137 lines
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137 lines
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs
# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Bastian Kleineidam
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Tobias Gruetzmacher
import json
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import warnings
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
# Dictionary with per-host locks.
_locks = {}
# Allowed number of connections per host
MaxConnections = 2
# Maximum number of strips to get to test a comic
MaxStrips = 5
# Match (already-escaped) archive.org URL
ARCHIVE_ORG_MATCH = re.compile(r'(?<=web\\.archive\\.org/web)/\d+/')
# Matches some (maybe-escaped - because Python 2) printf-style format specifiers
PRINTF_MATCH = re.compile(r'\\?%[0-9]*[sd]')
def get_lock(host):
"""Get bounded semphore for given host."""
if host not in _locks:
_locks[host] = multiprocessing.BoundedSemaphore(MaxConnections)
return _locks[host]
def test_comicmodule(tmpdir, scraperobj, worker_id):
'''Test a scraper. It must be able to traverse backward for at least 5
strips from the start, and find strip images on at least 4 pages.'''
# Limit number of connections to one host.
host = urlsplit(scraperobj.url).hostname
with get_lock(host):
_test_comic(str(tmpdir), scraperobj)
def _test_comic(outdir, scraperobj):
num_strips = 0
strip = None
files = []
for strip in scraperobj.getStrips(MaxStrips):
files.append(_check_strip(outdir, strip,
if num_strips > 0:
_check_stripurl(strip, scraperobj)
num_strips += 1
if scraperobj.prevSearch and not scraperobj.hitFirstStripUrl:
# subtract the number of skipped URLs with no image from the expected
# image number
num_strips_expected = MaxStrips - len(scraperobj.skippedUrls)
msg = 'Traversed %d strips instead of %d.' % (num_strips,
if strip:
msg += " Check the prevSearch pattern at %s" % strip.strip_url
assert num_strips == num_strips_expected, msg
if strip:
_check_scraperesult(files, num_strips_expected, strip, scraperobj)
def _check_strip(outdir, strip, multipleImagesPerStrip):
'''Check that a specific page yields images and the comic module correctly
declares if there are multiple images per page.'''
images = []
files = []
for image in strip.getImages():
# write a fake image (to download less)
fakeimg = image._fnbase(outdir) + '.fake'
with open(fakeimg, 'w') as f:
f.write("fake image for testing")
fn, _ = image.save(outdir)
assert images, 'failed to find images at %s' % strip.strip_url
if not multipleImagesPerStrip:
assert len(images) == 1, 'found more than 1 image at {}: {}'.format(
strip.strip_url, images)
return files
def _check_scraperesult(saved_images, num_images_expected, strip, scraperobj):
'''Check that exactly or for multiple pages at least num_strips images are
saved. This checks saved files, ie. it detects duplicate filenames.'''
num_images = len(saved_images)
attrs = (num_images, saved_images, num_images_expected)
if scraperobj.multipleImagesPerStrip:
err = 'saved %d %s instead of at least %d images' % attrs
assert num_images >= num_images_expected, err
err = 'saved %d %s instead of %d images' % attrs
assert num_images == num_images_expected, err
def _check_stripurl(strip, scraperobj):
if not scraperobj.stripUrl:
# no indexing support
# test that the stripUrl regex matches the retrieved strip URL
urlmatch = re.escape(scraperobj.stripUrl)
urlmatch = PRINTF_MATCH.sub('.+', urlmatch)
urlmatch = ARCHIVE_ORG_MATCH.sub(r'/\\d+/', urlmatch)
ro = re.compile(urlmatch)
mo = ro.match(strip.strip_url)
if not mo:
warnings.warn('strip URL {!r} does not match stripUrl pattern {}'.format(
strip.strip_url, urlmatch))
class ProxyConfig:
"""Loads proxy config from an environment variable and applies it for each test."""
def __init__(self):
self.config = {}
if 'PROXYMAP' in os.environ:
for regex, server in json.loads(os.environ['PROXYMAP']).items():
self.config[re.compile(regex)] = server
def apply(self, name):
useserver = ''
for regex, server in self.config.items():
if regex.match(name):
useserver = server
os.environ['http_proxy'] = useserver
os.environ['https_proxy'] = useserver
# External proxy config to fetch some modules via proxies
PROXYMAP = ProxyConfig()