2024-03-17 21:44:46 +01:00

187 lines
6.6 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2004 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2012 Bastian Kleineidam
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2015 Tobias Gruetzmacher
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2019 Daniel Ring
from re import compile
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from ..helpers import bounceStarter
from ..scraper import ParserScraper, _BasicScraper, _ParserScraper
from ..util import tagre
from .common import WordPressScraper, WordPressNavi, WordPressWebcomic
class Rainburn(ParserScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + 'comic.php?page=%s'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % '1'
imageSearch = '//div[@class="comic"]//img'
prevSearch = '//a[contains(@class, "prev")]'
class RalfTheDestroyer(WordPressScraper):
url = ''
class RayFox(WordPressNavi):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + 'comic/%s/'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % 'not-a-super-hero/it-begins'
def namer(self, imageUrl, pageUrl):
filename = imageUrl.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].split('.', 1)[0]
ext = imageUrl.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
if filename == 'j':
filename = 'RF_E3_P52'
elif filename == '46' or filename == '55' or filename == '61':
filename = 'RF_E3_P' + filename
elif 'chapter-3-cover' in filename:
filename = 'RF_E3_Cover'
elif 'Cover2' in filename:
filename = 'RF_E1_' + filename
elif 'Volume-1-Cover' in filename:
filename = filename.replace('Ray-Fox-Volume-1-', 'RF_E1_')
elif filename[0] == '0':
filename = 'RF_E1_P' + filename
return filename + '.' + ext
class RaynaOnTheRiver(WordPressScraper):
url = ''
firstStripUrl = url + 'archives/comic/teaser-poster'
class RealLife(WordPressScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + 'comic.php?comic=%s'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % 'title-1'
help = 'Index format: monthname-dd-yyyy'
def namer(self, imageUrl, pageUrl):
# Fix inconsisntent filenames
filename = imageUrl.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
if pageUrl.rsplit('=', 1)[-1] == 'may-27-2014':
filename = filename.replace('20140219_3121', '20140527')
filename = filename.replace('5-Finished', '20140623_3161')
filename = filename.replace('520140722', '20140722')
filename = filename.replace('520140724', '20140724')
return filename
def getPrevUrl(self, url, data):
# "Parse" JavaScript
prevtag = data.find_class('comic-nav-previous')
if not prevtag:
return None
target = prevtag[0].get('onclick').split("'")[1]
return urljoin(url, target)
class RealmOfAtland(_ParserScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + '?p=%s'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % '1'
prevSearch = '//a[@id="cg_back"]'
imageSearch = '//p[@id="cg_img"]//img'
endOfLife = True
help = 'Index format: nnn'
class Recursion(_ParserScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + '%s'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % '0001'
imageSearch = '//div[@class="content"]//img'
prevSearch = '//link[@rel="prev"]'
def namer(self, imageUrl, pageUrl):
# Fix inconsistent filenames
filename = imageUrl.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
filename = filename.replace('0bf62e92-2c98-4fb2-8ed7-4584980beb17', 'page0005')
filename = filename.replace('76112837-c5cd-4df7-8c53-3ed5c25194cf', 'page0003')
filename = filename.replace('ed271080-6b1b-4d7a-8509-b2d8a15da805', 'page0002')
filename = filename.replace('7b194ef7-ac77-4b5c-aed0-826901d13d04', 'page0001')
return filename
class RedMeat(_ParserScraper):
url = ''
imageSearch = '//div[@class="comicStrip"]//img'
prevSearch = '//a[@class="prev"]'
def namer(self, image_url, page_url):
parts = image_url.rsplit('/', 2)
return '_'.join(parts[1:3])
class Requiem(WordPressScraper):
baseUrl = ''
url = baseUrl + '?latest'
stripUrl = baseUrl + 'comic/%s'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % '2004-06-07-3'
class Replay(ParserScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + 'comic/%s/'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % 'red-desert'
imageSearch = '//div[@id="comic"]//img[@alt]'
prevSearch = '//a[contains(@class, "comic-nav-previous")]'
nextSearch = '//a[contains(@class, "comic-nav-next")]'
def starter(self):
# Retrieve archive page to identify chapters
archivePage = self.getPage(self.url + 'archive')
archive = self.match(archivePage, '//div[d:class("comic-archive-chapter-wrap")]')
self.chapter = len(archive) - 1
self.startOfChapter = []
for archiveChapter in archive:
self.startOfChapter.append(self.match(archiveChapter, './/a')[0].get('href'))
return bounceStarter(self)
def namer(self, imageUrl, pageUrl):
# Name pages based on chapter, index, and post title
name = pageUrl.rstrip('/').rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
page = imageUrl.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].rsplit('.', 1)
# Fix inconsistent page number formatting
if page[0].isdigit() and len(page[0]) > 2 and self.chapter == 1 and name != 'through-the-woods':
page[0] = page[0][:2] + '-' + page[0][2:]
name = '%d-%s-%s.%s' % (self.chapter, page[0], name, page[1])
if pageUrl in self.startOfChapter:
self.chapter -= 1
return name
class RiversideExtras(WordPressWebcomic):
url = ''
class RomanticallyApocalyptic(_ParserScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + '%s'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % '0'
imageSearch = '//div[d:class("comicpanel")]/center//img'
prevSearch = '//a[@accesskey="p"]'
help = 'Index format: n'
adult = True
class Roza(_ParserScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + '?date=%s'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % '2007-05-01'
imageSearch = '//img[contains(@src, "pages/")]'
prevSearch = '//a[img[contains(@src, "navtable_01.gif")]]'
help = 'Index format: yyyy-mm-dd'
class Ruthe(_BasicScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + 'cartoon/%s/datum/asc/'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % '1'
lang = 'de'
imageSearch = compile(tagre("img", "src", r'(/?cartoons/strip_\d+[^"]+)'))
prevSearch = compile(tagre("a", "href", r'(/cartoon/\d+/datum/asc/)'))
help = 'Index format: number'