title: SmackJeeves/CRACKRPCOMICJOINNOW3 url: "/comics/SmackJeeves_CRACKRPCOMICJOINNOW3.html" --- Dosage comic SmackJeeves/CRACKRPCOMICJOINNOW3 -----------------------------------------
Description | Crack RP comic that takes place in a Hotel... Pretty much anyone can join/co author!:D Read the description on Page 1 to learn more! JOIN before all positions are taken, and there is only a few left. :D Please be creative when making your characters and have fun!<3 C: Message me with any questions, ~Skittymitty |
Website | http://thehotelrp.smackjeeves.com/comics/ |
Genre | Other |
Language | English |
Adult content | no |
Status | ok on 26.04.2013 |
Votes | 0 |