image: dmoonfire/mfgames-writing-js:2.0.0 stages: - publish publish: stage: publish only: [master] tags: [docker] script: # Install the basic requirements including the free fonts. - npm ci # Verify that the commits are good. - npx commitlint --from=$CI_BUILD_BEFORE_SHA # We need the covers and the previous version so we can generate the # "previously" chapter. - mkdir -p build/repos - git clone https://oauth2:$ build/repos/fedran-covers - git clone https://oauth2:$ build/repos/sand-and-blood - 'echo "---" > build/previously.markdown' - 'echo "title: Previously" >> build/previously.markdown' - 'echo "---" >> build/previously.markdown' - 'cat build/repos/sand-and-blood/spoilers/plot.markdown >> build/previously.markdown' # Trigger the release if needed. - npx semantic-release # Build the files. - npm run upload artifacts: expire_in: 1 week paths: - "*.pdf" - "*.epub" - "*.mobi" - "*.docx" - "*.html"