[ { "base": "hichifuma", "firstSyllable": "hi", "pos": { "verb": { "neuter": [ { "def": "The effort to keep the nature of spirits and the rite of passage secret from children to facilitate the connection to a clan spirit." } ] } } }, { "base": "hikomini", "firstSyllable": "hi", "pos": { "noun": { "feminine": [ { "def": "A lesser clan spirit, one that gains power from one of the `hikomìni` (noun 1)." } ], "masculine": [ { "def": "One of the three greater spirits of the desert: Tachìra, Chobìre, or Mifúno." } ] } } }, { "base": "hinoto", "firstSyllable": "hi", "pos": { "noun": { "feminine": [ { "def": "Tail." } ] } } }, { "base": "hiropadu", "firstSyllable": "hi", "pos": { "noun": { "neuter": [ { "def": "Marks left behind by hooved creatures." } ] }, "verb": { "masculine": [ { "def": "To kick something with great force." } ] } } } ]