title: SmackJeeves/DEGAF url: "/comics/SmackJeeves_DEGAF.html" --- Dosage comic SmackJeeves/DEGAF -----------------------------------------

DescriptionDeath God Alchemists from the Future (DEGAF) is a (hopefully) humorous magical girl manga spoof about an ordinary girl named Britney. When a Death God possesses her cat, she learns that her destiny is to lead a magical girl team with fruit related powers. And probably save the world or something. Inter-dimensional demons are involved. Possibly an evil Alchemist. Plot Cat's a little fuzzy on the details... The characters are loosely based on myself and my friends (some of which are not represented by their correct genders). The quality of art has increased over time, but rather than try to redo the original pages, I will focus my energy on furthering the story. Updates Thursdays
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Statusok on 11.12.2013
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