#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs # Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Bastian Kleineidam # Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Tobias Gruetzmacher """ Script to get a list of smackjeeves.com comics and save the info in a JSON file for further processing. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit from scriptutil import ComicListUpdater class SmackJeevesUpdater(ComicListUpdater): # Absolute minumum number of pages a comic may have (restrict search space) MIN_COMICS = 90 # names of comics to exclude excluded_comics = ( # comic moved/we have a better module "Amya", "Footloose", "TitleUnrelated", # does not follow standard layout "300DaysOfSyao", "ADifferentPerspective", "Captor", "ClubLove", "Comatose", "DeSTRESS", "DreamCatcher", "Fumiko", "GART", "GarytheAlchemist", "ItoshiisCrazyNuzlockeAdventures", "JennyHaniver", "KiLAiLO", "LoudEra", "LunarHill", "Mafiagame", "MylifewithFel", "MyLifewithFelENESPANOL", "NegativeZen", "Nemutionpobae", "NightShot", "NormalIsBoring", "OpticalDisarray", "PicturesofYou", "Pornjunkiesstrip", "PrettyUgly", "Project217", "RemmyzRandomz", "Ribon", "RubysWorld", "ShinkaTheLastEevee", "SimplePixel", "SladesMansionofawesomeness", "SpaceSchool", "SushiGummy", "TC2KsPokemobians", "TheAfterSubtract", "ThePokemonArtBox", "THEVOIDWEBCOMIC", "ToDefeatThemAll", "TwoKeys", "Vbcomics", "WerewolfRichard", # has no previous comic link "ThreadCrashers", "AchievementStuck", # images are 403 forbidden "AngelJunkPileFelix", "AntavioussGenLab", "Harfang", "Okamirai", # missing images "AGirlAndHerShadow", "Carciphona", "CatboyattheCon", "ContraandtheSpamDump", "Darkkyosshorts", "DollarStoreCaviar", "EdgeofDecember", "EvD", "HAndJ", "HEARD", "IwillbenapoSpamDump", "KirbysoftheAlternateDimension", "Letsreviewshallwe", "MegaManSpriteExpo", "OmnisSpriteShowcase", "PiecesofBrokenGlass", "PlatonicManagementDilemma", "SecretSanta2011", "SerendipityAnEquestrianTale", "SJArtCollab", "SlightlyDifferent", "TheAttackoftheRecoloursSeason1", "ThroughTheWonkyEye", "TotallyKotor", "WinterMelody", "ZonowTheHedgehog", # missing previous link "BambooArmonicKnightsGuild", # broken host name "Razor", ) def __init__(self, name): super(SmackJeevesUpdater, self).__init__(name) self.sleep = 1.5 def handle_url(self, url): """Parse one search result page.""" data = self.get_url(url) num = 999 for comictag in data.cssselect('a.card'): page_url = comictag.attrib['href'] name = comictag.cssselect('div.title')[0].text # search for url in extra page data2 = self.get_url(page_url) # find out how many images this comic has mo = data2.cssselect('div.num-pages div.value') num = int(mo[0].text.strip().replace(',', '')) mo = data2.cssselect('div.buttons a:last-child') comic_url = mo[0].attrib['href'] # search for adult flag adult = data2.cssselect('div.mature') updates = data2.cssselect('div.updates div.value')[0].text_content() self.add_comic(name, (comic_url, len(adult) > 0, updates), num) next_url = data.cssselect("a.next")[0].attrib['href'] return (next_url, num) def collect_results(self): """Parse all search result pages.""" # Sort by number of comics, so we can abort when we get under some # threshold. next_url = "http://www.smackjeeves.com/search.php?last_update=6&sort_by=5" last_count = 999 while last_count >= self.MIN_COMICS: print(last_count, file=sys.stderr) next_url, last_count = self.handle_url(next_url) def get_entry(self, name, data): sub, top = urlsplit(data[0]).hostname.split('.', 1) if top.lower() == "smackjeeves.com": opt = "sub='%s'" % sub else: opt = "host='%s.%s'" % (sub, top) if data[1]: opt += ", adult=True" if data[2] == 'Completed': opt += ", endOfLife=True" return u"cls('%s', %s)," % (name, opt) if __name__ == '__main__': SmackJeevesUpdater(__file__).run()