaser: >
While there is no greater pleasure than a comfortable bed after months of sleeping in wagons and grounds, Karin decides to spend a bit of time shopping. As she does, she stumbles onto one of the most beautiful voices she had ever heard.
summary: >
Refreshed from a night of a comfortable bed, Karin goes shopping for supplies. On the way back, she hears a woman singing with an intense emotional song. Following the sound, she finds a crowd has gathered to listen to a beautiful young woman, Lilian, who is a waitress at a small bakery. An old lady outside encourages Karin to have a seat inside.
> Everyone has a touch of magic in their blood, though most are limited to only a single talent or ability. --- *Limitations of the Crystal Techniques*

package-lock.json generated
View File

@ -239,6 +239,197 @@
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View File

@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
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@ -37,12 +39,14 @@
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