This was a funny bug that has existed for 9 years. It only manifests if a scraper name starts with the configured basepath... Since the default basepath is `Comics`, this might manifest if the user wants to fetch something like `ComicsKingdom/Tiger`. Internally, dosage was removing the prefix matching the basepath, so we end up with `Kingdom/Tiger`. This won't cause any problems as long as this substring is still unique for all supported comics, but if this now matches multiple comics, an error is thrown...
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs
# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Bastian Kleineidam
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Tobias Gruetzmacher
import json
import os
import re
import pytest
import responses
import dosagelib.cmd
import httpmocks
def cmd(*options):
"""'Fake' run dosage with given options."""
return dosagelib.cmd.main(('--allow-multiple',) + options)
def cmd_ok(*options):
assert cmd(*options) == 0
def cmd_err(*options):
assert cmd(*options) == 1
@pytest.mark.usefixtures('_nosleep', '_noappdirs')
class TestDosage(object):
"""Test the dosage commandline client."""
# This shouldn't hit the network at all, so add responses without mocks to
# make sure it doesn't do that
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('option'), [
def test_list_comics(self, option, capfd):
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert 'ADummyTestScraper' in out
def test_display_version(self):
def test_update_available(self, capsys):
responses.add(responses.GET, re.compile(r'https://api\.github\.com/'),
json={'tag_name': '9999.0', 'assets': [
{'browser_download_url': 'TEST.whl'},
{'browser_download_url': 'TEST.exe'},
cmd_ok('--version', '-v')
captured = capsys.readouterr()
best = 'TEST.exe' if os.name == 'nt' else 'TEST.whl'
assert best in captured.out
assert 'A new version' in captured.out
def test_no_update_available(self, capsys):
responses.add(responses.GET, re.compile(r'https://api\.github\.com/'),
json={'tag_name': '1.0'})
cmd_ok('--version', '-v')
captured = capsys.readouterr()
assert 'Detected local or development' in captured.out
def test_current(self, capsys):
responses.add(responses.GET, re.compile(r'https://api\.github\.com/'),
json={'tag_name': dosagelib.__version__})
cmd_ok('--version', '-v')
captured = capsys.readouterr()
assert captured.out.endswith('issues\n')
def test_update_broken(self, capsys):
responses.add(responses.GET, re.compile(r'https://api\.github\.com/'),
cmd_ok('--version', '-v')
captured = capsys.readouterr()
assert 'invalid update file' in captured.out
def test_display_help(self):
for option in ("-h", "--help"):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
def test_module_help(self, capfd):
cmd_ok("-m", "-t", "xkcd")
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert re.match(r'([0-9][0-9]:){2}.. xkcd>', out)
def test_broken_basepath_removal(self):
assert cmd('-m', 'Comicsxkcd') == 2
def test_working_basepath_removal(self):
cmd_ok('-m', 'Comics/xkcd')
cmd_ok('-m', 'Comics\\xkcd')
def test_no_comics_specified(self):
def test_unknown_option(self):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
def test_multiple_comics_match(self):
def test_fetch_html_and_rss_json(self, tmpdir):
cmd_ok("-n", "2", "-v", "-b", str(tmpdir), "-o", "html", "-o", "rss",
"-o", "json", "--no-downscale", "xkcd")
def test_fetch_html_and_rss_2(self, tmp_path):
httpmocks.page('http://www.bloomingfaeries.com/', 'bf-home')
httpmocks.page(re.compile('http://www.*faeries-405/'), 'bf-405')
httpmocks.png(re.compile(r'http://www\.blooming.*406.*jpg'), 'tall')
cmd_ok("--numstrips", "2", "--baseurl", "bla", "--basepath",
str(tmp_path), "--output", "rss", "--output", "html", "--adult",
html = next((tmp_path / 'html').glob('*.html')).read_text()
assert "width=" in html
def test_fetch_html_broken_img(self, tmp_path):
httpmocks.page('http://www.bloomingfaeries.com/', 'bf-home')
httpmocks.page(re.compile('http://www.*faeries-405/'), 'bf-405')
responses.add(responses.GET, re.compile(r'.*\.jpg'), body=b'\377\330',
cmd_ok("--numstrips", "2", "--baseurl", "bla", "--basepath",
str(tmp_path), "--output", "html", "--adult", "BloomingFaeries")
html = next((tmp_path / 'html').glob('*.html')).read_text()
assert "width=" not in html
def test_fetch_indexed(self, tmpdir):
cmd_ok("-n", "2", "-v", "-b", str(tmpdir), "xkcd:303")
def test_fetch_all_existing(self, tmp_path):
xkcd = tmp_path / 'xkcd'
other = tmp_path / 'randomdir'
cmd_ok('-v', '-b', str(tmp_path), '@')
assert len(list(xkcd.glob('*'))) == 2
assert len(list(other.glob('*'))) == 0
def test_json_page_key_bounce_and_multi_image(self, tmpdir):
httpmocks.page(re.compile(r'.*com/$'), 'zp-home')
httpmocks.page(re.compile(r'.*com/comic/missing/$'), 'zp-223')
httpmocks.page(re.compile(r'.*com/comic/lifejacket/$'), 'zp-222')
cmd_ok("-v", "-b", str(tmpdir), "-o", "json", "ZenPencils")
directory = tmpdir.join('ZenPencils')
f = directory.join('dosage.json').open(encoding='utf-8')
data = json.load(f)
pages = data['pages']
assert len(pages) == 1
page = list(pages.keys())[0]
assert page == 'https://zenpencils.com/comic/missing/'
images = data['pages'][page]['images']
assert len(images) == 2
for imgfile in images.values():
assert directory.join(imgfile).check(file=1)