2020-01-09 17:38:13 +01:00

148 lines
4.8 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs
# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Bastian Kleineidam
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Tobias Gruetzmacher
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from re import compile, escape
from ..scraper import _BasicScraper, _ParserScraper
from ..helpers import bounceStarter, indirectStarter
from ..util import tagre
from .common import _ComicControlScraper, _WordPressScraper, _WPNaviIn
class Lackadaisy(_ParserScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + '?comicid=%s'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % '1'
imageSearch = '//div[@id="content"]/img'
prevSearch = '//div[@class="prev"]/a'
nextSearch = '//div[@class="next"]/a'
help = 'Index format: n'
starter = bounceStarter
def namer(self, imageUrl, pageUrl):
# Use comic id for filename
num = pageUrl.rsplit('=', 1)[-1]
ext = imageUrl.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
return 'lackadaisy_%s.%s' % (num, ext)
class Laiyu(_WordPressScraper):
url = ''
firstStripUrl = url
starter = indirectStarter
class LasLindas(_BasicScraper):
url = ''
rurl = escape(url)
stripUrl = url + 'comic/%s/'
imageSearch = compile(tagre("img", "src", r'(%swp-content/uploads/[^"]+)' % rurl, after="attachment-full"))
multipleImagesPerStrip = True
prevSearch = compile(tagre("a", "href", r'(%scomic/[^"]+)' % rurl, after="previous"))
help = 'Index format: stripname'
class LastResort(_WordPressScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + 'comic/%s/'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % 'that-sound-you-hear-is-a-shattered-stereotype'
class LeastICouldDo(_ParserScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + 'comic/%s'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % '20030210'
imageSearch = '//div[@id="content-comic"]//img'
prevSearch = '//a[@rel="prev"]'
latestSearch = '//a[@id="latest-comic"]'
starter = indirectStarter
help = 'Index format: yyyymmdd'
class LetsSpeakEnglish(_ComicControlScraper):
url = ''
class LifeAintNoPonyFarm(_WordPressScraper):
url = (''
firstStripUrl = url + 'comic/my-first-webcomic/'
multipleImagesPerStrip = True
endOfLife = True
class LilithsWord(_ComicControlScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + 'comic/%s'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % 'prologue-page-00'
def namer(self, imageUrl, pageUrl):
return imageUrl.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].split('-', 1)[1]
class LittleGamers(_BasicScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + '%s/'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % '2000/12/01/99'
imageSearch = compile(tagre("img", "src", r'(http://little-gamers\.com/comics/[^"]+)'))
prevSearch = compile(tagre("a", "href", r'(http://www\.little-gamers\.com/[^"]+)', before="comic-nav-prev-link"))
help = 'Index format: yyyy/mm/dd/name'
class LittleTales(_ParserScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + 'index.php?Strip=%s'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % '1'
url = stripUrl % '450'
imageSearch = '//img[contains(@src, "strips/")]'
prevSearch = '//a[./img[@alt="BACK"]]'
nextSearch = '//a[./img[@alt="FORWARD"]]'
starter = bounceStarter
nav = {
'517': '515',
'449': '447'
def namer(self, imageUrl, pageUrl):
page = pageUrl.rsplit('=', 1)[-1]
ext = imageUrl.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
return page + '.' + ext
def getPrevUrl(self, url, data):
# Skip missing pages with broken navigation links
page = url.rsplit('=', 1)[1]
if page in self.nav:
return self.stripUrl % self.nav[page]
return super(LittleTales, self).getPrevUrl(url, data)
class LoadingArtist(_ParserScraper):
url = ''
imageSearch = '//div[@class="comic"]//img'
prevSearch = "//a[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' prev ')]"
class LoFiJinks(_WPNaviIn):
url = ''
firstStripUrl = ''
endOfLife = True
class LookingForGroup(_ParserScraper):
url = ''
stripUrl = url + 'page/%s/'
firstStripUrl = stripUrl % '1'
imageSearch = '//div[@id="comic-img"]//img'
prevSearch = '//a[@class="comic-nav-prev"]'
latestSearch = '//div[@id="feature-lfg-footer"]/a[contains(@href, "page/")]'
starter = indirectStarter
help = 'Index format: nnn'
def namer(self, imageUrl, pageUrl):
page = pageUrl.rstrip('/').rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
return page.replace('2967', '647')