title: SmackJeeves/Cement url: "/comics/SmackJeeves_Cement.html" --- Dosage comic SmackJeeves/Cement -----------------------------------------

DescriptionWe are a legion of awesomeness, bro! >:C -------------------------------- Welcome to Cement! A boredom webcomic to discuss/review ideas, movies, fanfiction, and other stuff/shit. We also have: - A sprite showcase, - Some tutorials, - Dreams that make sense, - Debates that make no sense, - Lotsa shitty shit bullshit, - Crack, - Heli-kun~ :3 - Anus - Hentai - Steak - Swagga - What Pumpkin - Overall Trash And much more... Feel free to apply as author if you'd like! (no wait, don't) Gooby plz. I'm touching the description! Hurrdurr! :B Heil Helitler. Calm down Stalin' *shoots helitler in da face* :D Now go back to the top and re-read the description. HoNk hOnK :o) Trying to make a Homestuck reference in the description? You know nothing, Jon Snow. Play with the description they said. It will be fun they said. And it was. Posers. I was messing with the description before it became cool! >:I So there was this Dj who was like kicking off. I dont know what he was doing. But it was sick man. Hands in the air. Like penis out. There were people dancing I think Or maybe they were cops I think they might have been cops
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Statusok on 15.11.2013
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