{"10043": ["http://1004.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "Hyun Joong and Takeru couldn't be more different: While the young korean student Hyun Joong is studious, shy and short on words, Takeru is energetic, extroverted and the perfect lover. One day, Hyun Joong asks Takeru to teach him how to enjoy life, open up and how to love. But what will await the young men in their lessons? Can you teach love? ----------- You are my 1004 You are my <3 (Please read from right to left) [Boys Love Story]", false, true], "12years": ["http://12years.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 186, "READ [12 ]YEARS ON TAPASTIC! (with background music! come on, i know you like it ;D) http://tapastic.com/series/12years - - - - - \"YANAKI TENJOU is a 16 year-old lovesick young lady who received a strangely alluring pendant from an old lady. after a long day, she sleeps and wakes up. ...she wakes up only to find out that she's in her 28 year-old body ... 12 years from the future !\" - - - - - WARNING: *mediocre art on the first few chapters. i promise i will improve on the later chapters. i promise. *contains mushy mushy romance and heavy drama (on the later chapters, atleast) *contains awful typo errors. please don't mind such thing. i know i'm horrible. +++ SUPPORT [12 YEARS]! http://facebook.com/12saimanga DIRECTION: READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT. ______________________ [12 years] (C) masayahingArtist 2012-2013", false, true], "1900WhyMe": ["http://whyme1900.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "Joseph is a middle aged doctor who lives a very normal life in the countryside with his 5 year old son, Emill. One day, they cross ways with a soldier called Edmond, and from there on life starts to change in ways Joseph would have never expected. - WARNING - - YAOI INSIDE -", true, true], "1cek1dsmuseumofreallycrazystuff": ["http://hai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 264, "Hai. This is basicly a dump for my sprites, comics, game ideas, charectors, and basic everyday stuff. Expect nothing that YOU'D call everyday.", false, true], "1ioneeye": ["http://one-eye.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "1i [one eye] records three boys' lives in an isolated megacity teeming with strangers and strife. After the blackout that cut Calyps0148 from the rest of the world, Lev finds himself haunted by fear and loneliness, as well as an obsessed ghost from another realm. Confused and pissed off, he traverses the city in search of the friends he lost, in the middle of a war between men and boys. There are many loves here to cater to the many characters. As for Lev, there will be BL, but that is not the focal point until later on. Although the majority of this webcomic will be minimalist and black-and-white, i will include a few pieces that are mixed-media / painted / photographed by yours truly, in order to highlight certain moments and feelings. I truly hope you enjoy. - Reads right to left.", false, true], "20Galaxies": ["http://20g.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 92, "The town of Quarterhill is famous for its modern legends and strange phenomena. When four local kids are led to the truth behind these legends, they are granted fantastic powers in hopes of saving the world. A revision of the 2004 version. http://www.20galaxies.com", false, true], "20TimesKirby": ["http://20xkirby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 438, "20 kirbies, considered different from all the others by Kirby, go on a journey to find out their past... At least that's what Kirby wants, since he can't stand the fact of knowing nothing about them all. The answers come slowly, the suspense builds, and the question is, are they going to find out everything? Or are they just going to have random adventures, and never know all of it? Updates Mondays and Thursdays.", false, true], "21TimesAround": ["http://21timesaround.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "So 21 Times Around is about the main character Cyton a boy who has fallen in love for a girl who isn't as open with her feelings as he is. He first meet her at 12 while walking to school, and he knew that she was perfect. The way she smiled just light up everything around her. Clover on the other hand is just a normal girl who stands up for the weak, and for her own opinion even if know one cares. Clover isn't much for love, and hates showing how she feels around others. They don't get off to the best of a start .... Please read to see how this relationship goes and an unexpected twist at the end.", false, true], "24HCDBecauseyoureperfect": ["http://becauseyoureperfect.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Why am I going? Because You're perfect.", true, true], "24hourcomicHeadless": ["http://headless.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "This is my 24 hour comic for October 2013. The story of a guy named Carl who lost his head, literally... I couldn't finish it on time because I managed my time in the wrong way; plus, in the last hour I was totally burn out and I started to feel pain in my right hand. So I just reached page 20. If you like the story so far, let me know and I finish the remainding pages. NOTe: I added the last four pages.", false, true], "25DaysofSmackmas": ["http://smackmas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Deck the Newbs cause they deserve it FA LA LA LA LAAAA LA LA LA LAAAAA~ Jingle Balls, Jingle Balls Penis jokes are fun~ We wish you a Happy Smackmas We wish you a Happy Smackmas We WISH YOU A HAPPY SMACKMAS... AND A DRUNKDUCK NEW YEAAAAAAAAAR~", false, true], "28Spiders": ["http://28spiders.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "There is a myth that you swallow twenty-eight spiders over the course of your lifetime. Some people can live with it, some people can not. And Ward didn't believe she could.", true, true], "299792458meterpersecond": ["http://lightspeed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Join Captain Tee and his crew of five as they travel with the speed of light, on a quest to deliver an ancient artifact for some kind of powerful organization. On this journey, Tee will encounter many different types of marauders, pirates, cannibal lunatics, raiders, rascals, ugh.. you know guys that want to loot all your shit and rape and face the difficulties of being a captain.", false, true], "2Kingdoms": ["http://2kingdoms.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 460, "Lost in the middle of the dangerous seaweed forest of Lebanon, Uegon Prince Apollo is searching for the way home. Joined by his cousin Paris, his faithful pet Pyou, and a pair of Uegon sisters named Diane and Juno, the group must face a deceptive maze of seaweed trees, giant flesh eating monsters, the Unknown Dark Lands of the Herse, and the biggest hurdle of all, a war in the royal house of the High Waters! **UPDATES: Saturdays NEWS>>2Kingdoms now has a group page on dA: http://2kingdoms.deviantart.com/ If you have a dA account, please show your support by joining the group. It has special extras that can only be found on dA :D", false, false], "330comicsofRandomness": ["http://330days.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "This will have random facts, random humor, and random randomness.", false, true], "333": ["http://333.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "", false, true], "355Days": ["http://355days.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 153, "This was originally a comic where I attempted to make an homage to Kurt Vonnegut's Timequake, but it slowly evolved into A Dada Humor comic, which has now evolved onto a actual storyline that has gone on since April 1st 2012. This is my experimental comic where I attempt to post a comic daily with anything I can get my hands on, just attempting to get at least one page up! ***ENDED AS OF 9/2/12*** If you liked this comic check out my new comic: Euphemistic Eephus. http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=127121", false, true], "3Artbl": ["http://loveartbl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Julian, a world renowned wealthy, young artist ( and notorious romantic ) is flown out to France with his uncle and manager for what he thinks is a \"vacation\". This reluctant, fiery drama queen is soon forced to stay and work after he sets his eyes on a pretty 'girl' named Artlinne. Desperate to appeal to his hard-to-get love, he does all kinds of sappy, weird things. \"Cheer up, pretty girl! ;A;\" (bl) * Updates on Sundays***", false, true], "3Wishes": ["http://3wishes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "You have 3 wishes. What's your wish?", false, true], "3to2": ["http://3to2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "A webcomic starring Chris and Ruter as they wreak havoc upon their world with terrible puns and trying very hard to out clever each other.", false, true], "4InTheMorning": ["http://4inthemorning.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "4InTheMorning is a bunch of short storys that are connected with each other. And it's not shonen-ai, it's yaoi. Every part of the story is told by a different person, that is part of the big something. 4InTheMorning: Romeo and Ren\u00e9 were once lovers, but Ren\u00e9 decided to start a relationship with someone else. Romeo and Ren\u00e9 stay friends and the relationship isn't working out as Ren\u00e9 expected. He and Pete, his new boyfriend, are taking a break from their relationship. Romeo and Ren\u00e9 dicuss what he should do. SomethingWrong: Ren\u00e9 is having an art exhibition and his boyfriend Pete is there to support him. Problem is Ren\u00e9 wants someone else to be there with him ... Warning: People in real life are odd, so are my characters. There will be sex (like Eiki Eiki said ... a yaoi is only a yaoi when there's sex in every chapter). I live to draw, but I don't draw to live ; )", true, true], "4Ply": ["http://4-ply.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 226, "Four teens who have been friends since grade school enter their first year of High School. Will their friendship survive and if so, what about their sanity? Kamal: As strong as toilet paper we are. Carmen: Oh would you please just shut up! Kamal: XD", false, true], "4guardians": ["http://4guardianspit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Zero seriously gave up his position to be the main character because he knows that the 4 guardians will kill him again so he did ask X( cyber elf X) To replace him with 4 guardians alone. Starring Harpuia the Geek boy, Fefnir the Idiot, Phantom the Emo who always been forced to wear maid or bunny outfit and Leviathan the fashion police.", false, true], "4pwithIwasa": ["http://4pwithiwasa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "It's kinda weird so yeah....you were warned", false, true], "50Grey": ["http://50grey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 72, "A story about Zombies and love. Updated weekly.", false, true], "60Pages": ["http://60pages.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "This story won't be longer than 60 pages. No fillers, no chapters. Just 60 pages.", false, true], "60SecondComics": ["http://6tsc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 140, "Every episode /was/ completed in 60 Second Comics... now I'm not so strict about it, but I do try to do them rather quickly. Still, the title's not innacurate! You can still read them in under 60 Seconds! This comic does update, really! http://www.vivianvideo.com", false, true], "60daylovestory": ["http://60days.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Unrelentless, corny professions of love. True story. For my beloved. You know who you are. ({)", false, true], "628": ["http://628.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "My name is Logan. It would be pointless to tell you where I live. It's so tiny I KNOW you haven't heard of it. There's not much to say about me except for one thing: I fight the devil. Rated 12+ For general depressingness and some violence.", false, true], "675": ["http://szesiepa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "After being caught while running away form a crime scene, Kestrel starts working for a famous inventor. Soon she realises that her all co-workers have some major problems with law, and their boss is a bit shady as well.", false, true], "8StepsforyoutoFly": ["http://8stepsforyoutofly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "The idea of love, to be together forever, to never let go of eachother... But yet again, these vow is broken so many times.", false, true], "8T4": ["http://8-t4.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Sen has just found something very interesting, a stray robot. Though it is not unusual to see robots around, this one seems strange. He calls himself 8-T4 and he looks, and nearly acts, human. He requests to be taken to 1-28-46, a run down lab, what could be waiting for them?", false, true], "8bitApartments2": ["http://8ba2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "I decided to re-imagine the invite system: just pm me the sprites. That's seriously it, it makes things way less complicated. ~ServantofCygnus If you want a custom room, just give me concept art of the room you want, keep it simple ~supersonic1009 I can has good sprite editing skills if you want a character revamp ~Floobeh", false, true], "9ChancesforLove": ["http://9chances.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 214, "Finding the right person to love is quite a challenge. Approaching the person you love is an even bigger challenge. But the biggest challenge of them all is to keep that person by your side. When two strangers meet, they can decide to become friends, leave the other to be or become enemies, but what if they happen to share something, something they cannot control and not even really are aware of? (My English is not so good, if you find mistakes it would be great if you could point them out. :) Thank you!) (WARNING: 13/15+ BL)", false, true], "AB": ["http://alistairandboggart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 121, "*Updates when I'm not working! :D Alistair Wind and Boggart Cabera. slice of life/supernatural/humor If you\u2019re not into BL or Shonen ai or relationships other than hetero then this may not the comic for you. This is a side series which mainly focuses on their relationship aspect from the main series I am working on. Welcome to their unremarkable everyday with the occasional demons and drama. Warning: BL, profanity, sexual themes/contents.", true, true], "ACCIDENTALS": ["http://accidentals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Around a decade ago my brothers and I created a heap of superheroes (so-called \"ultra-heroes\" or simply \"ultras\"). Over the years our ideas, in some form, have been turning up more and more in regular comics. This disturbed me. Hereby I'll introduce a world filled with para sapiens, before there's nothing original about it left.", true, true], "ACatmaniacsLife": ["http://acml.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Some random comics about various things happening in my life there's really no set schedule to this I just draw them whenever I feel like it or something interesting happens", false, true], "ACattailDipper": ["http://thecattaildipper.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "What is is we are willing to believe, to comprehend, to accept? We deny many things, and praise many blindly. When in fact, they all are wrong. Or they are all ludicrous. We don't question. Or we do and get judged by our fellow man. When, it all comes down to it. We are all just ripples in the water. It doesn't matter what we say or do for long, for there will always be something or someone to take our place, to speak in our position. Weather we like it or not. Ji watches this and thinks. Ji looks at us and sees. Ji, thinks the the things we do and say are like cat tails. Find out why.", false, true], "AChristmasDelivery": ["http://achristmasdelivery.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Over the years, Chistmas has lost it's safe a joyous guise for this delivery man. He yet again is called out on a delivery, but will it turn out to be like the last time?", false, true], "AChristmasEveStory": ["http://achristmasevestory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "\"I believe in Santa...but maybe I'm wrong.\" A short but sweet story about a little girl and her encounter with Father Christmas.", false, true], "ADD": ["http://asininedistractionsdevelopment.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Reboot of \"Programmers Art\". Follow Keith as he starts his new job at Asinine Distractions Development and wades through the gaming company's wacky employees and strange business practices. Updates Wednesdays.", false, true], "ADayOut": ["http://adayout.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 291, "Lizzy is an average soccer playing teen with issues. After distancing from a childhood friend, she must find out what kind of a person she really is, and along the way, discover true potential as a soccer Champion!", false, true], "ADemonsWish": ["http://demonswish.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "Shigenori Takenaka's life was perfectly fine. That is, until his deceased brother left him a mysterious gem, that houses an even more mysterious being... __________________________ This is based off of a short story I wrote in my English class. It includes characters and elements from my other comics Pokemon SAKOHJU and Bloom, a Pokemon Conquest comic, as well as Samurai Warriors 3 Murasame Castle mode. BUT you DO NOT need to understand any of these things to understand this comic! If my English teacher can understand it, you can too.", false, true], "ADoseofInfatuation": ["http://doseofinfatuation.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 41, "As they say, love is a drug. It's euphoric...addictive, even. But overuse does more harm than good.", false, true], "AE02": ["http://ae-02.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "Alex is a boy who has found himself cuffed up in a train, where he's on his way to an end that just may be worse than death. After slipping back to consciousness, haunted by nightmares reminding him of what happened the night before, he tries to kill himself but is stopped by a young visitor...", false, true], "AFairyTale": ["http://afairytale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "", false, true], "AGirlAndHerShadow": ["http://agirlandhershadow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 111, "There's something under the little girl's bed. It likes to play hide-and-seek and it's always hungry. It's also her best friend.", false, true], "AGirlNamedDwayne": ["http://agirlnameddwayne.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Some people think my name is Dwayne. But it's not. It's not Dwayne. Currently: No Scheduled Updates/Updates when Possible", false, true], "AGirlontheServer": ["http://girlontheserver.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "The true and mostly true stories of a girl playing online games and having to deal with all the crap that comes with it. Because apparently, girls don't exist on the Internet!", false, true], "AGuyAGirlAndAnIsland": ["http://ggi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "Think of the possibilities of One Guy, One Girl, and an Island in the middle of the pacific ocean... Inside lies Treasure, Swearing, Lies, Truths, Hermit Crabs, Coconuts, and even some Pirates! All of which is true in this Shocking and Lurid Documentary about two people trying to survive on an island in the middle of nowhere.", false, true], "AHeavyandHisNagato": ["http://heavyxnagato.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "This comic is finished with Page 24... A random story of happenstance that is somewhat based on somewhat true events in Team Fortress 2 relating to a fan of the Haruhi Suzumiya character Nagato Yuki. A Heavy sets up his favorite spray of his favorite anime character, Nagato Yuki, whom he loves like a real person. How will this tale of unrequited love turn out? This tale is more Heavy focused than Nagato focused by the way for Nagato's just a spray in this tale.", false, true], "AHundredDaysofNight": ["http://100don.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "A retelling of Greek myths and tales, beginning with the story of Hades and Persephone.", false, true], "AKA": ["http://aka.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "Katherine Hawk has always known that she wanted to be a superhero. Though now that she\u2019s old enough for her grandmother to actually let her try, she might need some help, no matter how begrudging that help might be.", false, true], "AKirbyKomic": ["http://akirbykomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2031, "Join Kirby, Meta, and friends as they travel throughout the Kirby video game series and attempt to stop evil who are trying to destroy this series. It's a daily 4-panel adventure filled with science fiction, humor, and randomness.", false, true], "ALaMode": ["http://alamode.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 274, "Lamode sells talking pretzels to pay the rent. Her apprentice Schulz handles the wilder creations. Her new home Arryn, a college neighborhood pretending to be a town, helps Lamode discover love, acute distaste for movies, and the best way to a customer's stomach. A La Mode updates on Tuesdays and Thursdays.", false, false], "ALadysMaid": ["http://a-ladys-maid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "This is a story about a maid and her Lady. A simple commoner arrives at a grand household upon request, the Master gives her a warm welcome to her now new home. Why such a commoner in a grand, upperclass household? Why is she so special? What could happen to one simple commoner? Contains romance and (hopefully) mystical beings~! :3 * * * * * * Updates: Once a week (I will post any extras that I manage to do throughout the week).", false, true], "ALinkToTheWebcomic": ["http://alinktothewebcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "This comic jumps between every Zelda game from 1986 to present and let's Link say the things he never got to say along the way.", false, true], "ALooseConnection": ["http://alooseconnection.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "A spy looking out for himself, a victim still adjusting to life after torture, and the daughter that binds them. A Harry Potter fanfiction written by Kermitsgirl and brought to life on the comic page by Megami23. AU, Post-Hogwarts, Pre-Final Battle, Dramione. Not recommended for children under 16. Updates Sundays. Read right to left (manga-style).", true, true], "AModelsBet": ["http://modelsbet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Kaleb, a narcissistic model and aspiring actor, honestly believes he can have anyone he wants, and to prove it, he makes a bet with his best friend claiming that he could get a straight man of his choosing to go on at least one date with him. While Kaleb does succede in landing a date, it turns out this man is, and has always identified as gay, meaning the bet is off. Now, Kaleb has to make a choice: break the heart of his sweet, caring new boyfriend, or go through with the relationship with the guilt of knowing they're only going out because of a bet. ----- Contains adult language and reference to sexual acts.", false, true], "ANGELOU": ["http://angelou-esp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 650, "ANGELOU Historia y dibujo: CaiN Personajes: CaiN y PatoBorracho Genero: Aventura, Fantasia, Humor y cuanta cosa se me ocurra jajaja Sipnosis: La historia se centra en Nikole Keitaro, una chica de 12 a\u00f1os, qui\u00e9n emprende un viaje en busca de la persona que asesin\u00f3 a su padre, y tambi\u00e9n para buscar el misterio se su origen.", false, true], "ANewLife": ["http://anewlife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "~\u0095\u2605\u0095~ \u0095\u0095\u3010When the ones you love leave you behind....\u3011\u0095\u0095 \u0095\u0095\u3010When it seems there's nothing left to believe in...\u3011\u0095\u0095 \u0095\u0095\u3010And you think you are going to fall apart...\u3011\u0095\u0095 \u0095\u0095\u3010In that dark place, in that corner where nobody can reach you...there's always a light that will lead you back to... happiness.\u3011\u0095\u0095 \u0095\u0095\u3010All you have to do is open your eyes and see it.\u3011\u0095\u0095 ~\u0095\u2605\u0095~ \u0095\u0095\u3010A cute one-shot\u3011\u0095\u0095", false, true], "APHAshitaTenkiniNaare": ["http://aph-ashitatenkininaare.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Fan comic (doujinshi) for Axis Powers Hetalia, small open-style booklet. The United Kingdom has resurfacing memories triggered by the rain. However, tomorrow's weather might be fine. [USxUK, BL, One-shot, Complete]", false, true], "APHJPxUKMULBerry": ["http://aph-mulberry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Fan comic (doujinshi) for Axis Powers Hetalia, small unpublished booklet. Japan attempts to convey his feelings to the United Kingdom, who happens to be in love with the United States. [One-shot, Complete]", false, true], "APIVirus": ["http://api-virus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "(READ THE OTHER API COMIC BEFORE THIS ONE.) The day starts like any other day for Cinta, Ravi and Api. But soon wierd things start to happend and the gang have to solve it, before it's too late.", false, true], "APTComic": ["http://aptcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 123, "The random adventures of a catgirl named Ammika [who goes by PrincesTomboy the adorable oxymoron], and a bunch of other people. Updates Fridays - If anyone wants to contact me, my email is \"PrincesTomboy@yahoo.com \" Please note that it and my username are short for 'Princess Tomboy', not the plural of a prince. -- Until I figure out how to add \"tags\", here have a large block of things. Ammika Inferno 'ferny Ferny Kumi Kumimi Ally The Pampered Alley Cat Adventures Heroine on Heroin Ember Alex Overcast Helena Foxx High Billy Sometimes Yellow My His Name is Bobby Bunni Bunny Rabbit Candi Candy Sweet Cat Fox Wolf Dog Chicken Sonic the hedgehog Kirby Furry Anthro Cat girl Catgirl So Many Tags Animal ears tail cute cutesy kawaii Keroro gunsou magic updates on fridays.", false, true], "APettyNuzlockeChallengeLeafgreenEdition": ["http://pettynuzlockelg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Petty takes on the Nuzlocke challenge by playing Leafgreen in Hard Mode! Will her character \"Locke\" make it to the Elite 4? What does her rival, Gary, want? Will mewtwo destroy her team? All this and more as the story unfolds! SEQUEL COMIC: A PETTY NUZLOCKE CHALLENGE: HEARTGOLD EDITION http://pettynuzlockehg.smackjeeves.com/comics/1214263/cover-and-rules/", false, true], "APokemonJourney": ["http://apokemonjourney.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "13 year old Kyrie is finally setting out on his pokemon journey, three years later than an average trainer. He's got a lot of catching up to do! On his journey he discovers new friends and enemies, and learns to trust his pokemon and himself.", false, true], "AQuestionOfCharacter": ["http://aqoc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2324, "Authors ([22/25]); Slash Segary Shard kitsune fire The Magnificent Z Snurple-the-Hedgehog Imperial Ultimate the Hedgehog AnXjak aqua the hedgie Royle McCulloch ClareSilver47 M.Dailey DelSoul 55dubdub Nick Cypher The Flames EclipseTC Punchy GrovyleGoodbye128 Kaizuto Agent Transpire Legoalex-625 Azure_Kite Zonethehedgehog -----PLACES OPEN UP EVERY SUNDAY AT 7PM EST IF ANYONE LEAVES/A PLACE IS MADE AVAILABLE-----", false, true], "ARC": ["http://arcs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Action! Adventure! Drama! Unfortunate programming mishaps, portals through time and space, fantastic weapons, pop culture references, robots, and hats! Updates every Saturday.", false, true], "AScaryWebsite": ["http://ascarywebsite.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A short comic for my manga club's contest at school :D", false, true], "ASimpleStory": ["http://asimplestory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "A simple story of a girl's develpment on realizing her sexuality and self acceptance Pretty short Probably going to be around 8-15 pages GL Angst", false, true], "ASoGBottledUpConfession": ["http://asogbuc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "A young man moving to a new home. A little girl with a strange quirk. What happens next? Warning: Lolicon (Not in the explicit kind though) No dialogue Cliche (Sappy moments overdose D;) And it's a oneshot (so it won't last long) ------------------------------------------- STORY IS COMPLETED", false, true], "ASongforElise": ["http://asongforelise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 203, "Andi, Marcus and Elise are best friends since high school. But it hasn't been an easy friendship... And it will get worse. How much change will their relationship be able to deal with, whether it's love or death? A yaoi manga with all the EMO that it requires! ;)", true, true], "ASpectacularOccurrence": ["http://spectacular.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Yes :T I don't even know. Things never work out as planned and neither will this. Enjoy! Yay life!", false, true], "AStrangeTypeofLove": ["http://strangelove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 287, "Dory's life took a whole new turn as an old flame of his ends up living in his house after escaping an insane asylum. As time passes by,Dory tries to (Once again) win Damian's heart. Will he succeed? Or will their 'deal' get in the way? You can find out in ASToL. 18+ Content: Sex (GAY sex ohohoh) Language Nudity I am not English,So my speech may be a little bit off. And the comic itself might be too,At times. (It's my first comic after all)", true, false], "ATaleofMagicandNonsense": ["http://atoman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "This story follows the exploits of Branwen Murray, a young girl who recently discovered that she was in possession of magical abilities! Driven by a crazy idea that she should go around her neighborhood and help people, our heroine dons a flashy costume and ventures out, determined to make her town a happier place! But will her quest succeed...? Featuring story and pencils by Orchid Rothwell, inks and colors by Lt. Slurshie, and lettering and editing by Taizu!", false, true], "ATypicalShoujoManga": ["http://atypicalshoujomanga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Like the Title says, it's just a Typical Shoujo Manga! Well at least I think it's one...", false, true], "AVoid": ["http://a-void.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Set over a hundred years in the future after a worldwide cataclysm strikes, all of humanity and it's history are nearly wiped from existence on present-day Earth and forced to start from scratch. Any history pre-disaster has been long forgotten by what few survivors there were, attempting to survive in a desolate, mutated new land. New language, new (primitive) technology, new social standards, and new history. As well as new classifications of beings.", false, true], "AWHNAWH": ["http://awh-nawh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "This is basically just illustration of things from my life but there happen to be alot of \"screw this\" moments warning may contain first world problems my journal , diary of... shows aka anime ,cartoons ,the works", false, true], "AWayBackHome": ["http://awaybackhome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "This story is a yaoi/bl, so if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. :3 It's a warning. It has to do with fey, and this will be a master and servant type relationship. This is a two person collab :3", true, true], "AWayHomecollab": ["http://pixieshit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Not far from civilization there is a hidden world. A world where pixies live and work in harmony with nature. But a genetic defect in some leaves them wingless, forcing them to work underground in the mines. And an unfortunate event sends them on a journey they never could have dreamed of. A collaboration between Raichi & Oku37 BL leave now you have been warned!", false, true], "Aarrevaara": ["http://aarrevaara.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 92, "Geir Himmelg\u00e5rd doesn't want to make any personal relationships. Crazy duo of Jesse and Teri don't care about that. Friendship, romance, vampires, old men acting like shojo-girls and other weird stuff. Updates on Wednesdays and Sundays!", false, true], "Abadsonicplotcomic": ["http://sonikuuuuuuu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "It's a sonic comic and itz originalz. (It's supposed to look bad. *WARNING-Contains mature stuff. Mainly cussing*", false, true], "AbbyinHell": ["http://abbyinhell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "A Girl. Zombies. A Copy Shop. How do you define hell?", false, true], "Absolution": ["http://lunerum.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Lunerum; a city in the back of beyond, is a place filled with unwanted neighbours. Two factions- the Spades and Freethinkers- fight for dominance in an underground turf war which isn't kept so underground, and the people live in fear of the powers they wield. A 200 year old grudge and bad publicity can do that. A long history of fear and prejudice against them is justified, right? Not necessarily, as violent policewoman Ruth McGillan, Psychopomp Valerie King, and waitress Shara Lombard are about to find out. Any of their original preconceptions are about to be thrown out of the window, but can they survive the fallout which will follow? This comic will contain GL and BL, so if you aren't OK with either of these, turn back now. This comic will also contain violence, gore and explicit language, but not enough to- in my opinion- make it M rated. My update dates are very sporadic, so please don't expect regular ones. This comic reads right to left", false, true], "Acanthity": ["http://www.acanthity.com/comics/", 71, "", false, true], "AcesHigh": ["http://aceshigh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Looks are Deceiving... Enter a Catholic School where the students drink, gamble, and fight like Prohibition. The nuns call them \"demon seed\", and in some cases...they're right! But when an Ancient Evil threatens the city, these \"devil children\" may be their only hope!", false, true], "AchievementStuck": ["http://achievementstuck.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "When a simple Minecraft game becomes a fight for the Achievement Hunter crew's life. Take Homestuck and mix it with Achievement Hunter's Minecraft lets play and you probably get this. All panels updated in a homestuck fashion. Created by Squidlicious Website design by Geniusguy445", false, true], "AchingHearts": ["http://achinghearts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Nick comes from a rich family. His parents want him to work in the family company like everyone else. He'll rather live of photography. Tho, he has a hard time at home, he carry a shameful secret and it lays heavily on his shoulders. Then he meet Kain, a boy who loves painting. He is an inspiration for Nick. Not only that, he is open about his sexuality. Little by little Nick find himself facing what he always has been afraid of. The truth.", false, true], "ActuallyImAGirl": ["http://actualgirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Tooru has never had luck with the big L.O.V.E. In fact,as Lady Luck would have it,she's never even kissed before.Go figure right?So what happens when her friends discover that she has the most gorgeous eyes on the planet? Underneath that geeky exterior lies a beauty...as a man!? Yes.There will be much implied and much yaoi. OF course dearies. For what is manga without le man love or BL? ;) Lots of Love and cutesy sctuhff. Corny pickup lines.And much more... It's not completely a BL but there will be BL on the side so no worries my lovely kittens! =w= Hetero,BL,Yaoi,possible Yuri,Anything your little heart desires!", false, true], "Adalsysla": ["http://adalsysla.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 200, "there's a freckly guy who misses his girlfriend a lot and a blue girl who wants to find her brothers. on their way to wherever they're faced with a lot of trouble! but also a lot of friends.drawn and written by piim, also known as Katarina Skott. updates wednesdays and saturdays!", false, true], "AddictiveScience": ["http://addictivescience.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 356, "The day-to-day life of a mad scientist and her roommates, struggling with the daily crasy.", false, true], "AddingZero": ["http://add0.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "The sequel to the After Subtract! Mario, Sonic, Link and Kirby bested their villians and saved their damsels (and cake) in distress! But what would've been a happy ending doesn't appear to have an ending at all! What happened when they all walked out that door? Find out in this wacky new comic! Update schedule TBA!", false, true], "Adolescence": ["http://adolescensecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "Puberty, Highschool and everything else. Updates regularly", false, true], "Adrast": ["http://adrast.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "Adrast is a Fantasy webcomic Written by Mariah LeBlanc, Karlos Estrada, and Jessica Searcy, Illstrated by Mariah LeBlanc (not yet published) The world of Adrast is based in a Era all to fimilar to magic and creatures, but its in war with itself. There is a war between humans and Efahs that has been going on for Centuries. With the birth of a oranged hair boy the world may be saved from Plumpting to the depths or darkness. But can our young hunter, Jacob, break the evil that surounds the child with the missed matched eyes? Or will the world lose all light? On the other hand we follow a Girl and A king in their journey through the darkness aswell Who can save this world? ----------------- Read Left to right >> Manga Magazine: http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Adrast/detail-page/3669?lang=en More Art work: http://piruupiru.deviantart.com/ ----------------- Updates 2 pages every firday", false, true], "AdventureGirls": ["http://adventuregirls.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Adventure Girls is an interactive webcomic where you give out suggestions on the comments on what will happen next. The story is about 2 scantily clad adventurers having an adventure. There will be nudity in this involved.", true, true], "AdventureTimeMaxesStory": ["http://adventuretimemaxesstory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "My Very Own Adventure Time fan comic. Me, Myself (Max) And My Houndoom roam the land of ooo fighting and battleing off monsters and evil. But What happens When Max Has a Crush on Prince Ed? will He eventually be able to tell him his true feelings? Or will something bad happen to make his life a living hell... This is a BL comic. have a problem with it? Don't like it? gtfo! c: Ummm this is meh first BL comic and I'm just really embaressed about this >.> I know my drawings suck and I'm just weird but uhh take it easy on meh k? :x Comic contains potty mouth sexual themes and gore better buckle up c: Updates: When ever I feel like it! >:c", false, true], "AdventuresWithPumpkin": ["http://awpumpkin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "A comedy fantasy about Pumpkin. A once regular pumpkin, now man; on an adventure, to change back into a gourd; but realizing along the way that being a man is actually pretty awesome.", false, true], "AdventuresinMaths": ["http://adventuresinmaths.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "a jouranal comic bout my math class, which is more eventful this year for some reason", false, true], "AdventuresofLumandFriends": ["http://aolaf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "The daily life of a group of wild Pokemon. Join a Ralts, Gardevoir and Mawile on their eternal quest for food, money and TMs. May contain violence towards human trainers, other Pokemon and cannibalism. Mmmm Tepig...", false, true], "AetherTheories": ["http://aethertheories.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 88, "Two conjurors face all kinds of supernatural foes, but their greatest challenge to overcome may be each other... Set in an alternate 1920's, Aether Theories follows Ambrose and his (somewhat reluctant) assistant Nekoda as they solve paranormal problems using magic. But something isn't quite right, and there are secrets aplenty between the unlikely duo. Will opposites attract, or will the skeletons in their closets be their end?", false, true], "Affixed": ["http://affixed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Paine couldn't care less about the rules...He thinks he's doing Noah a favour by ending his pitiful mundane life. Until things don't quite go as planned and now Paine and Noah are stuck together....eternally. Warnings: yaoi, gore, violence, swearing etc...", false, true], "Afortuneshippingcomic": ["http://fortuneshipping.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "an extremely short story featuring kouki and hikari from pokemon. a collab comic with two artists. http://chillarmyekaki.deviantart.com/ http://huni-kun.deviantart.com/", false, true], "AfterDeath": ["http://afterdeath.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 86, "Kai's been dead for a year, and man is death boring! but when she follows what she thinks is a cute squirrel into a magicians layer, things get to be anything but dull. updates Mondays", false, true], "Afterconsolespunchout": ["http://afterconsolespunchout.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "This is fan comic/strip series for games like Mass effect, Dishonored, Skyrim, Assassins creed,Fable,Batman, Fallout(maybe)and others and Dragon Age now then though i like to leave that champions and dragons so tune in to see jokes that are guaranteed to be around 80% original most of the time! enjoy! (c)games and characters to rightful owners, also thank you game companies for the games and free potshots", false, true], "Agapio": ["http://agapio.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "24 Hour comic done back in 2011. Tells a bit stupid story of a guy who merely found a key and ends up in a bit bad mess.", false, true], "AgeOfChaosDepthsofthePast": ["http://aoc-depthsofthepast.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Age0fChaos: Depths of the Past is a story about assassins. After the Great War, assassins became endangered for the information they hold & their ability to kill. Now that peace has been established, these assassin guilds that were once a necessity during the war are now a threat. The assassins fled to the cursed country, Luna, where the climate protected them from their enemies. They started rebuilding their community once again. The Novice Village where our webcomic begins is as the name states, the starting point for every assassin. Here they get enrolled into a school & learn how to become an assassin. A young boy named Nemesis is about to go on his journey to become an assassin. Along the way he'll meet friends, fellow assassins-to-be, & face a lot of challenges. What's more is that there are around 25 different kinds of races(http://aoc-depthsofthepast.smackjeeves.com/Races/) & a bunch of interesting creatures featured in the webcomic(http://nic-anime.deviantart.com/gallery/44519565) view/read comic: left to right Donations are always appreciated and welcomed! UPDATES EVERY FRIDAY! =D Author and website techie: Nic Wryte Penciller: Yuishizu Inker: AJ", false, true], "AgeoftheGray": ["http://ageofthegray.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "It seems the rapture has finally come- although it's a little different than expected. Heaven and Hell have come out of hiding and collapsed into the earth- making it one place. With them have come the demons of Hell and the angels of Heaven. If they're here, then who's to say God and the Devil haven't arrived on Earth as well? A race starts to find either one, a race to the end of the world, and caught in the middle of it are a couple of dumb kids. Featuring a cast of familiar names such as Lucifer, Lilith, Metatron, and a lot more. Rated Mature for drug use.", true, true], "AinoResu": ["http://ai-resu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "As time goes by the human race has slowly become unproductive and inefficient. Dropout and unemployment rates quickly begin to rise, while education levels and academics standards plummet. World Leaders and Government officials began to fear for the future as humanity quickly descends to idiocracy. Unable to sit back and watch humanity destroy itself, a group of Japanese scientist conducted an experiment to make beings that would rise above humanity. These beings are called Ai no Resu (Less of Love). By extracting the human emotion, Love, these beings were able to surpass humans in four categories.", false, true], "Airith": ["http://airith.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "The Katillian War has begun and chaos has returned to Homecity. The lands have divided into thousands of clan territories.", false, true], "AkacyaTheBountyHunter": ["http://akacya-thebountyhunter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "X21E4 (A.K.A North America) 2155. The technology is now highly advanced on Earth. The population is divided in 3 major groups. The high class, the low class and the Infected. The high class rules and control the low class with some electronic head bands. The infected don\u2019t have bands but they are kept in some special restricted zones. When someone needs someone arrested or killed... It's easier to call for a Bounty Hunter. They are hundreds in X21E4 but the one on top of the list is AKACYA", true, true], "Akniatt": ["http://akniatt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 109, "This is a finished comic that I drew before \"Gnoph,\" and it shows its age a bit in the art. This story follows the collapse of an empire, an escaped prisoner, and many dragonflies.", false, true], "AlPoxalips": ["http://www.alpoxalips.com/comics/", 717, "A story about a man on a mission. A very well-to-do man, very well educated, and yet not very smart. His mission? To convince as many as possible that the globe is facing many man-caused catastrophes that can only be solved by everyone but Al cutting back on their life style. Dedicated to preserving the planet and his lifestyle, but with as little discomfort to himself as possible.", false, true], "AlchemistsWanderer": ["http://alchemists-wanderer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Familiar Lands was a part of a world on which any kind did not live for too long. For the longest period of time civilization that had developed there the most used to be Peregrinis - race not so different from humans but with weak memory and psychic abilities. Vero el Vetamari Peregrini is probably the last living man of his kind. Despite his resolve to leave this part of a world, he came back to find a way to revive here his people. Unfortunately, his first try had ended up with complete failure and alchemists who exercised totalitarian authority in Familiar Lands paid attention to his actions. They saw him as one of rebellion's symbol so it has been decided to get rid of Peregrini's problem completely. Now a wanderer must take care of himself first what isn't helping him with his decision and lust of revenge for what alchemists have ever done to him. May contain slight BL fanservice in the future and is updated on every Sunday.", false, true], "AlecsOffice": ["http://daoffice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "My webcomic where I put all my misc. stuff at. Whether it's filler comics, movie or game reviews or just some sprites.", false, true], "Aleph": ["http://aleph.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "Once upon a 1871... - The Napoleonic Empire established itself as the most powerful country in the world. - The Library of Babel contained and protected the well-being of all books ever written, as well as several alternative versions of each of them. - Words, when properly used, could deceive sensorial perception, and Aberrant books could turn fiction into reality and reality into fiction. - Friedrich came across a book he wasn't looking for, but everyone else wanted. Shenanigans ensued. Contains: nonsense, anachronisms, literary references, an ironic narrator, a little bit of steampunk, a little bit of science, traces of romance and a lot of family drama. Updates once a week.", false, true], "Aletheia": ["http://aletheia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Area for One-shots for side characters and the Greek Gods that appear in Lethe. In Progress: Kokkinos {Scarlet}- Nephele Magician Enyo learns a few new magic tricks thanks to a one night stand with enemy soldier Tobi.[MA, Fantasy] * Complete: Aletheia {Truth}- Hades, the Greek God of the underworld desires to flirt with a mortal man up in the sun with help from Apollo. [MA, Fantasy] BL/Yaoi", true, true], "Alittletoclose": ["http://tooclose.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Thomas has always been silently stalking his neighbor Erick, a cute little nerd next door. the facts about Erick being KING of the school doesn't really ring a bell on him, Erick and Thomas had been neighbors and childhood friends for more then 10 years and he doesn't know why a lot of people hate his neighbor ... and one day he decided to find out by himself and the only way to do that is to ask him out in a date. WARNING - BL or BoyxBoy story alert.", false, true], "AllBonesandWoe": ["http://allbonesandwoe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "A rhyming ghost story following a mysterious, wretched man.", false, true], "AllInLOVE": ["http://allinlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 134, "A young boy starts his new day in another school. This school isn\u0092t like others. In this world, exist two species named Kay and Black Angel. Those species are in war, they can not love each other by there differences. This school was made for the two species gather together and make peace in to the world. Roy Figure (main character) is very different than anyone around him. A lot of things happened to him at his new school\u0085 He is somehow special to others\u0085 in the weird way. Website- http://uty-studio.wix.com/all-in-love Updates every Thursday.", false, true], "AllStarHeroes": ["http://allstarheroes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 117, "(Massive video game crossover) The planet Corneria is under a constant threat of evil. The All Star Heroes, a team of six individuals with varying skills and abilities, are tasked with protecting this planet. The team consists of a Gremio from Suikoden (the leader), Billy Kane from Fatal Fury (the athlete), Ally Gator from Black & Bruised (the fighter), Coco Bandicoot from Crash Bandicoot (the tech expert), Toad from Mario Bros (the muscle) and Scorch from Army Men (the pyromaniac). Who will this team of six face next? It literally could be anyone.", false, true], "Allthatglitters": ["http://atg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 261, "The members of the rock band celebrating in the a little pub, despite their troublemaker past someone 'll undertake to be their manager. The band's singer, Istv\u00e1n meet with \"Andrea\", who could change the band's future. BL love! Yaoi warning! :) It was a one-shot hungarian BL antology competition, mine didn't pass into it. So I'll draw other chapters.", true, true], "Almost": ["http://ialmost.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Please read: Left to Right Summary: Genre: Romance, School Life, Drama, Slice of Life, Tragedy. --------------------------- Through the ups and downs of each individual, the story follows a 15 year old high school boy, Kazuki Yamamoto. Through his attempts and failures, he 'almost' captures the heart of the girl he loves. Except when something, unexpected, occurs... -------------------------------------------------- *This may contain fail humor,language,slight changes in drawings and stupidity.** - Update Status: slow -", false, true], "AlmostAware": ["http://www.almostaware.com/comics/", 49, "Welcome to Almost Aware. Long term, I am hoping for this to be an epic tale across the world I have created, from the perspective of multiple characters. That dream is a long ways off. For the moment, I am working on the first arc, Sins, which follows Mark and his quite successful career as an assassin... until he turns himself in, that is. This comic will update twice a week. However, until I speed up my creation speed, one in four will be an \"extra\", touching on the world-building that caused me to make this in the first place. I should also note that there will be violence and mild foul language as the comic continues. This is about an assassin, after all. Enjoy!", false, true], "AlmostFamous": ["http://almostfamous.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Jane wants to become famous not only because it is her dream to sing on stage, but because she wants to find her mother. When the talent company Floating Lilies has auditions for a new girl band. Jane takes this chance joining in a band with 4 other girls she never knew before. Jane, Gwen, Ash, Leah, and Sabine all realize that it would be harder for them than they thought, but they will fight for their dreams.", false, true], "AlmostHome": ["http://almosthome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "A short comic about a boy trying to get home.", false, true], "AlwaysDamnedWebcomic": ["http://alwaysdamned.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 129, "\"He's been single for as long as I've known him and now that we're Seniors in High School, everybody and there MOM wants in his pant!?\" Josh tries to confess his love to his childhood friend Demetrius, but it doesn't quite work out as he plans. Something or someone is always getting in his way! Will he be able to tell his best-friend how he feels? Or will he let himself be distracted from his goal? Silly comic that will try to update on Mondays (and maybe days in between!) WARNING! This is a BL (Boy's Love) comic with Het and GL (Girl's Love) as a side serving. Dirty (& improper)language, bad art, pingas, boobs. No smexy stuff yet, but its coming soon!", true, true], "AlwaysRainingHere": ["http://alwaysraininghere.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 132, "MOVED TO http://alwaysraininghere.com/ !! A totally original high school story about a couple of gay guys who annoy each other. Also massive amounts of UST. Updates every Thursday.", false, true], "Ambivalence": ["http://ambivalence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "***<STATUS: COMPLETED>*** --- A short 8 page BL one-shot. Summary: Hideki has a secret love for his best friend Takeru. But Takeru will be leaving to study in England. What is he going to do?", false, true], "AmongGods": ["http://loveblossoms.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "A tale of Greek Mythology. Among Gods: Part 1: Love Blossoms :: Completed Part 2: Blossoms into War :: In Progress Story arc: War among Gods. Part 1: Story of HadesxPersephone Part 2: Stories from the Underworld Story Arc: Greek Gods doing Godly things.", false, true], "AmorVincitOmnia": ["http://avo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 188, "It is said, that on the day I was born an angel descended from the heavens. He delivered unto me a blessing... and a curse. Updates once weekly (Unless I say otherwise) (Oh, and most likely on weekends) Warnings: -This is a Bl comic. That means man on man action. So don't be suprised, 'kay? I may also do het and gl pairings later if I feel like it. -Rating WILL be boosted to mature later on. Also, it can be rated mature for anything. I like to keep my options open.", true, true], "Amya": ["http://amya.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 307, "Amya is a high-fantasy graphic novel; following the adventures of a mute spell-touched and her unlikely companions as they are dragged into an adventure that is a little beyond them. Ultimately \u0096 Amya is a story about self sacrifice for the greater good. It is also a story of how far one will go to obtain unearthly power; even if it includes throwing the world into a mythical war between fate and chaos. Amya updates every Wednesday.", false, true], "AnAuthorComicinaNutshell": ["http://nutshellcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "A cluster of retarded individuals are thrusted onto a strange and deserted planet which they know nothing about, forced to deal with the various crooks that try to attack them. The planet happens to be a gigantic nutshell. (Currently reuploading old comics so stay tuned for new updates I guess?)", false, true], "AnUnexpectedDevelopment": ["http://unexpecteddevelopment.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 107, "In a world where Megaman and Roll have swapped genders and become a pair of human teenagers, there is a need for new heroes to rise in order to protect the city from both new and old threats. Instead they get Sam and Alex. Two mischievous high-school students find themselves in a predicament which is quite the opposite of Rock and Roll's, but just as awkward. Will they be able to get used to their new-found \"changes?\" ______________________________________ Well, here it is. This is a little project I've been working on for a bit. I guess you could call this my tribute to the old enjoyable Mega Man 7 style comics that popped up here and there during the golden age of spriting. Remember to read \"Slight Miscalculation\" by Mitchell00 in order to understand what's going on in this comic. http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=67755", false, true], "AnabelandherSister": ["http://anabelandhersister.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Anabel is a brat, but at least her sister is looking out for her. As much as a dead sibling can. Based off of a short story I wrote a few months back.", false, true], "AnataNiMeOEyesonYou": ["http://eyes-on-you.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Anata Ni Me O is a quick One-shot featuring fan characters for VanilleCream's Contest on Deviantart. For the sake of my sanity, I will update this every Thursday until it is compete. kylerthemighty.deviantart.com", false, true], "Anathemacomics": ["http://anathema-comics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 390, "1810 England, the height of the Napoleonic wars. It was thought that humans walked the path of enlightenment leaving monsters and dark things behind. However, those monsters and night stalkers merely hide in the darkness, as a young maid, Bernadette, soon finds out.", false, true], "AnchourPointsDiveAndRiseAgain": ["http://apdara.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "This is a 24 hour -comic that I made last year. (Meaning I made 24 comic pages in 24 hours.) As all my comics in SmackeJeeves this far, this comic is related to a longer story called Anchour Points that I plan to make one day. This particular story tells us how two characters met each other, but because of the page limitation I gave myself, this story is in a way incomplete. So you can expect part 2 in the future, but I can't promise when.", false, true], "AnchourPointsImageofMan": ["http://apiom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "A story of a girl defying our concept of man. Completed story, updating three times a week.", false, true], "AnchourPointsOnSand": ["http://apos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "This is a comic I made at school, when we were making fanzines of 16 pages and we were told to do a fanzine in two days or so. Originally these pages are about 15 cm high each, and most of it was drawn with diluted ink. Also these scans are quite rough, but I wanted this to look like this - they are in the desert, duh! 'On Sand' (Hiekalla in Finnish) is part of Anchour Points, a long, long comic I wish to make one day.", false, true], "Andromeda": ["http://andromeda.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Andromeda is a galaxy. Andromeda is a princess. Andromeda is a girl from New Mexico.", false, true], "AngelDust": ["http://angel-dust.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A 24 Hour Comic Day 2010 Project, in the raw as completed within the alloted time. Expect very rough sketches, sloppy text and scrawled artists' comments, an extremely inconsistent style, and an incredibly incoherent/confusing plot. Enjoy as is, please. PREMISE: The story of a teenage boy caught between dreams and reality in a near-future world, haunted by fear and feathers; a story of learning how to stand, when to fall, and the meaning of home. COMPLETE", false, true], "AngelLight": ["http://angellight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "", false, true], "AngelProtected": ["http://www.angelprotected.com/comics/", 64, "To every Planet there is a Guardian and to every Guardian there is a Protector. Seventeen-year old Tiara Earthiea is going to be Earths newest Guardian. She may be younger than most Guardians but the rule must be passed down. With her older sister refusing to take the rule young Tiara must be Guardian and with the everlasting protection of her Protector Elgor, a winged humanoid alien from a distant planet, and the guidance of her older sister Rika; Tiara faces the world she was born in but not so ready to take a very important step of a lifetime. Will young and inexperienced Tiara over come and become the proper Guardian the Earth needs? Author T.M Hands brings you a story of romance, action, fantasy, and Sci-Fi. In a world where the Universe is an open plane and love can come from planets light-years away. Rated T for teen Updates by weekly on Saturday @ 9:00am", false, true], "AngelsWings": ["http://angelswings.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Sakura Reed was a normal 16 year old girl, she lived normal life and has normal friends. But lately shes been having dreams of a man and women, and how will she react when the man in her dream is a new transfer student!? * READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT* *a remake of a manga i did on my OLD deviantart http://lionheart222.deviantart.com/art/angels-wings-chapter-1-cover-remade-303638001 *", false, true], "AngelusMortis": ["http://angelusmortis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Angelus Mortis is merely a comic 'bout... nyah, nyah... wait... I'm not good at reviews... let's change this sometime. Meanwhile... \u2665Angels \u2665Romance \u2665...and lots of shoujo stuff xDD", false, true], "AngelyDemonioKangTeuk": ["http://kangteukdj1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "KangIn es un demonio de rango bajo quien ha sido enviado a la tierra en diversas misiones, en su camino se encuentra con un chico misterioso(LeeTeuk)quien resulta ser nada mas y nada menos que un Angel... Aqui\u00ad las cosas comienzan a complicarse y mucho. English version: coming soon...", true, true], "AnimalAdventures": ["http://animaladventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 186, "In a world similar to Pokemon minus the humans, intelligent creatures called Animals must use their amazing powers to save the galaxy. Many of the characters and storyline resemble things from various media. Contains action, violence, gore, romance, clean humor, adventure, possibly a few swear words, and extreme cuteness. Is read from left to right. This comic contains a lot of characters. Note: This comic does not update any schedule. I update when a new page is done.", false, true], "AnimalsVsHumansRemastered": ["http://avhr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 86, "Only humans used to exist on this planet, but through decades of war, devastation, and regrowth animals evolved into anthros, and walked amongst the humans. But a natural emotion is to fear what is different. Tensions have always been high between animals and humans. They managed to avoid war for centuries. That is until a human from another world named Thraxix devised a plan for unknown reasons to push the tension over the edge. Thus the war started. A man named Royle McCulloch has had many friends on this world but travels between other worlds. He has been gone for a long time. He has now returned to a world torn by war, fear, hate, and misery. His only hope is to join others that know whats going on and plan to stop the war. (UPDATES EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY)", false, true], "Animayhem": ["http://animayhem.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 190, "Twelve-year-old social reject Vera and her best friend Maggie love anime more than life itself. Too bad they live in a world that's hostile to the magic of Japanese cartoons. And go to a school that contains a portal to the Underworld. And have to fight demons when they could be cosplaying or watching a Princess Neko-chan marathon... Vera and Maggie's adventures with the occult are twisted, gory...and so absurd, they can only result in total Animayhem! Written and illustrated by JoJo, currently set to update every other day until there ain't no more pages!", false, true], "Anmnaa": ["http://anmnaa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Once upon a blue moon, a wolf god discovered a shiny lantern in the misty woods. It was so brilliant and warm, and the wolf god loved it so much. Blinded by the light, the god forgot its own name, and became lost in the nowhere lands, where the spirits and demons wand. Now, its only desire is to recover its lost, no matter the prize. Or perhaps, it\u00b4s too hard to give up shiny warm light.", false, true], "AnotherME": ["http://anotherme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Story of my visual life...", false, true], "AnotherStickmanComic": ["http://anotherstickmancomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "All things good and funny, slightly to the right ---->", false, true], "AnthroKai": ["http://anthrokai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "Hiro and Xeol are two friends who have been living in Tokyo, Japan since they were young. But one day they were forced to say goodbye. Shortly after he moves to the US, Hiro met great new friends: Reed, Sam, Ryan, Raphael, Moka and Saia. -------------- Two months have passed since Hiro and Xeol brief reunion years later in the US. The story moves to Australia, As Reed Invited the group for a months stay in his home nation for the summer. But unknown to them, their life will begin to shift from this point on in time...starting with a castaway pink haired girl. The group taking care of the girl after being found, is being the target of the Bounty Hunter, Zen Senchi. Who have a connection with her. Updated Periodically (Usually a Friday)", false, true], "AntonyAndCleopatra": ["http://antonyandcleopatra.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "A comic illustrating various scenes from Shakespeare's famous tragedy, \"The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra\", set in a 1920's inspired world of flappers and drugstore cowboys.", false, true], "Anythingaboutnothing": ["http://www.anythingcomic.com/comics/", 136, "A collection of comics and cartoons about anything and nothing.", false, true], "Aozora": ["http://aozora.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "slice of life about dreams, Cloud,a guy who's dreaming to become a musician was trying to bury his dream for the sake of his father. Celine, a wanna-be artist tried to waken up Cloud of how important it is to achieve our dream. hope every reader will get motivated and inspired to never let go their dream! :)", false, true], "ApartmentofDoom": ["http://apartmentofdoom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "\"A flat. Yes. A flat. A dwelling. A glorified, semi-waterproof dump...\" This comic is about a group of teens who live together in a rather poorly-maintained apartment. Most of them are minors and it's highly likely the whole arrangement is illegal, but the rent is very cheap and some have nowhere else to go. Irresponsibility and arguments abound...", false, true], "Apollo": ["http://apollocomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "based on the fanfiction 'apollo' by lannisterrss", true, true], "ArcIrisPathofRebirth": ["http://arciris-rebirth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "Based off the MMORPG Iris Online; See the story of Arcana unfold through the eyes of different individuals that have been brought together to free the land from their fallen king. Drop the Facebook page a like as well : https://www.facebook.com/Arc.Iris.Rebirth", false, true], "ArchportCityChronicles": ["http://tjs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 269, "Archport City is the interdenominational hub and there are always stories to tell... This first one is what happens when you just have to get that picture... Dissatisfied on what was supposed to be a fun trip it was only a matter of time until adventure lured Joe in. Now a group of discredited bounty hunters with a dangerous target have dragged him along for the ride.. updates T and Thr..", false, true], "Area9": ["http://area-9.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 268, "Taishi Iwasaka had always dreamed of working in Area 9, a research facility surrounded by a huge wall that is famous for protecting the people from lethal viruses that have wiped out nearly half of the population. Feeling useless, Taishi has recently given up on his dream, but in a strange turn of events he finds himself trapped in Area 9 as a hostage with a crazy bomber called 'Bomb', who claims to be a terrorist who will blow Area 9 up if they don't hand over everything they own. Is there anything Taishi can do before it's too late? Just who is Bomb, and why does he want to destroy Area 9? Taishi will have to overcome his feelings of helplessness if he's going to do anything about it, as well as make a few shocking discoveries along the way. <<Reads from right to left<<", false, false], "AreostYoursTrulytheDarkMagician": ["http://areostytdm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Tired of the sad lies that he was always left with, Bedeelnee decides to eat one of the poisonous mushroom that always grew in his garden. Moments later, an angel sent Bedeelnee to the depths of the underworld - a dangerous maze where he could lose his soul forever. At the end of the maze lies Karma - a being feared by many. Will Bedeelnee manage to escape from the maze safely, or will he lose the freedom of his soul forever? - Description by With Love", false, true], "Ariel": ["http://arieltempest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Ariel is the son of the escapee witch-slave Sycorax, who fled their hellish life on a West Indian plantation for the ruins of an abandoned colony on an unnamed desert island. Her second son, Caliban, is born on that very island a few weeks after their escape. Years after her death, Ariel and Caliban remain, but the master of the isle is now Prospero, the exiled Duke of Milan who arrived twelve years ago with his baby daughter Miranda, and this is where our story begins... Set in the mid to late 18th century, in the (French) Caribbean, the comic still follows the general structure of The Tempest, though I have had to add a whole new look into Ariel's own background which is not included in the original play. I have made as few cuts as possible using the original text, though there will be a modern version of the text available as well! So, stay tuned for more information on the comic, on the historical and literary background, character profiles, artworks and much more!", true, true], "AroundtheBlock": ["http://aroundtheblock.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 97, "Rooming with two old friends seemed like a good idea at the time, but Nase quickly discovered that his laidback lifestyle clashed with the daily shenanigans that happen on Floor 5 at 115 Green Lane.", false, true], "Arrowhead": ["http://arrowheadcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Arrowhead \"Ooki\" Ngyuen is a Native American Vietnamese boy raised by his crazy father in the middle of a small town in the southern states. Haunted by the mystery of his mother's disappearance combined with his crumbling marriage and overly \"friendly\" neighbor, Ooki feels like he's starting to lose his mind and he wonders if he's going to commit the ultimate sin.", true, true], "Arthur": ["http://arthur.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "A little story about a girl and a cat. drewitjustforfun(: Though I didn't finish this comic, I kinda lost the mood halfway. But I won't delete it because I enjoyed creating the characters and such.", false, true], "AshleysForest": ["http://ashleysforest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Drawn for 24 Hour comic day, 2011 A girl named Ashley gets lost in a forest and then stuff happens.", false, true], "AsininePitfrogs": ["http://assfrogs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "ASsinine Pitfrogs... a journey of four friends against something dangerous... deadly..... Sister comic: THe NOMED Sega by ToryIsConfused! http://nomed.smackjeeves.com/", false, true], "AskAltair": ["http://askalty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 333, "An Assassin's Creed fan-comic about Altair, Ezio, Desmond, and the crazy fangirl who is intent on keeping them prisoner in her inescapable house.", false, true], "AskSpice": ["http://ask-spice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Updates: Whenever I get to them. 3 questions per strip.", false, true], "AsphyxiationComic": ["http://asphyxiationcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Death comes quickly and it is always cruel, but it is also always different.", false, true], "Asuhel": ["http://asuhel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Asuhel is a god that protects his people. Sadly, the number of his people has shrunk and there are only few who believe in his existence.", false, true], "Asymptotes": ["http://asymptotes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "When you're immortal, nothing is forever. Except yourself.", false, true], "AtArmsLength": ["http://atarmslength.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 635, "The story of three magical ladies and their lives with their husbands, making it in the modern world and dealing with the occasional monster attack. Updated Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.", false, true], "Atheist": ["http://atheistcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "A diary journal comic thing.", false, true], "AtlasAcademy": ["http://atlasacademy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "here comes the secrets of the worlds", false, true], "AtrumViator": ["http://atrumviator.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Vorago, with the intention of completing her master's work, seeks out an ancient demonic artifact. She invests little into the myths of the past and does not believe in any form of higher power... That is, until she experiences it for herself. Having recovered the artifact, she attracts the interest of another client. She goes it alone and delves into the swamp in search of what the client seeks, encountering a deity who curses her and her home. Now she seeks a means to shed the curse from this world.", false, true], "AugustLanding": ["http://augustlanding.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Humans are newcomers to a planet freshly named Wayland, but not everyone there is glad to see them. August Landing is a scifi adventure comic about the daring rescue of cybernetic prince(sse)s, the slaying of fierce alien dragons, and how to put up with obnoxious party members. Updates Sunday!", false, true], "Augustine": ["http://augustine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Set in 2052, the old city of St. Augustine has been reborn after a hurricane's destruction thirty years prior. Augustine, the city's new name, stands now as a heavy urban environment with sea trade as its main source of capital. It's one of the biggest growing cities in the United States, but its success lies at the hands of an organization, Spur Harbor, which has a powerful influence over most every operation in the city. It's the job of small factions within the organization to make sure everyone answers to the big boss, the magnate of the city ... even if their methods aren't exactly legal.", false, true], "AuthorsApocalypseSurvival": ["http://authorsapocalypsesurvival.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "It's a comic about the apocalypse. Mostly surviving zombies, aliens, natural disasters, radiation, wax food etc.", false, true], "Autobahn": ["http://autobahn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 74, "2034, fifty-nine years after the war in Vietnam. The world has fallen into a sea of greed and turmoil. Domestic wars take place on every continent. Power belongs to the most aggressive or the wealthy. In America, billionaires control the government and offer post-government agencies top salary to hunt down those who threaten their reign. - Rodney Cooper, the CEO of the car part dealer CARR, holds deep desires of reaching the top. Though out the past fifty nine years, Rodney had succeeded many roles after his military leave. With assistance of the absent Doctor Ryan McArthur, Rodney had created a league of high-class killing machines known as Auto-trons. Welding the power of the most lethal weapons in the world, Rodney hopes to eliminate all competition to one day control all automotive life across the globe. - If he can seek out and destroy the mysterious vigilante group known as the Autobahn. Chaos has struck for Rodney Cooper, AT-061 CYRUS (McArthur's pride n' joy) discovered the secrets behind his creation. With this information, Cyrus escaped CARR and set course to seek out his original creator.", false, true], "Autophobia": ["http://autophobia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 206, "The story of a dude named Louis who tries to accept himself for who he is and to learn to not let others step all over him. It follows him through the course of his life and the relationships he builds with others, particularly with his classmate Daniel. [Updates every Sunday] --- Warning: gay ppl, straight ppl, awkward ppl, a plethora of dialogue, profanity, sexual themes/content, and an absurd amount of fluff. /Mature content is on for some of the future themes explored, but there's nothing explicit./", true, false], "AutumnLove": ["http://autumnlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "THIS MANGA IS READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT! (COMPLETED!) Fuyuno Suzune has a great obsession on celebrities since she entered high school, and would go crazy over every one of them. One day while she was walking back home from school, she saw the news of her favourite idol getting married. Feeling sad, she was not taking notice of where she was heading, and fell. Someone caught her during her fall, and it was then she realized that she had seen the most beautiful face she had ever seen in her life... -Ki Hiwatari", false, true], "Avoyageinourminds": ["http://avoyageinourminds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "A voyage through what Don or Cassie think and funny stuff we think, drink, or dream about is put in here. because Don has no Drawing skills he does an animation but in pictures. This updates whenever an Idea pops up.", false, true], "Aware": ["http://aware.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 104, "A journey through the multiverse by a wall-aware feline in order to find a scarf with the power of destruction. It can't really be that simple, can it...?", false, true], "AwaytoNowhere": ["http://awaytonowhere.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Stories about a bunch of queer monsters and magic.", false, true], "AwesomeSauce": ["http://tdawesomesauce.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "Stupid comics from the dark depths of TD's notebooks. View at your own risk. Updates never.", false, true], "AyameStarTrekdoujin": ["http://yj-ayame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Star Trek Into Darkness doujinshi // Jim Kirk/Spock // BL Spock realize how important Jim is to him now that he's dead. Will he reveal his feelings when he wakes up?", false, true], "AyumitoHayate": ["http://ayutohaya.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "a short story about a boy (hayate) who loves a girl (Ayumi) enjoy story made by my brother beware scetchiness Right to left :3", false, true], "BARsLife": ["http://barcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "BAR's Life is a slice of life Drama Comedy adventure ParodyComic starring a cartoonist and his Black Lizard friend as they live out there own lives in a surrealistic world where humans and cartoons co-exist, SelfToon Blake A. Roten is a mystical cartoonist who can draw anything to life and jump into any reality, and his girlfriend is a CatGirl named bobo, and his best friend is a Black Lizard named Larry Lizard as they meet actual toons and parodies of the real thing, and sometimes this comic has drama, self protagonist blake roten bares a limitless gift known as the eye of animus, which is given to every writer and artist, in the multiverse blake is known as a creator like the rest of the writers and artist who guy by that title, in realities people know them as spirits, guardians, and mostly referred to as gods, but in the multiverse, they refer to each other as creators, they are chosen by animus: the queen of the multiverse to watch over their realities and to make sure the Imks don't feast on their realities, I hope you like this comic?", false, true], "BCsBadComicForStupidPeople": ["http://bcbcfsp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "Theta ate my pi, also ADULT CONTENT MAYBE", false, true], "BIRDandrabbit": ["http://birdandrabbit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "A short story about a lonely rabbit and a strange little bird.", false, true], "BLANK": ["http://blank-oneshot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Yamaguchi Daiki hates his brother, Daichi. Will the sudden turn of events change his view? Or would it change his life forever?", false, true], "BLOT": ["http://blotcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 218, "In the near future, robots fueled by human blood have begun their uprising - thankfully there's a few folks who won't take that sitting down.", false, true], "BODYCOUNT": ["http://bodycount.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "the year is 19xx. the zerst\u00c3\u00b6ren and the resistance association of europe are engaging in a war over a biological weapon only known as the nuclear lady. monica anghelescu may be their last hope.", false, true], "BabyBalthazar": ["http://babybalthazar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Neva wanted an elder god and ended up with a baby... a twisted tale of science gone wrong by Ryan and Tren.", false, true], "BabysittingFourDemons": ["http://babysitting4demons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 962, "Ezz, also known as Ghost the Echidna on her Smackjeeves account, has become a babysitter. She's finally on her own, and starting a nice, steady babysitting service at her home. Little does she know is that the children she is to babysit happen to be four demons... Who are these four? Why, none other than Sonic, Amy, Knuckles and Tails! Open Author Spaces: NONE. DON'T EVEN ASK. Don't even request. Don't comment \"CAN I JOIN LAWLZ\" or I'll come after you. Thanks! -Hope Status: No one banned. Please start updating more, people. I've made up my mind that I'm gonna update more, you guys can help out too. -Hope", false, true], "Babywhatsyoursign": ["http://babywhatsyoursign.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 101, "UPDATES FRIDAYS~ Sometimes even more often! : o Christian and Liam are brothers going to the same prestigious high school. Christian has a big crush on one of his classmates, Tristan. Liam has one on Dominique. But, Dominique's twin brother, Colton has a thing for Liam. My goodness! Not only is there a ridiculous amount of gay and the drama of high school crushes and love triangles, there's also a little detail that has yet to be mentioned. Tristan, Dominique and Colton are only a few members of a large group of individuals keeping a huge secret. A secret that's full of power. But, the last time this secret got out, it put an end to many people's lives. This secret can not get out again. And there are some people who will make sure it won't. CONTENT ADVISORY: Online Comic will not contain anything visually explicit. There is cursing here and there and general sexuality. YES. BL. GAY. YAOI. WELL, MORE LIKE SHONEN-AI. ALSO SOME STRAIGHT. <3", false, true], "Back2basics": ["http://b2b.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Somthing new is coming", false, true], "BadDreams": ["http://bad-dreams.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A very short sketchy comic I made for fun.", false, true], "BadLucktheQuestfortheCodPipe": ["http://badluckthequest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 150, "This is the story about Rade, your everyday average guy. He goes to school, plays sports, the only thing weird about him is his best friend Crimp. Things in his average life take a turn for the bizarre, when a young man with a cat show up at his door. Now all of a sudden Rade is caught up in a quest for a magical pipe that can grant a wish to anyone who asks. Not to mention the demon mercenaries following them. The closer they get to the Pipe, the darker and more entangled things become. What starts as a grand adventure, only seems to lead to Bad Luck. Updates Saturday", false, true], "BadassRiz": ["http://badassriz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Stories about Riz and her weird friends, Tsuno and Mullet Guy. Note: I'll be reposting old comics until I reach where I last left off. Then I will draw new stuff!", false, true], "BallandChain": ["http://ballandchain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 99, "Sliver is as a modern-day gladiator who fights with a ball and chain. Her life takes an unexpected turn after she meets Dorioth, a scatter-brained pick pocket thief. The story takes place in the wake of a nuclear disaster, which has brought forth the generation known as \"Nuclear Babies\" (people born with strange mutations). Updates irregularly!", false, true], "BanjoThreeieFancomic": ["http://banjothreeie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 100, "Banjo and Kazooie have some new adventures... Without vehicles.", false, true], "Basic": ["http://basiccomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "An ordinary girl is given the power to eliminate evil, she believes this is a responsibility she can't run away from. But it's not gonna be that easy now that her morality and judgement is put to the test.", false, true], "BassComicAdventures": ["http://basscomicadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 503, "A sprite comic that follows the (mis)-adventures of the Capcom characters of Bass, Mega Man, and the rest of the group. Featuring original storylines, new characters, a fresh take on the classic games, and some potential amusement. Updates on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays", false, true], "BatandBunny": ["http://batandbunny.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "A Slice of Life comic on the life of Lucy, a bat that is finally making her way in the world, and Clark, a rabbit from the U.K. trying to fit in America. This comic is welcome to people of all ages.", false, true], "BatgirlIncorporated": ["http://batgirlinc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Batgirl Inc is a go-go! A fancomic AU narrative series centered in Gotham City, following a fresh new take on the Batman Family of characters. Staring Barbara Gordon, Cassandra Cain, and Stephanie Brown as they go against Gotham's criminal underbelly and a looming mysterious threat as they form the titular team along with Tim Drake-Wayne! Expect tons of cameos from all your favorite Gothamites and Bat Family members, both friends and foe! Story by Max E Pencils, Ink and Lettering by Yulyn Chen Coloring by Max E and Yulyn Chen http://batgirlincorporated.tumblr.com/ BATGIRL and all BATMAN family characters \u00a9 2012 DC Comics. This is not intended for monetary gain, just for fun.", false, true], "BathTimeandPetTrainerGenesis": ["http://ptg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core fancomic. AU where Zack is a puppy and Cloud is a kitty. (kemonomimi) Both are YAOI/BL and have mature content so if you DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T READ. First story Angeal was taking care of Sephiroth's kitty, but when Sephiroth comes to pick up Cloud, he finds that the puppy and kitty made a mess!! So it's bath time ^^; Second Story Genesis feels left out of the orgy that happened in Bath Time so now he's trying to get some XD If you'd like to read more comics with Puppy Zack and Kitty Cloud, go here: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=116899", true, true], "Bathysphere": ["http://bathysphere.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "", false, true], "BattleNetwork": ["http://battlenetwork.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "The world's greatest heroes team up to fight the forces of evil and have some fun along the way!", false, true], "BattleSequence": ["http://battlesequence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 137, "Trainer Rayne is working hard to train her pokemon to be the best they can be. Is she tough enough to take on all of these new challenges? Follow along with her on her journey to be the very best! UPDATES: Every friday.", false, true], "Bazerk": ["http://bazerk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Bazerk is about a firy young man hunter, known for her abnormal strength and yet very friendly attitude. The story takes place in a fantasy based world with both villages, and large cities. Don't get lost!", false, true], "Bearhoney": ["http://bear-honey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 104, "Everyday adventures of Bear and Honey. A new adventure every weekend!", false, true], "BearlyAbel": ["http://bearlyabel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 134, "Abel is a American-Asian boy with an active imagination. He lives with his mom and sister and goes on adventures with his bear, Barry. This webcomic ran from August 2008 until Oct 2010.", false, false], "BeastsofBurden": ["http://beastsofburden.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "A wolf, a shark, a cat, and a bat. Four gods and a raven searching for the purest soul on Earth. Max is an ordinary boy of 17. He's boring and very average. And he's exactly what they're looking for. [Hints of BL later on]", false, true], "BeattheRain": ["http://beattherain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A short story of two men and a pair of drums. FINISHED COMIC", false, true], "BeautifulBlood": ["http://beautifulblood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 74, "Tomihiro Koya has been bound to Rena Miyake in a covenant. It is a tradition in the two's family.. They both never questioned it, just merely accepted it. But soon, things begin to unravel about the true meaning of the covenant...", true, true], "BeautifulLies": ["http://beautiful-lies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "Action, Drama, Psychological * Contains some mature contact such as profanity, violence and blood/gore. It's a story about a group of adolescents living dull or miserable lives who seek comfort in their own fantasy world. They all encounter a similar situation which transports them to a lawless, fantasy world that shapes itself to their inner desires. There is no time to age them, no rules to control them, no authority to subdue them. As they search for a way to return to the real world, they begin to question if they want to leave at all.", false, true], "BecauseweNeededAnotherReallyStupidSonicComic": ["http://bwnarssc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "GO HERE: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=117476", false, true], "BedtimeMonster": ["http://bedtimemonster.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "", false, true], "BeforeJuliet": ["http://beforejuliet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Adam is a highly awarded actor who started a new project 'Before Juliet' starring as Mercutio. There he meets Julien - aka Romeo - and they hit it off right away. However, Adam gets the feeling that Julien wants to be more than just friends and now has to find a way how to deal with this new found information... warning: boyXboy read: right to left", false, true], "Beforebreakfast": ["http://before-breakfast.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "drawing this to keep myself busy after my harddrive crashed... >: (and as a test for making comics on this computer) lets see how long it gets! haha shingeki no kyojin BL fan comic fet. Jean and Armin @w@ (fan comics are allowed on SJ right? ^^; please tell me if they're not okay?) WARNING: *this is BL R18 that means GAY SEX! *bad humor *probably a little out-of-character Armin and Jean (maybe others too *w*; ) *slutty Armin! *main pairing is JearMin but other pairings are mentioned...and maybe seen!", true, true], "BehindTheObsidianMirror": ["http://obsidian-mirror.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 147, "If you were to awake in a place unknown to you, without remembering anything... you would be happy to be taken in by someone, right? But what if this someone was a god? Aztec gods and BL. What more could you want? x3x Warnings for homosexual content, blood, violence, and possibly gore and sex in the future. Don't like, don't read. UPDATES EVERY MONDAY!! Although I have read a lot about Aztecs and their culture and mythology, I am hardly an expert on that subject. So forgive everything that might be off, or wrong, since I actually don't bother to get everything right or just change things to my liking. The Aztecs and their religion etc. depicted in this comic are far from realistic, and don't aim to be, although I'm trying to make it all seem plausible. Just so you know. Enjoy. ;) Remember to read from right to left, Japanese reading order. ;) Sketch/WIP tumblr: http://teejaystumbles.tumblr.com/", true, true], "Behindtheglasscurtain": ["http://g1ass.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 244, "Scarlet spent all her life in a dismal, dark prison that just so happens to be located in a dismal, dark realm bereft of all flora and fauna. One night she ignores the frog's rule to never look out the window when darkness approaches. What she sees next will change her life and everything she once knew. It's a comic that delves deep into other character's lives and reflects on their back stories. Even though the main story seems to branch off to smaller stories, there is a basic plot, which the reader has to decide on. updated on weekends, but best to check it on Monday. It's finished! COMPLETELY FINISHED! Don't keep on checking for updates. Yes the first 100 pages looked like crap but mind you I started this when I was 14!", false, true], "Benendanti": ["http://benendanti.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "According to Italian folktales, the Benendanti were born with the ability to travel to other worlds in their dreams. They are destined to become saviors and heroes. Robert is about to meet one and she is about to take him on a journey across worlds in order to find his kids. Written by Kiersten Elder Art by Joseph Velasquez Visit us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/TheBenendanti", false, true], "BeretCatComics": ["http://beretcatcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "A comic about video games. Because there aren't enough of those already. Updating on Mondays and Fridays.", false, true], "BernadAndCo": ["http://bernad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "COMPLETE!FINNISHED! SEE YOU IN THE NEXT SEASON XD In a small town somwere in USA everything was as usual.. then HE came! BERNAD! The 14 year old britt who wants nothing more than live the rest of his life in the greatest country in the world(according to him), the United States of America!CX But it's not so easy to fit in when you are from a diffirent country, even though they speak the same language!8C a strip comic that is all just PLAIN COMEDY may be some hints of pairs but only ONE canon BL pair! wouldn't call it fantasy, thather SUPERNATRUAL^^ SO LET'S SAIL TO AMERICA AND SEE WHAT BERNAD, MAISTRO AND CLARA R UP TO!!!18D NOW!!!! U CAN ALSO ASK THE CAST OF THE SHOW ANYTHING THAT COMES TO YOUR MIND XDDD RIGHT HERE!!!! http://www.formspring.me/BernadnCO", false, true], "Bestbrosforever": ["http://bestbrosforever.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "A story about two dorks", false, true], "Betovering": ["http://betovering.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "Alex's family from his mother side are witches, but only women are. But somehow Alex turn out to be an exception. He's life has not been the best, but after someone confesses his love for him, things turn out to be interesting and dangerous. BL/Romance/Fantasy/Drama", false, true], "BettencourtHotel": ["http://www.welcometobettencourt.com/comics/", 169, "\"You are advised not to leave your room from midnight to 2 a.m.\" A little horror story about pretty boys working in a murderous hotel. Some shounen-ai. ~Updates on Fridays~", false, true], "Better": ["http://better.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A 6-page one-shot about magic, technology and humanity.", false, true], "BetweenBoysXfiles": ["http://bb-xfiles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "This is a one-shot comic from the BetweenBoys main story. This is all about summer, vacation, girls and boys, love and X. This is our /the authors/ first published comic what you can read in a Hungarian BL Comic Anthology, Blush's Second Volume.", false, true], "BetweenLightandDark": ["http://bld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 306, "The adventures of 13 friends as evil turns against them. (Or they go looking for trouble, that's more like it!) Fantasy and adventure webcomic with some humor and romance in the middle. Updates every Sunday and Wednesday. PG-13 due to language here and there and some themes. There are also short comics updating every Tuesday here -> http://bldshortcomics.smackjeeves.com It is not mandatory to read those to know important things in this, but some strips are intended to be connected to the story!", false, true], "BetweenUs": ["http://betweenusbl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "|Sketch Comic| Warning: | Comic contains Shounen-Ai/ Boy's Love/ Gender Bender/ Lots of Fluff/ Tragedy | Aris is the type of person who everyone gets along with, but nobody knows his real personality except his best friend Seri, and in a series of events he ends up landing a job as a waitress in his school's cake shop, and because of this he meets the school's Student Council Secretary, Kei. Can he open up his heart to one more person? |Weekly Updates (Max 2-3)| **Please read from RIGHT to LEFT ^^ _______________ Comic will most likely contain VIOLENCE (though not that harsh) as for the tragedy part. It's not going to happen to the two main characters.", false, true], "BetweentheRaindrops": ["http://btr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "The human Prince Dhirendra and the King of the woods, Kanandev, have been at feud with each other for several seasons. But when one of them looses his will to fight, what will happen? This story contains Boys Love, no like no read. This is my first try on full color pages. The story is finished and rather short. I hope you enjoy it even though my non-native English may be wrong sometimes. ^^", true, true], "Betwin": ["http://be-twin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 325, "Be-Twin is an amateur comic which smells of powder, shootings, and the mafia. Its true premise however, centers around two destinies which have, with difficulty, found their place in this dangerous world. Two individuals who are different in every way\u2026 or perhaps\u2026 not very different at all. I upload pages every two weeks, on Sundays. I\u2019m French, so please forgive any mistakes I may make. I really wanted to share this story with my non-French readers. ;-; Thank you so much for reading... >w<", false, true], "BeyondSxC": ["http://beyond-sxc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Final Fantasy VII Yaoi Doujinshi Sephiroth x Cloud This story take place after ACC (05/2012) It is a long lovestory about Sephiroth and Cloud. It has no connection to the doujinsi 'Feathered Memories' (http://featheredmemories.smackjeeves.com/)! boyslove with explicit scenes! read from left to right collaboration with Kinny (http://kinneya-strife.deviantart.com/) story by Kinny and me drawings and tones by me translation by Rouge-chan prolog by Sankenx (story and tones) drawings by me", true, true], "BeyondTemptation": ["http://beyondtemptation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 441, "An accidental meeting turns Reimee's life up and down. She finds herself in the middle of an affair regarding enslaved demons, magical artefacts and many temptations of the modern world. Will she get tempted? Or will she be the one to tempt? And finally, will she find what she's looking for in the Eternal City of Rome? Inspired by eastern folklore, religion, Grimm tales and life itself, set in modern times Rome it's a paranormal action romance in which the borderline between good and evil is very thin. (plus guys don't sparkle and girls can kick your butt :D) NOTE: 1.This comic is fruit of immagination and does not reflect anyone's opinions nor real facts nor people. 2.Not marked mature (I find it annoying when I can't see the preview)but may contain some blood here and there and possibly some erotic scenes. 3.Commens are very appreciated. Reviewable if anyone wanted to attempt at it.", false, true], "BeyondTheOrdinary": ["http://bto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 118, "This comic will feature Beive Ramn who's new to town after her father died. Her mother wanted her to get away from her old life and while everything seems to be pretty calm; it's not. Mystical creatures, mythological beings and Swedish folklore.", false, true], "BeyondthePale": ["http://beyondthepale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "After a tragedy drives Luka, a Boomslang priest, from his home, he finds himself in a place where he has to make the decision to live or die. That choice leads him into the territory of a clan of nagas, whose beliefs are hard for him to stomach. To make matters worse he becomes torn between leaving and staying to learn more about the mysterious apprentice shaman, Illua, who he feels a strange pull toward. Will all of this become more than what he bargained for? Rated: R - 18+ Male X Male - Gay - Nagas -------- Updates unspecified until further notice.", false, true], "BeyondtheWall": ["http://beyondthewall.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "My first try at BL. reads left to right. It's like having an internet friend. Except you can hold his hand. Romance/Tragedy", false, true], "BeyondtheWalls": ["http://beyond-the-walls.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "Life couldn't get more complicated. Especially if your living within the kitchen, fighting for survival, weather and humans... Join Ginger, Kitch and Pom...the last surviving Borrowers of their generation as they go through their busy,crazy filled adventures in their modern world... ++++++++UPDATES FRIDAY++++++++", false, true], "BigBadGuy": ["http://bigbadguy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "A Scribble Asylum project. A oneshot about a young man who wants to be a villian. Please read right to left <-", false, true], "BigSals": ["http://bigsals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Set in a near-future parallel dystopia, Big Sal's is the story of the best tattoo shop in Cosmopolis 3, at the time of the Zombie Apocalypse.", true, true], "BiggieBoobieChan": ["http://bbc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "The most beautiful comic on Smackjeeves. It's horribly drawn and horribly edited! You'll shit your pants and scream \"kawaii desu ne!\" -No longer being updated, shoo!-", false, true], "BillyRabbit": ["http://billyrabbit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "", false, true], "BioRevelation": ["http://biorevelation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 128, "Ever wonder what would happen if cloning was made legal? What could they do for mankind? Would they have the same rights as natural born people? Bio-Revelation tells the story of a distopian society of corruption, theocracy, and the underdog. Follow the story of Trevor Watson and his friends battle against the religious fanatics known as the FOH to gain the freedoms they dream of.", false, true], "BirdNoise": ["http://birdnoise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "If birds could talk...nothing would change", false, true], "BirdSeed": ["http://birdseed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 115, "Recently things have gotten strange in a sleepy little village in the middle of nowhere. After several villagers are attacked Eleanor, a doll created by a strange man named Klaus, is sent on a simple errand to deliver a message to several important people about the troubling matters in town. It's a simple but important task she gladly takes on after being locked away for countless years. However things become complicated when she runs into a living talking pumpkin who calls herself Loraine. Loraine has no idea what her purpose is, she wasn't exactly paying attention to what the strange man in an owl costume said to her. He seemed to have important plans, but she didn't want to take part. There's a strange glowing string though, and she absolutely needs to find out what it connects too. Perhaps her meeting of Eleanor was fate? Together they must find their way--especially when Eleanor finds out that her caretaker wasn't exactly truthful about the state of the world, and Loraine discovers the horrible truth about her destiny.", false, true], "BirthdayGiftZackxCloud": ["http://bdaygift.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "It's almost Zack's birthday, and Cloud isn't sure what to get his boyfriend yet. He decides to snoop around his boyfriend's apartment, but stumbles on something he shouldn't have... This comic has explicit scenes, please don't read if you think cocks are gross. Final Fantasy 7 fancomic / doujinshi. Yaoi themed with cross dressing and genderbender stuff. I don't own these characters. A collab with QuietNCryptic and Xiaa. You can find the fic here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9032711/1/", true, true], "BittersweetSepia": ["http://bittersweetsepia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "C\u00c3\u00a9leste looks towards the past, Ange looks towards the future, yet each always tries to drag the other in the opposite direction. How will two friends on different wavelengths learn to unite their strengths? The clock is ticking towards an answer...", false, true], "Bl3": ["http://bl3.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 363, "Mostly a crossover of BLEACH and BLAZBLUE (the title may be read as \"bl3\" or \"bleablazblue\") All characters here are the property of either Tite Kubo or Arc Systems Works, particularly Toshimichi Mori. There is one original character, but half of that is owned by Daisuke Ishiwatari. This takes place between the Deicide and Lost Agent arcs of BLEACH. Please read RIGHT TO LEFT, like a Japanese manga.", false, true], "BlackAndBluePrincess": ["http://bbprincess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Princess Evelyn, like most princesses, was blessed by a fairy godmother as a baby. The same day as her blessing, however, her parents received the news that a war was brewing. So instead of beauty, singing talent, or diplomatic flair, her practical godmother blessed her with the way of the warrior. To be more specific: she will grow to be the strongest fighter in the kingdom. By age seventeen, the king is ready to get his daughter married. Only problem is, he won't settle for anyone less than someone who can beat Evelyn in combat. And she keeps beating everyone who comes at her. To make life more difficult, the war that was foretold is coming, and Evelyn may be the only one strong enough to do something about it.", false, true], "BlackCollar": ["http://huntedblackcollar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 121, "-Read from left to right- This is a comic for all you fantasy action lovers out there. Nobody asks for it, nobody in that messed up world. And yet they are all part of it... the game. Hunted, What does the word really mean? How can someone just be thrown into a place like this? And yet there are so many just like him. Unaware of what's really going on? There's a good amount of violence and blood in this. So be aware before reading. (There are no sexual themes) *NOTE*: The comic was started a while ago, so you will see a huge improvement in both the art spelling, and story by around chapter 2.", false, true], "BlackDragon": ["http://blackdragon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 477, "Since mankind has subjugated dragons, men struggle for power by using dragons. Sora also wants to become a dragonrider and so he climbs the Dragon-Mountains to catch a dragon This is a manga. Read from the right to the left! If you can't wait, you can get the complete Manga on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007NZGBZ8 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009MOQLLM http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BRJHPTW http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EMHWJVK Update: one chapter per month", false, true], "BlackFridayRule": ["http://blackfridayrule.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 270, "", false, true], "BlackRing": ["http://blackring.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Victory is a Reality TV Show star, the queen of \"bra kingdom\" as she like to call it. Her 3rd season is now over and she has a rendez-vous. With Samson. Her childhood friend. Samson is a good guy. Once upon a time, he fell in love with Victory, his friend at school. But one day, Victory and her family move out of town. She promise that 15 years away from now, they will meet again.", true, true], "BlackSheepWhiteSheep": ["http://bsws.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "In a grove in no particular place in no particular time. There are 5 pastures of merry little ship. By the day they are quiet normal and white, but by night their fleece changes and shows each of them to be unique. Corbin unfortunaly, is the black sheep, though his horns are golden, his stigma still sticks with him. Plus it seems as though he has no abilities or unique talents. As Corbin grew he became use to his life of social seclusion, but what happens when a popular some find interest in him, furthermore happens when they find out his true hidden ability. Updates are whenever I get to it. I have to make money and pay bills somehow. but dun worry I'll try to keep it updated often (^-^)<3", true, true], "BlackandBlue": ["http://black-and-blue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 525, "A sci-fi fairytale. A boys nightmare. So, this is about an Evil Empire soldier with a few problems... not the least of which is a slight gender issue and a weird entanglement with an astronaut. Awkwardness ensues. D: I thought \"The Crying Game\" was a comedy, you've been warned. Ha! e_e Also I started this about 200 years ago and the art is pretty rough I'M SO SORRY! ;_; FORGIVE ME!", false, true], "Blackdemon": ["http://blackdemoncomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 176, "everyone has a demon inside them, even the nicest people in the world has a demon. what happens if the demon inside takes total control of you? it could effect your life style, personality, and for artist's; imagination. that's what this comic is about. a girl with poor social skills and a large imagination, how will she fix both problems? (WARNING:some chapters in this comic are based on real events that occurred in the author's life) comic updates:Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's(if not updated, that means i got a LOT of HW or my laptop is damaged)", false, true], "Blackwood": ["http://blackwoodcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Blackwood is a medieval fantasy manga centered around the intertwining stories of three main characters; Brad the winged Arlen, young prince Lloyd of Blackwood, and Kuro the enigmatic thief. Various other supporting characters lend their charm to \"Blackwood\" as well. With a unique cast and fully developed world, culture, and language, \"Blackwood\" is a story you don't want to miss! \u2606 READS RIGHT TO LEFT~ <======<=======(Japanese style) \u2606 Updates a Chapter Monthly", false, true], "BleachRedux": ["http://bleachredux.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 859, "Myself and others were extremely disappointed with Ulquiorra's death in the official Bleach manga, so I've taken it upon myself to draw out what could've possibly happened had Orihime pulled her head out of her ass and saved him. WARNING: UlquiHime. Any negative comments (or futile attempts at validating other ships that make even less sense (ie: IchiHime)) will be deleted. NOTE: READ RIGHT TO LEFT LIKE JAPANESE MANGA.", false, true], "BleachandCloth": ["http://bleach-and-cloth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Burlesque and Islam living together... Bleach is a Religious Studies major working her way through college as a burlesque dancer. Cloth is a 'white bread' hijabi Muslimah (headscarf wearing Muslim woman) in college for Art History. Together they are roommates who because they are so different can't help but find how they are alike. Focusing on their similarities rather than differences they become fast friends. And by friends I mean they talk $#!+ about each other more than a chimp in the zoo flings poo. However if anyone else talks crapola about the one than the other quickly got their back. PS Beware of Teddy Interruptions (cute little teddy bears stuffed with sin) and Mufti/Sheikh/imam Squid Beard self described fatwas not endorsed by the Muslim community at large!!! Oh and before you ask, \"Why did the creator decide to name them Bleach and Cloth?\" Let me say, \"How the Jahannam should I know I am just a disembodied narrator voice!\"", true, true], "BleedingHeart": ["http://bleedingheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "If you didn't know, bleeding heart is a flower. Also, so I can update faster, I'm going to use a thicker brush and faster/sloppier lines. I'm also going to color code the hair and eyes. Well... enjoy!", false, true], "BlindandBlue": ["http://blindandblue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 171, "Boy's Love! (Gay relationship romance) Caecus (Case) woke up one morning to find that he was completely blind. He's picked on by the school bully, and things aren't so great. Fortunately for Case, he finds a friend - and eventually a boyfriend - in the new kid, Darryl, and together they make it through the things life throws at them. A smackjeeves mirror to the comic on DrunkDuck, which you can read [url=http://www.drunkduck.com/Case_1048_Blind_and_Blue/]here[/url] Comic contains swearing very rarely,so if you don't like it...you'll be fine actually And if you're homophobic...message me with your reasons why as I am very curious on the topic.", false, false], "Blitzkrieg": ["http://blitzkrieg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "For one, It was a special day for Razikiel aka 'Razzi'. He and his pals went to a gaming convention hosted by G@meS3t studios, a rather famous company that creates the gaming consoles, ITAK. They came for one reason, and one reason only...to play the newest RPG game, Blitzkrieg. Even more good news for them, they were the part of the first 100 people to become beta testers. What could possibly be better than this? How about the rumors behind the mysterious game? Quik Note: Yeah, I'm starting over...The art sucked. I'm horrible at organizing for those who saw...it's still on my flikr account because I don't have the heart to delete them...I wanna see what you can do too :D Can someone help me? please? just with the organizing...? -Magi", false, true], "BloodBlue": ["http://bloodblue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Eyes as cold as ice, and in a voice so utterly devoid of emotion, the man - the demon - looked down on him and said: \"From now on, you belong to me. You are my dog. You are mine.\" Hard-BL/ Mature/ Violent/ Yakuza themes", true, true], "BloodMoney": ["http://bloodmoney.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Two men are forced to run a mafia together--and one is a vampire.", false, true], "BloodNLove": ["http://bloodnlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Kera life was all well and normal until the lost of her only living relative. kera thought that life could not get any worst until she finds out that not only is she Half Korean, her fathers family has invited her to come and live with them in south Korean. To make matters worst her Blood line has a lot of more hidden surprise left for her..... What is this hidden thirst she feels when ever she sees her new classmate face.", false, true], "Bloodline": ["http://bloodline.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Ember struggles to avoid her family's cult history, while trying to unravel why magic is slowly fading away", false, true], "BloodyUrban": ["http://bloodyurban.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Meet Murray. He's living on the other side of the world, unsure of himself, stuck in a job he doesn't particularly like, and is unfortunately also a werwolf. This is the story of his life, his friends and their rather bizarre misadventures. It's got a few vampires in it, but we're pretty sure it's better than Twilight. Maybe.", false, true], "BloomaPokemonConquestComic": ["http://bloomconquest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 222, "According to the Legend of the Ransei region, if all 17 kingdoms of the region are united, the legendary Pokemon that formed the region would appear. Young Saku, along with her stubborn Axew, set off on the road of conquest. However, the warlord Nobunaga is only one kingdom away from uniting the region. Can Saku conquer Ransei before he does? ______________ There is a bit of violence later on, but hey, Pokemon has a certain lack of violence that they need to make up for. Nothing too bad. Also, I am constantly improving, so please ignore the bad art at the beginning. >.< Pokemon (c) Nintendo Updates Wednesdays and Saturdays.", false, true], "BloopyProject": ["http://bloopyproj.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "life of kumi", false, true], "BlueDiamond": ["http://bluediamond.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Updates every Thursday & Sometimes Saturdays too", false, true], "BlueDream": ["http://bluedream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "Leo and Dylan are two young guys. They start a good friendship since they share too many things in common. They are so nice one each other. a passionated love burns then inside of their hearts. would they be able to manage their feelings without losing their friendship? 3 LOVE STORIES, 3 COUPLES! :D", true, true], "BlueHair": ["http://bluehair.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 74, "", false, true], "BlueLove": ["http://bluelove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "<b>CURRENTLY UPDATING WITH THE ENGLISH VERSION. PLEASE JUMP TO PAGE \"Blue Love E01\" for the English pages.</b> \u9019\u662f\u7528\u4f86\u53c3\u52a0\u9999\u6e2f ComicFans \u6f2b\u756b\u65b0\u4eba\u734e\u7b2c55\u56de\u7684\u4f5c\u54c1. \u5165\u570d\u4e86,\u4f46\u6c92\u6709\u52dd\u51fa... <_< \u6211\u6253\u7b97\u518d\u63a5\u518d\u53b2\u7684\u4e0d\u65b7\u53c3\u52a0 LOL \u6240\u4ee5\u8acb\u5927\u5bb6\u7d66\u9ede\u610f\u898b\u5427! \u540d\u7a31:\u85cd\u8272\u4e4b\u6200 \u6545\u4e8b\u5927\u7db1:\u85cd\u56e0\u5bb6\u5883\u8ca7\u56f0,\u4ee5\u734e\u5b78\u91d1\u5c31\u8b80\u5168\u5e02\u552f\u4e00\u7684\u8cb4\u65cf\u9ad8\u4e2d,\u5973\u626e\u7537\u88dd\u548c\u6821\u5167\u5973\u751f\u7d04\u6703\u8cfa\u53d6\u751f\u6d3b\u8cbb\u3002\u4f46\u662f\u5b78\u751f\u6703\u6703\u9577\u597d\u50cf\u5c0d\u5979\u5f88\u611f\u8208\u8da3... ---------------------- This is my entry for the 55th CFCC in Hong Kong ComicFans magazine. Got into the finals, but I did not win <_< I have decided to keep going until I win LOL So please give me some comments! Title: Blue Love Synopsis: Because of her poor family status, Ran got into the only noble school in the city with the help of scholarships, and she pretends to be a guy and go out with girls on dates to earn her living expenses. However, the student council president seems to be quite interested in her... (NOTE: THIS IS A ONE-SHOT MANHUA)", false, true], "BlueStreak": ["http://bluestreak.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 181, "It's a webcomic...musical!", false, false], "BlueWell": ["http://www.bluewellcomic.com/comics/", 171, "Leif Kavanaugh grew up in the country-side and came to the city to attend college. He moves into \"The Blue Well\" boarding home, which houses several other college students just like himself. While he hopes everything will go smoothly, Leif learns it's not the city that makes life crazy, it's the people.", false, false], "BlueYonder": ["http://www.blueyondercomic.net/comics/", 147, "Jared Davenport thought he knew what it took to be a hero. He is about to find out otherwise. On the run, Jared takes refuge in the Claremont apartment. There, Jared finds friends and rivals alike amid the bygone superheroes of yesterday. He will need all their help to survive a brutal enemy from his past. But even on the streets, Jared is about to discover the sky is the limit as he becomes . . . Blue Yonder!", false, false], "BluesDestiny": ["http://blues-destiny.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Hello Im Chase Im on Youtube and Im am Pokemoncats there to please check me out and i always love feedback so tell what you think of this If you want to be a guest author for an issue please tell me in the comments", false, true], "BlueyoshicoolsPileOfRandomStuff": ["http://ofrandomstuff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "desudesudesudesudesudesudesu", false, true], "BoilingPointofBrain": ["http://bpob.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 116, "The company 'Brain' is going through terrible waves of financial depression as their only client 'Erika' has succumbed to the roadblocks in life. It is up to Sir and the Intern as well as the employees to help their client get back up on her feet.", false, true], "Bokunoroommate": ["http://bokunoroommate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Claude and Oliver are freshmen in university and new roommates. They enjoy your typical male things such as having feels over anime characters, cosplaying and reading BL manga. Follow their everyday life in which Claude is a total closet otaku and Oliver just wants to test M-rated positions for his doujins. ------------------------------------- This is a BL sketch comic I'm making when i'm not busy with my main comic projects. Strips and maybe sometimes full page comics. Don't expect good quality. Also title is a stupid inside joke.", false, true], "BokutoGHOST": ["http://bokutoghost.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Boku to GHOST (\"ghost and I\") is a one-shot comic created to take on portfolio reviews to editors at comic publishing companies while I was in Japan for a month in fall 2010. story summary: Takuya died before he was able to experience the adolescence he really wanted... so he comes back as a ghost and forces his childhood friend Hideto to experience it for him. but their ideas of what is important in life turn out to be just a little different... next page is put up every Saturday. comic reads R-to-L.", false, true], "Bonding": ["http://ffviibonding.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "FFVII Doujinshi SephirothxCloud Back in the cadet days and the problems dating The General", true, true], "Boned": ["http://boned.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "A comedy about four gay guys and a parrot surviving NYC on Halloween weekend. It's weird. Updates every Sunday. Main site: http://bonedcomic.com Tumblr: http://bonedcomic.tumblr.com/", true, true], "Boneheaded": ["http://boneheaded.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "A story about a young guy born with a skull for a head who decides on a reckless impulse to go out on a first date with the local super villain. Updates Wednesdays and Fridays.", false, true], "Boo": ["http://boocomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 304, "* Updates on Fridays * On a Halloween night a little girl named Kat opens a strange box, releasing hundreds of monsters as well as the Boogeyman (AKA Boo) onto her town. Boo and Kat must work together to protect themselves from these monsters that now lurk in the shadows, but is that what they really should be afraid of? Because little do they know a retired hit-man from Boo's past named Cain is coming to Kat's town to make sure the Boogeyman he locked away years ago is still dormant. As the story unfolds we peek into Boo's past, when he was a child. We follow him on his tragic/strange journey to becoming the Boogeyman and ultimately his imprisonment in a box that Kat eventually opens over 100 years later. Cain is on his way for a head-on confrontation with Boo and poor Kat is stuck in the middle of it all. Are there answers in the past that can save their futures? Or are they all doomed to be eaten by the monsters that continue to be constant threat to everyone? Can now be bought on Lulu.com (hint-hint, nudge-nudge)", false, true], "BoogeyDancingMonkeyPot": ["http://monkeypot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 430, "Prince Jean-Patrick finds young Sarah's bedroom to frighten her. But Sarah isn't an eight year old girl running around in her socks. She's a young adult now and it certainly shows! Together, the Boogey man and human girl journey through their lives. One to become king of his kind and the other to find her place. Two roads cross and destiny determined to keep them together. Monsters do not solely exist in the darkness. rated mature for violence, language, partial nudity and some sexual tension", false, true], "BoredomandCoffee": ["http://boredomandcoffee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Have you ever had a day that just made you think, \"What the hell just happened?\" Well, I do. All the time. Let me tell you all about it. A comic about quirky and humorous things that have happened to yours truly. And other random stuff. Based on real-life experiences, all of which were caused by boredom, coffee, both, or lack thereof. :) Be warned. There will be references galore.", false, true], "BoulFae": ["http://boulfae.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Life alone in the forest was quiet and normal for Malachi, until one stormy night brought a strange and beautiful creature with a dark secret into his life. Marked Mature for nudity, suggestive/sexual situations, violence, and some adult language. Note: This is a collaboration comic. Toemi (Amanda) does the preliminary sketches and paneling, I do the ink and coloring, and we're both writing the story.", true, true], "Boundaries": ["http://boundaries.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "*UPDATES EVERY DAY EXCEPT WEDNESDAY AND IF STATED OTHERWISE* ey yo mature for rape content and possible sex scenes in the future im hoping that the name boundaries isnt taken already lol quick shitty banner so i dont seem like a noob at age 17, Ren decides to try his luck with a gay dating site. He finds this Kousuke person and they hook up. Ren thinks his luck is going great until Kousuke decides to offer him sex. Ren, being a distressed teen, refuses until Kousuke takes it to the 'next level' without consent from Ren. 5 years later, the two meet again as neighbors.", true, true], "Bouquet": ["http://bouquet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "A simple, straightforward story about Darrel, a schoolboy, who has fallen in love with a popular deviant. [BL] EXTRA - Breakfast set: Darrel's best friend feels lonely, but will that feeling last? [COMPLETE]", false, true], "BowserBaddieRevolution": ["http://bbr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "This is the story of a goomba and a koopa troopa who don't want to be led by Bowser anymore. So the two of them set out to free the other minions from his reign.", false, true], "Boylovespacecadet": ["http://blspacecadet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "it is a comic about a \"BOY\" called hikaru and his love interest and educational journey through dspace school this is his jounrye i hope you enjoy it come with him on his awe inspiring quest to discover, love, friendship, his sexuality and a hidden secret deep within the boundaries of extra-terrestrial new zealand", true, true], "BoysLove": ["http://-boyslove-.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Just Something I decided to make since I saw this BL movie clip and I thought well why not make it into a comic and I'm obviously going to add more \"stuff\" to it unlike the movie clip -w- So yeah I'm trying to look for the video clip since I forgot the name of the BL movie so Hopefully by the time I'm done with this ill put up the link of the movie. Its a oneshot thing so its only a few pages long Hope you'll like it~ Contains: -BL/Yaoi Reads from right to left!!", true, true], "Boyswillbeboys": ["http://boyswillbeboys.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Boys will be boys is a romantic comedy about a little group of friends in Finland.", true, true], "Boywithasecret": ["http://www.bwascomic.com/comics/", 230, "Comic Title: BOY WITH A SECRET (Himitsu no Aru Otoko) Boy with a Secret is an engaging and modern comic that follows the life of a young boy and his hidden secrets. Only a few are privileged to know the truth, and to everyone else, he is a stranger. When Haruhi starts his new life at Fujimoto High School, he befriends the beautiful and compassionate Minako. Rejected by his fellow classmates and tormented by school bullies, Haruhi begins a life-changing journey to find out what real friends are made of. While his secrets unravel and his enemies grow by the day, a friend from the past comes to change everything... ********************************************************* Updates: Every Wednesday GMT -6(US Central Time) Genres: LGBT, Psychological, Romance, Drama, School Life. *warning* some adult situations Rated: 16+ Contain :Violence, Blood,Profanity All pages in FULL COLOR ********************************************************* *READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT * Comments are always appreciated. :) THANKS!", false, false], "BrainCramps": ["http://braincramps.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Various failed comics projects, random shots, pin-ups, fanarts and other things that may or may not fit into the \"real\" comics projects of scatterbrained cartoonist know as Xailenrath.", false, true], "BrainJelly": ["http://brainjelly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A collaboration of derp, oh, you, 5 minute MS things, and horrible illustrated jokes. -Updated every four days, or more often.- Okay, this is kind of old and dead. Fun while it lasted I guess? Hurray for experimentation?", false, true], "Brainsick": ["http://brainsickcomicc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Edward is a nervous and cynical adolescent with the worst luck. His growing obsession of the murderers' psyche may drive him mad, and trying to unveil the dark secrets he believes his family may hold; ultimately it could get him a step closer to resolving the mystery of his parents' death. Isn't particularly rude, so not mature, but don't let your kiddywinkles read this.", false, true], "BrandRod": ["http://brandrod.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Brand R\u00f6d \u00a9 Georgette Translations: Chiara Caruso YAOI- BL Comic Brand R\u00f6d (\u201cFlame Red\u201d in Swedish) is the character of a fairy tale, a cruel fairy tale that tells about how from hatred arises only more hatred; but sometimes fiction and reality are not so far apart. Are you ready to sign your contract? Since the author is Italian and isn\u2019t familiar with English, she gets a \u201csaint\u201d to do the translations, so please bear with us.", true, true], "BreachofAgency": ["http://breachofagency.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 531, "Panacea has the gift of healing, which makes her a target for both sides of a civil war. The Minister, leader of the Agency, is determined to have her cure his fatal illness and prolong his life. Forever. But the Gunman and his accomplices want her dead. All Panacea wants is to find her own destiny. When she and her bodyguard, Aegis, stumble upon Traver, who takes them in after they narrowly escape a brush with death, Panacea believes she may have found a real home. But the Agency has eyes everywhere, the Gunman is always waiting in the shadows, and Panacea can never be sure who her allies are.", false, true], "BricksnWindows": ["http://bricksnwindows.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "A wicked sweet tale of bromance between two dysfunctional children. Oh, but hello there I'm Krooked Glasses so there must be more to it than that. WARNING: Some, okay a LOT, of the material in this comic may come off as offensive or disturbing. Read at your own risk.", false, true], "BrieflyMogwyle": ["http://brieflymogwyle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "What would Romeo & Juliet be like if Juliet had wanted nothing to do with Romeo? And also Romeo had a weird mole-dog who followed him around? And actually the story isn't anything like Romeo & Juliet besides focusing on the love life of a pathetic boy? Briefly, Mogwyle!! is the story of screenwriter Edgar Cliffton and his sidekick, Mogwyle, as he tries to discover the secrets to a successful love life while juggling work for a rich, moon-headed drama queen. Pretty typical stuff, really.", false, true], "BrightStars": ["http://www.brightstarscomic.com/comics/", 208, "A miscalculation sends Rory into the far reaches of outerspace. WARNING: May contain violence, language, and human-alien relationships.", false, false], "BrokenDreams": ["http://brokendreams.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "I wanted to draw a short comic and had no idea for a plot. It was for a contest and it was on such short demand that I didn't really have time to come up with anything, so a good friend of mine gave me a scenario she wrote a few months back. She was delighted with the finished results and says she could not have done any better, which made me feel really special. I hope you can also enjoy it and, maybe, even cry.", false, true], "BrokenSilence": ["http://brokensilence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Please read: Right to Left Genre: Fantasy, Romance, (crappy) Action, Tragedy, One-shot/Short story. *Please be aware of sudden art improvement, blood/gore(?), violence, coarse language, fail love, horrible grammer and perhaps a box of tissues??* ---------------------------- In the Kingdom of Bellcoast, a tale about a young man who happens to come across the \"Silent Princess.\" As he discovers her identity and their situation, he promises to help and protect her until the very end. Art&Story\u00a9JennPadillo", false, true], "BroodKnightShatteredHate": ["http://bksh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 453, "A comic about an angel who helps this kid overcome his inner demon within him.", false, true], "BrookeandKirby": ["http://brookeandkirby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 275, "A comic about my fan character Brooke and Kirby. This is the first webcomic I ever posted here, so expect some mistakes. And don't expect updates daily. I can sometimes get Author's block.", false, true], "Broozes": ["http://broozes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "fight for your love left to right+ some bl", false, true], "Bror": ["http://bror.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "What if a certain scene at the avengers had gone differently? would if have changed anything? would Thor have manged to convince Loki to change?", false, true], "Brothers": ["http://brothers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "A short comic on the theme of darkness.", true, true], "BruhNo": ["http://bruh-no.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A journal comic about the... well... random yet normal things in my life. Some of it might be happy and others sad but... it's life!", false, true], "BuddesWorld": ["http://buddesworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "A slice of the authors life. The ups and downs. But mostly just his best moments with his friends.", false, true], "Bullet": ["http://bulletmanga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 171, "Living far below the poverty line, having no friends, not enough food or even the love of a parent, Nikita hopes for no happiness. But as her family's ominous past slowly begins to unveil itself, happiness become the least of her worries, her only refuge becoming a man whom she cannot trust. A man with no heart. A murderer. ------------ Note: This is Not a BL/Gl manga.", false, true], "BullyEater": ["http://bullyeater.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 125, "Bullying is a very serious issue, especially if the bullies are superhuman martial artists! Isao Akia, A high school student, figured that after training in the martial arts his days of being bullied would be over. And they were until he was transferred to \"Long Wei High\" a school owned by a deadly Chinese syndicate called the \"Nine Dragons\". At this school a school yard brawl could level an entire city!", false, true], "BureysQuestionCorner": ["http://bureyqcorner.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "What happens when you take the modern day End-of-All Kirby, and put him in charge of answering all of the readers questions? BAD STUFF. Now stop reading this description and post your questions so the BAD STUFF can happen!", false, true], "BureysRandomAdventure": ["http://bureyadventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "The sequel to Burey's Question Corner?! Although this time it's not about questions. Burey must go on an adventure to defeat a plot that arises! But Burey runs into a deadly predicament; He must first create another plot to destroy the other plot! Cameos are accepted as well, just send your sprites and a short bio. (KSSU or Advanced style)", false, true], "Burgandy": ["http://burgandy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Sam is an awkward kid. Kyle isn't. Uniforms, books, Irish-slang, Pokemon, mispelled words and titles. Burgandy Academy. [EDIT: I need to change the logo. It's supposed to be spelled wrong sorry]", false, true], "Burn": ["http://burn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 335, "Spunky young college student Darryn Gainnes has just turned 20, and decided to tone his wild ways down a bit. All he needs in life are his two best friends, their band, his books, and his music. He thinks nothing of it when he literally bumps into a pretty (and gloomy) High-School-boy at the park. But soon, Darryn finds himself swept up in a world he had never even known existed, a world of intrigues and violence and magic! And of course what is sweeping both boys off their feet is their budding romance... and so many incredible obstacles thrown in their way. Where will it all lead? Who is on their side... and who will be left standing? .:. 3rd place in the \"Drama\" category of the 2013 Smackie Awards! ^_^ WARNINGS: Occasional violence, \"bad\" language. BL: This is a Boys' Love/Yaoi comic! If you don't like those, don't read this one! DIRECTION: This comic reads right to left, for no other reason than that I like it that way. ALSO: I never have as much time as I would like, so for the most part this comic is pencil sketches and a bit of Photoshop. But I hope you enjoy it. ART: Improves as you go along! I promise. I started this thing a long time ago. ^^;", true, true], "BurningBooks": ["http://burning-books.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Note: Currently revamping the story, dialogue, and art. How do we measure our lives? In time, in success, in emotions, in people met and people lost? To a question like this any answer can be seen as shallow. A measurement is after all merely a translation into units. Nageki Yudoku(surname first) is a highschool girl who measures her life by what she no longer has. As time passes she can only see herself losing what she had before. Her youth, her friends, her family, her happiness; each passes with time, some faster than others. Yet she does not realize that it is what she does not have that defines who she is. Alicia Cain is a teacher who had never placed much value to anything. Before it had lead to her own self destruction, but now it illuminates the world in a new dim light for her. Although displaced from the natural flow of life and death, time could never truly vanquish all of her naivete. No matter how mature one may seem, there will always be lingering immaturity. Add a little fantasy twist of vampires and an alternate world and you get Burning Books. However this will be heavily philosophical and psychological as opposed to typical fantasy. GL", false, true], "BurningEden": ["http://burningeden.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Nicolas Belfast owns a pub. Stephanie Carlotta works as a restaurant chef. Between his poor business skills, and her anger management problem, how long can their jobs last? Meanwhile, beyond their narrow view of the world, two empires quietly begin posturing for war... Soon, Nicolas and Stephanie will both be forced to change the course of their lives forever.", false, true], "Burningashes": ["http://burntashes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 133, "A father tries to protect his family during a environmental catastrophe.", false, true], "Busker": ["http://buskercomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "This is BL story about business man and Irish busker. Story is located to now day japan. I may not update recularly, at least not in the start, hope it doesn't matter so much hope you like it ^^", false, true], "ButImABoy": ["http://beingaboy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Based off of a true story. The art is not supposed to look good since this is more of a story based comic. Warning may be triggering.", true, true], "ButImnotgay": ["http://imnotgay.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "This comic is based upon the hectic life that is John Hunting's. A 24 year old Veterinary student who hasn't had the best luck when it comes to relationships. It's a good thing he has his best friend's shoulder to cry on, and a very affectionate neighbour... Will contain lots of man love. You have been warned my lovelies! <3", true, true], "ButWhy": ["http://butwhy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A journal comic of my everyday life Updates whenever something dumb happens to me.", false, true], "ButteredToast": ["http://butteredtoast.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "After getting fired from his job at the toaster factory, Nico gets a little help from his new found \"friends.\"", false, true], "Butterfly2012": ["http://butterfly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "This I'm still on planing it troug but a bit I can say about the thing that will go on...please be patient with me I'm still planing the setings an the ending because without I can't begin it! T-T In the mpment there is stil not a sexual content so I take it out for the moment!But it wil come... A wolf don't like his job he's dreaming from.hot chicks but a guy cames and he makes a turn on to him so that the hellcreature won't kill him! Read it the japanese way from right to left^-^", false, true], "ButterpawsinCattylan": ["http://cattylan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "dimension shifting, talking cats, awkward teenagers and ecological conspiracies. updates mondays!! check out the official site for animated pages, bios, and more! http://www.butterpawsincattylan.com", false, true], "BuytheStars": ["http://buythestars.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "He wakes up, only to be told that he's dead. He doesn't remember his name, he doesn't remember his life. All he knows is that he's now a Guardian of the sky. ------------- Read from Left to Right. Warning: some BL, violence (including blood), swearing, noob-tier art.", false, true], "Buzzy": ["http://thebeesbuzz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A short class assignment on how the bee got its buzz. Uploading pages as I finish them!", false, true], "ByTheBook": ["http://bythebook.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 383, "After stumbling across a copy of 'The Adventurers Handbook 3.5' an orc, goblin and kobold decide to leave the dungeon and become mighty adventurers! Updates every Wednesday and Saturday.", false, false], "ByYourSide": ["http://by-your-side.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "Aomi being an artist goes through a tough artblock when he accidentally meets Ryo. Aomi asks him to be a model and through these sessions they're developing friendship. However Aomi starts to notice that his feelings may be more than just friendly... ------------------------------------- A story of how my ocs met and what came after :V ------------------------------------- I'm satviind @ tumblr & dA \u2605~(\u25e0\u203f\u25d5)", false, true], "CANDIES": ["http://candies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A comic about a girl named Candy and her pet Milky. OH nvm, now 760 views Orz''", false, true], "CATFIGHTatY29": ["http://y29.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "", true, true], "CHEW": ["http://chew.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "series about ten youthful heroes who fight monsters and villains and sometimes just go on haphazardly adventures.", false, true], "CHEmew": ["http://chemew.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Fresh out of high school, bright and bubbly Stave Lindell finds himself in a peculiar predicament. You can probably expect to find a new one of these every sunday.", false, true], "CHI": ["http://c-h-i.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "It updates when it updates.", false, true], "CONTES": ["http://contescomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "\u00ab Au commencement, il y avait la Sorci\u00e8re Et la Sorci\u00e8re rit, et elle les maudit tous Que leur \u00e2me saigne, que leur corps saigne Qu'ils s'entred\u00e9chirent. \u00bb", false, true], "CONTESenglish": ["http://contescomicenglish.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "\u00ab At the beginning, there was the Witch And the Witch laughed, and she cursed them all Let their soul bleed, let their flesh bleed, Let them tear themselves apart.\u00bb", false, true], "CROWLEY": ["http://crowley.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 161, "CHRISTIAN D. CROWLEY. Investigador privado. Detective de lo sobrenatural. Hechicero. Cazador de Demonios. Anticristo (eh... espera un momento)", false, true], "CadencesPrayer": ["http://cadenceprayer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A 15 page side-story prequel one-shot of \"Crimson Shadows\" about how Cadence Mizukage met Aaron Murasaki a year before. Originally this one-shot was to be submitted to the DREAM SDI#2, but I didn't get it done in time. I have submitted it to the 4th anniversary edition of the online version, however. I plan have this comic printed with EXTRA manga pages to make the story longer (as this is a condensed version of the story I had in my head to fit in a 15 page limit) and other neat little extras, so wait for announcements concerning that!", false, true], "CafeAmargo": ["http://cafeamargo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "Domingo Ramirez has lost everything, his family, his job and happiness. The only thing he still has left is bills to pay. Even though his future seems worse than death itself, he decides to keep strong and search for his \"light of hope\" that appears even in the darkest and most difficult situations, but, the shape of that light is not what he was expecting... Set in the year 1939 in a country of South America. C\u00f3mic en Espa\u00f1ol: http://cafeamargo.subcultura.es/", false, true], "CafeSuada": ["http://cafesuada.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 132, "Down by the riverside there is a quaint little teahouse run by our heroine, Geraldine, who's only desire is to spread her love of the golden beverage - But what's going to happen to her business when a new coffee house springs up right next door?! And what is the meaning of Cafe Suada? Guess you'd better read and find out, huh?", false, true], "CafeauLait": ["http://cafeaulait.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 189, "**NOTE: Updates are currently sketchy - get it?** The four-panel comic with cat boy flavor! (updates saturdays) Illustrations of Milk, Coffee and the others are here: http://nadykun.deviantart.com/gallery/40865689", false, true], "CainandUnable": ["http://cainandunable.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 255, "The Super Sexy Action Comedy Drama of one high school student who happens to be best friends with some super powered teenagers", false, true], "CakeThief": ["http://cakethief.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Andi Shmer seems to be just an ordinary girl, yet at night she dreams of stealing cakes. With the evidence left in the morning, can it really be just a dream? Or is there something more sinister behind all of this?", false, true], "CalicosKey": ["http://calicokey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A scruffy outside cat has grown an onlooking affection for an indoor cat. When the indoor cat finally sees the other cat will the affection grow or will their clashing worlds be to much for them to handle? It is a BL (nothing to severe for like... 100 pages) Will be updated on Fridays (and a few random days in between) I am putting on the mature content only because there will be and I don't want to have anyone unaware when it comes. I am doing edits on the first pages so if there are inconsistencies I apologize)", true, true], "CallfortheWolf": ["http://callforthewolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "Zeroshi becomes a man on his village so he is one of the chosen ones to carry \"The Wolf's Spirit\". This means that he can now transform into a werewolf. The village he lives in serves the Negrescu family, a family of vampires. Zeroshi now has to protect the princess of the family, Maya Negrescu, from the monster hunters that want to kill her.", false, true], "CamTrosSpriteShowoff": ["http://camtross.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "CamTro host the sprite show, Sprite Show-off! CamTro will accept 20 spriters competitors to able make the kind style as Mario, Sonic, Kirby, and etc. So, the fans/online people would vote the spriters to become FINALIST WINNER! ------20 Spriters Competitors------- Sike --Floob-- Ultimate the Hedgehog HeavyArms_Spriter ------------------------------------ 16 spriter competitors spots left! Come to claim a spot!", false, true], "Cambion": ["http://cambion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "Beware the Cambion. The demon longs for the taste of newborn flesh and has called away many a fair maiden to beget them with child just for a taste of it. Be cautious of his sweet words and promises. A Cambion can never defy it's nature. Warnings: Will contain MxM MxF and FxF(possibly) Also graphic blood/violence.", true, true], "CameraSlide": ["http://camslide.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "A small gag strip found in your local griff! Now digitized because... why the hell not?", false, true], "Camlost": ["http://camlostcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Camlost is a thief and because of it, he usually gets in lots of trouble, one day he will meet a boy called Arashi and his life will began to change XD And no its not BL xP", false, true], "CanNeverGiveUp": ["http://cannevergiveup.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "This is a two-page manga that I created for a contest. It's read from right to left. The theme being \"my art can change the world.\" I'd love to see what you all think. It's only two pages so it won't take you long. So how about it~?", false, true], "CandyQuest": ["http://candyquest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A large amount of candy has been stolen from Ignis behind his back, and he is not happy. Oh, no. This candy cannot be simply replaced by cheap, tacky candy from the store. This candy is special. He must get it back, and he is not going to stop until he finds the fiend that took away what was rightfully his. Even if it means he has to search the cosmos. But he can't get his candy back on his own. He has gathered together (forced) a group of random individuals to assist him on his quest. His Candy Quest. A collab comic by Ignis Unis, Axel1000, Sonic_Boom and The Ultra Deino. Updates at least once a week, currently managing a daily schedule.", false, true], "CaningMom": ["http://caningmom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "A sexy middle aged BBW mom makes an improbable schoolgirl when she infiltrates St Tristan's notorious girls school to expose sluttish sixth formers and lesbian teachers. When she's eventually found out, she is subjected to a humiliating and brutal caning across her huge, fat buttocks.", true, true], "Canman": ["http://canman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "Canman is a superhero in DARK DOG City. The story begins with Matt and his trusty sidekick, Darky the dog, who, on an expedition to the Amazon rainforest, crash their helicopter and find themselves in the abandoned depths of the jungle. Matt finds some guarana berries nearby and adds them to a vitamin drink. Shortly after, a lightning bolt from outer space strikes him and Darky, turning them into the superhero Canman. The comic follows Canman as, bit by bit, he discovers his new skills and powers, and realizes that he must use them to defend the weak and defeat evil villains who attack humanity. Canman\u2019s main powers include super speed, strength, hearing, smell and jump. He can also breathe underwater and launch energy rays from his hands, with the help of his bracelet. Season 1 of the Canman comic sees our superhero save Alicia, come to the rescue of sailors stranded on a submarine meters below sea level, fight both Mr. Drowsiness and Dr. Exhaustion, travel to Sweden and take a trip to outer space. A new issue of the Canman comic is released every Monday at http://www.canman-comic.com.", false, true], "CapeTownWerewolf": ["http://capetownwerewolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "It's the story of WWE superstar Justin Gabriel, also known as The Cape Town Werewolf. This comic is about the birth of the Werewolf and his adventures. Warning: May also include several other WWE superstars. :) Enjoy! ~Awrooooo!", false, true], "Capefall": ["http://capefall.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "CAPEFALL is a superhero comic, but with more emphasis on drama than action. It explores the consequences of being a masked hero, and how they influence the community for better or worse. Updates weekly.", true, true], "CaptiveSoul": ["http://captive-soul.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 225, "A BL Pirate manga! :P Sai works on the ship \"The Liberty\", he was taken in at a young age after his town was burned down and he lost his family. The event was traumatizing and Sai lost his ability to speak. He has sworn to hunt down the pirates that destroyed his home and bring them to justice(however that seems a long ways away) However, recently the captain of the ship, Kuragi, has taken an interest in Sai! Will Kuragi's advances distract Sai from his goal to avenge his family? A stormy relationship ahead! Will update every tuesday :P", false, true], "Captor": ["http://captor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 72, "3 new pages every Sunday!", false, true], "Carbamazepine": ["http://carbamazepine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Story about mentally ill king and his warriors. It includes some action, like fighting, magic, monsters, side stories, threads, and something like that. Update is when I'll draw a one page or more.", false, true], "Carciphona": ["http://carciphona.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 279, "In an era where magic is forbidden, a sorceress struggles to restore her once peaceful life.", false, true], "Carnevoraes": ["http://carnevoraes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "\"We came from the forest...\" Carnevoraes: A rabid humanoid monster built with strong teeth and sharp claws. Disguised as normal people, they live amongst the people in Deadfort City. Hidden. But not for long. 10 year old Cody is a orphan, living with a foster parent that doesn't care for him at all. He meets a strange boy named Jean who is one of the monsters. His life changes forever.", true, true], "CascadesCrapDump": ["http://crapdump.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Sprites, Practice Comics, etc.", false, true], "CashHunters": ["http://cashhunter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Rene wants to find a job.He really needs cash.And thats when he meets John..the 'Snatcher'.He teams up with John to find the \"Golden Peak\" a legendary mountain rumored to be made out of gold. Soon they find themsleves becoming outlaws infront of the corrupt government who tries to find the Peak for themselves. ( description under construction )", false, true], "Castillo": ["http://castillo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Clyde Castillo is a 437 year old Incubus who just happened to find an abandoned 'human' child when he was 416. As the girl grew older, the demon began to learn new things about her. Like her ability to talk to the dead, and her strange habits of blood lust. Through out their lives together, Clyde had discovered that Jay was, in fact, a demon like him. He decided it would be best to keep it a secret from her as long as he could. And what happened when Jay found out she was a demon? Read to find out more, and witness the lives of these 'siblings' as they make their journey through the maturing cycle of Jay; the succubus medium of the dead.", false, true], "Cataclysm": ["http://cataclysm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 427, "Set on the last remaining hospitable island on a frozen world, a covert faction known as Militia attempts to overthrow a utopian civilization and their benevolent rulers, The Council.", false, true], "CatcherintheY": ["http://catch-y.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A comic based on the story of my (on-going) playthrough of Pokemon Y. Lots of rewriting and some character-replacement. I'm also following a certain set of Nuzlocke-like rules, only much more gentle since I want to collect all the Pokemon eventually...", false, true], "Cathy": ["http://cathy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "\"We're called fledglings, warriors in training that have yet to gain our wings and fight in the ever going battle against Aglaeca that attack the citizens in the crumbling ruins of Asaterra. In compensation the government pays for our education and welfare. It's an okay deal....most of the time.\"", false, true], "Catnip": ["http://catnipmanga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 145, "Ikita is a young and impressionable noble, who has been bound to a young lady by arranged marraige. Felix is his hired bodyguard; a quick witted and reliable one at that - but who has more to his past than he would like to reveal. As Felix follows Ikita as his bodyguard, they start to have mixed feelings about their positions, and where the future may lead... Based in an 19th centrury-esque alternate history, this tale consists of friendship, compassion, love and regret.", true, true], "CatsnAngels": ["http://catsnangels.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "The Hooded Man rests himself beside the lake and peers up at the shimmering stars - only to instead witness a fiery capsule crashing to Earth. But when he reaches the crash site, thugs harbouring ill intent had already arrived. While the mysterious \"Angelus\" lay unconscious and prone to their perversions, a cat armed with alien weaponry - and a penchant for violence - rescues her from her demise. The Angelus soon learns that the feline creature is a \"Guardian\", which prompts her to flee into the city, where her fate unwittingly entwines with a Human man...", true, true], "CaveCruciatum": ["http://cavecruciatum.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "1290, Turkey. Zarif lives a normal life, except for the Crusader in his bedroom. EVERY SATURADY @ 3PM (GMT+1)", true, true], "CedriCCliniC": ["http://cednic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Cedric wants his car. Xyle just want to get over the mentor-mentee thing. <reads left to right> Warning: BL, horrible grammar, cliche stuff, art quality is inconsistent/very sketchy", false, true], "CelestialSoul": ["http://celestialsoul.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "A web comic created by Purrlstar. Celestial Soul is a webcomic that follows the story of a feline that goes by the name of Stone. The stray feline lives in a big city, when mysterious things begin to happen around him. He must do everything he can to survive, and save his friends and family from destruction. There's action, romance, murder, fantasy, mystery and suspense in this thrilling tale. ...Do you have the soul for it?", false, true], "Cement": ["http://blocksofsherst.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 614, "We are a legion of awesomeness, bro! >:{C -------------------------------- Welcome to Cement! A boredom webcomic to discuss/review ideas, movies, fanfiction, and other stuff/shit. We also have: - A sprite showcase, - Some tutorials, - Dreams that make sense, - Debates that make no sense, - Lotsa shitty shit bullshit, - Crack, - Heli-kun~ :3 - Anus - Hentai - Steak - Swagga - What Pumpkin - Overall Trash And much more... Feel free to apply as author if you'd like! (no wait, don't) Gooby plz. I'm touching the description! Hurrdurr! :B Heil Helitler. Calm down Stalin' *shoots helitler in da face* :D Now go back to the top and re-read the description. HoNk hOnK :o) Trying to make a Homestuck reference in the description? You know nothing, Jon Snow. Play with the description they said. It will be fun they said. And it was. Posers. I was messing with the description before it became cool! >:I So there was this Dj who was like kicking off. I dont know what he was doing. But it was sick man. Hands in the air. Like penis out. There were people dancing I think Or maybe they were cops I think they might have been cops", false, true], "Century": ["http://century.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A story about a boy named Felix. Felix is an 18 year-old boy who lives in a world called Avarlon (in a country called Siresia), where magic exists. One day, he wakes up and finds himself in a cave. He goes back to the city only to find the townsfolk in weird clothes. Confused, he goes back to his home only to be told that it has been 100 years! In a world where the way of magic has evolved, he has to cope with his new surroundings while searching for the reason for his hundred-year hibernation.", false, true], "CerberusCrescendo": ["http://elica.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 311, "a lot of supervillains who need to be a lot of dead", true, true], "CercanaLejania": ["http://cele.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Done for the indie comic magazine Region Cu4tro at the year 2010. A small story about a boy who fell in love with a star.", false, true], "Cerintha": ["http://cerintha.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "The Empire is dying and barbarians are on the move. As the age of darkness seems imminent and inevitable, the people of this transitional world move to protect their interests.", false, true], "CestLaVie": ["http://www.cestlaviecomic.com/comics/", 48, "The C'est la vie bar is a place that is said to be filled with an old kind of magic. Borne from circumstance, music and the mist of cigarette smoke. Follow Freshman Manny Fransisco as he goes through his first year of college as a foreign exchange student who discovers that there is more to the college band scene than local bragging rights and free beer. Each week at the battle of the bands the two competing bands are given a themed challenge that they must be ready to perform, but they have to make sure their rivalries, friendship, and school lives don't get in the way of Bringing the magic to the bar stage every Saturday night. Tune in and listen for the latest events at the C'est La Vie bar Weekly, on Thursdays.", false, true], "ChaCha": ["http://cha-cha.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "How to get a husband 101: sleep under a tree and hope for the best. Jam-Jam is a silly girl, she frightens easily and can't drink water and walk at the same time. Cursed with her absolutely horrible name, James James, she's always had trouble in the relationship department. With the help of an urban legend, she decides to take her future into her own hands. But it becomes pretty obvious that there's still a whole lot she doesn't understand. (This is going to be super silly if that isn't already really really apparent.)", false, true], "ChainedtoFate": ["http://chainedtofate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "It's another short story of Zelda and Link. however, when I say 'Short' i mean... about 100 pages But I think it's going to be interresting, and fun to read. It'll be coming in a few weeks. hopfully next week", false, true], "Chainletter": ["http://chainletter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "4 online friends collaborate on making a story. When one of them answers a chain letter, it sends each of them a Profile Pencil, a magical pencil that can bring characters from the imagination to life. Which can sound fun at first but soon terrifying. Be careful on your actions and what you choose to believe. Without reason on what is real and imaginary one can easily be left in the dark.", false, true], "Chambletheweirdo": ["http://chambletheweirdo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "This is my life in strips. It's strips of what I think, feel and stuff that happens around me or just random ideas and dreams that I've had. This is what a usually happy and social girl really feels like inside.", false, true], "ChampionsandHeroesAgeofDragons": ["http://championsandheroes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 175, "In a land far away, or possibly in a dimension just next to us, lies the lands of Thedas. The world of Thedas is made up by endless possibilities - a man can be a mage, a rogue, a warrior, even a woman. From the Free Marches to Ferelden we find champions and heroes saving the world... poorly. Updates Mondays. All hail Bioware.", false, true], "ChannelDDDNews": ["http://dddnews.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 114, "Ah, the loyal Reporter Dees, risking life and limb to get a story on air. This comic is a tie-in with Kirby's Dream Adventure, so expect to see the same characters bouncing back and forth! [[Updates Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays]]", false, true], "ChaosAdventures": ["http://chaosadventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "creds to: Ashura-Nebula Silver-staticashock Espio-megablueblastaa Green hill zone - kinny-man Chemical plant zone - Dominico Wacky Workbench zone - Dolphman", false, true], "ChaosAdventuresII": ["http://chaosadventuresii.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 173, "Creds to: Characters Chaos/Halo - Master Rezz - Nebula Ki - Megablueblastaa Tails - Hypero Sarah \u0096 Foxx Etch \u0096 No Details Blur - Cylent Nite Thorn/Young Thorn - Cylent Nite Omega - Hypero (customised by me!) The demons - Gardow Styxs - Sakura Courage Solo Backdrops- Wacky Workbench Zone - Shadowbot Green Hill Zone - kinny-man Chemical Plant Zone - Domenico Sky Canyon - kinny-man Emerald Alter - Apocalypse the Hedgehog Angel Island Zone - SkyLights Other Tails\u0092 plane - Rogultgot", false, true], "ChaosChildren": ["http://chaoschildren.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "'K' is a hitman who has always worked alone--until he's assigned a hacker for a partner.", false, true], "ChaosChroniclesHopeFearandRevenge": ["http://hopefearandrevenge.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "In life there is chaos. There are things we do not control, nor do we understand. In which, there is terror and pain. Which leads to fear. Then the uncomfort and pain can lead to us hating this life. Leads to revenge. We may even question what is evil in this world, civilization? Murder? Money? People? Or maybe.. intelligence in itself is the evil. But in all of that, there is always hope. For although chaos may never cease to exist, we can always hope to make the best of it. A comic made by Ultimate the Hedgehog and Royle McCulloch. Chaos Chronicles: Hope, Fear, and Revenge", false, true], "ChaosChroniclestheTrinity": ["http://chaostrinity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "They say the bonds of brothers are unbreakable. That no matter what they will be the only things that matter in the end of it all. Thats what brothers do. So when three brothers are put to the test, to stop a spreading nightmare. They will need every bit of support they can get, especially from eachother. This is the story of the Trinity, legends protrayed in the Chaos Chronicles. Update schedule: random Story by the Comic Broz", false, true], "ChaoticLove": ["http://chaotic-love.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "Genre: Romantic Comedy Type: One-shot Plot: Known as \"Monster Minami\" in her school, Minami Kawakami is an ignored and feared existence--due to her superhuman strength. After causing another misadventure while heading to school one day, Minami encounters a teenager... jumping off a roof. Back up for: http://mangabullet.com/comic/chaotic-love PLEASE READ RIGHT TO LEFT. Completed! :'D", false, true], "ChaoticNation": ["http://chaoticnation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 181, "Karians were first born during the cataclysm. Once human, the race mutated. They became stronger, faster, and changed in physical appearance and magical ability. In a world already devastated, a rebellion rises to defend the dwindling human race from the growing fear of the Karian army. Their one hope may lie in a mysterious mage whose kind heart has the courage to stand against the oppression and torture brought on by the impending war. WEEKLY UPDATES ON TUESDAYS Contents - Nudity, Language, Violence, Blood and Gore, Hentai, Yaoi", true, true], "ChaoticNeutral": ["http://chaoticneutral.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "In Bunny Town, it doesnt matter whos good or evil, everything is just rather...chaotic.", false, true], "Charaktermaske": ["http://charaktermaske.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "April 16th, 2012, in a midwestern city, at St. Cuthbert's School, a device is set off to create a door between universes. From that event, everything changes; soon the city, Avista, is the most scientifically advanced metropolis on the map. The new world comes complete with superheroes, villains, monsters, and magic. Updates Mondays.", false, true], "ChargeEng": ["http://chargeemerald.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "", false, true], "ChargeEsp": ["http://chargeesmeralda.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Version en castellano de mi reto Nuzlocke en Pokemon Esmeralda", false, true], "Charity": ["http://ninjgirlstudios.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "Charity is a normal girl. She has her best friend, the boy she likes, the girl she can't stand, and then there is Brad. He is just there. The story follows her everyday life and what happens in it.", false, true], "CharmingFeet": ["http://charmingfeet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A 12 page modern adaptation of Cinderella with a twist.", false, true], "Chatuplines": ["http://chatuplines.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 165, "Welcome to \"Chat-up lines\"! A South Park Doujinshi from CraigTucker and me. Pairing: Craig x Stan Story: Stan hates Craig and his friends are fags! They haven't time for him.. Bad friends.. But in a chatroom.. he meet a guy.. and he is cool. ..and they will be friends... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PART 2 !!!! http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=121933 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU!", false, true], "CheapShots": ["http://cheapshots.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "Cheap Shots is an animated look at popular dropout culture, focusing on the interaction of a hipster, a greaser, a punk, a goth, a hippy, an indie-rocker, a jock and more. No holds barred, this strip strays into political incorrectness the way a bear strays into a timberland toilet.", true, true], "ChelseaandKitty": ["http://cak.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 113, "Hi Chelsea and Kitty! This comic is for you guys! A girl named Chelsea and her cat named Kitty have some really awesome views on life and how to live it. And by \"awesome\" I mean ridiculous. And by \"life\" I mean literally everything. Prepare yourselves for the oddball adventures of \"Chelsea and Kitty!\"", false, true], "CheneysGotaGun": ["http://cheney.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "Cheney's back! Ever wonder what Dick Cheney is doing in his secure undisclosed location? The Hunting \ufffdaccident\ufffd was only the beginning. Dick Cheney has now found his true calling. Tag along as the vice president cleans out his guns, and dusts off the ammo boxes as he fights his way through a world of terrorists from Cidy Sheehan to Osama Bin Laden. This is a graphic novel I did a few years ago and have decided to give it a rerun.", false, true], "CherryChase": ["http://cherrychase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 86, "...or, My best friend's wedding: Paul and Sherry have been best friends and working for the same company for 5 years. One day Sherry leaves with only a note for Paul, telling him she's getting married! Paul realizes he can't let her go, but everything seems to work against him. With 3 days till the ceremony, will he make it in time? A crazy road trip manga running on: romance, friendship and humor. [COMPLETED WORK]", false, true], "ChesterandFerdie": ["http://caf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 268, "Chester and Ferdie updates once a week, usually on the weekend!", false, true], "ChibiSideOfLife": ["http://chibisideoflife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "The misadventures of Miss Director a young director who is five inches tall.", false, true], "ChickenScratches": ["http://chickenscratches.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 288, "A slice of life 4-panel comic. A journal about a young man and his troubles in life. Updates Monday to Friday. Sunday is a Sketchbook entry.", false, true], "ChiisaiSamurai": ["http://littlesamurai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Quick little comic. First attempt at it! When you're smaller than other samurai, what do you do? Deal with it. Cute little samurai speaks with his escort on being little in a big world. Not completely accurate, but whatever. Reads like a children's storybook.", false, true], "ChildoftheCreator": ["http://child-of-the-creator.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "The world is now on the hands of our young protagonist after Siesta has awaken from his long slumbers for decades. Now he has to go search for the remaining 4 priestesses in order to bring down Siesta. But the problem is... how can he do that when he lacks of the passion to carry out his father's last wish? Read from right to left You can also read here: http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Child-of-the-Creator/detail-page/4447?lang=en", false, true], "ChildrenoftheEternalSpring": ["http://offspring.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 128, "Stories about a world made by a woman named Eternal. first chapter: Door Knocker Pendant \"two girls in a quest to retrieve a world legend two children searching for each other one pendant to cross their paths and a door to take the children back to their homeland...\" it focuses on the final adventure of Hi and her comrades Atta and Rote in their quest to retrieve the Door Knocker pendant from a man who's only will was to open one single door and isolate the power he believes he deserved. note: mild violence, dry humour, updates: every week, if possible...", false, true], "ChildrenoftheNight": ["http://cotn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 281, "Vampires are at the brink of extinction ruled with a heavy hand by the Hunters, an order of vampire slayers that has existed since the beginning of mankind. The centuries-old law is very clear; a vampire can only feed off criminals whose names are on the lists provided by the Hunters. Any other interaction with humans means punishment and even execution if they are harmed. But when an unlikely friendship between a human girl and a vampire starts to grow into something much deeper, can these laws be obeyed? CotN is a romance webcomic set in the Victorian Era, depicting forbidden love amidst a clash between vampires and the Hunters, an order of vampire slayers. :It updates every Monday:", false, true], "ChildrenoftheSky": ["http://children-of-the-sky.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A Soul Silver Nuzlocke exploring the Kanto/Japanese mythology and the following themes: Boundless potential vs endless power -The limitations of the human body -Gods vs men -The ethics behind redemption/judgment -The worth and value placed upon an individual's life (is the value of everyone's life equal?) -Lies and betrayal necessary for survival -Sacrifices one is willing to make due to bonds -Unrequited love -How trauma can affect people in completely different ways -Humans' need to create and destroy", false, true], "Chimerical": ["http://chimerical.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 105, "Ever since he was thirteen, visions of monsters and other supernatural beings have plagued Brett's mind. With the help from Quinn, a wannabe mortician who is infatuated with him, Brett becomes a part of a mission to get rid of these monsters once and for all. Unfortunately, everything is not what it seems and nothing goes as planned. --- warnings for gore/violence and terrible, horrible puns. updates every sunday and wednesday. other website: http://chimerical.the-comic.org", false, true], "ChimiMouryou": ["http://cmmr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 216, "Near the top of one of Japan's many mountains away from all the human villages, there is a forest inhabited by youkai who are constantly learning how to deal with each other. Basically, \"The Daily Lives of Crazy Youkai\" This comic is a bunch of random short stories and not one continuous one. Everything is acted out in pantomime AKA there are no written words. Chimi mouryou can be roughly translated as \"evil monsters in the mountains and rivers\". The legend of it keeps the forest safe from humans. I am still researching more about the Edo period and youkai, so I apologize for unintentional inaccuracies. For now, the updates for this comic are random. I apologize!", false, true], "Chimoaa": ["http://chie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "", false, true], "ChocolatewithPepper": ["http://chocolate-with-pepper.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 109, "The story takes place in the 1920s in a lovely small town called Ventura, in Brazil. Its economic growth depends on a local chocolate factory called Bombom, which is very famous for its chocolate. Ana Francisca is a beautiful young girl, but she is from a poor family. She hides her beauty with big glasses, old hairstyle, and outdated clothing. She lost her parents not too long ago and moved to Ventura to live with her other family members. In that family, there are her Grandma Carmen, Uncle Margarido, Cousins Marcia and Timothy, and Dalia, who was accepted into the family. Ana helps out at home until she is accepted a job to work as a janitor at the Chocolate Factory after school. There she meets Ludovico, the factory owner who pretends to be one of the workers at the factory. Ludovico returns to Ventura to investigate his greedy sister Jezebel, who lives like a queen after taking over the factory. While Ana's in Ventura, she falls in love with Danilo, the town's flirt who has dated almost every girl in town. However, his main love interest is the beautiful girl, Olga. Although he says he never fall in love, will that possibly change after meeting Ana Francisca?", false, true], "ChoseA": ["http://chose-a.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "", false, true], "ChoseB": ["http://chose-b.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "", false, true], "ChosenTheUltimateCliche": ["http://chosen-ones.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Chosen details the misadventures of a young boy named Emile, who awakes to find himself stuck in a book series. The comic is meant to poke fun at the cliche plots that dominate today's young-adult literature.", false, true], "ChristianRPG": ["http://christianrpg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Christian RPG is an RPG intent on teaching Christian values and morals!!1!", false, true], "ChristmaswithGatamigo": ["http://christmaswithgata.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "Originally \"Christmas With Gatamigo\" Have you ever seen a holiday special on tv? One that was filled with snappy music, handsome actors, and snazzy special effects? One with all the Hohoho's and sappy morals that moved your hearts and stirred your minds? Sorry but this isn't one of those. Our bad. Updates on a Mon, Wed, Fri schedule. Cameos are currently closed, please don't bother asking.", false, true], "ChroniclesofMai": ["http://chroniclesofmai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "This is a Doujinshi with Soul Eater characters and Original Characters. Created in 2009. This is a story about a little girl named Mai makes her plushies alive!", false, true], "ChyannsAdventures": ["http://chyannsadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "idk what da heck this is", false, true], "CidHansonn": ["http://cidhansonn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A dark, psychedelic journey through the motions of self-destruction. Hand illustrated, lettered, and colored.", false, true], "CityBreak": ["http://cb-comics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "CityBreak is a webcomic that is written and illustrated by Oscar Stockdale. it started on October 27th back in 2010. The Comic follows a guy called Greg and his furry friend, Larry, on their somewhat magical yet also completely random adventures.", false, true], "CityFolk": ["http://cityfolk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 811, "Tired of a dull life in the wilderness of British Columbia, a beaver and a moose make the trip of a lifetime; into the heart of the city. This is their story. City Folk will not be updating for a while. My computer has finally given up on life and I have no way of scanning/editing/uploading. Life sucks until I can get a new tower.", false, true], "CityofTrees": ["http://cityoftrees.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "ATTENTION: We are currently under construction here! I am in the process of redoing the first four chapters, so if you're a new reader, I apologize. Adi is a young male deer who wishes to be at the top of the food chain. Sanatani is a female dhole who longs to be a vegetarian. When these two polar opposites meet, will the residents of the city of trees learn to accept their friendship? Will nature even allow it? Updates once a week, on whatever day I feel like. Minor warning: This comic may be all cutsie and sweet at times, but it does handle more mature topics, such as murder, anorexia, ect.", false, true], "CityoftheLoner": ["http://cityoftheloner.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "", false, true], "Civilian": ["http://civilian.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Civilian is a Pulp Era inspired comic. While Civilian is my love letter to comics and the messages that they spread I wanted to write a character that didn\u2019t fit into the Superhero or Antihero models but that would still play in a similar world. I created Civilian as a character that anyone could see themselves as. You could step right into his shoes and do what he does. When Jensen Wade\u2019s life begins to fall apart, he stumbles his way into something that he could never have imagined and may never escape.", false, true], "ClairetheFlare": ["http://clairetheflare.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 120, "Claire is new to this whole superhero thing, but she knows what it's all about. Getting famous! But with veteran heroine Bulldozer breathing down her neck its not going to be easy. Updates Three Days a Week! Monday, Wednesday and Friday.", false, false], "ClaraBraverman": ["http://clarabraverman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Clara Braverman is an old woman, telling her story to a young reporter. This is her life from 1906 to 1911. This is historical fiction.", false, true], "Claws": ["http://claws.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "The first coloured comics that I draw. It's the story about the background of my OC, Akai.", false, true], "ClaymoreZeldasStory": ["http://claymore-zeldas-story.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Updates once a week for the first chapter. Check the comic news for any delays or changes in updating. *WARNING: Contains blood and gore. May not be appropriate for everyone.* A Legend of Zelda (game) and Claymore (anime/manga) crossover fan comic. Hyrule is a land infested by human-eating monsters called Yoma. Yoma are incredibly powerful creatures able to disguise themselves as humans. In retaliation, a group called the Organization have created warriors that are part human and part Yoma. They are able to sense Yoma even if they are disguised as humans. Characterized by silver eyes, pale hair, and the large sword they carry, normal humans have given them the name Claymores. The story follows a Claymore named Zelda. What starts off as a routine Yoma hunt spirals out of control as she has a run in with a powerful type of Yoma known as an Awakened Being. After a fateful meeting with a certain person, Zelda is drawn into a fight far larger than what she could have imagined...", false, true], "CleanCure": ["http://cleanpluscure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 251, "-A few hundred years into the future, life has changed, but remained relatively the same from a social standpoint. Various government plans to deal with the changing global climate ended in many successes, but many more failures. As a result, certain mutations began to appear in humans as well as animals, and though most were bred out, some remain to the present. -Enter Ezra and Percy; two young men, cat-boys in fact, whom are facing a tough time not only surviving day to day, but making their dreams a reality. After losing their current job, they are offered a new one by a seemingly normal, but secretive man with a lot of money. Their new boss employs them as maids, frilly dresses and all, and makes them clean his and the mansions of others. It quickly becomes apparent that their boss is more interested in the ever mutating rat-like creatures which are making their homes in the dirty world of military cover-ups and powerful family connections. When these two get caught up in the lies and secrecy of their new occupation, will they be able to escape? And what is the connection between mutations and the incident 20 years ago?", false, true], "ClockworkAtrium": ["http://www.clockwork-atrium.com/comics/", 145, "In a misguided attempt to develop their full potential for success, students at a German university are forced to participate in a campus chess \"game\" in which they are the pieces and the captures could consist of murder. Updates Sundays.", false, true], "CloeRemembrance": ["http://cloe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 462, "This story is set in the victorian era. Liam is an 11 year-old boy that arrives to a wealthy mansion to work with his father, the gardener. In this place he is asked to be the playmate of the youngest master, Edward, who's about his age. However, Edward turns out to be a spoilt and malicious kid that wants to keep all the attention to himself... What will Liam do to gain his trust and become his friend? ---------------------------------------- This is a young love shounen-ai (boy/boy) Manga format: *Please read from right to left* THIS STORY IS ALREADY FINISHED!", false, false], "Close": ["http://sendmeletters-close.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A short, one page comic created as an entry for the Thought Bubble Festivals Northern Sequential Art Competition. Other contest entries can be found here. http://www.flickr.com/photos/thoughtbubblefestival/6323807476/in/photostream/ You can find more of my work here: http://sendmeletters.com/comics/", false, true], "Closer": ["http://cl0ser.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Fantasy comic about a brother and a sister who go on an adventure.", false, true], "CockroachTheater": ["http://cockroachtheater.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "If it can't be told by cockroaches, then it ain't worth the telling.", false, true], "CocktailBloodyMary": ["http://cocktailbloodymary.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 72, "Quand on vient de se faire plaquer par sa fiancee et que sa soeur connait des ennuis avec la police, un bon cocktail a\u00a0 prendre dans le coin d'un bar peu adoucir les moeurs. Il vaut mieux juste verifier avant de passer le pas de la porte que le bar en question ne porte pas l'indication \"Boy's\", surtout si vous etes un homme tout juste celibataire.", false, true], "Codearth": ["http://codearth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 122, "A thousand or so years in the future, humanity rests in the palms of two companies. Unknowingly living in a world that could easily collapse and an outside world of vast nothingness. From here we shall mainly focus on two young people; Code Chestock and Dominic Eode as they shift through the world learning its secrets. I try to update every Friday through Sunday and maybe on some other random day, because why not? basically I update whenever I finish a page. So if that means updating everyday, twice a day, or after a long period of time, let it happen. I will take helpful critique for this comic as well, because I know it needs a lot of work.", false, true], "Coined": ["http://coined.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 156, "'Coined!' is a BL (and occassionally nsfw) super hero series that takes place in Samaritan City, a place where special powers are so common that even your neighbours cat can be a villain of a hero. With telephone booths popping up like daisies and the Evil Guild and the FBD spending more time battling lawsuits than each other, Eli Stone has a hard time adjusting to the ever changing city after his seven year prison break. Torn between the life and lover he left behind and becoming the trainer of a lovestruck wannabe hero, he finds that, like himself, the traditional roles of heroes and villains may have changed.", true, true], "ColdBlooded": ["http://kwiddexcoldblooded.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "It's one of the hottest summers on record in Satellite Falls, so why are people freezing to death? Volatile cop Carl Weatherton takes it upon himself to track down a killer who will redefine the term \"cold-blooded\". Taking place five years before the events of \"The Kwiddex Protocol\", we're treated to some clues as to the mystery around Jerry Binder and the White Rose!", false, true], "ColdEmbrace": ["http://coldembrace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "", false, true], "ColdMindHOOKED": ["http://cm-hooked.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "\"Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light. I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.\" ~Sarah Williams A little side project of mine, a small comic I am working on which relaxes me quite a lot. Stay tuned to figure out about Sasa's past and about the beginning of his comedown. More about my vampire characters on loeeshian.deviantart.com", true, true], "ColeAndVictor": ["http://coleandvictor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "This comic tell about a young man named Cole, who have magic power but he live like normal human with her unrelated sister and became a doll shop owner, one day Victor, the tricky vampire came to his doll shop to buy a doll for his little cousin but he seems have other plan too when they meet will they become friends or foe?", false, true], "ColeandtheDragon": ["http://coleandthedragon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "A book I made for my creative writing class about Cole and the Dragon of course. This is a children's story but it's meant for general audiences. My High school class enjoyed it.", false, true], "Coleslaw": ["http://coleslaw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "This is the story of Cole, and his sudden, bread-related demise. If you like dapper top hats, sadistic Russian boys, and webcomics, you are in the right place.", false, true], "CollegeChaos": ["http://collegechaos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "When due to lack of funding 3 different colleges are left no choice but to join together, chaos ensues. Adjusting to the new buildings, teachers receiving constant complaints of the downsides to the move, and most of all, different types of students forced to share classes and rooms. Will the college fusion collapse under the chaos? Author positions filled: 2/6 Rina's Art & Design: 1/2 Wits Academy: 0/2 II Engineering: 1/2 Each author can make one main char (a student) and 2 side chars. (e.g. a teacher/janitor/student/friend) Only full anthro's allowed. This means fully covered in fur+ animal feet/head/tail. This collab accepts only digital authors. This collab is accepting of all sexualities, so characters falling in love is not gender specific.", false, true], "CollisionAnoriginaltale": ["http://collisionaot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Koru Riga, an average 16 year old boy finds himself in a bizarre situation. He runs into a girl with mystic power, a woman claiming to be his sworn protector and his former gang willing to do anything to get his older sister. And to top it all off, a creature not from this world, but from another, keeping watch of everything he does. What will fate have in store for Koru? Read to find out more", false, true], "ColorBlind": ["http://cbcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 149, "Five 13-year olds discover a world that makes theirs seem grey in comparison in a closet at their school. It is a world of magic, and adventure, and a war that the kids might have gotten sucked into accidentally. Main Site: http://colorblindcomic.com/ Updates are Mondays and Fridays.", false, true], "ColorMePretty": ["http://colormepretty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Everything in this world is gray and boring- We're expected to be \"good\" little kids, and being \"independent\" when clearly they're forcing notions of normalcy down our throats. It's time we take back this city, and I'll paint the town in my pretty pretty colors. Towards revolution, my friends! ~Kaiden", false, true], "Colourblind": ["http://c-o-l-o-u-r-b-l-i-n-d.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "This is a short little fairytale about a boy who loves colours, but is colourblind.", false, true], "CometoMe": ["http://cometome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Damian Harvey is someone who gets into bad situations most of the time that are sometimes deadly. One night, he fell asleep on a train and ended in an area of high prostitution and drug deals. Damian ends being cornered in an alley way by muggers with knives. He is then saved by a person by the name of Sasha(Alexander). Alexander Domini is from the demon world of Haos, or what humans call Hell. He was merely passing though the human realm in order to find a sufficient source of energy to help restore his own. He then comes across someone who was being attacked and decided to use him for his own purposes. He incapacitates the muggers, therefore saving the human, and then \"asks\" for compensation for his somewhat heroic deed. Beware of my old way of drawing so it won't be as good as my others. This is yaoi!! *THERE WILL BE SEX* So be fair warned! Right to left!", true, true], "Comewithme": ["http://comewithme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Draco Malfoy has been strangely and suspiciously tired and stressed lately. This is obviously not overlooked by Harry Potter. HARRY POTTER SHORT FAN COMIC alternate ending. Taken place in sixth year. Pairing: Drarry <<<<< Read from RIGHT TO LEFT <<<<< Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series", false, true], "ComicBrozSprites": ["http://brozsprites.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "Just some sprites sheets by Ultimate and Solar. We also accept requests ALL RUDE COMMENTS DELETED!", false, true], "ComicsByMarcos": ["http://marcoscomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "This comic is a comic inside a comic. A comic made by my character Marcos from irl * ilu.", false, true], "Comoestrelas": ["http://comoestrelas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Portuguese version~ Personal project, also entered in a local contest. c: Special thanks to Kally, precious friend who helped me with UaL (http://ual.smackjeeves.com/)! I learned so much with her, and this probably wouldn't be possible without her! Thank you so much!", false, true], "ComplicatedStory": ["http://complicatedstory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "So this is my first comic ever and I will be looking forward in trying this! I've been wanting to do this for a long time but have not gotten my lazy ass to do it. But now finally have I found the time and energy to start it! I don't know how often this will be uploaded but I will really try to not be too absent since this is something I really want to do! This story is based on one of my closest friends and mine roleplay. If you don't like BL(Boys love) you should not read this comic! Just a heads up! This comic is about Lei and Rain. They meet at a party and even though they find themselves in a hard situation they end up falling for eachother. The story is about them and how they will try to find a way to be together without any difficulties which will turn out to be way harder than they both thought. Characters belongs to me and my dear friend Gaikotsu! http://www.smackjeeves.com/profile.php?id=57168 Who you also should check out for awsome art and comics! I hope you all will enjoy this!", true, true], "Conner": ["http://cnner.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "This comic has nothing to do with the actual storyline of DC Nation this is just a comic done my way . Comment and Favorite. Rate if you like. Updates Friday's and sometimes Wednesdays.", false, true], "Continue": ["http://continuenewgame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Cait is bored; she'd rather play video games instead of looking for a job and even then she's played them all and knows EVERYTHING! One day, a mysterious video game arrives and somehow Cait is transported into a magical world known as Adamah and is charged by its guardian/goddess to \"stop those who'd destroy the world\"! What could possibly go wrong?? ...let's not answer that, shall we? * * * * UPDATES SATURDAYS AND READS THE WESTERN WAY (I.E. LEFT TO RIGHT). WARNING THIS COMIC CONTAINS UNFUNNY HUMOUR, SKETCH DRAWINGS, BAD HANDWRITING (I'M SORRY IF YOU CAN'T READ IT!!) AND ATTEMPTS TO REFERENCE CLICHE RPG VIDEO GAMES/A NOT CREATIVE PLOT. WILL LATER CONTAIN ROMANCE OF ALL KINDS. THIS MEANS HL, BL AND GL.", false, true], "Contradiction": ["http://contradiction.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 567, "THIS MANGA IS READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT (Updates every FRIDAY) Ruya Saki received an invitation to attend Teiou Gakuen in Setsuyamachi, a town for magic users. Not knowing the reason why she was invited, Ruya headed towards the mysterious town. A choice between Light and Darkness... an enthusiastic president and his rival... 'Contradiction', the story of Light and Darkness magical users, the story of friends, betrayal, hatred, past, loyalty, revenge, endurance and love.", false, true], "ConventionalWisdom": ["http://conventionalwisdom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 648, "Ever wondered what goes on inside an anime convention, but are too afraid go anywhere near one yourself? Well, wonder no more! Conventional Wisdom is a comic that shows you what this strange, geeky world is really like, based ENTIRELY ON REAL LIFE! ...well, sort of. (Currently moving over from DrunkDuck, so please be patient)", false, true], "CookieClickerthecomic": ["http://cookieclicker.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Follow a man's journey to madness through... COOKIES.", false, true], "CoreAbyssia": ["http://coreabyssia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "An unfinished war has been pulled into the afterlife when all of the participants died. If a human soul created the sacred region of Abyssia, a human soul can save it from being torn by others.", false, true], "CosPlayBoy": ["http://cosplayboy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "The CosPlayBoy manga is about a group of friends establishing a cosplay team with the big ambitions of winning a cosplay competition at an animecon. Actually the whole story is based on true characters and events, so it's kinda like our memories as a cosplay team in a manga form, and just like the cosplaying itself it is all about fun. :D", false, true], "CosmicDash": ["http://cosmicdash.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "Follow the adventures of the crew of the Lucky Strike, a cargo-ship exploring a shifting galactic landscape.", false, true], "Cosmiclatte": ["http://cosmiclatte.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "5 friends live in a weird town. They investigate weird happenings. Updates every sunday!!", false, true], "CoulditbeFate": ["http://could-it-be-fate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 90, "A word of warning: it is completed however I lost interest in the story long ago so it is not as good as I had hoped it to be, it is rushed. However, please feel free to continue reading. 4 Friends. 2 Enemies. 1 War. Could it be Fate? Jaden and Marcus are no normal humans, they have the same mark that holds a special power that can bring peace to the Saints and Devourers. But how is this power released? And what else will these two teens come across? Boy Love. No Yaoi, just cute fluff~ :) Much better and neater artwork in more recent and later pages.", false, true], "Covalent": ["http://covalent.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Set in a world where meta-humans are owned by governments and the powers of the world have closed their borders from those they once considered their allies, this web-comic follows 19-year old orphan, Dwayne Hughes. He starts out with a peaceful life as he works rigorously to provide for his pregnant girlfriend with help from his best friend: all of whom live in a shelter for the homeless. On his way to work one day, he meets a strange child in an abandoned alley who delivers a cryptic message to Dwayne, turning him into a meta-human afterward. Dwayne is found out and becomes a target of the nation, taking shelter underground while his girlfriend and best friend are taken captive. Eventually, he joins a rebel group known as H.O.P.E. and fights against his pursuers, P.O.W.E.R., under the name, Covalent. He has now entered a war that will change the world while trying to rescue of his girlfriend and best friend at the same time.", false, true], "CoverUpKisscompleted": ["http://coverupkiss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "The King of Brasus has recently passed away. The Queen, Aelis, needs a new husband and turns to her rather flamboyant childhood friend as a solution... but he's got something else in mind. Contains BL (aka shounen-ai, boyxboy, MENZ AND MENZ.) and a Queen with a lot of boob. wtf. STORY IS COMPLETE", false, true], "Cowtoon": ["http://cowtoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "A crazy look into the lives of insane farm animals.", true, true], "CrackedMagic": ["http://crackedmagic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Abigail is just a normal teenage half witch, trying to fit in at Morrose High. But of course there are always some people and creatures that want to stand in her way of normality", false, true], "CraftySmith": ["http://craftysmith.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "\"The names Smith, Anthony Smith and you sir just saw the extent of my patiences!\" Follow the crazy adventures of Anthony Smith, an oddball man of crafting and magic.", false, true], "Cramberries": ["http://cramberries.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 318, "Lucinda is just a normal girl who lives with her roommate in an apartment... until her childhood friend came back to visit here. Now, she has been cursed with a demonic eye and almost everyone seems to be after her. Could it be her eye that everyone is after or is it there something more to it? Follow Lucinda and her friends as they uncover dark secrets and traverse their way along a perilous journey filled with all manners of action, humour, evil and good, love and stupidity. Updates are now Mondays and (occasionally) Thursdays! KitKatMuffin: Artist and Creator Seranatis: Editor and Assistant NOTE: The Editor sometimes post some random art and leaves messages when I'm not available on the website; regardless, they are NOT canon.", false, true], "CrappilyDrawnMinicomics": ["http://cdminicomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 145, "Welcome to see the antics of Rob and Ian in their increasingly derpy day-to-day lives. Takes place in London 1999. Drawing and handwriting quality will range from semi-good to utterly crappy. Enjoy :)", true, false], "Crave": ["http://crave.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A story about how Fate likes to play games and two teens from different dimensions who are caught in the middle of a game of matchmaker. *I fail at descriptions guys OTL", false, true], "CrayonComicStory": ["http://crayoncomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 587, "A drawing comic about anything. If you REALLY must swear, censor it please. Violence is allowed, but not nudity or swearing.", false, true], "Crazy": ["http://hanahanacrazy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 100, "[\u82b1(Hana)=flower] A SasukexNaruto and KakashixIruka doujinshi: Naruto: A story about a boy who must live his life as a girl and is arranged to be married to a person he can't stand. Iruka: A story about a man who is stuck in a one-sided love with his employer, and to make things worse he is forced to work with a person that he had a one night stand with. updates randomly in bunches rating g-R18", false, true], "CrazyChaosRestart": ["http://crazychaosrestart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "Its A Restart of Crazy Chaos Better this time.Enjoy sonic and his friends in there adventures.Doing and saying stuff the have never done in the game. Contains Swearing.", false, true], "Crazyghosts": ["http://vbcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 692, "Hi, my name's Vince and welcome to my comic Crazyghost's. A silly, perverted, goofy for equally silly, pervert, goofy people. I hope they give you a good laugh, or at least a chuckle! ^_^", true, true], "CreatorsArmor": ["http://creatorsarmor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "A young man, named Howey Moses Prince, is led by the Creator to free the kingdom from the evil grip that has controlled it for so many years, and restore the kingdom to a Creator led rule. Thus fulfilling the prophesy of the Creator's Hero. The adventures, lessons and trials Howey has as the Creator leads him through this task becomes the story of Creator's Armor.", false, true], "CrestwoodCop": ["http://crestwoodcop.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Junior Constable, Liz Harley may be new to the police force, but that doesn't stop her from attempting some dangerous things! But when she accidentally gets tangled up with the notorious ArrowHead gang, she is wanted as live hostage. Escaping ambush is the easy part, outrunning and outsmarting the members however, may be more than 'standard police procedure'...especially in the forests and mountains of CrestWood! (READ LEFT TO RIGHT)", false, true], "CrimsonWings": ["http://crimson-wings.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "Devon Rider was just another normal kid with evolving problems in a quickly changing world. The government had fallen and shape-shifting hybrids called Alphas were stationed everywhere, changing everyday life and bringing back physical punishment. However, Devon has a hard time adapting to the New Order and before he knew what happened, he found himself in even more trouble then he ever could have imagined. Turning into a mutant himself, he finds himself with more responsibility than he could ever dream to handle. And to make things worse, the New Order has plans of wiping the human race off the face of the earth. Can Devon and his friends even survive the next year of the rapidly changing world? I'd rate this story as 14+ due to language, realistic and fictional violence, and gore. This story is told by the point of view of a teenage boy, and it contains war and several violent sci-fy elements. This comic reads left to right and will be updated on MONDAY(for now) This story is mainly an experimental trial for me and will mostly be for practice. So the art and the storyline will not be my best or stylistically consistent but will hopefully evolve as I improve!", false, true], "CrimsonandCloverANarutoFancomicFanfiction": ["http://akina.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "Follow the life of Mochizuki Akina, as she takes the journey to become the head of her clan. What will happen when things don't go as easily as planned? Will her rival/comrade Uchiha Itachi become her only friend? Will he become her lover? How will Akina react to Itachi\u2019s betrayal? Will she find out the secret meaning of the power of the Black Rose Kekkei Genkai\u2026 Or will it kill her first? Find it all out in... Crimson & Clover. An Uchiha Itachi and OC FanComic / Fanfiction. Updates Monday through Friday.", false, true], "Crinemaft": ["http://crinemaft.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "No one knows what happened, or if others have become trapped. Don has to find out who is trapped, or is he all alone.", false, true], "CrocodileTears": ["http://crocodile-tears.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Violence? Check. Bad language? Check. Twisted sense of humour? Check. Lots of booze? Check. Busty ladies and hot guys? Check. Crazy reptilians? Check. Surprise buttsex? Check. ... on second thought, we'll keep the booze. But you can have all the rest ;)", true, true], "Crossbones": ["http://crossbones.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "When traveling with the royal family of Mercia, an ambush strikes and attacks the royal airship. As his duty to his country, airship mechanic Troy McKelski must venture through battle and escort the prince to safety.", false, true], "CrowandCat": ["http://crowandcat.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 54, "Not your typical yaoi/BL story. A very dark and almost tragic story of a man dealing with depression and a number of other anxiety disorders in a world far from home. He has been admiring his friend from afar for much too long now. Bold moves can lead to regret or success. Follow the story of four men living in a war.", false, true], "Crush3": ["http://crush3.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 86, "Matthew Louis recently got accepted into a high class private high school based on scholarship. Upon touring the place, he meets a beautiful guide that has him google-eyed every five seconds lol. But this beautiful person turns out to be a GUY, Michael Fields. Somewhat confused by his feelings, he decides to pursue Michael in hopes of discovering who he is. As rivals and antagonists appear, Matthew learns new things about both himself and Michael that he has never known before. This is a BL! But not everyone in my story is GAY lolzz, this comic is realistic cause there are GB relations in real life. The comic reads right to left. Please Enjoy!", false, true], "CrystalDream": ["http://crystaldream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "A young girl is begin hunted by a creature from her nightmares.", false, true], "Cubicle": ["http://cubicle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Glen has worked a nine-to-five office job for the last decade, and has hated every single second of it. What will happen when he finally breaks? This is a mirror site for the webcomic Cubicle, created by Tony Kinnard and Alex Korbey, both creators of other webcomics (Negligence and Malefic, respectively).", false, true], "CupidsAssistant": ["http://assistant.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Taylor Markus was an average guy. An average office desk job in an average company. An average upbringing raised by your average Nancy and Joe. Everything seemed to be going fine for him until one day he meets a guy that claims he's Cupid...", false, true], "CupofOlea": ["http://cupofolea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 412, "Cup of Olea is a text-based adventure game inspired by Lunar Hill! Take command of Cliff Gradel and his friends to serve your land and your king! And don't worry if you get confused; it makes the adventure that much more fun. Just submit a command on the latest page and see what happens! Updates Thursdays and Sundays. (Sometimes surprise Friday updates!) Don't be afraid of the page count! It reads quickly!", false, true], "CurseLineage": ["http://curselineage.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 133, "Read from right to left. Ayla Exonuke, A young Yuzcazi is being chased by the Kirimangalou Empire, They think she is the last one of a long-lost lineage. Together with her brother Kokei (not related by blood) They try to survive to the empire attacks and any other things that get in their way. Genre:Action,Adventure,Fantasy. release schedule: Thursday.", false, true], "Cursed": ["http://cursed.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 5, "Cursed is a story that follows Chase Winters as a strange man places a curse on him and enters him in to a twisted game of blood and betrayal, it is kill or be killed as Chase must hunt down anyone else who is cursed while being hunted by them.", false, true], "CutMansMisadventures": ["http://hk-cut.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Cut Man... a robot who was originally created for tree trimming work, will prove himself that he is not a Robot Master to be messed with.", false, true], "CuteLittleDisaster": ["http://cutelittledisaster.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A Rise of the Guardians fancomic revolving around the relationship of Jack Frost and Aster Bunnymund. Harmless pranks and jokes between two guardians escalate until in an accident that was just a tad bit too convenient, Aster is changed from the last Pooka to the first Pooka-Human. And he blames Jack for every last bit of it...((I do not own ROTG, this is purely fanmade and I make no profit from it aside from pleasing my warped little mind.))", true, true], "CyalandElliottsLineplayLife": ["http://cyalandelliott.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Everybody's gotta love Lineplay and BL, yeah? Enjoy the shenanigans, gifs, and two random characters from my webcomic.", false, true], "CyberSteelFarewell": ["http://cybersteel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Alex Vondran is a private investigator, ambitious and arrogant self-centered and hot-headed. Alex changes a lot when he meets Kevin Stone, apparently a sloppy nerd with a huge moral, who is, on the contrary, a thief and a computer hacker. Alex boss has asked him to investigate on Kevin and Alex understands that Kev is exactly the person who damaged the Multinational Company of his boss. The problem is Alex is starting to care for Kevin and, despite the orders he received, he will run away with him. A specialist is hired from Alex's boss to kill Alex and Kevin but two guys named Jelom and Upper will help him and Alex to escape. Alex ends up in the wrong hands. Anger, the code name of a feared killer who planned the whole situation, forced Alex to work for him and become a killer himself. Jelom and Upper know Anger and they are sure he's training Alex to become a killer. Alex and Kevin are forced to fight each other. For many years the two guys live separated, hoping to meet again some day. ** THE OLD COMIC (+18) IS FULLY AVAILABLE AT: cybersteelcomic.tumblr.com", true, true], "Cynobrowa4": ["http://cynobrowa4.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 106, "Polish version of Vermilion4 Opowie\u015bc o Amelce i jej k\u0142opotach z \"rodzink\u0105\". Jest te\u017c odrobin\u0119 o magii i o prawdziwych talentach ;) English version: http://vermilion4.smackjeeves.com/", false, true], "DASDivisiondesAffairesSurnaturelles": ["http://d-a-s.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Un commissaire allergique \u00e0\u00a0 la paperasse, un sec\u00e9taire psychotique, un balafr\u00e9 atteint de crises d'invisibilit\u00e9, des jumelles tatou\u00e9es, une Ecossaise, un loup-garou, une ing\u00e9nieure caract\u00e9rielle, un malade des explosifs, un ami des b\u00eates, un gars pas tr\u00e8s en phase avec la r\u00e9alit\u00e9 et un m\u00e9decin-warrior. Ils r\u00e9solvent les myst\u00e8res, sauvent les gens des aliens, chassent les fant\u00f4mes. Et des fois, ils se comportent comme des gens normaux.", false, true], "DBON": ["http://dbondoujin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 165, "An 8 issue long crossover manga of Shounen Jump classics, Dragonball Z, Bleach, One Piece and Naruto. that i did a little while back as something iv always wanted to do/see, and also practice for my own original long running manga Ryak-Lo (Reads Right to Left) this is a fan comic, all characters belong to their respective creators.", false, true], "DBZNewSayainsofEarth": ["http://dbznsoe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "The sayains who took the place of the original Z Fighters after they all passed away. -credits to the owners of the sprites not made by me.", false, true], "DCAT": ["http://d-cat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "While going on a mission to capture a demon, Kei and Jazz come across some very delicate information that will change their lives forever.", true, true], "DDSR": ["http://ddsr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 767, "A sprite comic that has no Sonic sprites! Seriously, all customly done. Join two friends and there crazy adventures involving demons, robots, explosions and shiny things.", false, true], "DEAD": ["http://deadcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "The story starts in an alleyway with a dead policeman. Then it just gets weirder. Henry is a Detective Inspector of Helcove City's Police Department when an unfortunate turn of events cause him to die only to be resurrected mere moments later. This event plunges him headfirst into a world filled with the supernatural, both magical and exciting but at the same time dangerous and merciless. Henry will quickly have to learn the rules of the Supernatural, master his new found powers as one of the undead and to hide all this from his son lest he start asking questions about all this. Updates Sundays", false, true], "DEGAF": ["http://degaf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "Death God Alchemists from the Future (DEGAF) is a (hopefully) humorous magical girl manga spoof about an ordinary girl named Britney. When a Death God possesses her cat, she learns that her destiny is to lead a magical girl team with fruit related powers. And probably save the world or something. Inter-dimensional demons are involved. Possibly an evil Alchemist. Plot Cat's a little fuzzy on the details... The characters are loosely based on myself and my friends (some of which are not represented by their correct genders). The quality of art has increased over time, but rather than try to redo the original pages, I will focus my energy on furthering the story. Updates Thursdays", false, true], "DEMENTED": ["http://demented.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 105, "// Warning 18+ Only: BL, Violence, Strong Language // We're all going to Hell eventually. But what happens if you've taken a visit to it and a certain little someone followed you back on Earth..? CHAOS ensues. Take a ride with Slayne, a killer-for-hire where everyday is the worst day of his life~", true, true], "DEMON": ["http://demon-plus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A young Hungarian griffon by the name of Kristof Apostol has held onto a powerful and crazy dream within himself for his entire lifetime; to become a human. From in the city of Budapest, Hungary and new to America, he lives out his days studying and analyzing human beings, in attempts of fulfilling his transition. When his curiosity grabs a hold of him one night, he ventures out of his comfort zone into the unknown. While on his adventure, he soon finds himself with a young, mysterious character named Julian. He offers him his wish in return of him aiding Julian. Little do they know what secrets are awaiting to be uncovered, the many secrets that have been hidden between their pasts. It is Julian who stumbles secret upon secret and sets out along with Kristof in order to find peace in both their pasts.", false, true], "DEMONARCHY": ["http://demonarchy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "The arrival of a new happy-go-lucky demon worker in King Beldiarus' castle sets up a bizarre chain of events that \u201cunknowingly\u201d lead to the demon world's downfall.", false, true], "DEMONOLOGY": ["http://d-emonology.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "Skinny jeans, greasy hair drooling devils from the past cross this red line if you dare will never end what shall last... Update - every monday", false, true], "DETENTIONHarryDracoDoujin": ["http://detentiondrarry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "DRARRY gag What really happens in detention... Disclaimer: The boys are, sadly, not mine. \u00a9J.K. Rowling", false, true], "DIDNTWANTTOBEAPARTOFTHIS": ["http://didntwanttobeapartofthis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A brother and a sister move to a new city and get caught into something that they thought wasn't real. Both Alejandro and Alexandra learn about a life that they didn't even know existed. Alexandra starts to fall in love with 2 boys, Jesse and Lyle. the original story: http://www.quotev.com/story/1475920/I-never-wanted-to-be-part-of-this-vampire-love-story-ON-HOLD/1/ POST AT RANDOM BUT IF SO UP TO 2-5 PAGES.", false, true], "DIESISTKRIEG1GlaubigkeitHuter": ["http://glaubigkeithuter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "A tamed nazi story in Romanian about two friends from Neumarkt. Accidents happens, and a price is paid during war. Ernst von Mortenberg, ex-politician of Germany, goes in Romania (Transylvania) for a colonel post in Neumarkt's military base. He spends there some time with his friend, Josef Hanzen, talking about a strange dog that visits the place. Then, suddenly, they are attacked by the Russians, and Ernst is the only survivor of the attack, after that, he is deported in Schassburg where he meets a family friend that will help him go to Poland... The manga will be out for purchasing in September 1st 2011", false, true], "DRAMAMODERNA": ["http://drama-m.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "DRAMA MODERNA: clich\u00e9id, trite and vulgar jokes about your favourite fandoms.", false, true], "DRUNK": ["http://drunk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "The aftermath of a good night in - except the hangover's yet to kick in...", false, true], "DX5": ["http://dx5.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A silent comic mainly about Daft Punk being constantly messed with by Deadmau5 and Skrillex. Also about all of them and their daily lives living together. That's all I've got for it to be about atm. Suggestions would be nice to make this better. No set update schedule. expect every other night or so", false, true], "DaddysGirl": ["http://daddysgirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "Andy doesn't go looking for fights -- they always seem to find her. She's learned the hard way to appreciate how easily life can be taken from others, and tries her best to be a friendly pacifist. But sometimes fighting is the only option, especially when she gets on the bad side of a violent money launderer. Daddy's Girl updates at least once a week; twice or thrice on a good week.", false, true], "DaemonTheTravelersSymposium": ["http://daemonts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "The End has come and gone. Bickering nations - unable to resolve their differences - figuratively dropped the bomb without deploying a single nuclear warhead. The fantastically mystical and modern collide as shattered nations struggle to declare themselves Hegemon over a ruined planet.", false, true], "Daffodil": ["http://daffodil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "\"Let's have a good year together!\" School sure is the place you'd experienced everything. While in their senior year, a group of young people were in charged for the school's festival, together they wanted to make the best festival for everyone. \"It's hard to be unable to forget about the past and move on, you can regret a lot of things, but do look forward to the future, because that's how you get to learn and stand up from your mistakes.\"", false, true], "DailyLifeofYuuandLee": ["http://yuuandlee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "***PLEASE READ RIGHT TO LEFT*** This is a short series of the daily lives of Yuu and Lee. They are \"very close-related\" twins. Lee is an introverted pessimist who doesn't care about you and the world. She is self-centered and she lacks manners. Yuu is the more simple-minded twin. He is soft-hearted and caring. He is laid back and he enjoys gaming a lot.", false, true], "DakyrlsMonsters": ["http://dakyrlsmonsters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "When monsters fight for what's right they have their own way of doing it ...", false, true], "DamageControl": ["http://damagecontrol.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Two doctors. One is a gleeful masochist, the other a reluctant sadist. It's like they were made for each other.", false, true], "DamselsDontWearGlasses": ["http://ddwg.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 33, "Life's no cake walk in Persephone for some, but Lave Faraday has it worse than most. In a city where the undead are part of the night life, Lave is expected to make sure the balance between the living and the technically deceased stays in check; or do time in jail for past crimes. But when you have mafia vampires, necromancer frat boys, and zombie booze drinkers prowling the streets, one can't help but feel like a glorified paranormal janitor. Yet somehow being underpaid and living in a shoe box apartment is the least of Lave's problems when she finds herself protecting a young boy from a sinister force, and making enemies in all the right places.", false, true], "DancingSolo": ["http://dancingsolo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "This comic ended up being a half truth half fabricated journal comic about the random happenings of life, it is now finished but you can find it AND all of my other webcomics (Including ones not found here and the fantasy adventure comic that I am currently working on) at my website; http://sendmeletters.com This was my first attempt at an online webcomic and as such was a testing ground for my own purposes with the intent to improve my skills. Therefore I would appreciate if you treated it, not as an experts botched attempt at a failed webcomic but as a beginners first flailings at gathering the skills necessary for a proper webcomic. I appreciate all and any feedback but abuse will not be tolerated. Thank you for taking the time to stop by, I hope you enjoy what little this comic may have to offer! You can find more of my comic work here: http://sendmeletters.com/comics/", false, true], "DaniasMisadventures": ["http://danias-ma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Its about my life and my feelings. You will meet my crazy friends and learn about the places i have been to.", false, true], "DanielleDark": ["http://danielledark.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 345, "Danielle Dark is a vampire trying to make it in the mortal world. It isn't easy, and she is discovering that she is different than other vampires in many ways.", false, true], "Dao": ["http://dao.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 115, "A comic about Boy-love, action, drama, humor and crazy animol-people. I reply to every comment :'D so feel free!", false, true], "DarkGoldANuzlockeQuest": ["http://darkgold.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "My first attempt at a Nuzlocke challenge and at a webcomic. I'm taking some liberties with the writing to make it more interesting. Some fun twists are in the future of this comic. It's slow progress, though. Donations and feedback are always helpful. If you would be interested in doing a guest comic, please feel free to message me. =)", false, true], "Darkerthandark": ["http://darkerthandark.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Darker than dark is a little project of mine. It's story about my orginal character called Kiroi who is in the clan of poison demons. His past didn't seem to be so fun though but it gave an inspiration to me write it down and make a little comic.", true, true], "DarkkDestiny": ["http://drkdstny.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "A various group of adventurer/citizens ban together after discovering they all have the same goal - to kill Lord Kratus, a man who has caused undue harm for each of them (either directly, or indirectly). Together they travel the medieval, magical land, getting into all sorts of adventures, but in the end, their destiny is clear: Lord Kratus will die by one of their hands. This is a collaboration with a plot. Het, Yuri and Yaoi are allowed, but not the main focus of the story. Prefer well-rounded characters, with good and bad qualities. The odd quirk is great as well. Positions remaining: None :P Applications Closed.", false, true], "Darkoly": ["http://darkoly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "It all began when a mysterious \"lightstream\" enters the human world,and within a month passed,mysterious portals/gateways started to appear out of nowhere.Unknown creatures and beings begins to surface and in just a short period of time...the world just turned into a massive hunting ground to the \"possessed\" and it's up to Zeckos and his friends to eradicate the source of this never ending chaos. Genres: Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Gender Bender Romance and LOLIs!", false, true], "DarrenandJason": ["http://renandjay.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 337, "Two male foxes go on a relationship journey, intoducing new characters relatively constantly, explaining their everyday life in the random comic world.", true, true], "Dasien": ["http://dasien.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 162, "Superhero girly goodness! Action series featuring Dasien the Blonde Bombshell, her best friend Parker Lynn Bailey, and an evil superhero extermination squad, The Crimson Gestalt! Humor and suspense. Some adult themes.", true, true], "DaughtersofanIndustrialEra": ["http://goodshipsappho.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "\"Daughters of an Industrial Era\" is a steampunk comic about a nearly all female crew of airship smugglers and their ensuing adventures.", false, true], "DavidDoesntGetIt": ["http://daviddoesntgetit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 275, "A diary comic of me and my three siblings.", false, true], "DaysofStolenWhispers": ["http://stolenwhispers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "When the flowers are in bloom a boy who can't smell meets a girl who can't see. ~*warning!*~ this comic will be heartwarmingly sappy!", false, true], "DeadCity": ["http://deadcity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Sometimes you find love in weird places. Like when you're trying not to get eaten. Updates Tuesdays.", false, true], "DeadEnd": ["http://dead-end.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Dead End is full of all kinds of spooky citizens; Demons and Goblins and Ghosts and Vampires and such. Too bad no one actually likes living there.", false, true], "DeadFingers": ["http://deadfingers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 591, "Sci-fi/adventure about an indigenous girl growing up among the rest of her tribe within the barren desert. Her passive life becomes an ongoing struggle for survival after the declaration of a 15 year global war by the mainland empire. Contains violence, language and sexual content.", true, true], "DeadFishComics": ["http://watghosthunter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 840, "I just put random comics I draw here. Mostly: Fancomics (Tiger and Bunny, video games etc) Also: a lot of original comic series: Adventures of a Supervillain In Love: Mad scientist meets guy who won't take off his helmet. Love ensues! Moira Adventures: girl get new job, meets crazies. Wat Ghost Hunter: Guy gets stalked by ghost who wants to take him to Tim Hortons. Succubooks: In a videogame world the tale of a man and his succubus/incubus/book. Pretty much anything could end up here. Contains Bl, yaoi, M/M sex, and nudity of both sexes.", true, true], "DeadLine": ["http://deadline12.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 455, "16 year old girl, goes to school, hangs out with friends, two loving parents and works for the department of death. Where all her jobs have a \"deadline\" Oh, there's also some yaoi/yuri in it, but later in the comic, you'll see. I also recommend that if your under the age of fifteen that you would discuss this with your parents due to sexual content and graphic violence", false, true], "DeadRoses": ["http://deadroses.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "a one shot manga about a guy and his crazy ex", false, true], "DeadToneJustice": ["http://deadtonejustice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "Try to play God, suffer the consequences. Man must learn to control Berserks, beings that appear to select people, and Hadrian Quent gets mixed into a secret war between men and gods; or are they devils? More than just the fate of his home city of Logres may be at stake.", true, true], "DeadheadZero": ["http://deadheadzero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Kevin is a mercenary. He works as a private eye. His best friend is a cop. His girlfriend is a getaway driver. And he's just found out...he's dead. This is Life After Death, the first story arc of a since canceled comic.", false, true], "DeadlockeMachinist": ["http://deadlockemachinist.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Does a Steampunk Post-Apocalyptic Western starring a bad ass lady gunslinger, an alcoholic machinist, a boy with a possessed harp, the thief who steals his heart as well as his boots, plus a giant sewing machine that rips out peoples souls sounds like a good time? Then you're gonna wanna read Deadlocke Machinist.", true, true], "DeadlyAngel": ["http://deadlyangel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Whatsoever I've feared has Come to life Whatsoever I've fought off Became my life Just when everyday Seemed to greet Me with a smile Sunspots have faded And now I'm doing time Cause I fell on Black days \"fell on black days - soundgarden\"", false, true], "DeadtoDay": ["http://deadtoday.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 184, "Elpis, immortal vagrant at ten years old, is taken in by a dysfunctional family. Two of the siblings hate each other, the father's dreadfully nervous, the mother has super strength... Yet the oddest thing is, save Elpis herself, they're all dead. And what's this about the prince of the dead going AWOL? And who's that immortal boy with the mask, running around stealing food? Add some mischievous spiritual healers, extended family complications, violence, and liaisons, and Elpis sometimes wonders if she should just up and leave again! Then, things become further complicated when she receives an ominous, glowing book...", false, true], "DearKnight": ["http://dearknight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Claire, a seventeen-years old girl is a daughter of a wealthy family, lives in a huge mansion, with many servants, but never felt comfortable for what she had. She only wished for one thing. Freedom. The only thing she can do is running away from the mansion, but she never able to escape. Seeing the daughter's behavior, Claire's parents hired a bodyguard, which makes Claire even more strictly 'caged'. The bodyguard promised to taking care of Claire, but Claire herself said will get rid of him for good. Then how is Claire's life with her bodyguard on her side? [[/weep/s i'm so sorry my English is just bad-- orz I'm really new into this webcomic thingy, and this is my first webcomic ;; Also, honestly, i can't think of any good title for this comic though orz. but, thank you for taking time to read QvQ comments and favorites are really appreciated QvQ Enjoy~ ]]", false, true], "DeathCount": ["http://deathcount.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "One day Eiji Gensai woke up for a normal day of school. But, while taking a test, a terrorist attacks the school, she takes Eiji hostage. After the police come, she manages to escape with Eiji. How will Eiji escape? Will he be alive or dead when he does escape? **Chapters will be uploaded every 19 of the month**", true, true], "DeathNoteIridescent": ["http://dn-iridescent.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 128, "Iridescent: Producing a display of lustrous, rainbowlike colors. Completed. Extra chapters in the making~", false, false], "DeathOnceMore": ["http://dom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "The World Ends With You / It's a Wonderful Life sketch doujinshi (fancomic) SPOILERS OF GAME'S ENDING --- I Look Out Vacantly Everywhere, Often Needing Lies. You Hurt Inside Me.", false, true], "DeathsFired": ["http://deathsfired.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "WOW! NEW! AS SEEN IN ASHCAN COMICS ISSUE #8! PART ONE Death, the reaper, receives grim news of the rising of the dead upon the mortal plane. The entire population of Earth is now zombified. With his profession now defunct in a world without fatality, Satan himself sends an axe-man to brutally inform that Death is to be laid off, sacked, given the boot. Death gets fired.", false, true], "DebtSettlement2OperationExtinction": ["http://debts2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 297, "Character info and much more can be found at: http://sites.google.com/site/debtsettlementcomic Direct sequel to \"Debt Settlement\". (It is recommended to read that before this one): \"3 years later. There is trouble on the way as the Red Star Security find their officers being gunned down. Seeing there is no other choice, they decide to make a direct approach towards their rival organization, Blue Labels and see if they know anything about these attakcs. With the old cast and a big list of new ones, DSOE opens up the reality Samantha is now living in. She and the rest of RSS has to learn to work with their old enemies and find a way to survive when someone obviously wants them all dead. Who are the Nightbringers and are they a threat? Can Samantha really deal with the responsibility she chose to carry in the crew? And is rest of her family really willing to let such new arrival just run them over in to the leaders position? A lot of questions are answered and secrets revealed.\"", true, true], "Debtsettlement": ["http://debts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 189, "Character info and much more can be found at: http://sites.google.com/site/debtsettlementcomic DEBT SETTLEMENT \" Samantha is 14-year-old girl with little to no hope for her own future. Her mother is an alcoholic in a debt trap and after getting even Samantha in to trouble because of her own mistakes, the only people who can help the girl now, are on the side of the family Samantha didn't even know existed. Problem is, does she really want their help? \" DEBT SETTLEMENT:RUNAWAY BROTHERS \" 27 pages long spin-off which will reveal you how did Kiran and Deepak, the brothers from a super religious Aditya family ended up working for RSS. \"", true, true], "DeepandShallow": ["http://deepandshallow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "You can use keyboard arrow keys to navigate through the pages. A one-shot sketch comic. Summary: Mitsuru Shibuya is a spazzing high school girl who makes nonsensical grudges. Her friend Aki stays with her to keep her in check. But Mitsuru is holding onto a grudge for quite a while on a certain person, will she finally grow out of it? Rating: PG Warning: \u767e\u5408 (Yuri) / GL / Girls Love", false, true], "Defective": ["http://defective.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A comic about robots", false, true], "DefineHero": ["http://definehero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 114, "A series of adventures staring an evil cat witch, her \"evil\" minion dragon and their hero...named Hero...who has no idea who...or what he is. Thinking they struck it rich by finding a god-like being that can do what ever they command him to do, Gaffy and Dragon take Hero in as part of their group. As Hero travels with them, however, his instinct to do innocent good deeds such as rescuing pretty damsels, returning lost keys or fighting a monster or two leads them into epic...and sometimes hilarious (mis)adventures. Read from left to right Updates often (2-3 times a week) Accepts ideas for story arcs and spin offs! Comic banner by AnnaLena250199 on Deviant Art! http://annalena250199.deviantart.com/", false, true], "DefiniteTarget": ["http://definitetarget.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "In Lacrentia, society is divided into classes, everyone possesses a marking as identity, magic exists, and the Elves are exiled. Suddenly, a prophecy have been made, after 500 centuries passed since the last one and this prophecy tells of a future where everybody will need to listen to. A fantasy-based story", false, true], "DefyingGravityTheFourGreatGuardians": ["http://defyinggravitycomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 177, "It is the year 3015, the sun has begun to fade and the world is cast into shadow. As prophecized, the fate of the world rests on the shoulders of the \"Four Great Guardians\" who are said to re-ignite the sun and bring an end to the war ravaging the planet. But just who are the four guardians? In mid-apocalyptic Europe, three half-human half-demon citizens are brought together by what can only be called fate. The only question that remains is: Who is the fourth Guardian? Meanwhile, a failed Russian experiment known as the \"Dragon\" is wreaking havoc upon the already helpless world. ****Updates 3 pages every Sunday****", false, true], "Degradation": ["http://degradation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "A story involving the body, duality, descending into the surreal.", true, true], "DeimosSaga": ["http://deimossaga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "Science,magic,space,demons & aliens collide on distant worlds. This is the story of Basalt and the place she carved for herself in the Verdant Empire. Black and white with the occasional color page. Updates on the 8th, 16th and 24th. Writer, artist, etc. J.A.Cazares Editor, Graphics, etc. P. King", false, true], "DemonEater": ["http://demoneater.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 567, "A cannibalistic world where the inhabitants only food is each other.", true, false], "DemonReign": ["http://demon-reign.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 98, "*Updated 9/8/12* During a time of carnage and suffering, man had been suppressed by the demons of darkness. But within darkness, there is light. That light led the to the creation of a breed of warriors known as the Dark Time Saints (DTS), whose sole purpose was to rid all worlds of Darkness...at least that is what the books said. This is the story of Keita, a new exorcist of the DTS sent to a new world to accomplish the goal of ridding the darkness. But he is, instead, sent to a world that appears to not need his kind of work. Or so he thinks... Manga styled: Read right to left. Will contain violence, magic, some humor, and dark subjects in later chapters. This is intended to be a series, so please be patient. Please Visit my DA account: http://paimon93.deviantart.com/", false, true], "DemonicAngel": ["http://demonicangel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Irie Shoichi is a normal teenage boy who lives his normal life. On his way to school, the train the he is riding on caught up in an accident. When he wokes up, he learned that he is the only survivor of it. A few weeks had passed, while getting ready to go home, a girl suddenly approached him and requested to talk to him. Irie's normal life has really began to change when the innocent girl suddenly stab him and declared to take his soul.", false, true], "DemonicKiss": ["http://demonickiss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 0, "A young soul, Merihim, has finally gotten his wish, the chance to show himself and prove that he can be a great demon. He just needs to collect a hundred souls by the end of the year and he gets to keep his horns and his powers. Thing is though, he accidently gets caught up with a human, this man though can help Merihim with his collecting and the boy can use any help that he gives him. But what happens when Merihim falls for the human male? BL/Sex/Language/Gore/Horror/Comedy/Romance ***BACK FROM HAITUS SLOW AT POSTING***", false, true], "DemordicaiDiamonds": ["http://demordicaidiamonds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "To put it simply, Demordicai Diamonds is an odd story of two misfits stranded on the backwater isle of Relma trying to make a living for themselves. As the tale unravels, the pleasure of a simple and ordinary life becomes further and further out of reach. Updates every Friday...well, that was my original intention but life likes to complicate things a lot for me so it's a rare thing if I can finish a new page at all. WARNING: May eventually contain, as the story moves along, things that aren't really meant for youngsters or the squeamish or faint of heart. It won't contain too much of that for the first few chapters but it'll be tagged it as Mature anyway.", true, true], "DenizensAttention": ["http://denizensattention.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 155, "Alicka and her little brother Winston are sent to Winterkill Boarding School. The number one dumping ground of unwanted troubled teens. A miniature Gormenghast filled with bad seeds and black sheep. +++++++ Winterkill: to kill by or die from exposure to cold winter weather. ++++++ This comic will update when i can. i'm trying for once a week, but not always managing. ++++ Denizens! Attention! how has its very own tumblr http://confessionsofawannabecomicartist.tumblr.com for updates, news and random comic making thoughts and sketches.", false, false], "DeoxyriboNucleicAnarchy": ["http://d-n-a.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "DeoxyriboNucleic Anarchy... Updates Sundays!! Anarchy - noun - Confusion, Chaos, Disorder A once ordinary town is turned upside down at the appearance of Adenine, apparently traveled from a distant star to bring chaos & disorder to peoples lives.", false, true], "DepthsOfMyEmptySoul": ["http://depthsofmyemptysoul.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 499, "Zadel, demon prince of Hell 7, struggles to prove himself to his mother and all who he's destined to rule over. The source of his struggles? His arch rival, yet best friend, Angel Abel. The truth is, Zadel rather spend his time enjoying Abel's company than act like the future ruler of Hell 7 and meanwhile other demons have their eyes on the throne. Zadel is being pressured to change his behavior and become a cold and respectable demon prince worthy of inheriting the throne, something that promises to put his friendship with Abel to the test. Will he finally make his final decision and chose his role as demon prince over his friendship with Abel? One night when Zadel's feeling bored and yearning for the company of Abel, he decides to pick on a down on his luck human. He tries and succeeds in persuading the human, Jacob, into making a bet with him wagering his own soul. Soon he realizes that picking on Jacob was not such a good idea. Bickering, jealousy and some romance ensues as Zadel and Abel both battle to doom or save Jacob's soul. But another more threatening battle approaches as well. BL, GL, HL Art improves over time.", true, true], "Descendant": ["http://descendant.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 136, "With the disappearance of her husband and her life dwindling to nothing, Celeste begins her quest to not only reclaim the fervor of her life but to also tangle with the now unfurling chaos that has consumed her being. This fledgling Descendant, with the most powerful relic on earth, finds herself violently hunted by those whose lives stretch back to antiquity. Can she come to terms with the revelation that the whole of humanity knows literally nothing about the nature of their existence and can she muster within herself the will to thwart the anger of an ancient god?", false, true], "Desktop": ["http://desktopwar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Ever wonder what it would be like to have people on a desktop?", false, true], "DessusDessous": ["http://dessusdessous.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "", false, true], "Destinationunknown": ["http://destination-unknown.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 124, "The long, convoluted story of Yuri, a recovering drug addict marooned on an alien planet, and the host of characters he encounters as he tries to navigate the difficulties he faces. He may or may not be the key player in a looming crisis that threatens to change the ENTIRE UNIVERSE(!) Among the people who help or hinder him in his journey are: MIRIYAM YUSEF, a rock and roll messiah CAMRUN SHAFT, and old man who apparently knows more than he's letting on BISHOP TIADORA, the pope of Iona V SISTER LENA, a nun formerly of the Geul Order JAELL, a choirgirl who is infatuated with Yuri, GRAVES, who may or may not be The Devil, and MALEAH, an \"extreme extraction specialist\" or assassin from Terra who has a contract to fulfill. Underneath it all, DESTINATION: UNKNOWN explores the theme of Destiny vs. Free Will with rayguns and spaceships (eventually) and rock and roll (soon) Please read on, and I hope you enjoy it!", false, true], "DevilsCake": ["http://devilscake.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 670, "When Kea finds that her bad luck with boys isn't a 'what' but a 'who', will her sanity survive the IN-sanity that ensues? PG-13 Currently Updates Mondays", false, false], "DevilsOneShot": ["http://devil1shot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A short comic about a boy who wants to be a Mangaka/graphic novelist/comic artist. Originaly for a comp but never heard anything back so up loading it here.", false, true], "DevotoMusicinHell": ["http://devoto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 149, "This is the story of how the now-fallen Principality of Music, formerly an angel of some repute, was given an opportunity to provide inspiration for one working man desperately in need of a muse. Other angels, fallen and not, are further compatriots, such as Devoto's surprisingly sympathetic boss and the armadillo aficionado commonly known as Sloth. Though the divines are great, and in some cases terrible, each is coming to appreciate the value of a uniquely human connection. (Gag, right? The important thing is that Guys Make Out. Guaranteed.) Warnings for: - Explicit gay content - Blood/Gore (but not in sexual contexts) Relevant tags: Yaoi , BL , gay , M/M , erotica , pornography , porn , F/F , yuri SJ Note: I understand SJ policy, and thus it's worth noting that this comic does not and will not portray sexual situations with minors or individuals who appear to be minors. Furthermore, this comic will not portray non-consensual (or dubiously consensual) sex.", true, true], "Diaz": ["http://diaz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "Novela gr\u00e1fica ambientada en el a\u00f1o 2007 en Santiago de Chile cuya protagonista es una chica de 18 a\u00f1os llamada Elizabeth, quien entra a estudiar dise\u00f1o a la universidad. A trav\u00e9s de las p\u00e1ginas se revela su historia, su forma positiva de ver la vida, sus ganas de ser profesional y la forma que tiene para socializar y hacer amigos dentro de la universidad. Este trabajo se titula D\u00edaz ya que \u00e9ste es el apellido de la protagonista, a quien me gusta llamar cari\u00f1osamente Eli :) College life, Chile, Santiago, 2007, graphic design students", false, true], "Diexemor": ["http://diexemor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "diexemor is the about a gambler named mephena trying to deliver her special friend from prison, veremor. this story has lesbians...so don't read if you hate them. It will be updated every week. also for extra stuff follow me at: http://memoriacaelestie.deviantart.com/ or caelestie.tumblr.com so I need a proofreader, so please message me if you want to help out.", false, true], "DigimonBattleCoreEyes": ["http://dbcoreeyes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "A testing of a Remake to the old game Digimon World 3 causes not only chaotic digimon from the digital world to leak into the real world but causes 8 individuals who tested the game to have the data cores of the 8 types of Digimon \u201cdownloaded\u201d into their eyes. Now it\u2019s up to them to send them back\u2026 with help from their own Special Digimon. Core Eye Cast: Dragon Core> Drake/Guilmon Beast Core> Frost/Gabumon Aquatic Core> Vero/Betamon Bird Core> Bre/Hawkmon Insect/Plant Core> Lyra/Wormmon Machine Core> Sven/Hagurumon Holy Core> Demo/Tapirmon Dark Core> Dark/Dorumon", false, true], "DigimonCorruption": ["http://digimoncorruption.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 371, "The world is in chaos. BlackWarGreymon and Omnimon continue to watch the Digital World collapse around them as Ebonwumon remains imprisoned. Meanwhile, the Daemon Corps is gathering more and more Fractal Code from innocent Digimon as they go about their search for the Code Crowns. But the DigiDestined is back to set things right, and he's no longer alone.", false, true], "DigimonCrisisCore": ["http://dcc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "Three new, one old. Three new, one broken. Three friends, one forgotten. A command the character comic by Shard. >Where will you go from here?", false, true], "DigimonDigitalChampioship": ["http://ddchamp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "In a world where Digimon and humans live in peace and Digimon fights are out lawed unless inside a Digi Colosseum a virus spreads and more and more rabid Digimon appear. It's up to the Digi-Destined to save us.", false, true], "DigimonPromise": ["http://digimonpromise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "In the place known as the Digital world, Digimon from all over are beginning to act strangely. A virus that has swept over the land has caused corruption on over 60 percent of all life and there is a growing rift tearing the world apart. Meanwhile, a group of people who capture and force peaceful Digimon to fight has grown more violent. A member named Ayune realizes she's been doing wrong and tries her best to escape their evil grasp. While running for her life she stumbles across a silver Renamon named Xeem, cast out of his clan due to his violent nature and unnaturally large hands and feet. In a last resort for freedom, the two pair up and try to find their way to a better life, but will they escape their horrible lives before the human world and Digimon world are destroyed forever? It's up to Ayune and Xeem to try and stop the virus, before the spread gets too great! Rated M for blood, violence, language and possible mating.", true, true], "DigimonSaviors": ["http://digimonsaviors.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1002, ".:THE ALMOST ORIGINAL:. When 9 children are mysteriously transported to a new world, they come across strange monsters called Digimon. These digimon help them survive the digital world as they try to do anything possible to find an escape from this world... ------------------------------------------------------ After defeating the D-reaper in the Real World, a vision was shown to Neroe and Agumon that the digital world was in danger. Upon returning there, they learn how much trouble they set themselves up for exactly. How will the digidestined fight this ultimate threat? Find out on Arc 5 of Digimon Saviors! Neroe - Agumon Shard - Gaomon AnXjak - Crabmon Ankh - Gotsumon Marly - Impmon Beth - Hawkmon Neo - Guilmon CD - Wormmon Radd - Renamon Van - Veemon anime.... in... space", false, true], "DigimonSaviors02": ["http://saviors02.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Two years ago, ten kids bonded with creatures known as Digimon to save both their world and the Digital World. At the end of their adventure, they were forced to part ways as the gate between the two worlds closed. Today, we rejoin a few of those kids, along with a few new faces, in the adventures that they're having now. But just around the corner, there's a threat lurking that none of them could possibly know about...", false, true], "DigimonTamersMiraiProject4komas": ["http://digimontamersmirai4komas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "this ones just a few not so funny 4 komas for my main comic digimon tamers : mirai project> http://digimontamersmiraiproject.smackjeeves.com/ desided to put em up here too =3", false, true], "DigimonTwinSouls": ["http://digimontwinsouls.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Lupus Nocte is a down and out kid who likes to help others so they can be happy, but doesn't actually find happiness because he lives at an orphanage. But when he saves someone from a Hit and Run Driver, a rift from the digital world opens up and brings him inside. Once inside, he becomes part of something bigger than what he knew and must save a world that is part of the one he calls home. Updates are on tuesdays and possibly fridays as well", false, true], "DigitalNinja": ["http://digital-ninja.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "WARNING, THIS COMIC CONTAINS: *Graphic violence/gore *PLENTY of swearing and foul language *Graphic hetero & gay sex scenes *Drug use In a dystopian post-apocalyptic future, Victor Aldridge is a lowlife haunted by a past of tragedy and crime. He has nothing going for himself and decides it\u2019s time to join the recently established Earth Defense Force to serve a greater purpose. He then finds himself partnered up with a mysterious anti-social soldier who, due to a unique weapon choice, is known to many as \u201cninja\u201d.\u0003 Through a relentless battle for physical and ideological control over a partially terraformed Mars between the Earth Defense Force and the radical anti-authority group known as Revolutionary Front, the reality of war begins to sink in and deep dark secrets in the soldiers\u2019 past begin to emerge, making them realize there is a bond between them that cannot be broken.", true, true], "DilbertsFireRedNuzlocked": ["http://firerednuzlocked.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "", false, true], "DinakarAdventures": ["http://dink.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Story about a mathematics genius,... The journey begins when he joins into new school, meets new friends, new challenges, .. He is too lazy to even use pen for calculations. He plays with numbers, puzzles, he is too lazy for sports.", false, true], "DinnerforThree": ["http://dinner43.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Is dinner ever simple? One-shot", false, true], "Dinogeddon": ["http://dinogeddon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "In the future, something happened. Nobody's really sure what happened exactly, but it left the world a smoldering, lifeless shell of its former self. Oh yeah, and now there's DINOSAURS! As if things weren't bad enough, those hardy enough to try and make new lives for themselves in this crazy, post-apocalyptic wasteland are plagued by the baddest gang of tyrannosaur-riding punk girls around: the T-Wrecks! Dinogeddon follows the strange exploits and misadventures of the T-Wrecks, led by the mysterious and oftentimes dangerous Ronnie Riot, and their rival gangs, the ex-military raptor-riding Rippers, and the all-male Rex Machines. Updates Wednesdays", false, true], "Dipmyrib": ["http://dibmyrib.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Our second comic!!! <33 Dip my rib - a South Park comic. Surprise! Pairing-> Damien x Pip.", false, true], "DirtySlayer": ["http://dirtyslayer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Shadow wants to be a woman, life does not accept this to well, stuff happen. In short, Shadow becomes a pansy in a dress.", false, true], "DisEngage": ["http://disengage.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Dis/Engage is the story of a pair of confused superpowered individuals: a man who is bored with the fame that comes with being the hero, Luis A.K.A Phoenix, and a woman - seen only as an ice-wielding villain - who finds herself trying to gain Phoenix's attention, the Ice Queen. One day Luis becomes conflicted after battling the Ice Queen and he feels that maybe he's in love with this crazy icicle-throwing woman? How do you admit your feelings to a person you've been fighting nonstop for 2 years? Does she feel the same?", false, true], "DiscordianQuoteComix": ["http://discordianquotecomix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Discordian Quote Comics was a weekly comic training exercise I did from May 2011 to May 2012. Originally published on my blog, each comic was inspired by a quote taken from discordianquotes.com Each episode of Discordian Quote Comix is a single panel gag where something horrible (and hopefully funny) is about to happen, is happening, or has happened. In the spirit of the Principia Discordia, the great holy book of Discordianism, I'm releasing the strips under the same copyleft as the Principia: K - All Rights Reversed re-print what you like.", true, true], "DiscountReligion": ["http://discount-religion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "This is a tale of lies, of redemption, of coming of age and the most sinister of betrayal. It's a complicated mix from humor to horror and just about everything in between as a group of rather extraordinary people do their very best to prevent a premature apocalypse. This comic is rated 18+ for man-love, girl-love, man-lady love, nudity, language, and violence..", true, true], "DismantleandRepair": ["http://dismantle-repair.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A young man, cynical and in denial, gets pulled out of his comfort zone when he meets a man who has, let's say, very different perspectives about life. Warning: Will have yaoi content later.", true, true], "Dissimilation": ["http://dissimilation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Dublin has always had the ability to read minds. As his junior year drags on he starts to discover that he can do much more than just read minds. As he explores his growing powers a mysterious source unleases attacks on him. All the while the stability of his mental wealth begins to waver.", false, true], "Ditched": ["http://ditched.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "", false, true], "Djandora": ["http://djandora.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Isolated from civilization in an old millennium temple, Djeneba lived happily with her father and that since her birth. But everything changed overnight when she murdered her own father. Shocked and bound to herself, he had left a message, a mission for her ... he knew. During this trip, nothing happens as expected, Djeneba will discover the true extent of this temple... unspoken secrets to the dark stories of the past, but mostly the tragic doom that awaits her.", false, true], "DoItYourself": ["http://diy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "Lucas had expected a summer full of video games and hanging out with friends before his parents \"volunteered\" him to put his college degree to use and help his aunt Lola and cousin Noelle renovate their house. Though he is strongly against wasting his summer on backbreaking labor for room and board in a sleepy little town with no cable or internet, he finds it even worse that he has to renovate alongside Noelle's best friend Ashley, who is also helping in his spare time out of the goodness of his heart. Lucas is convinced Ashley has an ulterior motive and is determined to ambush him at every angle. This is a BL comic, meaning it will contain scenes with romance between two boys. But I bet you already knew that, amirite? ;) Updates every Friday (at the very least)", false, true], "DoYouRemember": ["http://skailin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "First very lazely done comic, just to basicly amuse you with confusing storyline and bad drawing. Enjoy - if you dare.", false, true], "DoctorFaustDoomsday2012": ["http://faust2012.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "The story about the medieval scientist Doctor Faust and his fight to postpone the end of the world till 2012! Will he succeed - or are we already dead? Read it and be prepared...", false, true], "DoctorFaustandtheLastAppleofEden": ["http://lastappleofeden.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "After being deemed a heretic by the Inquisition, Doctor Faust has no choice but to find out what really happened in the Garden of Eden..", false, true], "DogHetaOni": ["http://doghetaoni.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "(The dog version of HetaOni.) Do not enter the mansion....or...YoU...wIlL...NoT...eScApE", false, true], "DogTag": ["http://dogtag.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "This is a side story to 'Striped' but works also as a separate comic. WARNING: What you can expect, well, my favourites: blood, action, some nudity. Rating 18+, I would say (I just don't want to be responsible for any trauma or any caused psychological disorders). Although I've read worse things when I was younger :D... Also: all characters and names in this comic are fictional.", true, true], "DollMeister": ["http://dollmeister.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "Follow teenage Dollmaker Emily Schryn and her Meister Hall fight team as they make their way through high school, hilarity and the Meister Hall tournament season.", false, true], "Dolor": ["http://dolor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "do\u00b7lor [doh-ler] noun sorrow; grief. * IN THE PROCESS OF RE DRAWS THANK YOU! *", false, true], "DontFallInLoveWithADemon": ["http://dontfallinlovewithademon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "This is a comic about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Oliver is convicted and arrested, yet sees a way out; a demon. Promising him freedom and power in exchange for his soul... Who wouldn't turn that down! But will little Oliver realize this frightening creature is more than just a player? Will he even fall in love? Will he listen to the title?! Stay tuned! Updates on Sundays", true, true], "DontForgettoSmile": ["http://dont-forget-to-smile.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "At night, Beauregard dreams.", false, true], "DoodleBeans": ["http://beans.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 125, "No arms? No legs? No problem! Superheroes, Tentacle Monsters, Video Games, Violence, and PLOT!? If you like it, please comment and +favs Comic updates Monday-Friday at Midnight (PDT)", true, true], "DoodleSquad": ["http://doodlesquad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Two idiots on a mission.", false, true], "DoodlingAround": ["http://doodlingcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 143, "", false, true], "DoomsdayMyDear": ["http://www.doomsdaymydear.com/comics/", 317, "A turn-of-the-20th century webcomic drama about a modern day plague, the political turmoil that follows in its wake, and the lives of the people it touches.", false, true], "DoorMan": ["http://doorman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "DoorMan is Janus de Nile, an enigmatic centuries-old time-traveller with the ability to turn any ordinary doorway into a portal through space and time. Janus has devoted himself to the destruction of the Arcanum, malevolent psychic parasites that feed from the angst, guilt and remorse of ordinary people who hold secrets from their pasts buried deep in their psyches. DoorMan can take the victims into the past to directly face their own fears, but only they can save themselves . . . 'Sandman' meets 'Doctor Who' in this horror / sci-fi / psychological thriller comic celebrating its 20th anniversary in a remastered web edition with new material. Updates Wednesdays.", false, true], "DoppelgangerTheManBehindtheDoor": ["http://doppelganger.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "A lyric comic about a man who writes stories about desperate and suicidal people to raise his own spirits and inadvertently summons his nemesis.", false, true], "Dorks": ["http://dorkadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Jonny, Richie, and Flynn Lee Woo befriend Lorence, a monster who goes to their school. This comic is about these losers trying to survive highschool. Updates roughly around 4 times a week.", false, true], "DoubleLeafNuzlocke": ["http://2leaf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Feuille Verte is just another trainer from Pallet Town, in an era where Team Rocket has stirred so much terror in the Kanto region that kids rarely get to go on adventures anymore--- unless their mothers are TV addicts and their childhood friends are the grand-children of world renown Pokemon Professors who don't remember what era it is. Competing with her rival, stalked by a second Nuzlocker, and trying to give her own adventure a plot... Feuille sure is going to be a busy trainer! ----------------------------- In other words, just another Nuzlocke comic with an attempt at plot. Keyword: attempt.", false, true], "Doublenegative": ["http://doublenegativecomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "A slice-of-life comic strip. In color! Updates M/W/F", false, true], "DoubtandTrustNuzlockeAHGSSPokemonGijinkaNuzlockeComic": ["http://doubtandtrustnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A Pokemon gijinka nuzlocke comic based on Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver. -- Long ago, a group of strong and skilled warriors migrated to the Kanto and Johto regions and lived there for generations. They have kept many evil gangs from harming citizens and peace reigned in the region... However, one villainous group known as Team Rocket secretly plotted to overthrow warriors and rule both regions and eventually the world. Terror and despair descended on both regions as the regions' strongest fighters and Team Rocket members battled endlessly. Finally, the fighters managed to infiltrate the head enemy base and destroy it. This war ended approximately 50 years ago. After the war, the remaining survivors that helped fight against Team Rocket chose the top five strongest amongst themselves, naming them the League... Noah Evian stands in the midst of the wilderness. Who is he and where did he come from? No one knows.", false, true], "DoubtedLove": ["http://doubtedlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A Bleach doujinshi featuring Ikkaku Madarame and Yumichika Ayasegawa. Shounen-Ai and Friendship. The story is based on a fanfiction written by machi-tan. Enjoy! :) ----- http://machi-tan.deviantart.com/ http://machi-tan.deviantart.com/art/Doubted-Love-170573438", false, true], "DougsMindDougshugs": ["http://dhstrips.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "", true, true], "DownOnOurLuck": ["http://downonourluck.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "\"It all started when you saved me from the closet.\" Demetrius saves Josh from bullies And Josh falls in love <3 Read to see how everything turns out! School Romance, BoysLove (BL), Drama!", false, true], "DowntheGrowlingThunder": ["http://downthegrowlingthunder.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "A yaoi/slash romance story set in medieval times about a betrayed king, Rohen Goetz, who struggled to get back to the war with the knight who once betrayed him, Sir Clarke.", true, true], "Dragnarok": ["http://dragnarok.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Thousand of years after \"the Curse\" people went to the North and have lived there since then. One of the survivors, Ka'Net gets by working as a mercenary. One day she discovers something long forgotten to the human race. Read more at: http://dragnarok.com/ or http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Dragnarok/detail-page/3406?lang=en", false, true], "DragonKid": ["http://dragonkid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 127, "Dragon Kid is the story of Keiko Shoda, a little girl from a land called Dragon Haven. Curious and strong-headed, she disobeys her brothers' warnings and ventures into the lair of the Dark Dragon, Kuronaga, accidentally freeing him. Now banished into the Mortal Realms because of her doing, she must become the heroine she is destined to be.", false, true], "DragonMansion": ["http://dragomansion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Do what you want here, it's welcome to everyone~. But whatever you do has to be awesome, there are no boundaries! And you don't have to have sonic sprites, any type is welcome. This comic will have plots occasionally too, which anyone is allowed to start as long as you consult Sprite_brawler first.", false, true], "DragonOrigin": ["http://dragonorigin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 111, "On a island somewhere, hidden to the human eye, are shape shifting creatures called dragons. This island is the beginning of almost every dragon. This island is called 'Origin'. Dragons occasionally leave their nest at Origin and venture into the human domains. Some of them form relationships with humans as their guardians and the humans as their tamers. One particularly unlucky dragon decides to leave origin. He spends his life cautious of other living things and always alone. He vowed never to trust any one. That is, until a young girl comes along and earned his trust. Now he has a new vow. To protect this girl that has become his tamer, no matter what. Little does he know, there are more things in store for him then just protecting his new tamer. Contains: Romance, blood, violence.", false, true], "DragonballAFTheXicorSaga": ["http://dragonballafxicor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Season 1: Xicor Saga", false, true], "Dragonet": ["http://dragonet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 378, "A wizard tries to raise an orphaned dragon in a world filled with fantasy, magic, war, and adventure. He soon finds out a dragon does what it wants...and he may make all the difference.", false, true], "DragonsLament": ["http://dragonslament.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A born prince and trained assassin wants revenge against a villain for destroying everything he knows and holds dear.", false, true], "DrawAnything": ["http://drawanything.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "This is just a doodle comic. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Random excerpts from my life, other peoples' lives, what I wish was my life, and thoughts that pop into my mind. Beware of puns. And swearing. I like to swear. Sorry. Thanks for reading.", false, true], "DrawingABlank": ["http://drawingablank.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A tale of dreams, misplaced memories, and the foul tempered boy who's caught in the middle of it all.", false, true], "DreamBoy": ["http://dreamboy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "Uma garota encontra o rapaz ideal em seus sonhos. E um dia, o encontra de verdade.", false, true], "DreamCatcherbyLanina": ["http://laninasdreamcatcher.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Experimentation is being perform on a girl, measuring her nightmares. To protect herself, the girl manifests a young hero in her dreams. But is this hero a dream or real?", false, true], "DreamCatchersNuzlocke": ["http://dcn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "-OnGoing- DCN follow's the story of Scarlet Nuzlocke. A 10 year old girl who was abandoned by her parent when she was 5 and brought up by her Aunt and younger cousin Red. On her journey she meets new pokemon, people as well as old as her past slowly starts to catch up to her, is there something she want's to hide? Visit: http://scarletnuzlockes.deviantart.com/ For Quicker updates", false, true], "Dreamcatchers": ["http://dream-catchers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 350, "Motsury Sohiru has been suffering from nightmares from long time, but one day fate drives her to a shop, where she finds a dreamcatcher. It would be all nice, but she hasn't got enough money to buy it, so she decides to steal it, but it get soon to an enemy of her, and when Sohiru get it back it is already broken. The next night she gets into a nightmare again, and the dreamcather brings it to the real world with a boy who saved her in the dream. But what can she do with this stranger? And what will happen after dreams and dreams? It will turn out from the manga...", false, false], "Dreamer": ["http://rikusu-dreamer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A short story about a girl who is dreaming - or is she? Fantasy | Completed (2010) - 10 pages", false, true], "Dreamy": ["http://dreamy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "One night, a boy named Rin dreams in his sleep while his twin brother Yukio stays awake to observe how strangely he acts. As he sleeps, Rin realizes that he is dreaming within several dreams. The causes were experiencing situations with Yukio and a girl named Shiemi trying to wake him up in awkward ways. By the time Rin awakens in the middle of the night, stating that he had strange dreams resulted in Yukio teasing him about \"inception.\" Dreamy is a fan comic of the anime Blue Exorcist (Ao no Exorcist) that can also be seen at azure-rose.deviantart.com. *may contain mature content*", true, true], "Driftwurld": ["http://driftwurld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "In a post apocalyptic world turned to wilderness, things from other dimensions now drift through cracks in space and time to torment what's left of the human race. I've also made a browser game for Driftwurld! Come play! http://driftwurld.freehostingcloud.com/login.php * In the spirit of Hanna Barbera, I will be reusing art assets. Alot. *", false, true], "DrivingMyselfCrazy": ["http://dmc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A conman, who is not always a conman, is caught in the act of stealing. He does not always steal- oh wait, yes he does- and after years of luck he is finally caught. Running from the space age police, he finds a doorway to another dimension... A normal girl, who is not always normal, is spending her days trudging through a monotonous schedule. Bossing people around,doing her best to keep her grades up, is always serious. Running from herself, she finds exactly what she was running from... Two dimensions collide in this world as a conman meets himself, and a girl is faced with her opposite.", false, true], "DroidsFactory": ["http://droidsfactory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "This is my Sandbox comic! Warning: May contain awesomeness. I will put mini story's, Sprites, and random stuff here!", false, true], "DropDeadVince": ["http://dropdeadvince.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "A black romantic comedy about an undead lady killer who finds the ghoul of his dreams, and how a newly-dead aspiring fashion model copes with her new afterlife.", false, true], "DruidCityVolume1FreePreview": ["http://druidcitycomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "The first volume of Druid City, a low-rent graphic novel. You can visit http://www.druidcitycomic.blogspot.com to learn more about the comic and where to buy the full volume (with extra content). This free version is for drumming up interest. Once a promising journalism grad student, Hunter Hasting's prospects have hit the rewind button. He's found himself stranded in his hometown, arguing with old rivals and old flames, and crashing on the couch in his younger brother's dormitory lobby. Now, in a world where over-education and under-employment add up to discontent, he's gone back to doing what he does best: digging up dirt to find a scandalous news story. He is willing to get the job done at any cost, as long as the price isn't his own pride. This is a three chapter preview of this story. The entire volume can be purchased through Lulu.com, Amazon and Barnes and Noble (2.99 USD digital copies!)", false, true], "DrySpell": ["http://dryspell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A heatwave is passing through town and it hasn't rained in weeks. As one man decides that he cares more about keeping the willow in his garden alive than the watering ban he makes a startling discovery... Published in Swedish Comic Sin. [Complete]", true, true], "DudeIdidnotseethatcomingatall": ["http://didnotsee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Well....what can I say? If I told you how many times I asked God for a boyfriend, you'd probably call me desperate. =w=; So this is a comic of what will probably happen to me when I don't want a boyfriend anymore. All events are fictional okay? If they should occur.... BY GOD 0_0 ...I will thank Him. XD LOL Yes I realize my style changed in like the third page. I got lazy and didn't feel up to coloring. Plus, it looked nicer. :3 SO without further rambling, enjoy!", false, true], "DueParti": ["http://dueparti.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "Due Parti (Two Parts) Sometimes the one you believe is your destined one, turns out to be wrong. Sometimes the right one, ends up being something you'd never expect. Simple story of loving the person you know is meant for you, no matter who they are. Sketch comic,a comic that will be updated whenever the inspiration for it hits (so watch it with patience, i could post many pages in one day, or one every few weeks) - includes \"boys love\", cross dressing, transgender) enjoy~", false, true], "Dumbbeetlesworld": ["http://dumb-beetles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Follow the story of Dareel one of the persons who sudenly got a magical power. How will he react to this newly gained power in this world that knew nothing of magic just a week ago.", false, true], "DumbbeetlesworldFR": ["http://dumbeetles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "If you are an anglophone this is the french version of my manga the english version is avaible here: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=134969 ------ Curently re-uploading every pages due to gramatical mistakes.", false, true], "DumpRealNiggaReviewsStarringDeadpool": ["http://rns.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Basically, i'm going to review this here. -Games -Games and mostly -Games. But hey, if you want me to review anything else, just leave me a comment, eh ? Other comics: -http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=136145 -http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=138194 Was inspired by: Drake Junior a.k.a Modernwarnegro Website to him: Modernwarnegro.com __________________ -18+ Language -Mostly Mature Rated Games -All that bullshit.", false, true], "DumpofManyPeople": ["http://solazy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "A dump. NEEDS AUTHORS IF YOU CAN, JOIN OR TELL SOMEONE ELSE ABOUT THIS. I won't update very often, but I will.", false, true], "DungeonHordes": ["http://dungeonhordes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 701, "In 1986 Dungeon Hordes was released on the Playtendo and moved 1 million units world wide which is way more successful than its previous release on the Batari 2200 in 1979. Now in 2011 Dungeon Hordes has returned bigger and better than ever with mind numbing graphics and all new enemies to fight. So how do the characters in game feel about this? Only time will tell. Enter the lives of Tiggz and Tomes, two level 5 bosses tired of being easily killed by player 1 and wanting the glory of finally becoming more than just petty bandits. Will they survive the new creatures that the mighty programmers have added to the game? Will they ever kill player 1 and move up the mob boss ladder? Will they ever get a raise from their uptight dungeon boss Kalakis and finally pay off their ale tabs at the Stinky Dragon Inn? Stay tuned and find out..... Will be updated Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Dungeon Hordes Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dungeon-Hordes#!/pages/Dungeon-Hordes/195568970460655", false, true], "DuskTillDawnAMinecraftStory": ["http://dusktilldawn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Trouble is starting within a Minecraft server... A hero must rise to fight the enemies that threaten the very construct of the game. Hunted by the Admin and other players, he alone will stand to keep the game running for all those who play to enjoy Minecraft, and not to destroy it...", false, true], "Dysania": ["http://dysania.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "If his soul is trapped inside an animal, where is his body? Maybe asking the owner of the pet to help him out won't be too much of a trouble... would it? Well... let's read on >_> A/N: SOOOO the title will change quite frequently until I find a better title. You will definitely be thinking, \"Did I follow this?\", whenever I change the name... ignore it because I'm terrible at thinking up things. The title may even be changed to \"Finding Nemo\" jkjk/BRICKED Genre: Comedy, Shounen Ai(affection between men), Mystery If you don't like shounen ai, please don't read and/or leave rude comments. You have been warned. Much would be appreciated! :) THIS WILL BE VERY SKETCHY! I'M SORRY./RUNSAWAY", false, true], "Dysphoria": ["http://dysphoriaa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A manga that explores the subject of gender dysphoria.", false, true], "EATATAU": ["http://eatatau.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 233, "", false, true], "ENDGAME": ["http://endgame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "It all begins when twelve people wake up in a room with no memory of how they got there and no way out. From the very first moment they know there is something off about that place\u2026 something unearthly. Soon they discover that the only thing they have in common is a dark and painful past\u2026 and crimes they have committed that they now have to reveal. And an awful game begins\u2026 Who will live and who will die in the endgame?", false, true], "EPOCHFiles": ["http://epoch-files.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "18-year-old Sordis was more than happy to take it upon himself to save the world after discovering a device that gives its wielder the power to be a superhero. Moira, an agent of V.I.G.I.L, was sent to retrieve a war-machine to prevent it from getting into the wrong hands but when a third party intercepts her mission, the machine is sent into a different time and space, taking River, a smuggler by trade, along with it. An epic adventure of an inter-dimensional spy, a space cowgirl and an accidental superhero. Updates every Thursday! http://epoch-files.deviantart.com", false, true], "ERAConvergence": ["http://convergence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 145, "UPDATES MONDAY AND THURSDAY! The Darkwood corporation is in jeapordy if Velias doesn't manage to retrieve evidence stolen by a pesky rebel rat. He decides to hatch a plan to kidnap the rebel's clueless little sister, but finds that more difficult than he thought...", false, true], "ERAIbuki": ["http://eraibuki.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 227, "A short story about a girl with a kind heart who is faced against a world that's just too strong for her to fight. But it doesn't stop her from trying. Updates DAILY This comic is now a Premium Comic on Manga Magazine! :) If it isn't too much trouble, please give the comic one click over there too! :)", false, true], "ERRORERROR": ["http://errorerror.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 383, "A finnish teenage boy Tomi is a normal nerd. He plays videogames and gets average grades, but also is terribly bored with his life. But one day he accidentally gets inside of his computer and meets there a girl, who calls herself princess Jooda. And there is a profecy about Tomi, sword and Viruses. Warnings: If you are under 13 years old, I do not recommend this comic to you. Contains bad language, blood and somewhat sexual themes. ps. This started out as a test for new tablet, so the start looks like that too. Also, sorry about the style changes, I practice. Updates 2-4 pages a week.", false, false], "ESC": ["http://esckey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Two men, through a series of disastrous events, unexpectedly unite together and become friends. This is a tale. Of their friendship.", false, true], "ETankChronicles": ["http://etankchronicles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Mega Man vs Dr. Wily, Simple and Clean. Occasional Guests Characters may appear.", false, true], "EarthGuardians": ["http://earthguardians.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "It's about an unknown race teenager boy who tries to find out what race he is, with his childhood friend.", false, true], "Eatyouanotherday": ["http://eatyouanotherday.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Shoujo-ai/Yuri/GirlxGirl One Shot Rating: R18 Characters: Frenda Clementia Valentina Divella Elizabeth Ranoir Strawberry-Maidens.Deviantart.com ----------- Wolf Val x Little Red Frenda 'Little Red Riding Hood AU' Story: Frenda magically transforms into a wolf one day and her body starts acting very strangely. She tries to avoid Valentina but finds herself in a hot mess. In the end, Frenda was cured of the magical spell.", true, true], "Echoenglish": ["http://echo-en.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Echo is a mute young woman who wants to search for her father, who disapeared a long time ago. She lives in the kingdom of Taranis and in the main castle of the kingdom as the child of a great warrior. But a war is about to begin... Update every sunday !", false, true], "EchoesofArcadia": ["http://echoesofarcadia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 71, "Genre: Sci Fi/Dystopian Synopsis: Apollo and Haelan are dreamers with a goal to bring justice in a world where corruption runs amok. But when their scheme crosses the path of corporate head figure Aides Deius, they realize they've been biting off more than they can chew as they fall in a downward spiral to the point of no return. Reinventing the classic Greek Myth of Admetus and Alcestis, Echoes of Arcadia is a tale of timeless love and the struggle to keep dreams alive.", false, true], "Effervescent": ["http://effervescent.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "The fight of the century, a battle royal between seven dimensions that has taken place for several thousand millenniums, repeats its cycle once again. Six dimensions will be competing this round for the prize of 100 years unconditional salvation for the winner's dimension as well as one wish. And, despite humans not having participated for hundreds of years, one lucky human had been chosen at random to compete in this century's tournament.....", false, true], "Effigies": ["http://effigies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "An Explorer dies under mysterious circumstances. The record of his discoveries passes to his Son, incomplete. What follows is the endeavor undertaken to fill in the missing pieces, solve the mysteries of the past, and ultimately uncover the truth. but the world may not be prepared for just what is uncovered.", false, true], "EidolonWhispersofEternity": ["http://whispersofeternity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "In a distant future, on a foreign world, Knights, Dukes and Princes seek to coexist amid a bounty of marvelously advanced technologies and a desire to maintain the old ways. The Luminary Council, an Order of Knights run by the ghostly manifestations of the thousand-year-old Eidolon, seek to bring the world together for mutual gain...but one nation, Kitez, proves to be a thorn in their side. On the eve of a potential breakthrough, catastrophe strikes, and it seeks to destabilize everything the Eidolon had striven for. Ten years pass...and the threat of retaliation seems over. Kitez has been locked down to the outside, but new forces loom on the horizon, daring to kick at the sleeping Lion. Follow the Knight Gabriel Lugios, and his partners Ren Nibasai and Setharion Rydell as they venture into unknown dangers and uncover a millennium's worth of dark secrets... Chapter progress notated on my DevID: http://koltirasrip.deviantart.com/ UPDATES ON THE FIRST OF THE MONTH", false, true], "ElegyOwaritoHajimarinoKyoku": ["http://eleg-y.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A Shinigami has to end one certain girl's life... What else is there to say? XD ...Hope it's easy to understand ^^", false, true], "ElementalSpirits": ["http://elementalspirits.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 110, "Alex's notes to self #23: Do not grab seemingly innocuous sword. Life changing events and general bad things may follow... Elemental Spirits updates every Monday.", false, true], "ElfNHood": ["http://elfnhood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 143, "In a fantasy realm known as Hyren, a world of heroes and evil, wars and love. A band of Mercenaries known as \"Elf n Hood\" try to make a living, doing quest and missions from the locals. Plot based comic, with little jokes on the side.", false, true], "ElfenLiedDifferences": ["http://differences.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 228, "One of my favorite mangas is Lynn Okamoto's famous Elfen Lied (Which likewise I should clarify that I absolutely HATE the anime version) This comic is based on a trilogy story I wrote for FF.Net which I can't say was the best but it was fun nonetheless. --- Differences can be considered an alternate Universe Sequel to the manga. The story revolves around the actions of the second Queen Diclonius. --- It's all I can say, I'm not an artist, I just draw for fun. Enjoy Because it's based off of a Seinen Manga, there's going to be some adult content including Blood and Gore Language Nudity Sorry for inconsistent art as well. Read: Left to Right. When I started it, I didn't do as a traditional manga nor did I feel like changing it up either. Be nice, but feel free to criticize. --- Re-doing Volume I, updates will probably be weekly.", true, true], "EmeraldNuzlocke": ["http://giginuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 98, "Yes, another Pokemon Nuzlocke to infest SmackJeeves. Done on Pokemon Emerald (since I haven't played the Hoenn games in forever D: ). I've been meaning to start a Nuzlocke that I'll stick to o3o This Nuzlocke follows the adventures of Gigi, a human who has lost her memory and wound up in Hoenn region. ********** COMPLETED! Part 2: http://giginuzlocke2.smackjeeves.com", false, false], "EmeraldShadows": ["http://emeraldshadows.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "The story follows young Celia Croft and her adventures", false, true], "EmptyTrashCanYN": ["http://emptytrashcan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "What happens to the numerous works that never made it into the Gataverse canon? They get dropped here. Just like Sandbox. Only without Shard. ;__;", false, true], "EmptyWorld": ["http://empty-world.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 223, "<enter synopsis here> **This manga... -reads from right to left -is released by chapters, not pages -will decrease in quality due to laziness -art will change a lot as chapters go by since im still trying to improve", false, true], "EmptybyDavidMcconnehey": ["http://empty-by-david-mcconnehey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "It has been 20 years since Adam Ratula left earth behind. He left behind a past that chases him across the stars as he looks for life on other worlds. As his dismal experience comes to a close, Adam faces heading back to earth. On his way back however, things take a turn for the worse, and he finds himself on the run, with a dark secret that someone is willing to kill to keep hidden. Adam must make it home, he must face his demons, and he must let the world know the truth he found.", false, true], "EnBusquedadeKio": ["http://enbusquedadekio.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Es la historia de una \"Moonkiko\" (nombre de los habitantes del pa\u00ed\u00ads de la Luna) llamada REIS, que es elegida para que sea la mensajera de la alianza y paz para los dem\u00e1s pa\u00edses sobre un mal muy poderoso que ha estado azotando el planeta HORUS durante a\u00f1os. Mientras avanza la aventura de Reis, conoceremos el origen de ese mal y tambi\u00e9n la gran misi\u00f3n que tendr\u00e1 nuestra protagonista al terminar su rol como mensajera.", false, true], "EndOfTimes": ["http://endoftimes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "The Apocalypse wasn't built in a day....", false, true], "EnditwithaBANG": ["http://eiwabang.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "End it With a BANG follows the adventures of detective hunter Caligo Vis and her sidekick Ruby Woodland. This hunt is for a witch that has been eating the souls of the dying and the wicked. HEAD'S UP: This comic has what you kids these days call the YURIs. It's also an in-progress comic that will be anywhere from 20-50 pages long. UPDATES EVERY SUNDAY.", false, true], "EndlessNight": ["http://endlessnight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "This is a mix of yaoi and sexy demons haha! <u< Deimos is a demon that currently lives on earth, hidding from human kind but stuck in a tricky situation that involves Riley, a boy he's comes to see by his window every night.", false, true], "EndlessThoughtsandEndlessTales": ["http://endlesstales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Endless Thoughts and Tales is a collection of short stories that are taken from real life experiences and fiction. Some stories may be a continuation of shorts while most will be short shorts. You'll laugh, you'll cry, but mostly you'll have a great time~! (Btw when reading right to left~!)", false, true], "EndloseTraumePart2False": ["http://endlosetraume.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A comic collaboration with Killerfishy (DA- http://killerfishy.deviantart.com/ ) and Connie Skerret. A twisted take on the Snow White fairy tale. Chapter 1 - KillerFishy Chapter 2 - Myself Chapter 3 - Connie Skerret", false, true], "EnduranceComic": ["http://endurancecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 71, "A Comic Based On The Reality Show, Endurance!", false, true], "EnigmAofNexus": ["http://enigmaofnexus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Caustic Rachel shares her body with the ghost of her parents' killer who doesn't know they did it and accidentally framed her for it. Genial Red is going on a long journey to find out the secret behind his possessed ink. When they meet in a tavern brawl in Sunecnad their destinies intertwine forever and they head out on a journey across Terasstryel to find the truth. [17+ for heavy violence, nudity, language, and implied sexual situations.]", true, true], "EnkeltenKentta": ["http://enkeltenkentta.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 223, "Sakari Kauria has been living the humble life of a show bartender for a few years. His life isn't glamorous, but when he isn't too self-aware about the quirks in his appearance, it's good enough. He knows who he is, and he knows how the cogwheels of the world run... Except he really doesn't. Luckily during one chaotically eventful night, he encounters Lucifer. A youngster with a similar twist in his appearance, who knows a lot more about the world they live in, and a few answers to some questions about Sakari himself that have plagued him ever since he knew he wasn't like the rest of his kind.", true, true], "Entreeuxdeux": ["http://entreuxdeux.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 325, "\"Entre eux deux\" est une bande-dessin\u00e9e amateur qui sent bon la poudre, les fusillades et la mafia, mais qui en fait se pr\u00e9occupe plus des deux destins qui y ont difficilement trouv\u00e9 leur place. Deux \u00eatres que tout s\u00e9pare, mais finalement pas tant que \u00e7a... Je poste les pages par quatre (quand j'y arrive) tous les 15 jour, le dimanche. Merci \u00e0 tous ceux qui passent par ici. >w<", false, true], "Eorah": ["http://eorah.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "", true, true], "Eos": ["http://nulibre.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Indigo is a Guardian - a half human, half monster soldier. While she isn't so strong herself, she ended up with a curse nicknamed the Shifter's Fragment... a curse powerful enough to stop a war that's raged for hundreds of years. But who's side will she join? Eos is more or less an excerpt from my WIP story \"Frozen(n)\" :D", false, true], "EozinKadonnutKuningas": ["http://eozinkadonnutkuningas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 113, "30 vuotta sitten Eozin kuningaskuntaa kohtasi vampyyrien joukkohy\u00f6kk\u00e4ys jonka taistelussa kruunupari menett\u00e4v\u00e4t henkens\u00e4 ja kruunun perillisist\u00e4 vanhempi katoaa j\u00e4ljett\u00f6miin taistelun keskell\u00e4 kun nuorempi perillinen saadaan siirretty\u00e4 turvaan, mutta norukaisen olinpaikasta ei ole t\u00e4n\u00e4k\u00e4\u00e4n p\u00e4iv\u00e4n\u00e4 mit\u00e4\u00e4n tietoa. Er\u00e4\u00e4n\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4n\u00e4 kaapuun pukeutunut vaeltava nuorukainen kohtaa siivekk\u00e4\u00e4n olennon. Syyst\u00e4 tai toisesta he alkavat matkustaa yhdess\u00e4 kohdaten matkallaan yst\u00e4v\u00e4llist\u00e4 v\u00e4ke\u00e4, mutta my\u00f6s vaarallista. Matka on tuntematon ja uhmakas, eik\u00e4 kaksikon heikko suhde toisiinsa edist\u00e4 matkaa, mutta ajan kuluessa tapahtuu molemmille hyvin yll\u00e4tyksellisi\u00e4 asioita.", false, true], "EpicChaos": ["http://epicchaos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "How would you react if you woke up next to your best friends doppelganger? You'd probably react how Mel did. Follow JJ, Mel, Nathan and Epic Nat (EN for short) throughout their adventures through college, jobs, and all of the chaos EN brings with him!", false, true], "EpicLoadsThecomic18": ["http://epicloads.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 60, "An hunky adult parody of the RPG World.", true, true], "Equsopia": ["http://equsopia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "Because of black magic, the king and his loyal knight were sent to another world. Now they must find the way home. Read from left to right. Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/Equsopia Join me on FB page for more arts, contests, and gifts!", false, true], "EraofOrlon": ["http://eraoforlon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "The fantasy/ science fiction comic about my dragonelves characters, and their life's and powers, discovering and struggling, learning and failing, loving and hating.", true, true], "ErikWarhammersRandomAdventuresofRandomness": ["http://erikwarhammersrandomadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "The adventures of Kat'tar Ventil a chaotic good druid and Erik Warhammer a Lawful Neutral Cyborg killing machine.Unknown to both of them a storm brews on the horizon and the fate of billions of lives rest on their shoulders. Yes this won't end well at all.", false, true], "ErokusosClassics": ["http://erokusosclassics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 166, "Here are all my old comics from around 2003-2008 before discovering smackjeeves and making a major overhaul to my comics. You will find out how Merc & Tech were before and the nature of Vyydia was different as well. WARNING! Fuzzy sprites ! !", false, true], "Espaced": ["http://espaced.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Teenagers, spacecops and queer alien adventures! Updates on Wednesdays (soon on Saturdays as well!)", false, true], "Espenville": ["http://espenville.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "After losing his family to a vicious vampire attack, former merchant Amaury Fournier vows to kill every vampire in the mysterious Inner Circle. But will his relentless quest for revenge kill him first? Book One - Nocturne- Ettiene Desy, a young musician recently moved to his cousin's manor in Espenville, catches the eye of the handsome and mysterious Count Michel-Benoit. Though on the surface quite charming, Michel-Benoit has sinister plans for Etienne... Book Two - Elegy - A funeral brings Etienne's parents to Espenville, setting off a chain of events that draws Amaury closer to Michel-Benoit... Updates on Fridays. www.espenville.com", false, true], "EspeonandUmbreonDangerousfugitives": ["http://espyumbry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "BLAH BLAH", false, true], "EssenceOfHeart": ["http://essenceofheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "HINT:read right to left -- Kamika Moore, her life may be somewhat dull. Her father is always working and never has time to spend with her. The only positive thing in her life is her best friend Tesumi, an over-eccentric,loud and hungry teenage girl. This is pretty normal,typical even. But all of that changes when a sudden incident cause Kamika to have visions of strange things interacting with her, and to top it off she encounters a boy who can tell her why she is having these visions. What will become of these events? Will they take Kamika's life and turn it around for the better? Find out and read. '-'", false, true], "EternalKnights": ["http://eternalknights.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "Suicidal immortal Kathryn \"Artemis\" Kennedy finds reasons to live -- and a way to die.", true, true], "EternalSomnium": ["http://eternalsomnium.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "A 20 page one-shot, which was originally submitted to Seqapunch, but wasn't good enough..so, here i am, posting it online. DA:", false, true], "EternityConcepts": ["http://eternityconcepts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 190, "WARNING: This is a yaoi manga. There is no sex--but there is some suggestion, and a large amount of adult humor. Julian--err, Father Julian--Father Skyy? Just call him Julian--is a priest at Sacred Heart Cathedral. . .and deeply depressed. After a long struggle with his depression, he concludes a deadly solution, convinced it's the only one he has; En route to take his own life, Julian discovers the body of another man who's beaten him to the same punch--and in the snap moment of a life or death situation, Julian forgoes his plans to save a life. Thus he meets Hollow, a depressed Atheist whom Julian now accredits his illumination to happiness to; Having now come to close to experiencing the damage he himself was about to cause, Julian feels transformed--and wants to return the favor to Hollow and do the same for him. If he can't--surely God can! While they agree to disagree, Hollow and Julian form an odd, close friendship--and soon, Julian forgets about converting Hollow and begins to realize his feelings. . .may mean something else. All the while, they're never aware of the danger lurking in the shadows. . .", true, true], "Etoile": ["http://etoile-protector.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Etoile and the Star Thief Etoile and the Littlest Star Etoile and the Dying Star art and story by Schlissel updates daily", false, true], "Euphora": ["http://euphora.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Mishka is looking for her family's roots, believing that there is a lot about her that they kept secret. She was certain she was out of place in the world, but she didn't quite realize how far out of place she was. Euphora will update twice a week, usually Mondays/Fridays depending upon my schedule.", false, true], "Euphoria": ["http://euphoria.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "Genre: Romance, School Life, Comedy Finding happiness through love, pain, and friendship (WARNING: may cause headache and severe diarrhea) It's the last year for Hayato's high school life and he's given the chance to confess his love to the girl he liked ever since, Hana. Will he be able to be the one who can make Hana smile even though Hana likes the council president, Mitsuhiro and if he finds out that his childhood friend, Prixia is in love with him? Find out on this roller coaster love story! READ LEFT TO RIGHT", false, true], "EvD": ["http://ev-d.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 109, "Gail never seems to be able to have peace. Not when everyone is out to get him. And yet the person at the top of that list is himself. Nothing is good and everything hurts. But perhaps.. This is just what the gods wanted. [Contains innappropriate language occassionally] Updates on Wednesdays", false, true], "EvansBlues": ["http://evansblues.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Based on the TVTrope: Our vampires are different. In an alternative post-WWII world, UK and USA managed to advance faster than the URRS, so that now communist Berlin is isolated in the middle of democratic Germany, with huge walls of concrete \"protecting\" the citizens from the horrors and moral decay of Capitalism. And this would be all nice and good if an AIDS epidemic hadn't started inside the fortressed city, forcing the Government to forbid all sort of blood transfusions, forcing thus the health system to resort to pre-XX-century-medicine. This situation has lasted for quite some time and but now, two very brave, or very stupid, youngsters have decided to make some money out of it. They start stealing blood and then selling it to the highest bidder. The plot follows the paths of 13 characters and their relation to this blood-stealing/selling-mafia. Also, some blood-illnesses are explained during this story, so you might come out of it having some cool but probably useless medical knowledge about some rare diseases. Contains: Love, sex, fear, obsession, passion & death.", false, true], "Evasive": ["http://evasive.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A story based in a futuristic world in which humanity caused it's own extinction, an the machines they created were the cause. Upon taking over the Earth, they turned their targets onto the other planets and dimensions, and had plenty of technology and time at their disposal. Follow the adventures of a planet struggling to survive a war it never seen coming, a race far opposite of our own. They'll be forced to adapt to their alien foes or face the consequence of falling victim to the mistakes of another race. Rated PG-13 for Strong Language, Violence, and Gore", false, true], "EveningCoffee": ["http://eveningcoffee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "", false, true], "EveningMist": ["http://eveningmist.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "", false, true], "Eventslife": ["http://events-life.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Channel 54 is a television channel providing a Teletext news service to the county of Bylyn, named Events: Life. In these modern times, we aim to provide the area with up to date accounts of the local events going on within the county and neighbours. Updates every midnight.", false, true], "Everyday": ["http://eerday.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Tosen's Comet passes by Edin every hundred or so years, each time Edin is said to go into a wonderful era of peace between it's own nations as well as between other planets that happen to cross paths with it. --------------------------------------------------------- Weird happenings are occuring on Edin, things and people are going missing, everyone's filled with a sense of dread, and... Tosen's Comet doesn't look like it'll just pass by the planet this year...", false, true], "EverydayisLikeSunday": ["http://seasidetown.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "..... Updates M, W, S", false, true], "EvilPlan": ["http://evilplan.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 509, "Evil Plan takes the superhero world and flips it, viewing things from the supervillain's perspective. The story follows Dr. Kinesis' journey on the road to world conquest. On the way, he'll have to deal with a troublesome AI, his unwilling friendship with crazy black-market dealers, and the possibility of romance with his second-in-command. And the superhero. Can't forget that guy. With all this going on, Evil Plan is a comic for people who want to see the bad guy win. If he doesn't blow himself up first. Story and Line Art: Alexis Royce Color: Megan Johnston, Chelsea Capobianco Updates: Every Sunday", false, false], "Exeexecutablefile": ["http://exe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "Created by a brilliant but insane scientist, the code is the product of a lifetime of work. The goal, to create a singular image that when scanned by the human eye begins to erode the mind of the viewer taking them on a dark descent into madness. The origin of the image and the elements it contains is a mystery waiting to be solved. Exe: Executable File is a dark and twisted science fiction tale.", false, true], "ExisAndLuxPresentTheGrandTournament": ["http://tgt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "(We post every not as much as we would like to!~) The 1st Annual Grand Tournament has arrived! Do you have what it takes to be a champ? Are you ready to battle it out against friends and foes? If so, then this might be the tourney for you! Now watch as some of the greatest fighters battle it out for the title of The Grand Champion. Who will win? Find out this and more when The Grand Tournament begins... Hosts: Lux & Mr.Exis Current fighters: 1. Lux (Luxbot) 2. Freeze (Killer Exis) 3. Cody (Mr.Starster) 4. Zak (SpeedoTH) 5. Omni (Omnimon630A) 6. Headphone Joe (Mr.Starster) 7. Sin (Mr.Starster.) 8. Flood (Floob) 9. Ultimate (Ultimate the Hedgehog) 10. Gamerman (supersonicfan0) 11. Nitro (jameswolf100) 12. Linii (Blumage16) 13. Royle (Royle McCulloch) 14. Jake Blaze (WolfieBoy) 15. Smash (smash) 16. Alex (Alex the Dark)", false, true], "Experience": ["http://experiences.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Experience koostuu pienist\u00e4 sarjis p\u00e4tkist\u00e4, jotka ovat omia kokemuksiani el\u00e4m\u00e4n varrellani. se miten paljon niit\u00e4tulee piirretty\u00e4 riippuu siit\u00e4 inspiroiko kokemus piirt\u00e4m\u00e4\u00e4n sen hetken.", false, true], "ExperimentalLove": ["http://experilov.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "Bluebelle has been blind her whole life. She was always used to being such a pampered little princess that when her mom decides that she's getting her a \"seeing eye dog\" all the sudden, she has to learn that the world does not revolve around her. And not to mention, you have to be grateful just for being alive. This comic contains shoujo ai and bratty little cat girls.", false, true], "ExplorersoftheGlitchedGates": ["http://eotgg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Side comic to Nightmare: A Platinum Nuzlocke While waiting in the PC for their trainer's return, the Pok\u00e9mon Flamez, Spyro, Hex, and Kaia meet a strange Porygon-Z. The Porygon-Z is infected with a dangerous virus that takes control of the Pok\u00e9mon and then whisks the group out of the storage system and into a video game! They have no choice but to play the game so they can return to the storage system before their trainer comes home. Rated Teen for Violence/Action. Updates when possible, but does so on Tuesday.", false, true], "Eya": ["http://eyaar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "After her grandma sent her to check some suspicious activity in nearby forest, Eya witnesses a very unusual explosion. This fully colored comic will be updated every Tuesday and Friday. Update: I have some technicall difficulties with computer, so I had to spread pages I made so fafr for once a week update. They will be Tuesedays until I solve my issues with graphic card. :]", false, true], "EyesofaDigimon": ["http://eoad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 138, "A fictional Digimon manga about a boy and a unique Digimon. Based off the series by Akiyoshi Hongo.", false, true], "FCsoftheKirbeh": ["http://kirbeh-fcs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Thought about making a random Comic. But since I still have to work on my main comic, I thought it would be fun to do a co-author comic... so... WELCOME TO \u201cFCS OF THE KIRBEH\u201d Characters: - Neutral: Aomi; Wiiby; Mass - Good: Sako, Larry; Breaker; Ignus Unis; Angel, Carly", false, true], "FLIGHTUNITED999Greyscale": ["http://flu999gs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "What's with Flight United 999? Set in the not too far future of 2017, Flight United 999 is a suspenseful Graphic Novel about a vacation gone wrong. After his brother wins a free holiday to the \"Neo Dome\", Jase the main protagonist of this speculative psychological thriller finds himself trapped in a conspired and mind boggling expedition. He starts to notice the signs that something is off about the flight not able to ignore all the bizarre coincidences plaguing his mind. For the reader's point of view, the whole narrative should be an enigma.", false, true], "FML": ["http://mylifeisf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Little drabbles about things that happen in my life. Pretty much just funny or F-me moments.", false, true], "FORSAKENWEBCOMIC": ["http://forsaken-webcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A BALANCER or LIBRA is the person that maintains the balance in a sector. A BALANCER's duty is to fulfill of finish whatever matter was left unattended by a citizen. --------------- The story unfolds in INSIGNIA, the twin continent of ANCORA(relate to Night of the Crimson Blood). Rich and famous Cassimir Altair, living in his elder brother's shadow, is the best friend of Kamino Acosta,the BALANCER of SECTOR 04. Cass is always getting Kamino out of trouble, until the whole situation gets out of hand and a war is created between the four SECTORs.", false, true], "FRIKZ": ["http://frikzcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Three friends. All of them has something that makes they special. Hikari, Akira and Joshi are just nicknames, they are just kids... a little freaks kids and always had something to say about our childhood and youth XDD", false, true], "FRUITPUNCH": ["http://fruit-punch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A comic about loser superheros. -a quick one-shot about a giant-fish-monster- Now updating once a day. Fo' realies.", false, true], "Fading": ["http://fade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "\"Hey, do you know what happens when an angel dies?\" \"Don't be silly, angels don't die...\" Do they? A short little story that wouldn't stop bugging me... PG13 17 pages + epilogue Finished 07.06.10", false, true], "FaeTouch": ["http://faetouch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Tatiana soon finds that having a friend as a faerie isn't all it's cracked up to be", false, true], "FaeryMother": ["http://faerymother.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "A mystical ADVENTURE comic featuring a magical girl who's sucked into a world that an EVIL godmother resides, a place without HOPE or LOVE. The girl must overcome obstacles set for her, all the while dealing with the MORTAL realm, the FAERY realm and the \"OTHER\" realm. Adventure Romance Mystery", false, true], "FailedProject": ["http://failedproject.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "", false, true], "FailureConfetti": ["http://failureconfetti.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 105, "Failure Confetti is a webcomic about life, words, science, games, and human observations. Updates weekly, on Wednesdays.", false, false], "Fairly": ["http://fairly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A series of folk and fairy tales with a yuri twist.", false, true], "FairyTailNatsusaGIRL": ["http://fairytailnatsuisagirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "After a water well,they say there is a beautiful girl. Is there any girl,or just a prank?", false, true], "FairyTaleRejects": ["http://fairytalerejects.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 112, "A vengeful viking centaur. A drunken cowardly satyr. What do these creatures have in common? Absolutely nothing, but they're on a quest to save little Tomato's mom.", true, true], "FairyTales": ["http://fairytales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "Forced to move to a new town, 15-year-old Kiki Manders has been given a much-needed chance to start her life over. However, that's not so easy when your family thinks you're crazy. Kiki's certainly does, and maybe they're right. After all, her best friend is a fairy that nobody else can see. And that's the LEAST of her worries. Family trauma, high school drama, and the paranormal; Kiki's life may not be easy, but at least it's never dull.", false, true], "FalconersDailyStrips": ["http://falcdaily.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 373, "Daily comic strips I throw together with little effort just for funzies.", false, true], "FallenAngelOriginStory": ["http://fallenangelamy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Amy Gallagher was a normal girl with the power of telekenisis. If she refuses to use her powers it kills her over time, but the more she uses her powers to more it tears at her mind, and she loses her sense of morals. This is her origin story. Amy Gallagher originitated from a school asignment where I have to make a mask and the person behind the mask's back story.", false, true], "FallenAngelslove": ["http://fallen-angels-love.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 569, "A cute BL story No smex for awhile sorry! :D Hiro and Taisuke have known each other for many years, they have been friends for as long as they can remember. However, Hiro is a demon who is fated to be locked up for all his life and Taisuke is an angel who's a bit of a play boy. What will happen when Hiro begins to long for freedom so much he would do anything to obtain it? When Taisuke realizes that his feelings for Hiro are a bit more than friendship will he run away or embrace those feelings? When heaven and hell clash how could such a love be accepted? Sounds cliche but I promise it will be a enjoyable read XD", false, true], "FallenFeathers": ["http://fallenfeathers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "This manga is about how it all happened. A young angel was cast out of heaven along with two others. Hell had not existed quite yet, there for they were sent else where. somewhere no being could ever dream about. it is up to these three angels to find away out and start a new. As tensions grow between them, will one stray into darkness? will the other help his fellow holy friend? or will one play mind games for his own pleasure?", true, true], "FalseFigments": ["http://falsefigments.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Anna is just a small girl living in a not so loving home(\"Just a small town girl, Living in a lonely world\"), and to make matters worse there's a monster in her closet. Too bad no one cares, right? the comic has been named! :D FALSE FIGMENTS Huzzah! Let us rejoice!", false, true], "Falsity": ["http://falsity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Eleanor is a doctor prodigy who helps \"people\" who can't receive treatment from normal doctors. However after meeting a shady man on the street she gets dragged into helping him. Of course thats only one of her smaller problems...", false, true], "FamilyOfMe": ["http://familyofme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "How Eric and Kira become friends. I can't explain any further since the comic is just 13 pages long XD", false, true], "Famous": ["http://spica-is-famous.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "Spica is my darling Ipod Gijinka baby girl with amazingly long hair, Rapunzel would be jealous! Spica is super famous in the land of Electrocity, and this is her story. It's not easy being the brightest star in the sky*", false, true], "Fantazja": ["http://fantazja.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "This is experimental erotic comic I made some time ago. I wanted to read erotic comic but I couldn't find something I'd like so I decided that I have to draw it myself.", true, true], "FarOutMantic": ["http://meteorflo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 635, "a kinda large comic this time. about love, creativity, music and discos!! just a fun comic really, nothing too perpelxing. have fun!!~", false, true], "FarOutThere": ["http://faroutthere.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 721, "A manga-esque Sci-Fi Comedy. Far Out There is the webcomic where things happen... IN SPACE!!! (currently being transfered over from DrunkDuck, so pardon the mess)", false, true], "FarewellsONESHOT": ["http://farewells.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A one-shot. Collaboration with Kitsunegirl333. (her story) <<Read this way<< A short story about the parting of two friends. COMPLETED", false, true], "FatedFeather": ["http://fatedfeather.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 121, "Captain Tjakhlune Hawke, forced by circumstance to take up piracy, has only one goal in her life; she wants to catch a man with no name, and she'll go to any length or time to do it.", false, true], "FaultLine": ["http://fault-line.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Comic centering around the lives of two young women. Still in work.", false, true], "FearMe": ["http://fear-me.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Brian is a boy with crippling social anxiety, staying with his crass but loyal roommate, Chey. Brian meets Everett in a less than desirable way, but they become close.", false, true], "FearPhase": ["http://fearphase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Skult has this weird condition which he calls \"A Fear Phase.\" Throughout his life, he would randomly develop a serious phobia however it would only lasted like a phase. His recent phobia(s) has caused him to move out of his home and to live in the city in a cheap apartment. At first, it appeared to be a good choice however, considering his condition, the strange people living in the building may cause even more problems. ----------------------------------------- Mainly a comedy with dark humor, the people vary in sexual orientations, Gender and contains some amount of gore.", false, true], "FeatheredMemories": ["http://featheredmemories.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "A short yaoi lovestory about Sephiroth and Cloud from Final Fantasy VII after ACC~ boyslove with explicit scenes! read from left to right collaboration with Rouge-chan Story by Rouge-chan Drawings by me", true, true], "FeathersPI": ["http://featherpi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 98, "Feather Von Muse was born in the 1600's to a sickly mother and an abusive father. She had no siblings, on the eve of her 18th birthday a terrible war flooded into her village, her mother passed from the stress and her father was killed in the fighting. Trying to run Feather was captured and was turned. she then served the Kingdom of Four Gods until it fell, now she and her partner Diki run a PI group in order to hunt down and kill evil beings!!", true, true], "FeralGentry": ["http://feralgentry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "An occasionally animated new weird comic about modern fairies trying to deal with problems. Tuomi feels content with his solitary way of life in the city, others might not agree. Updates every Wednesday!", false, true], "FernFlower": ["http://fernflower-eng.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "There is a legend about fern flower. That you can finde it only at one night in the year. If you finde it, it will give you all treasures of the world. One 6teen years old girl - Lili, wants to finde that flower. In her big adventure she meet little boy named Poppy. He have elves ears and... tail which is ended with ... a flame?! He's friend is water nymph who he called nymphi? They start to look for that flower and they have de biggest adventure of there life! Polish legend in fantasy world. Oryginal website: http://fernflower.webcomic.ws/", false, true], "FieldsofDreams": ["http://fieldsofdreams.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "\"It's beautiful world created by people's dreams. Full of amazing things, miracles...and nightmares. But we have our heroes - Dream Cathers. They fight for our sake to bring back good dreams and memories. As long as they are there we will be okay...\" Just a fantasy webcomic. May contain bad art, blood, bad language, more blood and my horrible sense of humour.", false, true], "FierceConflict": ["http://fierceconflict.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 255, "For years, a war devastated the planet called Sapton. The conflict began with a group of rebels who were dissatisfied with the laws of this world attempted a world wide coup d'etat. They slowly gained power and eventually overwhelmed the majority of the opposition and are slowly but surely taking control of the world. Out of this group of rebels 5 have taken full authority and are now attempting to lead the world down the path of darkness.We follow the story of a koopa named Zuke who lost his family and homeland in the war. He travels the world in hopes of finding a way to bring peace. All sprites belong to their respective owners.", false, true], "FightsintheVoid": ["http://fights-in-the-void.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "1ce k1d's, Meta Knight's, and my adventures. 1ce k1d sprites' credit go to him. Updates on Sundays and Wednesdays.(If my eyes aren't bleeding, DOUBLE UPDATE ON SUNDAY) This comic is pronounced DEAD.", false, true], "FinalArcanum": ["http://finalarcanum.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 161, "Anyone can be a hero, even the unsuspecting, unwieldy sky pirate Acacitli. When he gets separated from his ship and crew, he quickly learn there's a little more to life than rum, thievery, and failing a little at life more than he'd care to admit.", false, true], "FinalFantasy0": ["http://finalfantasy0.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "The first ever final fantasy game now in comic version!! It follows the plot of the original game, but adds flavorful background stories to the silent protagonists that you grew to love. Ever wondered what the warrior thought as he slayed Garland? What exactly was under that big hat of the black mage? Is the white mage really a woman? You can find out the answers of these and more in the epic story of final fantasy 0. Updates Every Wednesday!!", false, true], "FinalFurtasy": ["http://finalfurtasy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "This is a comic I made for my high school's literary magazine in 2008. It is a tribute to the Final Fantasy games, the first series that introduced me to the Role-Playing game genre. Enjoy!", false, true], "FinalTrack": ["http://finaltrack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "My official entry and finalist for Yen Press\u2019 New Talent Search 2010. Nerdy girl meets punk ghost and together resolve his unfinished business. Also archived on my website. http://www.laurbits.com/archive/final-track-cover/", false, true], "Finder": ["http://finderdogs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "Two best friends, who are practically brothers, set out to track down a missing artifact and along the way the meet new friends who help them accomplish their goal.", false, true], "FindingOurWay": ["http://findingourway.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A story about two girls who used to be friends and grew apart. Now, one's in a band, and the other doesn't know what she wants to do with her life. Current circumstances have them being brought back together.", true, true], "FireEmblemEternalSouls": ["http://eternalsouls.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 143, "FIRE EMBLEM COLLABORATION! This is a Fire Emblem Collaboration by the people on FE-DA (http://www.fire-emblem-boys.com/forum/index.php) about an alternate world of Fire Emblem, which we create OCs to conquer the darkness and save their precious homeland of Thalassa. SPOTS ARE CURRENTLY OPEN FOR THESE CLASSES: Armored Knight (1) Pegasus Knight (2) Mage (1) Please message me or join our forum to participate! Thank you!! I hope you will enjoy our creation! <ZengQunAn>", false, true], "FireWire": ["http://firewire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 446, "When Kennedy H'naka's cell phone becomes the new home of the dragon FireWire Balisk, she finds herself sucked into a world of battles, secrets, and shadowy organizations. What's a girl to do when she has to save the world and still pass the tenth grade? Updates: Thursdays Reads: left to right. Comments greatly appreciated ^^", false, true], "Firelight": ["http://no-light.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "Someone has kidnapped the sun. Olivia is out to find it.", false, true], "FireredLisasReise": ["http://lisasreise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 149, "This comic is a Firered Nuzlocke run. Lisa, a young girl from kanto starts her journey to become the Pok\u00e9mon master. Updates Sundays! Also visit my tumblr account and ask Leaf questions! http://lisa-leaf.tumblr.com/ Laufente has helped me with the coloring until page 63, but I figured I should learn how to do backgrounds and attacks myself so I will do it alone from now on. Laufente has her own Nuzlocke as well so please look at Road to Glory as well :D", false, true], "Fish": ["http://fishcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A heartwarming story about the power of faith. Updated every day!", false, true], "FixedGenes": ["http://adventuresofcashewandkyomu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "This is the tale of Cashew and Kyomu, animal human hybrid things created from genetic experiments. Writing and research by college friends Blood print and bg from http://psychobob.xepher.net/screentonez/", false, true], "FlashbackBirthdaySpecial": ["http://flashbackbday.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "A total of 31 pages drawn in 1.5 days for the birthday of a friend. Details why I've drawn a comic are in the comic itself. The person who this comic was meant for has agreed for it to be put on smackjeeves. **Names have been changed for privacy reasons.** My pirmary webcomic: Flashback. And journal comic where the readers follow some unknown dutch dude through his life. http://flashback.smackjeeves.com/ Please have fun with this Birthday Special!", false, true], "FlintandSpice": ["http://flint-and-spice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "19 year old Flint was happy with how his life was, nothing unexpected happened, it was ordinary. Until, when returning home from work he witnesses the kinapping of his younger brother Ash. Now hes on a mission to get him back. To help him on his quest is Spice the cursed sorceror who has a score to settle with the kidnapper. light boy love, violence and blood. Reading direction is left to right.", false, true], "FloobishStuff": ["http://floobishstuff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 72, "", false, true], "FlowerWebbs": ["http://flowerwebbs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "The meanings of flowers can be very powerful, and can show a person's true intentions. If given the chance to right the wrong you've done, would you refuse, or would you try to atone? Even if accepted, that doesn't mean you won't fail.... *WARNING* the comic contains YAOI, minimal gore, darkness in human hearts, dark humor, and flowers *READS LEFT TO FIGHT* Updates at least once a week", true, true], "Floyd": ["http://floyd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "This web comic was done back in my high school years. It tells the tale of a group of teenagers who find themselves in another universe after an alien attack on Earth. Together they wander around the universe searching for a way to return home and along the way battle monsters to survive.", false, true], "FluffyTales": ["http://fluffytales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Fluffy Tales is a series of one-shot comics and/or previews for other comics by Shard. Expect a lot of mood whiplash when it comes to the kinds of comics you'll see from this. NOW PLAYING: Broken", false, true], "Flurry": ["http://flurry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A short comic set in the future when man's best friend is now made of machine.", false, true], "FlyingPheonix": ["http://flyingpheonix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A country girl is accidentally thrown into an adventure outside the law with a rowdy and notorious group after a horrid misunderstanding on her birthday gone terribly wrong.", false, true], "Folklore": ["http://folklore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Follow the lives of a party of mythical creatures who are in a battle to save the world from evil.", false, true], "ForDinosaurEyesOnly": ["http://fordinosaureyesonly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "The truth is, you're a dinosaur with the potential to destroy the entire world, so to prevent that, a device was planted in your brain to make you see the world differently, so that you would never see yourself as a dinosaur. You see, you don't live on Earth. That is where everyone else lives. You live in an hallucination known as reality. Completed comic!!!", false, true], "ForHire": ["http://forhire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "", false, true], "ForLoveOrMoney": ["http://forloveormoney.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "12 page long oneshot comic about a victorian servant and a scary street girl", false, true], "ForMyCountryAMiniComic": ["http://ruf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "As part of a community project, our school read the book \"A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier\" by Ishmael Beah. Our final project was to focus on issues surrounding the book. I chose to depict through a six-page mini-comic the life of an R.U.F. rebel: fighting for one's cause no matter the consequences. Enjoy.", false, true], "Forbidden": ["http://forbiddencomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Set in a future Stockholm, Sweden, the world have suffered a terrible third world war and have lost their dependence on the fossil fuels we use today. The war caused the collapse of the rule of the people in Europe and gave back the power to the ancient families of the European Nobles. This led to a deep set of rules about class and how and when you may or may not marry between social classes. Genders no longer matter, but class do. In this world we step into the world of the forbidden love between two men of social boundaries... Their love is deep and very, very Forbidden. This comic was made for an anthology of erotic short-stories. I was one of many artists in that book which is around 400 pages long. Soon to be available for purchase. Feel free to read my other comics. Finished one shot. http://thoughts-erotica.smackjeeves.com/ Updates Tuesdays and Fridays. http://protectorcomic.smackjeeves.com/ Updates Sundays. http://sacrificescomic.smackjeeves.com/", true, true], "ForcedSeduction": ["http://forced-seduction.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 166, "\"Can you make the next person walking through this door fall in love with you within a month?\" \"Sounds easy.\" BL!!! I apologize for the lack of creativity and the super sketchy outlines. I'm totally being forced XD (Just kidding) Oh, and English is not my first language. It'd be lovely if you could help me to improve ;) (meaning correct me please XD) Better read from right to left ;)", false, true], "ForestDew": ["http://forestdew.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Caesar lost his sight temporarily. In order to recover it he has to live in the forest for a while... Far from the noise, the stress and the hustle of the city. In this new world covered by darkness, Caesar meets Yurue, a mysterious boy living in the forest that shows him that there are also things in this world that can't only be seen by the eyes... ------------------- Warning: Contains slight shounen-ai Please read from right to left 41 pages One-shot. Finished.", false, true], "ForestHill": ["http://www.foresthillcomic.org/comics/", 217, "Life happens.", false, false], "ForeverorNot": ["http://forever-or-not.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Matt is an overly nice boy who sucks at making friends. Fortunately, he meets Levka, who is just dumb enough to tolerate him! Their friendship blossoms, and it lasts forever! Or not? Who really knows! Warning: BL? I think?", false, true], "Forg0tten": ["http://forg0tten.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 63, "The odyssey of a stuffed bear to come back to his owner...", true, true], "ForgiveorForget": ["http://fof.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "It's a comic I'm doing for school...even though school hasn't started yet. Anyway...the comic is pretty much about forgetting and eventually forgiving although it's very surreal and full of spirals. The protagonist is an obnoxious teenage girl named Mallena Dermas and you'll find out later on who the antagonist will be. This is probably one of the weirdest comics I've ever done and will ever do so don't be surprised if it gets even weirder.", false, true], "ForgottenPlanet": ["http://forgottenplanet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "Lost on the last planet in the galaxy, Gary and Dani try to find themselves on an alien world.", false, true], "FoxRain": ["http://foxrain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "A journey of a beautiful if not a little proud Lis and her mysterious companion Biryuk. Searching desperately for what they both want, even if it kills them.", false, true], "FoxandWolf": ["http://fox-and-wolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "A comic started by my cousin and I, and our game-play adventures.", false, true], "Fracture": ["http://fracture.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "2360. 120 years since the Third World War. 100 Years since the practice of cloning was banned. 50 years since the first space colony. 16 years since the establishment of a united world government. What comes next will Fracture them all.", false, true], "FramebyFrame": ["http://frame-by-frame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 209, "Comic updates Tuesday unless otherwise stated. The hostility between our two lead comic artists is slowly dissipating but lots of things are changing for our little group in general. Many are moving, some are having revaluations about their life, but nothing is going to stop them from enjoying the Halloween Party at the DVDungeon. Volume 2 of Frame by Frame has it all; ghosts, romance, and angry ex girlfriends to boot. +Alex is at his wits end with Tai, his ex-girlfriend and live-in roommate. Has the time come to move on, both physically and emotionally? Maybe something new would do him wonders. +David continues to work hard in both his work and establishing his life there in Poulsbo. He's gaining courage to do something impossible with high hopes of it being possible. However, it's unknown if it'll be a good idea in the end... --WARNINGS-- +The typical warnings: adult language, adult situations, adult nonsense.", true, true], "Franknme": ["http://franknme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "Frank'n me is about... Frank...my imaginary fiend and myself, a tattoo artist from Belgium a one weekly comic about all sorts of stuff ... sort off", false, true], "FrecklesandSocks": ["http://freckles-socks.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "The love story I'll never have :l *silently cries* -coloured manga? :/ -real life situations? :/", false, true], "Free": ["http://free.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Ever since a tramatic experience Natsu Suzumi has locked away her voice. She refuses to talk because every time she attempts to the memories of that time always come flashing back to her, but not when she's singing. Natsu Suzumi has always loved singing and never gave it up even after the event. Now the band Free is holding auditions for a new singer, but will they let a girl that's locked away her voice a chance to shine?", false, true], "FrenzyRedux": ["http://theadventuresoffrenzy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 207, "Neo Arcadia discovers an ancient reploid of immense power. Could he be their ultimate defense against the inevitable arrival of Zero?", false, true], "FreshBeatCrew": ["http://freshbeatcrew.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "The most ghetto thing in history ~ Smash Tooth No stop it... ~ Harushin", false, true], "FreylsJobs": ["http://freylsjobs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Layle and Freyl are twin brothers with completely opposite personalities... Freyl the younger is a slob, Layle the older is a nitpick. One day Freyl is told to get a job... -Scanned exactly as it is, uneditted. (c) Characters were made by my sister out of boredom.", false, true], "FriendstillDeath": ["http://friendstilldeath.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "A dark comedy drama with elements of combat about friendship, teenage problems and unholy creatures. <mature topics+bl content(after millions of pages you'll have to go through first)+violence>", false, true], "FrobertTheDemon": ["http://frobby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 135, "A gag-a-day comic about one little demon's journey to cause mass chaos and wreak havoc upon the poorly-drawn folk known as stix.", false, false], "FrogKing": ["http://frogking.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT. This comic contains bad humor and sometimes badly written English (because my native language is not English) It also has many mistakes so that itself is enough of a reason to start reading it now. Don't get butthurt. Updates every MONDAY. (random story about mine (Murderduck) and RottenCats characters)", false, true], "FrommetoYou": ["http://fmty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "COMPLETEDDDdddd~ EEnE IN MY ANIME/MANGA VERSION!! :3 -- They were three, and whatever the same they wanted, those had to be three also. But...what if there were only two? One of them would have to make the greatest scrafice and let two enjoy. -- A short Ed, Edd n' Eddy Doujinshi! BROMANCE between Edd & Eddy <33 READS LEFT to RIGHT! art/plot (c) Saru112 Ed, Edd n' Eddy (c) Danny Antonucci --", false, true], "FromnowonImagirl": ["http://fromnowonimagirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 120, "One day out of nowhere Hikaru's girlfriend broke up with him because she found out she is lesbian. He decides he will never fall in love with women again so... he has to love men. with his big sister's help he is no longer hikaru the boy but a girl!(cross-dresser) Hikaru meet Natsu who made his life hell and decides to get his revange and... The rest is still unclear read from right to left Contains BL maybe yaoi, romance,GenderBender and comedy Hope you enjoy *improving drawing style", false, true], "FruitMachine": ["http://fruitmachine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 251, "Jason Fellows is in love. Now the game is on to see how far Jason can string along his beloved Sheridan before his pennies run out. Just how long will Jason keep playing Sheri like a Fruit Machine before he tells him how he feels? -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- Ladies and gents, it'll be my pleasure to comic for you!", false, true], "FruitcakeCavalcade": ["http://fruitcake-cavalcade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "They're back! Jesse Rios' long-term long-distance girlfriend returns from studying abroad earlier than expected. And while she kind of sort of accepts that he now wants to dress like a woman, she isn't OK with how his friends call him Alice, or with \"Alice's\" singsong voice he uses with everyone but her. She especially isn't OK with Alice's friend, Marquis. And poor Alice is trying so hard to get Nia to see how he hasn't changed that he doesn't realize how she has. Fruitcake Cavalcade is an endless parade of many weird characters in their many natural habitats. Their stories and lives intertwine and entertain, so join the show! Updates Wednesdays. Launches on January 23rd. I should warn you that FC is not strictly BL. If you came here looking for that, you'll probably be disappointed. There are gay characters in FC, but this is a comedy about life in general. Enjoy it for what it is!", false, true], "FruitloopAndMrDownbeat": ["http://fruitbeat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 126, "After hitting a bump in the road of life, Danny Lawson ended up moving back to the city where he attended college. His next door neighbor, Alan Taylor, is a senior in high school who falls in love with Danny almost immediately. AND THUS THEY BECAME FRUITLOOP & MR. DOWNBEAT. (bad intro, yes.) (contains boy/boy, girl/girl, foul language, cartoon violence, some sexual themes) Tries to update weekly. (Tries)", false, true], "FuckMyLife": ["http://fuckmylife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 158, "--HIATUS-- A journal comic of my gay and flamboyant life. Contains: -Me and my friends swearing like sailors -Family drama -Hopeless romance -Ridiculous things you wouldn't expect most people to do Moosefroos@Deviantart", false, true], "FullmetalalchemistEdWinMetaltometalepisode1": ["http://metaltometal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Fancomic based on the manga and anime: Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood). The little story is actually situated between the moment Edward leaves Winry behind after they have a little row about Winry not wanting to go abroad to be protected from whatever evil homunculus 'father' is planning. It will stop when Ed and the gang (Greed would've said 'Greed and the gang') leave for Central. It's based on the manga version, but it can more or less fit into the anime too. For the manga, watch page 23 and 24 of volume 21. (I have the VIZ Media edition). For the anime it's episode 46, 9 minutes far, of FMA Brotherhood. Ever wondered when Winry got her ear piercings back? I have the full comic published on my dA account: http://sofie3387.deviantart.com/gallery/35087380?offset=0#/d4syq12 You can find more info, news, ... there. I also will update there the fastest. I'm now writing on the next episode so stay tuned!", false, true], "FullmetalalchemistEdWinMetaltometalepisode2": ["http://metaltometal2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "This comic is a sequel to the other 'Metal to metal' fancomic I posted on my Smackjeeves account. Although the first episode was not rated with mature content, I've put the filter on for this episode. The first 7 pages are viewable for all ages. Then some more explicit pages follow. If you don't want to read with the explicit pages (which is entirely possible and the story still makes sense!), please read this comic at: http://sofie3387.deviantart.com/art/FMA-Edwin-M2M-episode-2-page-1-335185221 Decent front page etc will follow when I finish the comic (then you'll finally understand the title ^^)", true, true], "FullmetalalchemistM2MExtrafanservice": ["http://fmafanservice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "...Because fangirls are hoping for this but didn't get it in the original comic ^^", true, true], "FuneralOfHearts": ["http://funeralofhearts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 147, "STATUS: ongoing A Pokemon (gijinka) doujinshi. READ RIGHT TO LEFT (Pokemon (c) Nintendo)", false, true], "FurtesansAndFurmours": ["http://furtesans.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "NSFW furry/anthro comic.", true, true], "FurtherDowntheRabbitHole": ["http://fdtrh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 113, "Wonderland has a dark edge to it. After so many years of being told that Wonderland was all made up in his twisted mind, Alex had about enoungh. He returned the very rabbit hole he first fell down in only to find it wasn't there. Was it true then? Was all his adventures and friends he made in Wonderland all made up? Was he really crazy like his family said? This is a Boy love collab. Don't like? Don't care, you don't have to read or join. Also this comic is gonna be a bit insanity/horror. Rules will be posted on first page. Any questions, pm me. Characters needed: Alice:(taken) Hatter:(taken) Tweedle twins:(taken) March Hare: (taken) White Rabbit:.( taken) Red Queen:(taken) White Queen:(taken) Chesire Cat:(taken) Knave:(taken) Catipiller:(taken) Dormouse:(taken) White Knight: (taken)", true, true], "FurusatoHouse": ["http://furusatohouse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 244, "\"Destiny, and coincidence. Everybody believes in either of them. However because of which one I got to the Furusato House, I don't know. But that day changed my life.\" Mayu travels to her never seen aunt, but accidentally gets into an other House, where she meets the old fashioned, and strange boy \u2013 Hiroki, who seems very surprised that she could get in the territory of the House. Moreover, the House doesn't let Mayu leave! She has to start a new life full with enemies, friends, love, and with disturbing secrets about the House.", false, true], "GATEKEEPER": ["http://gatekeepercomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "Olivia Kane thinks she's found the perfect job interning for Mr. Porter, a renowned criminal psychologist, until she stumbles upon a frightening discovery. Through Mr. Porter, Olivia is then introduced to the professional life of Gatekeepers, cleaners who are commissioned to conceal heinous crimes from the police. Contains: Violence, Gore, Sexual themes Updates: Sunday, Tuesday, Friday", false, true], "GIFAndSpriteshowcase": ["http://gifss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "", false, true], "GNDRFCKD": ["http://gndrfckd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "This comic is about everyday lives of Trans Folk. It is not meant to be sugar coated or to belittle anyone. It is a fictional story based off of issues, stereotypes, events, etc. of people. My hopes for making this comic is that it will bring a new, positive light to the Trans community. You can also help me by donating to my Top Surgery Page: http://www.gofundme.com/347sio Gene is a FTM transgender teenager who found himself homeless after the death of his grandmother, who helped support him in his transition. One day some thugs from his old High School found him and decided to teach him a lesson for being transgender and beat him till he passed out. He wakes to find himself in an odd community home owned by Alois, an art teacher and an FTM himself. That is where the story begins...", true, true], "GRASSNEST": ["http://grassnest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 135, "a comic by Snakey Ho Ho Tomoki makes the biggest decision of his life when he decides to study abroad in Canada. Struggling to keep up with his courses, Tomoki finds help from the most unexpected place... the campus gardens. Yes, it's BL.", true, true], "GROW": ["http://grow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "a wordless comic about facing your fears done for class fall 2011", false, true], "GalaxyStar": ["http://galaxystar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Off into the far future the people of earth have long been involved in space exploration. The Star Corp is Earth's premiere space exploration branch involved in everything interstellar. This comic is about the misadventures of Star Team 7 which just happens to be the worst special mission team in the entire Corp.", false, true], "GalleonsandFlagons": ["http://www.galleonsandflagons.com/comics/", 63, "The Ultimate RPG Screencap Webcomic about Pirates of the Caribbean! Now in new digs! Delight at the marvels of Influenced by 'DM of the Rings' and 'Darths and Droids' All content used under fair use for non-profit. Dialogue and characters \u00a9 2012, Galleons and Flagons All images \u00a9 2003-2012 Disney Pirates of the Caribbean and associated character, location, ship, and creature names are registered trademarks of Disney, which does not sponsor, authorise, or endorse this site. This is a fan-produced parody site. Original film images are copyright Disney, and are used here only as a vehicle for parody. The comic images may not be redistributed or sold", false, true], "GameOn": ["http://playthegame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "For the first seventeen years of her life Ritsu Yoshida figured she was pretty normal. She went to a normal school, had a normal social life and did pretty normal things. That was, until, she was catapulted from her normal life and transferred to Noemagi's Academy for the Specially Gifted - a school of a... unusual nature. Noemagi's looks normal, if a little far away, but the school harbours weird (both physically and mentally) students and a dark secret. Will Ritsu be able to adapt to her crazy new world? Will she be able to blend into a colourful individual society or be left as ostracized as the school itself? And most of all - will she be able to uncover the secret and save the day?", false, true], "GameofFate": ["http://gameoffate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "In a world where things don't always go right, magic exists in secret to fulfill desires. Masume and Satou are two witches that have started a quest to receive their \"witch's title\", a privilege in the magical community that will increase their magical powers. But as the competition for the title progresses, these two sisters are finding that their fates are involved in a much bigger game. One that not even magic seems to have any control over. ---------------- !!! WARNING : Game of Fate is a DARK Magical Girl story! If dark stuff doesn't suit you, I'd suggest not reading! I also fail at horror, but I'm trying? !!! ---------------- \"Satouberri\" @ DeviantArt.com", false, true], "GamerCafe": ["http://gamercafe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Welcome to the Gamer Caf\u00e9. A caf\u00e9 created by gamers, for gamers. To the sides we have the gaming booths - tables with their own personal LAN modems for up to 6 players. LAN modems are charged for their use by the hours - Therefore, anyone wishing to use the Booths without charge are welcome to do so. The center of the establishment is the Caf\u00e9 itself with free Wifi available. Gen, Mana and Warren are your regular waiting staff, and they're waiting to take your orders. Sincerely, The Gamer Caf\u00e9 manager Derryl.", false, true], "GamerChicks": ["http://gamerchicks.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Weekly comics about what me and my partner experience in games.", false, true], "GamesPeoplePlayUpdatedWeekly": ["http://gamespeopleplay.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 200, "A webcomic about the little nuances of table-top roleplaying games, and the people who play them. Updated weekly. Feedback and comments at azalin1@lycos.com", false, true], "Gameuz": ["http://gameuz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Gameuz: {N.f. : feminine form of gamer} Yes, girl gamers does exist, and these four will PWN your main.", false, true], "GardenofHearts": ["http://gardenofhearts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 115, "Alyn, royal guardsman to the elven Queen of the North leaves for a quest to the far south with his wise-cracking necromancer friend Skylar. They are seeking a long-lost magical talisman that could dispel the eternal winter of the northern lands--and just perhaps elevate Alyn to Queen's Consort after he returns a hero. To journey into the south Alyn will need the help of his childhood friend, Nirin. Only, Nirin is a lot more enchanting than he remembered and every step closer to the mythical Garden of Hearts is a step further from his goals. story specs: light-hearted fantasy romance BOY X GIRL. tech: hand-drawn, b & w, toned.", false, true], "GarnatheaBoladeCristal": ["http://garnatheaboladecristal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Uma BD de 24 paginas, feita durante o 24 Hour Comics em 2010, e agora arte-finalizada tradicionalmente e colorida digitalmente, para que possam apreciar melhor. Esta historia baseia-se (de certa forma) no meu romance \"Alma\". * Nova p\u00e1gina todas as ter\u00e7as-feiras. This is a webcomic in Portuguese, but you can read this comic in english here: http://www.drunkduck.com/Garnath_and_the_Crystal_Ball/", false, true], "GatewayHotel": ["http://gatewayhotel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "The Gateway Hotel, An extravagant place with dark rumors surrounding it. As Rory gets dared to stay a night there, he witnesses ultimately terrifying and runs from it. Entering a room at the end of a corridor, he meets a mysterious person that'll change his normal adolescent routine. He's soon having to deal with simple adolescent peer tomfoolery, to dealing with supernatural forces and constant encounters with a beautiful yet frightening person. *WARNING* Will contain horror/gore, poltergeists, YAOI(vivid intimacy), demons, some humor(sometimes dark), and mystery. READS LEFT TO RIGHT PLEASE^^ And also check out my other comics 'Crush^3', 'Wicca', 'Come to Me', 'My Sister Lied to Me', 'Psych Detectives', and newly 'My Boyfriend is a Mob Boss'.", true, true], "GayBacon": ["http://gaybacon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 134, "Here you can read strips about random things in my life or thoughts that may occur in this messed-up head. This is what the quiet, weird kid draws whenever he gets a chance. Updates at random times. [Contains a lot of cursing]", false, true], "GayMageQuest": ["http://gmq.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "DAVID and TYLER embark into the dwelling of internet gaming and its number one shittiest quests", true, true], "GayTimesWithRyanandJay": ["http://gtwraj.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "Ryan Laytey's got no problem with gays. I mean, it's not like he's a homophobe or anything. As long as they leave him alone, he'll return the favor. If gay people would just stop complaining about their problems and keep their business to themselves, everybody would be happy. But of course, none of this matters, because Ryan, like any self-respecting 15-year-old male, doesn't hang out with any gay people. Oh, and while we're on the subject, have you met his best friend, Jay Ambrose? _______________________________________________________ Gay Times With Ryan and Jay is a comic I created to explore the complex themes of being gay as a teenager and growing up in general. It's mostly (subtle) comedy, though there are a few more dramatic, sad, and (possibly?) romantic moments, which you'll all see soon enough. *Updates Weekly. Currently in Part 3, an extended flashback in which Ryan and Jay first meet. Next regular update will be up on Wednesday, November 6th, and will be Page 61 of Part 3.", false, true], "GeMiNNi": ["http://geminni.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "This is a story about a single mother, Kaley, and her daughter, Yun. See Yun as she goes through young life, surrounded by wacky members of her family and friends. Be warned! Her friends and family members include a sex-happy sex-shop owner, a boobs-obsessed little boy, and a ghost from colonial times with an appetite for raw chicken hearts. You have been warned! :3", true, true], "GenovaDei": ["http://genovadei.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Having emerged from a period of deep civil unrest following the onset of the Jenam War, the world of Genova adjusts to the passing of another era. Stricken nations struggle to adapt to the shifting political currents, while able nations rearm and prepare for the onset of yet another conflict. Even with the blessing of post-war prosperity, the threat of war remains a very real one, as provinces and nations are caught in the divide. In the midst of such tensions, the focus falls to the individual. There are those amongst the masses who change the world in the smallest and greatest of ways. In the struggle of their own pursuits, they alter the course by which the fates move, expanding the scope of their influence. Whether for good or evil, for the best of a few against that of the many, they are the heroes, villains, and all those in between. This is a tale of their experiences and exploits in the face of adversity.", false, true], "GeorgetheCat": ["http://georgethecat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "In one day George loses everything. Now he's on a mission to take it back. George the Cat has finally been restarted. I'm putting up the final strips of Series 2 now. I'm hoping to be finished by the end of May. I'll try to update every wednesday if possible. Make sure you read part 1 of each strip. They come out in parts 1 and 2.", false, true], "GetDirty": ["http://getdirty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Naoki is just your average Japanese college student. Like in most colleges you get a roommate, well Naoki's roommate turns out to be a foreign exchange student from America who is going to be studying in Japan for the first semester. His name is Valerian. Valerian turns out to be nothing like how Naoki expected him to be - and also a big germaphobe. Life in the dorm seems complicated at first but as time goes by Naoki's view on Valerian does a 180 and he finds himself oddly falling for him but unfortunately time runs out and Valerian will have to return to America by the end of the semester. =Should Naoki just give up and find his feeling hopeless?= -This is a boy love comic, you have all been warned okay? ok good.", false, true], "GetUpandGo": ["http://getupandgo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 352, "", true, true], "Gettingpastthepast": ["http://gettingpastthepast.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 98, "Kinda weird and boring story about two people who want to help each other get past their past.", false, true], "GhostAndFriends": ["http://ghostnfriends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "GHOST IS FUN. GHOST IS SILLY. GHOST LOVES TO TORMENT HIS HUMAN COMPANION BEBE", false, true], "GhostStories": ["http://ghoststories.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Josh Tully can see ghosts. That's okay, though. He's gotten pretty good at ignoring them. An episodic comic about ghost stories. Updates weekdays.", false, true], "GhostWalker": ["http://ghostwalker.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "Girly faced Niko lives a pretty strange life, having monsters for neighbors and a demon for a guardian. But that's just the beginning of his problems... for nothing in his world is as it seems. Read from left to right.", false, true], "GhostlyEndeavor": ["http://ghostlyendeavor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A one-shot manga about a girl and a ghost in search of his identity.", false, true], "Ghostproxy": ["http://ghost--proxy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "lord in heaven have mercy on her soul", false, true], "GhostsTaleACrossover": ["http://ghoststory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 140, "Willow is taken away from her home and made to look for a special medallion. Supposedly, this amulet has the power to stop a war occurring in a very distant, possibly even other-wordly, land. It sounds simple at first, but it is soon realized that the problem may not lie solely in finding, but retrieving... *This is a story set in a pokemon region, but it does not completely focus on pokemon itself. *Some canons will be included, though they will be much older/more mature than in the anime. *I do not own Pokemon or Pokemon characters. Pokemon is (c) GAME FREAK & co.", false, false], "GinTamaAllGirlsSchoolClass3Z": ["http://class3z.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "GinTama All-Girls School ~Class 3-Z~ includes 4 panel fan comics of the anime Gintama, created by using the software, \"ComiPo!\" It was also submitted in a ComiPo! contest to win the full retail version at Crunchyroll.com. The comic is based in a specific high school class, where male characters are apparently female [female characters stay as they are]. Their perverted teacher watches adult videos all day and never attends class. With that being said, the students do whatever they want without getting detention--more like the teacher should get detention! Until their graduation, this happens on a daily basis. Please read this comic from right to left! To read the continuation of ~Class 3-Z~, go here: http://backtoclass3z.smackjeeves.com/ *May contain mature content for suggestive themes*", false, true], "GinTamaAllGirlsSchoolClass3ZHeldBack": ["http://backtoclass3z.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Apparently, everyone in class 3-Z didn't graduate all because the author of this comic made them repeat their last year of high school. Nobody wants to repeat a grade, especially this specific class! Their teacher is horrible for ditching class everyday, and the students are forced to attend school. Just like last year, they do what they want on a daily basis without getting in trouble--the teachers are the ones to be in trouble for slacking off! ...Why not ditch school if the teachers are too? GinTama All-Girls School Class 3-Z: Held Back! is a continuation of the previously finished Gintama 4 panel fan comic, GinTama All-Girls School ~Class 3-Z~, made with a software called ComiPo! See the previous comic at http://class3z.smackjeeves.com/ Please read from right to left! *may contain mature content for suggestive themes*", false, true], "Girlfriends": ["http://girlfriends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "This is a short comic based on a discussion I'd had with some of my female friends a while ago. :)", false, true], "Givingsmilesaway": ["http://givingsmilesaway.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Maria is an average girl who, tired of her boring daily life, decided to live off her dreams. She imagines a life full of happiness and smiles where she meets this boy she has seen around her town, \"he who gives smiles away\". She is positive she can live through her dreams and have no regrets. After all, can reality be told apart from fantasy...? But... is it really possible to live out of dreams?", false, true], "GlassPhoenix": ["http://glassphoenix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A really short 9 page story about a girl who wants to create a glass pheonix that I did for my art class.", false, true], "Glasshearts": ["http://glasshearts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 739, "After two years, a 16-year-old Charlie McDermott returns to his hometown and to his previous friends. Many things have changed, some things haven't. Old wounds will resurface, and new wounds will possibly appear as well. This isn't just a love story. This is a struggle to survive. A struggle to find an identity. Are you in the status quo of society or are you the embodiment of what the status quo isn't? Are you willing to show the world your true identity? (( romance (hetero + BL/shounen-ai) // drama/angst \\\\ comedy/humor ))", false, false], "GlitterRain": ["http://glitterrain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "An ancient conflict has reached its height, as one defeated mage flees from her certain demise to find one that will help her achieve her purpose.", false, true], "Glomp": ["http://glomp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "glomp!", false, true], "Gloomverse": ["http://gloomverse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 325, "She was just a regular, unwanted kid, until she was lucky enough to get a job under the best magician in the world! Unfortunately for her, her new boss is a self absorbed sociopath. Updates are currently Monday, with some sporadic mid-week updates if I have time! Dark/Twisted Comedy!", false, true], "GmodNoEscape": ["http://gmodnoescape.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "No spoilers.", true, true], "Gnoph": ["http://gnoph.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 179, "Life, love, and internal parasites.", false, true], "GoblinsofRazard": ["http://goblinsofrazard.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "Once upon a time, in the land of Meriddia, the handsome Prince Reign is forced to flee his homeland. Hunted by an evil empire, and captured by goblins, Reign now must entrust his life to a notorious rogue...", false, true], "GodComplex": ["http://npcgodcomplex.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 22, "After the apocalypse the gods settled in on our plane of existence. Most of them have taken refuge in one of the last remaining human fixtures, an apartment complex. Hilarity hopefully ensues.", false, true], "GodGames": ["http://godgames18.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "About a Former Olympian wanting to take vengeance on the other gods.", false, true], "GodSlayer": ["http://godslayercomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "On Planet Reckon, people rely on chosen Prophets to maintain perfect order. When the current Prophet, Daniel Silva resigns, it causes an uproar which has him on the run. He finds out for the last thousand years there hasn't been a true prophet and the land is being run by False Gods, \"Masserks\" . Determined to change the world's destiny even though the whole world opposes him, he sets out to destroy the Masserks. On the road to administer justice and to find answers he will team up with unlikely allies. But will the answers they find, be those they can accept? Rated PG-13", false, true], "GodsBlade": ["http://godsblade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "The story is about Ron Li, a swordsman who trying to follow after his father's footsteps. His father God's Fist was the greatest fighter of the time and recognized by all people as a greatest among great warriors. Ron wants to surpass this. So he embarks on this journey with Tray, a hot head street brawler and Jen, a sweet and humble taijutsu fighter.", false, true], "GodsoftheGame": ["http://godsofthegame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "One summer night in 1987, six friends sat down to play a game...", false, true], "GoldenSunGenerationsAftermathVolume1": ["http://gsgbtsyearone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 198, "- BEFORE THE STORM SERIES EPISODE I: VOLUME ONE - A fantasy RPG story based from the underrated RPG game series Golden Sun. Three time traveled Adepts granted a second chance at life after living seventeen years in an alternate destroyed reality, must quickly get used to their new surroundings as they are thrown into the fray dealing with new friends, family, emerging enemies and a big sailing adventure they'll never forget. Part 1 of a 4 Year Webcomic Series BEFORE THE STORM, a Golden Sun doushinji. - Rated +13 for slapstick humor, mild language, and fantasy violence VOLUME ONE COMPLETED; VOLUME TWO AVAILABLE HERE: http://gsgaftermathv2.smackjeeves.com/", false, false], "GoldenSunGenerationsColossoVolume6": ["http://gsgbtsyearthree.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 336, "- BEFORE THE STORM: EPISODE III - A fantasy RPG story based from the underrated RPG game series Golden Sun. The main focus is on the character Ethan who has grown up the last two years in terms of height and skill, seeks to win the heart of the werewolf girl Tasha by competing in a tough fighting Tournament. The first round is over and now the festivities truly begin! Part 3 of a 4 Year Webcomic Series BEFORE THE STORM, a Golden Sun Fancomic. - Rated Web +14 for gutter humor, mild language, romantic situations (BxG love) and fantasy violence COMPLETE - SECOND HALF OF COLOSSO BEGINS FEBRUARY 2011: http://gsgcolossov7.smackjeeves.com/", false, false], "GoodGame": ["http://goodgame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 134, "Three friends want to get some fun and play a computer game in their hi-tech fantasy world. But they got something wrong...", false, true], "GoodKnightDragon": ["http://goodknightdragon.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 3, "The adventure,romance and politics of fighting dragons.", false, true], "GoodnightMrsGoose": ["http://goose.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 196, "Hard working lawyer mom Valerie Clark is letting her work life overcome her family life. However after a magical encounter, she gets the chance to rediscover her childhood and also help cleanse her world of odd creatures.", false, true], "Gooutwithme": ["http://gooutwithme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A Free! nitorin dj comic, lovingly following the 'friends slowly falling in love with each other' trope. And by lovingly I mean awkwardly. 'Awkward' is the key word here. Updates twice a week, on Wednesdays (!!) and Fridays!", false, true], "GottaGlitchEmAll": ["http://gottaglitchemall.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Gotta Glitch 'Em All follows Red's Pok\u00e9mon journey as it takes a turn for the unexpected and the bizarre, as Professor Oak requests that he start to delve into a side of the Pok\u00e9mon world never before explored, and that he catch all manner of new and unusual Pok\u00e9mon.", false, true], "GraveImpressions": ["http://graveimpressions.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 72, "The year is 1942. Though overseas the world may be condensed to right or wrong, punctuated by a hail of bullets, life on the homefront is a little more complicated, particularly for one aspiring detective and his close circle of friends. Fighting the normative tide in their personal and private lives, they must keep three simple rules in mind: Loose lips sink ships, conformity is key, and most of all, no one is who they appear to be. Copyright to Ziska, Aleksi, and Nym.", true, true], "Gravity": ["http://gravity1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "A man on his journey to become \"The Strongest\" is faced with an unexpected challenge.", false, true], "Grayscale": ["http://grayscale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "A comic with a chaotic medley of murder, mad science and man love. Grayscale is a comic adaptation of a story written by Ski and Demi/Silvae (I usually go by Silvae, that name was taken) in RP format. We decided we wanted to see the whole thing visually in the form of a comic, and this is the result. Both of them write, Silv draws, Ski offers praise/feedback/awesomeness. Rinse and repeat! Updates on Tuesdays at fourfears.com Follow us on Tumblr: http://fourfears.tumblr.com/", true, true], "GreenGhetto": ["http://greenghetto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "", false, true], "GreenGrovePrincessEnvy": ["http://ggenvy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "My own personal fairytale Once upon a time there lived Ivy the princess in the flourishing green lands of Gardenea. She is a girl who has everything she could ask for however she is still envious of others. When Ivy looks out her window she finds a new item, style, pet, or person she wants. Once she gets them, she is never truly happy. Everything changes when a fairy cast a spell on her that makes her green the color of all her envy. Will she be able to overcome her own spell or with someone overly dressed prince break the spell for her?", false, true], "GreenKirbyandabunchofotherpeopledoinstuff": ["http://gkandabunchofotherppl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 139, "One day a young kirby named GK made a comic world. There, he found friends, and enemies. Let's hope that the good guys prevail. Also, this comic is accepting co-authors! If you like this comic, feel free to apply! No random hating please, because we are fairly new compared to some other comics. Rules:Swearing in comics and comments is 100% unacceptable. NO mature content. No flaming or trolling in comments. Also, post your sprites for each fc you will be using in this comic. Chat rules:No swearing, trolling, or spamming. Not only members can come to the chat, so you can vist if you want. Please remember to come to the chat often, because it's lonely there. :'( Also, this comic isn't just for Kirbys. If you have fcs who are not Kirbys, they can be used.", false, true], "GreenLights": ["http://greenlights.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A Brother and a Sister fall out while the circumstances surrounding a mysterious accident are revealed.", false, true], "GregsDiamondNuzlocke": ["http://gregnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "ClefdeSoll's nuzlocke comic (game in Spanish- I don't speak it)", false, true], "GrimandCresilpresentsSins": ["http://grimandcresilsins.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "SINS takes place when earth is crumbling and humans are breaking all limitations, Ezra is a girl lost amongst all the chaos no memories of who she is and what she needs to do. Picking up two friends, a blind girl who can see the future named Sye and a useless excuse of a man named Calvin, she travels the falling world in search of a faded place in heaven and a man who holds all the answers.", false, true], "GruntWork": ["http://gruntwork.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A Pokemon fan-comic. Just a group of Team Rocket members screwing things up.", false, true], "GuardianGhost": ["http://guardianghost.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 187, "After being hit by a car a few months ago, things have been very strange for Max. Not only can he see ghosts, but one in particular claims to have saved him from death! But there are reasons why ghosts are not allowed to save humans. Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays (and Saturdays if there's time)with a massive quality shift from chapter to chapter (and pages before CH5 are slowly getting text fixups)", false, true], "GuardianNo47": ["http://guardianno47.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "", false, true], "GuardiansoftheGalaxialSpaceways": ["http://ggs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 101, "Join Captain Taxxi Serbus and the crew of the Artful Dodger as they battle space pirates, giant comic book geeks, and intergalactic viruses in a star-spanning adventure!", false, false], "GuerraSantaeng": ["http://guerrasanta.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "A young exorcist named Luppi is sent to the city of Quito in replacement of his master. But for this exorcist, banishing evil spirits might become the least of his worries...! -- -Daily updates from monday to friday!-", false, true], "GuerraSantaesp": ["http://guerrasantasp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "Luppi es un joven exorcista que es enviado a la ciudad de Quito en reemplazo de su maestro. \u00a1Pero para este exorcista, puede que expulsar espiritus malignos se convierta en la menor de sus preocupaciones...! -- -Nuevas p\u00e1ginas a diario de lunes a viernes!-", false, true], "Guile": ["http://guile.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "[----------G.U.I.L.E----------] There is a new hero in town. He walks the rooftops, looking for criminals to bring to justice. But our hero is not of this earth and his dark past is soon to catch up with him. G.U.I.L.E is brought to you by: Tokuku = Writer, Illustrator, Concept Artist, Ideas Development ----------------------------------------- TSP = Writer, Concept Artist, Ideas Development ----------------------------------------- {[WARNING: THERE IS BLOOD AND GORE IN THIS COMIC. I didn't think it warranted an \"R\" rating though.]}", false, true], "GuysinSpace": ["http://gis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Guys in Space is a sci-fi adventure starring the dashing and unflappable Tristan Frey, space pirate and layabout.", false, true], "Gwah": ["http://gwah.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A bored little girl finds something.", false, true], "GyoshiContinued": ["http://gyoshi2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Due to some unfortunate events previous comic went under but I didn't want to give up there so I'm continuing where I leftoff All new readers please bring your attention to the link below for the first half http://gyoshi.smackjeeves.com/", false, true], "HATOBand": ["http://hatoband.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "HATO es un foro de Super Junior (hatofamily.org), tiempo atr\u00e1s se cre\u00f3 una 'banda' de HATO y se hizo este comic que ahora comparto con ustedes. El c\u00f3mic trata de 4 chicos (1 japon\u00e9s, 1 Chino y 2 Coreanos) que estudian en la misma Universidad y aspiran a formar una banda de rock. Este es s\u00f3lo un peque\u00f1o cap\u00edtulo sobre la vida cotidiana de estos chicos.", false, true], "HDMTHCOMICS": ["http://hdmthcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 324, "My sprite comic shows how me and my friends live in the world of Sonic the hedgehog!", false, false], "HEROICVillain": ["http://heroic-villain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Villains. Heroes. You get the idea. [Heroic Villain theme] https://soundcloud.com/kirakari/heroic-villain", false, true], "HIPS": ["http://hips.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 178, "An admittedly done before bl romance. Here is my attempt at a gripping back cover summary: In an effort to get away from his criminal family, Julius Green has turned witness for the city. He is secreted away and hidden in a posh private academy as...a girl?! Suffocated by the charade, will Julius be able to pull off school life as Penny Adams? And will he be able to save himself when the two rulers of the school, Max Lawson and Alex Watch, take particular interest in him?", true, true], "HMSlaves": ["http://hmslaves.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "HM slaves is a satirical comic about A common practice in pokemon called \"HM slaving\u201d this comic follows Rocksmash the Scraggy, an HM slave who is new to the job, along with his fellow HM slaves: Cutsy the Liepard, and Strength the Herdier, plus the other members of the team, who actually get to fight.", false, true], "HUMANAnIntellectualGuidetoBeingYourself": ["http://whatisahuman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "The city of Wilderock is not like many others. By day it is a busy city, full of busy humans with busy lives. By night it is the hub of monsters and myths, wyrmes and werewolves. Why? Because those monsters are those same humans from the daytime. Alek Bludworth has lived in Wilderock his whole life. Human by day and vampire by night, he is thrilled by the thought of exploring the world outside. Of course, there's nothing stopping him. But there's nothing preparing him for life among \"normal\" humans.", false, true], "Habibahssong": ["http://habibahsong.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "transgender issues, bullies, in a furry world", false, true], "HackersAndHipsters": ["http://hackersandhipsters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Flynn Miller makes a bet with Jin-Yon Soon. He's convinced that Jasper Emerson, the coolest boy in the university will not date Jiny because he is actually gay. Jiny challenges him to prove it by making Jasper fall in love with HIM instead. With a coveted laptop and pinball machine to play for, Flynn agrees to the harmless bet. But of course, manipulating one poor confused boy's feelings like that might not end well.", false, true], "HalfAssedLife": ["http://half-assed-life.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "Half-Life 2's mentally-impaired cousin", false, true], "HalfBreed": ["http://halfbreed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Long ago, before the world had fallen to peices, humans had tried to create the perfect soldiers, instead they created monster which they call Half Breeds. Now an almost extinct species, a young girl runs into the last few remaining Breeds, only to be lead on the adventure of her life...", false, true], "HallowsEveinAmity": ["http://hallowseveamity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Two evil witches who have been sealed away are said to return once every 100 years on Halloween. Everyone in the town of Amity thinks it's just an urban legend and are having fun preparing for the Halloween School dance. But what will happen if these two witches are to be freed on such an occasion?", false, true], "HalulzInternetEvolved": ["http://halulz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Ryan and an Elite (Noob 'Trolledmee) go on an adventure thru the land of Halo! Updated (hopefully) Every Tuesday and Friday!", false, true], "HappinessStartswithYou": ["http://happinessstartswithyou.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 153, "Looseing a best friend when you're young can hurt more than you think. Sasumi grows up with one memory of his friend, and day by day it fades. Will he ever find out who is friend was or will the memory be just disappear, just like his friend? This is YAOI so prepare yourselves peeps! :3 I hope you enjoy it! :3", false, true], "Harana": ["http://harana.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "A really rushed fantasy BL comic I did for BLush Anthology. Hopefully I'll improve this because I love the characters so much and they deserve a better plot than this xD", true, true], "HardCrash": ["http://hardcrash.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "What happens when you kill the author with several universes (Alternate Canon, Fan universes, Twisted AUs and even Original universes) in check with his prescene driving each of these universes forward with supplying stories to these universes. Does everything come to a hard crash and kills everything from that Author's creational time or is there a slimmer of hope for the universes", false, true], "Harfang": ["http://harfang.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 114, "Here my first time on SmackJeeves ! Harfang is my new comic. It's a fantasy story, based on the Jorinde & Joringel Grimm tale. Designs are inspired from asia (Korea/Mongolia/China). I wish to update it one page every monday ! I hope you'll like it. ^____^ ***************************************** Harfang is now a featured comic on MangaMagazine. Thank you so much for your support ! ^____^ You can now read the pages on www.mangamagazine.net or tapastic.com ~ ***************************************** ENGLISH TRANSLATION ***************************************** My english is bad, don't hesitate to correct my grammar. Thank you ! ^__^ *****************************************", false, true], "HarvestBride": ["http://mydearbride.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "BL maleXmale, cutesy characters, unstable art style, RANDOM and poor english its about a boy who married a male fox demon to save his village. -the end- (everything in this comic are all made up.. the setting is in a fantasy world) ---------------------------------- -sketch comic-", true, true], "HarvestMoonParadiseFound": ["http://paradisefound.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 331, "When a single phone call changes your destiny...do you find the strength to embrace it? A Harvest Moon Doujinshi (fan comic) Read RIGHT to LEFT. Updates Thursdays. (Harvest Moon title and concept are copyright of Marveslous Interactive)", false, true], "HatShop": ["http://hatshop.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 441, "You may be thinking this is a comic about hats. It's not. A strange comedy about a boy who is fired in the first panel and accidentally sells his soul to an eccentric hat maker. Shenanigans ensue. Note to new readers: The art gets better. Note on the format: I originally drew it vertically because I did it by hand and that's how it would fit on the page (It just seemed like a good idea at the time). Three years later, it's stuck. It sometimes changes to full pages if the story needs it, but the vertical format is the default and I'm not planning on changing it. Updates every three days unless otherwise specified. Note: This is a \"whatever the author feels like\" comic. You have been warned.", false, false], "Hatadavalla": ["http://hatadavalla.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Comic in swedish about comic artists and a life-coach apocalypse. Need I say more?", false, true], "HatethePlayer": ["http://hatetheplayer.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 165, "Hate the Player is a comic based on a number of concepts Tron, and Quantum Leap. The overall idea is the character M.C. (A play on words for Main Character). A horrible game magazine reviewer who gets transfer'd into the game world by Beans, who use to be a developer until M.C. ruined him, now an editor who came to get revenge on M.C., He forces M.C. to re-enact the various game worlds as the Hero of the world, until a freak glitch causes issues.", false, true], "HauntedHouseSurvivors": ["http://hauntedhouse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 349, "Join Ultimate the Hedgehog and his friends as they battle to survive in the haunted mansion of Nightmare, along with other surprising villains. Alright lets do this: Spots: Main (17/20) -Ultimate -Solar -Snaps -Jay-2 -greenblur -jamesthewolf -Leo -Diox -john -Drown -Terra -GMC -Chaos -Kai -Signour -Omega -Helix Villains (6/15) -copafire -metaboo -Starfire -ForteTH -Jake -Kinny Neutral (10/10): -SP3 -mix -abdie -greyouTT -Ms. Kitsune -sonicballzx -Mist The Moonhunter -Felix -Clare -Heli WARNING: spots may vary during the comic Total authors= 37/45 (not counting spear) ONLY 8 SPOTS REMAINING! So... i did some booting so spots are re-opened. You all who want to join better update fast. otherwise wait for the next chapter to introduce yourself. For all those who are leaving, if you were already in the comic make a comic about you either dying or going missing (incase you ever want to join again). ~UTH Co-author applications under new management, sorry ulty had to ~Abdie/Silent dusk", false, true], "HavingDifficulty": ["http://having-difficulty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 293, "Robby is starting high school. In his mind, he's having difficulty fitting in. He barely knows anyone. Will the next four years change his attitude? Updates twice a week, Mondays and Fridays.", false, true], "HawthorneBoulevard": ["http://www.dbandmatty.com/comics/", 19, "This is based on a true story, mostly. We call it a dramatic retelling because we pretty much just fixed the boring parts. Then we added fictional characters and fictional events, so...yeah. Have you ever been queer in the military? Did you ever go to war? Matt did, now he's out. He kinda has his shit together, but he has found he doesn't do well living alone. Dylan, aka DB, needs a place to live for a few months while shooting for a small role he's been cast in. How much trouble can two crazy kids get into living above a yogurt shop on Hawthorne Boulevard, Portland, OR? Just how bad can good get? Find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/dbandmatty", true, true], "Hazel": ["http://hazel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "A slice of life story about Hazel and the unique world she lives in.", false, true], "HazyDaze": ["http://hazydaze.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "A coming of age story about magic, falling in love with all of the wrong people, and all of those hazy memories of mistakes you made in high school.", false, true], "HeLovesmeHeLovesmenot": ["http://helovesmehelovesmenot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "it's yaoi.. =D im not good at intros.(descriptions) so please forgive me.. (updates weekly)", false, true], "HeadCase": ["http://hccomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Devin Beckett is committed to a psychiatric clinic, after being convicted of a brutal murder he swears he didn't commit. The new patient doesn't think he's mentally ill, but that won't stop anyone else from thinking so- what kind of truths will he uncover about himself and the other patients in his stay at the hospital?", false, true], "HeadShot": ["http://headshot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "HeadShot is a slightly abstract (nicer way of saying retarded) comic that was named after its main superhero. Yes, I'm old fashioned and still caught up somewhere in the 40s, so yeah, I'm still doing superheroes. Boring, eh? Anyways, this comic features a girl who gets powers to enter the psyches of people she gets into contact with, and to do this, she needs to whap them on the head with ammunition from her sling-shot (hence the name). It follows her around her life in Heartbeat City (a city inhabited by a surprisingly high number of crazy people) with her best friend, Sol. Everything's hand done, as you can probably tell. The shading does clear up on page 7 because I stop killing pens and kill brushes instead. I apologize if you're the artsy types which can't stare at messy drawings for a long time. Anyways this was just something I did in my own time for myself, mostly, but I'd be really thrilled if I got comments and ratings, especially with constructive criticism.", false, true], "HearNoEvil": ["http://hear-no-evil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "High school kid, Devin Akiyama, becomes a warrior capable of defeating sin with his sense of hearing.", false, true], "HeartAttackAHeartGoldNuzlocke": ["http://heartattacknuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "So you guys from The Crimson Virus (http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=116443) wanted a 100 fan present, huh? Welp. Here ya go. Another nuzlocke starring yours truly. Standard ruleset: 1.) Pokemon that are KO'd are considered dead and must be permanently placed in a box or released. If all your Pokemon in your party die (aka you whiteout) you lose. 2.) You are only allowed to catch the first Pokemon you find in each route. If you kill it or run away, you are not allowed to catch anymore Pokemon in that route. This includes fishing. (Shiny Pokemon are exempted from this rule because they're cool) 3.) You must nickname every Pokemon you catch. oh lord what have I done?", false, true], "HedgehogPieceANewEra": ["http://hedgehogpiece.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 420, "~This is a revival of the original Hedgehog Piece~ Take an adventure throughout a new world of One Piece, in a new Era of Pirates, following 5 major pirate crews of different species and personalities. We also accept cameos in the same format below (also include brief personality and background). PM to ReiKainaric. For ANY problems, PM to sonicmaster05.", false, true], "HedgehogPieceRedBowChronicles": ["http://redbow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "Set in the same universe as Hedgehog Piece, Red Bow Chronicles follows the unlikely story of K\u00e9t Ara as she aspires to become the Queen of the Pirates. This is going to be a wild ride. --- To read Hedgehog Piece, check here: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=123922", false, true], "Helix": ["http://helix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 222, "A street rat is given a second chance when he is dragged from the gutter and into a new life. Will he accept his position at the side of royalty, or fight every step of the way? *Rated M for sex (both hetero and homo), violence, nudity, language and dark themes.* If you can handle these subjects, I hope you'll enjoy the comic. :) Thanks for reading! ~Join Helix on tumblr at http://helix-comic.tumblr.com ! ~", true, false], "HelpMeJudgeRabbit": ["http://judgerabbit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A journal comic about a Khmer-American who doesn't know how to act like a normal human being.", false, true], "HeltonShelton": ["http://heltonshelton.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 145, "This is a goofy sketch at a party that grew into a two-book saga about a multi-generational battle against the darkness inside us. Shelton1 and Shelton2 set out to fight the Final Boss, but victory carries a cost for Shelton1. A party of heroes begin a quest of vengeance, but can they overcome their rivalries before facing their ultimate foe? A spellcasting musician learns to deal with death, but can she deal with life?", false, true], "Hemlock": ["http://hemlock.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 388, "Hemlock #1 and #2 are now available to buy online! each issue is priced at \u00a36 plus postage and packing. they can be bought through lulu.com at my storefront here: http://stores.lulu.com/mildtarantula lulu accepts both card and paypal. since they go straight from lulu to you, they will not be signed or anything like that. if you happen to see me at one of the conventions i will be attending, i will be selling them for \u00a35 each and i'll be happy to sign them and do a little sketch for you if you like.", false, true], "Hentaichi": ["http://hentaichi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "taichi is just your average, 16 year-old... ...pervert. he's devoted to giving his whole attention to the girl of his dreams, riku, in a perverted fashion. but is there really something he's feeling more than just lust? ----- WARNING: this is a REALLY short oneshot created to balance my genre styles after making the heavy drama \"lucky bride\". *may contain fail humor. i'm not an expert comedian so i'm really.. awful. sorry about that. (C) masayahingArtist 2013", false, true], "Heofon": ["http://heofon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "While we are not always able to control our circumstance, we can always control ourselves. But when integrity is traded for survival and friendships are maintained by lies\u2026 How exactly do you contain yourself in this interwoven web of deceit?", false, true], "HerFirstTimeInside": ["http://herfirsttimeinside.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 92, "When a chubby MILF with a big mouth and even bigger butt winds up in prison, her fat ass is in for a rough time...", true, true], "HereBeVoodoo": ["http://herebevoodoo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Voodoo is the story of Sunday, a ten-year old girl and her doll, Mojo. But Voodoo isn't a story about their fun and magical adventures through a candy colored world (Well, with a story titled Voodoo, I kind of hope you were warned). Voodoo is about how far you can go to take revenge. About the necessary evil and the far less necessary About the choices who are not always the right one, and sometimes not having a choice at all. About making mistakes, and seeking redemption, or choosing not to. And in a less cryptic way, note that the story will mention explicitly: -Disturbingly cute voodoo dolls wielding butcher knives. -Zombis (dog, bird, humans, bugs, more or less whole.) -Grave robbing. -Human remains tinkering. -Black magic. -Naked ladies and gentlemens. -Werewolves. (Who are also the naked ladies and gentlemens). -Profanity and swearing -Act of questionable morality from both the good guys, the bad guys, and the dolls who wouldn't know what morality is if it bite them in their straw-filled head. -Black humor, dark enough to depress an undertaker. Please, do not suggest this story to children, innocents and/or faint of heart. Thank you.", true, true], "HereKittyKitty": ["http://herekitty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "It's Jack's birthday, a friend has got him a....present. I made this for my friend. He drew his own awesome hentai comic about a cat girl, FAR better than mine. But I still wanted to make him one.", true, true], "HeroesAndBandits": ["http://heroesnbandits.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Based off the Gothic Country music genre, this comic is about a skullcowboy guitarist, a singing saloon-cowgirl, and an Indian drummer. Together, they fail miserably, in hopes that one day they can ride into the sunset in a blaze of glory.", false, true], "HeroesofVyydia": ["http://heroesofvyydia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Heroes of Vyydia is a series of numerous video game bad guys who will become heroes after they have taken refuge in a world called Vyydia. The first story deals about a group called Shell Bangers who are former employees of Bowser's Koopa Troop. Another story deals of Bonesson, a red castlevania skeleton with humoristic unpredictable habits.", false, true], "HerpinandDerpin": ["http://herpin-and-derpin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A webcomic about things and stuff! HOW EXCITING!", false, true], "HeyImEarl": ["http://earlnjudy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "50 ways to get to know a beautiful girl UPDATES WEEKLY Originally in Russian, so a huge thanks to my friends Katarina-Mor and Oly-RRR for beta-testing!", false, true], "HeyListen": ["http://heyheyhey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "HEY! HEY! LISTEN! ARE YOU LISTENING?! HEY! STOP RUNNING AWAY! ;__; pleasecomeback", false, true], "Heywhereismyheart": ["http://hwimh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Kou set a goal for that one particular summer: To find the \"true source\" of happiness and sadness. Note: I apologize beforehand if you encounter any grammatical error here and there. English is not my main language.", false, true], "HiddenStrengthAWhiteNuzlocke": ["http://hsnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 200, "Clover, Cheren, and Belle graduate from trainer school, looking forward to finally being able to go on a pokemon journey of their own. Things start out like any other adventure, however soon the trio becomes entangled in the mess that is Team Plasma, finding out secrets that have been hiding in plain sight all their lives. How will their adventure unfold? This is a Nuzlocke story comic. [THIS COMIC IS FINISHED]", false, true], "HikariNykkiPhoenix": ["http://hikarinykkiphoenix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "To protect those you love, even if against the deepest darkness. To fight for what you find beautiful, even in absolute insanity. Losing yourself to the dark, desperately searching for the light. A demon's struggle to not lose themselves to their own mind. To find a beautiful flower to keep them sane. --- Hikari: The castle of the king has been invaded by the almighty demon Hikari. Yuri Mizuumi, the princess, and her childhood friend Neko are trapped inside with Hikari's main focus being on the girl herself. The list of people she can trust grows smaller as the demon's search for her grows more desperate. --- Updates Mondays", false, true], "HimeSama": ["http://hime-sama.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Reina Hagiwara is a mellow girl who's a little awkward around guys, but somehow finds her in a situation of a reverse harem !! Romance/Comedy/Slice of life. Read right to left. (Japanese style)", false, true], "Hinata": ["http://hinata.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 138, "Fifteen years ago, mankind faced a terrible disaster. In order to protect his daughter, Hinata, from danger, Shinsuke Akao retreated deep into the forest. He secluded himself, never leaving the forest while he reared and educated Hinata, never allowing her to leave either. On the morning after her sixteenth birthday, Hinata wakes up to find her father missing. With no clues as to where he went, Hinata casts aside the safety of the forest and forges out for the first time into the post-apocalyptic cityscape on a quest to find her father and discover what exactly happened to the world fifteen years ago.", false, true], "HitandMiss": ["http://hitandmiss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 153, "It's a autobiographic comic about, well, me and my daily life! Doesn't that sound interesting? WARNING: This comic may contain the following; misspelling, weird situations, gaming, horrible puns, cats, depression, and the occasionally lovey dovey stuff. http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Hit_and_Miss/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The link to DrunkDuck Hit and Miss!", false, true], "Hitkid96fansSpriteDump": ["http://hk96fspritedump.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "In this place, it is a landfill full of Sprites of any kind. I might also dump random stuff like pictures and what not to fill this place up. Credit to those who worked hard to make sprites or such things that I use here. Want to join to dump YOUR stuff here? go ahead. Also if you're not interested in seeing comics like this or EVEN the sight of recolors and or bad edits than leave.", false, true], "Hoarfrost": ["http://hoarfrost.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Leon and Suzuo on what was suppose to be a small mission, Soon enough they are trapped beneath tons of snow. Trying to find a way out while inside the depth of the cave they find something usual...", false, true], "Holocrash": ["http://holocrash.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 610, "Welcome to HoloCrash, the adventures of Commander Teelianna Santo (\"Teela\") and her Genetically Enhanced Nanotech Android trainer (\"G.E.N.A\"). Teela, a brilliant science officer and an exceptional athlete, volunteers for a year round trip aboard the cargo freighter Argenta-619 so that she, along with her trainer G.E.N.A, can train for the upcoming Pan System games in heavy gravity conditions. Soon, what seems like a normal freight run to the Cordas System, turns into an adventure like no other!", true, true], "HolyBlasphemy": ["http://holyblasphemy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 284, "Making fun of religions since 2010. Better stay clear of this comic if you really cannot stand people making fun of Atheism, Buddhism, Christianity, Creationism, Germanic and Greek Polytheism, Hinduism, Islam or Judaism as well as of Abraham, Agni, Aliens, Angels, the Easter Bunny, Great Ctuluh, Isaac, Jahweh, Jesus, John the Baptist, Joseph, Mary, Mohammed, normal humans, Pascal, robots, Santa Claus, Satan, Tantalus, Thor, Vishnu, well-built catholic girls, Zao Jun or Zeus (more religious belief systems and persons may follow). Updates whenever I find the time (on average every 2.4 days or almost three times a week). Comments and voting highly welcome!", false, false], "HolyCrap": ["http://holycrap.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 291, "Hi there! Welcome to what-ma cha' call it? ... Oh that's right Crap Holy. No no... AH! WELCOME TO ME! I AM HOLY CRAP!", false, true], "Honeygang": ["http://honeygang.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "There is one time in life when you're young, pretty and full of energy. Unfortunately, this period matches with intense stress, emotional breakdown and awful tests. It's called college. Fortunately, it's also matches with intense parties, never-ending laughs and marvellous pranks. It's called friendship.", false, true], "HopeForABreeze": ["http://h4ab.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 281, "This is a story of a girl named Sophia and her journeys through life. webcomic, web comic, school life, slice of life, school, drama, anime, autobiography, memoirs, manga, cartoon, comic", false, false], "HornsofDilemma": ["http://hornsofd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "", false, true], "HornyBunny": ["http://horny-bunny.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Just the naughty life of a bunny named Rubit Tr\u00eafle.", true, true], "HotChocolate": ["http://hot-chocolate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 309, "COMPLETE! Other art and doodads will be added, but as for the story, it's finished! Thanks to all the readers!", false, true], "HotDagn": ["http://hotdagn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "Hotter than most tamales out there. (UPDATES DAILY GET EXCITED AHA YES)", false, true], "HotDogVerne": ["http://diggityvernedog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "", false, true], "HotelBoom": ["http://h-b.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A cross-over webcomic between Hotel WTF and Sonic-Boom!", false, true], "HouseofVanity": ["http://houseofvanity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "A comedy about the daily life of the Valentine family that owns a lingerie fashion house. They are very talented, creative but rather selfish & the biggest self-centered jerks that, you'll ever meet. The story is told from the point of view of a con man trying to pursue them.", false, true], "Houseofsprite": ["http://sac22.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 279, "A hotel comic where anything can happen! Rules: no inappropriate updates keep it PG-10ish", false, true], "HowToCatchAFairy": ["http://howtocatchafairy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "The essential guide to Fairy watching, catching and believing.", false, true], "HowToMakeFateLaugh": ["http://howtomakefatelaugh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 72, "Lark has always believed that \"love doesn't exist.\" Love is just a way adults can still play pretend in order to give their meaningless lives some sort of purpose. From a very young age he learned the truth about love and has grown up bitter. His dream is to be left alone and to grow old alone. But, you know how to make fate laugh? Tell it your plans. By a twist of fate, Lark is taken to a world where fairy tales are in history books and everywhere you look people are falling in love. Until the Kingdom of Eden's witch can help him find a way home, he must play along with their traditions and way of life or until he kills himself. Whichever comes first. Love has no boundaries in a fairytale world so: M/M (FOR THE MOST PART IT WILL BE BOYxBOY), F/M and F/F Warning: Mature situations will come ~UPDATES ON SUNDAY~", true, true], "HowToTrainYourDragonIrethandVesperaFable": ["http://httydireth-vespera.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "Ten years after the battle of the Red Death, the village of Berk have fallen in an era of peace with their foes the dragons. The creatures are now owned as pets and part of a family of the viking members. Life couldn't get any more simple. How about not. Our fable begins with a young 18 year old viking girl that goes by the name Ireth Netherland. Who isn't a fighter but an apothecary and alchemist and has a natural curiosity that seems to get her into trouble in more ways than one. Viewed as the outcast of the whole tribe, Ireth must under go a now ten year tradition of claiming a dragon companion of her own again after failing it for 2 years and this is her last chance. Having experienced many bad moments with dragons Ireth has developed a fear of most of the dragon species. Distraught and worried that she would be kicked out of the tribe, Ireth goes out into the woods after failing the test a third time to allow her some comfort in her own mind. There she meets something unexpected that would make her life either easier or deeper into despair. How To Train Your Dragon is owned by Cressida Cowell and Dreamworks. Updated whenever.", false, true], "HowardTheElephant": ["http://howardtheelephant.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Taking place in the late 50\u2019s, the story of the lonely detective Howard takes place. Our hero lives in Small-town, Pennsylvania with his two housekeepers Martha and Becky, a 16 year old French girl. Eventually he receives his latest case, which isn't actually a \"case\" at all and proves to involve him infiltrating the Mafia. And so he does, pretty damn well might I add. Instead his time is preoccupied with sex, alcohol, friendship... and other, more disturbing things. Forcing Howard to develop a new personality. Sometimes you tell a lie so long you don't even want to face the truth anymore. Beware of Sex, gay sex, lesbian sex, prostitution, guro, gore, Lulz, violence, drugs, and overuse of the word \"fuck\". Read from the beginning and on, please.", true, true], "Howoftendoesitraininthedesert": ["http://howoftendoesitraininthedesert.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A quick 10 page comic about a kid who does out in the desert looking for rain", false, true], "HowtoTellYourBoyfriendYouDrawGayPorn": ["http://how-to-tell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "A random series of strips about a straight girl who draws gay porn, works minimum wage jobs, is living a RomCom, and has friends who ship her and her boyfriend. Whimsical, colored for your viewing pleasure, and completely true. (c)Lazy-lil-ninja.deviantart.com", false, true], "HuggerMugger": ["http://huggermugger.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Original Comic of Orenjifox Seth skylark (18) the bassist, comes to the Pub very early almost every night, but not with the rest of his bandmates. That make their turn (to perform on stage) being taken away by a talented guitarist who only interested in guy, Darren Dixon (18). Seth always pissed by the guy attitude, but deep down he knows he is interested in him... even though he is always been an oedipus complex. well, this is a story about the skunk hair boy and the emo boy's love life...!! ;) enjoy! - UPDATE EVERY MONDAY (or earlier) mate! :D", false, true], "Huijari": ["http://huijari.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A yaoi oneshot about how complicated it can get being a ghost in love with the living... and to have a pesky, horny fellow ghost glued to your ass on a daily basis. I named the comic Huijari (trickster in Finnish) because the English name was already taken.", true, true], "Humanart": ["http://humanart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Anyone can draw no matter what you may think. There are simple steps to becoming a great artist. The minute you pick up a pencil your already on your way. You'll learn to draw human anatomy (Hands, feet, face,proportions ect.) In cartoon, realistic and Anime styles. You'll learn how to pick out shapes and lines. Everything made simple in short, step by step instruction. Lets start out with the basics shall we?", false, true], "HuntingShadows": ["http://hunting-shadows.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Two teens, both heirs to a long line of monster hunters, must challenge impossible odds and embrace their destiny... Hunting Shadows #1: After being tortured within an inch of her life, Nessie sought escape beneath the ocean waves. Her suicide attempt was unexpectedly ended by mysterious creatures called sirens. Spared of her death and memories, Nessie finds herself stranded on an island, alone and with no idea who she is. Her only comfort is the haunting siren's song heard beneath the night sky. Chase has been stranded on the island for three years, alone since his father fell prey to the sirens. When he finds Nessie, he becomes determined to save her from the siren's spell, a spell which can only end with her turning into one of them. If you like fantasy and the unusual, this comic might be your cup of tea.", false, true], "Huntinglesson": ["http://huntinglesson.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "When a big brother try to teach his little sister how to hunt, it can became a great adventure! Or not. Hunting lesson is a one shot wordless comic featuring monsters from Japanese myth, fox, bunnies, crows and others happy critters. It can be read at all age! --- Quand un grand fr\u00e8re essaye d'apprendre \u00e0\u00a0 sa petite soeur comment chasser, \u00e7a tourne \u00e0\u00a0 la grande aventure. Ou pas. Le\u00e7on de chasse est une BD courte sans parole, contenant des monstres de la mythologie Japonaise, renards, lapins, corbeaux et autres gentils bestioles. Elle peut \u00eatre lu \u00e0\u00a0 tout \u00e2ge!", false, true], "Huntsmen": ["http://huntsmen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Repairing the hunted. BL, implied GL, angsty. COMPLETED.", false, true], "Hurlyburly": ["http://hurlyburly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Agnes Dhawan wakes up one morning to find a Demon in her bed, a Ghost in her hallway and an Angel on her lawn. Only with no idea of what happened the previous night that led to this. Now she must figure out what happened and why everyone wants her before the hurlyburly of her new life becomes permanent. (Updates every Wednesday)", false, true], "HurrocksFardel": ["http://hurrocksfardel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 470, "", false, true], "Hybristorific": ["http://hybristorific.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "A graphic graphic novel about friendship, philosophy, and serial murder. Updates every Sunday and Wednesday.", true, true], "I3MyLife": ["http://www.ilmlcomic.com/comics/", 20, "I Love My Life follows the life of Cheyne Bruek, a 22 year old girl just graduating college with no career, no money and freeloading; she remains living in her parents house along with her younger brother JC.", false, true], "I3U": ["http://iheartu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Kai Elbrooke, a notorious playboy who forever has a new man on the go, abhors the idea of getting serious about any guy. The thrill of the chase and 'no strings attached' sex make him a perpetual philanderer - until fate decides to deal him a different hand. When a new conquest continually thwarts Kai's advances, he is compelled to pursue this romantic interest despite being rejected again and again. Is this new man just another play toy, or is he someone who can actually pull on Kai's heart, and perhaps allow some strings to become attached after all... Comic will be starting its release on June 25th, and will be updated regularly every Tuesday. *Note* Story Contains BL and other LGBTQ related relationships.", false, true], "IAmAWolf": ["http://iamwolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Just an extremely short comic thing to practice my wolf sketches and stuff.", false, true], "IAmTitanium": ["http://titanium.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "H.I.C.C.U.P is a cleanup robot and Jack, a sleek one of a kind search and recover robot. By chance, they meet, but things do not turn out so romantic. A Wall-E Hijack AU with Jack as Eve and Hiccup as Wall-E. I feel like this song would work for them in this AU.", false, true], "ICEandViolence": ["http://iceandviolence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "In the mysterious city of Rockhart lives a species of humans who wield demonic powers. Although they appear normal, humans managed to differentiate these beings by calling them demons. Living in disguise, while containing such power, is enough to rattle their insides and send the sanity they once had into a corrupted state where violence is the only cure. As a runaway orphan, Tave knew she had a gift that didn't make her human anymore. Growing up in hiding, she makes close friends with a demolition man who secretly employs her in his father's company to help her with her goal in life: Find her mother. (This comic contains yuri/lesbian relations.) Updated at least once every 2 weeks.", true, true], "IDKIDontKnow": ["http://idk-idontknow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "This thing is the only comic (?) I'm curently drawing, what is it about you ask?, I don't know. Some of the things in it are dumb slice of life things that happen, others are the things that suddenly and with no reason pop-up in my head when I space out. I don't know what's going on here but I like it that way. This is a weird comic.", false, true], "IDidSomethingStupidToday": ["http://ididsomethingstupid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "I did something stupid today, let me tell you how it went. Some content will be NSFW/+18", true, true], "ILikeToDrawZubats": ["http://iliketodrawzubats.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "I enjoy making drawings of Zubats and then adding either a funny dialogue or an introspective comment. Updates Whenever, MAX 5x a week.", false, true], "ILoveMondays": ["http://ilovemondays.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A light-humored, corny, pun-filled Webcomic, hoping to turn that frown upside down. No story arc just Corny and Nonsensical content every Monday!", false, true], "ILoveYoux2": ["http://iloveux2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "An older twin sister that loves to crossdress and a worrywart younger twin brother, nothing can possibly happen, right? Then here comes a new neighbor and a foreign exchange student, and suddenly everything just changes for the two. READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT WARNING: BL and GL with corniness by a newbie comic artist Updates: Every Friday", false, true], "IMbalance": ["http://imbalance.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "manga styled comic with martial arts and elemental powers. \"Our adventurous young boy Ame wants to proof himself worthy by exploring new lands and becoming a strong elementalist, but after meeting a mysterious boy named Chung he becomes foes with a group of strong criminals\" blood, violence, nudity, romance, elements and martial arts", false, true], "IMozart": ["http://a-i-mozart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A short experimental comic featuring a robot who clearly gets a bit too excited about pianos.", false, true], "INFECTED00": ["http://infected00.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "There is an institute on an unknown island for people who are deemed \"danger under unique circumstances\". That institute is a special place for people who have injured others through supernatural means. These people are, in a way, \"infected\". __________________________________________ A horror BL collab!!! Looking for 7 authors! [1 character per author] The requirements for the characters are they must be male, humanoid, and 18+ The background of your character must include some sort of violent outburst that either hurt a person/people or even killed someone. It could have been an accident, premeditated, or they can be a completely crazy serial killer. It's all up to you! They can be a werewolf, vampire, your own made up species, or even just human with some sort of supernatural affliction. Applications Closed", true, true], "INUSITADOONLINE": ["http://inusitado.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 202, "Uma simples comedia romantica ;D", false, false], "IPadiza2": ["http://ipadizad2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "El primer webcomic sobre el iPad de Apple. En espa\u00f1ol.", false, true], "IRRIGALIAFirstRotation": ["http://projectpbd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "Project: Pale Blue Dot (2007-present) in English. Contains/will contain mature content. Part of Prismacon's PAPFA program (2010-ongoing). Comments are loved and are given a warm beverage and high fives", true, true], "IWasBornWithGoldenHair": ["http://iwasbornwithgoldenhair.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "I Was Born With Golden Hair is a science fiction story in which humanity is found in the most unexpected place. Told in three parts. Updates on Mondays.", false, true], "IWasMistaken": ["http://machigaitteru.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 85, "Machigaitteru! (I Was Mistaken!) (c) kurasuchi. December 2010. Genres: shoujo, comedy, romance, drama, oneshot Summary: Nakajima Kyouko was very happy that she had been able to go back to her former house--- a house owned by Tanigawa Keichii, her close friend and classmate, to whom she is entirely similar in all aspects. She firmly believes that \"Opposites attract,\" and swears that she will never fall in love with a person who's entirely similar to her. One fateful day, both of them had been invited by the persons of their dreams to a dream date! Finally realizing that their 3-year long unrequited love had finally been requited, they had been ecstatic about it. But what will happen if they see each other in their respective dates? What if Kyouko suddenly ditches her long-awaited date and goes off somewhere? What if the person she had wanted to spend Christmas Eve with the most was the person she had least expected to be?", false, true], "IWillLoveYouUntilTheDayYouDie": ["http://iwlyutdid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "A stranger has been going around, asking girls to go out with him. When he asks Yuzu, she decides to agree to it, even though they've never met before. Read along and see what kind of relationship these two will develop.", false, true], "IWishFor": ["http://iwishfor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Its about a 12-year old orphan boy living with his aunt. He is normally bullied by the local boys and abused by his aunt. One day, while he was alone, he found a lamp and the lamp contains a beautiful female genie. This genie, somehow, reminded him of someone he had lost years ago.", false, true], "Ianua": ["http://ianua.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "/\u02c8ja\u02d0.nu.a/ Welcome to a land where magic has always existed. In recent years the ability to summon 'other worldly' creatures has brought about sharp class distinctions and radically altered society as a whole.", false, true], "IceCreamSurfer": ["http://icecreamsurfer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "Old-time story about a Human Kid and his best friend, a Broccoli. They live in the Ice Cream World as you probably remember.", false, true], "IciVontLesMorts": ["http://icivontlesmorts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Ici Vont Les Morts raconte l'histoire de Sunday une petite fille d'une dizaine d'ann\u00c3\u00a9es et de sa poup\u00c3\u00a9e Mojo. Mais si vous cherchez des aventures magiques et amusantes dans un monde color\u00c3\u00a9 comme un paquet de bonbons, passez votre chemin. Ici Vont Les Morts parleras de vengeance, de ce qu'on est pr\u00c3\u00aat \u00c3\u00a0 sacrifier pour l'obtenir. Du mal n\u00c3\u00a9cessaire et de celui qui l'est moins. Des choix qui ne sont pas toujours les bons ou, parfois, de ne pas avoir le choix tout court. Des erreurs que l'on fait, que l'on choisit de corriger, ou pas. Dans Ici Vont Les Morts, vous trouverez t\u00c3\u00b4t ou tard : -Des zombis (humains, oiseaux, chiens, insectes, tous plus ou moins d\u00c3\u00a9compos\u00c3\u00a9s) -Des violations de s\u00c3\u00a9pultures. -De la magie noire. -Des demoiselles et des messieurs nus. -Des loup-garous. Qui sont aussi les demoiselles et messieurs nus. -Des blasph\u00c3\ufffd\u00c2\u00a8mes, jurons et autres noms d'oiseaux. -Des actes de moralit\u00c3\u00a9s douteuses, autant des gentils, que des m\u00c3\u00a9chants et des poup\u00c3\u00a9es vaudous qui ne sauraient pas ce qu'est une moralit\u00c3\u00a9 si on leur tapait dessus avec. -De l'humour noir. Tr\u00c3\u00a9s noir.", true, true], "IdiotBoyfriend": ["http://idiotboyfriend.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "I'm gonna take you out but leave my wallet home, then I'll use your cellphone baby (long distance) cuz I'm an idiot and I'm your boyfriend. Just a reasonably light-hearted comic about a somewhat dysfunctional couple. * ** ***CONTAINS BL (but nothing too hardcore)***", false, true], "Idontwanttochangetheworld": ["http://idontwanttochangetheworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "the mask deals with the death of his loved ones and the grind of being a superhero", false, true], "IfItWasaComic": ["http://ifitwasacomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "some scenes from my favorite works of fiction represented in comic/manga form :) so far the only thing I've uploaded is \"The Barrow Wights,\" based on Chapter 8 of The Fellowship of the Ring, but there will hopefully be more. suggestions for scenes/books welcome!", false, true], "Ifyoudothatonceagain": ["http://iydtoa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "This is a really short one-shot. I did the sketches, while I was cooking.", false, true], "Ikitte": ["http://ikitte.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "The search of happiness leads to despair.", false, true], "IlikeyouKuroesan": ["http://ilikeyoukuroesan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "A boys love story: Lucus Ken has the biggest crush on his classmate, Maka Kuroesan and finally decides to ask her out. Surprisingly she agrees to go on a date with him, but as fate haves it he meets an interesting fellow the day of their date. \"Why does my body react to him this way? Don't I like Maka?\" updates when I finish each page Rated mature for later chapters", true, true], "IltaDalharuk": ["http://iltadalharuk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Seeing no other alternative, Nedyrr Auvryndar seeks her capricious goddess' aid to save her life. [Complete]", false, true], "ImAGirlToo": ["http://imagirltoo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Suzuki Ryo lives the perfect highschool experience for a boy, except Ryo is a girl! Reads right to left Updates on Fridays-Sundays", false, true], "ImSorrySimon": ["http://imsorrysimon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "What happens when you find something that is hurt and needs help? Well normal people would try to help it. But what if its a kitten with no where to go? Would you take it in? (might seem confusing but bear with it)", false, true], "ImUnderYourSpell": ["http://imunderyourspell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "A story about a girl who works at a ice cream stall, the guy who always annoys her, and a spell that was put on her years before.", false, true], "Imago": ["http://imago-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "> boy's love > please read from right to left > (tries to) update every sunday \"We are as close to each other as we could possibly get but there's still the sun and the moon between us.\" Ekke and Peru have known each other ever since they were 12 and they share a very special bond. However, their species start transforming from caterpillar into \"winged form\" at the age of ~16. Ekke's and Peru's relationship gets more complicated then, because Ekke, being a butterfly, transforms at dawn and turns back into a caterpillar at night, but Peru, being a moth, transforms from dusk till dawn. It seems they will never be able to be in the same state at the same time but Ekke is determined to find a solution to their problem, even if it means risking his life.", false, true], "Imp": ["http://imp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Imp's soul has been sent to Prison, a place where all the sinners are doomed to wander through for eternity. As if that wasn't bad enough, he has his old enemy, Zuduka, trying to wipe him from existence. And if THAT wasn't bad enough, Death tells something bad is about to happen. Something that will change everything.", false, true], "ImpendingSalvation": ["http://impendingsalvation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "A oneshot yaoi story describing the controlling, violent nature of man. Keita, a lost cause, with no one to love soon finds himself falling in love with the violent Takuya. Takuya finds himself in a struggle to change his ways and protect the one he loves the most. Hint: read right to left.", false, true], "Imperfectionsim": ["http://imperfectionism.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "Imperfectionism is the result of the influences taken from The Plague Dogs by Richard Adams and Wolf's Rain. It is about three wolves from various back grounds who become friends while undergoing experiments for growing body parts on living things. They escape into the wild and must survive and find their way to Paradise. I started this comic in July of 2009, it only started it's online debut in January of 2012 and now it will be starting it's journey on an actual web-comic site. Let's see how this will go.", false, true], "Imsorry": ["http://imsorrybynettan87.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A comic about how powerless you can feel when there is nothing you can do to save someone precious to you.", false, true], "InDebt": ["http://indebt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 460, "Meet Kid. A teen straight out of high school with his whole life a head of him. Until it ends in a tragic traffic accident. Meet Grimm Death. A Reaper with the power of life and all other sorts of power at his disposal. He's highly respected in the Reaper realm and is seen as a Godly figure. In truth he is an arrogant, narcissistic, selfish, annoying, loud ego filled man that asks for no permission before doing what he wills. He owns the Deadwood Hotel and his goal is to make the hotel grow to multimillion dollar company. Grimm Death brought Kid back to life and informs the boy that he will now be working as a maid in order to pay off the debt of gaining a new life from Death. There will be boylove, girllove and just love in general. But mostly boys crushing on other boys. I'm currently going back and redoing the first chapter. Please bear with me as I replace the older pages with shiny new ones.", false, true], "InHouseHumor": ["http://inhousehumor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "", false, true], "InLovingMemoryofMeganMills": ["http://meganmills.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Once upon a midnight shift In a textile mill We found her on the metal lift The sight was quite the spill", true, true], "Inchoatica": ["http://inchoatica.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 92, "Don't eat the demon-infested sandwiches, no matter how tasty.", false, true], "IncompleteKangTeukComic": ["http://kangteukdj2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "Welcome to \"INCOMPLETE\" KangIn and LeeTeuk are current members of Super Junior this comic is about their lives as idols, the friendship and romance between. Be aware this story contains boys love (Yaoi/slash). LeeTeuk has almost everything that a man can desire: Fame and money. But he still feel empty. Everything started with a celebration party, he was drunk so was KangIn...", false, true], "Indomitablespirit": ["http://indomitable-spirit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "\"We are two in one, we are an abomination we were born of two who are from different realms,we should not exist, we are two souls, two different spirits we are whole together,we saved the world in the name of the demons from the angels and gods. we are the born in the year of sanity and died in the year of insanity. we are recreated a new. we are you're abomination, reborn December 24th, the same day as our death, wedding and our first birth. This time we are unknown.\" **Boys love** The comic is in English Opening 25th of December updates: Unknown; due to school and full color (sunday for the most part) comic: is full color", false, true], "InfernalSnow": ["http://infernalsnow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 99, "INFORMATION : I am French my english is bad sorry ! One Shot Doujinshi Yaoi : RedXShigeru(Green) Upload : Monday It's said that, in a wolf clans, the Alpha will be the strongest and always the supreme leader of all. However, the Omega's always despised. But this rule, in rare cases, can be broken. And the story of these two wolfs can proves it. Warning: Yaoi, Abuse Scenes, Violence, Sex. Co-Production : Pikachan RP Doujinshi", true, true], "Ingloriousbasterds": ["http://ingloriousbasterds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 246, "Tired of sad stories with a grey and gloomy graphics? Then watch this bright arcade. The comic is not translated into English.", false, true], "Inhibition": ["http://inhibition.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Kyle speaks and acts without any thought. This tends to cause problems. The only thing he keep quiet about is love, and has a strange dislike to physical affection. Robert comes across a new student at his school. As he spends more time with him, he finds out a lot about himself and is drawn into an interesting but satisfying relationship. Reads left to right! Story by Leafy Savanna Chan (Leafia). Art by Crimson Chains", false, true], "Inhuman": ["http://inhumancomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 517, "1000 years in the future, a schizophrenic has been kidnapped by a group of rebel soldiers. And it seems they've bitten off more than they can chew...", false, true], "Inkblood": ["http://inkblood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Chris discovers new abilities after becoming orphaned and joining the real world for the first time. I won't say anymore for fear of giving away spoilers.", false, true], "InmyWorld": ["http://inmyworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "My main OCs, Feadel Guardian and Claude Lineus Thorn. A small one-shot of how Claude learned what's nice in bed, after 20 years of inexperience. Yay! Claude, you stupid virgin! Look what you make me do to you!!!!! This comic contains 18+ material. This means it contains Yaoi, violence as a fetish and romantic stuff. Link for uncensored version: http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/gallery/feadel22/originalart/ Updates every 2 or 3 days.", true, true], "Insecure": ["http://insecure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "Two friends, Kei and Aoba, start to become 'friends with benefits' after Kei confesses he is gay and Aoba being curious about if doing it with a guy would be like. Obstacles soon start to appear as Kei is slowly starting to want something more than being just sex friends. Warning!: *If it wasn't obvious, this story contains two guys doing it...so you know...if you don't like it then don't read.", true, true], "InsideOuTAYuriTale": ["http://insideout-a-yuri-tale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 369, "A new Yuri series dealing with love, life and true friendship. The story follows new high school student Hitomi who decided to stop pretending to be someone else and start being herself. This decision leads to many odd encounters as she enters high school life and find her life is turned Inside OuT. Warning this manga is read Right to left. <<This way<<", false, false], "Inslaved": ["http://inslaved.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "BL-Yaoi. This is about a inslaved low rank demon there's called Adrius. Im sorry for my somethimes, poor gramma. Im working on it. I'll update this comic running, as I have no idea when I have time to make the pages. I hope you'll injoy my poorly drawn manga! This is my first try so please bear with me!", false, true], "Insonicsworld": ["http://noocswoohoo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "what if sonic killed eggman? (on acciedent of course), what if he unleashed a horrible evil upon mobius? well this is where that kinda screwed up fanfiction happens, join sonic and his future self, named sonic (mind blown!) as they set off to revive the good 'ol egghead 11+ rating for \"violence\",\"swearing\"(i say crap), and slightly diabetic bad jokes, enjoy!", false, true], "InspiredByADream": ["http://inspiredbyadream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 168, "in\u00b7spire |in-spahyuhr| ~to fill or affect with a specified feeling, thought, etc ~to prompt or instigate (utterances, acts, etc.) by influence, without avowal of responsibility dream |dreem| ~a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep ~a vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie ~a wild or vain fancy Updates: Saturdays 1-2 pages a week.", false, true], "Instrumental": ["http://instrumental.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Drama unfolds when a useless Penelope finds herself wanting to be part of something she's not quite ready for.", false, true], "InterestingTopicsofConversation": ["http://interestingtopics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Human lump Ritchie has a date.", false, true], "IntheFoldsofDimensions": ["http://foldofdimensions.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "In order not to spoil the eventual readers of this I wont say much of what it is about, just that it will involve action, humor, romance and some amount of gore. It is a rather dark story with charming characters (If I can say so myself), so for those with a slightly dark sense of humor this might be the perfect mix..! This started up as a mashup between LiquoriceQueen and HemotoxicLifeguard's, the autors, two separate oc stories and it turned out as a rather massive rp... Hemotoxiclifeguard is responsible for the lineart for this comic, and Liquoricequeen will be doing the coloring for it! Please check out either of out DeviantART acc's if youre interested (we use the same usernames there)", false, true], "IntotheDesertWinds": ["http://intothedesertwinds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Chandler, Prince of the coastal city of Ebonreach, is seeking peace and alliance between his country and Mystria, the country in the north. Everything is going well until he finds himself a fugitive in the fierce deserts between their countries. Plus, what do the strange dreams he's been having even mean? Updates Mondays and Thursdays. ^_^", false, true], "Intoxicated": ["http://intoxicated.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 142, "This is the story of Robert, who tries to manage his relationships in his life of drug abuse, break up's and strong emotions. The comic is finished, but being redrawn, so quality might change between newer and older chapters. Contains drugs, sex and profanity. Approximately rated: 15", true, true], "Invaders": ["http://invaders.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A 10 page short story for a contest at my local library, the theme being \"A story set in the future.\" The story itself was inspired by an episode of the Twilight Zone.", false, true], "IristheVGGal2011": ["http://vggal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Iris the ultimate self-proclaimed fangirl!", false, true], "IronEmpress": ["http://ironempress.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "The king of the Nord has abdicated, leaving his only surviving heir, Kasora, to take up the reins as queen. How will the new monarch deal with her new responsibilities? And what about a rival king bent on converting the entire world by fire? And then there's her new bodyguard to keep an eye on...", false, true], "Isitafairytalewithoutfairies": ["http://fairytalewithoutfairies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Vico is a knight, who travels around saving princesses and ladies in trouble. What happens when he meets a princess, who doesn't need to be saved? This is my first webcomic, so please be gentle with me! A little warning here, this comic is gonna be nsfw at some point, so be aware of naked men in action at some point (when I get to that point I'm gonna put the mature content warning box to the website).", false, true], "Islamundo": ["http://islamundo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "dapz + jotad\u00e9 te proponen descubrir ISLAMUNDO, un serial en vi\u00f1etas de entrega semanal que te mantendr\u00e1 en vilo con cada nueva p\u00e1gina, y del que no podr\u00e1s dejar de hablar con tus amig@s (o al menos eso esperan los autores ;) Como toda historia tiene un principio, ISLAMUNDO comienza en la isla Midalia, uno de esos lugares id\u00edlicos donde todo parece ir de maravilla, hasta que la cabeza de tu mascota salta por los aires, y lo pone todo perdido\u2026 \u00a1UNA NUEVA P\u00c1GINA CADA VIERNES! Like us on Facebook \u00b7 http://www.facebook.es/Islamundo.TheWebComic O S\u00edguenos en Twitter: @Islamundo Y si lo que quieres es estar a la \u00faltima y no perderte nada del nuevo material publicado cada mes en ISLAMUNDO, suscr\u00edbete a nuestro bolet\u00edn de novedades envi\u00e1ndonos un email a islamundo.elcomic@gmail.com, indicando en el asunto: \u201cS\u00ed, me gustar\u00eda suscribirme al bolet\u00edn de novedades mensual de ISLAMUNDO\u201d.", false, true], "IslandsofEzdora": ["http://ezdora.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 892, "Help Tara and friends adventure through the mystical Islands of Ezdora! Feel free to suggest!(Don't be scared of the page count, it reads fast!) Updates daily.", false, true], "IswearIhavetalent": ["http://isiht.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Glimmer Wave sings well, Wing Beat sings well, just not separately. Cue the biggest singing competition Equestria has ever seen", false, true], "ItJustGotSeriousFireRedEdition": ["http://ijgsfirered.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "The sequel to IJGS Platinum. Don't worry, this one doesn't end in failure after the second gym :U This run is a Nuzlocke chronicling Kira's adventures through Kanto. The first half is mostly humorous, but it gets pretty serious later on. Hope you enjoy!", false, true], "ItJustGotSeriousPlatinumEdition": ["http://ijgsplatinum.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "This was my first ever Nuzlocke comic. Don't let the shitty art put you off - it gets better by Fire Red and Soul Silver :U This is really just to set up for the beginning of Fire Red.", false, true], "ItWasTheSeventiesMan": ["http://itwastheseventiesman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A six-page short story, presented in weekly installments each Sunday.", false, true], "ItachiArtsandDrawings": ["http://itachiarstanddrawings.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 115, "I..basically put anything sprite or art related here. And..Imma try my best to bring this dead piece of crap comic back!I will continue to bring this thing to life, or die of boredum trying! >:I Oh..I'm also accepting anyone who wants to be part of this comic thingy. D; I also do requests of art and junk. ; u ; I will update more often now.", false, true], "ItisHorrible": ["http://itishorrible.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "This really story is a job. He buys beer. It involves a touching touching touching one. It is a job. He buys beer. It involves a squirrel trying to get a job. He buys beer. It is stupid.", false, true], "ItsADeadMansParty": ["http://deadmansparty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 97, "People live, die, and go somewhere else. A compilation of stories about purgatory and its inhabitants.", false, true], "ItsCharacterDevelopment": ["http://characterdevelopment.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1144, "And now the tale of a party of adventurers who got lost in a dungeon ... and the one Paladin who had no choice but to try and save them. It's Character Development. Daily updated Playmobil toy photo-comic.", false, false], "ItsFun": ["http://itsfun.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Ah, you're here! You're here! Drop by and see the show tonight... Drop by and see the show... At the Dark Woods Circus... It's Fun! ==== >l5 pages long >Features Zim and other cartoon characters >Dark Woods Circus lyrics translated by Balni on livejournal.com", false, true], "ItsJustADreamBLYaoi": ["http://itsjustadream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Darren can't feel any pain in real life but in his dreams, he can. So what will he do when he meets Pain? BL. Yaoi. This comic is based on the song Pain - Three Days Grace and I do not own this song in any way! I'm just a fangirl. Hope you will like my little manga :3", true, true], "ItsNoUse": ["http://itsnouse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Random Sonic sprite comic", false, true], "ItsNotSoWonderful": ["http://itsnotsowonderful.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Weird dreams of a magically twisted place fills this boys dreams, and a little girl who looks... strangely familiar takes over the reflections in his dreams. After a strange run in with a suspicious customer, Alex finds himself in the strange magically twisted place he has dreamed about so many times before. Is it real this time or is it just another dream?", false, true], "ItsNotYaoi": ["http://itsnotyaoi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "A simple story about a bunch of ordinary human beings trying to live on this planet we call 'Earth.'", false, true], "ItsaFrogStory": ["http://iafs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Because of unfortunate circumstances, Russel has to live with a frog. A slimy disgusting frog. So gross! Considering he hates frogs the most (What was his name..Varren? Whatever its not important). Yet Russel is still stuck in the past. Its probably up to Varren to pull him out of his funk. That is if Russel will let this gross disgusting frog do it. One shot/BL Every week/ Thurs", false, true], "Itsahardlife": ["http://itsahardlife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 340, "Robin is ten years old and travels through Kanto with her pok\u00e9mon to find a place to call home. This is a story about struggle, survival and friendship in a cruel world. -------------------------- This is a Nuzlocke comic. Contains swearing and occasionally some gore. -------------------------- Updates are sadly quite irregular but I have no plans on giving up on it anytime soon! -------------------------- Extra art and fan art at hardlifeat.tumblr.com/", false, true], "Itsan8BitWorldBlankWorld": ["http://8bitblankworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 816, "This comic's premise is simple. This is the White Space, or \"Blank World\" of my It's an 8-bit World Comicverse. Here all the characters, past, present, and future can interact and do crazy, random, and all-together odd things for your own entertainment. Of course, they have to be careful so as not to piss off the local Rulers of the Universe...", false, true], "JASC": ["http://jasc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Just Another Sprite Comic aka JASC. The title says it all! Just Another sprite comic which kickstarts with a Mario story.", false, true], "JOGJustanOrdinaryGuy": ["http://jog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT! John thought he was just an ordinary guy. Until a certain event happens in just one night. updated Saturdays and Sundays", false, true], "JPGsSpriteMarket": ["http://jpgsprites.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "My sprites, edits and more. If you want to use any of them, read the tags! Stealing is not allowed. Thank you and have a nice day! ^____^ This is not a showcase.", false, true], "JackBRideTheAir": ["http://jackb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Think roller derby without wheels set in the sky. Jack and The Fly Hi crew set out to take the new sport of steam jumping to impossible heights. The sport was created when some bright kids ... 'borrowed' ... an advance air filtration unit and reconfigured it into rocket boots.", false, true], "JackTheLegendHero": ["http://jackthelegendheroq.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Its been 5 yrs since I made this manga, and stills to grow bigger and bigger. so to honor of me and to JTLH fans, I bring you the original story of \"The Legend Story Of Jack\". This story was the first step of Jack The Legend Hero. And its been reedited on the drawing and story. So enjoy The story. The comic pages will upload on every Saturday, on the start of September 28, 2013 Where the 5 yrs begins of Jack The Legend Hero", false, true], "JackiesStory": ["http://jackiestory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 363, "Jackie's Story is an online flash webcomic adventure story about an alien named Jack (Better known as Jackie) who gets talked into participating in something that she hopes will bring back her dead brother. For the animated version: http://jackiestory.weebly.com/index.html", false, true], "JacobWhite": ["http://jakew.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "A parody of this comic: http://fof.smackjeeves.com/", false, true], "JamaisVu": ["http://jamais-vu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Jamais Vu is a horror/fantasy comic by RM about dream worlds, angry teens, and mental illness. Mature Content. Updates 1st of the month.", false, true], "Janirot": ["http://janirot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "Janitor and his newly married rich wife. Extreme mega dupa zundo shoujo warning.", false, true], "Jantar": ["http://jantar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 85, "Comic inspired mostly by Polish history and mythology. I'm not quite sure what genre this is. I just draw something I'd like to read. Mostly it's about romance and fantasy", false, true], "Jantarpol": ["http://jantar-pl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 86, "Polish version. I'll submit English translation on this profile soon. Troch\u0119 romansu i troch\u0119 fantasy. Ci\u0119\u017cko mi w zasadzie opisa\u0107 co to za gatunek. Po prostu robi\u0119 komiks jaki sam chcia\u0142bym przeczyta\u0107", false, true], "JaydengetsaBlog": ["http://jaydengetsablog.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 44, "Jayden's life was almost irrelevant until one day ze decided to get a blog. Now it's just as irrelevant as before, but you gotta accept strangers on the internet can make your life a little more interesting. ------------------------------------ Hey there. This is an interactive story, where you can talk to the main character through zir blog, there are some rules for that but you will eventually know about them. Here is Jayden's blog: http://jayden-gets-a-blog.tumblr.com/", false, true], "JazutheWanderer": ["http://jazu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "When Jazu, the last wanderer, crash lands on Earth, he must make new allies and evade old enemies if he plans to survive. Writer Jaysen Headley and Illustrator L.W. Marks present an all ages comic of a boy and his journey home.", false, true], "JellySoulSilverNuzlocke": ["http://jellynuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Wacky Paper Pokemon Adventure - - - - Rules: -If a Pok\u00e9mon faints, it is considered dead and must be released. -Only the first Pok\u00e9mon encountered on a route may be captured. Duplicates may be ignored.", false, true], "JesusBlueNuzlocke": ["http://jesusnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "That character from that CYOA you probably didn't read doing a Nuzlocke of Pokemon Blue you probably should read, if only because it doesn't look like it was drawn by a seven year old in MS Paint.", false, true], "JewelCrisis": ["http://jewelcrisis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 105, "Imagine 2 strong, determined, awesome superheroes who are surely going to save the World from every danger. Our heroes are not like this at all. And what's more, they need to save more than 1 Worlds. Follow Vanda, Dan, the Chicken, and their other weird friends travelling through places even weirder than themselves. _____________________________________________ UPDATES ON SUNDAYS. _____________________________________________ Don't be afraid to: \u25cf comment \u25cf rate \u25cf +fav if you'd like to ^^ Everything helps to improve this comic (.\u203f.) ______________________________________________ + Follow on jewelcrisis.tumblr for extra infos \u261e Like on facebook for more updates", false, true], "JinLove": ["http://jlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "This comic has fox people, and a wolf. J is a janitor at a local high school. Because his house burned down he can no longer speak due to shock. He was always a shy man and soon he'll be between a rock and a hard place. What would you do if you thought you were about to die and the person you love was in your arms? Updates Daily.", false, true], "JohnAndy": ["http://bad-ideas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Honestly, John and Andy are just as confused as you. generally plotless, strip-style, marker/ink/occasionally digital comic about two stupid guys. not guaranteed to always be funny, but always rad hair and bad sweaters.", false, true], "JohnRall": ["http://johnrall.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A jounral comic.", false, true], "JosPokemonJourney": ["http://jpj.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 194, "Just about a 18 year old twin with an afro who's going on a journey with a few surprises, friends, and foes. :D Updates when it can. :3", false, true], "JosephAndYusra": ["http://josephxyusra.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 517, "Love, Friendship, Religion and supernatural powers? After Yusra lost her parents in a military conflict in the Middle East, she was sent to America to live with her aunt. It was there that she found Joseph, a Jewish boy. They discovered that they were able to talk through telepathy and through that they were able to stay close friends.. However, there is something more to them than just telepathy..or their friendship. UPDATED AT THE END OF EVERY MONTH", false, false], "JosephksScrapYard": ["http://scrapyard.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A place where I put things I make but never uploaded.", false, true], "JourneyDesertAndSnow": ["http://journeycomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "The story is BL, though it's more an A/U romance. The story is about Enoch a young man who falls for a handsome foreigner, and their trials to get back to one another after the unexpected separation by meddling 'friends'. (The story has not been tagged for mature content but will change as story progresses) i can't promise regular weekly updates anymore, but I sure try to. So please stick with it..even if I am a little slow. thanks. :)", true, true], "JourneyMan": ["http://journeyman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 290, "Life is a journey. Will finally seemed to be going places. But his plans take unexpected turns when cosmic forces intrude with occult plots and alien invasions. Can Will get a life as the galaxy burns? The first chapter includes old art from 2005 that will be fixed, later chapters have much better art.", false, true], "JourneyfortheBloodofRoses": ["http://www.journeyforthebloodofroses.com/comics/", 3, "When there is no more room in Hell... Witness the accounts of a couple, battling their way to safety in a world overrun with demons and undead after Earth cracks open and unleashing the supernatural evil lurking under its surface. Yasmina and Mason are an unlikely pair, fighting for their lives in a world at its end. Watch as you see them travel cross-country in hopes to find a land promising safety to all those left after the apocalypse. ... Prepare yourself for a journey... a Journey for the Land of Roses...", true, true], "JoyToTheWorld": ["http://joytotheworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 97, "Meet Joy Fulbright, an 11 year old tomboy. Joy for the most part, is smarter than the world around her. Shes an angry only child who lives with her divorced mother and is does video blogs, films, and other mischievous activities. Joy ends up living in her own little world with her friends Kimmy and Neil, her schoolyard antagonists Gary and Joanna, and her arch-nemesis...boredom. Updates Sunday and Thursday weekly!", false, true], "Joyride": ["http://joyride.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A comic I made for a Super Mario contest over at I-Mockery. Won first place!", false, true], "JudeMariaCrossedFrequenciesattheSpaceCatDisco": ["http://crossedfrequencies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "The story of how Jude and Maria met at a disco on Space Cat planet, and had a run in with the local gangster, TV, and the local Hero, Radio.", false, true], "JuniperTown": ["http://junipertown.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Hypno's ominous lullaby strikes again in a town that was, until now, the most peaceful place in the world. Pokemon will never be the same in this region...", false, true], "Junohyde": ["http://junohyde.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "This is a one shot short story that, will be less than 50 pages. Juno graduated from college with a degree in journalism with hopes of starting her own magazine that would reinvent & empower the modern day woman. Sadly, journalism & magazines are a dying medium. Juno can only find a job as an writer for a sleazy & smutty mens magazine. You can read this comic ahead at at this link---> http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Juno-Hyde/detail-page/2624?lang=en", false, true], "JustAnOrdinaryDay": ["http://jaod.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "Hiro lives his life as anyone else. Has a job he can't stand. Goes to college to make his dreams a reality. And a familiar teaching him the ways of magic. Too bad for the familiar Hiro doesn't take his lessons seriously.", false, true], "JustAnotherDay": ["http://ravenwing.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 214, "Shanku has left her home behind to explore the wide world around her. Out of her small forest home she finds more of her own kind and new friends. Love, loss, and adventure await her as she discovers the secrets her clan struggled to hide. But at what cost?", false, false], "JustAnotherLife": ["http://justanotherlife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 128, "This is a comic on my daily life in highschool, and other stuff as well. WARNING: May be uploaded slowly because I am extremely lazy. (Or I don't have anything interesting to draw.) There is also some minor cursing, just saying.", false, true], "JustCrazy": ["http://justcrazy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "17 year old Jay\u2019s childhood ends up being destroyed by a spirit from the unknown. Ever since that night, Jay has been haunted with one question, which repeatedly reappears in his daily life. Testing Jay\u2019s strength and beliefs within himself, Jay finds him self constantly involved in people\u2019s lives. All Jay ever wanted was to live a normal life; he shortly finds out that life is anything but normal. In fact life is Just Crazy. :::Please read Right to Left thx:::", false, true], "JustGotta": ["http://justgotta.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 743, "Your typical story about a girl from our world pulled into the Pok\u00e9mon world . . . or is it? Hillaree, known by her friends as the \"Mewtwo Queen,\" is suddenly taken to a world where Pok\u00e9mon are real. She is told she will be returned home when she is ready. What could that mean? Well, since she's going to be there a while, she might as well catch some Pok\u00e9mon! A Pok\u00e9mon Fan Comic written and drawn by Vye Brante. Rated Teen for some violence/fighting, blood, and death. Currently updates on Wednesday and Saturday. Please note: This comic does not follow any established canon, but does use characters from the games, anime, and mangas. Histories and personalities may be changed.", false, true], "JustaFeeling": ["http://justafeeling.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Remy and Sou are childhood friends who start realizing their romantic feelings for each other. //yeah yeah, I don't know how else to describe it, ha ha. BL oneshot. Pretty tame and fluffy, no yaoi later on. Maybe. ;) Also, this is for major practice, so it's not gonna be perfect! Updates whenever. <probably often>", false, true], "JustaRandomComic": ["http://justarandomcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "It's exactly what the title says -- just a random comic. Or is it? A group of kirbies, living hundreds of thousands of miles away, searching for artefacts, trying to find long lost fathers, saving planets, and uncovering mysteries as old as time and space, this comic might be random, but by no means, 'just'...", false, true], "JustineMonTout": ["http://justinemontout.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "A doujinshi of the 'Justine' expansion of 'Amnesia: The Dark Descent'. The Suitors are hideous, disfigured beings, but they're not zombies. Oh no, these men are still very much alive. This is their story. (Comic reads from left to right~) Amnesia: The Dark Descent/Justine (c) Frictional Games", false, true], "Justmyluck": ["http://justmyluck.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 145, "Andreia is a normal girl, if you forget the fact that she\u0092s the unluckiest girl in the world. Tired of her life, she leaves her home and goes to another town. But of course things don\u0092t go as planned. Andreia meets Jason, who is a pain in the ass and very cold to her. She finds herself stuck in the biggest problem of her life, with nowhere to turn.", false, true], "JutopasBlueChallengeAPokemonBlueNuzlocke": ["http://bluenuzlockejutopa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "The world will meet the rage of a God. His own creations go against him. And so the apocalypse begins. Only three pokemon trainers can save Earth from total devastation. Jutopa just accepted the Nuzlocke challenge and will see himself involved in a battle to save the entire human race with the help of his pokemon team. Can he make it?...", false, true], "Juvenal": ["http://juvenal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "In this story you will know Lucas, a boy that want to be a bassist, and what happen with him hours before a great concert of the band of wich he is roadie.", false, true], "KARNELLIUM": ["http://karnellium.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "Karnellium is a medieval fantasy story set in a fictional land called Mal'a Haar, a country slowly recovering from a civil war, which resulted in abolishing the monarchy. One day a seemingly ordinary young woman arrives in Mal'a Haar, carrying an old book written in many strange languages that no one seems to be able to decipher. On her way to the capital she meets two quite peculiar \"brothers\", and the three get themselves mixed up in the country's political affairs. Meanwhile, a storm of an extraordinary origin is brewing, and its consequences might be much more dire than those of any war. Updated every Thursday.", true, true], "KARUMA": ["http://karumathemangaseries.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Karuma is about a young man, dubbed by his country as the \"White Tiger\". With his father, Osachi, they escape the Land of Byakko to get to \"the other side\", in hopes of starting a whole new life. He becomes neighbors with the self-centered and egotistic girl named Kayume Shimatani, and unintentionally gets her tangled up in his own mishaps. In no time, their adventures soon unfold.", false, true], "KCChroniclesBook1Racconto": ["http://kccracconto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "This is a series about a kid who winds up on an alien planet, and must fight for his survival. Updates on Mondays!! The 1st installment in the KCC Saga.", false, true], "KCChroniclesBook2TheAllianceisFormed": ["http://kcctaf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "This continues 2 years after Racconto. After defeating the fire demon of the Planet of Sopraffino Terra, G.U.N. manages to track down Malachi and Koala Kid, and decides to settle the score. However, some THINGS get in the way... Updates on Tuesdays!! The 2nd installment in the KCC Saga.", false, true], "KCChroniclesBook3TheShadowForce": ["http://kcctsf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "A fan-comic about the mario bros, sonic franchise, and a prequel to KC Chronicles. Updates on Wednesdays!! The 3rd installment in the KCC Saga. Animated Intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPUdH2IYkVs", false, true], "KCChroniclesBook4": ["http://kcc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "The story continues as Malachi, Koala Kid, Maria, and Grace continue to fight whatever evil arises. Even if its not on their planet. Contains characters from the Mario/Sonic Franchises. Updates on Thursdays!! The 4th installment in the KCC Saga.", false, true], "KCChroniclesBook5TheComet": ["http://kcctc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "The 5th installment of my Kc Chronicles Saga, and the first one to not include sprites. A strange comet has been spotted in the atmosphere of Sopraffino Terra, and the comet is said to be harboring alien life... Very agressive alien life... Updates every Friday :D", false, true], "KCChroniclesBook6ShadowsofthePast": ["http://kccsp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "After working for G.U.N. for 2 years, Malachi begins to realize that he's been duped into stealing artifacts and secretley doing G.U.N.'s dirty work. That's when he's approached by an old foe in a new form. And where the ride begins... The 6th and final installment in the KCC Saga. Begins 7-15-13", false, true], "KCNO": ["http://kcno.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 264, "A simple town in love with a simple radio station show. KCNO's Love Me Do, is the most popular show on the airwaves. Its success is owed to the host, Jason who has impeccable advice to give people struggling through love. But when a simple question moves the town to seek out Jason, his attempts at secrecy become the newest talk of the town.", false, true], "KURO47": ["http://kuro47.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "", false, true], "KairosTheHeartofTime": ["http://heartoftime.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Kairos: The Heart of Time is a fantasy webcomic following the adventures of Amelia, a bad-tempered teenager and her pug, Gertrude. Amelia stole her father's time machine (a modified Vespa) after an argument, but soon became lost in time when she discovered it was more difficult to drive than she thought. She and Gerty have just escaped an angry Elizabethan mob - where will they end up next?", false, true], "KaitoShuno": ["http://kaitoshuno.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1553, "a man named Kaito goes to commit suicide after living a boring, loveless, cubicle job. He meets a strange guy named Shuno...and Shuno immediatly takes a liking to him...almost too fast to be real XD Kaito quickly makes it clear that he isnt gay...but will Shuno's actions toward him make him alittle...'confused'? lol Kaito's been in such a need for love that maybe Shuno's affection doesnt look THAT bad...or does it?:P YAOI!! RSS FEED: http://kaitoshuno.smackjeeves.com/rss/", false, true], "Kaldar": ["http://kaldar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "When a young man ends up triggering an unfortunate accident, him and his companions fall into an unknown world ruled by a species of legend on the verge of a revolution. -Updates Every Monday-", false, true], "KarisWorld": ["http://karisworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "This Comic is about young boy who falls in love with girl in his class. Then finds himself in a strange world where everything isn't what it seems. FYI: This comic has some stupidity and some ugly drawings!", false, true], "KasaKeira": ["http://kasakeira.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 536, "<b>The story of a girl, her magic umbrella and the hundreds of demons trying to kill her</b>", false, false], "Katran": ["http://katran.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 180, "This is the Story of Nirrod, an almost normal 14 year old boy. He is living with his Family and his clan in a big village in the north of Katran. Build on a giant cliff, it became one of the safest places in the land, and soon a very precious trading point. Nirrod is living his life well protected and without sorrows in the lap of his clan. he is playing with other kids, playing pranks....a normal life. but all of this is going to change....", false, true], "KatttheCat": ["http://kattcat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "The daily life of Katt", false, true], "Kaupunki": ["http://kaupunki.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A little story about a boy, who finds a piece of the past. (\"Kaupunki\" is Finnish and means \"a city\".)", false, true], "KawazMlekiem": ["http://kawazmlekiem.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Kohi i Miruku to dwa swiry co ich polaczyl los :D. Amen.", false, true], "KazanatoFuneralPlanningService": ["http://kazanato.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 525, "Chou and Fuyuka are partners who work for Kazanato Funeral Planning Service. They guarantee that their clients are fully satisfied, especially the deceased.", false, true], "KeithRobotFighter": ["http://keithrobotfighter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Keith fights robots! but this is all in his mind. In the real world he fights against a world that hates him and forces him back into his fantasy world. Which has evil robots! What fun! by Trav Nash", false, true], "Kendra": ["http://kendra.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "a story about a boy far too short for his age with a weird last name will be updating every wedsday otherwise for now random updates Rated : Mature (unlabled on smackjeeves though) Content : Sex Scenes, Gore, Possible Triggers, Violence Genre(s) : Action, Drama, Boy Love(main), Romance, Fantasy Style : Left to Right Tumblr : StarberriStars", false, true], "KensFireRedKickAtMode": ["http://kickassmode.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "This comic is based on my own personal Nuzlocke run of Pokemon FireRed, starring an old character of mine from a (non-existent) Pokemon fanfic. While this story is based on the plot of the FireRed/LeafGreen games, I've inserted a few elements from Ken's original story to change things up. Hope you guys enjoy! :) Note: I'm way more active on deviantArt, so if you leave a comment there, there's a higher chance that I'll respond~ http://www.yindragon.deviantart.com", false, true], "KestrelBusiness": ["http://kestrelbusiness.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A young officer in the Imperial Leadership Core comes come to discover that his younger brother has poisoned someone -- again.", false, true], "KetchupMayonnaise": ["http://ketmayo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A random short comic about two mafia members.", false, true], "KeyoftheDimensions": ["http://keydim.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "This comic is cancelled. I am uploading the finished pages I had so you can see what would have been. This will be deleted later. The comic will be still be up on my Deviant Art Page.", false, true], "KezroChroniclesPhantomOps": ["http://phantomops.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "An Anthropomorphic Cyberpunk Adventure. Follow a whole cast of characters as they uncover the secrets of the underworld, corrupt governments, love, and cybernetics. *Most Pages are PG-13 Some pages may be NSFW* Updates on Fridays", false, true], "KiZuNa": ["http://mykizunamybonds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "My escape from reality is the bond I share with 3 certain friends. One-shot spinoff(?) of 3+1=Derp http://31derp.smackjeeves.com/", false, true], "Kibonosakura": ["http://kibonosakura.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Note: I'm French my English is bad. Updates : Saturday (French time) Warning : Yaoi, BoyXBoy, violence,Blood, death, abus... INFORMATION : Following concerns script, I had to revise my story ! Sorry everyone, so the story changed a bit. TAT Summary: \u00a0 Kendra is a young Ookami half-blood banished from his pack. He is alone and pledged to human slavery. One day, he is capture to poachers . As they prepare to drive on the market. They are attacked by a mysterious creature. Kendra escapes with injuries . When all hope seems lost, he meets an unexpected. Maybe destiny finally lead to a new pack ?", true, true], "KidIcarus": ["http://kidicarus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "The world was once ruled by the Goddesses Palutena, Goddess of Light, and Medusa, Goddess of Darkness. Medusa conspires with the Demons of the Underworld and dethrones Palutena, defeating her army by stealing the three Sacred Treasures! Now it is up to Pit to retrieve them and save Palutena and the Earth!", false, true], "Kidlin": ["http://kidlin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 0, "", false, true], "KidwiththecapsversionofBeautyandtheBeast": ["http://beatyandthebeast.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "This is something I did at 24 hour comic hosted by out school club. 24 hour comic is where you stay up 24 hours to do a 24 page comic. It was way harder than I thought it would be and at the beginning my drawings are lot better and as you go on you can see where I'm starting to get tired. Usually, people make silly comics for good reason, because the lack of sleep makes it easy. Of course I would try to make a serious comic... This is my own take on Beauty and the Beast, and it's the end of the story, because everyone knows the beginning and the middle", true, true], "KillMarioman": ["http://kmarioman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "You can finally kill that troll! This is a CYOA comic. Powers: Kill Helpers: Summon a video game character or your character to help. They last for 2 comics only though. Curse: you can curse him and give him a fatality if it hits. Cosmic Tornado: you can do two commands instead of one. Rules: One command only. (unless your using Cosmic Tornado.) Your command will not be picked on the next page if your command was picked on the last page. You can only use Kill Helpers once. If you do a command when the commands are closed. your comment will be deleted and you cannot do any commands for the next comic.", false, true], "KillMeOrDie": ["http://killmeordie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 100, "Stephen Sharp is the Raging Corpse. He has been brought back from the dead with the radiation that killed him. Hating the creature that he has become, the Corpse taunts Metro City's heroes to kill him or die!", false, true], "Kimyonaunmei": ["http://kimyona-unmei.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Aki, a 16 years old boy, lives alone and for not get bored He always goes out, He often goes to the same avenue When one day he sees an handsome guy and he fall in love with him.Aki, doesn't know nothing about him because he never had the courage to stop him but... Read my manga for know how to continue i hope you like it with love Nakamura-katou", true, true], "KindergartenPromises": ["http://kindergarten-promises.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A short manga that I wrote for a contest under the theme \"school\". Mostly about me in elementary school. **Reads right to left**", false, true], "KingOfTheBlackPuddle": ["http://king-of-the-black-puddle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A short comic. May be continued...Contains characters from Courage the cowardly dog as anime humans. Courage and Queen of the black puddle (genderbent) shounen ai. boyxboy.", false, true], "KingdomoftheWorm": ["http://kingdomoftheworm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "I took part in the 24-Hour Comics Day 2011 on October 1st. This is the result...", true, true], "Kirbandfriendsshowcase": ["http://kas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2591, "a new kirb and friends!^^", false, true], "KirbiesoftheAlternateDimension": ["http://kirbyaltdimension.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 168, "A delightful comic that may contain mild language about the life of the kirbys that live in the other dimension. It is a story about adventure, suspense, and drama, and of course, comedy. (A comic isn't a comic without comedy.) Current Chapter: Kuzer's Arrival, Defeat Daroach! Kuzer has showed up on the Halberd with a special trick up his sleeve. Daroach and his minions battle to the death with Daroach, and Kuzer and his friends fight back!", false, true], "KirbyAdventure": ["http://kirbysadventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 455, "Meet the Kirby Adventure Squad: a group of Kirbies who take requests from random clients and attempt to complete them! And mostly fail miserably! Huzzah!", false, false], "KirbyAndtheSevenGuardians": ["http://kirbyandthesevenguardians.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Kirby and his friends attempt to seek and save the seven guardians of Popstar. He struggles to discover, who is the mysterious villain?", false, true], "KirbyBacktobasics": ["http://kbtb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Join Kirby, the super tough pink puff and protector of Dreamland, as he meets new friends, makes new enemies and saves the galaxy several times over with many jokes along the way in Kirby Back to Basics!", false, true], "KirbyDefenseForce": ["http://kirbydefense.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Kirby gets attacked by an unusual enemy and realizes he needs a team to stop new ultimate threats. Consider it a \"Kirby Avengers\" like comic with comedy. Updates: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (Not Every)", false, true], "KirbyFunfestTheOriginals": ["http://kirbyfunfestold.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 121, "Kirby and his best friend Dee are minding their own business, when Dedede challenges Kirby to a duel! Since then, Kirby and Dee have to save the world from seemingly unstoppable forces of nature, and all the while they still have time to be funny... NOTE: I am restarting this comic, see it at http://kirbyfunfest.smackjeeves.com/", false, false], "KirbyRPG": ["http://kirbyrpg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "A Kirby RPG where you decide which should be the main character, what happens, what the character does and where s/he should go/do.", false, true], "KirbyRedDiamondTheOldVersion": ["http://reddiamond.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "The Red Diamond is a powerful artifact that, if it falls into the wrong hands, could destroy entire planets. Now it's up to it's new guardian - Kirby - to keep it out of those hands. But maybe it's power is too great for even him to handle... Current banner made by Gigi19972010. Currently in the process of rebooting. --- Kirby and related characters belong to HAL and Nintendo.", false, true], "KirbySpriteRequests": ["http://kirby-sprite-requests.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "We do all kinds of Kirby related sprite requests. No promises on how quickly we can get them done, though.", false, true], "KirbyTheDeeArmy": ["http://kirbyandthedeearmy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "One day, a kirby named Sapphire comes from the future and warns Kirby about a coming disaster. Kirby, of course, doesn't listen and sets the events into play. However, there is a way to stop it. But they must hurry, or the future will be doomed... Idea and pages by Luigi_96, Helped by Ultimate Yoshi. Updates: Tuesdays --- Kirby and related characters owned by HAL and Nintendo. Sprite credit to the various people who ripped them.", false, true], "KirbyZeroDimensions": ["http://kirby0dimensions.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "When Dark Matter leader Zero fuses with the leftover power of Magolor Soul, He reaches an unknown level of power. Now it's up to Kirby to give his all to stop him. WARNING: There may be blood scenes. You've been warned. Updates: Whenever.", false, true], "KirbyinBakumanLand": ["http://kirbyinbakumanland.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "What if the character cutest seized a Death Sketchbook? http://eddyherrera.deviantart.com/", false, true], "KirbysDreamAdventure": ["http://kirbyda.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1126, "What's better than one Kirby? A whole mess of them, that's what! Follow them around their little adventures and daily lives, from the early randomness to the more story-built latter parts. It's a Kirby adventure worth watching, even if the main pink puffball doesn't get as much direct screen time as he should!", false, true], "KirbysDreamlandAdventures": ["http://kirbysdreamlandadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 126, "A retelling of the many adventures Kirby has had over the years since 1992.", false, true], "KissParade": ["http://kissparade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 166, "shitineedtostopmakingnewcomics A delinquent. 17 year old Isamu. A Playboy. 17 year old Taiki. They both hate eachother, so, so much. One day after winning a fight, Isamu is dragged away by Taiki and is asked a strange question: \"Can I kiss you?\" BL/Yaoi. I know right. AHA AHAHA. OTL", false, true], "KissTheFrog": ["http://kiss-the-frog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Forced out to the small lake by his childhood friend, Gem, Chain ends up having to kiss a frog, which turns out to be a REAL prince! *shounen-ai!*", false, true], "KissmeSnow": ["http://kissmesnow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 119, "\u201cThe Snow just keeps falling, never melting away, never allowing spring to arrive.\u201d Shirayama, a small mountain town, hasn\u2019t seen spring in decades. Young man named Keiji suffers from fear of cold, and wants nothing more than get away from the town and its prevailing eternal winter. However, when he encounters a mysterious girl called Lumi and finds out the secret behind the mysterious hypothermia deaths, he has to confront his own fears, not only for his own, but also for the entire town\u2019s future. ---------------------- Updates on Mondays", false, true], "KissofFlame": ["http://kissofflame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "This comic is a collaboration between a friend of mine and myself. In it, we find ourself in a future Japan, in a world ruled by war. Japanese scientist discover dragon DNA, and decides to create a hybrid, in an attempt to get an advantage in the war of the world. This hybrid is named Soora, a young girl born with the knowledge of her past life as a dragon. She is outraged by her rebirth in a defect human body, and the story begins with her journey through the world. Early in the story, she unfortunately suffers a concussion, and is therefor left with the notion of being different.", true, true], "KissoftheDevil": ["http://kissofthedevil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "Vist us at http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=110041 Thanks! Shadow Leafeon", false, true], "KissoftheDevil20": ["http://kissofthedevil2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "This is a remake of the collaboration, \"Kiss of the Devil\" _____________________ This is a collab for Vampires, Humans,and Werewolves. This has no plot whatsoever so, we are always open to suggestions! This collab is just for fun so do what you want. -------------------------------------------- You may have up to 4 characters!ONLY TWO humans ONE werewolf and ONE Vampire! Extra!The human HAS be a drudge(slave)to a certain vampire or werewolf.Even if you or they dont like it. ----------------------------------------------------- This is NOT a Twlight collab. This has nothing to do with it! -------------------------------------------- Will contain:Blood B/L G/L ------------------------------------------------- Spots open: 0 Sorry guys. I don't think we can have anymore characters. We have too many. :( Spots taken: 6 i think.. XD ----------------------------------------- Kissofthedevil(c)Shadow Leafeon", false, true], "KittyBoBittyintheBigCity": ["http://kittybobitty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Kitty Bo Bitty is a teeny tiny kitty with big beautiful dreams! When she sets out to discover them, she discovers not only are there adventures in the big city, but great friendship ahead of her too! Updates Thursdays Readable on tumblr also : http://kittybobittycomic.tumblr.com/", false, true], "Kittysquickies": ["http://kittysquickies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "what happens when you combine bl, oneshots, and my art?? KITTY QUICKIES! that is, bl oneshots...drawn by me. its clever ok jeez BL, SEVERAL ONESHOTS WARNING: SEXUAL REFERENCES AND MAYBE SEX AT SOME POINT (but not with any damn underaged characters who do you think i am), CURSING (haha yeah this is just an excuse to draw silly boys in love)", false, true], "Knife": ["http://knife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 191, "READ LEFT TO RIGHT -------------> It's not about bloody stuff and it's not about emos. I gave the guy with the black hair long hair because before, I had trouble drawing 2 eyes and making them even =_= so I covered one of them lol. Well he looks kinda cool like that, so all's good. Hale is a random dude in school, who sucks terribly at school subjects, but works hard enough to pass his classes with decent grades. Having -red- hair, bullies tease him, but Hale's bluntness strikes back at them. Milo is another random dude in school, who does well in school, (not effortlessly, though) He's an optimistic fool who has had a \"hobby\" since an incident that happened 2 years ago, and the \"hobby\" reawakens. No smut/No p0rn Just shounen ai Art gradually gets better lol.", false, true], "KnightsRequiem": ["http://knightsrequiem.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 175, "With weaponry called Emblems, the knights of NYX had always protected humanity from monsters of the night, the vampires. This is a story of a few new knights discovering just what it is like to become slayers", false, true], "Knives": ["http://knives-inversia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Uses knives", false, true], "KoniecSwiata": ["http://koniecswiata.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "", false, true], "Kranburn": ["http://kranburn.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 269, "An Australian Post Apocalypse Comic", false, true], "Kreetor": ["http://kreetor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 127, "", false, true], "Kruptos": ["http://kruptos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 71, "NOTICE! This comic has started on 2011. This means that I'm a developing artist and comic will look better towards the end. Kruptos means hidden in greek which descripts very well the whole comic. Kruptos is actually a story about two wolf brothers whose parents were murdered and who just try to survive together. WARNINGS: slight connotations to things like transgender, homosexuality, cannibalism, massacre and murder but also strong content (blood and violence)", false, true], "Kundalini": ["http://kundalini.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "I'm a goddess... I live amongst the immortals in a land of plenty, I can do whatever I want, go wherever the wind takes me, I am free from death, obedience and time, my name is Paro and life sure is sweet... well... I wish...", false, true], "KungFuFighters": ["http://kungfufighters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "", false, true], "KuroNeko": ["http://kuro-neko.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "A cold day, Yuta finds something unexpected on the way home: a boy bruised and unconscious in a dark alley. Everything would be normal if not for that boy has the peculiarity of having cat ears and tail. Despite the opposition in the beginning of that boy-cat, named Riku, finally begins coexistence between the two, which, far from the tranquility that might be expected, is not devoid of surprises. And is that something doesn't ceases to torment Riku... \u2605 Yaoi / BL \u2605 \u2605 Reading from right to left \u2605 For reading in Spanish here \u2192 http://kuronekoyaoiwebcomic.blogspot.com.es/", false, true], "KuroNeko3": ["http://kuro-neko013.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "In a distant galaxy extremely far away from the world of humans, is a world much like our own populated by half human, half cat creatures. Sadly on planet Mitzunekago, every cat looks almost the same as they have the same coloured fur which is normally two colours. In one town called Nekaigoton, any cat that is different isn't welcome. This is where our story begins a young cat is born and he is very different to all the other young cats. Kuro goes to school with the others and after a few years a transfer student called Shiro, who is also different arrives claiming that he used to be home-schooled. Kuro and Shiro become close friends and after years of being bullied decide to run away to find that they are not the only different outcasts in the world. 15+ Story includes: Yaoi/BL (Boys love), romance, rude boys, violence, discrimination, bullying and bad language. I cant really draw so my apologies for the appalling attempts.. Orz.. Im also busy most of the time doing school work so uploads should vary. Sorry everyone but I've given up on this comic before it started, mainly because i have no way of putting it up here... im sorry! (I might continue in the future)", false, true], "KuroiHitsujiver10outdated": ["http://kuroi-hitsuji.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Title: \u9ed2\u3044\u7f8a Kuroi Hitsuji Author/Artist: Don G. (kuroi_hitsuji) Rated: [OT] Older Teens 16+ -contains sexual themes, occasional cussing, and sad stuff. Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama, BL Gayness percentage: 80% (contains hetero) Update Schedule: Mondays 6AM-12PM PST This is the story of what happens when you put a straight man, his secretly gay brother and his secretly gay boyfriend, his wacky gay friends all in one apartment, as one organization: \"Kuroi Hitsuji(Black Sheep)\". A story of love, secrets and some downright gay humor. As a straight man in a gay world, who is the black sheep? NOTE: THIS IS NOT A COLLAB. kuroi_hitsuji is the author/artist. The other authors are the \"characters\" (they made them up). They also help compose their respective stories.", false, true], "Kurokenshin": ["http://kurokenshin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 931, "Started in December 2005, so the first Volume's art is a bit rough. Volume 5 was finished in Spring 2011. The remaining two volumes will be available on my website: http://ko-mangaseries.com/kurokenshin.html After finding a book on the legendary ronin Kokushiryu, Kentaro finds himself on the adventure he's always dreamed of. He joins Rika, a mysterious red-haired demon, who is searching for Kokushiryu's sword - Kurokenshin. However, she isn't the only one pursuing Kokushiryu's legend for the book; a cruel demon from the past is desperate to attain the sword, and he will go through any means to do so. ~READS FROM RIGHT TO LEFT~", false, true], "KuroshitsujiTheJudasBaptism": ["http://judasbaptism.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "This is a short oneshot BL romance/comedy fancomic of Kuroshitsuji that was part of the Kuroshitsuji fanbook anthology \"Serves you right!\". It's about a butler, a bocchan and a tub. And at points it's a bit nsfw because of some implied Sebastian x Ciel. [Fanart] Kuroshitsuji (c) Yana Toboso", true, true], "KurttheDestroyer": ["http://kurtthedestroyer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "Kurt the Destroyer is a high level barbarian who has survived many an adventure with his companion and accountant Hamlix the goblin.", true, true], "KyoshiTheUndiscoveredAvatar": ["http://kyoshi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "", false, true], "Kyria": ["http://kyria.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "Follow the adventures of the Mercenaries of Ryndele as they fight monsters, explore the world, and fight evil! Stories are episodic and some also focus solely on the side characters and villains! Updates Saturdays and occasionally Wednesdays.", false, true], "LASTCROSS": ["http://last-cross.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Genre: Contemporary, Action, Violence, Shonen-ai, self-yseeking, Mystery, Drama, Horror. We are in 20XX. Two races live in communities, but have not yet aware of the other. This breed is that of humans, naive, wanting to continue living in their utopia \"simple\" and \"normal\". Thus, anything that could prove the existence of another race is ridiculed or \"legends\". But some organization does not hear it that way and expects to end all this nonsense. Indeed, it seeks to bring together the best specimens for vampiric ally to their cause and thus divert its simple human and unforgiving. Karuki is one of these specimens as they desire. For ca special to him, is to have an immeasurable force coupled with distressing speed. So a very good soldier. But this teenager just trying to live a life that is more normal with his roommate and childhood friend Yasuo Misushima. Unfortunately, this life it will not be accessible, at least not right away ....", true, true], "LESBIANS": ["http://lesbians.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "A collab comic that may or may not be about lesbians. It will be about many things..we just don't know about what yet..", false, true], "LITTLEREDROBO": ["http://littleredrobo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 115, "A little robot tries to make her way in the future.", false, true], "LOGOS": ["http://logoscomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 848, "In the far future, on a distant planet, a man made of plastics discovers what it truly means to be human.", true, false], "LOKI": ["http://loki.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 215, "LOKI is the story of Lochlan and Kian, two down on their luck and only vaguely competent guns for hire, and their adventures. Updates on Tuesdays and Fridays!", false, true], "LOLHighSchool": ["http://lolhs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Welcome to Laugh Out Loud High School or LOL High! Here, we have 4 students, a stoic girl and another stoic girl, a troublemaker and hot-headed guy and his always nervous who likes coffee friend.", false, true], "LOOP1": ["http://loop1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Avino's a young boy who is a dreamer at heart, he can't help but fall in his dreamworld which mixes with his real life and because he starts imagining at the wrong time he always gets into trouble. In this comic I've tried to visualize the fun & beauty of this child's nature.", false, true], "LOVACWarriors": ["http://lovacw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Fantasy World where people talk shit and get hit.", false, true], "LTRIsolato": ["http://isolato.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "A spin-off of Kcspice's KC Chronicles series. This follows the characters Lazlo, Mawi, Frost, and others as they deal with the dangers lurking outside of their stronghold. Message me if you would like your character to have an appearance.", false, true], "LUCIFER": ["http://luciferxx.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "", false, true], "LaCle": ["http://lacle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "XVIIIth century, alternative England. The sky remains purple due to the great amount of factories and massive ash rejections. Without electricity, the country lives on mechanical industries, and it has developed astonishing skills: humans have become capable of transforming living beings into controlled machines. Joey is a mechanician at the cloud's factory, and avoid those terrible facts, like everyone here.", false, true], "LaCouronneFR": ["http://lacouronne.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Cruel doit trouver des fleurs en plein hiver pour \u00e9pouser Angel. Th\u00e9sis la f\u00e9e va l'aider dans sa qu\u00eate \u00e9perdue.", false, true], "LaanaMajiWakazi": ["http://laanamaji.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Updates once a week. Welcome to Laana Maji, a quaint little town in which the supernatural is a daily occurrence and the residents take it all in stride. This is an experimental comic. That means things get weird. Fonts change, the style flips around, and things are generally inconsistent. I apologize if this bothers you. Chapter 1 was drawn in April, before I figured out what I was doing, so it kind of sucks. But it gets better.", false, true], "Lacerations": ["http://lacerations.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Lacy has been followed by disturbing things his entire sad, pathetic life: horrendous creatures, demons, ghouls, and the occasional murderer. With the help of a girl he'd rather not know, he's been enlisted to aid people through his \"psychic ability\". Maybe with his awkward talent, he can change the world! (But probably not.)", false, true], "LandoftheSky": ["http://landofthesky.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 273, "While vacationing at the former port town Sin City, the young Fae princess Souri Ada Lodette discovers a mysterious heirloom in her possession. As she tries to understand what it is and where she has seen it before, she comes face to face with the notorious murderer known as Roo the Ripper, who just happens to be in search of the same object! Who exactly is this man... And why does he call her Solas?", false, false], "LannsAdventure": ["http://lannsaventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Lann is a normal human girl it's her birthday and her parents are kidnapped before she woke up her goal is now to find her parents from the Dark world (How original) along with her friends Rasin,Leo,Prince Corvus and Felix.Trough out the story you will find out about each character and there own special powers... There is slightly BL in it but its cutsie-wootsie.", false, true], "Lapse": ["http://lapsecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Bianca Fortune's life was listless before an accident stranded her amongst the ghosts in her haunted home. In the struggle to return to her still-living body, Bianca is confronted with other lost spirits, a demonic entity, and the importance of moving on.", false, true], "LastLivingSouls": ["http://lastlivingsouls.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 159, "It's probably safe to assume you know what a zombie is; A living corpse with an insatiable craving for human flesh that mindlessly acts on primal instincts. But, what would happen...if a zombie became able to think? Along side an empty road, a teenager named Eddie awakens, confused and fearful due to his inability to remember anything. He heads towards the nearest city in hopes of getting some help, but realizes it is nearly empty of residents and is instead being slowly consumed by a group of undead. It quickly becomes his purpose to survive and also to understand why these creatures are plaguing the city...and why he is one of them.", false, true], "LastTrainHome": ["http://lth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Just sit on top of the world Just do it already Because you never know when the last train home comes A short comic about freedom and its limits", false, true], "LatchkeyKingdom": ["http://latchkeykingdom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 63, "Comic tales of a (mostly) fearless adventurer in a land of many dangers and little adult supervision.", false, true], "LateNiteWebcomic": ["http://latenitewebcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "It's a talk show! And it's a webcomic!", false, true], "LawofSyllogism": ["http://lawofsyllogism.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "...then Jameson and Toph will try to find the source. Something that I did for my Algebra class. It originally correlated with another webcomic that I deleted. I like to have it because I did in a week.", false, true], "Lazydragon": ["http://lazydragon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "rush hour meets freaks and geeks. Updates every weekday.", true, true], "LeBallon": ["http://leballon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "The balloon was depressed...", false, true], "LeDiable": ["http://lediable.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Updated irregularly~!!!! READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT SUMMARY: When a town is dissolved in crime, someone would be sent to judge the people. While on his way home after a scolding from his boss, reporter Akitsuki witness the appearance of a guy cloaked in black, claimed as the devil himself. Is the devil here for bad, or good? WARNING: This manga may contain scenes of mild violence (I try to make them seem less violent to avoid the mature rating... <_<) GENRES: shoujo, romance, high school, gender bender, mystery, supernatural, drama, slight violence, randomness All straight pairings, no BL, GL or incest...", false, true], "Leaves": ["http://leaves.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "What was a stranger doing in Edeline house back yard ? She will learn more about him, his friend and the former house owner through an old diary\u2026", false, true], "LedbyaMadMan": ["http://ledbyamadman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 532, "The country is devoid of life save for five people who try to stay alive the best that they can.", false, true], "LegendOfZeldaSwordOfWinds": ["http://swordofwinds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 145, "A somewhat loose interpretation of Wind Waker, containing some of the scenes from the game. A pure adventure comic about Ganondorf threatening the World with a sword that can command the Winds. Link must use both the Wind Waker and the Master Sword to counter this Evil! Updates often", false, true], "LegendofZeldaAHerosStory": ["http://aherosstory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 164, "The story of Ocarina of Time retold, will Link summon the courage to save his friends and the ones he cares about before it's too late? Find out and see!!", false, true], "LegendofZeldaOcarinaofTime": ["http://loz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "Ocarina of time parody comic! Comes with owls in sunglasses, cardboard cutouts and all the Link and Navi bashing you can think of! band-aids not included.", false, true], "LegendofZeldaStaffofPower": ["http://loz-sop.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 140, "An ancient weapon created for harmony brought civil war. Shattering it brought tentative peace, until the leader of the Gerudo attempts to slaughter an entire race of people, then turning his hatred upon the monarchy of Hyrule. Defeated by the Hero of Time and the Princess of Destiny, he was sealed away in the Sacred Realm. Years later, he has gained more power, and has broken free. Now it will take the very weapon he seeks to destroy him, and an unlikely wielder to complete the task. Who will win? ~Like the comic? Want to support the author? Click the image at the bottom of the page to do so!~", false, true], "LegendofZeldaTheEdgeandTheLight": ["http://legendofzelda.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 307, "After years of absence, Link finally returns to Hyrule from his travels abroard. Initially expecting to greet Princess Zelda, he instead finds the kingdom in decline, plagued by all kinds of trouble. Just what is causing these problems, and does it have anything to do with why Link left in the first place? NB: Thanks to its unusual format, this updates every FRIDAY.", false, true], "LegendoftheMoonRW": ["http://legendofthemoonrw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "When the boss of the Northern Pack dies and his young son Tsuuki takes over, life is not easy and the pack divides. Years later as Tsuuki's children are brought into the world, a new threat arises. The white dog known as Maru is building an army to claim the valley as his own. Tsuuki must bring the scattered packs together as one to face this new threat. With dangers unknown and the enemy drawing closer will he be in time to save his home and his family? Author's note: This comic is a story I began in high school. This is the revision, and also shows how far I've come and am still going as an artist. I know the beginning pages don't look as good as some later ones. But I ask you readers to keep going those first few pages and just keep going as the story and art get better by the page. Please have fun and enjoy what I have spent many hours upon hours creating. If you wish leave some comments. I very much appreciate them ^^", false, true], "LegendsofLyndal": ["http://lyndalcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 114, "The Knights of the Order of Zerron have protected the world from the forces of destruction for thousands of years. When one of the most renowned Knights uncovers a terrible plot by an ancient enemy, he is forced to set out on an epic journey to reclaim lost relics of the past in order to ensure peace in the world of Lyndal.", false, true], "LegendsofMinecraftia": ["http://legendsofminecraftia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "This is a comic of a peacful land. That is, until dark. Steve is a miner, and a pretty good one too, but when he moves to the uncharted island of Minecraftia, he'll wish he'd stayed in bed that day.", false, true], "LegendsofMobiusBookOne": ["http://legendsofmobius-bookone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 385, "It's been two years after Sonic the Hedgehogs last adventures. A hedgehog named Crusade travels around planet Mobius and randomly or not, becomes friends with several other mobians. But on his journey dangerous things happen and concerning news spread. And so, Crusade and his comrads, later known as \"Team Element\", decide to search for the root of everything. Without knowing that they get involved into a war which will decide about the worlds future...", false, true], "LegendsofTreali": ["http://legendsoftreali.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "Azumi belongs to the dominant race the Morphos, shape-shifters who can transform into one of four beasts: canines, felines, dragons, and avians. Historically connected to the elves and the mysterious Anthrons, the Morphos have run their homeland for centuries, and have been in a constant quarrel with their feline counterparts who feel no remorse as they cut down minor races, and take in demonic outcasts to further their power. It's up to her and her friends to learn the truth about the corrupt royal bloodlines as well as their destinies placed long before their own birth. To end the war, the friends must embark on a journey through different realms, gaining knowledge, strengthening bonds, and becoming powerful enough to defeat Seria, Queen of the felines.", false, true], "Legoalex625HQ": ["http://legoalex-625hq.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "A comic, showcase and a place of puns staring LA & the Recolor Squad!", false, true], "Lemongrass": ["http://lemongrass.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "A soldier on a mission that goes disastrously wrong, two assassins caught in the web woven by their enigmatic mistress, and a mercenary on the run from just about everyone he's ever worked with. Fantasy, with LGBT characters and themes. Endeavours to update Mondays and Thursdays.", false, true], "LeoTerra": ["http://leoterra.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "", false, true], "LesCendresdelHiver": ["http://cendres.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "Il \u00e9tait une fois un f\u00e9, une Belle Dame Sans Merci ; et il \u00e9tait une fois le chevalier, un parmi beaucoup d'autre, que le f\u00e9 s\u00e9duisit. Puis le f\u00e9 se lassa du chevalier, comme il s'\u00e9tait lass\u00e9 de beaucoup d'autres, et le quitta. Mais ce chevalier n'\u00e9tait pas comme les autres et les choses tourn\u00e8rent tr\u00e8s mal. Bien des si\u00e8cles plus tard, Meine, un garde du corps sans histoire, est approch\u00e9 par un \u00e9tranger qui semble le conna\u00eetre... Et s'attendre \u00e0 une r\u00e9action bien particuli\u00e8re de sa part. Quand il refuse de jouer le jeu de l'autre homme, Meine entra\u00eene une s\u00e9rie d'\u00e9v\u00e9nements qui pourraient changer non seulement sa vie, mais aussi celle de tous ceux qu'il aime.", false, true], "LesSules": ["http://sulesfr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "", false, true], "LessonsofBackThen": ["http://lessonsofbackthen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Augustine is a 34 year old, divorced man raising his two sons, Daniel (14) and Matt (6), while trying to balance everything else in life from bills, work, quality family time, and the fact that he might be a little on the gay side of the spectrum. With his work demanding more hours and his kids demanding more attention, Augustine finally decides to get babysitter. We meet Ryan Bistricy! The f*ckin' weirdo that's gonna totally eff up Augustine's normal life! \\\\(owo)// With the eccentric 23 year old now in his life... ... ...well lets just say random-stupid-shit is gonna happen ;) ------- this is a boy love/yaoi/shounen ai/gay/homo/man-love story don't like don't read... or read just for the stupid humor", false, true], "Let_sleeping_dogs_lie": ["http://lsdl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "It's a one-shot about two tattooer. Alt. ending BL. (boys love)", false, true], "LethalDose": ["http://lethaldosecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 195, "WARNING: This comic contains heterosexual AND homosexual relationship, Drug abuse, sexual themes and violence. READ RIGHT TO LEFT - JAPANESE FORMAT Updates every Sun & Wed. ________________________________ Follows the life paths of various youths. Our main protagonist is Bobby. Although he was a happy kid, various choices in life have led him down a dark and dangerous path. Lonely and stuck with an undesirable life, he has turned to drugs and alcohol to mull the days away with. But after a strange encounter in an alleyway one night, Bobby finds himself trapped in a much more 'hardcore' underground world of drugs and abuse; one that's secrets are so dark it's not too easy to leave behind.", true, false], "Lethe": ["http://lethe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 117, "On the distant world of Lethe, there lived the Queen of Nephele. Said to be desired by all men for her ethereal beauty. A beauty so divine even the Gods envied her, one particular Goddess decided to bless her favorite warrior with the beautiful woman as his gift, stealing the great Queen from her kingdom. The Queen's abduction led to a century long war, spreading throughout many, many lands. The King of Nephele created a rule, that for each city his army conquered, the Strategos would be gifted with the most beautiful maiden from that city. As a twisted take on what had happen to his wife. But one city was at a loss, for its most beautiful maiden, was far from beautiful. It was in fact, hard to find a fair beauty in this city at all. And thus the city panicked, not being able to find a sacrifice could lead to the massacre of their people. So in an act of desperation they gave the Strategos their most beautiful person. Now it is up to this -man- to survive the war in which he as been thrust head first into~ Welcome to the world of Lethe. Where everything beautiful, is possessed. A BL comic loosely inspired by the epic poem \"The Iliad\" by Homer", true, true], "LetsBreakitforReals": ["http://breaktehrecord.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 577, "LET'S DO THIS. I am Sexy~ - Sexy Rule 1: No explicit content. We can't have that, but you know what humans are like. Rule 2: No getting involved in big advertisements. Rule 3: No alternate accounts. That's just cheating. Rule 4: Spam. No spam. Spam is very, very bad. Rule 5: Link news posts. If you want to link to something, post a comic instead. Rule 6: Let Kurona watch Digimon. VERY IMPORTANT! - Kurona Goal:- 206.your face Current: 88", false, true], "LetsGo": ["http://letsgobyraining-candy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "\"Let's Go\" is a simple slice of life webcomic made by raining-candy on deviantART. Its mainly about this adventures of Kenny McCormick (South Park) and Fiona Darington (South Park OC created by raining-candy) living in the bizarre town of South Park. With Kenny having a close friend as naive as Fiona, they get themselves into a lot of trouble. But how do they get out of it? Click here to see the character sheet! http://raining-candy.deviantart.com/art/Comic-Character-Sheet-397260945", false, true], "LetsMeetUpAtKitaharaBakery": ["http://kitaharabakery.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "it's just. a really freakin gay webcomic made for me to indulge myself with.", false, true], "Letsmeetagain": ["http://lets-meet-again.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Even it may be just a dream, even if it may never happen, but let's meet again my dear fried. This is just a short manga project. ^^ It's my first one on which I put effort and it will be over in aprox. 5~6 pages ^^", false, true], "LetsplaySBURBHowIlearnedtolovetheApocalypse": ["http://rtstuck.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "The Achievement Hunter office got their hands on a new game to LP, but they weren't prepared for a game this immersive when they got their copy of the mysterious PC game called \"SBURB\". Now Geoff, Gavin, Michael, Ray, Jack, and Barbara are launched into a new dimension where they discover their own grand destiny: Save Skaia, save Earth, and save themselves. The Achievement Hunters find their adventure rife with physical pain and emotional agony that tests their bodies and souls alike, and soon they are asking themselves; \"I thought games were supposed to be fun.\"", false, true], "LettersFromHoennAPKMNEmeraldRandomizerRun": ["http://lettersfromhoenn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "[A remake of \"What Life Throws At You\"] Riley Jane travels to the Hoenn Region seeking a journey granted by Professor Birch. There she discovers the effects that war have brought on the Hoennese wildlife, and that above all else, pokemon can be savage things. She has six months before her trainer licence expires. Will she make it through? Rated T for a dark pokemon world, language, gore/violence, possible drug use, possible sexual stuff (will be rated R if it hits that stage), pokemon death, you know, all that jazz. [WILL BE UPDATING ON SUNDAYS!]", false, true], "LiarsComic": ["http://liars.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Liars \u00a9 Mari Messina Yaoi-Bl Comic It's destiny at unite the lives of Waldemar, Eirik Helge and Allen. Four guys, all different, but all to research of the only thing more sought in the world.... The love. E' il destino a legare le vite di Waldemar, Eirik, Helge e Allen. Quattro ragazzi l'uno diverso dall'altro, ma tutti alla ricerca della cosa piu' bramata al mondo.... l'amore.", true, true], "LibraryCard": ["http://librarycard.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Ichirou Koga hates women and loves books and puppies. He's straight forward with a wicked tongue that backfires at him at times. So what happens when he meet Daiichi Nazuharu , the attractive assistant librarian? Will Ichirou accept that he may not be as straight as he originally thought? The real drama begins here: LIBRARY CARD! ~*suckish summary sucks*~ Yaoi/BL", false, true], "LicensedHeroes": ["http://licensedheroes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 123, "Join Tempest, newly licensed hero, as he delves deep into the reeking bowels of the dungeons of unemployment, crosses the scorching desert of menial labor and infiltrates the dreaded towers of bureaucracy. Updates Wednesdays and Saturdays.", false, true], "Lies": ["http://l-i-e-s.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Victoria is haunted by an elucid man of darkness. As \"evil's instrument\" he takes her through the mirror into a world where reality becomes deceit. -- This is a commission from a month ago~if you're interested in commissioning me email me at lucid_k@hotmail.com, note me on http://lucidkrypton.deviantart.com , or pm me here. The author is andreachans and her dA page is http://andreachans.deviantart.com", false, true], "LifeLessOrdinary": ["http://-lifelessordinary-.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 86, "\"I would have liked to think that my life is strange, but maybe it is all too ordinary after all.\" The story of four guys living together under one roof, their individual feats and those that they move through together. Some BLs and HLs.", true, true], "LifeafterDeath": ["http://lifead.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 353, "Life after Death is about an out of work Grim Reaper navigating current events, new roommates and his new found mortality...", false, true], "LifeandLemons": ["http://lnl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "people who's lives have lemons--- In a semi-Apocalyptic DC, a group of young survivors try to figure out how to make lemonade in a world with alot of lemons maybe some gl and bl in there, but its not the main point of the story.", false, true], "LifeinBeckysRage": ["http://beckysrage.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 126, "A series of Rage Comics about my everyday life and the people involved! Updates on Wednesday and Sunday every week!", false, true], "LifeinaNutshell": ["http://lifeinanutshell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Be amazed at a life of pure melodrama in the form of lazily done comics.", false, true], "LifeofaProfessionalThirdWheel": ["http://professionalthirdwheel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "My name is Emma. Or Ember. Whichever. This is a true story about my life and the crazy stuff that goes on therein.", false, true], "Lifeonpaper": ["http://lifeonpaper.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 356, "\"Life on Paper\". Is a comic strip very loosely based on my life, originally it was titled, \"Lil Bastard\" It follows me and all my jobs, relationship, and even through marriage. With 2000+ strips. Which will eventually be uploaded here. Please Enjoy my life.", false, true], "LifesaBore": ["http://lifesabore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "Looking upon your past isn't always pretty. Then again sometimes the present isn't either. And with Ivory, neither is the future. She\u2019s a typical stay out of my life or die kinda girl. But when put in a situation where a few new \u2018acquaintances\u2019 refuse to take a hint, she\u2019s left with no choice but to juggle the life of being a witch, escaping her new found friends, and finding an answer to the dream that often preys on her mind. Ivory views the world like its neither dead or living, but her reason for living? Is to find the dead. INFO Some bad language <3 Comic is read left to right. Updates Mondays.", false, true], "LifesaLich": ["http://lifesalich.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Recovering from depression a teenage girl comes into contact with the nether world after accidentally obtaining a phylactery. Also Corgis. Updates Mondays and Fridays", false, true], "LifewhenIsaythingscouldntbeworseitsnotachallange": ["http://llamaland.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "My name is Max, I'm a dude from Finland and this is my journal comic I draw of my life. All the people and events are real.", false, true], "LifewithLee": ["http://lifewithlee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Life with Lee Written by Dabney Farmer, Lee older sister. Dabney started writing the Lee book in high school and finished in college as her Senior project. It's not easy growing up with a little brother who has Autism. but it can be funny. What with Lee running nude threw the house and outside. Autism may be series but theres a funny side to it you don't hear about as much.", false, true], "LightLovers": ["http://lightlovers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 106, "The love between Jay and Nicolas gives them a powerful magic. They will be confronted to all kinds of enemies, but the most dangerous is the Shadow and its Prince. (English is not my native language, I apologize for the faults... :-) )", false, true], "LightRomantic": ["http://light-romantic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 142, "Something like a romance between men.", false, true], "LightandShadowThewarriorssecret": ["http://thewarriorsecret.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "Sinopsis: un joven ingresa a un grupo de mercenarios para poder dar a su familia un poco mas de dinero, arriesgando su propia vida, pero sus compa\u00f1eros caen en un oscuro hechizo que pondr\u00e1 a prueba su lealtad. English: Synopsis: a young man join a group of mercenaries in order to give his family a little more money risking his own life, but his companions fall in a dark spell and his loyalty will be put to test. Warning: Gore and hetero/homoerotic images coming soon if someone sees a mistake in the text, feel free to tell me. My english is very basic", false, true], "LightsShowcase": ["http://lightcalledshowcase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A place for me to put pretty much anything I can think of~", false, true], "Lightshard": ["http://lightshard.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "-coming soon-", false, true], "LightwithinShadow": ["http://lightwithinshadow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 415, "After the truth about her adoption is told and a string of weird dreams a girl named Lizzie sets out on a journey of self discovery....it's more then she bargained for- -But maybe with the help of her goofball best friend, her history teacher,her loyal dog, and a hired mercenary she just might get through this.", false, true], "LikeaJesus": ["http://likeajesus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "The heroine is Lilibeth (family name unknow for now) You gonna follow her adventures into those little web comics. She have the same abilities of Jesus +some more abilities (like flying in the air) She is also an activist and she is against the current government and against the politicians who runs Miami. Lilibeth can bring back to life a dead , but you have to pay 1 million dollars to her . 1 Million = 1 resurrection of your choice. The first story features a poor guy who live in the streets for ages , lost his job, family doesnt even remember him etc He will find a woman who will save his life...", false, true], "LilLevi": ["http://www.lillevicomic.com/comics/", 160, "Lil' Levi is 9 years old. His mother is human. His father is The Devil...no really...we're not kidding. His life is going to be one hell of a ride! It's kind of like The Omen...but funnier!", false, true], "LilRed": ["http://lilredriddinindahood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "I have decided to do my version of Little Red Ridding Hood (well, one of the versions). No, this is not yaoi, no, the wolf is not some hot guy with animal ears and tail who's gonna rape Red who happens to be a blonde uke guy. And no, this is not a horror story with dramatic stuff like a murderous Red or wolf. A little warning there; it contains some swear words, lots of dumb faces, oh and a potato!", false, true], "LiliBleu": ["http://lilibleu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 162, "Webcomic en espa\u00f1ol La humanidad ha quedado al borde de la extinci\u00f3n por causa de un virus que los muta en superhumanos poderosos, dotados de una gran belleza y poder que han tomado control del planeta. De entre el nuevo orden se alza la \u00faltima esperanza de la humanidad: Espartaco Garc\u00eda, armado s\u00f3lo con una de las mentes m\u00e1s brillantes del mundo en contra de seres que pueden derribar monta\u00f1as con su mirada. S\u00f3lo hay un problema: Quiere salvar el mundo... para gobernarlo \u00e9l.", false, true], "LilysStoryFireRedArc": ["http://lilysfrarc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Lily begins her nuzlocke journey in the Kanto region. What begins as smiles and sunshine quickly turns sour as she looses her friends. Will she be able to conquer the Kanto Region and claim the title as champion? This is the first in a 3-arc story relating to Lily. [THIS COMIC IS FINISHED]", false, true], "LilysStoryPearlArc": ["http://lilysprarc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "After her adventure in Kanto, Lily finds out her pok\u00e9mon had been stolen by a mysterious \"Team Guh\" from a region far up north. She travels to Sinnoh with Gary by her side and begins her adventure to find her stolen friends. What will be waiting for her when she finally finds them? This is the second in a 3-arc story relating to Lily. [THIS COMIC IS FINISHED]", false, true], "LilysStorySapphireArc": ["http://lilyssaarc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Time has passed and Lily has had a child with her old rival. Lucia grows up in Johto, expecting to explore that region first, but Gary is called away to Hoenn to become a Gym Leader. The family moves to Hoenn where Lucia begins her adventure. How will she handle the kinds of hardships her mother faced before her? This is the third in a 3-arc story relating to Lily. [THIS COMIC IS FINISHED]", false, true], "LisforLoser": ["http://lisforloser.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "A series of random comics and doodles", false, true], "LittleLink": ["http://littlelink.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 266, "A great Evil threatens the worlds of your favorite Nintendo characters and Link is the key to stopping it!", false, true], "LittleMermaidandOtherStories": ["http://mermaidandothers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "After a while, i'm thinking to add more stories. My own short stories and stories inspired by fairy tales or others. Like my other project \"Angel Heart\", this is also a practice project so don't expect something perfect yet ^^a. I only can say i'll do my best :P Peace, Vdtitian STORY 1 : LITTLE MERMAID Based on HC. Andersen's Little Mermaid, rewritten. Little Mermaid in H.C. Andersen's version is not happy ending like Disney's. I decided to make it in Indonesian (Bali) background, with my own storytelling. It's still very far from good, let alone perfect, but i hope it's still can be enjoyed :) status : completed STORY 2 : THE BLOOD ROSE Story and art by Vdtitian A story about a flower that grants immortality to any man who can wield it. status : in progress More stories in the future, maybe.... :P", false, true], "LittleMoreThanWaitstaff": ["http://littlemorethanwaitstaff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Meet the waitstaff of the Naz Dravie. But they're also the chefs, the kitchen staff, and the errand-runners. And the janitors, the managers, and the bus-boys. And the hosts and hostesses. And one is also the owner. So it's basically a comic about people yelling and cooking things.", false, true], "LittleMushroomsStory": ["http://lms.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "It was fun to spend my days surrounded by my dear friends. But time and people change everything... \u273fREAD FROM LEFT TO RIGHT\u273f ---------------------------------- Oneshot: Little Mushroom's story. Idea's date: 2012, November 16. Characters' creation date: 2012, September 27. Type: oneshot. Rating: PG. Format: 12 pages. Characters: Amanita, Cantharellus cibarius and Leccinum. Genre: drama, shoujo.", false, true], "LittleRabbit": ["http://littlerabbit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Francis was seaching for Arthur when he made a shocking experience. Arthur's magic went wrong and turned him half into a rabbit! What will Francis do about that? We'll see what's happening. Warnings: BoysLove, Fluff Characters: Usarisu, Shota!France Side Characters: Scotland Anime: Hetalia: Axis Powers Pairing: FrUK", false, true], "LittleRedRidingHood": ["http://littleredridinghood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Little Red Riding Hood is on the way to her grandma to bring her medicine. But a wolf appears... he seems to be quite interested in our red girl! Reading direction from right to left ;)", false, true], "LittleSecrets": ["http://littlesecrets.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Melodie is a 15 year old blogger who's obsession with all things cute has deemed her too socially awkward to fit in with most kids her age. That is, except for one classmate who is a misfit himself. Just when Melodie begins falling for him, she finds that her would-be boyfriend may have a few dark secrets that she hadn't anticipated. What has Melodie gotten herself into, and will trusting her intuition leave her filled with regrets?", false, true], "LittleStars": ["http://lst.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 71, "A girl searches for her father, using her talent for playing soccer. Preposterous stuff happens. Updates on Tuesdays and Thursdays.", false, true], "LittleWhiteLamb": ["http://littlewhitelamb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A short story about a small girl called Mary and her friend Lamb. When Curiosity takes over will Mary remember to hold onto Lamb.", false, true], "LittleWitch": ["http://littlewitch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "It's tough being a little witch in a big world.", false, true], "Lobservateur": ["http://observateur.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Tout le monde aime les rumeurs. C'est notamment le cas pour la classe E-5, o\u00c3\u00b9 une nouvelle rumeur se propage, celle du nouvel \u00c3\u00a9l\u00c3\u00a8ve bipolaire. Que fera donc l'observateur en pr\u00c3\u00a9sence de cette rumeur?", false, true], "LockedIn": ["http://lockedin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Updating daily. A short 12 page comic created during my first semester of my second year of university. 2 children decide to mess around with a Ouija board one day.", false, true], "LondonLove": ["http://londonlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "London Love is drawd by manga style, so read it like manga. :) From the right to Left and the bubles too! The story: Hauru Kingston is the Count, Jean's young son whose mother dies of a serious illness. 14 years later Hauru also meet his old friend, Kaien Smith, who has returned from Japan deal with some important issues. However something is wrong with Hauru's mind.. Is it somehow related to Kaien? Or is there some other reasons for his feelings? Wonder how things are going... Warning! Yaoi/Boy Love ;3", false, true], "LondonUnderworld": ["http://lunderworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 194, "Miss Ameliea Worton is sick of the rich, upper class, boring world she has been brought up in. She seeks entertainment from London's dark under belly, making friends with crooks and con artists and playing their games against the aristocracy she has grown bitter of. But, when Ameliea decides to join forces with the king of the London Underworld, she discovers how naive she has been, and how dangerous London can really be.", false, true], "LoneDream": ["http://lonedream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Hikari is 17 years old and it's Christmas holidays then her final year of High School, can she get her dream boyfriend, Seiji, before they graduate? A quick 5 page introduction and if I get enough positive feedback I'll make more.", false, true], "LonelyChild": ["http://lonelychild.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Bunch of kids who feel lonely in in their own ways, but manage through, with being born as who they are and those around them....yeah. prepare for lack of background, profanity...and mature content?...maybe later.i will post once every Sunday...so yeah enjoy! 9-22-13, @ 9:39.", false, true], "LonerXServant": ["http://lonerxservant.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Mai is a 16-year-old student of Meiou High School. She's always a silent type of girl and always all alone by herself. She used to think life is all about good things but then one day, unexpected situations happened that made her alone. Her servant, Akio, a happy person and a gentleman, started to serve her just before she enters the high school. Akio has been taking care of Mai and only wanted to make her happy. Then later on, Mai becomes classmates with Akio, together with her new friends Kumiyo and Miki. Will her friends and other people around her change her life?", false, true], "Longtimenoyaoi": ["http://longtimenoyaoi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Boy's love short stories made and published in a hungarian amateur bl anthology. Titles: Trouble: After a drunk night, our two heroes wake up in the same bed... Much to their shock. They decide to pretend everything's normal... and of course suffer (maybe that's not the best word for that) from the consequences. Blind date: description comming soon. Reads from left to right! Updates every Tuesday and Friday!", false, true], "Longwalktoforever": ["http://walktoforever.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "a oneshot webmanga adaptation based on kurt vonnegut's short story of the same title: a long walk to forever. \"..when everything is too late,\" a beautiful, poignant tale on painful romance and happy heartbreaks as one tries to move on, and the other one lets go. ------ story (C) kurt vonnegut art (C) masayahingArtist 2013 rephrased, altered and tweaked to shorten version.", false, true], "Longwayhome": ["http://longwayhome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Think it's a good idea to follow your cat through a door in a tree? You're totally right! Just a short experimental practice comic. Expect not much plot, rough inking, stupid script, and hopefully an improvement in the artwork by the end.", false, true], "LoonaMarket": ["http://loonamarket.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "", false, true], "Lorasne": ["http://lorasne.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "", false, true], "LostCause": ["http://lostcause.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Mankind lives a new age of revolution. A breakthrough in gene technology has given a chance for a whole new human-race to be born on earth. This race has replaced the lower class, sorting mankind in two - those who have everything and those who do everything to make it through the day . Mehr and Stripe are youths of this new race. Creatures on adrift. Knowing that the few individuals who don't hate them - only want to take an advantage of them. Story: Ronin Art: Silkie Translation: Crescentt", false, true], "LostDogsMC": ["http://lostdogsmc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Bikers find themselves fighting to survive, when the trumpets of judgment sound and the dead rise. The Zombie Apocalypse is upon them. The Lost Dogs MC will face hordes of the undead, rogue military, local militia, raiders and the THRONG of Rotten Souls Motorcycle Club who intend to bring them low.", true, true], "LostNightmare": ["http://lostnightmare.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "Lost Nightmare is a webcomic about the little Nightmare Ink. He is supposed to become the next Bogeyman but he does not really want to be scary.", false, true], "LostNova": ["http://lostnova.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "Two women of different birth search for the lost Compass Isle of Nova. One for glory, one for truth. And in the process they will find themselves and each other. Updates Every Week.", false, true], "LostOpportunity": ["http://lost-opportunity.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 12, "The English version of <a href=\"http://verlore.thewebcomic.com/\">Verlore Geleentheid</a>.", false, true], "LostPieces": ["http://lostpieces.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "In between trying to salvage a relationship with her estranged twin brother, entering university and trying to woo the object of her affections, Tora begins to think the pressure is getting to her in the form of strange and often frightening hallucinations. Seemingly doomed to repeat the life of her schizophrenic father, Tora begins to search for clues to the past she tried to forget while getting closer and closer to a dark secret that is slowly affecting the lives of the people she's come into contact with. **Contains lesbianism, transensuality/transgenderism later on, general queerness, nudity and gore**", true, true], "LostStory": ["http://loststory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Based off of Alice in Wonderland. (Complete Sketch-comic, sorry for quality. ;u; ) Alice is a normal girl who happens to have family issues and a terrible illness. She discovers a gateway to Nevermore, a strange world where she is the key to its survival. As she ventures further into the world, she regains memories she never new she had that makes her question her entire life. \"Who am I? Where do I really belong...?\"", false, true], "LostWords": ["http://lostwords.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Lost Words- Co-Authors PM me if interested in co-writing and or drawing. M For violence and some blood. A close friend is hurt and nothing is as it seems. Who can be trusted? What's really going on? Better description coming soon.", true, true], "LoveDelicatessen": ["http://lovedeli.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 100, "Enzo's lost his job, been beaten up and kicked out of his flat.. can things possibly get any worse? Business starts to perk up after Sora arrives, but can the girls keep their business and relationship running smoothly? The realities and complications of relationships start to surface as the Deli's problems seem to ebb away.. Love Delicatessen is NSFW with substance. Yaoi/Yuri and all the things in between.", true, true], "LoveDontHate": ["http://love-dont-hate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Something I did for my AP Art Class three months ago and well I finished inking it so I thought why not just upload it here for people to read ; v; Well it's only 15 pages (was a small project got a 150/130) I honestly think my art when I did this, isn't all that great honestly I feel like I could have done so much better but hey there is always room for improvement for me ; w; I hope you like it, it is a bl-ish comic and I based it on peoples perspective on homo-sexuality, idk why I did this but I did and so now I share it with you guys ; v; I do hope you enjoy it despite my crappiness lol", false, true], "LoveHarbor": ["http://shipcentral.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 239, "This is a comic about shipping your characters. You can do as you please with your shippings, but please try to keep them to a T rating and below. Shipping: To support a relationship between two characters, be it canon or not. You will get a chapter here. All shipping of your design are to be posted in your own chapter. The point is to post pictures of shippings. (Sprites, Drawn, pixel art, etc.) These can be in the form of comics, author comments, etc. Your shippings can be gay, straight, lesbian and bi. So homophobes beware. You may post shipping of other authors. If you have any questions, contact 'aqua the hedgie' for more information. ------ Don't ship real people. At least poke holes in the box.", false, true], "LoveMonster": ["http://lovemonster.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "This is an EXTREMELY short comic about monster boy searching for love.yes. Was done for a manga contest. Yay I won :3", false, true], "LovePotion": ["http://love-potion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Abandon decides it would be a good idea to give Sattelite a love potion. See how it turns out!", true, true], "LoveandIcecream": ["http://lovexandxicecream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "Beware its a Yaoi! (Boy + boy) This comic is about two boys ~surpriseXD~ (GOD the start is ugly) Akio and Bambi is two very different boys who met each other because Bambi had to teach Akio in math. Bambi is the only person who ever believed in Akio which is making Akio fall easily in love with him. Sadly Bambi has a homophobic big brother named Cinder who won't let Akio get closer to Bambi. Will Akio and Bambi ever get a chance for love? Gotta read and find out~ Don't let the ugly start pages scare you away\u00a0 I UPDATE WHEN I WANT!!! >8U (Often enough)", false, true], "LoveandZombies": ["http://loveandzombies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 63, "Gisellia Ackerly is a member of the recently undead living in a city full of humans and other supernatural creatures. Can one lonely girl find love after death? ***UPDATES SUNDAYS***", false, true], "Lovebirds": ["http://lovebirds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Roxy & Steve are 2 college students with opposite personalities that work in the student affairs office together. One day, they some how end up having to take care of a duck egg together. The 2 of them are very bitter about the situation because,like alot of people of their generation, they both have grown up with divorced parents.", false, true], "LovecraftsTheOutsider": ["http://theoutsider.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Adaptation of the H.P. Lovecraft short story.", false, true], "LoveinDiverse": ["http://loveindiverse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Lisa Foxwell thinks that hobbies such as writing, drawing, pottery making are boring and prefers hobbies that uses the energy of the body to the fullest. Interested by her choice, star artist of the batch, Flynn Grant, challenges her to see those 'hobbies' in a different light by making her experience it, much to her shock.", false, true], "LovelyLovecraft": ["http://lovelylovecraft.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "LOVELY LOVECRAFT is a webcomic based on life and tales of U.S author Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Is intended to fans and to uninitiated as well and it reimagines the world-famous Cthulhu Mythos mixing cartoonish character design with dark thematics. PLOT: Howard is a 12 year old boy who has just moved to the ancient town of Arkham. His normal yet solitary life is turned upside down when, snooping in the attic of the old house once owned by a mysterious antiquarian named Randolph Carter, he finds a damaged copy of the notorious Necronomicon. After reading aloud some of the formulas, Howard's mind opens on a new comprehension of reality and gains a dark knowledge sufficient to drive anyone mad ... except him. Helped by a mistakenly summoned Night Gaunt, Howard begins his journey through the mysteries of Arkham where the terrible Outer Gods have been trapped and forced to live an human-like existence. Used to wait for aeons in the darkest regions of space, most of them take lightly their new condition, except for the eager and hyperactive Nyarlathotep who desperately wants to break free of the curse.", false, true], "LovelyTea": ["http://lovelytea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Japanese all girls school yuri manga. Loads of cute girls and their interactions. In comic strip format the first 9 pages, after that the pages are actual comic pages. Obviously contains Girl Love (Lesbians). Updates: Whenever I feel like it.", false, true], "Lovemedont": ["http://lovemedont.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "The name is inspired by that funky Beatles song 'Love me do'. I usually make complicated stories so i decided to start something simple therefore don't expect much from this comic. Dog out.", false, true], "LovemyHat": ["http://lovemyhat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "[**BOYLOVE**] David has a crush on his best friend, Shiro. There's just one problem: THAT FREAKISH HAT OF HIS. So what is he going to do about it? Lots of things that ends in lots of boy love. [COMPLETE]", false, true], "LoveroftheSunandMoon": ["http://loverofthesunandmoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "[will HOPEFULLY be uploading new pages every friday, so if you're interested in this webcomic check for updates on fridays!] Kari is the child of the sun goddess and the moon god, and after a lunar eclipse he becomes a boy with white hair and pale skin, but after a solar eclipse he becomes a girl with golden hair and eyes and tanned skin! however the goddess of chaos, Rei, wants Kari captured and sacrificed on the alter of chaos as a girl in order to give her the power she needs to break free from the chaos realm to fill the human world with her delicious chaos! now Kari is on the run from Rei, and along the way he meets Gaku, a bouncer at a small bar, who decides to tag along with Kari and try to help him escape from Rei and her followers! has yaoi - boys love (boy meets boy) but also has some straight opportunities! but if you dont care for yaoi then please dont read this or if you love yaoi and the idea of a straight couple freaks you out dont read this either since the main boy turns female and this is supposed to be a love story that trancends gender!", false, true], "Lovewecannothave": ["http://lovewecannothave.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "\"Love that we cannot have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest and feels the strongest.\" This is a gory, macabre comic (and a school project) based on a couple of subjects I found to be interesting. A comical story about the desperation for love.", true, true], "Lovleylesbians": ["http://lovleylesbians.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "this is just short comics about adorable lesbians. i don't really have a plot to it, at least not yet (:", false, true], "LowcaHalunow": ["http://l-h.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Between real life & surrealism.", false, true], "Lucky7": ["http://luckyseven.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "Twenty year old Chiizu \"Cheese\" Motsuki runs away from her abusive family and gets a job as a cocktail waitress in a casino in the big city. However, her happiness is short-lived, because she is seized by immigration authorities for her illegal status in the country. She soon falls for one of her captors, orange-haired Ruben, who is indifferent her. That is just one of the many other stories centered around the biggest casino in Heart City. This is my second SJ comic and it is a harem romance, much like Sim. It contains some violence, occasional language, some sexual situations, (but no sex,) and some misogynist themes. Also, there is a lot of skimpy outfits, smoking, and alcohol use, but it is a casino, what do you expect? This comic updates randomly. Also, as a friendly reminder, this comic reads from left to right, to conform to the English language. Enjoy! ;)", false, true], "LuckyBride": ["http://luckybride.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "\"CAN A PERSON WITH DEMENTIA FALL INLOVE?\" - read LUCKY BRIDE on TAPASTIC! (with a shining shimmering background music!) http://tapastic.com/series/luckybride - ----- kuroda works part time at a hospital every summer. everyday, he does the usual routine: cleaning, sweeping, brushing, wiping and fixing. everything for him was boring, until he met a patient named rinka. the guy, the girl, and their (tragic) love story. - - - - - genre: shoujo; romance; drama *not a polished artwork. contains unerased pencil marks, un-outlined visuals, fail anatomy and fail backgrounds. *not a polished story. may contain fail transition, awkward conversations and WTF scenarios. -w- 45pages. MasayahingArtist's debuting oneshot! - - - - - (C) MasayahingArtist 2013", false, true], "Luckyhitcrew": ["http://www.luckyhitcrew.com/comics/", 48, "Welcome to my site! Many mini comics will be here, as well as details on my the release of Double Blackness and other projects to come! If you have any questions or need to contact me I can be reached at Nigz@luckyhitcrew.com Tootles!", false, true], "LuffinpuffandEric": ["http://luffinpuff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 277, "The magical adventures of a fat kid named Eric and his fanciful imaginary friend, Llewellyn Luffinpuff!", false, true], "LumasParadise": ["http://luma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 175, "Welcome to Luma's Paradise, the one and only place in the galaxy where you can find sprite comics starring the Lumas!", false, true], "Lure": ["http://lure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Rosalynn Murrs is a typical highschool student, on the school swim team, sleeps in calculus etc etc.. She also has a best friend that may or may not be a mythical creature, a brother who is MIA, hardly any memory of about a year ago, and some sort of faerie man that likes to appear to her in various bodies of water - particularly the bath tub. With demonic plots unfurling, skeletons that just won't stay in the closet, and a unanimous love for meat of the rare variety, could Lynn be the only one with the power to save the court, or will she destroy it completely? Irish/Japanese folklore and sexual tension runs rampant. Updates every few days. Written and drawn by Megan Stevenson", false, true], "Lymbus": ["http://lymbus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "Eythan Tahlos is a vagrant amnesic boy that only owns a little hourglass. He lives in Heaven, which apparently is a perfect place to live in. But after the arriving of a stranger called Miuler, his live will change forever and he will start to open his eyes towards all the crimes and cases of corruption which have been hidden in the city for years. This is a BL/yaoi/whatever-you-want-to-call story. It may contain some sex scenes and violence/gore. Enjoy!~~ ---------- WEBCOMIC BACK!!! Sorry and thanks again for your support ;w; http://www.facebook.com/Lymbus", true, true], "MAGISA": ["http://mag-isa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 592, "A comic about a loner, an angel, and a psychopathic cult that wants to take over the world.", false, true], "MASKARADOSPART0NE": ["http://maskarados1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Reuniting the Filipino Classic Heroes to again save the nation from a powerful invaders.", true, true], "MIKE": ["http://mike.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Das da storeh of Mike.", false, true], "MLPFiMEarthSky": ["http://mlpearthplusskycomicname.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Earth + Sky: A short complete Friendship is Magic Applejack/Rainbow Dash fancomic, set somewhere around season 1.", false, true], "MLPFiMTheOblivionCodex": ["http://mlptheoblivioncodex.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "When color anomalies start occurring all over Equestria, Princess Celestia sends the Mane Six to the Prism Kingdom to investigate. However Celestia has a secret mission for Twilight; recover the lost Oblivion Codex, before it causes something much worse than the apocalypse. -------------------------------- Updates: Sporadically Rating: PG This comic was made just to practice comic making. Expect sketchy art and bad dialogue. Criticism is welcome. Very welcome.", false, true], "MLPLifeinequestervaquia": ["http://mlplie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "The adventures of a group of ponies which live in Equestervaquia. Drawn by Alilali Story by Sabishii.", false, true], "MUTE": ["http://muterobot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 300, "We fight for what we believe in and for those we care about. With terms and beliefs like these, who is to decide what is right and what is wrong? It is our emotions that fuel our actions, but is allowing them to take over really the right course of action in drastic situations...? Comic completed.", false, true], "MYth": ["http://myth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 684, "MYth is a collection of original short stories inspired by the Greek mythology. Since it's MY version, the storyline differs from the classic mythology. .: MYth: My Seasons :. Demeter's sudden disappearance left Hades nothing but a daughter named Persephone... .: MYth: Eternal Gift :. The story of Poseidon and his true love... .: MYth: A PROMISE :. Before the time of the Olympians. Promises...made and broken... Between two brothers, only regrets remained. ***MATURE CONTENT APPLIES TO MYth: A PROMISE ONLY*** MYth (c) Zelda C. Wang http://zeldacw.idv.st http://zelda994612.deviantart.com", false, false], "MabinogiRemnants": ["http://remnants.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Milletians: a race with heightened skills and abilities that aided the gods in their battles over the land of Erinn. The divided wars between the Tuatha de Danann and Formorian sides ended when the last of the dark gods were sealed away. With no further purpose, these gods soon left the world, and slowly, aided by the goddess Morrighan, the Milletians followed after them. In a land no longer held by divine powers, the last of the Milletians live their lives quietly. Now a dark power awakens, and without the great goddess to aid her power, will they be able to stop it before its too late? Updates: Every Friday. Disclaimer: Mabinogi belongs to Nexon, full disclaimer on cover page.", false, true], "MadnessInc": ["http://madnessinc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Join Red and Madeline as they work to fight monsters, evil organizations, and each other! Updated regularly on Mondays, with maybe a strip in between!", false, true], "Maestro": ["http://maestro.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "A webcomic about a feral French ma\u00eetre d'armes recently arrived from the mid-eighteenth century into modern day Boston, and an equally lost law student who learns to fence from him. And a poodle that thinks it's a cat.", false, true], "MageGuildLFM": ["http://mageguildlfm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 90, "How much craziness can come out of a online video game Mage Guild that is just trying to bolster their ranks? Ask Evellee, the resident elf and extremely cute guild recruiter, as she deals with the naive thieves guild, the fanboyish mage guild spellmaster, a sneaky catgirl rival, and helping her faerie friend with a language barrier problem that's bigger than she is. Updates: Within a week of the last update!", false, true], "MagicalMisfits": ["http://magicalmisfits.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "Two Dwarf Brothers are asked to start an Institute of Magic to promote peace on Terra. They have no idea what they are about to unleaseh", false, true], "Magicarium": ["http://magicarium.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "In a world where people use ancient artifacts left behind for magic, something has been stolen: an incredible weapon that has fallen into the wrong hands.", false, true], "MagicianChronicles": ["http://magichronicles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "The \"adventures\" of Gensokyo's resident magicians as they travel through Gensokyo (and other places...).", false, true], "MagicvsManic": ["http://magicvsmanic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Amaterasu lives the life many people would envy; she comes from an extremely wealthy and dignified family, she has a cute boy she likes and the greatest friends anybody could ask for. All that gets turned upside down though when her best friend Ume goes missing and she spirals into a depression soon after. But one day she is approached by a mysterious lady who holds a strange box that she promises holds the key to Amaterasu being happy again.", false, true], "Magience": ["http://www.magience.co/comics/", 480, "------------------------------ Updates: M - W - F at Midnight PST ------------------------------ \"Magience\" was a new video game, one you could play while awake OR asleep thanks to an innovative headset. No one was quite sure the exact technology behind it, only that it was top-of-the-line and very mysterious. In a world of fantasy, players get one character to level and adventure with, exploring an infinitely growing and evolving world. However, it's not long before people start to notice certain oddities, and certain strange theories and rumors start popping up all over the place, both in game and in real life. Crazy as it sounded, what if \"Magience\" wasn't just a game after all?", false, true], "Magipunk": ["http://magipunk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Sci-fi Fantasy adventure comedy webcomic! Magical wooden spaceships, elves, aliens, pirates and robots! Infamous pirates Runt and Candy have a plan to get their hands on the ultimate treasure! But as they face the wonders and terrors of a galaxy's seedy underbelly, the greatest threat may prove to be their own ineptitude...", false, true], "Magnicore": ["http://magnicore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "Mark Alfred's 60 episode epic of man made supermen. Ably assisted by Michael Reed, Ernie Walker, Keith Royster, and Darrell Goza. \u00a91997 by Mark Alfred and ScriptGraphics.", false, true], "MahouSenshiGalacticBattlemaidens": ["http://battlemaidens.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Three teenage girls gain magical powers and weapons to protect an exiled Star Prince from the deadly monsters and assassins that are trying to claim his life.", false, true], "MailMan": ["http://mailman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Enter Mail Man, United States Postal Service and registered psychopath as he saves the world from TERRORISTS and COMMUNISTS that threaten this great nation. DO NOT BE AFRAID also stamps.", false, true], "MaisEverydayLife": ["http://thisismailife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Just the randomness that occurs in my life most of the time. Because... Randomness is fun~", false, true], "Majesty": ["http://majesty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 405, "Majesta's life turns upside down when she learns that she is the princess of the pretty-boy filled Unknown Planet! www.enchantma.com", false, true], "MakingupMemories": ["http://makingupmemories.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Original short manga on friendship and memories.", false, true], "MalleusMaleficarum": ["http://malleus-maleficarum.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Alice lives a normal life, or so everyone thought. She is a girl who was mysteriously found in a clock tower without any memory of the life she had beforehand. Considering the oddity of the situation, it comes to no surprise if Alice has the tendency to see and experience things no one else can. She yearns for her past memories so she can make sense of how her life came to be. However, her hopes are fulfilled and destroyed when she discovers there are strangers from another world - persecutors who accuse her of being a witch. She is aided by Fenris, someone who hold pieces of the puzzle, and perhaps the answers she seek. With her peaceful life now disrupted, Alice finds herself drawn into the disarray of a witch hunt. Loosely based/inspired by the Salem Witch Trials and mythology. *** READ LEFT TO RIGHT Updates on Mondays.", false, true], "ManFriendsForever": ["http://mfforever.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "The lives of two men can be a great adventure, whether they are just a couple of bachelors, best friends, or a gay couple. Vangi Eesprios and Vincent Kentrano are these two men. This is their life together and how Vincent learns that Vangi is an enigma of the universe. So far the story is progressing into what might be a relationship between the two main men and a problematic demon walking around about ready to make Vincent's life just a little more interesting. However the question is are these two gentlemen becoming a pair of sexualized rabbits or friends that are closer with out the luggage. This comic contains man on man, nudity, language, and anything that needs to be warned of but I'm not sure how to put it into words yet. NEW CHANGE! So now this comic will be updated at least once a week to every other week. ALSO MFF has a Twitter page and a Tumblr Page, check them out. Twitter = https://twitter.com/ManFForever Tumblr = http://manfriendsforever.tumblr.com/", true, true], "ManyDullKnives": ["http://manydullknives.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "A comic whatever the creator of this comic wants it to be. Non sequiturs jokes abound! Come decide for yourself what this comic is about.", false, true], "MarXistemTWC": ["http://marxistem.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 143, "The worst best worst comic about gaming life and coexistence ever made in the Internet, for the Internet users. (WARNING: CONTAINS STRONG AND SEXUAL LANGUAGE)", false, true], "MarceliAndBryk": ["http://mib.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 204, "Wulfram Bryk is a private-eye. Marceli Szpak is his assistant and a bishounen. Bryk loves peace & quiet - two things that cease to exist when Marceli's around. And Marceli...Marceli loves to torture Bryk.", false, true], "Marebear": ["http://marebear.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Hi! I'm Marion. I like to share random moments in my life, but NO. FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM ARE NOT ENOUGH FOR THAT. So, I thought I'd make a comic to share the moments that I can't take pictures of or the things no one cares about! Enjoy!", false, true], "Mariamakiling": ["http://mariamakiling.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "a Filipino folk tale.", false, true], "MarioBrosGoforitLuigi": ["http://goforitluigi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "A revamp of an old comic I made which is featured on Deaviant art for a link here http://mawio876.deviantart.com/gallery/. anyways the series is basically about Luigi's love problems with daisy I hope u enjoy cuz nobody seems to read sprite comics On smackjeeves except for Mario vs Sonic Vs megaman...", false, true], "MarioandLuigiAdventuresintheVoid": ["http://mlav.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Mario and Luigi have ended up in the void! They do random things like kill toad and have random partys and fail moments.", false, true], "MarioandLuigiMisadventures": ["http://mandladventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 206, "Cackletta is up to no good and stuff", false, true], "MarioandLuigiTheLostPowerUp": ["http://lostpowerup.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "", false, true], "Mariorpgcrazyness": ["http://mariorpgcrazyness.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "the true story of what happened during the smithy Incident updates at least once a week", false, true], "MariosDayJob": ["http://mariosjob.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 234, "A silly comic about Mario and Luigi's \"real\" jobs as Plumbers. Updates weekly", false, true], "MariosMisadventures": ["http://mushroomkingdom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "A new kind of Super Mario Brothers web comic.", false, true], "MariovsSonicvsMegaMan": ["http://mvsvmm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 466, "It's a battle of the three main video game mascots of the late 80's and the early 90's, Mario, Sonic, and Mega Man. Who will win this titanic battle worthy of Pay-Per-View?", false, false], "MarkPTOpilot": ["http://markpto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "5 years of work down the drain? That\u2019s what happens when the robot you\u2019ve been building gets attacked by a virus even before you get the chance to activate it. ... or is it such a bad thing? Enter Mark, a robot that\u2019s been activated by accident, and\u2026 his personality isn\u2019t what you\u2019d call \u201crobot-like\u201d. Wanna know more? You can read all about it on the comic itself! More on http://ranterworks.com/markpto/", false, true], "MarsMind": ["http://marsmind.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 175, "Attempting a comic journal. Lets see where it goes.", false, true], "Mascara": ["http://mascara.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 525, "As the smartest boy in school and a prodigy, everyone expects Ian to be a high achiever--\u0097a future Nobel Prize winning genius. But he doesn't want to be the next Einstein. He just wants to be a makeup artist.", false, true], "Masked": ["http://masked.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Lydia Mason is a screw up, always has been. One day, she takes on a dare and finds a mask that turns her into a hero\u2014 or at least that\u2019s what she thinks. She just becomes a bigger menace and screw up.", false, true], "Maskedsociety": ["http://maskedsociety.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "with people so obsessed over being accepted and being normal people have made it a law to have a mask cover their expressions, having numbers for names, and plain suits as a dress code. This is about a masked man who meets a slightly insane women who teaches him how to live without the concern of others opinion.", false, true], "MasqueradeWTTM": ["http://masqueradewttm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 128, "Life sucks. Life sucks worse when you\u2019re doing it alone. Elias learns the hard way that falling down can be devastating without friends. And getting up after falling down is never easy. Unless, of course, you\u2019re not alone anymore. --- Masquerade will update on Sunday every week. NOTE: You may read up to two completed chapters ahead at Twelve Gates Manga (http://twelvegatesmanga.com). I post complete chapters there as opposed to weekly pages here. There are a few up already if you prefer to get ahead and read in bulk!", false, true], "MatildasSweetCakeCafe": ["http://mscc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "Welcome to Matilda's Sweet Cake Caf\u00e9! Here you'll find four (fan)service minded girls ready to satisfy your sweet desires. So come on in, have a seat and enjoy the scenery.", true, true], "MaverickDaze": ["http://maverickdaze.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 324, "A Mega Man X based sprite comic. Set in the year 22XX as the Hunters must face their most challenging threat yet!", false, true], "Mayhem": ["http://mayhem.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A very adventurous green hedgehog ends up a long ways away from his home planet and winds up in Mobius. What adventures would he go through just to get back his home planet? Let's find out.", false, true], "MaytheRainCome": ["http://maytheraincome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 524, "William Weasel returns home after seven years of war only to find his hometown deep in a drought, and his life eerily empty and devoid of meaning. ------------ This comic became finished on March 31st, 2013 - about a year and a half after I began it. May the Rain Come is rated PG-13 (for depictions of PTSD and scary moments). Inspirations: Black-and-white movies, cartoon animals, stories passed down through the family about the horrors of war.", false, true], "Mazscara": ["http://mazscara.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 955, "After her tragic suicide, Hollywood celebrity elite Victoria Starfield is ressurected and assigned by a secret supernatural organization called Crowd Control ,to protect five specific children (and her fans) from a slew of demons, serial killers, hellraisers and fallen angels. Her only weapon, 250 feet of razor sharp, flesh splitting barbed wire and an infinite trail of black tears. Call her, Mazscara. WARNING: Mazscara is rated +18 for Graphic Violence, Profanity and Mature Themes.", true, true], "MeandHim18": ["http://meandhim.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "~ Quick 6 page story about a digital romance ~", true, true], "MechaPenguin": ["http://mechapenguin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "a comic I made for an art class in 2010 about a penguin that builds a mecha suit in order to save his penguin wife who was kidnapped by a scientist!", false, true], "Medinas9lives": ["http://medinas9lives.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "In a land of endless sands, verdant oasis and powerful djinns Medina of Aavares is a swordswoman for hire. Her big mouth and bigger attitude always get her in trouble but Medina, like any cat, will always land on her feet. the first issue of a series i was planning to do but, eh, well, printing costs and shit happened ...so enjoy it for free. >.>", false, true], "MediocreAtBest": ["http://mediocre-at-best.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 136, "", false, true], "MeettheRobotMasters": ["http://meettherobotmasters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Wily is up to no good! wait... no he's not! wily has given up on evil and now the robot masters have mini-adventures in and out of wilys castle! --------------------------------------------------------- this comic will update on sundays!(hopefully)", false, true], "MegaManBattleNetwork7TheWorldTournament": ["http://mmbn7-twt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 564, "The year is 20XX... People are very lazy because they have Net Navis that do everything for them since even desks are controlled through the internet. Some people use these Net Navis for fighting and are called \"Net Battlers\". But, who is the strongest Net Battler? This tournament will decide that.", false, true], "MegaManDrWilysRevenge": ["http://megamanwilysrevenge.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Dr. Albert Wily is teaming up with Dr. Ivo Robotnik to stop both Sonic and Megman and stop them to prevent them to conquer the world they always tried to do. Credit is due! So it goes to Deccus for the original wily sprites, and RyanMC for making these. Also Rockman and Thomas Light (Dr. Light) made by RyanMC.", false, true], "MegaManTales": ["http://megamantales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 145, "Follow the Adventures of G.B.A, a boy who ended up the MegaMan world and must find a way back home. Status: FINISHED! FOR REALZ NOW!", false, true], "MegaManiacs": ["http://megamaniacscomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 169, "The adventures of the MM7 cast, plus the fun-loving Andante, in an attempt to stop the forces of evil.", false, true], "MegaPain": ["http://megapain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 160, "Core and Daniel find an old Mega Man 5 cartridge at a yard sale. As they pop it in, there's more to this game then they realize. A lot more. Updates on Wednesdays and Sundays.", false, true], "MegahyperecchioverloadGroperion": ["http://groperion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "a Crazy and ecchi Henshin comic by Andeh Pinkard - Rated OT(older teen) for pervy humor new comics every thursday It follows Captain a guy who can only transform into groperion when he looks at perverted stuff.", true, true], "Megaliscious": ["http://megaliscious.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "A megaman comic where I let whatever random thoughts pop into my mind run wild.", false, true], "MegamanChristmasCarolTheComic": ["http://mmctc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Welcome To Megaman Christmas Carol The Comic! Original Game/Flash Made By The Creator, ACE-Spark.", false, true], "MegamanXtream": ["http://megamanxtream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "What do you get when you take a room, put the Megaman cast in it, throw in some extra characters, add a joke book and a few GOOD punchlines, add an author and mix it all together? You get Chaos. What do you get when you add a little sense and a few plots? You get Megaman Xtream. Updates: Fri-Sun", false, true], "MeganeKaketeIkou": ["http://meganekakete.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Warning! This is an old story (made two years ago) so don't expect too much form it! ^^Don't say I didn't warn you! About a girl who has to pass her exams..but has some little problems here and there.", false, true], "Mehthatsme": ["http://mtme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Hello~! It's a simple comic that will be colored... with me... uhh.. yeah.. >_>;; Have fun~! C:", false, true], "MelchizedekKingofJustice": ["http://www.kingofjustice.com/comics/", 13, "A Christian superhero comic written and illustrated by Andrew Rowland. New Page updates every FRIDAY!", false, true], "MelodiesoftheHeart": ["http://melodiesoftheheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 115, "Rhi Grey is your average teenager, he loves music with a passion, he goes to school, hangs out with friends and works a job at his sisters local cafe, but he has a dangerous secret he's keeping from his friends and family, which is about to catch up to him very quickly. And When Lucy Turner, a young blonde writer and her family move back to the town of Chatsford, the two meet by chance, and an awkward start to a relationship begins. Though Love isn't always as simple as it seems, as many of the teens of Chatsford are about to find out. Also follow on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Mothseries for updates and news on the series", false, true], "MelodyAndMacabre": ["http://melodyandmacabre.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 365, "A little girl befriends Death and encounters those who seek him. An odd little series about obsession and... you guessed it... death.", false, true], "MementoMori": ["http://mementomori.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 110, "Agus & Karina are a lovely couple of college students enjoying their everyday life, until the day Agus receives a shocking new that will change his life forever. This is a pilot comic I did for publishing in my country, but since local publications aren't successful in here, it got scrapped.", true, false], "Memorandum": ["http://memorandum.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A Tiger&Bunny fancomic for Christmas. Characters: Kotetsu T. Kaburagi and Barnaby Brooks Jr. Rating: General", false, true], "MemoriesofMay": ["http://memoriesofmay.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "If you read Intrepid Hunters, here's a little One Shot about Gen (and Naoki, but mostly Gen). Maybe it'll help you understand him. Maybe it'll just confuse you. If you didn't read Intrepid Hunters yet, you should totally go, like right now. But if you didn't read it and don't mean to and still want to read Memories of May, the story's about a teddy bear, and all the memories it brings back... Hope you'll like it. I know it's a bit short, but don't worry, Gen will be more present in Intrepid Hunters, because, the thing is, we love him too.", false, true], "MemoryFragments": ["http://memoryfragments.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "THIS MANGA IS READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT!! (COMPLETED!) Due to her father's work, Tsubasa Kirihara has to move often. It has been 10 years since she left Chibamachi, a place where she met her first friend 10 years ago. This tme she was back, she hoped at least to see him once again. Tsubasa entered Chiba Koukou and was approached on her first day of school the first playboy she has ever seen... Was he her childhood friend? Or was that another classmate from the next class? -Ki Hiwatari", false, true], "MendedAndReturned": ["http://mendedandreturned.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Today my boyfriend broke up with me. I have no idea how to go on with my life, my only idea was to create a webcomic. This way I'll have a familiar media to order my thoughts, and figure out how to cope without him. He was an amaizing boyfriend, I can only be thankful for what he gave me over the time we spent together.", false, true], "Mephistos": ["http://mephistos01naniiebim.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "What do you do when you find yourself living next to an unusual neighbour?", false, true], "MercenaryAndTechnician": ["http://merctech.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "Merc & Tech is a sprite comic which has been under the works since late 2003. The series has gone through its ups and downs and after the latest down and a few year hiatus, Merc&Tech was rebooted entirely and presented exclusively at smackjeeves. Merc & Tech is a story of a group of friends who stumble into another world which is either a parallel world or a virtual world unintentionally created by one of the friends in an attempt to create a supercomputer to emulate virtual reality. Needless to say, that other world is essentially a conglomeration of worlds and interdimensions based from video games . . .", false, true], "MercenaryandSorceress": ["http://mercandsorc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Enfyse-Hier Heulog was once a mercenary in Gatagaf Tmodd-arhuf Rut-ruhush-hur, the Timod army. Rima Tanabassum is the only child of the Lord Tanabassum, de facto ruler of Yomstol. War with Greater Arduition looms in Yomstol, and the Lord Tanabassum has to act. His decision will prove to change more about the course of history in the Udreru Basin than even he, learned and wise and just as he is, could have imagined. Love is not proved by what the warrior does with her sword, but by what she does without it. LGBTQ/GSM fantasy adventure.", false, true], "Meripunzel": ["http://meripunzel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "What if Merida had rescued Rapunzel from the tower instead of Flynn? A star crossed love story between a Scottish princess and the lost princess of Corona.", false, true], "MerirosvotSeikkailumerella": ["http://merirosvotseikkailumerella.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "Satamakaupungissa asustavat kaverukset huomaavat kaupunginjuhlissa kaksi ep\u00e4ilytt\u00e4v\u00e4\u00e4 vierailijaa. Kolmikko p\u00e4\u00e4tt\u00e4\u00e4 ottaa selv\u00e4\u00e4 mit\u00e4 vierailijat ovat miehi\u00e4\u00e4n, ja p\u00e4\u00e4ttyv\u00e4t el\u00e4m\u00e4ns\u00e4 suurimpaan ja vaarallisimpaan seikkailuun.", false, true], "Merp": ["http://merp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Just a journal comic. Updates at least once a week, sometimes more.", false, true], "MetaGamers": ["http://metagamers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "DnD and gaming enthusiasts welcome! Dive in as we follow what is probably one of the least desirable parties as they go on an adventure to discover what it means to be men. Or something.", false, true], "Metabooandfriends": ["http://metabooandfriends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 999, "This is a comic where spriters of all skills and types can post their creations for constructive critisism", false, true], "MetalSonicThePathofAnguish": ["http://metalsonic-tpoa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Metal Sonic's journey of hate and anger climaxes in what may be his final confrontation with Sonic. A darker take on Metal Sonic's goal to defeat Sonic. Updates Saturdays.", false, true], "MetroJack": ["http://metro-jack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 155, "A gay ex-lumberjack and a straight metro-sexual room together while attending Boston College. Humorous shounen-ai hijinks and confused sexual orientations abound. BL/Yaoi UPDATES EVERY SUNDAY! Follow Metro-Jack on Tumblr!: http://metro-jack.tumblr.com/", true, true], "MetroidFive": ["http://metroidv.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "After her latest mission's failure, Samus must redeem herself by investigating an odd event on a plant in the outskirts of Galactic Federation space. What is she getting herself into? Updates on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week.", false, true], "MetroidSwarm": ["http://metroidswarm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Description coming soon. --- Set to begin in early 2014 --- Characters related to the Metroid series belong to Nintendo.", false, true], "MetropolisTheComicStrip": ["http://metropolis-comicstrip.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "\"Metropolis\" is an adventure web comic strip. Its format is modelled after classic adventure comic strips such as \"Flash Gordon\", \"The Phantom\" and \"Prince Valiant\". This smackjeeves comic is a mirror site for: https://sites.google.com/site/metropoliscomicstrip/ http://joaogdcanhoto.blogspot.ca/ This comic strip is self-rated for all ages! I hope that adults, kids, and families enjoy the adventures in the city of Metropolis.", false, true], "Metsastajat": ["http://metsastajat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 115, "Tarina kertoo kuudesta lukiolaisesta, joiden el\u00e4m\u00e4 muuttuu, kun he saavat teht\u00e4v\u00e4kseen mets\u00e4st\u00e4\u00e4 hirvi\u00f6it\u00e4. Mist\u00e4 ihmeest\u00e4 hirvi\u00f6t tulevat? Vain suomeksi (only in finnish)", false, true], "MewsDynasty": ["http://mews-dynasty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "A group of pokemon professors meet and decide Mews fate. How will Mew respond?", false, true], "MewtwosYellowAdventure": ["http://yellowmewtwo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "All humans go on that fateful journey when they turn 10 to explore the world and discover new Pokemon. But for a Pokemon like Mewtwo none of this makes sense. Why do humans do this? What do they experience? How do they differ from Team Rocket, who seek to control Pokemon? Well he's determined to find out! (with his buddy Pikachu [the Clone] of course!)", false, true], "MidEvil": ["http://mid-evil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "After the death of her father seven years ago, Julie Rhodes has gone through many trials during her childhood. But now, except for a few strange dreams, life has become quite stable...until monsters attack out of nowhere. When she is saved by a mysterious young woman with an otherworldly trick or two, things quickly go from strange to extraordinary. Brace yourself as you follow the story of Julie as she, her friends, her newfound \"Guardian\" and several other strangers have their lives become wound together in a mix of parrallel worlds, government conspiracies, secret societies and many other things in the realm of the bizarre! Once these individuals are united, the world as they know it will be turned upside down. For us, the year 2012 ended with a murmer. For them, it will end with a bang. This story is reccomended for ages +13 due to violence and brief instances of language Updates are on Saturdays!", false, true], "MidnightMan": ["http://midnightman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "A bunch of kids get together one night and decide to call upon an old ghost.", false, true], "MidnightPrince": ["http://midnightprince.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 212, "Jeremy Locke is just a normal high school student, but his best friend Erik has a secret. He's a vampire and not just any vampire, a prince! Alexei Drako is Erik's ex-fiance and he's the prince of Neutrals, a race mostly like the humans but with the power to use magic and known to live longer than five centuries. Two years after his painful break up with Erik, he's back to look for a new \"wife\" and has set his eyes on Jeremy! Will Erik let this happen and will Cleo Saint, Jeremy's stalker friend, allow it as well? *Not really planning to put mature things in it yet but it does contain strong language and sometime in the future partial nudity. It's not just Shounen Ai, there's hetero love too *UPDATES ON FRIDAY AND/OR SATURDAY*", false, true], "MidoriCityCityofTechnology": ["http://midoricity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Welcome to the futuristic city of Midori! Meet Pulley and Ratchet, two friends who didn't expect to be the ones saving the city from haywire robots, evil villains, and other disasters! -Updates when possible!-", false, true], "MikePascalesGameBuzz": ["http://gamebuzz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "Like some comedy with your sports? BUZZ, a hawk from Seattle, is a funny, fanatical fan who fights for his favorite football team every week\u2026often smacking down his rivals if need be! Join him and his cast of mirthful mascots every week for some wordplay and a smile. Go Hawks!", false, true], "MilicentWebb": ["http://milicentwebb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A young Virginia lace maker, Milicent Webb, is accused of being a witch and is thought to be behind the disappearances of young women in town. When Russel chases after Milicent after seeing her go into the forest, things begin to get strange. This is a minicomic completed for my Intro to Comics class. I finished this in like four days... Hahaha Enjoy!!", false, true], "MilkToastandMaple": ["http://milktoastandmaple.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "This comic is mainly about the life of Neil, and mainly for my own enjoyment. Yeah that's all.", false, true], "Milton": ["http://milton.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "The alternate prologue of how Milton met Wesley in a third world rules desert city.", false, true], "Mimesis": ["http://mimesis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "\"Be careful with what you wish for\" Theodor makes a stupid wish as a child. The wish is heard by Elias who makes the wish come true and Theodors world comes chrashing down on him. Who is Elias? What was the wish Theo made? And what is the truth? -Read left to right.- -There's going to be some soft bl, just so you guys know!-", false, true], "MineBlockPVPcomic": ["http://minepvp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "A comic that we fight in here!!! Battle and PVP together!!!", false, true], "MineBlockTheOriginal": ["http://mineblock-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 447, "It's like Minecraft, but it's two dimensional and the sprites are blocky! A story of hero go on their own adventure! Team work, boss battle, Pvp round and much more... NEW: Bridge Battle have open! challenge your friend and try to slay others on the bridge! Original creator/owner: BlueZero12/ EpicGames20 (I found him!) Co-Owner: Stone_Merten", false, true], "MiniComicTheater": ["http://minicomictheater.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Here's a collection of short comics I've done for anthologies and just for fun. Everything from talking shadow beasts, cross-dressers, and cyborgs can be found here.", false, true], "Minibot": ["http://minibot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 140, "Created from the \"Minibot Command\" threads on the Smackjeeves forums. People gave suggestions of what Minibot should do next and I drew them! Special thanks to MINIBOT COMMANDERS (listed alphabetically) Afrohawkman, AFStaff, Antitime, avian-reader, Bagpipe, Bat McStar, Beany, Bowserknight, BreakCanyon, Eggie, Gibson Twist, granmastern, Hunterkirizaki, Jake48.2, johlin, MacSimon, neoblade42, Pyroman, The Radical, robybang, skystears, SonicBoom01, SuperBiasedMan, Supertoad, and wendy w. Original threads here: http://www.smackjeeves.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10155 http://www.smackjeeves.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2534", false, true], "MischiefAndMarauder": ["http://mischiefandmarauder.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Mischief and Marauder are a couple of street-raised teenagers, making their way through life via pickpocketing. Today, they have a big heist in mind: stealing from the Royal Family itself. A short one-shot comic I created in the first semester of my University course, based on a weekend spent in London. Updating daily.", false, true], "MiseriaSkoolPrologue": ["http://miseriaskool-prologue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "\"Set somewhere in near-future city of London, a 17 year old girl named Kate, after going through some therapy since her parents were killed, was sent to Miseria School, an academy for people who possess unnatural powers like her. Kate meets other students and finds out there is a line between Common Elemental Powers and Unique Powers. Even though Kate was sent to academy without knowing what her real power is, she was instantly placed into the Unique Zone where she meets Eric, Jacqueline, Arisa and others. The chairman and founder of the school, Miseria, has plans for the talented freak students and she locks down the school with dormitory underneath it. All students realize that they must escape from the facility but at what cost when the future is unforeseen?\" Prologue for Miseria Skool focuses on characters' pasts before they have entered the school. Prologue 01 will focus on Runa Blanchett and Nei, how they both met in the city of London. Read Left-to-Right", false, true], "Mismatched": ["http://mismatched.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "in the world where the residents are already got used with strange things, a weirder tragedy happened. one city is destroyed but the peoples gone missing Jamal F. or his scret identity \"PENDEKAR BODO(BURMESE PHYTON KNIGHT which assumed to be dead 3 years ago after a fight with an alien entity)\" try to solve the mystery. but what will he find? -------------------------------- sorry for my bad english, still cant find someone who could translate it better", false, true], "Misonla": ["http://misonla.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "In Misonla lives trio of friends, the heir of king is lost and there are bad men doing bad things. There is also a bunny with big buttocks.", false, true], "MissGrey": ["http://missgrey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "Miss Grey is an aloof Grim Reaper who has wandered the globe quelling negative spirits and monsters for centuries. Bella Bonheur is a young paranormal investigator whose obsession with the dark and occult leads her to make a bizarre pact with Miss Grey- creating the most offbeat paranormal team on the planet. Miss Grey is created by Vegapunk {aka Kat}, who is coincidentally, a paranormal author, researcher, and radio show host.", false, true], "Missing": ["http://missing.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "When Alice's team is signaled missing, the lieutenant Rosae has to undertake a recovering mission. James will have to find his way in the tropical forest of Mesembre, which holds Underwater panthers, ninjas and a forgotten order besides natural dangers. But he will not be alone since Manon, Virgil and Setsu will be his teammates in this periple. However, this means James will also have much to do in his own team ... At least one update a week.", false, true], "Missingversionfrancaise": ["http://missingfr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "Quand l\u2019\u00e9quipe d'Alice est signal\u00e9e disparue, le lieutenant Rosae est charg\u00e9 d'une mission de secours. James devra se frayer un chemin a travers les for\u00eats tropicales de Mesembre, qui rec\u00e8lent des Panth\u00e8res d'Eau, des ninjas et un ordre oubli\u00e9 en plus d'innombrables dangers naturels. Le lieutenant ne sera toutefois pas seul car Manon, Virgil et Setsu seront ses co\u00e9quipiers pendant ce p\u00e9riple. Cependant, cela signifie que James aura aussi beaucoup \u00e0 faire avec sa propre \u00e9quipe... Update tous les jours jusqu'au rattrapage de la version anglaise et ensuite au moins une fois par semaine. English version : http://missing.smackjeeves.com/comics/1472832/cover/", false, true], "MissionSiren": ["http://missionsiren.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Following the installment of \"Flurry\" (http://flurry.smackjeeves.com) Scarecrow goes in on a mission to find a weapon that has been said to be hidden away. As it turns out, the \"weapon\"'s name is Siren.", false, true], "MitLiebegeschenkt": ["http://mitliebe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A little funny lovestory Final Fantasy VII Sephiroth x Cloud (Infantryman) Shounen ai (boyslove) read from left to right collaboration with Rouge-chan (Story & Translation) Drawings by me", false, true], "MitterMakDoodleDak": ["http://doodledak.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "Daily Doodles! Tell me what to draw!", false, true], "MixedFruitsOntheRace": ["http://mixedfruits.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Mixed Fruits!: On the Race???? Haha. Can't think of any better title LOL. I just thought of it because on the cover, they are in different colors just like fruits. Although, I'm still wondering if there is a blue fruit. So yeah, very random. This is a Doujin, characters in this comic are not mine. I'm a fan of this characters. I was done with this comic 3 years ago, it's a bit old. It wasn't published. Just posted it now. Characters: L [c] Deathnote, Naruto [c] Naruto series, Tsunayoshi Sawada & Reborn [c] Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Lavi Bookman Jr. [c] D.Gray-man, Snorlax [c] Pokemon", false, true], "MlordandtheTailor": ["http://mnt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "older teen rating A young tailor loses his business. He has not plans for what to do until he receives a letter from Lord Lavender of the House of High Tea. From the way others described the lord, he is picturing to meet with a old plump man but to his amazement the Lord isn't that old and is rather fetching. Still won't make up for his spoiled personality. The lord who was looking for a tailor to mend his coats gets a bit more than what he paid for. Will contain: all couples (Bl, Gl, and Hl) because everyone deserves love, comedy, drama, action, crazy outfits, wigs, tea,dress dressing and dancing Mature for sexual moments, violence and naughty humor", false, true], "MobianChaos": ["http://mobianchaos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 407, "Mobian Chaos: What year did rational thinking go out of style again?", false, true], "Modded": ["http://modded.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Ela Vice is a young woman trying to find her father. Lost in the old town of Brick Town, she meets up with a young modded man who is willing to help her find her father\u2026but for the price of having his mod removed. Will they find her father,or will Isotech find him first? Comic updates Mondays.", false, true], "ModernMyths": ["http://modernmyths.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "Ever since Zeus imprisoned the titans in the depths of Tartarus, Gaea has been out for revenge. Over the eons, she has sent countless giants in a lame attempt to overthrow the gods. Now, Gaea is sick of losing. She uses the only method she can to ensure her revenge: She grabs the gods and hurls them into another time period. The olden day Greek gods of Olympus find themselves at a loss in a new world full of ipads, canned food, hard rock and metal music, cars, and much more. ___________________________ *THIS IS NOT AT ALL LIKE PERCY JACKSON!", false, true], "Mokepon": ["http://mokepon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 399, "He wants to be the very best! That no one ever was... uh, no. Scratch that. Adventures and friendship were never something that appealed to Atticus... Shame that it's a pokemon world he lives in, and so teenage boys living in Pallet Town are not expected to sit idly by. But the life of a hero is not one he's about to consider; too much hard work for little reward, and so instead he embarks on his quest not to become the greatest... But at least, the richest. Although the biggest challenge may be ignoring the adventures and friendships which may attempt to ensnare him along the way... Updates Mondays and Thursdays.", false, false], "Monomi": ["http://monomi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Monomi is a drama focused around a school of scribes who find themselves under the tuition of the young prodigy Daisho. Meanwhile, outside the small city in the mountains war is coming.'The Brothers of the Land' an army of common men, plan to join the world as one and remove the social hierarchy created by the \u00e2\ufffd\ufffdgifted\u00e2\ufffd\ufffd with an unconditional genocide on the worlds blessed. Daisho and his class soon find themselves faced with eradication. Struggling in a world where they are no longer the gifted but the cursed, they must find a way to fight back against the Brothers.", false, true], "MonsterGirl": ["http://monstergirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 125, "An off and on comic first conceived during my elementary school years. The whole thing was pretty much a giant experiment for practice, though it's over now.Hope you like it if you're brave enough to read it! WARNING: This comic is EXTREMELY experimental, so try to ignore the ever changing artwork. Also it's pretty dramatized... Summary: A group of high school students have the ability to transform into animals, but what's the story behind their mysterious powers? Find out on their dangerous search for the answer.", false, true], "Monsters": ["http://monsters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "\"Monsters\" is the story of a too-curious-for-his-own-good high school student, whose world is turned upside down when he learns that not all tall tales are as tall as he once thought, and the myths, rumors, and urban legends that surround him may hold more truth than he bargained for. Not all things that creep and crawl in the night can be sundered by merely a boot, and the flick of a light. Here there be Monsters.", false, true], "MonstersoftheLake": ["http://motl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "I've always aspired to upload something onto here...! It's not really a comic, but a story? I hope it's still okay. This was actually a secret santa gift for one of my good friends~ I drew it a couple of months ago. It took quite a lot of time to draw it all out, but it was a fun experience. I hope you enjoy it.", false, true], "MoonEatersfr": ["http://mooneatersfr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "", false, true], "MoonValley": ["http://moonvalley.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Her old school was a nightmare because of him, the school bully Demian... So Kaia is anything but happy to go back there in her last year. Besides she wants to learn virtual creating and there is no virtual net in that small town, where she grew up... Or at least that is what she thinks... For there is a new boy in her class and he is the reason why nothing is the same as before...", false, true], "Moondance": ["http://moondance.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "As if Claude didn't have enough problems (being a depressed socially inept teenager, having no friends, living with the most affectionate couple on planet earth... oh yeah, and being a werewolf) already, this unusual guy with bad intentions and miraculously styled hair keeps following him around. What's a poor Claude to do? (Updates Thursdays)", false, true], "Moonglow": ["http://moonglow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Tora meets \u00c1lmos in her dream, and they fell in love with eachother at first sight. They promise to meet again, but they don't know that Vela \u2013 the Goddess, and Raz \u2013 the demon is watching them. Raz doesn't believe in love while Vela thinks the lovers can meet again. They bet with eachother.", false, true], "MoonlightApparition": ["http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 113, "When Jason and his friends, Toby and Robbie, go out on an adventure to take a look at an old building, they get taken by surprise at the monsters hiding inside! Werewolves! However, it appears there is more to the existence of these creatures than meets the eye. Following along on a bumpy path, Jason and his friends embark on a journey discovering more monsters and their existence as well as the power within themselves. _________ THERE WILL BE STRONG LANGUAGE, SUGGESTIVE SCENES, BLOOD AND GORE, IN THIS COMIC! I RECOMMEND AGES 12 +", false, true], "MorningStar": ["http://morning-star-webcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "This is a yaoi story about a capo's son named Adam who doesn't give a crap about anything or anyone, yet he finds joy in picking on his classmate Daniel, who only fights back with words and never complains about this. Daniel seems to know something about Adam that he himself hasn't quite figured out, how long will it take Adam to know how both of their pasts are related?", true, true], "MorningStarPrologue": ["http://morningstar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "The soul of a warrior travels back into hell to repay a debt.", false, true], "MorphE": ["http://morphe.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 125, "Updates Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7am EST. After their rescue from a madwoman's hellish subterranean caverns, five humans have their eyes opened to the dark truth lurking under normal society. A \"benefactor\" takes them in, but he's a cold-blooded killer with a deadly fixation on the new mages. In a world of magic, mages, and far creeper creatures, can he be trusted? Can anyone? Warning: morphE is a kinetic novel slightly animated in flash. It involves themes of brutal violence, sexuality (gay, straight, and other), and much cruelty. If dark or adult content offends you, this may not be your cup of tea.", false, true], "Mortifer": ["http://mortifer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1331, "This comic has been completed! RATED WEB14 and up for gore and foul language! A mercenary team compiled of three men, Valentine, the asian prostitute obsessed with money, Mathew, a bloodlusting vampire with an anger problem, and Joey, an intellegent, but very odd, mercenary who always smiles. Things go well, until the presidency of the mercenary company is handed over to Joey, after mysterious death's of his competitors. Things slowly begin to get dangerous... and people's secrets begin to get exposed. Is Joey actually planning good things for the company... or something much more horrible?", false, true], "MoteMote": ["http://mote-mote.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Hiiragi Keiichi is a violin virtuoso who is also teenage heartthrob of his school. He can have any girl he desires, may she be younger or older, but what happens when he's the one falling for, not just one, but two girls? Just another Onegai My Melody doujinshi~ Visit the galleries and archives in kurohiko.com!", false, true], "MountainofMazes": ["http://mountainofmazes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Manta is a troll of a rare sort, and lives with her family, constantly moving from place to another. One night, after telling a bedtimestory to her brothers, a group of bandits attack, taking her to the Mountain of Mazes, wich is ruled by a cruel monster...", true, true], "MovingForward": ["http://movingforward.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Southern California boasts the most prestigious school in all of America with its promising young geniuses. But what price does great talent come at? As several cliques and friends intertwine a group of teenagers and their families learn how to not only strengthen their bonds with each other, but to move forward from the events that severed them in the first place.", false, true], "Mpregcomics": ["http://mpregcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Super Dangan Ronpa 2 character Komaeda welcomes us to the island he lives on, where there are only three people alive and he is pregnant. Provided as-is with no alterations from the orginal. In the author comments I include relevant comments from me (Jim), Nils (the original intended receiver of the comic), and any other important comments from people.", true, true], "MrCat": ["http://mr-cat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Xander has always hidden the fact that he's gay, as well as the fact that he's obsessed with cosplaying. It's the start of a new semester and moving into a new apartment; but no one told him his new roommate was Percival, one of the most attractive and popular guys on campus. Will Xander be able to keep his secrets from slipping? BL Read from left to right.", false, true], "MrFactory": ["http://mrfactory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 559, "Dee Bananahead is the coolest gangstah in da hood. Burglarizing 50 banks in 1 night? NO PROBLEM. But when she makes an outrageous promise to blow up the factory that everyone in the city hates, things start getting complicated. Updates, like, everyday. Unless it doesn't. But it typically does.", false, true], "MrGrimmsCircusofHorrors": ["http://grimms.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 201, "Lucia has a less than perfect life. One day she decides to run away. But there is one problem with her plan... She has absolutely no where to go. That is, until a strange flyer smacks her in the face. \"A freak show huh? I've never been to a circus before.\" Rated PG 13. Contains: Violence, some crude humor, blood, some romance.... Later.... This comic is boyXgirl. Reads right to left.", false, false], "MrToothpick": ["http://mrtoothpick.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "The many adventures of Mr. Toothpick. I first used to doodle this in the 8th grade during class, people liked it so I decided it shall continue on in this webcomic.", false, true], "MrXvioussStranded": ["http://mrxstranded.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "I've crashed my airship on a desert island. Will I survive!? SKETCH COMIC :D", false, true], "Muchtoolate": ["http://muchtoolate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A 24 hour comic (2008/10/18) This is the story of Rute, a woman who has no faith or interest in reality, and likes to fantazise about a fairy-tale world where she's happy.", false, true], "MuffinsFTW": ["http://muffinsftw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "So sad the muffin just wanted a friend on her birthday. Lucky for her the Muffin queen took pity on her. Best birthday gift ever\u0085\u0085.I think. @_@;;", false, true], "MullanAlla": ["http://mullanalla.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Why the hell are most webcomics about supernatural and fantasy and gay guys? This is one of them and not even really that good. Welcome to read Mullan Alla, a comic which even uses a lame joke as it's name. (Does not include vampires.)", false, true], "MultiDimensionalChildren": ["http://multidimensionalchildren.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "", false, true], "Munich1945": ["http://muenchen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "Germany/Munich, April 1945. A little story about how the people managed to live after the Second World War and tried to rebuild their hometown. And how an American Soldier falls in love with a girl :) I always loved the idea placing a romance story during or after war. And where -I do believe- \"Love at the first sight\" sill existed.The female role could be acting strong but also weak. Plus i could take a setting which I'm familiar with: Munich. I'm trying to gain as much information as possible. Hoping to the get history facts right!", false, true], "MurderLollipop": ["http://murderlollipop.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "On a dare, a group of friends enter an abandoned house and find an old board game called \"Kandy Kingdom\". Little do they know that it's a portal into the sugar-coated world itself. But it isn't nearly as friendly as it seems. Don't be fooled by it, or you might just get eaten alive. Coming October 31st.", false, true], "MuseumMischief": ["http://musuemmischeif.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "The story of a museum security guard who's bored out of his life. Also can be read here: http://tapastic.com/series/Museum-Mischief", false, true], "MushroomBowlSeason1Finale": ["http://mushroombowl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "It's been a long (delay-ridden) road to this point, and now two years and fourteen matches of varying quality (seriously) later, it's finally come down to this... in glorious all-new high-tech SPRITE-O-VISION! (For the rest of the battles, look in the Archives.)", false, true], "MusicomicAllIWanted": ["http://alliwanted.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "What if a song was a comic? \"All I Wanted\" Written by Hayley Williams & Taylor York Published by WB Music Corp (ASCAP) But Father, I just Want To Sing Music (ASCAP)/Copyright 2009 Hunterboro Music (ASCAP)/Meaux Hits (ASCAP). All rights administered by EMICMG Publishing. Listen to the song first! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssAEYv5ws9w", false, true], "MustyPink": ["http://mustypink.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A girl goes to summer camp right after graduating middle school... Then she realized she had to be the only girl in the camp and needs to live in a dorm with boys. Please read left to right.", false, true], "Mutabor": ["http://mutabor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Consider this an attempt.", false, true], "Mutations": ["http://mutations.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "There are children being born ill, and there is no cure. Now in their teens, a group of these children have been selected for a new round of medical research. But little do they know the real motivation behind the search for a cure.", false, true], "Muurabits": ["http://muurabits.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 72, "One-shots, short comics, and 24HCD-comics done by Muura all in one place.", true, true], "My8BitStory": ["http://my8bitstory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Original Website: http://my8bitstory.com Updates Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays! 'My 8 Bit Story' It\u2019s a wordless comic about a girl traveling through old Gameboy games, it's mostly a visual voyage and nostalgia.", false, true], "MyABCBook": ["http://myabcbook.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 63, "A coloring book on learning the ABCs made by Mary!", false, true], "MyAdolescentLife": ["http://myadolescentlife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Life is difficult. Life is funny. So I decided to vent my hilarious moments and hardships in a comedic representation of my life. My first webcomic.", false, true], "MyAffection": ["http://myaffection.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "As much as Ren liked her daily life, she stumbled upon a group of people. Out of curiosity she decided to tag along, only to find out it's more than what she hoped for. Like a butterfly caught in a spider's web, how will she deal with the overflowing affections around her? This is a side-story based from the collaborative story \"Utopia High.\" ***Comic is read: left-to-right ***Updates: On-going (weekly)", false, true], "MyBoyfriendIsADemon": ["http://mbiad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Victoria Cross has never had an ordinary life. No one really notices her, she has always struggled with friends, she's never been lucky in love and to top it off, she has constant nightmares of being devoured by demons. However, Victoria begins to think her luck is finally changing when she meets the man of her dreams who turns out to be her childhood friend but she soon discovers his dark secret, her new boyfriend is actually a demon! Supernatural / Romance Reads Left to right", false, true], "MyBoyfriendisaMobBoss": ["http://mbmb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "Jace Indoveri gets asked out by one of the most well known and liked people at his college, Xander Aio. Taken by surprise by this confession, Jace accepts and begins to date him. By spending more and more time with Xander, Jace finds out a really outrageous secret, Xander is the head of the most powerful Mob circuits around. But that shouldn't get in the way of their relationship would it?? Reads RIGHT TO LEFT Is a yaoi! and will contain intimacy. So be fair warned!! Also contains: some bad language and Violence in certain situations.", true, true], "MyDearBrother": ["http://mydearbrother.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "This is a story about my dear brother. It is most certainly not about me. My brother is a foolish man, and sick to his very soul. It is this sickness that drives him deep below ground. He has never told anyone where he goes. I know where he goes. Into the labryinthian corridors of this rotted beast, he loses himself. I know only I can help him escape. I know the longer he remains in this place, the more difficult it becomes for him to find the exit. This is a story about my dear brother. It is not a story about me.", false, true], "MyFakeHeart": ["http://myfakeheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 230, "A tale of unending confusion, aggravation, adoration, and exclamation. Amanda's best friend just got dumped. How else to win her ex back than by pretending to date Amanda? Meanwhile, playboy of the school Zach has discovered he's rather bored toying with all the girls who fawn over him. After kissing Amanda's brother Leonard on a dare, he decides to do some follow up; he wants to know if he is so hot a guy would fall for him. Luckily for him, Leonard's already interested in his gender. Less work for Zach! In case you can't tell, it's full of gay kids. There's like, three straight kids total. If that doesn't float your boat, don't rock mine.", false, false], "MyFunnyValentine": ["http://myfunnyvalentine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Kyouji Matsushita is the Super Executive Managing Director of his family's company. Kristina Adams is his secretary. The two of them had been together for five years almost. As time approaches their anniversary, Kyouji starts to see her in a different light. Is it all for show or has this spunky yet professional woman really made a difference in his life? ONE-SHOT read RIGHT to LEFT in traditional manga style.", true, true], "MyHeroine": ["http://myheroine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "Sorry about this but I had to rerelease it for some reason it got deleted... Madam Susan is a world class fencer, whom's only focus is being better than the men who belittle her. Though there is one man sir Stephan fye who is always taking care of her. This is the story of an extremely stubborn girl and a very assertive man! genres: action drama historical romance shoujo comedy one shot updates every monday Wednesday", false, true], "MyHomophobicNeighbor": ["http://myhomophobicneighbor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "This is about two guys, Danny- a laid back, clumsy, messy, school cafeteria worker and a man and woman-izer- and Alex- a hypochondriac, neat freak, homophobic, and for some reason unknown single. Alex is pretty good looking, but never agrees to take a woman out on a date, as opposed to Danny, who has his nightly catches stumble out in the mornings. But with some turn of events, Alex and Danny end up living temporarily under the same roof. What could come of this horrid conundrum? Yaoi, Gay, Penises may arrive here, naked, mmm. It's turning out to be a lot more dramatic and upsetting.. There may be rape.. D: Sorry... This is getting depressing... There will be people who hate gays. Very much. So if you're an offend-able person, please move along. Also, if you yourself hate gays. Bye. NOTE: My art is absolute shit at the beginning... -.- And it's still not that good now, half a year after beginning it...", true, true], "MyKawaiiNekoMaid": ["http://kawaiimaid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Ichigo-chan is forced to work for a man thanks to his mother who lost him in a bet! Forced to do things against his will, Ichigo-chan will have a hard time in this guys mansion. BL! nya! Don't like don't read, :3", false, true], "MyLifeisShoujo": ["http://mylifeshoujo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "Very much true journal comic of me trying to achieve the \"shoujo life.\" Meanwhile being really socially awkward and not knowing what to do half the time. (unscheduled updates)", false, true], "MyLittlePuy": ["http://mlp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "These are previews to the actual comic available at: http://pervycomics.com/mlp Join Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and the others as they try to find the Magical Watch of Time and the Enchanted Skull to help them turn into older humans so they can engage in a massive sex orgy! (This is a porn parody based on \"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic\", also called, \"MLP:FiM\".) *Plus a special appearance from a surprise guest who works behind the scenes for the original show, plus lyrics to a remixed version of the theme song!*", true, true], "MyLovelyTeacherYumiramaia": ["http://yumiramaia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "Categories: Ecchi, Drama, Comedy Greenfield High is considered as the top performing school in the whole country. An all boys school, and most of the students are geniuses gathered from rash environments. They are former troublemakers and school kick-outs but then, this school changed them a lot. A teacher named Yumira Maia Leafbreeze came to this school by the command of the president of Ravengate Academy, the school next to Greenfield High as the top performer, to make Ravengate Academy overtake Greenfield High. She, then, seduce her students while teaching for them to be distracted. Her plan made a great progress. Every student started to make their grades fall. But one student named Setheros Eriol ,known as Seth the greatest student in the whole country, didn't affected by those tactics. Will she be able to defeat Seth? Or she will be the one who will be defeated? NOTE: THIS SERIES IS READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT.", false, true], "MyPlaceInSpace": ["http://myplaceinspace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "The life of Ken, a man that can't find his place in the world, join in reading his journey to his true home.", false, true], "MyRandomSHOWCASE": ["http://myrandomshowcase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "My showcase......and stuff", false, true], "MySistertheDragon": ["http://sisterdragon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 127, "A boy finds an egg in the woods, and he and the dragon that hatches from it are raised as brother and sister. Hijinks ensue, including but not limited to the wacky variety.", false, true], "MySparklingPrincesama": ["http://kiraouji.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 104, "Before you start... THIS MANGA IS READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT! ------------------- \u79c1\u306e\u30ad\u30e9\u30ad\u30e9\u306e\u738b\u5b50\u69d8 \u2665 (My Sparkling Prince-sama \u2665) While Hanami was at the beach during one summer vacation, she met a boy who was making a pendant by the seaside. After he left she found a pendant with a name tag. When she went back to high school the following year, Hanami joined the Jewellery Club, and to her surprise, the president of the club was the student council president, who was a complete... nerd. ------------------- Genre:: SHOUJO, shoujo and more shoujo <_<... (you can tell from that lame title...)", false, true], "MyStereoBot": ["http://mystereobot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 142, "In the city of Voxen Tin, Infinity, an odd looking stereohead, tries to live his life as best as he can, along with his partner, Cloudburn,and his cousin, Ohm", true, true], "MyTrollLife": ["http://mytrolllife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 115, "This is a webcomic with rage comics surrounding real events in my life. NOTE: these comics are for jokes and laughs and should not be juged (but if you wanna still bitch then why are you here in the first place, you knew what you were gonna expect in the tittle's picture) UPDATES: *Normal Schedule: Once A Week*", false, true], "MyTwoCentsPlusTax": ["http://mtcpt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 148, "In the modern world there are many evils out there. Super villains who want to destroy the world, Evil masterminds with plans for revenge, and bad dudes who go around not paying their taxes. It is up to Sanders, Jock, and Payton, three tax collectors, to bring these evil fiends to justice! Contains: [Cartoon Violence.]", false, true], "MyWolf": ["http://mywolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "This is just quick comic I made for my friend in year 2011. It was made in one and half week so the quality isnt that great xD But one friend of mine asked me to submit this,so.. HERE WE GO. CONTAINS POOP AND PLOT THAT MAKES NO SENSE.", false, true], "MyZombieDays": ["http://zdays.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 173, "Gags about zombie movie's cliche.", false, true], "Mynewlife": ["http://newlife2us.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "tsukasa coming with here mom to a new towt it 5 years that her dad diad she 15 years old all that ok but when the summer over the school coming", true, true], "MysteryTour": ["http://mysterytour.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "In a different dimension of time and place, but still very same to the kind of ours; a city, where people are talking about an old urban legend, about a game called Mystery Tour. Nobody knows when it started, nobody knows what happens in the game, nobody ever comes back. Still, many are curious, and go missing. Then one day, two childhood friends choose to try it. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ This is a very old comic project of mine and Pita. The first version of this comic was published at 2006 in Finnish. Also, this is the fourth version, and the first one where the characters have appeared as humans. http://pitao.deviantart.com/ http://parsaninja.deviantart.com/", false, true], "MysticanDreams": ["http://mysticandreams.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 416, "A story about a war torn country lead by the Golden Raced Echo and her insane father who happen to clash against the Silver Raced queen and her plot to take over the entire country of Mystica. (Yuri)", false, true], "MysttheBookofAtrusComic": ["http://mystcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 143, "An unofficial, fan-made graphic adaptation of \"Myst the Book of Atrus\" by Rand and Robyn Miller with David Wingrove. Prequel to \"Myst\" (1993), the best-selling PC game created by Cyan, Inc (now Cyan Worlds, Inc). Characters and story used with permission. Story: Atrus and his grandmother live alone in the middle of the desert. His grandmother excites him with stories about the D'ni, a race of people who lived long ago. Atrus' father, Gehn, comes to claim Atrus and share with him the amazing power of the D'ni. When Atrus starts to question what he's been taught, how can he find out the truth?", false, true], "MythsofMars": ["http://mythsofmars.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Every culture has its myths to explain why certain events take place, and the Martians are no different. A Space 1889 comic.", false, true], "MythsofUnovaAWhiteNuzlockeRunHardMode": ["http://mythsofunova.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 113, "Sort of a sequel of my Diamond Nuzlocke Run! You can read the previous nuzlocke comics here: http://ky-nim.deviantart.com/gallery/28245977 Different region, different characters...or are they so different from the first? See how Nina and her two best friends set out on an adventure that may be more life-changing then they initially had wanted...", false, true], "Mywolfraincomic": ["http://mwrc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "The wolf rain gang is back and they got some new friends. After being brought back to life one by one from the angel, Ivy, they're quickly attacked by Darcia's new assistant, Skipper.\u00a0 With Sylvia as their guide, they're off to find Cheza and paradise. Who would have known they would need to remember the past to understand the future.\u00a0 And\u00a0yes, I know I kinda make things seem like it happen fast in this but in the world theyre in, you don't have time to sit down. You're either running from something, fighting something, being fought by something, and so on.\u00a0 Parts of this comic can be found in n13's life(not posted on smackjeeves yet), hey mr mister(not posted on smackjeeves yet) and a few other stories that escaped my mind at the moment. \u00a0 Wolf's rain characters (c) bones Others(c) monster inside", false, true], "NEGATIVE": ["http://negative.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Short manga comic I made around three years ago ^ ^ Two boys accidentaly met up at the restaurant - one of them is pessimistic and moody, secon extravertic and cheerful. It turns out that they see the same places and situations in totally different way.", false, true], "NERDALERT": ["http://nerd-alert.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 318, "The lives of a geek and a nerd - these things really happened. We hit nothing but books! Updates mostly on Sundays and Wednesdays nowadays.", false, true], "NERDYQUEST": ["http://nerdyme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A dimension or time portal has brought you to a different world. Monsters and Magic and SCIENCE, OH MY! UPDATES: Random dumps of 2-5 posts. 1-2 times a week.", false, true], "NET": ["http://net.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "[READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT] Minds of billion people living on the Earth meet in one place: a dimension called NET. Part of them don't even know about such place's existence, the others heard something about it and treat NET like another ghost- or UFO story; but there are also people, who are able to enter into NET and rummage among every information that is known to humankind. Even if it doesn't seem so, it's terrifying, powerful ability. That's why NET is under an extremely strict control. Only the most talented and honest of surfers can experience NET's true enormity. Rei Nagata jumped into the spin of occurences totally unexpectedly and he still can't understand the gravity of what is happening around him. Was that the accident, or maybe Rei is one of heroes of te NET? Was that fortune or fate...? And who is this girl with unnaturally green eyes? In the world of a mind domination... what will be your role to play...? Nowadays, we are not as brave as our forefathers. And Rei knows that very, very well. Updated irregularly.", false, true], "NIGHTSHADETHEMERRYWIDOW": ["http://nightshadethemerrywidow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 125, "The adventures of a middle aged, black widow spider named Nightshade and her friends. \"Spiders are the original vampires\"", true, true], "NIK": ["http://nik.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 548, "The Character: Nikolai is a young mage who shows great potential. He is able to wield magic without using his hands or chanting words by using the light magic he has webbed around him at all times. The Plot: The world has forever been balanced between good and evil. Each mortal lying somewhere between the two extremes. Now that a new mage has taken over the council, the light beings have a burst of power which breaks the balance they have with the dark beings of the world. And they aren't willing to keep the balance, no, the mage council decides to use this power for all they can and wipe out every ounce of dark-energy in their section of the world... This balance being broken can change many things. The mortals are directly influenced by the energies! But wouldn't a world of pure light magic be a good thing? ... (This is a BL, yaoi, shounen ai, boy-love comic. With some Hetero.)", false, true], "NOCTIVAGARI": ["http://noctivagari.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Welcome to the Underground, a sprawling network of underground cities and tunnels that has existed beneath us for hundreds of years with only a select few ever knowing of its presence. It plays home to all kinds of nightmares, none of which want to be your friend. Save for one.", false, true], "NYANCAT6650sORIGINALTOURNAMENT": ["http://originaltournament.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "A bunch of people fight in a tournament for the title of MOST ORIGINAL CHARACTER! Sprites here: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=137276", false, true], "NaikoNuzlockePokemonY": ["http://pokemonnuzockey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "", false, true], "NaikoWorld": ["http://naikoworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "[Spanish only] Un monton de estupidos hechos bola en una casa por ninguna buena razon, les pasan cosas sin sentido y hay romances chafas por ah\u00ed. (Spoiler: La ensalada explota) [Ize esto cuando tenia como 12-14 anios asi que se pueden imaginar los contenidos..pero debo admitir que los chistes estupidos valen la pena. En su mayoria solo lo subo por razones historicas.]", false, true], "NarutoAwakening": ["http://narutoawake.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "", false, true], "Narutolightingstorm": ["http://narutols.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Free to go out and do missions, visit, and more. their will be creative characters, or recolor. Rules: -killing. (only your charterers, or ask the author) -Blood. (not too much) -swearing. (only once per page) -no sexually stuff. -no drug or drinking. -random stuff that not part of the comic you know who you are, and you know what this rule means, if you break the rule once the authors will mark for 3 mouths, and on your second mark the comic you posted will be deleted, and third you will be kick out. this comic is for people who are a Naruto fan, what there creation are, and able to do what they want in the Naruto world. We try to have this comic at least Rate PG-13 or less.", false, true], "Narutosensei": ["http://narutosensei.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "He had many teachers\u2026 But now it is his time to teach his students the most important lesson\u2026 ------------------------ Read from RIGHT to LEFT ------------------------ Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto *** NB! This fancomic is in progress and it will be finished", false, true], "Nebula": ["http://nebula.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "About a little foxy girl, and a giant wolf.", false, true], "Negligence": ["http://negligence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 518, "Two kids, a bottle of mouthwash, and an almost non-existent parental figure. What could possibly go wrong, besides cult families, twisted public television shows, a baby's death, and a pseudo-incestuous relationship? Welcome to Negligence, a crazy journey.", false, true], "NekosAdventure": ["http://nekonobouken.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "about two heroes, kawaii mahou shoujo neko-sama and her companion Graham, on a mission to save the world", false, true], "NekotheKitty": ["http://www.nekothekitty.net/comics/", 1056, "Comic about a cute little kitty cat who's really quite cheerful about how much he hates everything. Ireland's #1 webcomic, online since 2002!", false, true], "NelBluDipintodiBlu": ["http://volare.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "An Axis Powers Hetalia doujinshi I made for a fanzine with some friends :3 It's GerIta (Germany x Italy) Shonen-ai, based on the song \"Nel Blu Dipinto di Blu (Volare)\" by Domenico Modugno. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-DVi0ugelc Thanks for reading!", false, true], "NemesisKatharsis": ["http://nemesiskatharsis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 158, "Jove is the descendant of the most powerful magical clan in Nokt'ader - the Aerin. She is expected to be a magic user of legend by her parents and clan. Unfortunately, she cannot even learn how to... levitate. With almost no affinity for magic, and considered the black sheep of her family, Jove harbors the ridiculous notion of one day becoming the land's... Arch Mistress of Magic! Updating schedule: heavily variable! :s I'm also working on Sailor Moon: The Enemy Next Door, and that's my priority :) but as this here is MY baby, I'll do my best to post often Genre: fantasy/adventure/romance Edit 10.12.2012: Regarding updating, I've decided to get more regular and update at least ONCE per week. What day of the week that will be is literally dependent on the position of the stars. But at least I'm introducing some structure. Yay!", false, false], "NeoCrystalAdventures": ["http://neocrystaladventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1331, "My best, and longest lasting attempt at a sprite comic! Has a mix of things, ideas, and characters in it! All put into a dramatic/romantic/comedy setting! Currently numbering at 1200+ comics and still going strong, this comic is updated daily if at all possible! Enjoy your stay, and have fun reading!", false, true], "NeonGlow": ["http://neonglow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "Animals exposed to a special nuclear radiation and die become what is called a Neons. Neons are a phantom/zombie creatures that can be dangerous. Its up to Zedof and Jake to hunt them down to keep them from harming the public. May have some light boy love, but it is not the main focus of the comic.", false, true], "NeuroticGriffin": ["http://neuroticgriffin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Neurotic Griffin is a strip based on the day to day life of an artist who tends to draw herself as a griffin. Specifically, I'm thegriffin88 and when I'm not tearing my feathers out over Semi-Charmed I'm doodling this.", false, true], "NeverSurrender": ["http://neversurrender.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "The vampire coven known as the Demon Whisperers are feared across the lands. One initiate, Phoebus, has just finished his training and is about to meet his demon. This story is prequel to the project between OtterFox and myself on y!gallery called The Wanderer and the Wyvern (linked below... possibly to the side.) Will be updated Tuesdays and Fridays. Warning for violence and sexual themes.", true, true], "NevermoonawerewolforpokeaPooka": ["http://werewolvesandpookies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 117, "Troopers is a young orphaned werewolf who is still learning a lot about his wolf side along with his human side. Not to mention he's got the mysteries murders beast monster out for his blood. But atlest he has found another loving werewolf pack family( who prefer to be called Shifters) who taken him in and are treating him just like family. But that was before Trooper fell off that cliff into the icy river that carried him to a strange part of the woods. Were instead of other werewolf's and shifters, he meets the strange Pookies creatures. What are Pookies? What do they want with stray dogs? How will Trooper get back to his pack? Can he trust his knew friend Iggy the shy young Pooka who found him? Or is Trooper doomed to live the rest of his life as a Pookies pet dog ( even though he's a wolf) . and thats only if the Beast doesn't get him first. some pages are also on dabbycats at deviantart.com you can also read the original story (without drawsing) at thoughts.com under the blog dozzer. look for the same cover art", false, true], "NevertheHero": ["http://neverthehero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "Far in the future, select humans have gained powers known as 'talents'. This is what happens when some complete jerks gain these talents. Updates Mondays and Fridays. Contains violence and some gore.", false, true], "Nevertrustaduck": ["http://nevertrustaduck.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A journal comic ...That's pretty much it. For now!", false, true], "NewHome": ["http://newhome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "Short info: After Ring the Cat and Danny the Hedgehog suddenly land into dept, where they can not pay for their house or for themselves, a friend comes along and helps them along through it. Giving them a place to stay at their mansion. But little did they know new problems will appear which includes breakups, battles with friends and enemy's, and a huge problem which the whole team will have to tackle together. Based off an RP me and my friend did. This comic will be colored tranditional, ..but the first couple chapters are pretty bad in drawing skill. xD Remember this a year old comic, but when you read on, you will see an improvement! This comic will be updated monthly, due to how long it takes to plan and color. Also found on DeviantART: http://www.newhome-comic.deviantart.com/ Hope you enjoy! ;)", false, true], "Nexus": ["http://nexus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "Magical girls and monsters abound! Updates Fridays!", false, true], "NibblyBits": ["http://nibblybits.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "A cute little story about cute little things. All about Momo Bunny, Kibou Raccoon, the things they do, and all their friends~! It plays out like an inappropriate coloring book. You'll either read it and love it or...you don't deserve to know.", false, true], "NiceKitty": ["http://nicekitty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 254, "UPDATES TUESDAY, THURSDAY,and SATURDAY! About Nice Kitty: It is the touching coming of age story of a young boy and his cuddly feline companion, trying to find love and acceptance in a world fraught with peril and harsh realities. Will the mysterious new friend they meet one fateful day be able to answer the call of their lonely hearts, and bring some life and color to their otherwise blue and lonely world? You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll pray for it to stop, but It won't because you can't stop the rock and why are you still reading this? You came to read the comic so READ already. This drivel certainly won't help you understand the story any better. Get going! And just remember: Be nice to your kitty, and he'll be NICE to you..........", false, false], "NighHeavenandHell": ["http://newnighheavenandhell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 237, "A grudge as old as mankind. Three travelers entwined by fate. This road, once travelled, can never be undone. Between damnation & salvation, you find the truth hidden by God, Nigh Heaven & Hell. //Updates Every Friday//", false, true], "NightKids": ["http://nightkids.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 236, "A Dramatic Graphic Novel about Trauma and Transcendence.", false, true], "NightMares": ["http://the-nightmare.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A short comic about a nightmare.", false, true], "NightSky": ["http://nightsky.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Julia has narcolepsy and doesn't like the real world. She takes refuge in her dreams to avoid dealing with reality, but reality doesn't want to let her go that easily and when Isac shows up her world is turned upside down.", false, true], "Nightfill": ["http://nightfill.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Deidre Adams hates her job and her life...Stuck working Nightfill at Better Off, a small grocery store, Deidre deals with annoying customers, slightly less annoying workmates and dimensional monstrosities...", false, true], "NihilWandasJourney": ["http://nihil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 104, "I did this comic in coorperation with a friend of mine. Drawings, idea, characters and translation [The originalversion is in German] are all my fault. Wanda strongly believes she is a princess and wants to prove it, since most people just do not want to pay tribute to her. Together with Avis, a wood imp who accompanies her out of pity, Wanda embarks on a journey to the Garucian Mountains to see the mighty wizard Hon-ar, whom she expects to trace her [as she believes] lost, royal parents. Unfortunately it turns out that the world has other plans for the young woman.", false, true], "NikiLemonadesChristmas2007": ["http://christmas-07.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A short comic I created as a gift for my family this Christmas. Inked with India ink and colored with ink wash. Happy Holidays", false, true], "NinjaVillage": ["http://ninjavillage.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Ninjas.", false, true], "Ninjaturkeysspritething": ["http://ninjaturkeyspritething.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "This is a comic showcasing my newer sprites, and unlike my Sprite and Art place, I'll try not to just put random things in.", false, true], "NirosReincarnation": ["http://nirosreincarnation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Niro the demon king is defeated by a mysterious man, but is given the chance to be reincarnated as a human boy in different world. Read from left to right! (I am an amateur at this by the way bahahaha)", false, true], "NissiesDragonPrincess": ["http://drgnprincess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "Raleigh and Zane are a pair of mercenaries off to save Princess Mina from a terrible curse. However, the three will learn about themselves and the true nature of the curse in their travels together.", false, true], "NitroTheHedgehog": ["http://nitroth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "The life and adventures of a hedgehog as he lives his life and facing all the challenges it brings him. Accepting Cameos(Sprites must be Decent) Note:If were already friends your most likely gonna cameo anyway. Updates Sunday, every 2 Weeks!", false, true], "NixsFireRedNuzlocke": ["http://nixnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 134, "Join Nix across the hell that is Kanto and all its Pokemon, specifically the poison types. oh god, the poison types... Mostly Basic rules: 1)Pokemon faints, it dies. 2)Can only catch the first pokemon on a route -If it's a duplicate you may retry -Exceptions include shinies and gift pokemon -No catching Legendaries -Each area in the safari zone counts individually", false, true], "No1Enemy": ["http://no1enemy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 125, "Nao Miyagi has made a hobbie out of hating popular school stud Hiroshi Kagawa but he finds out the hard way that hate can easily be turned into love, and first impressions don't always last! :) WARNING; this comic contains Yaoi/bl so if you don't like it don't read it!! thankyou!!! X3 contains some bad language and may get alittle mature! plz enjoy :0 hehe Gopeach", true, true], "NoEnd": ["http://no-end.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "No End is a weekly updating webcomic about a group of people trying to survive and make lives for themselves in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead. Updates every Sunday!", false, true], "NoEvil": ["http://noevilcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Stories of the Fae have been passed for years, many depicting them as playful, helpful folk. Much older tales, however, tell of the Fae's true nature. Alien in mind set and design, cheerful and playful yes, but not playmates you would want. No Evil is one of these older tales as three adolescents seek to flee from them, only to descend deeper into the fairyfolk's madness.", true, true], "NoFuture": ["http://nofuture.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Blood stirs, flows and pours like water, it never stops. It allows you to do things you never thought possible if you can understand it, if you can control it, and if it allows you to, because those that control the Blood control us all. -Spanish Version here: http://nofuture.subcultura.es/", false, true], "NoHabitation": ["http://nohabitation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Talbot hates everything.", false, true], "NoPlaceLikeHome": ["http://noplacelikehome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "After a deadly illness spread like wildfire for five years, scientist finally found the solution to keep out any virus. The last hope. Made of synthesized fundamental particles, together they bonded to create a shield-like surface around the lasting districts. Chaos and fear was recognized as they realized order was not being maintained. So was created the four regions, Fauna, Malvai, Caius, and Wray. All controlled separately but united as a whole. Children under the age thirteen were rarely affected by the disease, and those fortunate enough survived. Now a completely new generation has begun. One full of prosperity and bright outlook on life..unless of course you weren't lucky enough to just survive. Following a band of people brought together by unlucky events and making the most of a new life. Set ten years after the \"Great Ghost Grip\" these individuals lead life as best as possible. When you live in Wray existing isn't always easy but when you're living for someone other than yourself it doesn't seem so bad. Because there's no place like home right?", false, true], "NobleHeartsHiruandMerroug": ["http://hiruandmerroug.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "", true, true], "NoirandtheRainbowMan": ["http://noirandtherainbowman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "This is the story of a strange encounter between a man who lives in a world of colour, and a man who lives in a world devoid of one.", false, true], "NonekosPokemonSapphireNuzlockeChallenge": ["http://sapphirenuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "One Day, Noneko was bored and decided to start doing a Pokemon Nuzlocke Challenge on Pokemon Sapphire. And in the true Nuzlocke fashion, she decided to draw a comic about the progress. If you're not familiar with the nuzlocke challenge, it has following rules: 1. You can only catch the first pokemon you meet on every route and area, if you don't manage to catch it, then you don't get a new pokemon from that area 2. If pokemon loses all it's energy and faints, then it's dead and you can't use it anymore", false, true], "NonexistentCanvas": ["http://nonexistent-canvas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Ayce Rothstien, a third year in art college, has a past he doesn't like all too much but this year he'll find out a lot of things he doesn't like. First is getting a roomate. What happens when these new hardships come up and bite Ayce in the butt? Who knows. -UPDATES ON SUNDAYS-", false, true], "NormalcyisforWimps": ["http://normalcyisforwimps.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 530, "Sonic and Tails have gotten bored of living away from civilazation and have decided to move to Onette, at least that's what Sonic decided. Warning: Contains Demonic landlords, magic, insanity, and something else I can't think of right now.", false, true], "Nostalgia": ["http://nostalgia-.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "", false, true], "NotAFairyTale": ["http://naft.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "a one-shot comic done in early 2012 for a competition in my country.. :D I managed to get a place, but not the champ tho~ it's about a narcissistic prince who's searching for his soul mate due to his father's order... and well, it's not a fairy tale :D", false, true], "NotQuiteHalloween": ["http://nothalloween.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Most would hope not to die in their first moments in another world. --- A fantasy adventure with some rather heavy theming. Hopefully some humor, too(!!!) Hopefully. Updates sporadically for now while I get settled.", false, true], "NotQuiteThere": ["http://notquitethere.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A story about ghosts, an alien obsession, and a sick dude.", false, true], "NotaHero": ["http://notahero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Can I really be something special? Me? What about the others? I'm Not a Hero.", false, true], "NotanotherGLcomic": ["http://notanotherglcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "WHAT IS THERE TO SAY?!?!", false, true], "NotetakerOurobo": ["http://ourobo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "The Notetakers are a longstanding but quickly fading sect of practitioners of the arcane. When information becomes lost, they locate it by defeating the \"Notes\" that have \"eaten\" the information. One of the last trainees from a distant nomadic tribe, Ourobo, has been sent on his journeyman quest to attain his full status as a Notetaker. Obviously, shit ain't gonna go as planned.", false, true], "NotsoEmo": ["http://nse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 86, "NSE, also known as Not so Emo, follows up the lives of four people who do silly things throughout their last year of high school. It will be dramatic, lame, and sometimes a little bit offensive. Also it will be pretty gay eventually. Comic takes place in finland, since I know nothing about anything else, and if there ever arises a question in your mind about things they are doing or how things work, it probably is explained in the A/N, and if not, please feel free to demand fiercely an explanation! WARNINGS: Boy Love and Hetero love lol so basically People who are not exactly straight, Homosexual people, Heterosexual people, Just people in general, Minor violence, pretty bold opinions concidering abortion, drama, christianity, atheism, alien print t-shirts, bad jokes, animuism, assholeism. - I'm conducting an experiment on the keywords, so that's why : Yaoi -", false, true], "November": ["http://novemberindy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "My submission for 24 Hour Comic Day. A story focusing on the relationship between two brothers as they find themselves in a midst of a zombie outbreak.", false, true], "Nowhere": ["http://nowherebluhbluh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "My first real stab at a comic. I was initially going for a different style, but it somehow ended up like this. Yes, it's going along to the lyrics of \"Mad World\" by Tears for Fears, though the Gary Jules version fits better with it. I'm not sure whether or not I'll complete this or not. It's sort of an experiment at the moment.", true, true], "Nozomi": ["http://nozomi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "--Yaoi One-shots-- Chap 1. Nozomi{\"wish\"} -Follows the story of two old friends. As their relationship moves from friendship to a relationship. [MA, Fantasy, Yaoi/BL, 31 pgs] Chap 2. Xi\u00e0n Sh\u0113n {full body sacrifice} -a young man raised by a demon questions why the demon never used him for his source of energy, and encourages him to do-so. [MA, Fantasy,Yaoi, 40pg]", true, true], "NuAndMe": ["http://nuandme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Two little marshmallow bunnies go around eating every sugary sweet in sight~!! Join Nu and Me on their tasty adventures~!!", false, true], "NuzlockeDouble": ["http://nuzlockedouble.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "Nuzlocke Double is a Pok\u00e9mon Crystal Version Nuzlocke challenge completed on two separate cartridges. The protagonists travel together, doing their level best to outdo each other at every turn. Nonsense ensues in their wake as they set out on an epic, life-changing journey, for the sole purpose of settling a petty grudge. Let it begin!", false, true], "NyansGheyStuff": ["http://nyansgheystuff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Here I post stuff.", false, true], "Oasis0305Archives": ["http://oasiscomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Murphy's Law states that anything that can go wrong, CAN and WILL go wrong in a given situation. For instance, when the plane you're on crashes in a desert, and you, the only (happily engaged) survivor, get molested by a random girl--wait, what?! THIS IS VERY OLD (last time worked on was December 2005). It was a one-chapter failure of a webcomic I tried to run in high school, which I am reposting just in case anyone wants to read it.", true, true], "Obb": ["http://obb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "The first comic's about stinky bread. The rest... I dunno.", false, true], "Obliterast": ["http://obliterast.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Tha life of a New Caledonian Spymaster.", false, true], "ObsidianHeart": ["http://obsidianheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 63, "Micah is the only survivor of his country Atedon after a bloody war. He is now out to seek revenge on the ones who have killed his friends and family. But perhaps this task is too heavy for one simple tribal boy, and he has to accept help from a suspiciously friendly stranger.", false, true], "October20th": ["http://www.october20comic.com/comics/", 113, "10 years ago, on October the 20th, 6 people from different parts of the globe were each responsible to taking an innocent life. Every anniversary following it, they have been stalked and hunted by a mysterious creature that only shows itself on the infamous date. Only the American called Catherine and the Argentinian called Rai are left. Is this the year they finally discover the truth about the curse that has taken everything from them, and find a way to stop the relentless beast? And who is the shadowy figure oddly called Shields McKloskey, who seems to hold all the answers?", true, true], "OctopusBunny": ["http://octopusandbunny.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Octopus and Bunny is a comic strip about the adventures of Harvey the octopus and Charlotte the bunny. Updates every other week, usually!", false, true], "OddContact": ["http://oddcontact.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 92, "It's a story about a demon and an angel. (BL) Leonard have a peaceful life. One day his village was destroyed, and he was captured and taken far away from his homeland. In his luck or unluck an angel saved him. In return he had to join as the angel's servant. The only problem Leonard never learnt magic.... Would they fail, because the little demon is too recalcitrant and willful? Beware, yaoi/yuri/hentai warning!!!! :)", false, true], "OddPlaceOddTime": ["http://oddplaceoddtime.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 97, "Far away in a land no one knows//Way beyond where the mutant grass grows//A place reeking of familiarity//Where fiction smells better than reality//Every second an odd mishap//Fall deeper into our surreal trap//Come on by and sit for a spell//Cast by a witch who tells a tale//We\u2019ve probably never heard before//And we\u2019ll never want to hear once more.", false, true], "OfPassionandApathy": ["http://ofapathy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Tales from the Bible, as seen through the eyes of Angels and Devils: It's like Sunday School, but with way more sex and violence.", false, true], "Ofconquestsandconsequences": ["http://ocac.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "An anthropological exercise in culture shock conducted in a fantasy desert setting. Featuring prudish honourable dukes, a charming if lewd heiress, sarcastic youths of quality, a sensible doctor, a hyperactive young warrior, a pig and numerous numerous cats. This comic is PG 13 (language, mild nudity, violence and sexual references).", false, true], "OhBrotherAyaoicomicaboutbrotherlylovebyJijiKero": ["http://ohbrotheryaoi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "\"Oh, Brother!\" or \"Oh Brother\" or \"Oh, Brother\" Yaoi comic. Umi Shio has been struggling with his longtime crush on his half-brother, Eiko Oni. And if that was difficulty enough for Umi, Eiko chose to live his life as a celibate monk. But luckily for Umi, when Eiko comes of age, he must join the outside world and devises a plan to keep Eiko at his side. Together, the two must overcome trials of women, demons, and beasts or forever lose the bond between brothers! A Yaoi manga about bromance created by Jiji Kero.", true, true], "OhGod": ["http://ohgod.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "Steve and Fish. That is all.", true, true], "OhGoshABlack2Nuzlocke": ["http://ohgoshnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "The amazing nuzlocke adventures of Oh Gosh and his friends in the spectacular world of Pok\u00e9mon! Nuzlocke Rules: 1. If a Pokemon faints, it is considered dead and must be released. 2. Only the first Pok\u00e9mon encountered on a route may be captured. Duplicates may be ignored. 3. Everything ever must be nicknamed.", false, true], "OhNoYukidaruma": ["http://ohnoyukidaruma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "Alex is a 17-year-old high school student who's Christmas break has just begun. He thought that this would be just another lonely holiday season, until he unwittingly uses a magic hat to make his Christmas wish come true. Loosely based on \"Frosty the Snowman\" This comic reads right to left WARNING: Shounen-ai", false, true], "OhShitMyLifeIsaSitcom": ["http://ohshitmylifeisasitcom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Hi! I'm Endy and this...this is a very very very random comics about my life! All you have to know about me? I go to school, I live in Italy and yes and I'm a loser JuST. LIKE. YOU :3", false, true], "OhSusannah": ["http://ohsusannah.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A creepy urban legend from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.", false, true], "Ohdear": ["http://ohdear.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Journal comic. What else can I say? Featuring inconstant art, swearing, sensitive topics and the like. Any page with a possible trigger topic will be titled as \"TRIGGER WARNING\" and what the trigger may be. If you do not head the warnings and are affected by the page topic I will not take responsibility because you were warned before hand but chose to continue. There will be nothing gory.", false, true], "Ohitsujiza": ["http://ohitsujiza.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "The name \"Aries\" Was already taken on this site, So I used its Japanese name \"Ohitsujiza\" Sorry for the confusion. A experimental Spin off of a manga that I wish to make in the future, \"Experimental\" Meaning exactly what it means. There will be errors, There will be flaws and such in this. It is practice for me until I get this toning, Inking thing down.", false, true], "OilCanDrive": ["http://oilcandrive.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "OilCan Drive is the story of an outlaw rock and roll band traveling through the futuristic wastelands of America in a stolen airship. With an ex-hockey player as its lead singer, a former soldier playing lead guitar, a runaway girl on drums, and a giant gorilla playing bass guitar; it's a post-apocalyptic Western with a rock and roll soundtrack. It's Josie and the Pussycats meets Joss Whedon's Firefly. It's the story of a band that is, literally, on the run.", false, true], "OldElastikid": ["http://oldelastikid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 131, "These are all of the old Elastikid comics from prior to February, 2011. This was before Joe decided to become a superhero, and consists mostly of gag-a-day jokes with no real overall storyline. The tone of the series was rather different, so rather than continue on this comic, I decided to release all of the new strips as a \"sequel\" comic continuing in the same continuity. You can read the current Elastikid strips at http://elastikid.smackjeeves.com/ which is still being updated.", false, true], "OldFlame": ["http://oldflame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Jasper just got a call from an ex to come rescue him from being stranded. Is nine years too late to rekindle an old romance? A one-shot mostly grey-scale slice of life romance/drama comic about two gay men. Warning: contains making out, shirtless dudes and some cursing. Also cheesiness.", false, true], "OldScars": ["http://oldscars.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Old Scars is my first comic ever 8D It's a BL mini-comic about how Simon first realizes that he is in love with another guy. Media: liquid ink, a really old photoshop and an even older computer -_-'", false, true], "Oli": ["http://oli.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "", false, true], "OmegaSquad": ["http://omegasquad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "The adventures of a secret squad that, pretty much, serve as government paid vigilantes. Expect murder, mayhem, lies, double-crosses, and alot of dead bad-guys. Written by Joseph Pechacek with assistance from Paul A. Mitzkowski Art by Paul A. Mitzkowski", false, true], "Omegletrollparties": ["http://omegleparties.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "GROOVY", false, true], "OneAndOnly": ["http://oneandonly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "\"Mitch\" a 21 year old artist with years of practice and wasted potential finds himself in a downward spiral, lonely and searching for something more than himself....Well.... He got more than he bargained for! <3 Warning: Boy love <3 (yaoi) Please keep your hands and legs inside the ride at all times and for no circumstances throw food at the back of your teachers head while reading these shenanigans in class.....that's just not solid bro :I Comic by http://pedoren.deviantart.com/", false, true], "OneBreath": ["http://onebreath.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "What kind of life awaits you if you grow up isolated from the outside world? Do you truly live? And can you find happiness even like this?", false, true], "OneFloorUp": ["http://onefloorup.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "A Comedic Story about Love, Music, Arts, & Rent This is a story of a girl named Diwa, who's life changes forever as she gets promoted to senior graphic artist. However due to the fact her new office building is 6 hours away from the house...she moves to an apartment called One Floor Up. There she meets Oz, her new neighbor and is also the lead singer of RED SIGNAL a famous British Rock Band. With wild band members, crazy tenants, music,art, and unusual pets...where will this love story go to off too?", false, true], "OneFrameGags": ["http://oneframegags.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 283, "One panel (and occasionally two or more) gag cartoons featuring no main characters.", false, true], "OneLastDay": ["http://onelastday.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 289, "The title \"One Last Day\" is the basis of all the strips in this series of one page comics. Each page is his \"last day\". In some vague way or another that is.", true, true], "OneLeafClover": ["http://oneleafclover.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Taru has horrible luck, and it tends to affect his relationship with his girlfriend, Souka. But why is Taru so unlucky?", false, true], "OneMilionThingsIHate": ["http://onemilionthings.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "", false, true], "OneMoreTime": ["http://omt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Because of an encounter with Marshall, Gumball realizes that he has no self confidence and the ambition to fulfill himself, and is afraid to show his real self. Over various encounters with Marshall, he begins to believe in himself, and begins to develop feelings for Marshall. Will Gumball be able to get over Fionna and be with someone who likes him for him? this is a BL Fancomic of the 'Adventure Time' cartoon show gender-bend style. It is based off my fanfiction that i am currently writing about^^ http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9120139/1/One-More-Time So if you no like man love then don't read and leave hateful comments please^^ READS LEFT TO RIGHT please! updates when I can! http://www.tumblr.com/blog/omtmg http://simon-the-black.deviantart.com/gallery/44714784", false, true], "OneRainyDay": ["http://one-rainy-day.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1325, "Basically a BL story like \"the prince and the pauper\" No sex scenes (at least not for a hundred pages or so) Mostly a cute story about a developing relationship Aki was abandoned when he was eight, for ten years he's lived on the streets with nothing but his wits and strength to support him. Needless to say he is unhappy. But one day he runs into some one who looks exactly like him! This mysterious boy named Ryuuta turns out to be the young master of a large corporation who just wants to be free and discover himself. Aki and this Ryuuta trade lives for the summer and Aki's doing fine in his new life until his identity is discovered by the Ryuuta's intimidating body guard named Kaidou. Can a love bloom between a stoic individual and a street rat?", true, true], "Onlyonelovesong": ["http://onlyonelovesong.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 209, "[available as a paperback on Indyplanet with a few extra spicy pages, revamped dialogue and prettier speech bubble arrangement!] A spoiled, frustrated and capricious rock star accidentally meets a common girl seemingly imprevious to his charm. Hiding his true identity from her, he selfishly decides to make her fall in love with him. But as he gets to know her better he finds himself falling instead. Only, there's a secret in her past keeping her heart locked away... [story specs: BOY x GIRL romance, mostly comedy, some heavy drama, censored swearing, occasional gratuitous male fanservice] [tech: b&w pages, color covers,hand-drawn&inked then photoscreentoneshopped to death]", false, true], "OntheBrightSide": ["http://onthebrightside.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 212, "Jacob comes home from school one day and finds out a family is moving in next door to him. The oldest daughter, Kaylee, is a very kind and optimistic girl who is the same age as him. And to his surprise, she was his best childhood friend! It\u2019s been eight years since they have last seen eachother, but after Kaylee\u2019s return his life isn\u2019t the same. *Updates: Random for now This is my first comic and I'm always experimenting with new techniques and keep trying to improve, so constructive criticism is always welcome. I'm also in the process of redoing the comic and replacing the old pages. So if you're wondering why my style has changed after a few pages, that's why! Other than that, I hope you enjoy the story!", false, true], "OnyxBrimstoneRatSlayer": ["http://onyx-brimstone-rat-slayer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Onyx Brimstone and Midori Whitburrow are sent on a mission to get rid of a rat infestation but all is not what it seems as they explore deeper.", false, true], "OnyxBrimstoneandtheAxe": ["http://onyx-brimstone-and-the-axe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Our Hero Onyx Brimstone gets sent on a quest to find a magical axe for the Deringrad Champion but gets himself into a spot of bother. www.illusjason.com", false, true], "OpenSpacesandClosedPlaces": ["http://oscp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 260, "Open Spaces and Closed Places is a cute loverly comic about starry eyed youth with lots of flowers featuring gakuran, delinquents, glasses, scary things, fanciful thoughts, eroguro innocence, crack humour, weird characters, and paranormal stuff. Updated on Sunday and Wednesday. Website: http://www.saicoink.com", false, true], "OperationTheater": ["http://operation-theater.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 146, "\"It's only Paranoia if I'm wrong. I can handle being wrong, but if I'm right I'm screwed!\" Bastian Weber is a weird geeky jitterbug, a punching bag for everyone, but his life turned upside down when he met Izrael and Claudius, two strange guys who are living at his attic... [CONTAINS BL/GL, sexual confusions, comedy, drama, gore, horror, blood, some bondage, crazy people and lots of shit XD] So if you like weird people, unprecedented fights, Nerds/Geeks, friendship and a hero who gets mortally injured on a daily basis, get some snacks and look forward to \"Operation Theater\"! P.s. - I'm pretty bad at sticking with genres, so this is supposed to be a bloody comedy with added drama and lot's of gay jokes :I P.p.s. - It's not porn", false, true], "Ophthalmia": ["http://ophthalmia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "Ophthalmia is the story of a young beast boy named Zatura who is confronted by a strange entity named Deus. Under it's care, Zatura sets out to fix a broken world. However, the world he is trying to help is also contantly trying to kill him. Fictum is being destroyed by monsters that have manifested themselves from the suffering and sins of its inhabitance. Zatura will have his mind, will and sanity put to the test as he sets out to do whats right. Filled with weird wtfness, a psychological horror, fantasy, violence genre. It also includes animated pages! UPDATES EVERY SUNDAY NEWS That's it for chapter 2! Thanks for sticking around up to this point! There will be an animation coming up. Taking a break to bring you chapter 3.", false, true], "OpticBrain": ["http://opticbrain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "Alex is an intelligent and bored high school boy of seventeen. On many occasions he has noticed the presence of a brooding classmate, Kim; a mysterious girl who has intrigued Alex out of his boredom. One day he decides to ask her out on a date. What follows is one strange event after another as Alex discovers the unbelievable reason for Kim's silent demeanor. Updates Fridays Please consider buying a copy of this to show your support! Digital and hard copies available soon!", false, true], "OptimalClutter": ["http://www.optimalclutter.com/comics/", 514, "Day to day, project to project lives of a group of developers/engineers, and the people that surround them. (Updated Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and 1st of the month) (Random once a month strips have moved to the Extra Pages site)", false, false], "OrangeCloud": ["http://orangecloud.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 151, "A young man named Sky Rojos sets off to find a rare natural phenomenon, an orange cloud. As he journeys across the world, he makes new friends and encounters many foes. Comic is black and white and Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece inspired. Note: This comic has been discontinued as of Chapter 5.", false, true], "OrangeScarf": ["http://orangescarf-inversia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "700 years in the Future a Guy Named Juan Sanderan is tracking his adventures in colony of the earth called Akwa II. This guy defeats the governmet officers who stuborn people of towns to free them and continue his journey to find his parents, and avenge his master.", false, true], "OrcQuest": ["http://www.orcquest.com/comics/", 15, "Orc Quest. The timeless tale of Orc meets girl. Follow the adventures of Semmek, a half-orc adventurer, and his childhood friend Iylandrea as they seek to become true heroes. There will be action, adventure, comedy, romance and a duck. Inspired by the fantasy culture of videogames, movies and comics of the 1980s.", false, true], "OrphanMoon": ["http://orphanmoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A werewolf comic. Summary: A young man named Adrian O'Connell has a dark past and is never willing to share it. He is a werewolf but that's not the only thing. He use to be in a pack and now is a rouge because of a terrible past event. Adrian now runs into a girl by the name of Kayla Summers who is not an open book as well. But just when the two seem to see eye to eye and trust each other, their world is flipped and now there is news that a new larger pack is killing the original pack that Adrian use to belong to. Warning: Gore, Profanity, and slight nudity.", true, true], "Oscurare": ["http://oscurare-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 119, "Would you give your soul for a chance to search for a missing loved one? That is the price sixteen year old Yoru paid to the forest demon sending her on a journey to the sunless world of Oscurare. In an unfamiliar world does Yoru have what it takes to find her brother and stay alive? Updates once a month Rated-pg 13 now updating: chapter 5", false, true], "Oshietekudasai": ["http://oshietekudasai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "THIS MANGA IS READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT!! (COMPLETED!) Sara Uehara is a girl who really hates studying and depends on her father's money. One day she noticed some guy working for a delivery company early in the morning when she went to school. Later in school she met a guy really similar to the one she saw earlier, but with a different hair colour and style. She also found that her school does not allow students to work part time jobs. Sara followed the guy, who is the president of the Students' council and discovered about his secret...", false, true], "OtakusAndDungeons": ["http://otakusdungeons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "Sara and C\u00e9sar just two average people. She likes manga. He likes Heavy Metal and Role Playing games. Original webtoon for Ramen para Dos Updates weekly!", false, true], "OtherSideOfLife": ["http://othersideoflife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Some teens walking on a fine line and their life bring them down until a dumb dare made by the seniors. Follow Neal, James, Bee and other teens. They figure out on the other side of the mirror hidden in the abandoned factory in the wasteland their alter egos. The alter egos, are who they wanted to be, their opposites or even their secret selves. Warning: There will be BL/Yaoi(Mostly), GL/Yuri, hetero relationships too and selfcests(If AlterEGoXNormal version count as selfcest I guess.)", false, true], "OtherSideStorieseng": ["http://othersidestories-en.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Other Side Stories - Opowie\u015bci z Drugiej Strony I've decided to draw this comic in order to check if I can create a short story. I drew it around 2 years ago and cuz of my laziness the whole project was waiting up today to be shown :P This comic was inspired with slavic mythology. I took only some elements from slavic beliefs. That's why it's up to you if you interpret it as a story about ghosts or demons. One more thing; I'm not a native speaker of Egnlish, so there may be some errors... sorry for any mistakes ^^; Enjoy reading :3 Polish version here http://othersidestories-pl.smackjeeves.com/", false, true], "OtherSideStoriespl": ["http://othersidestories-pl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Other Side Stories: Opowie\u015bci z drugiej strony :) Ten komiks ma ok. 2 lata... z jakich\u015b powod\u00f3w (czyt. lenistwa) projekt utkn\u0105\u0142 na d\u0142ugi czas, ale postanowi\u0142am go w ko\u0144cu pokaza\u0107 \u015bwiatu ^^ Zacz\u0119\u0142am rysowa\u0107 t\u0105 histori\u0119, \u017ceby sprawdzi\u0107, czy dam sobie rad\u0119 z kr\u00f3tk\u0105 histori\u0105. Moj\u0105 bezpo\u015bredni\u0105 inspiracj\u0105 by\u0142a mitologia S\u0142owian, cho\u0107 postanowi\u0142am wykorzysta\u0107 tylko elementy wierze\u0144. Pozostawiam czytelnikom wyb\u00f3r, czy chce uzna\u0107, \u017ce bohaterowie spotkali duchy czy demony ze s\u0142owia\u0144skiej mitologii... Mam nadziej\u0119, \u017ce m\u00f3j punkt widzenia nie jest zbyt zagmatwany XD''' Zapraszam do czytania :3 English version here http://othersidestories-en.smackjeeves.com/", false, true], "OttotheOddandtheDragonKing": ["http://otto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "George wrote \u201cOtto the Odd and the Dragon King\u201d as a short story for children shortly after the publication of our first book \u201cNine Dragons: A Contemporary Fable\u201d. I originally illustrated \u201cOtto the Odd\u201d as a children\u2019s book, but decided a few years down the road that it would be more fun to draw it as a comic. George has also adapted it into a play. George and I have collaborated on a few projects together, including \u201cEve of All Saints\u201d an in -progress graphic novel based on his book \u201cCarnival of Saints\u201d published by Balanchine in 1997.", false, true], "OunoMeirei": ["http://ounomeirei.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A modern-day manga version of the local story \"Ang Utos ng Hari\" (The King's Commandment). Originally a school project.", false, true], "OurForever": ["http://ourforever.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "In the world of angels a child with demonic colors is born - it's something that never happened before. He is tossed down to the world of demons, where a female demon finds the little boy. Blood never knew he wasn't a demon, just a bit strange one. When he mets Cruentus, an angel who will \"commit one of the greatest sins\" they say, - the two instantly click. - Male/Male love story! If you don't like that kind of stuff, then this isn't for you :] - .: Updating Weekly (Monday preferred, but I can't guarantee it) ~ :.", false, true], "OurTeenDays": ["http://otd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 92, "Our Teen Days follows four supernatural friends. Celeste (a wolf demon), Suenagaku (a Jian), Estella (a Reaper), and Timeo (a Grim). A story of youth and innocence, dealing with love, hate, and everything in between! And some 'not so normal' teens dealing with high school. Being supernatural isn't very easy. A collaboration between DA friends.", false, true], "Outbreak": ["http://xoutbreak.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "On a rainy night, two boys escape from a mysterious laboratory in the middle of the woods. After being separated, they are both scooped up into the arms of kind individuals who begin to teach them that the world isn't only made up of pain. But things start to go a bit crazy as an outbreak of super-human abilities begins to follow them where ever they go. These events begin to cause a chain reaction that spirals out of control. Can it be stopped? Or will it be too late...? [This is a Boys Love story. Updates on Tuesdays and Fridays.]", false, true], "OutofKey": ["http://outofkey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "When Teal needs to change electives, she joins a choir that's just as out of place as she is. Currently updates T & TH", false, true], "OutofPlaceStoryofaMultiverse": ["http://outofplacesoam.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Romance and traveling through universes, just to catch criminals who want to steal and or hurt people in the multiverse. A young girl is left to fend for herself after a horrific accident on a train, or maybe she isn't.", false, true], "OverSync": ["http://linearperspective.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 119, "Oversync is a comic about a young girl who stumbles into another world. Jacqueline dives into the world of Arcadia but soon finds herself tangled in a mess of secrets and conflicts. Can she punch her way out of this mess or will these battles prove to be surprisingly fist proof. A silly web comic focused on character interactions and exploring a fantasy world filled with curious things. New Pages every tuesday, wednesday, and thursday!", false, true], "OverandOver": ["http://over-and-over.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "*Marked as Mature only for gore. 23-year old Nori is used to his boss ordering him around like a chicken with it's head cut off. While he's emptying out his bosses old things from her storage, he notices an old 70's TV. She looks away from it as if it's cursed and lets Nori take it. When Nori plugs it in at home, it zaps on by itself with static. Won't change channels, won't turn off. It finally shuts off after a minute or so. Nori finally gets to get it working, but he hears voices coming from it, even when it's not on. The voices don't cease, but the TV finally works. as time goes on, he notices shadows and giggles around him, only to notice one day, a boy standing in front of him. He's glitching, just like a television with bad connection does. What will Nori do?", true, true], "OverfiendComics": ["http://overfiend.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 197, "MS Paint comics and culinary secrets from Cambridge, England's only person named Stu.", true, true], "OverhaulGalaxy": ["http://overhaul-galaxy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Bludroid. advanced artificially intelligent robots powered by Chizium Blu. Chizium RED is the equivalent of robo-adrenaline and brings out the worst in robots. When the threat of Deez Nanokhan and his redroid army the Sinister Syndicate attack only two robots stand in their way, Overhaul and Galaxy!", false, true], "Overstimulation": ["http://overstimulation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Based on the DRRR!!Kink Meme. \"Shizaya Sexual exhaustion. Shizuo screwing Izaya hard through a number of orgasms. Basically I want to see Izaya wrecked, begging, sobbing and screaming as Shizuo forces him to come over and over until he passes out. (idk maybe Shizuo has a cockring on or maybe he's just got that much self-control?) I KNOW REALISTICALLY THIS IS PROBABLY DERP but I need this like burning. Cookies for a morning after scene where Izaya has to limp around and/or have Shizuo carry him around the apartment for most of the day.\"", true, true], "Overthehills": ["http://oth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Zsad\u00e1n, the demonwizard after a lost fight awake in the naturewizard's little village. He look after the 'girl', who saved him. BL oneshot story!", false, true], "OwlCantFly": ["http://owlnofly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "This is a comic I am making as a final project for my Graphic Narrative. There will be between six and ten strips concerning a mischievous owl who can't fly and his awkward, quirky forest friends.", false, true], "PAINTER": ["http://painter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "It is a one shot of 7 pages, about a \"Dice's painter\" who works for a very important person in the country, Mr. Foreman But there is something in particular with this painter... And it's something hidden with that past of Mr. Foreman. it was originally made in Spanish :D PUEDE LEERLO AQU\u00cd ----> http://issuu.com/paulaandrearamos/docs/painter.docx HOPE YOU LIKE IT *-*", false, true], "PHASE": ["http://phase2013.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Yamato has always been able to see things most people aren't able to. But after the ending of the Mayan calendar, these occurrences seem to be intensifying. Ancient prophecies are playing out on center stage and Yamato finds himself getting dragged right in the middle of it all. Follow him on his journey and discover how deep the rabbit hole goes...", false, true], "PMDBroadHorizonsWIP": ["http://pmdbroadhorizons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A PMD comic with a bit of a twist. {This is not based off any game in particular, just the overall idea in general.. whatever that means.} Sage wakes up on the beach (Oh you've heard this part before) with no memory other than her name and the fact she is a human..er was.... With partner Ace the eevee in tow, she gonna save the world ! Or..at least try.", false, true], "PMDElementsofFriendship": ["http://pmdelementsoffriendship.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Everyone believed that if you wish on a star, the wish would come to the Earth as a stone. One Pokemon wished on a star and instead of a stone, she got a new friend! But this was only the start of the turning darkness, betrayal, and friendship. Can the two Pokemon stop everyone from fighting? Or will they join in the tides? MATURE WARNING! The comic features blood, mention of death, slight minor gore, and a few swear words here and there. ask your parent/guardian before you start reading this!", false, true], "PMDExplorersofHeart": ["http://pmd-explorers-of-heart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "The world is in complete chaos. The legendary dragons Reshiram and Zekrom have begun to lash out for no particular reason, causing agitation and fury to sweep through pokemon one by one. Mystery Dungeons keep opening up, and, as more pokemon become agitated and blind with anger, more rescue teams are popping up all over the region. Erika, a young Vulpix, can't remember a thing from her past, besides two things; one is her name, the other, the fact that she was a human. All she wants is to figure out about her past and possibly return home. With the help of an Oshawott named Zeke, the two form a rescue team, hoping that eventually they will find the cause of her turning into a pokemon. UPDATES - Fridays", false, true], "PMDSkyNuzlocke": ["http://giginuzlocke2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 342, "Part 2 of Gigi's Nuzlocke adventures~ This time Gigi loses her memory (again!) when she is mysteriously turned into an Eevee. Joining Kiara the Vulpix, can they solve the mystery of time and space? ~A Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Sky Nuzlocke", false, true], "PMDTUG": ["http://pmdtug.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Stands for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Ultimate Gamble Pokemon and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series are owned by Nintendo. Trying to keep this comic PG (though probably going to fail miserably) My art skills are below sub par Doing this comic because I'm bored Updates are going to be really inconsistent May discontinue this comic depending on how busy I get", false, true], "PMDVictoryFire": ["http://victoryfire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 181, "Sometimes the most interesting stories come from the strangest places. Victory Fire starts off as most Mystery Dungeon comics do, a human comes to the pokemon world. But THAT'S where the similarities end.... New pages are posted on Tuesdays and Fridays, please check back :) **Broken images? SmackJeeves servers playing up? VF is mirrored on sulfurbunny.deviantart.com **", false, true], "PMDWaroftheLegends": ["http://wotl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "The legends have risen. Their clans war against one another. And in certain places, there are bubbles of peace. Yet, the clans threaten these sanctuaries. One such place is Wigglytuff's Guild, once mighty, now fallen and holding with talons onto their neutrality against the winds of chaos, and the rising of seemingly super-beings may be to blame. In this clime, a shinx finds a vulpix on the beach, but there is more to her than meets the eye... *Updates on Saturdays! (Might not be all Saturdays, but Saturdays nonetheless) Rated T for violence and gore. Not a humorous comic, except for those moments when characters clash. Of course.", false, true], "PRAGUERACE": ["http://praguerace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 190, "PRace is a story about friendship and adventure. Author is Petra Erika Nordlund, also known as LEPPU and her other artwork can be found from tumblr and deviantart with the same nickname. email for contact is petra.nordlund at gmail.com", false, true], "PT": ["http://pandt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "This is my first comic, so it's far from perfect, but it would be cool if you gave it a chance :) ---------------------------- The story revolves around Pipkin (Pip), a 17 year old boy who has been bullied all of his life because of his name and his hair colour. One day Pip meets a new Japanese student, Moritaka (Taka), who wants to befriend him. They really get close and soon enough, they become best friends. It all seems sweet so far, but then things start to turn weird between them.. In the best way possible. ---------------------------- Basically, I had a go at creating a heart-warming story which has a life-like feel to it. It is based on many real issues which, I believe, many people can relate to. BL. I'll stop typing now. http://konekotaku.tumblr.com", false, true], "PTO": ["http://pto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 346, "\"I just want to feel loved\" The year is 2374 in the future. What is going to happen, when a gang of useless men adopt an adorable living doll? Well, a lot of drama and heartbreaks, that's for sure. ---- UPDATED EVERY DAY! Includes sex, nudity and a bit of violence. Check out also (http://ptobonus.smackjeeves.com/)", true, false], "PTObonusstories": ["http://ptobonus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "These short stories and strips are bonuses and side stories for my main project PTO (http://pto.smackjeeves.com) Some of these are really old so the quality of the art may vary a little. CONTAINS: Desaato - short strips with humorous twists. Games for December - A christmas special made in 2007. Sika. - My project for 24h comic day on 2012.", false, true], "Pahantekija": ["http://pahantekija.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 152, "When vampires killing humans is an everyday occurrence, one more death is barely worth mentioning. In one village, though, people seem to be a bit too willing to dismiss it, and Ausra the novice decides to find out why. However, her obstinacy backfires and before long she finds herself in a rather life-threatening company. Contains gore, violence and other shady stuff. Be prepared.", false, true], "PairedUp": ["http://pairedup.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "South Park: CraigxStan (BL/boylove) Based off the fanfictions \"Paired Up\" and \"Good Partner\" by whocares10315 on fanfiction.net. Chapter One: Paired Up Two rather boring boys are stuck together for a rather boring English project resulting in a boring kind of love. Chapter Two: Good Partner It finally time to finish up that stupid project, so be on your best behavior. art (c) paperplatephace.deviantart characters (c) southpark storyline by whocares10315 on ff.net ---> http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5413381/1/Paired_Up http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6052156/1/Good_Partner --- Love SP? Also check out the awesome-ness by paranoid psyberry! http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=78598 Shameless pull in for my other SP comic? Always! http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=79249", true, true], "Palace": ["http://palaceofficial.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, ":Palace: A showcase for everything, but not for everyone. If you're looking for edits don't bother looking here. Everything here done by Rest is Scratch if not more than 80% scratch. There is also Zocky.", false, true], "Panacea": ["http://panacea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 179, "Caelen is part shapeshifter but his dual heritage becomes a curse when he learns his unstable body is slowly deteriorating. Life seems pretty miserable and pointless. With no faith in himself and even less faith in others he has very much sunken into pitiful state. After hitting his lowest point, landing in the streets with nowhere to be, he manages to catch the attention of a stranger. Will Sairys' compassion and cheerful attitude be enough to break through the barriers Caelen manage to erect around himself? *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Boy Love Warning! Hopefully I'll manage to update once a week. You can expect new pages on Mondays and Thursdays... usually, unless something comes up and I can't make the deadline.", true, false], "Pandect": ["http://pandect.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Fleance, a Leopard Prince forced out of his forest home after it was destroyed by humans. After escaping from the zoo he was rescued by Titus, a Shark Prince who also enrolled him in his school. As Fleance learns to live amongst humans, he slowly discovers this was all a trap. Pandect is a Shounen-ai Webcomic about love, mercy, forgiveness and the law. For faster updates, visit Pandect's official site pandectcomic.com", false, true], "PandoraGate": ["http://pandoragate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Millions of years had passed the human world expanded it's dimension and now it is overlapping with other worlds. The Pandora Gate which separates other worlds is loosing it's power 100 humans are given the chance to save the human world from creatures from other dimensions, will they save our world or rather they will let it to be destroyed instead?", false, true], "PantsParty": ["http://partypants.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 149, "This is the Pants Party! Its a Party With Pants. Three friends live and stink up the Lab of famous Dr. Light, will their shenanigans get them into trouble? or will Z just give Dr. Light a raging boner? Find out at the PANTS PARTY Updates usually whenever. The Pants Party Hosts- Boh - Supreme Commander in Chief (Also known as the God King) The Magnificent Z - The Magnificent Gatamigo - Vice President Joe Biden. If you wanna vote for the Pants Party, just give me a message, you just might get a cameo. Probably a better one than Gata too. Hey, you can't lose right? Vote Pants Party. Edit: But I'm an author now so how the fuck could they get a better cameo than me -Vice President Gata Edit Edit: Because even though you're an author, you're still lowest on the totem pole. - Supreme Commander in Chief Boh. Edit Edit Edit: And I'm sandwiched in between you two. ~Z Edit Edit Edit Edit: Phrasing! Boom! - Boh The Host.", false, true], "PanzerDragonandEnigmaCompleteEdition": ["http://panzerdragonandenigma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 763, "As a world reaches its peak of prosperity, instability begins to reveal itself as Dragonenix falls into a period of darkness. Three warriors will rise to the challenge to solve the mystery of their world's instability and set things right. The Complete Edition of Panzer Dragon and Enigma contains the full unabridged story of the entire First Arc series, including the first season of the PDE(+) Saga: Twilight Dawn. The last major update was November 16, 2011, with Twilight Dawn added to the archives as of March 20, 2012.", false, true], "PanzerDragonandEnigmaZwei": ["http://pdezwei.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 237, "Panzer Dragon and Enigma Zwei is the re-telling of the original story on SmackJeeves about protagonists Panzer Dragon, Enigma, and Niavana Avalon as they become involved in protecting their home from the move of a mysterious organization, spiraling into a battle that will decide the fate of so many worlds and reveal to this trio their destiny. Click on \"PDE: Complete Edition\" to check out the original story, but you do NOT have to read the Complete Edition to understand what's going on in PDE Zwei. Nevertheless, it's still an awesome read and you should check it out if you want an idea of my past works. Comics available every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday!!!", false, true], "PaperDoll": ["http://paperdoll.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "", false, true], "PaperGirl": ["http://papergirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "The characters in this comic belong to: www.jangopop.deviantart.com PLEASE READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT (Like a manga!) The characters are dolls that belong to JangoPop, and after i heard she was selling Bean i became a bit sad knowing that i won't see any more of her, but i wondered how Circa would feel. Circa understands that she was just an imaginary friend, and maybe it was time to let her go?", false, true], "PaperJoJourneyThroughtheBeanbeanKingdom": ["http://paperjo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "After having an enjoyful vacation on the Beanbean Kingdom, Jo, the 17 year old afro'd twin, decides it's finally time to head home to the Mushroom Kingdom, and heads on the plane. However, while on the plane, two Goomba thieves rob the plane, and throws Jo out the airplane! Now, stranded and lost in the Beanbean Kingdom, read as Jo tries to find a way home while meeting new friends, enemies, and other things! (Totally a Paper Mario comic, but without the whole turning into an airplane or turning into a boat thing.", false, true], "PaperLuigiTheMarvelousCompass": ["http://paperluigitmc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Join Luigi's adventures in the Waffle Kingdom to save Princess Eclair from the dreaded Chestnut King. Based on the Super Luigi book series from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.", false, true], "PaperSheetsandCrows": ["http://psac.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "A comic about parallel worlds, artistic struggle, unemployment and being an outcast. Only it's a lot less serious than it sounds. It's got mad life coaches. See? it's starting to sound less serious already. Updates Wednesdays.", false, true], "PaperStars": ["http://paperstars.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "When one life changes other lives change as well. In this particular short comic two strangers become friends.", false, true], "PapermanAsherlockfancomic": ["http://sherlock-paperman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "First things first; The idea and everything is based heavily on the amazing short film Paperman, that was directed by John Kars. A short (15 pages) fancomic of the beautiful BBC's Sherlock. Johnlock goggles are optional, but I wear them 24/7 so...wear them or don't it will still make sense! But I'd still rate it as Boy Love or man love really since no boys in sight haha. Updates on tuesdays, thursdays and sundays.", false, true], "ParadiseRoundSportingHouse": ["http://paradiseround.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "A young man goes out in search of his missing brother, only to find that he's been employed at Paradise Round Sporting House, a renowned bordello with a circus theme! Another Paradise Round employee offers to assist the young man, but only at a very steep price... Yaoi with a touch of Het!", true, true], "ParadiseSeeker": ["http://paradiseseeker.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A desert world, humans and werewolves fated to fight each other, and a half-blood in search for a place to belong. UPDATES DAILY JAPANESE READING ORDER: RIGHT TO LEFT Written and drawn in 2009 for a private anthology project, \"Paradise Seeker\" is the first completed collaboration between the author Shir0gane and the artist Tashina Jacob/DaughterOfOwls (former hakkyouhime on dA). We didn't want to keep this story from you, so here it is. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did - and still do. :)", false, true], "Paradox": ["http://paradoxcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 624, "Taken as prisoners of war, Dake and Tommy are sold as slaves, one to a wealthy but kind woman, the other to a man of unknown species who has a very bad habit of eating people. Forced to endure the horrors of war, racism, homophobia, and the occasional molestation, can these two opposites somehow attract? Contains sexual situations, violence, drug use and probably many other bad things.", true, true], "ParanormalKnights": ["http://para-knights.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "A mortal, an undead, and a demon. All had been sent out to hunt for the glory and resources. All share many different set of skills and abilities, and they pitch in together to serve for one purpose, steal from the corrupted and serve for the good. Hell, call them a bunch of Robin Hoods if you will. Yet, what is their gain from this? What purpose or what goal had driven them to become committed to their given task? Is it immortality? Is it the riches? Or is it for entertainment? Read to find out!", false, true], "ParanormalSPP": ["http://paranormalspp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "S.P.P The world famous paranormal investigations company which deals with claims of hauntings, possession, and unexplained events including, but not necessarily, impossible murders. (For a rather hefty price of course) The story follows the Scottish branch of the S.P.P Company, run by Symphony with her unusually strong psychic abilities and her partner Jack who excels at solving any kind of puzzle. They are joined by a self-proclaimed exorcist, a moody ex-bodyguard, and an insane computer hacker, as they tackle the increasingly gruesome cases occurring all across England. Warning: comic contains blood, child death, torture, execution, saws, and other tools used to kill. If you have a problem with any of the above I strongly advise you don't read this. *Comic art by Fullmoon69, Story and chapter page colouring by me. Read left to right*", false, true], "ParoxysmTemporal": ["http://paroxsymtemporal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "When a father and son disappear the worst is thought. Only when they return 5 days later with powers and aged does the true horror of their disappearance reveals itself.", false, true], "PartiallyInfected": ["http://partiallyinfected.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Twins get abducted and sold on the vampire slave market. View they're adventure on Partially Infected.", false, true], "PartyPlz": ["http://partyplz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "A webcomic about videogame fantasy adventures. Follow Hawnk and his party mates as he meets them in a weird and unlikely adventure that starts off pretty typical.", false, true], "ParvanimaGirls": ["http://parvanima.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Parvanima, an alien and magical stuffed animal-like creature grants two girls magical powers. With these powers, the girls use them to take down monsters and prevent them from causing any more destruction. A magical girl comic. The plot will become more clear as the story goes on.", false, true], "Password": ["http://password.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Password is a short horror story inspired by Black Box Tv. You can find the BBT works on youtbe. They are fantastic pieces of artworks that motivated me to created my own short story. While I post the pages I will stay silent about the story. I encourage you all to comment and say what you think is going on, but I don't expect it. Once the comic is finished I shall post a 'discussion' page, where in the authors comments I will answer questions, tell you all little Easter eggs I hidden and over all talk about the comic. Now, I hope you all enjoy.", false, true], "PastPresentandFutureaworldindanger": ["http://pastpresentfuture.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "For many years, humans have become Pokemon, and have always saved the Pokemon world, but one time, they fail, and one girl, decides to change that. Meanwhile in the past, a Pokemon sees the near future, and heads on, but loses her memory. They meet in the present. One knows their identity, the other has no clue. One has a message, one has a secret. Welcome to the Past, the Present, and the Future. Updates Whenever possible!!! *Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Series*", false, true], "PathofDisorder": ["http://pathofdisorder.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Due to the fact i'll never get the back story of the Dark Prince in Elf n Hood, I thought a side-story on how he became the evil heretic was in order. So think of this as a prequel to Elf n Hood.", false, true], "Pause": ["http://pause.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 109, "\"Pause\" is a light story about a boy, Yoshiro Koizumi, who can freeze time whenever he wants to. When he suddenly meets a girl who is unaffected by his time-freezing powers, his peaceful high school life is thrown into chaos as she discovers his dark secrets which Yoshiro only shows when time is frozen. -Updates daily... most of the time :|", false, true], "PavorNocturnus": ["http://pavornocturnus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Pavor Nocturnus is a yaoi/yuri and horror webcomic set in Italy. Alma moved into a new little city to hide her secret as always, but this time things are going to change: the nocturnal terror is going to involve everyone. flags: LGBT,boys love,BL,yuri,yaoi,horror, sex content.", false, true], "PaxCerberus": ["http://paxcerberus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Pax Cerberus is a short manga drawn for a contest. It's about a future world that seems to disappear in war. But there's a little boy who spreads hope... Reading direction from right to left ;)", false, true], "Paybacktime": ["http://paybacktime.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Erich, an 17 years old boy made his chauffeur's life like a hell. So when the right time comes, it's time for a payback. It's an old story, I just found while I was searching some sketches.", true, true], "Peacekeeper": ["http://peacekeeper.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "This is a gay comic~ Fen is a Peacekeeper from a wolf clan in the forest to the east who made friends with a dragon. Together they save those in need and help those who need it, often making new friends along the way, as well as getting themselves into trouble.", false, true], "PencilBoyoneschot": ["http://pencilboy-oneschot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "It's story about love. Real love.", false, true], "PendragonTravelerofHalla": ["http://pendragontravlerofhalla.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Imagine what it would be like to discover you aren't the person you thought you were. Bobby Pendragon was living the life of a normal 14 year old guy, until his Uncle Press appeared with a mission: protect all of time and space from a demon named Saint Dane, a cold-blooded villain who wants nothing less than the dismantling of humanity. The only force standing in Saint Dane's way is a mysterious group of people called Travelers, and Bobby is surprised to discover that he is one of them. The amazing truth behind this battle for time and space gradually unravels for Bobby over the course of the Pendragon series. Along the way, he encounters the kind of nail-biting, hairy adventures that he used to love to watch in the movies, but finds that in his new life, they could not be more real. Original book series belongs to D.J Machale. Rated: T+ for Teen (Due to violence) Genre: Fiction Updates: I try doing them weekly", false, true], "Pennhurst": ["http://pennhurst.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "***THIS COMIC IS COMPLETED!!*** Pennhurst, in a nutshell, is about a cannibalistic serial killer trying to escape from an asylum. It's full of gore, nudity, drug use, and language. It is also, ironically, a love story. Pennhurst was named after an actual asylum that was shut down 20 years ago for abusing it's patients. To learn more about this fascinating piece of history, you may find it here: http://www.opacity.us/site30_pennhurst_state_school.htm Thank you for choosing my comic, enjoy! -Angela Klecker", true, true], "PepSquad": ["http://pepsquad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 113, "the day to day struggles and activities of a group of teenage cheerleaders.", false, true], "Perinto": ["http://perinto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Serkukset Kati ja Hilla eiv\u00e4t tule toimeen kesken\u00e4\u00e4n. Kuitenkin he joutuvat mummunsa hautajaisten j\u00e4lkeisen\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4n\u00e4 kohtaamaan yhdess\u00e4 kummallisen perint\u00f6esineen tuomat vaikeudet. Selviyty\u00e4kseen Katin ja Hillan on m\u00e4\u00e4r\u00e4 tehd\u00e4 yhteisty\u00f6t\u00e4, mutta onnistuuko heilt\u00e4 yhteisty\u00f6 vai k\u00e4\u00e4nt\u00e4v\u00e4tk\u00f6 tyt\u00f6t toisilleen selk\u00e4ns\u00e4 h\u00e4d\u00e4n hetkell\u00e4?", false, true], "PerplexingMagnoliaDisruption": ["http://smgpmd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 205, "Perplexing Magnolia Disruption is a serious comic filled with love, hate, drama, and... Who are we kidding, it's a Team SMG Pokemon Comic. Don't expect this to be serious at all. COMIC COMPLETED. The sequel can be found here: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=118656", false, true], "PersonBacterium": ["http://pnb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A preachy, self-indulgent introspection in graphic panel format. More from the author: - http:\\\\soob.deviantart.com - http:\\\\haa.smackjeeves.com", false, true], "PeterPan": ["http://peterpan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 203, "An adaptation of the classic children's story Peter Pan. Closely following J.M. Barrie's original story, come follow the adventures of Peter and the Darling children in Neverland! If you've never read the book, here's your chance to experience the real story! If you have, and enjoyed it, then this is the comic for you! Updates Sundays and Wednesdays!", false, true], "PetitFour": ["http://petitfour.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "Welcome to Petit Four, where delicious food is served off delicious men! There are four very special dishes available. Don't forget to make a reservation! Find us on tumblr: petitfourdishes.tumblr.com Or Twitter: twitter.com/petitfourdishes Contains: contortionism, shounen-ai, handsome men and yummy food (also some drama and laughter!)", false, true], "PetuniaRascal": ["http://petuniarascal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Naughty hi-jinks with the badmanest of the Skate Pirates, Petunia Rascal (and her no-goodnik crew).", false, true], "PhantomNoise": ["http://phantomnoise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "I drew this completely during grade 10 of my school year from Sept to June. Totally got kicked out of class once for drawing. > < Original intent was to improve angles, poses, and background skills. Story was randomly inspired in August. Usually did 2 pages at a time, story was made up on the spot. Story revolves around Echo, a friend's character, and his involvement with a band of dead teenagers. -- Comic was unfinished when the school year ended cuz I artblocked. Currently drawing the final pieces to finish the story. -Scanned exactly as it is, unedited, UNLESS I FEEL IT'S SO BAD I UPDATE/FIX THE ART", false, true], "Phantomland": ["http://phantomland.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 145, "UPDATES ON THURSDAYS Santa Luison is a large city that employs it's strange minority of subhumans at a crime fighting organization. Introduce Chie: a fresh little rookie who receives her training from the baddest, meanest veteran officer around. Phantomland started as a self-published print comic back in 2009 and is now getting it's online debut at Smackjeeves. To know more about this comic, visit the homepage at: http://amph.nipponfever.net/phantomland", false, true], "PhatDaddysFables": ["http://phatdaddysfables.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "A collection of seriously creative work from Rick Johnson and the Phat Daddy Studios crew!", true, true], "PhotoshopFinal": ["http://photoshopfinal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "I made this in photoshop class. If you like it, I will make more, if not I won't so, otherwise enjoy.", false, true], "PiandPeasNuzlockeAdventures": ["http://piandpea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "Pi embarks on a Nuzlocke Challenge adventure in Unova! Together with her smug Snivy, Pea, she'll have to stop Team Plasma from making a world without Pokemon... Will they be able to work together? Will they make it through, until the end? ...alive?", false, true], "PikminDiary": ["http://pikmindiary.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A (VERY) short comic I made in anticipation for the release of Pikmin 3 for Wii U. I though I'd share it here because, well, why not?", false, true], "PinkEye": ["http://pinkeye.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Dorian just transferred high schools halfway through his senior year. He thought this new school would be a drag...until he fell in love. The only problem; his crush is a boy with Pink Eye! D: PS. This comic reads right to left", false, true], "Pinkblack": ["http://pink-black.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "15 years old Sifris is a human boy who inherited the blood of Wolf charmers from his parents, yet he sucks at summoning ... Comic contains crossdressing , boylove and very stupid humor. Also I'm french so you're bound to see mistakes sometimes in my spelling...^_^ UPDATES ON SUNDAY!", false, true], "Pinocchio": ["http://pinocchio.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A story of a boy who wants to be real", false, true], "Pistachiko": ["http://pistachiko.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "a man named Kaito goes to commit suicide after living a boring, loveless, cubicle job. He meets a strange guy named Shuno...and Shuno immediatly takes a liking to him...almost too fast to be real XD Kaito quickly makes it clear that he isnt gay...but will Shuno's actions toward him make him alittle...'confused'? lol Kaito's been in such a need for love that maybe Shuno's affection doesnt look THAT bad...or does it?:P YAOI!!", true, true], "PivotGallery2": ["http://pivotgalery2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Anyone is welcome all people out there is welcome and join the fun! Updates Monday and Friday. RULES 1. no swearing seriously people lets make this kid friendly. 2. no posting things that you know are bad. If you have any questions just send me a email. My email is trestenjames@gmail.com. Or you can send me a pm message or a message in the Pivot Gallery Chat page.", false, true], "PizzaFace": ["http://pizzaface.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Sketchy Comic Popular Daniel dumps his four year nerdy acne covered boyfriend Andrew. Andrew thinks he has been dumped because of his looks and because he is an unpopular nerd. Although Andrew thinks he isn't good enough to be with Daniel he is still heart broken and in love with Daniel. However did Daniel breakup because he no longer likes Andrew or is there another reason for Daniels actions. WARNING this is a boy love comic so if you don't like that you probably will not want to read this... Also be prepared for horrible horrible spelling.", false, true], "PlanBee": ["http://planbee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Anton the Bumble Bee Bounty Hunter, hunts down and brings ne'er do wells to justice in this dakka dakka, Film noiresque webcomic.", false, true], "PlasticKings": ["http://plastickings.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 227, "A young king and his rock n' roll queen must give up their party-animal ways and beg the gods for help when their newborn son falls ill. However, this is only the first of many problems facing the kingdom and the gods who watch over it.", false, true], "PlatonicBoyfriends": ["http://platonicboyfriends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "All Sydney Simon wanted was some quiet so he could read and study-- instead he ends up stuck with a professional slacker and their odd variety of friends who just won't leave him be ///Updates Wednesdays", false, true], "PlatonicSolid": ["http://platonicsolid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "i draw things of the platonic solids all the time here doodles, friends", false, true], "PlayBall": ["http://playball.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "\"Even if I'm a girl, it didn't mean that I can't play soccer any better than a boy!\" A short comic about soccer for elementary children. It's old tho, I made it when I'm still in the junior high. That's years and years ago. XD", false, true], "PlayTime": ["http://dollysplaytime.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 192, "Megumi was just a timid high school girl trying to cope with life until the day a magic ribbon came into her life and a new hero was born!", false, true], "Plea": ["http://plea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "This comic started as my final in FND116:Perspective and I'm getting a chance to continue it in ILL192:Comics-Pencils & Inks 1. As I'm working full time and going to school full time I'll update it as often as I am able but there are no set update dates as of right now.", false, true], "PoTSilverPairValentinesDoujin": ["http://silverpairvalentines.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A short fancomic about Shishido and Choutaro from Hyotei Academy, from The Prince of Tennis WHOOPS FORGOT CREDITS TO MY SIS FOR MAKING THE AWESOME STORYBOARD. Her site: www.satse.tumblr.com", false, true], "Pogeymanz": ["http://pogeymanz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "In this low-budget comic, Anonymous is a brown-suited trainer who dresses similarly to Riley and is about to go on his Pok\u00c3\u00a9mon journey. His journey begins a tad early when his own parents kick him out of the family. Now with a starter Kabutops, [Nameless] sets off on his crazy quest, only to face a rival with uber-powerful Pok\u00e9mon, an insane team that consists of noobs, and physics-defying events. But who needs a coherent plot? Rated PG for cartoon violence, constant rude humor, infrequent language, and occasional drug references. CAMEO POLICY: I will typically accept cameos as long as they're at least RSE-styled Pok\u00c3\u00a9mon overworlds (DPPt-styled is more warmly welcomed). However, I reserve the right to subject your requested OC to any form of torture if I so choose it for the cameo's screen time. Thus, I can do whatever I want with the character for the brief time which I use him/her in the webcomic, so do not get mad if you do not like what I am doing to the character, and do not get mad if someone else's cameo gets \"better treatment\" than yours does. (This has not happened yet, I'm just stating this in order to prevent it in the future) Updates whenever.", false, true], "Point": ["http://wwww.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "never ask whats the point. the point is anything and everything. and it is pointless", true, true], "PointlessParables": ["http://parables.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Pointless Parables are a collection of parables which will likely leave you bored and confused.", false, true], "PokeHerMon": ["http://pokehermon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "this is Ultras version of Pokemon Platinuim, it will have the same storyline and the same characters. Updates Whenever (will start daily updates again in the summer) NOW ACCEPTING CAMEOS!!!!! O YESH! Template By Wotter ---------------------------------------------------- Again, one of the characters. Refresh image !!!!!! Slowly V\u00f6tter\u016f", false, true], "PokeHerMonOLDSKOOL": ["http://oldskool.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "THE ORIGINAL PHM IS HERE. HORRAH", false, true], "PokeSagaJohtoRegion": ["http://pokesagajohto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "Kotone is about to start her Pokemon Journey, but she doesn't know that's going to entail talking Pokemon, fighting an evil organization bent on taking over the world, and something even greater and darker then anyone could possibly imagine. The second story in the Poke Saga series. Updates every Friday at 12PM EST.", true, true], "PokeVenturous": ["http://pokeventuras.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 111, "It will all be mine power so divine it's my destiny Team Rocket, it's my destiny Follows the adventures of the trainer Lea who is also a psychic and stuck working for team Rocket, as they fight other corporations for a piece of the global market. Disclaimer: This story uses pokemon from every generation. You have been warned Also Pokemon is a Trademark of Nintendo", false, true], "Pokecontests": ["http://pokecontest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "in tourneys 16 pokemon from the same region face each other in a battle to see who is better every 3 days the round will be uploaded each pokemon will be chosen at random", false, true], "PokefarmingRiseFromtheAshes": ["http://pokefarming.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 273, "http://pokefarm.org/ IF YOU HAVE A POKEFARM ACCOUNT YOU CAN JOIN. A second Pokefarming since the old one was deleted by some douchebag. >:I All about Pokefarm. Post your eggs and pokemon, etc. Anything Pokefarm related.", false, true], "PokemonAdventuresinGalkos": ["http://galkosregion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Fan made Pokemon Comic", false, true], "PokemonAlpha": ["http://pokemon-alpha.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Nielle lives in palet town, she has no friends until she finds a wounded Pokemon, chased by strangers, she decides to cure and hide it. A few days later, Samuel, whose parents just moved, discovers her secret. The two childrens and the mysterious Pokemon become friends. --- I started drawing this comics a few months ago. I did not intend to publish but maybe some people will appreciate it anyway! Although my level design is not very good :/ I hope to improve my skills with time ! \u00e8_\u00e9 I am French, so I apologize in advance if I make mistakes. Feel free to notice me! Updates on Mondays", false, true], "PokemonAncientAmethyst": ["http://ancientamethyst.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "\"Embrace your dreams. If you want to be a hero, you need to have dreams.\" ------ Duncan, Celia, and Mordecai are three youths who have never met and have no real connections to each other. However, their separate goals will end up putting them all on the road together. But their journey will not be an easy one. Two years after the Groudon and Kyogre incident, something from an age long forgotten is stirring beneath the Hoenn region... ------------------------------------------------------ 11/6/2013 - Anx becomes the first fan for this awful comic", false, true], "PokemonBattleTournament": ["http://pkmnbt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A Collaboration Pokemon Battle Tournament where trainers (Smackjeeves users) compete against one another in varied and unique Pokemon Battle challenges for ultimate victory. This comic was designed to give Pokemon lovers a place to compete in battles with others easily, while also improving or continuing their art experiences. Want to join? Check the Entry page for details!", false, true], "PokemonBeta": ["http://pokemonbeta.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 127, "The Trygon facility was made to create better Pok\u00e9mon that can survive in their world, as species over the years have been dying out. Rymadanas, the head of the Red tower, desire Pok\u00e9mon to become equals, with no weaknesses or be disadvantaged. Pok\u00e9mon are recruited into the facilities by force if they lack the necessary amount of specimen. The Trygon capture Pokemon and genetically experiment on them, and even themselves to achieve their goals. Those captured unwillingly are wiped of their memories, forcing them to obey without question. Some regions had seen the only way out is to urge their residents to undergo experimentation to keep families from being separated, and body counts low. Opposition to the Trygon Organization has reached an all time pitfall. Only few pieces of land are still free of the shadow cast from the buildings. Is risky science the way to salvation? What is the root cause of Pokemon to be dying out? Unbeknownst to a Totodile, he would find the answers to everything...", false, true], "PokemonCrystalDoubleNuzlockeChallenge": ["http://miinuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 278, "Another Nuzlocke Challenge, Pokemon Crystal Version :D. Note: English is not my main language :B, so you're free to correct me anytime.", false, true], "PokemonDistantDesire": ["http://distantdesire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "If one thing is constant about humans, it is the presence of desire. When the Millennium Comet shines bright in the sky, young Medley takes it as an omen and sets out to achieve hers.", false, true], "PokemonDustWhite": ["http://dustwhite.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "A Wild West Pokemon adventure inspired by Taken! Dustin Heralds is a gruff war veteran who comes out of retirement when terrorists kidnap his only daughter. His goal? To get back his daughter, or die trying!", false, true], "PokemonGenerationX": ["http://generationx.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Generation X is set in the Pokemon universe. It stars a young trainer named Eva as she journeys the region of Kalos in a effort to prove herself to be a worthy Dragon Buster.", false, true], "PokemonGenesis": ["http://pokemongenesis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Courier Beige encounters a rather violent and oddly-colored Lucario atop a snowy mountain. They don't exactly get along at first. Little do either of them know that they are about to be wrapped up in the plot of a dangerous new team of criminals with a mysterious agenda that could shake the foundations of the Karo region.", false, true], "PokemonInsanityVersion": ["http://pokemoninsanityversion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 110, "This comic is just what the title says... INSANE! This is a bunch of short stories involving Pokemon, a trainer, and just some wacky people! WARNING: Craziness, and radomness has been known to cause blindness and sheer madness. (CURRENTLY A PMD)(Updates every Thursday and occasionally other days) Quoted Characters: Skybyte: BARRELS! (If you get it, youre awesome) Chill: Violet: Hey there, hippo \u00e0ddict! Aurora: I have long hair. Your argument is invalid. Vortex: HEWWO THEWE!!!! Christian: Wotters: Feel the tides of fate! Riolo: I have many qoutes. \"Math is Eisier than Pi the number.\" All righty and mighty.\" Of HORSE I'll do it.\" Why", false, true], "PokemonLANDSKY": ["http://www.landxsky.com/comics/", 112, "LAND//SKY follows the adventures of seventeen year old twins Xander and Lexi as they leave their hometown in the Hoenn region to travel and to see what the world of Pokemon has to offer. Story by Sky King Artwork by Freedomthai", false, true], "PokemonLegends": ["http://pkmnlegends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "A comic I originally started on Deviantart... This is my total REVAMP and new Story. I really hope you enjoy this series It is based around the entire Pokemon Universe. Featuring characters up to Gen 4 (for now maybe we'll see some of Gen 5)...", false, true], "PokemonLifeChallenge": ["http://pokemonlifechallenge.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "This is a sprite webcomic! about a new pokemon trainer! his name is kai! he is 10 years old finally! his goal is to be the best pokemon master! will he be able to do it? will he defeat all the other trainers? read and find out!", false, true], "PokemonMisterZTheZorua": ["http://misterz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Yea. ANOTHER COMIC by me... This one's about a Zorua and a Weedle. Mister Z.(zorua)is PURE EVIIL! And he's got a LOT of EVIIL rivals! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA But... um, well... He kinda is an idiot. AND HE'S GOING ON A SUPERDUPERAWESUMOHMYGOSHADVENTURE! This comic will be completely random. Updates whenever I feel like it. Jay! READ IT! NOW! I'll give u a cookie :'(", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonAdventurersofLight": ["http://pmdal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 114, "Based off of the PMD series, rises the imagined sequel Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Adventurers of light! Introducing a new world! a new team! a new adventure! Join Jason and Luna as they set off on the adventure of a lifetime, making new discoveries, and facing a great evil! For this is Adventurers of light! disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, this is purely fan made. Rated T for Violence, sexual themes, alcohol reference, Language, and Suggestive Themes.", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonBattleBorn": ["http://pmd-battle-born.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "This is a comic heavily inspired by PMD blue rescue team. There will be several maps and sprites ripped from the games. I don't plan on having long pages and chapters, but I do plan on updating the comic every/every other day. Enjoy the comic!", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonExplorersofCosmos": ["http://pmdcosmos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "(Mainly inspired by Gates to Infinity and a fanfic) When crap goes wrong and Langley is turned into a Snivy, With the assistance of other Pokemon, she must find a way to turn back and save the Pokemon world at the same time! Updates: Whatever.", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonFusion": ["http://pmdf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "In the world of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2, After the events of temporal tower and the world in danger of Darkrai; A new town spawned into the middle of the continent. From that town, a Floatzel name Flintz encountered a Lucario named \"Tisserove\" on his way to train. And from that moment on, another adventure was unfolding and neither of the two would know what they're in for. New items, abilities and dungeons are waiting to be discovered. More teams to encounter. Though, yet another unusual force to be reckoned with emerges. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon \u00a9 series. Pokemon is copyrighted \u00a9 to Nintendo/GameFreak Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Fusion comic \u00a9 to me.", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonRAD": ["http://pmd-rad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "*This story takes place about two years after the events of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon- Blue Rescue Team.* When human-turned-Pokemon Avis is unceremoniously transformed and flung into the Pokemon world, she really has no clue what the heck she is supposed to do, and the weird dreams aren't helping! With the assistance of a friendly Oshawott, a mysterious Gengar, and a handful of other pokemon, Avis must get her rear in gear and get down to business before time runs out.", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonTales": ["http://pmdt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 207, "Vexx and Mack of the Super Ranked Team, GreenFire, set out on a mission of their own, to explore the world outside their Island! However, things do not go according to plan when enemies of old appear with plans of their own. Along with their new team-mates, friends and allies, Vexx and Mack set a course to continue helping the Pokemon of the world while exploring the new world around them. This is their Tale... Based on the popular Pokemon Mystery Dungeon \u00a9 series. Pokemon is copyrighted \u00a9 to Nintendo/GameFreak Updates once a week, or whenever possible (Due excuse some long pauses if I'm sick, suffering from Crohn's problems)", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonTeamCrystal": ["http://crystalmysterydungeon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 347, "Just a little something I wanted to try as a result of playing pkmn mystery dungeon games a lot. Will have a bit of everything category wise :) Will up the rating to M if it calls for it..but hopefully it won't. It IS rated T for language though! Updated whenever I can!", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonTheAdventuresofTeamFloofyness": ["http://pmdteamfloofyness.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Just a stupid Pokemon comic that's actually a side-story from something my friend Violette made. This comic is basically about two Eevees, a Pikachu, and a Minccino who are completely weird, don't always get along well, and sometimes even steal each other's rice. Should update daily, I can get these pages done pretty fast. These are done in my sketchbook, and I don't color them or anything so it's just black and white. If I don't update daily, I've probably gotten sidetracked, lost motivation, or just plain busy. Hang with me here!", false, true], "PokemonNEONProjectNanocide": ["http://pkmnneon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "I live in the Hoenn Region in a run down town known as Verdanturf. Nothing special here, we got 3 houses built in this part of the region, a PokeCenter, and a Stadium that holds Puck Fights for Pocket Monsters, at least it was while I was still a kid. Now it's shut down by the police. Not only that has changed, but Pocket Monsters are now referred to as \"Pokemon\", don't know why. The number of Puck Fights have increased over the years, you'll find shits all around the place, waiting to attack you and mug you for your money with their \"Pokemon\". What I knew of the world was what I knew of this Town, what I knew of this town was what I knew of myself.", false, true], "PokemonNavyBlueVersion": ["http://pokemonnavyblue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Pokemon Navy Blue Version is a new adventure of Pokemon with new adventures, characters, and laughs. join Bloo , Brevin , Gabby and Green on their adventure through the Cyan Region.", false, true], "PokemonNovus": ["http://pokemonnovus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Pokemon Novus takes place in an alternative reality to the original. All new pokemon, all new adventures.", false, true], "PokemonOrange": ["http://pokemonorange.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A Pokemon Fan-comic where a bunch of kids from different regions have to compete the Decennial Pokemon-Games!!!!", false, true], "PokemonProjectSoftShell": ["http://softshell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "\"It was about two years ago that Project Soft Shell was finally finished. The creation simply codenamed as \"Leaf\" was the first of her kind; a Human-Pokemon hybrid. Having the body, mind, and soul of a human, and all of the abilities of a Pokemon. Sadly, she also had the free will of a human, and she escaped after a mental encounter with the wish granting Pokemon, Jirachi. After being guided to a time capsule and being left in there for about two years, Leaf has left to fulfill a nagging problem from the back of her mind concerning a legendary trainer...\" This used to be the description, but now, lets just consider this something \"really annoying to do\" and \"what I forgot ideas for\".", true, true], "PokemonRebellion": ["http://pokemonrebellion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Goldenrod City, political and economic capital of Johto. Noa is 19, and studies at the prestigious Goldenrod University. While not being a model student, she is smart and has a comfortable life. However, Noa is bored, and she'd do anything to break the monotony. But one day, her curiosity makes her meet a creature which was thought to be extinct for more than 30 years. A pokemon.", false, true], "PokemonRisingShadows": ["http://risingshadows.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Pokemon: Rising Shadows is a Pokemon fan-comic that follows the adventures of an unusual trio who are accidentally dragged into a ancient battle that could upset the balance of the world.", false, true], "PokemonSAKOHJU": ["http://sakohju.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 447, "Different adventures kick off with different characters in different parts of the Pokemon world! There's darkness in the Pokearth, and it's not just Team Plasma. A group by the name of Team Midnight is on the rise. However, their biggest obstacle appears when the protoganists come together to form SAKOHJU, an organization dedicated to ridding the Pokemon world of evil. As the fight rages, it's unclear how many will make it out alive, as it all comes down to SAKOHJU vs. Team Midnight... ____________________ I started this comic a couple years ago so some parts of it (beginning especially) aren't all that good. It's become more of a sketch comic and it's a learning experience for me, I improve and as my first project I'm seeing this thing to the end no matter what. I also have lots of characters based off real people. I will say that now. Also breaks the fourth wall. A LOT. Pokemon (c) Nintendo", false, true], "PokemonSacredGoldNuzlocke": ["http://mdsacredgoldnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Mango Dolphin tries her hoof at her first Pokemon Nuzlocke as Lyra H. goes through a journey! However, her journey is more than she bargained for as she gets caught up in a myth revolving throughout Johto!", false, true], "PokemonTheCommercial": ["http://pokemokethecommercial.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Follow the journey of the Thief and the Girl with more fluids than she can handle as they travel to steal a mysterious package and a mother's last memento to her daughter. However these objects are being transported by a group of Knights and maybe the legend himself; The God of Death.", false, true], "PokemonWhiteishVersion": ["http://pokemonwhiteish.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Watch Andy as he travels through Unova to become a Pokemon Master! Like we've never heard that before, right?", false, true], "PokemonXDegree": ["http://pokemonxdegree.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 153, "Pokemon XDegree is a drawn and fully coloured Pokemon comic. A new and exciting, funny and romantic, mysterious and action packed story you would love to read. If you like battles, actions, or even just cute and colourful Pokemon, add Pokemon XDegree to your watch list ;D Lecus is a Pokemon Trainer, read to embark on a new adventure, however..... Any favourites are highly appreciated. Contain minor course language and some violence. Updates every Sunday :D -Lucazke", false, true], "Pokemonauthorversion": ["http://p-a-v.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "just an idea i had it's an author comic it's about pokemon trainers and that about it", false, true], "PokemonmysterydungeonPMDthecursedriolu": ["http://thecursedriolu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "Banner by: Rym 218 A horrible incedent while exploring causes a Riolu named Zack to die...or does it? Read an epic tale of a pokemon that has been to the other side and back. How did he Return to life? Is it destiny? Find out! Disclaimer: I do not own the Pokemon franchise in any way just a fan. All art done by: Zack seypher. (ME!) Updates: When I get the chance.Two every week. Warning: some pages may include, cussing, Alcohol, suggestive and sexual themes, and blood.", false, true], "PokemonmysterydungeonUdizioteam": ["http://pmdudizio.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "My favorite game is coming to my first hand-made comic. You can advice and comment about my comic. Thank for reading :3", false, true], "Pokemonmysterydungeonteamemerald": ["http://pmdte.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A young Eevee named Devin who was an Orphan for 4 years from the age of 3, has now become a full fledged member of the GAC, or better known as the Guild Alliance Corporation, along with his partner Blaze the Charmander and Luna the Eevee. It has been 6 years since the Crimson wars and the loss of Devin\u2019s dearest friend Rose the Vulpix. For now peace has so far returned to the land of Silverstone. But that all may turn around for our heros on their latest mission that may turn everything into a living hell\u2026 Rated T: Blood, Sexual themes, Violence, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol Pokemon(c) Nintendo PMDTE characters and story (c)JamestheTyphlosion", false, true], "PokemonnoRakuen": ["http://pokemon-no-rakuen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 228, "Summery- Gray has NEVER had a single girlfriend in his 17 years of life. His mother gets him a Totodile and then weird things happen... The Totodile becomes a human! What's going on?! Will going on a Pokemon journey give Gray the answers to his questions? Why did the Totodile become a human? What does Gray's father have to do with any of this? Will Gray EVER get a girlfriend? (Unlikely) Read to find out For ages 13 and up Warning- May contain death, blood and Implications", false, true], "Pokemons": ["http://pkmns.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Random pokemon stuff, though mostly drawings or comics. Updates whenever", false, true], "PokemutatesRus": ["http://pokemutatesrus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1253, "A showcase about pok\u00ef\u00bf\u00bdmon mutations by Flashwatch, Djoing, Digi300, Awesomeness189,Shift, Bowserknight, kitsune fire, himynameischris, Crusty_Kris, Weaver Tyialo, kh_fanatic1995, Snowy death,disturbed1, Chaodude, Jed192, Eddigardo, Rarhq2, naruto_numb,Celtic guardian, Ragethefox, Sparky The Fox, Bresong, Axel1000, Plazmaz, Xp_lulz and ridleykirb!! Also, not to forget, Flashwatch will show off some of his awesome Pokemon to Pokeball fusion art! If you want to request any splices i still do them on my FaceBook page called StrikedDragoon ~Snowy", false, true], "Pokeslaughter": ["http://pokeslaughter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "Pokeslaughter is about the adventures of a kid named ASH who just happened to wake up one day with some memories of a delightful version of the pokemon world hes in. Sadly, all of those good rated G adventures are nothing more then delusions and now he is getting out into the REAL world and trying to see what the TRUTH is that lies beneath its corruption. The series 'Pokemon' consists of the memories ash has in his head, how can he go from a perfect little world like that to a corrupt hell hole!? LETS WATCH AND SEE!", false, true], "PokinFun": ["http://pokinfun.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "As the title says, I poke fun at aspects of pokemon (mostly the games) in only 4 panels a strip. I have archived this comic. I am fresh out of ideas and interest. Watch my account for any future comics which may require a co-writer and/or artist. For those who are interested, my new original work spoofing zombies in particular and horror in general can be found here thru my profile.", false, true], "Pollen": ["http://pollen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A comic about a boy who\u00b4s son to a witch and ends up having to go search for her while not showing he actually isn\u00b4t too normal. WIll contain some love between boys.", false, true], "Polyester": ["http://polyester.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "This comic is a slice of life story that revolves around the staff of a women's magazine called \"Polyester\" but, it's mostly about the heroine named Valerie. Valerie is a talented journalist but, a terrible friend & lover. One day, for \"Polyester's\" final issue, she decides to write a magazine article about how far women will go for happiness. She researches 3 of her friends who, are addicted to either food, sex or shopping.", false, true], "PomegranateSeeds": ["http://pomegranateseeds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "Persephone and her friends are just your average college students. Regardless of the fact that she was born as Kirk, and Rory can't seem to escape his boobs. Oh, and their -ehem- Guardian Angel -ehem- keeps messing with their life. But other than that, yeah, pretty normal. Suuuuuuure....", false, true], "Ponzi": ["http://ponzi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 223, "About: It's a new beginning, a new age and a new world where people enjoy advanced industrial games, technology and entertainment. At this moment, after a mysterious broadcast, the world media has launched a new tournament called N.E.O.SIN. The prize for this competition is unlike any other, the winners will receive an evolutionary enhancement of their body. This enhancement will improve their physical and mental capacity as a human being. Ever dream of super speed, super vision or any other kind of supernatural enhancement? Who will win the key to the evolution of the human race? (You can read more info on the official site: www.pigtailstudio.com )", false, true], "PoorLittleRunia": ["http://poorlittlerunia.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 27, "The only girl and youngest among a group of thieves, Runia strives to be the best. Anxious to prove her worth and fast, her actions get her thrown out of gang. Now she's ready to prove that she can do just fine on her own. What starts as an act of pride winds up as a journey of self discovery filled with magic, deception, friendship, and realizing what family means.", false, true], "PoorMick": ["http://poormick.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "The story of an unlucky sailor.", false, true], "PoorlyTuned": ["http://poorly-tuned.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A comic about the boring, mostly uneventful life of yours truly! It varies from events, to thoughts, to whatever else seems fitting! Updates whenever life throws something interesting enough to draw at me!", false, true], "PopeCatandMegaDino": ["http://popecatandmegadino.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "The town of Monocle City has a super hero named Pope Cat and his arch nemesis Mega Dino, read all about their crazy yet cute adventures with their friends. We update every Thursday around 10 ish EST. If you would like it to be notified right away like our Facebook page and/or follow us on inkoutbreak. And please stick with us since this is our fist comic so it is only going to get better ( art wise and hopefully also in the writing department).", false, true], "PorcelainDoll": ["http://porcelaindoll.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "This story is based in a hospital in a small town near the ocean. Amelia Marie Smith was born with DiGeorge Syndrome: heart defects and poor/no immune system function. Children born with this disease hardly make it past middle childhood. She was as fragile as glass, a porcelain doll needing gentle care. Melia's parents isolated her when they had more children. She had her doctor and his son, Sheldon to help her through her dark times. She escapes whenever she can get a chance to enjoy the world outside of her sad and pathetic bubble. She meets a boy named Jude and from then on she decides that she won't tell this boy of her sickness. All so one person can treat her like a normal girl. Obviously, nothing can stay peaceful and beautiful for long when lies are involved.", false, true], "PorcelainTheHottestClubintheRedLightDistrict": ["http://porcelainclub.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "Who knew so much trouble could come up at a gentleman's club? When Tomelia got this job she didn't know what to expect. Roxanne took Tomelia under her wing, taught her the basics, but was that such a good idea? Will Roxanne have to give up her seat as the favorite entertainer? What about the sweet little girl Cassandra? Will she ever find her father? This is a comic that takes place mostly around a strip club. It is a multiverse where humans, partials, and a few anthros alike are a normal happenstance. Possibly may have to put a Mature Content rating on this when the sexy chapters are developed.", false, true], "PostMortem": ["http://portmortemcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Everyone's dead, some phones ring and things get serious. Updates on Sundays! Sometimes other days too.", true, true], "Potential": ["http://potential.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Ryan Heli has always had a special gift that she has hidden from others, but otherwise lived a normal life of gymnastics and video games. However, after she finds an angel in her basement her life becomes anything but normal. And so she embarks on an adventure that involves demons, giant talking rabbits, ancient humans, swordfighting, and meeting others who can use and manipulate Potential. Please visit the main website at http://www.junosketch.com to see art by J. Juno, some of which features characters from Potential. Also visit http://jayjuno.deviantart.com at Deviantart for even more artwork and sketches.", false, true], "PowerRush": ["http://power-rush.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "A series about college and monsters. Now updating twice a week!", false, true], "PrayerForRuin": ["http://prayerforruin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Robots. Demons. Jungle planet.", false, true], "PrettyMouth": ["http://prettymouth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 63, "Evan isn\u2019t a monster, his boyfriend is, Evan\u2019s just got a few extra mouths. Please give our website a second to redirect you. http://www.prettymouthcomic.com/", false, true], "Prexor": ["http://prexor.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 35, "NEW COMIC PAGE EVERY SUNDAY Prexor Chapter 1: A New Discovery! Kee'Ra the studious Pixie has discovered something new on her Spying Orb, humans! Kee'Ra along with her little brother Myn seek to study everything they can about humans, but is this study of humans just an innocent little project or can it evolve into something they can't even begin to fathom?", true, true], "Prey": ["http://preycomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "", true, true], "PrincessChroma": ["http://princesschroma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 127, "As darkness threatens to engulf all life, the universe cries out for a champion with a pure heart. But they'll have to settle for schoolgirl June Summer. With the help of her friends and her mentor, a winged bunny, June will battle monsters, struggle to maintain a normal school life, and occasionally watch television. Hey, even heroines need a little downtime. -A Magical Girl Parody. Updates Wednesdays!", false, true], "Princessthecat": ["http://prtc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Princess is a cat who, for some unfathomable reason, gets turned into a human. Join him and his two owners, a brother-sister duo by the name of Linda and Jim, as they try to figure out how to turn their beloved Princess back back into a cat! NOTE!! lots of swearing *princess the cat is a dumb sketch comic that i made as a joke not to be taken seriously", true, true], "Princetheboywhoneverlived": ["http://prince.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Background: This was the first one shot story I created in 2009. I still think it's is a bit weird, but it was kind of based on true story elements , so I left it as it is. Actual story description: What would you do if someone loved you but not because of who you are? And what would you do if you were warned about this by the ghost of the person you hate the most? Sam (protagonist) has to face these questions, but the hardest quest is when he has to decide wether he will accept the truth or continue to lead a life which never really belonged to him...", false, true], "Project512": ["http://project512.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "In 2074 four seventeen year old teenagers from a small new country called NewPortsman, signup for volunteer work at an \"research\" facility over the summer. They are also chosen to pilot a new type of bio weapon which will change their lives", true, true], "ProjectCAPLimit": ["http://imagecap.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "Have you ever wanted to see me post comics on YOUR computer screen, with some authors you may all know? THIS IS PROJECT CAP LIMIT! A new comic featuring the works of authors Punchy, Cascade, and Alienoid. A comic filled with adventure, stupidity, robots, definitely robots, and occasionally humor! Updates whenever we come up with clever material.", false, true], "ProjectEnyoMisunderstood": ["http://project001.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Enyo, the ultimate creation for war, is consider to be far to dangerous and is locked up at the age of 10. On her 18th birthday, she finally escapes the facility that has been keeping her. She now is on her own mission to ride of those who wronged her in the past.", true, true], "ProjectJikoku": ["http://projectjikoku.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 88, "A strange disturbance from a distant land has caught the interest of two young siblings. Their father had been lost for years and because of this anomaly, they may finally have hope that he is still alive deep in the darker regions of the universe. Fighting well-known foes, the two young Maracans set out to rescue their father from the clutches from the tyrants that are the Jikoku.", false, true], "ProjectSxA": ["http://sxa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "Susi is a college girl who is in love with Armand,but there is a problem, another girl Alma, she's going to do everything to keep them apart. :3", false, true], "Projectworld304": ["http://world304.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "(For mature readers only.)", true, true], "PrometheusisDead": ["http://prometheusisdead.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "In a land drowning in death and decay, the Vultures rule from their lofty paradise. Humans are both cattle and slave, but one man seeks freedom at any cost- But he'll soon find that price is steeper and deeper than any love. Will he usher an age of Freedom and Fire or despair and ashes? Art by Repsychus Story by CherryInk Website edited by Blankd **WARNING** This comic is not for those under 18. There will be relations in this comic of the homosexual/bisexual/heterosexual/sexual variety. Also, there will be sex. Enjoy. Update Schedule: 1/week, depending on page output. Updates on Mondays.", true, true], "Prophecy": ["http://prophecy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A prophecy from the holy goddess tells, that people with red hair will bring the end of the world. And so all newborns with red hair are killed. But then the time comes, when destiny or maybe coincidence brings two redhaired people together, who survived in very different ways. And suddenly they decide to change their way. They won't just survive, they would bringt light in the dark prophecy about the end of the world. And their part in it.", false, true], "Psyche": ["http://psyche.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "", false, true], "Publichumiliation": ["http://publichumileation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "It's about perverts, prejudice, family, and furry little animals that disregard logic and physics when necessary . . . or bored. Its about people whom other people refuse to recognize as people and the amount of damage a lie can deal oh and don't pet anything, it bites", false, true], "Puck": ["http://puck.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 208, "This site is the Smackjeeves mirror site for Puck where older comics are posted. The actual Puck website contains the latest content at... WWW.PUCKCOMICS.COM", false, true], "PuerietLibrorum": ["http://puerietlibrorum.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Do you love comic? novel? magazine? encyclopedia? dictionary? textbook? Well, honestly I am just like reading for fun. But not for this guy. He is a bookworm that really love books (literally) and luckily works in bookstore. But still, he must fight for his paradise because of the curiosity of third parties. XD Please enjoy this manga(maybe)about comedy and drama. Please read from left to right. Thank you :D", false, true], "PulseandBolt": ["http://pulse-bolt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 154, "Two female human batteries become armored superheroes.", false, true], "Pumpies": ["http://pumpies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "Pumpies comic is a comic about rockstars!!! and School Darshs!!(school friends)!! Well to say some funny things about that!! They inclued Red Hot Chili Peppers,30 Seconds to Mars,Tokio Hotel,Metallica,and more... ENJOY IT!!", false, true], "PumpkinBoy": ["http://pumkinboy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "It's a story about a Pumpkin Headed hero who will save the world. Enjoy! ^^", false, true], "PumpkinFlower": ["http://pumpkinflower.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 337, "CONTAINS: BL When being stalked by an amnesiatic ghost is the best thing going for you there may be a problem. Now if only the ghost could understand the term 'personal space.' FINISHED", false, true], "PunchysShowcaseofStuff": ["http://punchykun.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "The sequel to my not-so popular showcase, The Realm of Punchy! Starting off on a clean slate, this showcase will have more updates, more organization, and cleaner sprite sheets!", false, true], "PuppetsandStrings": ["http://puppetsandstrings.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 111, "Clare Von Brighton didn't know what she was in for when she was moved to Dame Edwin's Academy for Young Ladies. Little did she know she would be unraveling secrets not only about the history of Edward park, but of other people's lives and her own.", false, true], "Purgatorium": ["http://purgatorium.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "A complicated story about a journey in the afterlife - and about how it turns out to be unjust.", false, true], "PuritySouletheChildofLoss": ["http://puritysoule01.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Since my childhood, I can remember the \"voices.\" The callings of the deceased, the lost souls, those that have passed from the World of the Living, yet cannot reach the World of the Dead. They linger on the threshold, just beyond the veil between life and death. They came to me because I could hear them: the ones whose life lines intertwined with mine at some point in our pasts. They came to me because they thought I could help them. It is only now I am able to understand; but for years I could not. I could understand why they terrorized me with memories of their deaths; I didn't know that all they wanted, all they needed, was to let go of their mortal bonds, that they sought my help to pry their fingers from their death-grip on reality. I am Purity Soule; a medium - and I talk to dead people.", false, true], "PurpureaNoxa": ["http://purpureanoxa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "A VAMPIRE YAOI BOYS LOVE BL web comic set in Italy between the cities of Lucca and Pisa (Tuscany) based on the story of our RPG (Role Play Game). We thought that it could be fun drawing the \"misadventures\" of our characters :)", true, true], "Qiqiru": ["http://qiqiru.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Tessa has had to repeat school for several years. Not because she's stupid, but because she hasn't gotten her spirit animal yet. Not knowing whether to give up or keep repeating the same grade over and over, she soon realizes she should have appreciated her easy life because it's about to become a crazy roller coaster when she meets Qiqiru.", false, true], "QueerQueen": ["http://queerqueen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 246, "Queer Queen is a comedy shounen ai manga centred around Helium, a transvestite male student attending a boys' school, who falls in love with his own form-teacher. For this love is unrequited, he decides to ask out a fellow student to make his teacher jealous. Updated every Thursday, should be read from right to left.", false, true], "QuestionDuck": ["http://questionduck.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 294, "A curious duck and his friend travel the world together. They visit many places, and ask many questions. Often these things are not related.", false, true], "QuickTimeMoralChoice": ["http://qtmc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Quick Time Moral Choice is, apart from an awkward selection of seemingly random words, a web-comic, dedicated to poke fun at, and celebrate video games, one of the author's big passions in life. Every dig I take at your favorite video games I guarantee I take with love, and my main mission is to celebrate the games and the hard work of their creators. ...by making fun of their hard work... But again, with love. The characters I draw are for the most part not mine, and belong to their various creators. Same goes for most of the backdrops in my comic strips, which I don't have the time (or let's face it, the talent) to do proper justice in recreating. So, they are pilfered shamelessly (thank you, FRAPS) from their respective games, and brutally photoshopped into submission. With love...", false, true], "QuidProQuoComic": ["http://qpq.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Kichi and Kenji always have bad luck, but think the tables have turned when finding a strange book talking about a ritual to fulfill all your wishes. The two friends start the ritual, except not knowing that they're actually summoning a devil from the deepest pits of Hell. And when summoned, the boys discovers that this devil named Volunta speaks a strange language they don't understand. Nor does Volunta speak or understand a word Japanese. And the book misses the chapter with the ritual to send Volunta back to Hell. *** This comic is rated R for gorey horror bits, strong language and sexual content, like nudity, hints of sex and talks about sex.", true, true], "QuilmewbiandtheEclipse": ["http://quilmewbi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Quilmewbi awoke with a start. Sunset colored everything around her, sand slipping through her fingers. Quilmewbi glanced at her fingers. Wait no\u2026 those were\u2026 paws!? Quilmewbi dashed to the water and gazed into it. She looked different. What once was a human expression was now a fusion of quilava, celebi, and mew dunked in neon. Quilmewbi looked over herself. She swished her tail back and forth and buzzed her new wings. Something strange was going on here and she wasn\u2019t sure what. One thing was for certain though, Quilmewbi had once been a human and she was going to find out why she wasn\u2019t anymore.", false, true], "QuirbyspadofTERRORnofunlol": ["http://quirbyspadofterrornofunlol.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Forget everything you ever knew about Nintendo.....'cuz Quirby64 & his buds ruined it...ALL OF IT..", false, true], "QuiteNiceComics": ["http://quitenice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 104, "Welcome to a world of mysticism, intrigue, and chaos. Where warring powers turn the tides of time itself to their bidding. Where deception is a virtue and the truth an executioner's axe. ... Actually, that's the comic next door. This is Quite Nice Comics.", false, true], "QuoththeRavenna": ["http://quoththeravenna.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Mundy, Ravenna and friends do things and YOU thats right you at home get to EXPERIENCE it and watch everyone be a HUGE DORK.", false, true], "RAINBOW": ["http://rainbow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "Boo is a pink-haired, hardworking girl who lives in a small town in Maryland with her deadbeat mother. She has a very colorful wardrobe and personality behind her shy exterior. She works at a cafe to support herself until one day she saw a girl with green hair sitting at one of the tables. Little did she know, her life was about to be turned completley upside down... Contains GL/shoujo ai, twins, english stalkers and convict mothers.", false, true], "RANDGOMGROUNDS": ["http://randomgrounds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "This Is A Place where i can put my stuff add and put your random stuff too as long as its not nudity,spam or trolling.", false, true], "RANDOM": ["http://randomthecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 114, "Is logic at the door? Well tell it to beat it! You won't need it for this series. RANDOM is about one thing, complete nonsense. Join Joe B. Gamble, Smart T. Guy, Iam 2. Cute, I-I and Speedo. Every comic teaches you a new idiom to use for yourself, except you will learn it in a very unorthodox way. With a cast that gets in your face and glues itself to it too, RANDOM is what it wants and when it wants. No plot, story or sense, just a lot of laughs and idioms; that is RANDOM.", false, true], "REDPAGES": ["http://redpages.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Fallout New Vegas based. After the victory at the Hoover Dam the two couriers hide out in the destroyed Brotherhood bunker. What happens after victory? Celebration? Only time will tell. Currently: COMPLETE 18+ for content. Fallout, cock, smoking, drinking and sex.", true, true], "RESTLESSDREAMSBoyslove": ["http://restless-dreams.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Franz E\u00efnfrost is both a psychiatrist and a skilled assassin at the Solius Institute, a unique prison facility unlike any others since its purpose is to shape tomorrow\u2019s criminal professionals (mercenaries, assassins, thieves\u2026). But nothing ever is easy when there\u2019s another personality hidden deep within the recesses of your mind, a personality capable of dragging you into a world of nightmares night after night in an attempt to kill you.", true, true], "REVERSION": ["http://reversion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "Some 80 to 60 thousand years ago, early humans left Africa and went north and east to escape the increasingly hostile environment of Saharan Africa. What would the present be like now if this Great Exodus had NEVER happened?", false, true], "RIDDICKQLOSSTALES": ["http://riddickqlosstales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 204, "Crack detective Riddick Q. Loss' never-ending quest to catch the dastardly villain Sir Dimswitch.", true, true], "RIOT_DISTRICT": ["http://www.riotdistrict.com/comics/", 22, "Tomorrow's Breakthroughs Today.", false, true], "ROD": ["http://rideordie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "There are many children that live their life as if they were puppets. They are doing what they are asked to and they don't have their own dreams. Most of them don't even know their dream. This story revolves around a boy that has given up dreaming but still has the possibilities for his own future and another boy that has his whole life planned for him but still continues to have dreams of his own. What will happen when these two people meet? --- PG for people who can stand cussing. It's a BL in disguise, I don't think that I'll progress the main relationship to expressed love BUT I ship the two main guys xD ... expect teasing and freh aaaaair. tbh I'm not cut out for romances, that's why //OTL", false, true], "ROSIER": ["http://rosier.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 158, "[COMPLETED WORK] A Dark Fantasy Romance: Vanney is a ditzy acolyte at the Temple of the God of Wealth and spends her days daydreaming about adventures with her best friend Jaelia. When the Temple sends the two of them to escort a caravan to the mysterious, far-off border town of Shadow Charing Vanney's time for adventure has come. But her sunny imaginings have nothing to do with the shadowy world of witches, demons, magic and netherworlds her path takes her to...", false, true], "ROmanticAntics": ["http://roma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "A RO inspired story mainly focusing on a High Priest, High Wizard and Professor. Yes, it will contain BL, but also some Het. Don't be fooled by the name of the comic! The story contains violence, death, angst, tragedy and yes, romance. Might turn into a series of Ragnarok Online inspired stories, if I can just get past the first one... Don't mind the crappy coloring at the beginning too much, it slowly improves over time <3", true, true], "RaceAgainstTime": ["http://iggynuzlockediamond.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "This is the story of a little puffball guy named Ignis. Who lives in the Pokemon world BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT. Ignis got booted into a Pokemon adventure-a nuzlocke adventure, to be precise. This isn't gonna end well for him, 'cause it's a Race Against Time. (A DIAMOND NUZLOCKE. YEH.)", false, true], "RagnarokAdventure": ["http://roadventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "2013 NOTE: My old art style is 2005 and English is not my 1st language. ^^;; I was inspired by Ragnarok Online <3 This is a story about two young Novices named Ken Chaser and his best friend, Vincent Eternal. While it was their first day in training, Ken was attacked by Pecopeco. Fortunately, he was saved by a young beautiful Swordswoman named Clara Robinson. After Clara left, Ken wondered whether he would ever meet her again someday... Few months later, Ken (Hunter) and Vincent (Priest) stayed at the Hunter Headquarters in Payon City where the hunters would accept any jobs or requests for reward some good money. So if they were accepting their job, they would be going to a journey along with their new friends, Clara Robinson (Crusader), Sieg Bane (Magician), Travis Tenka (Assassin) and Keith Forger (Blacksmith). However, they encountered new monsters along the way; at the same time, they got more money, enjoyed themselves around the cities and the adventure began in the world of Ragnarok, Rune-Midgard...", false, true], "RagnarokBound": ["http://ragnarokbound.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "\"To Save The World; First They Must End It\" After being accused of trying to murder the prince of Dorain 20 year old Alex is on the run to find the true culprit and clear his name. Accompanied by childhood friend, Ceceilia, the two face an adventure they never expected and Alex discovers a part of himself he never knew existed. ---- This comic reads LEFT to RIGHT and is rated T ( teen) for language, suggestive themes, and blood. Updates will be every Sunday unless otherwise stated!", false, true], "RainLGBT": ["http://rainlgbt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 450, "Written by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick (aka LittleLynn84) \"Rain\" is a comedy/drama that follows the daily life of teenage transsexual (who is coincidentally named Rain) attempting to go through her senior year being only identified as a woman. I'd like for it to be very funny and entertaining, but the story will also touch on many rather heavy subjects including acceptance from family and piers, blind hatred and many of the other difficulties faced by members of the LGBT community. This comic contains: - Occasionally strong language - Sexual themes and situations (but no nudity) - Gay, lesbian, bi and transgendered (and straight) characters - Lousy or non-existent backgrounds", false, false], "RainWalker": ["http://rainwalker.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Would would happen If you runaway in the rain? You would find a place that may be you're new home. Grace a woman of her mid twenty's, was getting fed up with her life not going according to plans. She runs away one rainy night. Waiting for the buss, she encounters something rather bizarre. Meeting a man with brilliant gold eyes and having a rather odd moment. A pearl was embedded in her forehead and she was taken away. Grace learns that running away may or may not have been the best idea she ever had.", false, true], "RainxSasori": ["http://rxs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "WARNING. The art is REALLY bad at first but it gets wayyyy better! Promise! :) This is my first comic so I'm trying new things with it. I'm experimenting and practicing all sorts of things like back grounds, shading and neatness. Horrible handwriting, that can't be helped sorry. BL. YAOI Sasori Mahitto, 19. College student from Japan (just moved to New York). Rain Westong, mid 20's. Demon, man whore. Their paths cross and Sasori's naiveness gets him into a lot of trouble with Rain. Somewhere along the lines of Sasori getting into trouble with Rain he ends up becoming his house maid? And is asked to do some. . .unmentionable things?... contains: a little nudity, foul language, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, demons, cute uke boys, and YAOI. :) Enjoy. :) Updates every Saturday at 7 AM. :) (Currently off schedule. Updates when I finish a page :))", true, true], "Rainymood": ["http://rainymood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "When rain fall a little girl arrive. But she's not a girl. Just the rain.", false, true], "RandomAdventuresofRandomPeople": ["http://raorp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "So you think you can handle all this random? all right. i'm not stopping you. just remember this... With great power comes easily Hateable hedgehogs.", false, true], "RandomAdventuresofSonicTheHedgehog": ["http://raosth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A comic that is completely random. Join Sonic and Tails, and Knuckles in their random adventures to stop Link! =O", false, true], "RandomD": ["http://randomsomething.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Random things :D i'm not uploading anymore.", false, true], "RandomDraw": ["http://randomdraw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A comic about... whatever comes to mind at the moment. A bunch of one-pages or short stories. They may be funny, depressing, suggestive, or just random. I will also do some experiences I've had just to get them out of my mind. This is just a way to get a fraction of the puzzle in my head sorted out. WARNING: I will be using profanity and some comics may have profanity.", false, true], "RandomEmoCookies": ["http://randomemocookies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "It's the future! The existence of demons has been proven and they have been accepted by society. Some demons chose to contribute to society as normal citizens while others chose to remain in their evil ways. When these demons rise up, the call is made and four individuals spring into action to stop them. They are the Random Emo Cookies.", true, true], "RandomocityFreD": ["http://cranberrycrumpets.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "Formerly FreD, I have morphed this comic into a hole for random comics that don't fit into my other ones.", false, true], "RandomstoryNo1": ["http://randomstory1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "This is a story about a girl. It's not well-done and short(maybe someday in the future I'll fix it) so enjoy!", false, true], "RandyandAndyAComicbyAugmoffandJoeReviewer": ["http://randyandandy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "The adventures of two friends named Randy and Andy.", false, true], "RarelyPureAndNeverSimple": ["http://rarelypureandneversimple.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Kyoko was a rich playboy. Forgotten by his parents, he developed horrible manners and a bad attitude. And it was this way of acting that got him into the mess he's in. Upon waking up as a dog, he finds Aya, a girl with a kind heart, and a troubled past. Now, in order to become human again, Kyoko must work together with Aya and change who he has become. Can he find the true meaning of love and caring? Will he be willing to go to great lengths for the sake of someone else's happiness? Or will Kyoko remain a lonely, stubborn stray? After all.... \"The truth is rarely pure, and never simple\". Updates Mondays and Thursdays!", false, true], "RatchetAndClankTRIM": ["http://rac-trim.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "When the universe needs a trim, who do you trust to hold the scissors? Following Alister Azimuth, Kaden and friends (including his mom), \"Trim\" follows the journey of an injured soldier and his path to redemption, justice, love, friendship and clean underwear. Created and illustrated by Caroline 'Vio' MacEachen . \"Trim\" is a prequel based on the wildly popular \"Ratchet & Clank\" franchise created by Insomniac Games", false, true], "RavenWolf": ["http://ravenwolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 166, "Due to human negligence the world as we know it has ended and been reborn. The animal spirits that guide man giving them the forms of animals so that they would be able to survive in this new wilderness. Though now carrying the form of beasts man has not forgotten the place they once had, as an existence greater then just what nature wanted of them, an existence above all. Those that worked to gain their humanity are known as domestics, while those who wished to follow the roles the spirits had given them were known as wilds. Both groups grew arrogant and hateful of one another because of how differently they thought. The raven and the wolf spirits grew tired of the destruction and fighting and sided with the wilds in their ideals, the domestics only capable of further destroying nature. In their anger they marked a tribe of wilds with a curse, they being removed from the sacred circle of life, the curse upon them only broken once the domestics are gone once and for all. The cursed tribe now known to all by the name of the spirits whom cursed them. 'Raven Wolf' Updates: Wed, Fri and Sun", false, true], "Razor": ["http://razor-.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "Alright with that friggin 'yaoi' comment on the banner, now I've got your attention! Haruka Ito (Chainsmoker, masochist) suffers from severe depression. His life is about sex, drugs, violence and hiding his scars. Every day he indulges in s&m with his best friend Sato, which not only bruises him on the outside but inside as well. Their friend, Kenzo, is very eager to get in Haruka's pants, but he seems to want more with Haruka than that. As Haruka's life only gets worse by every day, he injures himself repeatedly, attempts suicide, and who will save him? Warning Hardcore yaoi sex, some blood, a lot of cursing, and depressing things, rape, bondage Read at own risk! (Also the first 7 pages are too small/too big, but the rest are a decent size c:) Updates 3 or 4 times every week OH and I LOVE comments and such ^^!", true, true], "ReBooted": ["http://rebootedmariokirby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "A Mario/Kirby crossover, with a twist. Mario awakens in Dreamland only to find he only remembers 2 things: His name, and That he needs to rescue Peach, whoever that is. Will he ever get home? Read to find out! Updates: Fridays --- Kirby and related characters are owned by HAL and Nintendo. Mario and related characters are owned by Nintendo. Sprite credit to various people who ripped them.", false, true], "ReHash": ["http://rehash.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "A parody comic of Full Metal Alchemists character Maria Ross and a few other popular characters. A couple of original ones. Sex, violence and humor.", true, true], "RealitysDystopia": ["http://welcometodystopia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A short comic I'm doing as a practice. Warning: BL, gore, yandere, vampires. It might need a mature content warning, but I won't put it up unless someone thinks it's really necessary. *This is finished, although that doesn't mean I won't be using these characters in the future. c:", false, true], "RealmofLostThings": ["http://rolt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Beyond the mists of the ineffable, the way between worlds, there swims a manta ray. She glides through the unending ocean, this benevolent goddess, gathering upon her back the shipwrecked, the suffering,and the lost. We build our cities into her skin. We make love beneath her trees. We flourish. We prosper. And in return, we entrust our pasts to her warm embrace. She takes them from us. She keeps them safe. And I, the King ...I keep HER safe.", false, true], "ReaperLess": ["http://reaperless.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "ReaperLess is a fantasy story where the action takes place in the world of the gods called Quino. For a long time, the Reaper, which carries the dead, is missing. Death fills the world. The gods aren't interested in what happens outside their peaceful land. They prefer to deal with their own affairs. They don't understand that the impending evil wants his revenge on them.", false, true], "ReasonsWhyIHaveNoFriends": ["http://reasons-why-i-have-no-friends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "-And some other things, too... This is composed of a bunch of short comic strips about why I'm single and why people hate me and other funny things that happen in my life. No plot. This has become basically like a web... diary..? Is that a this? I update this like everyday, cuz nuthin els 2 du, yuh no. Beware: Bad language, maybe sexual innuendo, Stuff, Dark humor,", false, true], "RebelHouseProductions": ["http://rblhse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Yup, it's a showcase. The difference is it's a private showcase. Here I post stuff of that I can't post in other showcases. Like what exactly? You just have to scan on through to find out. Your mileage may vary. -Zir0N-", false, true], "RebirthoftheGods": ["http://rebirthofthegods.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Reading Style: Left to Right Updating Schedule: Every two days or Every other day Thyone leads the simple life of a high school student, until one day, she is snatched up and taken away to the heavens. There, she finds out that the \"Ancient Gods\" are not what they appear to be in paradise...", false, true], "RedFoxBlackWolf": ["http://redfoxblackwolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "A retelling of the classic Little Red Riding Hood tale. A short, but sweet story of Little Red's trek to Grandma's House and the Little Wolf with a puppy crush that follows.", false, true], "RedRhyder": ["http://redrhyder.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "A young huntsman-in-training decides to prove his worth by bringing home the head of a wanted shape-shifter. Along the way he crosses paths with an arrogant local hero who is also on the sorcerer's trail -- but for his own reasons. Loosely based on the classic fairy-tale, \"Little Red Riding Hood\". Warnings: Violence, blood, mild language, mature themes and slash. Updates Saturdays.", false, true], "RedVelvetRequiem": ["http://rvr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 90, "Alexandra Carter lived with only one focus in life, loyalty to her lord and country. Unfortunately for her, other members of her country did not see it that way. Framed for murder and treason, she endured unspeakable tortures and waited for her time to strike. What will she find before the crawling darkness consumes her and the land? (contains violence, strong language, and adult situations)", false, true], "RedtheWanderer": ["http://wanderingrabbit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "The tales of a wandering rabbit. Meet Red.", false, true], "ReflectionsofWWII": ["http://charlescomfort.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "This six-comic mini series was done for a school project. I picked the painting 'Dead German and the Hitler Line' by Charles Comfort to do it on. The story is a fictional recount of one experience paiting during WWII. I would have made the story more detailed, but ran out of time.", false, true], "Regency": ["http://regency.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "A tale of love, war and family in Regency England. God save the King, and all of that. Important NOTICE: Regency will now post every Monday again!", false, true], "Regina": ["http://regina.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 234, "'Regina' is a sketch comic. It's a daily sketch challenge comic designed to get me to draw one comic page a day so I can stay in practice everyday. Also to practice page layouts and conversational writing. Regina was drawn using only with a black ball-point pen but now has tones, for a new look. The story of Regina is a slice of life about a girl named Regina and her random group of friends,where what ever happens, happens and I try to make it as interesting as possible. Updates: Daily", false, true], "Regnum": ["http://regnum.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 144, "The kingdom of Regnum is beautiful and ruled by the royal family. But the prince has been kidnapped by a demon! The king hastily throws together a team of elite fighters, soldiers, and weirdos to bring his son back. These 8 strangers are to work together to gather clues, fight, and bring the little shit back home. _______________________________ This collab will most likely contain violence, cursing, and sexual content so BE WARNED _______________________________ This is a BL collab! It is a BL collab but romance doesn't have to be a central theme! Spots Taken 8/8", false, true], "ReidyandFriendsShowcase": ["http://reidynfriends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2174, "A general showcase where pretty much anyone can post anything they want, barring porn. Maybe. Probably. We also try to be civil whenever possible, so don't go out of your way to piss people off. Other than that just sit back, relax, and enjoy the showcase. Anyways, you should have at least SOME experience spriting before applying to join, should you want to. We don't accept recolors and are very much against sprite thieves.", false, false], "RelicHunterMagix": ["http://relichuntermagix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Maxwell Miller is a young college student who is very interested in mystical stuff and magic. One day, while working as an intern for a museum, he stumbles on an artifact in a cave while on the field. Just when he is about to pick it up, the artifact starts to shine and speak. He tells Max that he is an avatar of the might of Eraxon, a force to upkeep the balance of the universe of the mystic and has chosen Max to wield the vast powers of Eraxon. As fate would have it, Max goes to the distant world of Vyydia, where the balance is most threaten ... Where he will be known as Relic Hunter Magix!", false, true], "Remainsofthepast": ["http://remainsofthepast.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "It's a very short Zeki doujinshi \\o/ Title: Remains of the past Series: Vampire Knight Pairing: Zero x Yuuki No. of pages: 11 Synopsis: Zero recall past, questioning his feelings toward 'new' Yuuki. Story takes place sometime after current chapters (Sara being defeated, etc.) Doujin made by me, characters belong to Matsuri Hino", false, true], "RemakeAndRedo": ["http://remakeandredo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A spy from a different world has died on her mission and is remade into a little girl's imaginary friend. She must try and to fight to return to her world, but maybe she likes this world more than she thought.", false, true], "RememberCookies": ["http://remembercookies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "Sky and Claudius have been best friends since they were born. At age 10, Sky and her dad move away when her father loses his job. Five years later, when Sky moves back to her old neighborhood, she runs into Claudius again. This time, however, things have changed; due to a tragic accident in the family, Claudius has lost his memory, including those memories with Sky in them. Join Sky, Claudius, Jeremy, Sanchi, and Jen on a story of love and friendship as they all try to unlock memories from Claudius' childhood. Visit http://santiagochic.yolasite.com to get started!! Updated once a day for the first chapter here, then once every two weeks afterwards on both here and my website.", false, true], "RemixSprites": ["http://remixsprites.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "--Remix's Sprites--", false, true], "Renascence": ["http://renascence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "A collection of three story stories. The first is about a boy who is part alien and longs to be \"normal\". The second story is about a ghost who seeks the help a spell weaver to fulfill an important promise. The last story is about an unusual pair of supernatural spirit hunters in the wild west. available to buy in print form at http://wwww.comixpress.com http://www.comixpress.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=21_32&sort=20a&filter_id=&alpha_filter_id=82", false, true], "Rended": ["http://rended.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "The story of a god split in two. **Contains strong language, gore/violence, drug use, and sexual themes Written and illustrated by Chris S. Cowritten by Alex S.", true, true], "Renigada2007": ["http://renigada2007.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "The prologue of a comic that I made in 2007, in the summer before I started art school. It is on a permanent hiatus, but there are tentative plans with both me and my writer to start a new comic project based in the same fantasy world. Renigada is set in a medieval fantasy world, in a small country called Reiben. About a woman who sets out on a quest to reunite with her old thief group in the hopes of finding the truth of her brother's murder. She soon finds that her quest for revenge will not be as easy as planned. Renigada was formed from the minds of two girls with nothing to do, one of them decided it would be awesome to turn it into comic form. Enjoy ^^", false, true], "Replica": ["http://replica.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 171, "Edelric Helgard, a young Marquis, returns to the house of his childhood in order to save his family\u2019s lands from an epidemic. During his research, he encounters a foreign slave who looks disturbingly like his first love, his late half-brother. Thus begins a game of replicas mingling memories and reality. -Read from Left to Right -Boys Love -R-18 from chapter 2 onwards -Updates on Fridays", true, true], "Republicanattackmachine": ["http://www.republicanattackmachine.us/comics/", 993, "Life is about many things. But at this site it is mostly about discussion and observation. Here you can have a discussion with a Republican. Not the National Republican Party, nor a Republican office holder, staffer, or aide. Here you will see what one Republican thinks. An individual. And you will discover, hopefully, that we like to laugh as much as anyone. If its your first time talking to a Republican, welcome.", false, true], "Repulse": ["http://repulse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "While looking for his sister, Bennett gets tied up in a cruel game that requires murder. Will he be able to survive while handcuffed to some shady guy? __________________________________________ Will contain violence, strong sexual themes, gore, and BL/GL.", true, true], "RequiemShadowbornPariah": ["http://shadowbornpariah.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 180, "A bad job, a betrayed assassin. Now she's on the run from the very people with whom she once worked. Locked into the world of the Immortals, Anastasia V\u00e3duva has lived in the shadows of Eastern Europe for over two centuries. Forced to flee to the New World with the promises of shelter - she finds no salvation. The New Kingdoms are possibly even more dangerous than anything existing within the Elder Illuminati demesnes. Armies march to the drums of the Requiem, nations rise and fall to the whim of the Illuminati - and they want her dead. Updated Sundays and Thursdays", false, true], "ResidentEvilForgottenCity": ["http://forgottencity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "The year is 1999. One year after the Raccoon City Incident. A small Umbrella lab is due to receive salvaged samples of the T-Virus and G-Virus from Raccoon City, but the truck will never make it.", false, true], "Respectable": ["http://respectable.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Toby Barnes has everything he'd ever hoped for. The good job, the gorgeous girlfriend, the whole respectable lifestyle. But there's thing he didn't count on: it's driving him crazy! Everything's too normal, and with his rocker friends trying to get him to be himself, he's finding he can't mesh the two opposing sides. Can he balance his sensible life with his true self, or has something got to give? Perhaps being \"Respectable\" is not all it promised...", true, true], "RestaurantIndustryMafiaComics": ["http://rimcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 114, "Work doesn't have to suck. Regular updates resume October 3rd!", false, true], "ReturntoEden": ["http://rte.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 637, "When you're the last angel remaining, being mistaken for Satan's lunch is *not* going to make things easier.... (may contain fun stuff like angels, demons, complete disregard for the bible, crazy people and bare butts, sometimes bare-butted crazy people. Add a hint of BL, and you've been warned)", false, true], "RevivalPsalm": ["http://revivalpsalm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 141, "ISH doesn't know what he is looking for, but he knows there's something more;perhaps it was because of the fiery sword, perhaps it was because of HOP, perhaps it was because of that man who told him that there will be a day when everything will change. Really? The place he lives in is already forgotten by time, nothing here is alive, can anything be changed? =========================== Done in traditional art Fantasy with monsters and stuff... I'm bad at describing things... I'm bad with technology i know not how to do things and I'm still changing things around update weekly..hopefully...", false, true], "RevivalPsalmMelody": ["http://revivalmelody.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "Side stories of people in Revival Psalm <a href=\"http://revivalpsalm.smackjeeves.com/\">Revival Psalm </a> it contains stuff that might or might not happen in RP=-=.... no specific update date...depends on how i feel..", false, true], "RevoltsandRevolutions": ["http://revx2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "this manga describe the sorrows and anger of allen who after many sorrows and destructions loses his mind. updated every day please support me at http://www.komikia.com/kmk?id=238", true, true], "RexKaidenKingoftheRing": ["http://motbcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "", false, true], "RichThief": ["http://richthier.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Summary: When you want to be rich, take the bread from someone else\u2019s mouth. Erek Iltis grew up on the low side of the world. Circumstances forced him to flee, and he choose the simplest path he could find to staying alive\u2026and out of the LAWs handcuffs. Updates Faster on Mangamagazine! Though, please don't forget to rate if you enjoy it!", false, true], "Rilegion": ["http://rilegion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Thoughts and Opinions. How many will find offense in the words I spew?", false, true], "RinayEdward": ["http://rye.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Es un comic corto de 6 p\u00e1ginas donde interact\u00faan Rina Inverse y Edward Elric. Planeaba hacerlo muy largo, pero se me fue la motivaci\u00f3n por que FMA ya no es de mis anim\u00e9s predilectos. A\u00fan as\u00ed quiero compartir estas p\u00e1ginas con ustedes, espero les guste C:", false, true], "RingofFantasia": ["http://ringoffantasia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Suki and Akito are in love. Both are struggling with their love and feeling. Wanting to be together that bad but at the same time driving each other crazy. Together moved to Tokyo, starting a new, fresh life A story about Suki, Akito and their friends. Drama/ friendship/real life?/Shoujo~! quality might be better here: http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Ring-of-Fantasia/detail-page/673?lang=en bad english updates: 1 pages in 2 weeks (sorry, too busy with other stuff)", false, true], "RipaVsKony": ["http://ripavskony.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Wasabi guys! This little story I made to help out the whole campaign to stop that Kony dude haha. I'm not sure if it was all a scam or not but anyways, you decide for yourselves about that. Thanks for taking the time to read my work. Ripa and his companion Medusa are my original characters from the manga that I'm working on called \"Ripa\". You can find more about it at my youtube channel MeMakeManga.", false, true], "Ritzkrieg": ["http://ritzkrieg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "On a fateful St. Valentine's Day in February 1939 in Hollywoodland; a young man who wants to be a director meets a young lady who dreams of being an actress on the silver screen. Their partnership in film was inevitable but fate had other ideas... Updates every Wednesday! Also see -> http://www.ritz-krieg.deviantart.com", false, true], "RoadtoGloryAPokemonYellowNuzlocke": ["http://road-to-glory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "\"Road to Glory\" is yet another one of those nuzlocke run comics. This one revolves around Red, an 11 year old boy travelling through the world of Pokemon Yellow. Accompany him and his Pokemon on their quest to become the very best! (Brought to you by a sort-of-bad to mediocre artist. Beware of eye cancer, especially on earlier pages.)", false, true], "RoboHole": ["http://robohole.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "A black hole is mysteriously turned into a boy, who crash lands into an Earth suburb called Freefar. There he forcefully befriends himself with a high school freshman named Parsnip. For some reason, robots keep finding him, and before long, militaries from opposite universes track him down to control the power he holds. a scifi comic about childhood, black holes, and robots CONTAINS: action/violence high school romance a wee bit of naked and humor :) hopefully you think so at least my updates are timed wonky now because of school/work stuff. but i try for monday/tuesday. Deviantart Comic-Makers-Club directory http://Comic-Makers-Club.deviantart.com/journal/Comic-Directory-Add-Your-Comic-Now-310177811", false, true], "RockMyWorld": ["http://rockmyworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 229, "The upcoming J-rock band Battle-X balances on the brink of despair. And the cause of all this mess is the vocalist Rin Kawatake, who just can't seem to get a hold of his behaviour. When another bandmember leaves the band for the fifth time this year, the bandmanager puts his last hope into the new guitarist, named Teika Yoshida, the guy who just could be the solution to all of their problems! But not only that.. Because when they meet for the first time, Rin immediately seems to take a very special interest into this cute guy... YAOI/BL!!! :3 Updates whenever I have time, usually a few times a week", false, true], "RocketsonDMT": ["http://rocketsdmt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A story about machine elfs and their daily life... Or something. (short stories)", false, true], "Rok2014": ["http://rok2014.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A homework. Some little creeps for every month.", false, true], "RollToSave": ["http://rolltosave.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A window into the daily lives of five very different individuals whose lives are brought together by an unexpected force. Dungeons & Dragons.", false, true], "RonbertaHeroofthePlopapillars": ["http://ronberta.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A contest entry about a hero :D The story is that Ronberta, or \"Ronni\", helps her family farm the Plopapillars, which grow into giant butterflies, the main mode of transportation in this land. Before they become butterflies they are vulnerable and are often prey to Blackbirds. The plopapillars diet consists of airborne pollen released from the clover trees.", false, true], "RonneyAragundi": ["http://aragundi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "daily doodles and cartoons collected for a little 100 page book I'm working one.", false, true], "RosettaStoned": ["http://tobetheone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Aliens, music, LSD, and big text.", false, true], "RottenApple": ["http://rottenapple.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "I might just be rotten... not bad... just rotten. I an still be useful. Sort of a diary/ comic of musings from someone with high functioning autism. Done in a Kokuto Yuki inspired character style with zendoodles (zentangle) illustrations.", false, true], "RottenBreak": ["http://rottenbreak.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A slice of life comic set in a fantasy world where spirits, witches, magic and science all try to coexist, often with disastrous results! Will Emily, a young witchling cursed with bad luck, and Rags Girl, the kindly spirit of decay, be able deal with their own shortcomings in this madcap world? Updates weekly!", false, true], "Roulette": ["http://roulette.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "Mafia accountant Riley Leary is a beautiful but bitter young man who finds himself blackmailed by an unseen party when he's caught stealing from his boss. To make matters worse, he garnishes the interest of cocky, yet dangerous hit man, Anton Colletti. Will Riley manage to get things right, or will Anton make things go from bad to worse?", true, true], "RoundUpReady": ["http://roundupready.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "", false, true], "RoyalGames": ["http://royalgames.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Two kings battle for power, risking their kingdoms in the process. [Complete]", true, true], "RoyalIcing": ["http://royalicing.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 140, "AVAILABLE IN PRINT AT AMAZON.COM! Look for \"Royal Icing Graphic Novel\". Synopsis: When little Emily bakes a cake, she gets more than she bargained for. Strange flora and fauna, a cold-hearted prince, and a mystery that must be solved before she can return home from the Sucre Isles. What adventures await her in the land of curious candies?", false, true], "Royalty": ["http://royalty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "A prince of the host club who is bored about everyone and everything. And a masked killer who seeks pleasure and the one who could fill the hole in his heart... contains: yaoi/boyxboy its a short and borin description but i hope the cover cheers you up a litte:3", true, true], "RozeFighter": ["http://rozefighter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 171, "The year's 2310A.D in the happenin' city of San Francisco several power hungry teens search for the 9 Rainbow Crystals. Join the Magical-Girl,slice-of-life adventures every Thursday and Saturday. Warning: Strong language and booty! Follow us on tumblr: http://roze-fighter.tumblr.com/ Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RozeFighter?ref=hl LGBTQ comic~", false, true], "RubyNation": ["http://www.therubynation.com/comics/", 143, "This is the story of Ruby Harrison, former middle-upper-class American high schooler turned nine-foot-tall post-human person of mass destruction. Dragged into a worldwide conspiracy that treats human beings as mere test subjects, Ruby's goal is to create a safe haven for her fellow post-human victims. But their powers are too valuable for the world to let be, and Ruby and her comrades will have to make hard decisions to preserve her new home.", false, true], "RubyRed": ["http://rubyred.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 201, "", false, true], "RuderiQuest": ["http://ruderi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 446, "Four kids confront a school full of demonic teachers!", false, true], "Rumplestiltskin": ["http://rumplestiltskin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 117, "Chris knows there's something out there better for her. She's young, cute, downtrodden (in her opinion) and orphaned; How can she not be destined for greatness? When the chance to prove her worth comes along, she can hardly turn it down... Just a pity the only person she gets for company is a mysterious obnoxious masked fellow who just can't seem to leave her alone. Updates Tuesdays and Fridays. Or alternatively, support me by reading the more rapidly updated version on Manga Magazine- http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Rumplestiltskin/detail-page/1781?lang=en", false, true], "RunningwithSwords": ["http://runningwithswords.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "My attempts at being funny (usually involving videogames.)", false, true], "RushaosKnucklesEchidna": ["http://rushaostheechidna.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Rushaos has become my favorite Sonic character to use (more so than Ian, surprisingly) and I thought he deserved a comic of his own, about his adventures on the Chaos Breaker to having a second child. This comic will recap all of the events from when he was being raised with his brother, Edge, to actually defeating his Recolor self, all made from what Rushaos' perspective. Any situations involving Edge or one of his other close friends/family, will be told by Rushaos from what information he's gathered from the people involved in the situation. There will be SOME parts that aren't from his perspective, but that's only because it will be from the antagonist(s). So join Rushaos on his adventures across Mobius and Little Planet! Updates Saturdays at 12:00 PM Central", false, true], "RussoJapaneseWar": ["http://russo-japanese-war.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Hey! This a comic I need to show my history class for my final so it does have story, but yeah mostly historical information, I still Hope you'll read it tho! :D Uses Hetalia Character! (btw sorry in advance my style isn't very Hetalia compatible so some of the characters looks weird :P) After the Boxer Rebellion Russia has control over southern Manchuria, Japan isn't too happy about this and so begins to launch an attack on Russia. Allied with Britain Japan is surprisingly quick in dealing with Russia and the Portsmouth treaty was signed which granted Japan South Manchuria as well as rights in Korea. This once again firmly established Japan's dominance in Asia", false, true], "RyakLo": ["http://ryak-lo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1107, "", false, true], "RyuManwebcomicversion": ["http://ryuman-web.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 182, "Seven original one-shot manga by Zen Migawa, done as school assignments during his study abroad period in Tokyo from 2009 to 2013. (Read right to left!)", false, true], "SAFFUS": ["http://saffus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "The story of a 4 armed, dark eyed, Saffus heroga, who is the newly appointed captain of 'cinderweiss', a trading check point for the Higetar empire, which is located in the complete middle of nowhere. join saffus and his band of idiots, perverts and misfits, as they spend their time either laying around or fighting off lion-wolves. BL in later chapters 18+", true, true], "SChIzO": ["http://schizophrenic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 232, "Hector never seems to want to leave Ruby alone. He's always there, bugging her and tracking her every move and she can't stand him much longer. Of course...she has to learn to live with it seeing as he isn't going anywhere. Afterall, he IS just that little voice in her head. Join the schizophrenic Ruby, her mute best friend and roommate Kenneth, their eccentric neighbor Lynn and a whole cast of oddball characters as they try to live through the everyday trials of moving out and living on your own...despite being a little messed up in the head.", false, true], "SEALED": ["http://-sealed-.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Outsiders with the same dark past and precarious future, fighting to maintain a certain balance in a world they don't belong to. Their powers are under control - until one of them decides to break free. Read from right to left.", true, true], "SFCBlackjackBay": ["http://blackjackbay.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "39 Days... 21 Fan Characters... 3 Tribes... 1 Sole Survivor... And probably some other numbers too. This...is Survivor Fan Characters: Blackjack Bay!", false, true], "SFCForestofDreams": ["http://sfcforestofdreams.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 176, "A strict, megalomaniacal lioness. A egocentric, muscular vampire. A sarcastic, antisocial eraser. A surprisingly sane blob. A small, mute pikmin. An optimistic, friendly green thing. A stubborn, determined mouse. A curious woman from the future. A meek, brilliant scientist. A calm, fatherly fighter. A serious, taciturn war veteran. A crazy, hyper girl. A confident, eager architect. A savvy, sly chimpanzee. A frustrated, busty teenager. A sad, lonely emo. A fangirlish, lovestruck fairy. A dominant, genius octopus. A loud, grumpy senior citizen. And a sadistic, creepy alien. Who will win the $1,000,000 grand prize?", false, true], "SLightlyabOVeavErage": ["http://slightlyaboveaverage.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 196, "Keiko Tachibana is an average High school girl. Scratch that. She's a self proclaimed \"Slighty above average\" High school girl who has dedicated herself to being only moderately better than the social norm. However one day she gets a visit from someone Way over the top. An inter dimensional cutie whom goes by the name Llla-Elac Ngtholi Cllegogg, also known as \"Laila\" to humans. She has come to destroy the sanity, and lives of everyone at Daisuke Ryuzaki high school. However, poor Keiko seems to be the only one at school whom has noticed this terrifying beast, and to make matters worse, she's staying at her house!! Will Keiko be driven insane by the ramblings of this terrible alien and her Slightly above average lifestyle tossed to the wind? Or will she succeed in defeating this strange alien menace!? Find out in this incredibly odd web comic inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft!", true, true], "SMFAndSanchezLisergsInsideStory": ["http://smfandsanchez.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "The epic sequel to SMF and Sanchez SuperStar Saga. Join SMF and Sanchez as they journey to the center of, well, nothing! Cameos accepted.", false, true], "SOKO": ["http://soko.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "From the mundane everyday to a tropical world full of colourful characters, Yumaki Shin finds him living the life he\u2019s always dreamed about but as more and more familiar faces begin to appear, is this magical world really as magical as it seems?", false, true], "SONOFSAM": ["http://sonofsam.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 131, "Walter Cohen hates his school, but in the words of the great Dee Snider: He's not gonna take it anymore!", false, true], "SOSRadio": ["http://sosradio.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 196, "WORKERS WARNING, CONTAINS MUSIC PLAYER \"Set at very low volume, Lyrics warning\" 50.5 The Sounds Of Survival Apocalyptic Radio \"Because it's never to late to liberate!\" A web-comic of sound, music, and a quest for creative freedom from an entertainment starved tyrannical monarchy where anyone with the gift of art and self expression are not only hunted but enslaved. Chainsaw Adam's, a lone pirate radio dj travels a post apocalyptic wasteland broadcasting a message of rebellion. Calling to the abstract souls and the free spirits, he inspires those in hiding from the powers that be to rise up and fight back to create a new society built on the stuff that dreams are made of. \"CLIFF-NOTES FOR NEW VIEWERS\" After breaching the city walls of Tulsa, Chainsaw finds Rockette, the sister of the woman he seeks \"The Girl with Green Eyes\" AKA (Quill). Ready to venture to the prison to rescue her, the two find themselves confronted by re-animated robots bent on destruction. Can Chainsaw's abilities as a 'Natural' save them!? WHY READ? Read BEFORE we become popular. THEN when your friends start reading too, you can say \"Hey I've been reading for years, suck it!", false, true], "SPECTRA": ["http://spectracomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "\"It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was Us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No-one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.\" - Terry Pratchett", false, true], "SPOON": ["http://spoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 452, "A evil wizard turned Charles' whole town turned into a kitchen (that's right). Cursed with the body of a SPOON, he has embarked on a journey to find the wizard and along the way, he will meet other \"cursed\" ones. UPDATED MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY.", false, false], "STORMthewebcomic": ["http://stormthewebcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Ashley Maine lives in a world of whispers, until an unexpected friend shines light into her darkness. But will this hero be able to save Ashley from her own monsters?", false, true], "SUB": ["http://sub.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Sub- follows the story of Belakane, a nineteen year old girl from a small town as she fights against her lot in life and her own self doubt with the ultimate goal of going to college and finally getting out. Warning for: future GL, possible BL and mature themes. Updates once a week on Sunday.", false, true], "Sacred": ["http://sacredmanga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 85, "Chester Jordison always knew that he wasn't a normal teen; his fashion sense goes some way in proving this. Bullied at school and traumatised by an abusive past, he has no idea of his true potential until a normal schoolday takes a horrific turn... Soon, Chaz finds himself up against the forces of God with the Angel of Death by his side, as his true nature unleashes a holy war...", false, true], "Saigami": ["http://saigami.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Hanasaki Ayumi is a withdrawn, timid girl with a life as empty as it can be. But one day she recieves a letter which will lead her out of her meaningless everydays. With an unexpected turn of events she ends up in a unknown world full of unbelievable things. She encounters people with strange powers and even stranger creatures - for an average girl like her this place ain't feel right, so she sets on a journey with two adventure seeker boy, to find a way home. Tough as the journey goes on the unthinkable happens and from that moment Ayumi has the deal with the hardest questions in her life: who is she actually and where does she belong? Update on every Monday. Saigami is now aviable on MangaMagazine. You can support me by following my works on MangaMagazin.net where I'll upload Saigami pages earlier, and also a bit more often then weekly. If you're interested please be sure to check it out. :) http://www.mangamagazine.net/authors-and-artists/Seny/detail-page/51863", false, true], "SailingtheStars": ["http://sailingthestars.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "A story of a very silly girl on adventures through space.", false, true], "SailorMoontheEnemyNextDoor": ["http://sailormoontheenemynextdoor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 206, "A manga version of my Fan Fiction of the same title, art work by Karolina Romanska. The past comes to the present yet again, and the Sailor Scouts shall be called upon once again to put down the latest threat to the safety of Earth, with a new member to the team to help them along! To find the threat, they will not have to look far.", false, true], "SaintSeiyaFanbook1": ["http://stsfb1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "A Saint Seiya doujin, warning yaoi in it. It's been published in a booklet, so there won't be some pages.", true, true], "SaintforRent": ["http://saint-for-rent.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 110, "Saint runs an inn for Time Travelers, which leaves him little time to write his trashy romance novels. Unfortunately, he also happens to attract more... supernatural \"guests,\" too. [Animated .gif webcomic] Redirects to main site --> http://www.saintforrent.com", false, true], "SaintsCalling": ["http://saintscalling.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 539, "*Please go to the \"About\" page for a full description. Thanks :)* An ill-tempered girl gets her life flipped up-side-down when her best friend abducts her in an attempt to straighten her out a bit. Little does she know...her friend is an alien king from another planet?! A Scifi Shoujo! (Rated T for Teen. Read from left-to-right. Currently in sketch comic mode until further notice)", false, true], "Saintville": ["http://saintville.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "Scotland, XIXth century. 16-year-old twins Hillary and James's dream is to become detectives. Rivalry sets them apart, as well as their views to conduct an investigation. However their first case will get them closer to the truth, and closer to each other. Updates every weekday since 07/10/2013. All the comics you can see on this website are only drafts. The published book in January 2014 will be the full-fledged comic. More details here: http://saintville.net/about-me/ Official website: saintville.net", false, true], "SakuraDAY": ["http://sakuraday.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 113, "She lived then died and resurrected once more. Join Meija as she meets the strange and mysterious (and oddly interesting) people of LALA dormitory and starts her new adventure in a world strangely familiar but entirely new. P.S. this comic is read in the \"manga way\": RIGHT TO LEFT. UPDATES WEEKLY { Saturday || Sunday } Enjoy~", false, true], "SakuraMishzo": ["http://sakurazo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 164, "An original gekiga set in Sengoku Period and featuring the strange relationship between the warlord Nobunaga, his valet Ranmaru and the ninja Mitsubachi.", true, true], "SakurairoHimitsu": ["http://sakurairohimitsu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Was trying out a \"secret\" project under a different pen name but SJ readers are too smart and I failed miserably before the project even started... If you see another manga with the same title and cover image, no worries, because the other account will be deleted later. Synopsis: Don't have a set plot yet, just a rough idea, story will be made on the go. Genre: BL is taken off since I am posting it back here, light comedy, high school Updates are irregular. You know how many million projects I am working on at the same time and this one is not priority sadly.", false, true], "SalaMan": ["http://salaman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "This comic is a crossover between Pok\u00e9mon and Mega Man. Characters have been mixed up and have been given really shitty names (but sometimes got better ones from the readers). Enjoy! NOTE: This comic, especially the beginning, is heavily influenced by \"Bob and George\".", false, true], "SalemUncommons": ["http://salemuncommons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1489, "In a hidden corner of Salem MA stands the Salem Uncommon boarding house...It was purchased years ago by Karl (formerly Dr. Frankenstein's nameless monster), and has since attracted every manner of ghoul, ghost, goblin, and monster (as well as a few odd humans)...If you like your humor a little dark but good natured, like the Addams and Munsters of old, stop by. Salem always has room for more Uncommons...", false, true], "SallySprocketAndPistonPete": ["http://ssnpp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 185, "A novel-length tale, set in the Steampunk-ified Wild West, that follows the adventures of a daddy-daughter duo (except the daddy's an android inventor and the daughter's a cyborg of his handiwork...)", false, false], "Salmagundi": ["http://salmagundi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Lisbeth is a strong, independent lesbian \u201cwho don\u2019t need no man\u201d. Donald is a fabulous gay man whose mission is to \u201cliberate the masses from their terrible clothing.\u201d What happens when these two best friends run into each other in a straight bar with broken hearts? One night can completely turn their worlds upside down. UPDATES EVERY TUESDAY Warning: contains lesbians/yuri/GL, gays/yaoi/BL, strong language, and boobs For Spanish: http://salmagundi.subcultura.es/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/salmagundicomic", false, true], "SaltandPepper": ["http://saltandpepper.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "2 siblings, Salt and Pepper, join a new police organization, called S.P.I.C.E. (Space Police Inquired to Carry-out Equity) where they get to travel all over the galaxy and create new friends~", false, true], "SamsSpontaniousStrips": ["http://samssuperstrips.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "A spontaniously updated comic about life, doodles and comics. . .", false, true], "SamtheBlackKnight": ["http://samtheblackknight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "A fantasy comic about modern student Sam that wakes up in the body of the Immortal Evil Black Knight in the fantasy land of Denada. He struggle to stay sane as he is hunted by both the forces of Good and Evil. Contains gracious sex and violence.", true, true], "SamuraiWars": ["http://samuraiwars.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A manga about Samurai way of life in classical, feudal and early modern Japan. It is going to take place starting around the 10th century and go probably through to the 18th century or so. Hopefully it will cover the general Samurai way of life. I'll be introducing the characters later on, soon.", true, true], "Sandbox": ["http://sand.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 321, "Welcome to .:Sandbox:., or just plain \"Sandbox\" for those of you who dislike the extra dots. Enjoy your stay, because you're never leaving. Until you do. We can't stop you from leaving or anything.", false, true], "SapphicSpace": ["http://sapphicspace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "The antics of lesbian space adventurers.", false, true], "Sasakiakisses": ["http://sasakiakiss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A prince lost in mundane life during peaceful times crosses paths with an imperial knight who is shunned by the world for his father's mistake. Though they have different lives one small encounter sparks a relationship neither can explain. Will their different upbringings be their downfall? Will their responsibility to their country outweigh their desire? Or will they overcome it all? Updates will come twice a week unless stated otherwise...", true, true], "SashaRose": ["http://sasharosecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "sasha\u2665rose is the colaborative comic (by artists yuri_girl and mitten) of Rose, a homeless street magician who is plucked off the street and invited to stay by the international well-to-do Sasha. may the lesbian drama ensue! rated pg 13", false, true], "SasuNaruDoujin": ["http://sasunaru.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "Just a random sasunaru doujinshi I made about a year ago or so, I don't remember but uhmm I decided to put it here for others to see and take it out of my dA account since no one reads it there anymore and I mostly keep it hidden but other than that hopefully there are some sasunaru lovers out there that would enjoy it and if my art seems similar to another around here then it is me as well I just made another smackjeeves account for this doujin specifically so yeah in case there is any confusion but on some (most) pages it will have my dA screen name at the bottom so yeah... Reads from Right to left!!! (<---read this way) Conatins: -Bl/Yaoi (lots trust me)", true, true], "SasuNaruNightOpportunity": ["http://nightopportunity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Naruto yaoi doujinshi < SasuNaru DJ > Warnings: \u00bb BL \u00bb Pervy Sasuke \u00bb Stupid plot (?)", true, true], "SatsukiYami": ["http://satsukiyami.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Deep in the mountain forest lies and abandoned temple with a lone guardian... A young spirit happens upon the old ruins, finding within it security, purpose, and love; though it is not without it's dangers.", true, true], "Saywhatyoumean": ["http://saywhatyoumean.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 525, "A comic pulled out of the freaked up author's subconscious. humor and pain, philosophy and non-sense,love and violence and sexy things, based on real events or completely fake, who knows what the next update will bring", false, true], "SchassburgKnight": ["http://schassburg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "", false, true], "Scholar": ["http://scholar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "It doesn't matter if you were born lucky, given an 'upper hand'. There will always be a way for the reckless to lose their head start in life, or for the unfortunate to gain what was never in their grasp. --------------------------------------------- Scholar is the story of Arthur Tibarious, and incredibly lucky (yet unfortunate) Prince who has been imprisoned for half of his young life. As an emissary and 'Scholar' working for his captors, he stumbles upon the truth of his world. Is the life he left really worth going back to?", false, true], "SchoolofBoys": ["http://schoolboys.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Sakura-chan, an average japanese pink haired boy, was sent by his parents to a school out of his hometown...but what he didn't know was...THAT IS A SCHOOL FULL OF HANDSOME BISHONENS!", false, true], "SchoolofRejectsSoRe": ["http://sore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 316, "Have you ever wondered what happens to the characters that DON'T make it into the stories? There is a place where rejected, unfinished, and imperfect characters can go to study, play, and talk to each other. A place that an ordinary girl has stumbled upon... This is the School of Rejects.", false, true], "SchoolofRumble": ["http://sor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "The story tells about a delinquent who stumbles upon a Fighting School called Chrono Academy. Now a student at this School; His only Goal is beating and taking the top from the best of the best. What crazy adventures await our hero in this Abnormal School?", false, true], "ScionsoftheSeraph": ["http://www.sossaga.com/comics/", 66, "Scions of the Seraph (SOS SAGA) It\u2019s hard to say what genre the comic falls under since there are many different aspects to look at, but I simply call it a \u2018modern-day fantasy/paranormal drama\u2019. The story takes place in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia (my hometown) about a young girl who seems to have really bad luck. Family members are either constantly disappearing or winding up dead. She discovers on her sixteenth birthday that her parents have been murdered. From there, she is thrust into a new lifestyle filled with demons and angels. Note: Contains some mature scenes, foul language, religious aspects. Later in the chapters will be some yaoi and yuri. You've been warned.", true, true], "Scorch": ["http://scorch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "\"Looks like the kids of Sludge-High really should have skipped school today.\" Rated \u0091bizarre\u0092 for: monsters, zombies, cannibalism, school girls, unrequited love (with a vengeance), government conspiracy, chocolate bunnies, angels vs. demons, all that with a limb or two to spare. Not making any sense? It\u0092s not supposed to! So grab a shovel and kick back for one hell of a nightmare.", false, true], "ScottysOldComics": ["http://scottysoldcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "My early attempts at creating comics from ages 11-14 years old! XD", false, true], "ScrappedProject": ["http://scrappedproject.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 148, "This is a simple tale of what happens when ideas get discarded and go looking for their purpose in life. Told through the eyes of a robot. ~Journey Completed~ (thanks for reading ^.^)", false, true], "ScreamingattheWaves": ["http://screamingwaves.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A comic done for a competition that didn't work out. A very old story i'd always wanted to do. it's very simple story, it's quite badly told with simple morals, but it's something i beleive in, it's only 8 pages and hopefuly it's heart felt ='D", false, true], "SeaDogShenanigans": ["http://seadogshenanigans.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "The Adventures and Random happenings of an unlikely pair of pirates.", false, true], "SealedHearts": ["http://sealedhearts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "", false, true], "SearchLight": ["http://searchlight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "These are the B-list superheroes in a world with no A-Team. Updates every Monday.", false, true], "SearchingForAKiller": ["http://searchingforakiller.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "In a small town like Wintercourt, it's not hard to know when a murder happens and it's not hard to catch said murderer. But, there is one murderer. And they are certainly giving the police department a run for their money! [Rated M for mature. Contains scenes of violence.] [Caution, may contain large amounts of Yuri]", false, true], "SearchingforLight": ["http://sfl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "A sickeningly sweet story of a boy and a moth and a piece of shit -looking thing. 24hdc, done with ballpoint pen and crayons, finished around 05:30 am", false, true], "SearchingforOdysseus": ["http://searchingforodysseus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "One of Kirke's nymphs falls in love with the hero Odysseus. Based on Odysseus' visit to Kirke's island in Homer's Odyssee. The text is based on the story I wrote in Dutch and English, \"Searching for Odysseus\", which can be read here: http://fav.me/d312ojb (that page also contains the links to the comic pages on Deviantart).", false, true], "Season": ["http://season.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, ":APPLICATIONS OPEN!!: Welcome to Viola Glade, a small and sweet community of forest animals (kenomomimi) located deep in the forest. Within this web of friendships and loves is an affinity for every holiday which they all celebrate together in their close-knit society. This is a very laid back BL collab. Post fillers, comics, stories, anything! As long as it keeps up with the seasonal events. You are allowed up to 3 characters. Read the rules and go ahead and apply to join and you'll be accepted! Winterborn, Springborn, Summerborn, and Autumnborn just mean whichever season they were born in. :D Season Event List (2013): Spring: Valentine's Day - February 14 Spring Equinox - March 20 The Easter Hunt -March 31 April Fools - April 1 Summer: May Day Festival - May 1-5 Summer Solstice - June 21 Autumn: Autumn Equinox - September 22 Hallowe'en - October 31 Thanksgiving - November 28 Winter: Winter Solstice - December 21 Yule - December 25 New Year's Masquerade Ball - Dec 31-Jan 1 NOTE: We accept any rating here! But until someone submits something over 18 I'll keep the mature tag off.", false, true], "Seasonsintheelement": ["http://seasonsinthelement.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Four back-stories for the main characters in much larger (and not started) comic In the Element. According to the seasons: Bleed = Spring Til = Summer Zumma = Fall Aer = Winter", false, true], "SecretCrush": ["http://secretcrush.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "KINGDOM HEARTS COMIC(Warning:Fan fiction, Yaoi) its a Sora x ??? (Riku? Vanitas? maybe the mystery character?) Sora, Riku, Vanitas, Roxas, Axel, Kairi (c)Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts some people have commented on my d.a about this and said that they are not a fan of yaoi, but they also said that they love the story so if you HATE yaoi, dont read but if your okay with it you give the story a try http://bakagirl123lol.deviantart.com/art/Secret-Crush-opening-1-285147195 (my D.A, has more pages there) Ask is now open for Secret Crush, go here http://ask-secretcrush.deviantart.com/", false, true], "SecretPowerbk1": ["http://secretpower1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 166, "Since the begining of time... There's been a power to control all... It's been locked away, and kept a secret... Until now. Jump threw time, control magic, and learn from a new world known as Spartelia. -Author's note- I created this book, about three-four years ago. i was younger and my art style isn't the best, but i have more that are better. But i'm sure the story will be better than the artwork. ~ Enjoy", false, true], "SecretPowerbk2": ["http://secretpower2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 170, "book 2, please enjoy book 1 and 2, and if your reading this for your every first time, I wouldn't if I were you, because nothing would make sence, read book 1 first before reading this book.", false, true], "SecretSanta": ["http://secretsanta.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "No, this has nothing to do with the official Sjeeves project. It's a short story I did in 09.", false, true], "SeeThroughMyEyes": ["http://seethroughmyeyes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "a comic about a very confused boy, what will happen when school starts? will someone help him? or will he have to do it all alone? //i made this comic to help me get better drawing so sorry beforehand if my style changes and such, i will try my hardest to get better as a new upcoming artist! THIS IS A YAOI // BL COMIC IT WILL GET STEAMY AT SOME POINT READ LEFT TO RIGHT UPDATES EVERY SUNDAY (unless i have work)", false, true], "SeeYouOnHalloween": ["http://seeuonhalloween.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Ever considered dating a fairy? a vampire? how about sending chocolate to leprechaun as a Valentine gift? Maybe the other half you're searching through your life, is a creature from another world. World that has other rules, magic power and feeds on your fears. I'll try to post new page every 1,5/2 weeks. The quality standard I'm trying to keep here is relatively high. My point is to learn and progress while developing my own story, and the most important - to have fun! :D Please give me your feedback - it's the most inspiring thing for me! Thank you for reading!", false, true], "Seed": ["http://seedcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 162, "A fantasy story about three individuals in a time of war against magic. Written and illustrated by Julia Philip http://www.seed-comic.com/", false, true], "Seesters": ["http://seesters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "My sisters are more than sisters, they're Seesters! These comics are just short exercises for me to practice story telling, and my inking techniques and style. Seesters; whether it be literal sisters or kindred spirits are the root of my sanity...and insanity!", false, true], "Seki": ["http://se-ki.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 90, "i really suck at descriptions haha but here we go: This is an original BL/yaoi manga that follows Seki from age 16 to 23.(so it will be kinda long(hopefully)) Seki is quite shy but can come across as a bit bitchy.. He is also kind of a slacker and enjoys drinking a little to much... This sometimes gets him in to trouble.. the story has some really fluffy parts and some that are way darker..there will also be 18+ scenes(probably allot lol)so beware and read at your own risk! ww 0w0;~\u2606 this is my first manga ever so i'm still learning.. critique is welcome! Especially the first chapter is kinda crappy but i'm re-drawing it from the start to hopefully be published someday ^A^; also English is not my first language... and i'm dyslectic so there will be spelling and grammar errors..i apologize in advance m(._.)m read japanese style!", true, true], "SemiCharmed": ["http://semi-charmed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Semi-Charmed is a comic about a paranormal workplace, whose characters experience pretty normal problems, such as broken copiers and accidental emails, plus the occasional monster attack. Welcome to the F.B.P.I.", false, true], "SenoireDelirium": ["http://senoiredelirium.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 213, "Omnibus of Senoire Delirium 1: Conquer (2007) and Senoire Delirium 2: Rivalry (2009). Updating almost daily. The Senoires were a team of legendary heroes who saved the world and created the magical Madness Pizza Slices. Generations later, a race of candy people took over the world and humans were moved to the artificial internal planet known as the Bernoulli 2. A woman raised four boys to become the next generation of the Senoires and her timing couldn't be better.", false, true], "SensitiveTouchesShaunDes": ["http://shaundes01.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "extremely doodly Shaun/Des, story by SilentHillKitty", true, true], "SerenityAKirbyFancomic": ["http://kirby-serenity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Years after Kirby's era protecting Popstar, his greatest enemies are back to wreak havoc with only one thing standing in their way. How can a ragtag band of misfits and rivals fend off the biggest threat Dreamland has ever seen? Only time will tell in Serenity. Updates every weekend", false, true], "SeriousTimes": ["http://serioustimes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 322, "Let's get serious...", false, true], "SerpentsofOld": ["http://serpentsofold.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "Beware, Beware the Great Black Wall, Within the forest, standing tall. Within its borders, all must dread... the clever beasts, disguised as men.", false, true], "Setitonrandom": ["http://sior.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "A first part of a three-part life-long project. Experimental and expandable.", false, true], "SevaytesMadhouse": ["http://sevaytesmadhouse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "--Warning-- Enter at your own risk. We are not responsible for any loss of brain cells you may encounter.", false, true], "Seven8nine": ["http://seven8nine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "From the graphic novella: Meet Seven, a lifelong citizen of Mathamatopolis who finds life dull and unfulfilling. His best friend challenges him to ask out his high school crush, Nine. If math has anything in common with love, it must be that it's not easy. Seven encounters angry schoolteachers, malicious secretaries, and the Wizard of Odds in his quest to win over the heart of Nine. The webcomic begins just after Seven's adventure in the novella, and begins a new story arc. You don't have to read the novella first. Five and Seven decide to go on vacation and discover the world outside of Mathamatopolis.", false, true], "SevenHearts": ["http://7hearts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "AN: geez. This is like the 4th time i have to delete and restart a comic because i was dissatisfied. Hopefully this will stick around long enough ;_; Synopsis: Girl gets dragged into a magical girl competition when she comes across a mystical gem which acts as her entry into the game.", false, true], "SevenSagesofStupidity": ["http://zeldasages.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "FINALLY!!! A TWILIGHT PRINCESS COMIC!", false, true], "Sevencagedlions": ["http://7cagedlions.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Some little girls have been kidnapped by a mafia leader for some unknown reason. One of them have been saved by a mafia godfather's daughter. After becoming friends, they decide to look for the six other.", false, true], "SexandMonsters": ["http://sexandmonsters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Check out www.sexandmonsters.com for even more ghoulishly groovy comic goodies!", true, true], "SexandtheDevil": ["http://sexandthedevil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "An odd team of satanists wants to reply the \"Rosemary's Baby\" operation: they want the Antichrist, and they want it now; a victim, that is not really a victim and a frustrated demon that doesn't wants paternal responsabilities that only wants to go back home.", true, true], "ShacklesInstallment01": ["http://shackles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 74, "Young, beautiful, feisty and a talented bounty hunter, Kashotheva is a bounty huntress with a knack for finding her targets anywhere in the universe. The last known remnant of the Psychorider race, she uses her psychic abilities to change her appearance, among other skills. But when she accepts a job to capture a fellow bounty hunter, the famous Otakaog Phimosh, she finds herself caught up in a situation that could be the death of her...", false, true], "ShacklesInstallment02": ["http://shackles02.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 163, "After escaping badly wounded with her target captured, Kas loses conciousness and crashlands on an alien planet. Captured by a tribe of the native aliens, Kas is forced to work together with Otakaog Phimosh, her own prisoner, and she starts to suspect he knows a lot more about her than he should...", false, true], "ShadeTheHedgehog": ["http://shadethehedgehog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "It\u2019s the year 2020 there was a war called \u201cThe Mecha War\u201d. Mecha Sonic and Mecha Shadow join forces to destroy their flesh rivals Sonic and Shadow. Mecha Sonic had a Super Shard that makes him mecha and not metal but then Mecha Shadow took the shard from him. This made Mecha Sonic into Metal Sonic. Mecha Shadow was now Metallix Shadow. He then kills Sonic and rules over the Earth. Years later Shadow and Amy have a son, Shade, who went searching for something in the remains of Eggman\u2019s old base, however he then finds a boy inside a lab tube, Rush, and releases him. Rush looks like Sonic and also acts like him. They soon become best friends, however, soon an old enemy shall return. Cameos are Available Resistance - (20/35) Glide MXD Retro/Omni Slot Xander Rushaos Edge Flamehog Matt The Fox Plus Slime Josephk Ryan Bre Imperial Jake Rave Zak Krisy Foxpuff Neutral - (2/30) Zak Pyroxenite Evil - (2/35) Skak Copa I still need more. PM NiggaShadowSaiyanXD and supersonic1009 your sprites with a bio or link to comic including them. If You Want To Post Then PM Me And I Shall Reply You The Scene.", false, true], "Shallwedance": ["http://shallwedancebl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A short three page comic I made because I heard somewhere that it wasn't allowed for same-sex couples to participate in certain dance competitions. :)", false, true], "ShamelessAdvertisements": ["http://advertiseat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1967, "Ever made a comic that none notice? But do you think the comic would be very successful? Well, you just gotta advertise somewhere, maybe a multi-author comic, but that'll annoy other authors. NOT ANYMORE! In this comic, you can post as many advertisements as you like! Show others your comics, and watch comics from others! That way, everyone will be able to read the latest comics! Please only place advertisements for comics here. So no fillers, no bios, no spritesheets. Don't forget to add a link towards your comic profile in the comments section below the ad! We request that you read the rules & guidelines section if you haven't done so already. Please don't be negative about comics in the comments, no one wants their ad to look bad. For those interested: Last author count: 483 authors (August 8th 2013)", false, true], "ShapeshifterAtaleyetuntold": ["http://shapeshiftermanga.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 108, "It's the year 2012, Planet Earth All has changed... Nothing is as it once was... in the year 2000..., religions expected the end to come.. other people walked about oblivious to what will happen... the end..? In truth.. it couldn't he further from the truth... 2000.. something did happen... what happened..? Skies.. opened up.. foul souls picked up one by one.. took us as hosts.. fallen.. angels.. demons... took our bodies.. It was not the end... it was a new.... hurtful.. beginning.. The people chosen as the hosts of these bodies.. created a new race.. a race of warriors with godly powers and vitality... This race broke out in a day.. and shook the very foundations of the world... they were called.. OUTBREAKERS It's been 12 years now... humans are not in control of our world.. The outbreakers are now.. leading our world", false, true], "Shatter": ["http://shattermanga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "\"Even when the world starts to shatter, we go on; unknowing, unrestrained, unwilling to change it. Sacrificing all we have for a greater whole, even when we know that all the world will do with its newly found so-called glory, is turn back into itself once again.\" So far, I'm pretty sure there'll be violence, as it's necessary for the plot. The \"BL,\" I'm still unsure about, but I think it may also be necessary for character development and blah blah. So, here's warning you, this comic/story/manga/whatever does contain mature content, but I'm not going to mark it until it actually comes up. (: ALSO ON TAPASTIC(may upadte sooner): http://tapastic.com/series/Shatter", false, true], "ShatteredFlag": ["http://shatteredflag.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "", false, true], "SheetofGlass": ["http://sheetofglass.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A long sheet of glass divides two parts of the world. When the glass was created society would rest aside on one side of the glass while the other held only one. It was decided that humans, as a whole, could live prosperous and carefree if just one soul could carry all the burden. All the hearts would become taint-less if just one strong heart could hold all the pain of humanity. This is the tale of a lone young woman who is chosen to live on the other side of the wall. Destine to live alone for all eternity until her time is up, but could there be a way for both sides to be happy? Could long lasting traditions finally be broken from their chains? Or shall something entirely new escalate from expectant events?", false, true], "ShifttheHedgehogSpeedburst": ["http://sthspeedburst.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "About 25 years after the latest Sonic the Hedgehog game, the world goes through a horrible dictatorship and most of the mobians die. Shift the Hedgehog then takes a Time Stone from Little Planet and uses it to travel back in time to stop it all from happening. Succeeding, he thinks he has saved all the beings that would have suffered a horrible fate. But unfortunately, that isn't going to stop all new enemies from rising up, enemies that originally were wiped out by the said dictatorship. Join Shift the Hedgehog, Edge the Echidna, Rushaos the Echidna, and many more as they fight for the peace that everyone ever so longs for... Warning: Contains misspelled words, lack of special effects, many perverted jokes, sexual innuendos, Edge-Logic, and many, many violent explosions Updates on Thursdays", false, true], "Shimita": ["http://shimita.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "The discovery of an obscurity within the human genome, the Shimita gene, sparks the attention of members within the biological research division of CATALYST. Humans found with the dominant gene possessed abilities far superior to those with the recessive trait. Such humans are incredibly rare. The news prompted individuals motivated by corruption and greed to permeate into the bureaucracy of Naphios, successfully interrupting the natural order of the world. The result: The creation of elite soldiers called Shimita Soldiers, humans whose genome have been artificially altered in order to awaken the dormant Shimita gene. But discovery often comes at a price... \u230816+ | Violence, Action, Soft Sci - Fi, Romance | Updates Saturdays\u2309", true, true], "ShitasticalTales": ["http://s-tales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "An earth girl, a cannibal, a Princess with an unusual obsession with aliens, vampires, and a world where the grass is pink and the trees are blue? What a shitastical situation Thorn finds herself in when she's suddenly \"kidnapped\" by some rainbow eyed weirdo!! What shitastic adventure could be around the next corner for these crazy people?!", false, true], "ShiteWeveHeardBefore": ["http://swhb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 101, "We've all heard the story. One person falls for another but they can't be together. Same shit, different day. But this...we'll go about in a different way. Just a note: There will be NSFW moments throughout the comic. The majority will not come til later chapters but small bits here and there in the first few.", true, true], "Shizentai": ["http://shizentai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Shizentai is the story of a small town of karate practitioners, soccer-playing kids, yakuza wannabees and the elementary school girl who brings them crashing together.", false, true], "ShonenPunk": ["http://shonenpunkremix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Chiitsu Pinkada is 30 years old, he was the star if an anime harem themed reality show. but he just found out he is the lost prince named Letch Ravenwulf. his name, his life, and everything he knows has been a lie. Now he travels space for answers and for survival.", false, true], "ShortLives": ["http://shortlives.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Short character study scenes.", false, true], "ShotoutofCanon": ["http://akumathfs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 505, "Shot out of Canon is the new direction for the former Fallout Shelter Comics. Like the Fallout Shelter Comics, it'll be about the forums (and sometimes comics) I go to. Unlike the former Fallout Shelter Comics, this will deal with things besides there. And unlike that, it won't be Canon with my Main Comics. Formerly: My Fallout Shelter Comics I do for the Fallout Shelter: http://z1.invisionfree.com/forums/The_Fallout_Shelter/index.php?act=idx", false, true], "ShoujowashounenMyworld": ["http://swsmyworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "", false, true], "ShouldItellhim": ["http://shoulditellhim.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Nelson is a young teenage boy, suffering from the side effects of unrequited love. --------------------------------- This project was made as my early participation to 24h comic day, and it contains characters also known in my other comic PTO.", false, true], "ShounenAi4ever": ["http://shounenai4ever.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "(This is one of my very first boys-love stories, and even though I created this years ago I still like it :) Please bear with the not as skilled artwork, but I hope you will like the story ^^) Sora and Shigoto go to school together and are good friends. However, Sora does not dare tell his friend about his part time job, which consits of drawing boys love manga, nor does he want him to know that he has a crush on Shigoto... warning: BOYS love! read: from right to left updates: daily", true, true], "ShowcasimusMaximus": ["http://allaboardthesteamtrain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 159, "KURONA, FLUTTER AND LYLA SPAM TIME, FOXPUFF SPRITE AND SPAM, LE SPRITE DUMP, PROBLEM WITH STARLO, DUB'S STUFF BIN, AQUA'S SPRITE HOSTING PLACE...THINGY, ZERO'S SPRITE TEST GROUND, THE REALM OF PUNCHY, AND TTLY NOT A RIPOFF MERGE TO FORM SHOWCASIMUS MAXIMUSSSSSSSSSSSS Scar's here too say hi scar To put in simple terms, this showcase is basically Reidy's for lower-tier spriters. There's chapters for us because there can be and Kurona loved organization. This description is my bitch now. Kitsu is going too sing for you now. YALYALLYALDJFASLKNKADNNDNADSKHANKAC *Applause* No shipping though. That's for Love Harbor, also sponsored by us! *SHAMELESS PLUG* -Syogren. Don't forget the cheese. Nor the muffins! :3", false, true], "ShroudofLight": ["http://shroudoflight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 123, "Shroud of Light takes place in a world enshrouded in darkness, following a Young Lumin hunter Mina, who on a routine hunt discovers something that could change the world as she knows it", false, true], "ShumasJunkandStuff": ["http://junkstuffshuma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "This is just where I put all my random crap. There's not anything really interesting here. Except for the rps me and Kurona have in the comments. But don't read those. Sly Cooper Quote of the Week \"Yes, I know. A master ninja. Sheesh, now I know where Sly gets it from.\" -Bentley, to Rioichi Cooper, Sly 4", false, true], "SiOdin": ["http://heyodin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "tells the child that stupid and he was named Odin (the original name is udin)", false, true], "Sibidie": ["http://sibidie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "24 hour comic 2011 Sibidie, a tempus magus, and his apprentice, Rosemary, must assist a town's Mayor who's mansion is haunted. Self contained, completed story.", false, true], "SickeningThud": ["http://sickeningthud.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Wrestling webcomic drawn against the clock over a weekend.", false, true], "SideProject": ["http://sideproject.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A story of immortality and the full life consequences that it brings.", false, true], "Signifikat": ["http://signifikat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 152, "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.", true, true], "SilentMelody": ["http://silentmelody.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "\u00b8.\u0095*\u266b*\u0095.\u00b8 \"Natalie is a singer. Paul is a deaf-mute young man... On a rainy night these people bump into each and since then their lives change abruptly. How did things come to this? A girl to whom music is the source of life bumps into a man who can't understand the sound of her voice... Why is it that both complement each other?\" \u10e6... A one-shot romance by saigo_namida and Heldrad ...\u10e6 ...\u266a\u0095 read from right to left \u0095\u266a...", false, true], "SilhouetteDeathsMistress": ["http://deathsmistress.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Death's Mistress is an allegory of salvation: *Death symbolizes Christ/ Christianity *Body symbolizes \"us\" *World, Vices, Lust symbolizes all the sins---Lust and Vice are actually quite literal... for sins begin with lusting i think XP ...this was so sudden...a random doodle when sleep seems out of reach and mind wouldn't stop working ;P- therefore, it wasn't well thought of nor made with grace since i've only scanned what i've doodled that night XD PS.this isn't meant to be provocative or anything, i was just expressing my thoughts through illustrations- if i have offended, i apologize", false, true], "SilliestPutty": ["http://silliestputty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "After being with my love for several years, interesting things were bound to happen. This is a random chronicle of weird, funny, or just memorable occasions we went through as a couple! Yes, these REALLY happened!", false, true], "Sillycomic": ["http://sillycomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Just some random comics from the previous year and nowadays (: Some real life matters or random character comics nothing special (:", false, true], "Silver": ["http://sil-ver.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "The Old West has been overrun by lycanthropes, creatures that transform into wolves every night and terrorize the human population. A group known as \"The Nightriders\" has formed to deal with the threat, but even with their special skills they are no match for the rapidly spreading curse of the werewolf. Now one girl holds the key to the survival of mankind; however, she is reluctant to use it when she knows that it might mean the end of her best friend's life.", true, true], "SilverBel": ["http://bel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "", false, true], "SilverBellsAFreeRinHaruDoujinshi": ["http://silver-bells.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "It's very close to the end of the year after the events of Free! and things have started to become a bit awkward between Rin and Haruka. They've both realized that they have feelings for one another, but it's getting more and more difficult to hide it. Rin decides to finally confess to Haru on Christmas and asks his friends to help find the perfect gift for him. Haru on the other hand is feeling lonesome as the holiday approaches, envious of his friends who can't seem to find any time for him. When Haru's parents come home unexpectedly, things only get worse... and Rin isn't sure how to help.", false, true], "SilverHeart": ["http://silverheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Yet another HEARTGOLD Nuzlocke run.", false, true], "Sim": ["http://simtwinkiesama.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Richard Moore is a dating sim fan who wins a disc through a prize drawing. However, it is no normal disc; it contains data that allows any girl who Richard ended up at the end of any dating sim game to come to life! Three girls are now living with him, much to his embarrassment. Unfortunately, nine other discs are circulating around, some of which are given to people who's taste in fictional characters lean more towards the evil sort. That and more surprises are in store for you. This comic is very light on fanservice, so I apologize for male readers expecting more skin. Also, this comic updates randomly.", false, true], "SimonSues": ["http://simonsues.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 931, "Simon, once brilliant law student at the prestigious Haversford Campus, now finds himself council for those in need of representation against the occult. It's the age old Faustian tale, but this time, Faust has a killer lawyer. ************************************************* WARNING! -Main Comic (Not BL) contains horror and graphic violence. -Bonus Comics contain sexual content/BL. Updates Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! ************************************************* *Check out my tumblr to see process pages and random sketches! http://simonsues.tumblr.com/ You can now read Simon Sues on MangaMagazine.net (http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Simon-Sues/detail-page/221) and on Manga Fox! (http://mangafox.me/manga/simon_sues/)", false, false], "SimpleBear": ["http://simplebear.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 230, "Bear Copenhagen is just a simple bear and nothing else. Spoiler: Not for long. Simple Bear is an action packed, supernatural thrill ride that uses words like this in the summary to make people want to read it. Also this comic features cartoon animals, not \"furries.\" Just thought I'd throw that out there. Updates 2-to-3 times a week", false, false], "SimplySarah": ["http://simplysarah.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 418, "This is the story of a young lesbian girls pursuit to follow her heart against all the problems that face her.", false, true], "SinPararse": ["http://sinpararse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 125, "This is a mirror of http://sinpararse.skyscrapersoup.com It updates every friday. This site is updated in a batch every few weeks. Sin Pararse is a prequel to my other comic, but you can read either of them independently. It follows Gabry and Liam, two popular side characters and details how they met and got together.", false, true], "Sincethattime": ["http://sincethattime.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Ever since the first time they met, Liam has desperatly been trying to convey his feelings to Sebastian, who completly misunderstands everything Liam does to try and get his attention. Yaoi.", true, true], "SingHOforanIdiot": ["http://singho.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A far-out retelling of Sleeping Beauty from an incapable fairy's POV. [humor/fantasy]", false, true], "SirGawainandtheGreenKnight": ["http://sirgawainandthegreenknight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "This was my english project, a comic adaptation of the Pearl Poet's arthurian tale Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Enjoy! In the poem, Sir Gawain accepts a challenge from a mysterious warrior who is completely green, from his clothes and hair to his beard and skin, save for his red eyes. The \"Green Knight\" offers to allow anyone to strike him with his axe if the challenger will take a return blow in a year and a day. Gawain accepts, and beheads him in one blow, only to have the Green Knight stand up, pick up his head, and remind Gawain to meet him at the appointed time. In his struggles to uphold his oath, Gawain faithfully demonstrates the qualities of chivalry and loyalty until his honor is called into question by a test crafted by the lady of the castle in which much of the story takes place.", false, true], "Siren": ["http://siren.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "Siren follows the story of a death elf and a mermaid, who fight together through war in the black depths, and struggle with the prejudices against their respective kinds. Its a brutal romance, with no holds barred...all's fair when love is war. We have had some trouble updating every week because of work but we are planning to do way better this year! So we will update on the weekend :) Rated Mature for language and gore so far. Probably some implied sex as well further along.", true, true], "Sisterella": ["http://sisterella.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "Step into the lives of the step sisters of Cinderella(Betia and Adda)! A comedic adventure in the fairy-tale fantasy world(with some modern things) that they live in while Betia tries to find true love, and Adda just wants to make it out of the whole thing alive.", false, true], "Skald": ["http://skald.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "", false, true], "Skeptical": ["http://skeptical.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 169, "A regular slice of life/death romantic comedy about an unusual family and their relations to a group of creatures that call themselves \"skull people\". Said human family(and half the comic itself) was created by and belongs to TyrannicalShipper! Warning- there's an abundance of foul language, and blood. Lots of blood, including the first page. Also, constructive critiques are always appreciated! Currently updates every four days.", false, true], "Sketchjournal": ["http://sketchjournal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Pretty self explanatory. I write down random things I think.", false, true], "Sketh": ["http://sketh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "A 15 year old boy named Sketh finds a stone with a weird marking. Little does he know that it'll probably change his life...", false, true], "SkinnedAlive": ["http://skinnedalive.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "\"This is a cold and dark world that we all live in, in fact, It's a dog eat dog world out there. You have to be a killer to get ahead.\" ~ Cain Skinned Alive is a dark fairytale rich with murder, misery, and mystery. One day an omnious request fall into the hands of the Lienharts, a family of lethal assassins renowned for their expertise. The youngest son accepts only to find out things are not always what they seem... Story contains blood and gore, strong language, and sexual themes. 18+ Comic reads left to right.", false, true], "SkyrimAdventures": ["http://skyrim.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "A random side-comic about my adventures in Skyrim.", false, true], "SlashMaximum": ["http://slashmanga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 174, "SLASH (SOUL LINKED AEGIS SUPPORTING HEGEMEMONY), is a mysterious power that prevents a person from being harmed or killed, an enhancement for combat and is used to enforce authority among the weak. It can determine one's social superiority to one who possesses it. Not all may have it. Alizeti ekilore, a rich innocent girl from Trifang mansion, suddenly discovered she has it since she survived a strong explosion that killed all her family. Now that she had survived and obtained such power, Alizeti decided to pursue the murderer of her family using her SLASH. Clash, a veteran slasher(SLASH user), will help Alizeti use and strengthen her SLASH in order to find the culprits. Will they succeed in getting justice for Alizeti's family if the killers are the government's strongest Slashers? Will Alizeti and Clash be able to fully understand and utilize their SLASH to counteract their pursuers? In a society where SLASH enhancement and slashers are made, Alizeti and Clash will experience the inevitable. latest chapters here>> http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/SLASH/detail-page/75", false, true], "Sleepdread": ["http://sleepdread.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Sleeping and dreaming can be a wonderful experience! ...Until the dream starts haunting you during days as well. First in my series of dream-themed comics of the 'False Awakening'-universe, Sleepdread was also my first self-\"published\" story offered for sale and now free online, finished during my year at Liminka School of Arts, in the spring of 2012. The art is now dated and mediocre, and I'd like to think I will redraw this one day, but it the project and the story are still very dear to me!", false, true], "Sleepwalk": ["http://sleepwalk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "Nore is a laid back couch potato and prone to falling asleep just about anywhere; Ia is a nervous workaholic wreck and suffers from no sleep. They are persuaded by their coworkers to attend a friendly gathering out of town, but wind up in bed with each other the next morning. With next to zero recollection of the previous night and nothing reliable to account on, the duo make their way home and attempt to remember what happened that weekend. Light-hearted BL comedy told in 4komas/strips. Read left to right.", false, true], "SlightlyMorbidMatters": ["http://smm-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "DFtR/Reaper Man -->> Slightly Morbid Matters The adventures of a magical talking skeleton and his employees as they attempt to run a business together. Updates Mondays.", false, true], "SlipstreamSingularity": ["http://slipstreamsingularity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 199, "350 years have passed since the first and only mission beyond Human Occupied Space was launched. In search of the alien intelligence that sent such wondrous knowledge back to Earth, the Odyssey mission was lost. Now, denied their own home world by the rebellion of their own children creations, the Synthetics, humanity has become a race of despots and wanderers that meander through the stars, eking out an existence. Updated Tuesdays and Saturdays.", false, true], "SlipstreamtheMachineState": ["http://machinestate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "In the year of 2181, the remains of the Coalition's American nations lie in ruins - destroyed a year earlier when several fusion power stations erupted into nuclear fireballs. The remaining humans, now docile under the Investiture of the Machine State that controls not only Earth, but the entirety of the Sol system, are forced into walled city states that managed to survive the devastation, carefully scrutinized by synthetic Machine State overseers. Having just received her commission into the Coalition Army's Special Investigations branch of the Military Police, Jr. Lieutenant Lydia Cross keeps a watchful eye over her new home and charge, the burgeoning coastal city-state of Vancouver Central. But even protected from the hostile world outside, all is not serene within the Ferrocrete walls - and Cross is forced to endure the worst that humankind can offer. Updated every Friday, a comic from TedChristensenGallery.com", false, true], "SmackieAwards20122013": ["http://sjawards1213.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "", false, true], "Smashandfriendsshowcase": ["http://smashshowcase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 174, "This a a showcase in which any spriter can join. Here you can post: Sprites Pixel art Character bios Cool effects Short comics Memes Ads And More! So Join TODAY!! And now, for some quotes from the authors: Smash: sprite! Pocket_Ninja : ......WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!?!?!?!?! Luxbot: EFFECTS IS A NECESSITY FOR ME. :< CamTro: No effects for me to sprite and speak as in same time! ~\u00e0\u00b2\u00a0_\u00e0\u00b2\u00a0~ Sspeedo th: I try to sprite but effects and comics work betta under the microscope. Drago: Spritin epic style. A-A-A-A-A-A-AAAAA- *shot*", false, true], "SmashingMangos": ["http://smashingmangos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A collection of short stories that I do at random. The content of the stories will vary completely from story to story. CURRENT STORY: None at the moment FINISHED STORIES: Our World Beautiful Mermaid Run", false, true], "SmilerComics": ["http://www.smilercomics.com/comics/", 25, "A small family of broken families, relying on each others support to survive their violent, turbulent lives. Featuring a pack of werewolves, a tribe of feline beastmen, a couple of chimeras and -A Vampire-.", false, true], "SmilexandForb": ["http://smilexforb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "A mysterious Smiley-headed ninja and his flying transforming orb walk through the evil-ridden world, all while destroying evil and looking for a mysterious set of crystals that is said to have a power. This is the start of a great journey.", false, true], "SmokeTide": ["http://smoketide.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "In the New Coast there is no history, there is no society, there is no law but human sense. No one lives for past nor future, but for present; it's every man for himself. Orphans Dusty and her long time friend(more like a brother)Jude live a comfortable life in the trade town of Elliswood with their good friends Rudy and Lilac. Dealing with Jude's schizophrenia is bad enough, but 17 year old Dusty has to make a tough decision when the townspeople decide Jude is too dangerous to have around. They must flee or stay and fight for their right to stay in Elliswood. Updates posted about every other week. This comic is rated PG for scary sequences and mild violence.", false, true], "SmoochQuest": ["http://smoochquest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "The adventures and romance of Akiko and Blodwen. One is an awkward university student and the other is a warrior/protector of magical artifacts. PG 13 for sexual themes. nicoletton.tumblr.com/", false, true], "Smugstrollstories": ["http://trolpaztaz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "OK SO DIS IS SUM COMIG I MAED THAT HAVE EVIL PATRIXXX AND OTHER THNGYZ IN IT ADN YEA THEZ R 100 PERZEN ORIJINL EJOY (Yes, this comic is a joke.)", false, true], "Sniper": ["http://sniper.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "There is a fine line between good and evil; and his name is The Sniper! Ken Anthony II and Tony Lorenz", false, true], "SniperKnights": ["http://sniperknights.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Two brave Knights venture down a dungeon and they find sniper rifles. They become... SNIPER KNIGHTS.", false, true], "Snippets": ["http://snippets.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 108, "Snippets is a Compilation of Short Stories!", false, true], "SnowAndRed": ["http://snowred.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A short boy's romance take on the story of Snow White and Rose Red. Inspired by last year's Crown Royale anthology.", true, true], "SnowbyLisaHarald": ["http://snow-lh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Oneshot comic about three girls, two are lonely and one is dead.", false, true], "SnowmenintheSpringtime": ["http://snowmeninthespringtime.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Smarty Pants Comics publishes stories for kids of all ages.", false, true], "SnowsEve": ["http://snowseve.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "A one-shot comic about a trio of high school kids forming a band for the talent show and the drama that ensues.", false, true], "SoManyProblems": ["http://somanyproblems.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 378, "'If the XKCD guy was retarded' Single panel comics about life, love, alcoholism and dick jokes. Updates Mon/Wed/Fri", false, true], "SocksMittensandScarfs": ["http://socksmitsscarfs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 63, "A GL story. A story about a girl called Alice and her realisation for her preference of the same gender and her growing up experiences with being a lesbian. Possibly some smut in this later. Not sure how much to draw, shall wait and see :D GL means girl...love... as in two girls... lesbians ok. No Yaoi in this.", false, true], "SolarStorm": ["http://solarstorm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "The year is 2124. Since mankind sent signals into space in search for extraterrestrial life, Earth has become the target of invasion by an evil alien syndicate. This syndicate's mission: To extract the life force from human children to sustain their race. A highly-intelligent and highly-skilled warrior robot - SOLAR - was secretly developed by a girl outside of official governmental channels to secretly safeguard and protect Earth's children kids.", false, true], "SoldierANarutodoujinshi": ["http://soldier.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "My Naruto doujinshi featuring KakashixYamato pairing. It is a completed 20-page oneshot. Please do not view if you're offended by malexmale pairings and explicit content! Enjoy! :)", true, true], "SoliaEld": ["http://solia-eld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A young girl living in the woods finds herself caught in a war between two empires", false, true], "SomeNuzlocke": ["http://somenuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "It's another Nuzlocke comic. But this one is different... THIS ONE HAS A BEAR AND A BUNNY!", false, true], "SomeoneStoleMyPanties": ["http://someonestolemypanties.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "my life in a comic random as its title.", false, true], "Somesprites": ["http://tonzofsprites.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1169, "", false, true], "SomethingLikeaPhenomenon": ["http://somethinglikeaphenomenon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 118, "All kinds of love in mid 90s fictional NYC like city. Vampires and other supernatural things included. Updates Wednesdays, unless otherwise specified.", true, true], "SomethingMore": ["http://somethingmore13.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Once upon a time, there was Princess Valeriya, who had love troubles.... sort of a fan comic, well two characters from PTO -> http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=43363 even thought they are very ooc done as 24h comic project, so I'm not even sorry about lack of BG's. 24 pages, including cover.", false, true], "SongoftheButterfly": ["http://songofthebutterfly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 155, "- Little Rim Marie is drawn into another world hidden just under the surface of reality and discovers her self-worth. She is caught in the middle of the eternal struggle between Light and Shadow.", false, true], "SonicAIDS": ["http://secretcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Arn't you sick of most Sonic comics? Always about hunting down Eggman or so called \"action\" or random memes splattered everywhere? Well, too bad, since this comic is pretty much more of it, but at least it's self aware! A comic that has been running for years at the pace of a snail, it was basically designed to cross the line multiple times, with Amy being naked, lots of cursing, and Shadow being... well, you should probably just read that part. However, while the comic continues to be over the top, it's toned down in the ironically immature \"maturity\", but is still pretty damn stupid. For the better. I hope. Sonic and Knuckles, after pounding about 227 kilos worth of cocaine, are forced to go on an adventure to collect the Chaos Emeralds and then... Nobody really knows, but we're pretty sure Eggman's up to no good, because what ELSE does he ever do? However, some things are amiss among most of the characters... The road is paved with dangers, dropped plots, and stupid situations. Will Sonic save the day? Probably not.", true, true], "SonicAdvancedOnlineAdventures": ["http://saoadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "This is the reboot of my older sprite series \"Sonic Advanced Online\". The user who goes by the name TrentNR has just joined a new Sonic-based MMO called \"Sonic Advanced Battlers Online\", a game based on the popular \"Sonic The Hedgehog\" series. Open world PvP, doing quest, Making friends, searching for treasures, the possiblities are endless for Trent, but will an evil organization ruin the world of SABO for everyone? Not if Trent and the other Advanced Battlers can help it!", false, true], "SonicAuthorAdventII": ["http://saa2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 201, "TEH CHAT IS BACK. Dont forget to space between your sentences.- Mr. Jack If you've come to SAAII thinking \"Oh my god- another author comic!\"- Never fear. this one is the ORIGINAL AND FIRST author comic. Well, it's prequel, SAA, run by mostly the the same people, was.-Rikco the Robot Random post of death and doom. ~ Ryan We demand cookies! ~ Shin Guess who's back and fluffier than ever! ~ Shard Oh Praise the mightly Lords of the Laziness ~Jayh TEAM JINJO PWNZ YOUR SOULS! AND IM BACK! -2021 Run around for all I care! I have me my flying ceiling! HA! ~Slash Beware the newness! ~3000", false, true], "SonicAuthorElite2020": ["http://sae2020.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Set in an Alternate future from Sonic Author Elite Reborn!", false, true], "SonicBoom": ["http://sonic-boom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 488, "Rules: 1. No random images that have nothing to do with the comic. 2. No content over PG-13. 3. Excessive trolling is prohibited. Some minor jokes are fine, but don't take it too far please. 4. If you're gonna give criticism, be constructive! No blatant insults! 5. Homophobia is also undesired.", false, true], "SonicClub": ["http://sonicclub.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 144, "****RETIRED/DEAD/COMPLETED**** The Characters: Sonic Shadow Amy Tails Knuckles Rouge Capuchino(me) Nikomy(Capuchino's girlfriend) Lola(Capuchino's little sister) Lanz(Capuchino's older brother) Andry(I made him up... he's just a Shadow android) Xavier (Xevious) Degreenfreak Miles-XD(Just Miles) Stochi The Vampire Chao Crackuchino The Hedgehog Crazy China Crappuchino Ghost the Echidna(inlove with Knuckles.. XD) Green Darkness Flame the demon hedgehog Glandor the hedgehog and his brother cendar the fox", false, true], "SonicDashly": ["http://sonicdashly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 90, "Another Generic Sonic comic? More likely than you think...", false, true], "SonicDoom": ["http://sonicdoom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "Sonic and Tails wonder what it would be like to enter the world of a game. Unfortunately, they picked the wrong one...", false, true], "SonicDramaticallyGoesBoom": ["http://sonicdramaticallygoesboom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Recolors, half-decent sprites and a hot cup of Mr. Coffee... because it's funny. Yup. It's Sonic Dramatically Goes Boom. Arc 5 of sonic goes super, the alternate arc 4 to Dramatic Space, and part 2 of Sonic-Boom. This is an attempt to link all 3 author comics. This will not end well. sonic goes super: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=136064 Sonic-Boom: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=111375 Dramatic Space: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=135291 NOTE: Don't get mad or something if I get some inaccuracies in the comic. I try to keep up with sonic goes super, Sonic-Boom, and Dramatic Space. And besides, it's just for fun, pls don't yell at me. ~nyan", false, true], "SonicHeroesUncut": ["http://sonicheroesuncut.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "A telling of the game Sonic Heroes, but from what thoughts and observations I had from playing the game for the first time... This comic has now finished Now a part of the Squidpower forum: http://z6.invisionfree.com/SquidpowerForums", false, true], "SonicSchoolRedo": ["http://sonicschoolredo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 288, "THIS COMIC HAS BEEN MOVED TO CRAZY R US.", false, true], "SonicShake": ["http://sonicshake.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A Sonic comic? Really? Yes, I stooped that low! Warning: The following comic you are about to enjoy is very hot, so if you spill it on your lap and decide to sue us ... that's your problem. Caution: Will be extremely self-deprecating. Updates? What's an update?", false, true], "SonicTheSprite": ["http://sonicthesprite.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Jet The fallen hero against Sonic The Scourge, What could go wrong? Copyright Legal Crap: I do not own any of this and it belongs to their prospective owners. Updates once-twice every week.", false, true], "SonicUniverse": ["http://sonicsuniverse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "A retelling of the Sonic the Hedgehog games with characters from all the medias! Huzzah to it! Comments are most appreciated, so do so. ;D", false, true], "SonicUniverseAsk": ["http://sonicuniverseask.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 222, "HI THERE! Do you read Sonic: Universe, or Sonic Universe- Sides?... No? WELL! Would you like to learn about it? n...no?... AH WELL! Here you can ask the characters anything you wish! And they will answer as they please! Probable Spoilers for the Main Comic", false, true], "SonicUniverseSides": ["http://sonicuniversesides.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "A Spin-Off from Sonic Universe. Telling What if Stories. Canon Stories not told in the Main plot. Or Main storylines from another point of view.", false, true], "SonicWorldAdventures": ["http://sonicworldadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 808, "Sequel/Spin-Off to Metroid Prime: Altina Through a series of unforunate events, Sonic the Hedgehog has found himself in the past with diminished intelligence and memory, and must complete all his previous adventures to create a Synch Nexus, and fix a space-time rip threatening to destroy... STUFF. Previously called: Sonic World Adventure Created by S of Team Dark Nexus! PG Content!! Daily updates!!! (Hyoxjnn and I are currently in Year 12 so we will be missing updates from time to time, but we will catch up within a few days)", false, true], "Sonicdrugged": ["http://sonicdrugs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "sonic drugged is an amazingly stupid comic about sonic and his friends doing random crap, and also if you like having absolutly no over powered or cheap fan characters... you will love this, updates wait times are from 1-UNSPECIFIED days. wanna cameo? pm broblade12 to see if you can get your fan character to appear for a brief time!", false, true], "SonicvsAshura": ["http://chaosrule.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "", false, true], "SonsofEvil": ["http://sonsofevil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "What do you get when Capt. Nazi's grandson and a civilian who's power stem from drug use team up to fight crime in tight spandex? More harm than good- that's for sure. (So I actually had a chance to work on a comic project a few months back called \"Sons of Evil\" that I did the writing and planning for. At some point I plan on doing a Kickstarter to see if we could get enough funding. Thoughts?)", false, true], "SophieInHerLife": ["http://sophieinherlife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "A day in Sophies Life as she relects a bit on her past and present. A Tale from Creation Updates Tuesday & fridays", false, true], "Sorrow": ["http://sorrow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "After an ancient war between all mythical creatures and humans, having eventually declared a truce, the beings of the world sealed their powers in a large tome that was the creation of peace--and the curse that made the werewolf. After scientists found the genes that made werewolves immortal, failing to isolate the gene led to some catastrophic outcomes... And the birth of a new beast... The project was so named: S.O.R.R.O.W. (Contains strong language, use of tobacco and/or liquor, erotic scenes (this means sex), violence and gore, torture and clever scenarios that could get you arrested in real life unless you are a werewolf. You have been warned.)", true, true], "SoulGuardian": ["http://soulguardian.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 485, "How far would you go...to get home alive? Ren has been kidnapped, and sent to the future. Upon her arrival, a strange cloaked young man finds her. On hearing her circumstances...he offers to help her, for a price. READ: Right to left UPDATES: Wednesday", false, false], "SoulLinks": ["http://soullinks.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "It is the year 2022, and new artifacts have been found and give people their hearts desire in the form of powers. Updates when I feel like it!", false, true], "SoulReaperComic": ["http://soul-reaper-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Orin is a new girl that just arrives at school. She is uninterested in making friends and drawing attention to herself. She is immediately picked on by jealous girls and is helped out by a boy named Aido who all the girls think is really handsome. He comes off as mysterious and Orin senses that he is special just like her. She believes that he could possibly be a demon and also the long ago friend that helped her during her childhood. Orin immediately realizes that Aido is after something from the school and feels obligated to follow him and find out what he's up to. What could it be Aido is after and who exactly is he?", true, true], "SoulSearching": ["http://soulsearching.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Our 24 hour comic of the year 2012! A lot of love for bad inking here.", false, true], "SoulSilverShippingPokemoncomic": ["http://soulsilvershipping.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "COMPLETED. A short KotoneXSilver comic from Pokemon. About basically nothing. It'll probably be about 7 pages. And I'm pretty sure I can finish it!", false, true], "Souldevourer": ["http://souldevorer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "this comix was inspired by soul eater it was my first time to create a comix on web site and for readers please correct my grammar cu'z I'm not very good in English. i hope you would like it. please like me on face book i would like to thank the following: loko boys paderes bag-aw mavos agaw nadela france lim and montojo", false, true], "Souljinshi": ["http://souljinshi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Based after their final battle with the Kinshin, Soul, Maka and the crew reflect and come to terms with emotions they've had to repress until now. I slapped a mature rating on this thing 'cause it's getting a little suggestive. Better safe than sorry. This manga reads from Left to Right, American style. DISCLAIMER: I claim no ownership of any kind of Soul Eater. Just making the puppets dance.", true, true], "SoulmatePxC": ["http://soulmatepxc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Marvin Miller, a famous celebrity who's tired of his life and run away to have some break. He went to an island, which is not known by a lot of people in the city to have some peace of mind, suddenly he lost his luggage and stranded in that island, but luckily, there's a kind island girl, Wendy Gailes, 17 years old, a friendly, innocent simple girl who saw him and thought he was drowned, and she mistaken him to have an amnesia because he is asking her if she don't know him at all because he's a top notched celebrity, and this will be the star of their story to unfold.... - See more at: http://www.plothaven.com/manga-profile.php?mid=227&manga=Soulmate :PxC#sthash.kaZuGsH9.dpuf", false, true], "SoundofSilenceaFireRedNuzlocke": ["http://sosnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "The story of an eleven-year-old boy and his team as they travel across Kanto. Featuring dragons (maybe), death (sadly), epic battles (hopefully), and explosions (really!).", false, true], "SouthernCross": ["http://southerncross.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 100, "This a webcomic about a bunch of hopefully amusing people known as the eight state capital cities of Australia. Southern Cross is a moe anthropomorphization comic - in the vein of Hetalia, Afganisu-tan and the OS-tans to name a few - featuring Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Darwin, Adelaide and Perth. It's about their relationships, their rivalries, their teamwork, their personal tragedies, and the fact that they're all, at heart...a little dysfunctional. Primarily a comedy (or at least trying to be), you don't have to know anything about Australia for this. Hell, you don't even have to care about Australia either. And maybe you'll learn a thing or two...but don't worry. It's not that kind of educational. Updates when I can!", false, true], "Sovereign": ["http://sovereign.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 42, "The world is under a vice, Illuminati-like grip by individuals convinced the human race has hit its dead end; during a time when science has reached a pinnacle, crimes are committed in an endeavour to influence evolution. \"The ends justify the means\" they might say. Yet what is the end? Just how far do they mean to reach it? A small group of home-grown vigilantes take against their biological misdeeds, preserving the innocence that is affected by them worldwide. Meanwhile one lost soul comes to grips with being different; no matter how much she convinces herself she is human, there's too much in the way of evidence that says otherwise. *** Issue #2 currently in production, release date some time in November/December. 75% complete. Contains scenes of graphic violence, gore & launguage. You can catch news, updates, and other tidbits on the Sovereign tumblr! http://world-of-sovereign.tumblr.com/", true, true], "SovereignTheMostAmazingComicEver": ["http://mostamazingcomicever.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 137, "Sovereign is the most amazing story ever told about an extremely boring boy, who is fortunately kidnapped by sky pirates. Updates Tuesday and Thursday! Please give our website a second to redirect you.", false, true], "SpacePiratesStoleMyLunch": ["http://spacepiratesstolemylunch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Just a little \"sumthin' sumthin'\" I had kicking around and thought I'd share. Short, cute and to the point. It will be listed as 'complete' in a few days but I hope some-one sees and likes it before it goes to comic Limbo.", false, true], "SpaceStationColumbia": ["http://spacestationcolumbia.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 38, "This is the futuristic story of a space station that orbits planet Mars. The crew's primary mission is early detection of hostile alien forces and the protection of our solar system. NASA, with the assistance of every other Earth space agency, created the station and trained its crew. After it was decided to position the space station near Mars, since the International Space Station provides protection closer to Earth, we made first contact with an alien race that became an ally. One of these aliens is now a crew member aboard Space Station Columbia. Let's see what happens... Created by Steve T Johnson *View my artwork on deviantART* http://knighttek.deviantart.com/", false, true], "SpaceTalesa24HourComic": ["http://spacetales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Done for the 2013 24 hour comic day challenge.", false, true], "SpaceThieves": ["http://spacethieves.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "(The name of the comic will change when I come up with something original) Cassandra and Ethan are space-traveling thieves. These comic strips are meant to introduce you to the characters (or something). The actual story will begin later (let's just hope I won't get bored of it and give up before even beginning). Obviously, I don't know when this will update.", false, true], "SpaghettiAndMeatballs": ["http://spaghettiandmeatballs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "What do you do when you should be studying? MAKE A WEBCOMIC. Seriously though. You want puns? You got it. You want women? You can imagine getting them. You want crazy ass ninjas jumping around and shit?! Then you've clicked on the wrong comic and I apologize for wasting your time. Like LoveitWilde on Facebook for updates straight to your news feed! https://www.facebook.com/LoveitWilde", true, true], "SparElricsextras": ["http://sparextras.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 169, "Just a bunch of random shit that I wanna put up. :P Such as sprite-sheets, W.I.P.s, drawings and more! :D BTW, if you have a problem with that, just click the BACK button and leave. I do NOT tolerate trolls/assholes. Thank you! <33 Also, you're welcome to join in on the fun if you so choose! Just PM me!", false, true], "SparkStory": ["http://sparkstory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 404, "\"INSPIRED BY ABBIMAYS RANDOMNESS (now Void Misadventures, go there while you're on the internet)! AUTHOR RULES: 1. AUTHORS MUST UPDATE AT LEAST ONCE EVERY MONTH. If you won't be able to update, please PM me saying why, and you'll be pardoned if I believe your reason is valid. 2. SWEARING IS WRONG. It's okay if you censor it, but this is a rule that I expect to be followed in comics, comments, and chat. 3. TREAT OTHERS WITH RESPECT. I don't care who you are or what you said, BE NICE. If you were joking around, I'll understand. Any violation of these rules will result in a warning. Three warnings, no matter what the combination, and you will be kicked with an explanation why. You will have one oppourtunity to rejoin, but that will be it. Otherwise, that's it. Be safe and have fun. ~Melody-Pika, manager can we still puts things here mels ~Kurrokurro", false, true], "Sparmakeslove": ["http://sparisbeutifal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "lol fag", false, true], "SpectrumofDreams": ["http://spectrumofdreams.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "I've made many short comics in the past and I'll make many more in the future. I'll posting them here. I hope you enjoy them ^^ Genres vary, from fantasy and romance to psychological. I will submit all pages at once when a comic is complete.", false, true], "Spellcross": ["http://spellcross.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 215, "In the City of Aria, the last great capital of the world, life revolves around mysterious dungeons and the monsters that crawl from them. Adventurers gather from the world over to battle in these dangerous labyrinths, seeking the fame and fortune that comes from exploring them. Follow Caldwell the Alchemist as he strives to raise himself up the ranks of adventurers, to gather a party of friends, and to overcome his fears. Updates three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!", false, true], "SpiaderWebs": ["http://spiaderwebs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "Giant, soul-sucking arachnids. Brave, slightly insane heroes. And a land that is screaming for help. Step into the kingdom of Rinnerath, and learn what it means to be brave.", false, true], "Spidersilk": ["http://spidersilk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 157, "Ah, Kalviva! A bright, bustling city. It's a crossroad for trade and all kinds of people have made their way there. Sometimes ... very strange people. Kalviva is also home to the biggest, most impressive thief system. Prentice, following his exiled brother from the north, stumbles into one such cell (much to the embarrassment of his guildmates) and begins his journey to becoming a thief. His attempts to cast aside his strict warrior training are often fails. But it's better than the alternative. Doing merc board requests wasn't always glamorous. Well ... if ever. Updates twice a week, Monday and Friday! Fantasy/ Comedy/ Drama/ Action/ Adventure/ Romance", false, true], "SpideyPool": ["http://spideypool.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "This is the first page of a short SpideyPool comic I recently finished. Uploading every Tuesday until finished. Length - about 6-7 pages Enjoy!", false, true], "SpiritHand": ["http://spirithand.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Bestowed with the power of magic, mad men will surely drive this world to destruction. One man can't hope to extinguish the flames that threaten to consume humanity, when he can't extinguish the vengeful flames consuming his soul. ==================================================== Magic, Romance, Gay, etc...", false, true], "SpiritSong": ["http://spirit-song.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, ">___> my entry in one of the contest... i lost. status:COMPLETED. ONE-SHOT. sorry,too lazy to put summary...>_> READ IT YOURSELF.", false, true], "Splice": ["http://splice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "A new popular trend has come up. Human traficting has risen and small comunitys called \"Cock pits\" have sprug up and the population of wild animals has gone down. this was all due to a new thing called \"splicing\" taking the DNA of a animal and mixing it with a human. most are then used in \"cock fights\" to be pitted againced each other in a fight. [not looking to improve only a thing I do for fun mmkay .o.~<3 //all done in pencile//] (BL warning) .:*ALSO . o.;; I cant rlly spell worth a shit so if theres a error then I'll try and change it~~ <3*:.", false, true], "SplitPoison": ["http://splitpoison.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 284, "Aranya is an ambitious woman. At age 24 she's already the head--and founder--of the local mafia. When she stumbles into a one Takana Damashii Witzbold, she decides to take him on as a side project; to shape the young man into something useful. But Damashii's own goals, sparked to life by the chance presented to him by Aranya, may be much higher than to be just the asset of another. As Damashii draws to his side a wide collection of interesting (and invaluable) companions, he may become a match for even Aranya. Mafia, spiders, very tall men, very crazy men, very girly men, very dominant women, horses with fangs, glasses, a tad bit of fabulousness, circus tents. If any of these offend you, you probably shouldn't read this.", false, true], "SplitScreen": ["http://splitscreencomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 121, "Jan Lumeneski and Jeremy Tanner were inseparable best friends from childhood through high school, but Jan wanted more. When things didn't go her way Jan vowed never to speak to Jeremy again. More than a decade later a chance meeting puts the pair together again, but a lot has happened. Jan is a successful fashion designer while Jeremy is now fat and depressed. Still Jan can't help but feel that old flame burning, but is she just going to end up back where she started?", true, true], "Spookybabes": ["http://spookybabes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "When you start to get involved with supernaturals, you never know what is going to happen next. Is updated by chapters/several pages instead of by individual pages, for the sake of flow of reading! Updates will be at least once a month!", false, true], "Springshower": ["http://springshower.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "A boy in the tennis club finds himself confined in a telephone booth with another boy with glasses because of the rain. It's about high school boys, megane love and lots of pigeons. I originally drew this for a Megane BL anthology called Saison des Lunettes.", false, true], "Spriterschaos": ["http://spriterschaos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "random things happen everyday", false, true], "SpritesCrazyComics": ["http://spritescrazycomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Sprites Crazy Adventure is the craziest comic featuring five main characters Rayman,Sonic The Hedgehog,Yoshi,Pikachu,and Hatsune Miku.", false, true], "Sprytts": ["http://sprytts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 408, "---COMPLETE COMIC--- For the past few hundred years, the two great countrys, Carvia and Gloomland, have been enemies. While Carvia, land of the Sprytts, is full of wonder, delight, and magic, Gloomland, land of the Gools is full of demons, nightmares and violence. Blado, a royal guard to Queen Mellaba, is in search of the mysteries behind his past. Not long after he and three other royal guards encounter the princess, they get caught up in the middle of this international conflict.", false, true], "StagboyAndBunnyboyAdventures": ["http://sbabbadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "two rather odd individuals rent an apartment together and shenanigans ensue, which includes a lot of maiming of pizza boys and one party being terrified by the other. one has stag horns and the other is apparently a rabbit. enjoy.", false, true], "StainedHearts": ["http://stainedhearts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Enerai is a young girl, who leads a quiet life in giant tree with her best friend Serir. This happens until the time she meets a mysterious stranger. Together they'll experience a lot of great adventures, but also will have to face a terrible danger. Will they manage to strenghten the ties of their bond? Will the \"good ones\" be really trustworthy? And how the past will put the shadows on the present? Check it out, but be careful. The world of Kahvar hides more secrets, that you could expect...", false, true], "StakeMeNow": ["http://stakemenow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "A teen was killed and turned into a vampire by two unknown people. Now with a new family and a new identity he has to figure out who did it to be able to let go of his old life and move on to his new. -Sketch Comic- Warnings? Boy love, bad humor only I might find funny, I am trying to find a style I am comfortable at so inconsistency, sketchy, some pages have my terrible hand writing This comic doesn't have a specific update date since I would never make it on time eue;; But I try to update everyday until school starts then I will...try not to die..", false, true], "StaleMates": ["http://stale-mates.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Summary coming soon! Takes place in the Halo universe.", false, true], "StalkingNovember": ["http://xstalkingnovember.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 86, "WARNING FOR: Violence, smoking/drinking and ect, cussing, gay/yaoi, a bit of abuse and sex. *** Finished *** Mikell came to USA when he was 6 years old with his family- Mom and baby sister died in a fire some months after that. He now lives with his drunken father who has been beating him on and off since he was five, they now live in a small apartment in the slum areas. Mikell/Mike, 17 years old and in love with 18 years old November. Mike is new to the school and November find him interesting until he thinks Mike is stalking him to use him cause of his dads wealth wich Mikell doesn't really know about. Mikell is in love, does November love? Wich one is sickest? Stalker or apathetic?", true, true], "StampedeJessicasStory": ["http://www.stampedethewebcomic.com/comics/", 143, "Youth crime is on the rise in England as the gap between social classes increases. Resulting in an increase in street \"gangs.\" To tackle this problem the government made a plan to reform these unruly teenagers by giving these youths an incentive. Which was providing them with their own housing and \"pocket\" money but only if they study a course of the government's choice, stay out of trouble and attend classes as often as necessary. A quick fix to a very complicated problem. {Stampede:~} Jessica's story is about a troubled angry girl stuck under one of the government's incentives and her empathetic classmate named Ryam who befriends her. But as Jessica slowly falls back into street gang culture, Ryam also finds himself falling in with her as he tries to help her to stop. Deep into a downward spiral of fight clubs, hatred and gang rivalry. Will both of them get out of it alive or will it end tragically? Is there any hope for a hurt and struggling youth? Has some mature themes and swearing. Based 100% on real life, in my hometown in South London. Its an urban street comic. Updates: Depends. 3-4 pages every week/couple/few weeks max.", false, true], "StarFoxRetaliation": ["http://starfoxretaliation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A fan comic by Royle McCulloch. Art and story by Royle McCulloch. {This Is a fan based comic, in tribute to the starfox franchise. I do not claim any rights. All characters, designs, and worlds belong to the creators of starfox and Nintendo. Even original fan characters I will not claim rights to for they are still based off the starfox universe.}", false, true], "StarKissed": ["http://starkissed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A very short story of love between two girls. Based off an old comic I did years ago. Originally on DrunkDuck,posting on here now, twice a week.", false, true], "StarLightStarBlight": ["http://starlight-starblight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "An enhanced remake of the original Crazy Comics (the version that came before the slaughterfest Crazy Koopa created as of today). It is the tale of two user who hate each other and try to outdo the other in multiple quests to save the world. However, their closet friends don't exactly agree with this grudge. It's kind of like Spy vs. Spy only with sprites. Fans of the original Crazy Comics should enjoy this comic since it takes what was good about it and tries to make it something new without being tasteless.", false, true], "StarPaint": ["http://starpaint.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "A woman fighting for the righteousness of the world. A boy attempting to find himself in all the mess as he meets a person or two who might change his view on the world. Some how everything seems a bit strange, doesn't it, T\u00e4heke?", false, true], "StarWarsPyrestormBrigade": ["http://pyrestormbrigade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "After touched by Fire and Darkness, the Galaxy will never be the same.", false, true], "StarWarsRenegade": ["http://swrenegade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A comic I made some time ago, situated in the Star Wars universe, during the clone wars. It's about a clone that's left for dead in some battle in the Clone Wars. He flew and recovered from his serious injuries. Later, after Order 66 has been given, he meets a Jedi... full version at http://sofie3387.deviantart.com/gallery/307721", false, true], "StarWarsTeekay421Therealstory": ["http://teekay421.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "This is a comic I made for TK-421, the belgian star wars fanclub [link] . It handles about the stormtrooper from star wars, A new hope... Enjoy! more on my dA page: http://sofie3387.deviantart.com/", false, true], "StareDadCentral": ["http://staredad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "WA-HACKY gaize makin' staredads **WARNING** Mild Language", false, true], "Stargamers": ["http://stargamers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "a random mspaint story about a bunch of friends who get them self stuck in paradox space and other places.", false, true], "StarpunchGirl": ["http://starpunchgirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Starpunch Girl creates a race of human beings to help her achieve her goals. Art by Narm.", false, true], "StarshipMollusc": ["http://starshipmollusc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Starship Mollusc is about a crew of aliens of various species living together on a spaceship, exploring the galaxy. Sometimes crazy things happen, but sometimes it's just about real life. On a spaceship. With aliens. And it's all fictional. So not really like real life, but close enough!", false, true], "StarterDoubleDetour": ["http://starterdoubledetour.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A kind of walkthrough comic based in Pokemon X and Y, except it focus in the Kalos and Kanto starters instead of trainers! Follow these mons as they grow and evolve as main characters! Loyal to the scenarios of the new region but with a story in it own somehow, it's a tale filled with adventure, comedy and some drama!", false, true], "Static": ["http://staticaliens.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A distant alien world. The dominant intelligent species have evolved in such a way that their bodies are constantly and involuntarily in fluctuation of sex. You may wake up pho in the morning and find yourself rir before bed. Those who find they identify more strongly with one sex than another are rare...or at least very quiet about it. Wonder why.", false, true], "StaticSkies": ["http://staticskies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "Two children find themselves thrown into another dimension that has been ravaged by a war between powerful magic users. Together, they discover a city filled with mystery, kept under the constant watch of the Black Tower. Static Skies is intended for older teens and will update once a week! For Static Skies art: http://sketchyskies.tumblr.com/", false, true], "Stay": ["http://stay-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 304, "Stay is a comic I started in 2008 and I'm just now uploading it in 2012 >_>; It is a Yaoi comic Description: Lee is just an ordinary dude, he's very studious, studies on the weekends and does well in school, but then he meets Jude - a punk guy with streaks in his hair, piercings and tattoos -- his total opposite! Jude is a mysterious guy with a mysterious past that for some reason wants to be all over Lee the nerd, and as he makes his moves hy-jinks ensue!", true, false], "StealMyHeart": ["http://stealmyheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "This comic has a lot of stuff But mostly girls. Alexa starts out at a high school in a new place. Going in, she knows no one from the neighborhood and has no idea how to make new friends. Upon her first day, she meets Eric, a friendly guy she shares a good portion of her classes with. She soon also meets another girl, a confusing shorty named Terra. It's after a Halloween party that things get crazy, and Alexa becomes incredibly confused with herself, never having had the chance to face these emotions before. Contains a bit of Heterosexual relations very briefly, and then the rest is pretty gay COMPLETED ---------------- More at http://MangaSarah.DeviantArt.com", false, true], "StellaInChrome": ["http://stellainchrome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 196, "Lost in the rubble at a condominium development lies a key that unlocks more than doors. Can Stella unlock the mystery that surrounds the key itself? Updated 8:00 PM CST each Wednesday, every Wednesday.", false, false], "Stereophonic": ["http://stereophonic.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 95, "In 1966, Elliot Wood is an artist struggling to make ends meet. After a final warning from his landlord, Elliot is left with no choice but to go in search of a flatmate. His situation seems bleak until he meets an offbeat freeloader named Alex Wright- who despite his strange nature, seems to be Elliot's last hope. Without many options left, the two strangers are stuck together, for better or worse. Updates Mondays.", false, true], "Stolen": ["http://gestohlen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "Tibald Caeso who is the only heir to the Infrasoft corporation gets unawarely dragged into years-long cold war between military and Caesarea. His abduction is meticulously planned by Intelligence and Security board through rock star Valnaar who often renders small services to ISB. Imposing on his old friendship with Kristen Ehrhardt and his trust, Valnaar sets Radan, an ISB officer who has a bone to pick with Elrec Caeso, on his son Tibald. BL warning.", false, true], "StoryOfAnima": ["http://storyofanima.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "A story about a story of stories. Set in another world, the story of Anima is a grand story about a large cast of unique and diverse characters and their adventures in the land-that-no-one-is-sure-how-big-it-actually-is that is \"The Frontier\". Currently updating everyday!", false, true], "StoryofMyLife": ["http://stroyofmylife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Short strips about the life of me. Updates every so often.", false, true], "Storyofadamnedlove": ["http://storyofadamnedlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 107, "A typical love, nothing out of the ordianary, just a vamprie and the to be Devil of hell, nothing unusal about this.", false, true], "StrangeCompany": ["http://strangecompany.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 22, "North-country girl Tessa might have expected a few challenges when she left her rural home for the city. She certainly wasn't looking for a tangled series of mishaps that forced her to live with a paranoid but beautiful man and an impulsive nutcase who truly believed she could control magic. To make matters worse, she was beginning to suspect it wasn't all just a joke. She was stumbling into a reality that wasn't normal, wasn't even possible. And like it or not, she was about to become the center of it.", false, true], "StrangeJapaneseSchoolDaysSiblingManiac": ["http://siblingmaniac.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "A high school girl starts finding the guy she likes to ask him out to lunch but accidentally asks 3 of his brothers who look just like him. Read from right to left.", false, true], "StrangersandFriends": ["http://hemu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 292, "The small English town of Wootton Bassett begins to be haunted by a series of mysterious and horrific murders! Hemu, a new-comer to the town, becomes an obvious and easy target to the local community- he does have his fair share of secrets! But what secrets are the other locals hiding? A comic about the peculiar prejudices and customs of small communities, with a hint of social commentary on modern Britain, and a sinister splash of horror ;)", false, false], "Strangetimes": ["http://strangetimes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 107, "this is a different challenge instead of having regular starter pokemon the main character black first pokemon is mew. updated ever other day", false, true], "StrawberryTea": ["http://strawberrytea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "This is a comic in making, it may or may not make sense because I am mostly just experimenting. The two main characters are girls, yes they will fall in love. I am not very good at drawing, so please bear with me. I am hoping that this comic will help my drawing skills on the computer.... so... yup.", false, true], "Strayer": ["http://strayer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Welcome to Port Arbores, a small town on the coast of south England. Weird things are happening here and the borders to the otherworld are thin. Unknown to the people living in this town, creatures are lurking in the dark and every step could lead across the edge. Driven by a power, some might call \"destiny\", five people, whose stories are tangled up in a strange manner, will meet.", true, true], "StringsandVocals": ["http://strings-and-vocals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "Even before they became the hit J-Rock band: Roses in the Dust, Genkei, the vocals and Jiro, the guitarist had always been friends. That was until one act during a concert brings them unsure feelings, stress, jealousy and somebody in between. Updates every Thursday. Warning: This comic will contain BL and probably dudes doing butt stuff. Could get mature in later chapters. (Maybe not that much, but you know...) So, if you don't like that, please don't read. And if you wanna give some advice or tips, feel free to. I'm always up for improvement, just be nice though.", false, true], "Striped": ["http://striped.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 240, "'Altan Silvan is a new transfer student at this highschool. And he's already this popular! But there is something weird about him- he always wears a scarf! Hey, wait, maybe he has a flu... WEll, what's more, since he became one of our students, strange things started to happen at this school! Hey... What's with this blood?! Where's everybody?! Hello?!!' Updated irregularly. Edit: This is my first comic ever, so art is changing and improving (at least I think so xD) with each chapter. WARNING: This comic contains nudity, violence, gore, swearing, because that's how life is.", true, true], "Stronger": ["http://stronger.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "A Naruto doujinshi with a little Itachi/Sasuke. [Complete]", true, true], "StrungOut": ["http://strungoutcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Fun and hijinks with the employees of Guitars and Stuff. Some naughty language. Updates Mondays.", false, true], "StudentXTruant": ["http://studentxtruant.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "Meet Omizaki Ryusuke a bored first year student who has no ambitions in life seeing that he's life has no purpose.But that all changed when he met Hiragi Misaki a mysterious yankee looking girl that moved in the apartment next to he's.He gets blackmailed into becoming her pet after she rescued him from a group of delinquents.Look into Ryusuke's everyday life as he tries to take his peaceful life back from he's blackmailer read from left to right", false, true], "StuffAndSuch": ["http://stuffandsuch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Just ya know, stuff and such. About daily things, sorta lol.", false, true], "StupidCupid": ["http://estupidocupido.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "Given one last chance, a cupid girl, Kyu has to unite two lovers together with the Red String of Fate or lose her position forever. Things however don't go so well when she accidentally connects two male high school teachers, who happen to hate each others guts. Will they ever fall in love or is everything doomed? --- Updates every Thursday Later chapters will be R-16. Female characters seem to get a really bad wrap in yaoi mangas, so I decided to take a stand and make one of the leads a girl. I hope it doesn't put anyone off =w=' This is my first comic, I'm kind of bad at writing plots, so it's probably gonna be full of bad cliches (sorry not sorry! C:)", false, true], "SubjecttoChangeCollegeWoes": ["http://subject-to-change.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 244, "Erin and her friends are about to embark on the greatest test on life and their friendship, going away to college. The five girls will have to survive the tests of roommates (egads!), college tests, and new relationships. Through it all the girls will find out if their friendship can really outlast the world of College Woes.", false, true], "SuburbanFreeflow": ["http://suburban-freeflow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 402, "That Comic!", false, true], "SuchAsLife": ["http://suchaslife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "Mio Aizawa is a transfer student after her father's job location is relocated. She is very shy and finds it hard to make friends but she quickly encounters a boy who helps her make new friends. Eventually she becomes unsure about her feelings, but she's running out of time as a certain someone else discovers these same feelings. Such As Life is more than just a romance story though, it encounters different students and their dilemmas which is why this title is given. -Cute little love story/ funny moments/ Slice of life -Beware of sketch comics -Story set in Kasukabe Japan -Read Right to Left ( <---- ) -This is more of a shoujo manga but it's not all about love -Updates: As of right now, I've been super busy, so if I'm lucky, one a week.", false, true], "Sugardeath": ["http://sugardeath.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Theres a disease going around called 'cavitites' and its turning people into zombies!! Now all Tokki can do is try to survive without catching it.... or going insane!", false, true], "Sules": ["http://sules.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "", false, true], "SulkstoSmiles": ["http://sulkstosmiles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Short comics about a strangely helpful masked man.", false, true], "SummertimeMadness": ["http://summertimemadness.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Lighthearted romantic comic about 18 year old Kate who gets sent to a farm of her father's friend. He is convinced the open air and labor will do her good. At the farm she meets Amelia, the farmer's daughter. UPDATES EVERY SUNDAY", false, true], "Summons": ["http://summons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Lee Tanaka, an 18 year old high school graduate who has his whole life ahead of him runs into a mysterious stranger and her rival at the climax of a huge battle. Getting involved, Lee acquires the stranger's monumental ability, and with the help of his new spiritual guardian, follows her to a strange new world. Here he must learn to control his new power and become a true hero! This is a shonen series that is read from left to right.", false, true], "Sunfall": ["http://sunfall.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 44, "Sunfall is the story about a girl named Nia and her struggle to fit into two different worlds, all while training to become one of the most powerful people in existence.", false, true], "SunmeetsMoon": ["http://sunmeetsmoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 641, "This is a story about a boy and a girl who met in the summer and fell in love. But the end of the summer parted them for a long time. The meeting again wasn't as happy as they expected... Between them stand a lot of differences.She being a loner, attracted by witchcraft and some serious supernatural stuff. He being a sociable fellow with a childish behaviour. But most of all he having a new girlfriend ;) The story has four parts, each one made in a different year: 1. The Riddle ('07) 2. Marg's revenge ('06) 3. Who's that girl? ('07/'08) 4. Passing by Midnight ('08/'09)", false, false], "SunshineandRainbows": ["http://sunshineandrainbows.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "It's not bratting if it's funny, right? An irreverent fantasy exploring the possibility of romance amidst bondage, pain, power exchange, and the public education system. This comic is not trying to win any art contests, and it involves sexual situations, Master/slave, Big/little, Dominant/submissive pairings. In fact, if anything to do with BDSM disturbs you, this is not the comic for you.", true, true], "Sunshowers": ["http://sunshowers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 63, "Watanabe Keiko always knew her brother would get her into trouble. He always did. But when she came home one day to find him gambling with a kitsune, that trouble turns out to be way more than she bargained for. Because she didn't plan on the trouble involving marrying a mischievous magical fox! Read right to left. Updates on Sundays", false, true], "SuperDimensionAfterTheHero": ["http://afterthehero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 127, "Updates once every weekend. (Mondays count as weekend.) Super-Dimension comics are just the name I give all my superhero comics. This has no relation to any other Super-Dimension comics. Dennis Lockham was Paladin. A guardian superhero of L.A. But now his powers are gone. He's just a man. And that is the one thing he can't take on. Rated 12+ for *&%$'ed cussing, and violence. Neither of much, though.", false, true], "SuperKillers": ["http://superkillers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "SuperKillers! Zora is a out of work supermodel with a nasy, vine attitude, with a night hobbie known by the very girl who has taken all her magazine work from her. Zora has always had a dark murderous side and now she finds herself surrounded by not just other killers but superheros as well. Rob and Tia have been trying to keep on the down low for years but what should they do when faced with two other serial murders and superheros? Will they stay and fight together? Or will they leave the rest to go head to head with the cape wearing heros?", false, true], "SuperMarjoBros": ["http://marjobros.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "A Discreet Marjo Comic", false, true], "SuperSmashBros4": ["http://ssb4.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "Few years after Super Smash Bros Brawl a production for a sequel was be started. Sakurai went for a long holiday and the big boss of Nintendo of America, Reggie Fils-Aime, is now responsible of the project. And he\u00b4s here to kick ass. Meet all your favourite Smash Brothers characters, including, Wailord, Cranky Kong, Bee Mario, and many others. Super Smash Bros \u00a9 Nintendo", false, true], "Superheroines": ["http://superheroines.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "A critical examination of the female superhero. I'm going to talk about what's good and what's bad about the depiction of women in the role of the superhero. But, I'm going to try and do it while maintaining a sense of humor. Also, this is a project for a Women's Studies class.", false, true], "Supermahou": ["http://supermahou.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "A story about friendship, a disappointingly scarce amount of general culture on American comic books, and a sequence of various coincidences that would make anyone remotely familiar with metaphysics shrivel and recoil into the fetal position. In Japan. Supermahou is the relatively short story about the origins of a japanese magical girl group. Rated T for language and junk. Updates at least once a week!", false, true], "SupermassiveBlackHoleA": ["http://smbhax.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1765, "Stories of a human civilization at the center of the Milky Way galaxy: an area of space dominated by a gigantic black hole, where energy is abundant and life is cheap. Updates M-F, usually multiple times per day.", false, true], "Surpriseboyfriend": ["http://surprisebf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Unlucky-in-love Nikolai receives an unexpected birthday gift from his joker best friends: a brand new \"robotic boyfriend\"- foul-mouthed, perverted Coco! Flabbergasted and embarrassed by the thought of even KISSING a robot, Nikolai pushes away the ever-persistent Coco, but will things change? BL, ONESHOT WARNING: FREQUENT CURSING, SEXUAL REFERENCES, awful art idk", false, true], "SurvivingJuniorHigh": ["http://survivingjuniorhigh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "Yo. My username is pwii and if I told you my name I'm afraid I'd have to kill you. YAY! This is my first manga (that has more then one chapter) and when rating it I want you to keep in mind this is my first manga... You want a description? Why? Ok...Apparantly some bum named ty finds out he's the next in line for a huge mafia fortune. The catch? The other mafias wanna kill him. Crikey. I don't have a really good scanner, or photobucket [this may be subject to change] or much experience, so forgive me if it looks pretty unprofessional. If you read this, please commment if just to say 'I have read this comic' because it helps me keep going. Constructive critisism IS appreciated, but unconstructive is not. Example: Constructive: If you would do this with the eyes it would look better Unconstructive: THIS COMIC SUCKS!!! A comment with excessive cussing WILL be deleted, but that's about it. E-mail me at iizduhdude@yahoo.com!", false, true], "SurvivorChaosIsland": ["http://sci.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "16 Mobian's compete against each other to win a cash prize.", false, true], "SurvivorFanCharacters": ["http://sfc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1675, "Fan Characters will be competing for $1,000,000.", false, true], "SurvivorSoulIsland": ["http://ssi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "16 contestants fight for the prize of a million dollars. Drama, action, comedy, all wrapped into one! Stay tuned!", false, true], "Suspended": ["http://suspended.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "Weird things always seem to happen when Martin Palmer gets suspended from school. However, things get more complicated when he starts to fall in love with his best friend, and this sets off a chain of events that threaten to unravel the very fabric of existence- or maybe just his unstable mind. (sexual themes, blood and violence, strong language) (BL- no underage) Updates at 7:00 pm, on any day I can. Usually on weekends.", true, true], "SutureAndOtherDarkTales": ["http://suturecomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "\"Suture\" itself is the headlining silent comic that takes place in 19th century London, England. A rich duchess and her blind heir walk into a mysterious doll shoppe, where the enigmatic shopkeeper gives her a similar blind doll with the parting words, \"Give her your heart, and surely her eyes will open for you.\" \"Suture\" also includes a multitude of other dark stories, and updates whenever possible.", false, true], "SweetSliceofLife": ["http://sweetsliceoflife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Anna McPherson is learning to live again. After some rough times, she's transferred to a new place far from home - a place called Jones Valley. Here, she tries to rebuild her life with what's left of her past and what is new to her.", false, true], "SweetenedWeekdays": ["http://sweetdays.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "High school girls experience love in different forms. - Virtual Boyfriend: Itsuka finds out that her online boyfriend she met on a site called \"Shuffle\" is the guy she hates in reality, but does she believe it? Read from right to left.", false, true], "Swindledrop": ["http://boobsquad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "a story where windy and dr go on adventures thru time and space. swindle drop bc one word has 'wind' and the other has 'dr'", false, true], "SwitchMechanism": ["http://switchmechanism.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 122, "A story about a boy struggling with his demons, mainly the one in the vinyl catsuit.", false, true], "SwordEnd": ["http://swordend.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Kumoshi, is cursed. He has been since he destroyed his own kingdom. Or was it before he destroyed it? Nowadays he travels, searching for a way to unbind himself from his own misfortunes and misdeeds. Along the way, maybe he can learn to be a bit more humane. Or maybe not. WARNING: This comic has blood, violence & gore, nudity and language. Please read with caution. Updates Faster on Mangamagazine! Though, please don't forget to rate if you enjoy it!", false, true], "Swym8bit": ["http://swym-8bit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "Professor Dr.Science has created the ultimate in video game technology, sending all the characters from Saywhatyoumean into a magical final fantasy-esk land. oh what adventures they will have in the 8bit world of \"In-game\", you'll have to read to find out.", false, true], "Symbios": ["http://symbios.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 327, "Almost every nation in existence has a tale of terrors and hauntings to pass on to their posterity... Xedondria is no different. Their tale was to keep children from doing wrong, and if they behaved, their reward was to sleep with a clear conscience. But if they didn't behave, not only would they suffer the consequences from man, they would also be visited by the Night Horror: a monstrosity only nightmares could bring, only living in one's sleep... Now one must ask: who is it that sleeps, yet suffers the torture of this very real Horror? ***Comic will be marked mature due to any violence or themes, Thank you!***", true, true], "Synchronicity": ["http://-synchronicity-.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Hello. First of all this is fan-made based on the song Synchronicity. I don't take the story and characters as mine. Only the drawing is mine. This is a project made by a group of fans of Synchronicity in DeviantArt. The script was from there. I'm not really the artist for this but they have become inactive so.. I love Synchronicity so much. Hope you guys will enjoy this. -- (c) Synchronicity - Hitoshizuku P -- oh yeah, this will be a slow work because I'm pretty busy too.", false, true], "Synthetic": ["http://synthetic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "What's it about: Daisuke live in a world were technology now dominates the way of life. The 25-yr old had lived a mellow life for all his existence. Or more like, for all he can remember. The only hint of his past is a strange sickle-like scythe and the ghost that resides in it. That and constant fading dream of what might be a memory of his unknown life. \\\\(owo)// +_+ +_+ +_+ +_+ +_+ +_+ +_+ \\\\(owo)// It has magic, humor, science, fantasy, action, and screwy concepts like justice! It even has homophobes! but its not a BL story XD. Izuma would shit in pants.", false, true], "TASTYBUCKET": ["http://tasty-bucket.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A really small story about friendship, and life.", false, true], "TAndGsLoveApocalypse": ["http://tgloveapocalypse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Masaki is an average high school looser who longs for love, but when he gets it he may be in over his head.", false, true], "TCWFireRedNuzlockeedition": ["http://tcwfirered.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 203, "Mewtwo completly destroyed the hidden village of the angels in Kanto. One angel survived the disaster. A girl, Sarachan (or sara). Mewtwo let her alive and challenge her to battle him at Cerulean Cave. But first of doing that, Sara should challenge the Gym and the Elite 4. She accepted, but will she make it until the end?", false, true], "TCWHeartGoldNuzlockeedition": ["http://tcwheartgold.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Team Rocket took Takeaku into Johto for give her the mission to kill the Gym leader and the Elite4 pokemon, so they can rule over Johto with no problem. Will Takeaku really do that?", false, true], "TEN": ["http://ten.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 218, "Two years ago our two main characters jumped from a cliff to escape from a life of confinement and torture. The life of a human guineapig They jumped into a unknown future, a unknown destiny... and maybe death. But both of them survived and now, two years later, they meet again...", false, false], "TH3D3AD5H0WCA53": ["http://thedeadshowcase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 197, "In this show case it is our goal to have every kind of comic shown manga, anime, sprite etc for critique. So here you can advertise and show your comic pages for critiquing the art, layout, special effects, and style of the comic. There will be 5 sections to this comic. The Art section. A place to review, critique, to get help, and show off art work. The Comic section. A place to review, critique, show off comic pages, and to get help. (not the whole comic just individual pages for review on layout and such) The Advertisement section. That one is self explanatory. The Special effects section. A place to get help, tips, and critiques on custom special effects. And The sprite section. A place to review, critique, show off and get help on sprite work. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join. And sadly there are a few rules (TALKING TO YOU TROLLS LOL) Inappropriate content in either comments or other posts will be deleted. Swearing is allowed as long is it isn't offensive, and remember. Critique and help, not troll. Anyways that is all so enjoy!", false, true], "THELIMEHOUSEKILLER": ["http://thelimehousekiller.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "It is best to tread carefully through the ports of East End at night, you never know who you can find.", false, true], "THEPRINCESTALESRETOLDBLACKAHARRYPOTTERFANCOMIC": ["http://theprincestalesretoldblack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Hallo Mi Poppets and Welcome to the First part of what I hope to be a good Fancomic.... The Prince's Tale Retold focuses on one of my all time favorite character Severus Snape starting from his childhood up to the Deathly Hallows. This fancomic will also show an OC of Mine Aurora and her life with our ever beloved potions master. Most scenes will be based on from the Book, Movie, and some I will make up. Now Before you begin allow me to tell you all that there is actually two versions of this.... Black and White BLACK - Will be the same setting only this show through the pov of Severus Snape WHITE - Will be the same setting only this show through the pov of my OC Aurora For all you Harry Potter Fans .... I hope you will enjoys this. HARRY POTTER BELONGS TO J.K. ROWLING AURORA BELONGS TO ME Enjoy", false, true], "THETALEOFARISTOTLEandwhatnot": ["http://aristotle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Seriously... it's just a comic about Aristotles life in a joking manner, and it's probably not even reliable information 8D also it ends ubruptly... but that doesn't matter. As long as you enjoy it.", false, true], "TLAAOK": ["http://tlaaok.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 120, "Percival Livingston may not entirely look the part, but he is one of the world's leading experts when it comes to authenticating rare artifacts. Thus, he is invited by a private collector to take a look at a rather strange find. However, before Percy is able to get a good look at the object, it is stolen by a thief! Oh hell no! Percy chases the man down, but is sucked into another world when he collides with said thief as he happens to be opening an inter dimensional gate! Now Percy has to deal with the thief, get the artifact, and find a way back home! Of course, knowing Percy, he may just want to do a little exploring in between... Warnings: -It's bl. SilverHyena may have an addiction problem... hmmm... -It's rated mature, because I plan on being a bit... tasteless. Yeeees. -It's on crack. Don't expect anything too serious. XP", true, true], "TM47APokemonSilverWebcomic": ["http://tm47.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 101, "Aaron Asher has just stepped out on his Pokemon journey after a long period of eager preparation to become a Trainer. Nothing could have prepared him for what lies ahead. Be sure to drop by https://www.facebook.com/pages/TM47/398816296840162 for up-to-date information and updates about the comic, including backstory, plot hints, and even sneak-peek releases on upcoming comics!", false, true], "TMC": ["http://themythologyclub.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "As the new school year approaches, Kei and Mayumi can't wait to enter high school. What's this? Their new friend doesn't want to attend? What's her reason? Why has been sleeping in class lately?", false, true], "TPRPManga": ["http://tprpm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 210, "Elizabeth Rodenberg is an eighteen-year-old first-year college student on her way to her apartment with groceries when she hears a voice in an unknown language out of nowhere. She's always known she was a little crazy. But before she can even dismiss it as a hallucination, Liz is suddenly very far away from home - and laying before the soon-to-be Hero of Twilight. There she meets a short Californian girl named Lita, who is equally confused and out-of place. Brought to Hyrule by an unknown person, for an unknown mission, Liz and Lita struggle to understand their situation. They find that Link is more cold and unwilling than they remember, that Midna is more paranoid and irritable, Zelda, more cryptic and distant; and the true reality of what the two girls think they know has yet to fall upon them. Their reckless actions have consequences. Their newly forged friendship will be tested. All for Link. Maybe in the end everything will be worth the struggle. Contains: Corniness, awkwardness, sexual frustration, nerdy references, one-liners, somewhat coarse language, violence, blood. Processed in a plant that handles nuts. Updates weekly. Sometimes more than once.", false, true], "TPTruePower": ["http://truepower.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 291, "A fun comic about friendship, aliens, and flashlights! Updates: Saturdays Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/truepowercomic", false, false], "TRAPAkuchotan": ["http://trapbyakuchotan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE HOMOPHOBIC! Genre : BL/Shounen-Ai (Yes, shounen-ai NOT YAOI...) Read from LEFT TO RIGHT, TOP TO BOTTOM Simple and Oneshot! Sypnosis : Hideaki is in love with the maid that works in his favorite maid cafe. When he thought he finally confessed to her, the maid seems to holding a secret.", false, true], "TRIPP": ["http://tripp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 298, "The story of an ordinary guy stuck in a never-ending acid trip. Tripp must learn to cope with his new psychotropically enhanced existence with the aid of his spirit guide, Edgar Allan Poe. This comic is not an endorsement of drug use, merely one guy's effort to deal with an accidental, perpetual hallucinatory life change. Updates on Mondays (really Sunday night at 11:45) and Thursdays See the official site at http://trippcomic.com", false, true], "TachyonTheLastSpeedster": ["http://tachyon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Tachyon: The Last Speedster is an original comic written and illustrated by Justin Davis. It has a classic comic art style infused with some modern digital techniques. Tachyon is the last of his kind. A speedster living on a distant planet. Found alone when he was just a child, he was adopted by a group of elf-like creatures called Emps. One day a great evil threatens their home and Tachyon begins his journey toward becoming the savior of not only his adopted tribe but also the world. Along the way his friends teach him the self confidence he will need to have in his abilities to successfully defeat this looming menace. Special Thanks to: Creative Consultant JR Akers", false, true], "TacoElGato": ["http://tacoelgato.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Follow Taco (El Gato) Fluffy in a dog eat dog world! Adopted by the Fluffy family, which happen to be all dogs in this world where cats and dogs still don't get along! How does Taco deal with it? Read about it!", false, true], "TacoElGatoinSuperTaco": ["http://super-taco.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Taco El Gato is Super-Taco in this mini comic series! Taco Fluffy becomes a super hero that can produce tacos from thin air. Kicked out of the Super Duper Club, Taco rejects being a crime fighting super hero and becomes up with his own idea of using his super powers for good. Comedy.", false, true], "TaikiTheWebcomic": ["http://taiki.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 380, "FINISHED! Taiki is a typical shy 16 year old high school student who is starting the 10th grade with her best friend Nikki. Going into the 2nd half of high school, Taiki thinks it\u2019s strange that she has never liked someone or fallen in love. One day she unexpectedly meets someone who changes all of this. However this person turns out to be a girl! Taiki has always wanted to know what it was like to fall in love, but what she didn\u2019t expect was that finding out would also be a journey of self discovery, realizing her sexuality, and maybe even heartbreak. -IMPORTANT!!- This is a mirror of my own website, check it out if you want to see more artwork --> http://www.taikiwebcomic.com/ This comic was started in 2006, so the art in the beginning isn't very good compared to what it is now. This story contains GL and HL, it is MOSTLY GIRL LOVE THOUGH.", false, false], "Taitle": ["http://taitlecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Abhaya Watson and her sister Elizabeth are a pair with little cash and less room for choice. When a curious client comes in with a strange request and a lot of money for a particular necklace that was stolen from her, Abhaya and Elizabeth find themselves breaking into a museum to take the necklace back. But not everything is as it seems, and there's more to this job than meets the eye... Updates Mondays and Thursdays.", false, true], "TakaandhisDream": ["http://takaandhisdream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "(Read From RIGHT to LEFT ^^) im no good at Plots sorry.. this is my New manga ! ., is love story hahaha! please forgive me haha.. this is Yaoi will do updates every (idk? just as long as there is someone readin it i will update haha ) yaoi, comedy romance haha XD thank you Note: will change Janitor to Cleaner sorry if it got confused since in our country we call cleaners as janitors anyway on d' next page will change d' name tnx!(^O^)", false, true], "TakeyourTime": ["http://takeyourtime.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "In a dystopian setting a young woman is suddenly confronted with death, love and the harsh reality of life. No relation to the In Time movie. In case you can speak German, the completed comic can already be read here: http://animexx.onlinewelten.com/doujinshi/zeichner/270196/50082/", false, true], "TakingPicturesofStrangers": ["http://darrenandkale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 135, "Darren lived the charmed life of barhopping before he met Kale. It was a new guy every night, lots of drinking, lots of sex, etc. But when he snagged big, quiet Kale, Darren uncovered Kale's secret and set into motion a series of events that lead them both down a path no one expected. Warnings: first and foremost, very gay. Gay romance, gay sex, gay gay gay. If this isn't your cup of tea, you probably shouldn't bother continuing reading. Second, the occasional bad word. Third, booze. (Does booze require a warning? It's not underage drinking or anything.) Fourth; drama and cheeze out the wazoo. Fifth and final warning; very badly drawn. (And probably badly spelled, too.)", true, true], "Talent": ["http://talent.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "Read LEFT to RIGHT Angelica Wright is pretty much just like any other extreme amnesiac...well...except for the fact that every where she looks there's a monster of some sort: myth, legend, ghost, y\u014dkai... Ah don't worry. She always beats the hell out of them. Contains: some minor gore and language. also, it may seem dark at first but it starts lightening up later - so don't be fooled.", false, true], "TaleofCamTroSaviraSpriteComic": ["http://tale-of-camtro-savirasprite.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "xXCamTroXx's First Solo Comic, Tale of CamTro Savira... [Fourth times Re-do ToCS][Currently status: TBA] ---------~.:~-~Official Manga~-~:.~--------- http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=134102", false, true], "TaleofMimizan": ["http://taleofmimizan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Mimizan lives in an outback abbey with three other priests who are a little boozy. They're hiding him from the world but one day he goes into town and make some trouble... (more info later) Updates weekly", false, true], "TalesfromElseworld": ["http://elseworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Spinoff from Bass Comic Adventures featuring characters from the alternate reality known as \"Elseworld\" Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays", false, true], "TalesfromtheDarkness": ["http://talesfromthedarkness.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Tales from the Darkness, is a collection of horror short stories, about ghost, entity, supernatural. STORY 1 : The Night She Returns The Mistress returns home. ....Or does she ? status : completed STORY 2 : The Photograph There is something about that house Billy took picture of. status : in progress more stories in the future. Note/warning : sketchy art, disturbing imagery", false, true], "TalesofTKF": ["http://tkftales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "After their defeat at the hands of Hell's forces, a rag tag team of morons have to come together and fight to save their friends. Warning: Swearing and references to mature material. I'd say if it was a TV Rating, it would be MA. Updates whenever.", false, true], "TalesofTra": ["http://talesoftra.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "My outlook on the world as I see it that day.", false, true], "TalesofaSuccess": ["http://talesofasuccess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Mark Levis, Jake Demon and Ian McKeanzie are the three components of a not too penniless punk-rock band (thanking Ian's gold card! XD) who live in Tokyo. None of its components, however, is japanese: Mark, the guitarist, is english, Jake, vocalist, is australian, while Ian, the drummer, is scottish. In short, a real mix of cultures. Together they are the Horny Children! \u0095\u0095\u0095 Jake and Ian could look like Bleach's characters couse the problem is that this comic's born from a role play where the girls who used those 2 characters as image had Shuuhei and Renji! I've tried to change a little their appearance but if I delete the 69 and the tattoo the story couldn't be the same! \u00e7__\u00e7 So...forgive me! XD \u2665 \u0095\u0095\u0095 READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT! YAOI!", true, true], "TariUyesttheWayofDreams": ["http://tariuyest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "\"Let your dreams live so they might someday come true!\" There exists a world slightly similar to ours but also very different. A girl from our familiar world travels trough a magical portal to a strange Siberia. In search of her brother this girl encounters two curios people and end up not only searching for her brother but also look for answers to the changes this strange world is facing.", false, true], "TauskisStory": ["http://tauski.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Tauski's Story (originally Tauskin Tarina) is a comic about a man who needs love. He's not very social, so he decides to try a date service and meet a nice girl through it. But something goes wrong and Tauski notices he's not sure about what he wants anymore... Contains BL and hopefully some yaoi.", true, true], "Taxonomic": ["http://taxonomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Genre: Adventure and Fantasy Rating: Everyone Format: \u2192Read Left to Right \u2192 Penn goes on adventure to fulfill his wish! What will he end up wishing for? ------------- I don't own anything, except for the story and art. It's my first comic and at the time, I was on a time crunch and couldn't screen tone this so I apologize for the crappy quality. :c", false, true], "TaylorSwiftSavesTheWorld": ["http://cutegirlsgiantrobots.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Pop Star, Taylor Swift, is tasked with saving the world from evil zombies and even more evil BOYS!!", false, true], "TeKNPals": ["http://teknpals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "TeK pretends he has friends, yes he does. TeK pretends he has friends, I bet you wish you did too.", false, true], "TeKscloset": ["http://tekchats.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 201, "TeK's mind and friends. You're god is now forlorn.", true, true], "TeacherIsntMadeForHentai": ["http://timfh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Keiko is having one of those days... every single day. Hired for a job she hates and never applied for she's forced to face constant death threats from her BL obsessed sister. Her only escape is work, but now she has discovered that two of her male students have entered into an \"active\" relationship, the principal won't leave her alone, and the vice principal is constantly trying to drug her by giving her some /tea/. And her days are only getting crazier. Warning: contains BL (boy love), excessive swearing, and stick figure sex scenes.", false, true], "TeamOblivionsSpriteGalleryandMisc": ["http://osgam.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 120, "Oh im sure you've seen plenty of these. Basicly I post my sprite edits and such for the world see and as a precaution if my computer failed and I lost all my data, of which I would that blow my computer up (since I hate it already) to little computer bits.", false, true], "TeamShapes": ["http://teamshapes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 175, "There's a team of MS paint creatures that do random events that include fighting Paint.net, rescuing a monster, getting eaten by it, running from a guy who they owe $500 to, doing missions, stopping a time stopping machine, and simply fooling around. Current chapter: Pizzanonoalofisicadoimmahatanio has created something and is probably trying to get his money back. Roup has become some kind of mutant with multiple fonts and Bulk has to do something without Roups guidance.", false, true], "TeamTeeter": ["http://teamteeter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A friendly little comic that I'm just gonna make up as I go. It's of my friends and my own Pokesonas, or Pokemon Personas, with a little Pokemon Mystery Dungeon spinoff. I guess, read if you want to! Updates Wednesdays!", false, true], "TechnicolorLondon": ["http://technicolorlondon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 327, "Toby Landon's love life is a bloody mess.His on and off girlfriend has once again tossed him aside. His mate Mark gives him some advice: Try something different. With a kiss, the lives of these two friends go from being black and white to being full of vivid color. No longer a checkerboard, This is Technicolor London. //Yaoi/Boylove Plus a little bit of everything else// //Updates are Every Tuesday & Friday//", false, false], "TechnoCinderella": ["http://techno-cinderella.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "About a guy dressed as a girl who confesses his love to a guy that's gay that thinks the guy dressed as a girl is actually a girl. Your typical high school romance. Warnings: BL(?), traps (boys in skirts) The art style will also change every now and again since I'm still trying to find my own style. *UPDATED WEEKLY & READ RIGHT TO LEFT*", false, true], "TehHazardsofLuff": ["http://luff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "On March 24, 2009, The Decemberists amazed and inspired people all over the world with a beautiful, powerful, and ingenious rock opera entitled The Hazards of Love. One year later, Armbyorg screwed it up. WITH CHIBIS! lolz~ ^_^ <3 This comic contains: \u0095 animal gropage \u0095 naked chibis \u0095 suggested sex \u0095 dead babies \u0095 silliness Visit Decemberists.com to find out more about the album and the band. I am not affiliated with The Decemberists AT ALL. But they're awesome.", false, true], "Temiscira": ["http://temiscira.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 97, "", false, true], "Temptation": ["http://temptationofjesus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "omic version of the temptation of Jesus in Matthew 3:16~4:11", false, true], "TemptationsSephirothxZackxCloud": ["http://temptationsszc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "How the Book of Genesis /really/ should have gone. Pairing: SephirothxZackxCloud Written by HadesPhoenix. Drawn by Xiaa Neither of us owns Final Fantasy 7 or its characters. This is for fun.", true, true], "TenLetterstoLoveYou": ["http://tenletterstoloveyou.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Ten Letters to Love You - a 17-page very soft shoujo-ai story which I drew for Nippon Doujinshi's \"Love is Love\", a small doujinshi (about 120 pages total) about yaoi and yuri, and how the gender doesn't matter. It's my first ever comic I finished- I've drawn some pages of other stories but gave up after a while xD I'll gradually upload the pages to Smackjeeves ^^ I hope to get usefull comments and good references for making a bigger comic- that is, once in the future. But it's a goal of mine. I hope you'll enjoy \"Ten Letters to Love You\", it might be short, but I hope it's still good (:", false, true], "Tensity": ["http://tensity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "A comic about two boys meeting in an unfortunate way. WARNING: *Contains stupid gags only the author would find funny *Boys Love *Super sketchiness...", false, true], "TentacleLove": ["http://xtentaclelove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "This is the story of Devi, a 23 year old purple colored mutant that has taken over his fathers place as a leader for the mutants rights group. Devi is a mutant much like everybody else in MT though a very rare one of his kind. Tentacle mutants are hated all over the world and gets treated after that. Support groups are fighting against the enemy troupes that oppose the mutants. Aiko is being forced to get near Devi and make him trust Aiko enough to let him know more about the support groups, and then report back to the others so that they can strike against the mutant supporters. The mixed feelings Aiko get's when he learns more and more about the unique Devi eventually gets him into more trouble. Will the love give Aiko a change of heart and will Devi ever admit to his own faults? Read to find out more!", true, true], "Tenwaysbendystrawssavedmylife": ["http://bendystraws.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 225, "an informal window into the way i saw/see life as a teenager and young adult told though the adventures of two rather ordinary kids", false, true], "Terra": ["http://terra.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "A short comic about a boy who finds out he has the ability to control earth with his mind. Terra is the backstory comic for Simon, one of the characters from the Gifted manga series. Terra is complete at 25/25 pages.", false, true], "TextisBoring": ["http://textisboring.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "A group of high school friends is being targeted by bureaucratic secret agents. Although they may look like nothing but cartoonishly incompetent villains, the Fun Police are the embodiment of everything wrong with the status quo. They are a poster child for flaws in education, government, and society. As our heroes will discover, things are not always as simple as they appear!", false, true], "ThanksForGiving": ["http://thanks-for-giving.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Thanksgiving Special. While preparing a Thanksgiving meal for his coming family, Tsubaki, Ryukou's hubby/lover, wants to \"play.\" *YAOI WARNING*", true, true], "ThatAFROLICIOUSJunk": ["http://jostff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "My junk, pretty much.", false, true], "ThatCuteCrap": ["http://thatcutecrap.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "~*\u2606 Some cute crap. In comic form \u2606*~ Follow the adventures of NerdCat and friends as they try to capture a wishing star so they can make their wish~", false, true], "ThatWasntThereYesterday": ["http://twty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 148, "A mysterious stranger meets a mysterious road.", false, false], "ThatsmyDewi": ["http://thatsmahdewi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 88, "A spin off Series from G.B.A's Crib. Follow the adventures of Dewi Evans, as he tries to... do whatever he wants!", false, true], "The13thWorld": ["http://the13thworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 164, "In the galaxy known as Andromeda ruled by the Goddess Palutena; creatures known as O'phans rule the thirteen worlds and it is up to her chosen followers to save and bring peace to the thirteen planets. This is a mashup of several anime and video game worlds.", false, true], "TheAbyss": ["http://theabysscomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Maxwell Clark was a normal 18 year old, up until he (quite literally) fell into a strange world called the Abyss. Surrounded by monsters to whom he's little more than a rare delicacy, he desperately wants to get home. But that's easier said than done. *** Contains harsh language, violence, suggestive themes, and mild, non-sexual nudity. *** I will attempt to update this every Sunday, but no promises.", false, true], "TheActorsCaterwaul": ["http://theactorscaterwaul.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Young actor Lily is possessed by a shapeshifter from the underworld during her run of Caryl Churchill's \"The Skriker\". In a dream-like sequence she is transported to purgatory where she is faced with the threat of completely succumbing to evil...Or can Lily be saved? This comic, with the help of Churchill's mysterious text, explores the notion of exorcism and the actor's relation to spiritual possession. THE KEY TO READING THIS COMIC IS TO TAKE THE TEXT PHONETICALLY. Try reading it out loud :)", false, true], "TheAdorableBunneh": ["http://theadorablebunneh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "The BL stands for Blatant Lies! (Not recommended for anyone under the age of 13 due to excessive mentioned violence and swearing)", false, true], "TheAdventuresOfSonicTheHedgehogTheComic": ["http://taosthtc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "It's a comic about Sonic and his Adventures... What else did you expect?", false, true], "TheAdventuresofAnnaGlennandHerPetEthan": ["http://anna.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "This is a fictional comic based on real people, with one small difference: Ethan, instead of being Anna's brother, is her pet, and is only 6 inches tall. This was the first comic strip I made. I'm just posting it years later. I may draw new episodes eventually.", false, true], "TheAdventuresofBanjoZ": ["http://abz-fancomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "The crossover fancomic to end all crossover fancomics (seriously, it makes Family Guy look like That 80's Show). It all started when Banjo decided to finally fix his house. A portal opens behind him, sending the hapless honeybear tumbling into yet another series of preposterously magical events. He's got no Jiggies, no Jinjos, and certainly no Red-Crested Breegulls to shoot the breeze with, though a mole or two might show up just to make his life more hair-raising than ever. I don't own BANJO-KAZOOIE. Or ZERO NO TSUKAIMA. Or GUILTY GEAR. Or any of the characters/franchises represented in these pages. This is written by fans for fans and anyone else looking for a laugh. Banjo, Mumbo Jumbo, Gruntilda, and the Kremlings are the property of RAREWARE ENTERTAINMENT. Part II is here!! Enjoy!!", true, true], "TheAdventuresofDrMcPsychoBunny": ["http://mcpsychobunny.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "These are the adventures of a bunny... a horrific, psychotic, mad scientist bunny. Will he and his minions return him to his human state? Will he conquer the world? UPDATES WEDNESDAYS!", false, true], "TheAdventuresofEverydayItems": ["http://everydayitems.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "A very strange comic created by an emotionally disturbed tween 10 years ago.", false, true], "TheAdventuresofHyperguyandKinnyman": ["http://hg152andkm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "This is a story of traveler of dimensions who gets called to adventure by a fellow adventurer. Together they set off on a quest to save someone of high importance. I am not crazy, I was bored this way. - Hyperguy ------------ He may not be crazy, but 'I' certainly am XD ~ kinny-man", false, true], "TheAdventuresofMarniAndEdward": ["http://marniandedward.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 74, "Written and Illustrated by Jessi Jordan The collected 24 Hour Comic Challenge pages of The Adventures of Marni & Edward. Stories about a girl and her yeti. Updated daily!", false, true], "TheAdventuresofToastWarrior": ["http://adventuresoftoastwarrior.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Food is a big part of every day life. But, in the kingdom of Pan it is more than that, Food is the way of life. Toast warrior is a knight of the Pita table whose weapon of choice is a magic bread paddle. While Lady Strudel is the best baker in all of the Pan and the known kingdoms and rules her kitchen with an iron skillet. Together with their faithful companion Sour Dough they travel through out the Six Food Kingdoms maintaining the balance between them and search of the mystical pantry sprites.", false, true], "TheAlar": ["http://www.alarcomic.com/comics/", 25, "The Alar is a fantasy comic about the never-ending war between angels and demons and two young women, Arya and Kimmie, who are stuck in the middle. Updates weekly on Friday.", false, true], "TheAlliance": ["http://alliance.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 324, "The year is 3010... The earth has become a poisoned shadow of what it once was. The sky has stained red, a symbol of the endless wars that had emerged below. Animals mutated from the toxic atmosphere that own the lands. Mankind itself has even been mutated. For some, their DNA being matched with various animals. And others gaining different attributes from their darkening hearts. Human kind has now fled to giant toxin purified domes. But even this is beginning to become less then what they need to survive. Their minds have been polluted with evil. Darkness surrounds their hearts. Now there is only one hope........ The Alliance. Contains Violence, blood, romance... Eventually... My comic is BOYXGIRL.", false, true], "TheAngelBurn": ["http://theangelburn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "The Angel Burn is about light and dark Angels, Demons and halfbreeds born in the human world. Read about Burn Toshiba's (whom is from a well know Light Angel family) crazy life with his love Kale Kasuwa (whom is from a well known Dark Angel family) as they go through everyday to see what life can throw at them. Note* I'm sorry my comic starts out pretty fast >.<. But I will have a back story on this comic soon I hope :). Also some of the pages are outlined some are colored and others are in pencil. Life has been rocky so I don't have the time to color and outline my pages anymore :(. Hope you all don't mind. Please note this is a Yaoi comic. Also do not steal or alter my work in any way or form please and thank you.", true, true], "TheAngelInRoomB": ["http://theangelinroomb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Tori Watanbe is a typical shy girl, who's shyness has stopped her talking to people - until one day when she saves a boy in Class A and becomes 'The Angel In Class B' and her world is turned upside down with a sudden surge of people coming in and out of her life - but can Tori prove herself to be an Angel? And can she save her family life? Or will the guy from class A be the real angel after all?", false, true], "TheAnimalHouse": ["http://catmom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Scribbles from a cat mom that happens to work at a small animal hospital.", false, true], "TheAntihero": ["http://antihero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 241, "Most stories have good guys and bad. Some have only good guys, but with antagonists. Then some have only dastardly villains trying to do villainous things to decent people while all along screaming at the top of their lungs into the rain. This is one of those comics This is also a very depressing comic. Seriously. Every chapter is 'death' in a different language, and each title page is the Protagonist about to die. ... I told you it was depressing. Anyways, don't let that stop you! It takes place 20 years in the future. The U.S. has deteriorated into a kind of middle-ages scenario, where the government is corrupt, inflation rules, and the Mafia basically control the country. It doesn't get any better than that. But Isaac, the commander of the NY Mafia, notices there's a new gang in town. The Redblades. And there's something familiar about the commander... I'd rate it about 12+. There's mild gore, blood, and violence. Also comic cussing (!@#$%^& it!). And it's basically aimed at an older audiance, but if you're okay with the above, go ahead.", false, false], "TheAssassinofNeverland": ["http://theassassinofneverland.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "What if Peter Pan gave up his childhood to avenge the death of a dear friend? What if he were really trained his whole life to be a cruel assassin? Peter Pan was a normal boy who always had his head in the clouds, but one day he ran away to the kingdom of Neveland. There he was looked after by the famous pirate Captain Hook and his trusty crew... but can the man be trusted or is he just too cruel?", false, true], "TheAttackoftheRecoloursSeason1": ["http://mysticalvalley.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 118, "The Recolours are attacking and the edits will have to eliminate them. Flash, Leeroy and Kedar500 are creating the recolors and sending them out to fight but Sonic, Josephk and others who are preventing them from succeeding. Will they save the world from whatever Flash and Kedar500 are planning? Read the Seasons and find out! Comic came 13th Place in the 2013 Smackie Awards (Sprite). Oh well... Warning: Mild Language may be used *Completed*", false, true], "TheAttackoftheRecoloursSeason2": ["http://firevalley.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "The Recolours are attacking and the edits will have to eliminate them. Flash, Leeroy and Kedar500 are creating the recolors and sending them out to fight but Sonic, Josephk and others who are preventing them from succeeding. Will they save the world from whatever Flash and Kedar500 are planning? Read the Seasons and find out! Warning: Mild Language may be used Updates whenever", false, true], "TheAttributes": ["http://theattributes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "They call themselves The Attributes, the power users who bring balance to the world since hundreds years ago. Their fight might end when they recruited a boy with unique ability than they ever seen. He is the final piece to bring the hundred years of war to an end.", false, true], "TheAvianStories": ["http://theavianstories.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 505, "Sybil and Zakk are a pair of mythical humanoid avian monsters called avians with spirits of birds. When they meet each other they are spewed into a quest to stop genocidal acts on humans from a rouge group of avians.", false, true], "TheBalladofKordapya": ["http://kordapya.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "There is a story about a soul-charmer. One who could bring the dead back to life. But in exchange she'll take your soul. ...They say she does not have one.", false, true], "TheBattle": ["http://thebattle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A short story about the frustrations of life, and what two men did about them. No, it's not BL.", false, true], "TheBigBadWolf": ["http://thebigbadwolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Just your normal love story between a wolf and a -... that's not normal at all.", false, true], "TheBlackMoon": ["http://theblackmoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "Only a little witch can hear a stranger's voice, but who is he? /I've changed the name - previously: The little witch and the stranger - because the more I'm approaching the end of the story, the more ideas I get and I started to plan maybe continuing this thingy (:", false, true], "TheBloodyRoseBrigade": ["http://bloodyrosebrigade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Madeline is an average teen aged girl with black hair, pale as snow skin, and lips redder than blood. She lived a pretty normal life until one day a monster of incredible strength throws her out of ordinary life and into a fairy tale like world. Not only that but she finds out she is a princess and holds the key to unlocking a ancient art called 'Bloody Rose' and the Seven Fallen Queens need her help to overthrow Queen Inest's demonic rule over the Eight Kingdoms. Unfortunately for Madeline, she doesn't know how to control or harness magic and until she can learn to uncover the key inside herself, Inest will be a threat to her and the Seven Fallen Queens.", false, true], "TheBookofNosferatu": ["http://www.thebookofnosferatu.com/comics/", 279, "Two unusual sisters strive to survive a post apocalyptic world where supernatural creatures reign supreme.", false, true], "TheBoyWhoCriedRed": ["http://cried-red.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "The Boy Who Cried Wolf meets Little Red Riding Hood, as well as other fairy tales.", false, true], "TheBoywhowantedtobeaBird": ["http://boy-who-wanted-to-be-a-bird.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A short, like ten page, comic about a boy who wanted to become a bird in order to escape his abusive parents. It's told from the perspective of his best friend. I drew this about a year ago so the arts not exactly up to par but the story is solid.", false, true], "TheBrideoftheShark": ["http://sameyome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 140, "Toshio is a pearl diver, dealing with his love problems in Onjuku. 'Ehukai is a shark, instantly falling in love with the boy and claiming him his wife in front of his family...", true, false], "TheBucket": ["http://thebucket.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 226, "An art/comic journal including a psychological side story, \"ENS Special\".", false, true], "TheCafedAlizee": ["http://alizee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 375, "Eliza Jones always had a dream of opening a cafe, but met a tragic fate before she ever could. Thus, the Caf\u00e9 d'Alizee was opened in her honor. This story really isn't about her, though. Instead, this story follows the interesting, strange, and in some cases eccentric staff of the Cafe d'Alizee as they wander through the trials and tribulations of life. They may not know where they are going, but they have the four most important things in the world: love, life, coffee, and cake. *Updates every Monday and Thursday.* P.S. I should also mention that because this comic deals with the lives of various people, there may be situations that include relationships of any gender combination as well as violence or sexual situations, but there will be nothing graphic. So because they are (mostly) all adults, expect adult situations to occur. :)", false, false], "TheCatofaMadman": ["http://thecatofamadman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "A guide in the form of a cat comes to help a man in a dystopian world where he doesn't fit. Updates on Saturdays.", false, true], "TheCavernofSecrets": ["http://cavern.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Summaries are overrated. Read the comic to find out the storyline. ------------------ Updates whenever I draw a page. Pokemon is (c) Nintendo ------------------", false, true], "TheChangingStone": ["http://changingstone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "", false, true], "TheChaosChild": ["http://chaoschild.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "\"Little, little, little girl. Interested of the surrounding world. Owns a smile full of light and she understands what's wrong what's right. Little, little, little girl. Make a wish and change the world. What will you wish, what do you want? I'll make it all true, just don't get caught.\"", true, true], "TheChaparone": ["http://chaparone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "The Chaparone is a contains humorous violence. -Backround story- Larry, the main character, is searching for a chaparone. I'm not really sure why he needs a chaparone, but he needs one. Larry's character design is the super-stylized chibi which is popular is Japan. He has endless amount of space in his pockets. (though he stores his weapons of murder in them...) Will he ever use his power of endless pants for good...? In short...he is a boy on a mission, and will murder anyone who turns him down. His cuteness is everyone elses down-fall. He is popular with the girls for some odd reason...he only likes one! Can you guess which one is his love? (doubt it...) Warning contains violence. (cute violence :3) ENJOY!!!!!!!", false, true], "TheCityRazsJourney": ["http://thecityrazsjourney.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "A story focusing around a Scarecrow named Raz, who protects a city full of myth, technology, and even a tiny dash of steampunk.", false, true], "TheClass": ["http://www.theclasscomic.com/comics/", 385, "The Class is a story about high school students learning to deal with growing up while being confronted with the ability to use powers and fight a growing evil. Written by Jaysen Headley and Illustrated by Jessi Jordan. For more news and info, check out our blog at www.theclasscomic.com", false, true], "TheClawSpyAgencies": ["http://spyofclaw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "A character who is half fox/hedgehog. he works over at a secrete base that send him out on missions, he will run into problems, different worlds, and some more. A mystery power that also is a pond him, will he be able to control it.", false, true], "TheColdestDayInDecember": ["http://tcdid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "This is a short comic about an experience I had last December. It speaks of the social injustices that take place around us every single day. I hope you'll learn something. PG 13 for language", false, true], "TheColony": ["http://thecolony.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 125, "In the secluded hills of upstate New York, there is a place known only to few. It is a haven for all things macabre; werewolves, vampires, zombies. If you fear it, chances are it resides there. Every 300 years, a new regent is crowned, and this time you're invited to the ceremony. The Colony is updated every Tuesday, so come on back!", true, true], "TheColorBlack": ["http://thecolorblack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "This is just the rough copy. I will be making it final later this school year so please bear with me! XD This manga is about a girl named Keo who has to learn to live as a vampyre. Narumi and Chachi saved her from dying from the demon virus.", false, true], "TheColorofRoses": ["http://thecolorofroses.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "One funeral, a young bride, a grieving groom, a friend left behind and the questions... Coming soon! The Color of Roses A short story comic with steampunk, horror and Mr. Death himself ^w^", false, true], "TheColossusProject": ["http://colossusproject.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "After a battle, Keanan falls to a nearby planet and begins a journey that will make him face his life for what it is. Full of mistakes and chances, this story follows his path through dangers and the realization that life isn't just about surviving. The Colossus Project takes place in a setting where there are multiple universes joined by 'holes' in space. The Terran Co-operative aims to rule all planets and universes while the United Planets fights for each planet and each universe to rule itself. The story takes place in the middle of the conflict as the Terran Co-operative is near to succeeding in their plan.", false, true], "TheComicWorld": ["http://comicworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "a comic about comics. The first half was drawn in 2008 when i was in 12th grade, while I was supposed to be studying for exams. The second half was drawn in 2012, senior in college", false, true], "TheCommentators": ["http://commentators.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Roger and Robert are two famous sports commentators. The story follows their relationships with other people, their life during good times and hard times and their love of Chinese take-away food. Also, Bromance.", false, true], "TheContract": ["http://the-contract.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 139, "After a series of dreams, Starken wakes up in another world. There he meets Phalarin, a demon who seems harmless.", false, true], "TheCrawl": ["http://www.thecrawlcomic.com/comics/", 81, "A fantasy comic about a unique prison.", false, true], "TheCurseoftheBloodZombie": ["http://bloodzombie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A trio of paranormal investigators enter an old house in the countryside to hunt for some ghosts. However something is hunting them... The Curse of the Blood Zombie is a parody of teen horror films and horror comics from the 1940s and 50s. It also pokes fun at ghost hunters and paranormal investigation groups.", true, true], "TheDangoPuppetShow": ["http://dps.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "It's exactly what it sounds like.", false, true], "TheDarkAgeofMobius": ["http://thedarkageofmobius.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 206, "It was 20 years ago that the Emerald war began. Many died. Sonic, and Eggman are but a few. There were, however, survivers. A mysterious overlord has taken over much of the world. There are those who oppose him. This is the story of one.", false, true], "TheDarkEnglish": ["http://thedark.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "What would you do if you had to live during 2 years with a shinigami? Akira has to live with Aria during 2 years and show her what is the real meaning of being alive, but will he be able to do it? A shinigami and human living together?", false, true], "TheDarkTalesOfRocklinMoors": ["http://tdtofrm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "This is a story about a young boy who must break a curse that has plagued his family for generations.", false, true], "TheDeserter": ["http://thedeserter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "WARNING: I'd rate it PG-13 for violence. Updates on Fridays How many people are born to kill? On the island of Dynik there is such a person: Lendri. He was created to replace Ritas, the strongest General there ever was. But without a killer instinct, how can he survive? Dedicaited to anyone kicking cancer's ass!", false, true], "TheDestroyer": ["http://heartless-destroyer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 234, "A Shadow-cat demon named Kairo Ventaiga finds his solitude interrupted when he finds out his family isn't dead. However, he's gotten used to his deadly lifestyle and doesn't want to change... In a neighboring kingdom, Princess Nicole, a daughter of Light, doesn't want her father's crown. She is strangely sympathetic toward Shadow demons, her kind's mortal enemy. She's determined to befriend the Destroyer; perhaps she knows something Kairo doesn't... Reilyn Ventaiga only wants to find out what happened to his parents the night Kairo disappeared, but getting any answers out of his brother is looking more and more impossible... TakJak, a former thief, starts to notice that the Heartless Destroyer isn't as heartless as he seems... Updates: every Saturday with one or two pages Warning for minors: contains prevalent cursing, blood and gore, violence, and maaaybe farther down the line, partial nudity or hints at it. Also gay people. If you don't like any of the above, I'd advise against reading my comic.", true, true], "TheDiamondClub1": ["http://thediamondclub1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "Meet Kellen, Hiyla, UltraViolet (Who is also in a book that I'm writing, in case you like her), And Analicialla. Four Lucky/Unlucky (depending on your point of view) teen aged girls, who were chosen to be part of a secret organization of many, many different people,(Those four are the main characters for this one though, the others will make an appearance in the Diamond club 2, and any other ones that I make)called The Diamond Club. Join them on their adventures as they do things such as: save the planet Zsnarkk from a raging sun god who looks like something that just came up out of hell, go back in time to prevent an apocalypse that is threatening the earth, and many, many other daring things.", false, true], "TheDocandaNeet": ["http://docandneet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A 4 Comic style of Skyler and Steven (Neet) everyday life", false, true], "TheDodekatheonAletheia": ["http://dodekatheon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Erol, the newest security guard at the world-famous brothel Olympus, has just been given his first assignment as the personal bodyguard of Safi, the brothel's newest acquisition. Safi however, is crude, rude and lazy--everything that Olympus is not. How will Erol cope with his new duties as both guard and babysitter? The answer is: Horribly. This is part one of the Dodekatheon series, which will be a group of interconnected stories about Olympus, the world's most renown brothel and the beautiful men who live there. Warnings for bl/slash/shonen-ai/etc., androgyny, and highly idealized prostitution. Updates on Mondays.", false, true], "TheDoppelganger": ["http://chess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Aaron had seen his own doppelganger, known to be a sign of death by most; yet he refuses to except it in order to fulfil his dreams. What does he do ? he meets the grim reaper himself, however nothing comes free", false, true], "TheDove": ["http://broken.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "", true, true], "TheDragonandtheLemur": ["http://dal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1140, "The Dragon and the Lemur is a web manga drawn by Vilani Vil\u00e1 and scripted by the same and CherryVincent. In few words, a RP between the artist and CherryVincent, which Vilani decided to transform into a Manga. D.a.L (for short) tells us the story of two characters, Hakakku (a humanoid, hybrid between Cat and a Lemur) and Chain (a humanoid, dragon). They both met, probably not under the best circumstances and ended up falling in love. The script is currently finished. This comic contains explicit content and homosexual relationships. Bestiality/shota/incest may be often mentioned. May have blood and gore. NC-17 YAOI/HENTAI/YURI Update schedule: MONDAY Started: Sept 2005 Status: On going", true, true], "TheDrifter": ["http://thedrifter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Finding no other purpose in his life, a lone traveler drifts across the vast network of roads that line the continent. When he thought his journey would never meet an end, the traveler makes a stop at a small city in the tropical South coast. It is here he finds someone - a \"sheep\" in the midst of wolves. The drifter soon realizes his long journey has come to a close. --- Rated R for language, sexual content, and strong bloody violence. Updates weekly, sometimes faster. --- Inspirations for The Drifter include the works of Nicolas Winding Refn, 80s/90s America, and anthro characters in general.", true, true], "TheDuel": ["http://theduel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Romance. Danger. Probably some other shit too.", false, true], "TheDump": ["http://the1dump.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 176, "A dumb of random pics and comics, i'll try to upload at least once a week, hopefully more.", false, true], "TheDynamiteTwins": ["http://thedynamitetwins.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "It focuses on the life of two foxes...but they are not any ordinary foxes. They're twins...and they have supernatural abilities!", false, true], "TheEffectsofWineCoolers": ["http://teowc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "One night every year the villains of the world get together and it's the chance of a lifetime for a minion like Heather to make connections! Invitation from Vector in hand, Heather's more than ready to go but when she arrives things really don't go as planned. After all not every villain is perfect, and when the time it all comes out happens to be when they're around other villains. Chaos and awkward social situations ahead, Heather has the help of her sisters but one can only help so much! There's a massive world of villains out there and getting to know them is just a fourth of the plan Heather is on to become one of them- a villain.", false, true], "TheElectricRose": ["http://electricrosecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 253, "What happens when three normal girls in high school are ripped straight out of their beds and brought to a completely different planet? Why, they\u2019re asked to save it, of course! Agreeing to become a Barrier Guardian could mean the lives of Elysia and her friends, but choosing not to could mean the end of their world. So what do they do? And will these three girls even survive long enough to decide?", false, true], "TheEnterprise": ["http://theenterprise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "The world is not as black and white as everyone thinks. Superboy and Red Robin encounter a third-party troupe who work under a certain agenda, and they have Superboy's (evil) clone, Match! What's going on here?! Read and find out! This is a pre-DCnU fancomic! May include Marvel or Capcom ELements over time. Updates whenever it can.", false, true], "TheEscorter": ["http://escorter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "A scifi/fantasy adventure story that takes place in a far away galaxy and focuses on a tiny messenger/escorter called Spomanka, who experiences all kinds of challenges in her career.", false, true], "TheEthereaVerse": ["http://ethereaverse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "This is the center of the EthereaVerse! ********************************************* The EthereaVerse is an expanded universe encompassing stories like Wings Over Ethereal, The Blackjack Chronicles, Project Guardian, and (hopefully) many more to come! Taking place in various worlds and eras, following many characters and stories, this is an alternate rendition of our Universe full of fantasy, action, romance, a dash of sci-fi, and plenty in-between! If you enjoy WOE and Blackjack, this is the place to go to find out everything there is to know about the universe they take place in, including lore, glossaries and misc stories taking place in-between the epics of Chrona and Earth's heroes. *********************************************", false, true], "TheEvilQueen": ["http://theevilqueen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "All evil queens were princesses once. A fading queen seeks to attain eternal beauty, no matter what it may cost her.", false, true], "TheEyeoftheBeholder": ["http://theeyeofthebeholder.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "READ LEFT TO RIGHT--AMERICAN COMIC STYLE!!! Elizabeth Davis is the most beautiful girl of the 22nd century and she knows it. She'll sign up for a cloning experiment and of course she'll be the most viable candidate for financial and physical reasons. Everyone's thinking the same thing--they can't wait to have another girl as beautiful as Elizabeth in the world. However, Elizabeth's arrogance and impatience will get the better of her in... THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER (Sounds like a real cheesy movie trailer...oh well)", false, true], "TheFallofFeurn": ["http://feurn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Across Karak, a substance called Beryl provides energy for industrial revolution and war. As the world begins to change, a young woman named Lira is swept up in one family's quest for redemption and revenge.", false, true], "TheFayth": ["http://thefayth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "Based on my first webcomic, Tharan Fayth, The Fayth encompasses the life of a young Cleric and a mysterious guest who changes the course of his life forever. Magic, humor and drama to boot. Yeah, it's a gay romance story written by a gay guy, at least I can contribute to the break of trend by not being a crazed fangirl! So the typical WARNINGS~ HOMOPHOBES BEWARE, and MATURE SITUATIONS TO ENSUE and um, I think that's it...oh and there probably will be BLOOD AND GORE. There we go. --08/11/12: Updating sporadically!--", false, true], "TheFlawlessPrincess": ["http://flawlessprincess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "This is a random short story I made as a school project in four weeks. It's about a fairy princess! <3 XD", false, true], "TheFluffyFactory": ["http://flufac.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Shard's showcase of all that is fluffy and more. That's really all there is to say on the matter. CLOSED DUE TO JOINING REIDY AND FRIENDS SHOWCASE. GO THERE FOR STUFF FROM ME AND OTHER COOL PEOPLE.", false, true], "TheForestMonks": ["http://theforestmonks.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "An environmental comedy, and a tribute to a great man - Chut Wutty.", false, true], "TheForestofWhispers": ["http://theforestofwhispers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 104, "Kanna is a two year old she-wolf and member of the Whispers Pack. She like to run away from problems that are out of her control or hide behind someone. But this time, not even her best friend, Caleb a young wolf that seems to be in love with her, may no longer be able to save Kanna from the problems that are about to come. When a old and evil force is about to awake and just a shy and small wolf like Kanna has the power to stop it, everything will be lost? Or there will be a chance for salvation? UPDATES EVERY WEEKEND!", false, true], "TheGarlicEaters": ["http://tge.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "", true, true], "TheGeekgetstheGirl": ["http://thegeekgetsthegirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "Henry is as Geeky as they get. With his head in the clouds he often forgets how to communicate with women. But when a cute girl is being harassed by her jerk of a boyfriend, Henry doesn't hesitate to step up. One shot comic, Heterosexual, adult rating. Comic not suitable for Minors. This is my first CGI comic everyone. Please bear with me on errors! COMPLETED", true, true], "TheGenderBender": ["http://thegenderbender.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A young girl who is obsessed with yaoi has one wish~ To be a boy When her wish comes true she's in for a whirlwind of adventure, especially when her highschool crush, Jared reveals he's gay. Will she finally get to live out her yaoi fanticies or will something even more threatening than a gay love life.", false, true], "TheGhostWithTheMost": ["http://theghostwiththemost.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "A romance fan comic, based on the 1980's animated Beetlejuice series. Beetlejuice and Lydia were the best of friends. They did absolutely everything together and were always there for each other. So Beetlejuice never considered the idea that they would ever be separated. That is, until Lydia starts growing up and begins to call upon him less and less. Then, eventually cuts ties with him completely, leaving poor Beetlejuice lonely and confused. He remains loyal and waits for her call. 30 years later, Beetlejuice is suddenly called upon once more. But it's not his dear Lydia.... It's her daughter! But where is Lydia? Can Beetlejuice cope with why she stopped calling all those years ago? Will a romance bloom between Lydia's daughter and Beetlejuice? Find out! Read: The Ghost With The Most Updates Once a Week! ^_^", false, true], "TheGlassViolin": ["http://theglassviolin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "A comic I drew for a 24h challenge. I completed the comic in 25 Hours, but all in all I'm quite proud that I actually got that far :D For additional material as e.g. the storyboard you might want to look here: http://checanty.blogspot.de/2012/12/the-glass-violin.html", false, true], "TheGlassisBroken": ["http://glassisbroken.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 231, "The glass is not just half empty, it is broken.", false, true], "TheGodStone": ["http://thegodstone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Play the game of the Gods and you shall lose. In a feudal world where warriors of abilities known as \"channelling\" rule the realm, four unwilling players are forced dance along the lines of fate, and the cruel games of the Gods. A nameless channeller and his companion Brynook search for the Godstone, an object of legend, not for any noble means, or any sinister ones for that matter, mostly just to fix an idiotic mistake. Warning: Contains brutal violence, substance abuse, dark themes, frequent, possibly unnecessary cursing and sexual themes. Also contains cuddles and puppies.", false, true], "TheGodandthePlayer": ["http://thegodandtheplayer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "This comic will be of 42 pages where 2 pages are bonus sketches What happens when a God, son of the Goddess Benten is forced to marry an ugly Goddess when he's already in love with a girl baseball player? Join Koji and the humans team agaisnt the Seven Lucky Gods in a game of Baseball full of cheats, comedy and madness! ---------------------- STILL not conviced? Read the reviews about this comic here! :) http://www.amilova.com/en/comics-manga/1173/the-god-and-the-player/chapter-1/page-45.html", false, true], "TheGoddamnPantyBrigade": ["http://thegoddamnpantybrigade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 132, "The Goddamn Panty Brigade are a group pop punk trouble-making girls who might just be the only *PROFESSIONAL* adventurers in the music industry.", true, true], "TheGoldRiderofPern": ["http://goldrider.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 249, "I started this comic a little over a year ago, and it's been going strong ever since. Taking place in the 3rd pass of Pernese history, K'mlar, a young genius Masterweaver was placed at Ista Weyr as his first appointment after being given the station of Master. There he impresses a young Gold hatchling, an event completely unheard of in Pernese history. Despite being aggressively anti-social, he manages to make a place for himself at the Weyr that he never would have dreamed possible.", false, true], "TheGrayZone": ["http://thegrayzone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 485, "A daily cartoon featuring the lives of extraterrestrial \"grays\"", false, true], "TheHangerHOUSE": ["http://hangerhouse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "So \"The Hanger\" is a chat box that me and alot of my friends go to.You never know whats goin to happen.All applications will be decilned,you only get invited to the hanger,if you go to the hanger,get it?", false, true], "TheHaunted": ["http://thehaunted.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 72, "A young Maltese Tiger girl named Fio moves into a haunted house, now she throwing her ghostly roommates for a loop because she can see them just like they can see her. updates WEDNESDAYS!", false, true], "TheHeadhunters": ["http://headhunters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 315, "It's about people trying to capture a floating head. Every Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.", false, true], "TheHeartofEarth": ["http://heart-of-earth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "World is on the edge of war. Two factions will fight, until one of them perish from the earth.Only one hero can stop the destruction of the world.", false, true], "TheHeavenlyHillHollowDiaries": ["http://heavenlyhillhollow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Heavenly Hill Hollow is a rustic town tucked away in the northern back woods of America, where all the rules of reality are left at the town limits. If you have an imagination and hate waking up from the magic of your dreams, pack your bags and head on up. You'll find us down the end of that old gravel road just when you think you've lost your way, but keep your eyes peeled------your adventure is about to begin.", false, true], "TheHobbitbic": ["http://hobbit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "This is not a comic. It's a profusely illustrated novel... may be a Graphic Novel. The Hobbit, from J.R.R. Tolkien drawn with a blue biro. I hope you enjoy it.", false, true], "TheHollowSea": ["http://thehollowsea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "In a world of seafaring island-nations, a force of ancient, enigmatic chaos roams the waters in disguise, collecting victims and mercilessly eliminating all who lay eyes upon her true form. When her sworn servant is abducted by those seeking to rid the sea of the terror that plagues it, she comes head to head with hunters, holy men, and power great enough to challenge her own.", false, true], "TheInbetween": ["http://inbetweencomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "As a Reaper he had never questioned his job before. It had always been, there was no reason to wonder what it meant - he was a key piece in the natural order of things. Until he meets someone who ultimately throws his whole belief in the system into chaos.", false, true], "TheInfectedWebcomic": ["http://theinfectedwebcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "Jacob and his sister Chloe fight to survive in a city paralyzed by a disease that only affects the super-human population. Follow along as they meet the heroes trying to save the city from the disease and make the shocking discovery of who's responsible for it.", false, true], "TheJosephComics": ["http://josephcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 117, "What started out as \"Joseph and His Comics\" in 2003 became the first minimal comic strip series by amateur cartoonist Joseph Scarbrough. The comic centered around fifteen-year-old Joseph Armstrong - just you're typical, average, American teenager who just so happens to get himself in and out of random situations that give way to continuing storylines with serial cliffhangers much like the old \"Rocky and Bullwinkle\" show (which adopted said format from old movies and westerns of the 50s). In 2004, Scarbrough \"revamped\" the comic strips, renamed it to simply \"Joseph Comics\" which carried on until Scarbrough announced his retiring from comic strips, thus making Joseph and his friends find their place in the Old Cartoon Stars Retirement Home permanently come 2008.", false, true], "TheKaciBellMysteries": ["http://the-kaci-bell-mysteries.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Life is never quite normal in Bluewater Cove, California! When high school students turn into super-powered freaks and go on a crime spree, the authorities are powerless to stop them. But where did these super teens come from? And how did they gain their god-like powers? Determined to solve the mystery, 16 years old Kaci Bell enters a dark world of science gone mad. With danger and death shadowing her every move, she may not live long enough to discover the shocking truth Written by John Gatehouse with art by Dave Windett", false, true], "TheKeyHotelEnding": ["http://tekeyhotel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 350, "Alright, the Key was fun while it lasted, but due to a lack of updates and interaction, I must shut down the Key Hotel. It now belongs to SteamingBullets Uboa. See ya!", false, true], "TheKidInvestigatorofTeenageCrime": ["http://thekid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "", false, true], "TheKingsDemon": ["http://kingsdemon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "Despite all odds, Leona Wilds is the king's best knight. Not only does her status as knight bewilder many, she also came from a recently annexed province, making her dark features and height stand out amongst the fair people of Correxia. When Leona is sent on a mission to recover the kidnapped first prince, she walks into a trap and is forced to question her ideals...and the very kingdom she serves. Updates 2 pages every Saturday!", false, true], "TheKwiddexProtocol": ["http://kwiddexprotocol.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 175, "Welcome to Satellite Falls. Starstorm has returned after a 15-year absence. So has the White Rose. Plus there's a monster tearing up the city. Now, it's up to disgraced cop Jerry Binder to find out just what the hell is going on in his city and just what the hell \"The Kwiddex Protocol\" means. The Kwiddex Protocol is updated every Monday, so come on back!", false, false], "TheLakebyCyna": ["http://the-lake.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "There is a magical lake which is said to cure any sadness, no matter how deep. A prince who lost his beloved one leaves his castle to get rid of his grief by finding this legendary lake. (Very) Soft BL", false, true], "TheLambandTheWolf": ["http://lambandwolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION", false, true], "TheLandDownUnderCanada": ["http://tlduc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "In TLDUC, all the states of the U.S. of A. are people, along with some of their buds. Trust me, after this, you won't be falling asleep in history class! NOTE: The first two chapters have been deleted. I'm currently redrawing them with more historical accuracy. <<Read this way<<", false, true], "TheLastBloodCafe": ["http://lastbloodcafe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "The day to day adventures inside the Last Blood Cafe: A small coffee shop situated on the shores of the river Styx. Their mission? To provide a final opportunity of mortal comforts and hospitality before the inevitable journey to the final resting place. Though the cafe itself is rumored to be haunted...", false, true], "TheLaughingForest": ["http://thelaughingforest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "A day in this place. Hope you enjoy this short story. One shot. Daily updates. <--Reads right to left.<--", false, true], "TheLegendaryQueen": ["http://legendaryqueen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 388, "Being drawn, then written out, this comic is about my character Crystal, a normal 15-year old hedgehog who soon finds out she's worth much more than she ever believed she could be. There will be love, fighting, death..friendship..and above all else, family and self importance. Journey along with her, as she becomes what everyone has been waiting for...and stays true to herself! Updates: Whenever I get pages drawn XD", true, true], "TheLegendaryStone": ["http://thelegendarystone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 140, "A wacky and hilarious fictional story about two countries pledging war over a stone that can grant immense power for its owner. If you want to read a funny and entertaining story, then this comic is for you.", false, true], "TheLegendofMushroomKingdom": ["http://lomk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 316, "To put it simply, this is a crossover fan-fictional graphic novel featuring the Super Mario Brothers and Legend of Zelda franchise. Mario and Zelda are the two of the most well-known franchises in Nintendo, not to mention my two favorite video game franchises. It's pretty long, so get the popcorn and drinks ready :D Characters in this story are properties of (c) Nintendo", false, true], "TheLegendofZeldaMaidenoftheMoon": ["http://lozx.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 118, "<>Set roughly 20-30 years after Twilight Princess.<> The return of not one, but two villains has a young, unwilling hero scrambling across the land of Hyrule in search of power enough to defeat them. Reluctant at first to accept his fate, tiny steps taken along with a guiding hand (or two) will help mold just the savior Hyrule needs. || Incorporates a little bit of TP, FS, MC?, and... probably a few others I'm forgetting right off the bat. Legend of Zelda belongs to Nintendo, not me.", false, false], "TheLegendofZeldaOcarinaofWhatever": ["http://ocarinaofwhatever.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "A rather silly fan comic based on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, using screenshots with drawings in them. :) Trying to improve my art since: forever", false, true], "TheLessThanEpicAdventuresofTJandAmal": ["http://tjandamal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 315, "NOTE: THIS IS A BACKUP. If you'd like to read this comic, please do so at tjandamal.com. The content management system I use at tjandamal.com is no longer supported, so the main site will point over here eventually. May 16, 2008 - In the span of a single day, Amal calls off his arranged marriage, comes out to his conservative parents, promptly gets disowned, goes on a bender... and wakes up the next morning to find TJ, a lanky, dreadlocked vagrant, frying eggs and singing Paul Simon in his kitchen. TJ claims that the two have made a drunken pact to drive all the way from Berkeley to Providence. As it happens, Amal promised his sister he'd be there for her graduation from Brown University. And TJ, well... TJ has his own reasons. The agreement is simple: Amal does the driving; TJ pays the way - but a 3500 mile journey leaves plenty of time for things to get complicated.", true, true], "TheLifeAndDeathofTheMightyAtom": ["http://lifeanddeathmightyatom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A short, one-shot comic based on Astro Boy/Tetsuwan Atom. The Mighty Atom, one of the world's strongest robots, was conceived after the loss of Dr. Tenma's only son. Unfortunately, Atom's happy life with his father cannot last forever... Comic is silent. (Wordless) Original Story: Osamu Tezuka Artwork: Karen/Crystalbear Comic has been completed now.", false, true], "TheLifeandTimesofaLesbianChick": ["http://thelifeandtimesofalesbianchick.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "The Life and Times of a Lesbian Chick. Based off true events and experiences of myself. Comic will not always be lesbian specific issues! Updates at random, but usually once every 2 weeks or so", false, true], "TheLifeofMagFlamequill": ["http://lifeofmag.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 231, "The coming of age ceremony is tomorrow. Participants will take their birth-feathers and soar gracefully into the sky, cheered on by their proud friends and relatives. But what if you're Mag Flamequill, the bird-woman with a fear of heights?", false, true], "TheLifeofaGoomba": ["http://lifeofagoomba.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Shows what a Goomba must go through under King Bowser's reign.", false, true], "TheLighthouse": ["http://thelighthouse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "A 17-page illustrated poem that I'm doing as a summer project. I plan to finish it by the end of June.", false, true], "TheLipsofaVampire": ["http://lipsofavampire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "Hello, Crepsley-chan here. this comic is about a poor boy named Draven Cole who has been turned into a vampire, but doesn't remember who did it, and why. upon his first night as a new born nosferatu he meets Pyris Slade, a vampire with a heart of gold and a firghtening past. With his help, Draven must figure out who killed him, otherwise the vampire elders may have to Force the memory out of him. this is a yaoi comic, so if you no likey, no ready.", false, true], "TheLittleMermanXD": ["http://thelittlemerman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "YAOI/YURI/HENTAI DRAMA,HUMOR. It's kinda like Disney's The Little Mermaid\u00a9 story but with a twist: A change of characters and a lot of crazy ideas xD The trailer goes something like this: *Prince Faust and his twin brother Prince Carlos Lived in a big castle with their servants, They were looking for a bride, but couldn't find one. In the day of their birthday Tragedy stricked. Luckily little Sebastian was swimming nearby and saved prince Faust, in consequence love started building in little Sebastian's heart. \"Beware the sea witch\"- Was what Sebastian's mother told him... Well hope you like it and also that you enjoy my comic and art style @w@/", true, true], "TheLoneSwordsman": ["http://theloneswordsman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1104, "Heaven has fallen, including its Leader, Aven, thanks to the Demon King Shutendoji's new Elite Demons. Now Shutendoji has his eyes set on Earth. Can a Lone Swordsman wielding Aven's sword stand a chance against such hopeless odds? Or will the madness of the souls he must absorb destroy him from the inside? Rated PG-13 due to cartoon violence, blood and mild language. The Lone Swordsman and all related subsidiaries are property of Sol's Dawning Creations. The use of such without permission for the purpose of monetary gain is illegal and will be met with legal action.", false, true], "TheLonelyMoon": ["http://thelonelymoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 71, "A little story of friendship and childhood, on a distant planet in the future. Might include aliens, robots and talking sheep.", false, true], "TheLostland": ["http://thelostlandcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "\"It all starts with some dubious info, a misunderstanding, and a well-known incident that sets a chain of events in motion...\" The adventures of four travelers unknowingly wrapped up in a chain of events, all leading to one man's plot to turn the world on it's head. Action, laughs, and mystery all packed into one Post-Apoc world. Updates Every Saturday! --- Also available on: MANGAMAGAZINE http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/The-Lostland/detail-page/1344?lang=en", false, true], "TheLumisAltar": ["http://www.lumisaltarcomic.com/comics/", 27, "In a world ravaged by poverty, war, and famine, certain individuals who harbor malevolent spirits of trickery and manipulation fool the masses into bringing their evil agenda to fruition. Enter the Lumis Society-- a specialized association of soldiers dedicated to the downfall of the evil Vorago through the promises of paradise brought forth by the righteous Lumis. When the trials of young, troubled Benjamin Meliora lead him straight into the heart of the Lumis Society, will his unique gift prove crucial in the Society's mission to purify the world? Or will it become its ultimate downfall?", false, true], "TheMageofDiscord": ["http://themageofdiscord.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Suffering from a severe case of wanderlust, Kyo jumps at the chance to be a mage, like she's dreamed of being. However, being a Mage of Discord makes it rather hard to do anything without SOMETHING blowing up...", false, true], "TheMagicianandthePrincessWonderTheatre": ["http://wondertheater.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "Here is my own take of Alice in Wonderland/Cinderella. This is a story about Alfie and his encounters of the \"Wonder Theatre\". One night, while working in an old theatre, he meets 'Mary-ann' a girl who seems to secretly appear where ever he goes... Just before they become friends, a set of crazy characters show up in the name of a 'Red Prince', to hunt down the mysterious 'White Princess'; a possible childhood acquaintance. Alfie later discovers he is a chosen apprentice of a famous magician, her father, now meaning he must protect this White Princess around the clock, without knowing whom she really is... So with the assistance of his new cat/butler 'Jack' and the \"Red\" knight 'Trixie', he uses his mirror disguise 'Jasper' to use his magic against the Red Prince, while he fools the public into thinking it's all a big act! Meanwhile, as Mary-ann holds hope in her father's return, she finds she must inherit his secret 'white' magic, and clever disguises in order to inspire and protect her childhood crush. May the show begin!!", false, true], "TheMarchers": ["http://themarchers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "An everyday story of leftwing folk.", false, true], "TheMarkofTheWitch": ["http://tmotw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "The Mark of The Witch used to be a symbol passed down with pride through families of Witches, until the King decreed that all those bearing the mark were to be captured and killed. Over a hundred years later, Curtis Hammarskjold, a Knight-in-training, is faced with a young witch and has to make a decision... Kill him...or betray his King and let him live.", false, true], "TheMaskedOne": ["http://themaskedone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "A mysterious masked girl roams the Medieval British countryside, conning, stealing and bartering her magical powers to the helpless countryfolk. All done in the name of getting a full meal. Little is known about her, other then she seems to never age throughout the centuries... The first and second zines are complete with the third one on it's way.", false, true], "TheMechanicalHeart": ["http://themechanicalheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Reality gets ahead of us. Deadlines to meet, people to please, rules to comply... and our dreams die slowly to the tune of the never-ending clock. But sometimes... between the waking world and quiet slumber, our mechanical hearts skip a beat; and we are transported back to the worlds we created and visited when we were young and childish and unburdened by reality's shackles. Guardians and myths, beauty and wonder, freedom from what must be...", false, true], "TheMegaManandSonicSpriteShowcase": ["http://megamanshowcase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1327, "Credit to all the authors listed for the sprites. We do 8 bit, 16, bit and 32 bit sprites (mostly 8 bit) and Sonic sprites. WE TAKE REQUESTS. no trolling, flaming, cussing (some allowed) and ABSOLUTELY NO STEALING SPRITES AND DON'T CLAIM ANY AS YOUR OWN, unless you actually made them and your part of this showcase. *One new rule: I would like to address the fact that THIS IS NO LONGER A SHOWCASE WHERE WE POST RESOURCE SPRITES OR SPRITES WE DIDN'T MAKE! I'm gonna remove the sheets that aren't ours soon. any body else that posts anything that isn't theirs will be punished, if caught, with the following: 1st offense: a warning. 2nd offense: comment privilege taken away. 3rd offense: uploading privilege taken away Anything past the third offense will result in removal from this comic.", false, true], "TheMidnightShow": ["http://themidnightshowcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Amarant Coral reacts. A short comic based on a Story by Poseidon's Daughter: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5848196/1/The_Midnight_Show", false, true], "TheMightyBlue": ["http://mightyblue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "A Weekly Fantasy Adventure Webcomic by Dallas Busha", false, true], "TheMisadventuresofRowenandCompany": ["http://tmorac.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Rowen and Co. is about a young man and his desire to help anyone and everyone, no matter what the job. Follow as he and his friends get in and out of trouble while assisting with the craziest of tasks imaginable. Updates: Mondays and Fridays", false, true], "TheMisadventuresofSuperMilo": ["http://supermilo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "What happens when you give superpowers to the world's most irresponsible party animal? Watch out! This ain't no super man, he's SUPERMILO! And now he's here to live up to his own super code: With great power comes really great parties! But when the original steward of the secret to his super powers comes back to see how he's been using this gift to the planet Earth, to what extremes will SuperMilo go keep them? And just how much can the people of Clemmons City take before they decide to forcefully expel their little super-nuisance? Find out in the continuing Misadventures of SuperMilo, now both a comic strip and full page series! SuperMilo \u00a9 William Boyer 1994-2009 SuperMilo has a MySpace page! Chat it up with the superhero and check out comic updates and media coverage now at http://www.myspace.com/supermilocat !", false, true], "TheMisadventuresofUserFriendlyfriendlyGirl": ["http://userfriendly-friendlygirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Comics for the used, unused, and users", false, true], "TheMiscAdventuresofSlashandAxe": ["http://tmaosaa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "Slash and Axe's misc adventures *CAMOES INCLUDED!*", false, true], "TheMission": ["http://themission.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "", false, true], "TheMitchellEffect": ["http://themitchelleffect.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 146, "A typical tale of an ordinary teenager who accidentally summons a demon that eats all his snacks and smokes all his good weed. You know.....a classic :) If you like what you see here come friend me on Facebook for more goodies and funny content: Cornelius Goodfellar", false, true], "TheMoistTouch": ["http://themoisttouch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 442, "VERY GOOD SMUT WEBCOMIC YOU SHOULD READ IT ITS GOOD 10/10 NO YAOI ONLY HENTAI", true, true], "TheMoonkeepersPromise": ["http://moonkeeperspromise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A short but sweet illustrated poem about the ones who protect our dream.", false, true], "TheMorriganFallofthePhantomQueen": ["http://themorrigan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Morgan\u2019s only desire is to keep her nose down and do the job that nature intended for her: to collect the souls of the dead. But things come to head when the Devil himself comes calling in a debt that Morgan has owed him for several hundred years. His price: to have her aid him with her ability to foretell the outcome of battles. Unwilling to pay his price, Morgan finds her world turned upside down. For the first time in her life Morgan finds herself having to choose a side in a war she never wanted to be involved in.", true, true], "TheMurderofMe": ["http://themurderofme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 126, "UPDATED SUMMARY: Sonic, after disappearing for five years, returns to his home, friends, and mother. However, he not only finds that his friends have fallen apart, but his mother is being targeted by an evil, supernatural entity with evil intentions.", false, true], "TheMythofRemedy": ["http://mythofremedy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 100, "7 paths, 7 destroyers, 1 destiny. Evil is stirring in ancient Europe and will soon envelop the entire world. Only a band of orphans and outcasts stand between the world and oblivion.", false, true], "TheNOMEDSEGA": ["http://nomed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Join Commander Scunt Fishing and his friends Max and Saladass as they travel the stars trying to do something or something. Updates mondays, wednesdays, and fridays, if it's drawn. Sister Comic: Asinine Pitfrogs by PotatoMasterlord! http://assfrogs.smackjeeves.com/ Darion Paone says (9:21 PM) dude this is worse than tits DOCTAH JIM says (9:21 PM) i thought you liked tits Darion Paone says (9:21 PM) you don't DOCTAH JIM says (9:21 PM) fair enough", false, true], "TheNakedClub": ["http://nakedclub.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "status: COMPLETE description: a short story about figure drawing.", false, true], "TheNamelessBastards": ["http://namelessbastards.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Hi everybody, we are two behind this bunch of dumbasses. Firts of all, we would like to apologize if, while reading our comics, you : puked / didn't understand a thing / didn't find it funny / tried to commit suicide by swallowing a fluffy kitten / accidentally killed all your family members. Blame it on the french humor, because we are hairy-stinky frog/snails eaters ~", false, true], "TheNaziandtheStoner": ["http://thenaziandthestoner.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "There's a little of each in all of us.", false, true], "TheNewAdventuresofKirbyandFriends": ["http://newadventuresofkirbyandfriends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Hiii! My name is Kirby! This is my comic mainly about the Adventures me and my buddy Cape go on to save Dream Land! We fight Kracko, Lololo and Lalala, Dark Matter, Nightmare, Marx, and of course, that old weirdo King Dedede. Join me as I save Popstar from all sorts of evil! (As long as there's shortcake involved.) Updates every Saturday.", false, true], "TheNewPokemonSpriteBox": ["http://newpokemonspritebox.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Welcome to the Pokemon Sprite Box! Here we can post things freely, mostly pokemon-related. Of course, it would be an honor for people to join, however you must be able to sprite well.", false, true], "TheNightSurfers": ["http://thenightsurfers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 146, "When the coastal city of Costa Nueva is threatened by sand creatures sent by a mysterious evil, four teenagers rise from tragedy to become heroes. They are The Night Surfers. Read it here at Smack Jeeves, or get even more content and the most recent updates at thenightsurfers.com!", false, true], "TheNocheComicSeries": ["http://nochecomicseries.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A story about a girl named Noche who has memory loss and is trying to figure out who she is.", true, true], "TheNonMegaBuster": ["http://nonmegabuster.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Mega Ian was left alone in his apartment by his best friend who had left with Nitro Man to join 3 other people in a fight against an army of Copied Robot Masters or something. Soon after, Mega Ian went off on an adventure of his own with Mini Ian, Sir Fluffington, Bandette/Strikeolt, and Tafi. Updates on Fridays at 12:00 AM Central", false, true], "TheNuzlockeBlues": ["http://nuzlockeblues.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A typical grim dark nuzlocke run. For those unfamiliar with the rules: 1. You must only catch the first Pokemon you see in an area 2. If a Pokemon faints, they are permanently deceased. First up: Pokemon Blue Version!", false, true], "TheORIGINALShonenPunk": ["http://shonenpunk2002.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "Chiitsu Pinkada lived a normal slacker life, until the day THE DVD came..New Comics every M/W/F!", false, true], "TheOn": ["http://theon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Is it too much asked to have a nice birthday party with family and friends? So it seems as Theon heads to accomplish a simple mission he was asked to do just when his big day is around the corner.", false, true], "TheOtherBlue": ["http://otherblue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "The adventures of Captain Bloat and the Bonny Lass crew as they soar the skies, looking for treasure and adventure!", false, true], "TheOtherSide": ["http://theotherside.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Jean on a date with her dream guy Shawn finds herself thrown into another world as her look alike lotus , whos personality couldn't be more different... Will she ever find a way to make it out of there before even weirder things happen to her? Will she ever get to see Shawn again? This is a fantasy-Shojou attempt to rewrite improve and basicly-destroy-all-but-the-over-used-names-of-the-characters-that-belong-in-my-very-first-comic-ever that was badly drawn ......like nine years ago (before i knew what manga was) Things are a bit confusing right now but Im trying to weave it together to make more sense , it shall eventually! Feel free to drop by with advice and critique <3 currently in the process of editing the layout , links are a bit crazy. Updates : At least once a week if I can help it .", false, true], "TheOuterDoor": ["http://theouterdoor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "This story is about a group of 5 teenagers who go trick-or-treating to a creepy old mansion.", false, true], "TheOvercoming": ["http://comeover.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "In an experiment created from boredom, the author avatar of Nivlac has been made free of the control of his spirit counterpart. In his freedom, the avatar has switched to the side of evil, and has used his powers to gain control of the universe. It is up to the various cameos to stop him. ----- As stated, cameos are gladly accepted by this comic, as they are the only way to stop Nivlac. Check the news section for more information. ----- Updates on Fridays", false, true], "ThePharaoh": ["http://thepharaoh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A short story about a king, after he lost the war.", false, true], "ThePier": ["http://thepier.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Two very different little girls meet on a pier.", false, true], "ThePirateBalthasar": ["http://thepiratebalthasar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1647, "Wilson Kane wins a fortune and his future bride at a game of dice from the former pirate Balthasar. When he decides to go and get the girl, the pirate way, by kidnapping her, not only he finds out that she is more than a pirate could ever want from a wife... but that she has 4 identical sisters as well. This discovery hits him when his men, who were supposed to help him out, each kidnaps a different girl... and none of them gets the right one! But Wilson Kane wants the girl he had met and no one else! Luckily for him it will be the girl herself to solve his problem and put an end to his dilemma... a solution that will eventually fling her into a new way of life, aboard the Alidivento, across the Mediterranea sea!", false, false], "ThePixelParadox": ["http://thepixelparadox.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Do you think that videogames don't have their problems? Enter in the world of \"The Pixel Paradox\", and remember to keep the controller at your fingertips!", false, true], "ThePlace": ["http://theplace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Not so far from Hobosville, is a building that rests atop a not-so-secluded mountain. This place is called... Well, The Place. A number of things happen here, which is why there's a focus on this place. Nothing much else to say, however this is a quite, quite, random comic, and sometimes won't make sense. But if you have a good sense of randomness, and a good sense of humor, you'll enjoy this comic. :D", false, true], "ThePlayground": ["http://thisisonlyatest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Just a playground for tweaks and stuff.", false, true], "ThePremise": ["http://thepremise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 130, "The Premise is a story about two policemen that find one of the members of \"The Executioner's Sect\", that some time ago begun to murder people that deserved punishment, using brutal force.", false, true], "ThePriceofHappiness": ["http://thepriceofhappiness.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "A wealthy banker by the name of Theadore Clark fights for his right as the heir to the family business in 19th century America. But if that isn't the most of his worries, hitting a man with his carriage is sure to cause a blemish in his family's reputation. Giving the healing stranger a place to stay at his estate,the stranger quickly defines himself as useful company, helping around the house and neighboring houses, insisting to pay rent for Theo. But when this strange Irishman shows his true colors for him, will Theo accept him for his sexuality? Will he embrace it? And at that, as he reclaims his memories of his past life, will Theo accept the man for who he truly is? This is a BL web comic rated M for the following: - Gore - Strong Language - Sexual Content - Racism The story will be separated into three books instead of being divided into chapters. The story is VERY LOOSELY based on history and has probably an endless amount of historical inaccuracies. Enjoy!", false, true], "ThePrinceandthePrincess": ["http://thetwoprincesses.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Prince Edmund wants to be a princess. Loosely based on the Prince and the Pauper.", false, true], "ThePrincessandtheGiant": ["http://princess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 143, "A silent fairytale about a young princess and another, rather larger individual. Updates Sundays.", false, true], "TheProblemwithStarlo": ["http://problemstarlo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "Remember my other spam comics? This is that now. Yay. --- Carbon provided me with a new banner. Yayz.", false, true], "ThePropertyofHate": ["http://tpoh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 100, "A voyage.", false, true], "TheProphet": ["http://the--prophet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A long time ago, a war happened, the sky war. It was a war between Daemons and Angels, the war was to decide who would rule, would the next era be one of light or darkness. The war was finally settled when God created a being who would be born either as a sealed Daemon, or an Angel. And they would decide every thousand years what race would rule. Now the time where the prophet will be born is drawing near, and what will this prophet be? Will they be a Daemon, or an Angel? (THIS COMIC CONTAINS GL/YURI/LESBIAN ROMANCE) Updates on Saturdays", false, true], "TheProtector": ["http://protectorcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 208, "A story about a boy and his protector. Set in the country of Senobia, a young boy is set on the path of destiny. His companion is one of the country's most celebrated heroes. What adventures awaits the two of them? Started in 2008 and continued in 2010. This is not a BL, it contains little to no sexual scenes at all, this is an adventure story. If you want porn linked to this story (only between adults of course), then please feel free to read my companion story, Sacrifices. Updates Sundays http://sacrificescomic.smackjeeves.com/", false, true], "TheQueen": ["http://thequeen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "Girl/girl love. ((I guess I should also say that I'm still experimenting and there will be a lot of inconsistencies. Please bear with me! ^^; )) A story about Brianna who meets a girl simply known as \"The Queen\". After hearing rumors, Brianna tries to discover who the Queen really is. She gets much more than she was expecting, learning about life and love on the way. >>> This comic is read from left to right! >>>", false, true], "TheQueenandtheSoldier": ["http://queenandsoldier.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A vampire story drawn to the lyrics of Suzanne Vega's song with the same title. The Soldier came knocking upon the Queen's door. He said, 'I am not fighting for you anymore...' [Complete]", true, true], "TheRabbitTheDogandthevillage": ["http://trdv.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "One day, the sun is bright and plentiful.But something occurred on this day.Someone has stolen Rabbit carrots and Dog's \"family treasure\" in a day. Dog's know who is the criminal for this-Human. He decided to go into Human \"basement\" to get back his \"family treasure\" , There are lots rumors from the jungle about cruel human that will eat animals such as dogs and rabbit but nothing can stop them on their way! Update daily. Please give critique and comment.QAQ", false, true], "TheRandomObscureFairyTaleNoOnesEverReallyHeardOf": ["http://tro.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 220, "Yeah, so I ran out of characters for the title. Trust the banner. 12-year-old girl Wolfgang Rock manages to convince her mom to let her stay with her ex-uncle-in-law-in-law instead of having to move. Soon enough, however, the said uncle, Dieter Jung, starts to have an innocent crush on the girl... This was the first full-length comic I ever did. Don't mind the amateur art and the fact that its unrealistic story could only be written by a child (indeed it was) and the JPEG fuzziness and and and... *COMPLETED! *Reads left to right *Not suitable for impressionable young girls/adult men with developing complexes *Nothing inherently inappropriate, either *The original comic before He Who Has Partners, which apparently takes place in an alternate universe", false, false], "TheRapeofGanymede24HourComicDay2009": ["http://24hcd09-ganymede.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "24 hour comic day 2009 a re-hash of The Rape of Ganymede except it's all fucked up and stupid and lame and gay really really gay i just finished this shit about an hour ago Comic status: COMPLETE", true, true], "TheReallyStrangeAdventuresofDeadpoolandShadow": ["http://reallystrangedpoolshadow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "More fourth wall breaking! More humor!", false, true], "TheReason": ["http://thereasons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "This is a remediation project for Engaging Media 104 studies. All copyright goes to Curtin University. Including Copyrights goes to SHINee | SM ENTERTAINMENT. This is a Fan made story book based on their song called \"The Reason\"", false, true], "TheReasonAHarvestMoonFanComic": ["http://thereason.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Based on More Friends of Mineral Town. Claire wants to go to the Wine Harvest with Dr. Trent, but he's too busy working. Upset, she finds comfort in Cliff and invites him instead. During the Harvest, Trent sees them together and feels a bit jealous.", false, true], "TheReasonwhy": ["http://thereasonmaramara.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A short story about one sided love. How love can affect a person's life. Things happend for a reason.", false, true], "TheReborn": ["http://reborn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 580, "Every teenage girl looks forward to her sixteenth birthday, and Angela is no exception. But on that day her life turns upside. Angela learns a stunning secret about herself, and finds herself caught up in war between two demon clans. Updated Mondays and Fridays. This comic may not be suitable for younger readers. It may contain violence, gore, occasional bad language and other stuff that may not be appropiate for readers under 13.", false, false], "TheRequest": ["http://therequest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Having your life saved is a very good thing. Unless, of course, you are a girl named Reikiko. In which case, you just might have luck bad enough that your savior turns out to be a foul-tempered fox demon. One who refuses to go away...", false, true], "TheReturn": ["http://thereturn-webcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "A man returns back to his home town after an adventure that hasn't been innocent at all.", false, true], "TheRevengeOfMechaSonic": ["http://mecharevenge.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Mecha Sonic Back And He Is On A Way To Revenge!!", false, true], "TheRidertheHunterandtheWolf": ["http://rhaw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "The little red riding hood was a helpless little girl? No way! Riders are powerful summoners and Hunters swift killers. They both hunt down Demons in this world where evil is lurking everywhere.", false, true], "TheRisetoFall": ["http://rtfcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "After being enslaved in his own body for years, Amycus will finally attempt the escape he has yearned for, as long as he is compliant to the one that released him... Set a couple of thousands of years in the future, The Rise to Fall is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy comic that follows the adventures of three different people as they begin to discover what fate has in store for them. (Nooo idea what to put as the description! Will change someday to something less cheesy.)", false, true], "TheRunaway": ["http://therunaway.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "Eric is an ordinary boy. Or so it seems... He's been living quietly till the arrival of his 18th birthday. When his father sends his men to capture him. His friends get caught up in the madness... Read for more adventure Updates Saturdays~ The drawing gets better at some point in chapter 2~So stick around :3", false, true], "TheSQUIDATOR": ["http://squidynesscopyx.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Neo Arcadia were attacked by derpy squids and mutant mobs came from the Minecraft dimension, starring Zero, the Creepexterminator and Phantom the Enderexterminator the N.A. Resistance and Caravans were helping hands to exterminate all this mobs and bring them back to their world.", false, true], "TheSadPalmTree": ["http://sadpalmtree.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "A story about a tree who is sad.", false, true], "TheSchoolofHardKnocks": ["http://school-of-hard-knocks.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Every year it's been the same for Z. Same people, same routines, just about the same of everything. But on his first day of high school he meets a girl named Trexa, a new student to his school. After meeting her, Z realizes that maybe this year things might change for once. Together, along with their group of eccentric friends, they embark on a journey of misadventures in their new life in high school.", false, true], "TheSearchForCoffee": ["http://searchforcoffee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Once upon a time, there was an average girl living an average life. One day, she meets a magical rabbit, who tells her she's not just some ordinary girl. In fact, she's the one who is destined to save the world from a terrible monster, who has been plotting underground for some time. Fated to face this terrible foe, the girl sets out on an amazing journey where she'll make some wonderful friends, learn more about her past, and perhaps find love along the way. But most importantly, will she save the world...? Actually, no, that's not at all what this story is about. I guess you're going to have to read it.", false, true], "TheSearchforHenryJekyll": ["http://thesearchforhenryjekyll.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "London, 1891: While the police are tangled in the recent line of murders, it may be up to Doctor Henry Jekyll and his mysterious companion to close the case. But when the clues start to point towards old friends, will the good doctor be able to get out alive?", true, true], "TheSecretoftheNuzlockeCurse": ["http://nuzlockecurse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Ten years ago, the dreaded nuzlocke curse came into the pokemon world. Soul, an ex-trainer and victim of the curse, has been called upon to accept a mission of great importance, to discover who created the curse and why. Based on the game, Pokemon: Soul Silver.", false, true], "TheServants": ["http://theservantscomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "It will be a bit slow to update and just as a warning it will most likely not update after the first chapter.", false, true], "TheShowcaseofCaseyKun": ["http://caseyshowcase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "I show off my sprites 'n whatnot :I", false, true], "TheSierraCollegeLifairian": ["http://lifairian.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "College is hard. It's even harder when the campus library turns out to be chock-full of magic and bizarre creatures. When you can't tell a Dewey from a Decimal, there's a fairy helper to show you the way...but you'll have to catch her first! This is a commissioned comic for Sierra College, made to explain to new students the basic ins and outs of the campus library. Expect shameless plugs, edutainment, and goofy humor.", false, true], "TheSilverKiss": ["http://the-silver-kiss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "COMPLETED!!!!!!!! Chapter: 6 Pages: 84 Art by: XXPAXX Story by: Annette Curtis Klause -- Zoe's life is falling apart, her mothers in the hospital with bone cancer and her best friend is moving away. Then one day mysterious beautiful Simon shows up with almost the same loneliness as Zoe and a friendship between the two is form. What Zoe doesn't know yet, is that Simon is a 300 year old vampire who wants to avenge his mothers death and is trying to find this serial killer who's been murdering people around town. No matter what he is Simon is the only thing that Zoe can hold on to when everything else is falling apart. -- The Silver Kiss short manga version This was for a school project - WARNING!!!! DO NOT READ COMMENTS BELOW!!! CONTAINS SPOILERS!!! but if you like spoilers go ahead X'D", false, true], "TheSilverLeague": ["http://thesilverleague.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 181, "The Silver League is a comic based around the members of the site of the same name and placing them in our own interpretation of the Pokemon World. Silver August of Harvestone Town is a teen that never really knew life outside his hometown; however after rescuing his Sister from the hands of Team Reaction, Silver becomes motivated to explore the world as a Pok\u00c3\u00a9mon Trainer! However on his journey, Silver discovers that behind the battles he'd watch on TV lies corruption because of devices known as \"Modifiers\" that allow a Trainer to alter a Pokemon's stats by force without having to earn them through training. This leads Silver and the friends he makes along the way to form \"The Silver League Movement\" which vows to travel the region, collecting badges but also recruiting Gym Leaders and convincing them to join their cause so that they can form a league of their own, take down the Team Reaction organization and bring honour, fun and hard work back to Pokemon Battles! http://www.thesilverleague.com/", false, true], "TheSilverLining": ["http://thesilverlining.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "When Nicholas has given up all hope on life, he is visited by an angel. But this angel is only a human with the biggest heart. Will Matt's love guide Nicholas from his deppression or will the poor man give in to life's harshest people?", false, true], "TheSixthBar": ["http://thesixthbar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 666, "The war between Del-Naaj and Saam-Sara has ended, but Nero knows otherwise. A false peace has been created by the Del-Naajan fear of the Saam-Saran psychics. Torn by the death of his close companion Lynn, Nero has trained for the past six years, sharpening his skills so that he may better protect his city. But a plot is brewing: a plot that will rekindle hostilities between the two cities.", false, true], "TheSomewhereOther": ["http://somewhere-other.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 331, "Who would have thought fitting into such a weird world would be so hard.", false, true], "TheSonicSection": ["http://sonicsection.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "The Life and times of Sonic and pals... in the same neighborhood Updates at least once every week on Thursday What Orginally started as a Sprite Test for my other comic Sonic Outsiders (http://sonicoutsiders.smackjeeves.com) was good enough to me to make into another series", false, true], "TheSpirit": ["http://thespirit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A young man leaves to go into the forest to collect wood one day... and is faced with a Forest Spirit...", false, true], "TheSpritersShowcase30": ["http://thespritersshowcase3.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 343, "Welcome to the third installment of the spriter's showcase! RULES 1.Give credit for any and all sprite sheets. 2.Treat all other authors with respect. Critique is fine. Flaming isn\u2019t. 3.Stick to a posting schedule. (Whatever works for you. Just don\u2019t post one thing and go missing for a month.) 4.No adult content. 5. No recolors or very easy edits are to be posted, this rule is only in place to keep you from getting flamed/trolled. Recolors are looked down upon in this comic. 6. Spriters must have at least some experience with sprites before applying to join. If they do not, their application will be denied. 7. Flaming, spam, and arguing in the comments will not be tolerated, and will be deleted. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, drop a PM my way. -Noland", false, true], "TheSquirrelPrince": ["http://squirrelprince.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "The story of King Takeshi's quest to defeat a witch who lives deep within a forest filled with spirits, ghosts and a talking squirrel who may or may not be his true love. Based very, very loosely on characters from Clamp's Duklyon, but designed to be read as an original story accessible to everyone. Tumblr account: http://squirrelprincecomic.tumblr.com Updates every Monday and Thursday.", false, true], "TheStarBrats": ["http://starbrats.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Led by the neglected daughter of the world's most famous retired superhero, The StarBrats are young California metahumans who eschew the Hollywood-drenched practices of modern heroes and the media machine that fuels them.", false, true], "TheStingofaGoldenNeedleshortstories": ["http://tsoagn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "The lives of many have been changed over the years since the invention of the fursona was released; the murgeing of two souls, one animal and one human. It was though to be great, somthing to sell to the public (not unlike the idea of cloneing) but before they could do that tests would have to be made. These tests proved the experiment a disaster, somthing not to sell but to destroy. However, some had different ideas for this project, they assumed they could change its outcome by useing those created with it as minions. What those who used the project did not know was that these 'creations' did indeed have minds of their own. Though not the mind of either of their previous bodies, even if both excist. Follow the paths many of these creations take to prove that they too have their own thoughts and personalities, that they too have conciouses dispite even their own thoughts. *READS RIGHT TO LEFT!!!*", false, true], "TheStoryWithNoName": ["http://cityofdepression.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 163, "#TW:Self Harm Have you ever died repeatedly because of a misunderstanding and a plot to take over the world? Conner Has. Now lets see where the streets of Depression takes us. (SWNN is a big learning opportunity to discover the rights and wrongs in comic design as well as composition, coloring, and stylistics. As the aesthetics of SWNN progress further in the story so will the personalities of the characters, so please pardon their blandness, predictability and plain boring nature. I promise you they will become not lame dumbfucks further on. The Story with No Name is a BIG complex creature that I've designed to teach very personal lessons on how not to be a huge dick.)", false, true], "TheStoryofGohan": ["http://gohan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "This comic is a redone DBZ comic of what Gohans life would be ( through my eyes .) REBOOTED!(10/6/13)", false, true], "TheSummerofAquarius": ["http://thesummerofaquarius.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Spoiled, bratty Mika is in for an unforgettable summer--spending time with her grandmother and a bunch of crazy hippie teens in the backwoods of California.", false, true], "TheSummerofBlakeSinclair": ["http://blake-sinclair.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 898, "A slice of life comic set in the summer of a student's university life. about hipsters, Punks, and ultimately self reflection and 'honesty'. This comic is Apparently what you would call a 'social comedy' and a sattire on generation Y. loosely based on my recently passed student experiences =) Hopefuly this comic will remind you of summer when you read it; enjoy!", false, true], "TheSummerofFlies": ["http://thesummerofflies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "During the the four month summer of 2011, Judy experiences an anxiety attack.", false, true], "TheSummoning": ["http://thesummoning.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A prince living in a time of prosperity, Miles has it all, until a night with a party guest he has never met before robs him of everything he has ever known. Updates may be slightly sporadic, but I'm aiming for every weekend. BL, mature content of both a violent and sexual nature.", true, true], "TheSunariGirl": ["http://thesunarigirl.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 11, "Rated M: Occasional swearing, nudity, and violence The Sunari Girl takes place in an alternate universe equalvalent to ours. Mysterious deaths occur in the island of Sunaria, caused by a shadow nine-tailed fox. and the only one who can end its terror is in the hands of a young woman with the power of the healing spirit. Status: On going since 2013-", false, true], "TheSuperMarioBrothersSuperComic": ["http://tsmbsc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "A retelling of various Mario games. Using the knowledge of the series and other Mario related sources.", false, true], "TheSuperSonicComic": ["http://thesupersoniccomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Sonic and friends chilling and being stupid like always!", false, true], "TheSweetScent": ["http://sweetscent.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "BL | Comedy | Fantasy | Romance | Tragedy | a lit action It's a story between human and vampire, of course it's BL XD Tama suddenly had to move to a boarding school on the orders of his grandfather. Just because he late on the first day go to school, he must recieve unreasonable punishment from the disciplinary committee chairman, Nero. Why Tama suddenly had to move to this school and why nero give unreasonable punishment to Tama? Is there something behind all of this? >>>>WARNING<<<< contains blood scene, violence, love between male, and stupid story READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT, enjoy.. ------------------------------------------------------ English is not my mother language, so forgive me if my english sound weird and please correct it if you can ^^", true, true], "TheTCandStrikerShow": ["http://tcandstriker.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "Based on the some of the insanity of the Twisted Kaiju Theatre forums. WARNING!! THERE BE LOTS OF SWEARING HERE!!", false, true], "TheTaleofSeaborn": ["http://thetaleofseaborn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "This webcomic is a 'My Little Pony' themed, which means ponies, ponies AND YES, more Ponies. Come and meet a Stallion Captain of the Equestrian seas, and watch his life unfold as he retires to become a Port Master. Meet his friends, see the interactions when meeting other ponies, and discover the true reason for his early retirement...", true, true], "TheTaleofSylveonAPMDGatesofinfinityNuzlocke": ["http://sylveon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "", false, true], "TheTaleofWillowandVine": ["http://willowvine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "A short story about a boy and the friend he meets. --- The prequel: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=128157", false, true], "TheTaleofWillowandWren": ["http://willowwren.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "A short story about a girl that grows up and the precious thing she leaves behind. --- The sequel: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=130441", false, true], "TheTalesofSerendipity": ["http://talesofserendipity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 122, "Serendipity is the phenomenon of finding wonderful things you were never searching for. With that said, join the herd into the land of Equestria and beyond, seeing the intertwining lives of the ponies who live there.", false, true], "TheTemple": ["http://thetemple.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "Dan is in the forest one day when he meets Samantha, who insists that he take her to the Temple of the Goddess of Wishes -- and claims to be the Goddess herself, no less! What are the answers to the mysteries surrounding this girl? Find out by reading every Wednesday! See more comics in Astram Comics - http://astramcomics.wordpress.com/", false, true], "TheThanatosComplex": ["http://thanatoscomplex.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "What if you only had a month to live and could do whatever you wanted with no consequences? That is the question posed by Allen Pearson, the protagonist of my graphic novel, The Thanatos Complex. This documentary-style, realist story in the visual style of Alex Maleev and the film A Scanner Darkly, is comprised of images from the final months before Allen's planned suicide. Allen, a high-powered California mortgage broker, is thirty-one years old and seems to have it but he knows that his life is actually a monotonously boring and, ultimately, meaningless. Determined to give his life meaning, if only for a little while, Allen embarks on a freewheeling journey of self-destructive hedonism. Will Allen manage to turn his life around before he closes the book forever? Told through the lens of a documentary crew and increasingly delusional vision, The Thanatos Complex ponders the darkest recesses of the human soul and examines that most basic of questions: Why are we here?", false, true], "TheThiefsTale": ["http://thiefs-tale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "\"The Thief's Tale\" is an all-ages medieval fantasy adventure story. The first two chapters of this story are finished, and I am now beginning work on chapter three.", false, true], "TheTimeDog": ["http://timedog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 340, "Ayaka travels through time with \"the time-dog\". A strange and weird story :)", false, true], "TheTwelveBrothers": ["http://the12brothers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "", false, true], "TheUnsuccessfulViking": ["http://www.theunsuccessfulviking.com/comics/", 49, "For whatever reason Kari Bjarkason's life turned out not all that amazing. In a Viking world her lives a dull and empty existence BY CHOICE. Outside of having a few good conversations with his one and only friend Odinnbreki Tryggvason (or Breki for short) on occasions he likes mostly to wallow in self pity and cynically judge others, that is until he receives an unexpected offer he can't so easily refuse.", false, true], "TheViewersDecision": ["http://theviewersdecision.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "Welcome to Viewer's decision. We longer do requests as this is comic is now finished... FOREVER!", false, true], "TheWTFSeries": ["http://wtfseries.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "Our derpy heroine, Gretz, Gets warped from this plane of existence to one where everyone has animal features, supernatural creatures roam the lands, Gods and Godesses use you as their personal pawns, and ... almost every other human, is in fact, not human at all !", false, true], "TheWastelands": ["http://wastelands.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A world abandoned by its Gods and the people who find out why. Did they really abandon their people? Updated Sundays. Updated more frequently at Manga Magazine http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/The-Wastelands/detail-page/2864?lang=en", false, true], "TheWell": ["http://thewell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "a 24 hour comic challenge that i have kept shut in for too long.", false, true], "TheWhiskeyDevils": ["http://thewhiskeydevils.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "The Whiskey Devils is an anthology of 24 Hour Comics, created by Gibson Twist as part of the 24 Hour Comics Day events in Fredericton, New Brunswick from 2005-2008.", true, true], "TheWhiteTower": ["http://thewhitetower.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 270, "Cotton has no memory of who he is. He just woke up from a seven month coma. His hair is completely gone. And no one is telling him anything. A sci-fi/mystery/drama comic. Warning: partial nudity, some violence and cursing.", false, true], "TheWinterCampaign": ["http://winterc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 159, "Japan, 1919. 16-year-old Akio and his mother move into a new home with the mysterious Kikugawa family: A secretive father, a fragile and reclusive son, and the shadow of a mother whose death years ago may be more than it appears. The lines between truth and fantasy, and friend and enemy begin to blur as winter sets in... Drama/Historical/Coming-Of-Age/Romance? Contains angsty teenagers, Taishou-era geekery on the part of the author, and some BL. Updates once or twice a week.", false, true], "TheWoodNymphIris": ["http://thewoodnymphiris.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Kidnapped by a vampire and stuck in a dungeon cell. So how to break out... well it's easy if you're Iris. Including title page, there's only eight pages, so updates twice a day :)", false, true], "TheWretchedOnes": ["http://thewretchedones.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "No one knows what happened to Nicholas Thomas in 1856, but Yayne plans on finding out. Charlie has no history of mental problems, but seeing mysterious black animals following him has him questioning his sanity. A sudden rise of unsolved fires and deaths has the English city of Grimwood biting its nails. See how twins who jumped the pond and a couple of... a couple find themselves in something much bigger than themselves. Updates fridays", false, true], "TheYoshiHerd": ["http://theyoshiherd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 313, "A comic about a young Yoshi, and his efforts to become a hero. To evolve, become something more than he was meant to be; little does he know, more people than he alone depend on this. I swear, it's better than it sounds. Not by a LOT but it IS. The Yoshi Herd. Wish I could say it's updated weekly - so I decided to start updating weekly! Every Wednesday, usually late at night - Australian time anyway - point is, there's roughly a six hour window every Wednesday where you might see it pop up. But, uh, keep it on the down-low. People might start EXPECTING it to update. As if it was MAKING A COMEBACK or something. So this? This is between you, and me. If you tell anyone - look, just don't tell anyone. You don't wanna know, capiche?", false, true], "TheZeroSpriteTestgrounds": ["http://thezerospritetestgrounds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 113, "This is where all the magic gets tested.", false, true], "TheZombieChronicles": ["http://thezombiechronicles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Welcome to the world of Virus Z. A medical miracle gone wrong. Turning any thing it touches into the vicious undead. Journey through three people's expiriences in this blood thirsty horror. Status: Completed", true, true], "Theadventureoftwoidiots": ["http://taoti.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Just a random comic about two idiots named Clara and Elliot (also known as Deso) who lives together. ; v ; Sorry it will be really sketchy and im lame so dont expect much The comic will consist of idiocy and randomness and sometimes romance ohohoho //shot Read from Left to right", false, true], "Theatrics": ["http://theatrics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 135, "A weekly movie review comic, starring two ruthless critics who will bash a different cinematic release, both new blockbusters and obscure classics, every week. By Itamar Katz", false, true], "Thefateofthree": ["http://thefateofthree.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Comics about three soul eaters named Demise, Cupe and Treat. These comics are drawn by me and 2 of my friends Katti and Bizara. DA: http://kuropexi.deviantart.com/gallery/42618825", false, true], "Theheiligenstadttestament": ["http://heiligenstadt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "silence is not the absence of sound. -materials- watercolor and ink on paper copyright Lining Wang 2011.", false, true], "ThehumanBEing": ["http://thehumanbeing.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 163, "\"A story about friends and enemies; love and hate; forgiving and forgetting; holding on and letting go. A story about being human, and being MORE...\" Follow the story of ten friends as they survive college, friendship, love, and life in general. No matter who we are, what we know, or what we believe, we are all HUMAN. Updates: Tuesdays Reads left to right", false, false], "TheiaMania": ["http://theia-mania.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 146, "My own take on Greek mythology. Join Hermes, Hades, Persephone, Athena and the others as they try to deal with themselves, their complicated family and those strange humans. NEKYIA: A journey down to the Underworld. A philosopher and a necromantic priestess enter Hades' realm to find the answer to the question what a good life really is. At the same time, the messenger god Hermes arrives with a message to Hades... DADDY'S GIRL: Athena is miraculously born from her father's head. She's stronger and more intelligent than most people, but deep down she is just a confused child who tries to understand herself, her family and the world around her. This story takes place long before the events in NEKYIA. HERO BONES: A short story about Hermes, love and fossils. Has some mature content, but nothing too explicit. Takes place after NEKYIA DESTROYER OF LIGHT: Tells the story of Persephone and her life with her mother, the harvest goddess Demeter, before she became the queen of the Underworld. Snakes, flowers and dark secrets. Has some mature content. Updates usually once a week.", false, true], "ThelaughingDeath": ["http://thelaughingdeath.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 107, "When Leyr was a little boy, he was taken from the head of the business organisation \"Ligth\" - River, who forms him for purposes of the organization to a perfect assassin. But for many reasons, with the passing years, members of the organization get more and more terrified of Leyr. In the end, they decide to kill him ... \"Please read from right to left! ^^\"", false, true], "Themadman": ["http://themadman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 256, "everyday insanity, taking what life throws at you just a notch further to show what could happen^^ updates once a week", false, true], "Thenewroommate": ["http://thenewroommate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Andr\u00e1s, the school professor working on an excavation. He pick up his old pupil Botond and now they live together. But from the last working place Botond bring home a snake, so their live turning it upside. --------- It would be a one-shot story with 38 pages.", false, true], "ThenextSeer": ["http://thenextseer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Just a small project I'm doing to teach myself how to do frames and layers on Gimp. If you like it I'll continue, but the story revolves around Nanami. She's Korbyn's daughter, the twist in the story is that Korbyn died when Nanami was 8 years old. Nanami Has to become the next seer all on her own, just like her mother. Hope you enjoy this Seer spin off The Seer look it up it's awesome!", false, true], "Thepathofawareness": ["http://pathofawarenss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "A short comic. 19 pages in length A tale from creation.", false, true], "Theprophecyaboutme": ["http://tpam.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "The protagonist is a kind fairy who lives in an enchanted forest, but according to the prophecy, she will help the prince to slay a dragon. --- Shoujo, fantasy, adventure, on going.", false, true], "ThereisNoSanctuary": ["http://nosanctuary.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Niall's death meant that Fallon has to find his Weapon. It also allowed her to leave that dreadful place she used to call home. Unfortunately, circumstances in the world of humans and supernatural makes her quest difficult and dangerous. With an apprentice dogging her heels, with a rebellion stirring in the unholy kingdom ruled by Dragons, with the secrets of finding water in the desert - well, there's a lot going on. It's a maze out there. Pick your paths wisely.", false, true], "TheseTumblingTimes": ["http://tumblingtimes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A collection of short stories following the highs and lows of life.", true, true], "Theswordsmanandtheamnesiac": ["http://tsata.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "a comic by earthan black and padmini black. updates monday, wednesday, friday Two unrelated stories become one when strangers become friends. One follows a dream while the other flees a nightmare across the haunted land.", true, true], "Theydontknowanything": ["http://theydontknowanything.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "Vincent returns to his home town after several years of absense. He has a crush on his long time friend, Matthew. It's BL/shonen-ai/yaoi/gay idk read this way \u2192 \u2192 \u2192 \u2192 (warning:Bad art in the beginning style changes might happen for a while i will try to find something stable orz)", false, true], "ThiefCatcherRingTail": ["http://tcringtail.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 256, "RingTail is the hero name of the main character, Lynia, who is actually formally a thief! After her family is arrested she is hired by her rich, genius classmate Rose to test out her superhero inventions. Together, they stop thieves and uncover the sinister plot of Arcadio, Lynia's former employer. This comic reads Left to Right.", false, true], "ThingsIWishICouldTellMyExBoyfriend": ["http://thingsiwishicouldtellmyex.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "I am coming to find that breakups suck... a lot.", false, true], "ThinkBeforeYouThink": ["http://thinkbeforeyouthink.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 230, "A funny, awkward, and spontaneous comic about a guy who can read minds. Updates Fridays.", false, true], "ThirdWheelParty": ["http://thirdwheelparty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Third Wheel Party is about three teenagers; Billi; a studious nerd who's reading most of the time, Ichigo; the weird, black-haired boy who almost never speaks and who's carrying a voodoo-doll in his school-bag most and then Mariana; a cute but kind of ill-tempered girl who's the main reason of these three odd people getting to know each other. THIS COMIC WILL UPDATE EVERY WEDNESDAY!", false, true], "Thirteenthpageboy": ["http://13pb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "", false, true], "ThisFuckery": ["http://thisfuckery.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "What happens when you get a group of idiots together? Madness. A group of close friends who go through weird non sense together mainly because of the two biggest idiots, Zenix and Lexi. Bad language, straight and gayness, stupidity is what you'll be getting into.", false, true], "ThisThend": ["http://thisthend.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Short Summary \"Its the End.\" Who are we? Where are we? Is this real? Who knows they cant remember. All they know is they have to wake up or face there Nighmares. Im not sure im sorta making this up as i go. Enjoy!", false, true], "Thisboringfuture": ["http://t-b-f.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "The blue guy goes through the Wastelands with fun & chaos.", false, true], "ThisisaComicAboutMewtwo": ["http://mewtwocomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A random comic about random video games that updates randomly...that's random. Basically, this is your generic video games/slice of life comic. Except with random Mewtwos thrown in every now and then.", false, true], "ThisistheWorstIdeaYouveEverHad": ["http://twiyeh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 282, "TWIYEH! is a an urban fantasy comic about idiots with magic powers and also there are monsters and stuff. This is a mirror of the main site located at http://worstidea.skyscrapersoup.com which updates every Monday and Wednesday. I batch update over here every 10 pages or so.", false, true], "Thisiswheremymindisat": ["http://thisiswheremymindisat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "After losing his mind John decides to revisit his life on tape. Hoping to find himself and his mind while still searching for love. Two seperate universes slowly come together in this non-linear Psychological drama. Will John find his mind? Or will he realize he was looking in the wrong place all along?", false, true], "ThornTopia": ["http://tnt100.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "Thorn is reknown for her alts. This a showcase of all the ones she's got! This series is now completed! Many thanks to all the contributors and followers for sticking around!", false, true], "ThornsComic": ["http://thornscomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 119, "Isabella's life changes when she meets a centuries-old cursed vagabond prince from another world. Suddenly she is pulled into the curse and demons that control his life. Will she believe in the truth of fairy tales in time to help him? Updates every Sunday. Thorns updates a page ahead on it's original website www.thornscomic.com", false, true], "ThoughtsAneroticStory": ["http://thoughts-erotica.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Gabriel has locked himself out from his home, sitting at a bar around closing time he is offered a place to stay... What could this lead to?", true, true], "ThoughtsOftheJudicious": ["http://totj.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "This shit is over.", false, true], "ThreeStoneHeads": ["http://threestoneheads.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Pauria, the backwater continent of the world Irhlos, has long suffered tragedy. Its people are rugged, its beasts are beings of nightmares and its curses are the fabric in which evil is made of. It is curse that draws three unusual Paurian denizens together (along with a little help from a rather insane, gnomish looking wizard) to secure three ancient stone relics. Little do these adventurers know that these heads of stone are more than they bargained for...", false, true], "ThroughtheDarktheresLight": ["http://thoughthdarkislight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Even if we are in the dark there is light. Brianna is a women posssesed to be young and beautiful and curses her self. Soon she doesn't want only that but the world under her control. She gets help with her assistant and meet the 'golden' child that is said to help her dears come true. It's a new comic I'm starting. Hope you enjoy! Wonderful art doing by : Dokibaku", false, true], "ThumbWar": ["http://thumbwar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Random sketches I throw together whenever I need something to do. Some are in black and white, some are in color, some have a punchline, some just exist, but there's something here for everyone.", false, true], "TilKingdomCome": ["http://tilkingdomcome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A Pok\u00e9mon Black Nuzlocke Follow Mira as she embarks on her Pok\u00e9mon journey, and discovers the truth about not only the Unova region, but her own existence.", false, true], "TimorIratus": ["http://timoriratus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "Soul City, an idealized vision of a single man, Gabriel Soul. In this vision, Mr. Soul saw potential for a civilization of peace away from the rest of the warring world. But, where there is humanity, there will always be unrest. With Mr. Soul's son, Gabriel Soul II resting on the edge of inheriting his father's legacy, things have seemed to shift within the city and a new era is coming, what will this entail for the citizens of Soul City? Delve into Timor Iratus, a story full of deception, political intrigue, blackened pasts, perversion, stylized action, and the all around pull of human emotion as told through the eyes of different individuals who will all have their lives changed forever. WARNING: This comic includes strong language, points of extreme violence, nudity, sexuality, and is not recommended for the ideologically sensitive. Uploading will be done a page a day up until the chapter ends, after a chapter ends, there will be a week long break until the next chapter uploads. Chapter lengths will vary depending on how I feel the story has flowed and the situation pertaining to each chapter. Happy reading.", false, true], "TinyPinkRobots": ["http://tinypinkrobots.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 464, "Featuring me, my beatnik lumberjack husband, mild cat torture, dancing and the occasional tiny robot. Updates Monday & Wednesday!", false, true], "TitleUnrelated": ["http://www.titleunrelated.com/comics/", 137, "The Newest Iteration.", false, true], "ToBeHonest": ["http://tbhonest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Just me and a friends's random antics, drawings, and strips just for the hell of it!! While some may be old, others will be labled as present time!! so ya know what is currently happening with our livessss! some drawings may be sketched^^", false, true], "ToStopanEmpire": ["http://tostopanempire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "The Battle to Save Humanity Picture a world where the internet is a thing of the past. Imagine your Country has turned its back on the citizens. What if people's thoughts were no longer their own? What if you were one of the few who knew the truth? In a not so distant future, the internet is no more; communicating with other Countries is impossible for the citizens and the leaders of each Country have complete control over everything - even your thoughts. Desperation causes Azure Dragon to send out a message to anyone who can receive it; luckily, the modern day Robin Hood and her closest friend, 'Lil John', are happy to help. Together, they'll take down the mighty Empire: Zero World.", false, true], "ToThinkandLive": ["http://tothinkandlive.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "", false, true], "ToVIndecentExposure": ["http://vesperiaie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A short Tales of Vesperia comic", false, true], "ToadManWinsAtEverything": ["http://toadmanwins.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "A power umatched. Expectations are high. Do you know where your loyalties lie? With doom at your side, no one can stand against your power. You are Toad Man.", false, true], "Todayiworeblack": ["http://todayiworeblack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "pink was our color.", false, true], "TomatoesinmySalad": ["http://tims.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Louis Brown is obsessed with everything creepy and crawly , but the tall, quiet kid in his class, definitely isn't a Vampire...what a bummer! Contents: Extreme gore (Seriously, this comic will have a n unhealthy amount of blood spill!), menstrual cycles, It also has a very, very light undertone of BL (boy+boy relationships)", true, true], "TomorrowX": ["http://tomorrowx.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Curtis is a robot which wakes up in a foreign world. What happened to him and why can't he understand a single word of the people around him? He thinks of his last memories... Reading direction from right to left ;)", false, true], "TonttuAndEnkeli": ["http://tonttujaenkeli.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "FINISHED My newest comic! I drew this a few weeks ago, and finished it today. It's only 4 pages, and no text bubbles. The name is in finnish, and means Pixie and Angel (by Pixie I mean those little people who are helping Santa Claus). And the story is inspired by song named Tonttu ja Enkeli by Jope Ruonansuu. The song tells about an angel who is sad because she don't know how to help sad people, but then the pixie gives her some advice and then they are happy together. I'm sorry that my toning skills are bad, but I can only get better! If you like this, please fav or comment, I want to know what people think about my comics :-) Merry Christmas!", false, true], "TooManyKittens": ["http://toomanykittens.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Miscellaneous. Happenings.", false, true], "TopClass": ["http://topclass.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "Reiichi is a world class martial artist. Reiko, his twin sister, is a magical Seer student at the top of her class. Reiichi isn't all that interested in magic, until Reiko leaves for a surprise test... and never returns. On top of that, Reiko is disappearing from photos and few remember she ever existed. Determined to find his sister, Reiichi jumps head first in to the world of magic... Even if it means dressing like a girl.", false, true], "TopsyTurvy": ["http://topsyturvy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Prince Michel's kingdom gets destroyed and now he wants revenge - so he infiltrates the kingdom as Princess Michelle. With the help of a revolutionary nurse, a gay knight and an in-disguise squire, Michel will attempt to overthrow the king and win the people of the kingdom over!", false, true], "TotalDramaSurvivor": ["http://totaldramasurvivor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 220, "We're bringing back some of your favorite Total Drama contestants for a chance at another million dollars! Who will win? Who will lose? Find out here... on Total Drama Survivor!", false, true], "TotalPokemonIslandD": ["http://tpi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "Welcome t'Total Pokemon Island, where 15 teens are gonna rough it out. Watch alliances be made, frienships tested, and a bunch'a other crazy stuff! Not really looking for any co-authors unless I ask you.", false, true], "TotallyCrossover": ["http://totallycrossover.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 146, "There are a lot of typical generic gaming webcomics out there. This one, however, is not one of them. Where most comics are fully happy to parody the gaming world one game at a time, Totally Crossover will parody them all. At the same time. The gaming stars of 2010 unite to face an unknown enemy which could destroy all of time and space itself. This should be fun.", false, true], "ToughBreak": ["http://toughbreak.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Themis sinks into a frivolous lifestyle after having an epiphany; a comfortable lull of indifference that suddenly grew unsure of itself in the face of a forgotten love.", false, true], "TowardtheBlue": ["http://towardtheblue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "Akio may seem like he has a good life. He is good-looking, tall and has a great job. His only downfall he is lonely and is having a tiny problem finding someone. Being gay is not even a part of the reason either... --------------------------------- This is a yaoi- boyxboy- so if you have a problem with that DO NOT READ THIS!!! You have been warned. Thank ya ALSO- Sou was created by my good friend Lea Schuffert, so credit for his character is all for her <3 I will dub this mature for later chapters. I will be going back to work tomorrow so my page uploads will be slowed, but I will aim to put a new page up per week. I hope you continue to read and enjoy!", true, true], "ToxinsAndTurbines": ["http://toxinsandturbines.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "WARNING: This comic contains mature content, sexual content, language use, and offensive content!!!", false, true], "ToyaN": ["http://toyan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "ToyaN is a profitless Pokemon boylove-doujinshi around Pokemon Black and White protagonist Toya and antagonist N. Comic will show regions from Kanto to Unova and even presentations of the mightiest trainers there are, including Red. Characters are mildly customized for the surroundings of the comic. Comic also shows original characters designed by author. The comic is purely respecting all developers of Pokemon and the franchise. STATUS UPDATE 26.9.2013 Drawing pages totally halts for a time, thanks to animationproject and other stuff I have to deal with. Bear with me, because you're awesome and I haven't forgotten you :c \u2665", false, true], "TraiFiori": ["http://tra-i-fiori.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "Amateur photographer Andrea is a loving seme who likes to take pictures of flowers for his cute uke Flavio, who can't enjoy the most beloved subject of his paintings because of a pollen allergy. What will happen when the flimsy Japanese spirit of a cherry tree would feel extremely offended by the lack of politeness of Andrea towards its beautiful blossoms..?! [UPDATED ON WEDNESDAYS]", false, true], "TransUMan": ["http://transuman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 509, "Mutants. Aliens and Zombies, Oh My! It starts simply enough: another day of survival. But then...", true, true], "TransUmansUbterran": ["http://sub-terran.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "Tara and Soldier are now safely in the Sub Levels of the domed city. What could possibly go wrong? Oh boy...", true, true], "Transfusions": ["http://transfusions.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 264, "Boy meets a vampire. What happens when they get to know each other? This comic will have lotsa boylove stuff in it, so if you have a problem with that, get rid of that problem and then come back here and enjoy the comic. If you don't have a problem with BL then... enjoy the comic anyways!<3 Updates every Sunday.", false, true], "TrappedACYOAComic": ["http://trappedacyoac.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Yeah, this is a choose your own adventure comic. You probably know how this works... but if you don't I have provided a brief, basic explanation in Part 1. Updates: Completed.", false, true], "TrappedFreedom": ["http://trapped-freedom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Put together pirates, a gryphon and a rare mermaid breed. What do you get? Two mercenaries named Demion and Grayl traveling across the world in search of one thing. Freedom. Welcome to Trapped Freedom ;) WARNING: This comic might contain mature content. Blood, gore, adult language and sexual content(not porn)", false, true], "Traveller": ["http://traveller.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "The comic is a multi-world story following the main character, Able, as he is pulled into different worlds. Able\u2019s task is to find the reason why he has been pulled to the world, and fix it, in order to be pulled back out again. The most common reason would be due to an evil villain, who is trying to destroy the world he was pulled into.", false, true], "TreexVirus": ["http://zekt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "This is a fan doujinshi of the Epic of Zektbach featuring L'erisia and Malchut in the Masinowa arc. ;3 Original Story(Music) & Characters belong to Zektbach and Maya. If you haven't heard the Epic of Zektbach, go to youtube or something and check it out! 83[/shameless advertisement] Read right to left! :] Warning: This oneshot contains shoujo-ai This webcomic is completed.", false, true], "TrickSong": ["http://tricksong.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "TrickSong is the story of Sophie, an over-imaginative girl with her magical squirrel friend (a red squirrel model come to life), Trick. Join Sophie with her friends Hannah and Brett, as they and Trick go on adventures together. The only limit is their imagination! Updates Mondays and/or Thursdays, depending on when pages are finished.", false, true], "TricksTwinsAndThieves": ["http://trickstwinsandthieves.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Tirnen and Trenton are twins, troublemakers, and together make the best thieving duo in the world, so they believe. Comics of their friendship, hardships and successes, this is a collection of the stories of two brothers against the world, including all their fun and games, with additional havoc-wrecking and thievery. This comic is rated PG-13 and will encounter instances including, but not limited to, homo and hetero sexuality, violence, awkward or uncomfortable situations, sad realities, and twisted moralities.", false, true], "TrickyBirthday": ["http://trickybirthday.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "A Tiger&Bunny fancomic for Barnaby's birthday the 31 of October. Characters: Kotetsu T. Kaburagi and Barnaby Brooks Jr. Rating: General", false, true], "TrillyAndSilly": ["http://trillysilly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "This usefull story written by Cynthia and Debby alias Silerna(Silly) and Trilly for those who could use a little edge. Follow their daily shabbies and meet lots of new strange creatures. Give their furry companion and Cynthia's best friend Kitty a big hug and she shall teach you the important things in life as well! Each chapter includes a few short-comic stories that you will enjoy! Seriously... don't try this at home alright ? ~ This comic reads from left to right.", false, true], "TroubledWatersAnEmeraldNuzlocke": ["http://troubledwaters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 117, "Thrown into the midst of a terrible disaster in the Pok\u00e9mon world, KK must get to the bottom of the mystery - before it's too late. Lives are at stake, the world of Pok\u00e9mon is falling into ruin, and the team has to try and find out where the Nuzlocke disease came from. Only danger lies down that road, but that's where destiny leads. Of course, because Professor Birch asked him to do it, he's got to take a Pok\u00e9dex with him too. Go figure. _______________ Updates every Monday at 00:00 GMT.", false, true], "Troublenextdoor": ["http://troublenextdoor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 278, "Ilona hates her new neighbor! Sure he might be a tall, athletic, motorcycle-riding hot model kind of a guy but he's snarky and rude. Just like the jocks in school that used to make fun of Ilona because she was a nerdy tomboy girl. And did he say something about Ilona's panties?! This means war! Ilona wants him gone, right now! Because he's a horrible person...but wait, he actually has a kind side? ...and how come he's always helping her out when she's in a pinch? this is...(you guessed it!) a BOYxGIRL romance sprinkled with a lot of humor and a few tearjerking moments. Hand-drawn, scanned and screentoned.", false, true], "TroyandthebigIF": ["http://troysif.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "A short story. This was supposed to be done before the new year (of 09), but it's finally freaking done. YAY!!", false, true], "TrumiaQuestCYOA": ["http://trumiaquest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "A hero has come to Trumia to save it from a curse, but it's up to you, the readers, exactly how she does it. This comic has been discontinued. Plans for the game are still in development, but it's apparently obvious that I can't run a cyoa. All sprites are 100% made by me no stealing etc etc yeah I don't think I need to say this.", false, true], "Tufts": ["http://nancy-tufts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Supplement for my Tufts application!", false, true], "TukasTrial": ["http://tukastrial.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Rebecca Tuka is a Moon Knight who will enter in a big heroic fantasy adventure with her new, exccentric friends, against the evil forces of Chaos and Darkness.", false, true], "TumblrRumblrJaySung": ["http://tumblrrumblr48.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "I participated in an OCT called Tumblr Rumblr starting in the may of 2012 and ending in January 2013. It was a great experience involving a lot of really talented people and I'm super thankful for being able to be a part of it. The official Tumblr for the OCT is here http://t-rumblr.tumblr.com/ you should definitely check it out and look at all the amazing contestants in it.", false, true], "TunaFlakesinBrine": ["http://tunaflakesinbrine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Miki's life isn't going on perfectly. She's having hard time trying to live on her own and getting good grades. One day a god of envy named Kade, forced to live on Earth, shows up and wants Miki to help him. Both trying to reach their own selfish goals gives even more problems to Miki, but it makes them both to realize that some things can't be won alone.", true, true], "TurbulenceOneshot": ["http://turbulence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "THIS MANGA IS READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT! (COMPLETED!) Suzuhara Yana has been the target of her classmates since she was small. Because of her father's death, Yana and her mother lived a hard live in a small place. However, her mother remarried one day to Suzuki, one of the richest families in the place. Yana began her new life in the big house, but she wa disliked by her stepfather, and her new elder brother had a bad attitude. Yana lived in a small loft the the top of the house, and she was not allowed to use the front door. Despite her bad experiences, Yana tried to live a normal life in school, but soon afterwards she discovered the true personality of her brother...", false, true], "TutorMe": ["http://tutorme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Yori has the brains but lacks the common sense, Shun has the common sense but lacks the brains. When the two boys happen to meet over a lost wallet they come up with a plan to help one another through tutoring but they soon start to notice something as time goes on. Warning: Boys love, cheesy lines and most likely a sex scene so ya'know....don't read if you don't like it.", true, true], "TwelveHours": ["http://zombiehour.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "One fateful morning, our protaganist awakens to the grim news that zombies have taken to the streets in a Night of the Living Dead scenario. Nonplussed and groggy, it takes them time to realize that they too are one of the newly undead. How very strange. This is based on a dream I had.", true, true], "TwentyThirtyThree": ["http://2033.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "It is the year 2033, in the United Kingdom, and survivors in the wake of a terrible disaster work together to build a new life for themselves. Updates Fridays. Available in English and Italian, reading order: left-to-right. Smackjeeves hosts only the English language version. MangaMagazine hosts the English and Italian versions here: http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Twenty-Thirty-Three/detail-page/4753?lang=en", false, true], "TwigSoup": ["http://twigsoup.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "WOAH", false, true], "Twinsofsin": ["http://twinsofsin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A short comic with my two twin characters. This is not a very great comic, mostly me fooling around with some angles and such. Enjoy.", true, true], "TwoActorsBL": ["http://boyloveactors.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Two boys of the ages of 18 are working their job as actors for the Gay and Lesbian networks on television. Peter and Elliot have been friends since they met while auditioning for the two main roles in the show. Both of them getting the parts. They have already kissed and had many romantic moments in the television show, yet have there been actual romantic feelings rising?", false, true], "TwoAssholesPlayPokemon": ["http://twoassholesplaypokemon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "An adventure where two friends plan on taking over the world by using mutated animals that are stuffed into balls. So pretty much a regular Pokemon adventure.", false, true], "Tyree": ["http://tyree.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Viktor leaves his home on a quest to convince Death to spare his father. Rated PG-13 for mild gore, language, sexuality, and mature concepts.", false, true], "UNNOTICED": ["http://unnoticedredo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "This is a mild boy love I did for fun. I suck at descriptions. So just read it.", false, true], "Uandthesoul": ["http://uandthesoul.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "U and the soul is a 17 page short comic about a quest for the meaning of the soul. U represents an uncertain but curious mind. He travels to many places to ask for help with his quest.", false, true], "Ubersexual": ["http://ubersexual.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "+18 Mature content warning (nudity, sex -heterosexual & homosexual -and kinda rude language) EROTIC - HUMOR- SLICE OF LIFE story featuring three bizarre... entities. The sweet (and very lost) Marisol. A silent actor wannabe gay boy called Lope. A red-haired Macedonian tyrant whose name shall not be spoken... Well, he's called Boris. All three sharing a flat and probably something more in Barcelona. Sex, friendship, a huge dose of humor and a cat (in addition).", true, true], "Ubiquitous": ["http://ubiquitous.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Long before time was defined, Humans, Demons, Angels, Faeries, Sprites and other creatures lived harmoniously side by side. Until a great war overtook the free world, creating darkness in the hearts of men. The catastrophe was so great it caused the lands to shift into several continents... In a world torn apart by an ancient darkness, the duty to keep the balance is up to Artek, an orphaned boy in a slave village and the strange girl found in the ruins of the old world. Even when the world is in peace there are those who wish to claim power over us all.", false, true], "UglyGirl": ["http://uglygirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Sai-haru Shita is not so normal, she wears colorful outfits suited best for a child. On top of her childish behave She believe she is \"ugly\". Because of this belief she does not believe in love ... Well that was until her childhood classmate Taimiru sticks up for her Now she is at war with her self and these hot new feelings. she is trying to change her Ugly ways so she can finally be Love. Will she lose herself , or find love or will she just remain a \"toy\" Read as her and her two best friends face their fears and insecure and Embrace the phrase \"ugly girl\".....", false, true], "UglyPeoplesClub": ["http://upc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "Lesley, finally a high school freshman, is a pretty girl with an ugly temper. One day, while skipping class with her only friend, she's caught and given detention. But instead of an after-school punishment, she finds a small group of really ugly students, known as the Ugly People's Club. And they want her to be their leader. **This is an American comic; please read left to right!** UPDATES: This comic updates EVERY Friday, with occasional Monday/Wednesday updates. ;)", false, true], "Uglygame": ["http://uglygame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 113, "so takumis had a crush on his teacher mr. asakura (who he lovingly call sensei) for a long time now, but there are these dumb games that the girls play to see who can get a specific teacher to fall in love with them first, then dump them afterwards. and asakura\u2019s next in the game. not only that, but this kid satoru, whos always bullying takumi, is getting in on the game too and according to everyone hes in the lead. takumi knows what a little shit satoru is and doesn\u2019t want sensei to get hurt, and basically gets tricked into playing the game too. now hes gotta get sensei to fall in love with him before its too late. plots based off scramble game (it made me so mad I thought I could do it better HA) reads from left to right bl/yaoi will have nasty stuff later on~~", false, true], "UltiReviews": ["http://ultireviews.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Technically not a webcomic. Anybody who wants to can send in their own webcomic to me, and I look it over and write my own review of the information, giving tips and explaining any faults within the comic, while pointing out the positives as well. All of this is my own opinion and may not hold true to your own.", false, true], "UltimateDestructionTheWorldTournament": ["http://ultimatedestruction.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "the tournament that causes ultimate destruction! welcome to the end! when you enter you fight for your life! the prize? you survive, and you are given one free wish, or a cookie, your choice. there are 8 fighters, and 3 judges. inspired by team skeluso eternal dominance", false, true], "Ultione": ["http://ultione.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "*Contains Violence/Blood and what could be seen as disturbing imagery. Updates every thursday", false, true], "UmmaSura": ["http://ummasura.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Bridgette Slattery is the teenage daughter of a wealthy American family and an otherwise normal teen until she decides to convert to Islam and is disowned by her parents. They send her to England to live with an aunt, but upon arriving learns her aunt has died in a tragic accident. With nowhere to go, Bridgette is saved by a kind Pakistani-British boy named Yusuf whose family invites her to stay with them. It is a high school story of people, humanity and what it means to be religious in the modern world.", true, true], "UncorruptedV10": ["http://uncorrupted.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "imagine your world is falling apart, monsters appear from nowhere, causing corruption and glitches everywhere. it's time for patches and mods to help the system restore. please install uncorrupted V1.0", false, true], "Uncrowned": ["http://uncrowned.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "My sort of fanfic about what Scar's life was prior to The Lion King.", false, true], "UndertheDeadSkies": ["http://underthedeadskies.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 98, "Bethany had everything you could ask for. A condo that was (almost) paid off, a well paying job, and most importantly, a family. It all changed in a heart beat and she had to watch as her whole world crumbled around her and soon she found herself alone in a city of flesh-eating zombies. Despite the overwhelming odds against her, Beth has managed to do what very few people have been able to do in this post-apocalyptic nation. She has survived. However, after coming across a young man with an unexpected trait, she finds herself torn between staying in the comfort and safety of her current routine or risking it all for the greater good of humanity.", true, true], "Underwater": ["http://underwater.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Fish in Waterbloo don't have an easy life. Their village is continually destroyed by a whale, but only Bruno found out where to live in peace. Nevertheless, he doesn't live in peace for real, either... Reading direction from right to left ;)", false, true], "Unejournee": ["http://unejournee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "French only (for the moment...) Une petite bd pour m'amuser, et pour partager une journ\u00e9e avec mes personnages.", false, true], "Unepartiedechasse": ["http://partiedechasse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Lucas est un jeune chasseur, pay\u00e9 pour traquer une b\u00eate meurtri\u00e8re. Sur son chemin, il retrouve de vieilles connaissances, qui feront ressurgir de douloureux souvenirs de son village natal. Une nouvelle page chaque Week-end! (sauf si j'oublie...teehee!)", false, true], "Unforgiven": ["http://unforgiven.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "UNFORGIVEN In a world plagued by zombies of all kind(policeman-zombies, gardener-zombies,t-rex zombies),nine guys group together to survive and fight against their worst fears. Karasu, C.B.Dice, Legato, Reverse, Requiem, Red Eye, Mariposa, Bugia, Giuda, live in a mansion, Save Point, where Reqiuem oversees everything thanks to an incredible computer. He often sends them outside of the mansion searching for food, medicine, information and other stuff. Outside of the mansion there are zombies, some born by magic and some infected by a virus. Bugia, whose point of view prevails, will follow the other guys in strange adventures, in a precarious journey between vengeance and psychosi.", true, true], "UnicampaLapis": ["http://ual.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 208, "A vida universitaria transformada em manga!", false, true], "UnicornWarrior": ["http://theunicornwarrior.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "All Fear Dearc wanted was a friend. All Shaun Farmer wanted was for his past to stop following him. Beh, I wonder if it will work out?", false, true], "UnicycleofViolence": ["http://unicycleofviolence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 101, "A webcom romcom spamtacular on horse back with robots, lies and explosions* *warning, product may not contain any of the following: romance, spam, taculars (of any kind), horses, robots, robot-horses or explosions.", true, true], "Unity": ["http://unity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Popstar is peaceful...TOO peaceful... Trouble soon finds Kirby one day while he's relaxing in Dedede's Resort. Little does he know that this simple plea for help will wind up into a bigger mess that even Kirby will not be able to manage alone.", false, true], "UnityCircuit": ["http://yurimecha.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "An anime/manga inspired comic that blends the yuri (lesbian romance) and mecha (giant robots) genres. The only thing standing between humanity and an alien invasion are Mecha called Behemotic Constructs. Violet is a new pilot and finds out that the girl she had a crush on in school is now her copilot. WARNING: Some pages contain nudity and explicit content.", true, true], "Unmarked": ["http://unmarked.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Sari's Organic half could only live so long. When it starts to die, her spark is transferred to a fully robotic, Cybertronian body... But her troubles don't end there... As it turns out, it's tough to be a bot. A TRANSFORMERS ANIMATED FANCOMIC.", false, true], "Unrivaled": ["http://unrivaled.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 41, "Son Goku is the 5th generation monkey king, he soon meets Bodhidharma. And sets off to claim his titled as the unrivled martial artist in the world!", false, true], "UntitledBenpopComic": ["http://benpop.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "A Regular Show romance fancomic. Contains m/m.", false, true], "Unusual": ["http://unusual.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "Just a romantic comedy ;D", false, true], "Unyoke": ["http://unyoke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Surprise!", false, true], "UpATree": ["http://upatree.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Up A Tree A girl climbs up a tree and falls into a place to die for.", false, true], "UpsidedownTown": ["http://upsidedowntown.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 85, "Quality debatable. It begins in the quiet yet eccentric city called Upsidedown Town in which the bastards who named it were too lazy to change it to Upsidedown City. That being said, the residents decided to make the city's mascot a smiling pickle. Sometimes the buildings are upside down and sometimes they're not. The comic's focused on Jacob Connolly and his best friend Vincent. They constantly have random chaotic acts happen around them and one of them has no idea what's going on. The ever-increasing number of other characters add to the randomosity and/or plot.", false, true], "Upyours": ["http://upyours.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Based on a story idea I came up with back when I was a 14 year old girl. Decided to make it into a parody! Even though I have an actual BL comic of my own, a little self-mockery never hurt anyone! So prepare for a yaoi stereotype and cliche filled comic mixed with a shitload of humor of course!", false, true], "UselessSenseiOkuno": ["http://uso.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Really short story about a sensei and the male school nurse who really can't stand him... Originally for a contest. Originally, I also had a different story for these characters LOL", false, true], "UshalaatWorldsEnd": ["http://ushala.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Follow exiled huntress Ushala and itinerant minstrel Cor as their threads cross again and again to weave a tale of conquering empires and challenging the gods themselves.", true, true], "VINNYAndBUDCOMIX": ["http://vinnynbudcomix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "VINNY & BUD is about two best friends growing up in the late 1970s. Vinny lives with his older brother bill who is in a rock band and his grandpa who has flashbacks from when he was a fighter pilot in world war 2. Bud has moved to town from L.A and is a boy who loves to skateboard everywhere and teaches Vinny to do the same. Bud lives with his young mother who is a little bitter from coming out of a recent divorce I have been influenced by CALVIN AND HOBBS.ARCHIE COMICS and PEANUTS. The humor is like Charlie Brown meets THAT 70'S SHOW.", false, true], "VISUALCOMICSPRESENTS": ["http://visualcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Welcome to the world of Vance Capley's Visual Comics. Here you'll see classic comics I've worked on in the past and some new strips just for you.", false, true], "VOLer": ["http://voler.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "In a far away land, where the various attempts to build flying engines have failed, Svraka, an alchemist apprentice, dreams of being able to fly one day.", false, true], "VSN": ["http://veransnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "A Nuzlocke. Kinda. We'll probably end up breaking some rules in the process, though.", false, true], "Vacan7": ["http://vacan7.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 201, "Django is living with his younger brother in the heart of the big city named Los Perdidos. He's been stuck in a limbo between being a policeman and being a detective for a while now, and he finds himself falling for his new trainer and partner. On top of that Django starts to see and hear things others can't, and hopes his odd behaviour won't get him in trouble. Six voices seek the seventh, Django. Are they here to help or harm him? Updates Thursdays. Contains m/m. Mature: Occasional swearing and half naked dudes.", true, true], "Valora": ["http://valora.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "[Full description releases with Chapter 1] A world full of chaos, unveiled to the public eye or concealed in cryptic code, compels the people to cry out for the stability they once possessed. There is an affliction dispersing across the world known as the Laughing Blight that alters and mutates whatever it comes in contact with, and to make matters worse, the entire world seems to be inevitably falling into what seems like an endless war. There are figures in play that wish to alter the current state, but that is not so easily achieved if your actions affect the fate of the world. Updates Thursdays and Sundays. (NOW TWICE WEEKLY!)", false, true], "VampireFetish": ["http://vampire-fetish.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 152, "A crossdressing vampire hunter takes on OCD vampires in modern London, all the while trying to break into the writing business using the name of the girl he was accused of murdering years ago. YA Graphic Novel: Urban Fantasy (Other Genres: Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Supernatural) ----------------------- Read full chapters online monthly @ Manga Magazine Online! http://www.mangamagazine.net loomcomics.com", false, true], "VampireGirl": ["http://vampiregirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Inspired by the Jonathan Richman song with the same name, Vampire Girl is a webcomic miniseries that delves into the life of a young girl named Levana, who lives a life of irony... the irony being that she doesn't want to be a vampire, she just wants to be a normal girl. Levana struggles with life as a vampire, and hopes to discover a way that can make her human again, little knowing that a team of determined, yet incompetent vampire hunters are out to destroy her. Will Levana find the help she seeks? Will the vampire hunters get to her first? Just click \"First Comic\" to find out, and follow the misadventures of Levana the Vampire Girl.", false, true], "VampireManAndGhostBoy": ["http://vampireman-ghostboy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Vampire Man and Ghost Boy fight crime.", false, true], "Vampireboys": ["http://vampireboys.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Akira has a crush on the new foreign boy that suddenly transfers into his class. But what happens when he finds out his his crush is actually a blood sucker?", false, true], "Vanity": ["http://vanitycomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Maria is separated from her older sister Laura by their mother whom they've never met before. She is forced to move to an odd village with brutal traditions and violent history. Will she be able to survive the barbaric game that she has been thrown into? ____________________________ Will include lots of violence, gore, and some drugs. comments are greatly appreciated! :)", true, true], "Varunair": ["http://varunair.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Incurable disease, drought, natural disaster, burnt forest, war, poverty, mischief and rebellion. The great land of Wardhaim is as good as dead. Sahra Rinslet appears and calls herself as the maiden of judgment. She is going to stop the suffering by putting an end to the cursed land, killing everyone. In order to fulfil her duty, she needs a special sphere called Z Sphere. In other side, Shatreevar Radyusha Zaahir--the Z Sphere bearer whom Sahra saved from death of a coup--is against Sahra decision. Will he be able to find a way to stop Sahra and save the people of Wardhaim?", false, true], "VerloreGeleentheid": ["http://verlore.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 145, "\"Verlore Geleentheid\" is 'n wetenskapfiksie strokiesprent wat hom deur van die ouer wetenskapfiksie soos \"All the Way Back\" (Michael Shaara) en \"Die Oorlewendes\" en \"Ruimteskip Celeste\" (albei deur Johan Bredell) laat inspireer. \"Lost Opportunity\" is a sci-fi webcomic which is inspired by older SF like \"All the Way Back\" (Michael Shaara) and \"The Survivors\" and \"Spaceship Celeste\" (both by Johan Bredell). It is in Afrikaans. The English version is here: http://lost-opportunity.thewebcomic.com/", false, true], "Vermilion4": ["http://vermilion4.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 106, "English version of Cynobrowa4 A story about Amelia and her troublesome \"family\". There's also a bit about magic and true talents ;) Polish version: http://cynobrowa4.smackjeeves.com/", false, true], "Vigilante": ["http://vigilante.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Vigilante will be updated twice every Monday! For hundreds of years creatures have lived among humans in silence, and it is only recently they are known to the world. V66 is a police force of creatures whose job is to take down fellow creatures who use a combination of manipulation, assassinations, and corruption to bring down human rule. The team's job becomes harder as they don't know who to trust, and find that they can't even trust themselves as the world begins to crumble. We all succumb to our true natures, and even a hero can become a villain.", false, true], "ViolinRomance": ["http://nsnksndkandk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "Nanako,Kentaro and Senga are best childhood friends. When, one day, Nanako moved to Canada and Senga never saw Nanako again for a long time until high school...", false, true], "VirtualMadness": ["http://virtualmadness.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "I started this comic in 2002. I have since re-written and re-drawn it. This is the newest version(lost the original some time ago). Enjoy!!!!", false, true], "Virus000": ["http://virus000.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 161, "Rei, a 15 year old student, has to switch to a new school because of an accident he caused at his previous one. Rei knows there is something wrong with him because everytime he's angry, any living thing he touches gets mysteriously ill. On Rei's first day at his new school, his bad luck lands him a detention and he ends up injuring himself on some misplaced equipment. Harumi, a girl in Rei's class, attempts to help him but backs off after seeing his wound heal itself before her eyes. Rei, not wanting to have this discovery spread, and not wanting to move schools again, decides that his only option is to make a deal and keep a sharp eye on Harumi, even if stalking is necessary. But, even with Rei's efforts to keep his ability secret, somehow people find out about it... These people call themselves \"viruses\" that have the intention to harm Rei for being the \"one of immortal blood\". Due to the constant attacks, Rei and the friends he meets along the way search to find answers about Rei's past and why these \"viruses\" are after him. *** FB: https://www.facebook.com/virus000manga {READ RIGHT TO LEFT} >Shounen >Updates every Wednesday and Saturday :D", false, true], "VirusArchiveSinnohLeauge": ["http://vasinnohleauge.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Pokemon Trainers are known to be reckless and dangerous in this time due to a virus that was spread, endangering Pokemon and causing them to become rampant. Now very few people take the league challenge let alone children, but there is a secret being held at the end of the journey only to be shared to the Champion. And our protagonist sets out on a journey she was not supposed to take in the first place.", false, true], "VisioDei": ["http://visiodei.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 8, "After the Fall-- an event that unleashed abominations and chaos into the world-- the world has fallen from grace and it is trying its best to adjust to the supernatural occurrences that are getting progressively worse. But this created opportunities that people race to take advantage of and mankind is quickly learning the consequences of dabbling in the once impossible.", false, true], "Vision": ["http://vision.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A collection of short dark stories.", false, true], "Vivir": ["http://vivir.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 86, "Warning: BL, HL, possible GL, naughty words, and an unstable drawing style. For those of you who don't know Spanish, vivir means \"to live\". Carlos Garcia was a normal kid who just wanted a normal life. However, his newlywed mother had other plans. After they moved to Japan from Spain, Carlos must start his life over again in a new school in a new country with new people and a new language. What happens once he stumbles across one named Katsu? Or rather, once Katsu stumbles across him? I try to make my stories original, but ideas from other BL comics can be found in my own comic. Thanks to all who inspire me. Vivir is off hiatus now and has started weekly updates, usually either Sunday or Monday!", false, true], "Vixen": ["http://vixen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "In Victorian England, a pagan sisterhood is abducting girls and making them decide between swearing devotion to their goddess or being cannibalized in their quest to reach true beauty. This story follows Lorna as she falls into the temptation of the clan. Along the way she finds love, nightmares, and the line that exists between reality and our own fantasies. Vixen is Lucid's senior thesis at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. It is a 41 page standalone story that deals with dark themes, including the danger of beauty and the seductive nature of illusions. WARNING: Ladygay, catty bitches, cannibalism, and gore. **The site this is hosted on is down, but I still have it up on my dA here~ http://llllucid.deviantart.com/gallery/29655773** COMIC FINISHED SEPTEMBER 2011. The printed book is now available to be purchased online at <a href=\"http://lucidcomics.storenvy.com\">lucidcomics.storenvy.com</a> for just $10!", false, true], "VoicesoftheVoiceless": ["http://vovbl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Voices of the Voiceless: The Boy Love Story Hey jerks, go to my forum! http://www.pixel-pagoda.com/", false, true], "Void": ["http://v-o-i-d.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "My 2011 24 Hour Comic Day project, as completed within the alloted time. Done in ShiPainter Oekaki. Beware inconsistent characters and convoluted plots, terrible coloring and some very, very roughly drafted pages. PREMISE: The choices a young boy must make when the Temple of Shadow where he is initiated suffers a sudden assault, and when the difference between light and shadow can define the line between life and death.", false, true], "VoidMisadventures": ["http://voidmisadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 209, "Quotes ------------------------------------------------------- Alexini: GAAAH! SPARK! Y U TOOK MAH BUCKET?!?!?!?! :C \\_/ Burey: By the name of Daucaus, I shall EAT those cookies! Carbon: i brought a fake gun to school and i didn't get suspended i'm so hardcore Dry: Doctor Robotnik's deadly speed traps Firekitty: Meow. *coughs up burning hairball onto something flammable* Gigi: You've gotta tell me when you turn on the mic, ok? Wait, it's already on?! HOW COUL- Jason: cavestorycavestorycavestorycavestorycavestorycaoeocirvgiarbvrsvoefssr Lucas: (oo) Spark: *gets burning hairball coughed onto hair* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH *grabs Alexini's bucket and pours it on self* Tater: crossing of the animals: fresh foliage", false, true], "VoyageoftheBrokenPromise": ["http://voyageofthebrokenpromise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 86, "The pirate crew of the mysterious starship Broken Promise seek revenge on a corrupt Admiral who ordered the destruction of a defenseless agricultural colony. Space pirates, aliens, princesses and valiant captains ply the space lanes in this epic journey! ****Mature Content****** Nudity and erotic content.", true, true], "VulcanZ": ["http://vulcanz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "In the far future, CHROMA and Vulcan Z battle giant monsters and space aliens to save humanity in this love letter to giant monster shows and movies.", false, true], "Vulpine": ["http://vulpine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Hey thar, welcome to Vulpine - my short Pok\u00e9mon oneshot comic thingy. It features a few original characters and is only really set up to be a prologue to a bigger story that probably won't get drawn. This won't be a nuzlocke-style Pok\u00e9mon fancomic, so please don't expect it to be. I kinda just had an idea and wanted to draw it yep :> ~~~ Updates: Probably weekly? Warnings: It deals with psychological issues and general OC angst - because who doesn't love that? oh boy Enjoy~ o/", false, true], "VultureGirl": ["http://vulturegirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "The story of a boy and a curious masked stranger that watches his stream of misfortunes... WARNING: This comic contains some violence and blood, sissy boys, naughty language, bad colds, and sandwiches. Yeah, no one cares.", false, true], "WALLETheHumanTouch": ["http://wall-e.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "What if all of the robots in the movie WALL\u0095E were all human? Wonder no further!", false, true], "WANSummerBreezeAlternativeTitle": ["http://summerbreeze.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "\"W.A.N? What's that!?\" says Ardee. \"Words, I've always wanted to say to you.\" says Aaliya. \"You wanted to tell me? Then why don't you tell me now?\" \"I want YOU to figure it out yourself!\" NOTE: THIS SERIES IS READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT.", false, true], "WHATaboutSHADOWS": ["http://was.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 117, "Charlie is a relatively normal teenage boy, who enjoys hunting supernatural creatures with his homemade \"ghost-tracking-device\" in his spare time. One day he meets a strange man, who has lost his cane. Charlie then decides to help the man find it, which was probably the worst decision he ever made. Updates Mondays (or Tuesday sometimes whoops).", false, true], "WICCA": ["http://wicca.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "A 17 year old boy, who goes by the name of Noir, has his life set up in a small shop, with his two shop assistants, he manages the store. His life was ordinary and mediocre, until the fateful day when a mysterious ancestor appears in his mirror,asking for his physical body to finish her research. Agreeing to her mysterious plea,his life changes from monotone, to life-changing,adventurous and filled with adrenaline. What awaits the young, experienced boy and the mysterious ancestor, who's intentions are unclear? (You read this comic from left to right) (NOTE: This comic will have straight and gay relationships! )", false, true], "WYIHN": ["http://wyihn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "A young Christian boy named Matthew runs into a delinquent on his way to school one day, after a bad first impression he runs into this boy once again, and contemplates pressing charges. But being a good boy Matthew believing that everyone should get a second chance, so instead he tries to make a deal, if the delinquent decides to participate in all his religious duties with him and converts to Christianity he won't call the cops on the poor soul. Of course people are more complicated than we sometimes assume, and things don't always go as planned, or so Matthew discovers. THINGS THE READERS SHOULD KNOW: -CONTAINS sex (But sorry, no porn). -Nudity. -Naughty Language. -Clich\u00e9s/Stereotypes! -Teenage AAAANGST! -Characters of varying opinions. -Violence with people and animals. -All around dissatisfaction. I love critique, if you see anything wrong feel free to point it out! C: <3", true, true], "Waitformeinheavencorazon": ["http://waitformeinheaven.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "what would you do if the doctors tell you that you have 3 years left to live? .... this one shot takes this theme... i hope you guys enjoy it.. still seeking a name for the girl im open to names for her. and some critiques ... i enjoy reading them if i don't get them i stop drawing :D doesn't matter if its good or bad.", false, true], "WakeEcho": ["http://echo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 111, "After an encounter with a soul-stealing shadow, Arial sets off on a journey to reclaim what he has lost. However, his task is much more complicated than he bargains for, and he quickly begins to learn the consequences of wandering into the dark...", false, true], "WakeUpPunchTrees": ["http://wakeuppunchtrees.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Tell me if you've seen this scene before. You wake up in a forest, with oddly cubical geology. What is it do you do? Well, now you decide. But keep in mind, this is no mere survival game. Relying on your instincts as a player may not always give you the expected results. ===== You may have noticed the lack of preview thumbnails on this page. That is because the images for the comic are hosted in the Author Comment rather than the normal page slot, so that there can be multiple images per page.", false, true], "Walden": ["http://walden.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "the life and times of a social degenerate named walden.", false, true], "WalkAwayfromtheSun": ["http://walkaway.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "The world has always been filled with mystery and wonder. Some of them had already been solved, others are still unsolved to this very day. It is such mysteries that makes us wonder what the world really holds. Find out what wonders shall be discover as a group of travelers set out into the great unknown, destined to travel the world and see these mysteries unfold.", false, true], "Wander": ["http://wander.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 88, "Three young ladies meet each other through circumstances absurd and unavoidable. Friendship formed (despite any attempts to prevent it) they wander through their world, traveling to new places and having adventures. Piper has to avenge her ex girlfriend's broken heart. Arilsden has to seek out her own path, not follow her family's footsteps. Fantz wants this itch on her butt to go away. Updates Mondays and Thursdays.", false, true], "Wanderer908": ["http://wanderer908.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A tale of a slave whom seeks revenge on the man who ruined his life.", true, true], "WantedDeadorDead": ["http://wanteddeadordead.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 327, "Two greedy undead bandits cause havoc in the wild west until one day a misterious little girl in a weird outfit hires them in order to help her father. Demons, monsters and wild west action! Beware of violence and foul language. Read L-->R Updates: Wednesday and Friday. Comment plz! :3", false, true], "WarBuddies": ["http://warbuddies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "The backdrop: Intergalactic alien war. The characters: A medic and her senior officer. This was originally done as a side comic for my main webcomic Inhuman, and as a gift to the recently broken up band Harvey Danger. It is based off of their song by the same name. The band is aware of the comic and is okay with its existance. In fact, in perhaps the greatest justification of my comicking ever, I met the drummer of Harvey Danger on their farewell tour in Brooklyn and he informed me he has all of the pages printed out and hung up in his office! the comic was done with micron pens & watercolours and with a very limited colour set intentionally. i used only blacks, greys, yellows and browns. even when it looks red, that was brown paint. brown paint and a really wonky scanner.", false, true], "WarWizard": ["http://warwizard.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Jitu Jeusi is coming, and he's bringing war with him! A creature born of hell and earth, magic and blood, Jitu now fights to erase the dark stain of his family's legacy and defend those who cannot defend themselves!", true, true], "WarofChange": ["http://warofchange.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "UPDATES BI-WEEKLY!! -- In a world under the complete control of mythological creatures, life has to find a new way of surviving these kings and queens of the food chain. Humans went underground, and eventually they found a way of survival through large protective domes and large underground settlements. These colonies came to be known as 'cities'. War of Change follows the story of a young man named Jayden Kaine on his quest to find himself and protect the city as one of it's military. Genres: Action/Adventure/Fantasy __ WAR OF CHANGE (c) ALEKSANDER STOCK 2013", false, true], "WarriorsGrowingShadows": ["http://warriorsgrowingshadows.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A great many moons have passed since the death of Firestar and the end of the Prophecy... The clans have been in peace with no disturbances, only fearing the return of the Dark Forest or another uprising of the Twolegs... But what if the only danger was themselves? And their own emotions? This is a story of such questions.", false, true], "WarriorsStarGazer": ["http://warriorsstargazer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "WARNING! COMIC FEATURES BLOOD AND VIOLENCE! three cats, Vally Ghost and Creek, were vicious cats, until they met a kit named Fire. They became the four clans, FireClan, VallyClan, GhostClan, and CreekClan. And moons went by when Bluefire, now Bluestar, united cats from the four clans and made MoonClan. Moons after that, Medicine cats start dreaming of the stars. not StarClan, but stars. They also see one kit that may be the one destined to gaze upon the stars. But later when the kit is born, another kit is in the prophecy! Will brother and sister complete the prophecy? Or is it already too late?", false, true], "WarriorsToxic": ["http://toxicwarriors.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Moons upon moons have passed since the Dark Forest had invaded Clan territory and the great leader Firestar perished. Cats who have survived the great ordeal live to this day, but never before had they seen this apocalypse coming... Madness runs like wildfire throught the Clans around the lake and Twoleg tracks and signs are diminishing. The warriors are pitted against each other, struggling for life. When the world ends, who will survive? Updates Thursday! Occasionally two or three at a time.", false, true], "WarsBloodLine": ["http://warsbloodline.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Through the years these men have been through war after war searching for kithar, the evil ruler of the masses, there sons and grandsons have also been chosen to help end this mayhem. Which side will win, Good or Evil?", false, true], "WasItBANDIT": ["http://wasitbandit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "24 Hour comic made in 2012 In Finnish only. Kahden homoidiootin tarina kun he taistelevat sarjavitsej\u00c3\u00a4 ja slendermanalienia vastaan, eli juuri mit\u00c3\u00a4 24h-sarjiksessa saa olla.", false, true], "Washouts": ["http://washouts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Washouts is a retro SF stand-alone story about a group of hapless female adventurers.", false, true], "WastelandsDreamers": ["http://wastelanddreamers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "The Wasteland is a deserted country in the fantasy world of Alm. A country void of hope, where only those less than poor lives. Where the peaceful live in clans and the loners die or turn to hunters. In this country are Teijan and Meyran, children with the knowledge to read, and the knowledge to use magic. They live their own peaceful ways, until they saved an outsider, Wira. Their lives became the target of the rare hunters ever since. (sorry for the sucky summary) Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, a bit of romance (BL warning here)", false, true], "Waterfall": ["http://waterfall.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "~two kids and a magical waterfall~ - One Shot comic by Vine A mysterious boy is sitting near the magical waterfall. The weather seems to be great. Then some weird girl appeared. ----- i'm Polish, so sory for my english if i wrote something wrong.", false, true], "WaxandHacks": ["http://waxandhacks.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Wax Candle is a candle. Hacks the Cat is a cat. Wax Candle and Hacks the Cat have a odd relationship. They have a lot of odd friends. They do odd things too. And they have many odd adventures in the Really Big Buildi and beyond.", false, true], "WeAreGolden": ["http://wearegolden.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 174, "\"We are not what you think we are, we are golden\" (Mika, We are Golden 2009) A story of self-discovery, sexuality and relationships. When Olivia Barclay was forced to move from her high class private school to a scummy comprehensive it felt like the end of the world. But it was only the beginning... (God, anyone want some wine with that cheese? I'm really no good at taglines!) Warning: contains examples of British humour. If there's any slang you don't understand, just ask :) Also, yaoi, yuri, het and any other kind of relationships you can think of. Updated Wednesday and Sunday. Mostly.", true, true], "Weaponry": ["http://weaponry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 109, "A life of piracy on the high seas of Uphelios is as dangerous as it can be rewarding - in more ways than one. For the enlisted youths of Weaponry Academy, there is one ultimate goal - to gain the Captain's Seal and thereby obtain a pirate ship of their own. Competition amongst an all-male crew make tensions and temperatures rise. Choose Your Weapon! Follow Arrow, Blade and Gun as they strive to come out on top in this colourful yaoi adventure. By voicing your opinion on how events should unfold, the readers shape the relationships and outcomes possible between our protagonists. VERSI\u00d3N ESPA\u00d1OL: http://weaponry-espanol.smackjeeves.com/ VERSION FRAN\u00c7AISE: http://weaponry-francaise.smackjeeves.com/ Nederlandse Versie:", true, true], "Weirdbutwonderful": ["http://weirdbutwonderful.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "18 year old Violet is running from the human colonies, and runs into a extremely carnivorous species known as Naga. these half snake half human creatures are know to eat humans and other within second of meeting them, so what falls into Violets future? why a 19 year old male Naga who wants her as a toy. These two form a relationship and slowly become inseparable until other men come into the situation. will the two overcome the problem or just end up eating each other? WILL BE UPDATED AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH! if your luky evey fortnight, depending on holidays that come up :D", false, true], "WelcomeBackToTheLandOfForgottenMemories": ["http://wbttlofm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 304, "A surreal comic that takes place in New York city and the dream world of CommonFictura, a world created by a boy named Jacob White.", false, true], "WelcomeMats": ["http://welcomemats.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "There is the myth that vampires may only enter a residence if invited. You've heard of it right? Well what happens if you have a Welcome Mat at your door? Elen a (not so) young vampire does her best to protect the people in her area from vampires and other supernatural nasties with her collection of friends that she kind of picks up off the street. UPDATES EVERY MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY (or at least tries to)", false, true], "WelcometoFreakshow": ["http://welcometofreakshow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 307, "The audience roars, the acrobats and performers provide them with a spectacle unrivaled in all of Europe. The lights die, and the audience is now the entertainment for the apathetic circus. As blood and bone rush to the surface, one man leads the troupe downward to the darkest ring of all. Welcome to the Freakshow. //Updates Every Friday//", false, false], "WelcometoalcaturyBook1": ["http://alcaturybok1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "A short story on how an earthling got abducted, is it a galactic scheme? Perhaps a demonic joke? or fate, if there is such a thing, the whole concept is bullocks. This is my first and worst comic attempt ever and is sort of canon, though I'm going to fix the errors The prologue begins at alcaturybok2.smackjeeves.com", false, true], "WelcometothePCA": ["http://welcometothepca.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 141, "Pokemon Combat Academy - where fighting is your schoolwork! Timid little Cyndaquil Hirohiko Rangoku has to square off against a monster of a delinquent for his Combat mid-terms! Not only must he conquer his fears, he must also contend with a little battlefield drama, too! Loosely based off the FurAffinity/DeviantArt art-and-RP community of the same name.", false, true], "Wellshit": ["http://teasecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Spencer has had the biggest crush on Tyler since the start of high school. What will the fate of being drunk at a party lead them..?", false, true], "Weregun": ["http://weregun.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "Doc is a field medic working for a corporate army who gets infected by an unknown type of virus during a skirmish: a disease that turns people into hulking, biomechanic killing machines. Doc must now find a way to cure himself before the monster inside him consumes him.", true, true], "WestburyDetectives": ["http://westbury.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "After his ex-girlfriend's accident, young Manhattan investigator Jack Arthur is transferred to an independent detective agency in Nassau County. At the same time, up-and-coming mob boss Pinhead Miyamoto is determined to avenge the murder of his adopted father. As the violent attacks on detectives and civilians increase, Jack is thrown into a violent rivalry with Miyamoto, finding he may be the only man able to keep the village from falling apart... Updated unevenly. Warnings for violence and mild sexual situations.", false, true], "WhatAboutLove": ["http://whataboutlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 161, "Takao has had a secret crush on his classmate, Hisoka, since he first entered high school. Now it's Takao's last year and he figures it's now or never so he does the crazy thing and confesses. Much to his surprise, Hisoka agrees to be his boyfriend. Takao is in pure bliss... until he realizes Hisoka has different aims. While Takao wants an actual relationship all Hisoka seems to be interested in is, well, physical stuff. So now Takao has to figure out a way to make Hisoka see him in a different way, but that's not easy since other men (realizing Hisoka goes that way) have taken an interest. Can Takao fend off potential rivals and get the guy he loves to love him back while facing all the other drama that comes with high school? Probably not, but that won't stop him from trying! Warning: - This is a Yaoi comic. I think that should be self-explanatory, but that means man on man action.", true, true], "WhatHappensinCarpediem": ["http://whic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 175, "a comic by Piggy Ho Ho Welcome to Carpediem, the world of the massively popular MMORPG. When Naoto and Chris set out to find a strong attacker for their party, Kurogawa is not quite what they expected... *This is a BL story*", true, true], "WhatIFoundattheRiver": ["http://whatifound.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "This story was created for the Yen Press Talent Search 2011. It was one of the stories selected for further feedback afterwards. with the 2012 Search revving up, I thought I would share my effort from last year :) pages will all be up by the end of this week (jan 11th week). -------- When a little girl is sent down to the river near her village on an errand, she finds a little more than she bargained for -- and with the help of her overactive imagination, the trek home turns into an adventure of epic proportions. short story. read L-to-R.", false, true], "WhatIsNormal": ["http://what-is-normal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "According to Society, Skult isn't normal. He's so abnormal that they sent him away to an apartment in a low populated town. They say it's for the best for him, or are they trying to shove him into his own \"kind\"? Welcome to your new life Skult. ------------------------------------------------------- Contains BL/GL/Hetero couples Black Comedy Some Violence Unexplained things", false, true], "WhatamI": ["http://whatami.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A very short mini story of a fox trying to figure out what he is.", false, true], "Whatisdeepinonesheart": ["http://ones-mindt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 104, "loosely translated: \" inner feelings /what is deep in one's heart\" The one that devoured the Eceshion bible holds the source to the worlds survival; Those who are being destroyed and those who are now conquering. Take heed that the one who devoured such a powerful book needs to know how to control it or it will cause destruction to all living beings. Claim it as your own, but don't let it sit forever unclaimed, for in the end one must decide what is more important, the ones close to you, our survival or the one we are omitted to care for. contains: boys love, cross dressing, monsters,vampires, animal people all around dementedness. NOTES: (Posting because it is a collaborative comic with Dani) 1. the comic was drawn back in 2009, so the art is a bit wonky till it catches up 2. The comic content does contain yaoi, However, due to smack jeeves rules and regulations: that content WILL NOT be seen on this site. The yaoi version of the comic in full will be seen on a Tumblr. this version is the version that contains black out pages and currently redrawn to contain version without Yaoi. 3. posting will be daily till it's caught up to the latest page: 1 page a day.", false, true], "WhatisitKaty": ["http://whatisitkaty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Katy is on a train journey to a not-so-far-off destination, you have limited time to speak with her before her stop. What will you ask Katy? An experimental comic removed from anything I normally do that requires maximum audience participation to find out Katy's story.", false, true], "WhatyoucannothaveBL": ["http://whatyoucannothave.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "*READ LEFT TO RIGHT! BL/Yaoi. Rain is special. He has piercings, tattoos, he designs his own clothes and his parents are dead. At university, he finds a fortune topic during the day, Matt, a guy who he describes as \"The gray little mouse\" and when he notices that he looks at him, one should not take the chance then? *This comic is a little special, I made it with a friend, Anette, and while I draw from Rain's point of view she make it from Matts. So, copy paste from Anette!: Reading from left to right until you get to the middle of the comic and you will have read the story from Rains point of view (the part I will be posting here), while if you read the other way (and thereby reading Anettes part) you will get Matts point of view. Matts: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=104416", true, true], "WhatyoucannothaveMatt": ["http://whatyoucannothave-matt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "READ RIGHT TO LEFT.* BL/Yaoi. University student Matt is tired of being boring and normal just because his parents expect it of him. But during class he has a special treat, Rain, a redhead with both tattoos and piercings, is also attending and Matt just can't seem to keep his eyes away. *This comic is a little special, I made it with a friend, Sandra, and the printed version can be read in two ways. Reading from right to left until you get to the middle of the comic and you will have read the story from Matts point of view (the part I will be posting here), while if you read the other way (and thereby reading Sandras part) you will get Rains point of view.", true, true], "WhenBoymeetsGirl": ["http://wbmg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Erick Stephen is a spoiled child who has a weak heart and a friendless guy. Mika Rodgens is an orphan who currently lives by the financial support of her other relatives and her part time job. Updates irregularly.", false, true], "WhenSheWasBad": ["http://whenshewasbad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 533, "For every story about a hero, there is a \"bad guy\". Only, this story isn't about the hero. It's about the smart-alec, tough-as-nails villain. About her fights, her triumphs, her losses, her lackeys... And maybe her love life. If she can ever get the guts to ask the girl of her dreams out. (contains mostly yuri/GL and a bit of background het...Beware of foul language. It's mostly rated \"mature\" for violence and cursing. Sort of like an extremely f-d up reverse version of a magical girl story.) Read L->R, western style. For now, due to my work schedule, updates will be on either Sunday or Monday, sometimes both. This is subject to change, since my schedule/days off changes every few months. A lot of the shading from Interlude 1 and #13 done by Jovat. <3 Sidenote... This comic is not for horny guys hoping to see \"HOTT LESBO ACTION ZOMG!!!11ONE\" Yes, the main character happens to be a lesbian. But this story is about the plot, not \"porn\".", false, true], "Whenweweresilent": ["http://silence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "Two girls with different pasts, problems and ambitions - one future and one friendship.", false, false], "WhereKittiesComeFrom": ["http://thekitties.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A short story I made back in 2009 that I figured I'd upload. It's about evil space cats.", false, true], "WhereaboutsOfTime": ["http://wot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 101, "Inuyasha (c) Rumiko Takahashi Kagome Chronicles-Whereabouts of Time(c) matsujun4me aka Catherine Fermin Sukujou & Renkayasha(c) matsujun4me So this is my story: Whereabouts of Time or WOT for short. The full name is really long: Kagome Chronicles-Whereabouts of Time. I forgot to write the date I actually started this, but I believe that it was in June 09, 2009. This is actually the first comic that I post to the public. I've done others but they're old works. So this is more practice for the future. This is a story more based on Kagome and her adventures three years after defeating Naraku. I don't write much of the story itself here cause once you see the first page, you'll see the description. The cover pgs didn't come out so good. But the story will be better, I promise. There will things that are not expected.", false, true], "WhiteHeart": ["http://whiteheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 323, "\"Lady Love received a magical book of the dark powers to her hands, and summoned a great, divine spirit. The spirit promises that Lady can make one wish, if she catches all the eight special albino souls and brings them to the spirit. Greedy Lady accepts the mission, and so the bloody collecting of albino humans begin... White is a tough and intense young man from the streets. He has been running away from Lady ever since when Love killed his gang and beloved. White is thirsty for revenge, but can do nothing but run away from Love and her henchmen... However, White finally meets Black, a friendly musician, who takes White with him and wants to help him in any way he possibly can. Both of them become good friends, but living in the same apartment makes both of them feel something stronger than just friendship...\" WARNING: This comic contains gay relationships, sex, blood, swearing, crying and angsting, confusing scenes, drama and possible grammar mistakes. NOTICE! I started the comic in 2008, so the first four chapters are pretty awful to read... but please bear it, 'cause I'm saving all the re-drawn pages for the possible-author's edition.", true, false], "WhiteNoise": ["http://whitenoise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 114, "Good monsters have bad times.", false, true], "WhiteVelvet": ["http://whitevelvet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 71, "Kyle, a young man of nineteen is about to meet a woman that will alter his life forever. A one-shot full color slice of life romance/drama/coming of age comic. Warning: some nudity and sexual situations (nothing explicit, though), some violence and some cursing.", true, true], "WhiteViolet": ["http://whiteviolet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "description tba", false, true], "Whitestone": ["http://whitestone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Sashi travels back to Whitestone Palace in the country of Fenjar for a visit, only to become involved in a plot that would threaten the kingdom. This comic contains mature content, you must be 18 or above to read it.", true, true], "WhoKnows": ["http://miawhoknows.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "The Octopus knows something!", false, true], "WhodHaveKnown": ["http://whodhaveknown.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Some people are just in denial of how close they really are. Join Noel and Snow as they learn more about their passion for each other, while their friends try to give them a clue. Updates whenever it can!", false, true], "WhyDontWe": ["http://wdw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "-Sketch Comic- (Complete) WARNING: Shounen-ai/Shonen-ai/Boys love Satoashi and Hiroshi have been best friends since they were only five. But when Hiroshi suddenly confesses, will feelings change?", false, true], "WhycantthePrincessmarrytheHero": ["http://whycanttheprincessmarrythehero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "The Kingdom of Drachenheim is under attack by a dragonoid. A conscription has been exacted by the King himself: All male firstborn of right age shall be provided, may it be from a family of 'Nobles' up to 'Peasants' to ensign for the campaign and slay the dragon. Most unfortunate, the campaign, led by Heroes, regarded as sons of nobles who have been sufficed by training and the best of weaponry, all failed. There is, however, a single person left in the battlefield. Only carrying the cheapest of an Armor, a rusty Zweihander, and the name of Alexis Zimmermann, will a humble child of a carpenter save the Kingdom?", false, true], "WildExhibit": ["http://wildexhibit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A humorous comic about the adventures of Stafforshire University's Cartoon & Comic Arts students at the Potteries Museum.", false, true], "WildWingBoys": ["http://wwb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 659, "It's the original Wild Wing Boys, never before seen in its entirety on the Internet! Follow the wacky hijinks of the Gundam Wing characters with sandwich obsessions, meat collecting, and cameos a-plenty! Updates when I can get around to it because school is killer.", false, true], "WildWingBoysKoathArc": ["http://wwbka.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 113, "When a freak dimensional portal sends the five main characters of Gundam Wing into a fantasy world and puts Heero in a coma, the four remaining pilots, accompanied by a young catboy named Toko, must conquer various obstacles in finding a cure...and a way home.", false, true], "Wildflowers": ["http://wildflowers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 378, "A web comic about love, life, and trying to comes to terms with being transgender. Sometimes dark, sometimes light, and always an attempt at a honest look at transexual life. Updating every day, including weekends!", false, true], "Willem": ["http://willemcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 124, "Willem the robot wants desperately to become a super hero, but the Hero Academy doesn't allow robots! While searching for a loophole he finds a long lost hero named Moonshadow and makes some new friends in the process.", true, true], "WiltedPegasus": ["http://wiltedpegasus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "The most terrifying place is inside your very own head, and the pesanta knows what's in there, even better than you do. Aida had her own uncomfortable sample of the horrors this mysterious person has to offer and is sure that there was something unexplainadble going on, even though her friends (and part of herself) tries convince that there's rational explanation for her unique experience. Aida begings her investigation in hope for getting answers and to proof her mental stability chiefly for herself. ________________ Warnings & notes: Read from left to right. The author of the specific comic is non-native speaker of English; text includes grammatical errors. Content is generally suitable for ages 17 and up. May contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language. Improvised, experimental comic project.", false, true], "Wings": ["http://wingsmanga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Michelle is a high school girl who often suffers from periods of depression. Her depression keeps her from being able to work on \"Wings,\" a novel she's attempting to write. As she struggles with writing, Michelle finds out that she has wings of her own that can take her to dangerous heights.", false, true], "WingsOverEthereal": ["http://wings-over-ethereal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 355, "The age-old fantasy story of a boy and a princess, yet a tale unlike any other... ********************************************* Set in the fictional world of Chrona, \"Wings Over Ethereal\" is a twisting tale of love and hate set in two Kingdoms living with the tension of an ever-present threat of war. While the beings of these kingdoms go on with their lives either fearing war or welcoming it, they remain blind to the true darkness that seeks to change the course of their world forever. The fate of these two Kingdoms, and perhaps the entire world, rests in the Love between a Human... And an Angel... *********************************************", false, true], "WingsofLiberty": ["http://wingsofliberty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Pidge is a very stubborn angel that cannot stay in place and refuse to become what we expect him to be.", false, true], "WinterAshes": ["http://winterashes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "Once upon a time, there was a fey, a Belle Dame Sans Merci; and there was the knight, one amongst many, that the fey seduced. Then the fey got tired of the knight, as he had gotten tired of the others, and left. But this knight was not like the others, and things went awfully wrong. Centuries later, Meine, a peaceful bodygard, is approached by a stranger who seems to know him... And to expect something very specific from him. When he refuses to play the other's game, he throw in motion a chain of actions that may change not only his life, but also that of everyone he cares about.", false, true], "WinterGrave": ["http://wintergrave.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Done for the 2013 24 hour comic challenge.", false, true], "WinterRed": ["http://winterred.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Zoe and a small group of Dramithian soldiers are sent to a restricted planet, Rho Epsilon 4, on a secret mission. Updates every Thursday", false, true], "WinterStorm": ["http://winterstorm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A young spirit who brings winter to the forest each year lets his curiosity get the best of him. Storm is a 6 page comic. It's more event than story arc, but it's full color, with some light touches of animation. updates tuesday & thursday", false, true], "WintersinLavelle": ["http://wintersinlavelle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 386, "Winters in Lavelle follows siblings Kari and Aiden as they discover an old family heirloom is more than it seems. Lost in a strange world, they must find a way to stay together and alive amid strange cloaked men, human/deer hybrids, dragon kings, and magic amber that will change the course of their lives.", false, true], "Wired": ["http://wired.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "Wired is a sci-fi webcomic based in a futuristic society where androids and humans live side-by-side. Strict laws are laid out to protect humanity from the potential dangers of their mechanical counterparts - the most notable of these being that any android found to be active without a human owner will be categorised as a 'rogue' and must be destroyed. Rikani Sheridan has everything the average man would usually have - a wife, a good job, a nice house. Except he's not entitled to any of them - he is forbidden, because he's a rogue android living undercover as a human. Rikani has no memories beyond the last three years, having woken up in an alleyway with no clue of who or what he was, but once the authorities track him down, he soon discovers what he was created for - and this realisation could destroy everything he knows. Wired is also being released in novel format - it has been accepted by a publisher and I'm working on the final draft while also creating the comic. It's the same story, told in two different ways. I hope you'll enjoy it. c: Currently updating Thursdays.", false, true], "WisdomoftheFish": ["http://wisdomofthefish.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Ah, sunny days! A whimsical adventure brews when a pair of twins, Yin and Yang, find themselves ditching their studies on a bright afternoon.", false, true], "WitchWoodoo": ["http://witchwoodoo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A short comic about a witch, a dumb assistant and a girl who doesn't believe in magic. READING DIRECTION IS FROM RIGHT TO LEFT!", false, true], "WitchsQuarry": ["http://witchsquarry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 390, "For most current pages see Witch's Quarry at Mangamagazine.net. http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Witchs-Quarry/detail-page/357?lang=en Currently Updating Here Wednesdays 3:00am EST! This is the tale of Sir Veolynn Moreshire's greatest and strangest achievement. Fate would have her/him led by the whims of a powerful witch. This is what really happened in the Second Great War for Oladuan; when heroes and villains were neither righteous or evil. There were other hidden creatures that placed high stakes in the outcome of the human's conflict. And there were a great many funny things that just didn't go as planned. All's fair game in love, war and species propagation! Rated PG-13 *warning* some adult situations/humor/GLBT themes Rogue X Knight Intermission short story of Wesyng Reedle meets a man who shares the same face, Sir Deshad Bright. Suggested age +16 for mature themes.", false, true], "WithACherryOnTop": ["http://wacot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 712, "Started in 2006, currently in Issue 6 Kira Morishita is just your everyday high school student: average grades, many friends and plays on Sakio Highs Boys soccer team. His secret? He\u0092s actually a she! After finding out that Sakio High no longer has a girls\u0092 team, Kira disguises herself as a boy to play. As the saying goes, \u0093Whatever can go wrong, will. Her new best friend fell in love with her at first sight, she likes the boy that sits next to her in class, but he hates her, and on top of that she\u0092s a benchwarmer until further notice: is this what she traded her skirt in for? Will Kira be able to become a star on the boys\u0092 soccer team, and keep the others from finding out she's a girl? ~READS RIGHT to LEFT~ ^_^ Should update regularly, but we don't really know :/", false, true], "WithEyesUnclouded": ["http://witheyesunclouded.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "What does a blind British teen, his perky (and somewhat nosy) neighbour, and an enthusiastic Irish amnesiac who claims to be their bodyguard have in common? Not a whole lot, but they'll have to put their differences aside if they plan to survive a potentially deadly game of cat and mouse with a terrorist organization. Read American style, left to right. Updates once a week Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/WithEyesUnclouded", false, true], "WithoutEden": ["http://withouteden.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 63, "Updates every Monday! Probably! Set in an alternate reality, Without Eden centres around the young orphan Jun who lives within the isolated city of Eden. With nothing to live for, he yearns for a chance to escape - yet he knows that the only way anybody could possibly leave the city is to be exiled for the heinous crime of murder. Eight years to the day his parents were murdered, however, a man overcomes the seemingly impossible and infiltrates the city of Eden. But just what does this strange person plan, and how does Jun fit into all of this... ?", false, true], "WolfWolf": ["http://wolfwolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "The daily lives of an ordinary group of friends: Mafer, The carnivorous Woman. London, The helpless romantic gamer. German, Hairstylist by day, Boxer by night. Elena, Possible Robot. Mayo, Japanophile psychopath. Vidal, Cross-dresser. Jose Maria, 24 FPS Dreamer. Updates: Twice a week. (random) Genre: Seinen; Daily life, Comedy, Super Robot, Romance, Tragedy. Length: 22 episodes.", false, true], "WolfandBear": ["http://wolfandbear.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "When two young girls set off in search for their missing friend they quickly get tangled in an adventure of a life time and a fight for survival as they must face crazed enemies and come to terms with a powerful truth. In a medieval village something big is about to unfold, when a mad scientist lures the village children to his lab in the woods...", false, true], "WolfrysDen": ["http://wolfybre.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "Basically, the sequel to \"Bre Ishurna's sprites and stuff\" .u.", false, true], "Wolpertingermenschen": ["http://wolpertingermenschen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "This story will take you on a journey through the magically boosted non-Bavaria where you'd better watch your step not to cross the path with angry ghosts, sirens, mummified saints, lost angels, tormented priests, wolpertingers, or even wolpertingermenschen...Enjoy the adventures of Autio, a boy with a borrowed heart who will soon have to face a series of apocalyptic evens slowly barreling toward the sleepy town of Blutenburg...", false, true], "Wootlabs": ["http://wootlabs.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 191, "\"Square Woot is the worst supervillain I ever fought. She held her death ray backwards and vaporized half of her robot army.\" - Riot Girl, superhero \"An uplifting story for anyone that loves cute things in hats.\" - Penguin Parade Weekly \"THIS IS THE STORY OF CATBOT 9000. EVERYONE ELSE IN IT IS STUPID AND NOT CATBOT 9000.\" - Catbot 9000 Square Woot is a genius with robots, weapons, and that funky little thing called science. Joined by her penguin sidekick and her family of creations, all she wants to do is rule the world. At least, that's all she used to want. A chance encounter has the group thinking that it might be more fun to be heroes from now on. Is the city ready to be saved through mad science?", false, true], "WorldHeroes": ["http://worldheroes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "Bowser has come up with his best plan (Kamek made the plan)to team up with King dedede and Eggman!They have defeated the heroes (except for Goku) but something goes wrong for the villians when Vegeta comes!Read to find out more in this comic!", false, true], "WorldofEquestria": ["http://worldofequestria.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "A comic centered around My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.", false, true], "WorldofWind": ["http://worldofwind.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Home get's pretty dull sometimes right? Where would you like to go most if you could travel anywhere for a day? Well, it must be pretty nice right? Anyway, It's not as if there is some shady looking airship that could magically transport you to a fantasy land in your employers basement right? so, instead, please enjoy this one-shot, fantasy type comic.", false, true], "WyrdDefineyourfate": ["http://defineyourfate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Earth is doomed to be caught between a civil war in Hell if a group of Earthlings cannot ban together and save it. In order to save humanity, two genetically altered boys,one resident alien, a murderer and a demon must put aside their past conflicts and destroy the imposing threat of an angered spirit, bent on taking the place of the Dark Prince of Hell. Warning-contains: Boys' love/yaoi, implied girls'love, violence, gore, ideologically sensitive material", false, true], "XXMoralityXx": ["http://xxmoralityxx.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Follow the live's of the members of squad 2. The newly graduated Light members, about to go on their first mission, to Fenris Castle. Their goal? To find the Light Princess before the Dark's consumes the world. There will be laughs, tears and love, but can squad 2 finish their mission with out falling to the Dark?", false, true], "XYZ": ["http://xyz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 298, "[COMPLETE] ~~~READS LEFT-TO-RIGHT~~~ Two twin sisters, Tomi and Tori, grew up with the average twin sister life- sharing everything: their faces, their clothes, their grades... And then they hit puberty. Tomi went through the expected changes- filling out in places, and going all out \"girly\". As for Tori...not so much. What her sister got in chest she got in height, and that was basically it. This unexplainable change makes everyone think Tori is a guy, and more particularly, Tomi's brother (which helps Tomi out alot). However, crossing the line can be painful and dangerous, and above all, lonely. {ZOMG, It's actually a romance/shoujo *_*} UPDATES Tues, Thurs Saturday and/or Sunday", false, true], "Xdaysoflovingu": ["http://xdaysoflovingu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A little comic about how much i love my girlfriend, hopefully she won't find this till Christmas.", false, true], "Xeno": ["http://xeno.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "----Garry's Mod----", false, true], "XxShowcaseXx": ["http://xxshowcasexx.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Showcase where I post my sprite work old and new.", false, true], "XyehiIyetvCeviar": ["http://xic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 92, "", false, true], "YOURCORNER": ["http://yourcorner.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A graphic narrative exploring the preconceptions people have about other cultures or places in their own hometowns, which may hinder new exchanges and experiences. The author writes about New York City, a melting pot of cultures, albeit divided by its own ethnic enclaves.", false, true], "YadotCakeShop": ["http://yadotcakeshop.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "The oh so popular Yadot Cake Shop has packed up it's things and moved to a new location, still within the area of Canada. The owner, young 16 year old Tai, had to move the shop to another location in order to avoid law issues that would have closed down Yadot forever. Though some employees have been lost the doors are open for more, to ever make more friends and relationships. The Yadot Cake Shop is an all male cafe that has a habit of having it's employee fall in love within it's walls. Besides making amazing cakes and pastries it is also a great source of fanservice. COME AND ENJOY THE SPLENDOR~! :ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR A LIMITED TIME: :WARNING: THERE IS MATURE THEMES WITHIN THIS COMIC, I GUARANTEE :WARNING:", true, true], "YamanaokiHighSchool": ["http://yamanaokihs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 151, "there're a lot of dimensions on this world and Honjitsu is where 8 students will live the adventure of their lives... Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Yamanaoki/167250876624086 version espa\u00f1ol: http://yamanaoki.smackjeeves.com be nice 8D", false, true], "YaoiTITS": ["http://yaoitits.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "omg!!!!11!! uguys best WebzComik EVER!!! sonic mario megamen krrby sprites yaoi guys doin it love bl TITS BOOBS ASS EXPLOSIONS BODIES it's awsum!!! --Ahem. Updated whenever.", false, true], "Ydrolina": ["http://ydrolina.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Ydrolina is a young girl, she is a Miniac. i.e totally obsessed by the iconic british car of the 60\u00c2\u00b4s...", true, true], "YearZero": ["http://yearzero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "Year Zero follows a survivor trapped in his NYC apartment during the zombie apocalypse of 2012.", false, true], "YingGuo": ["http://kurohiko.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Often times, we hear about ghost stories and superstitions that entertain or scare us. But what if there really are \"Other Beings\" that walk among us? Visit the Karma Archive in kurohiko.com!", false, true], "Ynezissolovely": ["http://ynezissolovely.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Ynez Merschen is an average guy who is always crabby and hates a lot of people. Not much folk talk to him due to his stubborn nature; if someone done it s/he could have done it because of his silky voice. Nobody cares why is he like this. Ynez was okay with this so far but a mysterious wolf boy starts to have an interest on him... BL/bad language.", false, true], "YoHoYoHoImaSpacePirate": ["http://yohoyohospacepirate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Sea shanties and wondrous ships all going through the stars! So does that make it space shanties? Do the ships sail or fly? No one on the ship Corrupted Cosmos knows or cares, especially not the captain. Action on the stars, aliens, and really horrible proportions seem to stand in her way of her one goal: She just wants some peace and quiet to read, for crying out loud. If she has to break the Fourth Wall to do it then she will. Update schedule: -Tuesdays from late May to early August -Fridays from late Auguest to early May", false, true], "YoSupMan": ["http://yosupman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Two young men have intelligent conversations on a daily basis.", true, true], "Yokkaichi": ["http://yokkaichi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Done for an AP Art project. Inspired by Utagawa Hiroshige's 44th print in his Toukaidou series, The Bridge at Yokkaichi. READ LEFT TO RIGHT Main comic completed. More to come!", false, true], "YonkomaNuzlockeFireRed": ["http://yonkomanuzlocke-fr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 125, "Gary Oak is fed up with his wimpy friend Doug constantly clinging to him. With the help of his grandpa, professor Oak, he sends the self-esteemless boy into the dangerous world where giant rock-bodied snakes and bugs with poisonous venom will be the least of his problems. Hilarity ensues when Doug gathers a team of Pok\u00e9mon completely unfitting for a coward like him. Then again, it's never just fun and games and this is the one thing Doug might actually know better than anybody else... --- Adaptation of a finished Pok\u00e9mon Fire Red Nuzlocke run. Consists mostly but not exclusively of four-panel (yonkoma) comedic strips. Gets better... (=\u203f=)", false, true], "YoshiAndKirby": ["http://yoshikirby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "A restart of the original Yoshi & Kirby. Kirby awakens on Yoshi's Island, with no idea how he got there. Once he meets up with Yoshi, crazy adventures start to happen. Can they figure out how to get Kirby home?", false, true], "YoshisForever": ["http://yoshi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 149, "", false, true], "YouPutz": ["http://youputz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Christopher arrives home one day to find that his dog Putz is missing. He'll have to enlist the help of his odd friend Gohan in order to find his beloved pooch. ---One Shot--- Story by Kitsunegirl333 and me Art by me <<Read this way<<", false, true], "YouWorryTooMuch": ["http://youworrytoomuch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "A girl is faced with her boyfriend going into the military. Short story, there will be 18 pages in total when completed. Updates Daily", false, true], "YougofirstFelix": ["http://yougofirstfelix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Felix and Gisele, twins, settled in an island town because Gisele couldn't keep from being curious.", false, true], "Youkai": ["http://notjustdemons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Haruki Hikaru and Haruki Nishoku, otherwise known as Blackie and Eclipse, are here in a bit of a spin-off from the \"Demon Lover\" novel series to educate random people about their culture! Through example, of course, which means dealing with anything from Akakeko to Zorigami. (Except not those two, those two probably won't ever be covered.)", false, true], "YoungCannibals": ["http://youngcannibals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 356, "The story of one girl's battle NOT to kill her friends. Updates every Monday & Friday.", false, true], "YoungMaiden": ["http://youngmaiden.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A budding comic about life in an all girl guild on warcraft", true, true], "YourFriendlyNeighborhoodDemon": ["http://yfnd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Escaping from Hell to find a better life, the demon Topaz Desmond meets a group of odd, yet endearing individuals who become a tighten-knit group of friends. They share the experiences of young adults living in the city, but things take a turn for the worse once Topaz's sister arrives, determined to bring him back.", false, true], "YourLifeisaMovie": ["http://lifemovie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "Your Life is a Movie slice of life webcomic about photos, movies, and smoking.", true, true], "YourPrincessisinAnotherCastle": ["http://ypac.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A story dedicated to the side of the Koopa Kingdom you don't see.", false, true], "Yuurei": ["http://yuurei.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Summary: Yuki is a 17 year old boy who, besides his strange appearances, seems like he would be normal. He's shy, a bit skittish, and always seems like he has something on his mind. But would anybody believe that he can see ghosts? Comic info: Suitable for ages 13+. Content may contain adult language, violence, and suicide. Please keep that in mind if you choose to read. Thank you. Oh, and not BL/GL, in case you are wondering (nothing against it, it just won't really be in this comic). READS FROM RIGHT TO LEFT, like TRADITIONAL MANGA would be read. A little handy guide will be included, do not fear!", false, true], "Z": ["http://zcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "When high school senior Zoe is tapped to give a back-to-school speech in the aftermath of a deadly shooting, she finds herself awakening to life-changing truths about man's inhumanity to man. Z is now available at Lulu.com for in print for $10 USD, and as a download for $2. The print and digital versions include twenty pages of concept art and extensive writer's commentary. http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/z/15262874 Z is also available for free at our website: www.peardream.com Z is the first title created under the Pear Dream banner, which consists of the same writer/artist team that produced Cerulean Sky and Oyster Choke. We think Z represents a creative step forward, and we hope it finds its intended audience.", false, true], "Z13": ["http://z13.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A tale about the children of the stars as they live out the legacy of the Eternal Council of the Stars.", false, true], "ZONE": ["http://delzone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Z.O.N.E is a ruthless military organization that rules one third of the world and underground business in various areas. Its existance is largely unknown but those who do know of it are greatly afraid and swear to never speak of it in fear of being targeted for elimination. It is unknown whether Z.O.N.E is hired or if it operates under its own interests. Its victims are primarily high priority criminals, killers, or shady underground businessman. It seems as though that it seeks to kill those those that they feel are seen as \"evil\" or \"corrupt\", acting as a vigilante kind of organization instead of being heartless murderers. This is seen first hand when Zeo incapacitates his target's defenders with the butt of his gun instead of shooting them. They have a special group of strong individuals, the Z.O.N.E Numbers or sometimes known as Guardians, who assassinate various targets in the way of the organization.", false, true], "ZacksSapphireNuzlocke": ["http://zackssapphirenuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "An adventure...right?", false, true], "ZaenWell": ["http://zaenwell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 183, "Thrown into the well of the Gods as part of an initiation, Renee Nathans has fourteen days to find a suitable God to bring back into the world of humanity. Danger lurks behind every corner, however, and when a rogue God decides humanity is no longer necessary, an already difficult task becomes even harder...", false, true], "ZeanoCore": ["http://zeanocore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Long ago there was a peaceful race called Zeano. Their homeplanet is called Corelif it's a swampy planet, and the Zeanos kept it green for meny meny years. One day a tarrorble doom has appeard out of nowhere then multible beams of light from space has set fire all across Corelif terning it into a desert wastland. The Zeanos and everything else to never be seen agian... But yet they return.", false, true], "ZeldaTheNewAdventureofLinkIIMajorasMask": ["http://newlink.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 86, "In the land of Termina, in small Clock Town, a carnival is held in honor of the seasons. A looming evil, however, lurks above the town sent by a mischievous Skull Kid wearing a foreboding mask. Now Termina is in need of heroes. Heroes who are willing to traverse the land through dangerous dungeons, defeat terrible enemies and wake the creature that can stop the coming disaster. Once again, join Link and Cloud along with some new friends on their newest adventure to stop the forces of evil... but can even they stop the evil in three days? Updated possibly Mondays for now. Based on the characters and story created and owned by Nintendo. Final Fantasy characters owned by Square Enix. Other characters parodied shown belong to their respective owners.", false, true], "Zelsen": ["http://zelsen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "The prince has declared war against the druids because they have taken away a future where he was happy. Since then his only though is to destroy all of them, but one fateful day he meets a Zelsen which marks the beginning of the end. The melody like love beckons to be free from its gilded cage. This is a BL story.(Updated every wednesday) Genres: magic, fantasy, romance, drama. Themes: yaoi, smut, bishounen, tragedy", true, true], "Zerocool": ["http://zerocool.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 28, "\"zero cool\" is my take on the superhero genre. I'm a fan of superhero comics but I grow tired of reading how much of a burden it is to have superpowers. The main character acquires superpowers and loves it! Wouldn't you? The comic is setup as a daily newspaper strip with six black and white strips followed by a larger, color \"Sunday\" strip. \"zero cool\" updates on Saturday.", false, true], "Zippy": ["http://zipppy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Silly adventures of a happy guy!", false, true], "Zodiac": ["http://zodiac.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 295, "A curse has fallen on the ten students along with their two teachers, and they must work together to find the source and break it, so they can spent their lives like it was before. The story will be, most of the time, stupid. You've been warned :D Updates: !!! When a page is out/I'll try to update once in weekend maybe once with one page or three pages if i'm lucky", false, false], "Zodiak": ["http://zodiakcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius must gather the 12 Zodiac stones in order to keep them from Scorpio who plans on using the stones to destroy Orion the Great Hunter. ---------------- WIP May contain cursing, kissing, and outrageous situations. Zodiak \u00a9 Aimee Holloway", false, true], "_A_": ["http://a-the-stalker.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 105, "\"A\" is a light story of how a young girl, Ryza Hartfelt, learns how to deal with infatuation, stress, friendship, and an unknown person who calls himself \"A\". At first, she dislikes \"A\" for being a stalker, but that soon changes as she goes through a journey of self-discovery with him. This manga series was completed on July 10, 2013 Please read from right to left ^^", false, true]}