{ "version": 0, "identifier": "0088-00", "character": { "pov": 88, "name": "Milner", "character_slug": "milner" }, "source": { "pov": 88, "volume": 0, "title": "Judging the Boyfriend", "word_count": 4640, "length": "Story", "title_slug": "judging-the-boyfriend", "identifier_slug": "0088-00-judging-the-boyfriend", "copyright_year": 2022, "status": "Unstable", "has_dedication": false, "git": { "http_url": "https://src.mfgames.com/fedran-sources/judging-the-boyfriend.git", "branch": "main" }, "links": { "development": { "git": "https://src.mfgames.com/fedran-sources/judging-the-boyfriend/", "issues": "https://src.mfgames.com/fedran-sources/judging-the-boyfriend/issues" } }, "cover": { "title_page_lines": [ "Judging the", "Boyfriend" ] }, "warnings": { "text": "This story contains no scenes of sexual assault." }, "chapters": [ { "title": "Judging the Boyfriend", "word_count": 4640, "date": "2020-11-08", "summary": "Milner's daughter had brought her next boyfriend to visit and he was dreading vetting her next choice. He was a navy man, which was good, but he had an interest in the new mechanical devices that Milner had no interest in exploring.\n", "teaser": "Milner's daughter had brought her next boyfriend to visit and he was dreading vetting her next choice. He was a navy man, which was good, but he had an interest in the new mechanical devices that Milner had no interest in exploring.\n" } ] } }