--- title: One More Question teaser: > Linsan and Brook finally arrived at Little Rock, the home of the murderers. They only have a little time before they confront them and doubt begins to haunt them. summary: > Linsan and Brook finally arrived at Little Rock, the home of the murderers. They only have a little time before they confront them and doubt begins to haunt them. access: private --- > Most villagers never travel more than twenty leagues from their home. Their entire outlook comes from those who venture out once in their youth and then return to become adults. --- Landris Jib, *The Silver King's Proclamation* Little Rock was similar to all the other villages and hamlets that Linsan had passed through in the first few days of her trip. There were only two businesses, a public house and a general store. A smattering of houses surrounded the two with narrow trails wandering between every building. In the noon sun, Linsan didn't see anyone out in the bright light. From her experience, most people spent their days in the public house to get away from the heat, boredom, and to enjoy company. The others were at work, toiling away on farms and duties. Brook pulled the Glasscoaster in front of the store. The engine rumbled before settling down with a plume of white smoke. She frowned for a moment at the hood and then let out a little sigh of disapproval. "Problem?" "I'm going to need to find a mechanic soon myself. That smoke means some of the joints are cracking again. After we find these guys, I need to get the Glasscoaster into a garage for repairs." Unsaid was that Brook had no intent of relenting until they had caught up with the murderers. Linsan smirked. "I heard there is an unaffiliated mechanic in town." Brook glared at her. Lifting one hand from her mug, she clenched her hand and before flicking her thumb toward Linsan. Linsan cringed. "Sorry." With a frown, Brook started to say something but then shook her head again. "I don't know how to do this. How do we ask? What do we do?" She looked down at her hands. Linsan's mood darkened. "W-What if we make a mistake? What if one of us gets hurt?" Tears started to shimmer in Brook's eyes. She gripped the steering wheel tightly. "I-I don't know what to do." Linsan reached over and clasped her hand on top of Brook's. Brook stared at their hands. "I don't know either. All I know is that we are both here. I also know---that of all the people in the world---you are probably the only one who can work with me." Brook ducked her head. "I hated you, you know." "I wasn't really fond of you either. I think neither of us are entirely to blame." "Well, maybe. You were always so independent. You never needed anyone when we were growing up. And you always had the prettiest mother." Brook wiped the tears from her eyes. "And you were always the pretty one in class. Everyone loved you and you had all the friends." Brook turned her hand over and clasped her fingers over Linsan's. They held each other tight for a moment. Then Brook sniffed again. "I need to get a better dress if I'm going to keep doing this, aren't I?" Linsan laughed. "Yes. I'm sorry, but fighting in that is going to get you in trouble." Brook looked at her. "Thank you." "Friends, right?" "Yes. Friends." Brook squeezed tightly. "Let me start, I've been asking villagers questions for weeks now. We'll find them." Slowly, Brook relaxed her hand. The strange look in Brook's eyes came back, it was intense as she stared at Linsan. Linsan gave her a long look and then stumbled out of the Glasscoaster. She headed straight for the public house. She could feel Brook's eyes on her as she crossed the dirt road and to the front door. Her heart pounded in her chest as she considered her options. They were in Gabaw's home village and she couldn't assume that he and his friends were hated like the previous village. She needed to be affable to find out but couldn't be as direct. At the door, she steeled herself and went inside.