feat: rewrote one and drafted two

This commit is contained in:
D. Moonfire 2019-06-18 14:01:28 -05:00
commit 4404789c93
11 changed files with 9938 additions and 0 deletions

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"generator-mfgames-writing": {
"promptValues": {
"author": "D. Moonfire"

README.md Normal file
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Growing Old With Mages by D. Moonfire
This is the repository for *Growing Old With Mages* by D. Moonfire.

chapters/chapter-01.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
title: Getting Up
There were some days when getting out of bed wasn't worth it. Viola cracked open her eyes and measured out the distance to the bathroom, trying to decide if the pressure in her bladder was worth the discomfort of leaving her blankets.
After a few minutes, she closed her eyes and sank back into the comforting warmth with a desire to let the day pass as quickly as possible.
A pounding in her head made it impossible. Her body twinged in other ways, increasing the pressure on her senses until she felt herself being dragged out of her sleep by pain alone.
With a groan, she opened her eyes and threw back her covers. It was cold. She shivered and grabbed her blankets again. She'll just change her sheets later.
The pounding continued, a steady throb.
She rolled over. Her own smell, days without a shower, wafted over her and she pulled a face.
When the beating moved to the other side of her head, she realized it wasn't inside her. Someone stood at the door. The beat steadily filled the room, it could almost be a metronome from the consistent rhythm and force. There was only one person would be knocking on her door that acted like that.
Viola took a deep breath. "Go away, Mudd!"
Her partner continued to knock on the door, never varying from his beat.
"Mudd! Go away."
The pounding stopped. "I cannot, I need your assistance." He always spoke in an even tone. She was impressed he raised his voice enough to be heard through her door.
"No," she muttered and shoved her face into her pillow. It felt oily but she couldn't find the energy to find a cleaner section.
The pounding resumed.
After what felt like years, she finally forced herself out of bed. She started for the door but then decided to handle a more pressing need in her bathroom before answering the door.
He stopped knocking only when she turned the handle to open the door. When she looked outside, he stood with his hands at his side staring directly at her.
Mudd was not imposing or impressive. At only five feed, the top of his head was bald and the sides neatly trimmed. His outfit was impeccable, neatly pressed and only had a few wrinkles around the shoulders. She could have sworn he was dressed for work. Reflexively, she looked down but didn't see his guard bracelet around his wrist.
"It's still the weekend," he said in a low, almost monotone voice. After years of working with him, she was always surprised when he raised it.
"Then why are you here?" She yawned and leaned against the door frame. Her sleeping shirt clung to her skin and she caught another whiff of her scent. It took her a moment to force any response from her face to avoid alerting him to her lack of cleaning. It was just too much to handle at the moment.
Mudd shrugged and looked down the hall toward the rest of the doors in the apartment. "I have work adjacent tasks that need your attention."
"Work... adjacent?"
"Yes, related to work but not directly toward a case." He reached up for her neighbor's door but then pulled his hand back. When he turned back to her, there was a faint tension on his face. "Please?"
The idea of leaving left her cold. She shook her head and grabbed the door to shut it. "Not today?"
"You have called in sick for four days."
"Well, I'm sick."
"No, you aren't."
Viola almost denied it. She wasn't sick, or at least she wasn't ill. She just wasn't ready to face the world after what happened with her date with....
She turned away. "Don't do that."
"As you wish, but I still would like your company. Please? Just an hour and then you can return."
She looked at her living room. Almost empty boxes were stacked up on the tables. She could see flies buzzing over a few and mold growing on the older dishes. Each one had been delivered over the last few days but she didn't realize how tall the piles were getting. Or the smell. She frowned and shook her head. "Mudd, I'm not ready."
"I know. But you need to get out."
A tear threatened to form. "I just need to sleep a little longer."
"Yes, but first, come out. You need to get away from... that." She could almost hear the disgust in his voice. She didn't blame him, it looked horrible.
Viola considered Mudd's request. He would have never come if he wasn't worried. She wasn't even sure he knew where she lived. Now, he's standing outside her door? She turned to him. "Who told you?"
The faintest of smiles cross his face. "I deduced, nothing more."
"I don't want to talk about what happened."
"Of course," he said holding up his hands. "You don't have to say a single word. I just ask that you come out with me for one hour." He waved his hand and a spectral timepiece appeared over his shoulder. "I'll even set the clock."
Viola couldn't handle it. She shook her head. "No, maybe later."
Closing the door, she shuffled back to her bed. The mess pressed against her senses, a disorder from her normally clean house. She liked order, that is what made magic possible. Taking a deep breath, she winced at the smells that assaulted her.
The idea of crawling into her blankets suddenly seemed just as undesirable. She flipped back the blankets and stared at the cozy spot that she had enjoyed for days. Well, enjoyment may not be the right term.
She shook her head. "Damn him."
Turning on her bare feet, she returned to the door. Maybe she could catch up with him. Opening it, saw him standing in the same place and jumped.
Mudd looked at her. "Please?"
"Fine, just an hour."
He sniffed. "An hour after your shower."
For a moment, she almost slam the door on his face but she knew it wouldn't perturb him. He would be standing there until she came with him. If there was one thing about her partner, he was patient. "Fine, I'm going to take a long hot shower and then---"
"Get some clean clothes."
Her jaw tightened. "... then I'm going to get some clean clothes and join you for an hour. Then I'm coming home."
He nodded. "Thank you."
"Come inside?"
He shook his head. "No, thank you, I'd rather wait right here."
"The mess?" she asked a little apologetically.
"No, one mage should never enter the home of another." There was no hint that he was lying, none of the tell-tale signs she had picked up in years of being a city guard. He was being honest and, somehow, that made her feel a little better.

chapters/chapter-02.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
title: Feeling Better
The good mood only lasted a few blocks. By then, she was out in the sun with the warmth sinking into her skin and fresh air blowing against her. It wasn't so bad.
They walked side-by-side along the sidewalk, moving with the easy grace that two partner of ten years had. Their relationship was purely work, they worked on cases together and then drifted apart. Mudd had never approached her like this, which worried her. Was he trying something else? Did he know that she and Ravin were no longer together? The discomfort crawled up and down her spine.
Mudd stopped at a small outdoor cafe off of a minor street. He pushed open the cast iron gate and gestured for her to enter the fenced air in the sun.
"What is this?"
"I'm not---" Her stomach gurglged. She tightened her jaw. "I'm not hungry."
"I know, but at least a coffee. Then we can address my request."
"I didn't bring my wallet."
"I'm fully aware of this. I'm paying, you are not." He lead her to a large empty table and sat down at the end. He gestured for her to sit next to him, around the corner.
Viola sat down on the warm metal seat. "Mudd, what are you doing?"
He looked at her, his face still serious. "I'm paying for lunch."
Mudd stared at her. The seconds stretched out, the tension increasing.
Then a waiter came up. "How may I help you?"
Mudd carefully pushed the stack of menus away from the waiter and himself before addressing Viola. "Order?"
"Um, just a black tea with two sugars."
"And you, Sir?"
"An omlet, pork and greens and onions. And then an order of steak and pancakes, extra butter with a side of strawberry preserves."
Viola's stomach rumbled. She love steak and strawberries.
The waiter wrote down the order and then hled out his hand for the menus.
Mudd pushed them further away.
A flash of annoyance cross the waiter's face. Then he turned and left.
"Mudd, I said I wasn't hungry."
"Oh? Did I order for you?"
"Yes!" She smacked the table.
"It must have been a mistake. No matter, I'll eat it later."
Viola glared at him. "You don't steak and you don't like preserves."
He shrugged.
She knew he ordered for her, but she wasn't going to give him the comfort of knowing that it sounded good already. She crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine, we ordered, what do you need me to do?"
"We should eat."
"No," Viola pointed at him sharply. "Stop stalling, what? Why?"
Mudd suddendly smiled. "Because you are my partner."
"You need a break."
"I was on vacation."
"No, you need a break from yourself. I suspect I know what happened and I was concerned for you."
"Just because I was sick for a week."
His eyes hardened. "You called in sick but you were not sick. Judging from the events you had planned that night, I'm guessing things went poorly."
A memory rose up, one of Ravin calling her a "overly controlling queen" before storming out of the play. The actors had to stop due to the disruption and she could still remember the feeling of the entire audience staring at her. She felt sick for a moment and she shook her head to clear it.
"I will not discuss it unless you ask, nor will I let the others do so until you are ready. But you are my partner and remaining in bed for five days eating fatty foods is not the best way to remain healthy or sane."
"So you are dragging me out of my apartment?"
"Yes, for fresh air, healthy food, and the brief company of your friends."
He grinned briefly, a smile that crossed his face before disappearing. "In addition, if you choose, I will hire cleaners to work on the mess of your place to prevent you from being overwhelmed with the mess."
Viola frowned for a moment and then sighed. "When?"
"They can start now, if you wish. By the time we are done with lunch, they can have your place in a much cleaner state."
"And you've vetted them to work around mages?"
"They are bonded and investigated and clean my own house when I'm working."
She wasn't sure if she should be upset or not. The idea of having clean sheets or at least less rotting food was appealing. "Thank you. I would like that."

characters/viola.md Normal file
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title: Viola Degraskin

description.markdown Normal file
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title: Description
Everyone goes through moments of sadness or despair, for but some mages, it can take a life of its own. Instead of recovering, Viola found herself sinking into her blankets and wondering if she would ever be willing to go outside.

language.json Normal file
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package-lock.json generated Normal file

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package.json Normal file
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