# [0.36.0](https://gitlab.com/fedran/allegro/compare/v0.35.2...v0.36.0) (2022-08-29) ### Bug Fixes * cleaning up the final fight ([8ecc033
)) * cleaning up the Marin/Junith confusion ([6115da4
)) * editing previous chapters ([1f888b7
)) * tweaking and adding details ([de246ec
)) * tweaking forty and forty-one ([7b88da6
)) * tweaking Miska details and motivations ([0b1395d
)) * tweaking some of the Jaimi language ([299af9b
)) ### Features * drafted fifty-one through fifty-four ([cc68154
)) * drafted forty and forty-one ([a291db9
)) * drafted forty-eight through fifty ([b88c771
)) * drafted forty-five through forty-seven ([4d04cd6
)) * drafted forty-three ([897d486
)) * drafted forty-two ([bacd686
)) * drafted fourty-four ([b3f05c5
)) * drafted the entire novel ([3769ebd
67 lines
2.3 KiB
67 lines
2.3 KiB
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"description": "A novel by D. Moonfire",
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