Issues: rofōshi - a tuber for eating markdown-cat *.markdown | tr '[:space:]' '\n' | perl -ne 's@---@@g;print;' | perl -ne 's@[\",\.\!\?\:\;\*]@@g;$_ = lc $_;print' | sort | uniq > words.txt for i in $(cat words.txt);do if ! grep -i "$i" /usr/share/dict/american-english >&/dev/null;then echo $i;fi;done > words2.txt Heart pounding whimper whine "But " "as" == Others # Echo Words * pepper / peppered * sigh * whine / whining * whimper Gemènyo Faríhyo - Gemènyo's wife Hyonèku Kiríshi - Hyonèku's wife # Pregnancy * Chapter 25 * 2.5 months after his death - 2 month, new calendar * Chapter 26 * 5 months after death * She is 2 months pregnant - 3 months after death, 5 left - 1 month pregnant, 4.5 left * Chapter 27 * Chapter 28 * 6 month after death - 2 months pregnant, 4 months left - 4 months after death, 4 left * Chapter 29 * Chapter 30 * She is two months from giving birth * The child was going to be born about the same time - 4 months pregnant, 2 months left - 6 months dead, 2 left * Chapter 31 * Chapter 32 * Chapter 33 Beta Readers: Barbara