[ { "base": "rube", "firstSyllable": "ru", "pos": { "noun": { "feminine": [ { "def": "A small quantity of water." } ], "masculine": [ { "def": "A large quantity of water." } ] } } }, { "base": "rukan", "firstSyllable": "ru", "pos": { "noun": { "neuter": [ { "def": "An iguana." }, { "def": "A dry lizard with large scales." } ] }, "verb": { "feminine": [ { "def": "To be aware of events in multiple directions." } ] } } }, { "base": "ruki", "firstSyllable": "ru", "pos": { "noun": { "feminine": [ { "def": "A cut or bleeding wound." } ] } } }, { "base": "runakomin", "firstSyllable": "ru", "pos": { "noun": { "neuter": [ { "def": "A child playing with imaginary things or people." }, { "def": "Creativity in a child." } ] } } }, { "base": "rurafu", "firstSyllable": "ru", "pos": { "noun": { "neuter": [ { "def": "A manufactured or created well to provide water." } ] }, "verb": { "feminine": [ { "def": "To persistently drive or hammer." } ], "masculine": [ { "def": "To violently penetrate or impale." } ] } } } ]