Bastian Kleineidam 75bbf10d78 Initialize tmpdir.
2013-06-28 21:34:01 +02:00

152 lines
5.5 KiB

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Bastian Kleineidam
import tempfile
import shutil
import re
import os
import multiprocessing
import urlparse
from itertools import islice
from unittest import TestCase
from dosagelib import scraper
def get_host(url):
"""Get host part of URL."""
return urlparse.urlsplit(url)[1].lower()
# Dictionary with per-host locks.
_locks = {}
# Allowed number of connections per host
MaxConnections = 4
def get_lock(host):
"""Get bounded semphore for given host."""
if host not in _locks:
_locks[host] = multiprocessing.BoundedSemaphore(MaxConnections)
return _locks[host]
class _ComicTester(TestCase):
"""Basic comic test class."""
def setUp(self):
if self.scraperclass is not None: = self.scraperclass.getName()
self.url = self.scraperclass.starter()
# create a temporary directory for images
self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self.tmpdir = None
def tearDown(self):
if self.tmpdir is not None:
def get_saved_images(self):
"""Get saved images."""
dirs = tuple('/'))
return os.listdir(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, *dirs))
def test_comic(self):
if self.scraperclass is None:
# only run subclasses
import pytest
pytest.skip("base class")
# Test a scraper. It must be able to traverse backward for
# at least 5 strips from the start, and find strip images
# on at least 4 pages.
scraperobj = self.scraperclass()
# Limit number of connections to one host.
host = get_host(scraperobj.url)
with get_lock(host):
except OSError:
# interprocess lock not supported
def _test_comic(self, scraperobj):
num_strips = 0
max_strips = 5
strip = None
for strip in scraperobj.getStrips(max_strips):
images = []
for image in strip.getImages():
self.check(images, 'failed to find images at %s' % strip.stripUrl)
if not self.scraperclass.multipleImagesPerStrip:
self.check(len(images) == 1, 'found more than 1 image at %s: %s' % (strip.stripUrl, images))
if num_strips > 0 and self.scraperclass.prevUrlMatchesStripUrl:
num_strips += 1
if self.scraperclass.prevSearch and not scraperobj.hitFirstStripUrl:
# check strips
num_strips_expected = max_strips - len(scraperobj.skippedUrls)
msg = 'Traversed %d strips instead of %d.' % (num_strips, num_strips_expected)
if strip:
msg += " Check the prevSearch pattern at %s" % strip.stripUrl
self.check(num_strips == num_strips_expected, msg)
# check images
if strip:
self.check_scraperesult(num_strips_expected, strip, scraperobj)
def check_scraperesult(self, num_images_expected, strip, scraperobj):
# Check that exactly or for multiple pages at least num_strips images are saved.
# This checks saved files, ie. it detects duplicate filenames.
saved_images = self.get_saved_images()
num_images = len(saved_images)
# subtract the number of skipped URLs with no image from the expected image number
attrs = (num_images, saved_images, num_images_expected, self.tmpdir)
if self.scraperclass.multipleImagesPerStrip:
self.check(num_images >= num_images_expected, 'saved %d %s instead of at least %d images in %s' % attrs)
self.check(num_images == num_images_expected, 'saved %d %s instead of %d images in %s' % attrs)
def check_stripurl(self, strip):
if not self.scraperclass.stripUrl:
# no indexing support
# test that the stripUrl regex matches the retrieved strip URL
urlmatch = re.escape(self.scraperclass.stripUrl)
urlmatch = urlmatch.replace(r"\%s", r".+")
urlmatch = "^%s$" % urlmatch
ro = re.compile(urlmatch)
mo =
self.check(mo is not None, 'strip URL %r does not match stripUrl pattern %s' % (strip.stripUrl, urlmatch))
def save(self, image):
except Exception as msg:
self.check(False, 'could not save %s at %s to %s: %s' % (image.url, image.referrer, self.tmpdir, msg))
def check(self, condition, msg):
self.assertTrue(condition, "%s %s %s" % (, self.url, msg))
def make_comic_tester(name, **kwargs):
"""Create and return a _ComicTester class with given name and attributes."""
return type(name, (_ComicTester,), kwargs)
def generate_comic_testers():
"""For each comic scraper, create a test class."""
g = globals()
if "TESTALL" not in os.environ:
# Get limited number of scraper tests on Travis builds.
max_scrapers = 1
scraperclasses = islice(scraper.get_scraperclasses(), 0, max_scrapers)
scraperclasses = scraper.get_scraperclasses()
for scraperclass in scraperclasses:
name = 'Test'+scraperclass.__name__
g[name] = make_comic_tester(name, scraperclass=scraperclass)