{ "version": 0, "identifier": "0007-00", "character": { "pov": 7, "name": "Ramus of Saradan", "character_slug": "ramus-of-saradan" }, "source": { "pov": 7, "volume": 0, "title": "Ramus and the Savage Slasher", "word_count": 3481, "length": "Story", "title_slug": "ramus-and-the-savage-slasher", "identifier_slug": "0007-00-ramus-and-the-savage-slasher", "copyright_year": 2022, "status": "Unstable", "has_dedication": false, "git": { "http_url": "https://src.mfgames.com/fedran-sources/ramus-and-the-savage-slasher.git", "branch": "main" }, "links": { "development": { "git": "https://src.mfgames.com/fedran-sources/ramus-and-the-savage-slasher/", "issues": "https://src.mfgames.com/fedran-sources/ramus-and-the-savage-slasher/issues" } }, "cover": { "title_page_lines": [ "Ramus and", "the Savage", "Slasher" ] }, "warnings": { "text": "This story contains no scenes of sexual assault." }, "chapters": [ { "title": "Ramus and the Savage Slasher", "word_count": 3481, "summary": "Ramus's next adventure involved a killer from the desert slaughtering innocent people on the streets. But, no matter how powerful his enemy is, Ramus will always defeat him. The Seven Forbidden Gods of Saradan have deemed it so!\n" } ] } }