# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs # Copyright (C) 2012 Bastian Kleineidam from __future__ import division import urllib2, urlparse import sys import os import cgi import re import traceback import time from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint from math import log, floor from .output import out from .configuration import UserAgent, AppName, App, SupportUrl from .fileutil import has_module, is_tty if os.name == 'nt': from . import colorama has_curses = has_module("curses") MAX_FILESIZE = 1024*1024*1 # 1MB def tagre(tag, attribute, value, quote='"'): """Return a regular expression matching the given HTML tag, attribute and value. It matches the tag and attribute names case insensitive, and skips arbitrary whitespace and leading HTML attributes. The "<>" at the start and end of the HTML tag is also matched. @param tag: the tag name @ptype tag: string @param attribute: the attribute name @ptype attribute: string @param value: the attribute value @ptype value: string @param quote: the attribute quote (default ") @ptype quote: string @return: the generated regular expression suitable for re.compile() @rtype: string """ attrs = dict( tag=case_insensitive_re(tag), attribute=case_insensitive_re(attribute), value=value, quote=quote, ) return r'<\s*%(tag)s\s+[^>]*%(attribute)s\s*=\s*%(quote)s%(value)s%(quote)s[^>]*>' % attrs def case_insensitive_re(name): """Reformat the given name to a case insensitive regular expression string without using re.IGNORECASE. This way selective strings can be made case insensitive. @param name: the name to make case insensitive @ptype name: string @return: the case insenstive regex @rtype: string """ return "".join("[%s%s]" % (c.lower(), c.upper()) for c in name) baseSearch = re.compile(tagre("base", "href", '([^"]*)')) def getPageContent(url): # read page data page = urlopen(url) data = page.read(MAX_FILESIZE) # determine base URL baseUrl = None match = baseSearch.search(data) if match: baseUrl = match.group(1) else: baseUrl = url return data, baseUrl def fetchUrl(url, searchRo): data, baseUrl = getPageContent(url) match = searchRo.search(data) if match: searchUrl = match.group(1) out.write('matched URL %r' % searchUrl, 2) return urlparse.urljoin(baseUrl, searchUrl) return None def fetchUrls(url, imageSearch, prevSearch=None): data, baseUrl = getPageContent(url) # match images imageUrls = set() for match in imageSearch.finditer(data): imageUrl = match.group(1) out.write('matched image URL %r' % imageUrl, 2) imageUrls.add(urlparse.urljoin(baseUrl, imageUrl)) if not imageUrls: out.write("warning: no images found at %s with pattern %s" % (url, imageSearch.pattern)) if prevSearch is not None: # match previous URL match = prevSearch.search(data) if match: prevUrl = match.group(1) out.write('matched previous URL %r' % prevUrl, 2) prevUrl = urlparse.urljoin(baseUrl, prevUrl) else: print data out.write('no previous URL %s at %s' % (prevSearch.pattern, url), 2) prevUrl = None return imageUrls, prevUrl return imageUrls def _unescape(text): """ Replace HTML entities and character references. """ def _fixup(m): text = m.group(0) if text[:2] == "&#": # character reference try: if text[:3] == "&#x": text = unichr(int(text[3:-1], 16)) else: text = unichr(int(text[2:-1])) except ValueError: pass else: # named entity try: text = unichr(name2codepoint[text[1:-1]]) except KeyError: pass if isinstance(text, unicode): text = text.encode('utf-8') text = urllib2.quote(text, safe=';/?:@&=+$,') return text return re.sub("&#?\w+;", _fixup, text) def normaliseURL(url): """ Removes any leading empty segments to avoid breaking urllib2; also replaces HTML entities and character references. """ # XXX: brutal hack url = _unescape(url) url = url.replace(' ', '%20') pu = list(urlparse.urlparse(url)) segments = pu[2].replace(' ', '%20').split('/') while segments and segments[0] == '': del segments[0] pu[2] = '/' + '/'.join(segments) return urlparse.urlunparse(pu) def urlopen(url, referrer=None, retries=5, retry_wait_seconds=10): assert retries >= 0, 'invalid retry value %r' % retries assert retry_wait_seconds > 0, 'invalid retry seconds value %r' % retry_wait_seconds # Work around urllib2 brokenness url = normaliseURL(url) req = urllib2.Request(url) if referrer: req.add_header('Referer', referrer) req.add_header('User-Agent', UserAgent) tries = 0 while True: try: return urllib2.urlopen(req) except IOError: out.write('URL retrieval failed; waiting %d seconds and retrying (%d)' % (retry_wait_seconds, tries), 2) time.sleep(retry_wait_seconds) tries += 1 if tries >= retries: raise def get_columns (fp): """Return number of columns for given file.""" if not is_tty(fp): return 80 if os.name == 'nt': return colorama.get_console_size().X if has_curses: import curses try: curses.setupterm(os.environ.get("TERM"), fp.fileno()) return curses.tigetnum("cols") except curses.error: pass return 80 suffixes = ('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB') def saneDataSize(size): if size == 0: return 'unk B' index = int(floor(log(abs(size), 1024))) index = min(index, len(suffixes) - 1) index = max(index, 0) factor = 1024 ** index return '%0.3f %s' % (float(size) / factor, suffixes[index]) def splitpath(path): c = [] head, tail = os.path.split(path) while tail: c.insert(0, tail) head, tail = os.path.split(head) return c def getRelativePath(basepath, path): basepath = splitpath(os.path.abspath(basepath)) path = splitpath(os.path.abspath(path)) afterCommon = False for c in basepath: if afterCommon or path[0] != c: path.insert(0, os.path.pardir) afterCommon = True else: del path[0] return os.path.join(*path) def getQueryParams(url): query = urlparse.urlsplit(url)[3] out.write('Extracting query parameters from %r (%r)...' % (url, query), 3) return cgi.parse_qs(query) def internal_error(out=sys.stderr, etype=None, evalue=None, tb=None): """Print internal error message (output defaults to stderr).""" print >> out, os.linesep print >> out, """********** Oops, I did it again. ************* You have found an internal error in %(app)s. Please write a bug report at %(url)s and include the following information: - your commandline arguments and any configuration file in ~/.dosage/ - the system information below Not disclosing some of the information above due to privacy reasons is ok. I will try to help you nonetheless, but you have to give me something I can work with ;) . """ % dict(app=AppName, url=SupportUrl) if etype is None: etype = sys.exc_info()[0] if evalue is None: evalue = sys.exc_info()[1] print >> out, etype, evalue if tb is None: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] traceback.print_exception(etype, evalue, tb, None, out) print_app_info(out=out) print_proxy_info(out=out) print_locale_info(out=out) print >> out, os.linesep, \ "******** %s internal error, over and out ********" % AppName def print_env_info(key, out=sys.stderr): """If given environment key is defined, print it out.""" value = os.getenv(key) if value is not None: print >> out, key, "=", repr(value) def print_proxy_info(out=sys.stderr): """Print proxy info.""" print_env_info("http_proxy", out=out) def print_locale_info(out=sys.stderr): """Print locale info.""" for key in ("LANGUAGE", "LC_ALL", "LC_CTYPE", "LANG"): print_env_info(key, out=out) def print_app_info(out=sys.stderr): """Print system and application info (output defaults to stderr).""" print >> out, "System info:" print >> out, App print >> out, "Python %(version)s on %(platform)s" % \ {"version": sys.version, "platform": sys.platform} stime = strtime(time.time()) print >> out, "Local time:", stime def strtime(t): """Return ISO 8601 formatted time.""" return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(t)) + \ strtimezone() def strtimezone(): """Return timezone info, %z on some platforms, but not supported on all. """ if time.daylight: zone = time.altzone else: zone = time.timezone return "%+04d" % (-zone//3600)