Tobias Gruetzmacher fb37f946e0 Speed up comic module tests.
This fakes an If-Modified-Since header, so most web servers don't need
to send comic images at all. This should also reduce the amount of data
that needs to be fetched for comic module tests.
2016-08-01 00:44:34 +02:00

120 lines
4 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs
# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Bastian Kleineidam
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Tobias Gruetzmacher
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import re
import multiprocessing
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit
def get_host(url):
"""Get host part of URL."""
return urlsplit(url)[1].lower()
# Dictionary with per-host locks.
_locks = {}
# Allowed number of connections per host
MaxConnections = 4
# Maximum number of strips to get to test a comic
MaxStrips = 5
def get_lock(host):
"""Get bounded semphore for given host."""
if host not in _locks:
_locks[host] = multiprocessing.BoundedSemaphore(MaxConnections)
return _locks[host]
def test_comicmodule(tmpdir, scraperobj):
'''Test a scraper. It must be able to traverse backward for at least 5
strips from the start, and find strip images on at least 4 pages.'''
# Limit number of connections to one host.
host = get_host(scraperobj.url)
with get_lock(host):
_test_comic(str(tmpdir), scraperobj)
except OSError:
# interprocess lock not supported
_test_comic(str(tmpdir), scraperobj)
def _test_comic(outdir, scraperobj):
num_strips = 0
strip = None
files = []
for strip in scraperobj.getStrips(MaxStrips):
files.append(_check_strip(outdir, strip,
if num_strips > 0:
_check_stripurl(strip, scraperobj)
num_strips += 1
if scraperobj.prevSearch and not scraperobj.hitFirstStripUrl:
# subtract the number of skipped URLs with no image from the expected
# image number
num_strips_expected = MaxStrips - len(scraperobj.skippedUrls)
msg = 'Traversed %d strips instead of %d.' % (num_strips,
if strip:
msg += " Check the prevSearch pattern at %s" % strip.strip_url
assert num_strips == num_strips_expected, msg
if strip:
_check_scraperesult(files, num_strips_expected, strip, scraperobj)
def _check_strip(outdir, strip, multipleImagesPerStrip):
'''Check that a specific page yields images and the comic module correctly
declares if there are multiple images per page.'''
images = []
files = []
for image in strip.getImages():
# write a fake image (to download less)
fakeimg = image._fnbase(outdir) + '.fake'
with open(fakeimg, 'w') as f:
f.write("fake image for testing")
fn, _ =
assert images, 'failed to find images at %s' % strip.strip_url
if not multipleImagesPerStrip:
assert len(images) == 1, 'found more than 1 image at %s: %s' % (
strip.strip_url, images)
return files
def _check_scraperesult(saved_images, num_images_expected, strip, scraperobj):
'''Check that exactly or for multiple pages at least num_strips images are
saved. This checks saved files, ie. it detects duplicate filenames.'''
num_images = len(saved_images)
attrs = (num_images, saved_images, num_images_expected)
if scraperobj.multipleImagesPerStrip:
err = 'saved %d %s instead of at least %d images' % attrs
assert num_images >= num_images_expected, err
err = 'saved %d %s instead of %d images' % attrs
assert num_images == num_images_expected, err
def _check_stripurl(strip, scraperobj):
if not scraperobj.stripUrl:
# no indexing support
# test that the stripUrl regex matches the retrieved strip URL
urlmatch = re.escape(scraperobj.stripUrl)
urlmatch = urlmatch.replace(r"\%s", r".+")
urlmatch = "^%s$" % urlmatch
ro = re.compile(urlmatch)
mo =
err = 'strip URL %r does not match stripUrl pattern %s' % (
strip.strip_url, urlmatch)
assert mo is not None, err