Each chapter of this book was written as plain text files formatted with Markdown and include a YAML header at the top of each one. These files are managed in a Git repository located on [https://src.mfgames.com/fedran-sources/allegro/](https://src.mfgames.com/fedran-sources/allegro/). The text editor Atom was used as the primary environment for writing.
These individual chapters were combined together using a TypeScript-based publication framework called MfGames Writing, a set of tools for converting those files into PDF (via WeasyPrint), EPUB, and MOBI.
The cover was created using Inkscape and TypeScript. The color scheme uses eight shades of a single color and an another eight of the color's complementary. These colors are shared among all of the Kanéko novels. Likewise, the "0037-00" along the spine indicates this is the first published book ("00") with Linsan as the main character ("0037").