# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Bastian Kleineidam import time import sys import os import threading import traceback import codecs from .ansicolor import Colorizer lock = threading.Lock() class Output(object): """Print output with context, indentation and optional timestamps.""" def __init__(self, stream=sys.stdout, encoding=None): """Initialize context and indentation.""" self.context = u'' self.level = 0 self.timestamps = False if encoding is None: if hasattr(stream, "encoding") and stream.encoding: self.encoding = stream.encoding else: self.encoding = 'utf-8' else: self.encoding = encoding self.setStream(stream) def setStream(self, stream): """Initialize context and indentation.""" stream = codecs.getwriter(self.encoding)(stream) self.stream = Colorizer(stream) def info(self, s, level=0): """Write an informational message.""" self.write(s, level=level) def debug(self, s, level=2): """Write a debug message.""" self.write(s, level=level, color='white') def warn(self, s): """Write a warning message.""" self.write(u"WARN: %s" % s, color='bold;yellow') def error(self, s, tb=None): """Write an error message.""" self.write(u"ERROR: %s" % s, color='light;red') #if tb is not None: # self.write('Traceback (most recent call last):', 1) def exception(self, s): """Write error message with traceback info.""" self.error(s) type, value, tb = sys.exc_info() self.writelines(traceback.format_stack(), 1) self.writelines(traceback.format_tb(tb)[1:], 1) self.writelines(traceback.format_exception_only(type, value), 1) def write(self, s, level=0, color=None): """Write message with indentation, context and optional timestamp.""" if level > self.level: return if self.level > 1 or self.timestamps: timestamp = time.strftime(u'%H:%M:%S ') else: timestamp = u'' with lock: if self.context or timestamp: self.stream.write(u'%s%s> ' % (timestamp, self.context)) self.stream.write(u'%s' % s, color=color) try: text_type = unicode except NameError: text_type = str self.stream.write(text_type(os.linesep)) self.stream.flush() def writelines(self, lines, level=0): """Write multiple messages.""" for line in lines: for line in line.rstrip(u'\n').split(u'\n'): self.write(line.rstrip(u'\n'), level=level) out = Output()