{"00101010": ["http://00101010.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "You are in the year 2291. Earth is not what it was before. The human race is near extinction, the planet is overunned by mutated animals and humans... But still standing in all this chaos is the Organization, an underground base who tries to find a way for humans to restart a new civilization without the feral mutants... May content mature subjects. ONE PAGE PER WEEK UP =) (THURSDAY).", false, true], "0eight": ["http://0eight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "a comic that you may have seen before, i have been working on it for a few years now, putting it up taking it off changing things. now i feel like i have it together and i'm ready to show. enjoy", true, true], "1000": ["http://1000.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 291, "See 1000 and more of my stuff at http://www.l80comics.com ! 1000 is a non-fiction, autobiographical comic made by me, Jacob Leighty. Unlike many other autobiographical comics, every comic took place in real life exactly as it appears here (save for #18). While this comic focuses on the humorous things in my life, you will also read about drama and action in it, as well. Although the initial goal for this comic is to get to 1000 comics, It will likely go past that number should I ever get there. DISCLAIMER: Unless expressly stated by my in-comic chractacter, none of the opinions expressed in this comic are my own, and there is no malicious intent.", false, true], "12years": ["http://12years.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "LIKE [12 YEARS] ON FACEBOOK! http://facebook.com/12saimanga our lovesick heroine, Tenjou Yanaki, is an ordinary 16 year old \"fortune-telling enthusiast who was given a mysteriously charming pendant from a surreptitiously strange and obscure old lady. yanaki soon wakes up only to find out that she's in her 28 year-old body ... 12 years from the future !\" - - - - - OH MY. please forgive my typo errors;; i always forget to double check the pages after typesetting.. so if there are misspelled words or ridiculous grammar, please, don't mind it. //OTL *contains mushy romance* *may contain mild offensive language* * read from LEFT to RIGHT ~! * [12 years] (C) masayahingArtist 2012", false, true], "13StormSoulquartz": ["http://ipendulum.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen, Tragedy, Webtoons Millions of years ago, the three dominant races that existed in the world of Lumeria came to the danger of extinction when the beastly force of the Eblis race desired supremacy... then, one day, 13 warriors lead by a human named Agolas appeared before the world as the savior of Lumeria and the last hope of mankind. They became the first generation \"STORM\". They destroyed half of the Eblis force, sealed the remaining in the 13 towers and guarded them to protect the world from their assault, restoring peace throughout the land. Many years have passed, and one treacherous storm obliterated one of the 13 towers, his motive still unknown to the world. Yet again, Lumeria descents back into the darkness which has once fallen over their past... you can read the latest update here: http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/13-Storm-SoulQuartz/detail-page/848?lang=en", false, true], "1900WhyMe": ["http://whyme1900.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "Joseph is a middle aged doctor who lives a very normal life in the countryside with his 5 year old son, Emill. One day, they cross ways with a soldier called Edmond, and from there on life starts to change in ways Joseph would have never expected. - WARNING - - YAOI INSIDE -", true, true], "1cek1dsmuseumofreallycrazystuff": ["http://hai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 173, "Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai.", false, true], "2000ZeniRemix": ["http://2000zeniremix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Welcome to Remia. A world built upon the bones of two ancient civilizations. A broken and hollowed world Remia is plagued by a virus that has terrorized it's citizens for generations. In this climate four major players known as the Card Deck Gangs have risen to power. And now they are locked in a race for power to both find the cure for the virus, and the right to rule all in Remia.", false, true], "20Galaxies": ["http://20g.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 85, "The town of Quarterhill is famous for its modern legends and strange phenomena. When four local kids are led to the truth behind these legends, they are granted fantastic powers in hopes of saving the world. A revision of the 2004 version. http://www.20galaxies.com", false, true], "20TimesKirby": ["http://20xkirby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 331, "20 kirbies, considered different from all the others by Kirby, go on a journey to find out their past... At least that's what Kirby wants, since he can't stand the fact of knowing nothing about them all. The answers come slowly, the suspense builds, and the question is, are they going to find out everything? Or are they just going to have random adventures, and never know all of it? Updates Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.", false, true], "24HCDBecauseyoureperfect": ["http://becauseyoureperfect.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Why am I going? Because You're perfect.", true, true], "28Spiders": ["http://28spiders.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "There is a myth that you swallow twenty-eight spiders over the course of your lifetime. Some people can live with it, some people can not. And Ward didn't believe she could.", true, true], "2Kingdoms": ["http://2kingdoms.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 351, "Lost in the middle of the dangerous seaweed forest of Lebanon, Uegon Prince Apollo is searching for the way home. Joined by his cousin Paris, his faithful pet Pyou, and a pair of Uegon sisters named Diane and Juno, the group must face a deceptive maze of seaweed trees, giant flesh eating monsters, the Unknown Dark Lands of the Herse, and the biggest hurdle of all, a war in the royal house of the High Waters! **UPDATES: Tuesdays NEWS>>2Kingdoms now has a group page on dA: http://2kingdoms.deviantart.com/ If you have a dA account, please show your support by joining the group. It has special extras that can only be found on dA :D", false, false], "2Masters": ["http://2masters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 346, "2Masters is a fantasy warfare series, in a world ruled by two supreme Masters, Masters of Heaven, who represents the spirit of freedom and love, and Master of Earth who is the master of wealth and power. The Two Masters fight one another and provides completely different philosophies for the living, and humans who follow them are granted powers. Thus creating a never ending world war... READ RIGHT TO LEFT - Asian way Update Every Tuesday", false, false], "355Days": ["http://355days.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 153, "This was originally a comic where I attempted to make an homage to Kurt Vonnegut's Timequake, but it slowly evolved into A Dada Humor comic, which has now evolved onto a actual storyline that has gone on since April 1st 2012. This is my experimental comic where I attempt to post a comic daily with anything I can get my hands on, just attempting to get at least one page up! ***ENDED AS OF 9/2/12*** If you liked this comic check out my new comic: Euphemistic Eephus. http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=127121", false, true], "365DaysofSarahJane": ["http://sarahjane365.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "As a birthday gift to my 10-year old sister, I am writing a page a day for a year. This comic is all about how awesome and amazing she is.", false, true], "3DSComic": ["http://3dscomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 424, "All this is made on a 3DS, so expect miis, qr codes, and doodles from the notepad. I also take pictures of my hand-drawn stuff, which usually look better than the notes. All non-contributing co-authors have been reset. I am now more serious about doing this comic, and as such will only allow authors who continually provide regular content.", false, true], "3IdiotsinSpace": ["http://3idiotsinspace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "3 aliens on a intergalactic mission of basic non-understanding. It's utter mayhem, confusion and rage all at the same time.", false, true], "4Ply": ["http://4-ply.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 165, "Four teens who have been friends since grade school enter their first year of High School. Will their friendship survive and if so, what about their sanity? Kamal: As strong as toilet paper we are. Carmen: Oh would you please just shut up! Kamal: XD", false, true], "4plyKamalsHead": ["http://4ply-kamal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "See what goes on in Kamal's head with his adventures and his memories of when him and the other members of 4-ply were kids.", false, true], "50Grey": ["http://50grey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 72, "A story about Zombies and love. Updated weekly.", false, true], "50shadesofBlack": ["http://50shadesofblack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "This is a comic made up of comic shorts. They will be following the life of a gay goth boy named Aubrey Parrish, also called 8:30 by his friends. This comic will be gay, maybe even funny, definately creepy, a little be scary, obviously gothy, and downright stereotype busting. There is gay boy love jank in here, but it is not a main themre (I hope it won't be anyways...). So (u-u) yes. Enjoy, my dark flowers. And NO this is not a stupid comic about babybats who cut themselves and listen to HIM while worshiping satan DX ask these 3 black smudges questions! http://www.formspring.me/ParrishAndPals", false, true], "5StarUniversity": ["http://5staru.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Welcome to 5SU. The Star Students battle strangeness in Universe City. [Updates Monday, Wednesday, and Friday] Art by Sakura02", false, true], "60Pages": ["http://60pages.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "This story won't be longer than 60 pages. No fillers, no chapters. Just 60 pages.", false, true], "60SecondComics": ["http://6tsc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 136, "Every episode is completed within 60 seconds... and it even updates sometimes! http://www.vivianvideo.com", false, true], "60daylovestory": ["http://60days.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Unrelentless, corny professions of love. True story. For my beloved. You know who you are. ({)", false, true], "628": ["http://628.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "My name is Logan. It would be pointless to tell you where I live. It's so tiny I KNOW you haven't heard of it. There's not much to say about me except for one thing: I fight the devil. Rated 12+ For general depressingness and some violence.", false, true], "7CHaiRS": ["http://7chairs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "After becoming a priest in Ocha (commonly known as Santeria) Edrass remembers how and why he became one, all his adventures in the Ocha, Palo Mayombe, and Spiritual world will appear in his mind, and the real nature of human beings being involved iin religions. more over his true desire...", false, true], "7thLore": ["http://7thlore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 121, "Izmiu is a young ithi prince whose mother has died in childbirth. He is raised in exile, in a white castle down by the sea side, by a two-headed scary teacher and by his grief struck introverted father, who has turned quite mad, due to the death of his wife. What becomes of the life of Izmiu, when he is suddenly summoned to return to the city of Tykauiid after his fathers death? Will the new found relatives take the clumsy book worm prince under their wings or drag him unprepared to the center of the conspirations of the ithi high court?", false, true], "8BITAUTHORTOURNAMENT": ["http://8bat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "8-bit author tournament. Chat room: http://us7.chatzy.com/74000580639694 Password is Megaman with the capital M Admin password is mine and mine alone. None for you! A place to kick some other-8-bit-author ass. You have to use 8 bit sprites and backgrounds in any of your comics The 16 Contestants: 1. Greg 2. Mark 3. Spiderman 4. Chamas 5. Pop 6. Shadix 7. Jacob 8. Mhe 9. Numpidem 10. Opdisk 11. Foreign 12. Ryan 13. Megaman.exe 14. Shield Man 15. Gyro Man 16. Momentum X Banner by MarioKong Let the battle begin. Also I made a last minute change... the first round of battles will be 4 person death brawls! HAHAHAH", false, true], "8T4": ["http://8-t4.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Sen has just found something very interesting, a stray robot. Though it is not unusual to see robots around, this one seems strange. He calls himself 8-T4 and he looks, and nearly acts, human. He requests to be taken to 1-28-46, a run down lab, what could be waiting for them?", false, true], "8bitApartments2": ["http://8ba2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "I decided to re-imagine the invite system: just pm me the sprites. That's seriously it, it makes things way less complicated. ~ServantofCygnus If you want a custom room, just give me concept art of the room you want, keep it simple ~supersonic1009 I can has good sprite editing skills if you want a character revamp ~Floobeh", false, true], "9ChancesforLove": ["http://9chances.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 203, "Finding the right person to love is quite a challenge. Approaching the person you love is an even bigger challenge. But the biggest challenge of them all is to keep that person by your side. When two strangers meet, they can decide to become friends, leave the other to be or become enemies, but what if they happen to share something, something they cannot control and not even really are aware of? (My English is not so good, if you find mistakes it would be great if you could point them out. :) Thank you!) (WARNING: 13/15+ BL)", false, true], "9Lives": ["http://9lives.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 100, "After Connie's family inherits her great uncle Thomas' estate, they move to Dolores, Colorado. The estate is fully staffed, cared for by a mysterious, aloof Estate Manager named Simon Wolfe, and comes with an array of unique, frequently visiting relatives, some of which aren't very friendly. Coping with the move might be a bit harder than expected - especially when Connie inadvertantly discovers exactly why Simon is so aloof!", false, true], "ABloodyRhapsody": ["http://abloodyrhapsody.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "The travel for searching a past, A vampire, a human and a cat... and a war of two thousand years in the shadows.", false, true], "ACCIDENTALS": ["http://accidentals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Around a decade ago my brothers and I created a heap of superheroes (so-called \"ultra-heroes\" or simply \"ultra's\"). Over the years our ideas, in some form, have been turning up more and more in regular comics. This disturbed me. Hereby I'll introduce a world filled with para sapiens, before there's nothing original about it left.", true, true], "ACatandADisorganizedBoy": ["http://acaadb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A mutant is taking solace in her college life, until she meets a troublesome classmate who shares her abhorrence for English Comp", false, true], "ACatastrophicSchoolLife": ["http://acatastrophicschoollife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Tired of her constant fighting, Abigail's father sends her to a boarding school. However, there's just one little problem... All her classmates are animals!", false, true], "ACatsWish": ["http://acatswish.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "BL malexmale mrowmrrooww! A cat that gets tired of the cats life and wants the taste of the human life but for a wish there must be a sacrifice will it be worth it? ------------------------------ u v u; this is my first comic....soo.. work with me kay! \\ o u o / NOTICE: WILL START UPLOADING THIS WEEKEND HOPEFULLY Q U Q updates whenever i get the page done u v u", false, true], "AChristmasEveStory": ["http://achristmasevestory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "\"I believe in Santa...but maybe I'm wrong.\" A short but sweet story about a little girl and her encounter with Father Christmas.", false, true], "AChronicleofQuests": ["http://achronicleofquests.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 104, "The life of an adventurer in the land of Sera isn't an easy one. For newly created warrior Heroic Guy, things started off a little on the bumpy side. Contacted by three strange and annoying gods, Heroic Guy has been charged with a quest so dangerous and deadly, that many heroes far superior to him have already fallen attempting to accomplish it. But maybe, just maybe; with the help of his friends and a lot of dumb luck, Heroic Guy will save the day... but probably not.", false, true], "ADVENTURETIMEaVeryOddFanComic": ["http://averyoddfancomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "This is a seriously weird fan comic. Like, seriously, bros, this is gonna get strange. There's like, grown-ups and shit. Oh yeah, and cussing. There's cussing, man, and gore. Dudes, this ain't for children, this is cray cray. +++ Updates on Mondays! :D", false, true], "ADayOut": ["http://adayout.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 255, "Lizzy is an average soccer playing teen with issues. After distancing from a childhood friend, she must find out what kind of a person she really is, and along the way, discover true potential as a soccer Champion!", false, true], "ADaywithDaleks": ["http://adaywithdaleks.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Small comic strips about two Daleks, Wilbur and Trevor and a few other defected Daleks. All Dalek sprites by Griffin so credit to him", false, true], "ADebtToRessai": ["http://depttoressai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A war is going on, and one side is losing. Knowing he will die, a soldier makes an unexpected request of the enemy. Updated on Saturdays with however many pages I get done.", false, true], "ADigitalAdventure": ["http://adiad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "What happens when you send scrapped characters into the digital world? Randomness happens. --- Kestrel and Gumdramon Marc and Renamon Ara and Kumamon Cassandra and Falcomon Lipi and Elecmon", false, true], "ADiseaseCalledUniversity": ["http://unidisease.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A gag a day comic strip about a sleep deprived art student who draws yaoi on the side. Oh and there's crazy shit too.", false, true], "AFairlyTwistedRealitySuper": ["http://aftr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 216, "www.AFairlyTwistedReality.com A comic that is finished. It's a noncontinous humor comic with no recurring characters.", true, true], "AFairyTale": ["http://afairytale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "", false, true], "AFarmersCross": ["http://afarmercross.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Alfred Blank is a priest, with a hidden identity at the back of his sleeves. He lives in the dept of Old Man Ralp's Town, with his only friends, Jake, the church's silent bellboy, and the twins Melinda and Belinda, the church's basket collector and speaker. But one evening, Alfred stumbled upon a young lad, who introduces himself as Vitaly, who claims that he is a farmer. But with the weird movements and a bunch of new visitors arriving the town, Alfred knew that there is something odd going with the boy. Could he discover what is behind the secrets of the lad? And will he also discover his real meaning why he was brought to this place? FIND OUT IN A FARMER'S CROSS!", false, true], "AFoolandhisCapMaxsYellowNuzlockeRun": ["http://foolandcapmax.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Max is a 10 year old who has been newly introduced to Pokemon. How will he handle his very first adventure? Find out in A Fool and his Cap!", false, true], "AGirlAndHerShadow": ["http://agirlandhershadow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 111, "There's something under the little girl's bed. It likes to play hide-and-seek and it's always hungry. It's also her best friend.", false, true], "AGirlontheServer": ["http://girlontheserver.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "The true and mostly true stories of a girl playing online games and having to deal with all the crap that comes with it. Because apparently, girls don't exist on the Internet!", false, true], "AGlimpseofLavender": ["http://agol.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "A manga style shoujo comic. The main plot involves a girl with a mysterious past and an even more mysterious future. The reader steps into the story during a dream that recounts the only sliver of past that the protagonist, Kaya #553579, can remember. When she awakens, the reader finds out that Kaya is an Infantry Supply Unit (Nutrition and Blood Supply) for Anton Zein, one of six ruthless vampire warlords of the Stratocracy. The plot unfolds when mysteries of her past start to become clear and she finds out that shes much more than just a supply unit.", false, true], "AGoodBlokesWork": ["http://agoodbloke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "A Good Bloke doing a typical bloke's amount of work.", false, true], "AGuyAGirlAndAnIsland": ["http://ggi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "Think of the possibilities of One Guy, One Girl, and an Island in the middle of the pacific ocean... Inside lies Treasure, Swearing, Lies, Truths, Hermit Crabs, Coconuts, and even some Pirates! All of which is true in this Shocking and Lurid Documentary about two people trying to survive on an island in the middle of nowhere.", false, true], "AHeavyandHisNagato": ["http://heavyxnagato.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "This comic is finished with Page 24... A random story of happenstance that is somewhat based on somewhat true events in Team Fortress 2 relating to a fan of the Haruhi Suzumiya character Nagato Yuki. A Heavy sets up his favorite spray of his favorite anime character, Nagato Yuki, whom he loves like a real person. How will this tale of unrequited love turn out? This tale is more Heavy focused than Nagato focused by the way for Nagato's just a spray in this tale.", false, true], "AHeroesBloodline": ["http://heroesbloodline.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "An ancient ancestors blood still runs through nearly everyone in a small, isolated community. Well, everyone but one boy it seems whose lack of powers, known locally as 'differences', first see's him bullied, then tossed into even more worrying situations he never knew existed. Updated Tuesday", false, true], "AKA": ["http://aka.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Katherine Hawk has always known that she wanted to be a superhero. Though now that\u2019s she\u2019s old enough for her grandmother to actually let her try, she might need some help, no matter how begrudging that help might be.", false, true], "AKirbyKomic": ["http://akirbykomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2031, "Join Kirby, Meta, and friends as they travel throughout the Kirby video game series and attempt to stop evil who are trying to destroy this series. It's a daily 4-panel adventure filled with science fiction, humor, and randomness.", false, true], "ALaMode": ["http://alamode.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 205, "Lamode sells talking pretzels to pay the rent. Her apprentice Schulz handles the wilder creations. Her new home Arryn, a college neighborhood pretending to be a town, helps Lamode discover love, acute distaste for movies, and the best way to a customer's stomach. A La Mode updates on Tuesdays and Thursdays.", false, false], "ALiebyAnyOtherName": ["http://albaon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "This is a tale of two best friends, hiding behind a mask only somewhat forced onto them. Mayoru Hakuo, the happy go lucky fan boy hides his enthusiasm under the cover of the cold as ice student council president. Takeshi Igaraki is a serious guy with a foul mouth under the guise of the sweet and enthusiastic team captain. Together, as both secret best friends and sex friends, they try to live their lives, without revealing their true natures. Note, this is a yaoi story.", true, true], "ALittleBet": ["http://alittlebet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "Izumi hates his life and wants to end it. He is lonely, has no true friends and recently lost his job. He briefly meets someone in a random chat room on the internet and makes a bet he thinks is innocent: \"I bet my life that I will not live threw tomorrow.\" Naturally he lives the next day, however the anonymous person in the chat room takes him seriously and claims Izumi's life. Izumi plays along soon finding himself in a bigger mess than he thought. This will contain yaoi/BL and mature content later on in the story. you have been warned.", false, true], "ALittleBitofIdiocyandLunacy": ["http://idiocy-and-lunacy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Idiocy and Lunacy consists of several individual strips and \"Joke Series\" - usually starring a certain set of characters. Strips that are part of a \"Joke Series\" have parts. A list of current and upcoming \"Joke Series\" will be listed at the bottom of this description. The list will be updated whenever I have uploaded a new \"Joke Series\" (be moved from Upcoming, to Current) or planned for a new \"Joke Series\" (added to the Upcoming list). Art is quite \"inspired\" by Cyanide and Happiness. Also, in Idiocy and Lunacy, I will be parodying quite a few characters such as Superman, Spider-Man and Batman. Official updates are every Wednesday and Sunday, but there are no set updates for the \"Extras\" part of \"Idiocy and Lunacy\" ***--- LIST OF CURRENT JOKE SERIES: ---*** *Chores* *Superheroes* *Oblivious Ollie* *Sax* *To be continued* *Some Sandwich Problems* *League of Weird* *Nananana nana nana Batman* ***--- LIST OF UPCOMING JOKE SERIES: ---*** *Once* *Pop Culture References?*", false, true], "ALoonaticsTale": ["http://aloonaticstale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 267, "A king needs a team of elite experts to help fight crime and uphold the peace of Mercia. Unfortunately, he hires crazy people for the job. This didn't quite pan out the way he thought it would.", false, true], "ALooseConnection": ["http://alooseconnection.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "A spy looking out for himself, a victim still adjusting to life after torture, and the daughter that binds them. A Harry Potter fanfiction written by Kermitsgirl and brought to life on the comic page by Megami23. AU, Post-Hogwarts, Pre-Final Battle, Dramione. Not recommended for children under 16. Updates Sundays and Wednesdays. Read right to left (manga-style).", true, true], "ALoveBet": ["http://alovebet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 276, "A Typical Love Story, Two guys and One girl... Because in the play of love sometimes the things dont go the way you expect... Read: right to left!!! Category: Shoujo, Romance, Comedy, loli, School Life, Slice Of Life. A Long Story!! xD Updates: Every 2 weeks!!!", false, true], "AMagicalGirlNuzlocke": ["http://magicgirlnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Xanthe has been living on her own ever since her father died, and hasn't heard from her mother in months. She never planned on leaving her home, until one day a small, strange creature takes a liking to her and a woman hands her a strange wand, saying that it was her mother's. Though she has no intention of causing trouble, Xanthe ends up becoming involved in a \"League Challange,\" which ultimately leads her to questions- and answers that she may not like. Rules: 1. If a Pokemon faints, it's dead. No revives. 2. Nickname all Pokemon. 3. Catch the first Pokemon you see in each area. -If it is a previously caught Pokemon, there are two more chances to find another. If that fails, no new Pokemon for the area. 4. No duplicates, evolutions, or pre-evolutions. -Pokemon that have died can be caught again. 5. Different floors or levels of areas with Pokemon count as different areas, and multiple Pokemon can be caught as long as they are from different floors. Played on Pokemon Yellow.", false, true], "AModeratelyFunnyComic": ["http://amfc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "It's a comic involving a bunch of Authors. And a bunch of homicidal Butterfrees, a Oshawott from the moon, a rather fancy Koffing and many, many more characters.", false, true], "ANewLife": ["http://anewlife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "~\u0095\u2605\u0095~ \u0095\u0095\u3010When the ones you love leave you behind....\u3011\u0095\u0095 \u0095\u0095\u3010When it seems there's nothing left to believe in...\u3011\u0095\u0095 \u0095\u0095\u3010And you think you are going to fall apart...\u3011\u0095\u0095 \u0095\u0095\u3010In that dark place, in that corner where nobody can reach you...there's always a light that will lead you back to... happiness.\u3011\u0095\u0095 \u0095\u0095\u3010All you have to do is open your eyes and see it.\u3011\u0095\u0095 ~\u0095\u2605\u0095~ \u0095\u0095\u3010A cute one-shot\u3011\u0095\u0095", false, true], "APHAshitaTenkiniNaare": ["http://aph-ashitatenkininaare.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Fan comic (doujinshi) for Axis Powers Hetalia, small open-style booklet. The United Kingdom has resurfacing memories triggered by the rain. However, tomorrow's weather might be fine. [USxUK, BL, One-shot, Complete]", false, true], "APHJPxUKMULBerry": ["http://aph-mulberry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Fan comic (doujinshi) for Axis Powers Hetalia, small unpublished booklet. Japan attempts to convey his feelings to the United Kingdom, who happens to be in love with the United States. [One-shot, Complete]", false, true], "API": ["http://api.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Hello! This comic takes place before the \"A.P.I - Virus\" comic so it's a good idea to read this one first. I made the other comic before this one though, so that's why its art is horrible. But I'll use the experience I got from that comic to make this one. I have no set update schedule for this comic, so updates will be very random.", false, true], "APIVirus": ["http://api-virus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "(READ THE OTHER API COMIC BEFORE THIS ONE.) The day starts like any other day for Cinta, Ravi and Api. But soon wierd things start to happend and the gang have to solve it, before it's too late.", false, true], "APPLESTRENGTH": ["http://apple-strength.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 134, "Sentenced to death, Naori Ketsueki doesn't expect miracle or redemption. Sure to close his eyes for the very last time, he wakes up yet into a strange world full of apples, where he will have to face his fate again, and the consequences of his actions. But what is the curse of Snow White ? And where will it lead him to ?", false, true], "APTComic": ["http://aptcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "The random adventures of a catgirl named Ammika [who goes by PrincesTomboy the adorable oxymoron], and a bunch of other people. Updates Fridays - If anyone wants to contact me, my email is \"PrincesTomboy@yahoo.com \" Please note that it and my username are short for 'Princess Tomboy', not the plural of a prince. -- Until I figure out how to add \"tags\", here have a large block of things. Ammika Inferno 'ferny Ferny Kumi Kumimi Ally The Pampered Alley Cat Adventures Heroine on Heroin Ember Alex Overcast Helena Foxx High Billy Sometimes Yellow My His Name is Bobby Bunni Bunny Rabbit Candi Candy Sweet Cat Fox Wolf Dog Chicken Sonic the hedgehog Kirby Furry Anthro Cat girl Catgirl So Many Tags Animal ears tail cute cutesy kawaii Keroro gunsou magic updates on fridays.", false, true], "APettyNuzlockeChallengeHeartGoldEdition": ["http://pettynuzlockehg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "A sequel run to A Petty Nuzlocke Challenge: LeafGreen Edition --------- It's been three years since LOCKE's adventures in Kanto and she's ready to take on Johto! A new rival and old enemies emerge as well as a rumor of a mysterious figure on Mt. Silver referred to as \"RED\". Will LOCKE survive this league?", false, true], "APettyNuzlockeChallengeLeafgreenEdition": ["http://pettynuzlockelg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Petty takes on the Nuzlocke challenge by playing Leafgreen in Hard Mode! Will her character \"Locke\" make it to the Elite 4? What does her rival, Gary, want? Will mewtwo destroy her team? All this and more as the story unfolds! SEQUEL COMIC: A PETTY NUZLOCKE CHALLENGE: HEARTGOLD EDITION http://pettynuzlockehg.smackjeeves.com/comics/1214263/cover-and-rules/", false, true], "AQuestionOfCharacter": ["http://aqoc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1984, "Authors ([25/25]); Aqua Apple Bre ClockworkTH CM Punk Daniel Sokolov DelSoul Drago Doctor_Vile Exerkol Fuzzy Fox Irene Kaizuto Kitsune Fire Nick Cypher Royle McCulloch Scar Shard Slash Segary Snurple sonicballzx spark th TouhouShake Z 55DubDub -----PLACES OPEN UP EVERY SUNDAY AT 7PM EST IF ANYONE LEAVES/A PLACE IS MADE AVAILABLE----- THERE ARE CURRENTLY: NO SLOT(S) AVAILABLE. IF YOU WISH TO APPLY FOR A SPOT, PLEASE SEND IN AN APPLICATION, EITHER VIA THE APP SYSTEM OR VIA PM TO ZMAN OR CM Punk (Who's too busy to constantly check updates but will check for Apps once a day atm). YOUR APP MUST INCLUDE YOUR REASON FOR WANTING TO JOIN AS WELL AS AN EXAMPLE OF (COMIC) WORK YOU'VE DONE IN THE PAST. REMEMBER, WE WORK ON A 'FIRST COME FIRST SERVED' BASIS, SO IF YOU DON'T MAKE IT THIS TIME, FEEL FREE TO TRY AGAIN IN FUTURE!", false, true], "ARC": ["http://arcs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Action! Adventure! Drama! Unfortunate programming mishaps, portals through time and space, fantastic weapons, pop culture references, robots, and hats! Updates every Saturday. Extra updates may occur on Wednesdays.", false, true], "ASPSC": ["http://aspsc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "only another South Park comic. it contains blood, violence and bad language so it shouldn't be read by anyone. [[and no, it's NOT BL nor canonxoc, this isn't pairing centred]]", false, true], "ASTROOTTO": ["http://astrootto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A comic about Otto, a guy who does stuff in space.", false, true], "AShadeofMaverick": ["http://ashadeofmaverick.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "In a world with a hero, is it possible to have peace? Place your bets now, because we already have a dark double, a malfunctioning chaos emerald, several misplaced enemies, and Amy undergoing an identity shift in this sonic sprite comic.", false, true], "ASingleStep": ["http://asinglestep.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A lone warrior monk, the last of his order, must travel across a war-torn land.", false, true], "ASnakeandaRedTone": ["http://asnake-aredtone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A 20 years old girl, who has an ordinary life, sometimes good yet sometimes bad, after the day she found an snake on her way home and bring him with her, her life will be more colorful then it was before.", false, true], "ASoGBottledUpConfession": ["http://asogbuc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "A young man moving to a new home. A little girl with a strange quirk. What happens next? Warning: Lolicon (Not in the explicit kind though) No dialogue Cliche (Sappy moments overdose D;) And it's a oneshot (so it won't last long) ------------------------------------------- STORY IS COMPLETED", false, true], "ASongforElise": ["http://asongforelise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 202, "Andi, Marcus and Elise are best friends since high school. But it hasn't been an easy friendship... And it will get worse. How much change will their relationship be able to deal with, whether it's love or death? A yaoi manga with all the EMO that it requires! ;)", true, true], "AStrangeTypeofLove": ["http://strangelove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 245, "Dory's life took a whole new turn as an old flame of his ends up living in his house after escaping an insane asylum. As time passes by,Dory tries to (Once again) win Damian's heart. Will he succeed? Or will their 'deal' get in the way? You can find out in ASToL. 18+ Content: Sex (GAY sex ohohoh) Language Nudity I am not English,So my speech may be a little bit off. And the comic itself might be too,At times. (It's my first comic after all)", true, false], "ATLASAnotherTalkingLonelyAnimalStrip": ["http://atlas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A dog with the amazing ability to talk is the only one of his kind in the real world. On his search to find someone to talk to he finds a cat named Skits who also strangely has this ability, but is a little bit out of his mind. Along the way he learns the truth of where he comes from and what to expect from the future.", false, true], "ATaleofHope": ["http://ataleofhope.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "The hidden story behind the statue of Frillisean in the middle of the Dragon City, Warfang. Spyro heard a brief story of her part in the war, but here we will see how it all started and her life during times of Malefor's uprising.", false, true], "ATasteofKiss": ["http://atasteofkiss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "A One shot story. \"What is the taste of a kiss?\"", false, true], "ATypicalShoujoManga": ["http://atypicalshoujomanga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Like the Title says it's just a Typical Shoujo Manga! Well at least i think it's one...", false, true], "AVCAngryVampireChibi": ["http://avccomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Follow AVC and a few of his friends, though it's not really daily life when you have all of these strange characters around.", false, true], "AVeryBoringLife": ["http://avbl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Slice-of-life comic based around three friends - Joanna, Sophie and Olivia - and their very boring lives. Shenanigans, drama, and a bunch of other stuff, too! ** Updates Tuesdays! **", false, true], "AWellLitPath": ["http://awelllitpath.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "A fantasy-esque comic following different groups of people in a world full of myth and religion.", false, true], "AWizard": ["http://lascivo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A Wizard is my current \"Comic Month Challenge\" Where I give myself a month to complete an entire comic. this is will be 62 pages and will probably take me over a month because classes begin again soon. Sometimes, inorder to pull yourself together in tough situations you have to pull yourself apart and do something different.", false, true], "AYajirobeTale": ["http://aytale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "A Dragon Ball doujinshi. Yajirobe comes between a scientist and the enigmatic Seal of Uroboros, but what do they want with her and her little pet? Updates weekly. Reads right-to-left.", false, true], "AYetisLifeCYOA": ["http://yetislife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "A Choose Your Own Adventure comic based off of the underrated enemies of Maplestory.", false, true], "AYuriCollab": ["http://ayuricollabbitches.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "Alright, so this is a collab, welcome to as many people who want to join. :3 This is a Yuri collab, so in other words, it's girl on girl. Don't like it, don't join it. Basic Story: Humans can have spirit protectors that arrive when they have life bad enough to protect them in partial human form (their spirit animal can be anything). Rules: Max of 3 characters State who you wish to reply to in comments When you apply, send a link for an example of your art NO FURRIES Thank you, and have fun. :3 I have the mature content warning on already just in case ;)", true, true], "Abadsonicplotcomic": ["http://sonikuuuuuuu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "It's a sonic comic and itz originalz. (It's supposed to look bad. *WARNING-Contains mature stuff. Mainly cussing*", false, true], "AbbyinHell": ["http://abbyinhell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 107, "A Girl. Zombies. A Copy Shop. How do you define hell?", false, true], "Abloodyrednuzellockechallenge": ["http://bloddy-rednuzelocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Hey firstly thanks for reading this and i'll say this is a comic about yes ...pokemon ...... :D and why do we do it just because we can. the story begins with our two heroes Seth and Vinny ,these guys are friends and both orphans ,...... until they meet prof Oak ( who's mentally retarted) and then yes let the adventures begin grtz Simon en Elias", false, true], "Aboutcd": ["http://wherescd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "When a new patient shows up at Madison Mental Hospital with a record thick enough to slap someone one with, everyone's lives get uprooted; especially Hugo Debois', who has been targeted as his new love interest. But who exactly is C.D.? !Bl alert, Bl alert! Gore,drug abuse, alcohol abuse, religious themes, sexual themes >>>>>Left>>>To>>>Right>>>>", false, true], "AbydosOnline": ["http://abydosonline.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "The creators of the Abdyos Online MMO are proud to bring you the Abydos webcomic. Abydos is a new world full of unimaginable beauties and dangers. The webcomic follows the gods who were meant to rule over this world. New pages will be released every Wednesday at 12am ET.", true, true], "Acanthity": ["http://acanthity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "", false, true], "Acceleration": ["http://acceleration.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Heroes live in the realm of law, protecting the nation of Aeven. These heroes take many missions and fight off evil creatures called Renegades. However there\u2019s an evil organization that wishes to use the Renegades to destroy Aeven and rebuild it, in their image. However Kai along with his friends from Team Valor will risk their lives to save the world which they love so dearly. Updates 1-3 Times a week!", false, true], "AccursedPieceofMetal": ["http://cursedmetal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "An action packed story that fills in people who are protected by robots and they whom are suffering from the evil overlord's invasion along the planet! Although, the death of Meteor Luzi Infernatio, an alien that lives among the Mobians died in order to protect the others from the overlord's rule but failed to meet everyone's expectations. Now only that remains to save them from the evil overlord is the abandoned technology from the Xesperian races, G-Suko. Although, the luck is not on the Mobians side, G-Suko has not be seen for a while after Meteor's death. Where could he be? What is he planning? How can a serial killer save the Mobians? Read to find out! Note: This is a What-If series. Not canonical. Also, renewing the cameo spots! Send in cameos now! Robots would be more appreciated.", false, true], "Acedia": ["http://acedia-sloth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Acedia AKA:Sloth. PREVIEW. Luke is the epitome of todays society. A lazy, drop out student with no goals in life (or at least no goals that he can be bothered to strive for!) With a job that he hates and a family that love him, will he find the motivation to turn his life around? ______________________________________________ This short comic is part of an anthology that will be realised along with more shorts including all the other deadly sins. It is a group project published by Gashu-Group, a new hot and upcoming publishing company! I will be back with more details when the comic is released so be sure to watch this space; you won't want to miss it! Check out the website! http://www.gashu-group.net/", false, true], "Acidity": ["http://acidity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Read right to left Acid is a relatively newborn shinigami who has been stripped of his human life and relations. Even after all this time, he is still in the midst of trying to sort out whether he and his newly acquired shinigami family are really monsters or angels, or whether or not he'll ever even find a place to truly call home again. However, in the middle of reluctantly performing his usual shinigami job, he becomes tied up in a serial killer investigation and is framed as the murderer. While the real killers are running around letting him take the blame, Acid tries to prove his innocence/their guilt so that he might have the possibility of scoring a date with Zak, the leader of the investigation team that's on the case, after everything is said and done. This will be a yaoi/boy's love. There will be straight, lesbian, and bisexual characters as well but the main focus is a malexmale couple. This comic is based loosely around a roleplay that I did with a friend, which may explain why there's shinigamis, vampires, nekos, and a bunch of other crap that probably won't make much sense.", false, true], "Acquaintance": ["http://acquaintance.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "Ruri found Rei hopeless and decided to help him convey his feelings for Miyu, get rejected or not doesn't matter. Ruri's only mission is to help Rei confess. Will it really be that easy?? >_> * unbearably ugly art at first but it subtly improves. *A long one shot", false, true], "Actionland": ["http://actionland.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "An action packed manga style comic about artists who work in an amusement park...but they aren't just your average artists dealing with every day customers!", false, true], "ActuallyNekoKunChanSan": ["http://actuallynkcs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Occurances in my life and reasons why I am a cat.", false, true], "AdaLeeComesOn": ["http://adalee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 179, ">> A Faustian tale, or the story of a crazy woman. ___(Warning: this comic contains smoking, drinking, profanity, nudity, and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.)", false, false], "Adalsysla": ["http://adalsysla.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 126, "there's a freckly guy who misses his girlfriend a lot and a blue girl who wants to find her brothers. on their way to wherever they're faced with a lot of trouble! drawn and written by piim, also known as Katarina Skott. mostly updates weekends!!", false, true], "AddingZero": ["http://add0.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "The sequel to the After Subtract! Mario, Sonic, Link and Kirby bested their villians and saved their damsels (and cake) in distress! But what would've been a happy ending doesn't appear to have an ending at all! What happened when they all walked out that door? Find out in this wacky new comic! Update schedule TBA!", false, true], "AdrenalineRush": ["http://adrenalinerush.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Meet Shawn Toms. At his school, he's the epitome of what every single guy wants to be: track star extraordinaire, shining personality, all the right friends, hot girlfriend, rich parents. He's got a quirk; his \"unnatural\" obsession with the accursed \"Art Room,\" and his difficulty leaving it alone. But that's only minor. Until, a lightning bolt and a shot of adrenaline leave Shawn with a little problem of uncontrollable super-speed. Unable to run track anymore, Shawn decides that this is the perfect opportunity to test out this art thing that he can't shake off. However likable the rest of the school finds him, though, Shawn can't break through to the Kings of the Art Room: Andy Evans and Grase Antoinette. Not only are they unbearably against Shawn being anywhere near their haven, but these two have secrets of their own: secrets that Shawn would have never expected out of his own halls. Secrets that could very possibly rock his world harder than his problem, and that could shatter his fragile popularity, forcing him to fall from grace. (Contains BL. It doesn't kick in for a little bit, but it'll be there)", false, true], "Adrestia": ["http://adrestia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "When the crew of HMS Penthos mutiny and kill their officers, it falls on Captain Rhys Harper of HMS Adrestia to hunt down and recapture the rogue ship before it can be handed over to the enemy. Adrestia is an age of sail webcomic set in a late 18th century alternate history. There is also some magic. Just a little bit. Updates every Wednesday.", false, true], "AdultHigh": ["http://www.adulthighcomic.com/comics/", 71, "The author's comment of the first comic explains what all this bullshit is about (I'm too lazy to copy/paste/edit).", false, true], "Adventure": ["http://adventurerpg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A story being played out like a role-playing game four select people i've chosen will be playing,so your pretty much watching people play a rip off of D&D The game takes place in the land of Sammich a poorly drawn land inhabited by poorly drawn creatures and people. inspired by: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=124903", false, true], "AdventureTimeMaxesStory": ["http://adventuretimemaxesstory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "My Very Own Adventure Time fan comic. Me, Myself (Max) And My Dog roam the land of ooo fighting and battleing off monsters and evil. But What happens When Max Has a Crush on Prince Ed? will He eventually be able to tell him his true feelings? Or will something bad happen to make his life a living hell... This is a BL comic... ^^ If you don't like yaoi...gtfo! c: Ummm this is meh first BL comic and I'm just really embaressed about this >.> I know my drawings suck and I'm just weird but uhh take it easy on meh k? :x THIS IS NOT A POKEMON COMIC!!! Comic contains potty mouth sexual themes and gore better buckle up c: Updates: Mondays and Fridays", false, true], "AdventuresinCollege": ["http://adventuresincollege.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 461, "These kids are attending college. These comics depict all the crazy things that go on in their lives.", false, true], "AdventuresofLumandFriends": ["http://aolaf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "The daily life of a group of wild Pokemon. Join a Ralts, Gardevoir and Mawile on their eternal quest for food, money and TMs. May contain violence towards human trainers, other Pokemon and cannibalism. Mmmm Tepig...", false, true], "AdventuresofMitch": ["http://adventuresofmitch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 129, "The adventures of a fairly normal teenage boy and his host of crazy companions in a world that gives new meaning to the term \"modern fantasy\". Updates Fridays.", false, false], "AdventuresofZouraAndMalik": ["http://yukiandsonicguycomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "The everyday adventures of Zoura the hedgehog and Malik the Yoshi! This comic is purly made for fun and not for the fans or anything like that, so yep!", false, true], "AdventuresofaCosplayer": ["http://adventuresofacosplayer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A young girl cosplays her hero, Mega Man, but everything backfires when everyone, including eight deadly Robot Masters, mistakes her for the real deal! Updates on Fridays.", false, true], "AeRyoun": ["http://aeryoun.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "AeRyoun ( \u611b\u9023, \uc560\ub828 ) ~Love Entwined~ 18 years old and a 3rd-year at Chang-Ryoung High School, Eunbyeol starts his new school year - which also happens to be his last before graduation - just like any other, when he unexpectedly runs into 1st-year Gangmin, his junior from middle school. Having been best buddies during the one year they were together, Eunbyeol is overjoyed to see him again. As the two (along with friends from both sides) begin their eventful school year, Eunbyeol struggles to believe that he cares for Gangmin only as a younger brother, though he can't deny the feelings that run deeper than ordinary friendship... and is Gangmin feeling the same way too? Friendship, study stress, school grades, College Entrance Exams, and the importance of being considerate to the ones you love most. [Korean High School Life/Humor/Shounen-ai(Platonic/emotional relationships)] The story takes some time to build relationships and certain emotions between characters, so please be patient~ XD ('m sorry if updates are slow, I'm usually busy studying and I take so much time with shading the backgrounds in a sorry attempt to make up for its sketchiness!)", false, true], "AetherTheories": ["http://aethertheories.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Two conjurors face all kinds of supernatural foes, but their greatest challenge to overcome may be each other... Set in an alternate 1920's, Aether Theories follows Ambrose and his (somewhat reluctant) assistant Nekoda as they solve paranormal problems using magic. But something isn't quite right, and there are secrets aplenty between the unlikely duo. Will opposites attract, or will the skeletons in their closets be their end?", false, true], "Afortuneshippingcomic": ["http://fortuneshipping.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "an extremely short story featuring kouki and hikari from pokemon. a collab comic with two artists. http://chillarmyekaki.deviantart.com/ http://huni-kun.deviantart.com/", false, true], "AfterDeath": ["http://afterdeath.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Kai's been dead for a year, and man is death boring! but when she follows what she thinks is a cute squirrel into a magicians layer, things get to be anything but dull. updates Mondays", false, true], "Afterconsolespunchout": ["http://afterconsolespunchout.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "This is fan comic/strip series for games like Mass effect, Dishonored, Skyrim, Assassins creed,Fable,Batman, Fallout(maybe)and others and Dragon Age now then though i like to leave that champions and dragons so tune in to see jokes that are guaranteed to be around 80% original most of the time! enjoy! (c)games and characters to rightful owners, also thank you game companies for the games and free potshots", false, true], "Against": ["http://against.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "A 25 year old man named Dacer Gaico and his friend Anima Sword are faced with a ground-shaking discovery when a man visits their village with dark intentions. Join the two as they go on a journey that may hold more significance than they could have ever imagined. ---- Updates every Sunday, unless stated otherwise.", false, true], "AinoResu": ["http://ai-resu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "As time goes by the human race has slowly become unproductive and inefficient. Dropout and unemployment rates quickly begin to rise, while education levels and academics standards plummet. World Leaders and Government officials began to fear for the future as humanity quickly descends to idiocracy. Unable to sit back and watch humanity destroy itself, a group of Japanese scientist conducted an experiment to make beings that would rise above humanity. These beings are called Ai no Resu (Less of Love). By extracting the human emotion, Love, these beings were able to surpass humans in four categories.", false, true], "AkanenoSakuraVolume1": ["http://akanesakura.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "**Updates 2 pages per week during the summer. Digital Version now available! ewe: http://animemeg27.deviantart.com/gallery/34803671 PLEASE NOTE: This manga is entirely drawn using paper&pencil so not all of the effects are great and my drawing style is still developing and improving. [AGE RATING]: 13+ MANGA DESCRIPTION: Hitomi Shizuko, a 14 year old girl, posesses 5 special powers. With the help of her Inner Partner, Hisashi Hajime, she sets off to find the person who killed her parents. The Hitomi clan and Lee clan both have powers and have been at war for hundreds of years in secret. Her best friend Hyuga Ayano feels betrayed when Shizuko leaves her \"for good\". When Shizuko transfers to her old school which she had gone to when her parents were still around, she meets her old best friend, Isaberu (Japanese pronounciation of Isabelle). Apparently, Isaberu had become friends with a girl from the Lee clan soon after Shizuko's life turned into a blood red nightmare. Will Shizuko ever be able to save the ones she loves? Is she going to suffer her whole life? Who was it who killed her parents?", false, true], "AlPoxalips": ["http://www.alpoxalips.com/comics/", 585, "A story about a man on a mission. A very well-to-do man, very well educated, and yet not very smart. His mission? To convince as many as possible that the globe is facing many man-caused catastrophes that can only be solved by everyone but Al cutting back on their life style. Dedicated to preserving the planet and his lifestyle, but with as little discomfort to himself as possible.", false, true], "Alchemiya": ["http://alchemiya.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "When the Earth is struck by disaster, driven by humanity, the spiritual world rebels. Most, want to continue the slaughtering of man kind, while the other part of the spiritual world, want's to have their hope of making amends. Through Alchemy, Spirits are reborn and unleashed to take on a human body known as, Alchemiya's.", false, true], "Aleph": ["http://aleph.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "Once upon a 1871... - The Napoleonic Empire established itself as the most powerful country in the world. - The Library of Babel contained and protected the well-being of all books ever written, as well as several alternative versions of each of them. - Words, when properly used, could deceive sensorial perception, and Aberrant books could turn fiction into reality and reality into fiction. - Friedrich came across a book he wasn't looking for, but everyone else wanted. Shenanigans ensued. Contains: nonsense, anachronisms, literary references, an ironic narrator, a little bit of steampunk, a little bit of science, traces of romance and a lot of family drama. Updates once a week.", false, true], "Alice": ["http://bloodyalice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Contains bloody scenes, unnecessary violence, swearing, murder, cruel acts, and whatever else I wanna put in it. Everyone knows the tale of Alice in the land of wonder. But Wonderland is not at all like the one in the book. The original Alice, the Alice of whom inspired the novel, fell down a hole while chasing a white rabbit. However, her ending was not a happy one. Alice fell to her death. A great granddaughter of the Liddel line, was unfortunate enough to receive the name 'Alice' as well. Now she is plagued by a white rabbit. And chases him to wonderland as well. Though what waits for her at the bottom of the rabbit hole is a far cry of 'Wonderland'. Reads right to left.", false, true], "AliceAndElisinWonderland": ["http://aeiw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "An alternate reality is crumbling, time falling apart at its seams. Thirteen cards from this reality must be drawn. And Alice and Elis are two of them.", false, true], "AlicesCross": ["http://alicescross.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Devastation is currently enveloping Wonderland because of the Red Queen\u2019s broken heart caused by Alice and the Hatter\u2019s relationship. The survivors decided to re-enact the events to bring back Alice and use her as bait to bring the Hatter back as well to cure the Queen. Pinku as White Rabbit and March Hare are set out to search for Alice to save Wonderland. Please, bear with amateur art, story and inconsistencies. Thank you! O v O **READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT**", false, true], "AlienDrugged": ["http://aliendrugged.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "Alien Drugged is centered around five eccentric girls with eccentric abilities, guided by a flaming outhouse with James Earl Jones like charisma, to do battle with an evil transvestite queen from another planet. Expect magical girl transformations, nipple ring powers, and B-rated sci-fi movie shenanigans!", false, true], "AlienExterminationForce": ["http://alienexterminationforce.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Takeshi Fujiwara and Hikari Kimimura have been finding and eliminating extra-terrestrials to protect mankind for years, but everything changes for both of them when a new member named Hiroshi joins the extermination force.", false, true], "AllBonesandWoe": ["http://allbonesandwoe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "A rhyming ghost story following a mysterious, wretched man.", false, true], "AllBoysSchool": ["http://allboysschool.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "A crazy comic with bizarre characters. Humor, gayosity, dumb jokes, bad hair days, sweetass action, no parents ,and well...high school boys ahead of you. Proceed. If you think you can handle it. And oh yeah. Did I mention awesome lack of school authority? XXX Krisle is a trouble maker and has been kicked out of multiple schools for violence. Trisc is a jock addicted to basketball and anything sports, but is a little--well...eccentric. Nickahl is the weird kid of the school that just wants to listen to his music and go to concerts. Kade is...well...he's the other weird kid of the school that always hangs around Nickahl. What do these three-er-four have to do with each other? They somehow become best friends and cause all sorts of different types of havoc around the already chaotic All Boys School. And they're really good at being unique about it.", false, true], "AllInLOVE": ["http://allinlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "A young boy starts his new day in another school. This school isn\u0092t like others. In this world, exist two species named Kay and Black Angel. Those species are in war, they can not love each other by there differences. This school was made for the two species gather together and make peace in to the world. Roy Figure (main character) is very different than anyone around him. A lot of things happened to him at his new school\u0085 He is somehow special to others\u0085 in the weird way.", false, true], "AllMyBestFriends": ["http://allmybffs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "What if, given a chance, you are able to meet your counterpart? Will that be the best day of your life ever? Will that be chaos?! Buns thinks that he's the most awesome person alive (even if he just obviously isn't), showering everyone he encounters his glorious little slices to boot. He thought he was perfect. But after several weird dreams and unworldly occurrences, all things begin to change before him, when this weird, snappy girl named Jelly barged in his house and resided in for good. Without his consent. And he hasn't even seen her in his life once, ever. ...Or has he?", false, true], "AllStarHeroes": ["http://allstarheroes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "(Massive video game crossover) The planet Corneria is under a constant threat of evil. The All Star Heroes, a team of six individuals with varying skills and abilities, are tasked with protecting this planet. The team consists of a Gremio from Suikoden (the leader), Billy Kane from Fatal Fury (the athlete), Ally Gator from Black & Bruised (the fighter), Coco Bandicoot from Crash Bandicoot (the tech expert), Toad from Mario Bros (the muscle) and Scorch from Army Men (the pyromaniac). Who will this team of six face next? It literally could be anyone.", false, true], "Allagiphobia": ["http://allagiphobia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "This comic is based on South park, it's about Georgie (=kindergoth) and Ike Broflovski (Kyle's little brother) all grown up. It's a slashcomic so if you don't like that don't read it. When Gerogie is paired up with Ike Broflovski on a history assignment he expected it to be awful right from the start but he could never have imagined things to get so out of hand so fast. After a surprising act from Ike things get complicated. Maybe there is more to this conformist then Georgie first thought.", false, true], "AllergicToEffort": ["http://allergiceffort.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "THIS SUMMER, follow the comical exploits of these idiots as they try to make you laugh. Do they succeed? You decide.", true, true], "Almost": ["http://ialmost.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Please read: Left to Right Summary: Through the ups and downs of each individual, the story follows a high school boy, Kazuki Yamamoto. Through his attempts and failures, he 'almost' captures the heart of the girl he loves. Except when something, unexpected, occurs... -------------------------------------------------- *This may contain fail humor,language,slight changes in drawings and stupidity.** - Update Status: slow -", false, true], "Almost_romantic": ["http://almostromantic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "FWB evolving in a not so lovey dovey way :)", false, true], "AloversRule": ["http://aloversrule.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 211, "SUMMARY.......... Oliver thought moving to America with Alden to peruse his dream as a musician was like a dream come true. He felt like the luckiest guy to meet Alden until one day his attitude began to change, becoming obsessed, abusive and controlling. When Oliver meets Julian, A retired military man, He believes that fate has brought them together through his music as he tries to develop a friendship with him. As a heterosexual man, Julian feels insulted by Oliver's approach and turned him down even though he felt something for oliver. Meanwhile, Jacob who is Alden's ex lover is filled with regrets as he reflects on his Past relationship with Alden. Finally realizing that he's still in love with him, he tries to find a way to break up Oliver and Alden's relationship. -----------------------WARNING------------------------------- This comic has really graphic sexual content. GENRES: Drama - Romance - Shounen Ai - Yaoi- boyxboy-some violence included, bad language. Comic status: Active Updates:Every day or Every other day! :) Reads: Left to Right", true, true], "AlphaGirl": ["http://alphagirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "As the girl opens her eyes she can't remember how she got there. The wooden cart takes her and other women to a destination unknown. When the door finally opens all the girl can think of is: ESCAPE! But when she meets handsome Jean her mind and body are all too easily swayed by his good looks and demanding hands ... Please refrain from reading if you are a minor as they are some explicit scenes in this manga! Read from right to left, please!", true, true], "AlphuhsJunk": ["http://alphuhshit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "I know you want it. The sprites i mean. :)", false, true], "AlwaysOctober": ["http://alwaysoctober.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "An awkward teen's journey to find himself (and become a werewolf). Updates Wednesdays.", false, true], "AlwaysRainingHere": ["http://alwaysraininghere.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "MOVED TO http://alwaysraininghere.com/ !! A totally original high school story about a couple of gay guys who annoy each other. Also massive amounts of UST. Updates every Thursday.", false, true], "Ambivalance": ["http://ambivalance.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "\"As Jonouchi comes to terms with his sexuality and begins to explore it, he learns quickly that not all attraction can be thwarted, no matter how hard he tries.\" A webcomic adaption of the wonderful Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfiction, Ambivalance, as per requested from one of the writers! WARNING: Contains Puppyshipping (which is Kaiba/Jou aka MALE/MALE) and mature content later on.", true, true], "Ambivalence": ["http://ambivalence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "***<STATUS: COMPLETED>*** Ambivalence: \"mixed feelings or emotions\" (via Google) -- *BL Warning* Summary: Hideki has a secret love for his best friend Takeru. But Takeru will be leaving to study in England. What is he going to do? -- This is a short manga that will be printed at a local anime convention. Please enjoy it~ - Mao ** You can also find this on my deviantART http://beautiful-shinigami.deviantart.com/", false, true], "AmelAndRaulChallenge": ["http://amelnraul.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "This is going to be a looong nuzlocke adventure.", false, true], "AmongGods": ["http://loveblossoms.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "A tale of Greek Mythology. Among Gods: Part 1: Love Blossoms :: Completed Part 2: Blossoms into War :: In Progress Story arc: War among Gods. Part 1: Story of HadesxPersephone Part 2: Stories from the Underworld Story Arc: Greek Gods doing Godly things.", false, true], "AmorVincitOmnia": ["http://avo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 166, "It is said, that on the day I was born an angel descended from the heavens. He delivered unto me a blessing... and a curse. Updates once weekly (Unless I say otherwise) (Oh, and most likely on weekends) Warnings: -This is a Bl comic. That means man on man action. So don't be suprised, 'kay? I may also do het and gl pairings later if I feel like it. -Rating WILL be boosted to mature later on. Also, it can be rated mature for anything. I like to keep my options open.", true, true], "Amya": ["http://amya.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 259, "Amya is a high-fantasy graphic novel; following the adventures of a mute spell-touched and her unlikely companions as they are dragged into an adventure that is a little beyond them. Ultimately \u0096 Amya is a story about self sacrifice for the greater good. It is also a story of how far one will go to obtain unearthly power; even if it includes throwing the world into a mythical war between fate and chaos. Amya updates every Wednesday.", false, true], "AnUnconventionalPair": ["http://unconventionalpair.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "South Park comic COMPLETED A stupid short comic about Craig Tucker and Tweek Tweak's relationship Poorly written and drawn with lack of sleep and caffeine XDD Hopefully I won't give up on this comic when I know it won't be that long lol Also don't expect buttsecks. Expect cracky gayish insinuation: LIKE DEM LEGS -shot-", false, true], "AnUnexpectedDevelopment": ["http://unexpecteddevelopment.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "In a world where Megaman and Roll have swapped genders and become a pair of human teenagers, there is a need for new heroes to rise in order to protect the city from both new and old threats. Instead they get Sam and Alex. Two mischievous high-school students find themselves in a predicament which is quite the opposite of Rock and Roll's, but just as awkward. Will they be able to get used to their new-found \"changes?\" ______________________________________ Well, here it is. This is a little project I've been working on for a bit. I guess you could call this my tribute to the old enjoyable Mega Man 7 style comics that popped up here and there during the golden age of spriting. Remember to read \"Slight Miscalculation\" by Mitchell00 in order to understand what's going on in this comic. http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=67755", false, true], "AnWAlexinWonderland": ["http://anwalexinwonderland.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Alex Daratrazanoff USED to be normal. That was before he went through a traumatizing experience in which his mother died, and now blames it all on himself. Now, he acts like a normal person, but talks to no one and stays centered on his art and trying to stay away from people. Then, of course, his mirage of normalicy was shattered the day Devin James showed up. Men with rabbit ears....Doors in trees....and Wonderland? \"Wonderland? Hah, what a crock! Whoever wrote it was delusional and out of touch with reality. In real life, you can't just jump down a rabbit hole into some wonderful, fantasy world.\" That's what he THOUGHT. Until this happened. /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/ Let me be clear, since i know there have to be people seeing this who have not read Alex in Wonderland, my story on fanfiction.net. This is a place where I post my drawings of the characters, my little scenes and everything I feel like sketching of them. Here's a link to the story, for those who haven't read it but want to: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6083574/1/Alex-in-Wonderland So have fun viewing my charcters c:", false, true], "AnabelandherSister": ["http://anabelandhersister.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Anabel is a brat, but at least her sister is looking out for her. As much as a dead sibling can. Based off of a short story I wrote a few months back.", false, true], "AnalogueandDigital": ["http://analogueanddigital.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "A comic about electronic music. With synthesizers.", true, true], "AnataNiMeOEyesonYou": ["http://eyes-on-you.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Anata Ni Me O is a quick One-shot featuring fan characters for VanilleCream's Contest on Deviantart. For the sake of my sanity, I will update this every Thursday until it is compete. kylerthemighty.deviantart.com", false, true], "AnatawaWatashiNoChiisaiHimitsuTeIMasu": ["http://youaremylittlesecret.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Anata wa watashi no chiisai himitsu te i masu (You Are My Little Secret). Hino Katsu is a 16 year old high school student who up and until recent lead a pretty normal life of a boy. When his sister, Hino Misaki, suddenly runs away from home before starting her first year of High School at one of the best schools in the area, his parents have a cruel idea. Now Katsu is forced to repeat his first year as his sister at her school well his parents dish out lie after lie. Its not all bad though. His crush, Kagawa Nanami, is also attending the school! However, when Kagawa's older brother, Masato, discovers his secret, Katsu is forced to pay a price for his silence... Warning: Contains Boy Love. Cross dressing. Don't like either, sorry!", false, true], "Anathemacomics": ["http://anathema-comics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 354, "1810 England, the height of the Napoleonic wars. It was thought that humans walked the path of enlightenment leaving monsters and dark things behind. However, those monsters and night stalkers merely hide in the darkness, as a young maid, Bernadette, soon finds out.", false, true], "AnchourPointsDiveAndRiseAgain": ["http://apdara.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "This is a 24 hour -comic that I made last year. (Meaning I made 24 comic pages in 24 hours.) As all my comics in SmackeJeeves this far, this comic is related to a longer story called Anchour Points that I plan to make one day. This particular story tells us how two characters met each other, but because of the page limitation I gave myself, this story is in a way incomplete. So you can expect part 2 in the future, but I can't promise when.", false, true], "AnchourPointsImageofMan": ["http://apiom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "A story of a girl defying our concept of man. Completed story, updating three times a week.", false, true], "AncientKing": ["http://ancientking.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "", false, true], "AndYourNameisNEW": ["http://andyournameis2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Isawa Momoka and Yamato Jun have been friends ever since preschool. However, as friends would normally call each other by their first names, they do not...What doesn't help is that Momoka has been deeply in love with Jun, but has never had the courage to tell him so. All she wants is for him to call her by her first name. Just when Momoka is about to confess her feelings, tragedy strikes, causing Jun to lose his memory, and forgetting about ever being friends with Momoka. However, Momoka won't stand for it, and tries helping him remember everything, including her. Story and art by: Ai, \u00a9HaKu10 2012 Please read from right to left~ :) Updates will be sporadic~ :)", false, true], "AndisDoodlesOnLife": ["http://andisdoodlesonlife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "A few doodles about my life, mostly about my siblings because they are so goofy!", false, true], "AngelDust": ["http://angel-dust.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A 24 Hour Comic Day 2010 Project, in the raw as completed within the alloted time. Expect very rough sketches, sloppy text and scrawled artists' comments, an extremely inconsistent style, and an incredibly incoherent/confusing plot. Enjoy as is, please. PREMISE: The story of a teenage boy caught between dreams and reality in a near-future world, haunted by fear and feathers; a story of learning how to stand, when to fall, and the meaning of home. COMPLETE", false, true], "AngelGuardian": ["http://angel-guardian.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 150, "Kyrsiel is a young apprentice of Guardian Angel. His teacher, Gersiel, is responsible he achieves a successful test mission to graduate. Moreover, Gersiel may not continue his evolution as Angel until Kyrsiel, who is his last student, graduates. And this is not easy! Both will play an important mission on Earth: Protect Midori, a young student girl, from the demons that are chasing her. . Will Kyrsiel do it successfully or will he fail again? Story and drawings: \u00a9 Reenave http://reenave.deviantart.com Translated into English by: Louise Brown http://cast-into-the-abyss.deviantart.com/", false, true], "AngelProtected": ["http://www.angelprotected.com/comics/", 28, "To every Planet there is a Guardian and to every Guardian there is a Protector. Seventeen-year old Tiara Earthiea is going to be Earths newest Guardian. She may be younger than most Guardians but the rule must be passed down. With her older sister refusing to take the rule young Tiara must be Guardian and with the everlasting protection of her Protector Elgor, a winged humanoid alien from a distant planet, and the guidance of her older sister Rika; Tiara faces the world she was born in but not so ready to take a very important step of a lifetime. Will young and inexperienced Tiara over come and become the proper Guardian the Earth needs? Author T.M Hands brings you a story of romance, action, fantasy, and Sci-Fi. In a world where the Universe is an open plane and love can come from planets light-years away. Rated T for teen Updates by weekly on Saturday @ 9:00am", false, true], "AngelicBlood": ["http://angelicblood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "<--- Read this way! <--- A truce between Heaven and Hell forbids Angels and Demons from interacting with one another. However, one fateful day it happens that two opposites meet and fall in love, to which the punishment is separation and exile. And so it happens that the two lovers are banished to Earth with their memories erased. A mistake causes the Demon to keep his memories, however, and he is now determined to find his lover again. Having no memory of her life and past whatsoever, Angelina enrolls to a normal high school in order to start anew. She gets ordinary friends and ordinary problems. Her life seems ordinary in general, but this changes the day she meets the weird boy Nethiel, who claims to be her boyfriend. Something in Angelina has changed, however, and she finds Nethiel utter unattractive and not her type. She refuses to get to know him. How will Nethiel gain her trust? How will he convince her of their relationship and their past? And is it even possible when Angela now has other boys in her life? Not even to mention Nethiel's growing hunger for her angelic blood...", false, true], "AnimaLibera": ["http://animalibera.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Cycling through seasons of change, 'Anima Libera' follows the life of a young boy growing up in the wild as he figures out the world around him, affecting everyone he meets with his curiosity and innocence.", false, true], "AnimalAdventures": ["http://animaladventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "In a world similar to Pokemon minus the humans, intelligent creatures called Animals must use their amazing powers to save the galaxy. Many of the characters and storyline resemble things from various media. Contains action, violence, gore, romance, clean humor, adventure, possibly a few swear words, and extreme cuteness. Is read from left to right. This comic contains a lot of characters. Note: This comic does not update any schedule. I update when a new page is done.", false, true], "AnimalsVsHumansRemastered": ["http://avhr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "The story starts off when Roy returns after years of absence to a place that is at complete war. He, silas, jason, and ultimate will try to stop it.. while others will continue to make it grow. Ok here's the characters Humans 5/7 Jefery (bravewolf) The Black Eagle(jblack) Steel knight(digi300) Oda (odamaru) Chenana (arianatheechinda) Animals 7/7 Vanac Honmaru (vanac) Nitro Kaian (jameswolf100) Dark (dark) Bre (Bre Ishurna the wolf) Ariana (ArianatheEchidna) Max (NiggaShadowSaiyanXD) Catelectro (.:AuraX:.) Neutrals 10/10 S. Daniel Foster (Velocity) Shard Tenor (royle) Shift (overdrive) Soul (delsoulz) Scar (scar) Kai (kaizuto) (felix) Blitz (blitz3124) Frost (Frost the wolf) Cassie (TouhouShake) Villians 10/10 Copa F. Hinote (copafire) Rush (the new rush) Ray Zarra (afroman17) Fritz (m.daily) Mika Tist (Shard) Neku (delsoulz) Cronos (darkscarz) Julius (gmc) Bandits (ultimate) Eclipse (chaos the hedgehog) (updates every monday and thursday)", false, true], "Animayhem": ["http://animayhem.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 190, "Twelve-year-old social reject Vera and her best friend Maggie love anime more than life itself. Too bad they live in a world that's hostile to the magic of Japanese cartoons. And go to a school that contains a portal to the Underworld. And have to fight demons when they could be cosplaying or watching a Princess Neko-chan marathon... Vera and Maggie's adventures with the occult are twisted, gory...and so absurd, they can only result in total Animayhem! Written and illustrated by JoJo, currently set to update every other day until there ain't no more pages!", false, true], "Anmnaa": ["http://anmnaa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Once upon a blue moon, a wolf god discovered a shiny lantern in the misty woods. It was so brilliant and warm, and the wolf god loved it so much. Blinded by the light, the god forgot its own name, and became lost in the nowhere lands, where the spirits and demons wand. Now, its only desire is to recover its lost, no matter the prize. Or perhaps, it\u00b4s too hard to give up shiny warm light.", false, true], "AnotherMind": ["http://anothermind.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "The story of two worlds. Our world and dream world. Disaster is about to begin in our minds. Who will save us and who will save our rescuer? Updates randomly. (At least one page per week)", false, true], "AnthemsofaTravellingPokemonTrainer": ["http://anthems.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A few random, irregularly updated comic strips about the lives of six travelling trainers and the obstacles they must face on the way. 13+ for: -Mature themes (mentions of sex, drugs, death etc.) -Teen humour -Crude humour -Bad language (at times) -Accuracy regarding \"slice-of-life\" (pokemon-world-equivalent) situations -Crappy art -Irregular updates -Weather, part-time jobs and other not-so-boring everyday activities ---- This is NOT a nuzlocke. It's, as I've stated, slice-of-life strips in the mind of six travelling pokemon trainers. :)", false, true], "AnthroKai": ["http://anthrokai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 71, "Hiro and Xeol are two friends who have been living in Tokyo, Japan since they were young. They have spent their entire childhood basically inseparable. But one day they were forced to say goodbye when Hiro's family made the decision to move to the US. Time passed and Hiro needed to make new friends in his life. Shortly after he moves, Hiro met some great new friends: Reed, Sam, Ryan, Raphael and Saia. Although Hiro and Xeol are separated, they promised themselves that one day they would be reunited again. -------------- Two months have passed since Hiro meet with Xeol. The story moves to Australia, As Reed Invited the group for a months stay in his home nation for the summer. But unknown to them, their life will begin to shift from this point on in time... Updated Fridays.(Updates one page very two weeks.But due college is when i can right now).", false, true], "AnybodyThere": ["http://anybodythere.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 74, "Short stories with monsters in them. Also a tiny, angry Russian man.", false, true], "Anythingaboutnothing": ["http://www.anythingcomic.com/comics/", 103, "A collection of random comics about random things :D", false, true], "AomisSketchbook": ["http://aomissketchbook.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A place for all my random sketches, drawings and other scribbles! Requests allowed! (Either comment or PM me)", false, true], "Aozora": ["http://aozora.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "slice of life about dreams, Cloud,a guy who's dreaming to become a musician was trying to bury his dream for the sake of his father. Celine, a wanna-be artist tried to waken up Cloud of how important it is to achieve our dream. hope every reader will get motivated and inspired to never let go their dream! :)", false, true], "Apfel": ["http://apfel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "A comic about shy little Apfel, who's confused about his feelings and his weird friends. Is Apfel really that monster, which some people are talkin' about? _ contains: BL, blood, language and stuff", true, true], "AppleAndEveTalesoftheMisfits": ["http://appleandeve.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Two friends. Weird mind sets. 20th century.", false, true], "Aquarian": ["http://aquarian.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "David finds a boy passed out one day who claims to be the prince of the ocean. Reads right to left, BL Mostly an experimental comic", false, true], "AraAraOiOi": ["http://shizunatsu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 74, "Fans of Shizuru and Natsuki from the hit anime/manga series, Mai-HiME/Otome, bringing you laughs and fun on a random basis! ^o^ Brought to you by ShizNat Webs, the ultimate Mai-Series community experience: http://shiznat.webs.com/ Webcomic artists: The lovely trio of wetochan, Wuzzupy13 (also known as GoldenSun13) and lostangelvn! Creator of Ara Ara! Oi! Oi!: Luu Sky Sapphire", false, true], "Araybesk": ["http://araybeskcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "\"There is no delight in owning anything unshared.\" In the midst of a second war between those who oppose technology and those who relish in it, a group of men and women are caught in the middle of the fight. mild/moderate gore, nudity, and LGBTQ and body positive themes UPDATES IRREGULAR FOR NOW I will try to update as often as I can! Tumblr: http://araybeskjunk.tumblr.com/", true, true], "Archers": ["http://archers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "This is a story of a distopic world where the ones called \"Archers\" are merchants to hire by anyone who can pay the price. But maybe there are a few who doesn't like the way things are and trying to fight against the big companies who rule the world... Story & text: Farkas Attila Ma'rton, yogachara teacher, egyptologist Design: Hataier Anaszta'zia, animator Comicart: PagodaComics, illustrator Translation: Sisa'k Pe'ter Updates on every 2nd day. =)", false, true], "ArchportCityChronicles": ["http://tjs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 198, "Archport City is the interdenominational hub and there are always stories to tell... This first one is what happens when you just have to get that picture... Dissatisfied on what was supposed to be a fun trip it was only a matter of time until adventure lured Joe in. Now a group of discredited bounty hunters with a dangerous target have dragged him along for the ride.. updates T and Thr..", false, true], "Area9": ["http://area-9.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 187, "Taishi Iwaska had once dreamed of working in Area 9, a research facility surrounded by a huge wall that finds cures for dangerous viruses. Feeling useless, he has recently given up on his dream, but in a strange turn of events he finds himself trapped in Area 9 as a hostage with a crazy bomber called 'Bomb', who claims to be a terrorist that will blow up Area 9 if they don't give him what he wants. Is there anything Taishi can do before it's too late? Just who is Bomb, and why does he want to destroy Area 9? Taishi will have to overcome his feelings of helplessness if he's going to do anything about it, as well as make a few shocking discoveries along the way. This is a one-shot that has turned into an unusually long one-shot. There will be 3 parts with around 70 pages each. <<Reads from right to left<< Updates on Saturdays.", false, false], "AreostYoursTrulytheDarkMagician": ["http://areostytdm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Tired of the sad lies that he was always left with, Bedeelnee decides to eat one of the poisonous mushroom that always grew in his garden. Moments later, an angel sent Bedeelnee to the depths of the underworld - a dangerous maze where he could lose his soul forever. At the end of the maze lies Karma - a being feared by many. Will Bedeelnee manage to escape from the maze safely, or will he lose the freedom of his soul forever? - Description by With Love", false, true], "AreyougayJohnny": ["http://areyougayjohnny.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 114, "This is not a BL webcomic, but there might be boys looking for boys. This is not a love webcomic, but there might be people in love. This is not a satirical webcomic, but there might be some satirical situations. This is not a hentai webcomic, but there might... no, there is sex in it. This not a comedy webcomic, but there might be some laughs. This webcomic is my humble homage to the 21st. Century young people. Growing in a world that no longer requires anything from them, grandsons of hippies, sons of punks, living in an ultra modern world where a nickname values more than a real name. Where most people fills their mouth to speech about freedom, but then they are the firsts to prejudice. In this post-apocalyptic world, Johnny finds himself with a big dilemma; he doesn't know who he is. He doesn't have amnesia, he just got the luck to live in a world that moves fast and left him alone with no clues whatsoever of why he was there in the first place. Follow Johnny and Leslie's misadventures to find the answers to the most basic questions about their own identity.", true, true], "Ariel": ["http://arieltempest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Ariel is the bastard child of the escapee witch-slave Sycorax, who fled their hellish life on a West Indian plantation for the ruins of an abandoned colony on an unnamed desert island. Her second son, Caliban, is born on that very island a few weeks after their escape. Years after her death, Ariel and Caliban remain, but the master of the isle is now Prospero, the exiled Duke of Milan who arrived twelve years ago with his baby daughter Miranda, and this is where our story begins... Set in the mid to late 18th century, in the (French) Caribbean, the comic still follows the general structure of The Tempest, though I have had to add a whole new look into Ariel's own background which is not included in the original play. I have made as few cuts as possible using the original text, though there will be a modern version of the text available as well! So, stay tuned for more information on the comic, on the historical and literary background, character profiles, artworks and much more!", true, true], "Arkaedea": ["http://ark.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 174, "Roxene likes Seth. Seth likes Roxene. Viktoria likes causing trouble. Femslash/yuri/shoujo-ai/romance/fantasy fun ensues. ;)", false, true], "Arkaenalan": ["http://arkaenalan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Arkaenalan follows the story of a misanthropic guardian angel and their pursuit of freedom.", false, true], "AroundtheBlock": ["http://aroundtheblock.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Rooming with two old friends seemed like a good idea at the time, but Nase quickly discovered that his laidback lifestyle clashed with the daily shenanigans that happen on Floor 5 at 115 Green Lane. No you can't be in the comic Neroe. Nase draws things. Gata writes things. Niv speech bubbles things. Any questions?", false, true], "Arrowhead": ["http://arrowheadcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Arrowhead \"Ooki\" Ngyuen is a Native American Vietnamese boy raised by his crazy father in the middle of a small town in the southern states. Haunted by the mystery of his mother's disappearance combined with his crumbling marriage and overly \"friendly\" neighbor, Ooki feels like he's starting to lose his mind and he wonders if he's going to commit the ultimate sin.", true, true], "ArtAcademy": ["http://art-academy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "The main place where the story takes place is an art academy. There it is possible to learn a lot of different stuff. Depending on in what an aspiring artist may be interested. But that's just the place where everything seems to be connected to. Including the main character Katherine, who is studying there and the people she comes across. And then there is also the person she likes. New friends. And wasn't there this one summer camp too? Ah... Let's just say that since Katherine came to this school things have gotten more and more confusing for her. Warnings: Girls love... I don't think there is anything more I should be warning about.... besides maybe the (probably) clishe school settings, haha.", false, true], "ArtifyceConnection": ["http://artifycecon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A 200 year cryogenic deep sleep and you still manage to make the top ten most wanted list in the known galaxy!", false, true], "ArtofAFantasy": ["http://artofafantasy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 88, "WARNING: CONTAINS BL/YAOI/BoyXBoy/MAJOR Mature content, and some swearing because certain characters think its cool. -_-' You were advised and warned. Rupert is the everyday, average nerd who just started going to a college away from home. He's skilled in almost every area, but he excels in the field of art. He also isn't that much of a people person. So when confronted with the threat of blackmail, he has no choice but to bend over(figuratively of course...-_^) for Evan, the jerkwad of the century. The detailed drawings in his mind lead to larger problems that he simply doesn't need. Will his drawings only bring bad luck, or perhaps give him good fortune?", true, true], "AshleyandMaysonConquer": ["http://ashnmay.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "While Ashley struggles with her gender identity and finding acceptance, Mayson is content with himself and would rather party and gossip about the latest trends. So what do these two high schoolers have in common? A lot more than they expected. LGBT THEMES//ALOT OF CUSSING//&&ALOT OF SEXY CHARACTERS ;0 LMAONOTREALLY", false, true], "AshleysForest": ["http://ashleysforest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Drawn for 24 Hour comic day, 2011 A girl named Ashley gets lost in a forest and then stuff happens.", false, true], "Asho": ["http://asho.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "A simple adventure to check out a meteor landing on a legendary mountain that becomes more complicated than one would expect.", false, true], "AshurasQuest": ["http://ashuraquest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Amy Rose the last surviving girl in Mobius joins forces with the mythical, and elusive Ashura to defeat the great scum of the earth powerful mastermind known as Scourge.", false, true], "AskRitaAndHeather": ["http://askritaandheather.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "", false, true], "AskSpice": ["http://ask-spice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Updates: Whenever I get to them. 3 questions per strip.", false, true], "AstriaLegendsGenesis": ["http://astrialegends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Welcome to the Astria Galaxy, a world filled with myths, legends and creatures of all different backgrounds and species. High above them, between the galaxy and the heavens, lies Astria; the world of living breathing color. Angels to some, protectors to others, the Astrians live as one with the universe, becoming anything it needs. Created by the Exalted One, they are the only protection between the galaxy and Sin. But how can you effectively monitor that which constantly tempts you? What happens when Sin finally breaks free... and is Unity enough to stop it? UPDATES: SUNDAYS", false, true], "Astro": ["http://astro.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Seiza is a regular sixteen years old high-schooler whose mother died when she was younger by a way no one could ever understand. Ever since the day of her death, Seiza also have that strange shaped star on her wrist. Soon, she'll get to know she's not just a regular high-schooler... Categories : Manga, Action, Fantasy, Drama, Humor, Romantic *May contain violence, blood*", false, true], "AstroCats": ["http://astrocats.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "What happens when the universe's most feared race consists of small, kitten-like creatures? And what happens when this race tries to conquer our very own planet? Follow the journey of the small alien killing machine, Domino as she tries to lead the conquest of Tellus and the destruction of mankind. (comic updated randomly)", false, true], "AsylumComic": ["http://asylumcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "Asylum is a comic about Florien Lark, who has been diagnosed as partially insane. Whether he is remains to be seen...", false, true], "AtArmsLength": ["http://atarmslength.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 561, "The story of three magical ladies and their lives with their husbands, making it in the modern world and dealing with the occasional monster attack. Updated Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.", false, true], "Athenry": ["http://athenry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "by: runawaywithyou Status: Ongoing Since: spring 2012 Language: English Genres: Based in historic facts, Action, Romance, drama, some touches of humour and fantasy In the early XX century Ireland's in war for getting independece from the UK. an aristocrate english lady (Lady Elise) who loves reading and philosphy meets and falls in love with an irish rebel (O'Farrell) obsessed with his country's freedom.", false, true], "AtomicSlug": ["http://atomicslug.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Its the Atomic Slugs!!! Three mutant slugs just trying to be your every day atomic vigilante. Follow Ned, S.g., and Pudge as they embark in a human's world as super powered mutant slugs. also visit http://millsburymedia.webstarts.com/ the creators of Atomic Slug!!!!", false, true], "AuraChillandLylaSpamTime": ["http://sontarha.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 196, "Self-explanatory. Credit to SEGA, CAPCOM and NINTENDO for most edited sprites in here. Alternate title: Aura and his girls~ Doctor Who quote of the week: \"We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one.\" ~The Eleventh Doctor, The Big Bang", false, true], "Autophobia": ["http://autophobia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 150, "The story of a dude named Louis who tries to accept himself for who he is and to learn to not let others step all over him. It follows him through the course of his life and the relationships he builds with others, particularly with his classmate Daniel. [Updates Sundays] --- Warning: gay ppl, straight ppl, a plethora of dialogue, profanity, sexual themes/content, and an absurd amount of fluff. /Mature content is on for some of the future themes explored, but there's nothing explicit./", true, false], "AutumnLove": ["http://autumnlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "THIS MANGA IS READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT! (COMPLETED!) Fuyuno Suzune has a great obsession on celebrities since she entered high school, and would go crazy over every one of them. One day while she was walking back home from school, she saw the news of her favourite idol getting married. Feeling sad, she was not taking notice of where she was heading, and fell. Someone caught her during her fall, and it was then she realized that she had seen the most beautiful face she had ever seen in her life... -Ki Hiwatari", false, true], "AvariceGreed": ["http://avarice-greed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A short one-shot themed on Greed as a part of a Seven Deadly Sins anthology.", false, true], "AventheriaTredecim": ["http://aventheria-tredecim.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "64 Chosen. 13 Teams. Stolen Memories. Summoned to fight for the entertainment of an arrogant race. Though some of the summoned believe there is a deeper reason...", false, true], "AverageJoes": ["http://averagejoes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Average Joes takes place in the town Sitteh, where our main man Steve moved. It's not entirely what he thought it would be though, he continues to encounter many strange people who seem to call them selves his friend.", false, true], "AvoriRanxe": ["http://avoriranxe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Avori Ranxe has the honors of being the next companion to an immortal man who has protected the land years ago. However, there is a warning throughout the present kingdom that the man is not as generous as he was before... Contains: Master-Servant relationship. ManxMan content. Moe art style.", false, true], "AwesomeSauce": ["http://tdawesomesauce.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "Stupid comics from the dark depths of TD's notebooks. View at your own risk. Updates never.", false, true], "Awkwarddays": ["http://awkwarddays.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "dark magic, perverted robots, extraterrestrial citizens of USA, a robot girl, a mage detective, pizza, a grand master dragon who may/may not have had a hand in the inventing of karaoke,a tribe of Sasquatch, a plot to sell surplus FBI spy equipment, oh and did i mention that the world may be under a bad case of impending doom? because it is. and that's all happening in chapter one.", false, true], "Awut": ["http://awut.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "DERPENDOUS ADVENTURES", false, true], "AyumitoHayate": ["http://ayutohaya.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "a short story about a boy (hayate) who loves a girl (Ayumi) enjoy story made by my brother beware scetchiness Right to left :3", false, true], "BADASS": ["http://bad-ass.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Good Girls drop dead - Bad Girls come back. And this Girl is a BADASS! + 16: Contains foul language, some sexual things, disturbing images and violent grrrls. -- About the comic: Welcome, welcome to my little project. This comic is my final exam for school. Come and read the story about a GOOD GIRL, who always does the right thing, who's always friendly and smiling; and the story about a BAD, BAD GIRL, who kills classmates, drinks and fights like the undead cunt she is. -- Progress pics, news and other stuff: tumblr: bouncing-eyeballs.tumblr.com youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCMEhGyYAegbHyLplwaktliw facebook: coming soon deviantart: sunny-x-rain.deviantart.com -- If you're interested in Zushie as chibi monster here is the link: http://zushie.smackjeeves.com/ -- Beware the Tags: adult content; bitch fight; feminism; riot grrrl power; badass action; undead slut; stiches; monster; guro fetish; daughter of frankenstein; zombie adventure; freak show; booty babe; horror and nightmare; sexy deadly chick; rebirth and more more more --- Updates: Irregular. But I do my best. ;) -- Read left to right.", true, true], "BAKAZOKU": ["http://bakazoku.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 140, ">>>>>>ON HIATUS<<<<<< So many things going on right now.;; please stay tuned!! <3 General Summary: A 4-koma series about a unique family and their ridiculous adventures. Exaggerated Summary: One drunk young perverted male adult, one mother-like genius male teenager, and one non-emotional straight forward female kid make up a small family and try to live the normal life, but due to their pasts and connections, it's prety difficult to accomplish. 8D Summary from Mangabullet: Two best friends and a bizarre, indifferent little girl make up a family in a small room of a Japanese apartment. Due to their pasts, their misadventures are taken in different places, and together, they try to unintentionally defeat their enemies in a comedic way while continuing their daily lives. Updated every 2-3 days! Back-Up Site for: http://www.mangabullet.com/comic/BAKAZOKU [Some pages of BAKAZOKU! on Smackjeeves may have terrible quality compared to BAKAZOKU! on Mangabullet.]", false, true], "BARcomics": ["http://barcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "this comic is a sitcom that does parodies of Video Games, Movies, TV Shows, Comic Books and more. as self protagonist of my comic, I live in a world run by toons & artists. my goal in life is to make a real living in cartooning and Gaming, my Black & White cartoon Best friend Larry D. Lizard's goal is to get back on top to show business as a bigshot. Updates once or Twice a month only. P.S I wish I had Better time to keep a fast schedule on my comic.", false, true], "BEARFIGHTERCOMIC": ["http://bearfighter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A comical parody of Starfighter! Guaranteed to be as bad as the original comic.", true, true], "BITCHSQUAD": ["http://bitchsquad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 353, "BIOLOGICAL INDESTRUCTIBLE TACTICAL COMBAT HYBRID SQUAD If you like {sexy,sci-fi,alien,government conspiracy,action}, you'll love BITCH Squad. A group of teen friends expose to the world, the truth about a top secret government project combining alien DNA with human in an attempt to create super soldiers.", true, true], "BLOODHEAVEN": ["http://bloodheaven.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "Laira was awoke from coma and realized that herself is not a human but a doll.Her fiance,Prince Erique has been killed by a mysterious guy.Laira decided to joined FLAM, a military organization that hunting vampires to revenge her fiance's death.She meets Veltrich, prince at Pillatus who had a similar face with Erique. Nevertheless,in fact that similarity had a prove that he is not Erique. Laira starts to worry if she fall in love with Veltrich and betray her love for Erique.Where is the way of love Laira now? This comic is the story about vampire, angel, and human that life in a one world~ warning,contains: -violence/gore READ FROM LEFT PLEASE~", false, true], "BLOT": ["http://blotcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "In the near future, robots fueled by human blood have begun their uprising - thankfully there's a few folks who won't take that sitting down.", false, true], "BREAKER": ["http://breaker-.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "England 2040, A infection granting humans with super powers had run wild across the world. thus crime and raised tenfold. The first Seven where known as 'Apostles' 1st donned as heroes then turned they're backs on the world and left for other to pick up the pieces. One of these Apostles was known as Ivan Mellow Breaker. the Cousin and Brother to our two heroes: Johnny Breaker & Robin Heart B.Breaker, they have taken up the lifestyle of bounty hunting in hope finding links to there relative.", false, true], "BSandLSuomi": ["http://bsandlsuomi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "Musta T\u00c3\ufffd\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd\u00c3\ufffd\u00c2\u00a4hti -niminen humanoidi saapuu Maahan dokumentoimaan sen el\u00c3\ufffd\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd\u00c3\ufffd\u00c2\u00a4m\u00c3\ufffd\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd\u00c3\ufffd\u00c2\u00a4\u00c3\ufffd\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd\u00c3\ufffd\u00c2\u00a4 ja asukkaita. Leiv\u00c3\ufffd\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd\u00c3\ufffd\u00c2\u00a4n ostamista tuttavallisempi kommunikointi ihmisten kanssa on kielletty\u00c3\ufffd\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd\u00c3\ufffd\u00c2\u00a4, joten h\u00c3\ufffd\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd\u00c3\ufffd\u00c2\u00a4n matkaa yksin ymp\u00c3\ufffd\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd\u00c3\ufffd\u00c2\u00a4ri planeettaa, kunnes sitten h\u00c3\ufffd\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd\u00c3\ufffd\u00c2\u00a4n tapaa Er\u00c3\ufffd\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd\u00c3\ufffd\u00c2\u00a4\u00c3\ufffd\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd\u00c3\ufffd\u00c2\u00a4n, joka saa alienin p\u00c3\ufffd\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd\u00c3\ufffd\u00c2\u00a4\u00c3\ufffd\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd\u00c3\ufffd\u00c2\u00a4n sekaisin...", false, true], "BSandLinEnglish": ["http://bsandlen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "A humanoid, Black Star, is sent to Earth to document it's life, environments and inhabitants. Travelling around the globe as a lonely wolf, taking any contact to people more than buying his daily bread takes is strictly forbidden for him - but what will happen when he meets a person who makes him feel oddly warm and fluffy inside..?", false, true], "BURNiNation": ["http://burnination.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 119, "A comic showing how REAL friends communicate: with insults.", false, true], "BabyBalthazar": ["http://babybalthazar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Neva wanted an elder god and ended up with a baby... a twisted tale of science gone wrong by Ryan and Tren.", false, true], "BabysittingFourDemons": ["http://babysitting4demons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 962, "Ezz, also known as Ghost the Echidna on her Smackjeeves account, has become a babysitter. She's finally on her own, and starting a nice, steady babysitting service at her home. Little does she know is that the children she is to babysit happen to be four demons... Who are these four? Why, none other than Sonic, Amy, Knuckles and Tails! Open Author Spaces: NONE. DON'T EVEN ASK. Don't even request. Don't comment \"CAN I JOIN LAWLZ\" or I'll come after you. Thanks! -Hope Status: No one banned. Please start updating more, people. I've made up my mind that I'm gonna update more, you guys can help out too. -Hope", false, true], "Babywhatsyoursign": ["http://babywhatsyoursign.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "Christian and Liam are brothers going to the same prestigious high school. Christian has a big crush on one of his classmates, Tristan. Liam has one on Dominique. But, Dominique's twin brother, Colton has a thing for Liam. My goodness! Not only is there a ridiculous amount of gay and the drama of high school crushes and love triangles, there's also a little detail that has yet to be mentioned. Tristan, Dominique and Colton are only a few members of a large group of individuals keeping a huge secret. A secret that's full of power. But, the last time this secret got out, it put an end to many people's lives. This secret can not get out again. And there are some people who will make sure it won't. YES. BL. GAY. YAOI. WELL, MORE LIKE SHONEN-AI. A TOUCH OF LESBIAN, MAYBE. ALSO SOME STRAIGHT. <3", false, true], "BadCirculation": ["http://badcirculation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Robo, Tricker, Story and Frog are the four hapless guys 'n' gals who find themselves trapped on a strange sunny island. Ned is the floating octopus-type creature that has kidnapped them. Lumped with bizarre powers and a freakin' weird island guide, will they escape? No, really, tell me. I have no clue right now! - I can't guarantee no changes in art or anything, but darn it baby I'll try! I'm using this comic to try and improve my everything and stuff. I draw the comic traditionally before scanning and trying to clean up, so sorry for any awfulness\" If I add colour, it's via photo-shadoop! :)", false, true], "BadDreams": ["http://bad-dreams.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A very short sketchy comic I made for fun.", false, true], "BadLucktheQuestfortheCodPipe": ["http://badluckthequest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 178, "This is the story about Rade, your everyday average guy. he goes to school, plays sports, the only thing weird about him is his best friend Crimp. Things in his average life take a turn for the bizarre, when a young man with a cat show up at his door. Now all of a sudden Rade is caught up in a quest for a magical pipe that can grant a wish to anyone who asks. Not to mention the demon mercenary's following them. the closer they get to the Pipe, the darker and more entangled things become. what starts as a grand adventure, only seems to lead to Bad Luck. Updates Saturday", false, true], "BallandChain": ["http://ballandchain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "Sliver is as a modern-day gladiator who fights with a ball and chain. Her life takes an unexpected turn after she meets Dorioth, a scatter-brained pick pocket thief. The story takes place in the wake of a nuclear disaster, which has brought forth the generation known as \"Nuclear Babies\" (people born with strange mutations). Updates irregularly!", false, true], "BanjoThreeieFancomic": ["http://banjothreeie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Banjo and Kazooie have some new adventures... Without vehicles.", false, true], "BaraNoMaho": ["http://baranomaho.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Name: Bara no Maho Name Meaning: Rose Magic* *according to Google Translate. Sakura Sarano is your average girl who likes the most popular guy in school. Who'd have thought that telling someone - particularly her best friend - would trigger being a magical girl named Ai? She must save the world from Shitsuren of Broken Hearts with the help of Kirai, her meant to be that she's trying to figure out who he REALLY is. Can Sakura find out who Kirai is, live her normal life, and battle Shitsuren...? And how do all her friends have something to do with these secrets? <-- Reads Right to Left <-- THIS IS A SKETCH COMIC THAT IS DRAWN AND COLOURED TRADITIONALLY. :) Also, this comic contains cheesy moments/scenes XD I'll try to update every week, but I can't guarantee anything D: ~Emika~", false, true], "BassLegends": ["http://basslegends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 338, "After Bass finally defeated Mega Man, he left Wily and took Zero with to begin a new life. He and Zero join Dr. Light's crew and have one hell of a crazy adventure. Note: This comic is PG-13 and contains strong language, violence, and may contain SC (Sexual Content). Viewer Discretion advised.", false, true], "BathTimeandPetTrainerGenesis": ["http://ptg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core fancomic. AU where Zack is a puppy and Cloud is a kitty. (kemonomimi) Both are YAOI/BL and have mature content so if you DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T READ. First story Angeal was taking care of Sephiroth's kitty, but when Sephiroth comes to pick up Cloud, he finds that the puppy and kitty made a mess!! So it's bath time ^^; Second Story Genesis feels left out of the orgy that happened in Bath Time so now he's trying to get some XD", true, true], "Bathysphere": ["http://bathysphere.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "", false, true], "BattleCreekNE": ["http://battlecreekne.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "The adventures of three twenty-somethings and a female android fighting their way through the galaxies biggest Battle of the Bands. Exciting right?! www.battlecreeknecomic.com", false, true], "BattleSpeed": ["http://battlespeed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "Richard is a retired military pilot, Melody is a failing mechanic, and both are old childhood friends. Richard joins Melody in the Battle Speed World Tournament. Behind the reigns of Blitz Tiger, Richard must face off against horrors from his pasts, and mecha monsters in his future. Join both as they race towards the finish line and obtain the spot of number 1!", false, true], "BeCarefreeWithMeSoon": ["http://evesapple.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 265, "Or What Family Does (To) For Each Other. After two years, Eva Wilis returns to her hometown to find her father in dire straits and her 18-year-old sister, Cindy, on the verge of eloping with her boyfriend, Nico, brother of Terrene Corp's CEO, Miles St. Claire. To keep this from happening as well as to appease her father, Eva agrees to see Miles and talk to her about a more acceptable arrangement between their two families. But Miles has - other - plans in mind. WARNING/S: contains shojou-ai / yuri or girls love UPDATES: Saturdays and Sundays NOTE: This used to be known as \"Eve's Apple\" but I've decided to change the title to \"Be Carefree With Me Soon\" to avoid confusion with another yuri-themed webcomic with the same title.", false, false], "Bearhoney": ["http://bear-honey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 72, "Everyday adventures of Bear and Honey. A new adventure every weekend!", false, true], "BearlyAbel": ["http://bearlyabel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 134, "Abel is a American-Asian boy with an active imagination. He lives with his mom and sister and goes on adventures with his bear, Barry. This webcomic ran from August 2008 until Oct 2010.", false, false], "Bearlylegal": ["http://bearlylegal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Long ago, A great Samurai warrior came from the stars above, and crashed landed to a bizarre n\u2019 funky planet. Known simply as \u201cBear\u201d, he travels far and wide, in search of a way to return to his world. Accompanied by a mysterious and highly bootilicious Ninja Panda, the duo embark on a quest of kick-ass proportions; fighting against dangerous aliens, anime death racers, the koi fish mafia, robot bounty hunters and even sexy clown girls!", false, true], "BeastHunt": ["http://beasthunt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 137, "Once Astir found mysterious sword, he decided to become \" the best warrior\" in the whole world~ Task seemingly easy but with his overflowing lazyness and not much talent might become a bother. Psychopathic necromancer on his back and \"girly\" samurai as his training partner definately wont make it easier..", false, true], "BeattheRain": ["http://beattherain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A short story of two men and a pair of drums. FINISHED COMIC", false, true], "BeautifulBlood": ["http://beautifulblood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 74, "Tomihiro Koya has been bound to Rena Miyake in a covenant. It is a tradition in the two's family.. They both never questioned it, just merely accepted it. But soon, things begin to unravel about the true meaning of the covenant...", true, true], "BecauseweNeededAnotherReallyStupidSonicComic": ["http://bwnarssc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "GO HERE: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=117476", false, true], "BedtimeMonster": ["http://bedtimemonster.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "", false, true], "BehindTheObsidianMirror": ["http://obsidian-mirror.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 106, "If you were to awake in a place unknown to you, without remembering anything... you would be happy to be taken in by someone, right? But what if this someone was a god? Aztec gods and BL. What more could you want? x3x Warnings for homosexual content, blood, violence, and possibly gore and sex in the future. Don't like, don't read. UPDATES EVERY MONDAY!! Although I have read a lot about Aztecs and their culture and mythology, I am hardly an expert on that subject. So forgive everything that might be off, or wrong, since I actually don't bother to get everything right or just change things to my liking. The Aztecs and their religion etc. depicted in this comic are far from realistic, and don't aim to be, although I'm trying to make it all seem plausible. Just so you know. Enjoy. ;) Remember to read from right to left, Japanese reading order. ;) Sketch/WIP tumblr: http://teejaystumbles.tumblr.com/", true, true], "Behindtheglasscurtain": ["http://g1ass.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 244, "Scarlet spent all her life in a dismal, dark prison that just so happens to be located in a dismal, dark realm bereft of all flora and fauna. One night she ignores the frog's rule to never look out the window when darkness approaches. What she sees next will change her life and everything she once knew. It's a comic that delves deep into other character's lives and reflects on their back stories. Even though the main story seems to branch off to smaller stories, there is a basic plot, which the reader has to decide on. updated on weekends, but best to check it on Monday. It's finished! COMPLETELY FINISHED! Don't keep on checking for updates. Yes the first 100 pages looked like crap but mind you I started this when I was 14!", false, true], "BellaMentire": ["http://bellamentire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "In the Steampunk world of Altaera, Ama Fiora and her cousin, Taci Diombre, join forces with some sky-pirates to get revenge on a government that betrayed them. Story contains violence, some strong language, and other PG-13 situations. UPDATES WEEKLY ON SATURDAYS!", false, true], "BelloFortis": ["http://bellofortis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "A teenaged boy learns to overcome his low self-esteem issues due to stuttering by joining a Live Action Role-Playing Group. While learning to love himself, he learns to love others as well. Updates Mondays and Fridays.", false, true], "Belonging": ["http://belonging.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "In a cute, short sequence celebrating puppy love, this amateur comic about a boy and a girl celebrates the cliche of giving your heart - completely.", false, true], "Benendanti": ["http://benendanti.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "According to Italian folktales, the Benendanti were born with the ability to travel to other worlds in their dreams. They are destined to become saviors and heroes. Robert is about to meet one and she is about to take him on a journey across worlds in order to find his kids. Written by Kiersten Elder Art by Sierra Elder Visit us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/TheBenendanti", false, true], "BernadAndCo": ["http://bernad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "COMPLETE!FINNISHED! SEE YOU IN THE NEXT SEASON XD In a small town somwere in USA everything was as usual.. then HE came! BERNAD! The 14 year old britt who wants nothing more than live the rest of his life in the greatest country in the world(according to him), the United States of America!CX But it's not so easy to fit in when you are from a diffirent country, even though they speak the same language!8C a strip comic that is all just PLAIN COMEDY may be some hints of pairs but only ONE canon BL pair! wouldn't call it fantasy, thather SUPERNATRUAL^^ SO LET'S SAIL TO AMERICA AND SEE WHAT BERNAD, MAISTRO AND CLARA R UP TO!!!18D NOW!!!! U CAN ALSO ASK THE CAST OF THE SHOW ANYTHING THAT COMES TO YOUR MIND XDDD RIGHT HERE!!!! http://www.formspring.me/BernadnCO", false, true], "Betovering": ["http://betovering.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Alex's family from his mother side are witches, but only women are. But somehow Alex turn out to be an exception. He's life has not been the best, but after someone confesses his love for him, things turn out to be interesting and dangerous. BL/Romance/Fantasy/Drama", false, true], "BettencourtHotel": ["http://www.welcometobettencourt.com/comics/", 133, "\"You are advised not to leave your room from midnight to 2 a.m.\" A little horror story about pretty boys working in a murderous hotel. Some shounen-ai. ~Updates on Fridays~", false, true], "BetterGirlfriend": ["http://bettergf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Title (English) : \"Looking for a better girlfriend\" Genre: Reverse Harem, Comedy, Romance, Gender Bender, School Life orig. title : \"Mas ok ako kesa girlfriend mo\" (LOL ang baduy haha pero yan original XD) *Spin-off for my Looking for a better boyfriend series hehe.* Please read from LEFT to RIGHT thank you :D *kiss kiss* XD Summary: \"Girls are very hard to understand...\" Said Jen, our delinquent protagonist. But will things change? That is, when \"he\" turns into a very cute \"she\".", false, true], "BetweenBoys": ["http://betweenboys.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "The story is about three boys living in a student hostel. And having a great time there.", false, true], "BetweenBoysXfiles": ["http://bb-xfiles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "This is a one-shot comic from the BetweenBoys main story. This is all about summer, vacation, girls and boys, love and X. This is our /the authors/ first published comic what you can read in a Hungarian BL Comic Anthology, Blush's Second Volume.", false, true], "BetweenLightandDark": ["http://bld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 245, "bLD Alicia, Alani and Maggie have always had a calm life. If we don't count that episode of Alicia becoming a Demonified, they never had to fight anything big. But everything changes when strange things start to happen and Alicia suddenly disappears. Now Alani, Rick, Maggie and her siblings have to find Alicia and turn her back to normal. Will she come back to their side or join the Evil side? ------------------ bLD2 Ten months after Alani, Alicia and Maggie sealed Cass in the magic jar, everything seemed perfect again. But, as everyone is expecting, is not. Jess is up to something to get her sister back, and will do whatever it takes to get that magic jar. ------------------ Updates every Sunday and Wednesday. (Currently updating Sundays only until March) PG-13 due to language here and there and some themes. There are also short comics updating every Tuesday here -> http://bldshortcomics.smackjeeves.com It is not mandatory to read those to know important things in this, but some strips are intended to be connected to the story!", false, true], "BetweenTimeandDarkness": ["http://btad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 71, "A comic adaptation of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2.", false, true], "BetweenWorlds": ["http://betweenworlds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 181, "It is the 80th birthday of the benevolent tyrant, King Bergan. His four loyal knights prepare to march in his honour, but all is not well. The senile ruler, plagued by hallucinations and delirious dreams, begins to cast strange allegations of witchcraft on one of his most loyal servants, the knight named Lynx, the soldier named Juno...", false, true], "Betwin": ["http://be-twin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 221, "Be twin is an amator comic wich smells powder, shootings and mafia, but which finally cares more about the two destinies that had difficultly found their place there. Two people differents in everything but actually not that much... I'm uploading pages every two weeks, on the sunday. I'm french and I know my english is rather bad, please forgive my mistakes, I really wanted to share this story with my non-french readers. ;-; Thank you so much for reading... >w<", false, true], "BeyondTemptation": ["http://beyondtemptation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 411, "An accidental meeting turns Reimee's life up and down. She finds herself in the middle of an affair regarding enslaved demons, magical artefacts and many temptations of the modern world. Will she get tempted? Or will she be the one to tempt? And finally, will she find what she's looking for in the Eternal City of Rome? Inspired by eastern folklore, religion, Grimm tales and life itself, set in modern times Rome it's a paranormal action romance in which the borderline between good and evil is very thin. (plus guys don't sparkle and girls can kick your butt :D) NOTE: 1.This comic is fruit of immagination and does not reflect anyone's opinions nor real facts nor people. 2.Not marked mature (I find it annoying when I can't see the preview)but may contain some blood here and there and possibly some erotic scenes. 3.Commens are very appreciated. Reviewable if anyone wanted to attempt at it.", false, true], "BeyondTheOrdinary": ["http://bto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "This comic will feature Beive Ramn who's new to town after her father died. Her mother wanted to get away from her old life and while everything seems to be pretty calm; it's not. Mystical creatures, mythological beings and Swedish folklore.", false, true], "BeyondtheBox": ["http://beyondthebox.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Orphan, black color lover and desperate for freedom, Dora can't stand being enclosed in the Box any longer. Will the outside world give her what she's looking for? A comic by Carlos Rioja and Alvaro Mu\u00f1oz.", false, true], "BeyondtheWall": ["http://beyondthewall.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "My first try at BL. reads left to right. It's like having an internet friend. Except you can hold his hand. Romance/Tragedy", false, true], "BeyondtheWalls": ["http://beyond-the-walls.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Life couldn't get more complicated. Especially if your living within the kitchen, fighting for survival, weather and humans... Join Ginger, Kitch and Pom...the last surviving Borrowers of their generation as they go through their busy,crazy filled adventures in their modern world... ++++++++UPDATES EVERY FRIDAY++++++++", false, true], "BigBadGuy": ["http://bigbadguy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "A Scribble Asylum project. A oneshot about a young man who wants to be a villian. Please read right to left <-", false, true], "BigSals": ["http://bigsals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Set in a near-future parallel dystopia, Big Sal's is the story of the best tattoo shop in Cosmopolis 3, at the time of the Zombie Apocalypse.", true, true], "BigfootTheJamesLewisStory": ["http://bigfoot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 106, "James is a man with extraordinary strength, and since childhood James has been gifted with even more extraordinary powers: a powerful connection with nature and a mental enhancement. His goal in life is to prove the existence of Bigfoot. One seemingly ordinary day becomes the adventure of a lifetime as James encounters Bigfoot in the most unexpected way- and it turns out Bigfoot is a bigger deal than anybody could have anticipated.", true, true], "BillyRabbit": ["http://billyrabbit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "", false, true], "BinarySoulsOtherDimensions": ["http://bsodcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 683, "A heart warming story about a whiny robot, a crazy hologram and a witch determined to rule the world. *** If you'd like to find out more about BS/OD, please visit our website at http://www.bsodcomic.net .", false, true], "BioRevelation": ["http://biorevelation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 92, "Ever wonder what would happen if cloning was made legal? What could they do for mankind? Would they have the same rights as natural born people? Bio-Revelation tells the story of a distopian society of corruption, theocracy, and the underdog. Follow the story of Trevor Watson and his friends battle against the religious fanatics known as the FOH to gain the freedoms they dream of.", false, true], "BirdNoise": ["http://birdnoise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "If birds could talk...nothing would change", false, true], "BirthdayGiftZackxCloud": ["http://bdaygift.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "It's almost Zack's birthday, and Cloud isn't sure what to get his boyfriend yet. He decides to snoop around his boyfriend's apartment, but stumbles on something he shouldn't have... This comic has explicit scenes, please don't read if you think cocks are gross. Final Fantasy 7 fancomic / doujinshi. Yaoi themed with cross dressing and genderbender stuff. I don't own these characters. A collab with QuietNCryptic and Xiaa. You can find the fic here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9032711/1/", true, true], "BiscottiDiscord": ["http://biscottidiscord.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Biscotti Discord is what happens when a demon decides to get into the business of helping people rather than terrorizing them. Potica's first act of 'benevolence' involves a cliff, several lethal gunshots and ends with Seki being (not so willingly) converted into a demon. Is Potica's title as an Infernal Princess something she can shake off or is she destined to leave a trail of discord wherever she goes? HA. Like you don't already know the answer to that.", false, true], "Biscuit": ["http://biscuit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "There once was a convict named Elmar whose magic was labelled a danger. After five years imprisoned some guy bought her freedom. Now she wants to know why he'd bother. or Big-headed cartoon people in an Edwardianesque fantasy world do hopefully interesting things. Updates weekly!", false, true], "BiscuitFox": ["http://biscuitfox.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 158, "There are no rules stipulating that women can't play professional men's hockey. Nikita Stefanova is determined to prove that she can skate with the big boys.", false, true], "BiteClub": ["http://biteclub.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A test comic that I may or may not continue depending on if people like this poop or not. Still figuring out my style so sorry about any inconsistencies. Plot I have in my head: Boy stumbles upon a bar run by elusively vampires after having an exceptionally shitty day. Shenanigans progress from there.", false, true], "Bitemeayaoi": ["http://bitemeyaoi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 210, "Warning: YAOI, which means man on man action in bed. There will be graphic scenes later on in the story. There are also suggestive scenes as well. Also abuse. Please leave now if any of this bothers you. That's all. (and if you are looking for instant gratification, this probably isn't the story for you) Everything was normal....ish. It was just Kain and his mom against the cold cruel world. That was normal for them. At least, it was until his old friend comes back into Kain's life. Milo abruptly confronts Kain after years of being apart, but Kain doesn't remember his past and turns him away. Even after multiple times of Kain trying to push Milo away, Milo won't let go of his childhood crush. Will Milo finally break down the wall blocking Kain's memories and gain his love? Or will he let his love go because someone else already has taken his place? (art gets better as time goes. 2008-present) (This story is pre-planned from start to finish.) Attempting to update every sunday UPDATES RANDOMLY (deal with it) :D", true, true], "BlackAndRed": ["http://black-and-red.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Coming from the last city with humans as the majority, two idiots with nothing to live for are traveling the world together. I try to update this daily, mainly between 1PM and 2PM. I'm trying my best to get back into drawing comics again, so forgive me if this appears half-assed. I don't think this comic is meant to be taken seriously so.. yeah.", false, true], "BlackCollar": ["http://huntedblackcollar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "-Read from left to right- This is a comic for all you fantasy action lovers out there. Nobody asks for it, nobody in that messed up world. And yet they are all part of it... the game. Hunted, What does the word really mean? How can someone just be thrown into a place like this? And yet there are so many just like him. Unaware of what's really going on? There's a good amount of violence and blood in this. So be aware before reading. (There are no sexual themes) _NOTE_ The comic was started a while ago, so You will see a huge improvement in both the art spelling, and story by around chapter 2.", false, true], "BlackFridayRule": ["http://blackfridayrule.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 270, "", false, true], "BlackSheepcomic": ["http://black-sheep.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "Read it on MangaMagazine.net for the latest updates. http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Black-Sheep/detail-page/107 ------------------------------------------- Contains disturbing and/or violent images. I'm not held responsible for any repercussions you may get from reading this. ------------------------------------------- Observe silence dear observers, for the mention of Rabbits are forbidden under the watchful eyes of 'them'. A blink of an eye and you'll lose your whole ancestry in one \"accidental\" fire. But do not bother with the rumor of people dying in front of mirrors either. Folks just love spook stories you know? ------------------------ Read left to right. ------------------------", false, true], "BlackTuesdayShangrila": ["http://blacktuesday.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "-BTS Official Tumblr http://blacktuesdaycomic.tumblr.com/ -MangaMagazine.net http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Black-Tuesday-Shangri-la/detail-page/884 -Fanart Page http://blacktuesdayfanart.tumblr.com Now updating every Saturday! Stay tuned!", false, true], "BlackandBlue": ["http://black-and-blue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 525, "A sci-fi fairytale. A boys nightmare. So, this is about an Evil Empire soldier with a few problems... not the least of which is a slight gender issue and a weird entanglement with an astronaut. Awkwardness ensues. D: I thought \"The Crying Game\" was a comedy, you've been warned. Ha! e_e Also I started this about 200 years ago and the art is pretty rough I'M SO SORRY! ;_; FORGIVE ME!", false, true], "Blackcandy": ["http://black-candy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "poor sick nanchi collapses during pe and a guy named kiyo helps him out. they start to become friends n kiyo seems like a really nice guy but nanchi starts to develop a crush on him and kiyo only seems to date girls!! he feels a bit rejected but he doesnt actually know how kiyo feels. he might actually like him back!! bl/yaoi will be nsfw later on ~ reads from right to left", false, true], "Blackdemon": ["http://blackdemoncomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 109, "everyone has a demon inside them, even the nicest people in the world has a demon. what happens if the demon inside takes total control of you? it could effect your life style, personality, and for artist's; imagination. that's what this comic is about. a girl with poor social skills and a large imagination, how will she fix both problems? (WARNING:some chapters in this comic are based on real events that occurred in the author's life) comic updates:Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's(if not updated, that means i got a LOT of HW or my laptop is damaged)", false, true], "Blackwood": ["http://blackwoodcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Blackwood is a medieval fantasy manga centered around the intertwining stories of three main characters; Brad the winged Arlen, young prince Lloyd of Blackwood, and Kuro the enigmatic thief. Various other supporting characters lend their charm to \"Blackwood\" as well. With a unique cast and fully developed world, culture, and language, \"Blackwood\" is a story you don't want to miss! \u2606 READS RIGHT TO LEFT~ <======<=======(Japanese style) \u2606 Updates Twice Weekly - Monday/Friday", false, true], "BladeoftheFreak": ["http://bladeofthefreak.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 852, "Login is a slacker who owns the legendary Sword of Lode, a sword that cannot cut through anything. In order to not pierce his back when carrying the sword, he will start a quest to find the sword's case which will be the beginning of an epic adventure!", false, true], "BlanesWelcomeHouse": ["http://blaneswelcomehouse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "This one I put my own idea to make a first comic for my first time, if you follow this one you might get to join in for a special comic. Oh and theres what happen if you don't know what it is I'll tell you, its where all beginning where Blane and his friends were on the adventuring threw cites, forest, and other worlds unknown until they found this place to make a new home. After they finish and they have lots of rooms and they don't know what to do if they already made their rooms, Real Blane got an ideal and he said we can send a mail to all the world for are special people, and so they send all mails on computers and phones to send all the round the world to start the new beginning for new friends for this story. There is a change but don't worry it will be good to go soon after the rooms and sprite characters yours will be done and it takes some time to get it done. And also theres one people join in, now there's 10 to go so it well be ready for new chapters. Kirby's 1/3 Human's 2/3 Animal's 2/3 Monster's 0/1 Robot's 0/1 Pony's 0/3 Alien's 0/1", false, true], "BlaqMajiik": ["http://blaqmajiik.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "(art will be redrawn at the end of each issue-at least the beginning pages) Petro is a pessemistic teenager, trying to ignore the social ways of highschool and pass with at least moderate marks. He's doing pretty well, untill the school is attacked. From that moment, there is a chain reaction of events Petro can't control-and his worst nightmares may just be coming to life.", true, true], "BlazeofJustice": ["http://blazeofjustice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Invitation to Destiny: As Kevin a moves to a new home saying farewell to his best friends, he encounters a boy named Daimon Frost at his new home. One is a calm collective young man, as the other is a high spirited boy. The two will soon know that their destiny will be connected to each other.", false, true], "BlazingForest": ["http://blazingforest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "*Based loosely on Pokemon Leaf Green - not Nuzlocke Challenge* Todd Newbrooke isn't like other kids her age. Whilst everyone she knew eagerly headed out to become Pokemon trainers on their tenth birthday, she found she had to stick around a while to help care for her mother. But when she is told to be selfish for once, and go and find her own adventures, she - with some convincing - leaps at the opportunity. Companied by her starter pokemon - Charlie the Charmander - she heads out onto an unknown route, meeting both friends and enemies along the way. Read Left to Right :) Warning! May include: Mature Language, mild Gore, poorly drawn pages and poor proportions :)", false, true], "BleachDreamofOneDay": ["http://dreamdaydoujin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "A WIP Doujinshi for Bleach. Graphic with dark themes, blood, and non-con. Characters - Renji, Byakuya, Rukia WARNING: NC-17 Hentai/Yaoi", true, true], "BleachRedux": ["http://bleachredux.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 772, "Myself and others were extremely disappointed with Ulquiorra's death in the official Bleach manga, so I've taken it upon myself to draw out what could've possibly happened had Orihime pulled her head out of her ass and saved him. WARNING: UlquiHime. Any negative comments (or futile attempts at validating other ships that make even less sense (ie: IchiHime)) will be deleted. CURRENT: 2/17 Ch27 is online. Ch28 in progress. ETA 03/17. NOTE: READ RIGHT TO LEFT LIKE JAPANESE MANGA.", false, true], "BleedingHeart": ["http://bleedingheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "If you didn't know, bleeding heart is a flower. Also, so I can update faster, I'm going to use a thicker brush and faster/sloppier lines. I'm also going to color code the hair and eyes. Well... enjoy!", false, true], "BlemishAlfredxArthur": ["http://blemished.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "WARNING!! BOYS LOVE, YAOI, GAY, SAME SEX ROMANCE. will be mature content later. but not for the first chapter :) BLEMISH (AlfredxArthur) -ROSKETCH- Alfred.F.Jones (19)will start his college this year. Just in the first day he moved to live by himself in his new flat, he heard something from the rooftop. Somehow he followed the sound and then meet Arthur (24), Young English man who always wrapped with bandage and bruises. Even though he is older, Arthur is a total fret... yet so small and frail. Meet him tottally change Alfred's life. ---- The comic is Alfred F. Jones and Arthur Kirkland in a real life setting and not related to the real hetalia story at all. Story and Art are originally belong to me. Arthur, Alfred and other cameo from hetalia belong to Hidekaz maruyama. Enjoy reading :)", false, true], "BlindandBlue": ["http://blindandblue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 171, "Boy's Love! (Gay relationship romance) Caecus (Case) woke up one morning to find that he was completely blind. He's picked on by the school bully, and things aren't so great. Fortunately for Case, he finds a friend - and eventually a boyfriend - in the new kid, Darryl, and together they make it through the things life throws at them. A smackjeeves mirror to the comic on DrunkDuck, which you can read [url=http://www.drunkduck.com/Case_1048_Blind_and_Blue/]here[/url] Comic contains swearing very rarely,so if you don't like it...you'll be fine actually And if you're homophobic...message me with your reasons why as I am very curious on the topic.", false, false], "BloodBlue": ["http://bloodblue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Abandoned by the only person he has ever loved, Aoi wandered through the streets of downtown Tokyo, ready to drown his misery in strangers and alcohol. An orphan since the beginning, he believed he had nothing more to lose. But then a fated meeting with \"the demon\" one fateful and dreary night... changed everything. Eyes as cold as ice, and in a voice so utterly devoid of emotion, the man - the demon - looked down on him and said: \"From now on, you belong to me. You are my dog. You are mine.\" Hard-BL/ Mature/ Violent/ Yakuza themes", true, true], "BloodEdge": ["http://bloodedge.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Every 100 years, a new ruler of Saria is chosen from the Celestes, Elves, Shades, and Sykes. Humans are never chosen because of their shorter lifespans. After thousands of peaceful years, the Celestes and Shades have created dreadful tensions throughout the land. They are vying against the other races for more power and for a leader chosen from only their own races. If a war were to break out, the battle grounds would be unknown and the sides unclear. The Elves have never sided with anyone or participated in any war since the beginning of time. But then again, who knows what will happen? A young girl named Akane will try to prevent an all-out war that could destroy their world, with the help of her two new friends Drea and Raine and the many other friends they meet along their journey.", false, true], "BloodyUrban": ["http://bloodyurban.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Meet Murray. He's living on the other side of the world, unsure of himself, stuck in a job he doesn't particularly like, and is unfortunately also a werwolf. This is the story of his life, his friends and their rather bizarre misadventures. It's got a few vampires in it, but we're pretty sure it's better than Twilight. Maybe.", false, true], "BloomaPokemonConquestComic": ["http://bloomconquest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 127, "According to the Legend of the Ransei region, if all 17 kingdoms of the region are united, the legendary Pokemon that formed the region would appear. Young Saku, along with her stubborn Axew, set off on the road of conquest. However, the warlord Nobunaga is only one kingdom away from uniting the region. Can Saku conquer Ransei before he does? ______________ There is a bit of violence later on, but hey, Pokemon has a certain lack of violence that they need to make up for. Nothing too bad. Updates Wednesdays and Saturdays.", false, true], "BlueAi": ["http://blueai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "The life of Ai. This is a sketch comic so it may be a bit messy sometimes! Please forgive me for my bad english. Read from right <---------- to left", false, true], "BlueDot": ["http://bluedot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Blue Dot tells the adventures of a group of dissidents for whom things never turn out as they expect. Dragons, distopic universes, interdimensional travels, HORSES THAT CAN TALK... Are you gonna miss it?", false, true], "BlueHair": ["http://bluehair.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "", false, true], "BlueLove": ["http://bluelove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "<b>CURRENTLY UPDATING WITH THE ENGLISH VERSION. PLEASE JUMP TO PAGE \"Blue Love E01\" for the English pages.</b> \u9019\u662f\u7528\u4f86\u53c3\u52a0\u9999\u6e2f ComicFans \u6f2b\u756b\u65b0\u4eba\u734e\u7b2c55\u56de\u7684\u4f5c\u54c1. \u5165\u570d\u4e86,\u4f46\u6c92\u6709\u52dd\u51fa... <_< \u6211\u6253\u7b97\u518d\u63a5\u518d\u53b2\u7684\u4e0d\u65b7\u53c3\u52a0 LOL \u6240\u4ee5\u8acb\u5927\u5bb6\u7d66\u9ede\u610f\u898b\u5427! \u540d\u7a31:\u85cd\u8272\u4e4b\u6200 \u6545\u4e8b\u5927\u7db1:\u85cd\u56e0\u5bb6\u5883\u8ca7\u56f0,\u4ee5\u734e\u5b78\u91d1\u5c31\u8b80\u5168\u5e02\u552f\u4e00\u7684\u8cb4\u65cf\u9ad8\u4e2d,\u5973\u626e\u7537\u88dd\u548c\u6821\u5167\u5973\u751f\u7d04\u6703\u8cfa\u53d6\u751f\u6d3b\u8cbb\u3002\u4f46\u662f\u5b78\u751f\u6703\u6703\u9577\u597d\u50cf\u5c0d\u5979\u5f88\u611f\u8208\u8da3... ---------------------- This is my entry for the 55th CFCC in Hong Kong ComicFans magazine. Got into the finals, but I did not win <_< I have decided to keep going until I win LOL So please give me some comments! Title: Blue Love Synopsis: Because of her poor family status, Ran got into the only noble school in the city with the help of scholarships, and she pretends to be a guy and go out with girls on dates to earn her living expenses. However, the student council president seems to be quite interested in her... (NOTE: THIS IS A ONE-SHOT MANHUA)", false, true], "BlueStreak": ["http://bluestreak.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 179, "It's a webcomic...musical!", false, false], "BlueWell": ["http://www.bluewellcomic.com/comics/", 134, "Leif Kavanaugh grew up in the country-side and came to the city to attend college. He moves into \"The Blue Well\" boarding home, which houses several other college students just like himself. While he hopes everything will go smoothly, Leif learns it's not the city that makes life crazy, it's the people.", false, false], "BlueYonder": ["http://www.blueyondercomic.net/comics/", 121, "Jared Davenport thought he knew what it took to be a hero. He is about to find out otherwise. On the run, Jared takes refuge in the Claremont apartment. There, Jared finds friends and rivals alike amid the bygone superheroes of yesterday. He will need all their help to survive a brutal enemy from his past. But even on the streets, Jared is about to discover the sky is the limit as he becomes . . . Blue Yonder!", false, false], "BoilingPointofBrain": ["http://bpob.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 98, "The company 'Brain' is going through terrible waves of financial depression as their only client 'Erika' has succumbed to the roadblocks in life. It is up to Sir and the Intern as well as the employees to help their client get back up on her feet.", false, true], "BokutoGHOST": ["http://bokutoghost.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Boku to GHOST (\"ghost and I\") is a one-shot comic created to take on portfolio reviews to editors at comic publishing companies while I was in Japan for a month in fall 2010. story summary: Takuya died before he was able to experience the adolescence he really wanted... so he comes back as a ghost and forces his childhood friend Hideto to experience it for him. but their ideas of what is important in life turn out to be just a little different... next page is put up every Saturday. comic reads R-to-L.", false, true], "Boned": ["http://boned.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A comedy about four gay guys and a parrot surviving NYC on Halloween weekend. It's weird. Updates every Sunday. Main site: http://bonedcomic.com Tumblr: http://bonedcomic.tumblr.com/", true, true], "Boo": ["http://boocomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 285, "On a Halloween night a little girl named Kat opens a strange box, releasing hundreds of monsters as well as the Boogeyman (AKA Boo) onto her town. Boo and Kat must work together to protect themselves from these monsters that now lurk in the shadows, but is that what they really should be afraid of? Because little do they know a retired hit-man from Boo's past named Cain is coming to Kat's town to make sure the Boogeyman he locked away years ago is still dormant. As the story unfolds we peek into Boo's past, when he was a child. We follow him on his tragic/strange journey to becoming the Boogeyman and ultimately his imprisonment in a box that Kat eventually opens over 100 years later. Cain is on his way for a head-on confrontation with Boo and poor Kat is stuck in the middle of it all. Are there answers in the past that can save their futures? Or are they all doomed to be eaten by the monsters that continue to be constant threat to everyone? - Updates Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays - Can now be bought on Lulu.com (hint-hint, nudge-nudge)", false, true], "BoogeyDancingMonkeyPot": ["http://monkeypot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 402, "Prince Jean-Patrick finds young Sarah's bedroom to frighten her. But Sarah isn't an eight year old girl running around in her socks. She's a young adult now and it certainly shows! Together, the Boogey man and human girl journey through their lives. One to become king of his kind and the other to find her place. Two roads cross and destiny determined to keep them together. Monsters do not solely exist in the darkness. rated mature for violence, language, partial nudity and some sexual tension", false, true], "Border": ["http://border.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 121, "Its a perfect description of the \"Manapunk\" genre, its a fantasy world where Mana and magic moves everything, and the Gods walk among Man as the return of Ragnarok draws near.", false, false], "BoredomandCoffee": ["http://boredomandcoffee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Have you ever had a day that just made you think, \"What the hell just happened?\" Well, I do. All the time. Let me tell you all about it. In this comic are some of the most quirky and humorous things that have happened to yours truly as well as friends and family. While some elements may be exaggerated for humor, all comics are based on real-life scenarios.", false, true], "Bounce": ["http://bounce.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 6, "Leaving her upsetting past behind her to study literature, Natasha feels like she's taken the right step towards a new, brighter future. That is, until she moves in with two of the craziest roommates she's ever encountered! UPDATES SUNDAYS!", false, true], "Bouquet": ["http://bouquet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "A simple, straightforward story about Darrel, a schoolboy, who has fallen in love with a popular deviant. [BL] EXTRA - Breakfast set: Darrel's best friend feels lonely, but will that feeling last? [COMPLETE]", false, true], "BowsersPlanB": ["http://bpb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Bowser takes a different approach to the Mario Bros. Mostly set in the Mushroom Kingdom, but features cameos from almost any video game character imaginable. Updates every week if I can. Winner of the SCP Best Nintendo Themed Comic award 2006!", false, true], "BoxofChocolates": ["http://boxofchocolates.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "READ LEFT TO RIGHT --> ;D Roland was a child who was victim of bullyng because of a girl who everybody admired. She was the most cute of the class, and she was rude with him because he was smart. One year, the girl, Amanda, left the School, and his classmates made peace with him Now, Roland attend at the University and his best friend has found a Amanda in a brothel called ''Box of Chocolates''. Roland wants to take revenge of her and his friends and he go to the brothel to visit her.", false, true], "BoyLessons": ["http://bilessons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 269, "[COMIC ON HOLD] Catman making better people out of 5 young weirdos with their own unique problems. [terrible art at the beginning and more bearable one later on] (read in the normal humane way from left to right)", false, false], "BoyLove": ["http://boyxlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "an unexpected romance for cool people -- no update schedule, mostly for fun/practice.", false, true], "BoysLove": ["http://-boyslove-.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Just Something I decided to make since I saw this BL movie clip and I thought well why not make it into a comic and I'm obviously going to add more \"stuff\" to it unlike the movie clip -w- So yeah I'm trying to look for the video clip since I forgot the name of the BL movie so Hopefully by the time I'm done with this ill put up the link of the movie. Its a oneshot thing so its only a few pages long Hope you'll like it~ Contains: -BL/Yaoi Reads from right to left!!", true, true], "Boywithasecret": ["http://www.bwascomic.com/comics/", 167, "Comic Title: BOY WITH A SECRET (Himitsu no Aru Otoko) Boy with a secret: is a story about a troubled teenage boy who hides his identity from everyone out of fear of being exposed. His family moved after a traumatic incident at their hometown. Haruhi tries to adjust to life at Fujimoto High School (his new school) were he meets the beautiful and compassionate Minako, who comes to trust and befriends him, However bullies threaten that chance at a new start. But things start to change when a friend from the past appears and offers to help. ********************************************************* Updates: Every Wednesday GMT -6(US Central Time) Genres: LGBT, Psychological, Romance, Drama, School Life. *warning* some adult situations Rated: 16+ Contain :Violence, Blood,Profanity All pages in FULL COLOR ********************************************************* *READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT * Comments are always appreciated. :) THANKS!", false, false], "BrainJelly": ["http://brainjelly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A collaboration of derp, oh, you, 5 minute MS things, and horrible illustrated jokes. -Updated every four days, or more often.- Okay, this is kind of old and dead. Fun while it lasted I guess? Hurray for experimentation?", false, true], "BravePoliceJDeckerHeartToHeart": ["http://hearttoheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Based on the kid anime show Brave Police: J-Decker. This is for those who wanted to know what could have been. :D If you haven't watched this show, that's okay. Will not be hardwired directly to it. xD So you can still read my comic. NOW YOU HAVE NO EXCUSES. >D Will be updated x1 a week. At LEAST. Usually more. :3 ----------------------------------------------------- \"Who are you? \"Well, lets say I'm your biggest fan, Deckerd.\" \"You have a gift for me? What is it? \"Why, it's your Heart's Desire.\"", false, true], "BreIshurnasspritesandstuff": ["http://breishurnas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 195, "Here, I make fan characters, random Pokemon recolors, custom sprites, and all that other craptastic things a spriter can do! Come on in if you are not scared! Hopefully I do not lose it all! Currently in Version 2!", false, true], "BreachofAgency": ["http://breachofagency.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 424, "Panacea has the gift of healing, which makes her a target for both sides of a civil war. The Minister, leader of the Agency, is determined to have her cure his fatal illness and prolong his life. Forever. But the Gunman and his accomplices want her dead. All Panacea wants is to find her own destiny. When she and her bodyguard, Aegis, stumble upon Traver, who takes them in after they narrowly escape a brush with death, Panacea believes she may have found a real home. But the Agency has eyes everywhere, the Gunman is always waiting in the shadows, and Panacea can never be sure who her allies are.", false, true], "BreakfastDuolocke": ["http://breakfast.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "A duo Pokemon Nuzlocke on the original Pokemon Gold and Silver. Promised bacon, MishL and Charpie head to some guy's lab and recieve a Pokemon each. Satisfied enough with the Pokemon (dubbed Bacon and Eggs) the decide to begin their own Pokemon ADVENTURE!", false, true], "BreakfastonaCliff": ["http://boac.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 97, "A boy named Cinna goes to a new school. See what happens! Updates: Fridays Or any other time ending with \"day.\"", false, true], "BrightStars": ["http://www.brightstarscomic.com/comics/", 169, "A miscalculation sends Rory into the far reaches of outerspace. WARNING: May contain violence, language, and human-alien relationships.", false, false], "BringingtheRain": ["http://bringingtherain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A story about a yokai and a human. Set in early Japan. Read from left to right. -- I appreciate all comments and faves. Thank you for being my motivation ; u ;!!", false, true], "BrinnyComic": ["http://brinnycomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "A comic about some chick.", false, true], "BrokenComic": ["http://brokencomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "What happens when a comic is forgotten? This is an old comic that I started when I was 13 I think and then I heard of Smackjeeves and began posting here. It was (and hopefully still is) a way of representing what happens on the inside of the comic pages when the author has forgot about it. I'd also like to state the although I make comics, it's more of a side hobby compared to stopmotion animating. So if the pacing and plotline seems weird that's because I'm more fit to filmaking properties. Updates: Whenever the hell I feel like it! (Or weekly on a saturday)", false, true], "BrokenDreams": ["http://brokendreams.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "I wanted to draw a short comic and had no idea for a plot. It was for a contest and it was on such short demand that I didn't really have time to come up with anything, so a good friend of mine gave me a scenario she wrote a few months back. She was delighted with the finished results and says she could not have done any better, which made me feel really special. I hope you can also enjoy it and, maybe, even cry.", false, true], "BrokenFamily": ["http://brokenfamily.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "A Pokemon sprite comic about a large family that have been separated and sent back in time.", false, true], "BrokenHeartsareHealed": ["http://bhahbrokenheartsarehealed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "This comic is based on a small idea of mine, basically demons are running about breaking people's hearts or rather taking them leaving the people emotionless zombies, Paranormal Detective Demi Koral, who lives in a town far away, finds out about these happenings and gathers her things and sets off to find each heart and return them. Of course people who are skeptics think these people who lost their hearts are just depressed or going through a funk but Demi knows better", true, true], "BrokenWing": ["http://brokenwings.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Do guardian angels exist? And do they need guarding too? Boy love and some action of the guns and explosion kind.", false, true], "BrookeandKirby": ["http://brookeandkirby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 195, "A comic about my fan character Brooke and Kirby. This is the first webcomic I ever posted here, so expect some mistakes. And don't expect updates daily. I can sometimes get Author's block.", false, true], "Bror": ["http://bror.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "What if a certain scene at the avengers had gone differently? would if have changed anything? would Thor have manged to convince Loki to change?", false, true], "Brothers": ["http://brothers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "A short comic on the theme of darkness.", true, true], "Bruises": ["http://stupidboys.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "This is what happens when you get drunk and decide to \"experiment\" with your best mate. THEY WARNED YOU. Mix crude language with boys in compromising situations, add a touch of action and delinquency and you've got Bruises. You were also warned. [This comic is going through...puberty.]", false, true], "Bunny": ["http://bunnysp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "Bunny = Butters Stotch + Kenny McCormick This is a South Park Yaoi Doujinshi aka fan comic. They are 18 year old seniors in high school now. Rated 18+ due to strong language, tobacco and alcohol use, and strong sexuality. <3 Butters delusional parents think that their son is so disobedient and unruly that he must be punished by being kicked out of the home. After being turned down by many of the other families, he moves in with Kenny. Butters is conflicted in that he both likes and dislikes Kenny. Kenny usually acts like he doesn't care but then confuses Butters when he is sweet.", true, true], "BureysQuestionCorner": ["http://bureyqcorner.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "What happens when you take the modern day End-of-All Kirby, and put him in charge of answering all of the readers questions? BAD STUFF. Now stop reading this description and post your questions so the BAD STUFF can happen!", false, true], "Burgandy": ["http://burgandy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Sam is an awkward kid. Kyle isn't. Uniforms, books, Irish-slang, Pokemon, mispelled words and titles. Burgandy Academy. [EDIT: I need to change the logo. It's supposed to be spelled wrong sorry]", false, true], "Burningashes": ["http://burntashes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "A father tries to protect his family during a environmental catastrophe.", false, true], "ButIdontwanttocatchthemall": ["http://unwillingtrainer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 86, "A young boy named Terry attempts to run from home, but then is sattled with a number of creatures called Pokemon. Now he has to catch them all... ...if he can survive them, of course.", false, true], "ButImnotgay": ["http://imnotgay.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "This comic is based upon the hectic life that is John Hunting's. A 24 year old Veterinary student addicted to milk, he usually spends his days either hiding under the bed sheets watching TV or keeping his best friend Tim company. Will contain lots of man love. You have been warned my lovelies! <3", true, true], "Butterfly": ["http://butterfly-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "\"What do you want?\" \"I want my life back.\" Loosely bassed of Pinocchio, a group of cursed individuals seek the Blue Fairy, who is rumored to be able to alter reality.", false, true], "Butterfly2012": ["http://butterfly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "This I'm still on planing it troug but a bit I can say about the thing that will go on...please be patient with me I'm still planing the setings an the ending because without I can't begin it! T-T In the mpment there is stil not a sexual content so I take it out for the moment!But it wil come... A wolf don't like his job he's dreaming from.hot chicks but a guy cames and he makes a turn on to him so that the hellcreature won't kill him! Read it the japanese way from right to left^-^", false, true], "Buzz": ["http://buzzboys.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 177, "A short comic about a Spider and a Lady bug.", true, true], "Buzzy": ["http://thebeesbuzz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A short class assignment on how the bee got its buzz. Uploading pages as I finish them!", false, true], "ByTheBook": ["http://bythebook.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 309, "After stumbling across a copy of 'The Adventurers Handbook 3.5' an orc, goblin and kobold decide to leave the dungeon and become mighty adventurers! Updates every Wednesday and Saturday.", false, false], "CANTWONTDIE": ["http://cantwontdie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Two suicidal invincible young men. (Please keep in mind when I started this comic I did not have the best drawing style) My style currently is at page 4 of Chapter 1 just about.", true, true], "CHECKMATE": ["http://chesswar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "A world where chess is the weapon of choice for political gains and to settle personal disputes. The story follows a chess genius who will use his mind prowess to protect the people he loves and fight for justice. Along the way he will gain many allies and enemies alike. Will he be able to stand up against all odds or fail at his quest for a better world?", false, true], "CHIKADING": ["http://chikading.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Isang maliit na sisiw na may MALAKING pangarap- ang lumipad! Sundan ang munting adventures niya at ng kanyang tropa sa mga kalokohan at imposibleng mga pangarap. Read from left to right! support Filipino artists. :D pakibisita rin yung shoujo type kong comic, hahaha, http://alagakoanganghelnikamatayan.smackjeeves.com thankyou! :>", false, true], "CRACKRPCOMICJOINNOW3": ["http://thehotelrp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 382, "Crack RP comic that takes place in a Hotel... Pretty much anyone can join/co author!:D Read the description on Page 1 to learn more! JOIN before all positions are taken, and there is only a few left. :D Please be creative when making your characters and have fun!<3 C: Message me with any questions, ~Skittymitty", false, true], "CactusAvenue": ["http://cactus-avenue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Sean works in a flower shop and is the shyest kid in school. He thinks he as no luck in getting love, until one day...", false, true], "CadencesPrayer": ["http://cadenceprayer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A 15 page side-story prequel one-shot of \"Crimson Shadows\" about how Cadence Mizukage met Aaron Murasaki a year before. Originally this one-shot was to be submitted to the DREAM SDI#2, but I didn't get it done in time. I have submitted it to the 4th anniversary edition of the online version, however. I plan have this comic printed with EXTRA manga pages to make the story longer (as this is a condensed version of the story I had in my head to fit in a 15 page limit) and other neat little extras, so wait for announcements concerning that!", false, true], "CaeldideRainyDays": ["http://caeldide.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Caelum is a 19 year old bartender with a complicated family and an adoration for cute things. Candide is a 16 year old student with a complicated life and a instinct to cover his head when bigger people approach him. This is their story. [[Done in 6 chapters, Updates Saturdays. BL]]", false, true], "CafeAmargo": ["http://cafeamargo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Domingo Ramirez has lost everything, his family, his job and happiness. The only thing he still has is bills to pay. Even though his future seems worse than death itself he decides to keep strong and search for his \"light of hope\" that appears even in the darkest and most difficult situations, but, the shape of that light is not what he was expecting... Set in the year 1939 in a country of South America. C\u00f3mic en Espa\u00f1ol: http://cafeamargo.subcultura.es/", false, true], "CafeCollabofHappinessAnInteractiveComic": ["http://cafeofhappiness.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "Cafe Collab of Happiness is an experimental interactive comic where YOUR webcomic characters can come and chat about their problems with our employees. This comic will also have a plot going on, so it won't just be an interactive comic, but something you can also read and enjoy. All slots taken. If one opens, I will post it here. .", false, true], "CafeSuada": ["http://cafesuada.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 99, "Down by the riverside there is a quaint little teahouse run by our heroine, Geraldine, who's only desire is to spread her love of the golden beverage - But what's going to happen to her business when a new coffee house springs up right next door?! And what is the meaning of Cafe Suada? Guess you'd better read and find out, huh?", false, true], "CafeauLait": ["http://cafeaulait.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 163, "The comic strip with cat boy flavor! (updates saturdays) The illustrations are here! http://nadykun.deviantart.com/gallery/40865689 UPDATES ARE TEMPORARILY ON HOLD. :c", false, true], "Calamity": ["http://calamitycomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "UPDATES HERE NOW ON TUESDAYS--> http://calamitycomic.wordpress.com/ Zoe and Marcus have had their Kingdom and Parents ripped from their hands by invaders from the north as young children. After years of being hindered by her brother, Zoe learns that unless she begins her training now, Alegonne will never be returned to its rightful heirs.", false, true], "CallfortheWolf": ["http://callforthewolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Zeroshi becomes a man on his village so he is one of the chosen ones to carry \"The Wolf's Spirit\". This means that he can now transform into a werewolf. The village he lives in serves the Negrescu family, a family of vampires. Zeroshi now has to protect the princess of the family, Maya Negrescu, from the monster hunters that want to kill her.", false, true], "Cambion": ["http://cambion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Beware the Cambion. The demon longs for the taste of newborn flesh and has called away many a fair maiden to beget them with child just for a taste of it. Be cautious of his sweet words and promises. A Cambion can never defy it's nature. Warnings: Will contain MxM MxF and FxF(possibly) Also graphic blood/violence.", true, true], "CambridgeinSelvage": ["http://cambridge.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A slice-of-life comedy about a little girl, her daemon butler, and her friends in the town of Selvage! Some of the content is questionable, so be forewarned! The rating is PG-13 most of the time, but there are hints of sex sometimes...! Also, this is nothing like Black Butler! It'll update on Tuesdays until the prologue's over.", false, true], "CameraSlide": ["http://camslide.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A small gag strip found in your local griff! Now digitized because... why the hell not?", false, true], "Camlost": ["http://camlostcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Camlost is a thief and because of it, he usually gets in lots of trouble, one day he will meet a boy called Arashi and his life will began to change XD And no its not BL xP", false, true], "CanNeverGiveUp": ["http://cannevergiveup.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "This is a two-page manga that I created for a contest. It's read from right to left. The theme being \"my art can change the world.\" I'd love to see what you all think. It's only two pages so it won't take you long. So how about it~?", false, true], "CaningMom": ["http://caningmom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "A sexy middle aged BBW mom makes an improbable schoolgirl when she infiltrates St Tristan's notorious girls school to expose sluttish sixth formers and lesbian teachers. When she's eventually found out, she is subjected to a humiliating and brutal caning across her huge, fat buttocks.", true, true], "CannedSoup": ["http://cannedsoup.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "This is my first attempt at a webcomic, and it is more to just figure out my style and way of editing what I draw. I don't expect much to come out of it, and I know that the story is cliche, but that makes it a good one to start with ^^. **** The story is about a trio of kids who are monster exterminators for an organization called DEOS. One boy, Vector, is older than the other two, and is put in charge of a brand new team for exterminating missions. However, the two new recruits turn out to be quite odd and mysterious....and much more of a hassle than he had expected.", false, true], "CapeTownWerewolf": ["http://capetownwerewolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "It's the story of WWE superstar Justin Gabriel, also known as The Cape Town Werewolf. This comic is about the birth of the Werewolf and his adventures. Warning: May also include several other WWE superstars. :) Enjoy! ~Awrooooo!", false, true], "CaptainMortyandtheBrat": ["http://captainmortyandbrat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Once upon a time, there was a famous captain named Morty. All he wanted to do was retire to a tropical island to sleep under palm trees and drink coconuts and play with turtles. He can't because of some brat who forced him to take her in as an apprentice. Experimental comic where I draw childish art and make fake journal entries.", false, true], "CaptiveSoul": ["http://captive-soul.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 158, "A BL Pirate manga! :P Sai works on the ship \"The Liberty\", he was taken in at a young age after his town was burned down and he lost his family. The event was traumatizing and Sai lost his ability to speak. He has sworn to hunt down the pirates that destroyed his home and bring them to justice(however that seems a long ways away) However, recently the captain of the ship, Kuragi, has taken an interest in Sai! Will Kuragi's advances distract Sai from his goal to avenge his family? A stormy relationship ahead! Will update every tuesday :P", false, true], "CaravanaTaleofGodsandMen": ["http://caravantale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "In a world of magic, mystery, and mayhem a sickly child and her protectors will attempt to transverse great deserts and expansive grasslands to reach the sea, and a hope for a cure. A witch, her sole purpose to protect the girl. A scared man, beholden to the child who holds his stolen name. With each step they're drawn further into a mystery that will unravel truths about the lands in which they live. What will this world hold for them? Only time will tell.", false, true], "Carciphona": ["http://carciphona.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 233, "In an era where magic is forbidden, a sorceress struggles to restore her once peaceful life.", false, true], "Carousel": ["http://carouselcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.'", false, true], "CarrotandRoper": ["http://carrotandroper.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 358, "This comic follows the strange and unusual encounters of Carrot (an appropriately named carrot) and Roper (a potato) along with a slew of other odd characters. Updates sporadically.", false, true], "CastleCrashersSprited": ["http://ccsprited.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "It's Castle Crashers in sprite form!! 'Nuff said!! :D", false, true], "Cataclysm": ["http://cataclysm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 410, "Set on the last remaining hospitable island on a frozen world, a covert faction known as Militia attempts to overthrow a utopian civilization and their benevolent rulers, The Council.", false, true], "CatboyattheCon": ["http://catboyatthecon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 710, "Trades is a catboy that goes from convention to convention with his boss, Carl, and his girlfriend, Jedda. Life would be simple... if not for the fangirls, stalkers, psycho ex-girlfriends, fanboys, and of course his family constantly reminding him of his flaws... Oh well what is a catboy to do?", false, true], "Cathy": ["http://cathy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "\"We're called fledglings, warriors in training that have yet to gain our wings and fight in the ever going battle against Aglaeca that attack the citizens in the crumbling ruins of Asaterra. In compensation the government pays for our education and welfare. It's an okay deal....most of the time.\"", false, true], "Catnip": ["http://catnipmanga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 117, "Ikita is a young and impressionable noble, who has been bound to a young lady by arranged marraige. Felix is his hired bodyguard; a quick witted and reliable one at that - but who has more to his past than he would like to reveal. As Felix follows Ikita as his bodyguard, they start to have mixed feelings about their positions, and where the future may lead... Based in an 19th centrury-esque alternate history, this tale consists of friendship, compassion, love and regret.", true, true], "CatohoopHeroes": ["http://catohoopheroes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 63, "When his dying grandfather gave him a miniature trebuchet, Trevor was disappointed. Little did he know it would lead him and his brother to become CATOHOOP HEROES. The comic equivalent of a failed 90's kids show meant to sell toys, Catohoop Heroes is written by Joanna and illustrated by Ryan. Features fantasy, adventure, family dysfunction, aardvark wizards, and a mentally-challenged tiger-beast!", false, true], "Catstronaut": ["http://catstronaut.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Catstronaut is born! With her ship the Pawsitive Charge and her trusty sidekick Rover, what adventures await her in THE DEPTHS OF DEEP SPACE?", false, true], "Cattails": ["http://cattails.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "It's about cats. It's not a Warriors thing. c: A collection of (generally) short stories set in a typical city neighborhood, as viewed by the cats who live there. Each chapter is one story of varying length, unless they end up being too long, in which case I'll split it into parts. The current story I'm working on is \"Lessons Lost.\" Updates whenever the hell I feel like it, will probably have various moments of cats fighting, and more than a little swearing(depending on the story).", false, true], "CelesticContainer": ["http://celesticcontainer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A port from a comic I have on Comic Fury, it is basically the same thing. Two angels are exiled from heaven as a punishment. Because they can not survive long in our world, they are forced to take turns possessing a middle school girl's body. There is really nothing particularly objectionable content-wise in this comic, aside from a bizarre domestic abuse subplot. Also, this comic reads from left to right to conform to the English language. Enjoy. :)", false, true], "Cellbio": ["http://cellbiocomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Cell.bio = Cellular Biology. Ever imagined how organelles and cellular activities would be, if they are in a manga version? Do you want to make your biology learning easier? Then you're in a right place! ;) -felisselita-", false, true], "Cement": ["http://blocksofsherst.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 543, "We are a legion of awesomeness, bro! >:{C -------------------------------- Welcome to Cement! A boredom webcomic to discuss/review ideas, movies, fanfiction, and other stuff. We also have: - A sprite showcase, - Some tutorials, - Dreams that make sense, - Debates that make no sense, - Lotsa shitty shit bullshit, - Crack, - Heli-kun~ :3 - Anus - Hentai - Steak - Swagga - What Pumpkin And much more... Feel free to apply as author if you'd like! (no wait, don't) Gooby plz. I'm touching the description! Hurrdurr! :B Description pending... Thank you for still reading. Now.. have a nice day and go HoNk yourself. I touched it again - silentdusk c: Heil Helitler. Calm down Stalin' *shoots helitler in da face* :D Now go back to the top and re-read the description. HoNk hOnK Go dunk your head in a bucket, Gamzee - you sexy piece of shit, you. No one cares this desc motherfucking exists anyway. :o( gun in your face big disgrace, kicking your ass all over my place.~ Royle McCulloch", false, true], "CentralNorthCarolinaGhostbusters": ["http://cncgb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "With the Central North Carolina Ghostbusters opening up their doors as a new Ghostbusters International franchise in October of 2007, you'd think the city of Winston Salem would be a much safer place - but all chaos breaks loose as this group of bumbling busters single-handedly cause massive property damage, nuclear meltdowns, zombie outbreaks, giant ghostly Kaiju attacks, and more to befall the Eastern American coast! Will this comedic group of eliminators triumph over the living impaired - or have their liscense revoked by their mother company, the original Boys in Grey, back up in New York state?", false, true], "Cerberus": ["http://cerberus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A young man awakens in a dark forest with no name and no past to find a creature named Tulpa standing over him. With nowhere to go and no way to find it he is taken in by the figure; neither of them realizing the events that will be set in motion by their actions.", false, true], "CerberusCrescendo": ["http://elica.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 195, "in the decades since superhumans have become a reality, the vast majority of them have chosen to use their abilities wholly for criminal activity and personal gain thousands of active supervillains exist with virtually no opposition from law enforcement and military groups, who are desperately under-equipped to handle them an effort is put forth by a hyperintelligent but almost entirely anonymous man known as insight to attempt to wipe out the supervillain community altogether cerberus is this effort", true, true], "CercanaLejania": ["http://cele.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Done for the indie comic magazine Region Cu4tro at the year 2010. A small story about a boy who fell in love with a star.", false, true], "CestLaVieComic": ["http://cestlavie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "The C'est la vie bar is a place that is said to be filled with an old kind of magic. Borne from circumstance, music and the mist of cigarette smoke. Follow Freshman Manny Fransisco as he goes through his first year of college as a foreign exchange student who discovers that there is more to the college band scene than local bragging rights and free beer. Each week at the battle of the bands the two competing bands are given a themed challenge that they must be ready to perform, but they have to make sure their rivalries, friendship, and school lives don't get in the way of Bringing the magic to the bar stage every Saturday night. Tune in and listen for the latest events at the C'est La Vie bar Weekly, on Thursdays.", false, true], "ChainedtoFate": ["http://chainedtofate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "It's another short story of Zelda and Link. however, when I say 'Short' i mean... about 100 pages But I think it's going to be interresting, and fun to read. It'll be coming in a few weeks. hopfully next week", false, true], "ChampionsandHeroesAgeofDragons": ["http://championsandheroes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 138, "In a land far away, or possibly in a dimension just next to us, lies the lands of Thedas. The world of Thedas is made up by endless possibilities - a man can be a mage, a rogue, a warrior, even a woman. From the Free Marches to Ferelden we find champions and heroes saving the world... poorly. Updates Mondays. All hail Bioware.", false, true], "ChanceEncounters": ["http://chanceencounters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "As her strange friendship with Locke turns into something deeper than one can ever imagine... And as she delves deeper into his world, attraction turns into obsession- in the midst of love, death, insanity and murder, Hannah struggles to see what it truly means to be alive and the mysterious and eccentric young gentleman is about to answer her questions.", false, true], "Chaos": ["http://chaos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "Toulin is a rough city, full of backstabbing politicians, careless police, and violent criminals. The majority of the city's organized crime is focused on the southern district. This is where Duane Hitchenson lives. Growing up in the slums, illegal activity easily becomes a way of life. Duane has two jobs: During the day, he has a day job as a police detective, working around the clock to put away muggers, murderers, and money-launderers. His second job is as an enforcer/debt collector/second-in-command to the city's biggest mob boss, Marco Morabito, head of a group of criminals collectively referred to as The Syndicate. Jimmy Jones, on the other hand, leads the equally dangerous (but slightly less profitable) gang known as the Black 13s. Jimmy Jones, naturally, wants Marco out of business. Tl;dr: Buddy cops with secrets! Mobsters fight each other! Updates Saturdays.", false, true], "ChaosAdventures": ["http://chaosadventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "creds to: Ashura-Nebula Silver-staticashock Espio-megablueblastaa Green hill zone - kinny-man Chemical plant zone - Dominico Wacky Workbench zone - Dolphman", false, true], "ChaosAdventuresII": ["http://chaosadventuresii.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 173, "Creds to: Characters Chaos/Halo - Master Rezz - Nebula Ki - Megablueblastaa Tails - Hypero Sarah \u0096 Foxx Etch \u0096 No Details Blur - Cylent Nite Thorn/Young Thorn - Cylent Nite Omega - Hypero (customised by me!) The demons - Gardow Styxs - Sakura Courage Solo Backdrops- Wacky Workbench Zone - Shadowbot Green Hill Zone - kinny-man Chemical Plant Zone - Domenico Sky Canyon - kinny-man Emerald Alter - Apocalypse the Hedgehog Angel Island Zone - SkyLights Other Tails\u0092 plane - Rogultgot", false, true], "ChaosChroniclesHopeFearandRevenge": ["http://hopefearandrevenge.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "5 years after the events of AVHR... In life there is chaos. There are things we do not control, nor do we understand. In which, there is terror and pain. Which leads to fear. Then the uncomfort and pain can lead to us hating this life. Leads to revenge. We may even question what is evil in this world, civilization? Murder? Money? People? Or maybe.. intelligence in itself is the evil. But in all of that, there is always hope. For although chaos may never cease to exist, we can always hope to make the best of it. A comic made by Ultimate the Hedgehog and Royle McCulloch. Chaos Chronicles: Hope, Fear, and Revenge", false, true], "ChaosCollege": ["http://chaocollege.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Return of Chao College, the same old students and some new students. Time to learn some school stuff! Intro Chapter 1 plot: Something weird has happened to Chao College once again! While we were watching the night sky.. things got suddenly weird, as stars began to fade away. The next night, there's no stars to be seen. We all teamed up to save the stars from whoever made them fade away. Enjoy! -For who want to become Authors- CamTro's message- Sorry, we have enough authors. But if some authors left, so you would may join to take over their spot. But, first before you send your application.. you need to PM CamTro or Lux by your sprite sheet if recolor sprite, so we would not accept this recolor sprite sheet. Luxbot (Just call me Lux ^^\") - It would be great if we had some more authors, considering the update rate, but it's better if your comics aren't...eye burning.", false, true], "ChaosReigns": ["http://chaosreigns.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 501, "Ten years have passed since the war with Cinos and with the triumphant return of Sonic, peace is had once more. Atril and the Gathering have pretty much returned to life as usual and the tactician and former enemy Lilliana joins back with the Outsiders. But peace is never a certainty and the leader of the Outsiders feels a coming of something that will break that peace. Once again our heroes must discover what it is to fight for what you believe in. Chaos Reigns is inspired by \"Normalcy is for Wimps\".", false, true], "ChaosofLoveThePMDStory": ["http://pmdchaosoflove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Yep, so this is my replacement of Pokemon: Road of Champions (the webcomic I never got inspiration to finish). I basically got this from watching a few playthroughs of the original Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Red Rescue Team), so some similarities to that may be seen in this story. Of course, some of my own ideas will be implied here as well. So, enjoy it! [RATED E-10] - mild language", false, true], "ChaoticLove": ["http://chaotic-love.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "Genre: Romantic Comedy Type: One-shot Plot: Known as \"Monster Minami\" in her school, Minami Kawakami is an ignored and feared existence--due to her superhuman strength. After causing another misadventure while heading to school one day, Minami encounters a teenager... jumping off a roof. Back up for: http://mangabullet.com/comic/chaotic-love PLEASE READ RIGHT TO LEFT. Completed! :'D", false, true], "ChaoticNation": ["http://chaoticnation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 153, "Karians were first born during the cataclysm. Once human, the race mutated. They became stronger, faster, and changed in physical appearance and magical ability. In a world already devastated, a rebellion rises to defend the dwindling human race from the growing fear of the Karian army. Their one hope may lie in a mysterious mage whose kind heart has the courage to stand against the oppression and torture brought on by the impending war. WEEKLY UPDATES ON TUESDAYS Contents - Nudity, Language, Violence, Blood and Gore, Hentai, Yaoi", true, true], "CharacterDevelopmentHydrosStory": ["http://hydrothehedgehog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "CAMEOS WANTED AND NEEDED! ANY PEOPLE WILLING TO CAMEO FOR THIS COMIC PLEASE DO, IT WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! MORE INFO IN THE NEWS POST! What do you get when you put a recolor in a story by an author who has more creative characters? I don't know, but this one will be a story of a hedgehog changing to become one accepted by many. Follow a Orange Sonic named Hydro change into a unique and creative character himself , aka, some character development! Wait whats this, Sike is the author to this comic, ugh, now whatever is going to happen to Shift the Hedgehog Speedburst now that she has this to work on? Well forget those thoughts, this comic has no update schedule, so StHSB will still be updated regularly.", false, true], "Charaktermaske": ["http://charaktermaske.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "April 16th, 2012, in a midwestern city, at St. Cuthbert's School, a device is set off to create a door between universes. From that event, everything changes; soon the city, Avista, is the most scientifically advanced metropolis on the map. The new world comes complete with superheroes, villains, monsters, and magic. Updates Mondays.", false, true], "CharcoalAndSlashsPMDAdventure": ["http://charcoalandslashspmdadventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Join Charcoal and Slash as they go through dungeons, defeat countless enemies, and meet a few friends along the way.", false, true], "Charity": ["http://ninjgirlstudios.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Charity is a normal girl. She has her best friend, the boy she likes, the girl she can't stand, and then there is Brad. He is just there. The story follows her everyday life and what happens in it.", false, true], "Chatuplines": ["http://chatuplines.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 165, "Welcome to \"Chat-up lines\"! A South Park Doujinshi from CraigTucker and me. Pairing: Craig x Stan Story: Stan hates Craig and his friends are fags! They haven't time for him.. Bad friends.. But in a chatroom.. he meet a guy.. and he is cool. ..and they will be friends...", false, true], "Chatuplines2": ["http://chat-uplines2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "The continuance from Chat-up lines.. (http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=84863) Craig Tucker x Stanley Marsh South Park Story?! ..read it. ;)", false, true], "CheapShots": ["http://cheapshots.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "Cheap Shots is an animated look at popular dropout culture, focusing on the interaction of a hipster, a greaser, a punk, a goth, a hippy, an indie-rocker, a jock and more. No holds barred, this strip strays into political incorrectness the way a bear strays into a timberland toilet.", true, true], "CheckoutLane": ["http://checkout-lane.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 303, "Ever worked in retail? Then I'm sure you'd remember all the crazy things that happened around your work place. Checkout Lane centers around Mandy, a cashier, and the crazy events that occur around Little Bit of Italy (a grocery store that specializes in Italian goods). Some of them have really happened to me and some I did just for humor's sake. But you never know! They could really happen! Happy reading everyone!", false, true], "Chemical12CYOA": ["http://chemical-12.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "a CYOA type comic, in a zombie apacalypse :D I've already hosted the first pages on deviantart so you don't really get to control the first few", false, true], "CheneysGotaGun": ["http://cheney.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "Cheney's back! Ever wonder what Dick Cheney is doing in his secure undisclosed location? The Hunting \ufffdaccident\ufffd was only the beginning. Dick Cheney has now found his true calling. Tag along as the vice president cleans out his guns, and dusts off the ammo boxes as he fights his way through a world of terrorists from Cidy Sheehan to Osama Bin Laden. This is a graphic novel I did a few years ago and have decided to give it a rerun.", false, true], "CherryChase": ["http://cherrychase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 86, "...or, My best friend's wedding: Paul and Sherry have been best friends and working for the same company for 5 years. One day Sherry leaves with only a note for Paul, telling him she's getting married! Paul realizes he can't let her go, but everything seems to work against him. With 3 days till the ceremony, will he make it in time? A crazy road trip manga running on: romance, friendship and humor. [COMPLETED WORK]", false, true], "CherrysMagicalAdventure": ["http://cherrysmagicaladventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Cherry is a magical shadow cat trying to gain a human form How he does this, you decide! Cherry is a very dense kitty. He will stop his story and ask you to help him pick where to go next, who to talk to, and possibly who to fall in love with! Will Cherry make the right decisions and gain his human form? Only you can decide!", false, true], "ChesterandFerdie": ["http://caf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 231, "Chester and Ferdie updates once a week, usually on the weekend!", false, true], "Chibisizedcollab": ["http://chibiplanet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Anything can happen in a world where everyone is a chibi~!! Chibis only limit 5 character per person BE ACTIVE!!!", false, true], "ChickenScratches": ["http://chickenscratches.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 288, "A slice of life 4-panel comic. A journal about a young man and his troubles in life. Updates Monday to Friday. Sunday is a Sketchbook entry.", false, true], "ChihayafuruDoujinTaichisLovePoem": ["http://chihayafuru.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "This story is derived from the manga Chihayafuru by Suetsugu Yuki. All rights belongs to her. Just a little bit warning though, if you are not up to date with the manga, some of the scenes here are based on chapters 94 and above. I just tweaked the story into a more romantic direction and the way I hope it's supposed to be. This is a one shot doujin... probably up to 60 pages or a lil' bit more. I just hate the way Taichi suffers so much in the manga and how oblivious Chihaya is to his feelings for her. Yep! I'm just a little bit \"frustrated\" Taichi supporter so I made this for fans of the same interest. Note: This is non profitable. Thanks for dropping by and I hope you'll have fun reading <3", false, true], "ChiisaiSamurai": ["http://littlesamurai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Quick little comic. First attempt at it! When you're smaller than other samurai, what do you do? Deal with it. Cute little samurai speaks with his escort on being little in a big world. Not completely accurate, but whatever. Reads like a children's storybook.", false, true], "ChildSeven": ["http://childseven.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "The Seventh Child of every human generation can use magic. Once revered above everything, the Child Sevens are now feared and hated by all. Walker, a Child Seven, tries to flee to Karrund, the only country that will let him live peacefully, but he gets caught up in something much bigger than that.", false, true], "ChildrenoftheEternalSpring": ["http://offspring.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 111, "Stories about a world made by a woman named Eternal. first chapter: Door Knocker Pendant \"two girls in a quest to retrieve a world legend two children searching for each other one pendant to cross their paths and a door to take the children back to their homeland...\" it focuses on the final adventure of Hi and her comrades Atta and Rote in their quest to retrieve the Door Knocker pendant from a man who's only will was to open one single door and isolate the power he believes he deserved. note: mild violence, dry humour, updates: every week, if possible...", false, true], "ChildrenoftheNight": ["http://cotn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 262, "Vampires are at the brink of extinction ruled with a heavy hand by the Hunters, an order of vampire slayers that has existed since the beginning of mankind. The centuries-old law is very clear; a vampire can only feed off criminals whose names are on the lists provided by the Hunters. Any other interaction with humans means punishment and even execution if they are harmed. But when an unlikely friendship between a human girl and a vampire starts to grow into something much deeper, can these laws be obeyed? CotN is a romance webcomic set in the Victorian Era, depicting forbidden love amidst a clash between vampires and the Hunters, an order of vampire slayers. :It updates every Monday:", false, true], "ChillysDreamland": ["http://chillysdreamland.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 250, "After failing to assasinate his target, Kirby, Chilly is beamed back up to N.M.E. just before disolving. Now, considered a traitor, he is imprisoned, but is soon broken out by a star warrior named Burning Leo. After gathering a team of both star warriors and monsters, Chilly, Birdon, Poppy, and all their allies continue their quest to build a resistance to N.M.E., all while uncovering a plan that may threaten the entire galaxy. Based on the anime! Updating: I make chapter long buffer zones, then update the pages daily. If it hasn't updated today, then I'm working on the next chapter. Sprites and backrounds ripped by: Drshnaps, Kung Fu Man, Zephyr_light, Gooniez, A.J. Nitro, HyperGumba, Ultragm2003, TJoe, Jackster, and KUTTER11 This is a fan comic. Kirby and all related characters belong to Nintendo and Hall Laboratory. I do not own these characters, nor do I make any profit of this comic. No copyright infringement intended. If you wanna support the original franchise without making me profit, go buy a copy of \"Kirby's Return to Dreamland.\" Seriously, it's like, the best action game you'll ever play.", false, true], "Chimerical": ["http://chimerical.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "a story in which strange things begin to happen in a small, midwestern town and a wangsty, teenage boy is given the job to stop it - bodies go missing, monsters are real, something about the supernatural and paranormal, and SENIOR YEAR STARTS NEXT YEAR. --- updates every sunday and sometimes on wednesdays or thursdays. other website: http://chimerical.thecomicseries.com", false, true], "ChimiMouryou": ["http://cmmr.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 196, "Near the top of one of Japan's many mountains away from all the human villages, there is a forest inhabited by youkai who are constantly learning how to deal with each other. Basically, \"The Daily Lives of Crazy Youkai\" This comic is a bunch of random short stories and not one continuous one. Everything is acted out in pantomime AKA there are no written words. ~~~~~ Once I start a chapter, I (TRY VERY HARD TO) upload a page daily. Once a chapter's done, I take at least a week break. Due to fluctuating levels of work piled up on me, that break may be longer than week! Chimi mouryou can be roughly translated as \"evil monsters in the mountains and rivers\". The legend of it keeps the forest safe from humans. I am still researching more about the Edo period and youkai, so I apologize for the awful inaccuracies everywhere. Unfortunately, it's hard to just go back and change everything when I find a little detail off. I try my best!", false, true], "Chirault": ["http://chirault.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Mirror page for the webcomic Chirault!", false, true], "ChobiTsu": ["http://chobi-tsu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A genderband fancomic based on the popular CLAMP series \"Chobits\" * All credit to the \"Chobits\" series goes to CLAMP. I own only the genderbent characters (This comic will be updated 1-2 pages weekly) --- Chobi-Tsu~(\u3061\u3087\u3073-\u30c4) Khi isn\u2019t your average persocom; he can\u2019t do word processing, he can\u2019t connect to the internet, and is incapable of networking with other persocoms. Even his sound card seems broken. No wonder Hazuka found him tied up in a pile of trash. But when the 18-year-old technophobe takes him home, she finds out that Khi may be more advanced than his child-like behavior lets on!", false, true], "ChokolattesCharacterGallery": ["http://chokogallery.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "some of my concept art and omake(for my nonexistent and existing manga) of my oc's.", false, true], "Chooseaneeveestory": ["http://chooseaneeveestory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "This a story about a little eevee that is pessured from his family to take after one of them and evolve. Although, eevee does not want to take a chance on evolution... He has his own plans for life. But what happens when he lets down his family because of this...what wil he do or better, will this effect his future? will see in this epic new eevee comic! Updates uhhh whenever i get the chance... Comic Created by me (Maxfreak) Co-Aouther: Tepikachu", false, true], "ChoseA": ["http://chose-a.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "", false, true], "ChoseB": ["http://chose-b.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "", false, true], "ChroniclesofMai": ["http://chroniclesofmai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "This is a Doujinshi with Soul Eater characters and Original Characters. Created in 2009. This is a story about a little girl named Mai makes her plushies alive!", false, true], "Chroniclesofthe9Worlds": ["http://tezlon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Chronicles of the Nine Worlds is a series based on nine separate worlds all connected by Portal Gateways called \"Slip gates.\" The story follows a group of Mercenaries who have been tracking a Rogue Darkfinder down, where they will find themselves intermingled in the events of a gigantic war that is beginning across the entire world.", false, true], "ChyannsAdventures": ["http://chyannsadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "idk what da heck this is", false, true], "Cinderfella": ["http://cinderfella.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Cody Anderson's been pushed around for too long. Aria Hamilton's just had enough of this royalty business. With the help of Cody's wizard-god-brother, the two meet at the Hamilton Annual Ball. Then, as expected, Cody has to leave at midnight. But knowing his fairy tales, he decides to leave early before anything bad happens. Too bad Aria also knew her the same fairy tales and didn't want to make the mistake prince charming did. This isn't the story of what happened after Cinderella, or should I say, Cinderfella got swept off his feet by the princess. No, this is the story of what happens after they met at the ball and before Cinderfella got home. Oh, and did I mention they only have an hour to get him home? Well I did now. [Updates Irregulary & Re-starts sporadically]", false, true], "CircusLaughingMoon": ["http://circuslaughingmoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Tamika Mino has trouble making friends, for obvious reasons... one being she purposefully wards others away. But after one fatal mistake she finds herself joining and fighting to protect the mysterious Circus Laughing Moon, its members being like her and accepting her for who,er, what she is. As strange as it already seems, the circus still hides one big, dark secret... ...what was it's original purpose? Rated 13+ for mature themes, violence and some gory bits ^.^", false, true], "CirqueduClandestinite": ["http://carnivalclandestine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "The main characters are the Scarlet Angel, Senna Hale who finds herself trapped there. The young Acrobat Bobby Fayland and the Ringmaster William Siff. Basically the Carnival exists in it's own realm from which no one has escaped to that point. The carnival existed in this realm for more than 150 years. The newcomers goals which includes a knife thrower named Huck who's from America would have to solve the riddle which is the Ringmaster, undo the curse and free every trapped soul. They have to do this all the while avoiding getting in trouble with the Ringmasters rule.", false, true], "CityBreak": ["http://cb-comics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "CityBreak is a webcomic that is written and illustrated by Oscar Stockdale. it started on October 27th back in 2010. The Comic follows a guy called Greg and his furry friend, Larry, on their somewhat magical yet also completely random adventures.", false, true], "CityFolk": ["http://cityfolk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 689, "Tired of a dull life in the wilderness of British Columbia, a beaver and a moose make the trip of a lifetime; into the heart of the city. This is their story. City Folk will not be updating for a while. My computer has finally given up on life and I have no way of scanning/editing/uploading. Life sucks until I can get a new tower.", false, true], "CityofTrees": ["http://cityoftrees.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "ATTENTION: We are currently under construction here! I am in the process of redoing the first four chapters, so if you're a new reader, I apologize. Adi is a young male deer who wishes to be at the top of the food chain. Sanatani is a female dhole who longs to be a vegetarian. When these two polar opposites meet, will the residents of the city of trees learn to accept their friendship? Will nature even allow it? Updates once a week, on whatever day I feel like. Minor warning: This comic may be all cutsie and sweet at times, but it does handle more mature topics, such as murder, anorexia, ect.", false, true], "ClairetheFlare": ["http://clairetheflare.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 120, "Claire is new to this whole superhero thing, but she knows what it's all about. Getting famous! But with veteran heroine Bulldozer breathing down her neck its not going to be easy. Updates Three Days a Week! Monday, Wednesday and Friday.", false, false], "ClandestineEverybodyhassomethingstohide": ["http://clandestine-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Secrets can not be kept forever, at least one person is bound to find out. Do you want to know everybody's biggest secrets? Join us.", false, true], "ClaraBraverman": ["http://clarabraverman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Clara Braverman is an old woman, telling her story to a young reporter. This is her life from 1906 to 1911. This is historical fiction.", false, true], "CleanCure": ["http://cleanpluscure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 220, "-A few hundred years into the future, life has changed, but remained relatively the same from a social standpoint. Various government plans to deal with the changing global climate ended in many successes, but many more failures. As a result, certain mutations began to appear in humans as well as animals, and though most were bred out, some remain to the present. -Enter Ezra and Percy; two young men, cat-boys in fact, whom are facing a tough time not only surviving day to day, but making their dreams a reality. After losing their current job, they are offered a new one by a seemingly normal, but secretive man with a lot of money. Their new boss employs them as maids, frilly dresses and all, and makes them clean his and the mansions of others. It quickly becomes apparent that their boss is more interested in the ever mutating rat-like creatures which are making their homes in the dirty world of military cover-ups and powerful family connections. When these two get caught up in the lies and secrecy of their new occupation, will they be able to escape? And what is the connection between mutations and the incident 20 years ago? UPDATES SUNDAYS", false, true], "ClockworkAtrium": ["http://www.clockwork-atrium.com/comics/", 119, "In a misguided attempt to develop their full potential for success, students at a German university are forced to participate in a campus chess \"game\" in which they are the pieces and the captures could consist of murder. Updates Sundays.", false, true], "CloeRemembrance": ["http://cloe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 462, "This story is set in the victorian era. Liam is an 11 year-old boy that arrives to a wealthy mansion to work with his father, the gardener. In this place he is asked to be the playmate of the youngest master, Edward, who's about his age. However, Edward turns out to be a spoilt and malicious kid that wants to keep all the attention to himself... What will Liam do to gain his trust and become his friend? ---------------------------------------- This is a young love shounen-ai (boy/boy) Manga format: *Please read from right to left* THIS STORY IS ALREADY FINISHED!", false, false], "Close": ["http://sendmeletters-close.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A short, one page comic created as an entry for the Thought Bubble Festivals Northern Sequential Art Competition. Other contest entries can be found here. http://www.flickr.com/photos/thoughtbubblefestival/6323807476/in/photostream/ You can find more of my work here: http://sendmeletters.com/comics/", false, true], "ClosetPervert": ["http://c0p.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "I drew this because...I don't know..I guess I just had to put this out there... Anyways this is like a doujinshi for Hetalia. But it's got my Oc..and well...it's mostly fluff maybe lemon(but lets not count on that) and a whole lot of swearing. I promise not to make my Oc like a \"Mary-Sue\". oh and I like to make the guys more um...uke like...", false, true], "CloudLove": ["http://cloudlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Well, i love lsp so much and the show so i decied to make a fan comic of Den and lsp ... c:", false, true], "CocktailBloodyMary": ["http://cocktailbloodymary.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "Quand on vient de se faire plaquer par sa fiancee et que sa soeur connait des ennuis avec la police, un bon cocktail a\u00a0 prendre dans le coin d'un bar peu adoucir les moeurs. Il vaut mieux juste verifier avant de passer le pas de la porte que le bar en question ne porte pas l'indication \"Boy's\", surtout si vous etes un homme tout juste celibataire.", false, true], "Codename": ["http://codename.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 132, "Una historia de drama, acci\u00f2n, misterio, y personas con graves problemas psicol\u00f2gicos.", false, true], "CoffeeshopcartoonsfromAprons": ["http://coffeeshopcartoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "These are Coffee Shop Cartoons from Aprons, a webcomic about life in the foodservice. The full webcomic can be read at http://pleasetip.us.", false, true], "Cogs": ["http://cogs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Kid wakes up with amnesia and surrounded by beasts. Next thing he knows he's enrolled in the worlds most inhumane school, Cogs. Children of Genetic Science. Updates Monday, Wednesday, Friday.", false, true], "Coined": ["http://coined.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "'Coined!' is a BL super hero series that takes place in Samaritan City, a place where special powers are so common that even your neighbours cat can be a villain of a hero. With telephone booths popping up like daisies and the Evil Guild and the FBD spending more time battling lawsuits than each other, Eli Stone has a hard time adjusting to the ever changing city after his seven year prison break. Torn between the life and lover he left behind and becoming the trainer of a lovestruck wannabe hero, he finds that, like himself, the traditional roles of heroes and villains may have changed.", false, true], "ColdBlooded": ["http://kwiddexcoldblooded.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "It's one of the hottest summers on record in Satellite Falls, so why are people freezing to death? Volatile cop Carl Weatherton takes it upon himself to track down a killer who will redefine the term \"cold-blooded\". Taking place five years before the events of \"The Kwiddex Protocol\", we're treated to some clues as to the mystery around Jerry Binder and the White Rose!", false, true], "ColdCoffee": ["http://coldcoffee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "The Story of Ed, the people around her and the beautiful monster her subconscious created. Warning: Crude language, Crude humor, Possibly nudity, Lots of awkward. This is a satirical comic against Shoujo, Yaoi and Romance.", false, true], "ColeAndVictor": ["http://coleandvictor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "This comic tell about a young man named Cole, who have magic power but he live like normal human with her unrelated sister and became a doll shop owner, one day Victor, the tricky vampire came to his doll shop to buy a doll for his little cousin but he seems have other plan too when they meet will they become friends or foe?", false, true], "ColeandtheDragon": ["http://coleandthedragon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "A book I made for my creative writing class about Cole and the Dragon of course. This is a children's story but it's meant for general audiences. My High school class enjoyed it.", false, true], "CollidingLives": ["http://collidinglives.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Rina is a high school student with a little secret kept well hidden away from the others. Read: FROM LEFT >> TO RIGHT I MUST WARN YOU: Although this is a romantic comic, it also contains blood. Just saying. UPDATES ON FRIDAY (might get extra few updates if I feel like it)", false, true], "ColorBlind": ["http://cbcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 107, "Five 13-year olds discover a world that makes theirs seem grey in comparison in a closet at their school. It is a world of magic, and adventure, and a war that the kids might have gotten sucked into accidentally. Main Site: http://colorblindcomic.com/ Updates are Mondays and Fridays.", false, true], "ColorfulLifeofanArtMajor": ["http://cloaam.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 181, "Follow Kyle, a recently graduated Fine Arts Major, throughout his life as he deals with the pressures of being an Art Major. Updates sporadically", false, true], "Colourblind": ["http://c-o-l-o-u-r-b-l-i-n-d.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "This is a short little fairytale about a boy who loves colours, but is colourblind.", false, true], "Comatose": ["http://comatosecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 163, "In this drama sci-fi webcomic, paranoid teenager Jack Phoenix gets entangled with forces far beyond human imagination. Comatose deals with several themes such as coming-of-age issues, love, lost, hopes and dreams, drugs and violence and realization of one\u2019s purpose in life. Updates every Wednesday and Saturday. Official blog: http://comatosecomic.com", false, true], "ComedySilver": ["http://comedysilver.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 243, "There is comedy that surpasses all other comedy. The comedy gold. Many strive for it, only a few ever obtain it. For those many that don't succeed, there's always silver. A Neurotic Thunder comic \u00a9Ingrid Doering / Gabu", false, true], "CometoMe": ["http://cometome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "Damian Harvey is someone who gets into bad situations most of the time that are sometimes deadly. One night, he fell asleep on a train and ended in an area of high prostitution and drug deals. Damian ends being cornered in an alley way by muggers with knives. He is then saved by a person by the name of Sasha(Alexander). Alexander Domini is a noble demon who is also half incubus(due to his mother's side of the family). He is from the demon world of Haos, or what humans call Hell. He was merely passing though the human realm in order to find a sufficient source of energy to help restore his own. He then comes across someone who was being attacked and decided to use him for his own purposes. He incapacitates the muggers, therefore saving the human, and then \"asks\" for compensation for his somewhat heroic deed. This is yaoi!! *THERE WILL BE SEX* So be fair warned! Right to left! And also check out my other comics 'Crush^3', 'Wicca', 'My Sister Lied to Me', and newly 'Gateway Hotel'.", true, true], "Comewithme": ["http://comewithme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Draco Malfoy has been strangely and suspiciously tired and stressed lately. This is obviously not overlooked by Harry Potter. HARRY POTTER SHORT FAN COMIC alternate ending. Taken place in sixth year. Pairing: Drarry <<<<< Read from RIGHT TO LEFT <<<<< Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series", false, true], "ComicBrozSprites": ["http://brozsprites.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 101, "Just some sprites sheets by Ultimate and Solar. We also accept requests ALL RUDE COMMENTS DELETED!", false, true], "ComicCritic": ["http://comiccritic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Basically I talk about decent comics no matter how many pages they have and you can make suggestions on which comics too. I might have the creator of the comic guest appear.", false, true], "ComicFullofSprites": ["http://cfos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 459, "Sonicstar4453: im slowly making my way back to spriting dont worry guys ;) TwilightMasterX: alway make a sun to know how to use shades (he gave up on SJ ;-;) Sonicballzx:If you need a friend, I'll be there. Need some help, just call me up, I'll help you in no time. TheProjectCore: IMMA TAKE OVA URE SOUL BRO!!! Smash: Am I supposed to write something here? Senalcoolage: Wait this is not a comic and not a showcase CamTro: Would someone order a Sprite food for me? Guilmon157:So...where i get my freaking cookies? _Accel_The_Hedgehog_:I'M GONNA GET YOU, YOU GERMAN BASTARD! Draven22: Give me a fox and an backstory and i'll give you a sprite Pocket_Ninja: WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?! Jameswolf100: Spriting is for squares because it is squares. Darkus the Hedgehog: Er, I may not seem good now, but wait till I fully learn edits and customs... Ceviana: Don't be afraid to ask for help >:3\\ Pyrus: (no comment) MR sonicrouge: Decent spriter wants to see peoples happy. I'm always busy but feel free to request rules : 1. No trolling, flaming, or stealing of any kind. 2. Only give positive advice. 3. Don't die on us. lol we died alrdy but were coming back baby!! >:D", false, false], "ComicGirl": ["http://comicgirl.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 67, "Julianna Valentine lives with her best friend Ben. Well, more like lives in his apartment...on his couch. She's an aspiring illustrator with some promising potential. But, unfortunately, she hasn't gotten laid in awhile. Too long, really. Add that with her other continuous stresses and it's no wonder she bends her reality to the things she understands best of all: comic books, graphic novels, video games and the like. Join Comic Girl in her various realities in her quest for life's simplest pleasure!", false, true], "ComicsByMarcos": ["http://marcoscomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "This comic is a comic inside a comic. A comic made by my character Marcos from irl * ilu.", false, true], "ComicsonLinedPaper": ["http://comicsonlinedpaper.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Two room mates go on fun adventu-- ehhem. stay in their apartment and do boring things. To tell you the truth, I thought of the idea because I'm lazy as fuck. But I still want to share this little comic with anyone who would appreciate a bit of half-assed humour...? Anyways, enjoy! :D *Not Bl (sorry, fellow fujoshi)* Updates at least once a week.", false, true], "Complex": ["http://complex.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "This story follows mark and his adventures in living in a apartment complex. Warning! Contains: Douche-bags, Song references, Questionable jokes, and Super deluxe chibi's. Updates: Tuesday and Friday.", false, true], "ConnectedBonds": ["http://connectedbonds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Malefor has just been banished from the Dragon Lands, but that doesn't stop him from trying to conquer it. Having sided with the apes, Malefor aims to take down the Dragon City first. Little does he know of the mysterious defender waiting for him. This comic is related to The Legend of Spyro series and is a spin-off from both \"Zirra's Return\" and \"A Tale of Hope.\"", false, true], "ConplicatedGeodeCornerFinal": ["http://conplicated.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 148, "When sarcastic but charitable Amber Pennicastle follows a handsome panhandler to his secret hideaway, her life turns upside-down in this action/romantic comedy.", false, true], "Conquest": ["http://conquestcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "UPDATES FRIDAYS. In an unfortunate land, calamity has struck. A cruel and heartless military genius, hellbent on conquering the world, has laid siege upon the helpless innocents living within its walls. Together with both army and a talented general, they have taken over the entire region in a manner of weeks, before any even saw them coming. However, when the conquering force takes refuge in a captured castle to rest and resupply, the cross-dressing Lord Arctis seems to lose interest in world conquest altogether, setting his sights instead on an even juicier prize... Rated mature for later. Five chapters, BL. First chapter is my 2012 \"noble failure\" 24 hour comic.", true, true], "Conros": ["http://conros.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "The young, sarcastic and moody Ian Byrne is sent off to live with a infamous witch, to pay the debt her great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather. Ian learns may things from the witch and even the history of her own family. But what is the witch really after?", false, true], "ContraandtheSpamDump": ["http://kirby-and-friends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "Well, this comic is basically my art spam dump, that doesn't really have a place. And also all the old Kirby and Friends comics if you're interested in those.", false, true], "Contradiction": ["http://contradiction.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 533, "THIS MANGA IS READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT (Updates every FRIDAY) Ruya Saki received an invitation to attend Teiou Gakuen in Setsuyamachi, a town for magic users. Not knowing the reason why she was invited, Ruya headed towards the mysterious town. A choice between Light and Darkness... an enthusiastic president and his rival... 'Contradiction', the story of Light and Darkness magical users, the story of friends, betrayal, hatred, past, loyalty, revenge, endurance and love.", false, true], "ConventionalWisdom": ["http://conventionalwisdom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 545, "Ever wondered what goes on inside an anime convention, but are too afraid go anywhere near one yourself? Well, wonder no more! Conventional Wisdom is a comic that shows you what this strange, geeky world is really like, based ENTIRELY ON REAL LIFE! ...well, sort of. (Currently moving over from DrunkDuck, so please be patient)", false, true], "CopCat": ["http://copcat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "A new detective on the Boston Police force is introduced to his new partner Cop Cat. Now he must get use to his new life. These are their stories.", false, true], "CopStory": ["http://copstory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.", false, true], "CorporateTrash": ["http://corporatetrash.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "The 1st In The Sky Series. Corporate Trash is about a girl called Yona Blake who has been experimented on for the majority of her life. Now that she has been freed from the prison in which she called home, she is now on a quest to find herself in a new life. Unbeknownst to her, Her future has already been planned and she must fulfil this or face the death of the entire human race.", true, true], "CosPlayBoy": ["http://cosplayboy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "The CosPlayBoy manga is about a group of friends establishing a cosplay team with the big ambitions of winning a cosplay competition at an animecon. Actually the whole story is based on true characters and events, so it's kinda like our memories as a cosplay team in a manga form, and just like the cosplaying itself it is all about fun. :D", false, true], "CostumeNinja": ["http://costumeninja.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "Cosplaying gone wrong. A group of not so sneaky ninjas tries way too hard to enter, and win, a costume contest.", false, true], "CountDorkula": ["http://dorkula.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Loser vampire shenanigans. The little episode I planned is finished, if I ever decide to do more I'll change it's status :)", false, true], "CourageTheCowardlyDog": ["http://courage-the-cowardly-dog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Courage wakes up alone with no Muriel or Eustace. He starts to wonder where they could have gone. Were they kidnapped again? Or worse was he abandoned? It's up to Courage and his companion Computer to find them before it's too late!", true, true], "Covalent": ["http://covalent.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "Set in a dystopia where meta-humans are owned by governments and the powers of the world have closed their borders from those they once considered their allies, this web-comic follows 19-year old orphan, Dwayne Hughes. He starts out with a peaceful life as he works rigorously to provide for his pregnant girlfriend with help from his best friend: all of whom live in a shelter for the homeless. On his way to work one day, he meets a strange child in an abandoned alley who delivers a cryptic message to Dwayne, turning him into a meta-human afterward. Dwayne is found out and becomes a target of the nation, taking shelter underground while his girlfriend and best friend are taken captive. Eventually, he joins a rebel group known as H.O.P.E. and fights against his pursuers, P.O.W.E.R., under the name, Covalent. He has now entered a war that will change the world while trying to rescue of his girlfriend and best friend at the same time.", false, true], "Coven": ["http://coven.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Join the young coven of sorcerers in the world of Sundan as they go on many crazy adventures with each other!", false, true], "CoverUpKisscompleted": ["http://coverupkiss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "The King of Brasus has recently passed away. The Queen, Aelis, needs a new husband and turns to her rather flamboyant childhood friend as a solution... but he's got something else in mind. Contains BL (aka shounen-ai, boyxboy, MENZ AND MENZ.) and a Queen with a lot of boob. wtf. STORY IS COMPLETE", false, true], "Cowaii": ["http://cowaii.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "The comic fallows a young Korean Queen named Jaz Lee. Who by her own foolish actions, got herself offered up to the mighty Goddess 'Tackious Laskious' in an attempt to calm the natural disasters plaguing the country. The Goddess agrees to calm these disasters for trade of their Queen, and so, Queen Jaz Lee is sent off to become the Goddess' slave for the rest of her life. However, upon arriving to the house hold of such a revered Goddess, instead of becoming a mere slave, Jaz is immediately forced into marriage with Tackious Laskious. Binding them both into a contract which grants Jaz eternal life. The young Korean Queen feels extremely happy and relived, realizing maybe this situation isn't so bad after all!...or so she thinks~.. This comic contains some nudity, sexual themes, violence, and strong language. Please don't freak out. D8 All of the pictures of characters in this comic we're all drawn in MS paint. Backgrounds were drawn and colored in adobe 7.0.", true, true], "Cozwerefrendz": ["http://cozwerefrendz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "story about a tough girl and a wimpy boy in a discriminative school warning: STUPIDITY ROMANCE XD \"COMEDY\" some shoujo stuff \"strong\" and \"weak\" language xD DRAMA (dont trust me on this one -___-) READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT! this is a sketch comic so the art will be...errmm..stupid :3 updates mostly on fridays and weekends or anytime i dont have school. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! xD", false, true], "CrackedMagic": ["http://crackedmagic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Abigail is just a normal teenage half witch, trying to fit in at Morrose High. But of course there are always some people and creatures that want to stand in her way of normality", false, true], "CraftySmith": ["http://craftysmith.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "\"The names Smith, Anthony Smith and you sir just saw the extent of my patiences!\" Follow the crazy adventures of Anthony Smith, an oddball man of crafting and magic.", false, true], "Cramberries": ["http://cramberries.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 266, "Lucinda is just a normal girl who lives with her roommate in an apartment... until her childhood friend came back to visit here. Now, she has been cursed with a demonic eye and almost everyone seems to be after her. Could it be her eye that everyone is after or is it there something more to it? Follow Lucinda and her friends as they uncover dark secrets and traverse their way along a perilous journey filled with all manners of action, humour, evil and good, love and stupidity. Updates are now Mondays and (occasionally) Thursdays! KitKatMuffin: Artist and Creator Seranatis: Editor and Assistant", false, true], "CrappyBananas": ["http://crappybananas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "I was bored. Sue me.", false, true], "CrayonComicStory": ["http://crayoncomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 539, "A drawing comic about anything. If you REALLY must swear, censor it please. Violence is allowed, but not nudity or swearing.", false, true], "CrazyMetro": ["http://crazymetro.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 159, "Meet Ness, Raguel, Junfu, Artix and JV, 5 guys living in a apartment in a Metro, reflecting the world's irony and comedy side in life...", false, true], "Created": ["http://createdtolife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 140, "Mewtwo was created by Dr. Prower as just a first attempt to create a life form, but Dr. Robotnik wants him to be more than just a \"Creation.\" Which path will Mewtwo choose? The good or the evil? >Completed<", false, true], "CrestwoodCop": ["http://crestwoodcop.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Junior Constable, Liz Harley may be new to the police force, but that doesn't stop her from attempting some dangerous things! But when she accidentally gets tangled up with the notorious ArrowHead gang, she is wanted as live hostage. Escaping ambush is the easy part, outrunning and outsmarting the members however, may be more than 'standard police procedure'...especially in the forests and mountains of CrestWood! (READ LEFT TO RIGHT)", false, true], "Cricketcomics": ["http://cricket-comics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "short comics about slicing life and other things.", true, true], "CrimsonKnight": ["http://levian.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "I used to be an adventurer, then I became a dragoness.", false, true], "CrimsonRebirth": ["http://crimsonrebirth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Rikito is a timid 14 year old boy living in a small village, located next to a mysterious forest that supposedly has some...inhuman residents. Baited by his peers and scared by his parents' constant fighting, Rikito finds himself drawn into the darkness of the woods... Crimson Rebirth now updates weekly, every Tuesday. Bear with the first 10 pages of the first chapter. Some of them were made over 7 months ago and were abandoned before I picked up the project again. A lot of early pages were experimentation with style and coloring.", false, true], "CrimsonWings": ["http://crimson-wings.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Devon Rider was just another normal kid with evolving problems in a quickly changing world. The government had fallen and shape-shifting hybrids called Alphas were stationed everywhere, changing everyday life and bringing back physical punishment. However, Devon has a hard time adapting to the New Order and before he knew what happened, he found himself in even more trouble then he ever could have imagined. Turning into a mutant himself, he finds himself with more responsibility than he could ever dream to handle. And to make things worse, the New Order has plans of wiping the human race off the face of the earth. Can Devon and his friends even survive the next year of the rapidly changing world? I'd rate this story as 14+ due to language, realistic and fictional violence, and gore. This story is told by the point of view of a teenage boy, and it contains war and several violent sci-fy elements. This comic reads left to right and will be updated on MONDAY(for now) This story is mainly an experimental trial for me and will mostly be for practice. So the art and the storyline will not be my best or stylistically consistent but will hopefully evolve as I improve!", false, true], "Cringe": ["http://cringe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Keenan is a puppeteer and toy maker. He and his flatmate, Jack, have been friends since grade school... ...however, Jack has stronger feelings towards Keenan than just 'friends'. WARNING: BL (Boys Love)!", true, true], "CrocodileTears": ["http://crocodile-tears.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Violence? Check. Bad language? Check. Twisted sense of humour? Check. Lots of booze? Check. Busty ladies and hot guys? Check. Crazy reptilians? Check. Surprise buttsex? Check. ... on second thought, we'll keep the booze. But you can have all the rest ;)", true, true], "CrookedEye": ["http://crookedeye.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Yes, I'm doing another one of these. I'm an addict. Suggestions go in the comments.", false, true], "Crossbones": ["http://crossbones.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "When traveling with the royal family of Mercia, an ambush strikes and attacks the royal airship. As his duty to his country, airship mechanic Troy McKelski must venture through battle and escort the prince to safety.", false, true], "CrosseDestinieSVolumeZer0": ["http://crossedestinies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A collaborative manga series that is currently being posted on Deviantart. I'm doing this with to other artists, their pen-names are \"Beyblade23\" and \"LunetteHollow\" (This manga will be updated 1-2 pages weekly) --- Gentle Sakura, the popular girl of Infinity Academy, is secretly the divine protectress of Neo Terra. Working alongside the school's Prefects, the Art Club, and her friends, Gentle must fight an ancient evil that has been terrorizing humanity since the beginning of time! The stories told in Volume ZerO are of how everything began; what took place, who it affected, and how it is that theses stories all came together to tell of the bigger picture. It is composed of twelve chapters, leading up to the story.", false, true], "CrossedPigeons": ["http://crossedpigeons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A comic involving the following people: -An seemingly happy and innocent stalker -A sadist -A stoic ninja with a sweet tooth -A schizophrenic These four teens reluctantly form a club and end up getting into some strange stuff. WARNING: Violence Scary stuff False Information Updates on Wednesdays and when I can.", false, true], "CrowandCat": ["http://crowandcat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Gay stuff. Lots of gay stuff. kuneria.deviantart.com", false, true], "CrusaderofCentyHoCversion": ["http://crussaderofcenty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "This is my first attempt at a printscreen-made comic. And since that kind of thing has been done before, I used a game that has not been a comic on SJ yet, as far as I know, so that it's a tiny bit original One of my childhood favorites, Crusader of Centy!", false, true], "Crush3": ["http://crush3.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Matthew Louis recently got accepted into a high class private high school based on scholarship. Upon touring the place, he meets a beautiful guide that has him google-eyed every five seconds lol. But this beautiful person turns out to be a GUY, Michael Fields. Somewhat confused by his feelings, he decides to pursue Michael in hopes of discovering who he is. As rivals and antagonists appear, Matthew learns new things about both himself and Michael that he has never known before. This is a BL! But not everyone in my story is GAY lolzz, this comic is realistic cause there are GB relations in real life. The comic reads right to left. Please Enjoy! And also check out my other comics 'Come to me', 'Wicca', 'My Sister Lied 2 Me', and newly 'Gateway Hotel'.", false, true], "CrystalDream": ["http://crystaldream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "A young girl is begin hunted by a creature from her nightmares.", false, true], "Cubicle": ["http://cubicle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Glen has worked a nine-to-five office job for the last decade, and has hated every single second of it. What will happen when he finally breaks? This is a mirror site for the webcomic Cubicle, created by Tony Kinnard and Alex Korbey, both creators of other webcomics (Negligence and Malefic, respectively).", false, true], "CupidsAssistant": ["http://assistant.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Taylor Markus was an average guy. An average office desk job in an average company. An average upbringing raised by your average Nancy and Joe. Everything seemed to be going fine for him until one day he meets a guy that claims he's Cupid...", false, true], "CupidsaMoron": ["http://cupidsamoron.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 127, "As the legends say, people's lives have always been handled with care by the Greek Gods and Goddnesses. Ever since, Cupid has been in charge of the mortals' Love. But can a 18-years-old-looking boy really deal with other's destiny ? And what will happen when he will have to help Seth, a 23-years-old loser, find his true Love ? Huge problems ahead... Beware. Following this comic would force you to face a twisted and apocalyptic mix of BL, butchered Mythology, crappy humor, cheesy moments, less-cheesy moments, crazy scenes, general weirdness, and unhealthy amounts of cakes. Authors will not be held responsible of any harm caused to you or any thing or person surrounding. Pursue at your own risk. Irregular updates, we'll try twice a week (read right to left <--) Story & Characters - by M-iikado Art - by Sybia French version can be found here : http://cupidsamoron.webcomics.fr/", false, false], "CupofCoffee": ["http://cupofcoffee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "Nicka is an outcast both at home, and at school. James is popular, but has his own secrets. What will happen between these two over a few cups of coffee? Yes, there will be boy on boy action. And parental violence. And the first 70 pages or so are bad art (writers should write, not draw). And then we get MUCH better (as the writer stopped drawing and got some real talent in on this). Enjoy Updates 1/week Fabulous Artist-InnocentGuillotine Word Monkey-Anteela", false, true], "CupofOlea": ["http://cupofolea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Cup of Olea is a text-based adventure game, taking place in the land of Olea! Take command of Cliff Gradel and his friends to serve your land and your king! And don't worry if you get confused; it makes the adventure that much more fun. Just submit a command and see what happens! Updates Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.", false, true], "CurseLineage": ["http://curselineage.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 120, "Read from right to left. Ayla Exonuke, A young Yuzcazi is being chased by the Kirimangalou Empire, They think she is the last one of a long-lost lineage. Together with her brother Kokei (not related by blood) They try to survive to the empire attacks and any other things that get in their way. Genre:Action,Adventure,Fantasy. release schedule: Thursday.", false, true], "Curseadog": ["http://curseadog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Kajetan, a nobleman from Bellum, is 'rough around the edges' to say at least. He seems to wander aimlessly about Res Publica - the country which is not his own - taking care of the other people's businesses as he passes them by. why does he do that? is he unable to return to his homeland for some reason? or is he searching for something? whatever it is, he seems to be rather irritated by the fact...", false, true], "CusAdventures": ["http://cus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "It's adventure time! Mostly, you just need to get to the end.", false, true], "CyberSteelYaoi": ["http://cybersteel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Kevin Stone, 22 years old, is a university student who's living a second life as a computer hacker, to make easy money. During one of his misdeeds, he discovers secrets larger than him, and a sinister multinational company is trying to hide them. Kevin thinks he's safe, but a young detective, which introduce himself as Alex Vondran, is already on his trail. Lying about his identity, Alex pretends initially to be a friend of Kevin, then he starts to feel a sincere affection for him and losing sight of its primary target. Time passes quickly, and Alex is being pressed by the company that haven't seen the results. Feeling threatened, Alex runs away with Kevin, but a big shot was hired by the company to get rid of them. After various adventures, the two are forced to divide and to fight each other. For many years the two boys live separated, hoping to meet again some day. That day has finally arrived. ************* THE OLD COMIC (+18) IS FULLY AVAILABLE AT: cybersteelcomic.tumblr.com THE NEW CHAPTER IS NOW AVAILABLE ON SMACKJEEVES! :3", false, true], "CyberneticSeance": ["http://cyberneticseance.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "The year is 2143 and technology has taken over. Only a handful of people remain awake and separate from the control of military A.I. NGC4314 and her creation, a digital world named 'The Sphere'. Caspar, a reprogrammed android and Ambrose, a teenage computer geek have extraordinary skills, allowing them to manipulate this synthetic space. They may well be humanity's last and only hope.", false, true], "Cybertech": ["http://www.thecybertechproject.com/comics/", 1444, "An epic scale space opera. War, politics and human drama take center stage in an ever expanding story. The culmination leads humanity and its allies to the Andromeda galaxy to end the tyranny of Emperor Dalzhi of the Warcon Empire and his countless millions of warships. Official site www.superzentredi.com", false, true], "D00D64GalleryOSprites": ["http://d00d64makescrap.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "\"...Does the word \"Gallery\" not mean anything? Well, yes, it IS a stupid gallery thing. A place for me to show off sprites to you, and for me to get critique. See, it ALL works out in the end.\" This is what has been said since the beginning, but looking back, my sprites were really awful! Why don't I delete the stuff then? I dunno, maybe so I have something to laugh at later.", false, true], "DAI": ["http://dai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Completion: 0% Art Style: Manga/cartoon, color Read Style: Western (Left to right) Age Group: 12+ Genre: Romance, supernatural Synopsis: The story of a dog and a cat who become human and fall in love while learning to live life in their new forms. LGBT themes throughout.", false, true], "DANA": ["http://danacomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Chloe is a writer, a young prodigy who keeps herself locked away in her own apartment. One day, her quiet place is invaded by this mysterious woman, one who informs her that she must shed her mortal, /human/, body and become an immortal\u2014a reaper of souls. (GL)-This is a comic that has characters who represent a wide range of sexual orientations. Though the main relationship will be lesbian.", false, true], "DAREGAME": ["http://hellish-nightmares.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "A group of friends have decided to venture out on a dare to stay in the old, haunted mansion up the street for a whole month for a chance to win the special prize. The last remaining is the winner, but creepy things keep happening during their stay & suddenly their realities are warped into this hellish dimension of their greatest fears. No one is safe, as other players start to mysteriously disappear... Who will be the last to remain? Will contain violence, gore, horror, vulgar language, crude humor, & sexual themes. Rated PG-16 *Applications are open!", false, true], "DBON": ["http://dbondoujin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 165, "An 8 issue long crossover manga of Shounen Jump classics, Dragonball Z, Bleach, One Piece and Naruto. that i did a little while back as something iv always wanted to do/see, and also practice for my own original long running manga Ryak-Lo (Reads Right to Left) this is a fan comic, all characters belong to their respective creators.", false, true], "DBZNewSayainsofEarth": ["http://dbznsoe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "The sayains who took the place of the original Z Fighters after they all passed away. -credits to the owners of the sprites not made by me.", false, true], "DDSR": ["http://ddsr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 735, "A sprite comic that has no Sonic sprites! Seriously, all customly done. Join two friends and there crazy adventures involving demons, robots, explosions and shiny things.", false, true], "DEGAF": ["http://degaf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Death God Alchemists from the Future (DEGAF) is a (hopefully) humorous magical girl manga spoof about an ordinary girl named Britney. When a Death God possesses her cat, she learns that her destiny is to lead a magical girl team with fruit related powers. And probably save the world or something. Inter-dimensional demons are involved. Possibly an evil Alchemist. Plot Cat's a little fuzzy on the details... The characters are loosely based on myself and my friends (some of which are not represented by their correct genders). The quality of art has increased over time, but rather than try to redo the original pages, I will focus my energy on furthering the story. Updates Thursdays", false, true], "DEMENTED": ["http://demented.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "// Warning 18+ Only: BL, Violence, Strong Language // We're all going to Hell eventually. But what happens if you've taken a visit to it and a certain little someone followed you back on Earth..? CHAOS ensues. Take a ride with Slayne, a killer-for-hire where everyday is the worst day of his life~", true, true], "DETENTIONHarryDracoDoujin": ["http://detentiondrarry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "DRARRY gag What really happens in detention... Disclaimer: The boys are, sadly, not mine. \u00a9J.K. Rowling", false, true], "DHSTRIPS": ["http://dhstrips.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "", false, true], "DIESISTKRIEG1GlaubigkeitHuter": ["http://glaubigkeithuter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "A tamed nazi story in Romanian about two friends from Neumarkt. Accidents happens, and a price is paid during war. Ernst von Mortenberg, ex-politician of Germany, goes in Romania (Transylvania) for a colonel post in Neumarkt's military base. He spends there some time with his friend, Josef Hanzen, talking about a strange dog that visits the place. Then, suddenly, they are attacked by the Russians, and Ernst is the only survivor of the attack, after that, he is deported in Schassburg where he meets a family friend that will help him go to Poland... The manga will be out for purchasing in September 1st 2011", false, true], "DKSD": ["http://fromthedark.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A doujin in progress, set in the universe of Dark Souls. Dark Souls \u00a9 From Software. I claim no ownership of this wonderful game.", false, true], "DRAMA": ["http://dramacomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Will be deleted shortly. :I **** I'm collaborating on a different comic with my BFF, GO READ IT http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=130100", false, true], "DRUNK": ["http://drunk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "The aftermath of a good night in - except the hangover's yet to kick in...", false, true], "DUST": ["http://d-u-s-t.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "Our universe isn't as safe as it seems. Maybe it's not only *our* universe. And what if there were portals to other worlds and criminal minds who want to exploit them? Who would save us? (At-chooo!)", false, true], "DaemonTheTravelersSymposium": ["http://daemonts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Welcome to a world in which the \u201cEnd\u201d has gone and went \u2013 where bickering nations have figuratively \u201cdropped the bomb\u201d without ever actually deploying a single nuclear warhead. In this world, the barriers between the fantastically mystical and modern conflict have shattered \u2013 producing a charmingly hazardous world rife with spent shell casing and spell books.", false, true], "DailyTeens": ["http://dailyteens.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "this comic is about some stupid teens who do stupid things xd", false, true], "DakyrlsMonsters": ["http://dakyrlsmonsters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "When monsters fight for what's right they have their own way of doing it ...", false, true], "DamnAmIAwkward": ["http://damn-awks.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Just a silly little comic-type thing showing off how awkward I am. Idk, I thought it'd be fun. Updates are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. (with the exception of holidays)", false, true], "DancingDead": ["http://dancingdead.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "A zombie love story, or something like that.", false, true], "DancingSolo": ["http://dancingsolo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "This comic ended up being a half truth half fabricated journal comic about the random happenings of life, it is now finished but you can find it AND all of my other webcomics (Including ones not found here and the fantasy adventure comic that I am currently working on) at my website; http://sendmeletters.com This was my first attempt at an online webcomic and as such was a testing ground for my own purposes with the intent to improve my skills. Therefore I would appreciate if you treated it, not as an experts botched attempt at a failed webcomic but as a beginners first flailings at gathering the skills necessary for a proper webcomic. I appreciate all and any feedback but abuse will not be tolerated. Thank you for taking the time to stop by, I hope you enjoy what little this comic may have to offer! You can find more of my comic work here: http://sendmeletters.com/comics/", false, true], "DancingonAir": ["http://dancingonair.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Fluttershy has something she wants to tell Rainbow Dash. A short My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fancomic. Updates Saturdays", false, true], "DangerousIdeas": ["http://dangerousideas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Adventure Time fan comic about a hypothetical encounter between Simon Petrikov and Hunson Abadeer.", false, true], "DanielleDark": ["http://danielledark.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 326, "Danielle Dark is a vampire trying to make it in the mortal world. It isn't easy, and she is discovering that she is different than other vampires in many ways.", false, true], "DarkLover": ["http://darklover.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "A small section consists of my short MxM comics, mostly experimental and yes, with mature situations. After i made one, the ideas keep coming into my head and some are just screaming to be drawn. So yeah, i'm adding more stories. Story 1 : DARK LOVER A mortal is seduced and taken by a demon. Made at the last days of June for NanoMango event. status : completed Story 2 : NIGHT of CONFESSION Calias's first kiss was with his best friend, and it changed their friendship. status : in progress Note : - i made these because i was curious to find if this kind of genre was within my range - some sexy scenes involve, though there won't be anything too explicit or p*rny Peace, Vd", true, true], "DarkNut255EntertheRealmofGaming": ["http://darknut255-etrog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "All works are \u00a9 their respective owners. Updates every Monday and Friday.", false, true], "DarkWoodsCircus": ["http://darkwoodscircus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "\"Deep, deep in the heart of the forest, there you'll find that circus with its ringmaster, wide-eyed and 10 meters tall. All the performers are so happy, though their appearances are bizarre the Dark Woods Circus is such fun!\" This is a comic based on the Vocaloid song, Dark Woods Circus, casted with original characters and an atempt at an original story. WARNING! This comic contain themes such as: * GORE!!!!blood n shit! * experimental and somewhat lazy artwork * Angst * Psycological torment * Angst * Mild, late Dieselpunk * BL/GL * and also, lots and lots of Angst I will try to update once a weekend.", true, true], "DarknessToLight": ["http://darknesstolight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "Kyoji Sanda is a doctor that works in a small clinic. Kyoji is about to giving up all hope about love. That is until he came across a mysterious man worn in black. BL/Supernatural/MA 18+ NOTE: Sorry no more chapters.", true, true], "Darkoly": ["http://darkoly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 119, "The STORY... It all began when a mysterious \"Lightstream\" enters the world and within a month passed,mysterious portals/gateways started to appear from nowhere.Unknown creatures and beings begins to surface and in just a short period of time the world just turned into a massive hunting ground to the \"possessed\".", false, true], "DarrenandJason": ["http://renandjay.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 317, "Two male foxes go on a relationship journey, intoducing new characters relatively constantly, explaining their everyday life in the random comic world.", true, true], "DauntlessAdvertisements": ["http://dauntlessadvertise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "A sibling of Shameless Advertisements! HERE! http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=51975 GO THERE NOW! Unlike Shameless Advertisements, you can comment whatever you like about the posted advertisements. Everyone may apply. Post ads at your own risk. Muahahahaha. Oh, but we do have some rules. Please read them: http://dauntlessadvertise.smackjeeves.com/rulesandguidelines/", false, true], "DavidDoesntGetIt": ["http://daviddoesntgetit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 223, "A diary comic of me and my three siblings.", false, true], "DayDreamer": ["http://daydreamer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Kimmy has this little addiction. She day dreams, all the time. In fact, it's become such a problem that one night, she actually gets stuck in her dream. At first it's not so bad, but then she really can't get out, and things start getting a little creepy...", false, true], "DaysGoBy": ["http://daysgoby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 181, "YAY! my first comic! but i must warn i'm not know for my consistence so this may not get update for lengthy periods.. PLOT: It's a furry comic about Trixxie living her life, hanging with friends, working, and trying to find that special someone... WARNING! Boys Love, Girls love and hetero", true, true], "DaysofStolenWhispers": ["http://stolenwhispers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "When the flowers are in bloom a boy who can't smell meets a girl who can't see. ~*warning!*~ this comic will be heartwarmingly sappy!", false, true], "DeadFetusComicCollection": ["http://deadfetuscomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "All the comics that were produced by a dead fetus, i.e. me, that are completed and aren't open-ended webcomics.", false, true], "DeadFishComics": ["http://watghosthunter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 787, "I just put random comics I draw here. Mostly: Fancomics (Tiger and Bunny, video games etc) Also: a lot of original comic series: Adventures of a Supervillain In Love: Mad scientist meets guy who won't take off his helmet. Love ensues! Moira Adventures: girl get new job, meets crazies. Wat Ghost Hunter: Guy gets stalked by ghost who wants to take him to Tim Hortons. Succubooks: In a videogame world the tale of a man and his succubus/incubus/book. Pretty much anything could end up here. Contains Bl, yaoi, M/M sex, and nudity of both sexes.", true, true], "DeadHigh": ["http://deadhigh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Dead High is a manga inspired by High School of the Dead. This comic will follow the events of the RP group found in Deviantart. Enjoy~! Warning : Shoujo-ai + Gore Read from Right to left", false, true], "DeadLine": ["http://deadline12.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 383, "16 year old girl, goes to school, hangs out with friends, two loving parents and works for the department of death. Where all her jobs have a \"deadline\" Oh, there's also some yaoi/yuri in it, but later in the comic, you'll see. I also recommend that if your under the age of fifteen that you would discuss this with your parents due to sexual content and graphic violence", false, true], "DeadSoulsTalk": ["http://deadsoulstalk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "In a normal world authority deals with everything, cleans up the streets, rids us of the \"bad\" guys. So what happens to all those serial killers, rapist, and mafia bosses? Well A.N.C.P sure won't let you find out... BL comic ***Under Re-Construction", false, true], "Deadlock": ["http://deadlock.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "A retro-futuristic spaghetti western style comic. With aliens.", false, true], "DeadlockeMachinist": ["http://deadlockemachinist.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Does a Steampunk Post-Apocalyptic Western starring a bad ass lady gunslinger, an alcoholic machinist, a boy with a possessed harp, the thief who steals his heart as well as his boots, plus a giant sewing machine that rips out peoples souls sounds like a good time? Then you're gonna wanna read Deadlocke Machinist.", true, true], "Deadpill": ["http://deadpill.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "Deadpill is a left-to-right read manga about a man who loses his life under mysterious circumstances... only to return to life in even more mysterious circumstances. Together with his wife, he follows the chain which cuts through the forest to find a myth. All the while, something more sinister lies under the surface, as the reason behind his death and their journey become more and more apparent.", false, true], "DearMrNinja": ["http://dearmrninja.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Name: Dear Mr. Ninja Alternate Name: Dear Ninja-san Status: Ongoing Author: Alison Mandia (Story & Art) Reading Direction: Right to Left Genre: Comedy Shoujo Watase Nao has always had a great dream. It isn't to fall in love, nor is it to be rich and famous. No, her dream is much more practical. She's always wanted to grow up and be... a ninja? And what's this? There just happens to be a ninja in her school with a baby face? Will her dream of becoming a ninja finally be realised?", false, true], "DearPrince": ["http://dearprince.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Working on it", false, true], "DearYou": ["http://dearyou.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Ritsuka is a fallen angel, making the horrible mistake of trusting her former best friend, Ryuu. Punished for lying to her Master, she is sent down to the mortal world with an important task. Along comes Senri, the mysterious \"delinquient\" mortal who possesses a Soul Weapon far more powerful than any human is capable of holding, and seems more like someone she knows than ever possible. (All pages are merely sketches ;u; Updates often.)", false, true], "DeathBrigade": ["http://deathbrigade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Adventures of three dangerous teens.", false, true], "DeathNoteIridescent": ["http://dn-iridescent.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 128, "Iridescent: Producing a display of lustrous, rainbowlike colors. Completed. Extra chapters in the making~", false, false], "DeathOnceMore": ["http://dom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "The World Ends With You / It's a Wonderful Life sketch doujinshi (fancomic) SPOILERS OF GAME'S ENDING --- I Look Out Vacantly Everywhere, Often Needing Lies. You Hurt Inside Me.", false, true], "Deathby": ["http://deathisfirstdibs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "There ain't no rest for the wicked,'til Death pick them up. A series of Murders noted by the victim's killers. Completely fictional", true, true], "DeathsLastRide": ["http://deathslastride.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Frigid Mostyn just crossed the boundary of living and dead. Without dying.", false, true], "Debtsettlement": ["http://debts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 189, "Character info and much more can be found at: http://sites.google.com/site/debtsettlementcomic DEBT SETTLEMENT \" Samantha is 14-year-old girl with little to no hope for her own future. Her mother is an alcoholic in a debt trap and after getting even Samantha in to trouble because of her own mistakes, the only people who can help the girl now, are on the side of the family Samantha didn't even know existed. Problem is, does she really want their help? \" DEBT SETTLEMENT:RUNAWAY BROTHERS \" 27 pages long spin-off which will reveal you how did Kiran and Deepak, the brothers from a super religious Aditya family ended up working for RSS. \"", true, true], "DefMachyn": ["http://defmachyn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Reynold Jasipher Homer Unopsilia is a mostly average guy.. Except that he has a secret identity as the spastic yet ominous self-induced villain known as Def Machyn.", false, true], "Defective": ["http://defective.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A comic about robots", false, true], "DefineHero": ["http://definehero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "A series of adventures staring an evil cat witch, her \"evil\" minion dragon and their hero...named Hero...who has no idea who...or what he is. Thinking they struck it rich by finding a god-like being that can do what ever they command him to do, Gaffy and Dragon take Hero in as part of their group. As Hero travels with them, however, his instinct to do innocent good deeds such as rescuing pretty damsels, returning lost keys or fighting a monster or two leads them into epic...and sometimes hilarious (mis)adventures.", false, true], "DefyingGravityTheFourGreatGuardians": ["http://defyinggravitycomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "It is the year 3015, the sun has begun to fade and the world is cast into shadow. As prophecized, the fate of the world rests on the shoulders of the \"Four Great Guardians\" who are said to re-ignite the sun and bring an end to the war ravaging the planet. But just who are the four guardians? In mid-apocalyptic Europe, three half-human half-demon citizens are brought together by what can only be called fate. The only question that remains is: Who is the fourth Guardian? Meanwhile, a failed Russian experiment known as the \"Dragon\" is wreaking havoc upon the already helpless world. ****Updates 3 pages every Sunday****", false, true], "Degradation": ["http://degradation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "A story involving the body, duality, descending into the surreal.", true, true], "DeimosSaga": ["http://deimossaga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "Science,magic,space,demons & aliens collide on distant worlds. This is the story of Basalt and the place she carved for herself in the Verdant Empire. Black and white with the occasional color page. Bi-monthly starting July, 2012. Writer, artist, etc. J.A.Cazares Editor, Graphics, etc. P. King", false, true], "Delusion": ["http://delusion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "A story about a boy named Malihew who escapes the asylum and goes on a 'soul searching' journey for a friend, himself, and the reasons behind his crisis-prone existence. -Story becomes much more involved as it goes on. ---Updates whenever convenient--- - I also believe I should add the warning of occasional homosexual relationships throughout the story.", false, true], "DemonEater": ["http://demoneater.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 453, "A cannibalistic world where the inhabitants only food is each other.", true, false], "DemonReign": ["http://demon-reign.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 71, "*Updated 9/8/12* During a time of carnage and suffering, man had been suppressed by the demons of darkness. But within darkness, there is light. That light led the to the creation of a breed of warriors known as the Dark Time Saints (DTS), whose sole purpose was to rid all worlds of Darkness...at least that is what the books said. This is the story of Keita, a new exorcist of the DTS sent to a new world to accomplish the goal of ridding the darkness. But he is, instead, sent to a world that appears to not need his kind of work. Or so he thinks... Manga styled: Read right to left. Will contain violence, magic, some humor, and dark subjects in later chapters. This is intended to be a series, so please be patient. Please Visit my DA account: http://paimon93.deviantart.com/", false, true], "DemonforHire": ["http://demonforhire.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 4, "When the law system can't solve the case for you there's always another form of justice system. Tho careful who you hire... some times it becomes your undoing. updates every Monday (hopefully)", false, true], "DemonicKiss": ["http://demonickiss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "A young soul, Merihim, has finally gotten his wish, the chance to show himself and prove that he can be a great demon. He just needs to collect a hundred souls by the end of the year and he gets to keep his horns and his powers. Thing is though, he accidently gets caught up with a human, this man though can help Merihim with his collecting and the boy can use any help that he gives him. But what happens when Merihim falls for the human male? BL/Sex/Language/Gore/Horror/Comedy/Romance ***BACK FROM HAITUS SLOW AT POSTING***", true, true], "DemordicaiDiamonds": ["http://demordicaidiamonds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "To put it simply, Demordicai Diamonds is an odd story of two misfits stranded on the backwater isle of Relma trying to make a living for themselves. As the tale unravels, the pleasure of a simple and ordinary life becomes further and further out of reach. Updates every Friday...well, that was my original intention but life likes to complicate things a lot for me so it's a rare thing if I can finish a new page at all. WARNING: May eventually contain, as the story moves along, things that aren't really meant for youngsters or the squeamish or faint of heart. It won't contain too much of that for the first few chapters but it'll be tagged it as Mature anyway.", true, true], "DenizensAttention": ["http://denizensattention.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 121, "Alicka and her little brother Winston are sent to Winterkill Boarding School. The number one dumping ground of unwanted troubled teens. A miniature Gormenghast filled with bad seeds and black sheep. +++++++ Winterkill: to kill by or die from exposure to cold winter weather. ++++++ This comic will update when i can. i'm trying for once a week, but not always managing. ++++ Denizens! Attention! how has its very own tumblr http://confessionsofawannabecomicartist.tumblr.com for updates, news and random comic making thoughts and sketches.", false, false], "DeoxyriboNucleicAnarchy": ["http://d-n-a.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "DeoxyriboNucleic Anarchy... Updates Sundays!! Anarchy - noun - Confusion, Chaos, Disorder A once ordinary town is turned upside down at the appearance of Adenine, apparently traveled from a distant star to bring chaos & disorder to peoples lives.", false, true], "Dependency": ["http://dependency.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Fifty bucks a pop! A jaded and bitter Johnathan Knox is buying blood samples under the pretense of science. when a young, desperate heroin addict answers his ad he is reminded not only of his own secret addiction but of a long lost love and the reason for his obsession with reincarnation. (this is the unfinished \"raw\" version)", false, true], "DepressionInc": ["http://depressioninc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "This is a little bit life, a little bit random. A sociopath has to get by somehow. If you have ideas you'd like to see as a comic, let me know.", false, true], "DepthsOfMyEmptySoul": ["http://depthsofmyemptysoul.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 434, "Zadel, demon prince of Hell 7, struggles to prove himself to his mother and all who he's destined to rule over. The source of his struggles? His arch rival, yet best friend, Angel Abel. The truth is, Zadel rather spend his time enjoying Abel's company than act like the future ruler of Hell 7 and meanwhile other demons have their eyes on the throne. Zadel is being pressured to change his behavior and become a cold and respectable demon prince worthy of inheriting the throne, something that promises to put his friendship with Abel to the test. Will he finally make his final decision and chose his role as demon prince over his friendship with Abel? One night when Zadel's feeling bored and yearning for the company of Abel, he decides to pick on a down on his luck human. He tries and succeeds in persuading the human, Jacob, into making a bet with him wagering his own soul. Soon he realizes that picking on Jacob was not such a good idea. Bickering, jealousy and some romance ensues as Zadel and Abel both battle to doom or save Jacob's soul. But another more threatening battle approaches as well. BL, GL, HL Art improves over time.", true, true], "Descendant": ["http://descendant.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 85, "With the disappearance of her husband and her life dwindling to nothing, Celeste begins her quest to not only reclaim the fervor of her life but to also tangle with the now unfurling chaos that has consumed her being. This fledgling Descendant, with the most powerful relic on earth, finds herself violently hunted by those whose lives stretch back to antiquity. Can she come to terms with the revelation that the whole of humanity knows literally nothing about the nature of their existence and can she muster within herself the will to thwart the anger of an ancient god?", false, true], "DesdemonaAthletics": ["http://desdemona-athletics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "comedy manga about a unfortunate guy named Sev who is blackmailed to join the club Desdemona athletics (an athletic club)and his never ending quest to understand what makes his teammates so...odd it has thrills spills and more interesting descriptive words warning: may cotain small amount of sport", false, true], "DesertLost": ["http://desertlost.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Desert Lost is a story of a boy named Church and his loving yet strict sister Arabella. In the world of Desert Lost people control magic through Cora stones, yet few know what they truly are. Will Church and Arabella be able to figure out the truth behind the Cora stones and Church's own past before it's too late? Find out now in Desert Lost! Updates: Wednesdays and Saturdays", false, true], "Desktop": ["http://desktopwar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Ever wonder what it would be like to have people on a desktop?", false, true], "Destinationunknown": ["http://destination-unknown.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Sci-Fi comic that explores the themes of free will versus destiny. Updates Fridays.", false, true], "DestinyFailsUs": ["http://destinyfailsus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Written by Tyler Cole this comic is lifting itself off of the ground and into life. Amelia Hanks illustrates his stories and ideas through various programs to bring the best possible quality to a finished product. The comic follows four girls (Idril, Atali, Lily, and Alaska) during their adventures through high school, love, and hijinks.", false, true], "Desync": ["http://desync.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "A pair of thieves. A mysterious box. What is the secret of 'Desync'? Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays.", false, true], "DetectiveEgo": ["http://detectiveego.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Ego, the high-horse detective, and his midget-mouse friend, Nigel Doubtworthy, are detectives...but, they're not very good at it.", false, true], "Deuce3210adventures": ["http://deuce3210-adventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "The adventures of the carbon puffball!", false, true], "Deuce3210adventuressprites": ["http://spritez.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "we really need this, soooo much", false, true], "Deviant": ["http://deviant.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "In the city of Fukuoka , a long overdue battle is about to begin.Three gangs that hold dark pasts leads to unnecessary bloodshed.A corrupt government that will do anything to get things their way.With the rest of the Outside world ignorant to this situation ... What will the Underworld do? ---------------------------------------------------------", false, true], "DevilMayCryTheLastSongstress": ["http://devilmaycryls.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A fancomic of the \"Devil May Cry\" game series * The original DMC credits go to its creator Hideki Kamiya. I own only Erin and the DMC-LS storyline! (This comic will be updated 1-2 pages weekly) --- \"2,000 years ago, a demon named Sparda went against his own kind for the sake of humanity; he sealed the entrance to the Demon World and brought harmony to the universe. He lived out the rest of his days as a mortal and lived happily ever after.\" Erin once believed this story was nothing but a fairy tale to help kids sleep at night. But Erin no longer believes it was a story; she's met the Sons of Sparda, and learned of her being a Songstress. But what Erin doesn't know is that she and the Sons of Sparda share a fate that involves the future of mankind!", false, true], "DevilTrainee": ["http://deviltrainee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 139, "When devil trainee Dan come to the human world, bored of his life, he decided to have fun with some stupid human, finding Lucy, a 16 years old girl who lives alone and loves MONKEYS! What will happen when both of them meet? Read from right to left!!! Please, comment. That will motivate me to follow drawing the manga ^^", false, true], "DevilTraineeSpanish": ["http://deviltraineespanish.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 139, "Cuando el demonio en pr\u00e1cticas Dan viene al mundo humano, aburrido de su vida, decide divertirse con alg\u00fan est\u00fapido humano, encontrando a Lucy, una chica de 16 a\u00f1os que vive sola \u00a1y a la que le encantan los MONOS! \u00bfQua pasar\u00e1 cuando ambos se conozcan? Leer de derecha a izquierda Por favor, comentar. Eso me motivara para seguir dibujando el manga ^^. NOTA: Al ser esta pagina en ingles, los acentos no se ven en los comentarios. Es horrible porque yo siempre los escribo >_< y tendre que acostumbrarme a no hacerlo T_T", false, true], "DevilsCake": ["http://devilscake.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 630, "When Kea finds that her bad luck with boys isn't a 'what' but a 'who', will her sanity survive the IN-sanity that ensues? PG-13 Currently Updates every MONDAY & THURSDAY", false, false], "DevotoMusicinHell": ["http://devoto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 105, "This is the story of how the now-fallen Principality of Music, formerly an angel of some repute, was given an opportunity to provide inspiration for one working man desperately in need of a muse. Other angels, fallen and not, are further compatriots, such as Devoto's surprisingly sympathetic boss and the armadillo aficionado commonly known as Sloth. Though the divines are great, and in some cases terrible, each is coming to appreciate the value of a uniquely human connection. (Gag, right? The important thing is that Guys Make Out. Guaranteed.) Warnings for: - Explicit gay content - Blood/Gore (but not in sexual contexts) Relevant tags: Yaoi , BL , M/M , erotica SJ Note: I understand SJ policy, and thus it's worth noting that this comic does not and will not portray sexual situations with minors or individuals who appear to be minors. Furthermore, this comic will not portray non-consensual (or dubiously consensual) sex.", true, true], "DexterandAnnie": ["http://dexterandannie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "The misadventures of a bird, a cat, and a guy named Jack Poorly drawn, poorly planned, poorly executed.", false, true], "Dialectic": ["http://dialectic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "From Wikipedia: The dialectical method is discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject, who wish to establish the truth of the matter guided by reasoned arguments. Updates on Thursadays.", false, true], "DiamondsBabysittingservices": ["http://diamondsbabysittingservices.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "I'm Diamond and I've started a babysitting/day&night care centre! and a pair of parents have just called me to look after her three kids! it can't be hard....can it? warning! no trolling! also, this comic is not a rip of Babysitting Four Demons!", false, true], "Diaz": ["http://diaz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Novela gr\u00e1fica ambientada en el a\u00f1o 2007 en Santiago de Chile cuya protagonista es una chica de 18 a\u00f1os llamada Elizabeth, quien entra a estudiar dise\u00f1o a la universidad. A trav\u00e9s de las p\u00e1ginas se revela su historia, su forma positiva de ver la vida, sus ganas de ser profesional y la forma que tiene para socializar y hacer amigos dentro de la universidad. Este trabajo se titula D\u00edaz ya que \u00e9ste es el apellido de la protagonista, a quien me gusta llamar cari\u00f1osamente Eli :) College life, Chile, Santiago, 2007, graphic design students", false, true], "DibsInvaderZimNuzlockeAdventure": ["http://dibnuzlockeadventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Due to Gir's carelessness, Zim's ultimate Doom device failed to take over earth, or did it? Instead of taking over earth, it sent Dib in to the world of Pokemon (what software disk did Gir hand over to Zim?!) and because of slight malfunction (pancake syrup) something has changed. Join Dib and his pokemon as he race to stop Zim from the final step necessary to take over the world(s)!", false, true], "Diexemor": ["http://diexemor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "diexemor is the about a gambler named mephena trying to deliver her special friend from prison, veremor. this story has lesbians...so don't read if you hate them. It will be updated every week.", false, true], "DigimonAccel": ["http://digimonaccel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A digimon sprite comic Story: [WIP] Red- Jason and Dracomon Orange- Tobias and Gumdramon Yellow- Frost and Gabumon Green- Bre Ishurna and Labramon Blue- Tio and DemiDevimon Purple- Blitz and Dorumon Indigo- ???", false, true], "DigimonCrisisCore": ["http://dcc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Three new, one old. Three new, one broken. Three friends, one forgotten. A command the character comic by Shard. >Where will you go from here?", false, true], "DigimonNewGeneration": ["http://dng.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "A comic that was previosly a big collab project, but a few of the authors decided to leave and make this one since it got way out of hand. The storyline is in the works and it involves Our Sonic FC's and Digimon. Y If you would like to apply, Submit your latest work to either Blitz or myself, Ur character info, and what starter Digimon you want. Here's the current ones Frost (Me)-Renamon Sol (my character again)- Gaomon Blitz- Dorumon Omni- Agumon DelSoul(Neku)- BlackGatomon Bre- Labramon Blarr (Bre again)- Coronamon Cyan (opdisk)- Gazimon Let's see how this goes", false, true], "DigimonSaviors": ["http://digimonsaviors.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 833, ".:THE ALMOST ORIGINAL:. When 9 children are mysteriously transported to a new world, they come across strange monsters called Digimon. These digimon help them survive the digital world as they try to do anything possible to find an escape from this world... ------------------------------------------------------ After defeating the D-reaper in the Real World, a vision was shown to Neroe and Agumon that the digital world was in danger. Upon returning there, they learn how much trouble they set themselves up for exactly. How will the digidestined fight this ultimate threat? Find out on Arc 5 of Digimon Saviors! Neroe - Agumon Shard - Gaomon AnXjak - Crabmon Ankh - Gotsumon Marly - Impmon Beth - Hawkmon Neo - Guilmon CD - Wormmon Radd - Renamon Van - Veemon anime.... in... space", false, true], "DigimonWillweSurvive": ["http://d-wws.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Isn't technology great? It helps us with so much in our ordinary days... But sometimes things might get even worse if you go digital! Which a bunch of random selected teenagers will find out! Will they be able to learn something from it? Will they get better social skills and surviving skills? Will they save it all and return home like so many done before..? Or.....Will they die? Digimon!?! Will we Survive!?! Digimon\u00c2\u00a9 Akiyoshi Hongo (creator) Toei Animation (anime publisher) Bandai (game developer) Story,art,humans\u00c2\u00a9 L.Saras http://kungenavmaskrosor.deviantart.com", false, true], "DigitalNinja": ["http://digital-ninja.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "WARNING, THIS COMIC CONTAINS: *Graphic violence/gore *PLENTY of swearing and foul language *Graphic hetero & gay sex scenes *Drug use A politically-charged Science Fiction & cyberpunk comic, DIGITAL NINJA revolves around a highly competent and mysterious front-line soldier on board a stealth vessel in space and the soldier who replaces his fallen partner. Through an unforgiving battle for physical and ideological control over a partially terraformed Mars between the EDF and the radical anti-authority group known as Revolutionary Front, deep dark secrets about the soldier's past begin to emerge, and they realize there is a bond between them that cannot be broken.", true, true], "DigitalStoryadigimoncomic": ["http://o0digitalstory0o.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 387, "Four teenagers get transported to the Digital World one day. They were best of friends on Earth, but can their friendship survive in the Digital World? Will they be able to stop an evil army of Tamers? Will one of them even find a partner? This is Digital Story. .:Updates happen Tuesday and Thursday:.", false, true], "DinnerforThree": ["http://dinner43.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Is dinner ever simple? One-shot", false, true], "Dinogeddon": ["http://www.dinogeddon.com/comics/", 23, "In the future, something happened. Nobody's really sure what happened exactly, but it left the world a smoldering, lifeless shell of its former self. Oh yeah, and now there's DINOSAURS! As if things weren't bad enough, those hardy enough to try and make new lives for themselves in this crazy, post-apocalyptic wasteland are plagued by the baddest gang of tyrannosaur-riding punk girls around: the T-Wrecks! Dinogeddon follows the strange exploits and misadventures of the T-Wrecks, led by the mysterious and oftentimes dangerous Ronnie Riot, and their rival gangs, the ex-military raptor-riding Rippers, and the all-male Rex Machines. Updates Wednesdays", false, true], "Dipmyrib": ["http://dibmyrib.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Our second comic!!! <33 Dip my rib - a South Park comic. Surprise! Pairing-> Damien x Pip.", false, true], "DireJetaime": ["http://iluvu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Genre: BL=Boys Love, drama, slice of life, comedy and random stuff. Rated: 16 yrs old + (violence,coarse languages, and minor suggestive adult themes) Nathan Gray has spent his 6 years without trusting people and can't even make friends. One random day, he injures a popular boy in school, Aidan Erikson, because of a misunderstanding but for some reason after that incident, Aidan takes interest toward Nathan and one-sidedly claims that they became friends. Furthermore, he not only protects Nathan from bullies, stalkers, and crazy fan girls. Nathan starts open his trust all becuz Aidan stole his first kiss???!!! oh good god.. Lots of twist and turns. High School Story.", false, true], "DirtyFantasies": ["http://dirtyfantasies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 88, "Shino Tanaka is the bad boy of Akai Bara High. Though he usually has himself together, lately some very perverted dreams he's been having about a fellow classmate has caused him to be a bit off his game. Confused by the sudden fantasies, Shino finally came up with a possible solution. His plan was simple, if he were to actually have sex with the boy, maybe the dreams would stop. But could it really be that easy?", true, true], "DirtyPerverts101": ["http://dirtyperverts101.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Titasses University, an ivy league for the most perverse individuals. Join the Freshman class as they learn about \"Dirty Perverts 101\" taught by the dean of the college, Professor Robe with the aide of his minion Richard.", true, true], "Disarray": ["http://suchamess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "dis\u00c2\u00b7ar\u00c2\u00b7ray/\u00cb\ufffddis\u00c9\ufffd\u00cb\ufffdr\u00c4\ufffd/ Noun: A state of disorganization or untidiness. Synonyms: noun. disorder - mess - muddle - confusion - clutter - muss ----- BL Collab comic about a really messy situation. There's a cupid going around the ValleyHill apartment complex, but she's quite ditzy. Sometimes she makes a perfect match, one headed for disaster or even binds someone more than once! With all of this drama going on, it's hard to keep a level head. ----- Visit the Explanations page for anything confusing. If you've got a question, I'll put it up there with an answer! ----- Applications are ::CLOSED::", false, true], "Discordalovestory": ["http://discord-lovestory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Mylla thinks her marriage to Dhun is the worst thing ever to happen to her. Dhun thinks Mylla has much to learn before she can be queen of West Danury. One of them may be right.", true, true], "DiscountReligion": ["http://discountreligion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Set in a modern society this comic is about the story of two young girls run in with fate as they learn they are the very heralds of the apocalypse. See this drama unfold as they overcome the deaths of their parents and their less then parental guardians as they prepare for the end of the world as we know it. Rated 18+ for language, violence, gore, nudity and sexual content.", true, true], "DiscoveryATransformersAnimatedfancomic": ["http://discoveryiscrescendolls.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 365, "\"It's a story about four losers and their cat.\" \"Discovery\" is a Transformers Animated fancomic. It is an AU \"what if\" tale if Prowl took up Lockdown's offer in \"A Fistful of Energon\". Yeah, yeah, it's been down, but I want to do one. The comic centers on bounty hunting team Crescendolls (named humorously by Wreck-Gar) composed of leader Lockdown, ninjabot Prowl, team pet Skippy the cat, crazy loon Wreck-Gar, and smart guy Perceptor as they get into misadventures and just discover their personal demons. A good knowledge of the canon TV show is required as I will be referencing it a lot. The genre is romance/drama/comedy.", false, true], "DistantEyes": ["http://distanteyes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "This manga was made for a school project about a girl called Mei who has been suffering from bullying/isolation/depression etc all her life because she has an eye condition (heterochromia), causing her to become a shut in for 4 years - she finally moves on from her pain when she makes a real friend.", false, true], "DistantSkies": ["http://distant-skies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "After years of tension between the two planets, Altair and Lyra are finally at the brink of war. Altairan Fleet Commander Korona Mosel is eccentric to say the very least; some might even consider him to be insane, but he is dedicated to his reptilian race and to the looming war between the Altairans and Lyran humans. However, his allegiance to his people begins to sway when he encounters a young Lyran pilot who unintentionally captures his heart. *Boy Love", false, true], "DistrictEastLA": ["http://districteastla.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A parody of the movie District 9-- Mexican Style. WARNING:Must watch the movie District 9 to understand the parody.", true, true], "Diungiallochetammazza": ["http://diungiallochetammazza.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Uno strano uomo dai folti dread \u00e8 alla ricerca di un clan di loschi individui, chiamati \"Gialli\". Il motivo? A quanto pare gli \u00e8 stato sottratto qualcosa che ha grande valore per lui e per la sua ragazza, Dora. Una buffa avventura dai toni allegri in cui emergono i lati nascosti dei personaggi. Seguitela! eng: A weird rastaman is searching for a clan of badasses named \"The Yellows\". But why? The gang apparently stole something invaluable to him and his girlfriend Dora. A funny, amazing adventure where the hidden side of characters can be seen. Follow us!", true, true], "Dius": ["http://dius.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Tired of straight characters? Love, lust, war, politics, a bit of all, just spiced up with: what if the statistics were turned around and 90% of the world was gay? Steamy romances between boys, princes and princesses figthing for a throne, a priest out to gather as much slaves and prostitutes as he can, and supernaturals fighting hopeleslly for the protection of humans - or their destruction. This story includes a bit of everything: but is mostly humor, romance and drama. It's situated on a planet called Dius, which is more like a spiced up earth: where most is queer, kings still rule in the modern times, some lands are still undiscovered and supernatural creatures walks among the humans. Comic keywords: (this is just so it is easier for you to find this comic) LGBTQ LGBT Gay lesbian BL GL queer yaoi yuri Shane Evan boyfriends boyfriend girlfriends girlfriend bl gl lgbt lgbtq gay Lesbian Queer Yaoi Yuri Boyfriends Boyfriend", true, true], "Djandora": ["http://djandora.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "Isolated from civilization in an old millennium temple, Djeneba lived happily with her father and that since her birth. But everything changed overnight when she murdered her own father. Shocked and bound to herself, he had left a message, a mission for her ... he knew. During this trip, nothing happens as expected, Djeneba will discover the true extent of this temple... unspoken secrets to the dark stories of the past, but mostly the tragic doom that awaits her.", false, true], "DoItYourself": ["http://diy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "Lucas had expected a summer full of video games and hanging out with friends before his parents \"volunteered\" him to put his college degree to use and help his aunt Lola and cousin Noelle renovate their house. Though he is strongly against wasting his summer on backbreaking labor for room and board in a sleepy little town with no cable or internet, he finds it even worse that he has to renovate alongside Noelle's best friend Ashley, who is also helping in his spare time out of the goodness of his heart. Lucas is convinced Ashley has an ulterior motive and is determined to ambush him at every angle. This is a BL comic, meaning it will contain scenes with romance between two boys. But I bet you already knew that, amirite? ;) Updates every Friday (at the very least)", false, true], "DoYouRemember": ["http://skailin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "First very lazely done comic, just to basicly amuse you with confusing storyline and bad drawing. Enjoy - if you dare.", false, true], "DoctorFaustDoomsday2012": ["http://faust2012.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "The story about the medieval scientist Doctor Faust and his fight to postpone the end of the world till 2012! Will he succeed - or are we already dead? Read it and be prepared...", false, true], "DoctorWhoSpamAndDiscussion": ["http://whovianpostingplace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 156, "Where the few whovians of Smackjeeves unite to post doctor who stuff. alsospecialweaponsbestdalek", false, true], "DokiDokiBuu2": ["http://dokidokibuu2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "5 years later, and TEA are working again on Doki Doki Buu, (now .2) our first attempt to finish a manga-styled webcomic!!! Doki Doki Buu, inspired by the numerous amounts of manga that we read as children/ teenagers is what could be described as a shoujo... if a shoujo could fall into a dirt pit and emerge as some mutated monstrosity XD. We hope you enjoy it!~ We update weekly, on Fridays (but would definitely update more regularly were it not for other commitments during the rest of the year) ;_; - TEA xx", false, true], "DollMeister": ["http://dollmeister.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Follow teenage Dollmaker Emily Schryn and her Meister Hall fight team as they make their way through high school, hilarity and the Meister Hall tournament season.", false, true], "DontDoAMurder": ["http://dontdoamurder.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A bunch of friends schmuck around NYC sometimes", false, true], "DontFeartheReaper": ["http://dontfearthereaper.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "", true, true], "DontForget": ["http://dontforget.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Wraith a one-of-a-kind ghoul uncovers a dangerous plot to take over the world. However, his memory of the encounter was lost and now he needs to save the world from something, but he can't remember from what. With help from his human friend Titus the two search for a way to save the world from the unknown evil that threatens it. I update sporadically....whenever I have some free time I often work on my comics", false, true], "DontForgettoSmile": ["http://dont-forget-to-smile.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "At night, Beauregard dreams.", false, true], "DontGetBurned": ["http://dontgetburned.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "", false, true], "DoodleBeans": ["http://beans.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 125, "No arms? No legs? No problem! Superheroes, Tentacle Monsters, Video Games, Violence, and PLOT!? If you like it, please comment and +favs Comic updates Monday-Friday at Midnight (PDT)", true, true], "DoodleMachine": ["http://dodo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Just another Journal Comic knocking at your door", false, true], "DoodlePalace": ["http://doodlez.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 97, "A Co-author comic between me, (Tyrannus) With a couple of good friends, herein we post some doodles and mini-comics, no sprites here, buddy.", false, true], "DoodlingAround": ["http://doodlingcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 106, "", false, true], "DoppelgangerTheManBehindtheDoor": ["http://doppelganger.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "A lyric comic about a man who writes stories about desperate and suicidal people to raise his own spirits and inadvertently summons his nemesis.", false, true], "DoubleLeafNuzlocke": ["http://2leaf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Feuille Verte is just another trainer from Pallet Town, in an era where Team Rocket has stirred so much terror in the Kanto region that kids rarely get to go on adventures anymore--- unless their mothers are TV addicts and their childhood friends are the grand-children of world renown Pokemon Professors who don't remember what era it is. Competing with her rival, stalked by a second Nuzlocker, and trying to give her own adventure a plot... Feuille sure is going to be a busy trainer! ----------------------------- In other words, just another Nuzlocke comic with an attempt at plot. Keyword: attempt.", false, true], "Doublenegative": ["http://doublenegativecomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "A slice-of-life comic strip. In color! Updates M/W/F", false, true], "DoubtedLove": ["http://doubtedlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A Bleach doujinshi featuring Ikkaku Madarame and Yumichika Ayasegawa. Shounen-Ai and Friendship. The story is based on a fanfiction written by machi-tan. Enjoy! :) ----- http://machi-tan.deviantart.com/ http://machi-tan.deviantart.com/art/Doubted-Love-170573438", false, true], "DragonBallNext": ["http://dgn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "So what happened after Goku's death. Do Saiyans even exist anymore? Will the Z Team revive thanks to the power of the Dragon Balls? How will Goku.Jr face the threat of aliens in his old age? Who is the .:Next:. hero.", false, true], "DragonKid": ["http://dragonkid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 85, "Dragon Kid is the story of Keiko Shoda, a little girl from a land called Dragon Haven. Curious and strong-headed, she disobeys her brothers' warnings and ventures into the lair of the Dark Dragon, Kuronaga, accidentally freeing him. Now banished into the Mortal Realms because of her doing, she must become the heroine she is destined to be.", false, true], "DragonOrigin": ["http://dragonorigin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "On a island somewhere, hidden to the human eye, are shape shifting creatures called dragons. This island is the beginning of almost every dragon. This island is called 'Origin'. Dragons occasionally leave their nest at Origin and venture into the human domains. Some of them form relationships with humans as their guardians and the humans as their tamers. One particularly unlucky dragon decides to leave origin. He spends his life cautious of other living things and always alone. He vowed never to trust any one. That is, until a young girl comes along and earned his trust. Now he has a new vow. To protect this girl that has become his tamer, no matter what. Little does he know, there are more things in store for him then just protecting his new tamer. Contains: Romance, blood, violence.", false, true], "DragonReign": ["http://dragonreign.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Many years ago, dragons first made their presence known and created chaos on earth. Now humans live in tribes, some activly fighting the dragons, others just hiding, others enslaving dragons they capture. In this world, a boy gets saved by a dragon, and they create a special bond. Together they become the first legendary \"Dragon Rider\" who search the world for answers to why dragons lose their language, and minds, and why dragons chose to leave their homelands so many years ago.", true, true], "Dragonet": ["http://dragonet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 329, "A wizard tries to raise an orphaned dragon in a world filled with fantasy, magic, war, and adventure. He soon finds out a dragon does what it wants...and he may make all the difference.", false, true], "Drakkar": ["http://drakkar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Middle age, on a faraway island, someone doesn't like visitors.", true, true], "Dramaticy": ["http://dramaticy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Retro, one of Omni's most trusted teammates and relatives is captured while going to a family/friend reunion. Retro is now being controlled and nearly unstoppable thanks to his super form. Omni,MXD,Glide,Plus,Zak and Nero need to stop him, before he's lost forever... Credit to all sprites we use in this comic.", false, true], "DrawAnything": ["http://drawanything.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "This is just a doodle comic. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Random excerpts from my life, other peoples' lives, what I wish was my life, and thoughts that pop into my mind. Beware of puns. And swearing. I like to swear. Sorry. Thanks for reading.", false, true], "DrawingParty": ["http://drawingparty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 653, "** Congrats to our first prize winner of our Mascot contest, GunboyComics! In the banner is our new mascot, Sketchy! ** Are you stuck on ideas for things to draw? Are you just starting out and need practice and want to show the world? Well, no need to look any further! Comic artists gathered together to help eachother battle comic-artist's block! Every month there will be a new theme listed, you can either post a drawing or a comic strip based off of the theme. Since this is my first time putting a group together, the rules may be changed or added if things become out of control or to improve the group so that everyone has fun! :D * REQUIREMENTS * -- Some type of drawing instrument or any computer software! -- No experience necessary! :D * RULES * -- Must be drawn by hand or computer. -- Follow the theme topic for the month. -- The comic can be for anyone at any skill level! Which means any style, manga, american, realism, and anything in between! -- Be supportive! -- Be creative and have fun!", false, true], "DreamAboutMe": ["http://dam.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 172, "One year. That is how long Popuri will be staying at Green Ranch while her parents are away. And in that one short year, her life will change forever! Based on the game Harvest Moon 64", false, true], "DreamBoy": ["http://dreamboy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "Uma garota encontra o rapaz ideal em seus sonhos. E um dia, o encontra de verdade.", false, true], "DreamCatcherbyLanina": ["http://laninasdreamcatcher.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Experimentation is being perform on a girl, measuring her nightmares. To protect herself, the girl manifests a young hero in her dreams. But is this hero a dream or real?", false, true], "DreamCaught": ["http://dreamcaught.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A comic about a girl chasing her dreams, literally. Updates on thursdays!", false, true], "DreamWorldPilot": ["http://dreamworldpilot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A girl is stolen away by the sandman into the vast expanse of dreamworld.. can her friend save her!? (class assignment; 10 pages long)", false, true], "Dreamcatchers": ["http://dream-catchers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 314, "Motsury Sohiru has been suffering from nightmares from long time, but one day fate drives her to a shop, where she finds a dreamcatcher. It would be all nice, but she hasn't got enough money to buy it, so she decides to steal it, but it get soon to an enemy of her, and when Sohiru get it back it is already broken. The next night she gets into a nightmare again, and the dreamcather brings it to the real world with a boy who saved her in the dream. But what can she do with this stranger? And what will happen after dreams and dreams? It will turn out from the manga...", false, false], "Dreamer": ["http://rikusu-dreamer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A short story about a girl who is dreaming - or is she? Fantasy | Completed (2010) - 10 pages", false, true], "Dreamland": ["http://dreamland.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "An adventure comic about a boy and his friends going out to save the Dreamworld.", false, true], "DressedForSuccessRetro": ["http://dressedforsuccess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 430, "Alex Corbett and Walter Andrewkowski, two guys thrown together by chance, now making their way in a crazy universe one adventure at a time. All the while trying to stay one step ahead of the mafia and with the hopes of turning a profit. These are their original adventures, first published in the 1990's as black and white mini-comics.", false, true], "Driftwurld": ["http://driftwurld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "In a post apocalyptic world turned to wilderness, things from other dimensions now drift through cracks in space and time to torment what's left of the human race. I've also made a browser game for Driftwurld! Come play! http://driftwurld.freehostingcloud.com/login.php * In the spirit of Hanna Barbera, I will be reusing art assets. Alot. *", false, true], "DropDeadVince": ["http://dropdeadvince.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A black romantic comedy about an undead lady killer who finds the ghoul of his dreams, and how a newly-dead aspiring fashion model copes with her new afterlife.", false, true], "DruidCityVolume1FreePreview": ["http://druidcitycomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "The first volume of Druid City, a low-rent graphic novel. You can visit http://www.druidcitycomic.blogspot.com to learn more about the comic and where to buy the full volume (with extra content). This free version is for drumming up interest. Once a promising journalism grad student, Hunter Hasting's prospects have hit the rewind button. He's found himself stranded in his hometown, arguing with old rivals and old flames, and crashing on the couch in his younger brother's dormitory lobby. Now, in a world where over-education and under-employment add up to discontent, he's gone back to doing what he does best: digging up dirt to find a scandalous news story. He is willing to get the job done at any cost, as long as the price isn't his own pride. This is a three chapter preview of this story. The entire volume can be purchased through Lulu.com, Amazon and Barnes and Noble (2.99 USD digital copies!)", false, true], "Drunkennightsshonenai": ["http://drunken-nights-manga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "Drawing / Story: Wiiolis English translation: Rashana *READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT * Comments and +Fave are always appreciated. :) Thank you! \u2665", false, true], "DrySpell": ["http://dryspell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A heatwave is passing through town and it hasn't rained in weeks. As one man decides that he cares more about keeping the willow in his garden alive than the watering ban he makes a startling discovery... Published in Swedish Comic Sin. [Complete]", true, true], "DtLFadingColors": ["http://dtlfadingcolors.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Drawn to Life told from the perspective of the Hero...AKA, the Creator in this story! A Fan comic that includes events from the actual game...and some made up elements that puts a different spin on the story. Warning for mild violence and language! I own Fading Colors, but Drawn to Life belongs to 5th Cell!", false, true], "DubsStuffBin": ["http://dsb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "", false, true], "DueParti": ["http://dueparti.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Due Parti (Two Parts) Sometimes the one you believe is your destined one, turns out to be wrong. Sometimes the right one, ends up being something you'd never expect. Simple story of loving the person you know is meant for you, no matter who they are. Sketch comic,a comic that will be updated whenever the inspiration for it hits (so watch it with patience, i could post many pages in one day, or one every few weeks) - includes \"boys love\", cross dressing, transgender) enjoy~", false, true], "DumbWars": ["http://dumbwars.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Inspired in a crazy dream the author had once. Follow the misadventures of Blue, a clone of a hyperactive, paranoid and psycho girl, and Hobo, a... hobo...with a rocket launcher. Daily, they fight to protect the world from threats like the Gingerbread men, zombie dinosaurs, mutant pears and lots of things that are considered ridiculous and dumb. It's a dumb job, but someone has to do it. WARNING: This comic may contain violence, cussing, parodies,lame sense of humour and nonsensical dialogues. **BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT NEEDED** **PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONES AND PUT ON YOUR 3D GLASSES FOR A BETTER EXPERIENCE**", false, true], "DungeonHordes": ["http://dungeonhordes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 450, "In 1986 Dungeon Hordes was released on the Playtendo and moved 1 million units world wide which is way more successful than its previous release on the Batari 2200 in 1979. Now in 2011 Dungeon Hordes has returned bigger and better than ever with mind numbing graphics and all new enemies to fight. So how do the characters in game feel about this? Only time will tell. Enter the lives of Tiggz and Tomes, two level 5 bosses tired of being easily killed by player 1 and wanting the glory of finally becoming more than just petty bandits. Will they survive the new creatures that the mighty programmers have added to the game? Will they ever kill player 1 and move up the mob boss ladder? Will they ever get a raise from their uptight dungeon boss Kalakis and finally pay off their ale tabs at the Stinky Dragon Inn? Stay tuned and find out..... Will be updated Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Dungeon Hordes Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dungeon-Hordes#!/pages/Dungeon-Hordes/195568970460655", false, true], "DungeonsandHedgehogs": ["http://dungeonsandhedgehogs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Stay a while and listen, and I will tell you a story. A story of Dungeons And Dragons, of Orcs and Goblins, of Ghouls and Ghosts, of Kings and Quests, but most importantly of Hedgehogs and Role-playing Gam- Well, a story of Hedgehogs. Dungeons and hedgehogs is a sprite comic staring Sonic (big shocker) and co as they journey into the realm of tabletop role-playing games. Not based off of any system but the majority of spells are references to the Shin Megami Tensei series. Hope you enjoy.", false, true], "EATATAU": ["http://eatatau.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 196, "", false, true], "EDIL": ["http://edil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "", false, true], "EDILfrench": ["http://edil-f.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "", false, true], "EDepthAngel": ["http://edepth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 805, "In the future, even machines will need an angel, and one girl is there to fill in that job position, her name is Angel Love; and her dream will cause a whole cyborg city to erupt into a massive gang war. Update Every Monday", false, true], "EGQFTMEFTTOED": ["http://egq.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "This is a fantastical tale about a young wizard in training on his quest to get the magical eggplant from the tree of eternal divinity.", false, true], "ELCAPITAN": ["http://elcapitan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "It came without warning....one missile, then another. They were under attack. They had been ambushed. To ensure the safety of his crew, he sacrificed himself....leaving her haunted by the riddle in his locket. Why did this happen...and is her captain really gone? She will not rest until she finds the truth.", false, true], "ENIGMA": ["http://pchoberry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "SUMMARY: \"The V Jewels\", are magical pieces that hold a great deal of power when linked together. Like a magnet, each jewel attracts the opposite sex. But, when the two users of the same sex are near each other, they repel each other, causing each body to literally break apart. Mato, Hachirou and Shin enroll into a new school in search of \"V Users\". FANTASY/SCHOOL LIFE/COMEDY/ROMANCE **E N I G M A update once a week during school year.", false, true], "EPOCHFiles": ["http://epoch-files.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "18-year-old Sordis was more than happy to take it upon himself to save the world after discovering a device that gives its wielder the power to be a superhero. Moira, an agent of V.I.G.I.L, was sent to retrieve a war-machine to prevent it from getting into the wrong hands but when a third party intercepts her mission, the machine is sent into a different time and space, taking River, a smuggler by trade, along with it. An epic adventure of an inter-dimensional spy, a space cowgirl and an accidental superhero. Updates every Thursday! http://epoch-files.deviantart.com", false, true], "ERAConvergence": ["http://convergence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 137, "UPDATES MONDAY AND THURSDAY! The Darkwood corporation is in jeapordy if Velias doesn't manage to retrieve evidence stolen by a pesky rebel rat. He decides to hatch a plan to kidnap the rebel's clueless little sister, but finds that more difficult than he thought...", false, true], "ERRORERROR": ["http://errorerror.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 378, "A finnish teenage boy Tomi is a normal nerd. He plays videogames and gets average grades, but also is terribly bored with his life. But one day he accidentally gets inside of his computer and meets there a girl, who calls herself princess Jooda. And there is a profecy about Tomi, sword and Viruses. Warnings: If you are under 13 years old, I do not recommend this comic to you. Contains bad language, blood and somewhat sexual themes. ps. This started out as a test for new tablet, so the start looks like that too. Also, sorry about the style changes, I practice. Updates 2-4 pages a week.", false, false], "EX2": ["http://ex2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "\"There is another person inside of me; he is cruel, and he hates, and he is trying to break free. I'm not who you think I am...\" Contains strong language, violence, and possible malexmale situations.", true, true], "EarthBeta": ["http://earth-beta.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Earth Beta, from Thirteen Comics, shows us an alternate version of the Investigator and his friends.", false, true], "Effigies": ["http://effigies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "first attempt at a strong, thought-out world-building fantasy (kind of in the vein of lord of the rings or dwarf fortress, with some judeo-christian mythological influence). I went through a few cliched titles before I became happy with the current one. We are currently on Chapter two. (trying to) UPDATE WEEKLY", false, true], "EggSnivy": ["http://eggsnivy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "why", false, true], "Eidalon": ["http://eidalon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "After an accident, Lily finds herself transported to Eidolon, a place she once knew as a child. Upon meeting an old friend she soon finds herself tangled up within this world of magic. Will be doing my best to update Tuesdays and Thursdays. **The pages are in order, but for someone SJ is showing them out of order in the preview???**", false, true], "Eirinngobrach": ["http://eirinn-go-brach.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 124, "In the lands of the emerald isle lies mythical, fanciful, and sexy creators of folklore; and little sexy Leipreach\u00e1n Saoirse and her friends are about to learn not everyone seeking the end of the rainbow is after the same pot-o-gold.", true, true], "ElBosquedelosSusurros": ["http://ebs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Kanna es una loba con una mision", false, true], "ElegyOwaritoHajimarinoKyoku": ["http://eleg-y.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A Shinigami has to end one certain girl's life... What else is there to say? XD ...Hope it's easy to understand ^^", false, true], "ElementalChronicles": ["http://elementalchron.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Elemental Chronicles something is awakening in Six young Teens What could it be? why is it happening? why are you still reading the Description?", true, true], "ElementalSpirits": ["http://elementalspirits.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 88, "Alex's notes to self #23: Do not grab seemingly innocuous sword. Life changing events and general bad things may follow... Elemental Spirits updates every Monday.", false, true], "Elementstheorigins": ["http://wlfwm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "the story of how five kids got the power of the elements, and how they fight the shadows of the night. this comic is only the beginning.", false, true], "ElfenLiedDifferences": ["http://differences.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "One of my favorite mangas is Lynn Okamoto's famous Elfen Lied (Which likewise I should clarify that I absolutely HATE the anime version) This comic is based on a trilogy story I wrote for FF.Net which I can't say was the best but it was fun nonetheless. --- Differences can be considered an alternate Universe Sequel to the manga. The story revolves around the actions of the second Queen Diclonius. --- It's all I can say, I'm not an artist, I just draw for fun. Enjoy Because it's based off of a Seinen Manga, there's going to be some adult content including Blood and Gore Language Nudity Sorry for inconsistent art as well. Read: Left to Right. When I started it, I didn't do as a traditional manga nor did I feel like changing it up either. Be nice, but feel free to criticize. --- Re-doing Volume I, updates will probably be weekly.", true, true], "ElisLight": ["http://elislight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A brave little flightless lighting bug girl exploring her world and making friends while finding out her purpose in life.", false, true], "EllieStarlingsVeryLongWalk": ["http://elliestarling.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "Ellie Starling's Very Long Walk is a long-form, fantasy webcomic about a young girl named Ellie and the unusual things that happen to her. It combines elements of RPG video games, magical girl anime, and fantasy literature into a unique adventure suitable for all ages. I am gradually uploading the archives here, and you can always read the newest pages every Tuesday and Thursday at elliestarling.com", false, true], "Emberlamb": ["http://emberlamb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Every few years, the Mountainside people experience an early freeze that threatens to destroy the year's harvest and endanger the people. To avert the deadly freeze, they have turned to the demon residing under the mountain, exchanging a virgin sacrifice to protect the harvest. When a boy named Haru is chosen for this grim ritual, he finds that being the gift to a red devil is nothing he could have imagined....", true, true], "EmeraldGreenEyes": ["http://emeraldgreeneyes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "PKMN Trainer Marlene is about to challenge the elite four in Unova, but ends up being sucked into a game. To get back to the real world, Marlene have to beat the champion. But this is harder than she had expected. Pokemon dies in this world instead of fainting, so Marlene have to be careful, or else she will lose all of her pokemon and be stuck in the game forever. Can Marlene get back to the real world, and who are those Aqua and Magma guys? Rules: * Fainted pokemon = dead * Can only capture the first pokemon in each area * No duplicates * Shiny Pokemon can be caught regardless of the rules * Can use legendary pokemon if I want to", false, true], "EmeraldNuzlocke": ["http://giginuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 100, "Yes, another Pokemon Nuzlocke to infest SmackJeeves. Done on Pokemon Emerald (since I haven't played the Hoenn games in forever D: ). I've been meaning to start a Nuzlocke that I'll stick to o3o This Nuzlocke follows the adventures of Gigi, a human who has lost her memory and wound up in Hoenn region. ********** COMPLETED! Part 2: http://giginuzlocke2.smackjeeves.com", false, false], "EmeraldNuzlockeAdventures": ["http://emeraldnuzlockeadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "Jumping on the bandwagon with my first nuzlocke and my first webcomic. For those who are unfamiliar with what a Nuzlocke is, here are the rules: 1.) Pokemon that are KO'd are considered dead and must be permanently placed in a box or released. If all your Pokemon in your party die (aka you whiteout) you lose. 2.) You are only allowed to catch the first Pokemon you find in each route. If you kill it or run away, you are not allowed to catch anymore Pokemon in that route. This includes fishing. (Shiny Pokemon are exempted from this rule because they're cool) 3.) You must nickname every Pokemon you catch. 4.) No legendaries. 5.)No Day Care Center", false, true], "EmeraldShadows": ["http://emeraldshadows.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "The Emerald Shadows are the protectors of the world. They live in an alternative world where monsters constantly threaten this city called Mallowwick.", false, true], "EmmanandSkateHeroesofStupidity": ["http://heroesofstupidity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "The random adventures of these two guys that do stuff. and stuff like that. Emman is owned by DragoErium, Skate is owned by Xx_Skate_The_Fox_xX Warning: Reading this comic may make you mentally unstable and may cause loss of sanity. Read with caution. :3", false, true], "EmmasRandomShowcase": ["http://my-sprites.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Uh yeah, my sprite showcase. I post my sprites, and all my other shit on here. Its more somthing like Remmys Randoms in teh fact that I'll soon be posting msn convos. Because I'm just that bored. And I'll also post art. Ok, goodbye now.", false, true], "Empigous": ["http://empigous-888213.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Rated R (15+) for foul language, gore/violence, maybe drug and alcohol abuse. I want to be on the safe side. --Story line will be updated every now and then.... Chapter 1: Introduction of Octavian a boy with purple hair, pointy ears and neon orange eyes. Introduction of his family and his brothers love of pop-tarts. Chapter 2: A strange girl that clams to be Octavian classmate, forces Octavian to attended his classes. He keeps trying to sneak off however, she seems to be every where he is. Keeping him in the evilest place of all time school. All the while Octavian keeps seeing strange unreal events. But how unreal are they? read left/right See spelling mishaps? Please notify me! THANK YOU", true, true], "Empire": ["http://empire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "On the fringes of the galaxy, many conquerors and invaders have sought one goal: total galactic conquest. Join The Do'dle Empire on its mission to find all lifeforms and enslave civilizations... To boldly rule as no one has ruled before!", false, true], "Enchanters": ["http://enchanters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Reading Direction: Right to Left Genre: Action, Shounen, Supernatural, Fantasy, Comedy Story of a girl who sells charms at the end of the street, a boy who wants to be the best enchanter, a good-for-nothing grandfather and their secret world, the world of the enchanters.", false, true], "EndOfTimes": ["http://endoftimes.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 12, "The Apocalypse wasn't built in a day....", true, true], "Endgame": ["http://endgame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "It all begins when twelve people wake up in a room with no memory of how they got there and no way out. From the very first moment they know there is something off about that place\u2026 something unearthly. Soon they discover that the only thing they have in common is a dark and painful past\u2026 and crimes they have committed that they now have to reveal. And an awful game begins\u2026 Who will live and who will die in the endgame?", false, true], "EnduranceComic": ["http://endurancecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 71, "A Comic Based On The Reality Show, Endurance!", false, true], "EnergiesVideoGameCanon": ["http://energiesvgc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A prequel/sidestory/spin off comic [to a comic I'm not currently running, but still plotting heh] whose concept is really the idea for a video game, but being I may never make an actual game, and I need to work out the plot, I made a comic :D Story Bio: Emma is just graduating from the Energie Guardian High School and is starting her journey to earn her Guardian License. She must travel the country, seeking out the School Masters and pass their tests, as well as learn how to work as a team with her bonded Energie. But of course, life is never easy for a Guardian Trainee, Darklings have been sited more frequently, so she has to be careful, and then....SYSTEM FAILURE WHATS HAPPENING TO ALL OUR ENERGIES!?!?!?!! X___X *random Kitteh freaking out*", false, true], "EnergyWielders": ["http://energywielders.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Energy Wielders are those who can control energy and fight with it as a weapon. Not just anyone can do this. That\u2019s why there\u2019s only a handful of people that can do it in the world. We join Ian, a young meek boy who lives in Delvesta. He has a reputation of being cowardly, but when the Darasu group invades his town he must find the courage within to fight.", false, true], "EnigmasCYOAComics": ["http://enigmascyoacomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "Roger has become a ghost. He needs your help to return to life. Updates whenever I feel like it.", false, true], "EnkeltenKentta": ["http://enkeltenkentta.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 188, "Sakari Kauria has been living the humble life of a show bartender for a few years. His life isn't glamorous, but when he isn't too self-aware about the quirks in his appearance, it's good enough for him. He knows who he is, and he knows how the cogwheels of the world run... Except he really doesn't. Luckily during one chaotically eventful night, he encounters Lucifer. A youngster with a similar twist in his appearance, who knows a lot more about the world they live in, and a few answers to some questions about Sakari that have plagued him ever since he knew he wasn't like the rest of his kind.", true, true], "Enthrall": ["http://enthrall.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "In Angland, a country where humans live by the whims of their vampire overlords... The leader of the Abolitionists, an activist group against the vampire dominion, is captured and enslaved. A born slave is freed after saving the lives of many in the Angli-Frencan War, to become a free man for the first time. How will they act in a world that is constantly changing around them?", true, true], "Entreeuxdeux": ["http://entreuxdeux.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 221, "\"Entre eux deux\" est une bande-dessin\u00e9e amateur qui sent bon la poudre, les fusillades et la mafia, mais qui en fait se pr\u00e9occupe plus des deux destins qui y ont difficilement trouv\u00e9e leur place. Deux \u00eatres que tout s\u00e9pare, mais finalement pas tant que \u00e7a... Je poste les pages par quatre (quand j'y arrive) tous les 15 jour, le dimanche. Merci \u00e0 tous ceux qui passent par ici. >w<", false, true], "EntropyAPokemonComic": ["http://pokemon-entropy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Isolated systems tend to show no change in entropy -- or disorder -- but no system is ever truly isolated. The world that Pokemon and humans inhabit has been improbably held in balance for years in a period of near-complete peace, and it is high time that disorder grace its world again. ----- Spoilers for Pokemon games and anime are likely to crop up, but really, if there's anything you haven't learned about Pokemon yet, GET ON IT. There's nothing really spoilery that you won't get over. Existing Pokemon characters and locations are (c) Nintendo and any related parties", false, true], "Entuthrie": ["http://entuthrie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 157, "A story about personages in turmoil, and the coincidences that follow. Taking steps forward, one (en), two (tu), three (thrie), is the way to reach to a conclusion. or, kitty-eared girls and gay librarians ride together with giant insects to chase a sadomasochistic lesbian pirate, the comic.", true, true], "EonsAgo": ["http://eonsago.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 206, "Eons Ago is a doujinshi to the popular Transformers Prime series, which inflicts the story of how the beloved Master and SIC met, Starscream and Megatron. How did Starscream become Megatrons second-in-command? What made them fall for eachoter? The series was first uploaded on DeviantArt in september 2011, and is still ongoing today. It has reached up till 11 chapters and is still ongoing. Eons Ago contains parental advisory material as well as humor, love and gigantic transforming mech Cybertronians.", false, false], "EozinKadonnutKuningas": ["http://eozinkadonnutkuningas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "Kaapuun pukeutunut nuorukainen kohtaa siivekk\u00e4\u00e4n olennon. He alkavat matkustaa yhdess\u00e4 ymp\u00e4ri maailmaa kohdaten matkallaan monia asioita.", false, true], "EpicChaos": ["http://epicchaos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "How would you react if you woke up next to your best friends doppelganger? You'd probably react how Mel did. Follow JJ, Mel, Nathan and Epic Nat (EN for short) throughout their adventures through college, jobs, and all of the chaos EN brings with him!", false, true], "EpicLoadsThecomic18": ["http://epicloads.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 49, "An hunky adult parody of the RPG World.", true, true], "EpochChronicles": ["http://epochchronicles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "Epoch Chronicles Enter a world of adventure for hire, the world of Atla is at long last a peaceful place to live as the mighty heroes of the world have banished evil to the far ends of the planet! However a dark shadow from another world threatens to rekindle the darkness on this world.The heroes stand at he ready to defend their world again but not all is what it seems!", false, true], "EpochSorrow": ["http://epoch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A League of Legends fan fiction turned into panels in a comic. I'm pretty bad at words, so I never actually published the story anywhere else. Yup, hope you can bear with it! Heh. \"Grieving dreams have been bothering Karthus to the point he is not himself. Remains seem to be calling him from yonder familiar places. It is well known he is not the only one able to speak to the undead - and they do not wish for him to return the tormented souls back to their rightful place: the living's World.\"", false, true], "Equsopia": ["http://equsopia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Because of black magic, the king and his loyal knight were sent to another world. Now they must find the way home. Read from left to right. Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/Equsopia Join me on FB page for more arts, contests, and gifts!", false, true], "EresunFantasma": ["http://eresunfantasma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Comedy...", false, true], "ErikWarhammersRandomAdventuresofRandomness": ["http://erikwarhammersrandomadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "The adventures of Kat'tar Ventil a chaotic good druid and Erik Warhammer a Lawful Neutral Cyborg killing machine.Unknown to both of them a storm brews on the horizon and the fate of billions of lives rest on there shoulders. Yes this won't end well at all.", false, true], "Ersatzteile": ["http://ersatzteile.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "In Aberdom, citizens live in a modern society, with huge boilers to heat their homes, horses slowly being replaced by steam and gasoline powered contraptions and the strange creatures known as Ersatz, resembling animals but made of metal. With a sudden tragedy, young Shay is thrust unprepared towards his birthright - Ersatzteile, Speaker of God.", false, true], "Erythraean": ["http://erythraean.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A young boy and his spirit wolf companion venture across the world in search of 13 cloaked men in red. Read from Right to Left", false, true], "EscapedfromHell": ["http://escaped-from-hell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A story about the struggles of damned souls trying to find peace in a unstable universe. Contains fantasy, aliens, undead, demons, dragons and a mixture of many other things. Will contain various mature/disturbing scenes.", false, true], "EternalSoul": ["http://eternalsoul.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Raina finds her world turning upside down when a new boy comes to her school, who is he and what does he want with Raina?", false, true], "EternityConcepts": ["http://eternityconcepts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "WARNING: This is a yaoi manga. There is no sex--but there is some suggestion, and a large amount of adult humor. Julian--err, Father Julian--Father Skyy? Just call him Julian--is a priest at Sacred Heart Cathedral. . .and deeply depressed. After a long struggle with his depression, he concludes a deadly solution, convinced it's the only one he has; En route to take his own life, Julian discovers the body of another man who's beaten him to the same punch--and in the snap moment of a life or death situation, Julian forgoes his plans to save a life. Thus he meets Hollow, a depressed Atheist whom Julian now accredits his illumination to happiness to; Having now come to close to experiencing the damage he himself was about to cause, Julian feels transformed--and wants to return the favor to Hollow and do the same for him. If he can't--surely God can! While they agree to disagree, Hollow and Julian form an odd, close friendship--and soon, Julian forgets about converting Hollow and begins to realize his feelings. . .may mean something else. All the while, they're never aware of the danger lurking in the shadows. . .", true, true], "EuphemisticEephus": ["http://eephus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Rachel Marat is a Photography Student stuck the Limbo of the her community college; her Narcolepsy, which prevents her from driving isn't helping much either. She has attempted to transfer into the UC and CSU system many times, only to be rejected by due to budget cuts. Between games of Kamikaze Golf, photographing everything in her neighborhood, gaming online, faking Bigfoot sightings and writing in her dream journals, she dreams of escape... When the madness of transfer time comes up will she be ready? **Based upon the Smackjeeves 24 hour comic challenge in 2012, look for the comic with Roman Numerals http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=125269 ***Updates Tuesdays and Saturdays", false, true], "Euphora": ["http://euphora.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Mishka was certain she was out of place in the world, but she didn't quite realize how far out of place she was.", false, true], "Euphoria": ["http://euphoria.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Genre: Romance, School Life, Comedy Finding happiness through love, pain, and friendship (WARNING: may cause headache and severe diarrhea) It's the last year for Hayato's high school life and he's given the chance to confess his love to the girl he liked ever since, Hana. Will he be able to be the one who can make Hana smile even though Hana likes the council president, Mitsuhiro and if he finds out that his childhood friend, Prixia is in love with him? Find out on this roller coaster love story! READ LEFT TO RIGHT", false, true], "EuropaHouse": ["http://europahouse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Europa House follows the day to day adventures of a group of Alien beings from all across the universe; as they arrive on earth to live and study under one dorm.", false, true], "EveintheGarden": ["http://eveinthegarden.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Once upon a time Eve, the first woman and she's still not knew Adam. She can't speak and as a child must learn everything; so she exploring the Eden everywhere, playing with the animals and tasting many Eden's fruits... ...but, what is this golden fruit? +18 - Warning this comic contain mature and explicit scene.", true, true], "EveningCoffee": ["http://eveningcoffee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "", false, true], "EveofAllSaints": ["http://saintscomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "A fictional adventure set in Renaissance Italy about the birth of Commedia dell'Arte. Written by George Herman, illustration by Kit Seaton. Some language, violence, and nudity. Recommended age 17+", true, true], "EverybodyTalks": ["http://everybodytalks.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "After being rejected by his first love and experienced something scarring after, Ian Evans wants nothing to do with his past life as Brian Stewart. His new life with his relatives in the small town of Summerville, is really sweet, popular with lots of friends and some girlfriends, a straight-A student whom the teachers respect, and best of all, no one knows about his past... Until the day he met (Goth-Rocker?) Kiryu Young; who hates his guts at first, the time he was stalked by anime-otaku Diedere, and the moment that the girl, the same one who rejected him, Elana Drusco entered into his life again. What's this guy to do?! --notice-- sorry if it's going to be a long time for me to post comics. Right now, i'm focusing on homework, procastination, and my other comics. But I liked to thank anyone who would read this, it makes me very happy and appreciative(:'D).", false, true], "EverydayHeroes": ["http://everydayheroes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "", false, true], "EverydayisLikeSunday": ["http://seasidetown.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "..... Updates M, W, S", false, true], "EvilPlan": ["http://evilplan.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 471, "Evil Plan takes the superhero world and flips it, viewing things from the supervillain's perspective. The story follows Dr. Kinesis' journey on the road to world conquest. On the way, he'll have to deal with a troublesome AI, his unwilling friendship with crazy black-market dealers, and the possibility of romance with his second-in-command. And the superhero. Can't forget that guy. With all this going on, Evil Plan is a comic for people who want to see the bad guy win. If he doesn't blow himself up first. Story and Line Art: Alexis Royce Color: Megan Johnston, Chelsea Capobianco Updates: Every Monday", false, false], "Exeexecutablefile": ["http://exe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "Created by a brilliant but insane scientist, the code is the product of a lifetime of work. The goal, to create a singular image that when scanned by the human eye begins to erode the mind of the viewer taking them on a dark descent into madness. The origin of the image and the elements it contains is a mystery waiting to be solved. Exe: Executable File is a dark and twisted science fiction tale.", false, true], "ExisAndLuxPresentTheGrandTournament": ["http://tgt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "(Updates are fluctuating, may update more on weekends.) The 1st Annual Grand Tournament has arrived! Do you have what it takes to be a champ? Are you ready to battle it out against friends and foes? If so, then this might be the tourney for you! Now watch as some of the greatest fighters battle it out for the title of The Grand Champion. Who will win? Find out this and more when The Grand Tournament begins... Hosts: Lux & Mr.Exis Current fighters: 1. Lux (Luxbot) 2. Freeze (Killer Exis) 3. Cody (Mr.Starster) 4. Zak (SpeedoTH) 5. Omni (Omnimon630A) 6. Headphone Joe (Mr.Starster) 7. Sin (Mr.Starster.) 8. Flood (Floob) 9. Ultimate (Ultimate the Hedgehog) 10. Gamerman (supersonicfan0) 11. Nitro (jameswolf100) 12. Linii (Blumage16) 13. Royle (Royle McCulloch) 14. Jake Blaze (WolfieBoy) 15. Smash (smash) 16. Alex (Alex the Dark)", false, true], "ExitsOverThere": ["http://exitsoverthere.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Elliot James was put into a coma after being pushed in front of a car by some local bullies, who have been picking on Elliot since he was a child because of his mother's job (being a whore.) When his mom 'pulls the plug' Elliot's spirit was somehow entwined in the Unliving realm. He then makes a decision that he doesn't even remember to loan his soul to an Unliving named Lev.", false, true], "Exordium": ["http://exordium.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "In an occult world of fantasy, gods, demons, werewolves, vampires, and the long overdead live in the shadowed edges of day to day life. When a black magic cult attempts to sacrifice a peasant boy to raise and ancient evil, that evil turns on them. In its place an ancient goddess rises to sew mischief and chaos in her footsteps. (Fair warnings for future bl, gl, and straight sexy times.)", true, true], "Expendable": ["http://expendable.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "8 \"Cannon Fodder\" enemies from various video game series team up in an attempt to start a revolution. Contains elements of Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, Sonic and Megaman. Updates whenever.", false, true], "ExperimentalMegaman": ["http://ex90081.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 250, "Distant in the future, a weapon of mass destruction is created to destroy all Megamen- A maverick more powerful than any of them. As the ninth prototype is created, it's creators take it for a test run. Aparently though, there are a few bugs in his system... .:Updates on Mondays and Friday:.", false, true], "ExplodingPennies": ["http://explodingpennies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "And we're back to the original! We're keeping the original and a few strong authors to restart. There shall still be randomness, but tasteful randomness ;p *insert serious comment here* - BlazeTheHedgehog The comic may be new, but we're still the same ol' Brady Bunch from Hell!~Bruce the Hedgehound Oh yeah! We're back! And better than ever!~Matt the Fox Darn it! I forgot to put my quote >:( Oh wait...nevermind! ~mdg245 Fluffed pillow IMPOSSIBLE!!..wait no its totally possible what am i talking about ~SPH Pennies are Dangerous! *lays pennies all over the place* Muahahaha.~Fusion Kirby This is where sanity and rational thought goes to die. Also, rainbows! ~Ghost", false, true], "Exploit": ["http://exploit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 146, "Akitsu Yorukishi. Purple hair, glasses and headphones. He's not really interested in catching them all, being the best trainer or being famous. His life would be normal if he just didn't meet...her. Who cares about medals, when you have to SURVIVE. -- Extra tags: pokemon doujinshi manga anime", false, true], "ExtinctionLevelEvent2": ["http://extinctionlevelevent.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Love Love Love Love Love.", false, true], "ExtraExtraordinaryExtract": ["http://extraextraordinaryextract.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "What would happen if you time traveled 500 years later?", false, true], "ExtraOrdinary": ["http://extraordinary.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Some crave the spotlight. Some avoid it. Some were forced into it against their will. (Extra)Ordinary is a sci-fi story of a young girl whose unlucky life has brought her more attention than she ever wanted, and the people she meets who aren't too happy with their lot in life either. If you don't like the cards that life has dealt you, can you stand up and fight your own fate?", false, true], "EyeballCake": ["http://eyeballcake.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Contains homosexuality. Read left to right. A pet project develops into a rebellion army that's looking for recruits. Willingness is not a prerequisite; you just have to be young and ready to die. Awakening to the stink of his own corpse, an amnesic fifteen year old learns that shit happens as he watches everything die before him, that there are a lot more things to worry about than whether or not he has school today.", false, true], "EyesofaDigimon": ["http://eoad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 113, "A fictional Digimon manga about a boy and a unique Digimon. Based off the series by Akiyoshi Hongo.", false, true], "FAMIGLIA": ["http://famiglia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "\"FAMIGLIA\" is a BL web-comic based on a BL RP I played with an old friend for a long time. I became so attached to the story and characters so I\u2019ve decided to make a web-comic about it. The story takes place In a world where normal humans and genetically special humans live together. The main differences between the two of them are that the genetically special humans stop aging at a certain age \u2013 so they cannot die from old age, another difference is that they have supernatural powers. In that world, Basilio Della Robbia- a teenager from an upper-class family in Italy that had forgotten many people and events in his life, but sometimes he dreams about the things he forgot. However - there is one particular man he forgot. Ever since his family got its high-status he began to dislike the reputation of a rich kid, especially since his family was very poor before that. That's why, he convinces his parents to fly to Japan and finish his studies in the high-school he studied in for several years, far away from the silver spoon he had until now.", true, true], "FORBIDDENFLAME": ["http://tilldeathwepart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Two races exist, the red winged clan and white winged clan. However brought by the selfishness by their ancestors, the present generation have to suffer from a curse.That is, they would burn whenever they come in contact with another race; turn into hideous monsters (red clan); and have fast healing capabilities (white clan). In today's recent generation, let us witness two brave souls go against fate and change a whole generation.", false, true], "FRUITPUNCH": ["http://fruit-punch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A comic about loser superheros. -a quick one-shot about a giant-fish-monster- Now updating once a day. Fo' realies.", false, true], "FactsofLife": ["http://factsoflife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "", true, true], "Fading": ["http://fade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "\"Hey, do you know what happens when an angel dies?\" \"Don't be silly, angels don't die...\" Do they? A short little story that wouldn't stop bugging me... PG13 17 pages + epilogue Finished 07.06.10", false, true], "FaeTouch": ["http://faetouch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Tatiana soon finds that having a friend as a faerie isn't all it's cracked up to be", false, true], "FaeryMother": ["http://faerymother.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "A mystical ADVENTURE comic featuring a magical girl who's sucked into a world that an EVIL godmother resides, a place without HOPE or LOVE. The girl must overcome obstacles set for her, all the while dealing with the MORTAL realm, the FAERY realm and the \"OTHER\" realm. Adventure Romance Mystery", false, true], "Failure": ["http://failure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "The guy Taylor is a failure in everything he does, so his sister decides it's time for a change and sends him to a Folk High School - A school that works kinda like a Boarding School! At \"The Failure-Free Perfomance Folk High School,\" Taylor meets his childhood friend Lana, the polite guy Robin, the cute japanese girl Ayumi, as well as many other interesting people who he'll live with for the next year! Many stories await them at \"The Failure-Free Performance Folk High School\" - And you're welcome to join them! --- UPDATES: Failure will update every Tuesday! --- This comic will include shounen-ai (boyxboy), shoujo-ai (girlxgirl), romance, alcohol, drunk people, swearing, etc (I'll add the things as they come)! Both played straight and parodied! This is pretty much a comic that started due to my own art block, so I decided to allow myself to draw something crappy and random to get out of it - therefore, this comics style might be crappy at times (if not all times)", false, true], "FailureConfetti": ["http://failureconfetti.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 105, "Failure Confetti is a webcomic about life, words, science, games, and human observations. Updates weekly, on Wednesdays.", false, false], "Fair": ["http://fair.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "Mara is a young girl on a journey to expand her world and make new friends. She is naive and sheltered, and perhaps a little oblivious, but her kindness and unrelenting cheerfulness endear her to those she meets. Where will life take her?", false, true], "FairyTaleDream": ["http://ftdream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "Fairy Tale Dream (aka F.T.D.) started out as an A.U. story of O.Cs.... Currently in MANGA format the will change next chapter. Slave, Marco, runs away from home thanks to a spirit named F-M and his new pixie Matt.... Having been turned into a girl to remain un-noticed, he may be up for more then he can take. Updates every week: One week comic, next week bonus art.", false, true], "FairyTales": ["http://fairytales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 99, "Forced to move to a new town, 15-year-old Kiki Manders has been given a much-needed chance to start her life over. However, that's not so easy when your family thinks you're crazy. Kiki's certainly does, and maybe they're right. After all, her best friend is a fairy that nobody else can see. And that's the LEAST of her worries. Family trauma, high school drama, and the paranormal; Kiki's life may not be easy, but at least it's never dull.", false, true], "Fala": ["http://fala.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "It's either the end of the world as we know it, or the start of something amazing.", false, true], "FalconersDailyStrips": ["http://falcdaily.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 167, "Daily comic strips I throw together with little effort just for funzies.", false, true], "FallenAngelOriginStory": ["http://fallenangelamy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Amy Gallagher was a normal girl with the power of telekenisis. If she refuses to use her powers it kills her over time, but the more she uses her powers to more it tears at her mind, and she loses her sense of morals. This is her origin story. Amy Gallagher originitated from a school asignment where I have to make a mask and the person behind the mask's back story.", false, true], "FallenAngelslove": ["http://fallen-angels-love.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 448, "A cute BL story No smex for awhile sorry! :D Hiro and Taisuke have known each other for many years, they have been friends for as long as they can remember. However, Hiro is a demon who is fated to be locked up for all his life and Taisuke is an angel who's a bit of a play boy. What will happen when Hiro begins to long for freedom so much he would do anything to obtain it? When Taisuke realizes that his feelings for Hiro are a bit more than friendship will he run away or embrace those feelings? When heaven and hell clash how could such a love be accepted? Sounds cliche but I promise it will be a enjoyable read XD", false, true], "FamilyOfMe": ["http://familyofme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "How Eric and Kira become friends. I can't explain any further since the comic is just 13 pages long XD", false, true], "FamilySecret": ["http://familysecret.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A dark and mysterious force moves through the world", false, true], "Familybuisness": ["http://fambuisnes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "A red fox named Ryan with his wife Rika along their children vero and dina go to all shorts of adventure. As a family of course. Updates: When I and Draven aren't lazy. Cameos: welcome but they need to be older meaning a slight change of appearance AND maybe a kid or two.", false, true], "Fantanesia": ["http://fantanesia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Tropical fantasy adventure", false, true], "FantasticMegaLeague": ["http://fantasticmegaleague.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "It's like a superhero comic, only without the quality art and storytelling.", false, true], "FantasyIsDead": ["http://fantasyisdead.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 71, "Your life is a lie. What you know to be true is nothing but a mirage, a fantasy. The Fantasy is dead now...time to wake up from the world you thought you knew.", true, true], "Fantazja": ["http://fantazja.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Experimental erotic comic. One day I wanted to read erotic manga but I couldn't find one that I'd like. Those japanese comics were too concentrated on showing all these body fluids. So I decided that if I want that kind of comic I'll like I have to draw it myself.", true, true], "FarOutMantic": ["http://meteorflo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 635, "a kinda large comic this time. about love, creativity, music and discos!! just a fun comic really, nothing too perpelxing. have fun!!~", false, true], "FarOutThere": ["http://faroutthere.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 646, "A manga-esque Sci-Fi Comedy. Far Out There is the webcomic where things happen... IN SPACE!!! (currently being transfered over from DrunkDuck, so pardon the mess)", false, true], "Farahour": ["http://farahour.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "time traveling is hard", false, true], "FarawayWars": ["http://tellastory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "In an Universe filled with wars around the galaxies, our protagonists affected must live on to seek their dreams, their meanings, their loves, and maybe even for hope for perfect peace. This is a showcase of stories of my Original Characters, short with section parts of their childhood or stages of their lives. -=-=>Some stories are more innocent than others, and some stories suggest excessive mature activities and are not for the faint of heart.<-=-=", false, true], "FarewellFeeling": ["http://farewellfeeling.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 118, "new page posted every Saturday. reads R-to-L. ----------------- S Y N O P S I S Grief hates her job. She thought it would be romantic to be the human emotion for sadness -- instead it's nothing but heartbreaking. so she quits. and while she thinks she is giving her human, Ellison, a great gift by quitting, it is really just the opposite... ---------------- Farewell Feeling explores what would happen if our emotions....had emotions. the six basic human emotions of Grief, Joy, Anger, Surprise, Fear and Love are all personified, each with their own hopes, dreams and problems. -------------- note: I also take manga/comic sequential page & illustration commissions. Farewell Feeling is not entirely representative of the quality of such work, since it is done just for fun/for myself. please email me if you are interested, and I can provide you with other samples. lilyhanamail@gmail.com -------------- if you're interested in my other work, please visit: http://rain-and-sunshine.deviantart.com thanks for reading!", false, true], "FarewellsONESHOT": ["http://farewells.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A one-shot. Collaboration with Kitsunegirl333. (her story) <<Read this way<< A short story about the parting of two friends. COMPLETED", false, true], "FariesSoul": ["http://fariessoul.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 296, "Kairi is a regular school girl who finds out she is the reincarnation of the farie prince and has to find the four elemental faries in order to restore the farie king and save the farie world! I started this comic a few years ago so the art will improve as the story goes on. Content Warning: There are both bxg and bxb relationships", false, true], "FartherBeyondtheLookingGlass": ["http://fbtlg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Remake of http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=108590 It has been years since Alistair's last arrival to Wonderland. Stuck within the walls of the mental hospital, Alistair had enough of life. When he had returned back to the world he once knew and loved, everything changed. Alistair's wonderful world is now his biggest nightmare.", false, true], "FateoftheBlueStar": ["http://fateofthebluestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Shoujo Ai Long ago, chosen warriors called Saviors were given the task to protect the Earth from potential danger. The year is now 2038, and these Saviors are no more. So in their place, A Space Army is formed, gathering scientists and potential warriors from all over the planet up into space into massive spaceships. Some join on their free will, and some are forced to enlist, like 19-year old Tai Robinson and Riled Harlock. But what is so special about these two? And there is so much more along the way of their journey through space.... A sci-fi/fantasy adventure story with shoujo-ai. (c)Tifa-X 2006-", false, true], "FattyMcfeeJennyCraigHunter": ["http://fattymcfee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Fatty is no ordinary fangirl, she's a jenny craig hunter! With her trusty wooden stake, she will hunt down the jenny craig followers known as craigers! A tale full of fat,skin, obesity, anorexia, awesome fights, and of course funny moments", false, true], "FavoredSoul": ["http://favored-soul.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 20, "The world of Edos is changing. A mage just finishing up his formal training seeks the cause in order to make his mark.", false, true], "FaytheReaper": ["http://faythereaper.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 26, "Fay the Reaper is about Fay, a young man who serves Death by collecting the souls of the deceased, and Tabia, a woman sent by Death to teach Fay about his job and help him overcome the recent loss of his closest friend.", false, true], "FeathersPI": ["http://featherpi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Feather Von Muse was born in the 1600's to a sickly mother and an abusive father. She had no siblings, on the eve of her 18th birthday a terrible war flooded into her village, her mother passed from the stress and her father was killed in the fighting. Trying to run Feather was captured and was turned. she then served the Kingdom of Four Gods until it fell, now she and her partner Diki run a PI group in order to hunt down and kill evil beings!!", true, true], "FelineKavalerio": ["http://felinekavalerio.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "", false, true], "FeralGentry": ["http://feralgentry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "An occasionally animated new weird comic about modern fairies trying to deal with problems. Tuomi feels content with his solitary way of life in the city, others might not agree. Updates every Wednesday!", false, true], "FierceConflict": ["http://fierceconflict.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 215, "For years, a war devastated the planet called Sapton. The conflict began with a group of rebels who were dissatisfied with the laws of this world attempted a world wide coup d'etat. They slowly gained power and eventually overwhelmed the majority of the opposition and are slowly but surely taking control of the world. Out of this group of rebels 5 have taken full authority and are now attempting to lead the world down the path of darkness.We follow the story of a koopa named Zuke who lost his family and homeland in the war. He travels the world in hopes of finding a way to bring peace. All sprites belong to their respective owners.", false, true], "FightsintheVoid": ["http://fights-in-the-void.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "1ce k1d's, Meta Knight's, and my adventures. 1ce k1d sprites' credit go to him. Updates on Sundays and Wednesdays.(If my eyes aren't bleeding, DOUBLE UPDATE ON SUNDAY) This comic is pronounced DEAD.", false, true], "Fighttosurvive": ["http://fighttosurvive.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 124, "fighting story about six clans of magic : water, earth , dark,wind, light, fire..", false, true], "FillerHouse": ["http://fillerhouse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2238, "Fillers fillers. what are they about? I don't know.", false, true], "FinalArcanum": ["http://finalarcanum.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 143, "Anyone can be a hero, even the unsuspecting, unwieldy sky pirate Acacitli. When he gets separated from his ship and crew, he quickly learn there's a little more to life than rum, thievery, and failing a little at life more than he'd care to admit.", false, true], "FinalFurtasy": ["http://finalfurtasy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "This is a comic I made for my high school's literary magazine in 2008. It is a tribute to the Final Fantasy games, the first series that introduced me to the Role-Playing game genre. Enjoy!", false, true], "FinalTrack": ["http://finaltrack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "My official entry and finalist for Yen Press\u2019 New Talent Search 2010. Nerdy girl meets punk ghost and together resolve his unfinished business. Also archived on my website. http://www.laurbits.com/archive/final-track-cover/", false, true], "FindMe": ["http://findme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "Part coming of age, part love story, part father quest, \"Find Me\" takes the reader on an intimate journey into a young woman's struggle to piece together family while celebrating life through art. This is a graphic novel memoir that I have spent the last year and a half working on full time. The book spans 1970 - 2002. Themes include: childhood, art and literature, family, illness (mental/addiction/AIDS), parental abandonment, and love. Two hundred pages of layouts are complete, the half-way mark. One page will be released each week, typically on Mondays. I really appreciate followers.", false, true], "FireHeart": ["http://fireheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 154, "Fire Heart is \"collaboration\" comic which has been going on since November 2008. Its original idea was to be Sonic fancharacters adventure story but we have begun to change characters to more original form and these days it is more semi-fancharacteristic and we are trying to continue to change our comic even more original. (But we won't change older pages because this comic's idea is to continue all the time and tell the story and learn more about doing comics. So we are doing it for fun!) These days this project has about ten different artist working on it. (Notice that some older artists have left this project long time ago.) So please don't judge our work for its old (somehow horrible) pages.", false, true], "FireWire": ["http://firewire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 386, "When Kennedy H'naka's cell phone becomes the new home of the dragon FireWire Balisk, she finds herself sucked into a world of battles, secrets, and shadowy organizations. What's a girl to do when she has to save the world and still pass the tenth grade? Updates: Thursdays Reads: left to right. Comments greatly appreciated ^^ Please check out the new FireWire group on dA: http://firewire-connection.deviantart.com/", false, true], "Fireandstardust": ["http://fire-and-stardust.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "\"We are the last two of our kind. It's just a matter of time... But until then I wish to the stars, every day and every night, that we can find a way to stay together.\" --- updates: every Wednesday please read from right to left! warning: violence, hunting, death, extinction - mature warning is on main characters / couple: boy x boy but please notice that I'm going to focus on other kind of relationships, too. If you see any mistakes in the dialogue / texts you can always tell me~ thank you for reading! \u2730 ps: prolog + chapter 01 + 02 may have a noticable style-mix. I began in 2009 with drawing the first pages and then had to go on hiatus for more than a year. so I tried to fix some stuff, I hope it doesn't look too weird!", true, true], "Firelight": ["http://no-light.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Someone has kidnapped the sun. Olivia is out to find it.", false, true], "FireredLisasReise": ["http://lisasreise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 109, "This comic is a Firered Nuzlocke run. Lisa, a young girl from kanto starts her journey to become the Pok\u00e9mon master. Updates Sundays! Also visit my tumblr account and ask Leaf questions! http://lisa-leaf.tumblr.com/ Laufente has helped me with the coloring until page 63, but I figured I should learn how to do backgrounds and attacks myself so I will do it alone from now on. Laufente has her own Nuzlocke as well so please look at Road to Glory as well :D", false, true], "Firsts": ["http://firsts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Collection of short stories about the first sexual encounters of different couples. 1.) Catwalk and comics Andante is in love with a girl who he believes out of his reach, but he will notice that she is a person like any other. 2.) Nightfall Sonata Gianluca and Kohana do not fear the Nightfall as long as they are together. (more to add)", false, true], "FishBowl": ["http://fish-bowl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A day in the life of pet fish!", false, true], "FishFoodBLlovestory": ["http://fishfood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A comic about a really silly three-way relationship. Jake, Dietrich and Matt all love each other, but giant mecha and alien lesbians are here to eff shizz up. Updates when I can manage, college is pretty hectic at the moment.", false, true], "FishHeads": ["http://fishheads.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Fishheads is about a cat, a blogger, a loli, some other handfuls of odd people and the doodler who draws them. This is a comic based on real life events. Hoping to update everyday maybe!", false, true], "Fishbones": ["http://fishbones.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 101, "Fishbones starts in the year 1999 in the fictional, east coast city of Southport. The story is about growing up, friendship, and sometimes the mob.", true, true], "FiveHouses": ["http://fivehouses.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 111, "The Houses of the Alliance, led by the Angels of Rosenheim, produce interesting people with even more interesting abilities. When the crown is in a predicament that their heir cannot hope to tackle on his own, it's time to call in the cavalry from the Houses to get the job done. Yet these men are all at odds with each other. Will they be able to find harmony? Will they be successful in aiding the Prince? More than that, will they be able to find love? Rated NC/18 for violence, gore, nudity, sexual situations, baaad Catholic jokes WARNING: Male/Male, Female/Male, Female/Female, People/People relationships are a common theme in Repsychus's comics. If you cannot handle any of these, please go elsewhere. Thank you. Updates: start October 2012, 1/week (Friday or Monday) Art and Story (c) Repsychus Special thanks to blankd and eishiya <3 Check out the ASK/UPDATE blog: http://fhask.tumblr.com/", true, true], "FlanticsComicArchive": ["http://flanticsarchive.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 189, "This is a comic dedicated to displaying all of Flashlight Antics' failed projects, unfinished comics, and other such random things that never made it to the the internet. All comics were made by Flashlight Antics and are placed in this archive with the fans in mind. Instead of erasing the comics completely, they exist here for the viewer to partake in. Enjoy!", false, true], "FlaresAuthorAdventure": ["http://flareadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "This is An Adventure of the gaming worlds! Co-Authors get to add their FC to the comic! Rule: No overpowered characters. STORY: A rip has appeared in the limits of Space-time in the Gaming universe! Villains from video games have teamed up, and their minions are attacking Worlds! It's up to a team of heroes from those worlds to stop them!", false, true], "Flashback": ["http://flashback.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 919, "Following the life of some unknown dutch dude in this journal comic. Through the true tales, the less true tales and the made up stories that simply don't make sense. UPDATED 5 DAYS A WEEK Welcome, to FLASHBACK.", false, true], "FlashbackBirthdaySpecial": ["http://flashbackbday.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "A total of 31 pages drawn in 1.5 days for the birthday of a friend. Details why I've drawn a comic are in the comic itself. The person who this comic was meant for has agreed for it to be put on smackjeeves. **Names have been changed for privacy reasons.** My pirmary webcomic: Flashback. And journal comic where the readers follow some unknown dutch dude through his life. http://flashback.smackjeeves.com/ Please have fun with this Birthday Special!", false, true], "Flatbottom": ["http://flatbottom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "One upon a day nearly 12 years ago my friend and I made this comic about a silly snake and his idiotic friends. I decided to bring it back. LET'S SEE HOW WELL I DO. The comic will probably update sporadically, since I have to both revise and find old comics alongside dealing with life with on top it all. But if I can, I'll try and do updates on Mondays or Tuesdays.", false, true], "FlintandSpice": ["http://flint-and-spice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "warning :3: light boy love,violence, and some scary monsters x3 19 year old Flint has recently lost his little brother,well not really lost, more like kidnapped. Now hes on a mission to get him back. To help him on his quest is Spice the cursed sorceror who has an unknown score to settle with Flint's brothers kidnappers. reading direction is left to right :)", false, true], "FloatWithIt": ["http://floatwithit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "A collection of real life comics of my real life events out in real life.", false, true], "FloobishStuff": ["http://floobishstuff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "", false, true], "FlowerDays": ["http://flowerdays.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Sayuri is a young Goldenband Lily Spirit who, ever since he was young, has been looked down upon for his small size and lack of spiritual powers. Now of age and able to take on a human form, Sayuri runs away from his mountain home with high hopes of going to Tokyo and finding a human that had once stolen away his heart. But it has been several years since he met that human and time changes them much more quickly than it does a Spirit. In a new world surrounded by things he doesn't understand, will Sayuri be able to find happiness? Or will he only find heartbreak in this concrete jungle?", false, true], "Floyd": ["http://floyd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "This web comic was done back in my high school years. It tells the tale of a group of teenagers who find themselves in another universe after an alien attack on Earth. Together they wander around the universe searching for a way to return home and along the way battle monsters to survive.", false, true], "Folklore": ["http://folklore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Follow the lives of a party of mythical creatures who are in a battle to save the world from evil.", false, true], "FootLoose": ["http://footloose.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 131, "Beware, some strong language! Aki is sick of having fake friends who are only after his money and his looks, so what better to do then start at a new school, with a new personallity... and gender, sort of. Some shoujo-ai and shounen-ai involved. PAIRINGS, phycotic bullies, and gender confused guys, what more could you ask for? Updates Daily Art: Alycia Cover art and story: Me General page colouring and Inking: A joint effort ^^ read left to right", false, true], "ForDinosaurEyesOnly": ["http://fordinosaureyesonly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "The truth is, you're a dinosaur with the potential to destroy the entire world, so to prevent that, a device was planted in your brain to make you see the world differently, so that you would never see yourself as a dinosaur. You see, you don't live on Earth. That is where everyone else lives. You live in an hallucination known as reality. Completed comic!!!", false, true], "ForGoldandGlory": ["http://goldandglory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "This comic will be about the adventures of an adventuring party is a world filled with them. It will update on weekdays.", false, true], "Forbidden": ["http://forbiddencomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Set in a future Stockholm, Sweden, the world have suffered a terrible third world war and have lost their dependence on the fossil fuels we use today. The war caused the collapse of the rule of the people in Europe and gave back the power to the ancient families of the European Nobles. This led to a deep set of rules about class and how and when you may or may not marry between social classes. Genders no longer matter, but class do. In this world we step into the world of the forbidden love between two men of social boundaries... Their love is deep and very, very Forbidden. This comic was made for an anthology of erotic short-stories. I was one of many artists in that book which is around 400 pages long. Soon to be available for purchase. Feel free to read my other comics. Finished one shot. http://thoughts-erotica.smackjeeves.com/ Updates Tuesdays and Fridays. http://protectorcomic.smackjeeves.com/ Updates Sundays. http://sacrificescomic.smackjeeves.com/", true, true], "ForcedSeduction": ["http://forced-seduction.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 166, "\"Can you make the next person walking through this door fall in love with you within a month?\" \"Sounds easy.\" BL!!! I apologize for the lack of creativity and the super sketchy outlines. I'm totally being forced XD (Just kidding) Oh, and English is not my first language. It'd be lovely if you could help me to improve ;) (meaning correct me please XD) Better read from right to left ;)", false, true], "ForestDew": ["http://forestdew.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Caesar lost his sight temporarily. In order to recover it he has to live in the forest for a while... Far from the noise, the stress and the hustle of the city. In this new world covered by darkness, Caesar meets Yurue, a mysterious boy living in the forest that shows him that there are also things in this world that can't only be seen by the eyes... ------------------- Warning: Contains slight shounen-ai Please read from right to left 41 pages One-shot. Finished.", false, true], "ForestHill": ["http://www.foresthillcomic.org/comics/", 163, "Life happens.", false, false], "ForeverPlus": ["http://foreverplus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "True terror does not come and go, it dwells within us, it eats at US slowly turning us corrupt and filling are hearts with nothing but malice, some take advantage and terrorize others with this malice, others fight to defeat their inner malice. For those who use their malice as an advantage lose all ties with friends and family, such as the tyrant of UGT.1 (Universe Galaxy Terror .1) After many millennia the dark tyrant was able to get his his hands on a Spacial transportaion device which can allow you to travel anywhere through space and time such as universe to universe. The multiverse is not safe as long as this tyrant walks... Chapter: 1 The Kindling", false, true], "Foreverish": ["http://foreverish.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Machir Caddick: Our hero. If you can call him that. He's an elf with a mission to never get a mission; too bad he's the only creature in the world who can see ghosts. Ciara De Loes: Our heroine? She's dead. Normally that would make it hard for her to affect the physical world, but fortunately Machir can see her. An evil force is settling over the land and they are the only ones who can stop it; they just don't know it yet. Read left to right, updates Sundays", false, true], "Forg0tten": ["http://forg0tten.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "The odyssey of a stuffed bear to come back to his owner...", true, true], "Forgetme": ["http://forgetme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "", false, true], "ForgettheDistance": ["http://forgetthedistance.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 166, "(There's a little smidgen of nudity at the beginning but then it's smooth fluff sailing from there until...chapter 4? yeah, i think so.) Includes THEMES of BL/Yaoi/BoyXBoy: Logan's mother hasn't had a good eye for good men since his father went missing so when Brian comes along, he is automatically disliked. Any man who his mother brings home receives the same treatment: sarcasm,pranks and vile language. But unlike the others, Brian doesn't give up. He doesn't leave. Doing so earns him some respect from the teen and even though they begin to get along,the competition continues. They both love her dearly and neither will give up the game. Brian won't lose to a child such as Logan, and Logan won't lose to a man such as Brian. In the end are they really competing for his mother's love or for each others? Who will lose? Joint with my sister: Juli(AUTHOR/CO-ARTIST), Somi(ARTIST) UPDATES: We've gotten it down to about one every week...normally....if not within two. We're back on schedule cause we're free and hopefully drawing more.", true, true], "ForgiveorForget": ["http://fof.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "It's a comic I'm doing for school...even though school hasn't started yet. Anyway...the comic is pretty much about forgetting and eventually forgiving although it's very surreal and full of spirals. The protagonist is an obnoxious teenage girl named Mallena Dermas and you'll find out later on who the antagonist will be. This is probably one of the weirdest comics I've ever done and will ever do so don't be surprised if it gets even weirder.", false, true], "ForgottenPlanet": ["http://forgottenplanet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 140, "Lost on the last planet in the galaxy, Gary and Dani try to find themselves on an alien world.", false, true], "FourTales": ["http://fourtales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 158, "A horror/fantasy/whatever comic. Your pick.", false, true], "FoxRain": ["http://foxrain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "A journey of a beautiful if not a little proud Lis and her mysterious companion Biryuk. Searching desperately for what they both want, even if it kills them.", false, true], "FoxtrotsTorch": ["http://foxtorch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Foxtrot is on the run. He stole something very important, and its original owner wants it back, enough to have put a nasty curse on him. Foxtrot is now a target, and it's difficult to disappear when all eyes are on you. Will contain violence, swearin', sex, and magic.", false, true], "Fracture": ["http://fracture.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "2360. 120 years since the Third World War. 100 Years since the practice of cloning was banned. 50 years since the first space colony. 16 years since the establishment of a united world government. What comes next will Fracture them all.", false, true], "FramebyFrame": ["http://frame-by-frame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 201, "COMIC WILL POTENTIALLY UPDATE ON SUNDAY, TUESDAY, OR THURSDAY. DAYS ARE RANDOM BUT THESE ARE THE MOST LIKELY. \"He's only as straight as his company. For all we know, he's a Slinky right now.\" The hostility between our two lead comic artists is slowly dissipating but lots of things are changing for our little group in general. Many are moving, some are having revaluations about their life, but nothing is going to stop them from enjoying the Halloween Party at the DVDungeon. Volume 2 of Frame by Frame has it all; ghosts, romance, and angry ex girlfriends to boot. +Alex is at his wits end with Tai, his ex-girlfriend and live-in roommate. Has the time come to move on, both physically and emotionally? Maybe something new would do him wonders. +David continues to work hard in both his work and establishing his life there in Poulsbo. He's gaining courage to do something impossible with high hopes of it being possible. However, it's unknown if it'll be a good idea in the end... --WARNINGS-- +The typical warnings: cursing, nudity, normal looking guys, romance and all its drama", true, true], "Franknme": ["http://franknme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Frank'n me is about... Frank...my imaginary fiend and myself, a tattoo artist from Belgium a one weekly comic about all sorts of stuff ... sort off", false, true], "FreakboyDidaBadThing": ["http://freakboy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Freakboy Did a Bad Thing's a weird webcomic about horrible clone people. The most horrible of them all, Freakboy, stars in a freaky show where viewers can catch a glimpse of this raging psychopath in action.", false, true], "Freaks": ["http://freakscomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "This comic centers around a \"freak of nature\" by the name of Chris, and a few other freakish characters, all being kept in a sort of legal slavery by a magic using man by the name of Avery Cackleburn, whom runs a freakish zoo/show of sorts.. +UPDATES are whenever I can, for now anyways! Atleast until I can settle into a schedule again!+ **WARNING: \"Freaks\" contains blood, gore, and ideologically sensitive material!!** SIDE NOTE: Please forgive the lack of artistry in the first chapter! They were made quite some time ago,and perhaps need to be updated!! It gets better art wise the further you go along!", false, true], "FreakyFresh": ["http://trololol.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 237, "Lulzy comic about parodies of famous works such as: -Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji. -Alice in Wonderland. Contains crack/lame jokes/profanity/Minty Fresh STORIES: Dat Butler (Ongoing) - A story about a cake addict and his butler. Alive in Wonderland (Ongoing) - A story about a kid who tries to find his way out of Wonderland. MFMMD (On Hold) - A beautiful love story with Minty as a love interest.", false, true], "Frenzy": ["http://theadventuresoffrenzy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 190, "Neo Arcadia discovers an ancient reploid of immense power. Could he be their ultimate defense against the inevitable arrival of Zero?", false, true], "FreylsJobs": ["http://freylsjobs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Layle and Freyl are twin brothers with completely opposite personalities... Freyl the younger is a slob, Layle the older is a nitpick. One day Freyl is told to get a job... -Scanned exactly as it is, uneditted. (c) Characters were made by my sister out of boredom.", false, true], "FriendsLovers": ["http://friendsequalslovers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Indy Presents, 'Friends=Lovers' : Meru has always been dreaming since she was 6 to have an awesome highschool life .That's include having a super duper handsome boyfriend. Meru and her childhood friend,Sanya has finally graduate from Middle School and is entering High school . Sanya reveals a shocking secret to Meru which might change their future forever .Meru will certainly have a crazy high school life with a love triangle or even polygon :$", false, true], "FriendshipisMagicThePonyPostingPlace": ["http://friendshipismagic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 434, "Welcome, one and all to the Pony Posting Place! Here, bronies and pony lovers can all get together to share their art and talk about the show and other pony stuff! We accept all mediums of art, from spriting to drawing to sculpting. We're ALWAYS happy to see new faces, too! If you'd like to join, see our rules and application stuff bellow!", false, true], "FriendstillDeath": ["http://friendstilldeath.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A dark comedy drama with elements of combat about nothing too serious. <bl content>", false, true], "Friggadoodles": ["http://friggadoodles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "A journal comic about a slightly insane tech support agent/cartoonist from Texas.", false, true], "FrobertTheDemon": ["http://frobby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 135, "A gag-a-day comic about one little demon's journey to cause mass chaos and wreak havoc upon the poorly-drawn folk known as stix.", false, false], "FrogKing": ["http://frogking.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT. This comic contains bad humor and sometimes badly written English (because my native language is not English) it also has so many mistakes that,thats enough reasons to start reading it now ;D Don't get butthurt. Updates once a week whit one page. (random story about mine (Murderduck) and Ruismandariini's characters)", false, true], "FromAnotherSea": ["http://fromanothersea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Zoth, a young merman got lost in his home ocean and washes up on a place unkown to him. The Seadragon Toji spots him and starts taking care of Zoth. > Serious description will come later. > Its about two boys, don't like it? Leave. > Won't contain any private stuff, if you know what I mean.", false, true], "FromPawnToKing": ["http://pawntoking.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "In the kingdom of Nore they tell the story of the Life Bringer and the Grower and the little girl named Helen who saved the country from destruction. Hundreds of years after the legend is said to have happened, fate has come full circle and Nore is on the brink of destruction once more. Will the Gods come to save it? From Pawn To King follows the story of a demon blacksmith and his young charge-- a boy named Cedric who has nothing but at the same time may mean everything to a country in need. This is a story of unlikely heroes, of friendship and most of all of discovering what it means to be human. - - - Contains swearing and violence. - - - **Please note that any angels, demons and mentions of Heaven and Hell in this comic are not meant in a biblical sense but, rather, a fictional one. Nore is a fantasy kingdom set in a fantasy world and thus this story is FANTASY. We are in no way trying to offend anyone with OR without religion and no portrayals or use of various names will in any way be accurate to their original counterparts.", false, true], "FrommetoYou": ["http://fmty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "COMPLETEDDDdddd~ EEnE IN MY ANIME/MANGA VERSION!! :3 -- They were three, and whatever the same they wanted, those had to be three also. But...what if there were only two? One of them would have to make the greatest scrafice and let two enjoy. -- A short Ed, Edd n' Eddy Doujinshi! BROMANCE between Edd & Eddy <33 READS LEFT to RIGHT! art/plot (c) Saru112 Ed, Edd n' Eddy (c) Danny Antonucci --", false, true], "FromnowonImagirl": ["http://fromnowonimagirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "One day out of nowhere Hikaru's girlfriend broke up with him because she found out she is lesbian. He decides he will never fall in love with women again so... he has to love men. with his big sister's help he is no longer hikaru the boy but a girl!(cross-dresser) Hikaru meet Natsu who made his life hell and decides to get his revange and... The rest is still unclear read from right to left Contains BL maybe yaoi, romance,GenderBender and comedy Hope you enjoy *improving drawing style", false, true], "FruitMachine": ["http://fruitmachine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 199, "Jason Fellows is in love. Now the game is on to see how far Jason can string along his beloved Sheridan before his pennies run out. Just how long will Jason keep playing Sheri like a Fruit Machine before he tells him how he feels? -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- Ladies and gents, it'll be my pleasure to comic for you!", false, true], "FruitcakeCavalcade": ["http://fruitcake-cavalcade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "They're back! Jesse Rios' long-term long-distance girlfriend returns from studying abroad earlier than expected. And while she kind of sort of accepts that he now wants to dress like a woman, she isn't OK with how his friends call him Alice, or with \"Alice's\" singsong voice he uses with everyone but her. She especially isn't OK with Alice's friend, Marquis. And poor Alice is trying so hard to get Nia to see how he hasn't changed that he doesn't realize how she has. Fruitcake Cavalcade is an endless parade of many weird characters in their many natural habitats. Their stories and lives intertwine and entertain, so join the show! Updates Wednesdays. Launches on January 23rd. I should warn you that FC is not strictly BL. If you came here looking for that, you'll probably be disappointed. There are gay characters in FC, but this is a comedy about life in general. Enjoy it for what it is!", false, true], "FruitloopAndMrDownbeat": ["http://fruitbeat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 105, "After hitting a bump in the road of life, Danny Lawson ended up moving back to the city where he attended college. His next door neighbor, Alan Taylor, is a senior in high school who falls in love with Danny almost immediately. AND THUS THEY BECAME FRUITLOOP & MR. DOWNBEAT. (bad intro, yes.) THIS COMIC IS PRETTY GAY. IT HAS BL AND GL IN IT (and straight people!) But regardless, as it's intended to be a comedy, I don't think you have to be a fan of the whole 'yaoi/yuri' thing to enjoy it. (contains boy/boy, girl/girl, foul language, cartoon violence, some sexual themes) Schedule is being removed for the time being. Updates whenever the author can get her crap together <xD'. (gonna aim for once a week?) (Note: A friend recently brought it up to me that she saw something on tv from the south where 'Fruitloop' was actually being actively used as a derogatory word. This comic means no offense, and the author wasn't aware that it was being used that way.)", false, true], "FuckAirFresheners": ["http://airfresheners.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Warning: Lots of swearing X3 Just rants, doodles, and random turtles <3 (Updates whenever I get an idea)", false, true], "FuckingKawaii": ["http://fuckingkawaii.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Brigette visits her online friend Anna (and her regular group of friends) for the first time. All of them -except Brigette- are into lolita fashion and soon Brig will learn more about the way of clothing and the likes. But moreover, these girls have some things to hide and our protagonist would love to find these secrets out. More can't be said about the plot, because that would be a mere spoiler.", false, true], "FullDeck": ["http://fulldeck.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Gotta joke for you, tell me if you've heard it: Three guys enter a gang war involving pirates, cops, bounty hunters, and witches. One is looking for his sister. The second wants friends. The third only trusts himself. The punchline? There isn't one, really. They just become triggers for history repeating itself. This story is written by a brother/sister duo and will hopefully get to the point where it updates thrice a week. Only warning is for language.", false, true], "FullmetalalchemistEdWinMetaltometalepisode1": ["http://metaltometal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Fancomic based on the manga and anime: Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood). The little story is actually situated between the moment Edward leaves Winry behind after they have a little row about Winry not wanting to go abroad to be protected from whatever evil homunculus 'father' is planning. It will stop when Ed and the gang (Greed would've said 'Greed and the gang') leave for Central. It's based on the manga version, but it can more or less fit into the anime too. For the manga, watch page 23 and 24 of volume 21. (I have the VIZ Media edition). For the anime it's episode 46, 9 minutes far, of FMA Brotherhood. Ever wondered when Winry got her ear piercings back? I have the full comic published on my dA account: http://sofie3387.deviantart.com/gallery/35087380?offset=0#/d4syq12 You can find more info, news, ... there. I also will update there the fastest. I'm now writing on the next episode so stay tuned!", false, true], "FullmetalalchemistEdWinMetaltometalepisode2": ["http://metaltometal2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "This comic is a sequel to the other 'Metal to metal' fancomic I posted on my Smackjeeves account. Although the first episode was not rated with mature content, I've put the filter on for this episode. The first 7 pages are viewable for all ages. Then some more explicit pages follow. If you don't want to read with the explicit pages (which is entirely possible and the story still makes sense!), please read this comic at: http://sofie3387.deviantart.com/art/FMA-Edwin-M2M-episode-2-page-1-335185221 Decent front page etc will follow when I finish the comic (then you'll finally understand the title ^^)", true, true], "FuneralOfHearts": ["http://funeralofhearts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 137, "STATUS: ongoing (Up Wed/Sun W-Europe time) A Pokemon (gijinka) doujinshi. READ RIGHT TO LEFT (Pokemon (c) Nintendo)", false, true], "FuntimesinGrrrlWorld": ["http://grrrlworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Dr. Genome accidentally creates EXY - the first and only man in a planet inhabited with beings only of the XX chromosome type. MADNESS ENSUES", true, true], "FurtherDowntheRabbitHole": ["http://fdtrh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 113, "Wonderland has a dark edge to it. After so many years of being told that Wonderland was all made up in his twisted mind, Alex had about enoungh. He returned the very rabbit hole he first fell down in only to find it wasn't there. Was it true then? Was all his adventures and friends he made in Wonderland all made up? Was he really crazy like his family said? This is a Boy love collab. Don't like? Don't care, you don't have to read or join. Also this comic is gonna be a bit insanity/horror. Rules will be posted on first page. Any questions, pm me. Characters needed: Alice:(taken) Hatter:(taken) Tweedle twins:(taken) March Hare: (taken) White Rabbit:.( taken) Red Queen:(taken) White Queen:(taken) Chesire Cat:(taken) Knave:(taken) Catipiller:(taken) Dormouse:(taken) White Knight: (taken)", true, true], "G33KOffline": ["http://geekoffline.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Quick comic strips taken from real life situations.", false, true], "GALAXY": ["http://g-a-l-a-x-y-.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "a young man wakes up in a bathroom in a bath of blood, he doesn't know where he is, and what will happen to him. haunted by his past he searches his way to this new world, trying to fulfill the duties put for him.", true, true], "GALAXYFOX": ["http://galaxyfox.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Title: GALAXY FOX Alternate name(s): \u30ae\u30e3\u30e9\u30af\u30b7 \u306e \u304d\u3064\u306d, \u9280\u6cb3\u30ad\u30c4\u30cd Originally Started: 2012 Status: Ongoing Updates: Whenever Genre(s): Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural, Shoujo Plot: About laid back 'playboy', Youma Tominaga and seemingly gentle-natured but smart, Takashi Irie that help a girl from a myth. One day while helping out his grandfather, Takashi Irie stumbles upon a book about Kitsunes and tells about it to Youma Tominaga, then Youma jokingly says \"Maybe if I kiss one of the girls in school than it'll reveal that there are fox spirits\". A girl with red hair passes by them and he kisses her as a joke. She runs away from the boys. The next day, the girl claims to be the kitsune that they're talking about...", false, true], "GLOBALWARNING": ["http://globalwarning.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "UPDATE 14.2.2013 DEAR CHEESUS we're nearing to 50 PAGES WHICH IS TOTALLY AWESOME!!! THANKS TO THOSE WHO HAVE READ THIS FAR \u2665\u2665\u2665 Updates will be getting a bit slower until we get new content, I got a bit too hasty updating 2 pages per day and we kind of don't have enough pages to keep that pace up. SO after chapter 6 which will start updating soon and plot thickens, we will have 1 day break in updating. HOPEFULLY WE CAN GET THIS FIXED!! -PILLUXPALLI \u2665xxxooo\u2665 *** Vatican, center of Rome and the whole Earth, has been destroyed. Panicking and protesting, cities are full of inner war and states are fighting each other. Railways are cut and public airmobiles have been shut down. Borders are hard to cross and Lexander with her companions John and Jana are getting hard time to stay hidden. Jack McGrim has seen that the new Messiah of Future has born to rival him. But he doesn't intend to let Jana live. Not anyone of those who oppose him.", false, true], "GNDRFCKD": ["http://gndrfckd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "This comic is about everyday lives of Trans Folk. It is not meant to be sugar coated or to belittle anyone. It is a fictional story based off of issues, stereotypes, events, etc. of people. My hopes for making this comic is that it will bring a new, positive light to the Trans community. Gene is a FTM transgender teenager who found himself homeless after the death of his grandmother, who helped support him in his transition. One day some thugs from his old High School found him and decided to teach him a lesson for being transgender and beat him till he passed out. He wakes to find himself in an odd community home owned by Alois, an art teacher and an FTM himself. That is where the story begins...", true, true], "GRACE": ["http://grace-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 101, "Welcome to Grace, a yaoi webcomic created by two girls, Majo and Miru, also known as M&M Studios! Adult content for sex and occassional violence. HOW WE WORK: Majo: sketching, shading, scriptwriting Miru: inking, flats, scriptwriting Updates: when the page is ready - our work keeps us very busy. We'll try to update as regularly as possible, though. Characters & artwork \u00a9 M&M Studios. All rights reserved.", true, true], "GRASSNEST": ["http://grassnest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 118, "a comic by Snakey Ho Ho Tomoki makes the biggest decision of his life when he decides to study abroad in Canada. Struggling to keep up with his courses, Tomoki finds help from the most unexpected place... the campus gardens.", true, true], "GROW": ["http://grow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "a wordless comic about facing your fears done for class fall 2011", false, true], "GTFOff": ["http://gtfoff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 408, "EL PRIMER WEBCOMIC EN DEFENSA DE LA COMICSANS", false, true], "GUNSLINGER": ["http://gunslinger.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "gunS.L.I.N.G.er is an action comic centering around Eisu (or \"Ace\"), a native of a country taken over by invaders around two generations ago. It follows her struggle for independence, revenge, and all that good stuff, and how she spends the time she has left. This was originally posted on another comic hosting site, but to increase exposure I'm moving the archive over here and will be updating both locations. Updates weekly. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it!", false, true], "GalaxyCruisers": ["http://gc-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Geeks,Freaks,And flowers. Three words to describe this comic. Young alien Axl has always wondered if there were other planets with living beings on them.", false, true], "GalleonsandFlagons": ["http://www.galleonsandflagons.com/comics/", 32, "The Ultimate RPG Screencap Webcomic about Pirates of the Caribbean! Now in new digs! Delight at the marvels of Influenced by 'DM of the Rings' and 'Darths and Droids' All content used under fair use for non-profit. Dialogue and characters \u00a9 2012, Galleons and Flagons All images \u00a9 2003-2012 Disney Pirates of the Caribbean and associated character, location, ship, and creature names are registered trademarks of Disney, which does not sponsor, authorise, or endorse this site. This is a fan-produced parody site. Original film images are copyright Disney, and are used here only as a vehicle for parody. The comic images may not be redistributed or sold", false, true], "GameWars": ["http://gamewars.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Some of video games most prominent hero's must combat a Evil who endangers all game worlds. But first they must learn to work together.", false, true], "GameZoneMMORPG": ["http://gamezonemmorpg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "A MMORPG that has worlds from all your favorite game series!", false, true], "GameofFate": ["http://gameoffate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "In a world where things don't always go right, magic exists in secret to fulfill desires. Masume and Satou are two witches that have started a quest to receive their \"witch's title\", a privilege in the magical community that will increase their magical powers. But as the competition for the title progresses, these two sisters are finding that their fates are involved in a much bigger game. One that not even magic seems to have any control over. ---------------- !!! WARNING : Game of Fate is a DARK Magical Girl story! If dark stuff doesn't suit you, I'd suggest not reading! I also fail at horror, but I'm trying? !!! ---------------- \"Satouberri\" @ DeviantArt.com", false, true], "GamesPeoplePlayUpdatedWeekly": ["http://gamespeopleplay.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 164, "A webcomic about the little nuances of table-top roleplaying games, and the people who play them. Updated weekly. Feedback and comments at azalin1@lycos.com", false, true], "GangstaandParadise": ["http://gangsta-and-paradise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "Welcome to the age of vice, Kali Yuga. The age when human civilization has been brainwashed into the depraved lifestyle of the profligate greed of money, while most people who have power have thoughts of murder with no justification and see nothing wrong in that. At this age, many saints said that the \"Supreme God\" will appear as the chastiser known as Kalki, who is destined to destroy the evil reign ruled by the \"Queen of Demons: Kali\", in order to save the world.. But in reality, the true demon is living in human hearts, intangible and not as clearly-personified as the \"solid\" form called Kali. Does it mean that what Kalki intends to destroy, is humanity itself? Please read from left to right. English is not my first language, don't hesitate to correct any if you find it on my manga :) Special thanks to my beloved friends, princesspunker84 and Kaque for being my greatbeta-readers <3 my DA= nilanandita.deviantart.com", false, true], "Gardenia": ["http://gardenia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "It's been a year and Agnes just can't get Rachel out of her heat. Chalmecacihuilt,all mighty goddess of the underworld makes her a deal she can't refuse. The only snag is Agnes has to make a decisions by sunrise and she has no idea what it is.", false, true], "GardenofHearts": ["http://gardenofhearts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 115, "Alyn, royal guardsman to the elven Queen of the North leaves for a quest to the far south with his wise-cracking necromancer friend Skylar. They are seeking a long-lost magical talisman that could dispel the eternal winter of the northern lands--and just perhaps elevate Alyn to Queen's Consort after he returns a hero. To journey into the south Alyn will need the help of his childhood friend, Nirin. Only, Nirin is a lot more enchanting than he remembered and every step closer to the mythical Garden of Hearts is a step further from his goals. story specs: light-hearted fantasy romance BOY X GIRL. tech: hand-drawn, b & w, toned.", false, true], "Gardenofthelosts": ["http://gardenofthelosts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A child who lost everything falls in the demon world. Terrified of the monsters he runs into the hell's garden where for protection from the demons he becomes the servant of the gardens lord. The demon lord who lost his heart and the odd residents of the garden are a unusual fellowship which the lost child becomes a part of. But the demon world's cruel and dangerous. Can this small child protect his new home or will he lose everything once again?", false, true], "GarnatheaBoladeCristal": ["http://garnatheaboladecristal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Uma BD de 24 paginas, feita durante o 24 Hour Comics em 2010, e agora arte-finalizada tradicionalmente e colorida digitalmente, para que possam apreciar melhor. Esta historia baseia-se (de certa forma) no meu romance \"Alma\". * Nova p\u00e1gina todas as ter\u00e7as-feiras. This is a webcomic in Portuguese, but you can read this comic in english here: http://www.drunkduck.com/Garnath_and_the_Crystal_Ball/", false, true], "GarytheAlchemist": ["http://garythealchemist.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 533, "A story about the day-to-day life of an alchemist in the modern world. Updates Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.", false, false], "GateTournament": ["http://gatetournament.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 161, "A generic one versus one tournament that you enter sprites in and i make fight each other. Winner is decided by coin flip Updates are sporatic and taste alittle bit like fish", false, true], "GatewayHotel": ["http://gatewayhotel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "The Gateway Hotel, An extravagant place with dark rumors surrounding it. As Rory gets dared to stay a night there, he witnesses ultimately terrifying and runs from it. Entering a room at the end of a corridor, he meets a mysterious person that'll change his normal adolescent routine. He's soon having to deal with simple adolescent peer tomfoolery, to dealing with supernatural forces and constant encounters with a beautiful yet frightening person. *WARNING* Will contain horror/gore, poltergeists, YAOI(vivid intimacy), demons, some humor(sometimes dark), and mystery. READS LEFT TO RIGHT PLEASE^^ And also check out my other comics 'Crush^3', 'Wicca', 'Come to Me', and 'My Sister Lied to Me'.^^", true, true], "GayBacon": ["http://gaybacon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "Here you can read strips about random things in my life or thoughts that may occur in this messed-up head. This is what the quiet, weird kid draws whenever he gets a chance. Updates at random times.", false, true], "GayTimesWithRyanandJay": ["http://gtwraj.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Ryan Laytey's got no problem with gays. I mean, it's not like he's a homophobe or anything. As long as they leave him alone, he'll return the favor. If gay people would just stop complaining about their problems and keep their business to themselves, everybody would be happy. But of course, none of this matters, because Ryan, like any self-respecting 15-year-old male, doesn't hang out with any gay people. Oh, and while we're on the subject, have you met his best friend, Jay Ambrose? _______________________________________________________ Gay Times With Ryan and Jay is a comic I created to explore the complex themes of being gay as a teenager. It's mostly a coming-of-age type comedy, though there are a few more dramatic, sad, and (possibly?) romantic moments, which you'll all see soon enough. *Updates Weekly. Currently in the process of updating and expanding the first two chapters in order to improve readability. Next regular update will be up on Wednesday, March 6th, and will be Page 25 of Part 3.", false, true], "Gemini": ["http://gemini-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "a webcomic space opera set in an endless void.", false, true], "GeminiGunner": ["http://geminigunner.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "When petty thief Farra accidentally rescues gunwoman Tate Sebastian from the back of a van, the two girls must learn to depend upon each other for survival and success in the cut-throat underworld of the Gemini Project.", false, true], "GenderFluid": ["http://genderfluid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Tales of a Genderfluid Panromantic Demisexual. Drawn in mostly strips, GenderQueer relays a \"diary\"-type flow in no particular order. Basically my life in short comics! Although I don't have an actual schedule on updates, I'll basically update whenever I can, which will most likely be at least once a week, maybe twice if I can think of something clever. This does include LGBT subjects, so if you aren't too fond of such a subject, then I suggest you try to accept the subject. But if you don't want to, I can't make you, and you shouldn't read this comic. WARNING: This may also include triggering subjects, such as cutting and other depressing topics because it's been an important role in my life. If you react poorly then some parts of this comic may not be right for you. I will mostly keep this a positive comic, but life isn't all rainbows and fairy tales. To get up, one must fall and people must know that.", false, true], "GenderSwapped": ["http://genderswapped.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "This is \"a story about a girl who suddenly is genderbent with her friends to their manselves\". Hilarity ensues as anything considered normal, is suddenly 100% gay. * THIS STORY * is made up of random one shots. Later on, I'll do a longer story, with the characters present from the one shots. /*WARNINGS*/ And it's as colorful as a Rainbow. Episode colors vary from one color to an other, just so you know. Oh! And it's mostly just sketched.", false, true], "GenericDevotion": ["http://genericdevotion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Innocent and feminite Neil(who is a boy!) has found his one true love: the lovely and manly, Ben! The two share many sweet times together, but can these two truely be together? Or will there be obstacles such as Ben's ex girlfriend, Liz or the general straight guy, Dill, that keep the lovers apart? General things: This webcomic includes boy's love/yaoi. There will be explicet material once in awhile. And art shifts. Do not be surprised by the artshifts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is one of the first webcomics I've ever worked on, so the panals/dialogue/coloring etc might look not so decent. Sorry..", true, true], "GeodeCorner": ["http://geodecorner.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 418, "When sarcastic but charitable Amber Pennicastle follows a handsome panhandler to his secret hideaway, her life turns upside-down in this action-shoujo comedy.", false, true], "GeorgeandWolfie": ["http://georgeandwolfie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "George and Wolfie are college roommates in their freshman year - and George must overcome the issues with the new environment he's found himself in: a world filled with talking animals and humans, living together.", false, true], "GeorgetheCat": ["http://georgethecat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "In one day George loses everything. Now he's on a mission to take it back. George the Cat has finally been restarted. I'm putting up the final strips of Series 2 now. I'm hoping to be finished by the end of May. I'll try to update every wednesday if possible. Make sure you read part 1 of each strip. They come out in parts 1 and 2.", false, true], "GetUpandGo": ["http://getupandgo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 332, "", true, true], "GetsueinoKokoro": ["http://getsukoko.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "Getsuei no Kokoro follows the adventures of Serina and Knite, two teenagers who meets each other in a casual way, but they share much more than they realize.", false, true], "GhostStories": ["http://ghoststories.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Josh Tully can see ghosts. That's okay, though. He's gotten pretty good at ignoring them. An episodic comic about ghost stories. Updates weekdays.", false, true], "GhostlyEndeavor": ["http://ghostlyendeavor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A one-shot manga about a girl and a ghost in search of his identity.", false, true], "GianaSisters": ["http://gianasisters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "For your enjoyment, we give you some exclusive web comics featuring Giana and Maria. They are created by Mathias 'Tikwa' Neuman whose Space Rat comics are legend. By the way, why don't you head over to his site and send him your love? You'll find it here - right on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tikwa. Anyway: We'll upload a new epsiode every Wednesday. So stay tuned, share it - and tell us what you think!", false, true], "GiantTomatoes": ["http://gianttomatoes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "It takes place in a world that has lost all of its color except for the people and creatures living there. There are four Kingdoms, two of which are at war with one another. The Animal Kingdom has accused the Bestias Kingdom of stealing their Giant Tomato, which is a source of great power and a symbol of the kingdom. Shon Jon and Kalvin Kline are involved in a huge tomato stealing, world coloring adventure of crazy randomness.", false, true], "GiftRevolver": ["http://www.giftrevolvercomics.com/comics/", 25, "", false, true], "GinTamaAllGirlsSchoolClass3Z": ["http://class3z.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "GinTama All-Girls School ~Class 3-Z~ includes 4 panel fan comics of the anime Gintama, created by using the software, \"ComiPo!\" It was also submitted in a ComiPo! contest to win the full retail version at Crunchyroll.com. The comic is based in a specific high school class, where male characters are apparently female [female characters stay as they are]. Their perverted teacher watches adult videos all day and never attends class. With that being said, the students do whatever they want without getting detention--more like the teacher should get detention! Until their graduation, this happens on a daily basis. Please read this comic from right to left! To read the continuation of ~Class 3-Z~, go here: http://backtoclass3z.smackjeeves.com/ *May contain mature content for suggestive themes*", false, true], "GinTamaAllGirlsSchoolClass3ZHeldBack": ["http://backtoclass3z.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Apparently, everyone in class 3-Z didn't graduate all because the author of this comic made them repeat their last year of high school. Nobody wants to repeat a grade, especially this specific class! Their teacher is horrible for ditching class everyday, and the students are forced to attend school. Just like last year, they do what they want on a daily basis without getting in trouble--the teachers are the ones to be in trouble for slacking off! ...Why not ditch school if the teachers are too? GinTama All-Girls School Class 3-Z: Held Back! is a continuation of the previously finished Gintama 4 panel fan comic, GinTama All-Girls School ~Class 3-Z~, made with a software called ComiPo! See the previous comic at http://class3z.smackjeeves.com/ Please read from right to left! *may contain mature content for suggestive themes*", false, true], "GirlInGlasses": ["http://girlinglasses.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A comic journal of sorts following my life.", false, true], "Givingsmilesaway": ["http://givingsmilesaway.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Maria is an average girl who, tired of her boring daily life, decided to live off her dreams. She imagines a life full of happiness and smiles where she meets this boy she has seen around her town, \"he who gives smiles away\". She is positive she can live through her dreams and have no regrets. After all, can reality be told apart from fantasy...? But... is it really possible to live out of dreams?", false, true], "GlassPhoenix": ["http://glassphoenix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A really short 9 page story about a girl who wants to create a glass pheonix that I did for my art class.", false, true], "Glomp": ["http://glomp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "glomp!", false, true], "Gloom": ["http://gloom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "Fantasy comic following a trio of girls as they try to save their world from the evil that rules the lands.", false, true], "Gloomverse": ["http://gloomverse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 194, "She was just a regular, unwanted kid, until she was lucky enough to get a job under the best magician in the world! Unfortunately for her, her new boss is a self absorbed sociopath. Updates are currently Monday, with some sporadic mid-week updates if I have time! Dark/Twisted Comedy!", false, true], "Gm_construct": ["http://gmconstruct.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 193, "A comic for all those users of Garry's Mod who want to share their creations with the world. Pretty much the GMod Authors comic.", false, true], "GoForth": ["http://goforth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Eddy is a runaway arsonist who takes refuge in a townie bar of misfits. Craziness ensues.", false, true], "Goalkeeper": ["http://goalkeeper.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Kaiser is a goalkeeper on his soccer team who happens to run into his former enemy, Daichi, on the opposing team. After this, the two seem to see each other around more often and it could be the start of a new friendship. *updates Sundays!!", false, true], "GoblinsofRazard": ["http://goblinsofrazard.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Once upon a time, in the land of Meriddia, the handsome Prince Reign is forced to flee his homeland. Hunted by an evil empire, and captured by goblins, Reign now must entrust his life to a notorious rogue...", false, true], "GodBringer": ["http://godbringer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "One shot. Naru is called on by her old friend for help and company. When she realizes that he needs help she reveals what she is and the adventure begins.", false, true], "GodWrecked": ["http://godwrecked.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A collab comic where many gods, demi-gods and lesser creatures take part in what should be a relaxing cruise to ease them of their worries... That is until they get shipwrecked on a magical island that practically makes them all mortal with no signs of escape... Up to 2 characters p/p for now, will contain both men and women alike so expect potential het/bl/gl in the future. More info will be provided in a proper page along with rules etc. No particular art levels required, just be original and try to post at least once a week! Aps are open! Please check the Races, Rules etc page for more info! (TEMPORARY BANNER)", false, true], "Goingtohellwearingabathrobe": ["http://gthwab.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "People have different kinds of death ... dying with flames on your body might be painful but when you finally die, people look at you like a hero but as always there are 2 only path to choose HEAVEN or HELL so let me ask you. how about dying because of a toothpaste will that count as an heroic death ???", false, true], "Golden": ["http://golden-thewebcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "Jack is an aspiring mage and the apprentice of Bloody Gabriella, a very powerful and renowned mage. Unfortunately, Jacks plans are put on hold when she is captured by thee infamous Black Brigade, an organization with a mysterious agenda. When the Black Brigades plans begin to unfold Jack has to race against time to stop the impending events that could completely change the world as she knows it. Comic about mages, magic and a girl named Jack. >>>Read left to right >>>", false, true], "GoldenIrises": ["http://goldenirises.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "Gay. Updates Tuesdays and Fridays. Will be 33 chapters long. I plan on publishing it eventually. The books will be really cool and have a lot of extra info. Sort of... intense. I guess. This comic project is honestly my baby. Those other projects, I dropped. Yeah. This though, I've been working on and tweaking for 2+ years already. So I will finish it. It is the most important to me and also I draw the two main characters constantly so if that doesn't say anything about how much I care for it, nothing does.", false, true], "GoldenSunGenerationsAftermathVolume1": ["http://gsgbtsyearone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 198, "- BEFORE THE STORM SERIES EPISODE I: VOLUME ONE - A fantasy RPG story based from the underrated RPG game series Golden Sun. Three time traveled Adepts granted a second chance at life after living seventeen years in an alternate destroyed reality, must quickly get used to their new surroundings as they are thrown into the fray dealing with new friends, family, emerging enemies and a big sailing adventure they'll never forget. Part 1 of a 4 Year Webcomic Series BEFORE THE STORM, a Golden Sun doushinji. - Rated +13 for slapstick humor, mild language, and fantasy violence VOLUME ONE COMPLETED; VOLUME TWO AVAILABLE HERE: http://gsgaftermathv2.smackjeeves.com/", false, false], "GoldenSunGenerationsColossoVolume6": ["http://gsgbtsyearthree.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 336, "- BEFORE THE STORM: EPISODE III - A fantasy RPG story based from the underrated RPG game series Golden Sun. The main focus is on the character Ethan who has grown up the last two years in terms of height and skill, seeks to win the heart of the werewolf girl Tasha by competing in a tough fighting Tournament. The first round is over and now the festivities truly begin! Part 3 of a 4 Year Webcomic Series BEFORE THE STORM, a Golden Sun Fancomic. - Rated Web +14 for gutter humor, mild language, romantic situations (BxG love) and fantasy violence COMPLETE - SECOND HALF OF COLOSSO BEGINS FEBRUARY 2011: http://gsgcolossov7.smackjeeves.com/", false, false], "Gollystogibop": ["http://gollystogibop.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Leap into a world of ninjas and chi power as The Truth Clan members(and a couple others) battle various assorted evils!", false, true], "GoodGame": ["http://goodgame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 133, "Three friends want to get some fun and play a computer game in their hi-tech fantasy world. But they got something wrong...", false, true], "GoodbyeLikeTheFirstTime": ["http://goodbyeltft.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "", false, true], "GoodnightMrsGoose": ["http://goose.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 159, "Hard working lawyer mom Valerie Clark is letting her work life overcome her family life. However after a magical encounter, she gets the chance to rediscover her childhood and also help cleanse her world of odd creatures.", false, true], "Gospelman": ["http://gospelman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Follow the adventures of Gospelman, once just an ordinary man without God and unable to live up to his true potential, but now a superhero sharing the love of Jesus Christ with a world in need of rescuing! Stories may range from Everyone to 16+.", false, true], "GourentheDogBoy": ["http://gourentdb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "A manga inspired comic about 16 year old Ruby Lung's journey across the dangerous country she lives in. Lucky for her, an odd bodyguard has got her back.", false, true], "Grassdrinkers": ["http://grassdrinkers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "A story about a certain teenager getting himself in deep shit because he fell in love with the oh, so wrong species. enjoy this littlle piece of bad english, swearing and BL.... ... yeah.-.-", true, true], "GraveImpressions": ["http://graveimpressions.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "The year is 1942. Though overseas the world may be condensed to right or wrong, punctuated by a hail of bullets, life on the homefront is a little more complicated, particularly for one aspiring detective and his close circle of friends. Fighting the normative tide in their personal and private lives, they must keep three simple rules in mind. Loose lips sink ships, conformity is key, and most of all, no one is who they appear to be. An 18+ 1940s Yaoi Noir, written by Ziska and Aleksi, and drawn by Nym.", true, true], "Gravedigger": ["http://gravedigger.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Follow Kurt and Poe as they travel around in a world corrupted by paranoia and learn what it really means to be a Gravedigger and hold the mark of DEATH. Joined by an ill gunman, another Gravedigger with a secret, and a cranky soldier, Kurt must stop the chaos born by Edgar. But nothing is that simple when there are REALLY EVIL THINGS running around and there are HOMICIDAL SCARECROWS in the fields. And just what the Hell is Poe supposed to be, anyway?", true, true], "Gravston": ["http://gravston.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 628, "Three years ago, Samuel Mortimer discovered the truth to his purpose in life. That he was the Death Host, a being born to act as an embodiment of death itself. It is now his duty to fight and destroy any Demons, creatures who violate the laws of life and death by combining their bodies and souls, that come his way. And strangely... they seem to come his way alot. As time passes, we learn that Samuel isn't the only person with strange and magical abilities, and that perhaps there's more to his home town than we thought. Will Samuel and his friends discover the mystery behind Gravston? Gravston is updated Monday to Sunday so check back every day for the newest page!", false, true], "Grayed": ["http://grayed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "", false, true], "Grayscale": ["http://grayscale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "A comic with a chaotic medley of murder, mad science and man love. Grayscale is a comic adaptation of a story written by Ski and Demi/Silvae (I usually go by Silvae, that name was taken) in RP format. We decided we wanted to see the whole thing visually in the form of a comic, and this is the result. Both of them write, Silv draws, Ski offers praise/feedback/awesomeness. Rinse and repeat! Updates on Tuesdays at fourfears.com Follow us on Tumblr: http://fourfears.tumblr.com/", true, true], "GreenGhetto": ["http://greenghetto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "", false, true], "GreenGrovePrincessEnvy": ["http://ggenvy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "My own personal fairytale Once upon a time there lived Ivy the princess in the flourishing green lands of Gardenea. She is a girl who has everything she could ask for however she is still envious of others. When Ivy looks out her window she finds a new item, style, pet, or person she wants. Once she gets them, she is never truly happy. Everything changes when a fairy cast a spell on her that makes her green the color of all her envy. Will she be able to overcome her own spell or with someone overly dressed prince break the spell for her?", false, true], "GreenLion": ["http://www.greenlioncomic.com/comics/", 62, "", false, true], "GrimSister": ["http://grimsister.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A collection of experimental graphic poetry. Does not update regularly.", false, true], "GrimandCresilpresentsSins": ["http://grimandcresilsins.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "SINS takes place when earth is crumbling and humans are breaking all limitations, Ezra is a girl lost amongst all the chaos no memories of who she is and what she needs to do. Picking up two friends, a blind girl who can see the future named Sye and a useless excuse of a man named Calvin, she travels the falling world in search of a faded place in heaven and a man who holds all the answers.", false, true], "Groggy": ["http://groggy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "<b> Updates EVERY DAY.</b> At least about a comic a day, or if I'm not tired about 3-5 comics a day A sketch comic which I'll make the story along the way. Reads Left to Right : ] Warning: Gay, girl love, guy love, whatever love, sex....sex....sex.....sex....sex....sex.....sex.... YUP.", true, true], "GryphonRise": ["http://gryphonrise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "His 14 years of life have not left Kern with much standing in the village. Regarded as cursed, Kern is determined to prove his worth. He takes his chance when Sumeni, a noble, comes promising a reward to the one who brings him a gryphon feather. Along with being unable to abide lies, gryphons are known to be fiercely territorial. Of course things don't turn out as Kern expected. Read Left > Right Updates Sundays around 9pm", false, true], "GuardianGhost": ["http://guardianghost.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "After being hit by a car a few months ago, things have been very strange for Max. Not only can he see ghosts, but one in particular claims to have saved him from death! But there are reasons why ghosts are not allowed to save humans. Updates Tuesdays, Thursdays, AND NOW SUNDAYS! (and the quality starts looking better as the chapters go on so, don't judge it by the first page)", false, true], "GuardiansoftheGalaxialSpaceways": ["http://ggs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 101, "Join Captain Taxxi Serbus and the crew of the Artful Dodger as they battle space pirates, giant comic book geeks, and intergalactic viruses in a star-spanning adventure!", false, false], "GuildAdventure": ["http://guildadventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 114, "Guild Adventure is an adventure comic which places us in a fantasy world, full of strange creatures, in which the hunters of the different villages compete to obtain the biggest prey. In this world lives Rago, an inexperienced young who have the determination to become the greatest hunter of all. With the help of the twins Reika and Leika he will start his particular adventure to reach the top, but this will be no easy task!, what is the motive of your determination, Rago?, will you become the greatest hunter?, go, Rago, your story begins now!", false, true], "GumWrapperHearts": ["http://gumwrapperhearts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Gum Wrapper Hearts Jakie AKA Jake, live her secluded life in her small room with her art work and music. With only an electric guitar and a small amp, her talent for making songs is limited. But her guitar is her only friend literally. Her electric guitar's name is Zack and he's not always a guitar. Boy/girl Lots of cussing and some mature scenes. Comic updates often enough. ;)", true, true], "Guren": ["http://gurencomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Tokyo police officer, Inspector Ren Inoue, is sent on an undercover investigation to find clues to a missing boy. However, what he finds is a rock band and its weird members, especially the lead singer who more than piques his interest. He unwillingly is pulled into their lives and adventures. WARNING: Adult Content, BL/SLASH, minor violence. I ask for some patience for this comic. It's for practice and self improvement. Will update once a week.", true, true], "Gwah": ["http://gwah.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A bored little girl finds something.", false, true], "HAndJ": ["http://handj.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 82, "The often funny, always thrilling adventures of Helvetica Jones, a struggling detective extraordinaire, and her clueless, upstart crime-solving rival John Baskerville. Updates every Monday!", false, true], "HDMTHCOMICS": ["http://hdmthcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 324, "My sprite comic shows how me and my friends live in the world of Sonic the hedgehog!", false, false], "HIPS": ["http://hips.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 178, "An admittedly done before bl romance. Here is my attempt at a gripping back cover summary: In an effort to get away from his criminal family, Julius Green has turned witness for the city. He is secreted away and hidden in a posh private academy as...a girl?! Suffocated by the charade, will Julius be able to pull off school life as Penny Adams? And will he be able to save himself when the two rulers of the school, Max Lawson and Alex Watch, take particular interest in him?", true, true], "HRsrandomstuff": ["http://hrsrandomstuff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Here be my random stuff comics/memes, Maybe I actually do something with this place one day.", false, true], "Haahahahaahha": ["http://ha-aha-ha-ha-ah-ha.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "A failed journal comic about me, myself, and I.", false, true], "HackGirl": ["http://hackgirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "Hack Girl follows the misadventures of a sociopathic vigilante as she confronts online idiots when they're not hiding behind screens, busting computers and heads.", false, true], "HaiChansFirstChapters": ["http://hai-chan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "You would think a neko would tremble in their soft paws at a dragon. Well you thought wrong, Hai-Chan, an innocent little neko girl is pulled into the world of a dragon's dark den. Exposed to depression, drink and violence can this girl grow up well or will she meet her untimely end? *Based off an RP, collaborative work. We switch off drawing pages. *Will most likely have a second part*", false, true], "HalfBreed": ["http://halfbreed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Long ago, before the world had fallen to peices, humans had tried to create the perfect soldiers, instead they created monster which they call Half Breeds. Now an almost extinct species, a young girl runs into the last few remaining Breeds, only to be lead on the adventure of her life...", false, true], "HandsomeAndtheBeastYaoi": ["http://handsomeandthebeast.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Based off of the classic Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast, this comic is about Ben, an 18-year-old farm boy who wants nothing more than to seek out the realizations to his dreams. Freedom and love. After his mother leaves for the city fair, Ben receives the startling phone call that she's gone missing, and in an attempt to find her before it's too late, he stumbles across the biggest mansion in France. In order to free his mother from the creatures that hold her hostage, he has to pay the ultimate price: his freedom. But are the cursed creatures of the manor really all that bad? Only time will tell. This comic is YAOI/BL. That means homosexuality is the main sexual orientation of many of the characters! Read at your OWN discretion! READS** Left to right. UPDATES** Fridays. And when I'm not swamped with work and class, an occasional extra page will be added when I find the time.", true, true], "Haphazard": ["http://haphazard.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Random comics about my life.", false, true], "HappinessStartswithYou": ["http://happinessstartswithyou.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "Looseing a best friend when you're young can hurt more than you think. Sasumi grows up with one memory of his friend, and day by day it fades. Will he ever find out who is friend was or will the memory be just disappear, just like his friend? This is YAOI so prepare yourselves peeps! :3 I hope you enjoy it! :3", false, true], "HappyfaceComics": ["http://happyfacecomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 161, "A tale of friendship, hardship and other kinds of ships. Updates whenever for now.", false, true], "Harana": ["http://harana.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "This lady asked me if this was in Western style I said penis. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Cain, a wounded soldier from the Holy Army searches for a fairy. He finds Zeke, the fairy prince who's been grounded for too long. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Fantasy BL comic published in BLush Anthology~ <3 Please buy a copy when it becomes available again :3", true, true], "Harfang": ["http://harfang.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 71, "Here my first time on SmackJeeves ! Harfang is my new comic. It's a fantasy story, based on the Jorinde & Joringel Grimm tale. Designs are inspired from asia (Korea/Mongolia/China). I wish to update it one page every monday ! I hope you'll like it. ^____^ ***************************************** Harfang is now a featured comic on MangaMagazine. Thank you so much for your support ! ^____^ You can now read the newest pages on MM.net~ ***************************************** ENGLISH TRANSLATION ***************************************** My english is bad, don't hesitate to correct my grammar. Thank you ! ^__^ *****************************************", false, true], "HarryPotterComic": ["http://hp-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Parody yaoi comic", true, true], "HaruSari": ["http://haru-sari.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 643, "June is a young woman dying from a terminal illness. A doctor by the name of Chi-Min Huang offers her free treatment, and the two of them become friends. Everything seems peaceful, if sad... on the surface. Unbeknown to June, the doctor is deeply entangled in a terrible conspiracy against his will. Not wanting to get her involved in the mess, he keeps a lot of things secret from her, but there may be another\u2014less noble\u2014reason behind his secrecy...", false, true], "HaruinParis": ["http://haruinparis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "", true, true], "HarvestMoonParadiseFound": ["http://paradisefound.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 225, "When a single phone call changes your destiny...do you find the strength to embrace it? A Harvest Moon Doujinshi (fan comic) Read RIGHT to LEFT. Updates Thursdays. (Harvest Moon title and concept are copyright of Marveslous Interactive)", false, true], "HatHair": ["http://hathair.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "Hat lovers in the land of Hoptat have been undergoing persecution for years. When Kirk, a traveling hat salesman from Trips, treads into Hoptat, he quickly discovers the land's twisted economy has branded him an automatic enemy. Now he must choose between moving on to save himself, or to fight for the freedom of hat lovers everywhere. A series about friendship, liberating the people, and hats. Updates Sundays and/or Wednesdays, with maybe some special stuff in between if I feel like it.", false, true], "HatShop": ["http://hatshop.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 360, "You may be thinking this is a comic about hats. It's not. A strange comedy about a boy who is fired in the first panel and accidentally sells his soul to an eccentric hat maker. Shenanigans ensue. Note to new readers: The art gets better. Note on the format: I originally drew it vertically because I did it by hand and that's how it would fit on the page (It just seemed like a good idea at the time). Three years later, it's stuck. It sometimes changes to full pages if the story needs it, but the vertical format is the default and I'm not planning on changing it. Updates every three days unless otherwise specified. Note: This is a \"whatever the author feels like\" comic. You have been warned.", false, false], "Hatadavalla": ["http://hatadavalla.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Comic in swedish about comic artists and a life-coach apocalypse. Need I say more?", false, true], "Hatecantlove": ["http://hate-cant-love.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 199, "Hate can't love Status: Ongoing Since: Summer 2009~ Language: English Genres: Romance Story&Art: Kiiroi Thousands and thousands years ago, God created the feelings \"Love\" and \"Hate\". They could live happily in the paradise as long as Love didn't hate and Hate didn't love. One of them broke that rule and they were separated forever. Nowadays, Ai Koizumi is a 15-year-old girl who is in love with a boy that everybody seems to hate. Although she confesses to him her feelings, he refuses her. Will she be able to change his mind? The last battle between Love&Hate! Who'll win? Updates every 2-3 days. READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THANK YOU SO MUCH ^^", false, true], "HatethePlayer": ["http://hatetheplayer.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 93, "Hate the Player is a comic based on a number of concepts Tron, and Quantum Leap. The overall idea is the character M.C. (A play on words for Main Character). A horrible game magazine reviewer who gets transfer'd into the game world by Beans, who use to be a developer until M.C. ruined him, now an editor who came to get revenge on M.C., He forces M.C. to re-enact the various game worlds as the Hero of the world, until a freak glitch causes issues.", false, true], "HatsAndFriends": ["http://hatsandfriends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "I'm not good at writing. I'm not good at drawing. This comic is how I'm going to get better.", false, true], "HauntedThings": ["http://hauntedthings.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Come in and see.", false, true], "Hauntedhouse": ["http://haunted-house.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Coming soon~ Artist Position Open! genre:horror/humor/fantasy. story~>seleanloong.", false, true], "HavingDifficulty": ["http://having-difficulty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "Robby is starting high school. In his mind, he's having difficulty fitting in. He barely knows anyone. Will the next four years change his attitude? Oh, I should probably tell you that this story will turn out to be a BL... but nothing will really happen. it's just a lot of frustrating scenes of ALMOST things. Updates twice per day. Midnight and noon.", false, true], "HazyDaze": ["http://hazydaze.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A coming of age story about magic, falling in love with all of the wrong people, and all of those hazy memories of mistakes you made in high school.", false, true], "HeadShot": ["http://headshot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "HeadShot is a slightly abstract (nicer way of saying retarded) comic that was named after its main superhero. Yes, I'm old fashioned and still caught up somewhere in the 40s, so yeah, I'm still doing superheroes. Boring, eh? Anyways, this comic features a girl who gets powers to enter the psyches of people she gets into contact with, and to do this, she needs to whap them on the head with ammunition from her sling-shot (hence the name). It follows her around her life in Heartbeat City (a city inhabited by a surprisingly high number of crazy people) with her best friend, Sol. Everything's hand done, as you can probably tell. The shading does clear up on page 7 because I stop killing pens and kill brushes instead. I apologize if you're the artsy types which can't stare at messy drawings for a long time. Anyways this was just something I did in my own time for myself, mostly, but I'd be really thrilled if I got comments and ratings, especially with constructive criticism.", false, true], "HeavyMech": ["http://heavymech.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 220, "In the wake of an alien attack, a virus has wiped out nearly all human males. The only ones left? The Pilots of the LMHUs, diabolical giant mechs made in the haste of war. Deemed too deadly for just men to use, each pilot is a former convict, and they're headed for Dirge City Can Hailey Stinson, pilot of a new generation of Mech, capture them alive, save the human race, and uncover the secrets of the LMHUs? Updates: Sat. at Noon Follow me on twitter at @TH3GADFLY for comic page progress", false, true], "HedgehogPieceANewEra": ["http://hedgehogpiece.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 182, "~This is a revival of the original Hedgehog Piece~ Take an adventure throughout a new world of One Piece, in a new Era of Pirates, following 6 major pirate crews of different species and personalities. We also accept cameos in the same format below (also include brief personality and background). PM to ReiKainaric.", false, true], "HedgehogPieceRedBowChronicles": ["http://redbow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Set in the same universe as Hedgehog Piece, Red Bow Chronicles follows the unlikely story of K\u00e9t Ara as she aspires to become the Queen of the Pirates. This is going to be a wild ride. --- To read Hedgehog Piece, check here: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=123922", false, true], "Helix": ["http://helix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 159, "A street rat is given a second chance when he is dragged from the gutter and into a new life. Will he accept his position at the side of royalty, or fight every step of the way? *Rated M for sex (both hetero and homo), violence, nudity, language and dark themes.* If you can handle these subjects, I hope you'll enjoy the comic. :) Thanks for reading!", true, false], "HellKitchen": ["http://hellkitchen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "Ren is probably the nicest boy in school... It's a shame he's going to Hell.", false, true], "HelloMrForeigner": ["http://mrforeigner.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "2nd Yamase side story Yuuna Hiwatari is 22 years old and lives in a tidy apartment somewhere in Tokyo with her roommate Emiko. One rainy day, she encounters a strange foreigner on the doorstep of her apartment complex and her life takes an interesting turn... * Read Left to Right", false, true], "HellsPhantasm": ["http://hellsphantasm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Edward always seems unlucky...", false, true], "HeltonShelton": ["http://heltonshelton.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 145, "This is a goofy sketch at a party that grew into a two-book saga about a multi-generational battle against the darkness inside us. Shelton1 and Shelton2 set out to fight the Final Boss, but victory carries a cost for Shelton1. A party of heroes begin a quest of vengeance, but can they overcome their rivalries before facing their ultimate foe? A spellcasting musician learns to deal with death, but can she deal with life?", false, true], "Hemlock": ["http://hemlock.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 349, "Hemlock #1 and #2 are now available to buy online! each issue is priced at \u00a36 plus postage and packing. they can be bought through lulu.com at my storefront here: http://stores.lulu.com/mildtarantula lulu accepts both card and paypal. since they go straight from lulu to you, they will not be signed or anything like that. if you happen to see me at one of the conventions i will be attending, i will be selling them for \u00a35 each and i'll be happy to sign them and do a little sketch for you if you like.", false, true], "Hephaestus": ["http://hephaestus.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 288, "(a retelling of Greek mythology, with more than likely deviation from the original myths) While other gods on Mt. Olympus are known to be beautiful and laid back, Hephaestus is more humble in appearance and works his hands to the bone. However, that is not to say that the god of crafting and fire doesn't have any interesting tales about himself... <<Current Chapter>> 6) Origins: Part 3: Our tale of tragedy comes full circle as we learn of the final fate of young Hephaestus, leading to a fateful encounter between him years later with a certain Queen of the Nereids... <<Previous Chapters>> 1)Road to Athens: 2)Origins: Part 1 3)Passive Affection 4) Origins Part 2 5) Hermes' First Flight Hermes, the last of the Olympian twelve to join, starts his tale as a meek child with weak ankles, unable to live up to the \"God of Messengers\" name we know him for. It would take the guidance of a certain smith god to change all that soon enough...", false, false], "HerFirstTimeInside": ["http://herfirsttimeinside.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 92, "When a chubby MILF with a big mouth and even bigger butt winds up in prison, her fat ass is in for a rough time...", true, true], "HereKittyKitty": ["http://herekitty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "It's Jack's birthday, a friend has got him a....present. I made this for my friend. He drew his own awesome hentai comic about a cat girl, FAR better than mine. But I still wanted to make him one.", true, true], "HeroesofVyydia": ["http://heroesofvyydia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Heroes of Vyydia is a series of numerous video game bad guys who will become heroes after they have taken refuge in a world called Vyydia. The first story deals about a group called Shell Bangers who are former employees of Bowser's Koopa Troop. Another story deals of a red castlevania skeleton with humoristic unpredictable habits.", false, true], "HerosandVillainsVsrobots": ["http://herosorvillains.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "There are two sides hero's and villain's Vs robots!Robots are going against the villains.", false, true], "HeyImEarl": ["http://earlnjudy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "50 ways to get to know a beautiful girl UPDATES WEEKLY Originally in Russian, so a huge thanks to my friends Katarina-Mor and Oly-RRR for beta-testing!", false, true], "HeySoulSisterASSNuzlocke": ["http://heysoulsisternuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "My first Nuzlocke run! :) Soul silver wooo I sincerely apologize for the crappiness of the first few pages..I promise it gets better lol Rules: 1) You can only catch one pokemon from each route/area 2) The pokemon must be the first one of the route, if you fail to catch it, too bad, that's it for the route 3) If a pokemon faints, you release it (like it's dead) Just a comic for some funsies Ok, let's go!", false, true], "HiddenStrengthAWhiteNuzlocke": ["http://hsnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 183, "Clover, Cheren, and Belle graduate from trainer school, looking forward to finally being able to go on a pokemon journey of their own. Things start out like any other adventure, however soon the trio becomes entangled in the mess that is Team Plasma, finding out secrets that have been hiding in plain sight all their lives. How will their adventure unfold? This is a Nuzlocke story comic. [Updates Whenever]", false, true], "HiddeninPlainSight": ["http://hiddeninplainsight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "the story of three friends in which only one is human. How will that one deal with another race being dropped on her doorstep? --- \u2665 comments are very much appreciated \u2665 ; v ;", false, true], "HighSchoolHeroes": ["http://highschoolheroes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 185, "A group of teenagers desperately want to become superheroes, but high school keeps getting in the way.", false, true], "HikariNykkiPhoenix": ["http://hikarinykkiphoenix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A story about family. The king of the world is dead, and it's a free for all for the demons. Updates Mondays", false, true], "Hippies": ["http://hippies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Have you ever noticed that everything that involves vampires or werewolves, as described dark, dreary, malevolent beings? Well they cant all be like that meet Sundancer (vampire) and Moonwatcher (werewolf) the only two hippies of there kind! *warning strong drug reference!*", true, true], "HipstersinTrees": ["http://hipstersintrees.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "a bunch of hipster kids live in hollow trees and try to out-non-mainstream all the other kids. it's funny 'cause they're owls. ha ha", false, true], "HitandMiss": ["http://hitandmiss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 124, "It's a autobiographic comic about, well, me and my daily life! Doesn't it sound like fun? WARNING: Comic may contain a lot of the following; misspelling, weird situations, nerdiness, gaming, horrible puns, cats, and occasionally lovey dovey stuff http://www.drunkduck.com/Hit_and_Miss/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The link to DrunkDuck Hit and Miss!", false, true], "Holocrash": ["http://holocrash.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 610, "Welcome to HoloCrash, the adventures of Commander Teelianna Santo (\"Teela\") and her Genetically Enhanced Nanotech Android trainer (\"G.E.N.A\"). Teela, a brilliant science officer and an exceptional athlete, volunteers for a year round trip aboard the cargo freighter Argenta-619 so that she, along with her trainer G.E.N.A, can train for the upcoming Pan System games in heavy gravity conditions. Soon, what seems like a normal freight run to the Cordas System, turns into an adventure like no other! ******************************************* For information on how the comic is put together visit http://www.holocrash.com *******************************************", true, true], "HolyBlasphemy": ["http://holyblasphemy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 275, "Making fun of religions since 2010. Better stay clear of this comic if you really cannot stand people making fun of Atheism, Buddhism, Christianity, Creationism, Germanic and Greek Polytheism, Hinduism, Islam or Judaism as well as of Abraham, Agni, Aliens, Angels, the Easter Bunny, Great Ctuluh, Isaac, Jahweh, Jesus, John the Baptist, Joseph, Mary, Mohammed, normal humans, Pascal, robots, Santa Claus, Satan, Tantalus, Thor, Vishnu, well-built catholic girls, Zao Jun or Zeus (more religious belief systems and persons may follow). Updates whenever I find the time (on average every 2.4 days or almost three times a week). Comments and voting highly welcome!", false, false], "HolyChild": ["http://holy-child.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Lazarus Raine, a 14 year old boy who happens to be a Holy Child in the world known as Magicka has finally passed his test to become a Protector of Earth. But will his job be all its cracked up to be or will a Wild Elemental named Seth damper his goals? BL/light MPreg warnings!", true, true], "HolyCrap": ["http://holycrap.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 252, "Hi there! Welcome to what-ma cha' call it? ... Oh that's right Crap Holy. No no... AH! WELCOME TO ME! I AM HOLY CRAP!", false, true], "Homestore": ["http://homestore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "A home ... that is a STORE? We might never continue it, but here it is.", false, true], "Honeygang": ["http://honeygang.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "There is one time in life when you're young, pretty and full of energy. Unfortunately, this period matches with intense stress, emotional breakdown and awful tests. It's called college. Fortunately, it's also matches with intense parties, never-ending laughs and marvellous pranks. It's called friendship.", false, true], "Hookless": ["http://www.smilercomics.com/comics/", 11, "Magic, murder, politics, martial-arts and racism.", false, true], "HopeForABreeze": ["http://h4ab.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 229, "Dedicated to all of the losers and the failures, the freaks and the social outcasts in society; don't give up. This is a story of a girl named Sophia and her journeys through life", false, false], "HorizonofHeaven": ["http://akhet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "", false, true], "HornyBunny": ["http://horny-bunny.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Just the naughty life of a bunny named Rubit Tr\u00eafle.", true, true], "HornyToad": ["http://hornytoad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Random comics about animals with a touch of humor.", false, true], "Host": ["http://host.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Merlin longs for a normal life. But he's finding it to be hard being possessed by a parasite who nags at him all day. His family has just moved to a new town, and with this fresh start Merlin can finally have the normal teenage life he's always wanted... at least he hopes so", false, true], "Hotarugari": ["http://hotarugari.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 125, "Genre: Fantasy Age Rating: A - All Ages (Comments NOT rated!) Reading Direction: Left to Right --- Yumi, an extremely violent and stubborn priestess, is desperately trying to find Ina, the leader of kitsune; magical foxes with the ability to change into any form they desire. But with only the kitsune capable of entering the spirit realm in which Ina resides, Yumi must somehow convince one to lead her there. And as their sworn enemy, that\u2019s not going to be easy...", false, false], "HotelInsanity": ["http://insanityishere.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "In hotel insane you can expect nothing normal and everything insane, so if your normal this comic isn't for you, but if your insane, crazy, or mentally broke, this comic is for YOU!!!", false, true], "HotelWtf": ["http://crazyhotel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 227, "Things are going to get crazy. Why not come and spend the night in the wackiest hotel of all. --------------------------------------------------------- Are we still a hotel? Seems more like a house to me. ~Lord Darky-Senpai", false, true], "HouseofVanity": ["http://houseofvanity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "A comedy about the daily life of the Valentine family that owns a lingerie fashion house. They are very talented, creative & rather egocentric. The story is told from the point of view of a con man trying to pursue them. You can read ahead at this site---> http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/House-of-Vanity/detail-page/2065?lang=en", false, true], "Houseofsprite": ["http://sac22.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 280, "A hotel comic where anything can happen! Rules: no inappropriate updates keep it PG-10ish", false, true], "HowToCatchAFairy": ["http://howtocatchafairy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "The essential guide to Fairy watching, catching and believing.", false, true], "HowToTrainYourDragonIrethandVesperaFable": ["http://httydireth-vespera.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "Ten years after the battle of the Red Death, the village of Berk have fallen in an era of peace with their foes the dragons. The creatures are now owned as pets and part of a family of the viking members. Life couldn't get any more simple. How about not. Our fable begins with a young 18 year old viking girl that goes by the name Ireth Netherland. Who isn't a fighter but an apothecary and alchemist and has a natural curiosity that seems to get her into trouble in more ways than one. Viewed as the outcast of the whole tribe, Ireth must under go a now ten year tradition of claiming a dragon companion of her own again after failing it for 2 years and this is her last chance. Having experienced many bad moments with dragons Ireth has developed a fear of most of the dragon species. Distraught and worried that she would be kicked out of the tribe, Ireth goes out into the woods after failing the test a third time to allow her some comfort in her own mind. There she meets something unexpected that would make her life either easier or deeper into despair. How To Train Your Dragon is owned by Cressida Cowell and Dreamworks. Updated whenever.", false, true], "HowaboutEverything": ["http://besteverything.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Warning! Warning! Warning! This comic includes: One-Shots Drawings Comics Literature And maybe some other things.", false, true], "Howoftendoesitraininthedesert": ["http://howoftendoesitraininthedesert.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A quick 10 page comic about a kid who does out in the desert looking for rain", false, true], "HowtodoitinGIMP": ["http://doitingimp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "GIMP. Why don't more people use it?? In this non-comic comic (confused yet?) I'll show you how to do stuff in GIMP that you need to know if you wanna make webcomics with it. (I take requests!)", false, true], "Humanart": ["http://humanart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Anyone can draw no matter what you may think. There are simple steps to becoming a great artist. The minute you pick up a pencil your already on your way. You'll learn to draw human anatomy (Hands, feet, face,proportions ect.) In cartoon, realistic and Anime styles. You'll learn how to pick out shapes and lines. Everything made simple in short, step by step instruction. Lets start out with the basics shall we?", false, true], "Humanitydidntdieyet": ["http://humanitydidnotdieyet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Humanity didn't die yet is about a young man who lives his life with regret. He did bad things in the past which caused him to be where he is now. No one really cares about him. Even he doesn't care what happens to himself. He might aswell end his dull every-day life. Until Sena (the richest girl in town) notices him and wants to help. Is Sena his saviour or are things going to get more complicated? -Inspired by several real life stories-", false, true], "Huntsmen": ["http://huntsmen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Repairing the hunted. BL, implied GL, angsty. COMPLETED.", false, true], "HurrocksFardel": ["http://hurrocksfardel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 419, "", false, true], "HybridsGallery": ["http://hybridsgallery.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Why the hell do you want a description? gtfo", false, true], "HyeMi": ["http://hyemi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "It has been 3 weeks since Lee Hye Mi has moved into her new home. She attends a private school known as Trinity Acadamey and has become close friends with a girl named Melody, and a cute dark haired boy has caught her attention. With Jesus Christ as her strength, she has learned to show other's about Jesus' love and what he has done for them.But can Hye Mi fit in with her classmates? Or will her past come up and repeat itself? Read Left to Right", false, true], "Hypersmisc": ["http://hypersmisccomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "Includes short story's, sprites people have requested, sprites I've made, unused comics, comics with missing text or other things, mini comic series, previews for comics, ads, tutorials, and more. Feel free to request sprites and they will be posted here.", false, true], "IAmAWolf": ["http://iamwolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Just an extremely short comic thing to practice my wolf sketches and stuff.", false, true], "IAmAwsomeIThink": ["http://iaa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A journal comic about me,Random stories and random crap. Who else is a Hetalia fan, or Detroit Metal City, or Accel World? Theres gonna be random stuff, and this is for fun, so not gonna have very much drawing effort put into the drawings. There pretty lazy sometimes.", false, true], "IMMe": ["http://i-m-me.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "I.M. Me is about a girl that has lived a very simple and easy life, but after her boss/boyfriend breaks up with her and fires her after cheating on her multiple times, she discovers that its not so simple. Adding in social networking into the mix just shows how much the internet can affect real life. If you want to read more about the character then go to my blog: http://www.twistedfevercomics.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/trying-out-something-new.html", false, true], "IMPACTcity": ["http://impactcity.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 25, "Kaelan is back in the cosmopolitan city of IMPACT after having been away for many years. In his search for his origins, his path leads him to Master Fox, undisputed master in combat arts and techniques. He offers Kaelan the opportunity to be trained by him in jousting for the big tournament of the city \u2013 the Palio \u2013 which pits the various IMPACT contrada against each other. But the city has changed a lot, and Kaelan will soon discover what Master Fox is training his students for...", false, true], "IMnotYOURpetRemix": ["http://nypremix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "Original comic here http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=61124 The Not Your Pet apartment complex just opened for business so naturally people started to move in... and then all hell broke loose", false, true], "INUSITADOONLINE": ["http://www.inusitadoonline.com/comics/", 163, "Uma simples comedia romantica ;D", false, false], "IPadiza2": ["http://ipadizad2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "El primer webcomic sobre el iPad de Apple. En espa\u00f1ol.", false, true], "ITFIntotheFuture": ["http://itf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "Two races fight extinction. One machine evolves the perfect world.", false, true], "ITS2009GOSH": ["http://whatisthis2009.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "WHAT", true, true], "IWantYou": ["http://iwantyou.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "Based in the not-so-distant past of the late nineties, she is the most beautiful thing any man has ever set their eyes on. But she wields a strange secret. Her purpose in life is the please men, and the only way she could achieve that is by having sex with them. After the man has relations with her their lives turn for the better. She knows not to whom created her, but she serves her purpose until someone comes along to save her from her thousand year old slavery.", true, true], "IWishFor": ["http://iwishfor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Its about a 12-year old orphan boy living with his aunt. He is normally bullied by the local boys and abused by his aunt. One day, while he was alone, he found a lamp and the lamp contains a beautiful female genie. This genie, somehow, reminded him of someone he had lost years ago.", false, true], "IWishIggysWish": ["http://i-wish-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Iggy and his companions are the resident wish-granters of a sleepy little English town. All three of them are perfectly happy doing their jobs and making human wishes come true, but one day they get a message from the Embassy of Magic which could change all this for good... Can Iggy restore faith in human nature and save the town he loves from being cut off from the magical world forever? Updates: Once a week, usually on Mondays.", false, true], "IWorkWithCats": ["http://iworkwithcats.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "This is a comic about my time working with cats at a cattery (this is a place where you leave your cats when you go on holiday and we pamper the crap outta them till you get home, cat hotel ya'll) The events depicted in this comic have all occured in one way shape or form, some things may be exaggerated for comedic effect (you can decide for yourselves which strips they are of course) I'd like to say that this is in no way me bitching about my old job, no, not at all, actually this is an affectionate retelling of some of my fondest memories. UPDATES EVERY WEDNESDAY! WOW!", false, true], "Ianua": ["http://ianua.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "Welcome to a land where magic has always existed. It has replaced man's need for technological advancement and instead has been the preferred method of adaptation to their environment. In recent generations the ability to summon 'other worldly' creatures has brought about sharp class distinctions and radically altered society as a whole. The story opens in a small port town in the country of Mercia, where it focuses on a diverse cast of magic users and summoners. Janus, ward of the local magistrate, is gifted in the ways of magic. However, his caretaker has seen to it that he remain ignorant in the ways of summoning despite his interest in it. The magistrate's plans for Janus and his town are disrupted when a man from his past appears, much to his displeasure. Another stranger with an ominous aura has also recently made his way to the quiet port town. Janus will put himself in harm's way to get closer the man and learn his secrets. Their encounter will bring about a series of trials, dangers and a type of magic that has not been seen in centuries. By Amanda Gomes and Julie Wright", false, true], "Icantdobadallbymyself": ["http://moemoekyun.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "", false, true], "IceCreamSurfer": ["http://icecreamsurfer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Old-time story about a Human Kid and his best friend, a Broccoli. They live in the Ice Cream World as you probably remember.", false, true], "Iconoclast": ["http://iconoclastcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A Japanese girl, a nobody-American boy, and an Ancient Crusader take over the world-- one religious figure and diplomat at a time.", true, true], "IconofObscenity": ["http://iconofobscenity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A comic about the musings and goings on of the man known as; Eric Flint, a man whose very mind is plagued by delusions and fantasies of which he cannot escape.", false, true], "Idano": ["http://idano.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 59, "A collection of stories from the world of Planet Idano. Mainly follows the lives of the colorful Notacloo inhabitants. Updates on Wednesdays, unless otherwise noted in the news section. Reads Left to Right.", false, true], "IdiotBoyfriend": ["http://idiotboyfriend.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "I'm gonna take you out but leave my wallet home, then I'll use your cellphone baby (long distance) cuz I'm an idiot and I'm your boyfriend. Just a reasonably light-hearted comic about a somewhat dysfunctional couple. Updates Tuesdays and Fridays! **CONTAINS BL (nothing hardcore... unfortunately)**", false, true], "IdiotXIdiot": ["http://idiotxidiot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "A Tale of Two Idiots. Updates 1-2 weeks.", false, true], "IdiotxHeart": ["http://idiotxheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 74, "Maud is a new student at the International university of Tubingen, Germany. All she wants is to get through the 3years, without being disturbed by a single person. But will the countless people she meet spare her that wish. Start reading to find out. Must be at least 15years of age to read this, but who cares *Contains* Strong Language", false, true], "IfSomeoneCared": ["http://if-someone-cared.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A city sidewalk...a chance encounter...can lead to all new possibilities for a loner with a golden heart and the shy guy who is all alone... What happens when someone cares for you? And you care in turn? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A full color boy love comic...featuring my two oc's, Dirge and Conner. Story written and colored by me, http://otakufreek1331.deviantart.com/ Art by jakeyslife, http://jakeyslife.deviantart.com/", true, true], "Iifa": ["http://iifa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Weakened after the final conflict, Zidane and Kuja find themselves trapped deep inside the dangerously unstable Iifa Tree. With teamwork as their only chance of escape, the two are forced to face their intertwined pasts, themselves and each other. But with their motives so far apart and contempt still ripe between them, can they really settle their differences long enough to escape the dying tree before it's too late? A Final Fantasy IX doujinshi, set after the final battle. Contains tastefully done BL, interwoven underneath an actual plot. --Dedicated to my Cookie, who hates romance. (You're welcome)--", false, true], "Ilikepotatoes": ["http://meh-and-potatoes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "I like potatoes and my life motto is Hakuna Matata. Being a me is a really strange experiance. Million strange reflections per day are sometimes really annoying. Also a strange/crazy/funny/wtf advantures. And one day I've got a crazy idea \"Maybe I should draw a comic about my life?\" And I wrote to my friends about that idea and thay said \"why the hell not?\" So here we are. Me, a girl who likes potatoes who draw comic about her and her life.", false, true], "IlliaVOL1IceAndBlood": ["http://iceandblood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "I approached the art completely differently in this comic than anything I've done before. I drew everything in multiliner pen instead of penciling it first. Therefore, I was at the mercy of my mistakes. There is no kneadable eraser or Ctrl-Alt-Delete. But since that's what I'm looking for it doesn't bother me, but please by nice anyway ^^; I will try to update ICE & BLOOD weekly.", false, true], "IltaDalharuk": ["http://iltadalharuk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Seeing no other alternative, Nedyrr Auvryndar seeks her capricious goddess' aid to save her life. [Complete]", false, true], "Imago": ["http://imago.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "24 Hour Comics Day 2012 project. Touched up later only to add lettering, as my handwriting was atrocious. Probably pretty incoherent anyway. IMO this story picks up around page 8 or so. Sorry. PREMISE: A boy struggles against the creature trying to possess his body, and comes to some startling conclusions regarding his own soul.", false, true], "Imalog": ["http://imalog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Plot : School Banchou Midori suddenly proposes to Gynde, an extremely lazy student. What will happen to these two?", false, true], "ImitationNightmare": ["http://imni.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "The story of the relationship between a protagonist and an antagonist, both unknowingly wrapped up in the same conspiracy involving drug testing and the paranormal. Warning, contains: Violence/Gore Inconsistent art", true, true], "ImminentMoose": ["http://www.imminentmoose.com/comics/", 229, "\"EVERYTHING IS WONDERFUL\" :~ UPDATES HAPPEN ON SUNDAYS~: NOW DOING COMMISSIONS!", false, true], "ImmortalMemory": ["http://immortalmemory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "Anita Bowman, surrounded by a cloud of darkness, seeks to defy God. With the help of her friends and the power of immortality, they fight the Angels to get closer to Him. However as they fight, memories are collected driving them to certain emotions. One of which, happening 4 years ago, that drove some to madness, some to loneliness, some to replacement. Will they ever defy God? Will their memories get in the way? Were they ever alone?", false, true], "Immovable": ["http://immovable.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "It's a very short comic. Originally it was a piece for a contest with the theme \"in motion\". But I missed the deadline. -__- Comics are meant to be seen, so I finished it anyway and uplouded it here. I hope you enjoyed it and I'm thankful for every feedback. ^^ sexy girl power; mechanic; secretary; nerd glasses; short skirt; apes; monkeys; macho; manly; gear wheels; typist; feminism; women rights; action; fights; tiger; kitty; pussy cat; thinking; inspiration; pissed off heroine", false, true], "Imp": ["http://imp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Imp's soul has been sent to Prison, a place where all the sinners are doomed to wander through for eternity. As if that wasn't bad enough, he has his old enemy, Zuduka, trying to wipe him from existence. And if THAT wasn't bad enough, Death tells something bad is about to happen. Something that will change everything.", false, true], "ImpendingSalvation": ["http://impendingsalvation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "A one-shot yaoi story describing the controlling, violent nature of man. Keita, a lost cause, with no one to love soon finds himself falling in love with the violent Takuya. Takuya finds himself in a struggle to change his ways and protect the one he loves the most. Hint: read right to left.", true, true], "ImpsofNightmareland": ["http://nightmareland.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "In the frightening world of Nightmareland, the small yet feisty fruit bat known as Iggy goes out on an adventure to overthrow a king that he believes is corrupt and sadistic. Though most people don't believe Iggy and find his resentment against the king ridiculous, he manages to meet some new friends that support him. Together, they journey through Nightmareland's most terrifying cities to face the evils the world doesn't know about. This comic will feature cute yet frightful creatures in Halloweenish costumes and a cast of tragically misunderstood characters. It's an adventure tale of friendship and bravery, and I hope that it will give you a smile. Currently, the comic will update weekly on Mondays.", false, true], "Imsorry": ["http://imsorrybynettan87.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A comic about how powerless you can feel when there is nothing you can do to save someone precious to you.", false, true], "InDebt": ["http://indebt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 431, "Meet Kid. A teen straight out of high school with his whole life a head of him. Until it ends in a tragic traffic accident. Meet Grimm Death. A Reaper with the power of life and all other sorts of power at his disposal. He's highly respected in the Reaper realm and is seen as a Godly figure. In truth he is an arrogant, narcissistic, selfish, annoying, loud ego filled man that asks for no permission before doing what he wills. He owns the Deadwood Hotel and his goal is to make the hotel grow to multimillion dollar company. Grimm Death brought Kid back to life and informs the boy that he will now be working as a maid in order to pay off the debt of gaining a new life from Death. There will be boylove, girllove and just love in general. But mostly boys crushing on other boys. I'm currently going back and redoing the first chapter. Please bear with me as I replace the older pages with shiny new ones.", false, true], "InHouseHumor": ["http://inhousehumor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "", false, true], "InRetrospect": ["http://in-retrospect.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "You can't catch what you can't understand.....", false, true], "Incision": ["http://incision.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Incision is a supernatural horror-themed webcomic. Updated weekly. Content Warnings: There are scenes of violence, people's heads being ripped off and their toe nails being pulled out in slow motion.", false, true], "IncompleteKangTeukComic": ["http://kangteukdj2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "Welcome to \"INCOMPLETE\" KangIn and LeeTeuk are current members of Super Junior this comic is about their lives as idols, the friendship and romance between. Be aware this story contains boys love (Yaoi/slash). LeeTeuk has almost everything that a man can desire: Fame and money. But he still feel empty. Everything started with a celebration party, he was drunk so was KangIn...", false, true], "Indigo": ["http://indigo-.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 104, "PLEASE READ LEFT TO RIGHT! Genre: SHONEN-AI (BOY LOVE), slice of life, humor Rate: 16+ Summary: Federico is living together with his boyfriend Julian who is 6 years younger than him. Federico states to be happy but then... why is he so mean with his coworkers? If you are reading please keep in mind that you WILL NOT FIND CRAZY SEX ALL OVER THE PLACE, I always focus more ON THE PLOT THAT SEXY SCENES, there is of course a chance for that to happen (and it will) but IT WILL HAPPEN IN DUE COURSE :D UPDATES TWICE A WEEK... SPECIALLY ON WEEKENDS", false, true], "Infect": ["http://infect.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "After bringing peace to Mobius, 27 years later, Sonic the Hedgehog, living a life of a recluse, finds that he is infected with a life-threatening Chaos Disease. On top of that, Mephilles has returned after Sonic defeatedhim 27 years ago. Sonic must team up with some old friends to stop him.", false, true], "InfectedInstinct": ["http://infectedinstinct.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "In the small town of Oakshore there have been numerous cases of people dissapearing, having their bodies found months after in different places, kilometres away from the same place. Adel, the forensic scientist who is in charge of checking the evidences, doesn\u2019t seem to cope with it well since the bodies, when they arrive at his table, apart from being completely dismembered and unrecognizable, they seem to have supernatural features that no one else perceives.", true, true], "Inhuman": ["http://inhumancomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 487, "1000 years in the future, a schizophrenic has been kidnapped by a group of rebel soldiers. And it seems they've bitten off more than they can chew...", false, true], "InmyWorld": ["http://inmyworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "My main OCs, Feadel Guardian and Claude Lineus Thorn. A small one-shot of how Claude learned what's nice in bed, after 20 years of inexperience. Yay! Claude, you stupid virgin! Look what you make me do to you!!!!! This comic contains 18+ material. This means it contains Yaoi, violence as a fetish and romantic stuff. Link for uncensored version: http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/gallery/feadel22/originalart/ Updates every 2 or 3 days.", true, true], "Insecure": ["http://insecure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Two friends, Kei and Aoba, start to become 'friends with benefits' after Kei confesses he is gay and Aoba being curious about if doing it with a guy would be like. Obstacles soon start to appear as Kei is slowly starting to want something more than being just sex friends. Warning!: *If it wasn't obvious, this story contains two guys doing it...so you know...if you don't like it then don't read.", true, true], "Insecurities": ["http://insecurities.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "It is said that to understand each other, we need to feel the same pain. So there will always be someone who understands.", false, true], "Insomanywords": ["http://insomanywords.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 204, "Sam Moore's 20 year old world is shifting on its axis, whether he's ready for it or not, and his relationship to his best friend Charlie is at the center of it all. But no friendly warnings, social boundaries, disabilities, self denial, Charlie's pretty girlfriend, nor the mayor of town can stop Sam's growing curiosity towards the quirky, blonde boy he's never had to live without. (art improves as you go on) Warnings: Adult Content, Nudity, Profanity, Abuse, and Alcoholism are present in this comic. Slice of Life/Romance/\"Dramedy\" Uploads: Random days but frequently, 2 pages at a time", true, false], "Insomniacs": ["http://insomniacs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "If you hadn't chosen the path you did, if you hadn't chosen the friends you had, how different would your life be? Our lives were changed forever through fate of our own accord. But it wasn't until we created our little band of misfits that our destinies entertwined and we were all doomed by Hell's oh so loving hand. We had absolutely no idea what befriending eachother would do. Nor could we ever predict it would decide the fate of the earth. We're telling our story because it needs to be heard. And if this hasn't intrigued you enough, lets go ahead and throw in some vampires, demons and a werewolf along with it. Enjoy. Updates every Friday!", false, true], "InspiredByADream": ["http://inspiredbyadream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 168, "in\u00b7spire |in-spahyuhr| ~to fill or affect with a specified feeling, thought, etc ~to prompt or instigate (utterances, acts, etc.) by influence, without avowal of responsibility dream |dreem| ~a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep ~a vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie ~a wild or vain fancy Updates: Saturdays 1-2 pages a week.", false, true], "InstantComics": ["http://instantcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 148, "'Instant Comics' comes from my love of fair trade coffee while I draw. I hope you enjoy the variety of short stories that get posted here and thanks for reading !", false, true], "Instinct": ["http://instinct.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "", true, true], "InterestingTopicsofConversation": ["http://interestingtopics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Human lump Ritchie has a date.", false, true], "Interrobang": ["http://jebbinandharper.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Altra, New York is a city hidden from the rest of the world so scientists can run whatever kind of experiments they want on the people that live there without any sort of problem. Meet Jebbin, Harper, Adina and the residents of Altra. WARNING: This comic can get dark at times, sometimes subtly, sometimes not.", false, true], "IntotheDesertWinds": ["http://intothedesertwinds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Chandler, Prince of the coastal city of Ebonreach, is seeking peace and alliance between his country and Mystria, the country in the north. Everything is going well until he finds himself a fugitive in the fierce deserts between their countries. Plus, what do the strange dreams he's been having even mean? Updates on Fridays.", false, true], "Intoxicated": ["http://intoxicated.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 142, "This is the story of Robert, who tries to manage his relationships in his life of drug abuse, break up's and strong emotions. Contains drugs, sex and profanity. Approximately rated: 15", true, true], "Invaders": ["http://invaders.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A 10 page short story for a contest at my local library, the theme being \"A story set in the future.\" The story itself was inspired by an episode of the Twilight Zone.", false, true], "Invidia": ["http://invidia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Today's performance is called Invidia. We sincerely hope you enjoy it. This is the first comic of mine that I have drawn and completed in around four years so I'm rather pleased with how it came out. Invidia is a chapter from the the Seven Deadly Sins anthology, to be published by Gashu Group on 2013. It came first place in the 2012 Manga Apps Contest and has now been shortlisted in the Manga Jiman 2012 Competition =D I really do hope you will enjoy this!", false, true], "Iona": ["http://-iona-.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "In a world of werewolves, vampires, elves, and mystical artifacts, one half-breed is trying to find her own place as well as clues to where she came from.", false, true], "IristheVGGal2011": ["http://vggal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Iris the ultimate self-proclaimed fangirl!", false, true], "IronEmpress": ["http://ironempress.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "The king of the Nord has abdicated, leaving his only surviving heir, Kasora, to take up the reins as queen. How will the new monarch deal with a world recovering from plague as well as a rival king threatening to conquer the entire planet? And then there's her new bodyguard to keep an eye on...", true, true], "IrrationalFearsGirlandotherfineadventures": ["http://ifcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 164, "Just a series about a girl, her strange phobias and how she doesn't deal with them. Current Chapter: THE MYSTERY OF THE CAVE Updates MON THURS", false, true], "IrrationalFeelings": ["http://irrationalfeelings.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "A confused young man wanders throughout a cycle of confusion as he journeys his memories, looking for a drive that will return him to sanity.", false, true], "Islamundo": ["http://islamundo.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 53, "dapz + jotad\u00e9 te proponen descubrir ISLAMUNDO, un serial en vi\u00f1etas de entrega semanal que te mantendr\u00e1 en vilo con cada nueva p\u00e1gina, y del que no podr\u00e1s dejar de hablar con tus amig@s (o al menos eso esperan los autores ;) Como toda historia tiene un principio, ISLAMUNDO comienza en la isla Midalia, uno de esos lugares id\u00edlicos donde todo parece ir de maravilla, hasta que la cabeza de tu mascota salta por los aires, y lo pone todo perdido\u2026 \u00a1UNA NUEVA P\u00c1GINA CADA VIERNES! Like us on Facebook \u00b7 http://www.facebook.es/Islamundo.TheWebComic O S\u00edguenos en Twitter: @Islamundo Y si lo que quieres es estar a la \u00faltima y no perderte nada del nuevo material publicado cada mes en ISLAMUNDO, suscr\u00edbete a nuestro bolet\u00edn de novedades envi\u00e1ndonos un email a islamundo.elcomic@gmail.com, indicando en el asunto: \u201cS\u00ed, me gustar\u00eda suscribirme al bolet\u00edn de novedades mensual de ISLAMUNDO\u201d.", false, true], "IslandsofEzdora": ["http://ezdora.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "", false, true], "ItJustGotSeriousFireRedEdition": ["http://ijgsfirered.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "The sequel to IJGS Platinum. Don't worry, this one doesn't end in failure after the second gym :U This run is a Nuzlocke chronicling Kira's adventures through Kanto. The first half is mostly humorous, but it gets pretty serious later on. Hope you enjoy!", false, true], "ItJustGotSeriousPlatinumEdition": ["http://ijgsplatinum.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "This was my first ever Nuzlocke comic. Don't let the shitty art put you off - it gets better by Fire Red and Soul Silver :U This is really just to set up for the beginning of Fire Red.", false, true], "ItJustGotSeriousSoulSilverEdition": ["http://ijgssoulsilver.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "This is the sequel to IJGS: Fire Red. It's a story derived from my Nuzlocke run of Soul Silver. Kira starts anew in Johto so he can rebuild his team and learn more about Mewtwo. Meanwhile Silver has his own plans, and a mysterious man who knows about Mewtwo follows Kira. Where will his journey take him? Rules: 1. If a Pokemon Faints, put it permanently in the \"Dead\" box. 2. You can only catch/recieve the first Pokemon in each Area. 3. No Dupes Clause with a twist. The no dupes only applies for the first 2 Pokemon you encounter. If the third is a duplicate, too bad. However, you CAN catch dupes if you want. 4. You must nickname all of your Pokemon. 5. No catching legendaries. 6. Trading is disallowed, but the reasons following this clause are allowed. Egg trading is okay, same thing with Pokemon that can't have eggs. Trading simply for the purpose of evolution is perfectly OK. 7. When your whole party faints, it's game over.", false, true], "ItoshiisCrazyNuzlockeAdventures": ["http://icna.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 174, "<ICNA Yellow Run: Complete> ICNA: Water's Edge After becoming the Kanto League Champion and facing off against a Mewtwo corrupted by Missingno., Emp finds themself in Hoenn with no way to return home immediately. With the closest possible boat to Kanto being in Lilycove, Emp, and their new partner Ra, have to challenge the Hoenn league in an attempt to return to Kanto. Rules: -If a pokemon faints, you have to throw it into the DEAD box -You have to catch the first pokemon you see in an area (void until first pokeball) -No dupes. You get only ONE chance to find another pokemon if the first you run into is a dupe -Only ONE egg is allowed to be hatched -Nickname all pokemon -if you find a shiny pokemon in a route you've already caught a pokemon in, you are allowed to capture it. However, if you do, you must release the pokemon you previously captured in that route.", false, true], "ItsADeadMansParty": ["http://deadmansparty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 151, "People live, die, and go somewhere else. A compilation of stories about purgatory and its inhabitants.", false, true], "ItsCharacterDevelopment": ["http://characterdevelopment.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 896, "And now the tale of a party of adventurers who got lost in a dungeon ... and the one Paladin who had no choice but to try and save them. It's Character Development. Daily updated Playmobil toy photo-comic.", false, false], "ItsFun": ["http://itsfun.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Ah, you're here! You're here! Drop by and see the show tonight... Drop by and see the show... At the Dark Woods Circus... It's Fun! ==== >l5 pages long >Features Zim and other cartoon characters >Dark Woods Circus lyrics translated by Balni on livejournal.com", false, true], "ItsJustADreamBLYaoi": ["http://itsjustadream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Darren can't feel any pain in real life but in his dreams, he can. So what will he do when he meets Pain? BL. Yaoi. This comic is based on the song Pain - Three Days Grace and I do not own this song in any way! I'm just a fangirl. Hope you will like my little manga :3", true, true], "ItsaNuzlockecontest": ["http://nuzlockecontest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "With all the Nuzlocke comics going around, it is time for a contest. Ten contestants will compete in a Nuzlocke contest, they will use gym leaders as round markers and a point system to determine who will win. Point system and rules explained in comic. Can be drawn or spirited, anyone can join. current competitors: 0/10", false, true], "Itsahardlife": ["http://itsahardlife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 280, "Robin is ten years old and travels through Kanto with her pok\u00e9mon to find a place to call home. This is a story about struggle, survival and friendship in a cruel world. -------------------------- This is a Nuzlocke comic. Contains some swearing and occasionally some gore.", false, true], "Itsan8BitWorldBlankWorld": ["http://8bitblankworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 653, "This comic's premise is simple. This is the White Space, or \"Blank World\" of my It's an 8-bit World Comicverse. Here all the characters, past, present, and future can interact and do crazy, random, and all-together odd things for your own entertainment. Of course, they have to be careful so as not to piss off the local Rulers of the Universe...", false, true], "Itsanotsokawaiilife": ["http://notkawaiilife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "A life of a (not so) kawaii girl and her friends.", false, true], "IwillbenapoUpdates": ["http://napoupdates.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "I made this comic so you could keep track of my latest updates. It could be about my comics, but it could also be about my games.", false, true], "JADDsFIREREDNuzLoCkeChallenge": ["http://jfrnc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "RULES: 1.Any Pok\u00e9mon that faints is considered dead, and must be released/permanently boxed . 2.catch the first Pok\u00e9mon encountered in each area. If the first Pok\u00e9mon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances.(unless it's shiny) 3.Must nickname all Pokemon. Updates whenever", false, true], "JAS": ["http://jas.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 86, "A work in progress.", false, true], "JJJ": ["http://triplej.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "About my oc jam and her life how her village was destroyed and she soon finds out she is the godest of there world.. more soon... -3-", true, true], "JOGJustanOrdinaryGuy": ["http://jog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "John thought he was just an ordinary guy. Until a certain event happens in just one night. updated Saturdays and Sundays", false, true], "Jabbercrow": ["http://jabbercrow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "The Gods are restless. Something is changing, something subtle and malignant that remains frustratingly beyond the perception of the Gods, tapping away at the foundations of the order they forged so long ago. The Gods are uneasy, but, for all their power, can do nothing. War is coming to Droab. War always comes to Droab. Every century, the Faunans take up their arms in the name of their Gods and pay homage with their lives. Every century the Gods reward the victors with extravagant gifts and protection from the harsh, malicious spirits of Droab, the Faye. But this time something is different; something is not right. What was once a barely noticeable sensation has grown into a persistent irritation at the collective consciousness of the Faunans. The ritual war brings its age-old purpose to the Faunans, it fuels their faith and their vengeance, lending purpose to their existence, but this time change follows in its wake; mysterious and subversive, it chips away at the bonds of Faunan society, the order created by the Gods themselves. The Gods are watching. The Gods are waiting.", false, true], "JacketManGoldenDawn": ["http://jacketman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Once upon a time John found a mysterious jacket that gave him magic powers and since then he has become the (worst)superhero called Jacket-Man. Was his first adventure the toughest of all?", false, true], "JackiesStory": ["http://jackiestory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 276, "Jackie's Story is an online flash webcomic adventure story about an alien named Jack (Better known as Jackie) who gets talked into participating in something that she hopes will bring back her dead brother. For the animated version: http://jackiestory.weebly.com/index.html", false, true], "JacobWhite": ["http://jakew.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "A parody of this comic: http://fof.smackjeeves.com/", false, true], "Jadedescendants": ["http://jadedescendants.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Anagi Karasaki is in no way a normal teen, though he denies it. His parents died in a fire in which no bodies were found, He is connected somehow to a super rich family and hes always felt different than other kids. Despite all this, he claims to be a normal 15 year old. This is until he enrolls into a new high school, one of which houses 'special' students.", false, true], "Jagvetintevaddetar": ["http://idon-tevenknowwhatthisis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Just random comics about stuff that happens.. *Note: Jag vet inte vad det \u00c3\u00a4r is Swedish for \"I don't know what this is\"", false, true], "JakobsGamingStories": ["http://jakesstories.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "I just tell creepy gaming stories that are totally real and 100% not fake.", false, true], "JamComicWithHampandErick": ["http://peanutbutterandjamcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A jam comic between Hamp and Erick", false, true], "JamPacked": ["http://jampacked.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "What is Jampacked? well let me explain this is a comic that throws two of my favorite cartoon characters and my OC into an adventure across time and space!", false, true], "Jamesandmatthewmakecomics": ["http://jammc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "matthew and james comic makes", false, true], "Janirot": ["http://janirot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "Janitor and his newly married rich wife. Extreme mega dupa zundo shoujo warning.", false, true], "Jantar": ["http://jantar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Romance in a fantasy world inspired by Polish legends", false, true], "JantarPL": ["http://jantar-pl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Romans w \u015bwiecie fantasy, kt\u00f3ry zosta\u0142 zainspirowany przez polskie mity i legendy English translation on http://jantar.smackjeeves.com/", false, true], "Japanofail": ["http://japanofail.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "Do you like anime, manga or video games? Do you often fail? If so, you might like this comic!", true, true], "JayAndDub": ["http://jayanddub.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "Jay and Dub are two idle minds who share their hilarious randomness with the rest of the world. I feel sorry for said world. Based on real conversations, this comic is featured on the blog A-Ward Per Day.", false, true], "Jealous": ["http://jealous.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A story about a werewolf called 'Akai', met a young girl who had some strange power. And a jealous sister who wanted to kill all people around that young girl.", false, true], "JealousCatsCopyCats": ["http://jealouscats-copycats.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "The daily life of a bunch of cats who constantly get jealous of other cats for petty reasons and copies said other cats to cure their envy.", false, true], "JennyGalaxy": ["http://jennygalaxy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Jenny Galaxy is an intergalactic spacetranaut that's trying to leave her old life behind her. But trouble keeps finding her, even on the small planet of Lakviur. Updates Weekly. Created by Ruth Redmond", false, true], "JesusBlueNuzlocke": ["http://jesusnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "That character from that CYOA you probably didn't read doing a Nuzlocke of Pokemon Blue you probably should read, if only because it doesn't look like it was drawn by a seven year old in MS Paint.", false, true], "JewelCrisis": ["http://jewelcrisis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "Imagine 2 strong, determined, awesome superheroes who are surely going to save the World from every danger. Our heroes are not like this at all. And what's more, they need to save more than 1 Worlds. Follow Vanda, Dan, the Chicken, and their other weird friends travelling through places even weirder than themselves. _____________________________________________ [dat cool description yay] UPDATES: Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday + sometimes extra updates on weekends. _____________________________________________ Don't be afraid to: \u25cf comment \u25cf rate \u25cf +fav if you'd like to ^^ Everything helps to improve this comic (.\u203f.)", false, true], "JinLove": ["http://jlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "This comic has fox people, and a wolf. J is a janitor at a local high school. Because his house burned down he can no longer speak due to shock. He was always a shy man and soon he'll be between a rock and a hard place. What would you do if you thought you were about to die and the person you love was in your arms? Updates Daily.", false, true], "Jobo": ["http://jobo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "My Jobo, Take the imperfections of man and make them beautiful. fly far on your balloons and don't look back, live Jobo, learn Jobo and don't forget to love. Comic is rated for Violence, Gore, Adult situations and mild language", false, true], "JosPokemonJourney": ["http://jpj.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 187, "Just about a 17 year old twin with an afro who's going on a journey with a few surprises, friends, and foes. :D Updates when it can. :3", false, true], "JosephAndYusra": ["http://josephxyusra.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 435, "Love, Friendship, Religion and supernatural powers? After Yusra lost her parents in a military conflict in the Middle East, she was sent to America to live with her aunt. It was there that she found Joseph, a Jewish boy. They discovered that they were able to talk through telepathy and through that they were able to stay close friends.. However, there is something more to them than just telepathy..or their friendship. UPDATED AT THE END OF EVERY MONTH", false, false], "JourneyDesertAndSnow": ["http://journeycomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "The story is BL, though it's more an A/U romance than anything. The story is about Enoch a young man who falls for a handsome foreigner, and their trials to get back to one another after the unexpected separation by meddling 'friends'. (The story has not been tagged for mature content but will change as story progresses)", false, true], "JourneyMan": ["http://journeyman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Life is a journey. Will finally seemed to be going places. But his plans take unexpected turns when cosmic forces intrude with occult plots and alien invasions. Can Will get a life as the galaxy burns? The first chapter includes old art from 2005 that will be fixed, later chapters have much better art.", false, true], "JourneyThroughArmeria": ["http://journeythrougharmeria.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Young Kalek Etlam is an aspiring swordsman, and today marks the day where he will be able to travel the world on his own, free from his apprenticeship. Despite his plans, a pint-sized assassin and some bad timing turn his world upside down. Now Kalek must embark on a journey to recover his memories and find out who he truly is, while befriending a few questionable partners along the way.", false, true], "JoyToTheWorld": ["http://joytotheworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Meet Joy Fulbright, an 11 year old tomboy. Joy for the most part, is smarter than the world around her. Shes an angry only child who lives with her divorced mother and is does video blogs, films, and other mischievous activities. Joy ends up living in her own little world with her friends Kimmy and Neil, her schoolyard antagonists Gary and Joanna, and her arch-nemesis...boredom. Updates Sunday and Thursday weekly!", false, true], "JudeMariaCrossedFrequenciesattheSpaceCatDisco": ["http://crossedfrequencies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "The story of how Jude and Maria met at a disco on Space Cat planet, and had a run in with the local gangster, TV, and the local Hero, Radio.", false, true], "Juice": ["http://juicyjuice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Juice is the guy with the ponytail and he'd rather not listen to what you've got to say. Too bad he's got a lot of people to deal with. Finding a job, an annoying pretty-boy, crazy women, can Juice handle all this and more? :D Read and find out! Warnings: crude language, gay, lame backgrounds", true, true], "JumpALittleHigher": ["http://jalh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "They play volleyball. Actually, most of the time they play something else. They also have issues, and therapy isn't helping. They have pet alligators in their rooms, porn under their beds and a broken volleyball named Wilson. They're the volleyball team of St. Night's Athletic Academy, and they're called The Pimp Unicorns. No wonder everyone stays away. Updates schedule: Whatever I may say concerning updates, DON'T YOU BELIEVE ME. (Warning for occasional SWEARING and BLOOD and VIOLENCE)", false, true], "JumpingTheShark": ["http://jumpingtheshark.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "The complete Best Day Ever comic series in one place especially for you", false, true], "June": ["http://june.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 200, "SORRY! NO DOGS ALLOWED (A 100% true autobiographic horror story. @tumblr: http://junecomic.tumblr.com)", false, true], "JustAnOrdinaryDay": ["http://jaod.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Hiro lives his life as anyone else. Has a job he can't stand. Goes to college to make his dreams a reality. And a familiar teaching him the ways of magic. Too bad for the familiar Hiro doesn't take his lessons seriously.", false, true], "JustAnotherDay": ["http://ravenwing.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 175, "Shanku has left her home behind to explore the wide world around her. Out of her small forest home she finds more of her own kind and new friends. Love, loss, and adventure await her as she discovers the secrets her clan struggled to hide. But at what cost?", false, false], "JustAnotherLife": ["http://justanotherlife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "This is a comic on my daily life in highschool, and other stuff as well. WARNING: May be uploaded slowly because I am extremely lazy. (Or I don't have anything interesting to draw.) There is also some minor cursing, just saying.", false, true], "JustCrazy": ["http://justcrazy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "17 year old Jay\u2019s childhood ends up being destroyed by a spirit from the unknown. Ever since that night, Jay has been haunted with one question, which repeatedly reappears in his daily life. Testing Jay\u2019s strength and beliefs within himself, Jay finds him self constantly involved in people\u2019s lives. All Jay ever wanted was to live a normal life; he shortly finds out that life is anything but normal. In fact life is Just Crazy. :::Please read Right to Left thx:::", false, true], "JustGotta": ["http://justgotta.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 735, "Your typical story about a girl from our world pulled into the Pok\u00e9mon world . . . or is it? Hillaree, known by her friends as the \"Mewtwo Queen,\" is suddenly taken to a world where Pok\u00e9mon are real. She is told she will be returned home when she is ready. What could that mean? Well, since she's going to be there a while, she might as well catch some Pok\u00e9mon! A Pok\u00e9mon Fan Comic written and drawn by Vye Brante. Rated Teen for some violence/fighting, blood, and death. Currently updates on Wednesday and Saturday. Please note: This comic does not follow any established canon, but does use characters from the games, anime, and mangas. Histories and personalities may be changed.", false, true], "JustOneBite": ["http://justonebite.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "The story of teen vampire Edna Garett and her \"family\" and friends as they maneuver through the underground world of vampires, werewolfs, witches, demons, angels, vampire hunters, mythical creatures, and homework.", false, true], "JustineMonTout": ["http://justinemontout.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "A doujinshi of the 'Justine' expansion of 'Amnesia: The Dark Descent'. The Suitors are hideous, disfigured beings, but they're not zombies. Oh no, these men are still very much alive. This is their story. (Comic reads from left to right~) Amnesia: The Dark Descent/Justine (c) Frictional Games", false, true], "Justmyluck": ["http://justmyluck.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 145, "Andreia is a normal girl, if you forget the fact that she\u0092s the unluckiest girl in the world. Tired of her life, she leaves her home and goes to another town. But of course things don\u0092t go as planned. Andreia meets Jason, who is a pain in the ass and very cold to her. She finds herself stuck in the biggest problem of her life, with nowhere to turn.", false, true], "JutopasBlueChallenge": ["http://bluenuzlockejutopa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "This is the history of trainer Jutopa, who travels across the Kanto region to win the Nuzlocke Challenge. Looking for a reason to live, they must fight to DEATH!", false, true], "K0RPZ3": ["http://korpze.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Planet earth used to be a civilization based on a shared network of information. After a strange collapse in the world's main network, the planet lost all connections to a before so-called Internet. People now live as marauders, some of them in the middle of a constant war, and others travel the world as nomads finding a way of living. In the middle of the conflict, there are a couple of brothers who make a living as scrap dealers\u2026", false, true], "KARNELLIUM": ["http://karnellium.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "Karnellium is a medieval fantasy story set in a fictional land called Mal'a Haar, a country slowly recovering from a civil war, which resulted in abolishing the monarchy. One day a seemingly ordinary young woman arrives in Mal'a Haar, carrying an old book written in many strange languages that no one seems to be able to decipher. On her way to the capital she meets two quite peculiar \"brothers\", and the three get themselves mixed up in the country's political affairs. Meanwhile, a storm of an extraordinary origin is brewing, and its consequences might be much more dire than those of any war. Updated every Thursday.", true, true], "KCChronicles": ["http://kcc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "The story continues as Malachi, Koala Kid, Maria, and Grace continue to fight whatever evil arises. Even if its not on their planet. Contains characters from the Mario/Sonic Franchises. Updates on Thursdays!! The 4th installment in the KCC Saga.", false, true], "KCChroniclesRacconto": ["http://kccracconto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "This is a series about a kid who winds up on an alien planet, and must fight for his survival. Updates on Mondays!! The 1st installment in the KCC Saga.", false, true], "KCChroniclesShadowsofthePast": ["http://kccsp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "After working for G.U.N. for 2 years, Kai begins to realize that he's been duped into stealing artifacts and secretley doing G.U.N.'s dirty work. That's when he's approached by an old foe in a new form. And where the ride begins... The 6th and final installment in the KCC Saga.", false, true], "KCChroniclesTheAllianceisFormed": ["http://kcctaf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "This continues 2 years after Racconto. After defeating the fire demon of the Planet of Sopraffino Terra, G.U.N. manages to track down Kai and Koala Kid, and decides to settle the score. However, some THINGS get in the way... Updates on Tuesdays!! The 2nd installment in the KCC Saga.", false, true], "KCChroniclesTheShadowForce": ["http://kcctsf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A fan-comic about the mario bros, sonic franchise, and a prequel to KC Chronicles. Updates on Wednesdays!! The 3rd installment in the KCC Saga.", false, true], "KCComicals": ["http://kccomicals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "A comic collab with a few friends using sprite characters.", false, true], "KCNO": ["http://kcno.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 264, "A simple town in love with a simple radio station show. KCNO's Love Me Do, is the most popular show on the airwaves. Its success is owed to the host, Jason who has impeccable advice to give people struggling through love. But when a simple question moves the town to seek out Jason, his attempts at secrecy become the newest talk of the town.", false, true], "KILLJOY": ["http://kill-joy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "\"Someday you'll find something that's worth fighting for...\" ------------------------------------- Assassins live dangerously. The rookie Ignatz had to learn that the hard way and seeks revenge. To get it, he'll have to learn quickly and challenge various killers to a mortal combat. But what is worth killing for? ------------------------------------- BEWARE! Killjoy contains BL, violence, gore, language, drug abuse, suicide, bare skin, discrimination of gay people and questionable ethics in general.", false, true], "KOJIMA": ["http://kojima.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Kojima's a poor ass writer who makes some extra cash tutoring students and Christian's failing his english class and cant afford to retake it. So his teacher forces him to meet with Kojima and he ends up helping alot but Christians got A BIG FAT CRUSH on Kojima and he has no freakin idea why, he wants to quit but he really cant afford to. so hes just gotta deal with his feelings and hope Kojima doesnt notice (he figures he wont)(hes pretty brain dead) just a cutesy bl~ will probably update once a week", false, true], "KXClifeinAmsdenEstate": ["http://kxclifeinamsdenestate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Just making a comic of the random lovey dovey life of this couple; Kaleb and Clive <3 *Characters are based from a BL Collab; Amsden Estate. -Kaleb, character belongs to Fleffi -Clive, character belongs to me. Updates: Whenever I feel like it and whenever I'm in the mood. If you want to read how they met and got together, read here http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=105458 WARNING: Contains BL/yaoi. And you might get confused when reading since it's in random order/updates. Just for the fun of it. In case you do get lost reading, refer to the archive. [read from Right to Left]_if drawn by Feruru.", false, true], "KYANDI": ["http://kyandi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "ONE SHOT PG-16 (Language / Mature Themes) Boy Love / Homosexual Content Summary / Description: \"omg y he cry so much\" COMPLETED fun facts / translations \"Kyandi\" means \"Candy\" \"Taiyou\" means \"Sun\" \"Hoshi\" means \"Stars\" \"Tsuki\" means \"Moon\"", false, true], "Kaigaishii": ["http://kaigaishii.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "A young death compromiser, Kana Negeino, is called to the line of duty to be a \"Star\". \"Stars\" are representative heroes that must restore the keys of the Zetsumei \"Death\" System destroyed by a revolting force not long ago. Kana accepts the challenge of fixing the Zetsumei System, but things are not as easy as they seem. It's going to take all of her nerve and courage to change the fate of the world. But what if things don't turn out to be what she bargained for after all? ~*~Updates every Monday~*~", false, true], "KaitoShuno": ["http://kaitoshuno.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1389, "a man named Kaito goes to commit suicide after living a boring, loveless, cubicle job. He meets a strange guy named Shuno...and Shuno immediatly takes a liking to him...almost too fast to be real XD Kaito quickly makes it clear that he isnt gay...but will Shuno's actions toward him make him alittle...'confused'? lol Kaito's been in such a need for love that maybe Shuno's affection doesnt look THAT bad...or does it?:P YAOI!!", false, true], "KamaikazeUniverse": ["http://kamauni.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "This is the remake of my comic Kamaikaze Universe. I have deleted the old pages and starting up again here. Kamaikaze Universe is short, just the god Kamaikaze's world. The wolves and dogs are in constant conflict over land and the right to live. But soon enough something greater then themselves will show up...", false, true], "Kanon": ["http://kanon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Kanon Ervin, a struggling student at Mythril Academia of Magic, sees something is off with some of her peers. Meanwhile her best friend, Miso Mikaru, studies her butt off for everything, but never seems to get to the top of the class. Then the two get caught up in a tangling dilemma, a dilemma which causes them to flee from their society, Zenlin.", false, true], "KasaKeira": ["http://kasakeira.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 433, "<b>The story of a girl, her magic umbrella and the hundreds of demons trying to kill her</b>", false, false], "Katran": ["http://katran.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 173, "This is the Story of Nirrod, an almost normal 14 year old boy. He is living with his Family and his clan in a big village in the north of Katran. Build on a giant cliff, it became one of the safest places in the land, and soon a very precious trading point. Nirrod is living his life well protected and without sorrows in the lap of his clan. he is playing with other kids, playing pranks....a normal life. but all of this is going to change....", false, true], "KattsEyes": ["http://ke2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "\"Life works in funny ways. No matter how many lives you live, you always wind up in the same spot in the end.\" -Katt Welcome to the world of Mobias. A land of fast blue hedgehogs, powerful emeralds, and the ultimate being. What few know is that it is also the land of the Gods. And caught right in the middle of all of it is one lone cat just trying to get by in life. A tail of romance and adventure, there's never telling what will happen with each chapter. There's also a lot of comedy peppered throughout. Join our heroin and see life through Katt's Eyes.", false, true], "Kaupunki": ["http://kaupunki.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A little story about a boy, who finds a piece of the past. (\"Kaupunki\" is Finnish and means \"a city\".)", false, true], "KawaiiBear": ["http://kawaiibear.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Autobiographical comic about my life as a bear.", false, true], "KawaiiOtakuDaigaku": ["http://kawaiiotakudaigaku.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "Jimmy-kun enrols into the elite university, Kawaii Otaku Daigaku. His luck is looking up when he is accepted, but what will happen in the halls of Kawaii Otaku Daigaku?!", false, true], "KaxenonSTUFF": ["http://onstuff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 452, "A comic about nothing in particular spanning from political opinion to random observations about insignificant things.", false, true], "KazamaVanguards": ["http://kvg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "The Kazama Vanguards comic is a set of random adventures, each adventure developing each Vanguard. Sometimes the characters have a situation in their past, where some chapters will cover that. Current Chapter: Attack of the G-Sukos! Next Chapter: ??? Rules for joining: 1. Characters must be original, no chaos powers. Before joining, the official Vanguards group will look at what the character can do. 2. When submitting an application to be an author, you MUST link us an example of your comic skills. 3. If an author(s) knows you, and has history with you, then they reject you, then you will not be allowed to submit an application 4. Act like an asshole, a spoiled kid, or a drama queen, and your ass is out of here. 'Nuff said. 5. When the lead author gives a deadline, make sure to follow what he says, or you will be out of here. 6. When you apply, you MUST submit a form to the Vanguards cast section, headed by Shard. It acts as a short bio for your character. Failure to do so will result in you being booted out.", false, true], "KcChroniclesTheComet": ["http://kcctc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "The 5th installment of my Kc Chronicles Saga, and the first one to not include sprites. A strange comet has been spotted in the atmosphere of Sopraffino Terra, and the comet is said to be harboring alien life... Very agressive alien life... Updates every Friday :D", false, true], "Keelina": ["http://keelina.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "(Updates every Monday and Friday.) Thousands of years ago, a terrifying Demi-God threatened to obliterate all life on earth. But thanks to the sacrifice of Keelina, the Demi-Goddess of the earth itself, his soul was split apart into ten peaces. These manifested into silver coins with unique and dangerous powers. The year is 1895. The coins have once again begun to stir, meaning that the powerful Demi-God is gaining strength again. It's up to a group of young Humans, Merfolk, and even the current incarnation of Keelina to travel the world, find all ten coins, and end the threat once and for all. (Contains lots of Action, Mermaids / Mermen, Sea Monsters, Centaurs, Historical drama and more!)", false, true], "KeepingUpwithThursday": ["http://keepingupwiththursday.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 107, "An homage, tribute, parody, and nod to animated cartoons of day's past. From Disney or Don Bluth, 'Keeping Up with Thursday' is intended to be a quarterly monthly series with four issues a year (or bonus side comics, if time permits), about the adventures and lives of Patrick and Vinnie: two mice living in Victorian London. Vinnie, the American, is paired up with Patrick, a notorious thief, and their tales - tails! - herein, lie a grand sequence of events. Created in December 2010, and hopefully, longer. ((This comic will only be uploaded to a certain point here: Issue 5. To see the rest, please visit my DrunkDuck or deviantart... unless by some chance you'd like me to finish what I started here. :P))", false, true], "KeithRobotFighter": ["http://keithrobotfighter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Keith fights robots! but this is all in his mind. In the real world he fights against a world that hates him and forces him back into his fantasy world. Which has a evil robots! What fun! by Trav Nash", false, true], "KeiththeCuttlefish": ["http://keiththecuttlefish.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "It's Keith! The Cuttlefish! (or should I say CUDDLEfish)", false, true], "KensFireRedKickAtMode": ["http://kickassmode.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "This comic is based on my own personal Nuzlocke run of Pokemon FireRed, starring an old character of mine from a (non-existent) Pokemon fanfic. While this story is based on the plot of the FireRed/LeafGreen games, I've inserted a few elements from Ken's original story to change things up. Hope you guys enjoy! :)", false, true], "KetchupMayonnaise": ["http://ketmayo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A random short comic about two mafia members.", false, true], "Keweacomicdiary": ["http://kewelife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "just... a little stress reliever. :)", false, true], "KeyFantasyAdventureWebcomic": ["http://keywebcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "Ex-knight Jerlorn wants to get the hell back to Feynia, after a year wasted in the human realm. But to his dismay, going home harder than it seems. Maybe all he needs is a magical Lock and the help of three other teens. Main site: key.shadilyn.com", false, true], "KidIcarus": ["http://kidicarus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "The world was once ruled by the Goddesses Palutena, Goddess of Light, and Medusa, Goddess of Darkness. Medusa conspires with the Demons of the Underworld and dethrones Palutena, defeating her army by stealing the three Sacred Treasures! Now it is up to Pit to retrieve them and save Palutena and the Earth!", false, true], "KidaFlowerofHell": ["http://kfoh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "\"My name is Kida, and I woke up in a shallow grave.\" After years of being followed by death -literally- Kida and Kain wind up dying in an accident before their time and now Kida is trapped in hell with \"death\". --------------------------------------------- The prolouge is written but isn't going to be made into a chapter (way to long) The rest of the story is being dealt with", false, true], "KidwiththecapsversionofBeautyandtheBeast": ["http://beatyandthebeast.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "This is something I did at 24 hour comic hosted by out school club. 24 hour comic is where you stay up 24 hours to do a 24 page comic. It was way harder than I thought it would be and at the beginning my drawings are lot better and as you go on you can see where I'm starting to get tired. Usually, people make silly comics for good reason, because the lack of sleep makes it easy. Of course I would try to make a serious comic... This is my own take on Beauty and the Beast, and it's the end of the story, because everyone knows the beginning and the middle", true, true], "KillMeOrDie": ["http://killmeordie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "Stephen Sharp is the Raging Corpse. He has been brought back from the dead with the radiation that killed him. Hating the creature that he has become, the Corpse taunts Metro City's heroes to kill him or die!", false, true], "KilljoyTheRaygunChronicles": ["http://killjoy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "\"Killyjoy\" is an adult neo-noir/science-fiction comic about an elite taskforce of psionic internal affairs officers in charge of investigating the rest of the psionic police forth in order to see if they are abusing their powers. They are part of the MPIS (Ministry of Psionic Integrity and Security). These officers are nicknamed \"Killjoys\", because they just seem to rain on everyone's parade. Spencer Solomon, a fresh faced naive young recruit straight from basic training, has reservations about joining the oddball group of Killjoys. Comprising the rest of the Killjoy team is Fabian Holst, a straight lace bureaucrat on the edge of retirement, and Maire Bluenote, a rebellious free spirited Irish woman whose current hair color changes more often than her boyfriends. They all work together under the Prime Minster of MPIS, Sherman Siofra. A very moody, cynical, and disparaging man with a shrouded past. Art and original concept by Thomas Shaner Cool logo by Shayne Cassidy Website design by Bratchan Written by Andrew M. Henderson Character designs by Shayne Cassidy/ Carlos Cara Honorary members: Smbhax, Otomo and Mike Jackson. Colors by Ester Salguero", true, true], "KindergartenPromises": ["http://kindergarten-promises.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A short manga that I wrote for a contest under the theme \"school\". Mostly about me in elementary school. **Reads right to left**", false, true], "KingJamesMoneego": ["http://kingjamesmoneego.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 111, "An African prince, pirate Jean Lafitte and slave runner James Bowie in the swamps of Louisiana.", false, true], "KingdomHeartsPenanceExistence": ["http://penanceoverexistence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A Kingdom Hearts fan-comic. Many years after the events of Sora's adventures, a new tale is about to unfold. The keyblade is but a legend now, but dangers will always lurk in the darkness. New heroes emerge, and forces will clash in the battle to seek the heart of all worlds. And a new enemy will emerge, unlike anything seen before...", false, true], "KingdomHeartsRadix": ["http://kingdom-hearts-radix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Have you ever wondered how the world was before it fragmented? How it happened that it broke? Here is my version of this time. The main character is the young keyblade warrior Lynx. However, he is not like all the others who are chosen by the keyblade, pleased with his gift and really want to live just a completely normal life. Together with his childhood friend Rea (Caprea) and his best friend Sera he is training for keyblade mastery. At a festive evening to cooperate with the kingdoms Radiant Garden and Caelum, Lynx is in conflict with the king of Caelum involved and branded as traitor. On the run from his own home, he become witness of the development of the Keyblade War, and which undergoes dramatic fate awaits him.", false, true], "KingdomoftheDinosaurs": ["http://dinosaurkingdom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 425, "Kingdom of the Dinosaurs is a theme park ride through the magical world of video game and pop-culture parody. If there's a bright center in the webcomic universe, you're on the comic that's farthest from. Updates sporadically.", false, true], "KingdomoftheWorm": ["http://kingdomoftheworm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "I took part in the 24-Hour Comics Day 2011 on October 1st. This is the result...", true, true], "KingofChess": ["http://kingofchess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "A game of strategy, a dangerous one at that. The ambitious, the eager, and others will strive to triumph. Only three from each of the four kingdoms will triumph. Perhaps the wise, the strong, or the forgotten one will win. However, this is just a game. They are just pawns of a bigger player. Will you enter this game? After all, it is just a \"game\".", false, true], "KingoftheWebComic": ["http://kingoftheweb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "Follow the random adventures of Don and his friends through a world of real life, internet, gaming, conventions and other strange events.", true, true], "Kirbandfriendsshowcase": ["http://kas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2591, "a new kirb and friends!^^", false, true], "KirbyAdventure": ["http://kirbysadventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 371, "Meet the Kirby Adventure Squad: a group of Kirbies who take requests from random clients and attempt to complete them! And mostly fail miserably! Huzzah!", false, false], "KirbyAirRide": ["http://kirbyairride.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "", false, true], "KirbyAndTheMagicMirror": ["http://katmm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "A retold version of Kirby and the Amazing Mirror. But this time Kirby is not split into four and he has two Mirror World's versions of himself, instead of just one. And they are completely different from Shadow Kirby.", false, true], "KirbyBattle": ["http://kirbybattle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 121, "Dark Matter once again attacks his worst enemy's homeland, Popstar. Kirby and his friends are going to try to stop this evil from happening. Will Dark Matter finally be successful in conquering the Universe? Updates most Sundays and Wednesdays, the keyword being \"most\".", false, true], "KirbyClan": ["http://kirbyclan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A webcomic of the pink hero Kirby, the self-proclaimed king of dreamland Dedede, the mysterious swordsman Meta Knight, and a whole bunch of other lesser-known colorful puffballs. Hope you enjoy it!!! :D", false, true], "KirbyDefenseForce": ["http://kirbydefenseforce.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "unable to take on a new foe,kirby organizes a team to defeat strong threats!! think of it as the avengers and not just your average rescue/assist team(additional characters needed)", false, true], "KirbyDreamQuest": ["http://kirbydreamqst.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "The LOST Chapter of Kirby's Dream Quest is Here! You can comment Ideas from the next comic Weekeely Update (CREDITS TO WHO MAKE THE SPRITES THAT I AM USING) May Have RPG Style Battles - And Quick Time events -", false, true], "KirbyDreamTeam": ["http://kirbysdreamteam.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 549, "Join Kirby and his Dream Team as they team up to take down evil!", false, true], "KirbyFunfestTheOriginals": ["http://kirbyfunfestold.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 121, "Kirby and his best friend Dee are minding their own business, when Dedede challenges Kirby to a duel! Since then, Kirby and Dee have to save the world from seemingly unstoppable forces of nature, and all the while they still have time to be funny... NOTE: I am restarting this comic, see it at http://kirbyfunfest.smackjeeves.com/", false, false], "KirbySpriteRequests": ["http://kirby-sprite-requests.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "We do all kinds of Kirby related sprite requests. No promises on how quickly we can get them done, though.", false, true], "KirbyTheDeeArmy": ["http://kirbyandthedeearmy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "One day, while Kirby is bored, A mysterious blue Kirby named Sapphire Suddenly appears and warns him to not accept any offers he may receive in the next few hours, and then vanishes! Mere seconds later, A Waddle Dee approaches Kirby with an offer to become King of Dreamland! What can he do but accept that? A few days later, Sapphire comes back and tells Kirby that she's from the future, and his actions have dire consequences for Dreamland. The only way to save it, is to go on a journey to unite the guardians of all the planets around Popstar!! Will they succeed? Only one way to find out! Click that \"Begin Reading\" button!! Updates: Whenever I can. Idea and pages by Luigi_96, Helped by Ultimate Yoshi.", false, true], "KirbyTowerTeam": ["http://kirbytowerteam.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Welcome to the Tower team, an agile group of talented Kirby's fighting the evil that seeks popstars destruction.", false, true], "KirbyandKeebysAdventures": ["http://kirbykeebyadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "The adventures of a lovable puffball and a violent puffball. This is gonna be great. I'm gonna be working on this comic until I get motivated to do Sonic Through Time again! Updates: No update schedule.", false, true], "KirbyandtheDarkKnight": ["http://kirby-darkknight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 278, "This is a comic of a lot of nerdy pop-culture stuff such as internet memes, Naruto, RP characters, Pokemon, and.... Kirby. The whole story is LOOSELY based on Kirby and the Amazing Mirror. IMPORTANT: COMICS ARE READ RIGHT TO LEFT. THAT MEANS THAT \"LATEST COMIC\" IS ACTUALLY THE FIRST AND \"FIRST COMIC\" IS ACTUALLY THE LATEST. Kotaru, Kyousuke, and Riki were best friends since childhood and continued to be into high school, until one of their ordinary, normal days goes wrong and changes their life forever... They team up with Kirby and create the S.W.O.R.D to fight against the Dark Knight. Thanks for reading and please feel free to comment. Like our Facebook page! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kirb-y-and-the-Dark-Knight/191342084279414 Also read Divided By Zero! Our team's newest detective story also on smackjeeves! divided-by-zero.smackjeeves.com AND Our new Deviant Art page holding our new manga \"Winter Story.\" http://doomoxz.deviantart.com/", false, false], "KirbyinBakumanLand": ["http://kirbyinbakumanland.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "What if the character cutest seized a Death Sketchbook? http://eddyherrera.deviantart.com/", false, true], "KirbysCrayon": ["http://kirbyscrayon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "", false, true], "KirbysDreamAdventure": ["http://kirbyda.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 875, "What's better than one Kirby? A whole mess of them, that's what! Follow them around their little adventures and daily lives, from the early randomness to the more story-built latter parts. It's a Kirby adventure worth watching, even if the main pink puffball doesn't get as much direct screen time as he should!", false, true], "KirbysMessedUpAdventures": ["http://kirbys-messed-up-adventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Just some random kirby comics. Updates on Mondays.", false, true], "KirbysMoonlight": ["http://kirbys-moonlight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "There are many things that will change your life, and your choices can affect others as well. What would you do to change the things you know? Dreamland has always been (relatively) peaceful. Kirby, the Hero of the Stars, has always protected Dreamland. Then the Moon goes missing. Cults are created, people go insane, there are blood rituals, and even the Gods don't know what to do. Kirby sets out to find where the moon is, why it's missing and discover the secrets of Popstars deities. Cameos are very welcome! C: Oh, and when I say \"blood rituals,\" I mean it. There will be violence and gore. Not very much though. [Updates Often]", false, true], "KirbysSpritersResort": ["http://ksr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 127, "A nother spriters showcase has come to town! what's the difference? IT\"S KIRBY'S ONLEH! If you want a place to post your kirby sprites and drawings, spost them here!", false, true], "KirbysofTHEVOID": ["http://kotv.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 122, "In the year 2032, Professor Wima Deerp created a vast expanse of space. A few random kirbies, and dees, were selected and transported into the new, infinitely diverse world. Later, a huge incident happened (it involved bunnies) one of the vict- I mean volunteers accidentally created his evil clone. When this clone threatens to destroy the world only a group of oddities can save it.", false, false], "Kirbystarsquad": ["http://kirbyss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "what is better than a single kirby with all abilities? a ton of kirbies with their own abilities", false, true], "KissParade": ["http://kissparade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "shitineedtostopmakingnewcomics A delinquent. 17 year old Isamu. A Playboy. 17 year old Taiki. They both hate eachother, so, so much. One day after winning a fight, Isamu is dragged away by Taiki and is asked a strange question: \"Can I kiss you?\" BL/Yaoi. I know right. AHA AHAHA. OTL", false, true], "KissTheFrog": ["http://kiss-the-frog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Forced out to the small lake by his childhood friend, Gem, Chain ends up having to kiss a frog, which turns out to be a REAL prince! *shounen-ai!*", false, true], "KissmeSnow": ["http://kissmesnow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "\u201cThe Snow just keeps falling, never melting away, never allowing spring to arrive.\u201d Shirayama, a small mountain town, hasn\u2019t seen spring in decades. Young man named Keiji suffers from fear of cold, and wants nothing more than get away from the town and its prevailing eternal winter. However, when he encounters a mysterious girl called Lumi and finds out the secret behind the mysterious hypothermia deaths, he has to confront his own fears, not only for his own, but also for the entire town\u2019s future. ---------------------- Updates on Mondays & Thursdays", false, true], "KissoftheDevil": ["http://kissofthedevil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "Vist us at http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=110041 Thanks! Shadow Leafeon", false, true], "KissoftheDevil20": ["http://kissofthedevil2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 108, "This is a remake of the collaboration, \"Kiss of the Devil\" _____________________ This is a collab for Vampires, Humans,and Werewolves. This has no plot whatsoever so, we are always open to suggestions! This collab is just for fun so do what you want. -------------------------------------------- You may have up to 4 characters!ONLY TWO humans ONE werewolf and ONE Vampire! Extra!The human HAS be a drudge(slave)to a certain vampire or werewolf.Even if you or they dont like it. ----------------------------------------------------- This is NOT a Twlight collab. This has nothing to do with it! -------------------------------------------- Will contain:Blood B/L G/L ------------------------------------------------- Spots open: 0 Sorry guys. I don't think we can have anymore characters. We have too many. :( Spots taken: 6 i think.. XD ----------------------------------------- Kissofthedevil(c)Shadow Leafeon", false, true], "Knife": ["http://knife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "READ LEFT TO RIGHT ------------->", false, true], "KnifePointKelly": ["http://kpkelly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "sorry if this is not neater than my other comics. I have a shortage in blank paper and there is more than enough notebook paper. Ericka was only 8 when her parents died. When she ran away from the orphanage, she's forced to scavenge and steal as the only way to live; until she met up with old friends and a new nemesis.", false, true], "KnightSchoold": ["http://knightschoold.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Sometimes it's hard being the hero.", false, true], "Knightface": ["http://knightface.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 122, "A paladin who betrayed abusive people who used to be his friends seeks to rebuild faith in himself and his god.", true, true], "KnightoftheCross": ["http://knightsofthecross.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "", false, true], "KnightsRequiem": ["http://knightsrequiem.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 166, "With weaponry called Emblems, the knights of NYX had always protected humanity from monsters of the night, the vampires. This is a story of a few new knights discovering just what it is like to become a knight of the night.", false, true], "Knightserrant": ["http://knights-errant.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 135, "After war breaks out between Aster-Morgaria and Vetal, Wilfrid joins a Vetalian-aligned group of mercenaries called the Errant Knights. However, in his attempt to reclaim fame and fortune, Wilfrid finds himself intrigued by the mysterious mercenary captain, Oswald Dytel.", false, true], "Kocchimuitebaby": ["http://beton.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "I just practiced drawing comics. It's about my and my friend's Vampire Knight OCs. POLISH ONLY~ Sorry I'm too lazy for English (e v e) CREDIT: Most of text is Piniako's \"Kocchi Muite Baby\" translation. Check her YT channel~ Piniakorin @YT! oAo\"\"", false, true], "Kodou": ["http://kodou.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Rock On! Did you ever think \u201cFriends\u201d would be so much more fun with a lot less whining and a hell lotta more Rock? - So have a front-row seat... btw we kept the cookies. Darkside, y\u2019know the drill. In Stereo where available ~ [NSFW. Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n Roll apply - in a seductive and suggestive, not likely pornographic way. No promises.] Heavy on the references. Comedy, Parody, Fantasy, Drama...", false, true], "Koibito": ["http://koibito.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Hoshi is a socially disconnected and awkward. She loves people but she hates people, she is an obvious \"Wallflower\" and has her opinions of people and how typical and normal they are. Suddenly she meets a guy named Tsuki who is unlike any of the guys that she believes only exists. He ends up being something that Hoshi has always been terrified of. She \"Never\" wanted another person to fall in love with her again.", false, true], "Koibitosensei": ["http://koibitosensei.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "This a boys love comic between a teacher and his student. Kazuma is in love with his amazing teacher Abara sensei. He oftens stares at him in class and loses focus. Will confessing his love bring his grades up and will he get the teacher of his dreams to fall for him...read to find out ^_^", false, true], "Kranburn": ["http://kranburn.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 233, "An Australian Post Apocalypse Comic", false, true], "Kreetor": ["http://kreetor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "", false, true], "Kruptos": ["http://kruptos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "Kruptos means hidden in greek which descripts very well the whole comic. Kruptos is actually a story about two wolf brothers whose parents were murdered and who just try to survive together.", false, true], "KuintoJakku": ["http://kuintojakku.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "Every child knows the story about a little girl named Alice and how she found her wonderland. How she met wonderful or mad people and fought the queen of hearts. But what if it wasn this kind of story at all? What if all this happen now, in a fictional japan with a normal girl? Well. Not that normal at all. Sachiwara Fudo is a yankee. Nobody like him and everyone is afraid of him. Until one faithful day when Katsuki Arisu joins his class. But which part of the story does she play? The Alice or Queen of Hearts? I hope you'll enjoy my little story with a lot of crazy-creepy characters. [and ignore my bad english and tone-skills... I know I suck at this xD]", false, true], "Kulay": ["http://kulay.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "KULAY means COLORS a group of gradeschool students want to enjoy their activities in school and dreams to become popular in the future~ unfortunately, their club leader is an idiot and always makes disaster... however, PULA (protagonist) have something valuable that his grandfather gave to him. Will this help our heroes achieve their dreams? Genres: specially for kids XD Shounen-Fantasy-Adventure-Comedy Updates: every Saturday morning Please read from left to right", false, true], "KuroNeko": ["http://kuro-neko.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "A cold day, Yuta finds something unexpected on the way home: a boy bruised and unconscious in a dark alley. Everything would be normal if not for that boy has the peculiarity of having cat ears and tail. Despite the opposition in the beginning of that boy-cat, named Riku, finally begins coexistence between the two, which, far from the tranquility that might be expected, is not devoid of surprises. And is that something doesn't ceases to torment Riku... \u2605 Yaoi / BL \u2605 \u2605 Reading from right to left \u2605", false, true], "KuroNeko3": ["http://kuro-neko013.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "In a distant galaxy extremely far away from the world of humans, is a world much like our own populated by half human, half cat creatures. Sadly on planet Mitzunekago, every cat looks almost the same as they have the same coloured fur which is normally two colours. In one town called Nekaigoton, any cat that is different isn't welcome. This is where our story begins a young cat is born and he is very different to all the other young cats. Kuro goes to school with the others and after a few years a transfer student called Shiro, who is also different arrives claiming that he used to be home-schooled. Kuro and Shiro become close friends and after years of being bullied decide to run away to find that they are not the only different outcasts in the world. 15+ Story includes: Yaoi/BL (Boys love), romance, rude boys, violence, discrimination, bullying and bad language. I cant really draw so my apologies for the appalling attempts.. Orz.. Im also busy most of the time doing school work so uploads should vary. Sorry everyone but I've given up on this comic before it started, mainly because i have no way of putting it up here... im sorry! (I might continue in the future)", false, true], "KuroShouri": ["http://kuroshouri.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 934, "Hisaki and Yasha are an odd pair of friends: Hisaki is quiet, distant, and possibly keeping secrets from everyone, while Yasha is loud, violent, and in serious need of anger management. As they try to deal with each other, they soon find that creatures are after them for something they know nothing about: a demon supposedly hiding within one of them. I have no set schedule; but I tend to update once a week. Please leave comments and ratings! WARNING: Occasionally, pages of this comic will not show up. I am not sure what causes it, but if it happens, leave a comment on the page(s) that are not showing up. I will fix them. ^^ KuroShouri.com", false, false], "KurogaCaptured": ["http://k-c.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "St Basulia Academy is a wonderous place where commoners and nobles can learn on equal footing. Thats what they tell everyone at least. That is not the case for newly captured Reyes. He was taken in after stealing a goverment owned robot and is now stuck at St Basulia's. Whats worse, he no longer is considered a human. He's now a slave, capable of being bought at any time by the Royals around him. He now goes by the desination of #526 Will contain yaoi.", true, true], "KuroiHitsuji": ["http://kuroi-hitsuji.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 269, "Title: \u9ed2\u3044\u7f8a Kuroi Hitsuji Author/Artist: Don G. (kuroi_hitsuji) Rated: [OT] Older Teens 16+ -contains sexual themes, occasional cussing, and sad stuff. Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama, BL Gayness percentage: 80% (contains hetero) Update Schedule: Mondays 6AM-12PM PST This is the story of what happens when you put a straight man, his secretly gay brother and his secretly gay boyfriend, his wacky gay friends all in one apartment, as one organization: \"Kuroi Hitsuji(Black Sheep)\". A story of love, secrets and some downright gay humor. As a straight man in a gay world, who is the black sheep? NOTE: THIS IS NOT A COLLAB. kuroi_hitsuji is the author/artist. The other authors are the \"characters\" (they made them up). They also help compose their respective stories.", false, false], "Kurokenshin": ["http://kurokenshin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 931, "Started in December 2005, so the first Volume's art is a bit rough. Volume 5 was finished in Spring 2011. After finding a book on the legendary ronin Kokushiryu, Kentaro finds himself on the adventure he's always dreamed of. He joins Rika, a mysterious red-haired demon, who is searching for Kokushiryu's sword - Kurokenshin. However, she isn't the only one pursuing Kokushiryu's legend for the book; a cruel demon from the past is desperate to attain the sword, and he will go through any means to do so. ~READS FROM RIGHT TO LEFT~ UPDATES DAILY!!", false, true], "KuroshitsujiNightmareManor": ["http://nightmaremanor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "13 year old Ciel Phantomhive and his loyal servant (and \"devil of a butler\") Sebastian investigate mysteries and oddities around late 1800's London using demonic supernatural abilities to their advantage. The young Earl has been recently plagued by consistent, troubling nightmares and feels his mind slipping... and the Demon grows hungrier for a morsel of a soul! This is a horror doujinshi based on the original series Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) by Yana Toboso. Contains graphic scenes, read with discretion! ;) This is a manga! It is read RIGHT ==> LEFT", true, true], "Kyel": ["http://kyel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 418, "A cold, reckless, unemotional and a professional killer let a little girl alive even thought he should have killed her. No one knows why. \"Please read from right to left! ^^\"", false, true], "Kypros": ["http://www.kyprosworld.com/comics/", 33, "Ephilon the eliit, reincarnated in the form of a nereid, seeks to destroy the anuid race for the destruction of his species that occured milleniums before his rebirth. However, many obstacles stand in his way, perusing him to think over his decision. Many things have happened in the time when he was in stasis, including the civilization of Holodrium, the inner world that exists in Kypros, and home to the anuids- a race of fused humans generated from the parasitic radim.", false, true], "Kyriade": ["http://kyriade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Comic manga about fantasy, adventure, martial arts, love and friendship.", false, true], "LANDSKY": ["http://www.landxsky.com/comics/", 78, "LAND//SKY follows the adventures of seventeen year old twins Xander and Lexi as they leave their hometown in the Hoenn region to travel and to see what the world of Pok\u00e9mon has to offer.", false, true], "LEGACYUPDATESWHENEVER": ["http://legacyatla.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Korra is dead. For 200 years, the entire world has been at the mercy of the Dinami Empire. A people so influential and powerful, that they were able to nearly wipe out all traces of the past four recognized nations and were able to uncover and conquer even the most well hidden ones. Because of this, the technology, the culture, and even some of the bending styles of the past have been lost. Many cannot remember the old ways and the few that do face discrimination. The Avatar, the one person who could bend all four elements, faced defeat in more than two lifetimes. Now, after decades of slavery, death, and pain, the latest Avatar, an airbender named Omolara is born. But can she master all four elements before all hope is lost? Or will a catastrophic event push the entire world further into chaos? This is Legacy.", false, true], "LOGOS": ["http://logoscomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 790, "In the far future, on a distant planet, a man made of plastics discovers what it truly means to be human.", true, false], "LOKI": ["http://loki.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 206, "LOKI is the story of Lochlan and Kian, two down on their luck and only vaguely competent guns for hire, and their adventures. Updates on Tuesdays and Fridays!", false, true], "LOOP1": ["http://loop1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Avino's a young boy who is a dreamer at heart, he can't help but fall in his dreamworld which mixes with his real life and because he starts imagining at the wrong time he always gets into trouble. In this comic I've tried to visualize the fun & beauty of this child's nature.", false, true], "LSMMB": ["http://lsmmb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Worlds collide when a mysterious organization teams up Mario, Link, and Mega Man to combat a new evil of equal or lesser mystery. They'll need brains, brawn, and an embarrassing number of continues to defeat this threat. [Updates approximately once a week]", false, true], "LTRIsolato": ["http://isolato.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "", false, true], "LUKE2": ["http://luke2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "It is a mystery every time it happens", false, true], "LaCle": ["http://lacle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "XVIIIth century, alternative England. The sky remains purple due to the great amount of factories and massive ash rejections. Without electricity, the country lives on mechanical industries, and it has developed astonishing skills: humans have become capable of transforming living beings into controlled machines. Joey is a mechanician at the cloud's factory, and avoid those terrible facts, like everyone here.", false, true], "LaCouronneFR": ["http://lacouronne.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Cruel doit trouver des fleurs en plein hiver pour \u00e9pouser Angel. Th\u00e9sis la f\u00e9e va l'aider dans sa qu\u00eate \u00e9perdue.", false, true], "LaPremisa": ["http://lapremisa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "La Premisa es una historia acerca de dos j\u00f3venes polic\u00edas que encuentran a uno de los miembros de la \"Secta de los Verdugos\", la cual hace poco tiempo hab\u00eda comenzado a asesinar brutalmente a personas que mereciesen castigo.", false, true], "LaSurvivor": ["http://lasurvivor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "20 castaways compete in a game of Survivor, where anything can happen. They will be eliminated one by one until only one remains to claim the title of Sole Survivor and 1,000,000 dollars. *** None of this could have been done if it wasn't for SWSU- Master, so please thank him for this because he let me use the SFC8 backgrounds and for making the tutorials on about everything sprite comic. XOXO***", false, true], "LaanaMajiWakazi": ["http://laanamaji.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "Welcome to Laana Maji, a quaint little town in which the supernatural is a daily occurrence, and the residents take it all in stride. This is an experimental comic. That means things get weird. Fonts change, the style flips around, and things are generally inconsistent. I apologize if this bothers you. Chapter 1 was drawn in April, before I figured out what I was doing, so it kind of sucks. But it gets better. Updates Sundays only until further notice.", false, true], "Labborn": ["http://www.lab-born.com/comics/", 34, "", false, true], "LadySpiritfist": ["http://ladyspiritfist.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Martial Arts and Mysticism meet in the formation of a Martial Arts phenomenon!", false, true], "Laluga": ["http://laluga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "", false, true], "LandenMastersPokemonAdventure": ["http://landenmasterspokeventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A boy wants to become the very best trainer.", false, true], "LandoftheSky": ["http://landofthesky.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 253, "While vacationing at the former port town Sin City, the young Fae princess Souri Ada Lodette discovers a mysterious heirloom in her possession. As she tries to understand what it is and where she\u2019s seen it before, she comes face to face with a notorious murderer, who is also in search of the same object.", false, false], "Lapse": ["http://lapsecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Bianca 'Bean' Fortune has a couple neuroses, but thanks to a life spent in her mother's old house, hauntings aren't one of them. The ghosts catch her off guard sometimes, sure, but coping with her aimless young adulthood is a bigger priority... Or at least, it was before the accident.", false, true], "LastLivingSouls": ["http://lastlivingsouls.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 124, "It's probably safe to assume you know what a zombie is; A living corpse with an insatiable craving for human flesh that mindlessly acts on primal instincts. But, what would happen...if a zombie became able to think? Along side an empty road, a teenager named Eddie awakens, confused and fearful due to his inability to remember anything. He heads towards the nearest city in hopes of getting some help, but realizes it is nearly empty of residents and is instead being slowly consumed by a group of undead. It quickly becomes his purpose to survive and also to understand why these creatures are plaguing the city...and why he is one of them.", false, true], "LastTrainHome": ["http://lth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Just sit on top of the world Just do it already Because you never know when the last train home comes A short comic about freedom and its limits", false, true], "LawAndDisorder": ["http://lawanddisorder.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Law & Disorder is a comic strip based on the actions and antics of Police Officer Max Fury, Conan, his pacifist K-9 companion and their friends and co-workers who work at the Podunk Police Department.", false, true], "LawofSyllogism": ["http://lawofsyllogism.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "...then Jameson and Toph will try to find the source. Something that I did for my Algebra class. It originally correlated with another webcomic that I deleted. I like to have it because I did in a week.", false, true], "Lazydragon": ["http://lazydragon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "rush hour meets freaks and geeks. Updates every weekday.", true, true], "LeBallon": ["http://leballon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "The balloon was depressed...", false, true], "LeCirquedObscure": ["http://cirquedobscure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 186, "", false, false], "LeLatte": ["http://www.lelattecomic.com/comics/", 13, "Magic, Mystery and Mayhem! LeLatte is the fantasy tale of the strangest dark elf that anyone in the kingdom of Tysus has ever met. A chance encounter with this bizarre sorceress sends Farris, a soldier and emissary of the Fey Alliance, on a dangerous journey that he will never forget - providing he can find the patience to deal with LeLatte's ridiculous behaviour of course! - UPDATES EVERY FRIDAY -", false, true], "LeaveAllHope": ["http://leaveallhope.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "In a world filled with super-powered beings, some with good intentions, some not so much, it's a wonder people have any hope of living a perfectly normal life. It's because of this loss of hope that the city of Togen is such a sought too destination. A virtual meeting point for travelers that's known about around the world. Why try to escape something that's bound to happen, and you never know, maybe you're one of the \"super-heroes\" as well. Do you still have hope?", false, true], "LedbyaMadMan": ["http://ledbyamadman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 483, "The country is devoid of life save for five people who try to stay alive the best that they can.", false, true], "LegendOfZeldaSwordOfWinds": ["http://swordofwinds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 128, "A somewhat loose interpretation of Wind Waker, containing some of the scenes from the game. A pure adventure comic about Ganondorf threatening the World with a sword that can command the Winds. Link must use both the Wind Waker and the Master Sword to counter this Evil! Updates often", false, true], "LegendTheOtherHalfTalesoftheHolyTree": ["http://legend-toh-totht.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "The Holy Tree is the life source of its people until invader removes the four major roots. With the Holy Tree losing its life force, the Congress informs their people to search for the stolen four roots. A young group of teenager takes on this mission to retrieve the stolen four roots. They journey to save their homeland, in this case the \"Holy Tree\" from destruction and bring peace to the land. Their journey has just begun... The story starts out as a thief stole two of the Holy Region's books, and that is where this tale begins to stir from its peace. Story is still a work in progress. Also, I would like to thank everyone who has helped me in the thinking process of the Holy Tree idea! ***Comic is read: left-to-right ***Updates: irregular (would mostly post on weekdays if not Friday)", false, true], "LegendofZeldaAHerosStory": ["http://aherosstory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "The story of Ocarina of Time retold, will Link summon the courage to save his friends and the ones he cares about before it's too late? Find out and see!!", false, true], "LegendofZeldaRainwalker": ["http://legendofzeldarm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A Legend of Zelda Fancomic, linking OOT to twilight princess and Windwaker. (Nintendo don't sue me) Don't mind the crappy art! It was written in 2006 after Twilight Princess, but I never posted it online, so here's the edited version.", false, true], "LegendofZeldaStaffofPower": ["http://loz-sop.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "An ancient weapon created for harmony brought civil war. Shattering it brought tentative peace, until the leader of the Gerudo attempts to slaughter an entire race of people, then turning his hatred upon the monarchy of Hyrule. Defeated by the Hero of Time and the Princess of Destiny, he was sealed away in the Sacred Realm. Years later, he has gained more power, and has broken free. Now it will take the very weapon he seeks to destroy him, and an unlikely wielder to complete the task. Who will win?", false, true], "LegendofZeldaTheEdgeandTheLight": ["http://legendofzelda.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 123, "After years of absence, Link finally returns to Hyrule from his travels abroard. Initially expecting to greet Princess Zelda, he instead finds the kingdom in decline, plagued by all kinds of trouble. Just what is causing these problems, and does it have anything to do with why Link left in the first place? NB: Thanks to its unusual format, this updates every FRIDAY.", false, true], "LegendofZeldaTheWindWaker": ["http://zeldawindwaker.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 171, "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker turned into a webcomic. I hope you enjoy it. Written by Emily-Ann Coons and drawn by Kitty Lyre. Currently updates every Monday at Noon EST.", false, true], "LegendoftheMoonRW": ["http://legendofthemoonrw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "When the boss of the Northern Pack dies and his young son Tsuuki takes over, life is not easy and the pack divides. Years later as Tsuuki's children are brought into the world, a new threat arises. The white dog known as Maru is building an army to claim the valley as his own. Tsuuki must bring the scattered packs together as one to face this new threat. With dangers unknown and the enemy drawing closer will he be in time to save his home and his family?", false, true], "LegendsofMinecraftia": ["http://legendsofminecraftia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "This is a comic of a peacful land. That is, until dark. Steve is a miner, and a pretty good one too, but when he moves to the uncharted island of Minecraftia, he'll wish he'd stayed in bed that day.", false, true], "LegendsofMobiusBookOne": ["http://legendsofmobius-bookone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 385, "It's been two years after Sonic the Hedgehogs last adventures. A hedgehog named Crusade travels around planet Mobius and randomly or not, becomes friends with several other mobians. But on his journey dangerous things happen and concerning news spread. And so, Crusade and his comrads, later known as \"Team Element\", decide to search for the root of everything. Without knowing that they get involved into a war which will decide about the worlds future...", false, true], "LegendsofMobiusBookTwo": ["http://legendsofmobiusbooktwo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "It's been two years after Sonic the Hedgehogs last adventures. A hedgehog named Crusade travels around planet Mobius and randomly or not, becomes friends with several other mobians. But on his journey dangerous things happen and concerning news spread. And so, Crusade and his comrads, later known as \"Team Element\", decide to search for the root of everything. Without knowing that they get involved into a war which will decide about the worlds future... This comic is the sequel to the comic \"Legends of Mobius Book One\", of course... ^^", false, true], "LegendsofTenarka": ["http://tenarka.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A man is asking heavy questions about the whys. A society dictates unquestionable and airy answers. A tabu couple is struggling to survive against the rules. A individual is ripped from what they once knew.", false, true], "LegionOfKats": ["http://legionofkats.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Legion of Kats is a strange little webcomic about trying to be bad. Updates Mon-Wed-Fri normally, but updating near-daily until we catch up with the tumblr ;) You can also read (further ahead) on tumblr: http://legionofkats.tumblr.com (Comic previously on smackjeeves under username 'tehkeh' - sorry for any confusion!) ---------------------------------------------------- Legion of Kats has been online (in various locations) since March 2005. The strips currently being uploaded here are the new \u2018rebooted\u2019 version. Only some of the early strips are being re-done, basically because I really, really didn\u2019t like them anymore. Eventually the strips will catch up with more recent ones from 2010 (which I was happy with!) and the comic will continue from there on after. If you really miss the old strips though, they will be archived somewhere to read soonish. Welcome to both old and new readers, I hope you will enjoy the rebooted strips & stick around to watch Kit, Kat, the minions and the Evil-Bunny-Hamster-Thing try to carry out their evil schemes. I said TRY.", false, true], "Lempa": ["http://lempa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Let us leave in the deep forest.", false, true], "LeoRainDrawn": ["http://leoraindrawn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "The Drawn version of Leo Rain illustrated by Savvybug.", false, true], "LeslieisaGIRLSname": ["http://leslie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Leslie is a GIRL'S name is a comic based on the fictional life of the very fictional Leslie Carter, the boy with a girl's name. Come and witness as he goes through life correcting people of his gender, drawing on every wall and sidewalk he can find legally, and occasionally being dragged on the misadventures of his \"best friend\" ZT Wells.", false, true], "Lespritedump": ["http://lespritedump.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 142, "", false, true], "LethHate": ["http://leth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 123, "A man is cursed to walk the world he hates for all eternity in the company of a cute succubus and a ska loving zombie.", false, true], "LethalDose": ["http://lethaldosecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 154, "WARNING: This comic contains heterosexual AND homosexual relationship, Drug abuse, sexual themes and violence. READ RIGHT TO LEFT - JAPANESE FORMAT Updates every Sun & Wed. ________________________________ Bobby and Raine were wannabe child hood sweet hearts that, due to unfortunate circumstance, had to be torn apart. Now, five years later Raine returns to find a Bobby very unlike the one she once new. Lonely and stuck with an undesirable life, he has turned to drugs and alcohol to mull the days away with. But after a strange encounter in an alleyway one night, Bobby finds himself trapped in a much more 'hardcore' underground world of drugs and abuse; one that's secrets are so dark it's not too easy to leave behind.", true, false], "Lethe": ["http://lethe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "On the distant world of Lethe, there lived the Queen of Nephele. Said to be desired by all men for her ethereal beauty. A beauty so divine even the Gods envied her, one particular Goddess decided to bless her favorite warrior with the beautiful woman as his gift, stealing the great Queen from her kingdom. The Queen's abduction led to a century long war, spreading throughout many, many lands. The King of Nephele created a rule, that for each city his army conquered, the Strategos would be gifted with the most beautiful maiden from that city. As a twisted take on what had happen to his wife. But one city was at a loss, for its most beautiful maiden, was far from beautiful. It was in fact, hard to find a fair beauty in this city at all. And thus the city panicked, not being able to find a sacrifice could lead to the massacre of their people. So in an act of desperation they gave the Strategos their most beautiful person. Now it is up to this -man- to survive the war in which he as been thrust head first into~ Welcome to the world of Lethe. Where everything beautiful, is possessed. A BL comic loosely inspired by the epic poem \"The Iliad\" by Homer", true, true], "LetsBreakitforReals": ["http://breaktehrecord.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 379, "C'mon guys, let's break the record of most comic authors this time. We can't fail for the 4th time. NOW WE GOT THIS! I think! Maybe.... I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE! - Sexy Rule 1: No explicit contents. We can't have that, but you know what humans are like. Rule 2: No getting involved in big advertisements. Rule 3: No alternate accounts. That's just cheating. Rule 4, very important, 4: Don't let me watch Digimon. I HATE Digimon! Aura's a character I made up, but he won't know that! I'll think I AM him and he might do something stupid like go and watch Digimon! I don't want to wake up in the morning with that in my head! - Kurro ---------------------- Rule 5: If you rap, i shall brutally murder you with the heavenly sound of the music known in this earthly plain as Metal. - Darkeh Goal:- 206.your face Current: 80", false, true], "LetsPlayChess": ["http://playchess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Is about a boy meeting a girl named Nyx, a little princess of Chess world. Nyx takes Daichi to her world. Where he learns this Chess game is more then a simple game. Art and Story by SariUmi", false, true], "LetsgotoLondon": ["http://lgl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "One of my university projects which i'm now making available online, Its 24 pages long and is about a trip to London me and my classmates went on. Pages will be uploaded every Wednesday and Saturday", false, true], "Letsmeetagain": ["http://lets-meet-again.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Even it may be just a dream, even if it may never happen, but let's meet again my dear fried. This is just a short manga project. ^^ It's my first one on which I put effort and it will be over in aprox. 5~6 pages ^^", false, true], "LetsplaySBURBHowIlearnedtolovetheApocalypse": ["http://rtstuck.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "The Achievement Hunter office got their hands on a new game to LP, but they weren't prepared for a game this immersive when they got their copy of the mysterious PC game called \"SBURB\". Now Geoff, Gavin, Michael, Ray, Jack, and Barbara are launched into a new dimension where they discover their own grand destiny: Save Skaia, save Earth, and save themselves. The Achievement Hunters find their adventure rife with physical pain and emotional agony that tests their bodies and souls alike, and soon they are asking themselves; \"I thought games were supposed to be fun.\"", false, true], "LetyourDesiresRoam": ["http://desireroam.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "This comic is about a Vampire who protects a young girl born to a confusing legacy and to make sure she never has to worry about getting killed or anything. Updates will be every Saturday (day or night) Gl/BL Violence Nudity Blood", true, true], "LexusGolden": ["http://lexusgolden.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Lexus is that quiet kid in the corner. And the closet. When he's not swimming, of course. Goldie is the ghost of a yaoi artist. Pretty harmless. When she's not possessing Lexus, of course. Because fuck you, Lexus. Time for you to be shoved out of your shell. And the closet. Contains pool scenes, humorous sheisse, blue lineart, and graphic content. It's about to get NSFW up in here. (NOTE-- the entire purpose of this comic is to get used to drawing comics. Be on the lookout for awkward art and other terrible blunders as I go. I DON'T KNOW WHEN TO GET OFF THE TRAIN)", false, true], "LicensedHeroes": ["http://licensedheroes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Join Tempest, newly licensed hero, as he delves deep into the reeking bowels of the dungeons of unemployment, crosses the scorching desert of menial labor and infiltrates the dreaded towers of bureaucracy. Updates Wednesdays and Saturdays.", false, true], "Lies": ["http://l-i-e-s.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Victoria is haunted by an elucid man of darkness. As \"evil's instrument\" he takes her through the mirror into a world where reality becomes deceit. -- This is a commission from a month ago~if you're interested in commissioning me email me at lucid_k@hotmail.com, note me on http://lucidkrypton.deviantart.com , or pm me here. The author is andreachans and her dA page is http://andreachans.deviantart.com", false, true], "LifeAsACutOut": ["http://lifeasacutout.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 150, "The one page and short story comics that star the dense yet smart Rail Machanic, The Hot headed Canadian Opil McKinzy, and the rest of he multinational mottly crew that are their friends.", false, true], "LifeAsItWas": ["http://lifeasitwas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 278, "It's a web comic, I make it and you read it. Updated daily. Follow LAIW on twitter @LifeAsItWas to get updates on there, as well as bonus content, if you're into that sort of jazz as well. Go ahead, I won't judge you.", false, true], "LifeIsWhatYouMakeIt": ["http://lifeiswhatyoumakeit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "The story of four unusual friends and the life they make together. Updates Mondays and Fridays.", false, true], "LifeLessOrdinary": ["http://-lifelessordinary-.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "\"I would have liked to think that my life was strange, but maybe it is all too ordinary after all.\" The story of four guys living together under one roof, their individual feats and those that they move through together. Some BLs and HLs.", true, true], "LifeWithYou": ["http://lifewithyou.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "\"Life With You\" is a story about Samuel Romero, a photographer, whose life is such a pain, and Kristen Wilson, a aspiring writer, whose life is full of secrets. Together, they lived in a cabin as housemates, in the middle of forest, near their town. Warning: This is PG-13 story about two young adults living together and facing challenges of sort. The comic style for this story is roughly sketch-ish.", false, true], "LifeafterDeath": ["http://lifead.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 331, "Life after Death is about an out of work Grim Reaper navigating current events, new roommates and his new found mortality...", false, true], "Lifeasahermit": ["http://hermit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Silly little life comic strips as a hermit. Updates whenever possible!", false, true], "LifeinCollegeCollab": ["http://lifeincollege.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "This Collab is about young adults in college. What they go through, like partys, friendships, finals, jobs, homework, romance (if they have time) etc. Your character can be of any sexuality they want to be. Rules 1) Max 2 characters 2) Must be human 3) Must be the right age to be in college. 4) if you are gonna be late on your turn of the page let Hetalialover know I hope you join~ i love being in collab with people its so fun to meet knew people!~ Don't be shy! TEMPORARY BANNER until you guys post your characters<3.", false, true], "LifeisBeautiful": ["http://lifeisbeautiful.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Life is Beautiful is a comic that was born from my sudden urge to draw again after 2 years. It's about anything and everything random that is inspired by the random thoughts, ideas and experiences I encounter from my own, 'beautiful' life. I say beautiful as this is the most positive I've ever been about my life and everyone around me :)", false, true], "Lifeline": ["http://lifeline.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Lifeline is a popular app circulating around the web. Built like an mmorpg, it's rumored that you're able to bring your greats dreams to life if you master the game. Mikki, a lonely high schooler, decides that she has nothing to loose and time to spare.", false, true], "LifeofaDramaQingCaffeinated": ["http://ldqcaffeinated.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A brutal, honest viewpoint of high school from a loser's standpoint with a few twists. This episode: Caffeine, virus, zombies, ADD/ADHD. WARNINGS: Swearing, stereotypes, racism, bullying, abuse, homosexual love, sexuality confusion, cross-dressing, religion bashing, sex, depression, drugs, smoking, alcohol, and other high school related things", false, true], "LifeofaGamerGirl": ["http://lifeofagamergirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "And Other Times Where Life \"Fuck You\" Journal comic. Based of whatever seems to be happening in my life or how I'm feeling. Basically I'm going to annoy everyone with my life and complaining. This will contain sexual references of various degrees, mature content warning may be added later because I'm a freaking pervert, gay people of all varieties, swearing of the worst degree, cats, references that most people will never understand.", false, true], "Lifeonpaper": ["http://lifeonpaper.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 195, "\"Life on Paper\". Is a comic strip very loosely based on my life, originally it was titled, \"Lil Bastard\" It follows me and all my jobs, relationship, and even through marriage. With 2000+ strips. Which will eventually be uploaded here. Please Enjoy my life.", false, true], "LifesaBore": ["http://lifesabore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Looking upon your past isn't always pretty. Then again sometimes the present isn't either. And with Ivory, neither is the future. She\u2019s a typical stay out of my life or die kinda girl. But when put in a situation where a few new \u2018acquaintances\u2019 refuse to take a hint, she\u2019s left with no choice but to juggle the life of being a witch, escaping her new found friends, and finding an answer to the dream that often preys on her mind. Ivory views the world like its neither dead or living, but her reason for living? Is to find the dead. INFO Comic is read left to right. Updates once every 7-14 days.", false, true], "LifewithMarie": ["http://marie.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 73, "", false, true], "LifewithVlad": ["http://lifewithvlad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 203, "Barry is a 20-something art student. Vlad is a 500-something vampire. Can a mortal and an immortal share an apartment without driving each other batty?", false, true], "LightRomantic": ["http://light-romantic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 116, "Something like a romance between men.", true, true], "Lightbringer": ["http://lightbringer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Here to protect all from the darkness of crimes, he is here to be the shining guardian of hope.", false, true], "Lightmyfire2006": ["http://ligtmyfire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Since Azrael babysited him long ago,Lucifer loves him!But luciver had seen what happens,if someone tells Azrael\"I love you\" and is a man!Since then he's silent about his feelings and his yearning for Azrael,so he's ill hardly ill about it.No one knows from this,'cause the anger from this angel is realy very scared and without mercy... hope you like my black humor^=^ Read it the japanese way from right to left^-^", true, true], "Lightwithinshadow": ["http://lightwithinshadow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 429, "After the truth about her adoption is told and a string of weird dreams a girl named Lizzie sets out on a journey of self discovery....it's more then she bargained for- -But maybe with the help of her goofball best friend, her history teacher,her loyal dog, and a hired mercenary she just might get through this.", false, true], "LikeTextingaStone": ["http://liketextingastone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Currently suggested for 13+ UPDATES SATRDAYS!!~ THIS COMIC READS RIGHT TO LEFT!!! Like texting a stone... The Wind Whispered to me...? So stuff happens in my life and I make these characters do that....Wonderful, yeah? So these people imitate the people I know in real life", false, true], "LikeaJesus": ["http://likeajesus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "The heroine is Lilibeth (family name unknow for now) You gonna follow her adventures into those little web comics. She have the same abilities of Jesus +some more abilities (like flying in the air) She is also an activist and she is against the current government and against the politicians who runs Miami. Lilibeth can bring back to life a dead , but you have to pay 1 million dollars to her . 1 Million = 1 resurrection of your choice. The first story features a poor guy who live in the streets for ages , lost his job, family doesnt even remember him etc He will find a woman who will save his life...", false, true], "LilComics": ["http://lilcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Lil' comics I make from time to time. They're usually pretty dumb but I'll try to update as much as possible.", false, true], "LilRed": ["http://lilredriddinindahood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "I have decided to do my version of Red Ridding Hood (well, one of the versions). No, this is not yaoi, no, the wolf is not some hot guy with animal ears and tail who's gonna rape Red who happens to be a blonde uke guy. And no, this is not a horror story with dramatic stuff like a murderous Red or wolf. A little warning there; it contains a little bit of swear words, lots of dumb faces, oh and a potato!", false, true], "LiliBleu": ["http://lilibleu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 150, "Webcomic en espa\u00f1ol La humanidad ha quedado al borde de la extinci\u00f3n por causa de un virus que los muta en superhumanos poderosos, dotados de una gran belleza y poder que han tomado control del planeta. De entre el nuevo orden se alza la \u00faltima esperanza de la humanidad: Espartaco Garc\u00eda, armado s\u00f3lo con una de las mentes m\u00e1s brillantes del mundo en contra de seres que pueden derribar monta\u00f1as con su mirada. S\u00f3lo hay un problema: Quiere salvar el mundo... para gobernarlo \u00e9l.", false, true], "Lillysfairytale": ["http://lillysfairytale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "", false, true], "LilysStoryFireRedArc": ["http://lilysfrarc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Lily begins her nuzlocke journey in the Kanto region. What begins as smiles and sunshine quickly turns sour as she looses her friends. Will she be able to conquer the Kanto Region and claim the title as champion? This is the first in a 3-arc story relating to Lily. [THIS COMIC IS FINISHED]", false, true], "LilysStoryPearlArc": ["http://lilysprarc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "After her adventure in Kanto, Lily finds out her pok\u00e9mon had been stolen by a mysterious \"Team Guh\" from a region far up north. She travels to Sinnoh with Gary by her side and begins her adventure to find her stolen friends. What will be waiting for her when she finally finds them? This is the second in a 3-arc story relating to Lily. [THIS COMIC IS FINISHED]", false, true], "LilysStorySapphireArc": ["http://lilyssaarc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Time has passed and Lily has had a child with her old rival. Lucia grows up in Johto, expecting to explore that region first, but Gary is called away to Hoenn to become a Gym Leader. The family moves to Hoenn where Lucia begins her adventure. How will she handle the kinds of hardships her mother faced before her? This is the third in a 3-arc story relating to Lily. [THIS COMIC IS FINISHED]", false, true], "LinearPerspective": ["http://linearperspective.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "", false, true], "LipsofAnAngel": ["http://lips.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "Blake has one problem. He finds his new roommate's lips incredibly attractive. The problem? His roommate is a guy. [BL story] [Status: Updates regularly, give or take.]", false, true], "Lipstick": ["http://lipstick.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Amelia's really girly, but because she's not super dykie, no one knows she's a lesbian except her closest friends. All she wants is to get a pretty girl friend, but because she's a Lipstick Lesbian, everyone thinks she's straight, so Aimee can't get a girl to save her life. ):", false, true], "LittleLink": ["http://littlelink.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 241, "A great Evil threatens the worlds of your favorite Nintendo characters and Link is the key to stopping it!", false, true], "LittleMermaidandOtherStories": ["http://mermaidandothers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "After a while, i'm thinking to add more stories. My own short stories and stories inspired by fairy tales or others. Like my other project \"Angel Heart\", this is also a practice project so don't expect something perfect yet ^^a. I only can say i'll do my best :P Peace, Vdtitian STORY 1 : LITTLE MERMAID Based on HC. Andersen's Little Mermaid, rewritten. Little Mermaid in H.C. Andersen's version is not happy ending like Disney's. I decided to make it in Indonesian (Bali) background, with my own storytelling. It's still very far from good, let alone perfect, but i hope it's still can be enjoyed :) status : completed STORY 2 : THE BLOOD ROSE Story and art by Vdtitian A story about a flower that grants immortality to any man who can wield it. status : in progress More stories in the future, maybe.... :P", false, true], "LittleMoreThanWaitstaff": ["http://littlemorethanwaitstaff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Meet the waitstaff of the Naz Dravie. But they're also the chefs, the kitchen staff, and the errand-runners. And the janitors, the managers, and the bus-boys. And the hosts and hostesses. And one is also the owner. So it's basically a comic about people yelling and cooking things.", false, true], "LittleRabbit": ["http://littlerabbit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Francis was seaching for Arthur when he made a shocking experience. Arthur's magic went wrong and turned him half into a rabbit! What will Francis do about that? We'll see what's happening. Warnings: BoysLove, Fluff Characters: Usarisu, Shota!France Side Characters: Scotland Anime: Hetalia: Axis Powers Pairing: FrUK", false, true], "LittleRedRidingHood": ["http://littleredridinghood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Little Red Riding Hood is on the way to her grandma to bring her medicine. But a wolf appears... he seems to be quite interested in our red girl! Reading direction from right to left ;)", false, true], "LittleWhiteLamb": ["http://littlewhitelamb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A short story about a small girl called Mary and her friend Lamb. When Curiosity takes over will Mary remember to hold onto Lamb.", false, true], "LivesanddreamAxA": ["http://axastory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "This is the story of Antonio and Amelia, William's parents, if you have read my other comic \"Lives and Dream, William story\" you can be more familiar with thm :3. This is the story of how they met and began dating, it will end when William was born xD Hope you like it !!", false, true], "Lobservateur": ["http://observateur.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Tout le monde aime les rumeurs. C'est notamment le cas pour la classe E-5, o\u00c3\u00b9 une nouvelle rumeur se propage, celle du nouvel \u00c3\u00a9l\u00c3\u00a8ve bipolaire. Que fera donc l'observateur en pr\u00c3\u00a9sence de cette rumeur?", false, true], "LondonLove": ["http://londonlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "London Love is drawd by manga style, so read it like manga. :) From the right to Left and the bubles too! The story: Hauru Kingston is the Count, Jean's young son whose mother dies of a serious illness. 14 years later Hauru also meet his old friend, Kaien Smith, who has returned from Japan deal with some important issues. However something is wrong with Hauru's mind.. Is it somehow related to Kaien? Or is there some other reasons for his feelings? Wonder how things are going... Warning! Yaoi/Boy Love ;3", false, true], "LondonUnderworld": ["http://lunderworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 194, "Miss Ameliea Worton is sick of the rich, upper class, boring world she has been brought up in. She seeks entertainment from London's dark under belly, making friends with crooks and con artists and playing their games against the aristocracy she has grown bitter of. But, when Ameliea decides to join forces with the king of the London Underworld, she discovers how naive she has been, and how dangerous London can really be.", false, true], "LoneDream": ["http://lonedream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Hikari is 17 years old and it's Christmas holidays then her final year of High School, can she get her dream boyfriend, Seiji, before they graduate? A quick 5 page introduction and if I get enough positive feedback I'll make more.", false, true], "LoneWolfsGallery": ["http://lonewolfsgallery.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A gallery of things!", false, true], "Lonely3": ["http://lonelyhearts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "A project of 4 short stories that i plan to print and give my dad for his birthday sorry my english is really bad Q n Q", false, true], "LongArm": ["http://longarm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 219, "A comic about the future and clouds.", false, true], "LongLiveTheQueen": ["http://longlivethequeen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "A personal project that turned into a comic, combining my great love of fantasy, warrior women, battles, demons n monsters and lesbians. Girl Love/Lesbian Comic. Not sure how to rate these things, but NSFW upon occasion.", false, true], "Longwayhome": ["http://longwayhome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Think it's a good idea to follow your cat through a door in a tree? You're totally right! Just a short experimental practice comic. Expect not much plot, rough inking, stupid script, and hopefully an improvement in the artwork by the end.", false, true], "LooseCannonBoneIdle": ["http://lcbi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "When three children miss their fated encounter, they begin a ripple affect that alters the fate of others. When they meet many years later, a catastrophe happens. This single event takes them on a journey where they meet the \"others\" and are finally able to become the person they could have been.", false, true], "LosersInDenial": ["http://lid-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Friends are abducted by aliens and sent into the great unknown. The galaxy must adapt to the new arrivals if it is to survive.", false, true], "LostCause": ["http://lostcause.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "Mankind lives a new age of revolution. A breakthrough in gene technology has given a chance for a whole new human-race to be born on earth. This race has replaced the lower class, sorting mankind in two - those who have everything and those who do everything to make it through the day . Mehr and Stripe are youths of this new race. Creatures on adrift. Knowing that the few individuals who don't hate them - only want to take an advantage of them. Story: Ronin Art: Silkie Translation: Crescent", false, true], "LostLove": ["http://lostlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 380, "Matt has always been neglected by his parents, but he dosn't care anymore - he has found the one he love. The only problem is that that 'love' is his best friend, Joshua - another guy. To make it even worse, Joshua already has a boyfriend, so Matt dosn't dare to confess his feelings. But the boyfriend, Daniel, acts like a total jerk towards Matt, who can't help but despise the guy - for more than one reason. Nonetheless he decides to hide his feelings, and support Joshua and Daniel as a couple, the best he can. Though one fatefull day, Daniel comes with a strange request, that Matt can't refuse; \"Come to my house, or I'll break it off with your friend.\" What will Matt do from then on? Can he keep a secret from Joshua, a secret that's slowly breaking him apart? Why does Daniel do as he does and why the hell is the strangest thing starting to turn Matt's life upside-down?! WARNING!! Contains Yaoi/BL/shounen ai and soooo on - you know the rest ;)", true, false], "LostNightmare": ["http://lostnightmare.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Lost Nightmare is a webcomic about the little Nightmare Ink. He is supposed to become the next Bogeyman but he does not really want to be scary.", false, true], "LostNova": ["http://lostnova.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Two women of different birth search for the lost Compass Isle of Nova. One for glory, one for truth. And in the process they will find themselves and each other. Updates Every Week.", false, true], "LostPieces": ["http://lostpieces.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "In between trying to salvage a relationship with her estranged twin brother, entering university and trying to woo the object of her affections, Tora begins to think the pressure is getting to her in the form of strange and often frightening hallucinations. Seemingly doomed to repeat the life of her schizophrenic father, Tora begins to search for clues to the past she tried to forget while getting closer and closer to a dark secret that is slowly affecting the lives of the people she's come into contact with. **Contains lesbianism, transensuality/transgenderism later on, general queerness, nudity and gore**", true, true], "LostintheLight": ["http://lostinthelight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "The story thus far: A middle school girl suffering from the daily conflicts of life has just begun a new term at school... but there is more than the eyes could see. Read on to find out :)", false, true], "LoveAnnotated": ["http://loveannotated.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Despite being a freshman, Chloe lands a job on the university newspaper staff as an assistant editor. Then, she meets the editor who she's supposed to be assisting. Problems are bound to ensue. *Updates are on days ending in \"day\"*", false, true], "LoveDelicatessen": ["http://lovedeli.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Finding your one true love is no easy task, but Enzo is utilizing his position at the Love Delicatessen and business is starting to.. wilt. With one too many names in his Little Black Book, Lita and Maria decide to teach him a lesson. Can they save Love Delicatessen before it's too late? Let cake and kink collide! *Graphic NSFW content, BL/Yaoi/Yuri/Hentai and so forth... oh and some plot too*", true, true], "LoveDontHate": ["http://love-dont-hate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Something I did for my AP Art Class three months ago and well I finished inking it so I thought why not just upload it here for people to read ; v; Well it's only 15 pages (was a small project got a 150/130) I honestly think my art when I did this, isn't all that great honestly I feel like I could have done so much better but hey there is always room for improvement for me ; w; I hope you like it, it is a bl-ish comic and I based it on peoples perspective on homo-sexuality, idk why I did this but I did and so now I share it with you guys ; v; I do hope you enjoy it despite my crappiness lol", false, true], "LoveHarbor": ["http://shipcentral.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "This is a comic about shipping your characters. You can do as you please with your shippings, but please try to keep them to a T rating and below. Shipping: To support a relationship between two characters, be it canon or not. You will get a chapter here. All shipping of your design are to be posted in your own chapter. The point is to post pictures of shippings. (Sprites, Drawn, pixel art, etc.) These can be in the form of comics, author comments, etc. Your shippings can be gay, straight, lesbian and bi. So homophobes beware. You may post shipping of other authors. If you have any questions, contact 'aqua the hedgie' for more information.", false, true], "LoveLoveHEALINGHEARTS": ["http://lovelovehealinghearts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Yuri and Kaito are Messengers of the God of Love, Cupid! Their job is to heal the lonliness in people's hearts, saving them from despair. As wonderful as their job is and as much as he enjoys it, Kaito is beginning to feel an emptiness inside of his heart that cannot be filled by healing the hearts of others alone.", false, true], "LoveMe": ["http://loveme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 115, ":::Comic reads top to botton left to right::: Follow Kajin in a modern dark twisted version of a love story. Kajin is in love with someone, but in this school that someone should not be another boy. Love is not something you can simply choose... it just is. \"Love Me\" THE OFFICIAL THEME SONG TO LOVE ME (SHOULD OF PUT THIS UP EARLIER...LIKE WHEN I STARTED DRAWING THE COMIC) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzmmh9y0QPs 'Love Me' Will update at random during the week, atleast 1 or two pages each week. [Gonna really try hard to stick to that] Comic story is written off the top of my head, it's a practice comic, nothing fancy or great so please don't rant about mistakes I make. this is for fun :D facebook 'Love Me' page- http://www.facebook.com/pages/Love-Me/150627535019833 Please visit my personal site for cheap quality commissions <3 www.studio-adhd.com Art Tumblr is http://www.tumblr.com/tumblelog/studio-adhd [WARNING HARD CORE YAOI, NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 SHOULD VISIT THAT TUMBLR BLOG] Follow me on DA? > http://studio-adhd.deviantart.com/", true, true], "LoveMeLoveMyTeddyBear": ["http://teddybear.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "The story is of a girl named Harmony Adams, who's loving father gave her a teddy bear when she was born. He wished on the teddy bear that if anything was ever to happen to him, the teddy bear would be there to protect and love Harmony. But when Harmony is 16 years old, her father passes away, and in fulfilling his wish, the teddy bear gains the ability to turn into a human...", false, true], "LoveMonster": ["http://lovemonster.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "This is an EXTREMELY short comic about monster boy searching for love.yes. Was done for a manga contest. Yay I won :3", false, true], "LoveTwister": ["http://lovetwister.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 122, "Love Twister! For Chiko,only working and studying is her priority in life,But when Warren came many things began to change until she knew that this person's face is not having two but three. His other twin is Harren her Math teacher,he is the complete opposite of Warren and the other is Darren, an aspiring celebrity who's known for being a playboy And its getting more complicated living with the three guys with the same face under one roof,What will she do when Love came like a twister? genre: shoujo manga read left to right", false, true], "LoveandIcecream": ["http://lovexandxicecream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 74, "Beware its a Yaoi! (Boy + boy) This comic is about two boys ~surpriseXD~ (GOD the start is ugly) Akio and Bambi is two very different boys who met each other because Bambi had to teach Akio in math. Bambi is the only person who ever believed in Akio which is making Akio fall easily in love with him. Sadly Bambi has a homophobic big brother named Cinder who won't let Akio get closer to Bambi. Will Akio and Bambi ever get a chance for love? Gotta read and find out~ Don't let the ugly start pages scare you away\u00a0 I UPDATE WHEN I WANT!!! >8U (Often enough) (I draw in rasputin style with permission)", false, true], "LovecraftsTheOutsider": ["http://theoutsider.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Adaptation of the H.P. Lovecraft short story.", false, true], "LovelyDragon": ["http://lovelydragon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Delta Macuss is a homeless 18 year old trying to survive through the events of Tokyo, Japan year 3013. He's always trying to find a job to at least earn a few dollars here and there. But, a friend suggests that he works at Monsoon Corp. Where the #1 famous and beautiful model Kota Devashi works. But Kota holds a secret as well as Monsoon Corp. Is holding theirs and Delta wants to find out! Come along on this (somewhat) fantastic adventure with this BL comic series~ Updates: every saturday or sunday Genre: Yaoi, action, comedy, shonen-ai, fantasy, Romance, drama. Rated: M", false, true], "Lovemedont": ["http://lovemedont.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "The name is inspired by that funky Beatles song 'Love me do'. I usually make complicated stories so i decided to start something simple therefore don't expect much from this comic. Dog out.", false, true], "LovemyHat": ["http://lovemyhat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "[**BOYLOVE**] David has a crush on his best friend, Shiro. There's just one problem: THAT FREAKISH HAT OF HIS. So what is he going to do about it? Lots of things that ends in lots of boy love. [COMPLETE]", false, true], "LoveroftheSunandMoon": ["http://loverofthesunandmoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 63, "[will HOPEFULLY be uploading new pages every friday, so if you're interested in this webcomic check for updates on fridays!] Kari is the child of the sun goddess and the moon god, and after a lunar eclipse he becomes a boy with white hair and pale skin, but after a solar eclipse he becomes a girl with golden hair and eyes and tanned skin! however the goddess of chaos, Rei, wants Kari captured and sacrificed on the alter of chaos as a girl in order to give her the power she needs to break free from the chaos realm to fill the human world with her delicious chaos! now Kari is on the run from Rei, and along the way he meets Gaku, a bouncer at a small bar, who decides to tag along with Kari and try to help him escape from Rei and her followers! has yaoi - boys love (boy meets boy) but also has some straight opportunities! but if you dont care for yaoi then please dont read this or if you love yaoi and the idea of a straight couple freaks you out dont read this either since the main boy turns female and this is supposed to be a love story that trancends gender!", false, true], "LovesStory": ["http://lovesstory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "This has 3 Story's going at once; Love's Promise, Love's Mask, and Love's Act. Love's Promise: Kaoru and Niito are best of buddies. When they were kids they promised to be with each other forever and as they grow up they start to develop deep feelings for each other and wonder how the other feels. Love's Mask: Hotori is a shy, tall boy who lives on his own and is an outcast at school, but when He helps a neighbor, Shouta, get rid of an unwanted ex he starts to fall for the guy himself. Love's Act: Kaido is a famous actor who just broke up with his boyfriend. After a finale attempt to win his ex back he runs off crying only to bump into a totally hot guy, also looking for a \"boyfriend\", As he trys to make his ex jealous he agrees to act as Taki's boyfriend without any questions, only later to find out what a hard ass Taki really is and that he's falling for him. =WARNINGS= BL(Yaoi),Sex,Violence,And Swears.", true, true], "LovewithaPrice": ["http://lovewithaprice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Ginger's life is about to change because of her small stature and height, which is only 4 feet 9 inches... although that's not the real issue here... ehe ^_^' Her only hope of living is her younger brother, named Salt, who was just recently diagnosed with leukemia. This reason is enough for her to find any job that offers \"fast money\"... thus, entering a famous fashion mag company, owned by the rich and powerful Evanclaire clan, ... Matthew Evanclaire, is one of the three chosen candidates by the elders to be the next head of their clan. Because of the clan's proud \"ridiculous tradition\"... he'll do everything he can to earn the disapproval of the current head... thus employing Ginger (totally not her ideal girl) to be his girlfriend... Wait!... What if she'll find out that the other candidate, is the same guy she once confessed her love with? Will she still be able to act as Matt's loving girlfriend? Or do her best to pursue the affection of the man she trully love?... But what about her financial problem?... tsk.. tsk.. tsk.. we'll just have to find out as we go along with our story entitled ... \"Love with a Price\"...", false, true], "LsEmpire": ["http://l-empire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 954, "Luigi has left Mario, and gone out to prove he himself. With the help of Dimentio, Geminiman and Void; will his dreams of recognition come to fruition, or is he doomed to being second banana? Either way, we can be sure that it will be very silly. Updated 8:00am every day. Specials go up at 12:00am. Check out our TV Tropes page at http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Webcomic/LsEmpire Also Check out the offical L's Empire Youtube Channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/LsEmpireOfficial Or E-mail us at MrLandCo@hotmail.com", false, false], "LuckYou": ["http://luckyou.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A shojo manga parody about a teenager punk skateboarder named Harley Skylark being thrown into the world of a magical girl's duties, but they have their own ideas about how to go about all this.", false, true], "Lucky7": ["http://luckyseven.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "Twenty year old Chiizu \"Cheese\" Motsuki runs away from her abusive family and gets a job as a cocktail waitress in a casino in the big city. However, her happiness is short-lived, because she is seized by immigration authorities for her illegal status in the country. She soon falls for one of her captors, orange-haired Ruben, who is indifferent her. That is just one of the many other stories centered around the biggest casino in Heart City. This is my second SJ comic and it is a harem romance, much like Sim. It contains some violence, occasional language, some sexual situations, (but no sex,) and some misogynist themes. Also, there is a lot of skimpy outfits, smoking, and alcohol use, but it is a casino, what do you expect? This comic updates randomly. Also, as a friendly reminder, this comic reads from left to right, to conform to the English language. Enjoy! ;)", false, true], "LuffinpuffandEric": ["http://luffinpuff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 246, "The magical adventures of a fat kid named Eric and his fanciful imaginary friend, Llewellyn Luffinpuff!", false, true], "LumasParadise": ["http://luma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 175, "Welcome to Luma's Paradise, the one and only place in the galaxy where you can find sprite comics starring the Lumas!", false, true], "LuminousbyMikaiLee": ["http://luminous1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A truly strange phenomenon has occurred. All the stars had just suddenly vanished. The answer to this lies within what appears to be a just a young human boy.", false, true], "LunarEmeraldSagaAShadowtheHedgehogFancomic": ["http://lunaremeraldsagasth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A Shadow the Hedgehog Fancomic.... While on a mission to find a Chaos Emerald, Shadow the Hedgehog comes to a zone called Aura and meets a Hedgehog named Blanca. All Sonic the Hedgehog Characters belong to SEGA Blanca the Hedgehog and other oc's belong to me", false, true], "Lymbus": ["http://lymbus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Eythan Tahlos is a vagrant amnesic boy that only owns a little hourglass. He lives in Heaven, which apparently is a perfect place to live in. But after the arriving of a stranger called Miuler, his live will change forever and he will start to open his eyes towards all the crimes and cases of corruption which have been hidden in the city for years. This is a BL/yaoi/whatever-you-want-to-call story. It may contain some sex scenes and violence/gore. Enjoy!~~ ---------- WEBCOMIC BACK!!! Sorry and thanks again for your support ;w; http://www.facebook.com/Lymbus", true, true], "MADMinecraftMisadventures": ["http://madminecraftmisadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "The misadventures of a Minecraft server called MAD and the people within it. Now fully equipped with the latest plug-ins and more hidden chests! WARNING beware of the Lava Monsters. (Want to join? Send me a note!)", false, true], "MIKE": ["http://mike.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Das da storeh of Mike.", false, true], "MIMIC": ["http://mimic-experiment.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "An experimental virus, <54111> \"Sally\", is loose in a secret lab, growing deadlier with every living thing it encounters. The researchers have to find and destroy it before it escapes. Contains: *Incineration *Face Splitting *Dismemberment *Reanimation", true, true], "MSyndrome": ["http://msyndrome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "... anger, hatred, lonliness, despair Holding these feelings Wishing for destruction ...waiting for someone to save them... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Yuika is a lonely, low self esteemed orphan girl who is slightly suicidal. Her view on herself will change forever after a man named Cheshire takes her away on a journey to cure a syndrome that causes people to go mentally ill. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This manga is read from Right to left.", false, true], "MUTE": ["http://muterobot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 278, "We fight for what we believe in and for those we care about. With terms and beliefs like these, who is to decide what is right and what is wrong? It is our emotions that fuel our actions, but is allowing them to take over really the right course of action in drastic situations...? Updates Fridays.", false, true], "MYth": ["http://myth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 554, "MYth is a collection of original short stories inspired by the Greek mythology. Since it's MY version, the storyline differs from the classic mythology. .: MYth: My Seasons :. Demeter's sudden disappearance left Hades nothing but a daughter named Persephone... .: MYth: Eternal Gift :. The story of Poseidon and his true love... .: MYth: A PROMISE :. Before the time of the Olympians. Promises...made and broken... Between two brothers, only regrets remained. ***MATURE CONTENT APPLIES TO MYth: A PROMISE ONLY*** MYth (c) Zelda C. Wang http://zeldacw.idv.st http://zelda994612.deviantart.com", false, false], "MaShortComics": ["http://mashorts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Short stories. Updates whenever I have drawn a new thing.", false, true], "Macao": ["http://macao.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Most people enjoy playing cards. But they never wonder if the cards enjoy being played. [Genres: Action, Drama, Mystery, Supernatural]", false, true], "Mafiagame": ["http://mafia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 507, "", false, true], "MageGuildLFM": ["http://mageguildlfm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "How much craziness can come out of a online video game Mage Guild that is just trying to bolster their ranks? Ask Evellee, the resident elf and extremely cute guild recruiter, as she deals with the naive thieves guild, the fanboyish mage guild spellmaster, a sneaky catgirl rival, and helping her faerie friend with a language barrier problem that's bigger than she is. Updates: Within a week of the last update!", false, true], "MageHavenaQuestforReality": ["http://magehaven.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "7 heros journey on a quest to save their lands and defeat the chaos.", false, true], "MageandDwarfSketchAdventures": ["http://mageanddwarf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Non-serious sketch comic strips featuring the two Authors' personas as the main characters: Mage and Dwarf. Come join them in their silly shenanigans inspired by both; their real life adventures or their insane little minds.", false, true], "MagicalBoyEric": ["http://magicalboyeric.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Explosions! Magical girls! Bricks! Romance! HTML programming! Eric doesn't like people, he likes computers. It's a pity that now he has to save people's lives on a regular basis and spend time with his irritatingly happy magical comrades.", false, true], "MagicalBoysvsMagicalGirls": ["http://magicalboysvsmagicalgirls.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "The plot is about magical boys who fight against magical girls who turned evil.", false, true], "MagicalDestiny": ["http://magicalgirldestiny.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "In a day and age where Magical Girls are almost common place, always there to save the day and becoming popular in media, Kiara Wood could be call Magical Girl Lily's biggest fan. So when a strange creature called Nico appears and offers her a chance to fight alongside her idol, Kiara hops at the chance!!! ... Unfortunately, no one told her that Magical Girl Kira is destined to be Lily's next nemesis!!! ------------------------- [ * ] Updates irregularly while I get into the swing of things! Features Straight Love, Girl Love, Boy Love, Puppydog Love, Unrequited Love, Family Love, Love Love... come on, guys. Tt's a magical girl story!", false, true], "MagicalGirlAlice": ["http://magicalgirlalice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 212, "Behold the daily life of Alice Kamelot, a magical girl who is just looking to have fun and excitement.", false, true], "MagicalRenegades": ["http://magical-renegades.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 128, "In The State of Confusion, worlds, time periods, and magical girl wannabe heroes collide and cause a revolution after a megalomaniac's time travel scheme leaves everyone stuck in the past! The 'heroes' must fight against the rival magical girl faction over rewriting the turning point of Confusionite history, and to prevent another collapse of the space-time continuum! Genres: Comedy+Drama (mostly comedy, I'm aiming towards 90% comedy 10% drama, and 120% WTF-is-this-I'm-reading?!), Magical Girl/Mahou Shoujo, Metafiction, Steampunk (starting in chapter 3)", false, true], "MagicandMayhem": ["http://magicandmayhem.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "__PLOT__(so far) Mavirik is your regular teen nerd, studying, looking for work and a girlfriend. But mostly he looks for a group that needs his magely assistance. In short he is a fantasy nerd that knows everything about the subject. Which would be cool, if it had real life applications. Unfotunetly, there are no real dragons to slay, elven princess to rescue, or some 7 things of power to collect. So he does the next best thing. He goes to the conventions, does the cosplay and reads the books on all things World of Warcraft, Dungeouns and Dragons, and Final Fantasy. But one fateful convention... A big thanks to Moe2311 for agreeing to drawing and coloring this comic. This would not be possible without her.", false, true], "Magience": ["http://www.magience.co/comics/", 293, "------------------------------ Updates: M - W - F - Sa - Su at Midnight PST Content Rated PG-14 ------------------------------ \"Magience\" was a new video game, one you could play while awake OR asleep thanks to an innovative headset. No one was quite sure the exact technology behind it, only that it was top-of-the-line and very mysterious. In a world of fantasy, players get one character to level and adventure with, exploring an infinitely growing and evolving world. However, it's not long before people start to notice certain oddities, and certain strange theories and rumors start popping up all over the place, both in game and in real life. Crazy as it sounded, what if \"Magience\" wasn't just a game after all?", false, true], "Magistra": ["http://magistra.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 323, "The world is once again in front of a big turning point. But nobody knows yet ... The only school in the world, that teaches true magic, is upside down. Himeak found out that a tradition, only used by one familie, continues. Her father had always do to with that story but she never thought that she would be confronted with it. It looks like it's up to her to change the world, but what is this? It wouldn't be so easy as she thought. new unknown things fall upon her and make her life miserable for so. Like that wouldn't be the worst thing, people,she doesn't even know...but has to fear.... pressure her.", false, true], "MahoshojorobottoDaftPunk": ["http://mahoshojorobottodaftpunk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "UPDATES EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Maho shojo robotto Daft Punk! Shikashi, karera wa danseidesu... The story of two magical girls and their destiny to save the world! only Instead of magic, they are robots. Instead of girls, they are boys... And they are Daft Punk. DOES NOT contain: Yaoi, or sexual themes. I don't know why the similar comics panel says it's similar to all those boylove comics... DOES contain: The stuff that makes fun of Shoujo Manga, Daft Punk, Deadmau5, Skrillex, other EDM peoples and Justin Beiber getting a hair cut.", false, true], "MahounoNoroiMagicsCurse": ["http://mahounonoroi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "\u9b54\u6cd5\u306e\u546a\u3044 - Mahou no Noroi - Magic's Curse In another world, where magic reigns supreme, there are three magicians more powerful than the rest. These three magicians are much sought-after tools of war in the clashes between kingdoms. They control types of magic that no mortal could ever hope to touch; the magic of time, fortune, and life. But how do these three have control over such powerful magic? That's what Tokimaru wants to know, and he's not going to live his life using his magic for some stupid kingdom. He's going to get his answers, even if it kills him. Updates whenever possible (sorry!) with notices in case of hiatus. Mostly updates weekly. This comic is meant to be practice, so any advice/comments are welcome!! PG13 at worst. Not BL/GL or anything like that.", false, true], "MailboxRocketship": ["http://mailboxrocketship.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "What happens when a high school kid suddenly stops sleeping and suddenly gains super powers? Keith McDonald would like to know the same thing and he's about to find out in Mailbox Rocketship.", false, true], "MailerDemonMarin": ["http://mailerdemonmarin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Marin is a demon serving probation in the netherworld as a mail carrier. She is extremely mischievous, perverse, and a whole lot of fun! So come serve her sentence and spy on humans with her or who knows how long your boredom might last?", true, true], "MaisEverydayLife": ["http://thisismailife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Just the randomness that occurs in my life most of the time. Because... Randomness is fun~", false, true], "Majesty": ["http://majesty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 400, "Majesta's life turns upside down when she learns that she is the princess of the pretty-boy filled Unknown Planet! www.enchantma.com", false, true], "MakingupMemories": ["http://makingupmemories.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Original short manga on friendship and memories.", false, true], "MangaShorts": ["http://mangashorts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A collection of short stories.", false, true], "Manifested": ["http://manifested.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 297, "Hi there my names Stuart and I'm the main character of Manifested ...and i hate my author...even though hes me. \"shut it and describe my comic to all the nice viewers out there.\" fine, basically its about how i came upon a power to enter other peoples stories(video games movies cartoons all that jazz)and just mess around in them meeting my favorite characters and getting some awesom stuff like more superpowers and new friends. it was awesome till he introduced some assholes who decided to ruin the fun. if ya want a higher quality version my deviantart is http://statrux.deviantart.com/ so far i have gone into many places of those there has been the Spider-Man movie, Devil May Cry, X-man, Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, and Kingdom hearts 2. there are also many other references . also say hi to the other main characters Tyler and Midna..yes that Midna the one from the game.", false, true], "ManlyBandits": ["http://manlybandits.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Noire is kidnapped by the galaxy's most dangerous and fearsome criminals that nobody has ever heard of, the Manly Bandits (who are not men nor bandits). It will take a bag of combos, seven trillion dollars, Hostess to bring back the Twinkie and a huge adventure across space and time to have her returned safely.", false, true], "ManyDullKnives": ["http://manydullknives.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "A comic whatever the creator of this comic wants it to be. Non sequiturs jokes abound! Come decide for yourself what this comic is about.", false, true], "MapleProblems": ["http://mapleproblems.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "The story of Maplestory told from a funny, if not less than fortunate view...", false, true], "MarXistemthewebcomic": ["http://marxistem.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 106, "Welcome to one of the slowest-on-knowing comics ever. Games, movies, technology and stuff else, here.", false, true], "MarceliAndBryk": ["http://mib.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 180, "Wulfram Bryk is a private-eye. Marceli Szpak is his assistant and a bishounen. Bryk loves peace & quiet - two things that cease to exist when Marceli's around. And Marceli...Marceli loves to torture Bryk.", false, true], "Mariamakiling": ["http://mariamakiling.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "a Filipino folk tale.", false, true], "MarioAndLuigiTheLegendofEvilGuy": ["http://mlleg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "This story begins in Peach's castle, where the Mario Brothers receive a letter from \"E.G.\", stating that he has kidnapped the \"king\" of the mushroom kingdom... Bowser?? What's this guy's problem? Read to find out! A remake of my old comic, \"Mario & Luigi, Rise of Evil Guy!!\" All credit for sprites goes to people at the spriter's resource. (and maybe a few other websites) \"A plot twist on every page!\" -BlagH", false, true], "MarioBrosGoforitLuigi": ["http://goforitluigi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "A revamp of an old comic I made which is featured on Deaviant art for a link here http://mawio876.deviantart.com/gallery/. anyways the series is basically about Luigi's love problems with daisy I hope u enjoy cuz nobody seems to read sprite comics On smackjeeves except for Mario vs Sonic Vs megaman...", false, true], "MarioJoven": ["http://mariojoven.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A teenage story of the Mario Bros.", false, true], "MarioMonAPokemonScreenshotRun": ["http://mariomonscreenshot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "This is a screenshot run which I have made into a comic. Because that's cool. I'll comment on what happens so check the comments below each screenshot! MarioMon is a Pokemon Fire Red hack which replaces the Pokemon with Mario enemies and characters! So, wish me luck... Here I go! DISCLAIMER: MarioMon is not mine. However, it is available for download on a lot of websites. The reason I'm doing this is to provide information on MarioMon, as there is no info anywhere. Thank you.", false, true], "MarioandLuigiMisadventures": ["http://mandladventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 206, "Cackletta is up to no good and stuff", false, true], "MarioandLuigiTheLostPowerUp": ["http://lostpowerup.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "", false, true], "Marionetas": ["http://marionetas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Horror cl\u00e1sico y gore, solo para amantes del g\u00e9nero. Escrito por Leo Korso, ilustrado por Osvaldo Montero. Actualizado semanalmente. Nos pueden contactar en http://www.facebook.com/ilustracionycomics o al email osmont2@hotmail.com", true, true], "MarioonCrack": ["http://mariooncrack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "A bunch of random comics about Mario, Luigi, Peach, etc. No story. No reasons. Just a collection of comics with Mario and pals (with the occasional appearance of non-Mario characters) on crack. Be thankful I will NEVER use any Sonic characters. ***Updates randomly*** ------------------------------------ THIS COMIC CONTAINS: Strong language, crude humor, violence, use of drugs, blood, censored nudity, sexual themes, and lots of references ------------------------------------ It is not for children and I will take no responsibility for any effects it may have on them. ***I do NOT support drugs***", false, true], "Mariorpgcrazyness": ["http://mariorpgcrazyness.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "the true story of what happened during the smithy Incident updates at least once a week", false, true], "MariosMisadventures": ["http://mushroomkingdom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "A new kind of Super Mario Brothers web comic.", false, true], "MariosSMASHingAdventure": ["http://mariossmashingadventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "As Mario enjoys his day off, he unexpectedly ends up on another crazy adventure, fighting mysterious characters and facing obstacles blocking his path. Who interrupted Mario's day off? Will Mario ever find out and finally get some peace? Follow Mario's adventure to find the answer! Updates: As often as I can.", false, true], "MariovsSonicvsMegaMan": ["http://mvsvmm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 466, "It's a battle of the three main video game mascots of the late 80's and the early 90's, Mario, Sonic, and Mega Man. Who will win this titanic battle worthy of Pay-Per-View?", false, false], "MarkPTOpilot": ["http://markpto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "5 years of work down the drain? That\u2019s what happens when the robot you\u2019ve been building gets attacked by a virus even before you get the chance to activate it. ... or is it such a bad thing? Enter Mark, a robot that\u2019s been activated by accident, and\u2026 his personality isn\u2019t what you\u2019d call \u201crobot-like\u201d. Wanna know more? You can read all about it on the comic itself! More on http://ranterworks.com/markpto/", false, true], "MarkedbyDark": ["http://markedbydark.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A Monster Hunter webcomic that follows around an oblivious huntress and an ex-convict on their journey to slay the most feared monster in the land, the Alatreon. Updated Saturdays!", false, true], "MarsMind": ["http://marsmind.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Attempting a comic journal. Lets see where it goes.", false, true], "MartensQuestChallenge": ["http://mqc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Its up to you wether our little hero lives... or dies.", false, true], "Marvelhedgehogs": ["http://marvelhedgehogs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "", false, true], "Mascara": ["http://mascara.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 495, "As the smartest boy in school and a prodigy, everyone expects Ian to be a high achiever--\u0097a future Nobel Prize winning genius. But he doesn't want to be the next Einstein. He just wants to be a makeup artist.", false, true], "MasqueradeWTTM": ["http://masqueradewttm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Life sucks. Life sucks worse when you\u2019re doing it alone. Elias learns the hard way that falling down can be devastating without friends. And getting up after falling down is never easy. Unless, of course, you\u2019re not alone anymore. Read complete chapters of Masquerade at http://twelvegatesmanga.com", false, true], "MatchmadeinHell": ["http://mmih.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "People in the slums are still fairly close to their other form, called Zleptic. People from the poor, middle and rich district think shape-shifting is animalistic and most of them have never been in their other form. Orion was born in the slums and has grown up to be a cynical son of a bitch. Noel is a young guy from middle district and has lived his whole life without any worries, if his never-at-home parents don't count. Chemistry between these two just does not seem to work. Eventual BL", false, true], "Mathair": ["http://mathair.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Silent comic. M\u00e1thair: A small boy hears a strange sound that sounds similar to a voice deep within the forest. His curiosity leads him to finding its source.", false, true], "MatildasSweetCakeCafe": ["http://mscc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Welcome to Matilda's Sweet Cake Caf\u00e9! Here you'll find four (fan)service minded girls ready to satisfy your sweet desires. So come on in, have a seat and enjoy the scenery.", true, true], "MatingSeason": ["http://matingseason.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "'Season' is arriving in Unknown Village, and Luke, a half-human half-dragon or Dragonoid as they say in the story, is the first one to be paired. But what happens if he was paired with the same person as of his rival? YAOI! (or hermaphrodite love to be exact. Don't like, don't read. Characters are based on the game on Facebook 'Dragon City'.", false, true], "MattsUndergroundHotel": ["http://mattsundergroundhotel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 134, "When an author joins, you MUST show your character choosing a room, and then edit the hotel rooms page with your character's face on the door you chose. Banner by nyancat6650.", false, true], "Mauvais": ["http://mauvais.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Insanity+blood+sex+BDSM+etc(?= Mauvais characters Rire Mauvais =seme Attis= Uke this manga is Yaoi, BL , GAY D:<\u00a1\u00a1\u00a1 enjoy please reads left to right", false, true], "MaverickDaze": ["http://maverickdaze.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 263, "A Mega Man X based sprite comic. Set in the year 22XX as the Hunters must face their most challenging threat yet!", false, true], "MaxAndMin": ["http://maxandmin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "i am so terribly, terribly sorry", false, true], "MaxTheHedgedroid": ["http://maxthehedge-droid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "(Cameos Are Also Available In This Comic Just PM Them To Me.)", false, true], "Mayitwillbe2009": ["http://mayitwillbe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "its a short story about destroying the world and what happens if some goddes says stop with this shit!", false, true], "MaytheRainCome": ["http://maytheraincome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 488, "William Weasel returns home after seven years of war only to find his hometown deep in a drought, and his life eerily empty and devoid of meaning. ------------ This comic updates every day in full color, so try not to fall too far behind! May the Rain Come is rated PG-13 (for depictions of PTSD and scary moments). Inspirations: Black-and-white movies, cartoon animals, stories passed down through the family about the horrors of war.", false, true], "Mazscara": ["http://mazscara.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 874, "After her tragic suicide, Hollywood celebrity elite Victoria Starfield is ressurected and assigned by a secret supernatural organization called Crowd Control ,to protect five specific children (and her fans) from a slew of demons, serial killers, hellraisers and fallen angels. Her only weapon, 250 feet of razor sharp, flesh splitting barbed wire and an infinite trail of black tears. Call her, Mazscara. WARNING: Mazscara is rated +18 for Graphic Violence, Profanity and Mature Themes.", true, true], "MeMyselfandI": ["http://3me.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Title: Me,Myself and I Updates: it depends if Im busy Story: Will was kicked out by his family. luckily, Vis, a quiet and mysterious guy welcomed him to his apartment.. One day Will discovered Vis secret..his hidden personas Warning: Man to Man Romance..may contain r18 yaoi(maybe) grammar errors ( english is not my main language) may contain WRONG INFORMATION", false, true], "MeandHim18": ["http://meandhim.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "~ Quick 6 page story about a digital romance ~", true, true], "MeanwhileinSkyrim": ["http://meanwhileinskyrim.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Join Khal and J'ahv as they embark on an epic journey across Skyrim.", false, true], "MechaPenguin": ["http://mechapenguin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "a comic I made for an art class in 2010 about a penguin that builds a mecha suit in order to save his penguin wife who was kidnapped by a scientist!", false, true], "MediocreAtBest": ["http://mediocre-at-best.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "", false, true], "MedleySoup": ["http://medleysoup.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 400, "Three teenagers- fun-loving, quirky new girl Alcy, naive, formerly-homeschooled hippie Todd, and antisocial butt monkey vampire Matt- band together in their journey through high school and beyond. Check out the main site at www.medleysoup.com", false, true], "MeettheRangers": ["http://meetrangers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Enter the forest if you dare! this is a comic about all of the rangers from the Ranger's Apprentice series! Me and my brother work together on the plot, and I draw out the panels.", false, true], "MegaMaidenandTheChopChopPrincess": ["http://mega-and-choppy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 133, "Two girls who love punching crims become superheroes. Mega maiden is intended for OLDER Teens and adults for crude humor, language & adult situations.", false, true], "MegaManArena": ["http://megamanarena.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Mega Man gets kidnapped by Dr. Wily, and now he has to fight every Robot Master from the past, all in one challenge. Teaming up with some unexpected people, will Mega Man survive Wily's gauntlet? Or will the Blue Bomber finally fall? Expect updates every Friday. -HTML by Bartekolo-", false, true], "MegaManBattleNetwork7TheWorldTournament": ["http://mmbn7-twt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 459, "The year is 20XX... People are very lazy because they have Net Navis that do everything for them since even desks are controlled through the internet. Some people use these Net Navis for fighting and are called \"Net Battlers\". But, who is the strongest Net Battler? This tournament will decide that.", false, true], "MegaManSpriteExpo": ["http://megaman-sprite-expo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 611, "Hello all, this is your host, Alienoid! And this is for all the Mega Man spriters that want to show their greatness! Some rules though: -Keep it family friendly. -Be nice on others. -Have fun. -Mega Man sprites only. -Any Mega Man series allowed! -Memes now allowed! Will accept any author applications, unless previously removed. Fan-characters, conversions, custom, WATEVA!", false, true], "MegaManTales": ["http://megamantales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 145, "Follow the Adventures of G.B.A, a boy who ended up the MegaMan world and must find a way back home. Status: FINISHED! FOR REALZ NOW!", false, true], "MegaPain": ["http://megapain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 90, "Core and Daniel find an old Mega Man 5 cartridge at a yard sale. As they pop it in, there's more to this game then they realize. A lot more. Updates on Sundays.", false, true], "MegabitMadness": ["http://mega-bitmadness.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "All the Madness of 8-Bit life...And then some. Now Accepting Cameos.", false, true], "Megaliscious": ["http://megaliscious.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "A megaman comic where I let whatever random thoughts pop into my mind run wild.", false, true], "MegamanBattleNetworkANewDanger": ["http://mmbnand.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "After the defeat of Alpha its time for a new danger!", false, true], "MegamanTeX": ["http://megamantex.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Megaman X, the first robot with emotions created by the esteemed doctor light. Does he have what it takes to stand against dozens of mavericks? Better question, can he beat them without getting a single game over? Probably not. ------------------------------------------------------ Watch as I play through my favorite game series of all time. My actual goal is to perfect run as many levels and bosses as possible. Completely inspired by 'we can defeat anyone'", false, true], "MegamanXVirusWars": ["http://mmxviruswars.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "A story that bridges the gap between the Maverick Wars and the Elf Wars, involving the Nightmare, Omega and other villains/heros", false, true], "MegamanXWarForPeace": ["http://megamanxwarforpeace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Just a comic about a certain Reploid and his quest for peace.", false, true], "MegamanXtream": ["http://megamanxtream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "What do you get when you take a room, put the Megaman cast in it, throw in some extra characters, add a joke book and a few GOOD punchlines, add an author and mix it all together? You get Chaos. What do you get when you add a little sense and a few plots? You get Megaman Xtream. Updates: Fri-Sun", false, true], "MeganeKaketeIkou": ["http://meganekakete.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Warning! This is an old story (made two years ago) so don't expect too much form it! ^^Don't say I didn't warn you! About a girl who has to pass her exams..but has some little problems here and there.", false, true], "Megassman": ["http://megassman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "Enter Meg-ass man! Another comic i decided to start, Revolving around Characters being = Stupid, Cool, Smart And mostly Ass. This is so unoriginal..It just comes together so good that I decided to start it! Its....Quite fast paced...", false, true], "MelaniePeace": ["http://melanie-peace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Melanie Peace is not your average girl, well because...she isn't! This little goth girl loves to spread joy wherever she goes, but she might not be very bright as to how she does it. Follow Melanie, along with her friends, on strange adventures that sometimes (or all the time) make no sense at all!", false, true], "MelodiesoftheHeart": ["http://melodiesoftheheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "Rhi Grey is your average teenager, he loves music with a passion, he goes to school, hangs out with friends and works a job at his sisters local cafe, but he has a dangerous secret he's keeping from his friends and family, which is about to catch up to him very quickly. And When Lucy Turner, a young blonde writer and her family move back to the town of Chatsford, the two meet by chance, and an awkward start to a relationship begins. Though Love isn't always as simple as it seems, as many of the teens of Chatsford are about to find out. Also follow on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Mothseries for updates and news on the series", false, true], "MelodyAndMacabre": ["http://melodyandmacabre.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 365, "A little girl befriends Death and encounters those who seek him. An odd little series about obsession and... you guessed it... death.", false, true], "MementoMori": ["http://mementomori.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 110, "Agus & Karina are a lovely couple of college students enjoying their everyday life, until the day Agus receives a shocking new that will change his life forever. This is a pilot comic I did for publishing in my country, but since local publications aren't successful in here, it got scrapped.", true, false], "Memil": ["http://memilcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "On the english countryside in a big house lives young lady Isabelle with her butler and friend Memil. One rainy night a tall dark creature appears outside Isabelle's house, and he claims to know the young lady from a long time ago. Isabelle have also seen him before, but where, and what does he want? Updates (almost) every Sunday!", false, true], "Memorandum": ["http://memorandum.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A Tiger&Bunny fancomic for Christmas. Characters: Kotetsu T. Kaburagi and Barnaby Brooks Jr. Rating: General", false, true], "MemoriesofMay": ["http://memoriesofmay.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "If you read Intrepid Hunters, here's a little One Shot about Gen (and Naoki, but mostly Gen). Maybe it'll help you understand him. Maybe it'll just confuse you. If you didn't read Intrepid Hunters yet, you should totally go, like right now. But if you didn't read it and don't mean to and still want to read Memories of May, the story's about a teddy bear, and all the memories it brings back... Hope you'll like it. I know it's a bit short, but don't worry, Gen will be more present in Intrepid Hunters, because, the thing is, we love him too.", false, true], "MemoryFragments": ["http://memoryfragments.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "THIS MANGA IS READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT!! (COMPLETED!) Due to her father's work, Tsubasa Kirihara has to move often. It has been 10 years since she left Chibamachi, a place where she met her first friend 10 years ago. This tme she was back, she hoped at least to see him once again. Tsubasa entered Chiba Koukou and was approached on her first day of school the first playboy she has ever seen... Was he her childhood friend? Or was that another classmate from the next class? -Ki Hiwatari", false, true], "Mephistos": ["http://mephistos01naniiebim.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "What do you do when you find yourself living next to an unusual neighbour?", false, true], "MercenaryAndTechnician": ["http://merctech.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "Merc & Tech is a sprite comic which has been under the works since late 2003. The series has gone through its ups and downs and after the latest down and a few year hiatus, Merc&Tech was rebooted entirely and presented exclusively at smackjeeves. Merc & Tech is a story of a group of friends who stumble into another world which is either a parallel world or a virtual world unintentionally created by one of the friends in an attempt to create a supercomputer to emulate virtual reality. Needless to say, that other world is essentially a conglomeration of worlds and interdimensions based from video games . . .", false, true], "MerirosvotSeikkailumerella": ["http://merirosvotseikkailumerella.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Satamakaupungissa asustavat kaverukset huomaavat kaupunginjuhlissa kaksi ep\u00e4ilytt\u00e4v\u00e4\u00e4 vierailijaa. Kolmikko p\u00e4\u00e4tt\u00e4\u00e4 ottaa selv\u00e4\u00e4 mit\u00e4 vierailijat ovat miehi\u00e4\u00e4n, ja p\u00e4\u00e4ttyv\u00e4t el\u00e4m\u00e4ns\u00e4 suurimpaan ja vaarallisimpaan seikkailuun.", false, true], "MermaidSushi": ["http://mermaidsushi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Three high school girls end up stranded on a deserted (not desserted) island during their graduation cruise and are found by a human-loving mermaid named Nessa, who's more then eager to help them survive and possibly be rescued, but not all mermaids are particularly fond of humans or Nessa's meddling.", false, true], "MetBucks": ["http://metbucks.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A caf\u00e9 where Meteor dreams that everyone would meet up and just take a coffee, then relax for a day, or even chat. Meteor's running the place with other few friends. He is hiring more people to come along, and help support and run the place up! That's good news.....right? Start filling in applications for job positions! (Cameos) And you'll possibly be on the spot for a good run! If you don't, you'll still get to be cameo'd anyhow! This comic is PURE COMEDY, nothing serious. Might have a tad of a pinch of canon. (And everything about this could come from Skype chat, don't expect such a thing.)", false, true], "Metabooandfriends": ["http://metabooandfriends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 971, "This is a comic where spriters of all skills and types can post their creations for constructive critisism", false, true], "MetalPhoneMouse": ["http://mpm.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 346, "History Metal Phone Mouse (MPM) is the result of several years of roleplaying forum activity turned into a weekly updated webcomic. MPM deals with everything, Action, Comedy, Drama, Adventure, and Fantasy. Our webcomic slowly grew some popularity on Deviant art where most of our work is put up, but now we feel its time to expand into our own website with the help of Smack jeeves. Story An adventure story of a disbanded group of Mercenaries comprising of Demon hunters, Mythological creatures, and beings of mysterious powers set in the modern world. Although lost loves, betrayals and mistrusts separated their group, they gather again to create a new team including new members. Filled with mythology of all forms: Demons, Angels, Vampires, Gods and Tyrants of heaven and hell, and twisted creatures from nightmares challenge the MPM team with originally created Lore. MPM is a new up and coming webcomic that's well worth a spot on your bookmark menu!", false, true], "MeteorTheTakedown": ["http://meteortd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "Everyone Meteor knows... has turned against him. Even everyone in the world has turned sour. They are infected with a disease. Nothing can stop them. They are under commands of a unspeakable evil mastermind. Not even Meteor dare to face him, or will he have the chance to change his mind? (Main cameos full) Villians Cameos opens today until it fills! (3/5)", false, true], "MetroJack": ["http://metro-jack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 126, "A gay ex-lumberjack and a straight metro-sexual room together while attending Boston College. Humorous shounen-ai hijinks and confused sexual orientations abound. BL/Yaoi UPDATES EVERY SUNDAY! Also I just started a Tumblr Blog for the comic, so I can spam you guys on tumblr with sketches and fanart that my friends have done for me, as well as progress reports on the latest updates so you'll know about when to expect the next page! Feel free to check it out here: http://metro-jack.tumblr.com/", true, true], "MetroidLeviathan": ["http://metroidleviathan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "Samus goes to stop the Space Pirates and destroy Phazon for once and for all... Again.", false, true], "Metsastajat": ["http://metsastajat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "Tarina kertoo kuudesta lukiolaisesta, joiden el\u00e4m\u00e4 muuttuu, kun he saavat teht\u00e4v\u00e4kseen mets\u00e4st\u00e4\u00e4 hirvi\u00f6it\u00e4. Mist\u00e4 ihmeest\u00e4 hirvi\u00f6t tulevat? Vain suomeksi (only in finnish)", false, true], "MewtwosYellowAdventure": ["http://yellowmewtwo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "All humans go on that fateful journey when they turn 10 to explore the world and discover new Pokemon. But for a Pokemon like Mewtwo none of this makes sense. Why do humans do this? What do they experience? How do they differ from Team Rocket, who seek to control Pokemon? Well he's determined to find out! (with his buddy Pikachu [the Clone] of course!)", false, true], "MidEvil": ["http://mid-evil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "After the tragic death of her father seven years ago, Julie Rhodes went through many trials during her childhood. But now, except for the strange dreams, her life has finally become stable...until horrible monsters attack out of nowhere, and is then saved by a mysterious otherworldly ally! Brace yourself as you follow the story of Julie as she, her friends, her newfound \"Guardian\" and several other gifted strangers watch their lives slowly become wound together by fate in a mix of parrallel worlds, decades-old government conspiracies, strange secret societies, the American Civil War and many other things in the realm of the bizarre! Once these individuals are united, the world as they know it will be turned upside down. Welcome to the world of the Mid-Evil... Warning: This story is reccomended for ages +13 due to violence and brief instances of language Updates are on Saturdays!", false, true], "MidnightHunters": ["http://midnighthunters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 309, "In the middle of the industrial revolution, magic and science collide. Strange machines, steam powered objects and mechanical devices are fuelled by dark magic. The Midnight Hunters chase and hunt Devils, spectres, vampires and other supernatural beings that lurk in the dark corners of the big cities. If you want to read more go to <b><a href=\"http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga/12\">MangaMagazine.net! =D</a></b>", false, true], "MidnightMan": ["http://midnightman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "A bunch of kids get together one night and decide to call upon an old ghost.", false, true], "MidnightPrince": ["http://midnightprince.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 188, "Jeremy Locke is just a normal high school student, but his best friend Erik has a secret. He's a vampire and not just any vampire, a prince! Alexei Drako is Erik's ex-fiance and he's the prince of Neutrals, a race mostly like the humans but with the power to use magic and known to live longer than five centuries. Two years after his painful break up with Erik, he's back to look for a new \"wife\" and has set his eyes on Jeremy! Will Erik let this happen and will Cleo Saint, Jeremy's stalker friend, allow it as well? *Not really planning to put mature things in it yet but it does contain strong language and sometime in the future partial nudity. It's not just Shounen Ai, there's hetero love too *UPDATES ON FRIDAY AND/OR SATURDAY*", false, true], "Mighty": ["http://mighty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "One hundred years ago, the devastating Arachs were vanquished by the great hero David the Mighty. Now, in this comic created mainly with Flipnote Studio, David's four successors must find their powers, and find each other, to keep him from returning. It won't be easy.", false, true], "MightyOriginal": ["http://mightyoriginal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "MO tells about a man, Kide Aarnikotka (28), who finds a gateway to the spirit world on his summer vacation trip abroad. During this vacation he makes a couple new friends, encounters dangerous situations and finds some sweet, sweet romance (wheter he wanted or not). For them it truly is an adventure of a lifetime! The full canon story is divided into 3 novel-length volumes and the first one is called The Barbed Orchid. The comic is done in full colour and it updates as fast as I get pages done. c: Rating ... PG-13ish - cartoon violence and suggestive themes. [First page was published March 3rd, 2011]", false, true], "MightysAdventure": ["http://mightyadventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "", false, true], "MikanGoesNuzlockeSoulSilverRun": ["http://mgn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Just a Nuzlocke from a bunch. Dont take me seriously on this. Updates on Shady Weekends!", false, true], "MikePascalesGameBuzz": ["http://gamebuzz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Like some comedy with your sports? BUZZ, a hawk from Seattle, is a funny, fanatical fan who fights for his favorite football team every week\u2026often smacking down his rivals if need be! Join him and his cast of mirthful mascots every week for some wordplay and a smile. Go Hawks!", false, true], "Mimesis": ["http://mimesis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "\"Be careful with what you wish for\" As a child, Theodor makes a wish that changes his life for good. What was the wish and what really happend? And who is Elias? (Read left to right) (There's going to be some soft bl, just so you guys know!)", false, true], "MindSlash": ["http://mindslash.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "The comic's name is Mind Slash and it is about a small boy \"Seno\", that has an incredible imagination and fights all sorts of monsters and bad things. All in his mind.", false, true], "MindofMine": ["http://mindofmine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A place for me to put anything I do. From random comics to sprites.", false, true], "MineBlockComic": ["http://mineblock-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 257, "It's like Minecraft, but it's two dimensional and the sprites are blocky! A story of heroes who try to save the world from hell! Beat evil and more.... Story by: Bluezero12", false, true], "MineTopia": ["http://minecraftandstuff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "http://www.minecraft.net/ This is a Minecraft community comic. Pretty much a nice big blocky showcase where you can post your skins, texturepacks, custom maps, comics, screenshots, sweet builds, mods, or just hang around for the next news update. If you haven't heard of Minecraft, you must live under a rock. -------Anyone is free to join------- Any rude behavior has a chance of getting you kicked. We're trying to be a community showcase, not a flamewar thread, damnit.", false, true], "MinecraftThings": ["http://minecraftthings.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Here, ideas for Minecraft, models on Techne, and everything else Minecraft is accepted and showcased.", false, true], "Minecraftadventureswithddjj": ["http://mcddjj.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "a minecraft comic, it has people i made up, except Steve, he is your average minecraft player. main people are: ddjj(me), egggolom, steve, lolsteve(in the lolfailcraft parts), tim the creeper, ed the enderman i cant spell", false, true], "Minibot": ["http://minibot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 140, "Created from the \"Minibot Command\" threads on the Smackjeeves forums. People gave suggestions of what Minibot should do next and I drew them! Special thanks to MINIBOT COMMANDERS (listed alphabetically) Afrohawkman, AFStaff, Antitime, avian-reader, Bagpipe, Bat McStar, Beany, Bowserknight, BreakCanyon, Eggie, Gibson Twist, granmastern, Hunterkirizaki, Jake48.2, johlin, MacSimon, neoblade42, Pyroman, The Radical, robybang, skystears, SonicBoom01, SuperBiasedMan, Supertoad, and wendy w. Original threads here: http://www.smackjeeves.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10155 http://www.smackjeeves.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2534", false, true], "MinishALegendofZeldaCYOAcomic": ["http://minish-cyoa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "Updates every other day! (Except on holidays!) Link is a young swordsmith's apprentice living in the land of Hyrule. On the day of the annual Picori Festival, he sets out with his friend Princess Zelda to enjoy the festivities. Little does he know that he is about to embark on a grand adventure. What sort of adventure? You decide! Minish is a Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) comic based on The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. Any readers can leave commands. The comic updates daily, with each page based on the best command (as selected by the author) given on the previous page. The Legend of Zelda, all Zelda characters (c) Nintendo Sprite credits can be found under the \"Sprite Credits\" page. I credit all spriters whose sprites I use.", false, true], "MinorActsofHeroism": ["http://www.minoractsofheroism.com/comics/", 117, "The adventures of three young superhero sidekicks!", false, true], "MisbehavingChildren": ["http://misbehavingchildren.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "The story is basically centered around a group of kids who were treated horrible in their even younger days, abused, exploited,etc or were abandoned by their families and had no other place to go. They escaped their unfortunate situations and banned together to form this group, taking revenge on the world of adults mostly with higher incomes and wealth with mass murders, armed robberies, arson,etc. They're extremely talented at what they do and no one has come close to catching them yet.", false, true], "MischiefAndMarauder": ["http://mischiefandmarauder.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Mischief and Marauder are a couple of street-raised teenagers, making their way through life via pickpocketing. Today, they have a big heist in mind: stealing from the Royal Family itself. A short one-shot comic I created in the first semester of my University course, based on a weekend spent in London. Updating daily.", false, true], "MiseriaSkoolPrologue": ["http://miseriaskool-prologue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "\"Set somewhere in near-future city of London, a 17 year old girl named Kate, after going through some therapy since her parents were killed, was sent to Miseria School, an academy for people who possess unnatural powers like her. Kate meets other students and finds out there is a line between Common Elemental Powers and Unique Powers. Even though Kate was sent to academy without knowing what her real power is, she was instantly placed into the Unique Zone where she meets Eric, Jacqueline, Arisa and others. The chairman and founder of the school, Miseria, has plans for the talented freak students and she locks down the school with dormitory underneath it. All students realize that they must escape from the facility but at what cost when the future is unforeseen?\" Prologue for Miseria Skool focuses on characters' pasts before they have entered the school. Prologue 01 will focus on Runa Blanchett and Nei, how they both met in the city of London. Read Left-to-Right", false, true], "Misonla": ["http://misonla.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Stupid humour and weird animals. Also a bit something called \"a plot\". In Misonla lives trio of friends, the heir of king is lost and there are bad men doing bad things. There is also a bunny with big buttocks.", false, true], "MissGrey": ["http://missgrey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "Miss Grey is an aloof Grim Reaper who has wandered the globe quelling negative spirits and monsters for centuries. Bella Bonheur is a young paranormal investigator whose obsession with the dark and occult leads her to make a bizarre pact with Miss Grey- creating the most offbeat paranormal team on the planet. Miss Grey is created by Vegapunk {aka Kat}, who is coincidentally, a paranormal author, researcher, and radio show host.", false, true], "MissUltimate": ["http://missultimate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "", false, true], "Missing": ["http://missing.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "When Alice's team is signaled missing, the lieutenant Rosae has to undertake a recovering mission. James will have to find his way in the tropical forest of Mesembre, which holds Underwater panthers, ninjas and a forgotten order besides natural dangers. But he will not be alone since Manon, Virgil and Setsu will be his teammates in this periple. However, this means James will also have much to do in his own team ... At least one update a week.", false, true], "Missingversionfrancaise": ["http://missingfr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Quand l\u2019\u00e9quipe d'Alice est signal\u00e9e disparue, le lieutenant Rosae est charg\u00e9 d'une mission de secours. James devra se frayer un chemin a travers les for\u00eats tropicales de Mesembre, qui rec\u00e8lent des Panth\u00e8res d'Eau, des ninjas et un ordre oubli\u00e9 en plus d'innombrables dangers naturels. Le lieutenant ne sera toutefois pas seul car Manon, Virgil et Setsu seront ses co\u00e9quipiers pendant ce p\u00e9riple. Cependant, cela signifie que James aura aussi beaucoup \u00e0 faire avec sa propre \u00e9quipe... Update tous les jours jusqu'au rattrapage de la version anglaise et ensuite au moins une fois par semaine. English version : http://missing.smackjeeves.com/comics/1472832/cover/", false, true], "MissionRuby": ["http://missionruby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Back in the olden days, a great evil plagued the world, and only a tribe with an ancient bloodline was able to temporarily seal the evil. Fast forward into modern times, and the seal has been broken. A young man and his friends uncover the truth about their ancestry and will have to deal with the responsibility of stopping the darkness that envelops the land.", false, true], "MissionUnknown": ["http://missionunknown.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Mayu a freshman in high school starts a life changing journey starting with a boy named Kolul. Strange he's related to the most popular kids in school yet no one knows who he is. As they get to know each other Mayu discovers a few interesting things about them.yaoi yuri you have been warned.", false, true], "MistyGetsRevenge": ["http://revengey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Having been replaced in Ash's group over the past several years by not one, not two, but three different girls, Misty is pissed! The old girl is back now in a brand new comic to exact her revenge on the bitches that replaced her. With a handgun, an evil scheme, and a mysterious new ability to travel through time to dismantle history; Misty is a force to be reckoned with! This comic contains mild profanity and violence. Parodies the Pok\u00e9mon Anime. Weekly updates.", false, true], "MitterMakDoodleDak": ["http://doodledak.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Daily Doodles!", false, true], "Mitternacht": ["http://mitternacht.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "I started this comic as a joke... it was originally going to be another one of those \"villains point of view\" comic, and while it still kind of is, it's more a matter of perspective when establishing their villain-hood at times. Mitternacht is set in Nazi Germany (most of the time). Oberst Dietrich Zollinger heads this group of supernaturally powered soldiers- he himself being possessed by a demon. I am aware that some people may find some content objectionable. I do not in anyway support the atrocities that were carried out in WW2. Please understand that this comic is meant to entertain and occasionally poke fun at Nazis, Superheroes, and anything else I find funny (which can be pretty dark at times).", false, true], "MixedFruitsOntheRace": ["http://mixedfruits.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Mixed Fruits!: On the Race???? Haha. Can't think of any better title LOL. I just thought of it because on the cover, they are in different colors just like fruits. Although, I'm still wondering if there is a blue fruit. So yeah, very random. This is a Doujin, characters in this comic are not mine. I'm a fan of this characters. I was done with this comic 3 years ago, it's a bit old. It wasn't published. Just posted it now. Characters: L [c] Deathnote, Naruto [c] Naruto series, Tsunayoshi Sawada & Reborn [c] Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Lavi Bookman Jr. [c] D.Gray-man, Snorlax [c] Pokemon", false, true], "MixupofallMixups": ["http://mixupofmixups.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 422, "If you're looking for a good comic with a plot, I suggest not reading this. If you like randomness, Kirby, Tails and author involvement, then this is the place. Arcs are bound to happen, so watch for those. Accepts cameos. All characters and backgrounds used in this belong to their rightful owners, and credit goes to the people who ripped, edited and/or recoloured the sprites used.", false, true], "MlordandtheTailor": ["http://mnt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "A young tailor loses his business. He has not plans for what to go until he receives a letter from Lord Lavender of the House of High Tea. From the way others described the lord, he is picturing to meet with a old plump man but to his amazement the Lord isn't that old and is rather fetching. Still won't make up for his spoiled personality. The lord who was looking for a tailor to mend his coats gets a bit more than what he paid for. Will contain: all couples (Bl, Gl, and Hl) because everyone deserves love, comedy, drama, action, crazy outfits, wigs, tea,dress dressing and dancing Mature for sexual moments, violence and naughty humor", true, true], "MobianChaos": ["http://mobianchaos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 375, "Mobian Chaos: What year did rational thinking go out of style again?", false, true], "MobiusTales": ["http://mobiustales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "This is a story about a group of people who live in a big tree. They turn regular everyday happenings into chaotic fights and misadventures. ---------- Before you ask, this is a remake of Pure Chronicles.", false, true], "ModernMyths": ["http://modernmyths.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "Ever since Zeus imprisoned the titans in the depths of Tartarus, Gaea has been out for revenge. Over the eons, she has sent countless giants in a lame attempt to overthrow the gods. Now, Gaea is sick of losing. She uses the only method she can to ensure her revenge: She grabs the gods and hurls them into another time period. The olden day Greek gods of Olympus find themselves at a loss in a new world full of ipads, canned food, hard rock and metal music, cars, and much more. ___________________________ *THIS IS NOT AT ALL LIKE PERCY JACKSON!", false, true], "Mokepon": ["http://mokepon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 320, "He wants to be the very best! That no one ever was... uh, no. Scratch that. Adventures and friendship were never something that appealed to Atticus... Shame that it's a pokemon world he lives in, and so teenage boys living in Pallet Town are not expected to sit idly by. But the life of a hero is not one he's about to consider; too much hard work for little reward, and so instead he embarks on his quest not to become the greatest... But at least, the richest. Although the biggest challenge may be ignoring the adventures and friendships which may attempt to ensnare him along the way... Updates Mondays and Thursdays.", false, false], "Molasses": ["http://molasses.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Unrefined, self-indulgent goodness. Follow the daily lives of April, a childlike free spirit trapped in the neurotic mind of an adult; Gerald, a socially awkward amateur novelist; and Otto, a relatively normal guy with a relatively normal life. Updated every Saturday.", true, true], "Momentary": ["http://momentary.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "basically a side comic to Storywalkers. It features the characters doing various antics. If Storywalkers is a story, momentary is a bunch of one liners. I keep it separate so as to avoid interfering with storytelling elsewhere. Updates will not be regular.", false, true], "Momento": ["http://mmt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A bl comic due to it's main pairing. THIS COMIC DOES CONTAIN: -BL/Shounen-ai/yaoi (the yaoi is to some extent) -Shotacon -Hetero pairs -Age differences -5 other side stories involving other characters \"If I knew this was going to happen, I would have never made those promises...\" When they were little kids, the well-rounded, kind, and, to some extent, air headed Yuto and the small and sickly Rin had promised each other to love and care for each forever. So far the two have doing a good job of this, at least, that's what they thought...", false, true], "MomthegamestorerippedusoffAGAIN": ["http://crappygames.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 130, "Here are some game consoles. They are old. They don't work very well. They are slightly discolored. Did I mention that they don't work well? This comic used to be called \"Mommy, my NES crapped out on me AGAIN!!!\" but then I started showing some other console glitches.", false, true], "MonsterBoy": ["http://www.monsterboycomic.com/comics/", 14, "\"Boy\" used to live a quiet, lonely life. He has left so miniscule an impression on his peers at school that few of them even know his real name. He has no friends to speak of, and the only kids who pay him any attention steal his lunch money and shove him into lockers. Things don't get much better for him when he discovers he has the ability to communicate with \u201cmonsters\u201d: creatures that attach themselves to humans, and represent all that is negative about their host\u2019s personality.", false, true], "MonsterGirl": ["http://monstergirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 125, "An off and on comic first conceived during my elementary school years. The whole thing was pretty much a giant experiment for practice, though it's over now.Hope you like it if you're brave enough to read it! WARNING: This comic is EXTREMELY experimental, so try to ignore the ever changing artwork. Also it's pretty dramatized... Summary: A group of high school students have the ability to transform into animals, but what's the story behind their mysterious powers? Find out on their dangerous search for the answer.", false, true], "MonstersGarden": ["http://www.monstersgarden.com/comics/", 24, "The adventures of a reclusive fighting champion wandering beyond his flower garden. Updates Fridays. For viewers 13+, for language and violence.", false, true], "MonstersoftheLake": ["http://motl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "I've always aspired to upload something onto here...! It's not really a comic, but a story? I hope it's still okay. This was actually a secret santa gift for one of my good friends~ I drew it a couple of months ago. It took quite a lot of time to draw it all out, but it was a fun experience. I hope you enjoy it.", false, true], "MontrealGirl": ["http://montrealgirlfr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Les jeunes secondaire qui vont aller l'ecole Roslien Felixa c'est une ecole pour les filles et les 4 jeunes filles aventures. Categories : Comedie et Romantique. I sorry I talk in French Canadian :\\ Mais bon j'espere que vous aimeriez ce dessin :D Bien sure fiere d etre francaise XD", false, true], "MoonValley": ["http://moonvalley.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Her old school was a nightmare because of him, the school bully Demian... So Kaia is anything but happy to go back there in her last year. Besides she wants to learn virtual creating and there is no virtual net in that small town, where she grew up... Or at least that is what she thinks... For there is a new boy in her class and he is the reason why nothing is the same as before...", false, true], "MoonbeamCity": ["http://moonbeamcity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Luna Santiago is a homeless college student living in New York City. Growing up in a world unkind to her leads her to fight crime as a vigilante under the alias of Moonbeam. But her work attracts attention, positive and..not so much.", false, true], "Moondance": ["http://moondance.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "As if Claude didn't have enough problems (being a depressed socially inept teenager, having no friends, living with the most affectionate couple on planet earth... oh yeah, and being a werewolf) already, this unusual guy with bad intentions and miraculously styled hair keeps following him around. What's a poor Claude to do? (Updates Thursdays)", false, true], "Moonfire": ["http://moonfire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Embarking on many quests, may it be to search for someone or to come in terms with oneself, Korzel a half dragon and half demon learns to accept who she is and to find love in the people she meets and protects and maybe one day to give that love back to a certain special someone. She will face many dangers, puzzling prophecies, and dejection. ~*UPDATED ON MONDAYS*~", false, true], "Moonglow": ["http://moonglow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Tora meets \u00c1lmos in her dream, and they fell in love with eachother at first sight. They promise to meet again, but they don't know that Vela \u2013 the Goddess, and Raz \u2013 the demon is watching them. Raz doesn't believe in love while Vela thinks the lovers can meet again. They bet with eachother.", false, true], "Moonkeeper": ["http://moonkeeper.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "", false, true], "MoonlightApparition": ["http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "When Jason and his friends, Toby and Robbie, go out on an adventure to take a look at an old building, they get taken by surprise at the monsters hiding inside! Werewolves! However, it appears there is more to the existence of these creatures than meets the eye. Following along on a bumpy path, Jason and his friends embark on a journey discovering more monsters and their existence as well as the power within themselves. _________ THERE WILL BE STRONG LANGUAGE, SUGGESTIVE SCENES, BLOOD AND GORE, IN THIS COMIC! I RECOMMEND AGES 12 +", false, true], "MoralCadence": ["http://moralcadence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Coming (back) Soon! *To those wondering- yes, this is the same comic! I'm currently redrawing it, and with the help of a friend I'm hoping it will be better than ever. <3", false, true], "MoreThanaHunch": ["http://morethanahunch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Solving criminal cases is not easy. It requires patience, intelligence, inquisitiveness. Sometimes a lot of intuition. And sometimes even more...", false, true], "MorningSun": ["http://morningsun.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "The story follows Ocean, a young blacksmith's assistant who wants to see the world and see what it has to offer. After an unfortunate event, he sets off on a journey that may be exactly what he wants, but is he prepared for it?", false, true], "MorningtoMoon": ["http://m2m.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 203, "the humble life is anything but mundane. visit our site @ http://pink-noise.net/morning EDITED: our website is having technical difficulties, so apologies if you reached this site trying to find the comic. The comic here is almost completely up to date. We also have a mirror at http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Morning-to-Moon/detail-page/122", false, true], "MortEtre": ["http://mortetre.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Cursed by flesh-consuming magic, Orann and Aedo, father and child, are in a race to survive, whilst pursued by demons and a cresting war. As Reveckan sidhe, hardly anywhere is safe for them, neither from other sidhe or the demons that they so share a likeness with. The two may only find safety in the kindness of others, or through intimidation and debts. Mort \u00catre contains mature content only suitable for adults, including violence, abuse, gore, and sexual content.", true, true], "Mortifer": ["http://mortifer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1331, "This comic has been completed! RATED WEB14 and up for gore and foul language! A mercenary team compiled of three men, Valentine, the asian prostitute obsessed with money, Mathew, a bloodlusting vampire with an anger problem, and Joey, an intellegent, but very odd, mercenary who always smiles. Things go well, until the presidency of the mercenary company is handed over to Joey, after mysterious death's of his competitors. Things slowly begin to get dangerous... and people's secrets begin to get exposed. Is Joey actually planning good things for the company... or something much more horrible?", false, true], "MoteMote": ["http://mote-mote.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Hiiragi Keiichi is a violin virtuoso who is also teenage heartthrob of his school. He can have any girl he desires, may she be younger or older, but what happens when he's the one falling for, not just one, but two girls? Just another Onegai My Melody doujinshi~ Visit the galleries and archives in kurohiko.com!", false, true], "Moth": ["http://mothcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Taylor Gray has mysterious telepathic powers... but something darker lurks within her mind as well. Now, she's on the run from both the powerful corporation that illegally created her, and from the demons that haunt her. \"Moth\" is an animated webcomic from Kat Rush, a student at Sheridan College animation. Enjoy the fusion of beautiful images, animation and the written word that create this unique story.", false, true], "MrFactory": ["http://mrfactory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 505, "Dee Bananahead is the coolest gangstah in da hood. Burglarizing 50 banks in 1 night? NO PROBLEM. But when she makes an outrageous promise to blow up the factory that everyone in the city hates, things start getting complicated. Updates, like, everyday. Unless it doesn't. But it typically does.", false, true], "MrGrimmsCircusofHorrors": ["http://grimms.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 179, "Lucia has a less than perfect life. One day she decides to run away. But there is one problem with her plan... She has absolutely no where to go. That is, until a strange flyer smacks her in the face. \"A freak show huh? I've never been to a circus before.\" Rated PG 13. Contains: Violence, some crude humor, blood, some romance.... Later.... This comic is boyXgirl. Reads right to left.", false, false], "MrSocialDerp": ["http://mrsocialderp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A random comic about Social Anxiety/Phobia and other things (whatever shit that tends to happen). It doesn't have an exact plot. It also touch bases on being Transgender. Hopefully it fits your taste.", false, true], "MrToothpick": ["http://mrtoothpick.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "The many adventures of Mr. Toothpick. I first used to doodle this in the 8th grade during class, people liked it so I decided it shall continue on in this webcomic.", false, true], "MrXvioussStranded": ["http://mrxstranded.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "I've crashed my airship on a desert island. Will I survive!? SKETCH COMIC :D", false, true], "Muchtoolate": ["http://muchtoolate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A 24 hour comic (2008/10/18) This is the story of Rute, a woman who has no faith or interest in reality, and likes to fantazise about a fairy-tale world where she's happy.", false, true], "MuffinsFTW": ["http://muffinsftw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "So sad the muffin just wanted a friend on her birthday. Lucky for her the Muffin queen took pity on her. Best birthday gift ever\u0085\u0085.I think. @_@;;", false, true], "Multiversal": ["http://multiversal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Equal parts anthology and ongoing story, this comic is about all of the Xenofictional stories that I've always wanted to tell. Expect everything from apocalypse logs to the story of a fairy trying to kill her brother, and hopefully lots of crossovers between. And expect to see the face on the title card a lot.", false, true], "Munich1945": ["http://muenchen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "Germany/Munich, April 1945. A little story about how the people managed to live after the Second World War and tried to rebuild their hometown. And how an American Soldier falls in love with a girl :) I always loved the idea placing a romance story during or after war. And where -I do believe- \"Love at the first sight\" sill existed.The female role could be acting strong but also weak. Plus i could take a setting which I'm familiar with: Munich. I'm trying to gain as much information as possible. Hoping to the get history facts right!", false, true], "MusicomicAllIWanted": ["http://alliwanted.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "What if a song was a comic? \"All I Wanted\" Written by Hayley Williams & Taylor York Published by WB Music Corp (ASCAP) But Father, I just Want To Sing Music (ASCAP)/Copyright 2009 Hunterboro Music (ASCAP)/Meaux Hits (ASCAP). All rights administered by EMICMG Publishing. Listen to the song first! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssAEYv5ws9w", false, true], "Mutant": ["http://mutant.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Set in the same Universe as our other comic, THE INVESTIGATOR, MUTANT follows a group of 13 people who are about to discover something great... *** UPDATED MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY ***", false, true], "MyABCBook": ["http://myabcbook.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 63, "A coloring book on learning the ABCs made by Mary!", false, true], "MyAffection": ["http://myaffection.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "As much as Ren liked her daily life, she stumbled upon a group called \"Oblivion\". Out of curiosity she decided to join, only to find out it's more than what she hoped for. Like a butterfly caught in a spider's web, how will she deal with the overflowing affections around her? This is a side-story based from the collaborative story \"Utopia High.\" I hope to get this story out for others to read so please stay tune. =D ***Comic is read: left-to-right ***Updates: occasional (I am working on the plot so it will be a while before I post again.)", false, true], "MyFakeHeart": ["http://myfakeheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 232, "A tale of unending confusion, aggravation, adoration, and exclamation. Amanda's best friend just got dumped. How else to win her ex back than by pretending to date Amanda? Meanwhile, playboy of the school Zach has discovered he's rather bored toying with all the girls who fawn over him. After kissing Amanda's brother Leonard on a dare, he decides to do some follow up; he wants to know if he is so hot a guy would fall for him. Luckily for him, Leonard's already interested in his gender. Less work for Zach! In case you can't tell, it's full of gay kids. There's like, three straight kids total. If that doesn't float your boat, don't rock mine. Updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I'm also offering commissions to help keep myself alive.", false, false], "MyFriendScotty": ["http://myfriendscotty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 127, "Scotty has always been an... outcast. He's seen as a creepy, mangy, weakling. But not to Nate, who's always been there to help him home with the bruises on his face. Until, one day, Nate finds himself torn between the line of friendship and more-than-friends... Not your average BL. Updates Sporadically. c:", true, false], "MyKawaiiNekoMaid": ["http://kawaiimaid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Ichigo-chan is forced to work for a man thanks to his mother who lost him in a bet! Forced to do things against his will, Ichigo-chan will have a hard time in this guys mansion. BL! nya! Don't like don't read, :3", false, true], "MyLifeIsAJoke": ["http://mylifeisajoke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A series of 4-panel jokes based off of my real life experiences. :(", false, true], "MyLittlePuy": ["http://mlp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "These are previews to the actual comic available at: http://pervycomics.com/mlp Join Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and the others as they try to find the Magical Watch of Time and the Enchanted Skull to help them turn into older humans so they can engage in a massive sex orgy! (This is a porn parody based on \"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic\", also called, \"MLP:FiM\".) *Plus a special appearance from a surprise guest who works behind the scenes for the original show, plus lyrics to a remixed version of the theme song!*", true, true], "MyLovelyTeacherYumiramaia": ["http://yumiramaia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "Categories: Ecchi, Drama, Comedy Greenfield High is considered as the top performing school in the whole country. An all boys school, and most of the students are geniuses gathered from rash environments. They are former troublemakers and school kick-outs but then, this school changed them a lot. A teacher named Yumira Maia Leafbreeze came to this school by the command of the president of Ravengate Academy, the school next to Greenfield High as the top performer, to make Ravengate Academy overtake Greenfield High. She, then, seduce her students while teaching for them to be distracted. Her plan made a great progress. Every student started to make their grades fall. But one student named Setheros Eriol ,known as Seth the greatest student in the whole country, didn't affected by those tactics. Will she be able to defeat Seth? Or she will be the one who will be defeated? NOTE: THIS SERIES IS READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT.", false, true], "MyMonsterFriend": ["http://mymonsterfriend.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Lyn always had one rule. Make it out of high school without being notice. It was the perfect plan\u2014foolproof! Well obviously she\u2019s a bigger fool than she ever presume because not only is she getting all the unwanted attention she could ever dream of, but it\u2019s from the last guy she ever thought of\u2014 Mr. Popularity himself. When she clumsily discovers his secret Lyn is positive it\u2019s an all-out war to save her love ones and ultimately\u2014the world!\u2014who is she kidding? A jellyfish had more spine than she did! UPDATES Bi-weekly Mondays", false, true], "MyOasis": ["http://myoasis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 136, "Includes YAOI(m/m,slash,boy love,shonen-ai) Hazu is the only son of Councilman Yuroba and is already set up to marry into another tribe.Bored of staying in the colony he ventures out one day only to come across a small expedition on their way to the mountain which protects their village.One of the young Archeologists,Johnathan,seems to catch Hazu's eye.A sandstorm blows in and everyone,expedition and Hazu,race to find shelter in a cave.At this close proximity Hazu seems to grow more attached to the young human and has the sudden urge to capture his interest in turn.Surza,his proposed,fights against their relationship entirely.Only more problems arise when Hazu chooses to protect him. Johnathan is merely a normal human.He doesn't talk much,he sticks to his books instead of with people,he has a love for everything made by nature,and is, apparently,Hazu's property.The human is abducted while he and his expedition protect themselves from a sandstorm inside a cave.There isn't anything special about him. But to Hazu he is every bit of everything. Updates: Hopefully Mondays AND/OR Thursdays. Do NOT hold me to it though! I'll try my best though!", true, true], "MyPlaceInSpace": ["http://myplaceinspace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "The life of Ken, a man that can't find his place in the world, join in reading his journey to his true home.", false, true], "MyRPPartner": ["http://my-rp-partner.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "My RP Partner is a story about two boys (Kai and Lance) who are...well RP partners. Kai who joined a RP (role play) group was surprise to find another male RPer who joined the same group as him. Relationship starts to grow as they get to know more about each other even if it's just through a computer screen. This will be a yaoi base story. Read from left to right.", true, true], "MySisterLiedtoMe": ["http://mysisterlied.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "What happens when Brandon, our main character, falls in love with his sister's boyfriend?", false, true], "MySistertheDragon": ["http://sisterdragon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 127, "A boy finds an egg in the woods, and he and the dragon that hatches from it are raised as brother and sister. Hijinks ensue, including but not limited to the wacky variety.", false, true], "MySparklingPrincesama": ["http://kiraouji.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "Before you start... THIS MANGA IS READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT! ------------------- \u79c1\u306e\u30ad\u30e9\u30ad\u30e9\u306e\u738b\u5b50\u69d8 \u2665 (My Sparkling Prince-sama \u2665) While Hanami was at the beach during one summer vacation, she met a boy who was making a pendant by the seaside. After he left she found a pendant with a name tag. When she went back to high school the following year, Hanami joined the Jewellery Club, and to her surprise, the president of the club was the student council president, who was a complete... nerd. ------------------- Genre:: SHOUJO, shoujo and more shoujo <_<... (you can tell from that lame title...)", false, true], "MySpritePit": ["http://myspritepit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "Backed up sprites, fillers, Ideas and other goodies. It's like buried treasure.", false, true], "MyTrollLife": ["http://mytrolllife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "This is a webcomic with rage comics surrounding real events in my life. NOTE: these comics are for jokes and laughs and should not be judged (seriously, there rage comics what did you expect?) UPDATES: WHENEVER, BUT MOSTLY WEEKENDS AT THE MOST", false, true], "MyTwoCentsPlusTax": ["http://mtcpt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 134, "In the modern world there are many evils out there. Super villains who want to destroy the world, Evil masterminds with plans for revenge, and bad dudes who go around not paying their taxes. It is up to Sanders, Jock, and Payton, three tax collectors, to bring these evil fiends to justice! Contains: [Cartoon Violence.]", false, true], "MyWolf": ["http://mywolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "This is just quick comic I made for my friend in year 2011. It was made in one and half week so the quality isnt that great xD But one friend of mine asked me to submit this,so.. HERE WE GO. CONTAINS POOP AND PLOT THAT MAKES NO SENSE.", false, true], "MyZombieDays": ["http://zdays.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 136, "Gags about zombie movie's cliche.", false, true], "MysteryDungeonNinjas": ["http://mysterydungeonninjas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "The Ninjago ninjas have been turned into pokemon and are stranded in the pokemon world. What will happen? Chaos, that's what! Uploads: Very often! Will there be humor? One of the characters is mentally insane. You tell me if there's gonna be humor. Will there be romance? Later on yeah! Awkwardness? Plenty of times. Randomness? Mentally insane character. That's all I need to say. Action? YEAH! (later on kinda) Moments that make you say WTF? Mentally. Insane. Character.", false, true], "MysticanDreams": ["http://mysticandreams.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 416, "A story about a war torn country lead by the Golden Raced Echo and her insane father who happen to clash against the Silver Raced queen and her plot to take over the entire country of Mystica. (Yuri)", false, true], "MysticanRealities": ["http://mysticanrealities.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "As the time continues for the land of Mystica, some familiar faces gather to clear up the mysteries of the past, and the intricacies of the future.", false, true], "MysttheBookofAtrusComic": ["http://mystcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 128, "An unofficial, fan-made graphic adaptation of \"Myst the Book of Atrus\" by Rand and Robyn Miller with David Wingrove. Prequel to \"Myst\" (1993), the best-selling PC game created by Cyan, Inc (now Cyan Worlds, Inc). Characters and story used with permission. Story: Atrus and his grandmother live alone in the middle of the desert. His grandmother excites him with stories about the D'ni, a race of people who lived long ago. Atrus' father, Gehn, comes to claim Atrus and share with him the amazing power of the D'ni. When Atrus starts to question what he's been taught, how can he find out the truth?", false, true], "MythsofMars": ["http://mythsofmars.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Every culture has its myths to explain why certain events take place, and the Martians are no different. A Space 1889 comic.", false, true], "MythsofUnovaAWhiteNuzlockeRunHardMode": ["http://mythsofunova.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "Sort of a sequel of my Diamond Nuzlocke Run! You can read the previous nuzlocke comics here: http://ky-nim.deviantart.com/gallery/28245977 Different region, different characters...or are they so different from the first? See how Nina and her two best friends set out on an adventure that may be more life-changing then they initially had wanted... For any questions, please drop it off at my formspring: http://www.formspring.me/KyleeNIM", false, true], "MyticaAngelsTears": ["http://mytica.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "Adam was a normal guy until he left his hometown, now he has discovered an unreal city, full of magic, mythical creatures, mysticism and more!", false, true], "MywishforChristmas": ["http://mywishforchristmas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Mami, a child who lost parents and does not believe in Santa like the others And... Noel, a young novice Santa that has to become this year's Santa for his sick Grandfather Making Mami to believe in Santa again is Noel's mission! How can he do it!? -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- I drew this comic sending to one manga publisher's contest during Christmas last year but it ended up being eliminated. lol so I decided to upload this comic on SJ for you guys to read plz enjoy it! ^w^)/ READ RIGHT -> LEFT If you guys have any comments please feel free to comment me or ask anything. ^w^) Please let me know what you think about my manga. Thank you <3", false, true], "Mywolfraincomic": ["http://mwrc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "The wolf rain gang is back and they got some new friends. After being brought back to life one by one from the angel, Ivy, they're quickly attacked by Darcia's new assistant, Skipper.\u00a0 With Sylvia as their guide, they're off to find Cheza and paradise. Who would have known they would need to remember the past to understand the future.\u00a0 And\u00a0yes, I know I kinda make things seem like it happen fast in this but in the world theyre in, you don't have time to sit down. You're either running from something, fighting something, being fought by something, and so on.\u00a0 Parts of this comic can be found in n13's life(not posted on smackjeeves yet), hey mr mister(not posted on smackjeeves yet) and a few other stories that escaped my mind at the moment. \u00a0 Wolf's rain characters (c) bones Others(c) monster inside", false, true], "N00dles": ["http://noodles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "In the quarantined city of Malton, survivors of the zombie outbreak claw through the remains of civilization in order to preserve their existence, as the zombies slowly claw away at their sanity. Hilarity ensures! Updates Mondays and Fridays. WARNING: May contain soy, swearing, in-jokes, zombies, and trace amounts of yaoi.", false, true], "NEGATIVE": ["http://negative.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Short manga comic I made around three years ago ^ ^ Two boys accidentaly met up at the restaurant - one of them is pessimistic and moody, secon extravertic and cheerful. It turns out that they see the same places and situations in totally different way.", false, true], "NERDALERT": ["http://nerd-alert.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 288, "The lives of a geek and a nerd - these things really happened. We hit nothing but books! Updates mostly on Sundays and Wednesdays nowadays.", false, true], "NES": ["http://nes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Ryuuzou, under the name MAX scored in almost every arcade console on the Planet Game Center; becoming a legend, also, beating everyone who dares to challenge him; until one day, when he finds someone leaving better scores than him, and he begin his journey to find the one under the name NES, to defeat that person and regain his position as the unbeatable gamer. Fun - Geekery - Love - and more in it =)", false, true], "NESAdventuresComic": ["http://thatstupidnescomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "", false, true], "NIK": ["http://nik.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 429, "The Character: Nikolai is a young mage who shows great potential. He is able to wield magic without using his hands or chanting words by using the light magic he has webbed around him at all times. The Plot: The world has forever been balanced between good and evil. Each mortal lying somewhere between the two extremes. Now that a new mage has taken over the council, the light beings have a burst of power which breaks the balance they have with the dark beings of the world. And they aren't willing to keep the balance, no, the mage council decides to use this power for all they can and wipe out every ounce of dark-energy in their section of the world... This balance being broken can change many things. The mortals are directly influenced by the energies! But wouldn't a world of pure light magic be a good thing? ... (This is a BL comic.)", false, true], "Nagori": ["http://nagori.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 88, "A strange artifact found deep on Earth's surface. An object with amazing properties which may not be from here....or now.", false, true], "NameMyComic": ["http://namemycomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Anna is just a small girl living in a not so loving home(\"Just a small town girl, Living in a lonely world\"), and to make matters worse there's a monster in her closet. Too bad no one cares, right? As of right now...I have no name for this comic lol SO ;D any Ideas? It updates every Saturday.", false, true], "Namipinephrine": ["http://namipinephrine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A comic about finding the source of Namine's MDD and fixing her mind set. This is mostly just practice, and to get all my feelings out onto paper \uff3c\uff08\uff20\uffe3\u2207\uffe3\uff20\uff09\uff0f Critics are appreciated, just keep it nice please <3", false, true], "Narssica": ["http://narssica.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Narssica (Nar-Sa-Ca) follows the adventures of a lesbian superhero and her entourage of GLBT friends living in West Hollywood. Monday updates give readers a weekly dose of blood, gore, fashion and sexy camp. Narssica is written by Jameson Gardner and illustrated by Silecene Alethea.", true, true], "NarutoPortugalRPG": ["http://narutoportugalrpg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Read from right to the left. Kazuki is a shinobi from the Hitsuyaga clan who is jorney starts after he being enthrusted with a very special sword used by his ancestors in the past to slay demons. This naruto fan comic started as a RPG game, and the first drawings aren't that great but it progresses as the drawer tells the story", false, true], "NashThorn": ["http://nashthorn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "What will you do if your parents die befor your eyes? For Nash it's simple, you kill those who did it. Nash has always known that he was not like any other, he was special. But that his ability would lead to his parents' death, he did't know ... Don't know if I should do anything with this comic or not!?", false, true], "NateDavenTylersPokemonMysteryDungeonAdventure": ["http://ndntmysterydungeon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 85, "Plot: The awesome trio from the Nate Dave n' Tyler series are back in this new out of control spin-off about how they get magically transformed into Pok\u00e9mon, and waking up in a new world. The Pok\u00e9mon world. Now the trio, along with their newest friend Miachu Furret, must find the Seven Jewels of Arceus and try to find their way back home. Team Buddies: - Tyler (Pikachu, leader) - Nate (Rattata, brains) - Dave (Turtwig, brawn) - Miachu (Furret, tracker) What will be the length of this comic? Hundreds? Thousands? You'll have to keep coming back for updates!", false, true], "NautaNauta": ["http://nautanauta.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "(Now-ta Now-ta) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \"I was called Nauta because of my eyes. I was born with the eyes of a beast and for that I will die.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ May contain blood and violence Nauta Nauta isn't set in any specific time period >>>>>>Comic reads left to right>>>>>>", false, true], "NearVana": ["http://near-vana.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "Near-Vana is a deep but light hearted story I've refined while working on other things. It is partly a parody of \"Death\" comics (Sandman to Death Note) and partly it's own thing. The grim reaper theme isn't the only thing going on, it's supposed to be fun and funny, and have some good action too. ______________________________ Min is the angel of death, an immortal being of legend that is interpreted in different ways in different lands. She is the foremost enforcer of the heavenly kingdom, a place where ancient laws are maintained that keep order on earth. This place is called Terminus, and it's armed forces are the Terminatens. Min travels the world performing her duties, but she longs to also have a life among normal people. When she is given permission to find a new recruit for the Terminatens, she uses it as an excuse to befriend a young mortal man, Romeo, and neglect her duties. Her enemies are aware of her actions, and also of ways to use them against her.", false, true], "Neau": ["http://neau.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "", false, true], "Nebula": ["http://nebula.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "About a little foxy girl, and a giant wolf.", false, true], "Necreshaw": ["http://necreshaw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Necreshaw is an on-going graphic horror novel about an underworld society that lives in the shadows of the real world. They are mutant cyborgs that feed on the 'surfac-dwellers' like cattle. Basically, if you're not food, then you'll be used as a slave or sliced up for spare parts. Necreshaw is about a young woman that wakes up in a hellish world only to realize the true horrors of their most darkest secret.", true, true], "Necrophobia": ["http://necrophobia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Ciel and Elizabeth Phantomhive are much touted as the most eccentric couple in England, and with good reason. The Earl and his Countess are the head detectives that work to eliminate enemies of the crown. Though, they've come up with an issue: How do you kill a culprit that is already dead? This comic is betaread by artistenoir on tumblr and written by myself.", false, true], "Negligence": ["http://negligence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 518, "Two kids, a bottle of mouthwash, and an almost non-existent parental figure. What could possibly go wrong, besides cult families, twisted public television shows, a baby's death, and a pseudo-incestuous relationship? Welcome to Negligence, a crazy journey.", false, true], "NekoSpot": ["http://nekospot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A grab bag of all my ideas that don't go anywhere else.", false, true], "Nekoi": ["http://nekoi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 162, "A university for semes and ukes >w> Warning: Yaoi, BL, BoyxBoy action Don't like, don't read. Author applications closed!", true, true], "NekotheKitty": ["http://www.nekothekitty.net/comics/", 983, "Comic about a cute little kitty cat who's really quite cheerful about how much he hates everything. Ireland's #1 webcomic, online since 2002!", false, true], "NelBluDipintodiBlu": ["http://volare.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "An Axis Powers Hetalia doujinshi I made for a fanzine with some friends :3 It's GerIta (Germany x Italy) Shonen-ai, based on the song \"Nel Blu Dipinto di Blu (Volare)\" by Domenico Modugno. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-DVi0ugelc Thanks for reading!", false, true], "NemesisKatharsis": ["http://nemesiskatharsis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 120, "Jove is the descendant of the most powerful magical clan in Nokt'ader - the Aerin. She is expected to be a magic user of legend by her parents and clan. Unfortunately, she cannot even learn how to... levitate. With almost no affinity for magic, and considered the black sheep of her family, Jove harbors the ridiculous notion of one day becoming the land's... Arch Mistress of Magic! Updating schedule: heavily variable! :s I'm also working on Sailor Moon: The Enemy Next Door, and that's my priority :) but as this here is MY baby, I'll do my best to post often Genre: fantasy/adventure/romance Edit 10.12.2012: Regarding updating, I've decided to get more regular and update at least ONCE per week. What day of the week that will be is literally dependent on the position of the stars. But at least I'm introducing some structure. Yay!", false, false], "NemesisLaTragedieNoire": ["http://nemesislatragedienoire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "Nemesis is our fan made VOCALOID comic that takes place in a Victorian setting using VOCALOID characters as its cast. It's a drama, romance, tragic story. Its rated 16+ for some mature themes. !WARNING! Please CAREFULLY read our content warning for Nemesis here, http://spoofeepandah.deviantart.com/journal/Content-Warning-for-Nemesis-Please-Read-carefully-291397854 (COPY AND PASTE LINK) If any of the things listed in the journal isn't your thing, then please refrain from reading any further. Nemesis page updates can also be found on our Deviant Art page @ http://nobodystudios.deviantart.com/gallery/34174258 (COPY AND PASTE LINK)", false, true], "NeoCrystalAdventures": ["http://neocrystaladventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1306, "My best, and longest lasting attempt at a sprite comic! Has a mix of things, ideas, and characters in it! All put into a dramatic/romantic/comedy setting! Currently numbering at 1200+ comics and still going strong, this comic is updated daily if at all possible! Enjoy your stay, and have fun reading!", false, true], "NeonGlow": ["http://neonglow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "Animals exposed to a special nuclear radiation and die become what is called a Neons. Neons are a phantom/zombie creatures that can be dangerous. Its up to Zedof and Jake to hunt them down to keep them from harming the public.", false, true], "NeverLetMeGofr": ["http://nlmgfr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "English version here : http://nlmgeng.smackjeeves.com/comics/1672380/24heng0001/ Lanc\u00e9es mardi apr\u00e8s-midi 29 janvier, \u00e0 15 h, la septi\u00e8me \u00e9dition a r\u00e9uni 436 participants : 107 auteurs professionnels, 208 \u00e9tudiants des \u00e9coles d'art et 121 amateurs. 30 auteurs \u00e9taient physiquement pr\u00e9sents \u00e0 Angoul\u00eame, au sein de la Maison des Auteurs, les autres participants travaillant \u00e0 distance par l'entremise d'Internet. Les organisateurs avaient confi\u00e9 cette ann\u00e9e \u00e0 Matt Madden, \u00e9minent membre de l\u2019Oubapo, le soin d\u2019imaginer la contrainte, r\u00e9v\u00e9l\u00e9e comme \u00e0 l\u2019accoutum\u00e9e \u00e0 15 h. Cette ann\u00e9e, l\u2019histoire devait se d\u00e9rouler sur une dur\u00e9e int\u00e9grant 24 unit\u00e9s de temps : secondes, heures, jours, ann\u00e9es\u2026", false, true], "NeverLetMegoEng": ["http://nlmgeng.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "FRENCH : http://nlmgfr.smackjeeves.com/ The 24 hours of comics: 7th edition! We had to choose a unit of time and have the same for each pages. Sorry if there are english mistakes I translated it by myself.", false, true], "NeverNoticed": ["http://nevrnoticd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Having a hard time with life!", false, true], "NeverSurrender": ["http://neversurrender.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "The vampire coven known as the Demon Whisperers are feared across the lands. One initiate, Phoebus, has just finished his training and is about to meet his demon. This story is prequel to the project between OtterFox and myself on y!gallery called The Wanderer and the Wyvern (linked below... possibly to the side.) Will be updated Tuesdays and Fridays. Warning for violence and sexual themes.", true, true], "NewHome": ["http://newhome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Short info: After Ring the Cat and Danny the Hedgehog suddenly land into dept, where they can not pay for their house or for themselves, a friend comes along and helps them along through it. Giving them a place to stay at their mansion. But little did they know new problems will appear which includes breakups, battles with friends and enemy's, and a huge problem which the whole team will have to tackle together. Based off an RP me and my friend did. This comic will be colored tranditional, ..but the first couple chapters are pretty bad in drawing skill. xD Remember this a year old comic, but when you read on, you will see an improvement! This comic will be updated monthly, due to how long it takes to plan and color. Also found on DeviantART: http://www.newhome-comic.deviantart.com/ Hope you enjoy! ;)", false, true], "Newshawk": ["http://newshawk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "", false, true], "Nexus": ["http://nexus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Magical girls and monsters abound! Updates Fridays!", false, true], "NibblyBits": ["http://nibblybits.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A cute little story about cute little things. All about Momo Bunny, Kibou Raccoon, the things they do, and all their friends~! It plays out like an inappropriate coloring book. You'll either read it and love it or...you don't deserve to know.", false, true], "NiceKitty": ["http://nicekitty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 172, "About Nice Kitty: It is the touching coming of age story of a young boy and his cuddly feline companion, trying to find love and acceptance in a world fraught with peril and harsh realities. Will the mysterious new friend they meet one fateful day be able to answer the call of their lonely hearts, and bring some life and color to their otherwise blue and lonely world? You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll pray for it to stop, but It won't because you can't stop the rock and why are you still reading this? You came to read the comic so READ already. This drivel certainly won't help you understand the story any better. Get going! And just remember: Be nice to your kitty, and he'll be NICE to you..........", false, false], "NigelsLife": ["http://nigelslife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "Nigel is your regular English bloke who happens upon a bizarre and pretty girl on a beach...", true, true], "NighHeavenandHell": ["http://newnighheavenandhell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 176, "A grudge as old as mankind. Three travelers entwined by fate. This road, once travelled, can never be undone. Between damnation & salvation, you find the truth hidden by God, Nigh Heaven & Hell. //Updates Every Friday//", false, true], "NightMares": ["http://the-nightmare.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A short comic about a nightmare.", false, true], "NightSky": ["http://nightsky.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Julia has narcolepsy and doesn't like the real world. She takes refuge in her dreams to avoid dealing with reality, but reality doesn't want to let her go that easily and when Isac shows up her world is turned upside down.", false, true], "NightmareWearhouse": ["http://nmwh.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 17, "A war has broken out between efahs and humans, the war has lead many to be widowed and orphaned. Its up to a small group of people to stop this war once and for all. Comic updates every Friday... Hopefully", false, true], "Nightmira": ["http://nightmira.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 105, "In a city where status rules everything, people will do anything to get to the top. It is Nightmira's job to protect the ones who are caught in the chaos. If the chaos doesn't catch her first.", false, true], "NihilWandasJourney": ["http://nihil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 104, "I did this comic in coorperation with a friend of mine. Drawings, idea, characters and translation [The originalversion is in German] are all my fault. Wanda strongly believes she is a princess and wants to prove it, since most people just do not want to pay tribute to her. Together with Avis, a wood imp who accompanies her out of pity, Wanda embarks on a journey to the Garucian Mountains to see the mighty wizard Hon-ar, whom she expects to trace her [as she believes] lost, royal parents. Unfortunately it turns out that the world has other plans for the young woman.", false, true], "Ninjad": ["http://ninjad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 107, "Ally is a struggling comic artist with two overbearing Ninja characters bent on making her famous so they can become famous.", false, true], "NintendoNightclub": ["http://nintendonightclub.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "It's showtime! Spriters and Video game legends performing on stage. All who co-author are welcome to contribute to the story, or just make pages of songs and comedy bits. You can do stuff with your favorite video game characters, or your fellows authors' sprites. The only rule is that you get a co-author's permission to have their character in a performance. That rule applies to all, even me.", false, true], "NirosReincarnation": ["http://nirosreincarnation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Niro the demon king is defeated by a mysterious man, but is given the chance to be reincarnated as a human boy in our world.", false, true], "NissiesDragonPrincess": ["http://drgnprincess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Raleigh and Zane are a pair of mercenaries off to save Princess Mina from a terrible curse. However, the three will learn about themselves and the true nature of the curse in their travels together.", false, true], "NixsFireRedNuzlocke": ["http://nixnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Join Nix across the hell that is Kanto and all its Pokemon, specifically the poison types. oh god, the poison types... Mostly Basic rules: 1)Pokemon faints, it dies. 2)Can only catch the first pokemon on a route -If it's a duplicate you may retry -Exceptions include shinies and gift pokemon -No catching Legendaries -Each area in the safari zone counts individually", false, true], "No1Enemy": ["http://no1enemy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 124, "Nao Miyagi has made a hobbie out of hating popular school stud Hiroshi Kagawa but he finds out the hard way that hate can easily be turned into love, and first impressions don't always last! :) WARNING; this comic contains Yaoi/bl so if you don't like it don't read it!! thankyou!!! X3 contains some bad language and may get alittle mature! plz enjoy :0 hehe Gopeach", true, true], "NoGunsintheKitchen": ["http://ngitk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "Mikayla is a rookie police officer who dreams of a career as a detective. Dinian, her flatmate and best friend, is a free spirit who's happy with having no plans for her future. When a scientist is found murdered, Mikayla is given a chance to prove herself by assisting the investigations. But, as Dinian's ex happens to be somewhat involved...", false, true], "NoQuarters": ["http://noquarters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "When 18 and 19 year old Daniel and Benjamin adventure onto a ship, Daniel's life turns upside down when his ships mates attack a ship, realizing what he has gotten himself into. Will Daniel see eye to eye with his crew mates? or will he walk the plank? ART BY: JINYUU STORY BY: JINYUU AND BECCA-NIN EDITING BY: BECCA-NIN", true, true], "NoShepardWithoutVakarian": ["http://shakarian.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Yet another Shakarian fan comic. Set during Mass Effect 3 with flash backs to ME2 and ME1. Focuses on the relationship between Garrus and Shepard, but will also have a plot. Hopefully more plot than the ME3 ending had -.- Making my own ending here, guys! Will contain spoilers and possibly nudity and/or interspecies awkwardness. And love. Lots and lots of love.", false, true], "NoYellowBricks": ["http://noyellowbricks.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "\"Once upon a time, I awoke in a strange place...\" Greetings, traveler! Welcome to No Yellow Bricks, the story of a young man who one day wakes up in a...box. As if that weren't strange enough, he emerges from it to find himself in a land inhabited by toys. He encounters the land's former king, who informs him that his throne has been usurped by a wicked queen called Carolina, and that she has stolen the hearts of all Toyland's inhabitants. Not that he cares much--the young man, who calls himself Curio, would really just like to go home. However, in order to do so, he must locate the king's long-lost daughter--the princess, Porcelain--for she holds the key to his homeland. Of course, finding a lost princess is no easy task...especially with an army of toy soldiers and a heart-stealing evil queen on your tail every step of the way. *DISCLAIMER: NYB is a fancomic based on the dark fairytale-esque backstory of the album Ever After by the band Marianas Trench. I have no affiliation with the band/record company/whoever; I'm just a die-hard, overly-imaginative fan with too much free time that's praying I don't get sued for this.* Work safe save for language.", false, true], "NoirandtheRainbowMan": ["http://noirandtherainbowman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "This is the story of a strange encounter between a man who lives in a world of colour, and a man who lives in a world devoid of one.", false, true], "NonekosPokemonSapphireNuzlockeChallenge": ["http://sapphirenuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "One Day, Noneko was bored and decided to start doing a Pokemon Nuzlocke Challenge on Pokemon Sapphire. And in the true Nuzlocke fashion, she decided to draw a comic about the progress. If you're not familiar with the nuzlocke challenge, it has following rules: 1. You can only catch the first pokemon you meet on every route and area, if you don't manage to catch it, then you don't get a new pokemon from that area 2. If pokemon loses all it's energy and faints, then it's dead and you can't use it anymore", false, true], "NormalcyisforWimps": ["http://normalcyisforwimps.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 530, "Sonic and Tails have gotten bored of living away from civilazation and have decided to move to Onette, at least that's what Sonic decided. Warning: Contains Demonic landlords, magic, insanity, and something else I can't think of right now.", false, true], "NotAFairyTale": ["http://naft.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "a one-shot comic done in early 2012 for a competition in my country.. :D I managed to get a place, but not the champ tho~ it's about a narcissistic prince who's searching for his soul mate due to his father's order... and well, it's not a fairy tale :D", false, true], "NotHikikomorikunanymore": ["http://nothikikmori-kunanymore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "Well.... I write this later...really! What could happen when boy named Yamato Aobashi have to dress like a girl on school and try not to become exposed? Sorry my bad English hope it's not too bad! ^^'' ------------------- Warning: - BL - violence - bullying -------------------", false, true], "NotSoDeadIssue1Howfarwevecome": ["http://nsd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Its all about survival in this zombie thrill ride. A virus has spread across the globe leaving devastation in its wake, bringing forth flesh eating maniacs. 60% of the worlds population is dead. Those left alive struggle for existence. But the dead aren't the only problem,gangs, cultists, brotherhoods and bandits ravage what is left of mankind. In a world ruled by chaos only the strong survive.", false, true], "NotSuperAtAll": ["http://notsuperatall.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "They put them together in SSBB; we took away any power they've got, so... what could POSSIBLY go wrong? Pft, it's only a bunch of smashers in a sort-of-real world!", false, true], "NotaHero": ["http://notahero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Can I really be something special? Me? What about the others? I'm Not a Hero.", false, true], "NotsoEmo": ["http://nse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "NSE, also known as Not so Emo, follows up the lives of four people who do silly things throughout their last year of high school. It will be dramatic, lame, and sometimes a little bit offensive. Also it will be pretty gay eventually. Comic takes place in finland, since I know nothing about anything else, and if there ever arises a question in your mind about things they are doing or how things work, it probably is explained in the A/N, and if not, please feel free to demand fiercely an explanation! WARNINGS: Boy Love and Hetero love lol so basically People who are not exactly straight, Homosexual people, Heterosexual people, Just people in general, Minor violence, pretty bold opinions concidering abortion, drama, christianity, atheism, alien print t-shirts, bad jokes, animuism, assholeism. - I'm conducting an experiment on the keywords, so that's why : Yaoi -", false, true], "NovasNuzlockeBlackVersion": ["http://novanuzlocke-black.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Attempt at a Nuzlocke.", false, true], "Nozomi": ["http://nozomi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "--Yaoi One-shots-- Chap 1. Nozomi{\"wish\"} -Follows the story of two old friends. As their relationship moves from friendship to a relationship. [MA, Fantasy, Yaoi/BL, 31 pgs] Chap 2. Xi\u00e0n Sh\u0113n {full body sacrifice} -a young man raised by a demon questions why the demon never used him for his source of energy, and encourages him to do-so. [MA, Fantasy,Yaoi, 40pg]", true, true], "NuzlockeDouble": ["http://nuzlockedouble.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Nuzlocke Double is a Pok\u00e9mon Crystal Version Nuzlocke challenge completed on two separate cartridges. The protagonists travel together, doing their level best to outdo each other at every turn. Nonsense ensues in their wake as they set out on an epic, life-changing journey, for the sole purpose of settling a petty grudge. Let it begin!", false, true], "NuzlockeofErnie": ["http://nuzlockeofernie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "Yes, yet another Nuzlocke run-based Pokemon comic! A vast majority of this series will be an experiment, but I hope I can at least be entertaining in the meantime. Anyway, this is the story of the rookie Pokemon trainer Ernie, as he yearns to be the very best, like noone ever was.", false, true], "NyaRoyale": ["http://nyaroyale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "My first completed comic back in 2010. This was 3 days straight of comic-ing until my eyeballs bled and i suffered of cabin fever. Kuronya has wanted to find the Kingdom of the Cats since she was but a girl, yet the world she seeks might be closer than she thinks!", false, true], "Nymphaeum": ["http://nymphaeum.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "I always wondered why there are no Magical Boy anime/mangas. I know there are some that have a magical boy in them, but they're always a supporting character. And the only other 'Magical Boy' I've seen was far too Shounen to fall into the 'Magical' genre. I mean Magical as in \"Sailor Moon\" and \"Tokyo Mew Mew\" magical... Of course, people are sexist, so they can't see men in the place of this :P But I can~! Nymphaeum will now be a webcomic instead of a fanime, at least until I fully understand Anime Studio Pro and can actually make decent animations with it. 'Till then, Nymphaeum is now a webcomic that will be posted here. Thanks for reading~!", false, true], "OBLiViONPROJECT": ["http://oblivion-project.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "[UPDATES FRIDAYS] lots of years in the future, a grumpy hybrid boy stumbles across a mysterious girl with no memories...", true, true], "OMGLN": ["http://omgln.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "The adventures of a superhero team composed of the three most dangerous, and loveably mischievous, women on planet Earth. Read on as they battle sentient gorillas, giant panda bears, mad scientists, Alien invasions, threats that'd destroy the entire universe and the crooked might of their arch nemesis... Minister Prime! Words: Ian A Art: Ryan VM", false, true], "ORB": ["http://orb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "UPDATES WEEKENDS In the distant future the fallout from war has severely taxed the spirit world with an influx of human spirits. The humans, ignorant to this fact and running rampant all over the earth again with technology and greater forms of war, have been irresponsibly destroying the remaining environment, to the detriment of the Biomorphs a new breed of human supposedly spawned from the all-seeing bio-prosthetics company Sartoriuos Inc. (\"We Move you\") and forced to live in the wasteland jungles or take menial jobs in the city. The stress of the ongoing human/Biomorph war and the continued wars around the globe has launched a massive, undercover plan between the Demon realm, the White Realm, Hell, and ,unbeknownst to them, the humans to \"manage\" the humans and their excessive death rates. They call it O.R.B.", false, true], "OVERDRIVE": ["http://o-d.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "This story tells about the comedic and somewhat dramatic lives of OVERDRIVE members Adel Hiiragi, the mutt actor/seiyuu from Japan who joined OVERDRIVE to learn a thing or two about music, Tristan Castro, the musical prodigy with a bit of a conceited side and doesn't know it who wants to shine out of all the others, Mason Lee, model turn singer who only joined OVERDRIVE only out of Noel's request, Gale Mahji, a professional dancer who helps sings as well as help with the band choreography, Soren Ahsen, a riched and spoiled boy who only joins out of his own boredom, Elliot Chilcott, a used-to-be swimmer who for some reason now wants to sing, and Cole Valdez, a good friend of Tristan's with an excellent grasp at music. These teenage boys have do deal with their lives as a boy band. However, that's easier said than done. With paparazzi breathing down their necks for some good gossip, a rival boy who wants to crush them, school to give them their education, and girls... These boys will need to do everything in their power to survive.", false, true], "Oasis": ["http://oasis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Roaneas is a lower class young man who secretly studies magic in his Mediterranean island home of Sarkania, a country with a population of magic users where only the upper crust of society is allowed to practice the craft. He's also recently fallen in love with his best friend, Yos. One night, while studying by the light of the moon, he sees a falling star and wishes upon it--\"Please let Yos love me in return.\" A few years later, a scheming angel appears to him with an offer: granting his wish in exchange for his reverence and devotion. Update schedule: Two new pages a week on Tuesdays and Fridays.", false, true], "Oasis0305Archives": ["http://oasiscomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Murphy's Law states that anything that can go wrong, CAN and WILL go wrong in a given situation. For instance, when the plane you're on crashes in a desert, and you, the only (happily engaged) survivor, get molested by a random girl--wait, what?! THIS IS VERY OLD (last time worked on was December 2005). It was a one-chapter failure of a webcomic I tried to run in high school, which I am reposting just in case anyone wants to read it.", true, true], "ObsidianDeath": ["http://obsidiandeath.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "What do you get when you mix a cocky, egotistical, sadistic, badass vampire with a strong-willed, unyielding, independent, vampire hunter? One hell of a love story, that's what! Obsidian Death follows the life and interactions of Jesse, a 27-year-old vampire hunter that has a conflict of interest in Nathaniel, a master vampire he has known since he was a child.", true, true], "ObsidianHeart": ["http://obsidianheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Micah is the only survivor of his country Atedon after a bloody war. He is now out to seek revenge on the ones who have killed his friends and family. But perhaps this task is too heavy for one simple tribal boy, and he has to accept help from a suspiciously friendly stranger.", false, true], "OcculTango": ["http://occultango.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 143, "OcculTango official site: http://occultango.comicgenesis.com Imagine waking up in the middle of a forest with no memory but your name. Add on top of that, being captured by a native tribe and having a heavy, irremovable chain stuck around your arm. To make matters worse, once you manage to escape the tribe, you're attacked by a giant falcon monster and saved by your captors. That's Kael's life now--or death, as Duscan likes to point out. OcculTango is a story about Kael exploring the purgatory he has now become citizen to in order to solve the mystery of his death and bring his soul to its final resting place. OcculTango is a graphic novel about revenge, forgiveness, and saving your soul. More than that, it is an exploration on when--or if--it becomes too late to say, \"I'm sorry.\"", false, true], "OccupationalHazard": ["http://occupational-hazard.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A pair of good friends, and comrades in arms, fight to defend their world, and for each other.", false, true], "October20th": ["http://www.october20comic.com/comics/", 54, "10 years ago, on October the 20th, 6 people from different parts of the globe were each responsible to taking an innocent life. Every anniversary following it, they have been stalked and hunted by a mysterious creature that only shows itself on the infamous date. Only the American called Catherine and the Argentinian called Rai are left. Is this the year they finally discover the truth about the curse that has taken everything from them, and find a way to stop the relentless beast? And who is the shadowy figure oddly called Shields McKloskey, who seems to hold all the answers?", false, true], "OctopusBunny": ["http://octopusandbunny.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Octopus and Bunny is a comic strip about the adventures of Harvey the octopus and Charlotte the bunny.", false, true], "Odaijini": ["http://odaijini.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "READ JAPANESE STYLE a short sketch one-shot comic with characters from from my main manga Se;ki :http://se-ki.smackjeeves.com/ it's sett like 4 years after where the main story is now so it might be spoiler-ish.. ^^; seki is 22 here..(makoto is 18) story: Seki is sick and Makoto is taking care of him *w* makoto has had a huge crush on seki for a long time and is totally friend-zoned by seki.. but they do flirt allot... lets see what happens when seki is weak and defenseless harhar lol this wont be R18 dough! sorry! and sorry bout the crappy art art and bad spelling! m-.-m (\u00e3\ufffd\ufffd\u00e5\u00a4\u00a7\u00e4\u00ba\ufffd\u00e3\ufffd\u00ab/odaijini=get well soon)", true, true], "OddContact": ["http://oddcontact.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "It's a story about a demon and an angel. (BL) Leonard have a peaceful life. One day his village was destroyed, and he was captured and taken far away from his homeland. In his luck or unluck an angel saved him. In return he had to join as the angel's servant. The only problem Leonard never learnt magic.... Would they fail, because the little demon is too recalcitrant and willful? Beware, yaoi/yuri/hentai warning!!!! :)", false, true], "OfNerdsandDragons": ["http://ofnerdsanddragons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Conall is an average young adult. He spends mornings working a part time job or going to school and evenings studying or Hanging out. Oh Did I mention his roomates were three Dragons from another demension and that his world and the dragon world are colliding creating portals between demensions. Forgot about that!", false, true], "OfPensandPencils": ["http://ofpensandpencils.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "An up and coming comic about a girl and her new life in New York. That's all you get to know for now...stay tuned for site updates and eventually the comic itself! See the progress as it happens!", false, true], "Ofia": ["http://ofia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "What is Ofia? Well, the group with the most authority in their big-ass hole on the surface of the planet, of course. They are an organization in charge of a valley with as many names as there are dwellers in it. Come and see what happens when a bitter stray cat is forced to join Ofia when it's still recovering from a fierce battle that took place five years ago.", false, true], "OhBrotherAyaoicomicaboutbrotherlylovebyJijiKero": ["http://ohbrotheryaoi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "\"Oh, Brother!\" or \"Oh Brother\" or \"Oh, Brother\" Yaoi comic. Umi Shio has been struggling with his longtime crush on his half-brother, Eiko Oni. And if that was difficulty enough for Umi, Eiko chose to live his life as a celibate monk. But luckily for Umi, when Eiko comes of age, he must join the outside world and devises a plan to keep Eiko at his side. Together, the two must overcome trials of women, demons, and beasts or forever lose the bond between brothers! A Yaoi manga about bromance created by Jiji Kero.", true, true], "OhEditorChan": ["http://oheditor-chan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Oh! Editor-Chan updates once a week, usually\u00c2\ufffd It\u00c2\ufffds about two roommates, Andeh a perverted otaku who doubles as an indie comic artist and Trista his best friend and editor. They run an indie comic company named Epic Legend Press, together. Two roommates who both happen to be nuts.", false, true], "OhMaster": ["http://ohmaster.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "Journey into the mind of a seemingly virtuous adult named Jason Baen as he explores the world of BDSM. There is a Master/Slave relationship between the two protagonists, HOWEVER this story is FICTION and is not a realistic portrayal of this type of relationship nor the BDSM lifestyle. READ \u2192 \u2192 \u2192 \u2192 \u2192 LEFT TO RIGHT\u2192 \u2192 \u2192 \u2192 \u2192 Updates: Weekends http://askohmaster.tumblr.com/", true, true], "OhNoYukidaruma": ["http://ohnoyukidaruma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "Alex is a 17-year-old high school student who's Christmas break has just begun. He thought that this would be just another lonely holiday season, until he unwittingly uses a magic hat to make his Christmas wish come true. Loosely based on \"Frosty the Snowman\" This comic reads right to left WARNING: Shounen-ai", false, true], "OhTheIrony": ["http://ohtheirony.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "life is full of annoying things. but the best we can do to brighten them up is to add a little comedy to it! nothing beats a quick laugh once a in a while now right :3", false, true], "Ohitsujiza": ["http://ohitsujiza.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "The name \"Aries\" Was already taken on this site, So I used its Japanese name \"Ohitsujiza\" Sorry for the confusion. A experimental Spin off of a manga that I wish to make in the future, \"Experimental\" Meaning exactly what it means. There will be errors, There will be flaws and such in this. It is practice for me until I get this toning, Inking thing down.", false, true], "OilCity": ["http://oilcity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Oil City is a webcomic about a world ruled by the financial market within the Oil industry, in an own world with their won rules. But as in all good stories, there is a dark, hidden secret. Keen to learn what it is? Stay tuned~ This webcomic updates once a week, mostly on Friday afternoons, and please keep an eye on the \"News\" section on the front page for regular concept sketches and news ~", false, true], "OjonoKisetsuSeasonofthePrincess": ["http://seasonoftheprincess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Mika Hanako has just found a strange locket that cannot open! The strange locket seems to belong to no one in town, What secrets could it hold inside?", false, true], "OldElastikid": ["http://oldelastikid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 131, "These are all of the old Elastikid comics from prior to February, 2011. This was before Joe decided to become a superhero, and consists mostly of gag-a-day jokes with no real overall storyline. The tone of the series was rather different, so rather than continue on this comic, I decided to release all of the new strips as a \"sequel\" comic continuing in the same continuity. You can read the current Elastikid strips at http://elastikid.smackjeeves.com/ which is still being updated.", false, true], "OldFlame": ["http://oldflame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Jasper just got a call from an ex to come rescue him from being stranded. Is nine years too late to rekindle an old romance? A one-shot mostly grey-scale slice of life romance/drama comic about two gay men. Warning: contains making out, shirtless dudes and some cursing. Also cheesiness.", false, true], "OldScars": ["http://oldscars.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Old Scars is my first comic ever 8D It's a BL mini-comic about how Simon first realizes that he is in love with another guy. Media: liquid ink, a really old photoshop and an even older computer -_-'", false, true], "Oli": ["http://oli.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 98, "", false, true], "Omegaman": ["http://omegaman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "omegaman is an yerk there is nothing to it!", false, true], "Omegletrollparties": ["http://omegleparties.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "GROOVY", false, true], "OneBreath": ["http://onebreath.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "What kind of life awaits you if you grow up isolated from the outside world? Do you truly live? And can you find happiness even like this?", false, true], "OneFrameGags": ["http://oneframegags.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 173, "One panel (and occasionally two or more) gag cartoons featuring no main characters.", false, true], "OneHalfed": ["http://1halfed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 164, "Just a story about a pair of identical twins and their life in a new city. ------------------- Gallery: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=108899 MMagazine: http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/One-Halfed/detail-page/32", false, true], "OneLeafClover": ["http://oneleafclover.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Taru has horrible luck, and it tends to affect his relationship with his girlfriend, Souka. But why is Taru so unlucky?", false, true], "OneRainyDay": ["http://one-rainy-day.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 950, "Basically a BL story like \"the prince and the pauper\" No sex scenes (at least not for a hundred pages or so) Mostly a cute story about a developing relationship (may have smexxy scenes depending upon how much courage I have) Aki was abandoned when he was eight, for ten years he's lived on the streets with nothing but his wits and strength to support him. Needless to say he is unhappy. But one day he runs into some one who looks exactly like him! This mysterious boy turns out to be the young master of a large corporation who just wants to be free and discover himself. Aki and this mysterious boy trade lives for the summer and Aki's doing fine in his new life until his identity is discovered by the mysterious boy's intimidating body guard named Kaidou. Can a love bloom between a stoic individual and a street rat? Edit: even though it says \"mature content\" nothing mature worthy happens for awhile >_> Just something I thought you should know :3", true, true], "OnlyDeathRemembers": ["http://onlydeathremembers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Kyle is having constant nightmares about someone aka him taking a chainsaw and shoving it through Kenny's head. At first he think it's just a bad nightmare but it turned out to be a real memory from the alternate world where Kenny died from that chainsaw. The only person 'alive' that should remember about Kenny death is Kenny himself however dead people can remember Kenny's death. Therefore, it means that Kyle is going to die soon and Kenny tries to figure out what kills Kyle before it happens while every last sanity that Kyle had slowly fades away. ---------------------------------------------- Yes, this is a K2 comic, meaning Kenny x Kyle This is a dark romance, containing boys love and violence and gore. You have been warned. Characters from South Park.", false, true], "OnlyHalm": ["http://onlyhalm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "A Drowtales Fancomic. In the DrowTales world, Humans (Halms) are treated less than cattle. Why wouldn't they be? Drow are not kind, yet they are better in almost every way. This tale is from one of those very halms. Note: Rare maturity. Updates twice a week", false, true], "Onlyonelovesong": ["http://onlyonelovesong.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 209, "[available as a paperback on Indyplanet with a few extra spicy pages, revamped dialogue and prettier speech bubble arrangement!] A spoiled, frustrated and capricious rock star accidentally meets a common girl seemingly imprevious to his charm. Hiding his true identity from her, he selfishly decides to make her fall in love with him. But as he gets to know her better he finds himself falling instead. Only, there's a secret in her past keeping her heart locked away... [story specs: BOY x GIRL romance, mostly comedy, some heavy drama, censored swearing, occasional gratuitous male fanservice] [tech: b&w pages, color covers,hand-drawn&inked then photoscreentoneshopped to death]", false, true], "OntheBrightSide": ["http://onthebrightside.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 210, "Jacob is a very shy boy who lives a fairly quiet life. But one day, a family moves in next door to him. The oldest daughter, Kaylee, is a very kind and optimistic girl who is the same age as him.... and to his surprise, she is also his old best childhood friend! It's been eight years since they have last seen eachother, but after Kaylee's return, his life is never the same. *Updates: Random for now This is my first comic and I'm always experimenting with new techniques and keep trying to improve, so constructive criticism is always welcome. I'm also in the process of redoing the comic and replacing the old pages. So if you're wondering why my style has changed after a few pages, that's why! Other than that, I hope you enjoy the story!", false, true], "OntheBrightSideOldVersion": ["http://onthebrightsideoldversion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "A story of childhood friends reunited. This is the first version of the webcomic, but instead of getting rid of the old pages, I decided to post them all here. Mostly for myself to look back on and for anyone interested in looking at my old artwork (it's much easier to manage here than on deviantArt) Enjoy~! The new version is here: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=47126", false, true], "OnyxBrimstoneandtheAxe": ["http://onyx-brimstone-and-the-axe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Our Hero Onyx Brimstone gets sent on a quest to find a magical axe for the Deringrad Champion but gets himself into a spot of bother. www.illusjason.com", false, true], "OoppssBL": ["http://ooppss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Este es un leve BL que hice de mis dos personajes. Esta basado en los signos del zodiaco. Advertencia: ChicoxChico, Yaoi, BL Si no les gusta no lo vean y si les gusta pasen adelante. GeminisxCapricornio.", false, true], "OpenedGates": ["http://openedgates.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "A battle has started between two organizations, for the access to all the worlds throughout the universe. One longs for peace and order. The other seeks power. For Aden, a sixteen year all, high school student, it\u2019s been a month since classes started, and the first tests are around the corner, but an unexpected event causes him to get involved in the whole conflict. From now on, he\u2019ll have to learn how to deal with two different styles of life. And to think that now, the tests are the least of his problems\u2026 Updates: Mondays & Fridays (Taking a break for buffering purposes)", false, true], "Ophir": ["http://ophir.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 139, "This is a world where stone artifacts are the means of technology... A 16 year old girl named Sapphire, wanted to become the greatest archeologist. But in order to obtain that dream, she needs to find the most powerful stone artifact that can only be found at the edge of the world, Ophir. Genre: Shounen/Comedy/Fantasy/Action updates: 2x a week Monday and Thursday", false, true], "OpteisenArcumShowcasium": ["http://opdiskshowcase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 163, "My sprite dump because I need one...", false, true], "OpticBrain": ["http://opticbrain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "Alex is an intelligent and bored high school boy of seventeen. On many occasions he has noticed the presence of a brooding classmate, Kim; a mysterious girl who has intrigued Alex out of his boredom. One day he decides to ask her out on a date. What follows is one strange event after another as Alex discovers the unbelievable reason for Kim's silent demeanor. Updates Fridays Please consider buying a copy of this to show your support! Digital and hard copies available soon!", false, true], "OptimalClutter": ["http://www.optimalclutter.com/comics/", 398, "Day to day, project to project lives of a group of developers/engineers, and the people that surround them. (Updated Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and 1st of the month) (Random once a month strips have moved to the Extra Pages site)", false, false], "OrangeJunk": ["http://orangejunk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 131, "This is the story of Louise Barton, a former-rich girl that now has to attend a public high school filled with delinquents and weird people. Here, she meets Bruce, a rude and violent ruffian who's actually a top student, and Drew, a handsome and cool-looking guy who's actually a pretty calm and air-headed otaku. \"Never judge a book by its cover\", that's what she learnt once these 3 teenagers had to team up to save Louise from failing her exams... Genres: shoujo, comedy, school life Reads from left to right -->", false, true], "OriginalSin": ["http://originalsin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A webcomic about angels, demons, and one disgruntled half-unicorn with a shotgun. Jacki is an independently wealthy twenty-three-year-old half-human hybrid with a chip on his shoulder and unusual hobbies: he hunts demons on his free nights. He's also good enough at it that they can't easily retaliate...not until he meets Ethan, at least. Contents may include: M/M and M/F smut, blood and gore, excessive use of curse words, magic. Not suitable for minors. May contain small objects. For external use only. Updates every Sunday, God willing.", true, true], "Oscurare": ["http://oscurare-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "Would you give your soul for a chance to search for a missing loved one? That is the price sixteen year old Yoru paid to the forest demon sending her on a journey to the sunless world of Oscurare. In an unfamiliar world does Yoru have what it takes to find her brother and stay alive? Updates Tuesdays and Fridays Rated-pg 13 now updating: chapter 3", false, true], "Oshietekudasai": ["http://oshietekudasai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "THIS MANGA IS READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT!! (COMPLETED!) Sara Uehara is a girl who really hates studying and depends on her father's money. One day she noticed some guy working for a delivery company early in the morning when she went to school. Later in school she met a guy really similar to the one she saw earlier, but with a different hair colour and style. She also found that her school does not allow students to work part time jobs. Sara followed the guy, who is the president of the Students' council and discovered about his secret...", false, true], "OtakusAndDungeons": ["http://otakusdungeons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Sara and C\u00e9sar just two average people. She likes manga. He likes Heavy Metal and Role Playing games. Original webtoon for Ramen para Dos Updates weekly!", false, true], "OtherSide": ["http://other-side.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "Born from an Role Play with over 5,803 plus replies we give you The Other Side. Zak Crossway has had his problems within life. A older brother who left the family and is never talked about, parents who are over controlling and demanding. And a new life in the military the next day. With hopes dwindling, a moment of curiosity can leave either a life full of misery or perhaps a second chance. But things on the other side aren't going to be too easy. Updates: Every Monday,Wednesday, and Friday Warnings: Foul language,suicide, BL in the far future, violence, death, parsnips Original RP at this link,Completed http://magistream.com/35-private-stage/51073-the-other-side-x-full.html", true, true], "OtherSideStorieseng": ["http://othersidestories-en.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Other Side Stories - Opowie\u015bci z Drugiej Strony I've decided to draw this comic in order to check if I can create a short story. I drew it around 2 years ago and cuz of my laziness the whole project was waiting up today to be shown :P This comic was inspired with slavic mythology. I took only some elements from slavic beliefs. That's why it's up to you if you interpret it as a story about ghosts or demons. One more thing; I'm not a native speaker of Egnlish, so there may be some errors... sorry for any mistakes ^^; Enjoy reading :3 Polish version here http://othersidestories-pl.smackjeeves.com/", false, true], "OtherSideStoriespl": ["http://othersidestories-pl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Other Side Stories: Opowie\u015bci z drugiej strony :) Ten komiks ma ok. 2 lata... z jakich\u015b powod\u00f3w (czyt. lenistwa) projekt utkn\u0105\u0142 na d\u0142ugi czas, ale postanowi\u0142am go w ko\u0144cu pokaza\u0107 \u015bwiatu ^^ Zacz\u0119\u0142am rysowa\u0107 t\u0105 histori\u0119, \u017ceby sprawdzi\u0107, czy dam sobie rad\u0119 z kr\u00f3tk\u0105 histori\u0105. Moj\u0105 bezpo\u015bredni\u0105 inspiracj\u0105 by\u0142a mitologia S\u0142owian, cho\u0107 postanowi\u0142am wykorzysta\u0107 tylko elementy wierze\u0144. Pozostawiam czytelnikom wyb\u00f3r, czy chce uzna\u0107, \u017ce bohaterowie spotkali duchy czy demony ze s\u0142owia\u0144skiej mitologii... Mam nadziej\u0119, \u017ce m\u00f3j punkt widzenia nie jest zbyt zagmatwany XD''' Zapraszam do czytania :3 English version here http://othersidestories-en.smackjeeves.com/", false, true], "OtherSideoftheBlade": ["http://osotb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 131, "All Sergius wants is to be left alone in the Vatican library with the hundreds of tomes he has acquired during his exile. All Garter wants to do is flirt with cute girls, eat great food, live his life, and kill whatever monster of the day the Vatican sends him. The last thing they want to do is deal with each other. Warnings: Blood & gore, some sexy stuff, a pinch of religion, and crabby librarians. Additional OSOTB Content at: http://sergijournal.smackjeeves.com/ OSOTB LJ Fansite: http://osotb-official.livejournal.com/ Currently Updating on FRIDAYS", false, true], "OttersFloat": ["http://ottersfloat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A character study of Otterlet Larkins, a wannabe punk with no understanding of life and no meaning in it. At times humorous, and at others cheesy as all hell. Includes explicit language, BL, GL, OtherL, possible trigger warning, nihilism.", false, true], "OttotheOddandtheDragonKing": ["http://otto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "George wrote \u201cOtto the Odd and the Dragon King\u201d as a short story for children shortly after the publication of our first book \u201cNine Dragons: A Contemporary Fable\u201d. I originally illustrated \u201cOtto the Odd\u201d as a children\u2019s book, but decided a few years down the road that it would be more fun to draw it as a comic. George has also adapted it into a play. George and I have collaborated on a few projects together, including \u201cEve of All Saints\u201d an in -progress graphic novel based on his book \u201cCarnival of Saints\u201d published by Balanchine in 1997.", false, true], "OujisamanoKoiPrincesLove": ["http://oujisamanokoi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "WARNING:: Boy's Love (Male & Male) Read Right -> Left It's my Summer homework (I,now, study in manga course in Japan), and my first original manga that I ever drew. (before that I just drew some doujinshi from DRRR!, APH, or niconico douga utaite) Ink, screen-tone ,,, all done by hand. first time for real screen-tones,not ones on the computer, it was so fun! ^w^ ------------ Such a fool (and a little idiot) Prince, he was duped by Pierrot Twins. This clothes would seen only by the one who loves you, said Pierrots. Based on \"The Emperor's New Clothes\" story. (Just pick it as a theme.) (=w=;a", true, true], "OurAnthropomorphicFriends": ["http://oaf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "What does anthropomorphic mean? It means giving random stuff faces and human qualities. Yes, that includes furries, but that's not here. Here, there are shapes, appliances, and whatever else we can think of!", false, true], "OurForever": ["http://ourforever.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "In the world of angels a child with demonic colors is born - it's something that never happened before. He is tossed down to the world of demons, where a female demon finds the little boy. Blood never knew he wasn't a demon, just a bit strange one. When he mets Cruentus, an angel who will \"commit one of the greatest sins\" they say, - the two instantly click. - Male/Male love story! If you don't like that kind of stuff, then this isn't for you :] - .: Updating Weekly (Monday preferred, but I can't guarantee it) ~ :.", false, true], "OurLies": ["http://ourlies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "Story: Vince is having a 16 year old crisis. Its tough being an orphan, living in a dorm with his best friend who he has sexual attractions to. One night at a party changes everything and leads up to events he would never imagine to happen between him and Danny. Setting: This is not set in the real world, it is in a different dimension. Fairy tales are their history, and our history are their fairy tales. Magic, science and imagination are combined to create technology. The three human types are Angel Blood, Shadow blood, and Human blood. There is a bit of tension between the 3 Bloods. Genre: Romance, Science, fantasy Warning: Yaoi (MxM), the norm for sexuality in this story is bisexual, swearing, some dirty stuff or implied sexy times, girls do exist, my writing is awful, there is more to it than the plot summary says, that's all folks! RIGHT TO LEFT! Completely just a sketch Comic! I warned you that this story is extremely strange, long, and other sht. Updates at least once a week if not more.", false, true], "OurNextLife": ["http://ournextlife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "--- Okay, so the two guys in the banner don't appear that much but the story is about them I drew them because otherwise I would start to miss them, plus they're cute :3 Summary: Earl Elliot Segrave was killed near the end of the 19th century in England. He was trapped in a mirror by a mage who was ordered to do so by his 'good' friend. Now, in the 21th century in Japan, the mirror was bought by a Japanese girl... and he took over her body. How is he going to live that girl's life and find his most important butler, who was trapped in the same way he was, at the same time ? WARNING: contains: boyxboy mostly but in appearance it's boyxgirl. Some (lame) perverted jokes, foul language etc. so PG-15! Unserious at the beginning, but it'll get more seious in later chapers (pages??). READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT.", false, true], "OurPathsFinallyMeet": ["http://opfm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Two brothers move to a new town, in order to run from their problems. Come to find out this safe haven brings even more issues. The younger brother finds himself in a terrible high school. He makes only one friend who seems to have even more issues than he does. I have changed the story a little bit, also the first pages are not as nice or as organized as the newer ones. I contemplating on revamping those pages, but until then everyone will have to endure. Warnings: yaoi, strong language, violence, an author who disappears a lot, and horribly drawn backgrounds.", true, true], "OurPrincessABoy": ["http://opab.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "After the death of the king the princess is rescued by her fathers loyal guards, they journey to the other side of the kingdom to speak with her uncle but along the way a love triangle begins to form between the three. A sweet pure an innocent princess, a quirky yet serious cross dresser and a half out half in the closet young boy with a dark secret, all fight for the truth and want nothing more to avenge their king an have their new queen on the throne!", true, true], "OurTimeinEden": ["http://ourtimeineden.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 99, "A story of lost innocence, lost direction and lost hope. Words by Gibson Twist Pictures by Ben Steeves (Dangerface)", false, true], "OutofKey": ["http://outofkey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "When Teal needs to change electives, she joins a choir that's just as out of place as she is. Updates Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays!", false, true], "OutoftheCartridgeaCYOAComic": ["http://outofthecartridgecyoa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Megaman comes out of a portal from a video game cartridge and is in a kid's room! What will happen? You decide. Every even-numbered page will use a random command while odd-numbered pages will use a system where the first person's command who has not yet commanded will be chosen. Guests may comment, but not command. Updates twice a week. Banner by smash.", false, true], "Outsiders": ["http://outsiders.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 291, "Made as a semi spinoff of Wildcards following their death at the hands of Caladbolg, Atma must team up with a new band of idiots to take on the weird and stupid things plaguing his world. It sucks to be a hero, but somebody's gotta do it. Hiatus is over. Back to work.", false, true], "OverfiendComics": ["http://overfiend.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 170, "MS Paint comics and culinary secrets from Cambridge, England's only person named Stu.", true, true], "OverlordofRavenfell": ["http://ravenfell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 224, "Site Mirror: original comic can be found at ravenfell.com Razin wants to be an Evil Overlord and wreak havoc on the world. He just has one problem...his personality.", false, true], "Overstimulation": ["http://overstimulation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Based on the DRRR!!Kink Meme. \"Shizaya Sexual exhaustion. Shizuo screwing Izaya hard through a number of orgasms. Basically I want to see Izaya wrecked, begging, sobbing and screaming as Shizuo forces him to come over and over until he passes out. (idk maybe Shizuo has a cockring on or maybe he's just got that much self-control?) I KNOW REALISTICALLY THIS IS PROBABLY DERP but I need this like burning. Cookies for a morning after scene where Izaya has to limp around and/or have Shizuo carry him around the apartment for most of the day.\"", true, true], "OvertheStarsArtificier": ["http://osartifice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "The Doctor works for your standard shady Corporation devoted to intelligence control, anomaly investigation, and the integration thereof into its mechanics. Variance Corp is actually a pretty nice place to work, given that you are alright with never being able to leave, enthusiastic when it comes to volunteering for experiments, and take no offense to the Boss' yearly rounds of \"cleaning up the garbage\" using his own personal team of hired killers. The Doctor has holed herself up, and taken a special place in Variance Corp, neither peon nor executive, and she knows more than anyone that she will never be allowed to leave the Corp, let alone the wilderness research institute in which she is stationed. Some think the Doctor likes it that way. She is free to torment, er, treat, patients in peace. The world, in her opinion, is full of shit and she'd rather be alone with her own machinations. Everything changes when an alien crash lands right outside their front door, and Doc will have to deal with more than the attitude of the short blue being as her safe microcosm begins to break down and fall, crashing around them.", true, true], "OwlCantFly": ["http://owlnofly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "This is a comic I am making as a final project for my Graphic Narrative. There will be between six and ten strips concerning a mischievous owl who can't fly and his awkward, quirky forest friends.", false, true], "OyasumiYumikoADreamweaversTale": ["http://oyasumiyumiko.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Yumiko Nanahara is a girl who lives a double life. By day she\u2019s a typical middle school student, by night she is a Weaver in Reverieh - the world where Dreams are made. Weavers create living beings known as \"Dreams\" - creatures that tell your heart the stories it wishes to hear every night while you sleep. However when a dark force rises in the land of Reverieh, Yumiko must decide if Dreams are truly worth fighting for. *This manga is meant to be read in the standard right to left format. Enjoy!*", false, true], "P0rtalisbestthinkwithp0rtals": ["http://p0rtals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Here's the story. Years after the events of Portal 2, after inspecting the test subject files, GLaDOS decides to experime--err, test on anthropomorphic creatures. Then the future shapes up. Best think with p0rtals. -------------------------------------------- _APERTURE LABORATORIES _TEST SUBJECT COMMENT CENTER Test subject is test ~Shade Remain cheerful, and joy will be eminent. ~Aqua", false, true], "PBAndJam": ["http://pbjam.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Growing up is never easy, especially for tomboy Ashley with her active imagination. But when facing life's challenges and the question of one's identity, it pays to get a little help from your guardian angel and devil's advocate. ... Although how useful can they really be when one is a drag-queen and the other a cow-satyr? Follow the comedic exploits of Ashley, Agatha, and Taz through school, prom, crushes and more! P.B.$Jam is a hilarious commentary on gender identity and what it means to be yourself.", false, true], "PKMNCollectorGarrysLeafGreenNuzlockeChallenge": ["http://pkmncollectorgarry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "PKMN Collector Garry, a young but highly experienced Pokemon Trainer from Pallet Town, has once again defeated the Elite Four and become Kanto's Champion. But for a Trainer who's seemingly done it all, a new challenge presents itself! Now Garry must start anew, and take on the Pokemon world with a few new rules to hold him back. This children's game just became life or death, does PKMN Collector Garry have what it takes to survive the Pokemon League, two rival challengers, and the revenge driven Team Rocket? It's not just another Nuzlocke Comic: It's PKMN COLLECTOR GARRY'S LEAF GREEN NUZLOCKE CHALLENGE!!!", false, true], "PKMNIPOReLux": ["http://reluxplus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 192, "This takes place 30 years after the events in the PKMN anime and mangas. Battling and Contests competitions went to the international level letting trainers and coordinators to show their skills to the world. 1) Battles - In order for a trainer to qualify for the world finals, they must defeat 8 ultimate gym leaders. These gym leaders are tougher than all the Elite Four groups and champions in the PKMN world. 2) Contests - A coordinator can only qualify if they have a perfect record and within the 30 years a lot of these kind of people have popped up. Story: One of the IPO gym leaders is stepping down and the successor in currently a gym leader in training in Shinou or so you think...! --- *Disclaimer: This is a fan-comic crossover and the characters that are from other medias belong to their respective owners and not me. *Also any apologies for making you confused...which will be most likely be the case... *Read Right to Left <----------- *And apologies for any inconsistent mass uploading of comics as I am ....very inconsistent... Sorry.", false, true], "PMDAdventuresinthePokemonWorld": ["http://pmdadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Three foxes have been transported to the Pokemon World by a mysterious being. From there they go on adventures. Will they be able to find out who transported them to the world?", false, true], "PMDAdventuresofTeamGolden": ["http://advofgolden.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "", false, true], "PMDBlueRescue": ["http://pmdblue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "Seeing this seems to be a less popular topic, I thought it'd be a fun project as my first proper comic!", false, true], "PMDExplorersOfLightACYOAAdventure": ["http://pmdcyoa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "This is about Jackie the Snivy and her (reluctant) partner Cole the Pikachu. Together they form Team LeafStorm! ------------------- This is a CYOA, so please help out whenever you can. ------------------- Me and GrovyleGoodbye will update whenever we can, no promises until we are certian. ------------------- I'm not sure who made the art for my banner, he or she was my secret santa in 2011 though. Credit goes to them.", false, true], "PMDExplorersofHeart": ["http://pmd-explorers-of-heart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "The world is in complete chaos. The legendary dragons Reshiram and Zekrom have begun to lash out for no particular reason, causing agitation and fury to sweep through pokemon one by one. Mystery Dungeons keep opening up, and, as more pokemon become agitated and blind with anger, more rescue teams are popping up all over the region. Erika, a young Vulpix, can't remember a thing from her past, besides two things; one is her name, the other, the fact that she was a human. All she wants is to figure out about her past and possibly return home. With the help of an Oshawott named Zeke, the two form a rescue team, hoping that eventually they will find the cause of her turning into a pokemon. UPDATES - Whenever I can", false, true], "PMDGreenandFranksAdventure": ["http://pmdgreenandfranksadventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "This comic is Pokemon Mystery dungeon serious about a shiny espeon and a pikachu working together as a team. They so far have a bad reputation because of their stealing and beating the crap out of people... But once all of their friends find out their crimanails what will happen?", false, true], "PMDPokemonMysteriousDungeons": ["http://mysteriousdungeons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "A Pokemon Mystery Dungeon story. The world stands still. Years have passed since The crisis with Gardevoir or the Time Gears, and many of the \"Mystery Dungeons\" began to fade away. The people have forgotten about the heros who once saved them, and many towns have been built on top of where the dungeons used to be. Yes, this world stands still. To cause it to move once more, a mysterious force brings 7 Pokemon from beyond the Realm of Dreams. A voice commands them, \"find your purpose, fulfill your destiny....and disappear.\"", false, true], "PMDSkyNuzlocke": ["http://giginuzlocke2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 132, "Part 2 of Gigi's Nuzlocke adventures~ This time Gigi loses her memory (again!) when she is mysteriously turned into an Eevee. Joining Kiara the Vulpix, can they solve the mystery of time and space? ~A Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Sky Nuzlocke", false, true], "PMDTeamFireFox": ["http://pmdteamfirefox.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 128, "What happens when you turn into a pokemon, forget everything, and lay unconsciously on the beach? Go save the world from time freezing, obviously! Well that's just what Team FireFox is going to do! It's a gijinka comics :3 Oh yeah, art gradually gets better. Grammar? Not so much.", false, true], "PMDTeamTankenTheEvolutionProblems": ["http://tanken.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Team Tanken is the name of the team that was my best team. (This isn't the first exploration team that was a great team,the first one was team... I forgot the name but they also defeated Darkrai but didn't got as far as team Tanken... I remember that it was a Charmander and a Piplup) Old story: Norulla was a human and turned into a Piplup, together with her team members she made Team Tanken a Super Rank Exploration team. New story: While Norulla and pals were going to do a rescue mission, Darkrai suddenly came back but he isn't the boss that they have to fight with later in the comic... That is a pokemon made by humans, then a wave of evil came and transformed every pokemon into their first evolution, team Tanken has to let everyone return into their original form and make sure the new boss won't destroy them and the world... Name: Team Tanken. Rank: Super. Leader: Norulla. Members: Honoo, Miyabe and Hayate. Team: Exploration. Big news: They saved the world twice. Note: This comic will update if I'm on the laptop! Why? Because I don't have the items to make an update on this PC...", false, true], "PMDTheAdventuresOfHoundMaxandFang": ["http://pmdtheadventuresofhoundandfang.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "Banner made By: MRzoet. Not your Avrage PMD comic :D A Pokemon Mystery dungeon epicness! So a story about the legandary undescoverd pokemon team, Team Darkheros. A Team of All dark pokemon. 3 of them Max, Hound And Fang A Houndoom Mightyena, and an, Umbreon as their leader. So their main goal here is to stop this evil phycodic pikachu from killing them all! D: His plans are unknown yet But, he might however open up a vortex that could suck the world into a black hole, killing everyone on the planet! oh noes :o So its up to our heros to stop him... But with friends and teams joining them along their adventure, They can be sure to save the world and become a legand! Updates: Once a week if I can", false, true], "PMDThunderBlitzTreasures": ["http://thunderblitz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "Tani is a young human with amnesia. He meets Tama in his first day at the All Pokemon World. Together they will move onward their destiny. They will meet many friends and enemies. Share laughs and pain. More laugh than pain? We'll find out in... Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Thunder Blitz Treasures. My first (and only, so far) webcomic", false, true], "PMDVictoryFire": ["http://victoryfire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 109, "Sometimes the most interesting stories come from the strangest places. Victory Fire starts off as most Mystery Dungeon comics do, a human comes to the pokemon world. But THAT'S where the similarities end.... New pages are posted on Tuesdays and Fridays, please check back :)", false, true], "POWAPokemonWorldAdventureThePrologue": ["http://powa-prologue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "This is the prologue of the Pokemon fan-comic \"POWA\" (Pokemon World Adventure). This fan-comic is based on the main Pokemon games and its spin-offs. I will probably submit the first chapter next spring. I hope you like it! :D", false, true], "PRAGUERACE": ["http://praguerace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 104, "PRace is a story about friendship and adventure. Author is Petra Erika Nordlund, also known as LEPPU and her other artwork can be found from tumblr and deviantart with the same nickname. email for contact is petra.nordlund at gmail.com", false, true], "PRIESTCOP": ["http://priestcop.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Priest Cop? Yeah, I heard he was pretty crazy. Every Sunday he preaches at Mama and Papa's Cathedral, but every other day? It's demons-slaying, witch-hunting, ass kicking and subtext-building time! He's got a side kick, too. I heard he goes by Choir Boy, who knows if he's got a real name--he's just pulled along for the ride, whether he wants to or not. Some warnings: this is a comedy. Oh yeah, bros. With a name like Priest Cop, can you expect anything different? BAM. AUTHOR, OUT! updates Whenever a full chapter is done.", false, true], "PSY": ["http://psywebcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 129, "If you could have any power, what would it be? The ability to move things with your thoughts? The ability to read people's minds? Or maybe the power to control living things? In a world where psychics must hide their powers from the people around them, specialized psychics called Kinetics must learn to master their powers, while still keeping their powers a secret from the world around them. ------------------------ Volume 1 now on sale! http://psystore.bigcartel.com/", false, false], "PTO": ["http://pto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 346, "\"I just want to feel loved\" The year is 2374 in the future. What is going to happen, when a gang of useless men adopt an adorable living doll? Well, a lot of drama and heartbreaks, that's for sure. ---- UPDATED EVERY DAY! Includes sex, nudity and a bit of violence. Check out also (http://ptobonus.smackjeeves.com/)", true, false], "PaeltasNuzlockeChallenge": ["http://paeltanuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "", false, true], "PagesofLife": ["http://pagesoflife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 652, "I'm making a webcomic about my life because someone on the internet told me to.", false, true], "PainOfThought": ["http://painofthought.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A loosely story-based webcomic about blue things, literal and metaphorical. Not for dweebs.", false, true], "PaintedParadise": ["http://paintedparadise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "Rated: PG13 I do not own pokemon or any of the pokemon characters! This is PURELY A FAN-MADE COMIC!", false, true], "PairedUp": ["http://pairedup.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "South Park: CraigxStan (BL/boylove) Based off the fanfictions \"Paired Up\" and \"Good Partner\" by whocares10315 on fanfiction.net. Chapter One: Paired Up Two rather boring boys are stuck together for a rather boring English project resulting in a boring kind of love. Chapter Two: Good Partner It finally time to finish up that stupid project, so be on your best behavior. art (c) paperplatephace.deviantart characters (c) southpark storyline by whocares10315 on ff.net ---> http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5413381/1/Paired_Up http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6052156/1/Good_Partner --- Love SP? Also check out the awesome-ness by paranoid psyberry! http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=78598 Shameless pull in for my other SP comic? Always! http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=79249", true, true], "Paleglow": ["http://palexglow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 275, "Pale*glow is a yaoi series about Murdoc and his lover Ridely and all their mis-adventures. Murdoc is a half-fox demon who works as a bounty hunter to pay the rent, and Ridely is, well, human! Comedy and action ensues while getting laid along the ways! WARNING: THIS COMIC CONTAINS MATURE SEXUAL CONTENT AND ADULT SITUATIONS! THIS IS YAOI, MEANING MALE/MALE!!! 18+", true, true], "Panacea": ["http://panacea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 147, "Caelen is part shapeshifter but his dual heritage becomes a curse when he learns his unstable body is slowly deteriorating. Life seems pretty miserable and pointless. With no faith in himself and even less faith in others he\u0092s very much sunken into pitiful state. After hitting his lowest point, landing in the streets with nowhere to be, he manages to catch the attention of a stranger. Will Sairys' compassion and cheerful attitude be enough to break through the barriers Caelen manage to erect around himself? *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Boy Love Warning! Hopefully I'll manage to update once a week. You can expect new pages on Mondays and Thursdays... usually, unless something comes up and I can't make the deadline.", true, false], "Pantheya": ["http://pantheya.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "An anime inspired space opera staring Pantheya Shaman; A star trader who kepts getting visions and secret messages from a planet sized ancient alien machine monolith named The Xochiltron.", false, true], "PanzerDragonandEnigmaCompleteEdition": ["http://panzerdragonandenigma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 763, "As a world reaches its peak of prosperity, instability begins to reveal itself as Dragonenix falls into a period of darkness. Three warriors will rise to the challenge to solve the mystery of their world's instability and set things right. The Complete Edition of Panzer Dragon and Enigma contains the full unabridged story of the entire First Arc series, including the first season of the PDE(+) Saga: Twilight Dawn. The last major update was November 16, 2011, with Twilight Dawn added to the archives as of March 20, 2012.", false, true], "PanzerDragonandEnigmaZwei": ["http://pdezwei.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 135, "Panzer Dragon and Enigma Zwei is the re-telling of the original story on SmackJeeves about protagonists Panzer Dragon, Enigma, and Niavana Avalon as they become involved in protecting their home from the move of a mysterious organization, spiraling into a battle that will decide the fate of so many worlds and reveal to this trio their destiny. Click on \"PDE: Complete Edition\" to check out the original story, but you do NOT have to read the Complete Edition to understand what's going on in PDE Zwei. Nevertheless, it's still an awesome read and you should check it out if you want an idea of my past works. Comics available every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday at 12:00PM EST!", false, true], "PaperGirl": ["http://papergirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "The characters in this comic belong to: www.jangopop.deviantart.com PLEASE READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT (Like a manga!) \"The story is set in a music academy for rock and pop musicians. Circa is not a student there but his family are the founders of said academy. He gets pretty lonely while everyone else is in lectures and has accumulated a few imaginary friends to keep him company. Bean is one of them. Bean is a disgruntled, demanding and spoiled little friend. She bosses Circa around and always seems to get him into trouble as its the only thing that pleases her.\" The characters are dolls that belong to JangoPop, and after i heard she was selling Bean i became a bit sad knowing that i won't see any more of her, but i wondered how Circa would feel. Sure, she might boss him around and stuff, but you know...it's one of those love-hate-can't-live-without-you type things. Circa understands that she was just an imaginary friend, and maybe it was time to let her go? Circa and Clipper are both boys. Bean is a girl.", false, true], "PaperSheetsandCrows": ["http://psac.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A stupid comic about parallel worlds, artistic struggle, unemployment and being an outcast. Only it's a lot less serious than it sounds. Also, mad life coaches. See? it's starting to sound less serious already. As for updates, Odd weeks: Tuesdays and Thursdays Even weeks: Wednesdays (Although it is foretold that this schedule will collapse in about 12 weeks from when the first page is published, but that's a bridge to cross when we get to it, mIrite?)", false, true], "PaperStars": ["http://paperstars.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "When one life changes other lives change as well. In this particular short comic two strangers become friends.", false, true], "PapermanAsherlockfancomic": ["http://sherlock-paperman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "First things first; The idea and everything is based heavily on the amazing short film Paperman, that was directed by John Kars. A short (15 pages) fancomic of the beautiful BBC's Sherlock. Johnlock goggles are optional, but I wear them 24/7 so...wear them or don't it will still make sense! But I'd still rate it as Boy Love or man love really since no boys in sight haha. Updates on tuesdays, thursdays and sundays.", false, true], "Paperplane": ["http://paperplane.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Pretty-faced Atsushi Sakihara has always been raised to be manly, in order to take care of the family business. His name even holds the meaning of \u201cfacing, confront\u201d and \u201cserious\u201d. However, his seriousness-at-all-times, his completely non-existent fashion skills and unability to show any interest in love will get him into trouble with his surroundings\u2026 A story about youth, self-growth, and freedom. WARNING : josei, might contain more mature related topics. PG15. Please view at your own discretion. (EDIT 2013/2/26): Small health hiatus.", false, true], "ParaciteKnights": ["http://paraciteknights.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "30 years ago, the world became infected. A strange mineral burst through the earth in crystal spires and ripped the world into chaotic shreds of humanity. The mineral, known now as Paracite, spawned nearly impervious crystalline monsters that destroy all in their path. Mankind clings to what reminds of civilization, but without help, their time will be short. Their only hope is the order of the Paracite Knights. Armed with specially engineered weapons that can harm the Paracite, they stand proud and stalwart against the threat of complete infection.", false, true], "ParadiseRoundSportingHouse": ["http://paradiseround.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A young man goes out in search of his missing brother, only to find that he's been employed at Paradise Round Sporting House, a renowned bordello with a circus theme! Another Paradise Round employee offers to assist the young man, but only at a very steep price... Yaoi with a touch of Het!", true, true], "ParadiseTheFitfthLight": ["http://paradisethefifthlight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "My first serious project on progress. I hope you rate it and comment on it!", false, true], "Paradox": ["http://paradoxcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 574, "Taken as prisoners of war, Dake and Tommy are sold as slaves, one to a wealthy but kind woman, the other to a man of unknown species who has a very bad habit of eating people. Forced to endure the horrors of war, racism, homophobia, and the occasional molestation, can these two opposites somehow attract? Contains sexual situations, violence, drug use and probably many other bad things.", true, true], "ParadoxalTrinity": ["http://paradoxaltrinity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Through a ripple in the timelines comes trouble! Mecha Shadow, a being from another Universe, uses the power of the Chaos Emeralds to change the flow of time itself, causing the barriers between all timelines to crumble. Sonic and his friends give chase in order to foil Mecha Shadows evil schemes. An attempt at a serious Sonic Sprite Comic!", false, true], "Parallaxcomic": ["http://parallax-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Lomax isn\u2019t exactly happy with who he is and the direction his life is going, and his family constantly switching homes isn\u2019t helping things either. Stuck in what seems to be a never-ending cycle he feels weak, powerless and unable to change his situation. Having recently moved to a small old town called Silverdalen, he isn\u2019t expecting anything out of the ordinary. However, Silverdalen will soon prove to be quite different from anything Lomax has ever experienced before. On the very first day of school he\u2019s approached by someone who seems to see big potential in the weak-willed teen, and who offers him what is claimed to be \u201cthe key to change his life\u201d. It seems to be too sweet of a deal but in the end Lomax hesitantly accepts, hoping to become a stronger, less pathetic human being, and maybe even get some friends in the process. Lomax\u2019s life does change, and drastically at that. For better or worse, who\u2019s to say?", false, true], "Parallel": ["http://ll-parallel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 176, "Parallel... After the humans died off long ago, used to fighting battles, the Pokemon are on a verge of killing themselves off... one by One by, One... Who are the culprits behind this? What ever happened to a world of peace and beauty? Are they forever gone? \"Friends unite... we will find the source, and I swear by my very own soul, we will find the solution to our planet and bring back peace and order to the World Of Pokemon.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~ Adventure, Some Romance... (don't know what else to put, i'll add more stuff later) ... but basically SERIOUS stuff - (i don't know about funny, whenever i try to make a joke it turns out not to be funny at all... but i will try.) ~~{{ There WILL defenatly be a problem, climax, and \"LOL\" maybe a solution xDD Jk there'll be a solution don't worry Xdd }}~~ Warning: Might contain language, violence (blood etc.), NO BL, GL (sorry). -- Updates will be slow-- Read from Left to Right. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: My other comics will probably not be updated in a very long time since i'll be working on this one the most.", false, true], "ParallelDeity": ["http://paralleldeity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Two feuding immortal beings have been placed upon the Earth to settle their differences. Over many thousands of years they have come to be known as angels...demons...deities...Now the climax of this devastating clash of power has arrived and it's up to two mortals to make sure that these beings don't take the world and everybody in it with them. --- There will be some violence, language, mild sexual themes including BL, drug related situations and so on~ I'd give it a PG-16 rating though I will give a warning before hand if there's anything that goes above and beyond that ^-^.", false, true], "Parallels": ["http://parallels.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Everything is normal for Cassandra Worthington, or at least, until her world clashes with another's.", false, true], "ParanormalDetective": ["http://paranormal-detective.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "", false, true], "PariahSong": ["http://pariahsong.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "Three travellers begin a journey that will lead them to becoming tangled in a web of magic, romance, political intrigue and dark forces haunting their every step. Updates in chapter batches on a Sunday.", false, true], "Paridise": ["http://paridise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A little over two decades ago project \"P.A.R.I.D.I.S.E\" was initiated. In exchange for a new life, money, or even an inkling of fame, parents could take their children-or fetus-to be injected with a special serum. The results were neither expected nor wanted. And the side effects? Even more deadly. contains; superheros, obligatory- social rejects,bad jokes, psychopaths, and (hints of f/m, m/m , and f/f)", false, true], "ParkingGulls": ["http://parkinggulls.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "This is a comic about dumb college boys and their adventures in life, love, and free food. Updates Tuesdays at 8 pm. THE STORY SO FAR Kevin struggles to move into the shady-looking college house that will be his home for the next year, with not much help from his brother Kyle. Along the way, he meets his eccentric group of roommates.", false, true], "ParoxysmTemporal": ["http://paroxsymtemporal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "When a father and son disappear the worst is thought. Only when they return 5 days later with powers and aged does the true horror of their disappearance reveals itself.", false, true], "ParrishsWasteland": ["http://pbwasteland.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 251, "Just like epic mickey's wasteland, this shall be mine.", false, true], "PartnersinFailure": ["http://pif.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "A story about a girl named Auburn Bishop who runs away from her dad, in turn meeting Trace, who's running away from the police. Contains mature themes, suggestive humor, vulgar language, and alot of cheesy jokes. Status-Active *Updates Wednesdays", false, true], "PartyPlz": ["http://partyplz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "A webcomic about videogame fantasy adventures. Follow Hawnk and his party mates as he meets them in a weird and unlikely adventure that starts off pretty typical.", false, true], "Partyallnight": ["http://partyallnight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "", false, true], "Password": ["http://password.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Password is a short horror story inspired by Black Box Tv. You can find the BBT works on youtbe. They are fantastic pieces of artworks that motivated me to created my own short story. While I post the pages I will stay silent about the story. I encourage you all to comment and say what you think is going on, but I don't expect it. Once the comic is finished I shall post a 'discussion' page, where in the authors comments I will answer questions, tell you all little Easter eggs I hidden and over all talk about the comic. Now, I hope you all enjoy.", false, true], "PastaMonsters": ["http://pastamonsters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 106, "this comic is just my idea of what a creepypasta world would be like. no its not meant to be taken too seriously, its mostly a way for people who are severally disturbed by creepypasta to have something to help them gget over their fears. so here is a comic that will make you laugh, giggle, and smile. i know it's hard to be scared guys, this comic is here for you. I hope you enjoy Pastamonsters i know i love making it! i have to put this up here for a slight confusion a few people had. i do not own any of these characters, they belong to whoever made the creepypastas respectively.", true, true], "PaxCerberus": ["http://paxcerberus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Pax Cerberus is a short manga drawn for a contest. It's about a future world that seems to disappear in war. But there's a little boy who spreads hope... Reading direction from right to left ;)", false, true], "PenaltyGame": ["http://penaltygame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Hello everyone! Don\u2019t you just hate secrets? They always end up hurting someone\u2026but do you even care? That\u2019s why you\u2019re all here. Let\u2019s play a game, okay? This game is called \u201cguess where I am\u201d. You spent so long forgetting me and refusing to acknowledge I exist, so this may be a bit out of the ordinary for you. However, I assure you it is very important that you find me. Because if I find you before you find me\u2026you\u2019ll have to go through my penalty game.", true, true], "PencilBoyoneschot": ["http://pencilboy-oneschot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "It's story about love. Real love.", false, true], "PenguiniLenguini": ["http://penguinilenguini.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A humorous comic about a cute young man, Named Cecilio, But lets just call him Penguini. He lives together with his best friend, Aaron Moose, In a rather large Apartment with several other charming...or maybe not so charming people. Things can get rather odd in this apartment building, especially with so many different personalities that may or may not get along, But Hey....Neighbors will be Neighbors.", false, true], "Pennhurst": ["http://pennhurst.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "***THIS COMIC IS COMPLETED!!*** Pennhurst, in a nutshell, is about a cannibalistic serial killer trying to escape from an asylum. It's full of gore, nudity, drug use, and language. It is also, ironically, a love story. Pennhurst was named after an actual asylum that was shut down 20 years ago for abusing it's patients. To learn more about this fascinating piece of history, you may find it here: http://www.opacity.us/site30_pennhurst_state_school.htm Thank you for choosing my comic, enjoy! -Angela Klecker", true, true], "Peoplehaveaskedme": ["http://pplaskme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A comic based on all the stupid questions people have asked me and explaining my lack of faith towards humanity.", false, true], "Percival": ["http://percival.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "With the Kingdom of Arkengarthe under the paranoid grip of the tyrannical King Mathias, nowhere and no one is safe from prosecution. A small band of resistance fighters, lead by the courageous Marmaduke Perth, fight to bring peace back to their land. But all hope seems lost until the King's own cowardly adviser, Percival, through an act of magic, is thrown into the fray. Will he betray the fighters to the King? Or will Percival be the turning point that the resistance needs to overthrow the tyrant? (updates will be slower than usual thanks to exams. Thank you all once more for your patience)", false, true], "PerfectlyNormalInsanity": ["http://pni.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Fate brought together three unlikely heroes: a human with strange powers over nature: an angel who controls water: and a fire demon with a dark past. Together, they can save the world, or destroy it. A story about angst, laughter, and love.", true, true], "PernaDoente": ["http://pernadoente.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 159, "Only 1 boxed drawing, in portuguese.", false, true], "PerpetualMotion": ["http://perpetualmotion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Updates every Wednesday. In a time when traversing the galaxy can be done in mere minutes, control becomes more and more difficult for the powers that govern the people. Both the Valethien Empire and the Free Union struggle to control the countless worlds that exist in the galaxy, while the Trade Alliance and the Galactic Crimelords only continue to complicate matters by remaining neutral. Orphaned at the age of 12, Anyta struggled to cope with the loss of her family while learning to survive on the streets with her father's blaster pistol. For two years, she scavenged the city of Sedor until she was found unconscious by a young widower. For the next six years, he was like a father to her until he was also killed in the crossfire of a local turf war. In such a cruel galaxy, Anyta has learned to deal with her anger in the only manner she has learned how: by killing.", false, true], "PerpetuationVagabondsWaifsandStrays": ["http://perpetuation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "In present time, an unemployed engineer is thrown into destitution, and in the process of surviving discovers an alternate world that he couldn't see as a member of society.", false, true], "PerplexingMagnoliaDisruption": ["http://smgpmd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 205, "Perplexing Magnolia Disruption is a serious comic filled with love, hate, drama, and... Who are we kidding, it's a Team SMG Pokemon Comic. Don't expect this to be serious at all. COMIC COMPLETED. The sequel can be found here: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=118656", false, true], "PetOfSpades": ["http://petofspades.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "One boy's journey from fantasy to real life in the world of kink. A BDSM comic that explores many fetishes and the relationship between a Dominant and a submissive. ---- Just to get some search key words in, slave, Master, kinky, S&M, bondage, yaoi, boy's love, boys love, boy, anything im forgetting? :3", true, true], "PeterPan": ["http://peterpan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 120, "A manga adaptation of the classic children's story Peter Pan. Closely following J.M. Barrie's original story, come follow the adventures of Peter and the Darling children in Neverland! If you've never read the book, here's your chance to experience the real story! If you have, and enjoyed it, then this is the comic for you! If you like the comic, and have Facebook, pop on over to Tria Elf9's Neverland, the FB page for the comic! It updates with the current pages on deviantart. Hope to see you there! https://www.facebook.com/TriaElf9sNeverland Peter Pan is also posted to Deviant art: http://triaelf9.deviantart.com/gallery/32562528 And on Manga Magazine: http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Peter-Pan/detail-page/798?lang=en", false, true], "PetitFour": ["http://petitfour.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Welcome to Petit Four, where delicious food is served off delicious men! There are four very special dishes available. Don't forget to make a reservation!", false, true], "PetiteVoleuse": ["http://petite-voleuse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A little junkie lives in an apartment in a rough city. Though she's not athletic or clever, she wants to become a Great Thief. But how could you possibly be a big crimminal if the only things you can steal are apples and oranges?", false, true], "PetuniaRascal": ["http://petuniarascal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Naughty hi-jinks with the badmanest of the Skate Pirates, Petunia Rascal (and her no-goodnik crew).", false, true], "Phantomland": ["http://phantomland.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 109, "UPDATES ON THURSDAYS Santa Luison is a large city that employs it's strange minority of subhumans at a crime fighting organization. Introduce Chie: a fresh little rookie who receives her training from the baddest, meanest veteran officer around. Phantomland started as a self-published print comic back in 2009 and is now getting it's online debut at Smackjeeves. To know more about this comic, visit the homepage at: http://amph.nipponfever.net/phantomland", false, true], "PhantomsTrail": ["http://phantomstrail.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Short Description: A band of adventurers unite, attempting to save the Mindon kingdom as it faces numerous tides of evil. ~~~ Current Story Synopsis: The king of Mindon has died. His heir, Princess Jacquilyn, is expected to succeed to the throne, but Duke Medrick makes his own plans to take control of the kingdom. High Councilor Vasquez discovers Medrick's plan to usurp power. He, along with his son and the princess' bodyguard, take the princess away from the kingdom, to protect her. ~~~ Updates on Mondays", false, true], "PhatDaddysFables": ["http://phatdaddysfables.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "A collection of seriously creative work from Rick Johnson and the Phat Daddy Studios crew!", true, true], "Piagogia": ["http://piagogia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Badly drawn comics about my life as a Chilean pedagogy student.", false, true], "PiandPeasNuzlockeAdventures": ["http://piandpea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 100, "Pi embarks on a Nuzlocke Challenge adventure in Unova! Together with her smug Snivy, Pea, she'll have to stop Team Plasma from making a world without Pokemon... Will they be able to work together? Will they make it through, until the end? ...alive?", false, true], "PieceofWhore": ["http://pieceofwhore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Five women on an interdimensional road trip. WARNING! This comic contains Severe Stupidity. ouo b", false, true], "PiecesofBrokenGlass": ["http://piecesofbrokenglass.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "COMPLETED: 6/9/11 \"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the King's horses and all the King's men... Couldn't put Humpty together again.\" Sometimes...even revenge isn't enough. UPDATES: On Thursdays MATURE CONTENT WARNING: This comic contains scenes which may be offensive. Proceed with caution!", false, true], "PiercedHeart": ["http://piercedheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "A famous band named Pierced Heart's main singer quit the band,so now guitarist named Sketch needed to find a new one for their upcoming concert. He finds himself a boy walking in the street named Rigel who has a terrifying tragic past and Sketch starts to fall for him. This series is yaoi a.k.a boyxboy so please enjoy :)", false, true], "PieronoKoi": ["http://pieronokoi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "\"Clown of Love\" Hikori and Clive have been friends since middle school, and Hikori has been hiding his feeling ever since. Will he be able to keep this secret, or will it ruin their friendship forever? Read on~", false, true], "PiesEatTables": ["http://pieseattables.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "A web comic about Tristan, Pablo, Deceban, and Ethan going on their journeys. All 4 are idiots, but have differences of course. Like Tristan loves pie and narwhals, Pablo likes to make fun of Ethan's mom and likes hot girls, Deceban likes computers and violence, and Ethan likes meat.", false, true], "PineappleSoda": ["http://pineapple-soda.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "[ MPREG / PREGNANCY / EXPANSION / VORE / GORE / ANTHRO / SCIFI / BONDAGE / +MORE ] Pineapple Soda's information has been updated! : A comic book series following a Canadian teen; Anthony G. and his best friend Robby as they narrowly avoid certain death by their school bullies De Gaetano, Pierce and Mamaril-- whose parents are part of a Canadian mafia based around the trafficking of illegal substances through interdimensional travel. Follow this comedy drama in a memorable and mind-boggling science fiction experience that escapes all time, dimension, and quite often, logic. The series is rated mature (16+) for intense use of negative or otherwise adult language, frequent violence, the occasional use of illegal drugs and/or weaponry, sexual connotation and minor ideologically sensitive material.", false, true], "PinkEye": ["http://pinkeye.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Dorian just transferred high schools halfway through his senior year. He thought this new school would be a drag...until he fell in love. The only problem; his crush is a boy with Pink Eye! D: PS. This comic reads right to left", false, true], "PinkPrince": ["http://pink-prince.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "There once lived a prince who was obsessed with the color pink. He made an important rule that everything must be in that color, however nobody knew the consequences of denying his laws. It is soon known when he finds a mysterious girl dressed in a black cloak. ---- Read from left to right.", false, true], "PinkuSushi": ["http://pinkusushi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Hana-des-na moves to a new school called Hichizoka academy. She meets the boy of her dreams and all is well until she eats mutant pinku sushi and is granted magical powers! Now she has to fight off any evils threatening her paradise. Will she defeat them?", false, true], "Pinocchio": ["http://pinocchio.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A story of a boy who wants to be real", false, true], "PipeDream": ["http://pipedream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "An unknown terror has been plaguing the nights of the City of Reverie, stealing souls through dreams. Dream weavers have enlisted the help of a Dream Walker to stop the thievery and bring peace back to sleep.", false, true], "PirateCthulhuComics": ["http://pccomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 371, "Needlessly wasting smackjeeves bandwidth since 2009, while in possession of better crab!!", false, true], "Pistachiko": ["http://pistachiko.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "a man named Kaito goes to commit suicide after living a boring, loveless, cubicle job. He meets a strange guy named Shuno...and Shuno immediatly takes a liking to him...almost too fast to be real XD Kaito quickly makes it clear that he isnt gay...but will Shuno's actions toward him make him alittle...'confused'? lol Kaito's been in such a need for love that maybe Shuno's affection doesnt look THAT bad...or does it?:P YAOI!!", true, true], "PivotGallery2": ["http://pivotgalery2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Anyone is welcome all people out there is welcome and join the fun! RULES 1. no swearing seriously people lets make this kid friendly. 2. no posting things that you know are bad. If you have any questions just send me a email. My email is trestenjames@gmail.com. Or you can send me a pm message or a message in the Pivot Gallery Chat page.", false, true], "PixelGamerz": ["http://pixelgamerz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Spoofing Various Video Games!", false, true], "PizzaBoy": ["http://pizzaboy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A small comic about a man, and his quests to deliver pizza!", false, true], "PlanetChaser": ["http://planetchaser.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 217, "In the future when 18 year old Clarissa inherits a spaceship and a robot, little did she expect the trouble that goes with it. Being orphaned, she begins to learn about her parents and an alien who rules over humankind.", false, true], "PlatinumIsAGuysbestFriend": ["http://pigbf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "And here goes my third attempt at a Nuzlocke comic... **sigh**... Russel's never wanted much out of life. Finish high school, get a job, watch crap telly. But now he's getting dragged into the adventure of a life time. A Pokemon adventure! Hijinks include animal abuse, naughty language, gayness, actual plot somewhere down the line, and POKE FEELS BECAUSE I CAN'T KEEP SHIT ALIVE.", false, true], "PlayBall": ["http://playball.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "\"Even if I'm a girl, it didn't mean that I can't play soccer any better than a boy!\" A short comic about soccer for elementary children. It's old tho, I made it when I'm still in the junior high. That's years and years ago. XD", false, true], "PlayTime": ["http://dollysplaytime.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 160, "Megumi was just a timid high school girl trying to cope with life until the day a magic ribbon came into her life and a new hero was born!", false, true], "Pleasebemyboytoy": ["http://pleasebemyboytoy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "Takeshi likes Atsushi. Atsushi accidentally promises the creepy biology teacher a date with Takeshi... Right to left, please <3---", false, true], "Plotlessnesses": ["http://plotlessnesses.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "A comic about willows and everything else. Read Filler House, if you dare: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=40140", false, true], "PlottedShorts": ["http://plottedshorts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "This is a comic of mostly shorts, whether it be Sonic or Megaman, or the plot of the Economic Crisis with Ian and Floob! With good jokes and plotholes 80% of the time in the non-plot, and 50% jokes in the plot! Have fun reading! Updates every 2 days Unless ss1009 gets lazy on the weekend", false, true], "Plume": ["http://plume.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "\"Revenge is like a plume of smoke. It seems tangible, but when you reach for it, you're grasping at nothing but air.\"", false, true], "Plus1": ["http://plus1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "Following us here on SJ? If you are after high quality pages not restricted by SJ's upload limit and for updates that are 2 weeks ahead of what we have hosted here then head to the offical Plus1 website: http://www.kyyro.com/neko/plus1/ Plus1 is an online graphic novel and is the combined efforts of Nuff (Script/Story/Characters) and Neko (Art/Website). The comic follows the misadventures of a socially awkward cat named Oscar, his closest friend Vee and a trouble making fennec fox called Kayly, as their lives head towards prom night and a life altering twist of fate.", false, true], "PoKeMoNHEROES": ["http://pokemon-heroes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1293, "A more mature PoK\u00e9MoN sprite webcomic... Done completly in PhotoShop!", false, true], "PokeHerMon": ["http://pokehermon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "this is Ultras version of Pokemon Platinuim, it will have the same storyline and the same characters. Updates Whenever (will start daily updates again in the summer) NOW ACCEPTING CAMEOS!!!!! O YESH! Template By Wotter ---------------------------------------------------- Again, one of the characters. Refresh image !!!!!! Slowly V\u00f6tter\u016f", false, true], "PokeHerMonOLDSKOOL": ["http://oldskool.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "THE ORIGINAL PHM IS HERE. HORRAH", false, true], "PokeSagaJohtoRegion": ["http://pokesagajohto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Kotone is about to start her Pokemon Journey, but she doesn't know that's going to entail talking Pokemon, fighting an evil organization bent on taking over the world, and something even greater and darker then anyone could possibly imagine. The second story in the Poke Saga series. Updates every Friday at 12PM EST.", true, true], "PokeVenturous": ["http://pokeventuras.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "Poke Venturous, the adventures of Leah, a psychic pokemon trainer whom got shanghaied by Team Rocket and dragged into Corporate warfare. As all the big players strive for power and market dominance in Europa. *Are using pokemons from every generations Pokemon is a Trademark of Nintendo", false, true], "PokeWorldOnline": ["http://pwo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "PokeWorld Online is a Sprite Comic based around the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. It's set inside of a fluid 2D PMD Online Free-To-Play MMO, which is incredibly popular. Our adventure follows Coza who was mysteriously sucked into the game after its download. As Coza ventures through the vast and vivid world he makes many friends and enemies along the way whilst trying to figure out why he got absorbed into the game, and how to leave. The comic is divided into chapters in which a new mini-storyline is displayed.", false, true], "Pokecontests": ["http://pokecontest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "in tourneys 16 pokemon from the same region face each other in a battle to see who is better every 3 days the round will be uploaded each pokemon will be chosen at random", false, true], "PokefarmingRiseFromtheAshes": ["http://pokefarming.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 264, "http://pokefarm.org/ IF YOU HAVE A POKEFARM ACCOUNT YOU CAN JOIN. A second Pokefarming since the old one was deleted by some douchebag. >:I All about Pokefarm. Post your eggs and pokemon, etc. Anything Pokefarm related.", false, true], "Pokemon1337": ["http://pokemon1337.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "It has been 50 years since Team Magma and Team Aqua awakened Groudon and Kyogre. New trainers Adam, Jordan, and Wolfie head off to start their Pokemon adventure. What challenges will await them? What enemies will oppose them? What friends will join them? If you're really that curious, read and find out!", false, true], "PokemonAdventures0": ["http://pkmnspecial0.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "UPDATES: there is a news thread over to the right that will say when will i upload pages. The Legendary World Championships, held once every two years. The ultimate event where trainers test their power and bonds with his or her Pokemon to determine who will rightfully seize the title of the strongest trainer in history: The \"World Champion\". Meet Azure, a kind-hearted and cheerful boy who dreams of becoming the World Champion. Crimson a skilled,calm, and serious trainer whose aim is to become the World Champion just like his forefathers. The shy and loving Chartreuse, daughter of the wealthiest family in the world, who also dreams to become the world champion and be able to explore the world outside her parent's estate. Orange, the hot-headed young lad who wants to achieve the status of champion and the strongest. And the cold, bright, Violetta who wants to become the champion just because she feels like it. Will one of them achieve their dream? The story of these trainers begin here! \"Five friends. Five lives. A single Dream\" POKEMON ADVENTURES/SPECIAL 0: THE AZURE AND CRIMSON ARC READ from Right to left like the original manga!", false, true], "PokemonAdventuresofLeonandZack": ["http://leonandzack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Hello and welcome to Pokemon - Adventures of Leon and Zack. this comic is rated PG, for some language and death This comic is about how two unlikely friends come together and go through a journey together. This comic updates every Tuesday, (and sometimes Friday depending if i have time or not) Pokemon battles go until one pokemon knocks out the other, if too much damage is dealt a pokemon can die. Feel free to leave comments, ill try to get back to as many as i can.", false, true], "PokemonAgeBarriers": ["http://age-barriers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Ten seems like an awfully young age to be sending kids into a world where getting torched, electrocuted or eaten is a very real possibility. This is why older isn't always better.", false, true], "PokemonBloodredANuzlocke": ["http://bloodrednuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "", false, true], "PokemonBreak": ["http://pokemonbreak.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 154, "*Main plot starts at chapter three* There is only one Pokemon capable of learning any move, and that\u2019s Mew. Project HM 00 wants to change that. During the project\u2019s test run, a program error occurs and Missingno, an incomplete Pokemon is created. Missingno has no real form and needs oran berries to stay alive. It has no intentions of staying incomplete, though, and it\u2019ll stop at nothing to find what it\u2019s missing. -Pages are now in color (starting with Ch 5, pg15) -Updates: As often as I can!(At least a page a week, hopefully)", false, true], "PokemonBurningFeralDesire": ["http://pokemonburningferaldesire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A Pokemon Emerald comic about the Battle Frontier.", false, true], "PokemonEdge": ["http://pe-09.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 432, "A young, ambitious trainer meets Sonic the hedgehog on his journey. But soon chaos takes place and it'll be up to them to stop it to save the world of Pokemon!! Pokemon/Sonic crossover. Rated T+ 2009-2013", false, true], "PokemonGenerationsSpriteVersion": ["http://pokemongenerationssprite.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A sprite version of my comic Pokemon Generations, this is sort of a reboot in that it is starting from the begining however the story will be the same. This will probably be the one that gets worked on. For those of you who were fans of the original this one is the same just with sprites and it will look better and update faster. It is still a Nuzlocke of Pokemon Red, Pokemon Silver, Pokemon Sapphire, Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Black. Rules (same as the original): Rules: 1. Only Catch first Pokemon per area, except shiny Pokemon(Gift pokemon don't count) No duplicates. 2. If it faints it's dead. 3. All surviving party Pokemon at the end of a region are brought forward to the next generation (reverted to their first stage of evolution) and cannot leave the party.", false, true], "PokemonGenericVersion": ["http://pokemongenericversion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Want a Pokemon sprite comic that isn't the generic Pokemon sprite comic? You've found it.", false, true], "PokemonHeartGoldNuzlocke": ["http://onlyone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "A simple HeartGold Nuzlock. With cheeky Pokemon and depressing humor. 8D Enjoy.", false, true], "PokemonInsanityVersion": ["http://pokemoninsanityversion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "This comic is just what the title says... INSANE! This is a bunch of short stories involving Pokemon, a trainer, and just some wacky people! WARNING: Craziness, and radomness has been known to cause blindness and sheer madness. (CURRENTLY A PMD)(Updates every Thursday and occasionally other days) Quoted Characters: Skybyte: BARRELS! (If you get it, youre awesome) Chill: Violet: Hey there, hippo \u00e0ddict! Aurora: I have long hair. Your argument is invalid. Vortex: HEWWO THEWE!!!! Christian: Wotters: Feel the tides of fate!", false, true], "PokemonIronVersion": ["http://pkmniron.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "Iron may not be as rare or expensive as gold or diamonds, but you can bet your @$$ its pretty damn shiny. Welcome to the Varia region, where you start out in Twopond town! Featuring Walt, Chris, and a farmboy named Ken, each one with a different goal.", false, true], "PokemonJohtoJourneys": ["http://pkmnjs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Random updates", false, true], "PokemonLegends": ["http://pkmnlegends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A comic I originally started on Deviantart... This is my total REVAMP and new Story. I really hope you enjoy this series It is based around the entire Pokemon Universe. Featuring characters up to Gen 4 (for now maybe we'll see some of Gen 5)...", false, true], "PokemonMagnetaJourney": ["http://pokemagnetajourney.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "Taikozu Keen is a pokemon trainer who just graduated from Pokemon School! Now he is living his dream and becoming the the Pokemon Champion of the Magenta League. Live and see his adventures through the Ioza region! Can he stop the evil Team Yugo? He will defeat his rival? Will he complete the Magenta League and become Champion? FIND OUT NOWW!!! Software used: MS PAINT CHAPTER 1-2 PAINT.NET CHAPTER 3- BEYOND Updates: Made every time ii finish pages. Upload them all at once.", false, true], "PokemonMisterZTheZorua": ["http://misterz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Yea. ANOTHER COMIC by me... This one's about a Zorua and a Weedle. Mister Z.(zorua)is PURE EVIIL! And he's got a LOT of EVIIL rivals! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA But... um, well... He kinda is an idiot. AND HE'S GOING ON A SUPERDUPERAWESUMOHMYGOSHADVENTURE! This comic will be completely random. Updates whenever I feel like it. Jay! READ IT! NOW! I'll give u a cookie :'(", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonAdventurersofLight": ["http://pmdal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "Based off of the PMD series, rises the imagined sequel Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Adventurers of light! Introducing a new world! a new team! a new adventure! Join Jason and Luna as they set off on the adventure of a lifetime, making new discoveries, and facing a great evil! For this is Adventurers of light! disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, this is purely fan made. Rated T for Violence, sexual themes, alcohol reference, Language, and Suggestive Themes.", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonExplorersofDawn": ["http://pmd-dawn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "When a young Zoura named Zak meets a pikachu, his whole world is turned upside down. Rated Teen for Violence, Blood, and language", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonStrikedownChronicles": ["http://pmdsc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 158, "A party of Pokemon find themselves on an island and try to get back home. But there is more going on that what it seems. (Question marks will be replaced as actual party members surface)", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonTales": ["http://pmdt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 197, "Vexx and Mack of the Super Ranked Team, GreenFire, set out on a mission of their own, to explore the world outside their Island! However, things do not go according to plan when enemies of old appear with plans of their own. Along with their new team-mates, friends and allies, Vexx and Mack set a course to continue helping the Pok\u00e9mon of the world while exploring the new world around them. This is their Tale... Based on the popular Pok\u00e9mon Mystery Dungeon \u00a9 series. Pok\u00e9mon is copyrighted \u00a9 to Nintendo/GameFreak Updates once a week, or whenever possible", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonTeamAwesome": ["http://pmdteamawesome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "Updated every Saturday", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonTeamBurstWave": ["http://burstwave.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "A human turned pokemon on a quest to find his past. But as time passes he wonders if he really wants to find his past or if it's worth the risks. Pokemon belongs to Nintendo.", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonTeamCrystal": ["http://crystalmysterydungeon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 97, "Just a little something I wanted to try as a result of playing pkmn mystery dungeon games a lot. Will have a bit of everything category wise :) Will up the rating to M if it calls for it..but hopefully it won't. It IS rated T for language though! Updated whenever I can!", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonTeamNeo": ["http://pokemonneo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeonTheCursedRiolu": ["http://thecursedriolu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A Riolu who has been haunted by strange dreams figures out that these dreams are not normal. Him and his friends find out that hes not your everyday Riolu... Disclaimer: I do not own the Pokemon franchise in any way just a fan. Updates: When I get the chance. Warning: some pages may include Alchohol,morbid comic pages and blood.", false, true], "PokemonMysteryDungeontheExilesLegacy": ["http://pmdel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "The story follows 13 years after an event that took place in PMDTE. Devin and Luna have since then moved into Silverstone City, where Devin is now the grandmaster of the guilds. But along his explorations he comes across a strange Pokemon that seems unnatural among his own. Lost with no memory, Isaac the poochyena is taken in by Devin and Luna to become a member of the family. This...is the Exile's Legacy. Pokemon(c) Nintendo Rated T: some Blood, Sexual themes, Language and Use of Alcohol PMDEL characters and story (c) JamestheTyphlosion and RymHerdier", false, true], "PokemonNEONProjectNanocide": ["http://pkmnneon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "I live in the Hoenn Region in a run down town known as Verdanturf. Nothing special here, we got 3 houses built in this part of the region, a PokeCenter, and a Stadium that holds illegal Puck Fights for Pocket Monsters, at least it was while I was still a kid. Now it's shut down by the Government. Not only that has changed, but Pocket Monsters are now refered to as \"Pokemon\", don't know why. The number of Puck Fights have increased over the years, you'll find shits all around the place, waiting to attack you and mug you for your money with their \"Pokemon\". What I knew of the world was what I knew of this Town, until that one day when he showed up...", false, true], "PokemonNotAGame": ["http://pokenotagame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "The world is not what games and manga make it out to be; after an incident at Professor Oak's lab, a young girl named Rayne finds herself traveling the region of Kanto in hope to find and rescue Professor Oak and his Pokemon. But as she travels, she also makes enemies - enemies known for killing Pokemon and kidnapping their trainers. Rayne must find a way to rescue Professor Oak, stop her enemies, and stop the rising arrest warrants placed out for her head. This comic is updated every Thursday and Saturday with a month break between chapters. There are occasionally three page updates every week, usually at the end of chapters. THIS IS NOT A NUZLOCKE CHALLENGE.", false, true], "PokemonOathtoOrder": ["http://oathtoorder.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "I'm down to one last hope and I hope it's you. (oh god reign marly and anx on one collab this thing is NEVER going to update)", false, true], "PokemonProjectSoftShell": ["http://softshell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "\"It was about two years ago that Project Soft Shell was finally finished. The creation simply codenamed as \"Leaf\" was the first of her kind; a Human-Pokemon hybrid. Having the body, mind, and soul of a human, and all of the abilities of a Pokemon. Sadly, she also had the free will of a human, and she escaped after a mental encounter with the wish granting Pokemon, Jirachi. After being guided to a time capsule and being left in there for about two years, Leaf has left to fulfill a nagging problem from the back of her mind concerning a legendary trainer...\" This used to be the description, but now, lets just consider this something \"really annoying to do\" and \"what I forgot ideas for\".", true, true], "PokemonRansom": ["http://pokemonransom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Taken from their home by a pokemon hunter's pokemon, Steve, Blaze, Gail, and Rin must find their way home. Their only real hope is help from their official takers, Qin and Doom to get them home safely. But there are a lot of crazies out there. Will this odd band of misfits make it?", false, true], "PokemonSAKOHJU": ["http://sakohju.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 395, "Different adventures kick off with different characters in different parts of the Pokemon world! There's darkness in the Pokearth, and it's not just Team Plasma. A group by the name of Team Midnight is on the rise. However, their biggest obstacle appears when the protoganists come together to form SAKOHJU, an organization dedicated to ridding the Pokemon world of evil. As the fight rages, it's unclear how many will make it out alive, as it all comes down to SAKOHJU vs. Team Midnight... ____________________ I started this comic a couple years ago so some parts of it (beginning especially) aren't all that good. It's become more of a sketch comic and it's a learning experience for me, I improve and as my first project I'm seeing this thing to the end no matter what. I also have lots of characters based off real people. I will say that now. Also breaks the fourth wall. A LOT.", false, true], "PokemonSapphireChronicles": ["http://pkmnsapphirechronicles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A boy who goes by the name of Brendan moves to the Hoenn region from Johto. He then makes a few friends who he goes on a journey with. Updates once or twice a week. (Maybe 3 times a week if you're being good :P)", false, true], "PokemonScatteredDestiny": ["http://pkmnsd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Arceus created the earth in 7 days. Doing this, took all of his powers. But in a ditch effort to protect the humans, Arceus created Jirachi.. Follow the adventures of Skye, while on his quest to make his wish come true..", false, true], "PokemonSpecialRubysandSapphiresdate": ["http://pokesperubysapphy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "This comic is quite old, but i want to upload it here, cause i made it in english (who knows why >DD). It's a doujin to the series \"pocket monster special\"/\"pokemon adventures\" which used to be my fav series for a long time * 3 * Have fun reading, don't feel shy to ask if you don't understand sth. or to correct my errors in language (i suck, but i'm getting better |DD) LOVE, Sana", false, true], "PokemonTheAgeofEve": ["http://pkmnae.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "I do not own pokemon~! I've always wanted to see a pokemon sprite comic that someone puts a lot of effort into, doesn't have words that makes me want to puke or cry about how terrible it is, and isn't discontinued. There are some, but it is so few. The Age of Eve is my dream. While it is only a test comic to see if I can pull it off, I placed a lot of work into this. But don't expect like the best fancomic that ever graced the Earth, cause this comic is far from it. This is my first comic, so go easy on me and give me suggestions so I can improve~! This story is about a human-turned-mudkip named Eve. Of course, like most protagonists, she is forcefully dragged into a war that she does not wish to partake in. Being one of the four chosen ones in the list of twenty-one other humans, Eve goes through many challenges to stop the pokemon world from destruction. But at what cost? Is everything truly as it seems?", false, true], "PokemonTheCommercial": ["http://pokemokethecommercial.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Follow the journey of the Thief and the Girl with more fluids than she can handle as they travel to steal a mysterious package and a mother's last memento to her daughter. However these objects are being transported by a group of Knights and maybe the legend himself; The God of Death.", false, true], "PokemonTheLullaby": ["http://pokemonthelullaby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Pokemon: The lullaby Amber Tayes is a 16 year old girl that loves games. Much like many other people that share her interests, Amber would give an arm and a leg to venture in to the pokemon world and have a journey of her own, but just like everyone else, Amber can only dream of such miracles... Or can she? Follow Amber and her very own journey to the realm of pokemon where things aren't as child-friendly as they appear to be in games.", true, true], "PokemonTrainersKanto": ["http://pkmntrainerskanto.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Another Pok\ufffdmon comic why arent you suprised Updates start when I get my laptop I need someone to make a banner for me, if you do you can be a main character (or give you a cameo, your pick) in the comic (no this is not a bribe, it's a trade off)", false, true], "PokemonUltimateQuest": ["http://pkmnuq.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "Taylor wants to be the best Pokemon Master ever. EVER. She heads to Prof. Oak's lab to get her first Pokemon and meets her fellow pokemon recipients. They are not quite what she expected. Luke wants to be the best at... pretending he's a Pokemon Trainer while Oliver is quite possibly in the wrong comic. Updates: Whenever I can. My other comic holds priority over this one.", false, true], "PokemonWorkshop": ["http://pokemonworkshop.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Pokemon Workshop will be made for those who, like myself, can't seem to stay away from the Pokemon franchise, and even thought up of their own Pokemon that they would love to see in the Pokemon world. I'll be making plenty of new Pokemon species to put on here, and if anyone wishes to become a member and has decent pieces of artwork to display, then feel free to let me know. If your artwork looks like it could belong to the original game's design, and the comprehension is sound, then all the better. For those of you who aren't really good at drawing, but feel that you're well versed in Pokemon knowledge, I'd like to hear some feedback about the Pokemon that will be posted on here.", false, true], "Pokemonauthorversion": ["http://p-a-v.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "just an idea i had it's an author comic it's about pokemon trainers and that about it", false, true], "Pokemonblackwhite": ["http://pkmnbw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "a journey of daniel and his pokemons", false, true], "Pokemonmysterydungeonteamemerald": ["http://pmdte.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "A young eevee named Devin who believes he was once human, after 4 years of being a Pokemon is still searching for a way to recover his memories he lost. While tagged along by Luna the Eevee and his friend Blaze the Charmander chosen to be his second in command of the team after the lost of his first second in command, a Vulpix named Rose. But one mission may actually turn into something that could turn his life into a living hell... Rated M: Blood, Sexual themes, Violence, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol Pokemon(c) Nintendo PMDTE characters and story (c)JamestheTyphlosion", false, true], "PokemonnoRakuen": ["http://pokemon-no-rakuen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 208, "Summery- Gray has NEVER had a single girlfriend in his 17 years of life. His mother gets him a Totodile and then weird things happen... The Totodile becomes a human! What's going on?! Will going on a Pokemon journey give Gray the answers to his questions? Why did the Totodile become a human? What does Gray's father have to do with any of this? Will Gray EVER get a girlfriend? (Unlikely) Read to find out For ages 13 and up Warning- May contain death, blood and Implications", false, true], "Pokemononline": ["http://pokemono.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "this tells the story of Max, playing pokenon online in the future", false, true], "Pokemonusversion": ["http://pokemonusversion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Join Ashley and Star as the journey through the world of pokemon and discover new places, friends, and pokemon!", false, true], "PokemonvsSonic": ["http://sonicpoke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Who's better Pokemon or Sonic. This comic is epic made to find out. This is my first Co-Author needed comic. If you become one only post Sonic and/or Pokemon pictures and leave a comment.", false, true], "Pokeslaughter": ["http://pokeslaughter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "Pokeslaughter is about the adventures of a kid named ASH who just happened to wake up one day with some memories of a delightful version of the pokemon world hes in. Sadly, all of those good rated G adventures are nothing more then delusions and now he is getting out into the REAL world and trying to see what the TRUTH is that lies beneath its corruption. The series 'Pokemon' consists of the memories ash has in his head, how can he go from a perfect little world like that to a corrupt hell hole!? LETS WATCH AND SEE!", false, true], "Pokespoof": ["http://pokespoof.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "- LOL POKEMON COMIC SO ORIGINAL TSHSFFFFFF - Pokespoof is how we think pokemon should play out at times. It also happens when we spend 9 hours on pokemon emerald and Fire red. Ethan's note:FANS. WE NEED THEM. We will treat our fanbase nice, that is, if we ever get some.", false, true], "PokinFun": ["http://pokinfun.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "As the title says, I poke fun at aspects of pokemon (mostly the games) in only 4 panels a strip. 2/12/2012: I have archived this comic. I am fresh out of ideas and interest. Watch my account for any future comics which may require a co-writer and/or artist.", false, true], "Polyester": ["http://polyester.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A bunch of short stories about people that work for a fashion magazine called \"Polyester\". They range from journalist, editors. photographers, designers & stylists.", false, true], "Ponzi": ["http://ponzi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 193, "About: It's a new beginning, a new age and a new world where people enjoy advanced industrial games, technology and entertainment. At this moment, after a mysterious broadcast, the world media has launched a new tournament called N.E.O.SIN. The prize for this competition is unlike any other, the winners will receive an evolutionary enhancement of their body. This enhancement will improve their physical and mental capacity as a human being. Ever dream of super speed, super vision or any other kind of supernatural enhancement? Who will win the key to the evolution of the human race? (You can read more info on the official site: www.pigtailstudio.com )", false, true], "PoorLittleRunia": ["http://poorlittlerunia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "The only girl and youngest among a group of thieves, Runia strives to be the best. Anxious to prove her worth and fast, her actions get her thrown out of gang. Now she's ready to prove herself again, but the right way. But maybe becoming a bounty hunter wasn't quite what her \"family\" had in mind when they told her to grow up... Updates Irregularly.", false, true], "PoorMick": ["http://poormick.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "The story of an unlucky sailor.", false, true], "PopeCatandMegaDino": ["http://popecatandmegadino.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "The town of Monocle City has a super hero named Pope Cat and his arch nemesis Mega Dino, read all about their crazy yet cute adventures with their friends. We update every Thursday around 12 noon est (which for me is between 11:50 and 1:10). If you would like it to be notified right away like our Facebook page and/or follow us on inkoutbreak. And please stick with us since this is our fist comic so it is only going to get better ( art wise and hopefully also in the writing department).", false, true], "PorcelainDoll": ["http://porcelaindoll.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "This story is based in a hospital in a small town near the ocean. Amelia Marie Smith was born with DiGeorge Syndrome: heart defects and poor/no immune system function. Children born with this disease hardly make it past middle childhood. She was as fragile as glass, a porcelain doll needing gentle care. Melia's parents isolated her when they had more children. She had her doctor and his son, Sheldon to help her through her dark times. She escapes whenever she can get a chance to enjoy the world outside of her sad and pathetic bubble. She meets a boy named Jude and from then on she decides that she won't tell this boy of her sickness. All so one person can treat her like a normal girl. Obviously, nothing can stay peaceful and beautiful for long when lies are involved.", false, true], "Possessionem": ["http://possessionem.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Nie wszystkie demony s\u0105 z\u0142e. Nie wszystkie anio\u0142y s\u0105 dobre. A Egzorcy\u015bci... c\u00f3\u017c, wykonuj\u0105 swoj\u0105 robot\u0119. Bycie op\u0119tan\u0105 przez XIX-wiecznego demona nie jest takie weso\u0142e. Zw\u0142aszcza je\u017cli przez to goni Ci\u0119 zgraja Egzorcyst\u00f3w, inne demony chc\u0105 zabi\u0107 Ciebie i demona w Tobie, a anio\u0142y siedz\u0105, podjadaj\u0105 popcorn i nie rusz\u0105 czterech liter, \u017ceby Ci pom\u00f3c. Mizuki nie tak wyobra\u017ca\u0142a sobie \u017cycie w Tokio. Op\u0119tanie to dla niej problem. WIELKI PROBLEM. Komedia, romans, horror niby jest, ale go nie ma. Amen. :3 Na razie tylko po polsku, mo\u017ce nied\u0142ugo po angielsku. Czyta\u0107 prawej do lewej, jak japo\u0144sk\u0105 mang\u0119.", false, true], "PossiblyNormalReboot": ["http://possiblynormal-reboot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "In a completely normal world lived an average boring girl named Celeste \"gato\" Angel. As far back as she could remember, she has always been waiting for something... something out of the ordinary to happen. However, even she knew that exciting things that happen in anime can never happen in real life... until she met Alex Odyssin, an android who appears to have no gender or sex. Now for some odd reason, Celeste has been chosen to fight these creatures called A.B.O.W's, Artificial Bio Organic Weapons, that suddenly started to appear throughout the city. Is this what Celeste's been waiting for? Could this be a dream come true or a nightmare come to life? And who is this Alex? Where did Alex come from? What exactly do these A.B.O.W.'s want? Where did they come from as well? So many questions left unanswered. Join Celeste in her new possibly normal life and uncover the horrible truth behind these unusual occurrences.", false, true], "PostEverything": ["http://postsignal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Two awkward teens Raka and Aurora just want to be ordinary kids. Watch movies, eat pizza, play music etc.Whats the problem you ask? They live in a post-apocalyptic world where cities are abandoned and filled with monsters. 40 page pilot updates M W F", false, true], "PostMortem": ["http://post-mortem-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "The murdered Brendon Gray teams up with the undertaker Ryan Dorian to stop an evil demon from Resurrecting all of his companions. Warning: Shounen ai", false, true], "PostScript": ["http://post-script.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "Con has a brilliant plan--host a foreign exchange student that will fall hopelessly in love with him--but he needs the help of Misha, his grammatically-inclined younger brother, to woo a suitable hottie. However, things go awry when SHE turns out to be a HE. Updates Friday<3", false, true], "PotatoNotes": ["http://potatonotes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Journal comic. About lazy girl living in the internet. Updates when not too lazy. Please comment if you like. This really motives me to posting! ; u ;", false, true], "PowerCrystalsandIslands": ["http://powercrystals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Life in the Gold Rush was hard enough for many, you'd be lucky to find even a smidgen of gold dust! But what if a crusty old stranger told you there was REAL fortune to be had? What if he presented you with a small glowing crystal that ignited things it touched? And provided a map across the sea to where he had found it? Would you be crazy to follow it? Or Crazy NOT too?? FAR TO THE WEST, ACROSS THE SEA, A CHAIN OF ISLANDS AWAITS OUR HERO, BEDAZZLED AND BEJEWELED WITH MASSIVE CRYSTALS HOLDING UNTOLD POWER AND MAGICS, TRULY, WHOEVER HARVESTED THESE TREASURES WOULD BE A KING AMONG MEN But will he find more than what he's set out for? Surely he can't be the ONLY one seeking them! AND SO OUT HERO SETS OFF, ON A QUEST FOR DESTINY A QUEST FOR ADVENTURE A QUEST... FOR POWER POWER CRYSTALS AND ISLANDS, A QUEST OF EPIC ADVENTURE THE LIKES OF WHICH YOU'VE PROBABLY SEEN BETTER", false, true], "PowerRush": ["http://power-rush.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A series about college and monsters.", false, true], "PowerofPower": ["http://powerofpower.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "There is not enough statistical evidence to reject that this comic is cool.", false, true], "Poyoradomness": ["http://poyo-randomness.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "put any of your fc's in this comic", false, true], "PracticeClass": ["http://practiceclass.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Line the animated line and his best buddy, Lava Phatman, participate in Practice Class!", false, true], "PrayerForRuin": ["http://prayerforruin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Robots. Demons. Jungle planet.", false, true], "PredicateMemory": ["http://predicatememory.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 24, "A Science Fiction comic by Mladen Luketin. Drawn in Melbourne, Australia. Updates weekly.", false, true], "PrefrontalCortex": ["http://prefrontalcortex.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "", true, true], "PrezsSpritesandStuff": ["http://dingalingsandnitwitsofamerica.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "A spot for me to put my sprites, some random stuff about my day, etc. The stuff in my banner was made with DollDivine Four Elements, gen8 the Hedgehog's Female Furry Dollmaker, general zoi's Pony Maker, and a Furrie Creator.", false, true], "PrideHelix": ["http://pridehelix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Nero Lyco finds a new hobby in MMA Mixed martial arts that suddenly throws him into becoming one of the universe's most universal Super fighters of the multi-verse.", false, true], "PrinceofFury": ["http://princeoffury.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 71, "Shawa is a young man who always dreamed of going to another world. On the anniversary of his mother's death something stranges happens. A man come form his bathroom mirrior while he is burshing his teeth. The man claims to be Shawa's brother and from another world. It looks like Shawas just might be getting his wish. This will update Mondays,and Friday for now.", false, true], "PrinceofGalles": ["http://princeofgalles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Frabbel Ventrada is a 13 year-old boy with an average life. One day, his best friend gave him a mysterious fantasy book. What Frabbel doesn\u00b4t know is that behind that book, a magical kingdom is waiting for him...", false, true], "PrincessChroma": ["http://princesschroma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "As darkness threatens to engulf all life, the universe cries out for a champion with a pure heart. But they'll have to settle for schoolgirl June Summer. With the help of her friends and her mentor, a winged bunny, June will battle monsters, struggle to maintain a normal school life, and occasionally watch television. Hey, even heroines need a little downtime. -A Magical Girl Parody. Updates Wednesdays!", false, true], "Princetheboywhoneverlived": ["http://prince.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Background: This was the first one shot story I created in 2009. I still think it's is a bit weird, but it was kind of based on true story elements , so I left it as it is. Actual story description: What would you do if someone loved you but not because of who you are? And what would you do if you were warned about this by the ghost of the person you hate the most? Sam (protagonist) has to face these questions, but the hardest quest is when he has to decide wether he will accept the truth or continue to lead a life which never really belonged to him...", false, true], "ProMiZe": ["http://promize.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "\"Promise to we'll meet again\" In a world where Heaven and Hell are actually planets along with Earth you'll find the shy and timid Echo, tough girl Yuki, and the quiet bookworm Maria. One day when Echo and Maria are being bullied a strange man appears and hes not as he seems. ----------------- Updates whenever im not being a lazy bum", false, true], "Probability": ["http://burning.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "What do you do, when the odds are stacked against you? You've been backed against a wall, even after you've given it your all. You're ready for the final stand, the last of your power rests within you hand. Probability is a lot more than just luck. ------------------------------------------------------- {Prologue: Everyday goes by, same as the last. Nothing's changed, nothing ever will...until the odds are slowly pushed towards this change by the mysterious arrival of a boy. {Ch. 1: The world-class organization, Legion, has invaded their home town in search of something. Our heroes known they have no chance and are forced to leave. ------------------------------------------------------- .:Credit to all spriters whose sprites I've used:. .:Updates at least once a week:.", false, true], "Proditio": ["http://proditio.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "\"Proditio\" (Betrayal): A Naruto Doujinshi Naruto struggles to escape his past. This is a story of love, betrayal, absolution, and of seeking forgiveness. SasuNaru, unrequited SaiNaru (c) Naruto characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto. BL/ Mature/ Yakuza themes", true, true], "ProjectAVIAEN": ["http://projectaviaen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "A mindfuck amid a society of anonymity, paranoia, and distrust. Updates irregularly, (hopefully) once a week. Reads left to right. also at http://projectaviaen.net/ WIPs and progress notes @ http://projectaviaen.tumblr.com/", false, true], "ProjectJikoku": ["http://projectjikoku.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "A strange disturbance from a distant land has caught the interest of two young siblings. Their father had been lost for years and because of this anomaly, they may finally have hope that he is still alive deep in the darker regions of the universe. Fighting well-known foes, the two young Maracans set out to rescue their father from the clutches from the tyrants that are the Jikoku.", false, true], "ProjectOddity": ["http://project-oddity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Sometimes... it's dangerous to be a little different.", false, true], "ProjectSxA": ["http://sxa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "Susi is a college girl who is in love with Armand,but there is a problem, another girl Alma, she's going to do everything to keep them apart. :3", false, true], "Projectworld304": ["http://world304.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "(For mature readers only.)", true, true], "ProphetofNewHaven": ["http://theprophet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "(Updates every Monday morning.) After her 16th birthday, Salem Wicked began to dream about a strange place and the strange face of a gray skinned angel kept appearing. Her father finally sat her down and told Salem about her mother and her powers. Now Salem is off to find clues about why her mom left and discover the mystery hidden below the place known as City Seventeen.", false, true], "Protagon": ["http://protagonheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Adrian Alridge hates to read, but has been unwillingly recruited to become the new volunteer at the Cognamir city library. There are other workers there as well - the Protagons, immortal guardians of literature. They are beings with tremendous power (yet not an ounce of common sense) and vast wisdom (coupled with the maturity of a bunch of middle-schoolers), who only have one mission: stop books from going extinct, for the sake of both literature and their own lives.", false, true], "Protogenoi": ["http://protogenoi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 72, "This story follows a teenage boy named Leif, who has just changed to a new school. But Leif isn't a normal kind of guy, as he has the power to control the earth and plants around him. His first day is filled with unusual encounters with other student who claim to have abilities too, and one of them constantly getting too close in to his personal bubble. Join Leif and his new friends on his weird and humorous adventure. !!Warning!! Yaoi, Yuri, Hetro Will tried to be updated every Tuesday and Saturday.", false, true], "ProtomanX": ["http://protomanx.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "An old recolor comic of mine from back when I started sprite comicing. I will finish it at some point.", false, true], "PsycheandEros": ["http://erospsyche.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "The love story between a beautiful princess, who has never been loved, and the god of love himself. Follows the myth pretty closely.", false, true], "PsychoDitz": ["http://psychoditz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Just a little web-diary.", false, true], "Puck": ["http://puck.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 176, "Puck is a weekly webcomic that, in the words of one fan, is \"mostly irreverent humor concerning a pretty girl with freckles and a hot she-devil who wears fan-service costumes.\" That's about right. Surreal fantasy slice-of-life crazy-type stuff about the world's funniest redhead! Updates Tuesday.", false, true], "PulseandBolt": ["http://pulse-bolt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 119, "Two female human batteries become armored superheroes.", false, true], "Pumpies": ["http://pumpies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "Pumpies comic is a comic about rockstars!!! and School Darshs!!(school friends)!! Well to say some funny things about that!! They inclued Red Hot Chili Peppers,30 Seconds to Mars,Tokio Hotel,Metallica,and more... ENJOY IT!!", false, true], "PumpkinFlower": ["http://pumpkinflower.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 335, "CONTAINS: BL When being stalked by an amnesiatic ghost is the best thing going for you there may be a problem. Now if only the ghost could understand the term 'personal space.'", false, true], "PureChronicles": ["http://purestories.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "The epic adventures of Emman, Abe, Isaac, and many other people. Current plot: Silver vs Drago Not currently accepting cameos.", false, true], "Purple": ["http://purple.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 215, "Red is a 9 year old boy who is on an adventure to visit his dad's house with his best friend Blue. Along the way they fill face many challenges!", false, true], "PurpureaNoxa": ["http://purpureanoxa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Our comic is set between the cities of Lucca and Pisa (Tuscany, Italy) based on the story of our RPG. We thought that it could be fun drawing the \"misadventures\" of our characters and then had the idea of creating a web comic based on them.", true, true], "PushDAndD": ["http://pushdnd.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "It's about 3 Goliaths growing up and growing apart. Goliaths and this universe is based in Dungeons and Dragons. Updates on Wednesdays!", false, true], "QueerQueen": ["http://queerqueen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 198, "Queer Queen is a comedy shounen ai manga centred around Helium, a transvestite male student attending a boys' school, who falls in love with his own form-teacher. For this love is unrequited, he decides to ask out a fellow student to make his teacher jealous. Updated every Thursday.", false, true], "QuestsandSuchLike": ["http://qsl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "Friday is my upload day Let me introduce you to an odd fantasy world chocked full of adventures waiting to be fulfilled and evil plots waiting to be foiled. Feel free to start reading at chapter 2 because the first chapter is sort of just character introduction anyway... Thank you anyone for reading! It is much appreciated ;D", false, true], "Quickening": ["http://quickening.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 361, "Quickening: the ability to manifest your soul energy in the form of a weapon. --- Tony Lockhart is a senior student who attends one of the most prestigious schools in the country: Rowan Academy, which is known for its discerning methods of teaching the art of Quickening and combat. Every day he faces giant robots, giant reptiles, rabid fangirls (but not HIS fangirls), sadistic teachers, and anything that can put him in a life-or-death situation. All for the greater cause. Or so they say. But, really, he just wants to graduate with all his limbs intact. -- READ RIGHT TO LEFT", false, true], "QuiteNiceComics": ["http://quitenice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 104, "Welcome to a world of mysticism, intrigue, and chaos. Where warring powers turn the tides of time itself to their bidding. Where deception is a virtue and the truth an executioner's axe. ... Actually, that's the comic next door. This is Quite Nice Comics.", false, true], "RAINBOW": ["http://rainbow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Boo is a pink-haired, hardworking girl who lives in a small town in Maryland with her deadbeat mother. She has a very colorful wardrobe and personality behind her shy exterior. She works at a cafe to support herself until one day she saw a girl with green hair sitting at one of the tables. Little did she know, her life was about to be turned completley upside down... Contains GL/shoujo ai, twins, english stalkers and convict mothers.", false, true], "RANDOM": ["http://randomthecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 98, "Is logic at the door? Well tell it to beat it! You won't need it for this series. RANDOM is about one thing, complete nonsense. Join Joe B. Gamble, Smart T. Guy, Iam 2. Cute, I-I and Speedo. Every comic teaches you a new idiom to use for yourself, except you will learn it in a very unorthodox way. With a cast that gets in your face and glues itself to it too, RANDOM is what it wants and when it wants. No plot, story or sense, just a lot of laughs and idioms; that is RANDOM.", false, true], "RAndJ": ["http://r-and-j.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Sarafan and vampires keep in a constant battle to get the control of Nosgoth. But, what happens if there are different intereses in the opposite band. Fancomic based on the videogame Legacy of Kain.", false, true], "RECORDPerpetualGame": ["http://rpgitm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 153, "This was the second plot of Record in the Making that, sadly, never saw the light of day... until now. Phoenix of Chaos has brought it back from the grave. Come 15th November, it's game time. THIS COMIC IS ONLY OPEN TO AUTHORS PHOENIX OF CHAOS DEEMS WORTHY.", false, true], "REDPAGES": ["http://redpages.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Fallout New Vegas based. After the victory at the Hoover Dam the two couriers hide out in the destroyed Brotherhood bunker. What happens after victory? Celebration? Only time will tell. Currently: COMPLETE 18+ for content. Fallout, cock, smoking, drinking and sex.", true, true], "RESTLESSDREAMSYaoiBoyslove": ["http://restless-dreams.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "They say that dreams are the representation of our unconscious. For Franz, it's pieces of his past that he endures every night. Blood, monsters, dead bodies... Dreams can be true if you believe in them. At the same time, they can kill you by the same way. Do you believe in nightmares ?", true, true], "REstoration": ["http://restoractioncomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A Mario fancomic, taking place in an Alternate Universe where Bowser is the lord and emperor of what was formerly the Mushroom Kingdom, as well as several surrounding territories. The races of creatures from the game are all generally humanoid in appearance, but possess very different characteristics in certain areas. ---- Rio Kuri joined the Imperial Troops to help support his family. He's not like the rest of the thugs in the army- or so he tells himself. There have been rumors circling around a small resistance force and whether it really exists for some time now. On a raid in what used to be Toad Town, but is now one of the major hubs of the Empire's control, Rio discovers the rumors are all too true. And, after a brief, if hostile, encounter with them....he begins to wonder if he made the right decision.", false, true], "ROADS": ["http://roads.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "What ROADS tells: Few years ago, a virus attacked Earth. Others died and others survived. Some survivals got stronger and others remained normal. Now, year 20XX, people start to change, and the cause is unknown. Dark Church tries to stop this cause, with their own priests and priestesses.", false, true], "ROM": ["http://randomlyomitted.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A cross between Game of Thrones and Homestuck. Time travel, knights, lords, battles, and conniving bastards of the first magnitude. Welcome to Randomly Omitted Memory.", false, true], "ROO": ["http://roux.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "highshcool girly teen girl romance~ its a sketch comic and contains cheesy lovey dovey stuff enjoy.", false, true], "ROSIER": ["http://rosier.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 158, "[COMPLETED WORK] A Dark Fantasy Romance: Vanney is a ditzy acolyte at the Temple of the God of Wealth and spends her days daydreaming about adventures with her best friend Jaelia. When the Temple sends the two of them to escort a caravan to the mysterious, far-off border town of Shadow Charing Vanney's time for adventure has come. But her sunny imaginings have nothing to do with the shadowy world of witches, demons, magic and netherworlds her path takes her to...", false, true], "RadicalChaosRpg": ["http://radicalchaos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "The Rpg adventures of four friends. Time to save the Omniverse from the Rpg dangers! If you like this comic then check out the forum that started it all here. http://z3.invisionfree.com/Radical_Chaos/", false, true], "RaeandRoomMates": ["http://cbandco.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Rae's search for the perfect room mate...its my sense of humor...but with a storyline (kinda). Side comic called Crack Bird and Company for filler: Crack Bird and his random ideas, events, friends, and just plain dorky self ;3...WARNING:: NO ONE AND NOTHING IS SAFE OR SACRED...tho i do try to wait for permission...NOT!!! Descriptions copied from original host. This is a rehosting and revival of my beloved comics after at least a year of inactivity. Forgive me while we get set up. All pages are queued so I don't miss a deadline, and I don't know how to HTML so bear with me.", true, true], "RagnarokRebirth": ["http://ragnarok-rebirth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Ragnarok was a series of events that killed many great norse gods like Odin, Thor, and Loki. Ragnarok in their death, brought upon the rebirth of the world and began the earth anew. But what if with the world's rebirth, the norse gods were reborn as well? A simple collab with the norse gods in modern day, let the chaos commence.", false, true], "RagnarokTheEnd": ["http://ragnaroktheend.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "A New Ragnarok Online Server started up recently and people are getting sucked in. And in the literal sense. The adventures of RO players unfold as they experience the world of Ragnarok first hand.", false, true], "RainBoy": ["http://rainboy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "The adventures of Bao and his friends Ron, Emily and Clark in kindergarten.", false, true], "RainLGBT": ["http://rainlgbt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 336, "Written by Jocelyn C.D. (aka LittleLynn84) \"Rain\" is a comedy/drama that follows the daily life of teenage transsexual (who is coincidentally named Rain) attempting to go through her senior year being only identified as a woman. I\u2019d like for it to be very funny and entertaining, but the story will also touch on many rather heavy subjects including acceptance from family and piers, blind hatred and many of the other difficulties faced by members of the LGBT community. This comic contains: - Occasionally strong language - Sexual themes and situations (but no nudity) - Gay, lesbian, bi and transgendered (and straight) characters - Lousy or non-existent backgrounds", false, false], "RainRainGoAway": ["http://rainraingoaway.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Tsubame, a teenage girl, starts her first day in an all girls' high school. As she meets new friends in Sakura High, she'll also, meet someone she has feelings for. However, it isn't easy to like the boy, whose mother is an enemy to Tsubame's mother. --- Read from right to left", false, true], "RainxSasori": ["http://rxs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "WARNING. The art is REALLY bad at first but it gets wayyyy better! Promise! :) This is my first comic so I'm trying new things with it. I'm experimenting and practicing all sorts of things like back grounds, shading and neatness. Horrible handwriting, that can't be helped sorry. BL. YAOI Sasori Mahitto, 19. College student from Japan (just moved to New York). Rain Westong, mid 20's. Demon, man whore. Their paths cross and Sasori's naiveness gets him into a lot of trouble with Rain. Somewhere along the lines of Sasori getting into trouble with Rain he ends up becoming his house maid? And is asked to do some. . .unmentionable things?... contains: a little nudity, foul language, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, demons, cute uke boys, and YAOI. :) Enjoy. :) Updates every Saturday at 7 AM. :)", true, true], "RaisonDetre": ["http://raison-detre.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 151, "When flamboyant Brit Alastair moved to America, he thought he'd accomplish a little more than setting up a failing pizza take away business after his Harvard education. After being deemed unable to have children, neither did be believe his pipe dream of starting a family would ever be possible. However following many odd twists of fate, he finds himself being the legal guardian of four children/adolescents each with their own unique quirks and of course, problems. But despite his best efforts, following a devastating accident, he finds it incredibly difficult to function within the busy New York lifestyle, let alone tackle four children alone. After being confronted with his first genuine Italian applicant for the new chefs job, could Luca Giovanni be the most complex new addition to this dysfunctional family? And what could be the reason behind Alastair's unhealthy attachment to him? Comedy / Drama / Slice of life / Romance >>>>>>>> Read this way >>>>>>>>>", false, true], "Ramsix": ["http://ramsix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "There is mystery in the advanced city of Ramsix, cut off from society by the vast Arotian Desert. Those who live there don't seem to know anything but the confines of its walls, and anything regarded as abnormal is quickly snuffed out by the gas-mask clad Criminal Suppression Force. Aaru \"Arly\" Duat is a young lady who grew up in the depths of poverty under the gleaming towers of the City of Sun and Stars, and she has continued eking out a meager life for herself and her sole friend, Casellio Linseed, as a hunter of the rare and expensive Kelphorse. Her meager life changes, however, when she is accosted by a strange man dressed as a police officer. The encounter seems innocuous enough, but it thrusts her into the center of the shadowy conspiracy choking the city, spearheaded by a mysterious individual calling himself the \"Slug King\". Forced to leave the city under threat of death, Aaru must step into the world she has never known and solve the mystery herself, or die trying. Updates about 1 time per week.", false, true], "RandomD": ["http://randomsomething.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "Random things :D i'm not uploading anymore.", false, true], "RandomLobster": ["http://randolobsta.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Just random comic strips that we make because we can. Bleh.", false, true], "Randomlifestrips": ["http://random-life-strips.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "Just a lot of random comic strips of me and what I do with my life. Lots of fails and humor so I hope you guys like it :>", false, true], "Randomlittlethings": ["http://ralithi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "strips about things from my life, or whatever I want to put here", false, true], "RandomstoryNo1": ["http://randomstory1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "This is a story about a girl. It's not well-done and short(maybe someday in the future I'll fix it) so enjoy!", false, true], "Rasputin": ["http://rasputin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 144, "Rasputin is a grey haired kid who moves to the big city! Oh what horrors awaits him in this new town!? Angry redheads? Pedo teachers? Closet hookers!? yup. AND MUCH MORE! Hope you enjoy my comic >8D !", false, true], "RaveitUp": ["http://raveitup.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "A comic about a group of people(ravers) and how they live their lives. Slice of life type of thing involving katnappings, break-ups, hair, clothes and a whole lot of crazy. Warning: Eye bleed is eminent. Update schedule: Hopefully once a week. Please read from left to right and/or follow arrows on the page.", false, true], "RavenWolf": ["http://ravenwolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "Due to human negligence the world as we know it has ended and been reborn. The animal spirits that guide man giving them the forms of animals so that they would be able to survive in this new wilderness. Though now carrying the form of beasts man has not forgotten the place they once had, as an existence greater then just what nature wanted of them, an existence above all. Those that worked to gain their humanity are known as domestics, while those who wished to follow the roles the spirits had given them were known as wilds. Both groups grew arrogant and hateful of one another because of how differently they thought. The raven and the wolf spirits grew tired of the destruction and fighting and sided with the wilds in their ideals, the domestics only capable of further destroying nature. In their anger they marked a tribe of wilds with a curse, they being removed from the sacred circle of life, the curse upon them only broken once the domestics are gone once and for all. The cursed tribe now known to all by the name of the spirits whom cursed them. 'Raven Wolf'", false, true], "ReBooted": ["http://rebootedmariokirby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "A Mario/Kirby crossover, with a twist. Mario awakens in Dreamland only to find he only remembers 2 things: His name, and That he needs to rescue Peach, whoever that is. Will he ever get home? Read to find out! Current banner art by: Contradiction123", false, true], "ReBoottheauthorcomic": ["http://reboottheauthorcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "A hotel, a city, some docks and a lot of authors thats what you get and more here at ReBoot the author comic! Now for the author Quotes. Pain is but an illusion an illusion that really really hurts ~ Plokman Extreme stunts rock but spinach stinks ~ D.Y.R Ummm..Errr...I can't think of anything to say ~ Pikachu2 Boredom. ~ Gamefreak506 I...I haven't done anything!!? What is wrong with me...someone hurt me...*brick'd*~Scytheholder Where am I? - Shaun832", false, true], "ReDRAKE": ["http://redrake.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Imagine: When you die, it's the year 2095... At the gateway to afterlife, somebody tells you to wait... You do it... and you wait... and wait... and wait... You fall asleep.... AND WAKE UP, OVER 400 YEARS LATER, ON A DIFFERENT PLANET, FULL OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF DRAGONS!..... AND YOU'RE THE ONLY HUMAN! You have to accept your new live... and try to make friends... And while doing this, your past seems to begin to catch up with you. But you begin to ask yourself questions... what happened to the other humans? Why were you brought back? Was it a coincidence or did something else help? Past and future, Live and death, Fate and coincidences,... The borders between these things seem to dissappear. Re-DRAKE", false, true], "ReachingforanOpenSky": ["http://reachingforanopensky.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Summary: And when the darkness surrounds and embraces her, all she could do was reach out for an open sky. Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters.", false, true], "RealDream": ["http://realdream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Floora is kind and unsure girl, who goes to strange world. She meets boy named Immanuel and many other residents. In this country, everyone is afraid of huge monsters, which destroy homes and kill humans. How Floora can save her friends, whom are captured by them?", false, true], "RealLifeSituations": ["http://reallifesituations.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "WELL, a comic, about BL. DAMN WHO WOULD'VE GUESSED THAT. it doesn't contain anything TOO EXPLICIT. but the occasional gay lovers here and there. ARIGHT: When two guys meet and what is most likely to happen when one goes to the other and says \"I'VE ONLY KNOWN YOU FOR TWO DAYS BUT YOU'RE ATTRACTIVE, SO LET ME FUCK/LOVE YOU\" but i still add my spin on things =w= So lets see how this goes... Oh yeah, its about my two fav OC's.. KAIN AND NICK. AWH. YEAH. UpDaTeS: when i feel like it. |:U READ IT LEFT TO RIGHT.", false, true], "RealityVsRoyalty": ["http://realityvsroyalty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "It's a fairy tale comic But no fairies or tails. Just a tale. So it's not really a fairy tale comic. It's more or less a tale comic. Huh. Updates every Monday and Friday. Read it from left to right. The comic is in Black & White/Monochrome/Grayscale Written by Sami (Thesamigirl101 on Youtube) Drawn by me", false, true], "RealitysDystopia": ["http://welcometodystopia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A short comic I'm doing as a practice. Warning: BL, gore, yandere, vampires. It might need a mature content warning, but I won't put it up unless someone thinks it's really necessary. *This is finished, although that doesn't mean I won't be using these characters in the future. c:", false, true], "RealmofDreams": ["http://realmofdreams.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "HALLO MI POPPETS welcome to my realm of dreams! a collection of stories that i have thought of as i was growing up. venture into different realms, meeting heroes and battling villains, witness fantasy, love, horror, adventure, drama, comedy, action and other elements that each tale produces. SO ENJOY MY DEAR READERS AND MAY YOU CONTINUE TO DREAM! ~ LADY STORYKEEPER", false, true], "Reap": ["http://reap-duhlol.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "\"05\" is an unwilling assassin who is controlled by \"Reap\", an artificial intelligence which has developed a murderous consciousness. To stop himself from killing people against his will, 05 has to find a way to break free from Reap's control and stop his plans. READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT", false, true], "ReaperLess": ["http://reaperless.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "ReaperLess is a fantasy story where the action takes place in the world of the gods called Quino. For a long time, the Reaper, which carries the dead, is missing. Death fills the world. The gods aren't interested in what happens outside their peaceful land. They prefer to deal with their own affairs. They don't understand that the impending evil wants his revenge on them.", false, true], "RebelHouseProductions": ["http://rblhse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Yup, it's a showcase. The difference is it's a private showcase. Here I post stuff of that I can't post in other showcases. Like what exactly? You just have to scan on through to find out. Your mileage may vary. -Zir0N-", false, true], "RedFoxBlackWolf": ["http://redfoxblackwolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A retelling of the classic Little Red Riding Hood tale. A short, but sweet story of Little Red's trek to Grandma's House and the Little Wolf with a puppy crush that follows.", false, true], "RedRhyderRedRhyder": ["http://redrhyder.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "When Ansel Brinsley learns of a shape-shifting wolfman wrecking havoc on the English countryside, and of the red-cloaked hero in pursuit, it seems like a scenario straight out of his favorite fairy-tales! Determined to prove his worth as a huntsman's apprentice, Ansel sets out to join the hunt for the big bad wolf. However, it does not take long for Ansel to discover that the big bad wolf is a mass-murdering rapist, the hero is an arrogant libertine, and the danger involved is very, very real. Will Ansel be able to overcome adversary, or will his fairy-tale turn into a nightmare? Loosely based on the classic fairy-tale \"Red Riding Hood\". Warnings: Violence, blood, mild language, mature themes and slash. Updates Saturdays.", false, true], "RedRobinhood": ["http://redrobinhood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "This comic is only 11 pages It's what inspired me to make it bigger since it was only a project for school. This is about a man named Red Robinhood who steals from the wolves to give to the poor.", false, true], "RedSaints": ["http://redsaints.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "", false, true], "RedVelvetRequiem": ["http://rvr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Alexandra Carter lived with only one focus in life, loyalty to her lord and country. Unfortunately for her, other members of her country did not see it that way. Framed for murder and treason, she endured unspeakable tortures and waited for her time to strike. What will she find before the crawling darkness consumes her and the land?", true, true], "RedemptionALoZFancomic": ["http://redemption.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "If you were given the chance to change your fate, would you take it? The unfortunate victim of a demon's curse upon the land of Hyrule is certain that he would. Even if the price for a second chance at life is his memories. Highly AU. Contains spoilers for Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess. **Please note that this comic does NOT follow Twilight Princess perfectly. I have changed situations to suit the needs of the story and as such this is to definitely be considered Alternate Universe!** - - - The quality of comic pages will depend upon my work schedule that week.", false, true], "Regenerate": ["http://regenerate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "things don't just end because of death, things happen because of death a crazy sci-fi story about one person who takes on the world", false, true], "Regina": ["http://regina.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "'Regina' is a comic with no script. It's a daily sketch challenge comic design to get me to draw one comic page a day (no matter the quality) so I can stay in practice everyday. also to practice page layouts and conversational writing. Regina is drawn using only a black ball-point pen and totally free-hand. The story of Regina is what ever happens, happens; May not be interesting at times but I will try my best. Updates: Daily", false, true], "Regnum": ["http://regnum.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "The kingdom of Regnum is beautiful and ruled by the royal family. But the prince has been kidnapped by a demon! The king hastily throws together a team of elite fighters, soldiers, and weirdos to bring his son back. These 8 strangers are to work together to gather clues, fight, and bring the little shit back home. _______________________________ This collab will most likely contain violence, cursing, and sexual content so BE WARNED _______________________________ This is a BL collab! Looking for 7 authors and you each get one character. It is a BL collab but romance doesn't have to be a central theme! This is a fantasy themed world and your character will be travelling with 7 other characters. Your character may be human or any species you wish. (demons, witches, beast people, elves, and such) It's a fantasy world but no invincible characters! The imperfections make it more fun :D Please send Scooter-harts-salty a PM with a description of your character and a picture. Doesn't have to be great art but I ask for it to please be legible and easy to understand :) Spots Taken 7/8", false, true], "Regularcomic": ["http://regularcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "This is the story of a poor slob who just wanted to make a comic, but got dragged along on a ride that he never thought was coming. He tries his best to slip out of troublesome situations with words, and is a coward, but will do anything to protect his friends.", false, true], "Reich": ["http://reich.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "\"Imagine a world without suffering where everyone is equal, where no one is abandoned...A world where all are united as one.\"", false, true], "ReidyandFriendsShowcase": ["http://reidynfriends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1904, "A general showcase where pretty much anyone can post anything they want, barring porn. Maybe. Probably. We also try to be civil whenever possible, so don't go out of your way to piss people off. Other than that just sit back, relax, and enjoy the showcase. Anyways, you should have at least SOME experience spriting before applying to join, should you want to. We don't accept recolors and are very much against sprite thieves. Send all applications to Reidy. Hah, no. He's dead. Just hit the apply button.", false, false], "ReignCarnation": ["http://reigncarnation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "It's hard out there for a reincarnated supervillain. (updates two pages every tuesday)", false, true], "RelicsofRicaldia": ["http://relicsofricaldia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "We write the year 923 AD - 923 years after the ancient dragon Acheth ended the Ashen War with a scream of fire, killing thousands of people and exterminating two races in the process. Exactly 923 years 'anno dragonfall' a new threat of another nature endangers the already dwindling peace in the world of Ricaldia. 'Chester', your average teenage white human guy, gets sucked into a dangerous adventure thanks to his secret hero complex and a coincidence - that might be not as much of a coincidence at all. What role will a mysterious internet friend, an angry werewolf, chicks, talking ghosts and the so called \"Relics of Ricaldia\" in this poor creature's life play? DISCLAIMER: Will possibly contain violence, slight sexual content, slurs, LGBT and other perfectly normal themes and nudity. But no overload of angst, don't worry.", false, true], "Remainsofthepast": ["http://remainsofthepast.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "It's a very short Zeki doujinshi \\o/ Title: Remains of the past Series: Vampire Knight Pairing: Zero x Yuuki No. of pages: 11 Synopsis: Zero recall past, questioning his feelings toward 'new' Yuuki. Story takes place sometime after current chapters (Sara being defeated, etc.) Doujin made by me, characters belong to Matsuri Hino", false, true], "Reminiscence": ["http://reminiscence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Reminiscence/Reminisce are the collections of thought and memories from different perspectives.The war between Humans and Remnants occurs and there's no sign it would end. However several people stood up and vowed to fight for peace until their last breath... It's a bit confusing story~^^\"~I want to add some actions scene but OTL I'm don't know how to draw it~asdfghjkl~~", false, true], "RemmyzRandomz": ["http://remmyz-randomz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 122, "Random Comics Based off Real Life Situations, Conversations, comics and my mind~ 8D", false, true], "RemnantZ": ["http://remnantz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "...Message Incomplete LEGOZONE's DeviantArt: http://legozone.deviantart.com/", false, true], "RemoteAngel": ["http://remoteangel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT. UPDATES: Updates 2-3 times a week! Alice Desangi has been having this obscure dreams lately and leads to this demon, Rose, to attempt to kill her. She discovers that she's an angel of God. One of the children of light who God chooses in the world. Her deceased sister, Becky, gives her hints on dealing with the goodness and evils of the world. The mysteries behind Alice, her friends and enemies begin to unfold as the story goes on. Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance, Slice of life, Supernatural, Drama Please read if you like drama/romance type of things.. :3 Warning: There's some bloody moments later on in the series. And some mild nudity.", false, true], "RemoteControl": ["http://remotecontrol.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A webcomic based on the videogame \"Amnesia\" and the human versions of the characters created by PewDiePie. Latest update: Mondat, 18th February, 2013 [Chapter 1, page 1] >>> read this way! >>> In castle of Brennenburg life has never been so difficult. Alexander is working on something strange, something new. A \"little present for Barnabas\", as he calls it. Something terrible, that will create havoc in the life of all people living in that castle... Genre: Horror, with a little of comedy and action here and there. And some romance, maybe. But I seriously dubt about it. Hope you enjoy! ^_^", false, true], "Renascence": ["http://renascence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "A collection of three story stories. The first is about a boy who is part alien and longs to be \"normal\". The second story is about a ghost who seeks the help a spell weaver to fulfill an important promise. The last story is about an unusual pair of supernatural spirit hunters in the wild west. available to buy in print form at http://wwww.comixpress.com http://www.comixpress.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=21_32&sort=20a&filter_id=&alpha_filter_id=82", false, true], "Replica": ["http://replica.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 105, "Edelric Helgard, a young Marquis, returns to the house of his childhood in order to save his family\u2019s lands from an epidemic. During his research, he encounters a foreign slave who looks disturbingly like his first love, his late half-brother. Thus begins a game of replicas mingling memories and reality. -Read from Left to Right -Boys Love -R-18 from chapter 2 onwards -Updates on Fridays", true, true], "Republicanattackmachine": ["http://www.republicanattackmachine.us/comics/", 782, "Life is about many things. But at this site it is mostly about discussion and observation. Here you can have a discussion with a Republican. Not the National Republican Party, nor a Republican office holder, staffer, or aide. Here you will see what one Republican thinks. An individual. And you will discover, hopefully, that we like to laugh as much as anyone. If its your first time talking to a Republican, welcome.", false, true], "RequiemShadowbornPariah": ["http://shadowbornpariah.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 160, "A bad job, a betrayed assassin. Now she's on the run from the very people with whom she once worked. Locked into the world of the Immortals, Anastasia V\u00e3duva has lived in the shadows of Eastern Europe for over two centuries. Forced to flee to the New World with the promises of shelter - she finds no salvation. The New Kingdoms are possibly even more dangerous than anything existing within the Elder Illuminati demesnes. Armies march to the drums of the Requiem, nations rise and fall to the whim of the Illuminati - and they want her dead. Updated Sundays and Thursdays", false, true], "RequiemofSpirit": ["http://requiemofspirit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Try to disregard the pretentious-sounding title. Now let's see... take a young self-contradicting, self-suppressing, and slightly paranoid advisor and put him in the same room as a regular son-of-a-bitch Gilgamesh of a king with blue and white hair, and you've got either the fight of a lifetime, or the fuck of a lifetime. Pro'ly both. Watch Ten and Seiryu run in circles as they try to sort their shit out and find each other in the dark. You're sure to laugh at least once. There's cussing, faggotry, inside jokes, some more cussing, crossdressing, cameo appearances, more faggotry, some swordplay, violence, a little more faggotry, and long hair. Yup. That sounds about right. Do enjoy. Comic status: COMPLETE.", true, true], "Rescue": ["http://rescue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "", false, true], "Resolute": ["http://resolute.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "Terrorism, Corruption, and the search for identity in a world that does nothing but tell you that you're wrong just for being who you are. Aya Jones, a young woman and a Knight in training in the troubled kingdom of Adytum faces all of these problems in her search for her missing best friend and her quest to find the reason for the attacks being made by the rebel group calling themselves \"The Eradication.\" Updates Tuesday Rated PG-13 for action, blood, and general themes of violence and conspericy. :)", false, true], "Respectable": ["http://respectable.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Toby Barnes has everything he'd ever hoped for. The good job, the gorgeous girlfriend, the whole respectable lifestyle. But there's thing he didn't count on: it's driving him crazy! Everything's too normal, and with his rocker friends trying to get him to be himself, he's finding he can't mesh the two opposing sides. Can he balance his sensible life with his true self, or has something got to give? Perhaps being \"Respectable\" is not all it promised...", false, true], "RestaurantIndustryMafiaComics": ["http://rimcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Work doesn't have to suck. New comic every Monday!", false, true], "RetardedCunt": ["http://retardedcunt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "A story about a kid and his box fort. Now with more offensive material. If you're offended by offensive material, why do you want to read it, you dumb fuck?", false, true], "RetracingYourFootsteps": ["http://retracingyourfootsteps.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Noboru Yuzuki recently lost his parents and was taken in by his grandparents who took great care of him in their place. His grandparents, owning a Inn by the beach, gave him some advantage to spend summer vacation. Instead of living the same everyday life in mourning, working at the Inn restaurant was a way for him to pay back the kindness he was given. Later, Yuzuki decides to take a breather outside at the beach, only to meet unexpected visitors who are also staying at the inn for the summer.... -- Contains GENRE: Romance, Shounen Ai, Tragedy, Comedy * BL* (Boys Love) If you don't like Yaoi/Shounen Ai do NOT leave any rude comments. Much would be appreciated.", false, true], "ReturntoEden": ["http://rte.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 637, "When you're the last angel remaining, being mistaken for Satan's lunch is *not* going to make things easier.... (may contain fun stuff like angels, demons, complete disregard for the bible, crazy people and bare butts, sometimes bare-butted crazy people. Add a hint of BL, and you've been warned)", false, true], "ReturntoSender": ["http://return-to-sender.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "", false, true], "ReviewingComics": ["http://comicreviewing.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Want somethin reviewed? I'll review it. Want something to look bad? Too bad. Want something to look good? Too bad. Want something reviewed properly? Thats what I thought.", false, true], "Revival": ["http://revivalproject.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Witches, wizards, hell and Neverland. After Haven is spirited away to a world amidst war she is embarked on a challenging quest to save her best friend. Feel free to give opinions, comments, critiques. Tumblr & facebook http://plubaboo.tumblr.com/ https://www.facebook.com/revivalprojectwebcomic", false, true], "RevivalPsalm": ["http://revivalpsalm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 143, "the story takes a place in the middle of nowhere... it is the place that's been forsaken by time where there is always dark clouds cover the sky but never rain where there is a monster who loves to fed on the broken spirit.... they tear apart the spirit with their sharp tails and enjoy the dying scream which come from these spirit.. these spirit are trying very hard to escape the claw of the monster.. but their ways are hardly working... and then on a rainy day Veritas came... ================ eh..still trying to figure out how this site works.. maybe I should update in a less random manner..", false, true], "RevoltsandRevolutions": ["http://revx2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "this manga describe the sorrows and anger of allen who after many sorrows and destructions loses his mind. updated every saturday", false, true], "RexandAuriasmadworld": ["http://madworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "The tales of the Fox named Auria and her Human friend Rex. Many things will happen from fighting robots to finding love. And sex, that happens too. No it does not, Aura. Oh, you suck.", false, true], "RiddlesDayOut": ["http://riddlesdayout.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "", true, true], "RiggsHell": ["http://riggs-hell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 116, "An unusual noblewoman disguises herself as a man to try to take over the world, one kingdom at a time. With a sour advisor, a stoopid prince, a talking dog, a vengeful archenemy along with some ridiculous events standing in her way, will she be able to accomplish her goal or go crazy trying? Rated Teen for some gore and swearing.", false, true], "Rilegion": ["http://rilegion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Thoughts and Opinions. How many will find offense in the words I spew?", false, true], "RinayEdward": ["http://rye.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Es un comic corto de 6 p\u00e1ginas donde interact\u00faan Rina Inverse y Edward Elric. Planeaba hacerlo muy largo, pero se me fue la motivaci\u00f3n por que FMA ya no es de mis anim\u00e9s predilectos. A\u00fan as\u00ed quiero compartir estas p\u00e1ginas con ustedes, espero les guste C:", false, true], "RingofFantasia": ["http://ringoffantasia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "Suki and Akito are in love. Both are struggling with their love and feeling. Wanting to be together that bad but at the same time driving each other crazy. Together moved to Tokyo, starting a new, fresh life A story about Suki, Akito and their friends. Drama/ friendship/real life?/Shoujo~! quality might be better here: http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Ring-of-Fantasia/detail-page/673?lang=en bad english updates: 1 pages in 2 weeks (sorry, too busy with other stuff)", false, true], "RipaVsKony": ["http://ripavskony.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Wasabi guys! This little story I made to help out the whole campaign to stop that Kony dude haha. I'm not sure if it was all a scam or not but anyways, you decide for yourselves about that. Thanks for taking the time to read my work. Ripa and his companion Medusa are my original characters from the manga that I'm working on called \"Ripa\". You can find more about it at my youtube channel MeMakeManga.", false, true], "Risoutekinakappuru": ["http://risou-tekinakappuru.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "My first webcomic!!! >w< genres: comedy, romance, shoujo, drama Read from right to left! Convinced by her friends Senna applies and gets accepted to the best school in the town. But because of that her life turns upside down. Not only does she have to move to a new place, but she is the only one from her old school who is going there. So there isn't anyone in the new school she knows. In addition it's the school that the richest kids attend from the town. Will she be able to make new friends? Or is there even more waiting for her?", false, true], "RoachesAGraphicNovel": ["http://roachesbook.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "Roaches: A Graphic Novel is a satirical comic collection about roaches doin' roach type stuff. This independently created and published graphic novel is online at: roachesbook.blogspot.com and book stores the Greater Indianapolis area.", false, true], "RoadHog": ["http://roadhog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "One road. One groundhog. Epic", false, true], "RoadtoGloryAPokemonYellowNuzlocke": ["http://road-to-glory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "\"Road to Glory\" is yet another one of those nuzlocke run comics. This one revolves around Red, a 10 year old boy travelling through the world of Pokemon Yellow. Accompany him and his Pokemon on their quest to become the very best! (Brought to you by a sort-of-bad to mediocre artist. Beware of eye cancer.)", false, true], "RoadtoHell": ["http://roadtohell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Ryuujin is selfish, conceited, and loves nobody but himself. A petty excuse for a Prince born from royalty, the King of Dragons and all that is unholy dreads the day when his reign of terror is over and Ryuujin steals the throne. But what happens when the Prince of Hell takes in a lost, demented soul...? WILL THEY FIND LOVE? OR HARDSHIP?\u00a0 [Updates once a week]", true, true], "RobloxMadnessItisoversodonotsendanyapplications": ["http://robloxmadnessitsover.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "In my opinion you need to be considerably young or brainless to find any enjoyment in Roblox now. (Keyword: Opinion) The fact remains that you should just go off and make your own Roblox comic. This one is done. It's ended. Over. Done with. Ablarchi. That's not a word.", false, true], "RoboHole": ["http://robohole.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 66, "A black hole is mysteriously turned into a boy, who crash lands into an Earth suburb called Freefar. There he forcefully befriends himself with a high school freshman named Parsnip. For some reason, robots keep finding him, and before long, militaries from opposite universes track him down to control the power he holds. a scifi comic about childhood, black holes, and robots CONTAINS: action/violence high school romance a wee bit of naked and humor :) hopefully you think so at least my updates are timed wonky now because of school/work stuff. but i try for monday/tuesday. Deviantart Comic-Makers-Club directory http://Comic-Makers-Club.deviantart.com/journal/Comic-Directory-Add-Your-Comic-Now-310177811", false, true], "RobotK": ["http://robotk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "Nothing rules you except Master. In a city where humans are eager to hunt the bio-robots for unsavory acts or slavery, Iru, gone rogue from his Master attempts to avoid capture and survive. Most of the humans would hunt for themselves but some would even return him for reward. Not everyone can survive alone, but in a world of enemies...who can be trusted? MA - gore, gay, kink. Updates: TUESDAY 4pm EST", true, true], "RockMyWorld": ["http://rockmyworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 132, "The upcoming J-rock band Battle-X balances on the brink of despair. And the cause of all this mess is the vocalist Rin Kawatake, who just can't seem to get a hold of his behaviour. When another bandmember leaves the band for the fifth time this year, the bandmanager puts his last hope into the new guitarist, named Teika Yoshida, the guy who just could be the solution to all of their problems! But not only that.. Because when they meet for the first time, Rin immediately seems to take a very special interest into this cute guy... YAOI/BL!! :3 updates a few times a week (I used to update everyday but... yeah, school's a bitch)", false, true], "RogueTrip": ["http://roguetrip.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "The premise behind Rogue Trip starts with Waverly, a young girl from the Grimoire region, setting off to become an adventurer. Lucky for her, she is accompanied by Shank, an ale-hungry rogue with a taste for treasure and adventure. The two unlikely companions wander from town to town, after illusive treasures and rumors, as they learn more about the world they inhabit and of each other. Writer: Willow Monroe Artist: Andeh Pinkard Created by Andeh and Willow", true, true], "RollCake": ["http://rollcake.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "Please read this manga from right-to-left. Synopsis: Mochizuki is your average student; decent grades, well-liked, lots of friends. Mori is not so average and is consistently bombarded because of it. Despite being in the same class the two have never talked, until they realise they have something in common - cake. Author's Comment: At the moment this manga is innocent enough but it may end up heading in an adult direction in the future ^_^", false, true], "RollToSave": ["http://rolltosave.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A window into the daily lives of five very different individuals whose lives are brought together by an unexpected force. Dungeons & Dragons.", false, true], "RomeoandJulietBL": ["http://romeoandjulietbl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Two opposing Mafia families have been going at each other's throats for the past 25 years. One side being the Montague family, and the other being the Capulet family. Each family would go for each others throats when ever they would cross. So what happens when two people, from opposite sides meet? Romeo being a member of the opposing side falls for juliet, and not only is juliet on the opposite side... but he's a boy? (P-16, Yaoi warning)", true, true], "RonbertaHeroofthePlopapillars": ["http://ronberta.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A contest entry about a hero :D The story is that Ronberta, or \"Ronni\", helps her family farm the Plopapillars, which grow into giant butterflies, the main mode of transportation in this land. Before they become butterflies they are vulnerable and are often prey to Blackbirds. The plopapillars diet consists of airborne pollen released from the clover trees.", false, true], "Roomies": ["http://roomiescomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Four of the most unlikely roommates. Complete opposites, living under one roof.", false, true], "RosettaStoned": ["http://tobetheone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Aliens, music, LSD, and big text.", false, true], "RottenBreak": ["http://rottenbreak.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A slice of life comic set in a fantasy world where spirits, witches, magic and science all try to coexist, often with disastrous results! Will Emily, a young witchling cursed with bad luck, and Rags Girl, the kindly spirit of decay, be able deal with their own shortcomings in this madcap world? Updates every Tuesday! Sometimes twice a week, then on Thursday!", false, true], "Roulette": ["http://roulette.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 67, "Mafia accountant Riley Leary is a beautiful but bitter young man who finds himself blackmailed by an unseen party when he's caught stealing from his boss. To make matters worse, he garnishes the interest of cocky, yet dangerous hit man, Anton Colletti. Will Riley manage to get things right, or will Anton make things go from bad to worse?", true, true], "RoyalGames": ["http://royalgames.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Two kings battle for power, risking their kingdoms in the process. [Complete]", true, true], "RoyalIcing": ["http://royalicing.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 140, "AVAILABLE IN PRINT AT AMAZON.COM! Look for \"Royal Icing Graphic Novel\". Synopsis: When little Emily bakes a cake, she gets more than she bargained for. Strange flora and fauna, a cold-hearted prince, and a mystery that must be solved before she can return home from the Sucre Isles. What adventures await her in the land of curious candies?", false, true], "Royalty": ["http://royalty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "A prince of the host club who is bored about everyone and everything. And a masked killer who seeks pleasure and the one who could fill the hole in his heart... contains: yaoi/boyxboy this is my first time doin a Bl comic so sorry for bad graphics and all:X ( im so curious about BL so i did one comic myself XD) its a short and borin description but i hope the cover cheers you up a little:3 updates durin the weekends:D", true, true], "RozeFighter": ["http://rozefighter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 108, "In the year 2310AD a young man, Apollo (Mitsu) Kurosu, makes a life change decision that could possible change his entire life. Now he has to find nine magical crystals and defend himself from all sorts of baddies- All while fighting along side his best friend's little bratty sister! Join us on Wednesdays and Saturdays!", false, true], "RubyNation": ["http://www.therubynation.com/comics/", 101, "This is the story of Ruby Harrison, former middle-upper-class American high schooler turned nine-foot-tall post-human person of mass destruction. Dragged into a worldwide conspiracy that treats human beings as mere test subjects, Ruby's goal is to create a safe haven for her fellow post-human victims. But their powers are too valuable for the world to let be, and Ruby and her comrades will have to make hard decisions to preserve her new home.", false, true], "RubyRed": ["http://rubyred.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 176, "", false, true], "RubysWorld": ["http://rubysworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 259, "Ruby's Harrisons plans for Stanford have been derailed a bit--a natural consequence of the science accident that happened to her during a summer internship, leaving her mutated into a much larger, stronger, and more powerful form. But the accident also made her aware of a conspiracy tied all the way back to her late mother, with human beings being kidnapped and surgically twisted into genetic weapons. Now, with other young people traumatized by this reprehensible use of science, Ruby tries to find justice in a world that prefers power...", false, false], "Rumplestiltskin": ["http://rumplestiltskin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "Chris knows there's something out there better for her. She's young, cute, downtrodden (in her opinion) and orphaned; How can she not be destined for greatness? When the chance to prove her worth comes along, she can hardly turn it down... Just a pity the only person she gets for company is a mysterious obnoxious masked fellow who just can't seem to leave her alone. Updates Tuesdays and Fridays.", false, true], "RunningwithSwords": ["http://runningwithswords.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "My attempts at being funny (usually involving videogames.)", false, true], "RunninwithaGun": ["http://runninwithagun.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Kara is a highly skilled assassin who has never missed a shot. But for this latest target something happened; she hesitated, she missed, and she didn't finish the job. Now everybody around her is suffering for her mistake and it's up to her to make things right. Given a second chance will Kara finish the job? Or has she finally found an innocent life, a life that isn't worth destroying. Join Kara the assassin, Nelson her savior, and Thompson her teacher in a crime story told as comic noir.", false, true], "RushaosKnucklesEchidna": ["http://rushaostheechidna.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Rushaos has become my favorite Sonic character to use (more so than Ian, surprisingly) and I thought he deserved a comic of his own, about his adventures on the Chaos Breaker to having a second child. This comic will recap all of the events from when he was being raised with his brother, Edge, to actually defeating his Recolor self, all made from what Rushaos' perspective. Any situations involving Edge or one of his other close friends/family, will be told by Rushaos from what information he's gathered from the people involved in the situation. There will be SOME parts that aren't from his perspective, but that's only because it will be from the antagonist(s). So join Rushaos on his adventures across Mobius and Little Planet! I'll most likely only update on weekends until I get enough fans and cameos and stuffs or something. Heck even when I leave for the weekend I'll have enough comics prepared to upload. Now here's a schedule for my updates if you're wondering: Weekday Updates (if I update which will be rarely now) - 5:00 PM Central Standard Weekend Updates (if I update which will be most likely) - 12:00 AM Central Standard", false, true], "RussoJapaneseWar": ["http://russo-japanese-war.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Hey! This a comic I need to show my history class for my final so it does have story, but yeah mostly historical information, I still Hope you'll read it tho! :D Uses Hetalia Character! (btw sorry in advance my style isn't very Hetalia compatible so some of the characters looks weird :P) After the Boxer Rebellion Russia has control over southern Manchuria, Japan isn't too happy about this and so begins to launch an attack on Russia. Allied with Britain Japan is surprisingly quick in dealing with Russia and the Portsmouth treaty was signed which granted Japan South Manchuria as well as rights in Korea. This once again firmly established Japan's dominance in Asia", false, true], "RyakLo": ["http://ryak-lo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 949, "", false, true], "RyjorasSpamStupidityandSprites": ["http://how2spam.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Because I probably need this.", false, true], "RyozenCreation": ["http://ryozen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "The Dorzard twins - Feitan and Shalnark are finally back in their former country after living in Germany for ten years since they are seven. Their parents just suddenly decided to came back in Amyhtise without them knowing the reason behind it. Amythise is a mysterious country,it was just appeared for almost 200 years and also included in the map for also 200 years of its discovery. Aside from that, the bloodline from the original tenants of this country have a mysterious energy called Ryo. While living in this country, Shalnark and Feitan promise to their parents not to show anyone and to tell anyone that they are both Ryo users, for the reason that their parents don't want them to be discovered. But due to some circumstances they have to use their Ryo for battling the enemy against them and to protect their parents. Let's find out what's the mystery behind them and let's find out what's the true purpose of the well know assassin in this country called the Red Links for hunting down the father of this two boys. Category: Mainstream battle manga with a lot of twist and drama that you'll never regret to read.", false, true], "SAKANA": ["http://sakana.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 255, "A thrilling tale of two socially dysfunctional brothers working at the largest fish market in the world, and the things they must do to get paid, make friends and date ladies. Also, this comic updates a few days ahead of time on Mangamagazine.net! http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/SAKANA/detail-page/125", false, true], "SCARLET": ["http://-scarlet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "IT'S A BOY'S LOVE OR SHONEN AI (THAT MEANS BOY X BOY LOVE) There will be sexual scenes that may result offensive to some people, so if you are one of them then PLEASE DON'T READ!! Summary: Alex is in love with his best friend, but he is in love with someone else. How Alex's life will change when he meets Domingo?. Just some simple story about love and friendship :D", true, true], "SChIzO": ["http://schizophrenic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 172, "Hector never seems to want to leave Ruby alone. He's always there, bugging her and tracking her every move and she can't stand him much longer. Of course...she has to learn to live with it seeing as he isn't going anywhere. Afterall, he IS just that little voice in her head. Join the schizophrenic Ruby, her mute best friend and roommate Kenneth, their eccentric neighbor Lynn and a whole cast of oddball characters as they try to live through the everyday trials of moving out and living on your own...despite being a little messed up in the head.", false, true], "SEGAChronicles": ["http://segachronicles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "In the process of stopping one of Dr. Eggman's schemes, Sonic is forced to use the Master Emerald in order for himself and his friends to escape the plummeting fortress. This creates a rift in space-time, and Sonic is now on the lookout for his friends on new and unknown worlds. Rated PG-13 for mild swearing and subtle innuendos.", false, true], "SFCBlackjackBay": ["http://blackjackbay.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "39 Days... 21 Fan Characters... 3 Tribes... 1 Sole Survivor... And probably some other numbers too. This...is Survivor Fan Characters: Blackjack Bay!", false, true], "SFCForestofDreams": ["http://sfcforestofdreams.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 176, "A strict, megalomaniacal lioness. A egocentric, muscular vampire. A sarcastic, antisocial eraser. A surprisingly sane blob. A small, mute pikmin. An optimistic, friendly green thing. A stubborn, determined mouse. A curious woman from the future. A meek, brilliant scientist. A calm, fatherly fighter. A serious, taciturn war veteran. A crazy, hyper girl. A confident, eager architect. A savvy, sly chimpanzee. A frustrated, busty teenager. A sad, lonely emo. A fangirlish, lovestruck fairy. A dominant, genius octopus. A loud, grumpy senior citizen. And a sadistic, creepy alien. Who will win the $1,000,000 grand prize?", false, true], "SFCRecoloredSeason1BlackjackBayRECOLORED": ["http://sfcrecolors1bb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Recolors of SFC characters by other authors competing for 1,000,000 dollars in their recolored form!", false, true], "SGB2Rewamped": ["http://sgb2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "The new and reborn Sonic gets blasted. Both newbie and veteran authors are welcome. 1.Be mindfull. Not everyone are advanced/expert level authors. THERE ARE NEW to spriting people here. 2.If you critisize then please post on how and what they should improve without insulting them. 3.Anything among the lines of ''your comic/sprites/anything else is shit'' will be deleted and baned. 4.If you post as a guest then don't flame. Your skills are even worse. For any aplicators. It may take a few days to be accepted. I apologise for any inconvinience. 16/16 Authors.", false, true], "SHLock": ["http://sh-lock.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Made by Kokoro & Lelecat, Yaoi/Shonen Ai Comic Because life is like a Condo! Everyone wants to know everything about all the fellows tenant. Fumetto Yaoi/Shonen Ai disegnato da Kokoro e scritto in collaborazione con Lelecat! Perch\u00e8 la vita \u00e8 come un condominio! Nessuno si fa mai i ...cavoli suoi.", true, true], "SLightlyabOVeavErage": ["http://slightlyaboveaverage.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 116, "Keiko Tachibana is an average High school girl. Scratch that. She's a self proclaimed \"Slighty above average\" High school girl who has dedicated herself to being only moderately better than the social norm. However one day she gets a visit from someone Way over the top. An inter dimensional cutie whom goes by the name Llla-Elac Ngtholi Cllegogg, also known as \"Laila\" to humans. She has come to destroy the sanity, and lives of everyone at Daisuke Ryuzaki high school. However, poor Keiko seems to be the only one at school whom has noticed this terrifying beast, and to make matters worse, she's staying at her house!! Will Keiko be driven insane by the ramblings of this terrible alien and her Slightly above average lifestyle tossed to the wind? Or will she succeed in defeating this strange alien menace!? Find out in this incredibly odd web comic inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft!", true, true], "SMFAndSanchezLisergsInsideStory": ["http://smfandsanchez.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "The epic sequel to SMF and Sanchez SuperStar Saga. Join SMF and Sanchez as they journey to the center of, well, nothing! Cameos accepted.", false, true], "SOKO": ["http://soko.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "From the mundane everyday to a tropical world full of colourful characters, Yumaki Shin finds him living the life he\u2019s always dreamed about but as more and more familiar faces begin to appear, is this magical world really as magical as it seems?", false, true], "SONICSonic": ["http://sonicsonic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Originally a Parody of Sonic comics which involved becoming a parody of most sprite comics then at one point a parody of itself, now it's extremely wacky and goofy. You have been warned.", false, true], "SONOFSAM": ["http://sonofsam.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 121, "Walter Cohen hates his school, but in the words of the great Dee Snider: He's not gonna take it anymore!", false, true], "SOSRadio": ["http://sosradio.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 176, "WORKERS WARNING, CONTAINS MUSIC PLAYER \"Set at very low volume, Lyrics warning\" 50.5 The Sounds Of Survival Apocalyptic Radio \"Because it's never to late to liberate!\" A web-comic of sound, music, and a quest for creative freedom from an entertainment starved tyrannical monarchy where anyone with the gift of art and self expression are not only hunted but enslaved. Chainsaw Adam's, a lone pirate radio dj travels a post apocalyptic wasteland broadcasting a message of rebellion. Calling to the abstract souls and the free spirits, he inspires those in hiding from the powers that be to rise up and fight back to create a new society built on the stuff that dreams are made of. \"CLIFF-NOTES FOR NEW VIEWERS\" Currently, Chainsaw has breached the city walls and entered Tulsa. Now hunted by Commonwealth guards he seeks out the \"Lady of Fire\" who is said to know where to find his true love \"The girl with green eyes\" UPDATE!!! Getting information on 'The Girl with Green Eyes' sister \"Rokette\" at Dante's Bar, he heads to a local junkyard. After a brief fight with re-animated robots Chainsaw finds himself rescued and in an underground bunker with Rockette", false, true], "SPECIALLEVEL": ["http://speciallevel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 97, "A webcomic about life, love and epic quests.", false, true], "SPOON": ["http://spoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 289, "A evil wizard turned Charles' whole town turned into a kitchen (that's right). Cursed with the body of a SPOON, he has embarked on a journey to find the wizard and along the way, he will meet other \"cursed\" ones. UPDATED MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY.", false, false], "SPRITED": ["http://spritedcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "The MarXistem's characters have been sprited into mobian form beings. Discover what they do and say in here!", false, true], "STARRACCOON": ["http://starraccoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "an alien raccoon escapes to earth where he finds himself on the run from the government the men in black alien bounty hunters and the the evil warlord who destroyed his planet in the first place", false, true], "SUNRISESTORY": ["http://sunrisestory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "A Story about a monster searching for the sun. A Story without words, told in colour.", false, true], "SUPERHEROES": ["http://superheroes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "The adventures of Umbrella Girl, the world's worst super hero! Her powers include being waterproof, (which technically isn't even a power; humans are waterproof anyway,) and being easily caught in the wind.", false, true], "SaiNM": ["http://skulli.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "\"Welcome to Nevermore, a quiet town on the edge of one of the overlords territories Here you'll find the Cirque Des \u00e9trangers along with a girl,with eyes bigger than the world she lives in, called Skulli...\" Skulli's Adventures in Nevermore ------------------------------------------------ Pg:language, Blood and etc...no adult stuff cause im immature XD Seeking co-author to help brain-storm/create ideas/adventures the mix with the main plot --------------------------------------------- Side-story to: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=125531", false, true], "Saigami": ["http://saigami.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Hanasaki Ayumi is a withdrawn, timid girl with a life as empty as it can be. But one day she recieves a letter which will lead her out of her meaningless everydays. With an unexpected turn of events she ends up in a unknown world full of unbelievable things. She encounters people with strange powers and even stranger creatures - for an average girl like her this place ain't feel right, so she sets on a journey with two adventure seeker boy, to find a way home. Tough as the journey goes on the unthinkable happens and from that moment Ayumi has the deal with the hardest questions in her life: who is she actually and where does she belong? Update on every Monday.", false, true], "SailingtheStars": ["http://sailingthestars.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "A story of a very silly girl on adventures through space.", false, true], "SailorMoontheEnemyNextDoor": ["http://sailormoontheenemynextdoor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 178, "A manga version of my Fan Fiction of the same title, art work by Karolina Romanska. The past comes to the present yet again, and the Sailor Scouts shall be called upon once again to put down the latest threat to the safety of Earth, with a new member to the team to help them along! To find the threat, they will not have to look far.", false, true], "SaintSeiyaFanbook1": ["http://stsfb1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "A Saint Seiya doujin, warning yaoi in it. It's been published in a booklet, so there won't be some pages.", true, true], "SaintforRent": ["http://saint-for-rent.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "Saint runs an inn for Time Travelers, which leaves him little time to write his trashy romance novels. Unfortunately, he also happens to attract more... supernatural \"guests,\" too. [Animated .gif webcomic]", false, true], "SakosDreamlandChaos": ["http://sakosdreamlandchaos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Things have just gone from bad to worse, Kirby is missing, all the food is stolen, even the trees have been burnt down! It's up all to Sako to sort out this craziness so she can then relax in harmony with her family and friends! Will she live, or will she survive? Read this comic to find out what awaits Sako on her dangerous mission!", false, true], "SakuraMishzo": ["http://sakurazo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 164, "An original gekiga set in Sengoku Period and featuring the strange relationship between the warlord Nobunaga, his valet Ranmaru and the ninja Mitsubachi.", true, true], "SalaMan": ["http://salaman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "This comic is a crossover between Pok\u00e9mon and Mega Man. For those of you who aren't familiar with one of those, Pok\u00e9mon is about various Monsters who battle each other, while Mega Man is a blue robot in an neverending fight with the evil Dr. Wily and his robots. After he defeats a robot, Mega Man gets his weapon(e.g. shooting fire). NOTE: This comic is quite inspired by \"Bob and George\".", false, true], "SalemUncommons": ["http://salemuncommons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1239, "In a hidden corner of Salem MA stands the Salem Uncommon boarding house...It was purchased years ago by Karl (formerly Dr. Frankenstein's nameless monster), and has since attracted every manner of ghoul, ghost, goblin, and monster (as well as a few odd humans)...If you like your humor a little dark but good natured, like the Addams and Munsters of old, stop by. Salem always has room for more Uncommons...", false, true], "SallySprocketAndPistonPete": ["http://ssnpp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 168, "A novel-length tale, set in the Steampunk-ified Wild West, that follows the adventures of a daddy-daughter duo (except the daddy's an android inventor and the daughter's a cyborg of his handiwork...)", false, false], "SaltAndPepperANuzlockeRun": ["http://snp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Current run: Leaf Green -Name all pokes -Can only catch first poke on any route [duplicates rule is in effect] -No legends -If a pokemon faints, they die/are retired Let's try something... ... [banner forthcoming~", false, true], "SaltyKiss": ["http://saltykiss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 90, "Salty Kiss is my new harem manga that I've been working on for awhile. It will be like your basic harem manga but theres a twist... it will be set on cargo ship. ----------- The story starts out with Reese Sorelle, a 21 year old geek who spends most of his time on the computer. One night he goes partying (alone, because he doesn't really have any friends.) And gets drunk and wakes up on a cargo ship in the middle of the ocean! And the crew is all women! How will Reese survive this? ----------- I got the idea for this while in Anthropology class during college. I loved harem manga, it was my favorite genre. My favorite mangas were Love Hina and Ichigo 100% at that time. So I thought, why couldn't I combine my love for manga and my anthropology education? So the idea for Salty Kiss was born. I love ships and the ocean, so I set most of the comic on a cargo ship. The characters on the ship will go to port towns around the world for more adventures. tags: romance adventure manga HL hetero heterosexual straight not BL not GL Pokemon Shonen", false, true], "Sandbox": ["http://sand.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 318, "Welcome to .:Sandbox:., or just plain \"Sandbox\" for those of you who dislike the extra dots. Enjoy your stay, because you're never leaving. Until you do. We can't stop you from leaving or anything.", false, true], "SaneVSinsane": ["http://sanevsinsane.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "lexie and her sister chris have lived lives in a setting far from normal (this mainly being chris's fault) and lexie thought it couldn't get much weirder that is until the day her teacher comes to class with a bizarre shadow like creature trailing her every move", false, true], "SasuNaruDoujin": ["http://sasunaru.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "Just a random sasunaru doujinshi I made about a year ago or so, I don't remember but uhmm I decided to put it here for others to see and take it out of my dA account since no one reads it there anymore and I mostly keep it hidden but other than that hopefully there are some sasunaru lovers out there that would enjoy it and if my art seems similar to another around here then it is me as well I just made another smackjeeves account for this doujin specifically so yeah in case there is any confusion but on some (most) pages it will have my dA screen name at the bottom so yeah... Reads from Right to left!!! (<---read this way) Conatins: -Bl/Yaoi (lots trust me)", true, true], "SasuNaruNightOpportunity": ["http://nightopportunity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Naruto yaoi doujinshi < SasuNaru DJ > Warnings: \u00bb BL \u00bb Pervy Sasuke \u00bb Stupid plot (?)", true, true], "Saywhatyoumean": ["http://saywhatyoumean.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 417, "A comic pulled out of the freaked up author's subconscious. humor and pain, philosophy and non-sense,love and violence and sexy things, based on real events or completely fake, who knows what the next update will bring", false, true], "ScarsandStitches": ["http://scarsnstitches.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "The world is not such a friendly place as people think. Creatures go bump in the night, the shadows are alive with nightmares...who ya gonna call? These guys are on the bottom of that list. Updates Wednesdays.", false, true], "SchassburgKnight": ["http://schassburg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "", false, true], "Scholar": ["http://scholar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "It doesn't matter if you were born lucky, given an 'upper hand'. There will always be a way for the reckless to lose their head start in life, or for the unfortunate to gain what was never in their grasp. --------------------------------------------- Scholar is the story of Arthur Tibarious, and incredibly lucky (yet unfortunate) Prince who has been imprisoned for half of his young life. As an emissary and 'Scholar' working for his captors, he stumbles upon the truth of his world. Is the life he left really worth going back to?", false, true], "SchoolofRejectsSoRe": ["http://sore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 304, "Have you ever wondered what happens to the characters that DON'T make it into the stories? There is a place where rejected, unfinished, and imperfect characters can go to study, play, and talk to each other. A place that an ordinary girl has stumbled upon... This is the School of Rejects.", false, true], "ScionsoftheSeraph": ["http://scions.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Ages long forgotten, the celestial Goddess Alitheea felt betrayed by the creatures she had birthed and released devastating curses upon the worlds. Thus all trembled in fear... Hundreds of years since, and the worlds had yet seen a conclusion to the Goddess' calamities. Some sought to free themselves from the deity, some sought to dominate those weaker than them, and others simply wished to be left alone. The Seraph, the disinclined and untrained heroine, is given the daunting task of figuring out what had happened in the past that had set the stage for the upcoming era. Unable to comprehend her new life, she is constantly diminishing into anguish and hardship. With the protection of the Scions, the Seraph must fight to save the worlds, the persons she loves, and herself. So much for one teenage girl to do... Note: Contains some mature scenes, foul language, religious aspects. Later in the chapters will be some yaoi and yuri. You've been warned.", true, true], "ScoobyDooVersusSeries": ["http://scoobydooversus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Scooby-Doo takes on nature's most frightening villains.", false, true], "ScottysOldComics": ["http://scottysoldcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "My early attempts at creating comics from ages 11-14 years old! XD", false, true], "ScrappedProject": ["http://scrappedproject.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 148, "This is a simple tale of what happens when ideas get discarded and go looking for their purpose in life. Told through the eyes of a robot. ~Journey Completed~ (thanks for reading ^.^)", false, true], "ScreamingattheWaves": ["http://screamingwaves.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A comic done for a competition that didn't work out. A very old story i'd always wanted to do. it's very simple story, it's quite badly told with simple morals, but it's something i beleive in, it's only 8 pages and hopefuly it's heart felt ='D", false, true], "ScrewLogic": ["http://screwlogic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "A few friends, a whole world of randomness. Expect Chaos. This comic is also not just about the actual comics. Read the comments for the full 'Screw Logic!' experience.", false, true], "Screwdrivers": ["http://screwdrivers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Sorry... There's no BL. Not every person is gorgeous. The vampires don't sparkle. The zombies aren't the apocalypse. In all honesty... it's all the screwdriver's fault. Realistic people, realistic vampires, and unrealistic violence. We like violence, yes? Due to said violence... I've rated this mature... to keep the kiddies sane. Or sane-er.", true, true], "Scyth": ["http://scyth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "(pronounced Scythe, we just dropped the 'E' =^_^=) Scyth is a game based comic which focuses on the life of Tyler Maar, a seemingly average student studdying medicine in London. Tyler lives a decently normal life until his best friend, Alex, enters a shady gambling house in an attempt to gain some money after losing his job. When Alex is suddenly addmitted into hospital in a coma-like state showing no signs of cause or recovery, Tyler and his neighbour Sarina take it upon themselves to investigate the reason behind their friends condition. But what they find, will change their lives forever. Warning: this comic contains blood, gore, violence and swearing. (theres also humour, some fluffy moments, and a really dimwitted pervert!) By game-based we mean it involves characters compeating against each other in game tournaments, however there is also a main story as well wich will dominate most of this manga. This isn't like Yu-gi-oh which is just cards on cards with more cards. The rules of the game will be explained as we go allong, if you get confused at any point don't hesitate to ask us ;) Have fun reading =^.^= ~kitty", false, true], "SeaofKansas": ["http://seaofkansas.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 28, "In a strange and wondrous world a Federal Investigator known simply as G-Man is assigned a Case of apocalyptic proportions...", true, true], "SearchingforOdysseus": ["http://searchingforodysseus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "One of Kirke's nymphs falls in love with the hero Odysseus. Based on Odysseus' visit to Kirke's island in Homer's Odyssee. The text is based on the story I wrote in Dutch and English, \"Searching for Odysseus\", which can be read here: http://fav.me/d312ojb (that page also contains the links to the comic pages on Deviantart).", false, true], "Seasonsintheelement": ["http://seasonsinthelement.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Four back-stories for the main characters in much larger (and not started) comic In the Element. According to the seasons: Bleed = Spring Til = Summer Zumma = Fall Aer = Winter", false, true], "Seclution": ["http://seclution.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Joshua Johnsen is a 19-year-old smart guy that doesn't particularly like school. He aces all the tests, loves to sleep in class and is somewhat of a troublemaker. One day a transfer student appears in his class that piques his interest for some reason. FACTS: This is BL (Boy Love)! Don't like it? Don't read it x) There will also be some strong language +16 This is a sketch comic. I'm trying out the magic of the pencil :3 >>Reads left to right>>", false, true], "SecondGeneration": ["http://keepersofthepeace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 175, "Two powerful magicians are at war. One's empire is torn apart by internal turmoil. The other has a 19-year old grudge that is about to reach a new generation. Updates Sundays", false, true], "SecretPowerbk1": ["http://secretpower1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 166, "Since the begining of time... There's been a power to control all... It's been locked away, and kept a secret... Until now. Jump threw time, control magic, and learn from a new world known as Spartelia. -Author's note- I created this book, about three-four years ago. i was younger and my art style isn't the best, but i have more that are better. But i'm sure the story will be better than the artwork. ~ Enjoy", false, true], "SecretPowerbk2": ["http://secretpower2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 170, "book 2, please enjoy book 1 and 2, and if your reading this for your every first time, I wouldn't if I were you, because nothing would make sence, read book 1 first before reading this book.", false, true], "SecretSanta": ["http://secretsanta.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "No, this has nothing to do with the official Sjeeves project. It's a short story I did in 09.", false, true], "Seed": ["http://seedcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 116, "A fantasy story about three individuals in a time of war against magic. Written and illustrated by Julia Philip http://www.seed-comic.com/", false, true], "Seki": ["http://se-ki.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "i really suck at descriptions haha but here we go: This is an original BL/yaoi manga that follows Seki from age 16 to 23.(so it will be kinda long(hopefully)) Seki is quite shy but can come across as a bit bitchy.. He is also kind of a slacker and enjoys drinking a little to much... This sometimes gets him in to trouble.. the story has some really fluffy parts and some that are way darker..there will also be 18+ scenes(probably allot lol)so beware and read at your own risk! ww 0w0;~\u2606 this is my first manga ever so i'm still learning.. critique is welcome! Especially the first chapter is kinda crappy but i'm re-drawing it from the start to hopefully be published someday ^A^; also English is not my first language... and i'm dyslectic so there will be spelling and grammar errors..i apologize in advance m(._.)m read japanese style!", true, true], "SelfAbsorbedComix": ["http://selfabsorbedcomix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Semi-true short stories about struggling with human interactions.", false, true], "SelfishFamily": ["http://selfishfamily.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A family that has moved away from traditional roles and into more selfish ones.", false, true], "SellingCoffeeHasItsPerksForThoseWhoHaveBeanSoLucky": ["http://beanlucky.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A supernatural AU called \"Selling coffee has its perks for those who have bean so lucky.\" May involve slight romance nothing intense, very subtle hints, if any at all. Its basically a coffeeshop AU that got out of hand. it features for sure: Sam, Dean, Castiel, Gabriel. I may improvise, though I have a plotline. More characters may be used I'm not sure.", false, true], "SemiCharmed": ["http://semi-charmed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Semi-charmed is a comic about a paranormal workplace with pretty normal problems. Broken copiers,accidental emails-oh-and monsters attacks. Welcome to the FBPI.", false, true], "SenoireDelirium": ["http://senoiredelirium.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Omnibus us Senoire Delirium 1: Conquer (2007) and Senoire Delirium 2: Rivalry (2009). Updating daily. The Senoires were a team of legendary heroes who saved the world and created the magical Madness Pizza Slices. Generations later, a race of candy people took over the world and humans were moved to the artificial internal planet known as the Bernoulli 2. A woman raised four boys to become the next generation of the Senoires and her timing couldn't be better.", false, true], "Seppen": ["http://seppen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 245, "Yaoi/BL(boy's love) comic first started January 2006 completed April 2011. A Simple love story between a snow spirit servant named Yuki(snow) affectionately nicknamed Seppen (snowflake) by his master/lover Taki. Their simple story of how they met, fall in love and transcend time.", true, true], "Sepulture": ["http://sepulture.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "St John and Isaac discover the whereabouts of an unusual artefact, only to unleash its curse. Can the pair survive long enough to unravel the mystery? Set in a world similar to our own in the late 1800's, it draws influence from the tales of M R James and H P Lovecraft.", false, true], "SeriousCereal": ["http://seriouscereal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Something not serious!", false, true], "SeriousTimes": ["http://serioustimes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 284, "Let's get serious...", false, true], "SerpentsofOld": ["http://serpentsofold.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Beware, Beware the Great Black Wall, Within the forest, standing tall. Within its borders, all must dread... the clever beasts, disguised as men.", false, true], "Setitonrandom": ["http://sior.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "A bunch of kids dealing with dead stuff", false, true], "SexandChemistry": ["http://sexandchemistry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "stupid and sometimes funny shit that happens updates when I'm not being a lazy ass", false, true], "SexandtheDevil": ["http://sexandthedevil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Uno strampalato gruppo di satanisti vuole replicare l'operazione \"Rosemary's Baby\": vogliono l'Anticristo e lo vogliono subito; una vittima, che non e' poi tanto vittima e un demone frustrato che non vuole responsabilita'\u00a0 paterne e se ne vorrebbe tornare a casa. An odd team of satanists wants to reply the \"Rosemary's Baby\" operation: they want the Antichrist, and they want it now; a victim, that is not really a victim and a frustrated demon that doesn't wants paternal responsabilities that only wants to go back home.", true, true], "SexySongArchive": ["http://sexyarchive.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "16 year-old Josept Catano has never set foot in an actual school his whole life. Both of his parents wanted him to grow up the \"smart\" way, living as the sun rose and fell, learning through difficulties of what life handed, and standing up for one's self when targeted. But after his mother passes away and his father disappears Josie is sent to a foster home to live with his brother. Though very excited about his reunion with his long lost sibling there's a catch, Josie has to attend high school whether he likes it or not.", true, true], "ShacklesInstallment02": ["http://shackles02.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 126, "After escaping badly wounded with her target captured, Kas loses conciousness and crashlands on an alien planet. Captured by a tribe of the native aliens, Kas is forced to work together with Otakaog Phimosh, her own prisoner, and she starts to suspect he knows a lot more about her than he should...", false, true], "ShadeTheHedgehog": ["http://shadethehedgehog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "It\u2019s the year 2020 there was a war called \u201cThe Mecha War\u201d. Mecha Sonic and Mecha Shadow join forces to destroy their flesh rivals Sonic and Shadow. Mecha Sonic had a Super Shard that makes him mecha and not metal but then Mecha Shadow took the shard from him. This made Mecha Sonic into Metal Sonic. Mecha Shadow was now Metallix Shadow. He then kills Sonic and rules over the Earth. Years later Shadow and Amy have a son, Shade, who went searching for something in the remains of Eggman\u2019s old base, however he then finds a boy inside a lab tube, Rush, and releases him. Rush looks like Sonic and also acts like him. They soon become best friends, however, soon an old enemy shall return. Cameos are Available Resistance - (20/35) Glide MXD Retro/Omni Slot Xander Rushaos Edge Flamehog Matt The Fox Plus Slime Josephk Ryan Bre Imperial Jake Rave Zak Krisy Foxpuff Neutral - (2/30) Zak Pyroxenite Evil - (2/35) Skak Copa I still need more. PM NiggaShadowSaiyanXD and supersonic1009 your sprites with a bio or link to comic including them. If You Want To Post Then PM Me And I Shall Reply You The Scene.", false, true], "ShadowMagic": ["http://shadowmagic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "In a dimension where magic and technology coexisted, an Empire comprised of an amazing and powerful species fell apart. Once four of these beings, known as \"B's\" oversaw many worlds, like their own home of Soria. They could annihilate worlds... rebuild them... nourish or deprive life. Their mission, as given to them by the Creator, The Great Mother, was to preserve existence. On her way to high school one morning, Avery befriends a small dragon who tells her she is part of an ancient contract to reconstruct the magical barrier protecting the Earth from interdimensional invaders. Avery must decide between duty, love, and the future of Earth. Please read from right-to-left =D.", false, true], "ShadowRealm": ["http://shadowrealm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "\"'My name is Drago.' Those were the final words he uttered as i lay dying.\" Lacie lived a pretty normal life until her seventeenth birthday when a mysterious man appeared claiming to be her fiance. Then all hell broke loose and now shes trapped in a place known as the Shadow Realm with an angel, a chick with split personalities/appearances, a werewolf who's a overlord of the realm -the group calling themselves hikaris- and is being stalked by her \"fiance\" all while having flashbacks of memories she never had in her life. Plus she seems to have turned into a neko?!?! ---------------------------- This story is currently in process of being written/planned out based more off of Lacie's story i wrote/still writing called \"Wings\"", false, true], "Shadowmancy": ["http://shadowmancy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Matrix is lost, cold, confused and hunted. Awoken in a world where manipulation of shadows contain the key to survival, he has lost everything; his memories, his battle techniques, the only thing he has is a loud mouthed black cat named Cyril who only has memories pertaining to Matrix. In order to survive, they most battle against the odds, against an organization of Cambrians bent on wiping the Dicon Plane clean of any scum different than they. However, who is Matrix? Where did he come from? Why is his shadow so different than the rest? And why does this organization seem so bent on his destruction or capture? Had he truly uttered one of the forbidden spells prior to his amnesia?", false, true], "Shallwedance": ["http://shallwedancebl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A short three page comic I made because I heard somewhere that it wasn't allowed for same-sex couples to participate in certain dance competitions. :)", false, true], "Shambles": ["http://shambles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "This is the first comic I've ever drawn outside OCTs, so I am EXCITED BEYOND HUMAN COMPREHENSION. It's a science fiction story about war and the food chain. And also alternate universes and underground rebellions and huge naked lion-men with heart-shaped nose holes. I hope you enjoy it! I'm trying to do about two pages per week.", false, true], "Shameless": ["http://shamelesscomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "The story of a 14 year old girl who suddenly wakes up with the duty to create a region on a barren world known as Origen, alongside six other \"Cosmos\" that are alien in appearance. Join her as she faces the hardships of unrequited love, friendship, jealousy, and the inevitable...", false, true], "ShamelessAdvertisements": ["http://advertise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1787, "Ever made a comic that none notice? But do you think the comic would be very good? Well, you just gotta advertise somewhere, but that'll anger other authors. NOT ANY MORE! In this comic, you can post as much advertisements as you like! Show others your comics, and watch comics from others! that way, everyone will be able to read the latest comics! Please only place advertisements for comics here, so no fillers, no bios, no spritesheets. Don't forget to add a link towards your comic profile in the comments section below the ad! : ) We request that you read the rules & guidelines section if you haven't done so already. Please don't be negative about comics in the comments, no one wants their ad to look bad. For those interested: Last author count: 457 authors (February 2nd 2013)", false, true], "Shamrock": ["http://shamrock.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 109, "**NEWS** Please use the MangaMagazine mirror to read the latest comics. I don't reliably update the Smackjeeves mirror! http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Shamrock/detail-page/2734?lang=en **SYNOPSIS** Being the new kid in town, Isaac Mathew expected to be pranked and bullied; what he didn't expect was an inevitable encounter with an Irish transfer student with an affinity for destroying ghosts. --- Also available on: MANGAMAGAZINE http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Shamrock/detail-page/2734?lang=en", false, true], "ShaniesSegments": ["http://shaniesegments.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "I know what you're thinking... \"Another comic series from this Shanie gurl!? She makes 1 comic, never updates and then deletes the entire thing altogether!\" Well, now that's not true! I'm making sprite sheets for my characters now. Most of my characters are custom and based on real life and real people. I am NOT looking for co-authors. I will plan to update 2 times a week, but with homework and pain that might not be possible. ____________________ This comic will contain drama, but will most of the ttime be funny. It's called Shanie's Segments, so that different Chapters are different segments so there ARE NOT multiple comics. If you still don't understand: A webcomic is a comic series on the web. Chapters- Things that seperate other things, organize things etc. My chapters are different webcomics. You know, so I don't have multiple ones, they're just segments. Hence the name, Shanie's Segments. ____________________ Credit: SmackJeeves and The Spriters Resource", false, true], "ShapeshifterAtaleyetuntold": ["http://shapeshiftermanga.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 53, "It's the year 2012, Planet Earth All has changed... Nothing is as it once was... in the year 2000..., religions expected the end to come.. other people walked about oblivious to what will happen... the end..? In truth.. it couldn't he further from the truth... 2000.. something did happen... what happened..? Skies.. opened up.. foul souls picked up one by one.. took us as hosts.. fallen.. angels.. demons... took our bodies.. It was not the end... it was a new.... hurtful.. beginning.. The people chosen as the hosts of these bodies.. created a new race.. a race of warriors with godly powers and vitality... This race broke out in a day.. and shook the very foundations of the world... they were called.. OUTBREAKERS It's been 12 years now... humans are not in control of our world.. The outbreakers are now.. leading our world", false, true], "Sharkteeth": ["http://sharkteeth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Kensuke is cold, callous and angry pretty much all the time. But he's extremely possessive. Also, he's a shark. So's Pepper. COMIC STATUS: COMPLETE. WARNING: OLD ASS VERSION. GO TO THE OTHER SHARKTEETH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD", true, true], "ShatteredFlag": ["http://shatteredflag.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "", false, true], "ShelfDenial": ["http://shelfdenial.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Leonine Jones lives, works, and studies in the Library, the largest repository of written knowledge ever accumulated. He and his friends keep getting mixed up in adventures as magic, cultures, knowledge, and individuals collide. Updates Fridays!", false, true], "Sheol": ["http://sheol.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 230, "Shonen style manga about a world which exists between Heaven and Hell, with characters of disturbing pasts.....", false, true], "Shieldheart": ["http://shieldheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "A kingdom's champion missing, and a princess that wont stand for it. Follow the adventure of Princess Shieldheart and her quest to be a hero! (A comic out of boredom, based on characters created by friends.)", false, true], "ShiftersRedux": ["http://shifters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 92, "A comic about a girl who becomes a monster. Summary: Shade City, 2034. A secret war has been simmering for centuries under the nose of humanity between the vampires and Shifters. Now, a new weapon has been unleashed upon the world. Only three teens stand between salvation and destruction, and of them is the weapon in question. If you like vampires, werewolves, action, explosions, cyberpunkish worlds, with a smattering of sexy, you'll probably like this.", false, true], "ShifttheHedgehogSpeedburst": ["http://sthspeedburst.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "About 25 years after Sonic's adventures, a group of friends (and enemies) go through tons of adventures, some of them easily could have been avoided. Join Shift the Hedgehog and all his companions on pointless adventures no one could really care about. Note: Despite the similar events that might happen, StH Speedburst and supersonic1009's Spriter's Vacation are different alterations on the events that happen to these characters. Thus not being intertwined with each other. Note: Chapter one is boring. Only recommended to be read if you truly want to see what happens in the very beginning.", false, true], "Shiksal": ["http://shiksal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "The unlikely encounter between a Demon and a Priest.", false, true], "Shintou": ["http://shintou.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "long ago a Nine tail fox was sealed away after taking his soul from him.That soul has been passed from generation to generation.And now a girl possess it but by mistake she awakes him. and now he wants his soul back from her.but the problem is that soul has been emerged into her soul and she can't take it out.so he is tagging along with her everywhere and finding a way to get it back.but how? *that soul is called shintou*", false, true], "Shisa": ["http://shisa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "The old man goes by the name \"Shisa\". He dwells within the somber walls of abandoned temples, unwilling to let anyone share his unknown pains in life. But his life is changed by a young boy, who he sees as his a chance for redemption, but who exactly is this boy? Why is he being hunted by Yakuza and Imperial spies?", false, true], "ShiteWeveHeardBefore": ["http://swhb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 74, "We've all heard the story. One person falls for another but they can't be together. Same shit, different day. But this...we'll go about in a different way. Just a note: There will be NSFW moments throughout the comic. The majority will not come til later chapters but small bits here and there in the first few.", true, true], "ShonenPunk": ["http://shonenpunk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "The original shonen punk ran from 2002-11. when it ended abruptly. so I wanted to do a something fun. I grabbed a bunch of charcters form throught all of the Shonen punk timelines, spin-offs and what not and threw them into all new scenarios. This is an all new coniuity, so all previous ties are broken. In fact this is like my ultimate marvel or New 52. where you know everyone but its all new and all diffrent!", false, true], "ShootingStar": ["http://shooting.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "PLEASE READ FROM RIGHT > LEFT! Thank you! Title: Shooting Star Status: ON GOING Genre: Tragic Romance, Slice of Life, Shoujo Ah, lineart and all the black parts are done by hand with ink and pen ^^' it may also be a bit sketchy but I hope people will still read it! ^^'' Summary: Shiki fell in love at first sight with his neighbor -a girl named Erian- after meeting her for the first time when they were kids at the garden at the back of his house. He doesn't know anything about her, except for the fact that she loves shooting stars because they give you a reason to make wishes, and as they grow up together and he falls in love with her, he wonders, what exactly has Erian been wishing for? UPDATES Every week :) with a minimum of 1-2 pages ^^", false, true], "ShootingStarandBlueMoon": ["http://shootingstarandbluemoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Detective Wesley is new to the crime investigation scene. She's assigned to detective Bernard Rousseau, much to his dismay. The two set out to determine who might be committing a string of vicious murders, trying not to murder each other in the process. A short 32-page story made for a contest last year. I may continue the story in the future; if I get less lazy... haha.", false, true], "ShortFanStories": ["http://fanshortstories.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "Short stories I draw about my fandom.", false, true], "ShortsandFolktales": ["http://sanjanashorts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Various shorts and folktales. Currently includes: Tale of the Crying Hyena", false, true], "ShotoutofCanon": ["http://akumathfs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 492, "Shot out of Canon is the new direction for the former Fallout Shelter Comics. Like the Fallout Shelter Comics, it'll be about the forums (and sometimes comics) I go to. Unlike the former Fallout Shelter Comics, this will deal with things besides there. And unlike that, it won't be Canon with my Main Comics. Formerly: My Fallout Shelter Comics I do for the Fallout Shelter: http://z1.invisionfree.com/forums/The_Fallout_Shelter/index.php?act=idx", false, true], "ShounanGypsy": ["http://shounangypsy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Jewel Grayson had been warned against the Gypsies and their cunning mischief, a common image given to the race who choose to remain in the ages of monarchs and kingdoms, but she's about to be pulled into a story deeper than she knew when she meets Johnny Vinkuto, a young man whose heritage marks him, but a soul who calls to hers. Four kingdoms, countless friends and enemies; and secrets that will rock Jewel's world and stretch it's once small horizons; Enter the world of Shounan Gypsy and suspend your belief, for in a world of such magic and intrigue it's going to be become clear that the line between the possible and impossible might not exist at all.", false, true], "Showbiz": ["http://www.showbizcomic.com/comics/", 7, "Climb into a world without money, without war and without corruption. Climb into the world of Showbiz, which is all about music instead. Yet, as peaceful as it seems, there's one big problem...", false, true], "ShroudofLight": ["http://shroudoflight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "Shroud of Light takes place in a world enshrouded in darkness, following a Young Lumin hunter Mina, who on a routine hunt discovers something that could change the world as she knows it", false, true], "ShumasCYOAAdventures": ["http://shumacyoa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "This is a comic where I torture my lineup of characters by forcing them to do a CYOA! Currently: Dylan's on an adventure! Updates: Whenever I have free time (not often)", false, true], "ShumasJunkandStuff": ["http://junkstuffshuma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "This is just where I put all my random crap. There's not anything really interesting here. Except for the rps me and AuraX have in the comments. But don't read those.", false, true], "SiOdin": ["http://heyodin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "tells the child that stupid and he was named Odin (the original name is udin)", false, true], "Sibidie": ["http://sibidie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "24 hour comic 2011 Sibidie, a tempus magus, and his apprentice, Rosemary, must assist a town's Mayor who's mansion is haunted. Self contained, completed story.", false, true], "SidekBrosOrigins": ["http://sidekbrosorigins.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "A Sidek Bros (Anak-Anak Sidek) doujin (a manga from my hometown) of incestual proportion Contains rape, incest, brotherhood, yaoi, super sex scenes and the like. Read at your own risk. Updates once a week", true, true], "SigilAria": ["http://sigilaria.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "", false, true], "Signifikat": ["http://signifikat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 152, "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.", true, true], "SilentMelody": ["http://silentmelody.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "\u00b8.\u0095*\u266b*\u0095.\u00b8 \"Natalie is a singer. Paul is a deaf-mute young man... On a rainy night these people bump into each and since then their lives change abruptly. How did things come to this? A girl to whom music is the source of life bumps into a man who can't understand the sound of her voice... Why is it that both complement each other?\" \u10e6... A one-shot romance by saigo_namida and Heldrad ...\u10e6 ...\u266a\u0095 read from right to left \u0095\u266a...", false, true], "SilhouetteDeathsMistress": ["http://deathsmistress.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Death's Mistress is an allegory of salvation: *Death symbolizes Christ/ Christianity *Body symbolizes \"us\" *World, Vices, Lust symbolizes all the sins---Lust and Vice are actually quite literal... for sins begin with lusting i think XP ...this was so sudden...a random doodle when sleep seems out of reach and mind wouldn't stop working ;P- therefore, it wasn't well thought of nor made with grace since i've only scanned what i've doodled that night XD PS.this isn't meant to be provocative or anything, i was just expressing my thoughts through illustrations- if i have offended, i apologize", false, true], "Silver": ["http://sil-ver.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "The Old West has been overrun by lycanthropes, creatures that transform into wolves every night and terrorize the human population. A group known as \"The Nightriders\" has formed to deal with the threat, but even with their special skills they are no match for the rapidly spreading curse of the werewolf. Now one girl holds the key to the survival of mankind; however, she is reluctant to use it when she knows that it might mean the end of her best friend's life.", true, true], "SilverBel": ["http://bel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "", false, true], "SilverBells": ["http://silverbells.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Summary: Like silver bells, the thrill of the hunt echoed across the moonlit night. They had isolated themselves from the world for centuries and only recently had they begun to reveal themselves to hunt for the one that had done them wrong. And only when they taste his blood and smell his fear will they go back to live hidden within the shadows, leaving the sounds of silver bells in their wake. Disclaimer: I do not own Noblesse or any of its characters.", false, true], "SilverHeart": ["http://silverheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Yet another HEARTGOLD Nuzlocke run.", false, true], "SilverHyenasExtras": ["http://silverhyenasextras.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "A place where I can put all the random things that I've done related to my comics and other projects. Why? To feed my ego? But seriously, I think it's nice to have one place where I can put up side stuff related to all my projects. That way, my readers who want to know what I'm up to can just learn about it here while the readers who just want to enjoy the story can totally ignore this. So yeah, enjoy. Warnings: I'm rating it Mature like my actual comics. This is mostly due to the fact that the side chapters might have some Mature material in them.", true, true], "SilverVein": ["http://silvervein.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 135, "One fateful night a woman and a huge demon-like fox meet. Both are about to die. Yet somehow they survive. Fueled by immense hatred, they set out on a quest to murder everything standing between them and those responsible. Yet things are never that simple, are they?", true, true], "Sim": ["http://simtwinkiesama.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "Richard Terry is a dating sim fan who wins a disc through a prize drawing. However, it is no normal disc; it contains data that allows any girl who Richard ended up at the end of any dating sim game to come to life! Three girls are now living with him, much to his embarrassment. Unfortunately, nine other discs are circulating around, some of which are given to people who's taste in fictional characters lean more towards the evil sort. That and more surprises are in store for you. This comic is very light on fanservice, so I apologize for male readers expecting more skin. Also, this comic updates randomly.", false, true], "SimeyPresents": ["http://themorethemerrier.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 59, "Well, it's a gaming comic. WITH A TWIIIIST~! I also share experiences from real-life misadventures. A sucky twist, sure, but it's funny! I swear!", false, true], "SimonSues": ["http://simonsues.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 682, "Simon, a former law student at the prestigious Haversford campus, has made it his mission to defend the students against demon-like Fiends. Helping him is a mysterious boy named Isaac who has the ability to destroy Fiends that breach their own contracts. But his relationship with Simon is more sinister than it seems... ************************************************* WARNING! Main Comic contains horror, some graphic violence. Bonus Comics contain sexual content/Yaoi. Updates Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! ************************************************* * Check out my tumblr to see process pages and random sketches! http://simonsues.tumblr.com/ You can now read Simon Sues on MangaMagazine.net The comic there will always be a few pages ahead of the updates on SJ. (http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Simon-Sues/detail-page/221) and on Manga Fox! (http://mangafox.me/manga/simon_sues/)", false, false], "SimpleBear": ["http://simplebear.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 165, "Bear Copenhagen is just a simple bear and nothing else. Spoiler: Not for long. Updates every 2 days", false, false], "Simpleton": ["http://simpleton.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Jeffrey's life was boring like always but it changed since the accident happend. He goes on crazy adventures with his friends! Find out what will happen to him. Cameos needed~ Updates:Whenever i want", false, true], "SimplyMisplaced": ["http://simplymisplaced.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "It's a temporary state", false, true], "SinPararse": ["http://sinpararse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 92, "This is a mirror of http://sinpararse.skyscrapersoup.com It updates there a couple days sooner than it does here. Sin Pararse is a prequel to my other comic, but you can read either of them independently. It follows Gabry and Liam, two popular side characters and details how they met and got together. The comic updates every Monday.", false, true], "SinandNonsenserus": ["http://sinandnonsenserus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "\u0412\u0435\u0431\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0438\u043a\u0441 \u043e \u0412\u0438\u0439\u043a\u0435, \u0440\u0443\u0441\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0435-\u0442\u044e\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0435 \u0438\u0437 \u043d\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0434\u0430 \u0428\u0435\u043b\u043a\u0438, \u0430 \u0442\u0430\u043a \u0436\u0435 \u0413\u043b\u0430\u0437\u0435-\u0446\u0438\u043a\u043b\u043e\u043f\u0435, \u043c\u043e\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435 \u0441 \u0442\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0430\u043a\u043b\u044f\u043c\u0438 \u041c\u0434\u0440\u043c, \u0434\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0435-\u0441\u043d\u0435\u0433\u0438\u0440\u0435 \u041a\u0443-\u043a\u0441 \u0438 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0433\u0438\u0445 \u043f\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0445 \u043c\u0443\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0430\u0445.", true, true], "Sincethattime": ["http://sincethattime.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Ever since the first time they met, Liam has desperatly been trying to convey his feelings to Sebastian, who completly misunderstands everything Liam does to try and get his attention. Yaoi.", true, true], "SingHOforanIdiot": ["http://singho.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A far-out retelling of Sleeping Beauty from an incapable fairy's POV. [humor/fantasy]", false, true], "Sink": ["http://sink.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "", false, true], "SirGawainandtheGreenKnight": ["http://sirgawainandthegreenknight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "This was my english project, a comic adaptation of the Pearl Poet's arthurian tale Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Enjoy! In the poem, Sir Gawain accepts a challenge from a mysterious warrior who is completely green, from his clothes and hair to his beard and skin, save for his red eyes. The \"Green Knight\" offers to allow anyone to strike him with his axe if the challenger will take a return blow in a year and a day. Gawain accepts, and beheads him in one blow, only to have the Green Knight stand up, pick up his head, and remind Gawain to meet him at the appointed time. In his struggles to uphold his oath, Gawain faithfully demonstrates the qualities of chivalry and loyalty until his honor is called into question by a test crafted by the lady of the castle in which much of the story takes place.", false, true], "Siren": ["http://siren.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "Siren follows the story of a death elf and a mermaid, who fight together through war in the black depths, and struggle with the prejudices against their respective kinds. Its a brutal romance, with no hold's bared...all's fair when love is war. Updates usually around Wednesday and Sunday. But on the weekend for sure. :) Rated Mature for language and gore so far. Probably some implied sex as well further along.", true, true], "SisterSisterADragonsTail": ["http://ssdragonstail.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "In a world ruled by dragons, an ancient war that ended thousands of years ago begins to boil again... Contains blood, violence and occasional strong language so younger readers, read with caution!", false, true], "Sisterella": ["http://sisterella.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "Sisterella is about Cinderella's step sisters. The story focuses mainly on Betia who is looking for true love. The world they live in fantasy world which is connected to other fairy tales,nursery rhymes(or their themes). It has comedy, romance, drama, and whole slew of other stuff.", false, true], "SixBlack": ["http://sixblack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Twelve signs, twelve beings. Two factions fighting each to destroy the other... When \"Six\" wakes up, he's in Hell and a voice is calling him and offering help he quickly turns down. What is his role in this deadly chess game? Is he actually going to play it? Contents nudity and mild violence. Read from left to right. Updates once a week", false, true], "SixHeartsBeatingAsOne": ["http://melody-of-beats.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A dream come true no? Well to us it is. My name shall be kept a secret but I hope it's not too obvious right now. Like I was saying, We're a 6 member group. Each member is unique in their own way. We have our different likes and tastes yet we get along fine. This is an on going story of our lives...each life you'll learn more about us. Open your mind to our views and our messages. This is all for the world to listen...to that strong beat.", false, true], "Sixby6": ["http://6by6.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Sketch comic A story about Olive, who has lived alone in a house for 6 years... until a new friend comes along", false, true], "Skeptical": ["http://skeptical.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 115, "A regular slice of life/death romantic comedy about an unusual family and their relations to a group of creatures that call themselves \"skull people\". Said human family is not mine. The Clark family(and half the comic itself) was created by and belongs to TyrannicalShipper. Just a warning- there's an abundance of foul language, and occasional bloodshed. Constructive critiques are always appreciated! (Updates sporadically due to the fact that we are both now in college)", false, true], "SketchesandArtworks": ["http://sketchesandartworks.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "This is where I'll post up sketches of not only Cryptic Yume, but for other drawings as well. Making character designs, concepts, perspectives, etc. will help me improve on my art more. Feedback/Critique is most appreciated. Thank you!", false, true], "SlashMaximum": ["http://slashmanga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 140, "SLASH (SOUL LINKED AEGIS SUPPORTING HEGEMEMONY), is a mysterious power that prevents a person from being harmed or killed, an enhancement for combat and is used to enforce authority among the weak. It can determine one's social superiority to one who possesses it. Not all may have it. Alizeti ekilore, a rich innocent girl from Trifang mansion, suddenly discovered she has it since she survived a strong explosion that killed all her family. Now that she had survived and obtained such power, Alizeti decided to pursue the murderer of her family using her SLASH. Clash, a veteran slasher(SLASH user), will help Alizeti use and strengthen her SLASH in order to find the culprits. Will they succeed in getting justice for Alizeti's family if the killers are the government's strongest Slashers? Will Alizeti and Clash be able to fully understand and utilize their SLASH to counteract their pursuers? In a society where SLASH enhancement and slashers are made, Alizeti and Clash will experience the inevitable. latest chapters here>> http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/SLASH/detail-page/75", false, true], "Sleepdread": ["http://sleepdread.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Sleeping and dreaming can be a wonderful experience! ...Until the dream starts haunting you during days as well. First in my series of dream-themed comics of the 'False Awakening'-universe, Sleepdread was also my first self-\"published\" story offered for sale and now free online, finished during my year at Liminka School of Arts, in the spring of 2012. The art is now dated and mediocre, and I'd like to think I will redraw this one day, but it the project and the story are still very dear to me!", false, true], "Sleepwalk": ["http://sleepwalk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Nore is a laid back couch potato and prone to falling asleep just about anywhere; Ia is a nervous workaholic wreck and suffers from no sleep. They are persuaded by their coworkers to attend a friendly gathering out of town, but wind up in bed with each other the next morning. With next to zero recollection of the previous night and nothing reliable to account on, the duo make their way home and attempt to remember what happened that weekend. Light-hearted BL comedy told in 4komas/strips. Read left to right.", false, true], "SlightlyMorbidMatters": ["http://smm-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "DFtR/Reaper Man -->> Slightly Morbid Matters The adventures of a magical talking skeleton and his employees as they attempt to run a business together. Updates Mondays.", false, true], "SlightlyUnexpected": ["http://slightly-unexpected.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Hona Misturai is a teenage girl who wants to fall in love.But those ideas are bashed when she meets a flirtous player who changes girls like he changes clothes. Can she save her bestfriend from this player's lips or is she destined to watch her best friend suffer heartbreak.", false, true], "SlipstreamSingularity": ["http://slipstreamsingularity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 169, "350 years have passed since the first and only mission beyond Human Occupied Space was launched. In search of the alien intelligence that sent such wondrous knowledge back to Earth, the Odyssey mission was lost. Now, denied their own home world by the rebellion of their own children creations, the Synthetics, humanity has become a race of despots and wanderers that meander through the stars, eking out an existence. Updated Tuesdays and Saturdays.", false, true], "SmAtshed": ["http://smashed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Welcome to Lady's Bar, a gathering place for creatures, monsters, and basically anything weird and not human.", false, true], "SmackjeevesSurvival": ["http://sjsurvival123.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "10 users sign up with a character each season, 5 villains, 5 heroes, and every 3rd comic, must vote for someone they think is a villain, and the person with the most votes will be drowned. The winner wins for whatever team they're on. Send me your apps!", false, true], "SmallPressAdventures": ["http://smallpressadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 136, "Action and adventure from all across the small press! Featuring genres ranging from superhero to horror to who knows? This comic is updated every Wednesday, so come on back! Don't forget to check out all our other strips!!!", false, false], "SmartyPantsComics": ["http://smartypantscomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Smarty Pants Comics publishes stories for kids of all ages.", false, true], "SmashBrosVanguard": ["http://smashbrosvanguard.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Welcome to Vanguard. We are accepting cameos. We're accpeting up to two different characters per person. Just include sprites and the clan you want your character(s) to use Super Mario Mushroom Kingdom 0/3 (heroes from the Mario games) Koopa Commanders 0/3 (Bowser's armies) Paper Mushroom 1/3 (character specific to Paper Mario) Haunted Mansion 0/3 (the ghosts of Luigi's mansion) Legend of Zelda Hylian Hero 1/3 (the heroes of the Zelda games) Shourisha 0/3 (Ganon's armies) Pokemon Kanto 0/3 (1st gen pokemon & trainers) Johto 0/3 (2nd gen pokemon & trainers) Hoenn 0/3 (3rd gen pokemon & trainers) Sinnoh 0/3 (4th gen pokemon & trainers) Unova 0/3 (5th gen pokemon & trainers) Sonic the Hedgehog Freedom Fighters 0/3 (the heroes of the Sonic games) Eggman Empire 0/3 (Eggman's robots) Final Fantasy Heroes of Light 0/3 (characters exclusive to FFIII for DS) Final Rebellion 0/3 (characters exclusive to FFII for GBA) Crystal Caravan 0/3 (characters exclusive to the FF Crystal Cronicles series) Jajji 0/3 (characters exclusive to FF tactics advanced & FFTA2) Other clan ideas accepted.", false, true], "SmashSpam": ["http://spamspamspam.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "This is the place with lotsa unrelated comics/comic arcs. Current arc: Warriors guild", false, true], "Smashandfriendsshowcase": ["http://smashshowcase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 144, "This a a showcase in which any spriter can join. Here you can post: Sprites Pixel art Character bios Cool effects Short comics Memes Ads And More! Rules: No flaming, trolling or any of the sort No Porn So Join!!!! And be sure to post often! (If you do not post in like a month or something without reason, you will be taken off) And now, for some quotes from the authors: Smash: sprite! Pocket_Ninja : ......WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!?!?!?!?! Luxbot: EFFECTS IS A NECESSITY FOR ME. :< CamTro: No effects for me to sprite and speak as in same time! ~\u00e0\u00b2\u00a0_\u00e0\u00b2\u00a0~ Sspeedo th: I try to sprite but effects and comics work betta under the microscope. Drago: Spritin epic style. A-A-A-A-A-A-AAAAA- *shot*", false, true], "SmashingMangos": ["http://smashingmangos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A collection of short stories that I do at random. The content of the stories will vary completely from story to story. CURRENT STORY: None at the moment FINISHED STORIES: Our World Beautiful Mermaid Run", false, true], "Smile": ["http://smile-morita.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Reiko is a girl with 15 years old who is known to bring bad luck. After a special day she will do everything to make her dream come true and be the person she wants to be. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: \u2665 please read from left to right Smile (C) morita", false, true], "SmokeTide": ["http://smoketide.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "In the New Coast there is no history, there is no society, there is no law but human sense. No one lives for past nor future, but for present; it's every man for himself. Orphans Dusty and her long time friend(more like a brother)Jude live a comfortable life in the trade town of Elliswood with their good friends Rudy and Lilac. Dealing with Jude's schizophrenia is bad enough, but 17 year old Dusty has to make a tough decision when the townspeople decide Jude is too dangerous to have around. They must flee or stay and fight for their right to stay in Elliswood. Updates posted on Teusdays or Wednesdays. This comic is rated PG for scary sequences and mild violence.", false, true], "SmoochQuest": ["http://smoochquest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "The adventures and romance of Akiko and Blodwen, two girls in their 20's, one is an awkward university student and the other is a warrior/protector of magical artifacts. Cartoons,yuri, adventure. PG 13 LGBTQ Comic It's not a fanservice comic but there is some sexual content.", false, true], "Smudge": ["http://smudge.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A girl with a pencil, a cat, and a cafe full of crazies.", false, true], "SmugleShocaiz": ["http://smugleafdoofusshowcase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "Welcome to Smugle Shocaiz! That showcase that's full of Sprites, Banners, Art, Comics, and icons! If you want to be a Co-Author for my new showcase, Go here: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=117918", false, true], "SnakesBoysBoth": ["http://snakesboysboth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Jessica is a normal 17 year old girl who is going through the twist and turns of teenage life... along with a few uninvited snakes... I mean boys... I mean... Both?", false, true], "Sniper": ["http://sniper.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "There is a fine line between good and evil; and his name is The Sniper! Ken Anthony II and Tony Lorenz", false, true], "SnowAndRed": ["http://snowred.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A short boy's romance take on the story of Snow White and Rose Red. Inspired by last year's Crown Royale anthology.", true, true], "SnowbyLisaHarald": ["http://snow-lh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Oneshot comic about three girls, two are lonely and one is dead.", false, true], "SnowsEve": ["http://snowseve.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "A one-shot comic about a trio of high school kids forming a band for the talent show and the drama that ensues.", false, true], "SoManyLoveTriangles": ["http://somanylovetriangles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Another South Park comic. It's pretty much a sketchy, half-assed, EXTREMELY SHORT, rambling comic about Stan and Kyle. Also known as the most whored-out couple in the fandom lol", false, true], "SoManyProblems": ["http://somanyproblems.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 330, "'If Toothpaste For Dinner was less funny' Single panel comics about life, booze, love and... swans(?). Updates 5 times a week.", false, true], "SolEdge": ["http://soledge.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "The Universe consumed by God, shaped by Lucifer. Mother Nature gave birth to a world of the unwanted life. When we die, where will we go to, Heaven or Hell? The Heavens do not accept Devils, nor does Hell show kindness for the Angels. What if we weren't accepted to neither? There's a world of the unwanted, given life for the unwanted. We are puppets for the Arches, and supper for the Shinidemus. We can neither be an Angel nor a Devil. After we die, if we die, our souls will be no more. All we can do. Live after we die. The Demis. Welcome to Getsuono, the Sol Edge.", false, true], "SoldierANarutodoujinshi": ["http://soldier.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "My Naruto doujinshi featuring KakashixYamato pairing. It is a completed 20-page oneshot. Please do not view if you're offended by malexmale pairings and explicit content! Enjoy! :)", true, true], "SomeBadAssMotherfuckingDog": ["http://bamfdog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "BAMF Dog is a story about a dog and his badass motherfucking adventures, where he fucks shit up with his mind.", true, true], "SomeNuzlocke": ["http://somenuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "It's another Nuzlocke comic. But this one is different... THIS ONE HAS A BEAR AND A BUNNY!", false, true], "SomebodyShootMe": ["http://somebodyshootme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 191, "A \"real life\" comic by Kita about her shitty daily routine. Or other people too. Because it sometimes couldn't get any worse. This comic is for ages 16+ because I have a potty mouth and because one day i might talk about grown up things, or something like that. Now Updating Daily <3!", false, true], "SomeoneStoleMyPanties": ["http://someonestolemypanties.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "a webcomic as random as its title.", false, true], "Somesprites": ["http://tonzofsprites.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1160, "", false, true], "Something": ["http://somethingcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Miguel is the average young adult, with a pretty average life, that gives him nothing to complain about. He has everything he needs to be happy, yet he feels empty all the time. Rute has never been outside home till she turned 19. She wants to know how to 'live' and she thinks Miguel is the right guy to guide her. A webcomic about life and stuff. http://joanamosi.deviantart.com", false, true], "SomethingLikeaPhenomenon": ["http://somethinglikeaphenomenon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "All kinds of love in mid 90s fictional NYC like city. Vampires and other supernatural things included. Updates Wednesdays, unless otherwise specified.", true, true], "SomethingToDo": ["http://somethingtodo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "A journal comic.", true, true], "SomniaIn": ["http://somniain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "The adventures of a 13 year old boy and his friends in the small town of Somnia, In., where strange goings on aren't that strange", false, true], "SonicAndfriends": ["http://sonic-friends.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "he's fast. he's cool. he's sonic, sonic the hedgehog. him and all his friends go through crazy adventures with all sorts of people. prepare for the ridiculous.", false, true], "SonicAuthorAdventII": ["http://saa2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 201, "TEH CHAT IS BACK. Dont forget to space between your sentences.- Mr. Jack If you've come to SAAII thinking \"Oh my god- another author comic!\"- Never fear. this one is the ORIGINAL AND FIRST author comic. Well, it's prequel, SAA, run by mostly the the same people, was.-Rikco the Robot Random post of death and doom. ~ Ryan We demand cookies! ~ Shin Guess who's back and fluffier than ever! ~ Shard Oh Praise the mightly Lords of the Laziness ~Jayh TEAM JINJO PWNZ YOUR SOULS! AND IM BACK! -2021 Run around for all I care! I have me my flying ceiling! HA! ~Slash Beware the newness! ~3000", false, true], "SonicAuthorElite2020": ["http://sae2020.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Set in an Alternate future from Sonic Author Elite Reborn!", false, true], "SonicAuthorZone": ["http://saz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 842, "Quote from Team Renegade: \"Saving the world... From Peace~\" On an island far out into the sea, there exists a house... A house in which a group of ORIGINAL CHARACTERS (DO NOT STEAL!) lives... On this house, there exists many an adventure, may it range from Zombies, to Noobs, to Magical TVs. This island is forever known, as SAZ Island. There are a new group of SAZians now and we're all a little more mature. So please, don't judge us until you get to know us.", false, true], "SonicBoom": ["http://sonic-boom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 337, "Rules: 1. No random images that have nothing to do with the comic. 2. No content over PG-13. 3. Excessive trolling is prohibited. Some minor jokes are fine, but don't take it too far please. 4. If you're gonna give criticism, be constructive! No blatant insults! 5. Homophobia is also undesired.", false, true], "SonicBrawlers": ["http://sonicbrawlers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Based after my first Idea for a Sonic Game. Nega Eggman has returned! Teaming up with Dr, Robotnik he plans to send all of mobius into chaos. Its up to seven teams to stop this plan before it's to late. But another group seems to have a hand in this... Can a team of Blaze Silver And Shade the Echidna work together to stop these mysterious oppressors?", false, true], "SonicClub": ["http://sonicclub.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 144, "****RETIRED/DEAD/COMPLETED**** The Characters: Sonic Shadow Amy Tails Knuckles Rouge Capuchino(me) Nikomy(Capuchino's girlfriend) Lola(Capuchino's little sister) Lanz(Capuchino's older brother) Andry(I made him up... he's just a Shadow android) Xavier (Xevious) Degreenfreak Miles-XD(Just Miles) Stochi The Vampire Chao Crackuchino The Hedgehog Crazy China Crappuchino Ghost the Echidna(inlove with Knuckles.. XD) Green Darkness Flame the demon hedgehog Glandor the hedgehog and his brother cendar the fox", false, true], "SonicCrackersXtreme": ["http://soniccrackersxtreme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "It's a Sonic Sprite Comic on Smack Jeeves! But no for real: Dr. Eggman has a new insidious plot which could tear the very fabric of reality apart! Or just cause really dumb crossovers...probably the latter. Updates every other Monday.", false, true], "SonicDASH": ["http://sonicdash.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 122, "Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays. ------- Eight months have passed since the fight against Knuckles beneath South Island. Merlin and Charles, funded by Robotnik Enterprises, are now beginning their expedition to Angel Island. During the middle of a news conference, the Egg Carrier is attacked by a mysterious foe, but a familiar face. It's a race against time as Sonic and Tails must find a way up to Angel Island before the Egg Carrier is destroyed... and Charles and Merlin along with it! In a world covered by endless water, this is the Digger's Adventure Story in Halcyon days.", false, true], "SonicDashly": ["http://sonicdashly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "Another Generic Sonic comic? More likely than you think...", false, true], "SonicDoom": ["http://sonicdoom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "Sonic and Tails wonder what it would be like to enter the world of a game. Unfortunately, they picked the wrong one...", false, true], "SonicFarsight": ["http://sonicfarsight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 192, "Takes place in the Sonic universe(obviously), six years after the current adventures. It's about a romance between Sonic and Amy and how that lead Sonic to face his first romantic and existencial crisis and separation from amy. Hope you like it. Updates every monday.", true, true], "SonicHeroesUncut": ["http://sonicheroesuncut.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "A telling of the game Sonic Heroes, but from what thoughts and observations I had from playing the game for the first time... This comic has now finished Now a part of the Squidpower forum: http://z6.invisionfree.com/SquidpowerForums", false, true], "SonicOrigins": ["http://sonicorigins.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "", false, true], "SonicSchoolRedo": ["http://sonicschoolredo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 288, "THIS COMIC HAS BEEN MOVED TO CRAZY R US.", false, true], "SonicScramble": ["http://sonicscramble.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Sonic gets completely entangled in budget issues, and the comic threatens to go under. The budget comittee 'recommends' trading cards to balance the budget. With the author's touch on the cards, though...who knows what's going to happen?", false, true], "SonicShift": ["http://sonicshift.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Seven years ago, Mobius was changed forever. The dictator Dr. Robotnik waged war on the entire planet, with no nation able to stand against his incredibly advanced forces. Now, the once-green, free planet has seen freedom and environment alike destroyed by the techno-tyrant. Even if the nations have fallen, those still willing to fight haven't - freedom fighter cells around the globe defy Robotnik's rule. Each rebel has his or her story, but one stands out - the story of the rebel that is to eventually be known as Sonic the Hedgehog! All characters, except where not applicable, are \u00a9 SEGA", false, true], "SonicTalesPrimeTheChaosCollision": ["http://thechaoscollision.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "The first Comic I ever planned on doing. This is my 13th attempt at making it.", false, true], "SonicThehedgehogAndroidArmageddon": ["http://fucksmackjeeves123.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "A new Sonic comic I will be working on... Actually more like a prequel to a comic i made that use to be on Deviantart, The series follows story elements from Dragon ball.... The original is no longer on Deviantart so I'm basically starting over again... when this chapter is over I plan to continue the rest of the series in a Flash animation...", false, true], "SonicUniverse": ["http://sonicsuniverse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "A retelling of the Sonic the Hedgehog games with characters from all the medias! Huzzah to it! Comments are most appreciated, so do so. ;D", false, true], "SonicUniverseAsk": ["http://sonicuniverseask.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 74, "HI THERE! Do you read Sonic: Universe, or Sonic Universe- Sides?... No? WELL! Would you like to learn about it? n...no?... AH WELL! Here you can ask the characters anything you wish! And they will answer as they please! I'll try keep spoilers to a minimum buuuuuuut no promises ;3 You have been warned. Sonic: Universe: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=50028 Sonic Universe- Sides: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=129411", false, true], "SonicUniverseSides": ["http://sonicuniversesides.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "A Spin-Off from Sonic Universe. Telling What if Stories. Canon Stories not told in the Main plot. Or Main storylines from another point of view. Sonic Universe - http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=50028 Now there's an Ask Comic for the Characters http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=130920 Ask questions!", false, true], "SonicWorldAdventures": ["http://sonicworldadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 561, "Sequel/Spin-Off to Metroid Prime: Altina Through a series of unforunate events, Sonic the Hedgehog has found himself in the past with diminished intelligence and memory, and must complete all his previous adventures to create a Synch Nexus, and fix a space-time rip threatening to destroy... STUFF. Previously called: Sonic World Adventure Created by S of Team Dark Nexus! PG Content!! Daily updates!!!", false, true], "Sonicadvantureauthorhouse": ["http://sonicadvantureauthorhouse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "hardcore stories romance deep fellings", false, true], "SonicandKirby": ["http://sonicnkirby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "W00T!", false, true], "Sonichuball": ["http://sonichuball.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "This was inspired by Poland ball and Sonichu, I don't own either. Also it purposely looks like garbage", false, true], "SonicsAdvancedAdventure": ["http://sonicsaa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Sonic gos against the EVIL dr robotnik eggman and has to do thign hes never done before!!!!", false, true], "Sonktehhegehog2006": ["http://sonk2006.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "a retelling of sonk 06 but better dun dun duuuuuun tries to update daily or every other day, but sometimes it can be no use", false, true], "SonoftheNothing": ["http://sotn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 124, "Son of the Nothing is the epic adventure of Seth Rothida, a young soldier who soon will be immersed in the devastating world of the war, but Seth is confident in his ideals, values \u200b\u200band friends who will support it in finding his sister Beth who has disappeared. Update monday & friday night.", false, true], "SonoftheNothingspanish": ["http://sotns.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 124, "Son of the Nothing es la epica aventura de Seth Rothida, un joven soldado que muy pronto se vera inmerso en el devastador mundo de la guerra, sin embargo Seth confia en sus ideales, valores y amigos que lo apoyaran en la busqueda de su hermana Beth que ha desaparecido. Subo lunes y viernes por la noche.", false, true], "SoulDice": ["http://soul-dice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Given the choice, Lan would have served at the Goddess' temple for the rest his life. But, after a chance encounter with an injured and hungry stranger on a mission and another 24 hours in which his whole life is turned upside down, he finds that he doesn't have one. Despite everything, adventure and bromance ensue.", false, true], "SoulEntrapment": ["http://soulentrapment.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "warning contains: vampires, ghosts, baby pandas and pirates. A mysterious Ghost ship docks into Maeve's hometown, and as she goes to inspect this \" fun haunted ship attraction\" she gets trapped in the ship... forever.", false, true], "SoulEye": ["http://souleye.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 278, "In the pitch black dead of the night, Make sure that you're tucked in tight. If you aren't, you'll surely be A victim to the demon's teeth... The Reaper swoops down in the dark, Hungry for a child's heart. If you see him, don't you scream, Or he'll rip you from your seams... Most of all, though you are scared, Don't once glance upon his face, For if you see his eye of death, Darcia will devour your soul's breath. ----- UPDATES EVERY SATURDAY. *WARNING: Contains BL. For Mature viewers ;A;", true, true], "SoulFlame": ["http://soulflame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "------------------------------------ Updated: every weekend Reading Direction: left to right Rating: For early teens and up (swearing and mature themes) ------------------------------------ In a world where the elven race is enslaved by the humans, and everyone is born with a soul flame that dictates their own powers, there's a lot of trouble that Senna, clumsy elf slave, can get into. several including but not limited too the brooding young man she is suddenly thrust upon, the questionable training academy and its eccentric students, rising evils of the malicious kind, and hidden betrayals and secrets everywhere she goes. Can she and Drake bridge the gap between the two races and set this chaotic world to peace?", false, true], "SoulGuardian": ["http://soulguardian.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 388, "One day humans will create viruses with the intention of infecting themselves. With a virus strong enough, a person would even be able to travel across space and time...they would have the power to change their destiny, but at what cost? READ: Right to left UPDATES: Wednesday", false, false], "SoulSearching": ["http://soulsearching.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "Our 24 hour comic of the year 2012! A lot of love for bad inking here.", false, true], "SoulShine": ["http://soulshine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "In the future of Mobius, Dr. Robotnik has won. Sonic is dead, and the world has lived under Robotnik's iron fist for five years. Pockets of resistance litter some of the bigger cities, but the outlook seems grim. Can one group of resistance find a way to shut down Robotnik for good, even though Sonic has been gone for so long? And what of this rumored SoulShine Project that the legendary Miles Prower has been working on? Is it more than just a rumor? And could it lead to a changing of the tide? Updates the first and third Saturdays of every month. Updates the fifth Saturday of some months.", false, true], "SoulSilverNuzlockeSilverLining": ["http://nuzlocke-silverlining.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Silver Lining: A SoulSilver Nuzlocke Challenge. Clover's a 13-year-old girl who's just left on an adventure in the world of Pok\u00e9mon. Along with a gender-confused starter, join her as she starts her quest for victory and righteousness and unfolds the secrets of a cult of super-powered Trainers. Also posted on deviantART.", false, true], "SoulSilverShippingPokemoncomic": ["http://soulsilvershipping.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "COMPLETED. A short KotoneXSilver comic from Pokemon. About basically nothing. It'll probably be about 7 pages. And I'm pretty sure I can finish it!", false, true], "Souljinshi": ["http://souljinshi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Based after their final battle with the Kinshin, Soul, Maka and the crew reflect and come to terms with emotions they've had to repress until now. I slapped a mature rating on this thing 'cause it's getting a little suggestive. Better safe than sorry. This manga reads from Left to Right, American style. DISCLAIMER: I claim no ownership of any kind of Soul Eater. Just making the puppets dance.", true, true], "SoulsOfTheMarionette": ["http://soulsofthemarionette.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "The death toll in Japan as gone up sporadically from something called the \"Silent Deaths\". Citizens are becoming scared as they have no clue what is going on; police and investigators have no knowledge on who's behind all these unknown deaths. There is only one girl who truly knows what's going on; a priestess name Kayo Kimura with strong spiritual powers who can see the culprits at large. With the help of her best friend, Nobu Ando, and a few other followers, they'll stop at nothing to get rid of the hidden threat plaguing everyone. --- Updates: Every Saturday READS LEFT TO RIGHT", false, true], "Soundcheck": ["http://soundcheck.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "The members of a small band called Halcyon are trying to make a name for themselves. Will they're struggles and hardships bring them closer, or tear them apart?", true, true], "SouthDaturaHigh": ["http://southdaturahigh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "South Datura High: Not your average High School- This is the school where all young antagonists learn to be the bad guys! The ways of being terroists, assassins and anything else that's out to get your heroes. We follow 16 year Old Lacey (and a few others) as they learn a few life lessons etc. SKETCHY/Stiff PICTURES SOMETIMES - we all got to practice and learn on the way, ***Currently On Hiatus as the Author is taking GCSES :/**** (In real life~ guns and killing people is a REALLY bad thing, not the fluffy, comedic way it is presented here. So this is just for people to read for the sake of reading :0 )", false, true], "SouthernCross": ["http://southerncross.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 85, "This a webcomic about a bunch of hopefully amusing people known as the eight state capital cities of Australia. Southern Cross is a moe anthropomorphization comic - in the vein of Hetalia, Afganisu-tan and the OS-tans to name a few - featuring Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Darwin, Adelaide and Perth. It's about their relationships, their rivalries, their teamwork, their personal tragedies, and the fact that they're all, at heart...a little dysfunctional. Primarily a comedy (or at least trying to be), you don't have to know anything about Australia for this. Hell, you don't even have to care about Australia either. And maybe you'll learn a thing or two...but don't worry. It's not that kind of educational. Updates when I can!", false, true], "Sovereign": ["http://sovereign.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 11, "(CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Releasing early March! 33/39 pages complete for Chapter 1. Enjoy some concept art for now!) *** The world is under a vice, Illuminati-like grip by individuals convinced the human race has hit its dead end; during a time when science has reached a pinnacle, crimes are committed in an endeavour to influence evolution. \"The ends justify the means\" they might say. Yet what is the end? Just how far do they mean to reach it? A small group of home-grown vigilantes take against their biological misdeeds, preserving the innocense affected by them worldwide. Meanwhile one lost soul comes to grips with being different; no matter how much she convinces herself she is human, there's too much in the way of evidence that says otherwise.", false, true], "SovereignTheMostAmazingComicEver": ["http://mostamazingcomicever.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Sovereign is the most amazing story ever told about an extremely boring boy, who is fortunately kidnapped by sky pirates. Updates Tuesday and Thursday! Please give our website a second to redirect you.", false, true], "SpacePiratesStoleMyLunch": ["http://spacepiratesstolemylunch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Just a little \"sumthin' sumthin'\" I had kicking around and thought I'd share. Short, cute and to the point. It will be listed as 'complete' in a few days but I hope some-one sees and likes it before it goes to comic Limbo.", false, true], "SpaceStationColumbia": ["http://spacestationcolumbia.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 7, "This is the futuristic story of a space station that orbits planet Mars. The crew's primary mission is early detection of hostile alien forces and the protection of our solar system. NASA, with the assistance of every other Earth space agency, created the station and trained its crew. After it was decided to position the space station near Mars, since the International Space Station provides protection closer to Earth, we made first contact with an alien race that became an ally. One of these aliens is now a crew member aboard Space Station Columbia. Let's see what happens... Created by Steve T Johnson *View my artwork on DeviantART* http://knighttek.deviantart.com/", false, true], "SpacialWarp": ["http://spacialwarp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "TGFTG... A Galactic school created to make heroes out of those who attend it. One of these students is Yan Heirsk, a Fennec fox, shaman, and weilder of energy itself. Along his journey to becoming a hero he will meet many allies, and a few enemies. Will he become a true hero? Or will death claim him? /end epic story summary. Spacial warp is a bit more light hearted series that that initial description says... Yan is not awesome beyond belief, he's a squishy wizard that squeeks when you hit him. This series tries to balance comedy with some action, and depth that will surprise you. Unless you read the author's notes. Definition: Spacial Warp: A warp in space itself, capable of massive destruction, or great reconstruction.", false, true], "SpadeofLies": ["http://spadeoflies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "About a young boy by the name of Nicholas \"Jaden\" Neal, he goes to a normal school. But recently a new student have been transfer to the school. This mysterious boy have appeared and started chatty with Nick. Nick's best friend have started being jealous. WARNING: BL, BLOOD, SWEARING AND ETC.", false, true], "SpaghettiAndMeatballs": ["http://spaghettiandmeatballs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "What do you do when you should be studying? MAKE A WEBCOMIC. Seriously though. You want puns? You got it. You want women? You can imagine getting them. You want crazy ass ninjas jumping around and shit?! Then you've clicked on the wrong comic and I apologize for wasting your time.", true, true], "SpamPlace": ["http://spamplacehere.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "", false, true], "Spamurott": ["http://spamurott.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Stuff that I don't really have a use for, or stuff that doesn't have a home. Simple as that.", false, true], "SparElricsextras": ["http://sparextras.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "Just a bunch of random shit that I wanna put up. :P Such as sprite-sheets, W.I.P.s, drawings and more! :D BTW, if you have a problem with that, just click the BACK button and leave. I do NOT tolerate trolls/assholes. Thank you! <33 Also, you're welcome to join in on the fun if you so choose! Just PM me!", false, true], "SparkStory": ["http://sparkstory2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "I guess this could be called a \"veteran comic\". You must have kirby sprites to join. Please don't swear or use mature content. INSPIRED BY ABBIMAYS RANDOMNESS! Characters w/ quotes: Spark: Sniveh, don't yell please. Sniveh: Spark, WHY DID YOU DRAG ME FROM THE FOREST ALL THE WAY OUT HERE?! Ryan: Sniveh! You're gonna make Libra C- Libra: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!! Skybyte: SNIVIES FOR DA WIN! Hippo: Hippo doesnt always talk about his obsession for hippos, but when he does, everyone goes insane. Dub: ACTIVATE THE TELEPORTAMEBOB! Blue Kirby: We are THE reason to party! Achasai/Ackori: My generousness to some people has frozen... Skate: WE DIDN'T START THE FIRE, IT'S BEEN BURNIN' SINCE THE WORLD BEEN TURNIN' Aura: Am I serious? About what I do, yes. About how I do it, no. Sky: Cheeseburger. Mint: Just your average green, minty friend. Pixel: ^^ Thunderbolt: EVERYBODY DO THE FLOP!!!!! Dameon: *whacks face first into the ground* Doofus: I like pie. Flare: *Munching on Pizza* Roberto: *no reception* Andrea:*ttly reception* Sako: Randomness Tower! Daniel: Too 'hot' to handle. Grace: U-um, hi?", false, true], "SparksAndWiresSketchbook": ["http://sparksandwiressketchbook.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "This is a collection of sketches, storyboards and character designs for the comic \"Sparks & Wires\". It will update every day until it hits chapter 2, after that both the sketcbook and \"Sparks & Wires\" will be updating twice a week. Feedback is very appreciated!", false, true], "Spaz": ["http://spaz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A sort-of journal comic... Staring Captain and Vice! LEFT TO RIGHT-ish...", false, true], "SpecialCare": ["http://specialcare.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 241, "This is about two enemies: Kant, the city hero and Jeremiah, the city criminal/villain. They were fighting, until Jeremiah broke his arm. With his kind heart, Kant deiced to take care of him until Jeremiah arm has healed and trying to put up with him for six weeks. Soon enough after living with Kant for a few days, Jeremiah started to fall for Kant. But, Kant still hates him\u2026. or does he? WARNING: Contains Boy Love! If you don't like, you don't have to read if you don't want to^^ And this is my first time doing BL, so be nice =_= I been reading them so I can get the idea^^; Oh, and read the normal way! Updates one page on Mondays, two pages on Wednesdays, and one page on Fridays", false, true], "Spellcross": ["http://spellcross.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 109, "Spellcross takes place in a land of high fantasy, re-imagined through the scope of a classic RPG. It's a world where things such as quests, dungeons, and bosses are commonplace, and magic is abundant! Follow Caldwell the Alchemist as he strives to raise himself up the ranks of adventurers, to gather a party of friends, and to overcome his fears. Updates three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!", false, true], "Spidersilk": ["http://spidersilk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "Prentice and Orestes have traveled far south, across the sea and over much land, making a new home in Kalviva. Prentice finds himself caught up in the initiation process for a group of thieves in the city's underground - jaded and bored with the senseless mercenary work he and Orestes have been doing lately, he goes along with it. However, what is he getting himself and Orestes into? And what have the thieves gotten themselves into, recruiting someone like Prentice? I update on Sundays and Wednesdays! (But I live in Japan, so in America that is more like late Saturday, late Tuesday!)", false, true], "SpinaCage": ["http://spinacage.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "NOW HERE: http://comic.inkbeast.net/spina/ This page is now JUST a mirror the first chapter of Spina Cage. Please go to inkbeast.net for the rest, along with other comics.", false, true], "SpiritBurst": ["http://spiritburst.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "When Hikari and her friends Yumi and Satoru head off on their summer trip, they never expected to find themselves caught up in a battle for the control of the guardian elements, the Yoso no Serei (element spirits). With the appearance of Keiryuu, a guardian from the past, and Yamiichiro, the man driven to retrieve them by any means, can they hold their own with powers they must come to learn to command?", false, true], "SpiritSong": ["http://spirit-song.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, ">___> my entry in one of the contest... i lost. status:COMPLETED. ONE-SHOT. sorry,too lazy to put summary...>_> READ IT YOURSELF.", false, true], "SpiritsoftheSeason": ["http://spiritsoftheseason.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Just all the comics that go with my spirit plushies. The stories follow several characters that represent the seasons: Nurgle(winter), Merf(spring), Beep(summer), Womp(Fall). I will begin sales in January.", false, true], "SplitScreen": ["http://splitscreencomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "Jan Lumeneski and Jeremy Tanner were inseparable best friends from childhood through high school, but Jan wanted more. When things didn't go her way Jan vowed never to speak to Jeremy again. More than a decade later a chance meeting puts the pair together again, but a lot has happened. Jan is a successful fashion designer while Jeremy is now fat and depressed. Still Jan can't help but feel that old flame burning, but is she just going to end up back where she started?", true, true], "SpontaneousActsofPonyness": ["http://spontaneousactsofpony-ness.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Join Mallowcup, Sodapop, Pincushion, Seanut, and many other friends in their everyday life of playful banter. Based off of Lauren Faust's \"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic\". I highly doubt any of her actual characters will actually be used, however. Just the style!", false, true], "Spookybabes": ["http://spookybabes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "When you start to get involved with supernaturals, you never know what is going to happen next.", false, true], "Springshower": ["http://springshower.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "A boy in the tennis club finds himself confined in a telephone booth with another boy with glasses because of the rain. It's about high school boys, megane love and lots of pigeons. I originally drew this for a Megane BL anthology called Saison des Lunettes.", false, true], "SpriteBattlefrontShowcase": ["http://spritebf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A sprite showcase by some dudes who like war just a little too much.", false, true], "SpriteCraft": ["http://spritecraft.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Welcome to the land of Spritecraftia. It's like Minecraft, only 2-dimensional and there's sprites. Feel free to joiiiiiiiiiiiiin! :3", false, true], "SpriteTestingArea": ["http://spriteaestingarea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "And Area Where i'll post sprite's i'm trying and working on in a hope for feed back as i work towards building sprites for a comic/ sprite style for a comic. Comments will be well loved!", false, true], "Spritehostplace": ["http://shp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 84, "Some Sprite showcase with requests fillers and lots of other stuff that is posted(You don't say)", false, true], "Spriterschaos": ["http://spriterschaos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "random things happen everyday", false, true], "SpritesCrazyComics": ["http://spritescrazycomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Sprites Crazy Adventure is the craziest comic featuring five main characters Rayman,Sonic The Hedgehog,Yoshi,Pikachu,and Hatsune Miku.", false, true], "Spritestuck": ["http://spritestuck.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A Homestuck based comic. Using sprites. Yes, I'm /so/ original. Spritestuck follows the adventures of a young man and his friends as they are tricked into \"exploring\" the world of SBurb, not knowing that by doing so, they have triggered the apocalypse and must \"play the game\" to survive. However, they have no idea what they're doing and will most likely mess it up and die before they get a chance at a second life. May seek co-authors later on. Updates everyday; possibly more than once per day if I'm feeling up to it o________o", false, true], "Spritezone": ["http://spritezone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "my sprites here! please comment on how the sprites look but remember i am new to spriting and am probably going to start with recolours.", false, true], "Sprytts": ["http://sprytts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 408, "---COMPLETE COMIC--- For the past few hundred years, the two great countrys, Carvia and Gloomland, have been enemies. While Carvia, land of the Sprytts, is full of wonder, delight, and magic, Gloomland, land of the Gools is full of demons, nightmares and violence. Blado, a royal guard to Queen Mellaba, is in search of the mysteries behind his past. Not long after he and three other royal guards encounter the princess, they get caught up in the middle of this international conflict.", false, true], "Srtippinformylife": ["http://srtippingformylife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "This is a story of a girl whose life is full of strange occurrences and coincidences. And full of brain raping towards her 'children'. In other words, this is the story of MY life...! . . . In the form of strips. So in other, less confusing words, this is just a collage of funny incidents that happen to me some times and short randomness I come up with to torture my many ocs. WILL CONTAIN YAOI!!!", true, true], "StalkingNovember": ["http://xstalkingnovember.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 86, "WARNING FOR: Violence, smoking/drinking and ect, cussing, gay/yaoi, a bit of abuse and sex. *** Finished *** Mikell came to USA when he was 6 years old with his family- Mom and baby sister died in a fire some months after that. He now lives with his drunken father who has been beating him on and off since he was five, they now live in a small apartment in the slum areas. Mikell/Mike, 17 years old and in love with 18 years old November. Mike is new to the school and November find him interesting until he thinks Mike is stalking him to use him cause of his dads wealth wich Mikell doesn't really know about. Mikell is in love, does November love? Wich one is sickest? Stalker or apathetic?", true, true], "StampedeJessicasStory": ["http://stampedegirl.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 54, "Youth crime is on the rise in England as the gap between social classes increases. Resulting in an increase in street \"gangs.\" To tackle this problem the government made a plan to reform these unruly teenagers by giving these youths an incentive. Which was providing them with their own housing and \"pocket\" money but only if they study a course of the government's choice, stay out of trouble and attend classes as often as necessary. A quick fix to a very complicated problem. {Stampede:~} Jessica's story is about a troubled angry girl stuck under one of the government's incentives and her empathetic classmate named Ryam who befriends her. But as Jessica slowly falls back into street gang culture, Ryam also finds himself falling in with her as he tries to help her to stop. Deep into a downward spiral of fight clubs, hatred and gang rivalry. Will both of them get out of it alive or will it end tragically? Is there any hope for a hurt and struggling youth? Has some mature themes and swearing, but open to anyone. Based 100% on real life, in my hometown in South London. Its an urban street comic. Updates: 3-4 pages every couple/few weeks.", false, true], "StarFoxRetaliation": ["http://starfoxretaliation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A fan comic by Royle McCulloch. Art and story by Royle McCulloch. {This Is a fan based comic, in tribute to the starfox franchise. I do not claim any rights. All characters, designs, and worlds belong to the creators of starfox and Nintendo. Even original fan characters I will not claim rights to for they are still based off the starfox universe.}", false, true], "StarKissed": ["http://starkissed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A very short story of love between two girls. Based off an old comic I did years ago. Originally on DrunkDuck,posting on here now, twice a week.", false, true], "StarLightStarBlight": ["http://starlight-starblight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "An enhanced remake of the original Crazy Comics (the version that came before the slaughterfest Crazy Koopa created as of today). It is the tale of two user who hate each other and try to outdo the other in multiple quests to save the world. However, their closet friends don't exactly agree with this grudge. It's kind of like Spy vs. Spy only with sprites. Fans of the original Crazy Comics should enjoy this comic since it takes what was good about it and tries to make it something new without being tasteless.", false, true], "StarPaint": ["http://starpaint.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "A woman fighting for the righteousness of the world. A boy attempting to find himself in all the mess as he meets a person or two who might change his view on the world. Some how everything seems a bit strange, doesn't it, T\u00e4heke?", false, true], "StarWarsRenegade": ["http://swrenegade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A comic I made some time ago, situated in the Star Wars universe, during the clone wars. It's about a clone that's left for dead in some battle in the Clone Wars. He flew and recovered from his serious injuries. Later, after Order 66 has been given, he meets a Jedi... full version at http://sofie3387.deviantart.com/gallery/307721", false, true], "StarWarsTeekay421Therealstory": ["http://teekay421.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "This is a comic I made for TK-421, the belgian star wars fanclub [link] . It handles about the stormtrooper from star wars, A new hope... Enjoy! more on my dA page: http://sofie3387.deviantart.com/", false, true], "StaraWasn": ["http://starawasn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "Dawno, dawno temu\u2026 \u2026by\u0142a sobie ma\u0142a, s\u0142owia\u0144ska wioska, zamieszkiwana przez plemi\u0119 (niemal) nieustraszonych Gorzalan...", false, true], "Starborn": ["http://starborn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "The Seraphim and the Fallen Stars have fought in a bloody war for a millennium. Their powerful soldiers on Earth are duty bound to fight, no matter what the cost. As the time of the prophecy that sparked the war draws near, the soldiers will have to make the choice between duty and their conscience.", false, true], "Stardrops": ["http://stardrops.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Stardrops are glowing space rocks that have been crashing onto Earth more frequently. Dorcia, a gazelle-human hybrid, who is in love with the universe, is determined to find out what Stardrops are and why they keep showing up! A world of magic, stars, and space!!", false, true], "StareDadCentral": ["http://staredad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "WA-HACKY gaize makin' staredads **WARNING** Mild Language", false, true], "Starmap": ["http://starmap.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "(maybe the gods (like us) hoped that there was more to the infinity of space than a scattering of stars.) A girl is stuck in the hospital following a mysterious farm accident when she receives an object that allows her to travel anywhere in the universe.. Will she combat the Evil Forces of Darkness and emerge victorious? Perhaps most importantly, will she rewrite the laws of physics? -- A graphic novel in progress by Lining Wang. Click \"About\" for more info! Materials used: India ink on translucent vellum, colored in photoshop CS5.", false, true], "StarsOfHope": ["http://starofhope.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "can the past of the hundred years ago can be alter and change? what will happen if the 4 of them meets again in that future,where there is no magic in that world. what will bring to the 4 teens, Haruka, Yuki, Yuu and Len Update date - random", false, true], "StaticSkies": ["http://staticskies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "Two children find themselves thrown into another dimension that has been ravaged by a war between powerful magic users. Together, they discover a city filled with mystery, kept under the constant watch of the Black Tower. Static Skies is intended for older teens and will update every Thursday.", false, true], "Stay": ["http://stay-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 231, "Stay is a comic I started in 2008 and I'm just now uploading it in 2012 >_>; It is a Yaoi comic Description: Lee is just an ordinary dude, he's very studious, studies on the weekends and does well in school, but then he meets Jude - a punk guy with streaks in his hair, piercings and tattoos -- his total opposite! Jude is a mysterious guy with a mysterious past that for some reason wants to be all over Lee the nerd, and as he makes his moves hy-jinks ensue!", true, false], "StayAliveFive": ["http://stayalivefive.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "BEFORE YOU READ; 1. There are guns, moderate swearing, scary stuff, and blood here. 2. This is a fan-comic off of the game Left 4 Dead. DESCRIPTION; Will five friends survive the zombie apocalypse that tore them away from their families? There's only one way to find out; check in with the updates (roughly 1-3 a month.)! DISCLAIMER; L4D and L4D2 Are copyright to steam, Credit to the artist of 'The trollface' Credit to the spriters at MysticalForestZone.com for their sprites. I'm not trying to infringe any copyright rules; this is just a fan-comic poking fun at numerous things, so if you find something that's yours in here and it isn't credited, just send me a note quick and i'll put you on the wall of credits.", false, true], "StaybyMe": ["http://staybyme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "\u00a9Moe Yamasaki moe321.deviantart.com Title: Stay by Me Genre: yaoi/shounen ai, drama, comedy, fantasy Also, please forgive me, I have drawn many mangas but this is my first actual completed and to-be completed one. I strive to improve!", false, true], "StealMyHeart": ["http://stealmyheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "This comic has a lot of stuff But mostly girls. Alexa starts out at a high school in a new place. Going in, she knows no one from the neighborhood and has no idea how to make new friends. Upon her first day, she meets Eric, a friendly guy she shares a good portion of her classes with. She soon also meets another girl, a confusing shorty named Terra. It's after a Halloween party that things get crazy, and Alexa becomes incredibly confused with herself, never having had the chance to face these emotions before. Contains a bit of Heterosexual relations very briefly, and then the rest is pretty gay COMPLETED ---------------- More at http://MangaSarah.DeviantArt.com", false, true], "SteampunkGorgon": ["http://steampunkgorgon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 118, "I had to downsize the comic to upload it here, you can find it in a bigger size on http://zodiakoverun.de/Steampunk00.htm. Read the adventures of gorgon-model Medusa and her friends in a 1930ies post-war steam-punk-world, including some magic, villians and of course technology. It's not victoriana or gas-lamp, but real steampunk mixed up with film noire. It's all handlettered and handdrawn with ink on real paper, no digital effects added.", false, true], "StellaInChrome": ["http://stellainchrome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 166, "Lost in the rubble at a condominium development lies a key that unlocks more than doors. Can Stella unlock the mystery that surrounds the key itself? Updated 8:00 PM CST each Wednesday, every Wednesday.", false, false], "Stereophonic": ["http://stereophonic.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 21, "In the autumn of 1966, struggling artist Elliot Wood is short on rent again. After a final warning from his landlord, Elliot is left with no choice but to go in search of a flatmate. His situation seems bleak until he meets an offbeat freeloader named Alex Wright- who despite his strange and careless nature seems to be Elliot's last hope. Without many options left, the two strangers are stuck together, for better or worse. Updates every Friday.", false, true], "Stitchskin": ["http://stitchskin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "", false, true], "Stolen": ["http://gestohlen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "Our story begins when Radan makes almost impossible choice between his own life and vengence, in favour of the latter. Eventually Radan gets himself engaged in some disgraceful kidnapping venture, which goes strictly against his moral compass, humanity and social standing. Perhaps, he could have come to another decision and that would be the end of story. But acting as he did, Radan starts otherwise impossible chain of events. Warning: [Stolen] is a BL graphic novel with all the consequences that come with it. If scenes depicting love between men are against your likings or if you are not legal adult, leave this page. Otherwise, please consider reading our characters' profiles and brief summary of the world they live in (for it has some distinctive differences from our own).", true, true], "Storyofadamnedlove": ["http://storyofadamnedlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "A typical love, nothing out of the ordianary, just a vamprie and the to be Devil of hell, nothing unusal about this.", false, true], "Storywalkers": ["http://storywalkers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Days is a comedic adventure about a few friends. As my first web comic, it may be a bit random at times. right now there is no particular comic schedule, but there will eventually be updates once or twice a week.", false, true], "StrandedSurvivors": ["http://strandedsurviors.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Stranded on a far away planet after a starship accident. Survivors of escape pod 345 do there best simply to survive with each other as awell as on a wild planet. Comic contains talking hats. Aim to update daily. With a coloured comic at the weekend. Warrning - possible non updates on monday/tuesday/wednesday due to evening classes.", false, true], "StrangeBedfellows": ["http://stranfellows.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 99, "\"Strange Bedfellows\" is a romantic comedy set in 18th century France. It follows the (mis)adventures of spunky courtesan M\u00e1urine, after a chance meeting with a reserved writer, \u00c9douard.", false, true], "StrangeCompany": ["http://strangecompany.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 12, "North-country girl Tessa might have expected a few challenges when she left her rural home for the city. She certainly wasn't looking for a tangled series of mishaps that forced her to live with a paranoid but beautiful man and an impulsive nutcase who truly believed she could control magic. To make matters worse, she was beginning to suspect it wasn't all just a joke. She was stumbling into a reality that wasn't normal, wasn't even possible. And like it or not, she was about to become the center of it.", false, true], "StrangeInvestigations": ["http://strangeinvestigations.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "Paul Strange is a private detective specializing in the paranormal. And when you're in the paranormal business, things tend to go wrong....", false, true], "StrangeJapaneseSchoolDaysSiblingManiac": ["http://siblingmaniac.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "A high school girl starts finding the guy she likes to ask him out to lunch but accidentally asks 3 of his brothers who look just like him. Read from right to left.", false, true], "StrangersandFriends": ["http://hemu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 255, "The small English town of Wootton Bassett begins to be haunted by a series of mysterious and horrific murders! Hemu, a new-comer to the town, becomes an obvious and easy target to the local community- he does have his fair share of secrets! But what secrets are the other locals hiding? A comic about the peculiar prejudices and customs of small communities, with a hint of social commentary on modern Britain, and a sinister splash of horror ;)", false, false], "StrawberryAfternoons": ["http://strawberryafternoons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A day to day life of a cute couple who moves in.", false, true], "StrayCrayons": ["http://straycrayons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 151, "++++Please Read++++ This web manga is a continuation of my published work \"Stray Crayons Volume 1\" which is available on www.amazon.com. Published in early 2007, it was meant to be a published as a trilogy, however due to complications, the rest will be posted online, here. So fans of Strays Volume 1, here is the rest of the story. For new readers, there will be a synopsis of volume 1 but to get the full story you'll have to buy the volume online. Please visit www.yokomolotov.net/indexsc.html for purchasing information. +++Warnings+++ *There will be inclinations of Girl Love, or shoujo-ai. It is not the main focus of the story, but it is still a part of it. * This manga is rated 16+ so if you are not 16, don't read it. *There is a lot of heavy drug use. *I drew this manga 2-3 years ago. I am posting this comic as a service to the fans of the first published volume, and to be honest, I am aware that it's not the best work I've done. So you are waisting your time posting negative feed back about the quality. Later pages near the end of volume 2 will be recent, and more refined. *I will update this manga weekly. Please see the faq for more information!", true, true], "StripTEST": ["http://striptest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "For viewing how the uploads will look", false, true], "Stronger": ["http://stronger.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "A Naruto doujinshi with a little Itachi/Sasuke. [Complete]", true, true], "StrungOut": ["http://strungoutcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Fun and hijinks with the employees of Guitars and Stuff. Some naughty language. Updates Mondays.", false, true], "Stuffz": ["http://stuffidraw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "These are things I draw and shit <3 Of course I do other stuff... But mostly drawing", false, true], "Stupid_Cupid": ["http://estupidocupido.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Given one last chance, a cupid girl, Kyu has to unite two lovers together with the Red String of Fate or lose her position forever. Things however don't go so well when she accidentally connects two male high school teachers, who happen to hate each others guts. Will they ever fall in love or is everything doomed? --- Updates every Thursday Later chapters will be R-16. Female characters seem to get a really bad wrap in yaoi mangas, so I decided to take a stand and make one of the leads a girl. I hope it doesn't put anyone off =w=' This is my first comic, I'm kind of bad at writing plots, so it's probably gonna be full of bad cliches (sorry not sorry! C:) ps. I'm waiting for a reply from the admin to get the url I want, so please check back occasionally to see if the comic has moved ^u^", false, true], "SubjecttoChangeCollegeWoes": ["http://subject-to-change.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 219, "Erin and her friends are about to embark on the greatest test on life and their friendship, going away to college. The five girls will have to survive the tests of roommates (egads!), college tests, and new relationships. Through it all the girls will find out if their friendship can really outlast the world of College Woes.", false, true], "SuddenChange2": ["http://suddenchange.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Zhei, the feared student in Madison University due to his cruelty. He believes that this world is crowded with nonsense people because of their evil nature, and he is admitted that he is guilty to be one. He never believe that a person with a pure heart exist, if there is someone, he absolutely thinks that it was a lie. Until he met Rianne - an exchange student and know because of her weird fashion. The more he knew her the more he is confused to his beliefs. Thus, Rianne experience a lot of Zhei's cruelty. Note: This manga contains biblical contents. I am going to quote a lot of Bible verses and Message here. If you don't like it, I can't do anything about it. You may find this manga to be extremely religious or silly, but this manga is not meant to promote any religions and sects. This is a Christian webcomic, The purpose of this is to share some inspiring story especially for the fellow believers who requested me to do this kind of manga. Unfortunately this comic really isn't for everybody, I totally apologize! But If you do like this - Then Welcome!! ^^", false, true], "SulkstoSmiles": ["http://sulkstosmiles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Short comics about a strangely helpful masked man.", false, true], "SummerHome": ["http://summerhome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Violet and her mother are in a tight financial bind, so they decide to move to her family's summer home. A free spirit, the girl is excited about the move and what's ahead of her. Romance-based comic. Updated Mondays and Fridays...usually.", false, true], "SunmeetsMoon": ["http://sunmeetsmoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 641, "This is a story about a boy and a girl who met in the summer and fell in love. But the end of the summer parted them for a long time. The meeting again wasn't as happy as they expected... Between them stand a lot of differences.She being a loner, attracted by witchcraft and some serious supernatural stuff. He being a sociable fellow with a childish behaviour. But most of all he having a new girlfriend ;) The story has four parts, each one made in a different year: 1. The Riddle ('07) 2. Marg's revenge ('06) 3. Who's that girl? ('07/'08) 4. Passing by Midnight ('08/'09)", false, false], "SunnyWeather": ["http://sunnyweather.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Sunny Weather is not a happy high-school freshman. Kicked out of his house, he now lives with his best friend Emmry, but, with a new baby in the house, he can't stay for long. Staying with his cousin David seems like a good option, if they can get David to agree. And David seems strangely violent? Why was Sunny kicked out of his house in the first place? Aren't parents supposed to love their children? Description gets updated with the changing arcs/chapters. A nanowrimo, expanded and turned in a webcomic. Not recommended for minors. Violence/mature themes. Updates are planned for once a week(1-2 pages), chapter one is being sketched and completed ATM.", false, true], "Sunshowers": ["http://sunshowers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Watanabe Keiko always knew her brother would get her into trouble. He always did. But when she came home one day to find him gambling with a kitsune, that trouble turns out to be way more than she bargained for. Because she didn't plan on the trouble involving marrying a mischievous magical fox! Read right to left. Updates on Sundays", false, true], "SupaKawaiiSparkleNekoDesuChan": ["http://nekodesuchan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 164, "wtefever maannn", false, true], "SuperDimensionAfterTheHero": ["http://afterthehero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 127, "Updates once every weekend. (Mondays count as weekend.) Super-Dimension comics are just the name I give all my superhero comics. This has no relation to any other Super-Dimension comics. Dennis Lockham was Paladin. A guardian superhero of L.A. But now his powers are gone. He's just a man. And that is the one thing he can't take on. Rated 12+ for *&%$'ed cussing, and violence. Neither of much, though.", false, true], "SuperMarioBros3": ["http://smb3.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 132, "The story of the Super Mario Bros. 3 game.", false, true], "SuperMarioStrips": ["http://pm4koma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Welcome to Super Mario Strips! It's all Mario, all the time! We aim to be humorous, insightful and, overall, to entertain and please you. Take a peek and enjoy!", false, true], "SuperSmasherBros": ["http://supersmasherbros.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Smasher Yoshi created a fighting tournament and called many characters from videogames to fight, but suddenly some of them revealed to be against the tounament's progress. What will happen? Check it now!", false, true], "Superbia": ["http://superbia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Superbia is one of 7 chapters to be released 2013 by Gashu-Groups Seven Deadly Sins anthology. Superbia follows a dangerous Echo, Maya, who is on a personal vendetta to prove that she is better than her infamous mother Malice.", false, true], "Superheroines": ["http://superheroines.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "A critical examination of the female superhero. I'm going to talk about what's good and what's bad about the depiction of women in the role of the superhero. But, I'm going to try and do it while maintaining a sense of humor. Also, this is a project for a Women's Studies class.", false, true], "Supermahou": ["http://supermahou.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "A story about friendship, a disappointingly scarce amount of general culture on American comic books, and a sequence of various coincidences that would make anyone remotely familiar with metaphysics shrivel and recoil into the fetal position. In Japan. Supermahou is the relatively short story about the origins of a japanese magical girl group. Rated T for language and junk. Updates at least once a week!", false, true], "SupermassiveBlackHoleA": ["http://smbhax.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1553, "Stories of a human civilization at the center of the Milky Way galaxy: an area of space dominated by a gigantic black hole, where energy is abundant and life is cheap. Updates M-F, usually multiple times per day.", false, true], "Supreme": ["http://supreme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "'Planet Ivukon is gonna be hit by an asteroid!' That's what the people of ivukon find out, 50 years before it will happen. The scientists gathered to find options and possible solutions, but at the end there is no option left but to leave Ivukon and find a new Homeplanet, where the 1,3 million Anthros can live. The scientists have been lucky, they found a new planet which they called Azzuro. They inveted new machines, systems and chemicals with which the environment, flora and fauna of this planet will grow faster and faster. Life was made possible. Now it is time to start leaving. Thousands of spaceships were built to transport the whole population. Schools were changed to train the students for jobs on spaceships, because the journey will take months. Rilka, the young vixen just finished her apprenticeship as a nurse (after she cancelled university) Rilka is the nurse on the Public Transporter-StarShip 'Squirrel' She meets new persons, old friends and gets into lot of conflicts, dramas and great emotion. What everyone does't know yet: The population of another planet has similar problems and tries to claim the new planet Azzuro for themselves.", false, true], "Surprise2007": ["http://surprise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "At halloween strange things can happen and so Cilan finds a mysterious guy. Because octobernights are realy cold,he takes him in...This guy realizes realy fast that Cilan is so much overtaxed with the hot girls on his school...I really hope you like haloween!!!!! Read it the japanese way from right to left^-^", false, true], "Surpriseboyfriend": ["http://surprisebf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Unlucky-in-love Nikolai receives an unexpected birthday gift from his joker best friends: a brand new \"robotic boyfriend\"- foul-mouthed, perverted Coco! Flabbergasted and embarrassed by the thought of even KISSING a robot, Nikolai pushes away the ever-persistent Coco, but will things change? BL, ONESHOT WARNING: FREQUENT CURSING, SEXUAL REFERENCES, awful art idk", false, true], "SurvivalGuideforvaulties": ["http://sgfv.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "I made this fan comic about Fallou3. Just a lot of short advises about the wasteland for Vault residents made by my character Shika", false, true], "SurvivingJuniorHigh": ["http://survivingjuniorhigh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "Yo. My username is pwii and if I told you my name I'm afraid I'd have to kill you. YAY! This is my first manga (that has more then one chapter) and when rating it I want you to keep in mind this is my first manga... You want a description? Why? Ok...Apparantly some bum named ty finds out he's the next in line for a huge mafia fortune. The catch? The other mafias wanna kill him. Crikey. I don't have a really good scanner, or photobucket [this may be subject to change] or much experience, so forgive me if it looks pretty unprofessional. If you read this, please commment if just to say 'I have read this comic' because it helps me keep going. Constructive critisism IS appreciated, but unconstructive is not. Example: Constructive: If you would do this with the eyes it would look better Unconstructive: THIS COMIC SUCKS!!! A comment with excessive cussing WILL be deleted, but that's about it. E-mail me at iizduhdude@yahoo.com!", false, true], "SurvivorFanCharacters": ["http://sfc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1543, "Fan Characters will be competing for $1,000,000.", false, true], "SurvivorObsidianIsles": ["http://survivoraces.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Survivor Aces Season 1: Obsidian Isles 16 strangers are about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. They'll have to conquer their fears, the elements, and each other in order to reach their goal: the $1 million cash prize. 39 days, 16 people, 1 survivor! Who will win? [NOTE: This comic contains coarse language. Those who are easily offended should not read this.]", false, true], "Suspended": ["http://suspended.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Weird things always seem to happen when Martin Palmer gets suspended, including the time when his sister had her hand bitten off by a shark. All he wants is a uneventful life, but strange things keep happening, like the rumors flying around that he's a witch. When he meets a new friend, he begins to believe that life is going to be normal until one little joke changes everything. (sexual themes, blood and violence, strong language) (BL- no underage) Updates when I get enough hours in the day :P Almost every weekend.", true, true], "SweetLovers": ["http://sweetlovers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "When life gets a little rough, all you need is someone to make it sweeter! Sweet lovers tells the story of Utari Haruko and Mutani Takeo. The owner of a candy store and a deliveryman, who end up falling for each other...", false, true], "SweetPeaAnAdventureTimeFancomic": ["http://sweetpea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Gumball and Marshall Lee find friendship in the rejection of the same girl. But is there something more to the relationship? Marshall Lee/Prince Gumball fluffy cuteness. Based on this fic: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9033884/1/Sweet-Pea Updates when I finish pages or doodledoo some arts.", false, true], "Switch": ["http://19239.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "What happens when a guy and girl somehow suddenly switch bodies? Spoiler-But-Not-Really: They don't fall in love. =3= Reads left to right Updates...not that frequently... Sorry. \"OTL Mature for sexual content I guess... Hahaha... =_=;;", true, true], "SwitchMechanism": ["http://switchmechanism.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "There once was a boy who was not a boy. Who carried stones in his heart. And an astronaut who tried to carry the boy and the stones both. Switch Mechanism- A genetic or environmental trigger which decides which of several possible forms an individual of a species may take. This is a stand-alone sequel to Black and Blue. Updates FRI and SAT", false, true], "SwordEnd": ["http://swordend.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Kumoshi, a cursed immortal and demon slayer, seeks something many do not. As he is running from his past, and chased by the devil because of his former existence, he finds it nearly impossible to escape. He travels the remains of his country, Meniscus, in search of something that can end his existence on his own terms, before the curse swallows up what remains of his own rationality. Updates: Monday and Friday around 3pm", false, true], "SwordSister": ["http://swordsister.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 32, "Swordsister is fantasy story about a warrior traveling through her world to fight for justice and good, trying to remain true to what she learned and to what she believes.", false, true], "SwordofSalvation": ["http://swordofsalvation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Ember is the only daughter to the king Xeao of Pita. She has lived her whole life in the solitude of the castle with only a few friends. However, when a man by the name of Ian is convicted of a crime he did not commit, Ember goes against her father's verdict and helps Ian to escape the walls. This causes a cascade of effects that throws Pita to the brink of war.", false, true], "Symbios": ["http://symbios.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 271, "Almost every nation in existence has a tale of terrors and hauntings to pass on to their posterity... Xedondria is no different. Their tale was to keep children from doing wrong, and if they behaved, their reward was to sleep with a clear conscience. But if they didn't behave, not only would they suffer the consequences from man, they would also be visited by the Night Horror: a monstrosity only nightmares could bring, only living in one's sleep... Now one must ask: who is it that sleeps, yet suffers the torture of this very real Horror? ***Comic will be marked mature due to any violence or themes, Thank you!***", true, true], "SymbioticRelationships": ["http://symbioticrelationships.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "A weekly comic strip about sea creatures.", false, true], "Synesthesia": ["http://synsa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "UPDATES MONDAYS In the middle of the mountains, a country priestess has been given a vision. In the middle of the city, a religious archivist has had his life uprooted. They just don't know they're connected. MATURE FOR: swearing, nudity, some sexual content, blood, gore, and abuse", true, true], "TANK": ["http://tank.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 90, "Gihara H'naka, an ex-soldier with quiet a reputation behind her, takes the challenge from an old enemy to become a tank. Follow her, as she and her friends, fight to become the best, and strangest, raiding team Azeroth has ever seen. Tank is based on the video game World of Warcraft. All it's characters and locations are owned by Blizzard entertainment. All the characters are from the server Argent Dawn, where some of them have been changed to preserve respect to the player behind them.", false, true], "TASTYBUCKET": ["http://tasty-bucket.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A really small story about friendship, and life.", false, true], "TEARS": ["http://planetclaire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "A girl goes to Mars and becomes a hero!", false, true], "TEN": ["http://ten.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 166, "Two years ago our two main characters jumped from a cliff to escape from a life of confinement and torture. The life of a human guineapig They jumped into a unknown future, a unknown destiny... and maybe death. But both of them survived and now, two years later, they meet again...", false, false], "TH3D3AD5H0WCA53": ["http://thedeadshowcase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 181, "In this show case it is our goal to have every kind of comic shown manga, anime, sprite etc for critique. So here you can advertise and show your comic pages for critiquing the art, layout, special effects, and style of the comic. There will be 5 sections to this comic. The Art section. A place to review, critique, to get help, and show off art work. The Comic section. A place to review, critique, show off comic pages, and to get help. (not the whole comic just individual pages for review on layout and such) The Advertisement section. That one is self explanatory. The Special effects section. A place to get help, tips, and critiques on custom special effects. And The sprite section. A place to review, critique, show off and get help on sprite work. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join. And sadly there are a few rules (TALKING TO YOU TROLLS LOL) Inappropriate content in either comments or other posts will be deleted. Swearing is allowed as long is it isn't offensive, and remember. Critique and help, not troll. Anyways that is all so enjoy!", false, true], "THELIMEHOUSEKILLER": ["http://thelimehousekiller.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "It is best to tread carefully through the ports of East End at night, you never know who you can find.", false, true], "THEPRINCESTALESRETOLDBLACKAHARRYPOTTERFANCOMIC": ["http://theprincestalesretoldblack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Hallo Mi Poppets and Welcome to the First part of what I hope to be a good Fancomic.... The Prince's Tale Retold focuses on one of my all time favorite character Severus Snape starting from his childhood up to the Deathly Hallows. This fancomic will also show an OC of Mine Aurora and her life with our ever beloved potions master. Most scenes will be based on from the Book, Movie, and some I will make up. Now Before you begin allow me to tell you all that there is actually two versions of this.... Black and White BLACK - Will be the same setting only this show through the pov of Severus Snape WHITE - Will be the same setting only this show through the pov of my OC Aurora For all you Harry Potter Fans .... I hope you will enjoys this. HARRY POTTER BELONGS TO J.K. ROWLING AURORA BELONGS TO ME Enjoy", false, true], "THEREWolf": ["http://therewolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "A \"cliche\" but enjoyable memoir about the life and challenges of a modern day, happily married, illustrator coping with the burdens and dangers of Lycanthropy...", false, true], "THESIMSwecouldntcomeupwithabettername": ["http://thesims.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "do what ever the hell you want we dont care EXEPT PORN NO PORN podlink/deadwolfy and if its with someone elses char ask post pic of person with bio name age gender ect 5 char limit you get the jist right? SO WITHOUT FURTHER A DO HAVE FUN", false, true], "THETALEOFARISTOTLEandwhatnot": ["http://aristotle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Seriously... it's just a comic about Aristotles life in a joking manner, and it's probably not even reliable information 8D also it ends ubruptly... but that doesn't matter. As long as you enjoy it.", false, true], "THISISNOTFICTION": ["http://tinf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 185, "THIS IS NOT FICTION is a webcomic about desperation in love--or something like that. What do you do when the person you're in-love with is an anonymous romance novelist? Get your best friend to hire your mortal enemy to help find the novelist's true identity, of course! Cue the neighborhood's Local Fan Boy Julian Drees, his best friend Isaiah Holloway, and his mortal enemy (and neighbor), Landon Addison. The 3 boys set out on countless adventures to find out the true identity of Sydney Morgan: popular romance novelist and the object of Julian's affections*. *he's a freak *mirror site, updated Mondays! *available in Spanish *not up-to-date: MOST RECENT PAGES ARE UPLOADED TO MANGAMAGAZINE.NET.", false, true], "TLAAOK": ["http://tlaaok.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 98, "Percival Livingston may not entirely look the part, but he is one of the world's leading experts when it comes to authenticating rare artifacts. Thus, he is invited by a private collector to take a look at a rather strange find. However, before Percy is able to get a good look at the object, it is stolen by a thief! Oh hell no! Percy chases the man down, but is sucked into another world when he collides with said thief as he happens to be opening an inter dimensional gate! Now Percy has to deal with the thief, get the artifact, and find a way back home! Of course, knowing Percy, he may just want to do a little exploring in between... Warnings: -It's bl. SilverHyena may have an addiction problem... hmmm... -It's rated mature, because I plan on being a bit... tasteless. Yeeees. -It's on crack. Don't expect anything too serious. XP", true, true], "TM47APokemonSilverWebcomic": ["http://tm47.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "Aaron Asher has just stepped out on his Pokemon journey after a long period of eager preparation to become a Trainer. Nothing could have prepared him for what lies ahead. Be sure to drop by https://www.facebook.com/pages/TM47/398816296840162 for up-to-date information and updates about the comic, including backstory, plot hints, and even sneak-peek releases on upcoming comics!", false, true], "TPTruePower": ["http://truepower.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 251, "A fun comic about friendship, aliens, and flashlights! Updates: Mondays", false, false], "TREPSuperhero": ["http://trepsuperhero.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 3, "The superhero character TREP comes from a short animation telling his origin story. TREP the comic book continues the action. TREP is the name of a superhero that was inadvertently created out of necessity by two top-secret government weapons inventors. Lacking any real powers, TREP uses state-of-the-art technologies to fight crime such as bolas, a grappling gun, a flexible armor suit and a communications helmet. TREP is based in a real-world setting that lacks monsters, mutants or flying men. Among TREP's adversaries are gangs, black ops, and hi-technology powered people that are trying to rule modern society.", false, true], "TRIPP": ["http://tripp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 226, "The story of an ordinary guy stuck in a never-ending acid trip. Tripp must learn to cope with his new psychotropically enhanced existence with the aid of his spirit guide, Edgar Allan Poe. This comic is not an endorsement of drug use, merely one guy's effort to deal with an accidental, perpetual hallucinatory life change. Updates on Mondays (really Sunday night at 11:45) and Thursdays See the official site at http://trippcomic.com", false, true], "TUXX": ["http://tuxx.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Briea, The Demon Hunter,is looking for more demons to slay. Along with her pet Shadow, she travels all lands and meet new people, but wait do I see horns??", false, true], "Tactic": ["http://tactic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "What if someone had been fucking with you your whole life, and you didnt' know who it was? What if you weren't even sure if it WAS someone else?", false, true], "TaikiTheWebcomic": ["http://taiki.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 380, "FINISHED! Taiki is a typical shy 16 year old high school student who is starting the 10th grade with her best friend Nikki. Going into the 2nd half of high school, Taiki thinks it\u2019s strange that she has never liked someone or fallen in love. One day she unexpectedly meets someone who changes all of this. However this person turns out to be a girl! Taiki has always wanted to know what it was like to fall in love, but what she didn\u2019t expect was that finding out would also be a journey of self discovery, realizing her sexuality, and maybe even heartbreak. -IMPORTANT!!- This is a mirror of my main webcomic that is on my own website --> http://www.taikiwebcomic.com/ This comic was started in 2006, so the art in the beginning isn't very good compared to what it is now. This story contains GL and HL, it is MOSTLY GIRL LOVE THOUGH.", false, false], "TailsAdventureThroughTimeandOtherWorlds": ["http://tailsadventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 233, "Tails unexpectedly goes on an adventure through different worlds and even through different times! It all started from falling through a purple portal. How will his adventures go? Credit goes to those who ripped/edited the sprites used for this. None of the characters used belong to me except for my own.", false, true], "TakeyourTime": ["http://takeyourtime.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "In a dystopian setting a young woman is suddenly confronted with death, love and the harsh reality of life. No relation to the In Time movie. In case you can speak German, the completed comic can already be read here: http://animexx.onlinewelten.com/doujinshi/zeichner/270196/50082/", false, true], "TakingPicturesofStrangers": ["http://darrenandkale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 135, "Darren lived the charmed life of barhopping before he met Kale. It was a new guy every night, lots of drinking, lots of sex, etc. But when he snagged big, quiet Kale, Darren uncovered Kale's secret and set into motion a series of events that lead them both down a path no one expected. Warnings: first and foremost, very gay. Gay romance, gay sex, gay gay gay. If this isn't your cup of tea, you probably shouldn't bother continuing reading. Second, the occasional bad word. Third, booze. (Does booze require a warning? It's not underage drinking or anything.) Fourth; drama and cheeze out the wazoo. Fifth and final warning; very badly drawn. (And probably badly spelled, too.)", true, true], "TalamakGreatAdventure": ["http://talamak.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 120, "12 people from all walks of life are found in the greatest challenge of their lives. These 12 people were born with a special gift that they must master in order to save the world from the evil corporation of Ysane and Ursula Eckar. They want to harness the power that these people have to enslave mankind and summon the ancient monsters that were once the fall of the 12 in a past life.", false, true], "Talent": ["http://talent.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Read LEFT to RIGHT Angelica Wright is pretty much just like any other extreme amnesiac...well...except for the fact that every where she looks there's a monster of some sort: myth, legend, ghost, youkai... Ah don't worry. She always beats the hell out of them.", false, true], "TaleofMimizan": ["http://taleofmimizan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "Mimizan lives in an outback abbey with three other priests who are a little boozy. They're hiding him from the world but one day he goes into town and make some trouble... (more info later) Also on Mangamagazine--> http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Tale-of-Mimizan/detail-page/2269?lang=en Updates weekly", false, true], "TalesFromAllora": ["http://tfallora.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "The world of Allora is vast, and has many tales to tell. These are but a few of them. ----------------------- Do you want to do a minicomic set in Allora? Feel free to apply! Do you want more info on Allora? Ask away!", false, true], "TalesfromRafikisTree": ["http://tfrt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Just a FanComic about The Lion King.", false, true], "TalesofAlloraConnections": ["http://talconnections.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "A Night Elf searching for the means to save his loved ones... An ancient construct buried and sleeping for centuries... In the world of Allora connections run deep, especially when war threatens to tear the continent apart as it does no. Those who have never met before in their lives have no idea how deeply they will end up effecting each others destinies.", false, true], "TalesofAlloraTheCrossing": ["http://toacrossing.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "What used to be Deluge is being rebranded as a new adventure. Based in the world of Allora, a realm created by the minds of Searo, Bringer_Of_Light, and Shard, 5 adventurers band together in order to change everything. * * * The third age of Allora brings not only new beginnings, but also new conflicts within the continent of Issarden. The Crossing details the odyssey of individuals stretching from throughout the war-torn continent. This is the story of how the world fell under darkness.", false, true], "TalesofHector": ["http://toh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Story of an elf and his unlikely quest to being the underdog Hero as well as disgrace to elves.", true, true], "TalesofTKF": ["http://tkftales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "After their defeat at the hands of Hell's forces, a rag tag team of morons have to come together and fight to save their friends. Warning: Swearing and references to mature material. I'd say if it was a TV Rating, it would be MA. Updates every other week as of 1/29/2013.", false, true], "TalesofToys": ["http://talesoftoys.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "The story contains stand-alone chapters about the different toys in that particular children's room. But once all the little side stories are done, there is a final chapter where all stories connects and there is a great evil lies beneath to fight against~!", false, true], "TalesoftheMagicianandthePrincess": ["http://magicianandprincesstales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 250, "Here are tales of my own take of Alice in Wonderland/Cinderella. This story takes place with Alfie, literally falling into a crazy show, there he meets a bizarre set of characters, including a servant girl, Mary-Ann(daughter of a famous Magician). Alfie later discovers his dream was no illusion when familiar faces show up causing trouble on and off the stage, and also Alfie and Mary-ann uncover more about each other and their own magic against the 'Red Prince'. Where do you think all this will lead them into...? Follow Alfie and Mary-ann, into a world of magic. May the show begin!!", false, true], "Tamashi": ["http://tamashi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "its name is TAMASHI (Japanese word which means SOUL).... story is about a woman who really wants to become immortal so she try to do everything to become immortal even killing people but her husband is a priest..he is kind, gentle and a good person he doesn't like this.. he try to stop her and even warned her if she keeps killing he will kill her with his own hands.....but when she didn't stop..one day he locked her in house and when she wasn't able to kill someone....that day she kills her own son.. when her husband finds out about this He kills her but her soul was completely turned EVIL and her soul went to other side of the time....and promise to born again and when she got immortal she will take her revenge on him..... so to stop her he have to take another birth to other time and now that woman is born into a young girl ......", false, true], "TappasQuestionsAndAnswers": ["http://tappaquestionsandanswers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Tappa can answer (most of) your questions! But: -If it's a video game question, only Mario, Sonic, Mega Man Classic, Battle Network, Pokemon, and Kirby questions are allowed. Simple questions also allowed. -Keep it family friendly. -1 question per person per page. -Questions about My Game: Play allowed. So ask away!", false, true], "Tardaasa": ["http://tardaasa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 116, "Tardaasa is about the small things in life. It is about the feeling you get when you watch someone whipe of a bogger on the side of their bed and you happily think: \" I do that too.\" And then you think it is gross...", true, true], "Tatsuisms": ["http://tatsu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Words of wisdom from the Ninja Master himself.", false, true], "TauskisStory": ["http://tauski.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Tauski's Story (originally Tauskin Tarina) is a comic about a man who needs love. He's not very social, so he decides to try a date service and meet a nice girl through it. But something goes wrong and Tauski notices he's not sure about what he wants anymore... Contains BL and hopefully some yaoi.", true, true], "TeKNPals": ["http://teknpals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "TeK pretends he has friends, yes he does. TeK pretends he has friends, I bet you wish you did too.", false, true], "TeKscloset": ["http://tekchats.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 200, "TeK's mind and friends. You're god is now forlorn.", true, true], "TeMPteD": ["http://temptedcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "What happens when Lucifer's highest demon goes on vacation? After 100 years of waiting for a break from hell, Bad things happen. Though those hundred years have past... Lucien is still as immature as always- and sucks at making decisions. But what happens when a 16 year old goes, Virgil out clubbing, gets high(and or drunk) and meets him? Yaoi is the result <3 *will contain: Yaoi, m meaning boys with other boys, men with other men. Random ass stuff that is yet to be decided. C:* *will NOT contain: Yuri, hentai, hetero love. Or incest. Or furries(God damn furries...)", false, true], "TeamDarkwing": ["http://darkwing.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Felix the Hedgehog learns that Dr. Eggman is planning once again to take over the world. The letter from Eggman was addressed to Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends, but Felix decides to get his friends Angel the Tenric and Alexa the Hedgehog to help him stop Eggman's scheme. Thus, Team Darkwing is formed. Alexa-Speed (Leader) Felix-Power Angel-Fly CREDIT TO \"JBlack\" FOR THE BANNER. <3", false, true], "TeamLolwut": ["http://teamlolwut.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "\"Welcome to team Lolwut Shit tends to happen.\" Well, nothing ever DID happen, and nothing ever will. Oh well! Leader (D00D64 [New Management]) Spy (Logical Sandwhich) Soldier (kirbdude) Medic (Heavyrose) Engineer (BreakerLOLZ) Scout (KurodaTH) Pyro (DnaMadness.exe) Sniper (D00D64) Demoman (Tacidus) Heavy (Haru_The_Angel) Hobo (true Mercha)", false, true], "TeamShapes": ["http://teamshapes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 148, "There's a team of MS paint creatures that do random events that include fighting Paint.net, running from a guy who they owe $500 to, doing missions, and simply fooling around. Current chapter: Roup wants to build a time machine, but it gains consious and reverses the comic order of this chaptor, eventually time itself will stop. They must defeat it.", false, true], "TechnicolorLondon": ["http://technicolorlondon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 253, "Toby Landon's love life is a bloody mess.His on and off girlfriend has once again tossed him aside. His mate Mark gives him some advice: Try something different. With a kiss, the lives of these two friends go from being black and white to being full of vivid color. No longer a checkerboard, This is Technicolor London. //Yaoi/Boylove Plus a little bit of everything else// //Updates are Every Tuesday & Friday//", false, false], "TeddyKnight": ["http://teddyknight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Do you know who protects you from the monsters under the bed? *May contain mild shonen-ai.", false, true], "Teddystuck": ["http://teddystuck.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "", false, true], "TehHazardsofLuff": ["http://luff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "On March 24, 2009, The Decemberists amazed and inspired people all over the world with a beautiful, powerful, and ingenious rock opera entitled The Hazards of Love. One year later, Armbyorg screwed it up. WITH CHIBIS! lolz~ ^_^ <3 This comic contains: \u0095 animal gropage \u0095 naked chibis \u0095 suggested sex \u0095 dead babies \u0095 silliness Visit Decemberists.com to find out more about the album and the band. I am not affiliated with The Decemberists AT ALL. But they're awesome.", false, true], "Tehardvenshursoftrozehancolro": ["http://trozehancolro.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "trozeh an colro r 2 long lost frends, jhoin dem as dey go on lods 0f ardvenshurs", false, true], "Temiscira": ["http://temiscira.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "", false, true], "Temma": ["http://temma.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "", false, true], "Temptation": ["http://temptationofjesus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "omic version of the temptation of Jesus in Matthew 3:16~4:11", false, true], "TemptationsSephirothxZackxCloud": ["http://temptationsszc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "How the Book of Genesis /really/ should have gone. Pairing: SephirothxZackxCloud Written by HadesPhoenix. Drawn by Xiaa Neither of us owns Final Fantasy 7 or its characters. This is for fun.", true, true], "Temujin": ["http://temujin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "", false, true], "TenLetterstoLoveYou": ["http://tenletterstoloveyou.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Ten Letters to Love You - a 17-page very soft shoujo-ai story which I drew for Nippon Doujinshi's \"Love is Love\", a small doujinshi (about 120 pages total) about yaoi and yuri, and how the gender doesn't matter. It's my first ever comic I finished- I've drawn some pages of other stories but gave up after a while xD I'll gradually upload the pages to Smackjeeves ^^ I hope to get usefull comments and good references for making a bigger comic- that is, once in the future. But it's a goal of mine. I hope you'll enjoy \"Ten Letters to Love You\", it might be short, but I hope it's still good (:", false, true], "TenSouls": ["http://tensouls.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "The king of the underworld sends the souls of his children to live on earth as humans and to kill each other for the throne. (sorry for the awful, vague description I'll come up with something better later...) Warnings Yaoi, Gore, Violence, blah", true, true], "TenshinoPantsu": ["http://tenshinopantsu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Tenshi no Pantsu is based off of Tenshi no Ai, a maid-cafe in New York. The characters portrayed in both parts are in fact based off of people I know(but a bit exaggerated lol) Part 1 mostly consists of perverted hijinks and crazy antics. Part 2 is a fantasy story based off of Alice in Wonderland. (c)Tifa-X 2011-2013 (Part 1 has already been completed.) (Part 2 is in the process of editing, but its basically done too lol)", false, true], "Tensity": ["http://tensity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "A comic about two boys meeting in an unfortunate way. WARNING: *Contains stupid gags only the author would find funny *Boys Love *Super sketchiness... Updates mostly every weekend!", false, true], "Tenwaysbendystrawssavedmylife": ["http://bendystraws.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 191, "an informal window into the way i saw/see life as a teenager and young adult told though the adventures of two rather ordinary kids", false, true], "Terra": ["http://terra.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "A short comic about a boy who finds out he has the ability to control earth with his mind. Terra is the backstory comic for Simon, one of the characters from the Gifted manga series. Terra is complete at 25/25 pages.", false, true], "TerraMagica": ["http://terramagica.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Lin Kerral Sanar searches for a noise in the night, which turns out to be more or less what she expects, and doesn't go according to any plan at all. Updates most weekends. (A better description will be added once the first chapter begins. I don't want to spoiler anything yet.)", false, true], "TerrysPlace": ["http://terrysplace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Follow the wounderful and weird world of Paige, Amy, Terry, and others in Terry's Place.", true, true], "Tesoro": ["http://tesoro.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Find the treasure, become rich right? A western based around treasure, greed, magic and working well with others.", true, true], "TextisBoring": ["http://textisboring.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "A group of high school friends is being targeted by bureaucratic secret agents. Although they may look like nothing but cartoonishly incompetent villains, the Fun Police are the embodiment of everything wrong with the status quo. They are a poster child for flaws in education, government, and society. As our heroes will discover, things are not always as simple as they appear!", false, true], "ThanksForGiving": ["http://thanks-for-giving.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Thanksgiving Special. While preparing a Thanksgiving meal for his coming family, Tsubaki, Ryukou's hubby/lover, wants to \"play.\" *YAOI WARNING*", true, true], "ThatWasntThereYesterday": ["http://twty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 148, "A mysterious stranger meets a mysterious road.", false, false], "ThatsMyBoh": ["http://tmb.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 126, "Updates whenever the hell I feel like updating it.", false, true], "ThatsaGoodQuestion": ["http://thatsagoodquestion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "You see this guy and you are like \"woah, he's so cool, and like Neo from the matrix!\" But that's just not the case. This comic is of a possibly insane, mustard bottle loving, dancing man named Larry. Larry would like to be your friend.", false, true], "ThatsmyDewi": ["http://thatsmahdewi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "A spin off Series from G.B.A's Crib. Follow the adventures of Dewi Evans, as he tries to... do whatever he wants!", false, true], "Thatwasweird": ["http://tww.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "All i can say is that was weird (TWW)", false, true], "The13thWorld": ["http://the13thworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 130, "In the galaxy known as Andromeda ruled by the Goddess Palutena; creatures known as O'phans rule the thirteen worlds and it is up to her chosen followers to save and bring peace to the thirteen planets. This is a mashup of several anime and video game worlds.", false, true], "The2sidedkirbyasupergameplayerXstory": ["http://t2sksgpx.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "the story of supergameplayerX or sgpX or super of his life.", false, true], "TheActorsCaterwaul": ["http://theactorscaterwaul.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Young actor Lily is possessed by a shapeshifter from the underworld during her run of Caryl Churchill's \"The Skriker\". In a dream-like sequence she is transported to purgatory where she is faced with the threat of completely succumbing to evil...Or can Lily be saved? This comic, with the help of Churchill's mysterious text, explores the notion of exorcism and the actor's relation to spiritual possession. THE KEY TO READING THIS COMIC IS TO TAKE THE TEXT PHONETICALLY. Try reading it out loud :)", false, true], "TheAdorableBunneh": ["http://theadorablebunneh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "The BL stands for Blatant Lies! (Not recommended for anyone under the age of 13 due to excessive mentioned violence and swearing)", false, true], "TheAdventuresofAfroape": ["http://afroape.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "", false, true], "TheAdventuresofAnnaGlennandHerPetEthan": ["http://anna.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "This is a fictional comic based on real people, with one small difference: Ethan, instead of being Anna's brother, is her pet, and is only 6 inches tall. This was the first comic strip I made. I'm just posting it years later. I may draw new episodes eventually.", false, true], "TheAdventuresofHyperguyandKinnyman": ["http://hg152andkm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "This is a story of traveler of dimensions who gets called to adventure by a fellow adventurer. Together they set off on a quest to save someone of high importance. I am not crazy, I was bored this way. - Hyperguy ------------ He may not be crazy, but 'I' certainly am XD ~ kinny-man", false, true], "TheAdventuresofToastWarrior": ["http://adventuresoftoastwarrior.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Food is a big part of every day life. But, in the kingdom of Pan it is more than that, Food is the way of life. Toast warrior is a knight of the Pita table whose weapon of choice is a magic bread paddle. While Lady Strudel is the best baker in all of the Pan and the known kingdoms and rules her kitchen with an iron skillet. Together with their faithful companion Sour Dough they travel through out the Six Food Kingdoms maintaining the balance between them and search of the mystical pantry sprites.", false, true], "TheAgesofPopstar": ["http://popstarages.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "On a planet known as Popstar, trouble is brewing. Kayem, a brave warrior from the faraway planet called Luminyst, which has met its end, arrives at Popstar and quickly becomes a well known hero. But it doesn\u2019t seem as Kayem has come alone... Is the arrival of Kayem truly a gift to Popstar, or is it just the first step on the path that planet Luminyst has taken?", false, true], "TheAlliance": ["http://alliance.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 303, "The year is 3010... The earth has become a poisoned shadow of what it once was. The sky has stained red, a symbol of the endless wars that had emerged below. Animals mutated from the toxic atmosphere that own the lands. Mankind itself has even been mutated. For some, their DNA being matched with various animals. And others gaining different attributes from their darkening hearts. Human kind has now fled to giant toxin purified domes. But even this is beginning to become less then what they need to survive. Their minds have been polluted with evil. Darkness surrounds their hearts. Now there is only one hope........ The Alliance. Contains Violence, blood, romance... Eventually... My comic is BOYXGIRL.", false, true], "TheAngelWhoLovedMe": ["http://angellove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Takaya is in abusive relationship and he knows that he\u2019ll never be free. That is until he says the magic words. BL/Supernatural/MA18+", true, true], "TheAngelofMarshaEvers": ["http://angelofmarsha.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Slice-of-life, plus ghosts and guardian angels. About high school, dealing with apparitions, and looking out for your friends.", false, true], "TheAntihero": ["http://antihero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 241, "Most stories have good guys and bad. Some have only good guys, but with antagonists. Then some have only dastardly villains trying to do villainous things to decent people while all along screaming at the top of their lungs into the rain. This is one of those comics This is also a very depressing comic. Seriously. Every chapter is 'death' in a different language, and each title page is the Protagonist about to die. ... I told you it was depressing. Anyways, don't let that stop you! It takes place 20 years in the future. The U.S. has deteriorated into a kind of middle-ages scenario, where the government is corrupt, inflation rules, and the Mafia basically control the country. It doesn't get any better than that. But Isaac, the commander of the NY Mafia, notices there's a new gang in town. The Redblades. And there's something familiar about the commander... I'd rate it about 12+. There's mild gore, blood, and violence. Also comic cussing (!@#$%^& it!). And it's basically aimed at an older audiance, but if you're okay with the above, go ahead.", false, false], "TheAsylumEater": ["http://theasylumeater.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Ryan Kirfus is insane. Quiet mad really. He has a habit of eating people. The Asylum Eater It\u2019s the year of 2736, and the rate of the insane has gone up since the higher tech, warps the brain. Not in mechanic ways, but in medicine. It may cure whatever disease you had, but with side effects. Some very drastic. A bloody grin to your right\u2026 Or maybe a spine chilling, screaming laugher echoing down the halls. Either way you\u2019re alone in your own madness as well. From a violent child who killed their family, to an old man who\u2019s gone mad lusting for immortality. Some cases aren\u2019t so bad and a few of the insane can go to the gardens and interact with each other. So I welcome you to the asylum that holds the worst and the gentlest of the mad. Here\u2019s your cell- I mean room. Enjoy your stay and try not to get killed. WARNING: Will contain lots of gore and disturbing images. And probably some spelling and grammer mistakes. My english is okay but beware. READ RIGHT TO LEFT", false, true], "TheAttackoftheRecoloursSeason1": ["http://mysticalvalley.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "The Recolours are attacking all of Mobius and the edits will have to eliminate them. Flash, Leeroy and Kedar500 are creating the recolors and sending them out to fight but Sonic, Josephk and the others are preventing them from succeeding. Will they save the world from whatever Flash and Kedar500 are planning. Then read the Seasons and find out. Updates on Saturdays and Wednesdays; During School days I will update randomly on the weekends.", false, true], "TheBaconChronicles": ["http://thebaconchronicles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Random adventures of a madman and an idiot. Spanning multiple time periods and multiple planes of dimension for no reason. Accepting cameos for some reason. Message or Comment if you want to cameo. (Must be either MMZ or MMZX sprites)", false, true], "TheBalladofKordapya": ["http://kordapya.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "There is a story about a soul-charmer. One who could bring the dead back to life. But in exchange she'll take your soul. ...They say she does not have one.", false, true], "TheBarelyLegalRubyNuzlocke": ["http://barelylegal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Follow Brendan on his conquest of Hoenn's league. There will be glory, losses, and a great deal of dancing around the law...", false, true], "TheBaronofILex": ["http://the-baron-of-ilex.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "Tales of adventure,horror and weirdness", false, true], "TheBattle": ["http://thebattle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A short story about the frustrations of life, and what two men did about them. No, it's not BL.", false, true], "TheBetterofTwoAdventures": ["http://betteroftwoadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "When those evil supervillians try to take over their video game universes, the heroes normally try to stop them. But, what do they do when heroes don't arrive? Please, do not troll or flame.", false, true], "TheBickHouse": ["http://thebickhouse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "What do you get when you put your average Black Mage, an alchemically-gifted Orc, and an overly obnoxious BirdBitch in the same comic? ... Yeah, you're right, bad idea.", false, true], "TheBigFoldy": ["http://thebigfoldy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 145, "", false, true], "TheBlackBird": ["http://theblackbird.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "A bl/yaoi sketch webcomic that revolves around Irie Lloyd, a supposed-to-be normal 19-year old college student, turned out to be a reincarnation of \"Raven\". Raven is one of the oldest noble pureblood vampire known as the Black Bird. His bestfriend, Ian, who turns out to be an Astral Fox. The cat he's petting for years, Lily, who turns out to be his old familiar back then (a cat demon spectre). And the wolf who he sealed for long time, Lyall, who turns out to be his past lover. What will happen to Irie's normal human life? Would it remain the same? What are the secrets to be told about his own whole-being? A Story about A vampire, A wolf, A fox and A cat on Quadrangle Love Affair. Read from LEFT to RIGHT please. Thank you.", true, true], "TheBlackKangaroo": ["http://blackkangaroo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "As the urban gangs in Artisan begin to intensify with their discovering new technology that brings a threat to honest workers and civilians inventory causing them to beg and depend on the gang's black market for sustenance. A rouge group of vigilant gang like juvenile youth calling themselves \"The Black Kangaroo\" uses this tech to correct the authority thats being rewritten by the criminal minds of Artisan", false, true], "TheBlueCarmen": ["http://carmen.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 8, "", false, true], "TheBlueFriendship": ["http://thebluejourney.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "This is a comic about Sonic with a normal life at school. But as always, there is a dillama....the problem is his science partner. Update: whenever", false, true], "TheBookofNosferatu": ["http://www.thebookofnosferatu.com/comics/", 207, "Two unusual sisters strive to survive a post apocalyptic world where supernatural creatures reign supreme.", false, true], "TheBoywhowantedtobeaBird": ["http://boy-who-wanted-to-be-a-bird.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A short, like ten page, comic about a boy who wanted to become a bird in order to escape his abusive parents. It's told from the perspective of his best friend. I drew this about a year ago so the arts not exactly up to par but the story is solid.", false, true], "TheBrideoftheShark": ["http://sameyome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 140, "Toshio is a pearl diver, dealing with his love problems in Onjuku. 'Ehukai is a shark, instantly falling in love with the boy and claiming him his wife in front of his family...", true, false], "TheBrightmoonChronicles": ["http://brightmoonchronicles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "Heimr. A world ruled by Monarchies, Academies and the Guilds. In a bid to gain supremacy in the world, Caelum Academy sends two brothers to find two ancient artifacts. These artifacts were said to be forged by the Gods of old who once ruled Heimr and said to contain the ancient powers and knowledge of these Gods. And with the sudden disappearance of their father, Maximilian and Lucas Gabriel are in way over their heads. Updates on Fridays. (Normally colour. Black and white for the moment though)", false, true], "TheBucket": ["http://thebucket.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 109, "An art/comic journal as well as a collection of memes about mangas or pretty much anything. Updates daily.", false, true], "TheCafedAlizee": ["http://alizee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 351, "Eliza Jones always had a dream of opening a cafe, but met a tragic fate before she ever could. Thus, the Caf\u00e9 d'Alizee was opened in her honor. This story really isn't about her, though. Instead, this story follows the interesting, strange, and in some cases eccentric staff of the Cafe d'Alizee as they wander through the trials and tribulations of life. They may not know where they are going, but they have the four most important things in the world: love, life, coffee, and cake. *Updates every Monday and Thursday.* P.S. I should also mention that because this comic deals with the lives of various people, there may be situations that include relationships of any gender combination as well as violence or sexual situations, but there will be nothing graphic. So because they are (mostly) all adults, expect adult situations to occur. :)", false, false], "TheCatofaMadman": ["http://thecatofamadman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A guide in the form of a cat comes to help a man in a dystopian world where he doesn't fit.", false, true], "TheChaparone": ["http://chaparone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 51, "The Chaparone is a contains humorous violence. -Backround story- Larry, the main character, is searching for a chaparone. I'm not really sure why he needs a chaparone, but he needs one. Larry's character design is the super-stylized chibi which is popular is Japan. He has endless amount of space in his pockets. (though he stores his weapons of murder in them...) Will he ever use his power of endless pants for good...? In short...he is a boy on a mission, and will murder anyone who turns him down. His cuteness is everyone elses down-fall. He is popular with the girls for some odd reason...he only likes one! Can you guess which one is his love? (doubt it...) Warning contains violence. (cute violence :3) ENJOY!!!!!!!", false, true], "TheCharlieFiles": ["http://charliefiles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Charlie Chaser was never content with his life. Living in Brownstown the rest of his life, doing nothing- was not an option. He wanted more. Adventure, love, friendship.. But what happens when you start to think you got much more than you bargained for? If you really want something, you'll pay the price for it, no matter what... Created by comicalmeanings, [ http://comicalmeanings.deviantart.com/ ] with help from Charlie Files concept artist and co-writer, miniyasha101. [ http://miniyasha101.deviantart.com/ ]", false, true], "TheClass": ["http://www.theclasscomic.com/comics/", 339, "The Class is a story about high school students learning to deal with growing up while being confronted with the ability to use powers and fight a growing evil. Written by Jaysen Headley and Illustrated by Jessi Jordan. For more news and info, check out our blog at www.theclasscomic.com", false, true], "TheColdestDayInDecember": ["http://tcdid.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "This is a short comic about an experience I had last December. It speaks of the social injustices that take place around us every single day. I hope you'll learn something. PG 13 for language", false, true], "TheColony": ["http://thecolony.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 125, "In the secluded hills of upstate New York, there is a place known only to few. It is a haven for all things macabre; werewolves, vampires, zombies. If you fear it, chances are it resides there. Every 300 years, a new regent is crowned, and this time you're invited to the ceremony. The Colony is updated every Tuesday, so come on back!", true, true], "TheComicWorld": ["http://comicworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "a comic about... comics. The first half was drawn when i was in 12th grade. while I was supposed to be studying for exams. The second half was drawn 4 years later, in college (pretty recently, actually)", false, true], "TheContract": ["http://the-contract.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "After a series of dreams, Starken wakes up in another world. There he meets Phalarin, a demon who seems harmless.", false, true], "TheCrawl": ["http://www.thecrawlcomic.com/comics/", 45, "A fantasy comic about a unique prison.", false, true], "TheCreedsofMidgar": ["http://creedofmidgar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Using entirely screenshots taken off the online game Ragnarok Online 2, a story was interwoven within the fabrics of Midgar involving the lives of people who served in the four main Royal Orders, the Creeds of Midgar.", false, true], "TheDailyLifeofaTeenager": ["http://thedailylifeofateenager.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "What are teenagers? They are eccentric humans, weirdly random, and extremely attached to their computers. They laugh at everything, maybe not because its funny, and cry at emotional moments in life. Mako, an average crazy teenager (or more like an average american teenager) has life going for her. She has her computer, friends, and a bunch of food! But can there be more than that to life? Follow Mako as she discovers the little things in life and her adventures of her somewhat daily exciting life!", false, true], "TheDangoPuppetShow": ["http://dps.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "It's exactly what it sounds like.", false, true], "TheDarkAgeofMobius": ["http://thedarkageofmobius.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 189, "It was 20 years ago that the Emerald war began. Many died. Sonic, and Eggman are but a few. There were, however, survivers. A mysterious overlord has taken over much of the world. There are those who oppose him. This is the story of one.", false, true], "TheDarkScarzcollectionofrandomcrap": ["http://scrapheap.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "A showcase for just about anything i make. And to occasionally dump things that i got lying round on my hard drive. All Sprites need permission to be used unless i state otherwise in the comments.", false, true], "TheDarkStranger": ["http://thedarkstranger.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "In an unnamed (as of yet) fantasy world, a young girl is kidnapped and sold into slavery. Her childhood is not exactly awesome. She grows up believing that she is worthless, less than human, etc. One day, a stranger teaches her otherwise, and she begins to learn just how special she really is...", false, true], "TheDeathPact": ["http://thedeathpact.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 176, "A dark story about heaven and hell... comments are welcome. thanks to all readers. category: shonen,action, horror, comedy", false, true], "TheDemonicAdventuresofAngelWitchPita": ["http://angelwitchpita.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 303, "Reading a book is innocent enough, right? Except when you're Pita, and reading the book releases hundreds of demons and their leader, and all of them are craving for a bit of...action. Enter a (pig) cherub-in-training named Buhi, who then puts Pita in a contract to take care of each and every one of the demons, add a little bit of Magical Girl bibbity boo, and now you have the start of the story.", true, true], "TheDestroyer": ["http://heartless-destroyer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 195, "A Shadow-cat demon named Kairo Ventaiga finds his solitude interrupted when he finds out his family isn't dead. However, he's gotten used to his deadly lifestyle and doesn't want to change... In a neighboring kingdom, Princess Nicole, a daughter of Light, doesn't want her father's crown. She is strangely sympathetic toward Shadow demons, her kind's mortal enemy. She's determined to befriend the Destroyer; perhaps she knows something Kairo doesn't... Reilyn Ventaiga only wants to find out what happened to his parents the night Kairo disappeared, but getting any answers out of his brother is looking more and more impossible... TakJak, a former thief, starts to notice that the Heartless Destroyer isn't as heartless as he seems... Updates: every Saturday with one or two pages Warning for minors: contains prevalent cursing, blood and gore, violence, and maaaybe farther down the line, partial nudity or hints at it. Also gay people. If you don't like any of the above, I'd advise against reading my comic.", true, true], "TheDevilsLinkTheBirthofRevenge": ["http://thedevilslink.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Five years later, after the death of his father and birth of his young brother. Gin is turning ten years old. His workaholic ace lawyer mother finally took a day off for his birthday and bake a cake, only for the family. When Gin blowed his candles out, someone knocked on the door. His mother send the boys upstairs to their rooms. Gin and his young brother, Red waited for a hour, which it made them worried about their mother. Gin walked out from the room and slowly tiptoe to his mother's room. In surprise, he found his mother.... And a stranger. Satan went a visit to the house of god. God, himself requested to see the satan since he said it been years nothing seeing him. However, it been only one week when they last saw each other. When Satan entered the god house, he found this unusually aura coming from God. After the conversation ended, Satan rushed back to his throne and told his right hand man to find a human. Why? It's because God is getting corrupt. Warning: Blood/Gore. Bromance. Religions beliefs. Sexual situation.", false, true], "TheDirtyWaterChronicles": ["http://thedirtywaterchronicles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "The elegant side adventures of the Demonic Toilet cast. Unknown though they may be, they are one crazy bunch. ***** This is actually a collection of side stories for another comic of mine - however, I haven't started the actual comic yet and probably won't for a while....I just figured I might as well upload the others anyway though, since I draw them so often for fun.", false, true], "TheDodekatheon": ["http://dodekatheon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "The Dodekatheon is the story of Olympus, the world's most renown brothel and the beautiful men who live there. Takes place in a vaguely Mediterranean alternate universe where prostitution exists in a highly idealized form. Bl/shonen-ai and all the other phrases that basically mean the same thing. Updates two pages a week, generally on Monday.", false, true], "TheDoppelganger": ["http://chess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "Aaron had seen his own doppelganger, known to be a sign of death by most; yet he refuses to except it in order to fulfil his dreams. What does he do ? he meets the grim reaper himself, however nothing comes free", false, true], "TheDove": ["http://broken.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "", true, true], "TheDragonFistsofSmortySmythe": ["http://thedragonfistsofsmortysmythe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 453, "This is the story of a Martial Arts Monk who leaves his Monastery to take up a life in the outside world. Wishing for a peaceful existence, he instead becomes a reluctant hero, bodyguarding his intrepid, trouble-prone friends on their adventures.", false, true], "TheDragonandtheLemur": ["http://dal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1090, "The Dragon and the Lemur is a web manga drawn by Vilani Vil\u00e1 and scripted by the same and CherryVincent. In few words, a RP between the artist and CherryVincent, which Vilani decided to transform into a Manga. D.a.L (for short) tells us the story of two characters, Hakakku (a humanoid, hybrid between Cat and a Lemur) and Chain (a humanoid, dragon). They both met, probably not under the best circumstances and ended up falling in love. The script is currently finished. This comic contains explicit content and homosexual relationships. Bestiality/shota/incest may be often mentioned. May have blood and gore. NC-17 YAOI/HENTAI/YURI Update schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Started: Sept 2005 Status: On going", true, true], "TheDump": ["http://roylemccullochsplace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "Name says it all.", false, true], "TheElementsofPeace": ["http://elementsofpeace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "When evil rises and the Elements of Harmony cannot defeat it, new elements are created to defend Equestria.", false, true], "TheEscorter": ["http://escorter.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "A short scifi themed story about a messenger called Spomanka, who experiences a challenge in a new kind of career.", false, true], "TheEssyaneWarriors": ["http://www.eva-niles.com/comics/", 239, "Also available on mangamagazine. A heroic fantasy manga, where revenge and lies are the main allies for a resentful queen. And only the Essyane Warriors can provide a proper revenge to her master plan... The trick is to find them and wake them from a very powerful spell. Edit: Updates every Monday to Friday from 11th of Dec. 2012! Paper version available now : visit eva-niles.com/store/", false, false], "TheEvilQueen": ["http://theevilqueen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "All evil queens were princesses once. A fading queen seeks to attain eternal beauty, no matter what it may cost her.", false, true], "TheExceptions": ["http://exceptions.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A Mage, an Assassin and a Priest walk into a bar...", false, true], "TheEyeoftheBeholder": ["http://theeyeofthebeholder.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "READ LEFT TO RIGHT--AMERICAN COMIC STYLE!!! Elizabeth Davis is the most beautiful girl of the 22nd century and she knows it. She'll sign up for a cloning experiment and of course she'll be the most viable candidate for financial and physical reasons. Everyone's thinking the same thing--they can't wait to have another girl as beautiful as Elizabeth in the world. However, Elizabeth's arrogance and impatience will get the better of her in... THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER (Sounds like a real cheesy movie trailer...oh well)", false, true], "TheFayth": ["http://thefayth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Based on my first webcomic, Tharan Fayth, The Fayth encompasses the life of a young Cleric and a mysterious guest who changes the course of his life forever. Magic, humor and drama to boot. Yeah, it's a gay romance story written by a gay guy, at least I can contribute to the break of trend by not being a crazed fangirl! So the typical WARNINGS~ HOMOPHOBES BEWARE, and MATURE SITUATIONS TO ENSUE and um, I think that's it...oh and there probably will be BLOOD AND GORE. There we go. --08/11/12: Updating sporadically!--", false, true], "TheFlawlessPrincess": ["http://flawlessprincess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "This is a random short story I made as a school project in four weeks. It's about a fairy princess! <3 XD", false, true], "TheFluffyFactory": ["http://flufac.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Shard's showcase of all that is fluffy and more. That's really all there is to say on the matter. CLOSED DUE TO JOINING REIDY AND FRIENDS SHOWCASE. GO THERE FOR STUFF FROM ME AND OTHER COOL PEOPLE.", false, true], "TheForestMonks": ["http://theforestmonks.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "An environmental comedy, and a tribute to a great man - Chut Wutty.", false, true], "TheFortSplashingtonAdventures": ["http://fortsplashington.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 100, "If you throw a strange cartoonist, a girl posing as a nun, a hairy man-beast and a sarcastic serial killer into a creepy castle in the middle of nowhere, what do you get? Well we're not quite sure yet. We're still trying to figure out how a flying teacup and a talking muffin came into the picture. You're welcome to try and work it out for yourselves, but if you do eventually understand what's going on, can you explain it to us?", true, true], "TheGame": ["http://games.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "On Sammy's birthday, she gets a new game called \"The Game.\" She's surprised at how much fun she's having with it, even though she's never even heard of it. Then she dies. Her soul is transferred to an alternate dimensional plane, which is in a state of despair. The \"Maker,\" a god-like figure, has set up a challenge for anyone willing enough to try and fix everything. Sammy, and her partner Mike, have not-so willingly entered this challenge. This is a story of adventure, bravery and discovery. [The Game is on a short hiatus] Cameos are accepted! They can be cameos of FCs and OCs. :3", false, true], "TheGameusObscureusUltimateQuesteFightingTournament": ["http://gouqft.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A Second Generation Tournament That is not decided by coin flip nor Random Numbers. A Battle Tournament inspired by Team Skeluso; Eternal Dominance Tournament Completed for now.", false, true], "TheGeekgetstheGirl": ["http://thegeekgetsthegirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "Henry is as Geeky as they get. With his head in the clouds he often forgets how to communicate with women. But when a cute girl is being harassed by her jerk of a boyfriend, Henry doesn't hesitate to step up. One shot comic, Heterosexual, adult rating. Comic not suitable for Minors. This is my first CGI comic everyone. Please bear with me on errors! COMPLETED", true, true], "TheGenderBender": ["http://thegenderbender.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A young girl who is obsessed with yaoi has one wish~ To be a boy When her wish comes true she's in for a whirlwind of adventure, especially when her highschool crush, Jared reveals he's gay. Will she finally get to live out her yaoi fanticies or will something even more threatening than a gay love life.", false, true], "TheGhostWithTheMost": ["http://theghostwiththemost.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "A romance fan comic, based on the 1980's animated Beetlejuice series. Beetlejuice and Lydia were the best of friends. They did absolutely everything together and were always there for each other. So Beetlejuice never considered the idea that they would ever be separated. That is, until Lydia starts growing up and begins to call upon him less and less. Then, eventually cuts ties with him completely, leaving poor Beetlejuice lonely and confused. He remains loyal and waits for her call. 30 years later, Beetlejuice is suddenly called upon once more. But it's not his dear Lydia.... It's her daughter! But where is Lydia? Can Beetlejuice cope with why she stopped calling all those years ago? Will a romance bloom between Lydia's daughter and Beetlejuice? Find out! Read: The Ghost With The Most Updates Mondays and Fridays! ^_^", false, true], "TheGirlwiththeBlueEyes": ["http://blueeyesgirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Lily is a new trainer, about to embark on an adventure, meeting new friends, losing old. Just how far will her adventure take her? A Pokemon LeafGreen Nuzlocke Challenge. Rather than care about quality, this is just gonna be for fun, so it will most likely be nothing but quick sketches. Also, gonna see how far I can make it in this challenge, since I've never tried it before. Why LeafGreen? Because it's my favorite. ^^ ~ Hi-chan <3", false, true], "TheGlassRiver": ["http://theglassriver.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 132, "The village of Crevicborn stands between the threshold of the Morvan Forest and the foothills of the Glacian Mountains. As a harsh winter sets it's fangs around them, Nordos and his family can sense a greater threat rise as the cold grows fiercer. Genre: Fantasy, Mystery, Suspence Rated PG-13 for Violence, Blood, Drinking and Frightening Images. Reading Format: Right to Left The Glass River (c) Roxy\"Roo\" Almblade ** Updates 2 times a week!**", false, true], "TheGlassViolin": ["http://theglassviolin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "A comic I drew for a 24h challenge. I completed the comic in 25 Hours, but all in all I'm quite proud that I actually got that far :D For additional material as e.g. the storyboard you might want to look here: http://checanty.blogspot.de/2012/12/the-glass-violin.html", false, true], "TheGlassisBroken": ["http://glassisbroken.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 201, "The glass is not just half empty, it is broken.", false, true], "TheGodStone": ["http://thegodstone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Play the game of the Gods and you shall loose. In a feudal world literally split in two, a world of relentless battles, danger and hardships, where warriors of abilities known as \"channelling\" reign supreme, four unwilling players are forced dance along the lines of fate, and the cruel games of the Gods. Steel and his companion Brynook search for the Godstone, an object of legend, not for any noble means, or any sinister ones for that matter, but mostly its just to fix an idiotic mistake.", false, true], "TheGoddamnPantyBrigade": ["http://thegoddamnpantybrigade.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 104, "The Goddamn Panty Brigade are a group pop punk trouble-making girls who might just be the only *PROFESSIONAL* adventurers in the music industry.", true, true], "TheGoldRiderofPern": ["http://goldrider.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 249, "I started this comic a little over a year ago, and it's been going strong ever since. Taking place in the 3rd pass of Pernese history, K'mlar, a young genius Masterweaver was placed at Ista Weyr as his first appointment after being given the station of Master. There he impresses a young Gold hatchling, an event completely unheard of in Pernese history. Despite being aggressively anti-social, he manages to make a place for himself at the Weyr that he never would have dreamed possible.", false, true], "TheGoldenKingdom": ["http://thegoldenkingdom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "A short love story An experiment to laid aside words and read only emotions This is the story of youg girl offered to the Golden kingdon prince in orden to preserve peace......or to remain alive. How do you feel is everyone is tossing you to death, in orden to save the life`s of the people who hate you ??? Done with tons of love Please enjoy it x3 *Updates on sunday (unless am sick xP)* *Read right to left (manga style)* *Wont find words in it, create your concept of the story*", false, true], "TheGoldenWar": ["http://the-golden-war.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Kitten is just a cat, a silly one at that. But one day, she wants to be a human. So where does she turn to? None other then a demon. Updates Mondays and Fridays Yuri and a bit of Yaoi Reads right to left.", false, true], "TheGrassIsntAlwaysGreener": ["http://grassisntalwaysgreener.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A Leaf Green Nuzlocke challenge! Young Atom has an adventure set out for him.", false, true], "TheGraving2007": ["http://thegraving.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Yuri rescues a big,blue dragon out of a treacherous trap. This was for him a natural thing,and so he does'nt think about a thank or similar.But this reature wants far more,than give him a favour!!Dragons are scared for their rage.And more important for comming at fullmoon and going trough the town.Naive he takes the presents from his nightly guest,without knowing the magical trick behind it.The real goldjewellery can't be taken of and its may deathly...Read it the japanese way from right to left^-^", true, true], "TheGrayZone": ["http://thegrayzone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 375, "A daily cartoon featuring the lives of extraterrestrial \"grays\"", false, true], "TheGreatMagicerLux": ["http://lux.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Gizmo, a young orphan boy, has lived a miserable life. Suffering not only from the loss of his parents, but the torment of his peers, he only finds comfort in the adventure stories he was raised with growing up. One night, while doing some errands, he comes across a strange door with two doorknobs. Which happens to be the home of the redheaded adventure-nut named Lux; who, it turns out, is magic and can travel between any world imaginable to go on wild and crazy adventures! In an act of desperation to escape his sad life, Gizmo asks Lux if he could accompany her and go on the adventures he\u2019s always wanted to have. She happily obliges. Now the duo travel countless bizarre worlds on one adventure after another, as they uncover a mystery that may shake the very foundation of all worlds.", false, true], "TheGroomoftheShark": ["http://samemuko.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "A two parts sequel of \"The Bride of the Shark\". Nagisa is a lovelorn fisherman who happened to catch an interesting specimen of shark in his net-- And years later Umino proposes to a cute Shark God thinking that he'll turn into a girl for his sake... [UPDATED ON MONDAYS]", true, true], "TheGuildofArwyrRhuthro": ["http://tehguild.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "For centuries this academy trained the most supremely gifted heroes of our land, bound with their strength, will and skill. Till these guys from another Dimension showed up. This is not a Author comic! Don't us We'll call you!", false, true], "TheHaunted": ["http://thehaunted.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "A young Maltese Tiger girl named Fio moves into a haunted house, now she throwing her ghostly roommates for a loop because she can see them just like they can see her. updates WEDNESDAYS!", false, true], "TheHeadhunters": ["http://headhunters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 211, "It's about people trying to capture a floating head. Every Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.", false, true], "TheHeartofEarth": ["http://heart-of-earth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 72, "World is on the edge of war. Two factions will fight, until one of them perish from the earth.Only one hero can stop the destruction of the world.", false, true], "TheHeatOfTheMoment": ["http://theheatofthemoment.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "*YAOI**YAOI**YAOI*YAOI*YAOI*YAOI*YAOI*YAOI*YAOI*YAOI*YAOI a manga about tk and matt from the show and manga digimon i do not own these characters and i did draw all this i use color pencils for the color.", true, true], "TheHiddenPast": ["http://thehiddenpast.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "\"There's nothing you need to explain! Just stay away from me from now on!\" The same dream keeps on coming to Shiraishi Nana, 22, about her senior high school days. One she is not too keen on remembering. However, she doesn\u2019t seem to remember to whom she said those harsh words to. At the same time, Nana meets a good-looking guy by coincidence, who is also living in the same area as her. His face seems really familiar to her, rekindling an old flame inside her heart. When Nana returns to the same place where she met him the day before, hoping to see him again, the guy is there again! Because of her habit of always speaking her mind without thinking, she confessed to the guy and made him comes out with a revelation, Nana once treated him very badly in the past. Only one clue is left by the guy, the name \u2018Minamoto Yuki\u2019. Who is this \u2018Minamoto Yuki\u2019? \u300cWARNING: This is a shoujo ai manga. \u3000Please go easy on me cause this is my first manga. \u3000And both my drawing and English is not that good too. =w=\"\u300d", false, true], "TheHollowSea": ["http://thehollowsea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "In a world of seafaring island-nations, a force of ancient, enigmatic chaos roams the waters in disguise, collecting victims and mercilessly eliminating all who lay eyes upon her true form. When her sworn servant is abducted by those seeking to rid the sea of the terror that plagues it, she comes head to head with hunters, holy men, and power great enough to challenge her own.", false, true], "TheHomosexualEscapadesofJakeandCooper": ["http://thejc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Jake and Cooper are madly in love with each other, but because of an incident that happened 5 years ago, are reluctant to express their feelings. Contains: Discrimination, Drugs, Alcohol, Sexual Content, homosexual content, foul language. Updates when I can! : D", true, true], "TheHorribles": ["http://thehorribles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 213, "Things that go bump in the night! Monkeys that dance and a Creature that rants. Monsters that snap and bite! A comic for kids of all ages. Updates every Tuesday!", false, true], "TheHowlofValchrist": ["http://valchristloth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "The year is 949 AD. Struggling with his identity and morals, a vampire named Valchrist meets a demon named Loth. Loth is a cunning and evil demon, and seduces Valchrist to thinking all he wants is blood and lust. Valchrist thinks differently. **CONTAINS BL/SHOUNEN-AI** Story by MrJonesSoda and Ninjies.", true, true], "TheImmortals": ["http://theimmortals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "", false, true], "TheInfectedWebcomic": ["http://theinfectedwebcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "Jacob and his sister Chloe fight to survive in a city paralyzed by a disease that only affects the super-human population. Follow along as they meet the heroes trying to save the city from the disease and make the shocking discovery of who's responsible for it.", true, true], "TheInvestigator": ["http://theinvestigator.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Originally appearing in Eric Campbell's The All New, All Different Liberators, The Investigator is one of Athaca City's greatest heroes, who works alongside Shade in order to defend Athaca. In this comic, written and made by Eric Campbell, the Investigator will face off with his greatest enemies, Blank Slate and Red Herring, as well as new enemies that were created just for this comic! *** UPDATED EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY ***", false, true], "TheJosephComics": ["http://josephcomics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 117, "What started out as \"Joseph and His Comics\" in 2003 became the first minimal comic strip series by amateur cartoonist Joseph Scarbrough. The comic centered around fifteen-year-old Joseph Armstrong - just you're typical, average, American teenager who just so happens to get himself in and out of random situations that give way to continuing storylines with serial cliffhangers much like the old \"Rocky and Bullwinkle\" show (which adopted said format from old movies and westerns of the 50s). In 2004, Scarbrough \"revamped\" the comic strips, renamed it to simply \"Joseph Comics\" which carried on until Scarbrough announced his retiring from comic strips, thus making Joseph and his friends find their place in the Old Cartoon Stars Retirement Home permanently come 2008.", false, true], "TheKeyHotelEnding": ["http://tekeyhotel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 350, "Alright, the Key was fun while it lasted, but due to a lack of updates and interaction, I must shut down the Key Hotel. It now belongs to SteamingBullets Uboa. See ya!", false, true], "TheKingofFun": ["http://thekingoffun.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 150, "The comic with EVERYTHING. PIPES. MEN. FUNNY STUFF. A MAN WITH A PIPE DOING FUNNY STUFF... THE OCCASIONAL GIRL. - A part time project done mostly for fun, but also to practice my writing/drawing. - Updates Monday to Friday.", false, true], "TheKingsDemon": ["http://kingsdemon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Despite all odds, Leona Wilds is the king's best knight. Not only does her status as knight bewilder many, she also came from a recently annexed province, making her dark features and height stand out amongst the fair people of Correxia. When Leona is sent on a mission to recover the kidnapped first prince, she walks into a trap and is forced to question her ideals...and the very kingdom she serves. Updates 2 pages every Saturday!", false, true], "TheKwiddexProtocol": ["http://kwiddexprotocol.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 149, "Welcome to Satellite Falls. Starstorm has returned after a 15-year absence. So has the White Rose. Plus there's a monster tearing up the city. Now, it's up to disgraced cop Jerry Binder to find out just what the hell is going on in his city and just what the hell \"The Kwiddex Protocol\" means. The Kwiddex Protocol is updated every Monday, so come on back!", false, false], "TheLakebyCyna": ["http://the-lake.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "There is a magical lake which is said to cure any sadness, no matter how deep. A prince who lost his beloved one leaves his castle to get rid of his grief by finding this legendary lake. (Very) Soft BL", false, true], "TheLandDownUnderCanada": ["http://tlduc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 62, "In TLDUC, all the states of the U.S. of A. are people, along with some of their buds. Trust me, after this, you won\u2019t be falling asleep in history class! England\u2019s got a bunch of colonies going on in North America, and they\u2019re all a bit crazy \u2013 even the ones who think they aren\u2019t. Follow The Lower Counties as he endures his annoying owner Pennsylvania, has intelligent conversations with Virginia, and tries to stay out of sibling rivalry going on all over the continent. Someday, somehow, they\u2019ll become the strongest country in the world. (Even if it upsets Mother.) <<Read this way<<", false, true], "TheLastELement": ["http://thelastelement.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 719, "Gaelic, a shape shifting guardian with the ability to become a wolf faces long forgotten trouble. Betrayed and wounded, hes cast to earth with his friends Hakune and Odina. With the support of a young earth woman, Maysume and a omega wolf, Abba, Gaelic finds the strength to move on and fight for the sake of his people and his beloved friends", true, true], "TheLastFable": ["http://thelastfable.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "\"Don't go outside.\" The shelter is almost out of supplies. Despite the last wish of his parents, Lamont Fable has little choice but to venture into the world above. Post-apocalyptic fantasy. (Will post a better summary when I can write it).", true, true], "TheLatestPatch": ["http://thelatestpatch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Follow the adventures of Patch & Adam as they travel the world, fixing (and causing) one problem at a time. A comedic adventure about Internet culture. Rated M for: - Mother f**kin' language! - Cartoon physics - Not Safe For Work themes - Possible Meth abuse - People gettin' drunk! - People settling their problems non-peacefully *Updates ONCE A WEEK*", false, true], "TheLaughingForest": ["http://thelaughingforest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "A day in this place. Hope you enjoy this short story. One shot. Daily updates. <--Reads right to left.<--", false, true], "TheLegendaryQueen": ["http://legendaryqueen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 371, "Being drawn, then written out, this comic is about my character Crystal, a normal 15-year old hedgehog who soon finds out she's worth much more than she ever believed she could be. There will be love, fighting, death..friendship..and above all else, family and self importance. Journey along with her, as she becomes what everyone has been waiting for...and stays true to herself! Updates: Whenever I get pages drawn XD", true, true], "TheLegendofZeldaOcarinaofThyme": ["http://thyme.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "To celebrate The Legend of Zelda's 25th anniversary, Vexx and Silver of the Pokemon world decide to go on an adventure in the land of Hyrule! How did they get there? Who knows! Where will they explore next? We're about to find out! Fun! Excitement! Nonlinear timelines! And much much more! ---- Updates once a week or so (usually Monday). Or whenever, really. (c) VexxBlack, SilverLunarwing (c) Nintendo", false, true], "TheLifeAndDeathofTheMightyAtom": ["http://lifeanddeathmightyatom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "A short, one-shot comic based on Astro Boy/Tetsuwan Atom. The Mighty Atom, one of the world's strongest robots, was conceived after the loss of Dr. Tenma's only son. Unfortunately, Atom's happy life with his father cannot last forever... Comic is silent. (Wordless) Original Story: Osamu Tezuka Artwork: Karen/Crystalbear Comic has been completed now.", false, true], "TheLifeofGinger": ["http://raisedbyavillain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "A girl abandoned by her mother when she was a baby and was found by Maleficent when Maleficent found her on the ground in front of her doorstep.", false, true], "TheLifeofMagFlamequill": ["http://lifeofmag.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 204, "The coming of age ceremony is tomorrow. Participants will take their birth-feathers and soar gracefully into the sky, cheered on by their proud friends and relatives. But what if you're Mag Flamequill, the bird-woman with a fear of heights?", false, true], "TheLifeofaGoomba": ["http://lifeofagoomba.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Shows what a Goomba must go through under King Bowser's reign.", false, true], "TheLifeofaTomboy": ["http://tomboylife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "The life, times, and happenstances of a girl fed up with society's expectations of a woman.", false, true], "TheLipsofaVampire": ["http://lipsofavampire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 47, "Hello, Crepsley-chan here. this comic is about a poor boy named Draven Cole who has been turned into a vampire, but doesn't remember who did it, and why. upon his first night as a new born nosferatu he meets Pyris Slade, a vampire with a heart of gold and a firghtening past. With his help, Draven must figure out who killed him, otherwise the vampire elders may have to Force the memory out of him. this is a yaoi comic, so if you no likey, no ready.", false, true], "TheLittleStrangeFamily": ["http://thelittlestrangefamily.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A comic strips just for fun about Gene the young strange man (?) who is also a single father with his strange adopted blue-haired daughter, Lorene who had a strange taste,they may actually unrelated family but they support each other even Lorene often make a trouble for Gene", false, true], "TheLoneSwordsman": ["http://theloneswordsman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 998, "Heaven has fallen, including its Leader, Aven, thanks to the Demon King Shutendoji's new Elite Demons. Now Shutendoji has his eyes set on Earth. Can a Lone Swordsman wielding Aven's sword stand a chance against such hopeless odds? Or will the madness of the souls he must absorb destroy him from the inside? Rated PG-13 due to cartoon violence, blood and mild language. The Lone Swordsman and all related subsidiaries are property of Sol's Dawning Creations. The use of such without permission for the purpose of monetary gain is illegal and will be met with legal action.", false, true], "TheLonelyMoon": ["http://thelonelymoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "A little story of friendship and childhood, on a distant planet in the future. Might include aliens, robots and talking sheep.", false, true], "TheLostland": ["http://thelostlandcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "The adventures of four travelers unknowingly wrapped up in a chain of events, all leading to one man's plot to turn the world on it's head. Action, laughs, and mystery all packed into one Post-Apoc world. Updates Every Saturday! Also on MangaMagazine.net: http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/The-Lostland/detail-page/1344?lang=en", false, true], "TheLumisAltar": ["http://www.lumisaltarcomic.com/comics/", 16, "In a world ravaged by poverty, war, and famine, certain individuals who harbor malevolent spirits of trickery and manipulation fool the masses into bringing their evil agenda to fruition. Enter the Lumis Society-- a specialized association of soldiers dedicated to the downfall of the evil Vorago through the promises of paradise brought forth by the righteous Lumis. When the trials of young, troubled Benjamin Meliora lead him straight into the heart of the Lumis Society, will his unique gift prove crucial in the Society's mission to purify the world? Or will it become its ultimate downfall?", false, true], "TheMagicalWheezeMamaluigisAdventure": ["http://magicalwheeze.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "The Magical Wheeze: Mamaluigi's Adventure tells the tale of our brave hero, Mamaluigi, as he travels the galaxy and battles space's toughest villains. What powers lay dormant inside him? What evildoers will rise against him next? Will his hat ever stop growing? Read on and find out!", false, true], "TheMapler": ["http://themapler.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Young Canadian Superheros. All around idiots. ^_^", false, true], "TheMaskedOne": ["http://themaskedone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A mysterious masked girl roams the ancient English countryside.", false, true], "TheMechanicalHeart": ["http://themechanicalheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Reality gets ahead of us. Deadlines to meet, people to please, rules to comply... and our dreams die slowly to the tune of the never-ending clock. But sometimes... between the waking world and quiet slumber, our mechanical hearts skip a beat; and we are transported back to the worlds we created and visited when we were young and childish and unburdened by reality's shackles. Guardians and myths, beauty and wonder, freedom from what must be...", false, true], "TheMegaManXComic": ["http://megamanxcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 237, "This is my original Mega Man X comic I created many years ago. It shows the lack of experience in doing anything sprite based, and showed how I learned and developed over time. It's full of cliches, predictable plot twists and copied ideas, lazy effects, bad spelling, and other such stuff. But it is what it is, so ENJOY! :D", false, true], "TheMegaManandSonicSpriteShowcase": ["http://megamanshowcase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1280, "Credit to all the authors listed for the sprites. We do 8 bit, 16, bit and 32 bit sprites (mostly 8 bit) and Sonic sprites. WE TAKE REQUESTS. no trolling, flaming, cussing (some allowed) and ABSOLUTELY NO STEALING SPRITES AND DON'T CLAIM ANY AS YOUR OWN, unless you actually made them and your part of this showcase. *One new rule: I would like to address the fact that THIS IS NO LONGER A SHOWCASE WHERE WE POST RESOURCE SPRITES OR SPRITES WE DIDN'T MAKE! I'm gonna remove the sheets that aren't ours soon. any body else that posts anything that isn't theirs will be punished, if caught, with the following: 1st offense: a warning. 2nd offense: comment privilege taken away. 3rd offense: uploading privilege taken away Anything past the third offense will result in removal from this comic.", false, true], "TheMelancholyofThree": ["http://themelancholyofthree.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "\"Do you remember what our old neighbour used to say about us? She used to say we were cursed. I didn't believe her before. Now I'm not so sure.\" The Winter siblings are no stranger to misery and calamity, in fact, it dogs their every step. Some say Death has made a hobby of their lives. (Updates every Saturday).", true, true], "TheMewExperiment": ["http://themewexperiment.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 178, "A Tokyo Mew Mew spinoff about a genetically engineered mew and her fight for freedom against the aliens hired for the sole purpose of her capture. The catch? An accident robbed her of her memories and she must relearn her forgotten powers in order to survive. The comic is for practice, so please ignore the bad art! (Especially in the first two chapters.) Read from right to left! Updates about every 4 days!", false, true], "TheMidnightShow": ["http://themidnightshowcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Amarant Coral reacts. A short comic based on a Story by Poseidon's Daughter: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5848196/1/The_Midnight_Show", false, true], "TheMightyBlue": ["http://mightyblue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "A Weekly Fantasy Adventure Webcomic by Dallas Busha", false, true], "TheMisadventuresofSuperMilo": ["http://supermilo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "What happens when you give superpowers to the world's most irresponsible party animal? Watch out! This ain't no super man, he's SUPERMILO! And now he's here to live up to his own super code: With great power comes really great parties! But when the original steward of the secret to his super powers comes back to see how he's been using this gift to the planet Earth, to what extremes will SuperMilo go keep them? And just how much can the people of Clemmons City take before they decide to forcefully expel their little super-nuisance? Find out in the continuing Misadventures of SuperMilo, now both a comic strip and full page series! SuperMilo \u00a9 William Boyer 1994-2009 SuperMilo has a MySpace page! Chat it up with the superhero and check out comic updates and media coverage now at http://www.myspace.com/supermilocat !", false, true], "TheMiscAdventuresofSlashandAxe": ["http://tmaosaa.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 73, "Slash and Axe's misc adventures *CAMOES INCLUDED!*", false, true], "TheMission": ["http://themission.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "", false, true], "TheMitchellEffect": ["http://themitchelleffect.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 123, "A typical tale of an ordinary teenager who accidentally summons a demon that eats all his snacks and smokes all his good weed. You know.....a classic :) If you like what you see here come friend me on Facebook for more goodies and funny content: Cornelius Goodfellar", false, true], "TheMonstrous": ["http://themonstrous.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "College is hard enough when you're human.", false, true], "TheMoonkeepersPromise": ["http://moonkeeperspromise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A short but sweet illustrated poem about the ones who protect our dream.", false, true], "TheMostObnoxiousNuzlocke": ["http://themostobnoxiousnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "The pokemon comic to end all pokemon comics.", false, true], "TheNOMEDSEGA": ["http://nomed.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Join Commander Scunt Fishing and his friends Max and Saladass as they travel the stars trying to do something or something. Darion Paone says (9:21 PM) dude this is worse than tits DOCTAH JIM says (9:21 PM) i thought you liked tits Darion Paone says (9:21 PM) you don't DOCTAH JIM says (9:21 PM) fair enough", false, true], "TheNakedClub": ["http://nakedclub.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "status: COMPLETE description: a short story about figure drawing.", false, true], "TheNaziandtheStoner": ["http://thenaziandthestoner.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 88, "There's a little of each in all of us.", false, true], "TheNewAges": ["http://thenewages.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "When 3 friends go on a journey, the things they find are endless and the adventures are endless.", false, true], "TheNewPokemonSpriteBox": ["http://newpokemonspritebox.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Welcome to the Pokemon Sprite Box! Here we can post things freely, mostly pokemon-related. Of course, it would be an honor for people to join, however you must be able to sprite well.", false, true], "TheNightSurfers": ["http://thenightsurfers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 110, "When the coastal city of Costa Nueva is threatened by sand creatures sent by a mysterious evil, four teenagers rise from tragedy to become heroes. They are The Night Surfers. Read it here at Smack Jeeves, or get even more content and the most recent updates at thenightsurfers.com!", false, true], "TheNutcracker": ["http://thenutcracker.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "", false, true], "TheOmegaBar": ["http://theomegabar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Brought to you by .:kabuto:. (zone) and Sonicballzx (Spikular). We bring our revival of \"The Omega Bar\" The tale, of a not so ordinary bar, and the many stories behind it. Revealing, truth, secrets, romance, and a story that will shape history itself...we bring you....The Omega bar Cameos Needed", false, true], "ThePeopleThatMeltinTheRain": ["http://thepeoplethatmeltintherain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 150, "A wicked menace lurks in the shadows and a cursed toy from the past offers clues to the mysterious spell that holds the town of Deluge captive by the rain. Does the new girl, Laura, have the power to set them all free? Updates every Thursday Written and colored by Carolyn Watson Dubisch Illustrated by Mike Dubisch for Spanish go to www.SeDerritenEnLaLluvia.SmackJeeves.com", false, true], "ThePharaoh": ["http://thepharaoh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A short story about a king, after he lost the war.", false, true], "ThePirateBalthasar": ["http://thepiratebalthasar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1436, "Wilson Kane wins a fortune and his future bride at a game of dice from the former pirate Balthasar. When he decides to go and get the girl, the pirate way, by kidnapping her, not only he finds out that she is more than a pirate could ever want from a wife... but that she has 4 identical sisters as well. This discovery hits him when his men, who were supposed to help him out, each kidnaps a different girl... and none of them gets the right one! But Wilson Kane wants the girl he had met and no one else! Luckily for him it will be the girl herself to solve his problem and put an end to his dilemma... a solution that will eventually fling her into a new way of life, aboard the Alidivento, across the Mediterranea sea!", false, false], "ThePiratesWife": ["http://piratewife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "This is the story of little Itzak and his close relationship with the pretty lady who nurtures him - apparently called mommy - whom he likes to refers to as \"Din Din\". One day Itzak discovers that his Din Din loves another man and this mysterious man happens to be called: Daddy. The first thing Itzak doesn't like about Daddy is the fact that, whenever he comes back, he steals some of Din Din's attention. The second thing Itzak doesn't like about Daddy is the fact that he is not half as bad, a worthy opponent. The third thing Itzak doesn't like about Daddy is the fact that every time they begin to have some fun together Daddy has to leave.", false, true], "ThePlaceoftheTrees": ["http://theplaceofthetrees.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Marjan found a little boy in the snowy forest. His hair is really fair and his eyes are really dark. He doesn't speak the same way. What will the villagers do ?", false, true], "ThePlagueDoctor": ["http://theplaguedoc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "**This is just an experimental comic. All done with traditional methods. The only digital part are the texts** Damian is aware of the world's sickness. And he just found a cure.", false, true], "ThePlurkianBrotherhood": ["http://plurkianbrotherhood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Good day readers~ Welcome to the abode of the artist assassins... Welcome to THE PLURKIAN BROTHERHOOD, this is a webcomics version of the Plurkian Brotherhoods self published counter part comics in our local area... country lolol A compilation of oneshots made by the current members (later to be listed) Titles: Those 2 Words", false, true], "ThePocketwatchDiscord": ["http://pocketwatchdiscord.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "They said it couldn't be done. Making an anime. We have no idea if they're right, but 'they' is just an unspecified pronoun, so we never put much stock in them. This is The Pocketwatch Discord, a comicesque thingamajig for the anime we, Clockwork Cow Studios, will make. Expect us.", false, true], "ThePokemonArtBox": ["http://thepokemonartbox.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 281, "Go on a virtual art gallery filled with tons and tons of pokemon art! whether it's hand drawn, sprited, or drawn on the computer, any pokemon lover will find something they like! why are you reading this? check it out for yourself! Also note that all artwork here is fan made, we do not own Pokemon, nor do we claim ownership of the Pokemon company, Pokemon belongs to (c)Nintendo Do not steal another person's artwork from this and claim it as your own, ask the artist for permission and state sources if you wish to redistribute or re-post the art anywhere else on the web. Thank you.", false, true], "ThePopopoFiles": ["http://filesofthepopopo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "It is Popopo Year 1079. The Puffballs have created Pufflin, a thriving civilization with food, water, and a comfortable home. Then the Bandworth attacks. The Bandworth is made of the various Kirby baddies that serve King Dedede. Some Puffballs form the Resistance, a team of special Kirbies with special talents to stop the Bandworth. These are the adventures of Pufflin's heroes and some ordinary civilians that don't seem very ordinary. ~NOTE~ May contain recolors. Please do not post hateful comments.", false, true], "ThePortal": ["http://theportal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Doorways are forms of traveling from point A, to point B, no matter the time or space in between. Can this be possible? What if a hint of malevolence takes control of this travel method? The Serpens have run out of patience and joined with the Shifters in their trek towards power. With the facility of the portals, they will do anything to take over the stars and far beyond. But this information is not granted; beings of far worse character step up and join sides. The portals are a measure of life and death. \u00e2\ufffd\u00a6Especially for Jalen, a Halfbreed of no apparent ability. When his friend is stolen, he must rely on no one to retrieve him. Because in this world, everyone stands on their own. This is my first comic, so art will probably change... the paneling is a bit weird, as i am still learning how to.. XD bear with me...", false, true], "ThePremise": ["http://thepremise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "The Premise is a story about two policemen that find one of the members of \"The Executioner's Sect\", that some time ago begun to murder people that deserved punishment, using brutal force.", false, true], "ThePrinceandtheToad": ["http://tpatt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 131, "A young boy comes across a rather excited little toad, telling him that it's magical, and is in reality a royalty. But the little amphibian isn't quite what the boy expected it to be.", false, true], "ThePrincessandtheGiant": ["http://princess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 143, "A silent fairytale about a young princess and another, rather larger individual. Updates Sundays.", false, true], "TheProblemwithStarlo": ["http://problemstarlo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Remember my other spam comics? This is that now. Yay. --- Carbon provided me with a new banner. Yayz.", false, true], "ThePropertyofHate": ["http://tpoh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "A voyage.", false, true], "TheProphetsGarden": ["http://theprophetsgarden.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 74, "The story follows two young men in a post-apocalyptic world. Disease and hard times descend on the inhabitants, including a fanatical new messiah who thinks he can cure the world.", false, true], "TheProtector": ["http://protectorcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 187, "A story about a boy and his protector. Set in the country of Senobia, a young boy is set on the path of destiny. His companion is one of the country's most celebrated heroes. What adventures awaits the two of them? Started in 2008 and continued in 2010. This is not a BL, it contains little to no sexual scenes at all, this is an adventure story. If you want porn linked to this story (only between adults of course), then please feel free to read my companion story, Sacrifices. Updates Sundays http://sacrificescomic.smackjeeves.com/", false, true], "ThePurrfectRoommate": ["http://thepurrfectroommate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "When two guys, Ned a socially awkward artist and Guy a Flirtatious ladies man, don't want to move out of their apartment when the rent goes up. They decide to get another roommate, little were they expecting a feline girl that is everything that they could ever dream of. This is about how they deal with having The Purrfect Roommate.", false, true], "TheQueenandtheSoldier": ["http://queenandsoldier.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A vampire story drawn to the lyrics of Suzanne Vega's song with the same title. The Soldier came knocking upon the Queen's door. He said, 'I am not fighting for you anymore...' [Complete]", true, true], "TheRabbitTheDogandthevillage": ["http://trdv.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "One day, the sun is bright and plentiful.But something occurred on this day.Someone has stolen Rabbit carrots and Dog's \"family treasure\" in a day. Dog's know who is the criminal for this-Human. He decided to go into Human \"basement\" to get back his \"family treasure\" , There are lots rumors from the jungle about cruel human that will eat animals such as dogs and rabbit but nothing can stop them on their way! Update daily. Please give critique and comment.QAQ", false, true], "TheRandomObscureFairyTaleNoOnesEverReallyHeardOf": ["http://tro.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 220, "Yeah, so I ran out of characters for the title. Trust the banner. 12-year-old girl Wolfgang Rock manages to convince her mom to let her stay with her ex-uncle-in-law-in-law instead of having to move. Soon enough, however, the said uncle, Dieter Jung, starts to have an innocent crush on the girl... This was the first full-length comic I ever did. Don't mind the amateur art and the fact that its unrealistic story could only be written by a child (indeed it was) and the JPEG fuzziness and and and... *COMPLETED! *Reads left to right *Not suitable for impressionable young girls/adult men with developing complexes *Nothing inherently inappropriate, either *The original comic before He Who Has Partners, which apparently takes place in an alternate universe", false, false], "TheRandomnessofRandom": ["http://randomnessofrandom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Randomness of Random takes a look into the lives of Keisha and her roommates, and the randomness that follows after them.", true, true], "TheRapeofGanymede24HourComicDay2009": ["http://24hcd09-ganymede.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "24 hour comic day 2009 a re-hash of The Rape of Ganymede except it's all fucked up and stupid and lame and gay really really gay i just finished this shit about an hour ago Comic status: COMPLETE", true, true], "TheReason": ["http://thereasons.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "This is a remediation project for Engaging Media 104 studies. All copyright goes to Curtin University. Including Copyrights goes to SHINee | SM ENTERTAINMENT. This is a Fan made story book based on their song called \"The Reason\"", false, true], "TheReasonAHarvestMoonFanComic": ["http://thereason.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "Based on More Friends of Mineral Town. Claire wants to go to the Wine Harvest with Dr. Trent, but he's too busy working. Upset, she finds comfort in Cliff and invites him instead. During the Harvest, Trent sees them together and feels a bit jealous.", false, true], "TheReasonwhy": ["http://thereasonmaramara.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A short story about one sided love. How love can affect a person's life. Things happend for a reason.", false, true], "TheReborn": ["http://reborn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 549, "Every teenage girl looks forward to her sixteenth birthday, and Angela is no exception. But on that day her life turns upside. Angela learns a stunning secret about herself, and finds herself caught up in war between two demon clans. Updated Mondays and Fridays. This comic may not be suitable for younger readers. It may contain violence, gore, occasional bad language and other stuff that may not be appropiate for readers under 13.", false, false], "TheRedPen": ["http://theredpen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 110, "Dorothy Austin enters a dark world, unleashing 561 years worth of evil.", false, true], "TheRedRoach": ["http://theredroach.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "", false, true], "TheRevengeOfMechaSonic": ["http://mecharevenge.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Mecha Sonic Back And He Is On A Way To Revenge!!", false, true], "TheRiseandFallofNicholasKrowe": ["http://nick-krowe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Nicholas Krowe is barely fifteen and already disillusioned with his standard-issue suburban existence. School is a drag and his only friend, the resident heartthrob, is a bit understocked in the brains department. It seems to Nick that interesting things only happen elsewhere, as if in another world entirely. However, with the arrival of a particular female classmate, things are about to change... a lot. When trained ducks named after deposed dictators, bad fanfiction, and guerilla street art become part of his everyday routine, Nick will start to think that adventure really isn't so great afterall. This has BL/ shonen-ai in it. But don't let that be the only reason you read it. Thats not the point of the comic.", false, true], "TheRisetoFall": ["http://rtfcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "After being enslaved in his own body for years, Amycus will finally attempt the escape he has yearned for, as long as he is compliant to the one that released him... Set a couple of thousands of years in the future, The Rise to Fall is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy comic that follows the adventures of three different people as they begin to discover what fate has in store for them. (Nooo idea what to put as the description! Will change someday to something less cheesy.)", false, true], "TheRobotZombieSpacePiratefromOuterSpace": ["http://robotzombiespacepirate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "RZ is a robot zombie space pirate from outer space. He is very lonely in space so he goes to Tennessee to make friends. There he meet a young man named Kev who is also in need of a friend. The two bond as well as figure out more about themselves. Contains some boys love. Will try to update daily.", false, true], "TheSadPalmTree": ["http://sadpalmtree.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 50, "A story about a tree who is sad.", false, true], "TheSavior": ["http://savior.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Megumi, 16 years old, is The Savior. It is her destiny to defeat The Destroyer of the Earth, but first she must find the 13th Child of the Shrine to help her control her powers. Even with the help of her Guardian, can Megumi save the world in time?", false, true], "TheScrollGuardians": ["http://the-scroll-guardians.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Set in 1943 in an alternate universe, Dandy McCallister is training to become a Scroll Guardian. Her purpose in life has been determined since her birth. On the day of the Guardian Ceremony something goes terribly and deadly wrong putting Dandy at the end of accusations!", false, true], "TheSearchForCoffee": ["http://searchforcoffee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "Once upon a time, there was an average girl living an average life. One day, she meets a magical rabbit, who tells her she's not just some ordinary girl. In fact, she's the one who is destined to save the world from a terrible monster, who has been plotting underground for some time. Fated to face this terrible foe, the girl sets out on an amazing journey where she'll make some wonderful friends, learn more about her past, and perhaps find love along the way. But most importantly, will she save the world...? Actually, no, that's not at all what this story is about. I guess you're going to have to read it.", false, true], "TheSecretoftheNuzlockeCurse": ["http://nuzlockecurse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Ten years ago, the dreaded nuzlocke curse came into the pokemon world. Soul, an ex-trainer and victim of the curse, has been called upon to accept a mission of great importance, to discover who created the curse and why. Based on the game, Pokemon: Soul Silver.", false, true], "TheSierraCollegeLifairian": ["http://lifairian.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "College is hard. It's even harder when the campus library turns out to be chock-full of magic and bizarre creatures. When you can't tell a Dewey from a Decimal, there's a fairy helper to show you the way...but you'll have to catch her first! This is a commissioned comic for Sierra College, made to explain to new students the basic ins and outs of the campus library. Expect shameless plugs, edutainment, and goofy humor.", false, true], "TheSilverKiss": ["http://the-silver-kiss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "COMPLETED!!!!!!!! Chapter: 6 Pages: 84 Art by: XXPAXX Story by: Annette Curtis Klause -- Zoe's life is falling apart, her mothers in the hospital with bone cancer and her best friend is moving away. Then one day mysterious beautiful Simon shows up with almost the same loneliness as Zoe and a friendship between the two is form. What Zoe doesn't know yet, is that Simon is a 300 year old vampire who wants to avenge his mothers death and is trying to find this serial killer who's been murdering people around town. No matter what he is Simon is the only thing that Zoe can hold on to when everything else is falling apart. -- The Silver Kiss short manga version This was for a school project - WARNING!!!! DO NOT READ COMMENTS BELOW!!! CONTAINS SPOILERS!!! but if you like spoilers go ahead X'D", false, true], "TheSilverLeague": ["http://thesilverleague.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 132, "The Silver League is a comic based around the members of the site of the same name and placing them in our own interpretation of the Pokemon World. Silver August of Harvestone Town is a teen that never really knew life outside his hometown; however after rescuing his Sister from the hands of Team Reaction, Silver becomes motivated to explore the world as a Pok\u00c3\u00a9mon Trainer! However on his journey, Silver discovers that behind the battles he'd watch on TV lies corruption because of devices known as \"Modifiers\" that allow a Trainer to alter a Pokemon's stats by force without having to earn them through training. This leads Silver and the friends he makes along the way to form \"The Silver League Movement\" which vows to travel the region, collecting badges but also recruiting Gym Leaders and convincing them to join their cause so that they can form a league of their own, take down the Team Reaction organization and bring honour, fun and hard work back to Pokemon Battles! http://www.thesilverleague.com/", false, true], "TheSilverLining": ["http://thesilverlining.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "When Nicholas has given up all hope on life, he is visited by an angel. But this angel is only a human with the biggest heart. Will Matt's love guide Nicholas from his deppression or will the poor man give in to life's harshest people?", false, true], "TheSixthBar": ["http://thesixthbar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 634, "The war between Del-Naaj and Saam-Sara has ended, but Nero knows otherwise. A false peace has been created by the Del-Naajan fear of the Saam-Saran psychics. Torn by the death of his close companion Lynn, Nero has trained for the past six years, sharpening his skills so that he may better protect his city. But a plot is brewing: a plot that will rekindle hostilities between the two cities.", false, true], "TheSnowsLight": ["http://thesnowslight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Status: On-going Updates: Weekly Genre: Shoujo, Supernatural, Romance, Comedy and Drama <<<Read from Right to Left<<< Nicolette is a 15 year old girl who only wanted to live the life she'd been longing for right after being discharged from the hospital, suffering from a peculiar heart condition. Sadly, there are many trials before her, when the high order of Cereus, the world of monsters, plans to wipe out her species. Now Nicolette, and her friends must fight for their rights in a world where there are considered anomalies. WARNING: In consistent art, dark themes,and weird humor", false, true], "TheSongofBargat": ["http://bargat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Leona is a girl with a dream, Bargat is a hero without a dream... But...", false, true], "TheSoulChaser": ["http://thesoulchaser.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 137, "Paris, XIXth Century. A little girl disappears under strange circumstances while playing with her doll at her home's garden. The police start searching for her, with no success; they just find her doll, stained with blood. Some time later, Fabrice, a young Parisian from a good family, decides to give his fiancee, Sophie, a doll he's found on an antique shop. Though reluctantly at first, she ends up accepting his gift. Later , that night, the young lady is woken up by some strange noises she can't find out where they come from. She convinces herself they're just her imagination, so she goes back to bed. But she's not alone in her room anymore... If you want to read more, go to http://www.mangamagazine.net ^^", false, true], "TheSoulYouSaved": ["http://thesoulyousaved.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "After a heartbreaking ending to a prior love, Vorice is saved by Kiku, a mysterious magician. Not only is Vorice profoundly curious about this man, but he is also starstruck by him. How is it possible one \"man\" can provoke such fillings in Vorice when he thought he had killed all emotions inside of him a long time ago? It may be a \"manga\" but it is read left>>to>>right >> I don't have any schedules for posting because I'm just working around my already set schedule. PS This is a boy love x\"D", false, true], "TheSpirit": ["http://thespirit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A young man leaves to go into the forest to collect wood one day... and is faced with a Forest Spirit...", false, true], "TheSpritersShowcase30": ["http://thespritersshowcase3.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 335, "Welcome to the third installment of the spriter's showcase! RULES 1.Give credit for any and all sprite sheets. 2.Treat all other authors with respect. Critique is fine. Flaming isn\u2019t. 3.Stick to a posting schedule. (Whatever works for you. Just don\u2019t post one thing and go missing for a month.) 4.No adult content. 5. No recolors or very easy edits are to be posted, this rule is only in place to keep you from getting flamed/trolled. Recolors are looked down upon in this comic. 6. Spriters must have at least some experience with sprites before applying to join. If they do not, their application will be denied. 7. Flaming, spam, and arguing in the comments will not be tolerated, and will be deleted. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, drop a PM my way. -Noland", false, true], "TheSpritesofSalimus": ["http://salsprites.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 53, "You know, I do sprite a lot. Some sprites I make in hopes they'll be used. Others, I make for my own purposes. In the end, a sprite is a sprite, and any I make ends up here.", false, true], "TheStarHotel": ["http://starhotel.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "I know there's probably about 100 hotels out there, but I decided to make a own new one. Most others are either full or completed, so I'll do my best to keep this one. Of coarse, their are some rules 1.) No swearing at guests and members. 2.) No strong adult content. (Seriously, just don't.) 3.) Violence is alright, but no killing against members or guests. 4.) No Trolling or spamming. That's getting really annoying. 5.) Max characters are 1-3. So yeah, keep it kinda PGish or PG-13ish. And don't create to many people. If you join I'll put your characters on the banner.", false, true], "TheStranger": ["http://thestranger.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "The Stranger! It's a Superhero Comic.", false, true], "TheStupidJournal": ["http://stupidjournal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "I'm going to a journal type comic about my \"exciting\" life okay", false, true], "TheSummerofBlakeSinclair": ["http://blake-sinclair.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 687, "A slice of life comic set in the summer of a student's university life. about hipsters, Punks, and ultimately self reflection and 'honesty'. This comic is Apparently what you would call a 'social comedy' and a sattire on generation Y. loosely based on my recently passed student experiences =) Hopefuly this comic will remind you of summer when you read it; enjoy!", false, true], "TheSummerofFlies": ["http://thesummerofflies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "During the the four month summer of 2011, Judy experiences an anxiety attack.", false, true], "TheSuperMarioBrothersSuperComic": ["http://tsmbsc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A retelling of various Mario games. Using the knowledge of the series and other Mario related sources.", false, true], "TheTCandStrikerShow": ["http://tcandstriker.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 59, "Based on the some of the insanity of the Twisted Kaiju Theatre forums. WARNING!! THERE BE LOTS OF SWEARING HERE!!", false, true], "TheTaleofWillowandVine": ["http://willowvine.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "A short story about a boy and the friend he meets. --- The prequel: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=128157", false, true], "TheTaleofWillowandWren": ["http://willowwren.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "A short story about a girl that grows up and the precious thing she leaves behind. --- The sequel: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=130441", false, true], "TheTalesofSerendipity": ["http://talesofserendipity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 85, "Serendipity is the phenomenon of finding wonderful things you were never searching for. With that said, join the herd into the land of Equestria and beyond, seeing the intertwining lives of the ponies who live there.", false, true], "TheTalesofaNamelessBoyandhisTree": ["http://ttoanbaht.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 82, "\"Once upon a time, I came across a nameless boy who lived in a forest of monsters and demons. There he stayed with a human he created from a tree called Poe and a shape-shifting crow called Tomo. Amazed at his skills in creation and medicine, I took him with me into the world which he'd never seen before in his sixteen years. But once word of his gifts became known to the world, I begun to learn that such great powers would cause great troubles...\" ---------------------- Status: Active. Updates on Saturday/Sunday and sometimes Tuesday/Wednesday. If you read this comic, I LOVE YOU CC:", false, true], "TheTemple": ["http://thetemple.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 41, "Dan is in the forest one day when he meets Samantha, who insists that he take her to the Temple of the Goddess of Wishes -- and claims to be the Goddess herself, no less! What are the answers to the mysteries surrounding this girl? Find out by reading every Wednesday! See more comics in Astram Comics - http://astramcomics.wordpress.com/", false, true], "TheThiefofHearts": ["http://thethiefofhearts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Everyone wants to find that one, great love of their life. Thief of Hearts is a story about how far you would go to save the one you love if they are suddenly taken from you. Thief of Hearts is an exciting 12 issue classic adventure-fantasy-romance story in the vein of The Princess Bride meets The Mummy (contemporary version) or Sinbad of the Seven Seas. The story begins with a \u201clove at first sight\u201d chance encounter of a roguish thief and a beautiful princess. The princess is kidnapped by an evil sorcerer bent on unleashing an ancient god to enslave the world and the Thief has to assemble an unlikely team of friends and enemies to rescue the princess, save a kingdom and prevent our destruction.", false, true], "TheThiefofTalamdra": ["http://thethiefofthalamdra.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Fantasy comic in a medieval time... When thieves,assassins,kings and where magic was known to exist. We will follow the path of a thief...On many journeys around Talamdra.", true, true], "TheThiefsKey": ["http://thethiefskey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "The advetures of a thief, smuggler, assassin and mage that takes place in the enchanting world of Elengir. Updates on Saturdays. Created by Iana Zavi and Natalya Bakay For more on Elengir - visit http://elengir.com", false, true], "TheTimeDog": ["http://timedog.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 235, "Ayaka travels through time with \"the time-dog\". A strange and weird story :)", false, true], "TheTower": ["http://thetower.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Branwell the Wizard wakes up one morning and realizes his life is in a rut. He decides that he must take action, and sets off with his skeletal minion Orm on a grand day-hike up the slopes of Mount Kazakar! Little does he realize his simple calisthenic activity is the beginning of a great and epic ADVENTURE!", false, true], "TheTrueMastersChroniclesVolumeILightvsShadow": ["http://truemasterschronicleslvs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Unrest rules the eight-region Trysho domain. The unrecognized ninth region in this vast subsystem, appropriately named \u201cThe Dark Region,\u201d has waged a war against their privileged counterparts, forcefully taking over each territory, one by one. When Leo Sumanji, decorated military general in the Lord of the land\u2019s army, returns home to tend to his ailing father, Sitowata, leader of \u201cThe Dark Region\u201d, stops at nothing to eliminate his former friend and comrade.", false, true], "TheTwelveBrothers": ["http://the12brothers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "", false, true], "TheTytonNuzlockeChallengeEmeraldEdition": ["http://tytonnuzlockeemerald.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 437, "[Working on: Page 466] Kids, I'm going to tell you a story. The story of how I... no, wait. Sorry. Welcome to the Tyton Nuzlocke Challenge, a character-driven graphic novel created entirely in Microsoft Paint. It updates daily, including weekends, holidays, and apocalypses (apocalypsi?). In a world overrun with eager trainers, the Pokemon Administration has taken desperate measures to ensure the remaining wild Pokemon survive, while allowing trainers to continue their paths. This has resulted in the limiting of catching wild Pokemon, the banning of certain items, and finally--the closing of Pokemon Resurrection Stations in all Pokemon Centers. Enter Tyton. He's thirteen and has less than a year to get all the way to the Pokemon League. Join him and his team as they follow the road to the Elite Four, get wrapped up in the schemes of Teams Aqua and Magma, and (possibly) uncover the mystery of Scott the poofy-haired stalker. There's also a Latin ladies' man Lombre, a swagalicious Gloom, a Numel that hates everyone he's ever met, a firecracker of a Whismur, and the most lovable Dustox you've ever seen. But we'll get to that.", false, false], "TheVampireMouse": ["http://thevampiremouse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Vincent Welles was a stuggling artist in the 17th Century when he encounters Elizabeth, the queen of the vampires, and he is turned into a vampire mouse. But instead of following his sire he decides to find his own way in this new supernatural world. Updates Every Friday at 1:00 P.M.", false, true], "TheViewersDecision": ["http://theviewersdecision.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "Welcome to Viewer's decision. We longer do requests as this is comic is now finished... FOREVER!", false, true], "TheWTFSeries": ["http://wtfseries.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Our derpy heroine, Gretz, Gets warped from this plane of existence to one where everyone has animal features, supernatural creatures roam the lands, Gods and Godesses use you as their personal pawns, and ... almost every other human, is in fact, not human at all !", false, true], "TheWastelands": ["http://wastelands.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 88, "A world abandoned by Gods and the people who find out why. Updated Sundays. For up to date postings, please visit http://www.mangamagazine.net/authors-and-artists/Petitecreme/detail-page/16443?tab=manga", false, true], "TheWeaponStore": ["http://wstore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "The Weapon Store, where we create Weapons and you buy them! Come see the work of our ever so talented Weapon Crafters and claim one of their designs for your own! Be sure to read the rules that each individual Shopkeeper has set up for themselves so you don't step on any toes.", false, true], "TheWeekofLuna": ["http://theweekofluna.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "So... why is there a Luna Moth in school?", false, true], "TheWell": ["http://thewell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "a 24 hour comic challenge that i have kept shut in for too long.", false, true], "TheWhiskeyDevils": ["http://thewhiskeydevils.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "The Whiskey Devils is an anthology of 24 Hour Comics, created by Gibson Twist as part of the 24 Hour Comics Day events in Fredericton, New Brunswick from 2005-2008.", true, true], "TheWinterCampaign": ["http://winterc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 125, "Japan, 1919. 16-year-old Akio and his mother move into a new home with the mysterious Kikugawa family: A secretive father, a fragile and reclusive son, and the shadow of a mother whose death years ago may be more than it appears. The lines between truth and fantasy, and friend and enemy begin to blur as winter sets in... Drama/Historical/Coming-Of-Age/Romance? Contains angsty teenagers, Taishou-era geekery on the part of the author, and some BL. Updates once or twice a week. (11/25/12 - Currently in the process of switching fonts for the first 114 pages, so things will look a little inconsistent for just a bit!)", false, true], "TheWitchsPromise": ["http://witchspromise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "Young mother Amira Jakobsen makes a deal with The Witch in order to get information about her missing husband. Thinking Amira has been kidnapped, her neighbor Rekka forces J\u00f8sten - the Witch's original target - to take responsibility and join her in \"rescuing\" Amira, but Amira has already agreed to help The Witch kill him. Their partnership begins to get more complicated when it turns The Witch not only has his own set of problems, but starts to develop feelings for Amira. Official website: http://delusioninabox.com/wp/", false, true], "TheWorldEndsWithYouOnline": ["http://twewyonline.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "[[Remake of IAWW Online;; permission to do so granted by Scorpia Stingz and Sasoriza]] An online game, multi-author comic. Authors: 1(?) Currently open for (more) authors... The first 10 authors will be main characters! Free main characters: 8 Players: 2 Coders: ?? A virus has attacked the world of IAWW Online, making it impossible for players who log in and to log out, but nobody realized it until it was too late and the Coders had to shut it down completely, trapping in some players, who soon realized the real name of the game revealed that it wasn't such a Wonderful World after all. But mysteriously, the game opened again and other players came in...Only to find out that they couldn't get out. And now the Coders have come into the game to shut it down again...Even if it meant killing.", false, true], "TheWrathofStan": ["http://thewrathofstan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Please feel free to submit a suggestion! If you like what you see, please favorite and rate this comic. Thank you!", false, true], "TheWretchedOnes": ["http://thewretchedones.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 32, "While a young woman tried to uncover a past of a victorian man, a young man begins to think he is going insane when he sees black animals following him around.", false, true], "TheZashandShadeShow": ["http://smackville.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A comic where I test mah art. No color, just art. It's sometimes co-written by Shade, but mainly written by Zash. This is mainly a parody of SmackJeeves itself so if you get butthurt by some content be mindful that others might be butthurt too. Fun Facts: Shade was actually born a weasel, but got a species change to fit in. One of the many effects of Peer Pressure in Shade's life. All dogs don't go to heaven, they all go to hell. Satan loves doggies. Smackville's official population is: \"At least 1 new spriter and actually talented artist that will go undiscovered everyday.\" The comic isn't just black and white, it's made of colors so intensely different from the ones you currently know that your brain resorts to making them black and white.", false, true], "TheZeroSpriteTestgrounds": ["http://thezerospritetestgrounds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "This is where all the magic gets tested.", false, true], "TheZombieChronicles": ["http://thezombiechronicles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Welcome to the world of Virus Z. A medical miracle gone wrong. Turning any thing it touches into the vicious undead. Journey through three people's expiriences in this blood thirsty horror. Status: Completed", true, true], "Theatrics": ["http://theatrics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 111, "A weekly movie review comic, starring two ruthless critics who will bash a different cinematic release, both new blockbusters and obscure classics, every week. By Itamar Katz", false, true], "Thebeautifulfeelingsofanuglygirl": ["http://bfoaug.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "my dum life in comics. updates sporadically --- in my senior year of high school, i decided to change things up and journal about my life in comics. as you can probably tell from the lack of quality, i never intended to upload my comics onto the internet. but people at school seemed to enjoy them and some suggested i make upload them online. so, here we go.", false, true], "Thechaoschronicles": ["http://thechaoschronicles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "History of chaos lies hidden on the universe,tragedy horrors and much more... Find out some chaos here... Acepting cameos.", false, true], "Thedevilspetisabunny": ["http://thedevilspet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "This history is about a demon and a human girl. The 17 years old girl is called Usagi and for unknown reasons her life is in danger at every moment but the demon called Yami saves her every time without thinking, but... why? that`s what he asks himself.", false, true], "Theeve": ["http://theeve.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "For many years Ehuragal, the patron god of the City State of Oiria, has graced its people with Metal, a mysterious substance that boosts the qualities of whatever it is applied to. In exchange for this efficient element, Ehuragal asks only one thing - human sacrifice. Is the heightened standard of living really worth human sacrifice? And what about the strange mishaps occuring in Old Continent - are they actually caused by the use of Metal, or is the patron god punishing the lands?", false, true], "Theguardianofalterego": ["http://theguardianofalterego.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "", false, true], "Theheiligenstadttestament": ["http://heiligenstadt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "silence is not the absence of sound. -materials- watercolor and ink on paper copyright Lining Wang 2011.", false, true], "ThehumanBEing": ["http://thehumanbeing.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 129, "\"A story about friends and enemies; love and hate; forgiving and forgetting; holding on and letting go. A story about being human, and being MORE...\" Follow the story of ten friends as they survive college, friendship, love, and life in general. No matter who we are, what we know, or what we believe, we are all HUMAN. Updates: About a page a week (hopefully ^^;) Reads left to right", false, false], "TheiaMania": ["http://theia-mania.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 108, "My own take on Greek mythology. It's like the gods would have been ordinary people, i.e. no superheroes, no big action. Rather, it's everyday relation life and philosophical, although sometimes emotionally charged (like real life). Occasionally though, the gods have a magical trick or two up their sleeve. :) Join Hermes, Hades, Persephone, Athena and the others as they try to deal with themselves, their complicated family and those strange humans. NEKYIA: A journey down to the Underworld. A philosopher and a necromantic priestess enter Hades' realm to find the answer to the question what a good life really is. At the same time, the messenger god Hermes arrives with a message to Hades... DADDY'S GIRL: Athena is miraculously born from her father's head. She's stronger and more intelligent than most people, but deep down she is just a confused child who tries to understand herself, her family and the world around her. This story takes place long before the events in NEKYIA. Updates usually once a week.", false, true], "ThelaughingDeath": ["http://thelaughingdeath.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "When Leyr was a little boy, he was taken from the head of the business organisation \"Ligth\" - River, who forms him for purposes of the organization to a perfect assassin. But for many reasons, with the passing years, members of the organization get more and more terrified of Leyr. In the end, they decide to kill him ... \"Please read from right to left! ^^\"", false, true], "Themadman": ["http://themadman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 216, "everyday insanity, taking what life throws at you just a notch further to show what could happen^^ updates once a week", false, true], "Thenewroommate": ["http://thenewroommate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Andr\u00e1s, the school professor working on an excavation. He pick up his old pupil Botond and now they live together. But from the last working place Botond bring home a snake, so their live turning it upside. --------- It would be a one-shot story with 38 pages.", false, true], "Thepathofawareness": ["http://pathofawarenss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "A short comic. 19 pages in length A tale from creation.", false, true], "Theproofoflove": ["http://the-proof-of-love.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "this is a SasuNaru fan made doujin from the anime \"Naruto\" illustrated from Masashi Kishimoto BL/yaoi", false, true], "ThesotryofLieonKing": ["http://tsolk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "yo peoplez.... dis is a sotry (misspeld story) of a lion named Lieon King. He lives in da world called Thart. Dis wordl is so bad drauwn dat even ur internet eyes can't handle dis lion named Lieon is a baddaas boy lion. cuz he's so baddaas one day he ate a strange fancy lookin plant and evryting Change after he eat dat fancy plant..... ENJOYH ReADINGH DIS COMIC ABoUt My LIFE YO- Btw... follow me on tumblur : http://lieonking.tumblr.com/ greets Lieon. (warning: this comic contains weird shit and pure randomness)", false, true], "Thesoundlessroom": ["http://soundlessroom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Raoul is the most feared professor in the whole university, he hates everyone and even don't hesitate to hit his students. One day Raoul notice that one of his Students is able to make his nightmares dissapears. But will Raoul be able to ask this man-whore for help?", true, true], "Thestoryofus": ["http://kiandmei.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "little things that i had been doing through the years. sniffets of jokes and conversations i had with friends. though most,or some are written in my native language, and is far from being worth your time, it's not even funny, but more of an inside joke. still, i enjoyed doing most of em. 4 of those i sent to an editor friend of mine, i got no feedback, well, i understand. my works lack refinement. i know. i'll add a little bit, now and then.", false, true], "Theswordsmanandtheamnesiac": ["http://tsata.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "a comic by e+s.black. updates wednesdays. Two unrelated stories become one when strangers become friends. One follows a dream while the other flees a nightmare across the haunted land.", true, true], "ThetaleofAeria": ["http://aeria.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 147, "Official website: http://www.Aeria-comic.com A tale of adventure, excitement and danger. Well, most of the time at least. But ever so often Fabraz, our chaotic protagonist, finds himself in rather silly situations. Be prepared to be wowed and get ready to follow Fabraz on his epic adventure. You can also buy the first chapter as a printed comic book, if you want to support us! :) http://www.indyplanet.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=4243", false, true], "Theydontknowanything": ["http://theydontknowanything.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Vincent returns to his home town after several years of absense. He has a crush on his long time friend, Matthew. It's BL/shonen-ai/yaoi/gay idk read this way \u2192 \u2192 \u2192 \u2192 (warning:Bad art in the beginning style changes might happen for a while i will try to find something stable orz)", false, true], "ThiefCatcherRingTail": ["http://tcringtail.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 187, "RingTail is the hero name of the main character, Lynia, who is actually formally a thief! After her family is arrested she is hired by her rich, genius classmate Rose to test out her superhero inventions. Together, they stop thieves and uncover the sinister plot of Arcadio, Lynia's former employer. This comic reads Left to Right.", false, true], "ThiefofHeartsRegenerated": ["http://theheartthief.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "This is a revised and renewed version of my old comic, \"Thief of Hearts\" \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 Erik Coeur is a heart thief; an individual cursed by death himself with a rotting heart. His only solution is to gather select hearts from victims in order to fill his perscription for a demon apothecary, and Charlotte, an unfortunate victim of circumstance, is number 11 on his list! Her only salvation is to make a deal with Erik, but could his simple exchange for sanctuary lead to much more than she bargained for? \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 \u2716 \u2764 This is a renewed and revised edition of my old comic \"Thief of Hearts\", which was once written under my pen name \"Surrealmasque\". This comic is rated OT +16, depending on my mood. Reason: gore, crude humor, mature situations, innuendo, alcohol usage, random, unexpected, and awkward situations that I should probably warn some of you about, and language.", false, true], "ThingsIWishICouldTellMyExBoyfriend": ["http://thingsiwishicouldtellmyex.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "I am coming to find that breakups suck... a lot.", false, true], "ThinkBeforeYouThink": ["http://thinkbeforeyouthink.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 195, "A funny, awkward, and spontaneous comic about a guy who can read minds. Updates Fridays.", false, true], "ThirteenWaysToLookAtABlackbird": ["http://thirteenways.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A comic created to visually display the poem \"Thirteen Ways to Look at a Blackbird\" by Wallace Stevens. Enjoy!", false, true], "ThisIsHYRULE": ["http://thisishyrule.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Welcome! To the magical land of HYRULE! Where once upon a time, a young elf was destined to save the world... Until he had an idiot play him from behind the Gamecube controller. Now all his dignity has been flushed down the drain in his new line of work: Entertainment! So introducing my line of Legend of Zelda Parody Comics for your pleasure to lol at the craziness (in which a lot is based on actual experience) or just take a trip down memory lane to all those \"special\" moments in the games... ===================== Disclaimer: \"This is Hyrule\" is a series of gag comics I do on the side for fun on my spare time. What started out as just a couple of jokes just kept growing that I finally decided to give it its own line and continue with it. The art's not that great since they're really meant to be just quick sketches but I hope you all have fun reading them! (And try not to piss your pants. I've had people tell me they nearly had done so reading them)", false, true], "Thisaintathunderstorm": ["http://taats.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Let me tell you a story about a girl who was something like a thunderstorm, shall I?", false, true], "ThisisLife": ["http://thisislifedaily.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "A daily journal comic of my life and the crap I do (or do not do).", false, true], "ThisistheWorstIdeaYouveEverHad": ["http://twiyeh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 223, "TWIYEH! is a an urban fantasy comic about idiots with magic powers and also there are monsters and stuff. Updates every Wednesday and Friday. This is a mirror of the main site located at http://worstidea.skyscrapersoup.com The comic updates there a couple days earlier than I post it here.", false, true], "Thisiswheremymindisat": ["http://thisiswheremymindisat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "After losing his mind John decides to revisit his life on tape. Hoping to find himself and his mind while still searching for love. Two seperate universes slowly come together in this non-linear Psychological drama. Will John find his mind? Or will he realize he was looking in the wrong place all along?", false, true], "ThisiswhyIloveyou": ["http://tiwily-style.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Have you ever done something stupid in the past and never thought that it would come back to bite you, but it did? Stan didn't see it coming, no one did. Now he has to face the stupid past all over again, while everyone starts to treat him differently. Everyone but Kyle. ------------------------------------- This is a Style Fancomic. This is a BL meaning Boy x Boy. BTW Kyle is Seme. All Characters are from South Park", false, true], "ThornTopia": ["http://tnt100.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "Thorn is reknown for her alts. This a showcase of all the ones she's got! This series is now completed! Many thanks to all the contributors and followers for sticking around!", false, true], "ThorsWelcoming": ["http://thorki001.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "This is our first thorki fan-comic. We did it durning summer 2012. Is a \"sexy comedy\" if you want to call it that. I mean, it's yaoi and some parts have nudity and sex. You have to be older that 18 to read it. This one is about Thor coming back Home from a epic adventure to face a full of feels Loki, who he in the head with his hammer while drunk in a party. I do not own this characters, they are property of Marvel Universe \u00c2\u00a9 2012", true, true], "ThoseDoodles": ["http://thosedoodles.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A place where wonderful random drawings and such go :D Really, it's a place for me to test my art and comic skills. ;D", false, true], "ThoughtsAneroticStory": ["http://thoughts-erotica.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Gabriel has locked himself out from his home, sitting at a bar around closing time he is offered a place to stay... What could this lead to?", true, true], "ThoughtsOftheJudicious": ["http://totj.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "This shit is over.", false, true], "ThreeDaysAStoryofthe1920s": ["http://threedays.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Reporter Roy Meloni loses his job. Then he\u2019s caught in a rainstorm. Then he crashes his car. All on the same day. Just when he thinks his luck is as bad as it gets, it becomes worse. Unfortunate enough to stumble upon a young woman in hiding, Roy finds himself in a situation he never would have imagined: kidnapped by a woman who has a mob hot on her trail. Held hostage in her car as they race to God knows where, Roy doesn\u2019t have to do much to try surviving\u2014this clumsy young lady seems too new to this kidnapping business to know what to really do. It\u2019s not until the mob catches up to them that Roy has to worry about survival\u2026 Updates weekly!", false, true], "ThreeFreeFrikis": ["http://tff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 147, "Un webcomic sobre la convivencia de tres hermanos frikis que comen de todo, \u00a1hasta ornitorrincos! Y que tienen tendencias caprichosas y paternalistas hacia seres de otros planetas; tambi\u00e9n golpean electrodom\u00e9sticos y de vez en cuando matan uno que otro zombie.", false, true], "ThreeSidesofaShadow": ["http://3sidesofashadow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "In humanities far future we will travel the stars and encounter many forms of life. Among them are the Seku, a race of mammalian creatures that live on a planet just a few light years from our own named Eru. Here a fight rages to control a precious material unique to Eru Erunite. Which powers some of the planets greatest warriors. Including the broken warrior who has forgotten his former life Ryo Kusanagi.", false, true], "ThrowdMostWanted": ["http://throwdmostwanted.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "", false, true], "ThunderHawk": ["http://thunderhawk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Battleground Earth; and there can only be one winner!", false, true], "TickminTheSwarm": ["http://tickmincomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A spinoff of the Pikmin franchise, but with my own custom species of Pikmin. Programs used: Paint.net Paint Macromedia Flash 8", false, true], "TimeAndConfusion": ["http://timeandconfusion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Hajime Gesu finds himself surrounded by a world fixated on love and sex, two things he has no interest in at all. He tries to stick away from any social interactions if he can and usually spends his time judging others from a far as merely an observer, the total opposite of the man he hates the most, Renji Kiriyu. Renji is an upperclassman who resides in the classroom next to his and is definitely popular with the ladies. Though he has conquered almost every woman's heart in the school, no one has really seen him with a girlfriend. Even though this man is almost impossible to hate, Hajime hates him with a passion. These two couldn't be more different but what will happen when Hajime discovers he is the one being observed for once?", false, true], "TimeKeepers": ["http://timekeepers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Time repeats itself, that's what the people say at least. Time no matter what happens continues on to the next one, and the next. In this particular tower, the time is controlled and governed by those who live in there, the Keepers as they are called. Those who were trained in watching them, making sure they do there jobs are the Chasers. The order is overseen by a 'kind' lady named Millinao, though those who live in the tower call her a tyrant, evil. When one day a random explosion occurs, multiple Keepers leave the tower for their own quests of freedom, all around the nation. Veran was the one that had allowed them to leave the place. This comic revolves around the two sides, and brings the end.", false, true], "TimeWastingStuff": ["http://timewastingstuff.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 105, "Aha just a place to put stuff? Sketches and such, sometimes memories, exaggerated things, whatever I feel like putting. Nothing special, read if you wanna see half assed and random inconsistent art XD", false, true], "TinyPinkRobots": ["http://tinypinkrobots.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 407, "Featuring me, my beatnik lumberjack husband, mild cat torture, dancing and the occasional tiny robot. Updates Monday & Wednesday!", false, true], "TitleUnrelated": ["http://www.titleunrelated.com/comics/", 119, "The Newest Iteration.", false, true], "ToCatchAButterfly": ["http://tocatchabutterly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "WARNING!!! Very lesbian, yuri, girl love comic. There will be sexy-ness, strap-ons, transexual females, nakedness, talking stuffed animals, tits, and cute girls making cute climatic faces. TURN BACK NOW... or proceed <3 Les Yurii Academy is an all girls boarding school where 90% of people on campus are lesbians, with that 10% being faculty/staff... so you could say that, well, every student at Les Yurii Academy is a lesbian. We follow Marie on her naive journey to find the girl that she met three years ago who she believes attends Les Yurii Academy solely based on the fact she recognized a smile on a girl during a commercial for the academy when she was 12. Unfortunately for her, she is rooming with the schools \"playgirl\", Corey, or better known as, \"Kelpie\" because of a folk tale about a beautiful black horse that would lead children into the water and drown them. Well, in this case, Corey likes to lead beautiful women into her bed and drown them in orgasms. But Marie isn't a beauty and that kinda annoys Corey. WILL THEY EVER FIND COMMON GROUND?!?!?! WILL MARIE EVER FIND THE GIRL SHE IS IN LOVE WITH!?!?! WILL COREY RUN OUT OF GIRLS TO BANG!?!?!", true, true], "ToStopanEmpire": ["http://tostopanempire.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "The Battle to Save Humanity Picture a world where the internet is a thing of the past. Imagine your Country has turned its back on the citizens. What if people's thoughts were no longer their own? What if you were one of the few who knew the truth? In a not so distant future, the internet is no more; communicating with other Countries is impossible for the citizens and the leaders of each Country have complete control over everything - even your thoughts. Desperation causes Azure Dragon to send out a message to anyone who can receive it; luckily, the modern day Robin Hood and her closest friend, 'Lil John', are happy to help. Together, they'll take down the mighty Empire: Zero World.", false, true], "ToVIndecentExposure": ["http://vesperiaie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "A short Tales of Vesperia comic", false, true], "Todayiworeblack": ["http://todayiworeblack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "pink was our color.", false, true], "ToddAllisonAndthePetuniaViolet": ["http://todd-petunia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "The first time Petunia Elkwood met Todd Allison was an accident and the next time she met him was also an accident. It was also an accident that they came to live next door to each other in an apartment and it was perhaps an accident still when Petunia Elkwood found out something about Todd Allison that she wasn't quite sure what to make of. Updating at MangaMagazine.net", false, true], "ToldByFlora": ["http://toldbyflora.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "PG-16 - language & mature themes BL/homosexual content SKETCH COMIC teacher-student relationship (25yrs & 18yrs old) story: Ashton Beau, a lonely, eccentric history teacher and widower, finally decides it's time to try and move on from a terrible loss. Convinced by the flower delivery-boy, Lucas Chase, Ashton resumes his teaching career. For better or worse, Ashton finds out that the charming young Lucas is a student - his student. And with hormones flying, teenage drama, and graduation just around the corner, both Lucas and Ashton are in for one hell of a year.....", false, true], "TomorrowX": ["http://tomorrowx.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Curtis is a robot which wakes up in a foreign world. What happened to him and why can't he understand a single word of the people around him? He thinks of his last memories... Reading direction from right to left ;)", false, true], "TonttuAndEnkeli": ["http://tonttujaenkeli.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "FINISHED My newest comic! I drew this a few weeks ago, and finished it today. It's only 4 pages, and no text bubbles. The name is in finnish, and means Pixie and Angel (by Pixie I mean those little people who are helping Santa Claus). And the story is inspired by song named Tonttu ja Enkeli by Jope Ruonansuu. The song tells about an angel who is sad because she don't know how to help sad people, but then the pixie gives her some advice and then they are happy together. I'm sorry that my toning skills are bad, but I can only get better! If you like this, please fav or comment, I want to know what people think about my comics :-) Merry Christmas!", false, true], "TooManyKittens": ["http://toomanykittens.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Miscellaneous. Happenings.", false, true], "ToothFaerie": ["http://toothfearie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "This is the story about Hansel, a 25 year old paranoid human being raised as a tooth faerie. He was kicked out of the faerie realm because he was hoarding all the tooth instead of sacrificing them to the tooth faerie queen. Now he is on a search for the perfect tooth to impress the other faeries. In his search he meets with La'vi Sweets, he has the perfect teeth! But there is one problem, how to get those teeth? Hansel decides to stick around and wait for an opportunity to get his hands on them but not everything is as easy as it seems. La'vi seems to have a knack for trouble which drags them into strange adventures and wonderful worlds in which nothing seems what it is.", false, true], "TopClass": ["http://topclass.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Reiichi is a world class martial artist. Reiko, his twin sister, is a magical Seer student at the top of her class. Reiichi isn't all that interested in magic, until Reiko leaves for a surprise test... and never returns. On top of that, Reiko is disappearing from photos and few remember she ever existed. Determined to find his sister, Reiichi jumps head first in to the world of magic... Even if it means dressing like a girl.", false, true], "TotalDramaBestWishes": ["http://tdbw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "10 contestants are coming back to camp wawanaka, trying to win one milion dollars", false, true], "TotalDramaSurvivor": ["http://totaldramasurvivor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 181, "We're bringing back some of your favorite Total Drama contestants for a chance at another million dollars! Who will win? Who will lose? Find out here... on Total Drama Survivor!", false, true], "TotallyCrossover": ["http://totallycrossover.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 146, "There are a lot of typical generic gaming webcomics out there. This one, however, is not one of them. Where most comics are fully happy to parody the gaming world one game at a time, Totally Crossover will parody them all. At the same time. The gaming stars of 2010 unite to face an unknown enemy which could destroy all of time and space itself. This should be fun.", false, true], "TowardtheBlue": ["http://towardtheblue.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "Akio may seem like he has a good life. He is good-looking, tall and has a great job. His only downfall he is lonely and is having a tiny problem finding someone. Being gay is not even a part of the reason either... --------------------------------- This is a yaoi- boyxboy- so if you have a problem with that DO NOT READ THIS!!! You have been warned. Thank ya ALSO- Sou was created by my good friend Lea Schuffert, so credit for his character is all for her <3 I will dub this mature for later chapters. I will be going back to work tomorrow so my page uploads will be slowed, but I will aim to put a new page up per week. I hope you continue to read and enjoy!", true, true], "ToxinsAndTurbines": ["http://toxinsandturbines.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "WARNING: This comic contains mature content, sexual content, language use, and offensive content!!!", false, true], "Track09": ["http://track09.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Explicit sexual content (gay!) Strong language Written by Marrow and drawn by Twisted.", true, true], "TraiFiori": ["http://tra-i-fiori.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "Amateur photographer Andrea is a loving seme who likes to take pictures of flowers for his cute uke Flavio, who can't enjoy the most beloved subject of his paintings because of a pollen allergy. What will happen when the flimsy Japanese spirit of a cherry tree would feel extremely offended by the lack of politeness of Andrea towards its beautiful blossoms..?! [UPDATED ON WEDNESDAYS]", false, true], "TrainersChallangeaPokemonPlatinumNuzlocke": ["http://justinsplatinumnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "The script will be mine, but due to lack of drawing ability I am seeking artists, you WILL be credited", false, true], "TranceferStone": ["http://trancefer-stone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "The world is in terrible danger, and the chosen warriors must regroup in order to over throw this power. But what happens when one of the reborn chosen was born... a male? Fantasy story created by Cloud-Kitsune(me). Light hetero, yaoi, yuri.", false, true], "TransSolarHigh": ["http://transsolarhigh.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Scott Martin is moving to Brookhurst, the same summer that aliens make contact with the Earth, and Scott's new school is chosen to host kids from hundreds of different planet! Now that the bullies have 4 arms, and 3\" fangs and all the cool kids have been to Alpha Centauri, how will Scott cope, being the new kid, and just another human at Brookhurst's newest high school?", false, true], "TransUMan": ["http://transuman.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 509, "Mutants. Aliens and Zombies, Oh My! It starts simply enough: another day of survival. But then...", true, true], "TransUmansUbterran": ["http://sub-terran.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Tara and Soldier are now safely in the Sub Levels of the domed city. What could possibly go wrong? Oh boy...", true, true], "Transfusions": ["http://transfusions.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 180, "Boy meets a vampire. What happens when they get to know each other? This comic will have lotsa boylove stuff in it, so if you have a problem with that, get rid of that problem and then come back here and enjoy the comic. If you don't have a problem with BL then... enjoy the comic anyways!<3 Updates every Sunday.", false, true], "TrappedACYOAComic": ["http://trappedacyoac.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Yeah, this is a choose your own adventure comic. You probably know how this works... but if you don't I have provided a brief, basic explanation in Part 1. Updates: Completed.", false, true], "TrappedFreedom": ["http://trapped-freedom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Put together pirates, a gryphon and a rare mermaid breed. What do you get? Two mercenaries named Demion and Grayl traveling across the world in search of one thing. Freedom. Welcome to Trapped Freedom ;)", false, true], "TrappedintheDungeon": ["http://trappedinthedungeon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A Pokemon Mystery Dungeon comic that follows the [mis]adventures of a Kirlia and a Shinx as they travel around the world. The story is set 3 years after PMDEoS. Things are a bit different now. ------------------------- Comic still setting up. Rating: 13+ Reads: Right to left- manga style Updates on: on weekends whenever possible", false, true], "Travellers": ["http://travellers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "A fantasy webcomic about a group of friends and their adventure... Updates Mondays and Thursdays and whenever i might feel like updating extra comics! =D WARNING: Might contain swearing and nudity!!!", false, true], "TreeMates": ["http://treemates.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "We like bananas.", false, true], "TreexVirus": ["http://zekt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "This is a fan doujinshi of the Epic of Zektbach featuring L'erisia and Malchut in the Masinowa arc. ;3 Original Story(Music) & Characters belong to Zektbach and Maya. If you haven't heard the Epic of Zektbach, go to youtube or something and check it out! 83[/shameless advertisement] Read right to left! :] Warning: This oneshot contains shoujo-ai This webcomic is completed.", false, true], "Trespasses": ["http://trespasses.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "", false, true], "Treyandfriendsadventures": ["http://shaunawsomeadventure.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "My comic is about a hedgehog who goes on a adventure, meeting new friends, and making a group who will help fight eggman latest invetion and find the chaos emeralds.", false, true], "TrialsofEvil": ["http://trialsofevil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Krante is a young demon who must prove his evil being by going through many trial, only problem...he's not evil.", false, true], "TrickyBirthday": ["http://trickybirthday.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "A Tiger&Bunny fancomic for Barnaby's birthday the 31 of October. Characters: Kotetsu T. Kaburagi and Barnaby Brooks Jr. Rating: General", false, true], "TrillAndSilly": ["http://trillysilly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "This usefull story written by Cynthia and Debby alias Silerna(Silly) and Trilly for those who could use a little edge. Follow their daily shabbies and meet lots of new strange creatures. Give their furry companion and Cynthia's best friend Kitty a big hug and she shall teach you the important things in life as well! Each chapter includes a few short-comic stories that you will enjoy! Seriously... don't try this at home alright ? ~ This comic reads from left to right.", false, true], "TripleTrouble": ["http://tripletrouble.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "It's Senior Year and Benton Lynch is stuck with 3 guys who have huge crushes on him! Zachary Walters loves his body! Lawrence Stephenson loves his personality! Everett Kirk loves his personality and body!? and uh oh! It seems that rich Luciano Shaffer has feelings for Benton too? Will Benton choose one? Or will he leave without any? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yaoi/Boy's love, don't read it if you don't like it :P Also, bad art warning!!!", false, true], "Trivial": ["http://thetrivial.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Three species rule this continent. The crows - Undead, The Magpies - Neutral and the Doves - Supernatural. After a raging war, the Crows are overtaking most of the Magpie country, causing more and more undead creatures to rise. Few people rise and fight their way out of the country's - To start the life of a rebel.", false, true], "TrivialVentures": ["http://trivialventures.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 10, "No goals, no ambitions, no nothing to look forward to but getting through another day. What are two slackers to do but live vicariously through a television screen?", false, true], "TroubledWatersAnEmeraldNuzlocke": ["http://troubledwaters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 92, "Thrown into the midst of a terrible disaster in the Pok\u00e9mon world, KK must get to the bottom of the mystery - before it's too late. Lives are at stake, the world of Pok\u00e9mon is falling into ruin, and the team has to try and find out where the Nuzlocke disease came from. Only danger lies down that road, but that's where destiny leads. Of course, because Professor Birch asked him to do it, he's got to take a Pok\u00e9dex with him too. Go figure. _______________ Updates every Monday.", false, true], "Troublenextdoor": ["http://troublenextdoor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 207, "Ilona hates her new neighbor! Sure he might be a tall, athletic, motorcycle-riding hot model kind of a guy but he's snarky and rude. Just like the jocks in school that used to make fun of Ilona because she was a nerdy tomboy girl. And did he say something about Ilona's panties?! This means war! Ilona wants him gone, right now! Because he's a horrible person...but wait, he actually has a kind side? ...and how come he's always helping her out when she's in a pinch? this is...(you guessed it!) a BOYxGIRL romance sprinkled with a lot of humor and a few tearjerking moments. Hand-drawn, scanned and screentoned.", false, true], "TroyandthebigIF": ["http://troysif.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "A short story. This was supposed to be done before the new year (of 09), but it's finally freaking done. YAY!!", false, true], "TrustNoOne": ["http://trustnoone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A comic about a boy and his wicked dreams.", false, true], "TrySmiling": ["http://try-smiling.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Switching to a new high school can be tough.. But, moving to a totally different country, where you know nothing of the culture, customs, and more importantly the language... Heh, now that can be hell! Warning: Foul Language, Bullying, Yaoi/ Shounen-ai/ Bromance", false, true], "Tufts": ["http://nancy-tufts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Supplement for my Tufts application!", false, true], "TumblrRumblrJaySung": ["http://tumblrrumblr48.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "I participated in an OCT called Tumblr Rumblr starting in the may of 2012 and ending in January 2013. It was a great experience involving a lot of really talented people and I'm super thankful for being able to be a part of it. The official Tumblr for the OCT is here http://t-rumblr.tumblr.com/ you should definitely check it out and look at all the amazing contestants in it.", false, true], "TumblramuneAcademy": ["http://tumblramune.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Based on the hit game that everybody knows, Wance The Dee, this comic follows the everyday life of the butt monkeys (aka students) that attend a certain school simply named Tumblramune Academy.", false, true], "TurbotheHedgehogRebirth": ["http://tthr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "Takes place after the evens of \"Turbo the Hedgehog\". It's been a couple years since they last saw each other and now they are all returning in a whole new house.New faces,old ones, adventures as far as I can see. Turbo is back! ---INFO TO ALL AUTHOR WHO WANT TO JOIN---- NO MORE SPOTS LEFT! SORRY! But continue to look at this comic for future updates because we may allow more authors later on!!", false, true], "TurbulenceOneshot": ["http://turbulence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "THIS MANGA IS READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT! (COMPLETED!) Suzuhara Yana has been the target of her classmates since she was small. Because of her father's death, Yana and her mother lived a hard live in a small place. However, her mother remarried one day to Suzuki, one of the richest families in the place. Yana began her new life in the big house, but she wa disliked by her stepfather, and her new elder brother had a bad attitude. Yana lived in a small loft the the top of the house, and she was not allowed to use the front door. Despite her bad experiences, Yana tried to live a normal life in school, but soon afterwards she discovered the true personality of her brother...", false, true], "Turtle": ["http://turtle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "The Mackers live in the small lake island town of Turtle Lake. Not much happens.", false, true], "TweakIt": ["http://tweakit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "+++++Rockstars are born from the streets left and right according to Renya Mashima. As a garage band singer, he has always dreamed of being in the spotlight on stage. His chances become broad when he and his band illegally sing at the town park, catching the eye of a famous music producer. Problem is he only has eyes on Renya and Renya alone. He must choose to leave his band he's stuck with for 5 years. After days of thinking and arguing with his band, he decides to leave them and head for spotlight on his own. His new partners from the company are talented. So talented that they can outshine him at any moment. However one's talent stuck out the most.....+++++ BL Romance +15 Contains mild language, suggestive themes, real life, homosexuals (BxB & SLIGHT GxG), heterosexuals(BxG). If you're looking for a hardcore yaoi story, then this isn't the place for you. If you have no interest in BoyxBoy relationships and flat out hate it,don't bother reading. Thank you.", false, true], "TwelveHours": ["http://zombiehour.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "One fateful morning, our protaganist awakens to the grim news that zombies have taken to the streets in a Night of the Living Dead scenario. Nonplussed and groggy, it takes them time to realize that they too are one of the newly undead. How very strange. This is based on a dream I had.", true, true], "TwentyTwo": ["http://twentytwocomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "The Gifted started showing up twenty years ago, a tiny percentage of the population who are faster, stronger, tougher than the human norm. In the aftermath of a terrible attack upon the United States, they are conscripted into service.", false, true], "TwigSoup": ["http://twigsoup.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "WOAH", false, true], "TwinMoon": ["http://twinmoon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "Ages ago, the great war raged for a thousand years. The vampires had been on the winning side until, in a final act to save her species, the elven high priestess pleaded to the gods and placed a curse upon the vampire race, that they may never walk under the sun again. As both sides counted their casualties, they came to a mutual conclusion: Never again! Enough time passed for even the immortal races to forget most of it. The vampire covenant, founded in the aftermath of the war, puts it's energy in keeping the peace. The covenant sends out its agents to deal with whatever may threaten the peace. But history, they say, has a way of repeating itself. This is my first webcomic; so it starts a little bad, but I will be improving. English is not my native language, please correct me if you find a mistake. I will update Mondays and Fridays if pages are available. Since the new year just begun and I need to get into rhythm again, I have little time left for pages... so updates will be slow for the time being... Keep your eyes on the chatbox. (The comic is not dead!) All constructive critique is appreciated. Reads from left to right. Comic contains BL.", false, true], "Twinsofsin": ["http://twinsofsin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A short comic with my two twin characters. This is not a very great comic, mostly me fooling around with some angles and such. Enjoy.", true, true], "TwistedFatesARoseforShurinai": ["http://roseforshurinai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "Gale Shurinai has been through hell since the battle on the Saphra Mountains. One of his best friends, \"Remy\", has become a Guardian, and he's constantly stalked by the clan ever since his secret had been revealed to the Oniyan Emperor. Even worse, the Emperor wants him and his associates to return to the clan! Will Shurinai conjure up the strength to break Remy's curse, or will he fall to the hands of the Naginata clan and become a shadow of himself-- again? UPDATES: Every Friday!", false, true], "TwoKeys": ["http://www.two-keys.net/comics/", 270, "In a city split between humans and occult, Colin Aston just wants to run his diner and make bad coffee. A peaceful life isn't on the menu though, as a mysterious blonde shows up with a job only Colin is capable of performing. If he takes it, Colin will have to face sorcerers, politicians, and little old ladies... not to mention a secret that destroyed nearly half the city and hits a little too close to home. If you would like to read more of this comic, please check out <a href=\"www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Two-Keys/detail-page/\">manga magazine</a> thanks!", false, false], "TwoKindsNederlandsDutch": ["http://twokindsdutch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "TwoKinds is een webcomic van Tom Fischbach, die hier vertaald is naar het Nederlands! TwoKinds is a webcomic from Tom Fischbach, which is here translated to Dutch! Origineel/original: --> http://twokinds.keenspot.com/ <--", false, true], "TwoStories": ["http://www.two-stories.com/comics/", 177, "Two Stories is an epic adventure of two young characters, Al and Su, who will travel a world of fantasy together in order to find their destinies. Follow Al and Su in their travels, and find out what they are made of!", false, true], "TwoWorlds": ["http://twoworlds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Worlds will live and heroes will die in this epic tale! The entire Multiverse is threatened as Darkseid begins to assemble an army of the most terrifying super villains. But what is the ultimate plan, and who will live to find out? You'll find out soon enough! (PS I take no credit for any of the sprites in this comic)", false, true], "UNNOTICED": ["http://unnoticedredo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "This is a mild boy love I did for fun. I suck at descriptions. So just read it.", false, true], "UTENSIL": ["http://utensil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 349, "U,T.E:N.S.I.L. is an experimental comic with light romance, random humor, and gag action. And the story...? Well... Ninja-wannabes are out to steal cakes. Love Triangle. Maybe drama. Warning: Do NOT take this story too seriously... if there is one. It's an experiment, a learning tool for me. Critique is welcomed.", false, true], "Ugg": ["http://ugg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "I will change the name and banner once I have some co-authors.", false, true], "UglyBoysLove": ["http://shounenai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 74, "", false, true], "UglyPeoplesClub": ["http://upc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "Lesley, finally a high school freshman, is a pretty girl with an ugly temper. One day, while skipping class with her only friend, she's caught and given detention. But instead of an after-school punishment, she finds a small group of really ugly students, known as the Ugly People's Club. And they want her to be their leader. **THIS IS AN AMERICAN COMIC, PLEASE READ LEFT TO RIGHT!**", false, true], "Uglygame": ["http://uglygame.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 97, "so takumis had a crush on his teacher mr. asakura (who he lovingly call sensei) for a long time now, but there are these dumb games that the girls play to see who can get a specific teacher to fall in love with them first, then dump them afterwards. and asakura\u2019s next in the game. not only that, but this kid satoru, whos always bullying takumi, is getting in on the game too and according to everyone hes in the lead. takumi knows what a little shit satoru is and doesn\u2019t want sensei to get hurt, and basically gets tricked into playing the game too. now hes gotta get sensei to fall in love with him before its too late. plots based off scramble game (it made me so mad I thought I could do it better HA) reads from left to right bl/yaoi will have nasty stuff later on~~", false, true], "Ugnis": ["http://ugnis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "Elizabeth is cursed by flames that disrupt her personality and shorten her lifespan when she uses them. She decided to abandon the ruins of Eldur in a quest to seek for the sorceress who resurrected the god of fire that cursed her. However, she'll need help...", false, true], "UltimateManCrush": ["http://ultimatemancrush.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "Kikyou has a man crush on Matt. But is it really just a little man crush? Or could it be a man crush of epic proportions!? This is ULTIMATE MAN CRUSH. Updates every WEEKLY! Useful links: Comic Tumblr: http://ultimatemancrush.tumblr.com/ Artist DA: http://dreamsraven.deviantart.com/ Y! Gallery: http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/user/furan/", false, true], "UltimatelyBlack": ["http://ultimatlyblack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT !!! Just another \"short\" story about two guys who should have better things to do than get together. _______________________________ /!\\ WARNING /!\\ -BL -Crappy Art -Bad English...Probably.", false, true], "UnNatual": ["http://unnatual.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "Charlotte finds herself being stalked by a \"man\" named Anton for unknown reasons, only just to \"make Ezekiel pay for taking his happiness away from him\". With the help of Dustin, the two travel together to find out how to kill Anton. Violence! Humor! Weird ass shit? You bet your sweet tarts. ...:::UPDATES EVERY WEEK:::... Check out the deviantart page for official art, fanart and other features! http://unnaturalalbum.deviantart.com/", false, true], "UnderStillWaters": ["http://understillwater.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "In our world stories of mermaids are filled with love, and princes that conquer evil that opposes them, to save their fishy bride. That isn't how it is in this story. Humans can't approach the waters, lest the monsters call mermaids find them, and tear the flesh off their bones. At day the mermaids are these monster like creatures living in the water, but by night change and hunt on the land. Fain grew up in this world, but when he choses to save a creature bent on killing his kind, his life changes. Mature content will ensue for blood and some sexual scenes. YAOI", true, true], "UndertakerRuby": ["http://undertakerruby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "This short story is a almost a year old, which I decided to upload because of my lack of updates. I'm not going to upload everything at once, just a couple pages at a time. I intend on doing a continuation of this work eventually, so watch out of that. It is a fantasy story set in a vaguely Victorian/steampunk world. I do not want to say much more, because I do not want to spoil the lore of the world. Read for yourself! Enjoy", false, true], "UndertheDeadSkies": ["http://underthedeadskies.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 64, "This is it. The final countdown. Soon everything will crumble around you and your world will be turned upside down. For Bethany, she remains unphased even as the people around her drop like flies. She's seen everything and has done what very few people have been able to do in this undead ravaged city. She has survived. However, after coming across an unexpected discovery she finds herself torn between staying in the comfort and safety of her current routine or risking it all for the greater good of humanity.", true, true], "Underwater": ["http://underwater.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Fish in Waterbloo don't have an easy life. Their village is continually destroyed by a whale, but only Bruno found out where to live in peace. Nevertheless, he doesn't live in peace for real, either... Reading direction from right to left ;)", false, true], "Unepartiedechasse": ["http://partiedechasse.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Lucas est un jeune chasseur, pay\u00e9 pour traquer une b\u00eate meutri\u00e8re. Sur son chemin, il retrouve de vieilles connaissances, qui feront ressurgir de douloureux souvenirs de son village natal.", false, true], "Unforgiven": ["http://unforgiven.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "ITALIANO In un mondo invaso da zombie, nove ragazzi si riuniscono per sopravvivere e combattere le loro paure. In una enorme villa mai illuminata dal sole, vivono nove ragazzi: Karasu, C.B.Dice, Legato, Reverse, Requiem, Red Eye, Mariposa, Bugia, Giuda. Le loro vite sono regolate da Reqiuem, uno strano ragazzo di colore che gestisce la villa tramite un sofisticato intrico di cavi e computer. Spesso li manda fuori dalla villa a prendere oggetti, cibo, medicinali, informazioni. Fuori dalla villa, ci sono gli zombie, alcuni portatori del loro virus altri evocati tramite la magia. Bugia, il cui punto di vista e' dominante, accompagnera' spesso i suoi compagni in strani viaggi in bilico fra la vendetta e la psicosi. ENGLISH (THIS COMIC IS AVARIABLE ONLY IN ITALIAN) In a enormous mansion never enlightened by the sun, live nine person:Karasu, C.B.Dice, Legato, Reverse, Requiem, Red Eye, Mariposa, Bugia and Giuda. Their lives are settle by Reqiuem, a strange black boy that control the entire mansion.Outside of the mansion there are zombies, someone born by virus and other by magic.", true, true], "UnicornWarrior": ["http://theunicornwarrior.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "All Fear Dearc wanted was a friend. All Shaun Farmer wanted was for his past to stop following him. Beh, I wonder if it will work out?", false, true], "UnicycleofViolence": ["http://unicycleofviolence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Unicycle of Violence is...", true, true], "Unity": ["http://unity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 95, "The Master Painter, Drawcia of Kirby Canvas Curse, has recovered from her defeat from Kirby and is much more powerful than before. She seeks revenge on Popstar itself and everyone is threatened by her wrath. Drawcia begins her revenge at Ripple star, and soon after, Kirby and Drawcia have a battle. Kirby is defeated easily, and now, he will have to unite both friend and foe to fight Drawcia and defeat her once more. The return of the old and new.... It gets \"Shockingly Violent\" and \"Confusing\"(Luigi_96) at some points.So deal with it. Updates whenever.", false, true], "UnitySprited": ["http://unitysprited.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "Mint612's comic, Unity, made in sprites! Link to the original: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=126943 Sprited versions made by Luigi_96. All credit for the story, setting and characters goes to Mint612. Rated T for violence.", false, true], "Unknow": ["http://unknow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Just a doodle comic about my oc and etc.. Enjoy the boy love nerp", true, true], "UnknownLover": ["http://unknownlover.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 31, "Kei is a very good student, whose life is almost perfect (? only an unexpected love change his perfect world (? This comic is yaoi, BL, gay xD whatever Enjoy :3 reads left to right", true, true], "UnlimitedEvil": ["http://unlimitedevil.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "\"Unlimited Evil\" is an epic story spanning across the Coolstar Comics Universe in which a large number of heroes from that universe must band together in order to combat the \"unlimited evil army\" from destroying it.", false, true], "UnlimitedView": ["http://unlimitedview.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "In a world covered by endless water... There's more to the world of Sonic DASH than the adventures of Sonic and Tails. Join us on tales of living for the future, of existing in the present, and of learning from the past. Listen to their stories. There is so much more beyond just your limited view. --- A spin off to Sonic DASH. I've been worldbuilding to separate it more from Megaman Legends, what can I say?", false, true], "Unprecedent": ["http://unprecedent.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Jade and Specter are two best friends who had grown up all their lives in the city of Redust. One day, a girl's dog runs out of town and into the wide open world outside, opening the confines of Redust to whatever the hell is lurking outside. Now, these two bozos will have to defend their home, but at what cost? My first attempt at comics, so any critiques or whatever would be greatly appreciated!", false, true], "UntitledBenpopComic": ["http://benpop.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 52, "A Regular Show romance fancomic. Contains m/m.", false, true], "Unusual": ["http://unusual.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "Just a romantic comedy ;D", false, true], "UnverifiedBacon": ["http://unverifiedbacon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "This comic describes the lives of a few call center tech support agents and the manners in which they get from day to day in their dead-end jobs. The characters are based off of a group of collegues and me. All stories are based on ACTUAL events. Follow me on Twitter :) @unverifiedBacon", false, true], "UpsAndDowns": ["http://upsanddowns.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 24, "Draga lives in a big ol' mansion with his BFFL(best friend for life) Kali and not much is going on, in fact it's down right boring! But as days go by new friends show up causing a lot of ups and downs in their lives! *Caution* Comic contains BL!", false, true], "UpsideDown": ["http://upsidedown.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "When two male students of Veneficia School of Magic, Vorice and Johnny, are roomed in the same dorm they become friendly. The major peer groups would say too friendly. Johnny is a book nerd while Vorice is an athletic hunk. So you would think, they couldn't be more different, right? Thats what the peers believe. Everything about these boys lives seems to be going as planned until one day, when they get sneaking suspicions the school is keeping a secret from them. After that is when their lives turn up-side down. Manga. Read; left to right and top to bottom ~Boy Love ~Romance ~Comedy ~Mystery May contain; Foul language, sexual humor, mild nudity, potential 14+ material.", false, true], "UpsideDownReborn": ["http://upsidedownreborn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "When two male students of Veneficia School of Magic, Chris and Johnny, are roomed in the same dorm they become friendly. The major peer groups would say too friendly. Johnny is a book nerd while Chris is an athletic hunk. So you would think, they couldn't be more different, right? That's what the peers believe. Everything about these boys lives seems to be going as planned until one day, when they get sneaking suspicions the school is keeping a secret from them. After that is when their lives turn up-side down. Manga. Read; left to right and top to bottom ~Boy Love ~Romance ~Comedy ~Mystery May contain; Foul language, sexual humor, mild nudity, potential 14+ material.", false, true], "UrsaMinor": ["http://ursaminor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "When Ursula's mother dies she runs away into the sanctuary of the woods that surround her home, it is here that she finds comfort in the form of a lonely bear. Ursa Minor was written, drawn and inked all within 24 hours. It's not quite a finished looking as I usually like, but I'm still happy with it. I hope that you enjoy reading it!", false, true], "UselessSenseiOkuno": ["http://uso.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Really short story about a sensei and the male school nurse who really can't stand him... Originally for a contest. Originally, I also had a different story for these characters LOL", false, true], "VACANT": ["http://vacant.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "Updates on the first of every month on the official site: http://www.imaginetheending.net/ VACANT is a science fiction web comic following Commander Hayze, an agent of \"The Eye\" a powerful alien government/ corporate agency. Sent on a seemingly simple rescue mission, Hayze stumbles upon a possible explanation for the near extermination of the human race that had taken place over 100 years prior. His only lead is a virus and, along with his crew, Hayze tries to find the cure. Look at official site here: http://www.imaginetheending.net/Vacant.html VACANT also has a Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/ImagineTheEnding?ref=si_shop tumblr: http://vacantcomic.tumblr.com/ twitter: https://twitter.com/VacantComic or Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Vacant/161911700538775", false, true], "VERO": ["http://vero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "this is the ENGLISH version of my indie comic project, VERO!! read it from right to left read in [BAHASA]HERE-->http://www.ngomik.com/chapter/15711/chapter-i-hukum-utama sorry about the English.. my English is bad and I haven't found a decent translator ;v; sorry please kindly correct the grammar if there're any mistakes and of course, ENJOY! :D", false, true], "VINNYAndBUDCOMIX": ["http://vinnynbudcomix.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "VINNY & BUD is about two best friends growing up in the late 1970s. Vinny lives with his older brother bill who is in a rock band and his grandpa who has flashbacks from when he was a fighter pilot in world war 2. Bud has moved to town from L.A and is a boy who loves to skateboard everywhere and teaches Vinny to do the same. Bud lives with his young mother who is a little bitter from coming out of a recent divorce I have been influenced by CALVIN AND HOBBS.ARCHIE COMICS and PEANUTS. The humor is like Charlie Brown meets THAT 70'S SHOW.", false, true], "VOLer": ["http://voler.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "In a far away land, where the various attempts to build flying engines have failed, Svraka, an alchemist apprentice, dreams of being able to fly one day.", false, true], "Vacan7": ["http://vacan7.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 169, "Django is living with his younger brother in the heart of the big city named Los Perdidos. He's been stuck in a limbo between being a policeman and being a detective for a while now, and he finds himself falling for his new trainer and partner. On top of that Django starts to see and hear things others can't, and hopes his odd behaviour won't get him in trouble. Six voices seek the seventh, Django. Are they here to help or harm him? Updates Thursdays. Contains m/m. Mature: Occasional swearing and half naked dudes.", true, true], "Vagrants": ["http://vagrants.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A sketch comic of a pair of vagrants wandering what may or may not be various realities, causing shenanigans in pursuit of fame, glory, and treasure.", false, true], "VampireGirl": ["http://vampiregirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Inspired by the Jonathan Richman song with the same name, Vampire Girl is a webcomic miniseries that delves into the life of a young girl named Levana, who lives a life of irony... the irony being that she doesn't want to be a vampire, she just wants to be a normal girl. Levana struggles with life as a vampire, and hopes to discover a way that can make her human again, little knowing that a team of determined, yet incompetent vampire hunters are out to destroy her. Will Levana find the help she seeks? Will the vampire hunters get to her first? Just click \"First Comic\" to find out, and follow the misadventures of Levana the Vampire Girl.", false, true], "VampireManAndGhostBoy": ["http://vampireman-ghostboy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Vampire Man and Ghost Boy fight crime.", false, true], "Variety": ["http://variety.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "A story about a diverse group of students who each have their own thing going on. Mihai, the one with a personality that doesn't really suit his looks but somehow he pulls it off. Tsukuyo, a clever otaku with a bad habit of harassing other people's chubby cheeks. Richardson, a young man with a thirst for finding his true self, witness her numerous attempts to conquer his identity crisis. Hanazaki, the biggest shipper of them all, he is all knowing when it comes to pairing people up. Zoe, an aspiring musician with a rock n roll sense of style. Evan, the quite, chubby, mysterious and the smartest of the group. Alec, the ever so popular and athletic guy. please read RIGHT to Left. <<<<<<< and this is HET (guyXgirl love only)", false, true], "VerloreGeleentheid": ["http://verlore.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 115, "\"Verlore Geleentheid\" is 'n wetenskapfiksie strokiesprent wat hom deur van die ouer wetenskapfiksie soos \"All the Way Back\" (Michael Shaara) en \"Die Oorlewendes\" en \"Ruimteskip Celeste\" (albei deur Johan Bredell) laat inspireer. \"Lost Opportunity\" is a sci-fi webcomic which is inspired by older SF like \"All the Way Back\" (Michael Shaara) and \"The Survivors\" and \"Spaceship Celeste\" (both by Johan Bredell). It is in Afrikaans. At the moment no English version is planned, although a translation will be provided on the website.", false, true], "Vetem": ["http://vetem.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "Yaoi/BoyLove comic. Comedy. I'm focusing on story and funny moments, so +18 scenes won't appear so fast. 'Vetem' on deviantart: http://blackmayo.deviantart.com/gallery/30057690", true, true], "VexingGEARS": ["http://vexinggears.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "Welcome to Dodge City, the year is 20XX, and technology is at one of its finest times. With the invention of the G.E.A.R.S. (Generative Electrical Armored Reflex System) the entertainment and society have evolved greatly. Meet Kuroi Hitsuji, a young highschool student attending Dodge City Highschool, and even with the G.E.A.R. System in place, highschool is still hell... Especially when if you happen to look like Kuroi... But when the young student recieves a G.E.A.R. that was a momeneto from a passed away relative, things just get even worse for Kuroi Hitsuji! With crazy-in-the-head students, holographic viruses, and a number of G.E.A.R. users coming out of the dark corners of society, this high school life for Kuroi Hitsuji just got more exciting!", false, true], "ViciousCircle": ["http://viciouscircle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "About a priest-wanna-be and almost exorcist guy, a possessed girl, a pair of information dealers (from the occult kind), a medium, some ugly looking souls, angels from any kinds and a some demonic and supernatural happenings. These all lead to one point: this story. (Contains BL/yaoi and... well, bloody things. What to expect from a bunch of demons...?)", false, true], "VillageIdiots": ["http://villageidiots.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "Village Idiots takes place during the second age of science, a period in which we live in as well the original inhabitants known as the Natives: animals native to the planet and those willing to blend in and live in harmony with humanity. Village Idiots MON-WED-FRIDAY 10am viewer discretion is advised", false, true], "Villager": ["http://villager.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A true story of a boy and his bike in a village in East Anglia, Britain, in 1975. Wow.", false, true], "Villain": ["http://villain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 158, "In popular culture, the line between hero and villain has always been well defined, but what if you got to chance to see what goes on for the other team? This is the story of three 'villains' as they struggle make sense of why they are where they are today, while dealing with the same problems we do, and some much worse. As Villains and Heroes clash, they have to ask themselves, \"Who's the true hero and who's the true villain?\"", false, true], "VioletJack": ["http://violetjack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "UPDATES SUNDAYS AND THURSDAYS In the month of October, the world experienced a change. A vast majority of the youth transformed into monsters. Monsters that you'd only read about or seen in legends. This comic follows the story of Violet Jack, a lazy teenager whose life is uprooted by this worldwide mystery. Contains: swearing, some nudity, minor drug use (marijuana), and all varieties of relationships but mostly F/M and M/M.", true, true], "ViolinRomance": ["http://nsnksndkandk.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 75, "Nanako,Kentaro and Senga are best childhood friends. When, one day, Nanako moved to Canada and Senga never saw Nanako again for a long time until high school...", false, true], "VirginsforDinner": ["http://v4d.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Book One of the Virgins Trilogy! Written by: Efi and Nephi Rumors surround a certain book loving prince as an unexpected flight throws the boy into a whirl. A race, most think to be extinct or near to, coming into the light as new dangers and plots surround this unlikely couple. This comic will contain character death, crack pairings, Mpreg and SLASH! Don't like? Don't read!", true, true], "Virus000": ["http://virus000.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 116, "Rei, a 15 year old student, has to switch to a new school because of an accident he caused at his previous one. Rei knows there is something wrong with him because everytime he's angry, any living thing he touches gets mysteriously ill. On Rei's first day at his new school, his bad luck lands him a detention and he ends up injuring himself on some misplaced equipment. Harumi, a girl in Rei's class, attempts to help him but backs off after seeing his wound heal itself before her eyes. Rei, not wanting to have this discovery spread, and not wanting to move schools again, decides that his only option is to make a deal and keep a sharp eye on Harumi, even if stalking is necessary. But, even with Rei's efforts to keep his ability secret, somehow people find out about it... These people call themselves \"viruses\" that have the intention to harm Rei for being the \"one of immortal blood\". Due to the constant attacks, Rei and the friends he meets along the way search to find answers about Rei's past and why these \"viruses\" are after him. *** FB: https://www.facebook.com/virus000manga {READ RIGHT TO LEFT} >Shounen >UPDATED WHENEVER POSSIBLE, SO PLEASE BEAR WITH ME!< OTL", false, true], "VirusRISING": ["http://virusrising.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 106, "INFO A deadly virus that deteriorates the brain is wiping out the city. Armed with enhanced stamina, uncontrollable rage, and insanity, an infected canine turns against its captors and flees to the streets. Left to his own agenda, Katzbalger spreads the infection and builds up a pack bent upon slaughtering humans and 'impure' dogs alike for the sake of \"evolution.\" A small group of street dogs have banded together in a struggle for survival, and those few with a natural immunity to the virus stand as the only defense against devastation. read all current issues on virusrising.com UPDATES i forget to post the pages here sometimes but i draw a new page usually on the weekends! WARNINGS some blood and violence", false, true], "VitaminCSTAR": ["http://vitamincstar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 68, "Shiki is your typical everyday perv and troublemaker. Corinth is your typical everyday rich, smart and strict student council president. Seto... has no special features really... This story follows the lives of these three people. Genre: Otaku / Everyday Life / Comedy / Romance (possibly) This is a remake of the original Vitamin C which can be found at: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=76797 -> READ LEFT TO RIGHT ->", false, true], "VivalaLove": ["http://vivalalove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "When Viva, an energetic tomboy, decides to get a boyfriend it's everything but an easy task! There's no way she could act as girly as... well, the other girls. And her naive and idiotic twin brother who likes big people and is constantly bringing home his crazy, super-sized girlfriends doesn't exactly help either. But is getting a nice boyfriend really a mission impossible for Viva? And why is her brother acting more girly than her?! Genre: Romance, humor, BL.", false, true], "Vivir": ["http://vivir.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 63, "Warning: BL, HL, naughty words, and an unstable drawing style. For those of you who don't know Spanish, vivir means \"to live\". Carlos Garcia was a normal kid who just wanted a normal life. However, his newlywed mother had other plans. After they moved to Japan from Spain, Carlos must start his life over again in a new school in a new country with new people and a new language. What happens once he stumbles across one named Katsu? Or rather, once Katsu stumbles across him? I try to make my stories original, but ideas from other BL comics can be found in my own comic. Thanks to all who inspire me. Vivir is off hiatus now and has started weekly Saturday updates!", false, true], "Vixen": ["http://vixen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "In Victorian England, a pagan sisterhood is abducting girls and making them decide between swearing devotion to their goddess or being cannibalized in their quest to reach true beauty. This story follows Lorna as she falls into the temptation of the clan. Along the way she finds love, nightmares, and the line that exists between reality and our own fantasies. Vixen is Lucid's senior thesis at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. It is a 41 page standalone story that deals with dark themes, including the danger of beauty and the seductive nature of illusions. WARNING: Ladygay, catty bitches, cannibalism, and gore. You'll be redirected to the latest page on ghostcomic.com/vixen when you start reading. COMIC FINISHED SEPTEMBER 2011. The printed book is now available to be purchased online at <a href=\"http://lucidcomics.storenvy.com\">lucidcomics.storenvy.com</a> for just $10!", false, true], "Voices": ["http://voices.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Skye locked up his heart to the world when he was a kid. With his headphones, he listened to voices that no one else he knew could hear. What will happen when those voices lead to a whole new world? Will his heart open up or stay locked up? BL Read from right to left ... SUPERNATURAL :D", false, true], "VoicesoftheVoiceless": ["http://vovbl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Voices of the Voiceless: The Boy Love Story Hey jerks, go to my forum! http://www.pixel-pagoda.com/", false, true], "Void": ["http://v-o-i-d.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "My 2011 24 Hour Comic Day project, as completed within the alloted time. Done in ShiPainter Oekaki. Beware inconsistent characters and convoluted plots, terrible coloring and some very, very roughly drafted pages. PREMISE: The choices a young boy must make when the Temple of Shadow where he is initiated suffers a sudden assault, and when the difference between light and shadow can define the line between life and death.", false, true], "VoidMisadventures": ["http://voidmisadventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 139, "Do you have Skype? Want to be on our chat? Add \"lucas.robinson4\" as a contact and I'll put you on it as soon as possible. U mad, Lucas? no not really Quotes ------------------------------------------------------- Alexini: Ugh. y u guise always deaded? Burey: By the name of Daucaus, I shall EAT those cookies! Carbon: I'M THE ALMIGHTY (and uber smexy) EATIRALATOR! I am the scroll Dry: I'm completely useless! Firekitty: Meow. *coughs up burning hairball onto something flammable* Gigi: You've gotta tell me when you turn on the mic, ok? Wait, it's already on?! HOW COUL- Jason: You mean the guy from- *shot with a potato for overused joke* Lucas: *has nothing to put here* Spark: Hi, guys, I'm back, did I miss anyth-- OH MY GOD WHAT DID YOU DO Tater: *Reloading potato gun*", false, true], "VortothePirate": ["http://vortothepirate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "This is the mirror site for www.unclerobot.com. To view the full site visit Vorto at www.unclerobot.com. Uncle Robot Presents is a comic art production company featuring the work of Martin Pope. \"Vorto the Pirate\" is two-fisted adventure on the high seas of space. Vorto is an adventure strip centered around the notorious space-pirate, Emile Vorto, his companions, and the empire which has enslaved him. Vorto battles the pilots of the deadly Scorpio Squadron to win his freedom and that of the peoples of Orgom. This retro sci-fi webcomic updates weekly on Sundays.", false, true], "WAKEPatientZero": ["http://patient-zero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "The world is a messed up place. And Kade Berkeley, independent to a fault, has faced it alone ever since her father passed away. But when an alleged first-degree murderer breaks into her Miami apartment and collapses on her kitchen floor, she's finally at a loss for what to do. What's worse is that her intruder, a hulking monster of a man, is the least of her worries. The things outside that led him to her place are the real threat--and she's not sure she can survive them on her own. But can she trust a killer to spare her life, let alone save it? * * * WAKE: Patient Zero is a collaborative work between SovereignSavage (artist, co-writer) and ChemicalMink (co-writer). It updates every weekend! Visit sovereignsavage@tumblr for updates and extras, or follow @WakeWebcomic on Twitter.", true, true], "WANSummerBreezeAlternativeTitle": ["http://summerbreeze.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "\"W.A.N? What's that!?\" says Ardee. \"Words, I've always wanted to say to you.\" says Aaliya. \"You wanted to tell me? Then why don't you tell me now?\" \"I want YOU to figure it out yourself!\" NOTE: THIS SERIES IS READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT.", false, true], "WHATaboutSHADOWS": ["http://was.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Charlie is a relatively normal teenage boy, who enjoys hunting supernatural creatures with his homemade \"ghost-tracking-device\" in his spare time. One day he meets a strange man, who has lost his cane. Charlie then decides to help the man find it, which was probably the worst decision he ever made.", false, true], "WICCA": ["http://wicca.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "A 17 year old boy, who goes by the name of Noir, has his life set up in a small shop, with his two shop assistants, he manages the store. His life was ordinary and mediocre, until the fateful day when a mysterious ancestor appears in his mirror,asking for his physical body to finish her research. Agreeing to her mysterious plea,his life changes from monotone, to life-changing,adventurous and filled with adrenaline. What awaits the young, experienced boy and the mysterious ancestor, who's intentions are unclear? (You read this comic from left to right) (NOTE: This comic will have straight and gay relationships! )", false, true], "WITHOUTADOUBT": ["http://doubtwithout.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A boy finds himself outside", false, true], "WYIHN": ["http://wyihn.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "A young Christian boy named Matthew runs into a delinquent on his way to school one day, after a bad first impression he runs into this boy once again, and contemplates pressing charges. But being a good boy Matthew believing that everyone should get a second chance, so instead he tries to make a deal, if the delinquent decides to participate in all his religious duties with him and converts to Christianity he won't call the cops on the poor soul. Of course people are more complicated than we sometimes assume, and things don't always go as planned, or so Matthew discovers. THINGS THE READERS SHOULD KNOW: -CONTAINS sex (But sorry, no porn). -Nudity. -Naughty Language. -My consistency and perspective sucks! -Sub-plots, this might have them, though I am not sure. -Clich\u00e9! -Teenage AAAANGST! -Stereotypes! -Characters that aren't very open minded, they are not bad guys (Please don't treat them like they are). -Violence with people and animals. -All around dissatisfaction. I love critique, if you see anything wrong feel free to point it out! C: <3", true, true], "WaitWut": ["http://waitwut.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "This story just starts in normal London. While i'm watching a movie, reading a manga and playing a game, a thunderstorm starts. I didn't notice it until the thunder hit my house and al my stuff started to glow and float in the air. weird, right? I also thought. but not as weird as what happened after that.... warning: typos, and much lame- and weirdnes. I don't own anything in this story, except myself of course....", false, true], "WakeEcho": ["http://echo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 70, "After an encounter with a soul-stealing shadow, Arial sets off on a journey to reclaim what he has lost. However, his task is much more complicated than he bargains for, and he quickly begins to learn the consequences of wandering into the dark...", false, true], "WakfuTales": ["http://wakfutales.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 55, "The doujinshi yaoi story, which takes place in colorfull world of Wakfu. It contains male-male relationships, yaoi, boys love and more and more yoai scenes. It WILL contain erotic scenes. Maybe not at the beginning, but for sure in some time, you'll have as much of it as you like. Enter at your own risk (and don't show your mother ^^)", true, true], "WalkAwayfromtheSun": ["http://walkaway.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "The world has always been filled with mystery and wonder. Some of them had already been solved, others are still unsolved to this very day. It is such mysteries that makes us wonder what the world really holds. Find out what wonders shall be discover as a group of travelers set out into the great unknown, destined to travel the world and see these mysteries unfold.", false, true], "Wander": ["http://wander.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 57, "Three young ladies meet each other through circumstances absurd and unavoidable. Friendship formed (despite any attempts to prevent it) they wander through their world, traveling to new places and having adventures. Piper has to avenge her ex girlfriend's broken heart. Arilsden has to seek out her own path, not follow her family's footsteps. Fantz wants this itch on her butt to go away. Updates Mondays and Thursdays.", false, true], "WanderNoMore": ["http://wandernomore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "\"Wander No More\" is a tale of discovery, hope and loss. It's an experiment in point-of-view. Told in four, seperate parts; the tales of Eric, Emily, Oliver and Caroline. Eric's Story: As summer starts, Eric faces personal tragedy. His friend Caroline attempts to rectify the situation, but Eric refuses to be helped, until Caroline finds someone else, who may, finally, pull Eric out of this piano playing and into reality. But as Summer draws to a close, the question is, how long can it last? Also at http://wandernomore.paintedlunacy.co.uk", false, true], "WanderingStill": ["http://wanderingstill.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "When a curious wanderer meets a boy standing still, she is taken to a land where daydreams and wonders run free. It is up to her to discover the secrets of this mysterious land and the strange children who inhabit it. Updates Tuesdays and Fridays", false, true], "Wanderinginthevoid": ["http://tehvoiddundundun.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "This is a comic about a group of Authors and their characthers wandering around the void doing random things. There will be no plot... unless i say so that is. There will be drama, action, and moments where you just go WTF is this!?!", false, true], "Wandomlagalaxiaperdida": ["http://wandom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "sci fi comic", false, true], "WantedDeadorDead": ["http://wanteddeadordead.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 281, "Two greedy undead bandits cause havoc in the wild west until one day a misterious little girl in a weird outfit hires them in order to help her father. Demons, monsters and wild west action! Beware of violence and foul language. Read L-->R Updates: Wednesday and Friday. Comment plz! :3", false, true], "WarBuddies": ["http://warbuddies.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "The backdrop: Intergalactic alien war. The characters: A medic and her senior officer. This was originally done as a side comic for my main webcomic Inhuman, and as a gift to the recently broken up band Harvey Danger. It is based off of their song by the same name. The band is aware of the comic and is okay with its existance. In fact, in perhaps the greatest justification of my comicking ever, I met the drummer of Harvey Danger on their farewell tour in Brooklyn and he informed me he has all of the pages printed out and hung up in his office! the comic was done with micron pens & watercolours and with a very limited colour set intentionally. i used only blacks, greys, yellows and browns. even when it looks red, that was brown paint. brown paint and a really wonky scanner.", false, true], "WarWizard": ["http://warwizard.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Jitu Jeusi is coming, and he's bringing war with him! A creature born of hell and earth, magic and blood, Jitu now fights to erase the dark stain of his family's legacy and defend those who cannot defend themselves!", true, true], "WaroftheDogs": ["http://warofthedogs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "A junkie alcoholic nuclear physicist from the military decides to try to take over the world during its most vulnerable state: the apocalypse. If you like gay mad scientists, this comic is for you.", false, true], "WarriorcatsIntotheWild": ["http://warrior-cats-into-the-wild.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "WARNING. BLOOD AND VIOLENCE. I don't know if it needs a Mature Content thing, but if it does go ahead and lemme know. -------- A comic following Erin Hunter's first Warriors Book, Into the Wild. Art is mine, Warriors belongs to Erin Hunter. UPDATES - Every Friday (sometimes sooner)", false, true], "WarriorsChangeofFate": ["http://warriors-change-of-fate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "++SPOILERS FOR OMEN OF THE STARS++ CONTAINS MINOR VIOLENCE AND BLOOD (if mature content tag needed, please let me know) Many seasons have passed since the death of Firestar. Leaders upon leaders have led the clans and passed since the battle with the Dark Forest, and the peace had hardly been disturbed. But now, the clans have fallen into ruin. Starclan is hidden by darkness; no cat, medicine cat or leader, can see or speak to them, and vice versa. The clans, now left without Starclan, are scared; if the darkness can cover Starclan, what can it do to them? In the midst of the darkness, a kit is born; Jaykit, with odd markings and strange silver eyes. She, the sole survivor of a five kit litter, was different; not because of her odd markings, or her silver eyes. Because she was the only cat that could see and speak with Starclan, and vice versa. With the future of the clans on her shoulders, and the hope of all the cats pushing her on, Jaykit must make drastic decisions that could change the future of the whole forest forever. What happens if she chooses wrong? What if she leads the clans to their ultimate demise? Updated whenever possible.", false, true], "WarriorsOwlstarsStory": ["http://owlstarsstory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "ARCHIVE I Owlkit, as playful as she is, doesn't know what to expect in her following moons. Deaths, choices, even love... CrystalClan, StoneClan, MarshClan and FireClan are the four Clans of the forest under guidance of StarClan. However, when Owlkit, a springy young she-cat, and her whole future change paw steps relentlessly, some cats other than herself are affected... But the whole forest? \"Watch out for the darkness... Look in to the light.\" Updates Monday! Occasionally two or three at a time.", false, true], "WarsTrek": ["http://warstrek.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "an online RP about a war between Star Wars and Star trek and dont worry i like both so it will be fare", false, true], "WatchOutYoshiisAbout": ["http://watch-out-yoshi-is-about.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "Yoshi is going all over the place! Catch up with and his adventures that can change the outcome of any of the world's fate. Will it be for better or for worse? Read to find that out! :D", false, true], "Waterfall": ["http://waterfall.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "~two kids and a magical waterfall~ - One Shot comic by Vine A mysterious boy is sitting near the magical waterfall. The weather seems to be great. Then some weird girl appeared. ----- i'm Polish, so sory for my english if i wrote something wrong.", false, true], "Wave": ["http://wave.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Wave had never thought much of his ability to elude death, it was normal for him to survive. Comic is based around an immortal wolf, named for the blue mark under his eyes. because of this mark he is singled out and often beat on by his pack mates.", false, true], "Wayfar": ["http://wayfar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 88, "Wayfar is a Sci-Fi story that starts with a rebellion against a cyborg regime.", false, true], "WaywardNonsense": ["http://waywardnonsense.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "Just the daily comics of a wayward fellows life and the nonsense in it. Seriously, the nonsense.", false, true], "WeCanDefeatAnyone": ["http://candefeatanyone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 710, "A journey to beat all the Megaman games.... Perhaps. Formerly called: - I Can't Defeat Anyone - I Can Defeat Anyone Updates at odd-numbered dates.", false, true], "Weaponry": ["http://weaponry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 80, "A life of piracy on the high seas of Uphelios is as dangerous as it can be rewarding - in more ways than one. For the enlisted youths of Weaponry Academy, there is one ultimate goal - to gain the Captain's Seal and thereby obtain a pirate ship of their own. Competition amongst an all-male crew make tensions and temperatures rise. Choose Your Weapon! Follow Arrow, Blade and Gun as they strive to come out on top in this colourful yaoi adventure. By voicing your opinion on how events should unfold, the readers shape the relationships and outcomes possible between our protagonists. VERSI\u00d3N ESPA\u00d1OL: http://weaponry-espanol.smackjeeves.com/ VERSION FRAN\u00c7AISE: http://weaponry-francaise.smackjeeves.com/ Nederlandse Versie:", true, true], "WeirdWorld": ["http://weirdworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "A naked chick gets in strange, kinky trouble in a post-apocalyptic world while trying to find out more about her past.", true, true], "WelcomeBackToTheLandOfForgottenMemories": ["http://wbttlofm.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 145, "A surreal comic that takes place in New York city and the dream world of CommonFictura, a world created by a boy named Jacob White.", false, true], "WelcomeMats": ["http://welcomemats.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "There is the myth that vampires may only enter a residence if invited. You've heard of it right? Well what happens if you have a Welcome Mat at your door? Elen a (not so) young vampire does her best to protect the people in her area from vampires and other supernatural nasties. UPDATES EVERY WEDNESDAY (and Saturday for all of December)", false, true], "WelcometoAlcaturyBok2": ["http://alcaturybok2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 230, "Fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me Yeah I saw it, I saw it, I tell you no lies Yeah fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me I saw it, I saw it with my own two eyes. An action packed sci-fi thrill ride, that takes you from our world and beyond, through dimensions. Enter the space the final frontier and witness the battle against the Krill'him. Hosting a cast of unforgettable characters, such as Jennyfer the fairy with boots, Zaceron an elf with and addiction, the stunning and beautiful Hannah and many more. Welcome to Alcatury", false, true], "WelcometoFreakshow": ["http://welcometofreakshow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 228, "The audience roars, the acrobats and performers provide them with a spectacle unrivaled in all of Europe. The lights die, and the audience is now the entertainment for the apathetic circus. As blood and bone rush to the surface, one man leads the troupe downward to the darkest ring of all. Welcome to the Freakshow. //Updates Every Friday//", false, false], "WelcometoalcaturyBook1": ["http://alcaturybok1.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 42, "A short story on how an earthling got abducted, is it a galactic scheme? Perhaps a demonic joke? or fate, if there is such a thing, the whole concept is bullocks. This is my first and worst comic attempt ever and is sort of canon, though I'm going to fix the errors The prologue begins at alcaturybok2.smackjeeves.com", false, true], "Welcometomygame": ["http://thisisawaring-donotswiminbacon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Welcome to the system, Do you want to play a game? There is a truth to this world. There are sleepers and players. Everyone starts out as a sleeper until they wake up. then you have a choice: Go back to sleep or become a player. One race has learned how to become the best players in a game ruled by the voices. Few others play the game as well as they and even fewer know of this game. Alison and her best friends Kelly, Mikayla and Ryan never knew of the game but all the same one by one they wake up. Will you wake up? Will you play the game? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay I have half of an idea as to were this is going to go. Make comment and you'll most likely see them show up at some point or another. I have an idea but no real details I want to see where this will go if I base it off your(the reader/ \"Player's\") comments. So read, spam comment, and enjoy the show! I know I will.", false, true], "WelcometothePCA": ["http://welcometothepca.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 81, "Pokemon Combat Academy - where fighting is your schoolwork! Timid little Cyndaquil Hirohiko Rangoku has to square off against a monster of a delinquent for his Combat mid-terms! Not only must he conquer his fears, he must also contend with a little battlefield drama, too! Loosely based off the FurAffinity/DeviantArt art-and-RP community of the same name.", false, true], "WestburyDetectives": ["http://westbury.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 107, "After his ex-girlfriend's accident, young Manhattan investigator Jack Arthur is transferred to an independent detective agency in Nassau County. At the same time, up-and-coming mob boss Pinhead Miyamoto is determined to avenge the murder of his adopted father. As the violent attacks on detectives and civilians increase, Jack is thrown into a violent rivalry with Miyamoto, finding he may be the only man able to keep the village from falling apart... Updated unevenly. Warnings for violence and mild sexual situations.", false, true], "WhatAboutLove": ["http://whataboutlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 138, "Takao has had a secret crush on his classmate, Hisoka, since he first entered high school. Now it's Takao's last year and he figures it's now or never so he does the crazy thing and confesses. Much to his surprise, Hisoka agrees to be his boyfriend. Takao is in pure bliss... until he realizes Hisoka has different aims. While Takao wants an actual relationship all Hisoka seems to be interested in is, well, physical stuff. So now Takao has to figure out a way to make Hisoka see him in a different way, but that's not easy since other men (realizing Hisoka goes that way) have taken an interest. Can Takao fend off potential rivals and get the guy he loves to love him back while facing all the other drama that comes with high school? Probably not, but that won't stop him from trying! Warning: - This is a Yaoi comic. I think that should be self-explanatory, but that means man on man action.", true, true], "WhatHappensinCarpediem": ["http://whic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 142, "a comic by Piggy Ho Ho Welcome to Carpediem, the world of the massively popular MMORPG. When Naoto and Chris set out to find a strong attacker for their party, Kurogawa is not quite what they expected... *This is a BL story*", true, true], "WhatHasBean": ["http://whathasbean.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Well, this is my attempt at a slice of life comic.", false, true], "WhatIFoundattheRiver": ["http://whatifound.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "This story was created for the Yen Press Talent Search 2011. It was one of the stories selected for further feedback afterwards. with the 2012 Search revving up, I thought I would share my effort from last year :) pages will all be up by the end of this week (jan 11th week). -------- When a little girl is sent down to the river near her village on an errand, she finds a little more than she bargained for -- and with the help of her overactive imagination, the trek home turns into an adventure of epic proportions. short story. read L-to-R.", false, true], "WhatIfEverythingWentRight": ["http://wiewr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Life can get a little bit disappointing, so as sad, kind of weird form of self therapy, Phoebe imagines what it would be like if everything went right, particularly in relation to the girl she likes, Gale.", false, true], "WhatLifeThrowsAtYouAnEmeraldRandomizerNuzlocke": ["http://emerald-randomizer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Riley Jane is a young girl from the Johto Region, taking the Hoenn Regional Trainer Challenge. However, the life of a travelling trainer, as she soon finds out, isn't always going to be sunshine and rainbows. ------ A not-so unique twist on the pokemon world, so yeah. Rated 13+ / T / Whatever you wanna call it for: -Strong Language -T-Rated Themes -Pokemon Death (Well, this IS a Nuzlocke, so...) -A Crabby Trainer (who will PMS from time to time, cause, you know, she's a teenage girl) -WEATHER~! :D ------ Nuzlocke Rules? -Any pokemon that faints is considered \"dead\" and will be placed in the computer in a box marked \"dead\" (and will never be used again). -Only one catch per patch of grass.", false, true], "WhatWeRememberTheMost": ["http://whatweremember.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "After four years apart, a group of old college friends reunite and meet new people as they live their lives out in the real world. Updates wednesdays THIS COMIC HAS MOVED TO A NEW SITE: http://whatwerememberthemost.jades.net.au/", false, true], "WhatamI": ["http://whatami.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "A very short mini story of a fox trying to figure out what he is.", false, true], "WhateverChick": ["http://whateverchick.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "When Lily moved to Stramboli City to attend the classes in a top-quality school, she never thought thather life would become upside down like this. Ever since she met a very special person named Kei, she's experimenting things she didn't know they existed!", false, true], "Whatevertheysing": ["http://whatevertheysing.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "a story about two dysfunctional twin brothers and their mixed up happenstances with other dysfunctional people. -------------------------------------------------- may my heart always be open to little birds who are the secrets of living whatever they sing is better than to know and if men should not hear them men are old may my mind stroll about hungry and fearless and thirsty and supple and even if it's sunday may i be wrong for whenever men are right they are not young and may myself do nothing usefully and love yourself so more than truly there's never been quite such a fool who could fail pulling all the sky over him with one smile - e e cummings", false, true], "Whatisdeepinonesheart": ["http://ones-mindt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "loosely translated: \" inner feelings /what is deep in one's heart\" The one that devoured the Eceshion bible holds the source to the worlds survival; Those who are being destroyed and those who are now conquering. Take heed that the one who devoured such a powerful book needs to know how to control it or it will cause destruction to all living beings. Claim it as your own, but don't let it sit forever unclaimed, for in the end one must decide what is more important, the ones close to you, our survival or the one we are omitted to care for. contains: boys love, cross dressing, monsters,vampires, animal people all around dementedness. NOTES: (Posting because it is a collaborative comic with Dani) 1. the comic was drawn back in 2009, so the art is a bit wonky till it catches up 2. The comic content does contain yaoi, However, due to smack jeeves rules and regulations: that content WILL NOT be seen on this site, I can however leave a link to the actual page. so certain pages are edit heavily. 3. posting will be daily till it's caught up to the latest page: 1 page a day.", false, true], "WhatisitKaty": ["http://whatisitkaty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Katy is on a train journey to a not-so-far-off destination, you have limited time to speak with her before her stop. What will you ask Katy? An experimental comic removed from anything I normally do that requires maximum audience participation to find out Katy's story.", false, true], "WhatyoucannothaveBL": ["http://whatyoucannothave.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "*READ LEFT TO RIGHT! BL/Yaoi. Rain is special. He has piercings, tattoos, he designs his own clothes and his parents are dead. At university, he finds a fortune topic during the day, Matt, a guy who he describes as \"The gray little mouse\" and when he notices that he looks at him, one should not take the chance then? *This comic is a little special, I made it with a friend, Anette, and while I draw from Rain's point of view she make it from Matts. So, copy paste from Anette!: Reading from left to right until you get to the middle of the comic and you will have read the story from Rains point of view (the part I will be posting here), while if you read the other way (and thereby reading Anettes part) you will get Matts point of view. Matts: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=104416", true, true], "WhatyoucannothaveMatt": ["http://whatyoucannothave-matt.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "READ RIGHT TO LEFT.* BL/Yaoi. University student Matt is tired of being boring and normal just because his parents expect it of him. But during class he has a special treat, Rain, a redhead with both tattoos and piercings, is also attending and Matt just can't seem to keep his eyes away. *This comic is a little special, I made it with a friend, Sandra, and the printed version can be read in two ways. Reading from right to left until you get to the middle of the comic and you will have read the story from Matts point of view (the part I will be posting here), while if you read the other way (and thereby reading Sandras part) you will get Rains point of view.", true, true], "WhenGamesCollide": ["http://when-worlds-colide.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Mario, Sonic, Kirby and the rest of the gaming famous collide in this awsome comic!", false, true], "WhenSheWasBad": ["http://whenshewasbad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 500, "For every story about a hero, there is a \"bad guy\". Only, this story isn't about the hero. It's about the smart-alec, tough-as-nails villain. About her fights, her triumphs, her losses, her lackeys... And maybe her love life. If she can ever get the guts to ask the girl of her dreams out. (contains mostly yuri/GL and a bit of background het...Beware of foul language. It's mostly rated \"mature\" for violence and cursing. Sort of like an extremely f-d up reverse version of a magical girl story.) Read L->R, western style. For now, due to my work schedule, updates will be on either Thursday or Friday, sometimes both. This is subject to change, since my schedule/days off changes every few months. A lot of the shading from Interlude 1 and #13 done by Jovat. <3 Sidenote... This comic is not for horny guys hoping to see \"HOTT LESBO ACTION ZOMG!!!11ONE\" Yes, the main character happens to be a lesbian. But this story is about the plot, not \"porn\".", false, true], "Whenweweresilent": ["http://silence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "Two girls with different pasts, problems and ambitions - one future and one friendship.", false, false], "WhereKittiesComeFrom": ["http://thekitties.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A short story I made back in 2009 that I figured I'd upload. It's about evil space cats.", false, true], "WhereNow": ["http://wherenow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 40, "Social commentary, free hand drawn.", false, true], "WhiteHeart": ["http://whiteheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 211, "\"Lady Love received a magical book of the dark powers to her hands, and summoned a great, divine spirit. The spirit promises that Lady can make one wish, if she catches all the eight special albino souls and brings them to the spirit. Greedy Lady accepts the mission, and so the bloody collecting of albino humans begin... White is a tough and intense young man from the streets. He has been running away from Lady ever since when Love killed his gang and beloved. White is thirsty for revenge, but can do nothing but run away from Love and her henchmen... However, White finally meets Black, a friendly musician, who takes White with him and wants to help him in any way he possibly can. Both of them become good friends, but living in the same apartment makes both of them feel something stronger than just friendship...\" WARNING: This comic contains gay relationships, sex, blood, swearing, crying and angsting, confusing scenes, drama and possible grammar mistakes. NOTICE! I started the comic in 2008, so the first four chapters are pretty awful to read... but please bear it, 'cause I'm saving all the re-drawn pages for the possible-author's edition.", true, false], "WhiteNoise": ["http://white-noise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 181, "Warning: Shoujo/Shojo Story about the lives of 4 individuals. ~ Romance/Humour ~ Read from left to right >>>>>", false, true], "WhiteSlayer": ["http://whiteslayer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "10 year's ago, beings known as Vampire's began to rise from the shadow's and began to attack the human's, causing a war between the two. The human's lost after four year's, Some went in to hiding and some went to the other side. Now the human's are either eaten or treated as animal's, or Turned. Now six year's latter arises a hunter called the White Slayer or slayer for short. Allesa White, She is bent on getting revenge on the man who slaughtered her family and left her to die. -------------------------------------- 3 pages uploaded every week or every other week -will try- checkout chara's http://j3mimi.deviantart.com/gallery/41656225", false, true], "WhiteVelvet": ["http://whitevelvet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 71, "Kyle, a young man of nineteen is about to meet a woman that will alter his life forever. A one-shot full color slice of life romance/drama/coming of age comic. Warning: some nudity and sexual situations (nothing explicit, though), some violence and some cursing.", true, true], "WhoAreTheSuits": ["http://whoarethesuits.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "[SERIOUS REVISIONS UNDERWAY] \"The Suits\" is comprised of the first part the four-part series \"Erda and the Galaxy\" Revisions ongoing. (WARNINGS: yaoi [m/m], strong language, violence.)", false, true], "WhoKnows": ["http://miawhoknows.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "The Octopus knows something!", false, true], "Whosthere": ["http://whostheere.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "The young girl looked down at the strange man in her hallway, his face were covered with a red mask of a smiling devil. So stupid most be one of her Step mothers one night stand, that cheating whore! Little did the girl know that it were the the towns infamous serial killer, Fallen Hills own 'Hill Killer'. From that night her life were taking a new turn, which involved right and wrongs, stalkers and perverted people.. ***** WARNING FOR: MATURE CONTENT! :'O ***** The comic is a redo on our old comic with the same name, there will be blood, nudity, bad language, and most likely sex scenes. The plot is based on a roleplay. Some stuff is obvious in this comic, but they might be there just to confuse you~ Who knows~", true, true], "WhyDontWe": ["http://wdw.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "-Sketch Comic- (Complete) WARNING: Shounen-ai/Shonen-ai/Boys love Satoashi and Hiroshi have been best friends since they were only five. But when Hiroshi suddenly confesses, will feelings change?", false, true], "WhycantthePrincessmarrytheHero": ["http://whycanttheprincessmarrythehero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "The Kingdom of Drachenheim is under attack by a dragonoid. A conscription has been exacted by the King himself: All male firstborn of right age shall be provided, may it be from a family of 'Nobles' up to 'Peasants' to ensign for the campaign and slay the dragon. Most unfortunate, the campaign, led by Heroes, regarded as sons of nobles who have been sufficed by training and the best of weaponry, all failed. There is, however, a single person left in the battlefield. Only carrying the cheapest of an Armor, a rusty Zweihander, and the name of Alexis Zimmermann, will a humble child of a carpenter save the Kingdom?", false, true], "WildDog": ["http://dogboy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "W O O F W O O F", false, true], "WildHair": ["http://wildhair.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "A story about a sheltered red headed girl with massive amounts of hair. It has a rapunzel theme to it as well. [I will try to update when I can, college just started to pick back up :<]", false, true], "WildPrincess": ["http://wildprincess.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Zen is the bad boy with the reputation of being a player. For some reason he is always attracted to girls with the worst kinds of connections. However, what will happen to this young bad boy when he runs into a seemingly innocent new student? Will contain R rated content like: -Sex -Nudity -Drugs -Violence -Rape", true, true], "WildWingBoysKoathArc": ["http://wwbka.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 113, "When a freak dimensional portal sends the five main characters of Gundam Wing into a fantasy world and puts Heero in a coma, the four remaining pilots, accompanied by a young catboy named Toko, must conquer various obstacles in finding a cure...and a way home.", false, true], "Wildflowers": ["http://wildflowers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 114, "A web comic about love, life, and trying to comes to terms with being transgendered. Sometimes dark, sometimes light, and always an attempt at a honest look at transexual life. Updating weekdays!", false, true], "Willem": ["http://willemcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "Willem the robot wants desperately to become a super hero, but the Hero Academy doesn't allow robots! While searching for a loophole he finds a long lost hero named Moonshadow and makes some new friends in the process.", true, true], "WillowWoodStarfall": ["http://willowwood.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 29, "Addison embarks on a journey through the Silver Wood to find a long-lost brother and a fallen star.", false, true], "Wingspan": ["http://wingspan.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "a teenage boy who's father kind of changed the world. his family and friends. also demons and angels. it's an idea that i randomly got for a story and i thought it would be a nice story to post. it will not be updated regularly. later on it might have mature themes but for now it doesn't.", false, true], "Wintermond": ["http://wintermond.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "Princess Aurelia, ruler of the sun, moon and stars have to choose a husband until the wintermoon (deutsch: wintermond) will appear. Of course, all she wants is the beautiful king of light, Abel. At the same time, the ruler of the shadows, Kain, sents a servant to Aurelia to ask her to become his wife. There are some rumors around that he can only stay in his own kingdom because light will kill him. Aurelia speaks arrogantly and unwise words and she asks the shadow king to meet her personally in her castle to make a marriage proposal. Naturally, she thinks that the shadow king will refuse her offer, but soon, she will know it better... ------------------------------------------------------ I hope that you will enjoy my manga. English is not my mother language, but I will try my best to translate it in english. So if you find some grammar mistakes, pls let me know! :))) This comic was drawn in original japanese style, so you must read from right to left, I'm sorry. :*", true, true], "WintersinLavelle": ["http://wintersinlavelle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 363, "Winters in Lavelle follows siblings Kari and Aiden as they discover an old family heirloom is more than it seems. Lost in a strange world, they must find a way to stay together and alive amid strange cloaked men, human/deer hybrids, dragon kings, and magic amber that will change the course of their lives.", false, true], "WisdomoftheFish": ["http://wisdomofthefish.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 27, "Ah, sunny days! A whimsical adventure brews when a pair of twins, Yin and Yang, find themselves ditching their studies on a bright afternoon.", false, true], "Wishlist": ["http://wishlist.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Fantasy, comedy. A little of shounen-ai there and there.", false, true], "WitchWoodoo": ["http://witchwoodoo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A short comic about a witch, a dumb assistant and a girl who doesn't believe in magic. READING DIRECTION IS FROM RIGHT TO LEFT!", false, true], "WitchsQuarry": ["http://witchsquarry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 315, "For most current pages see Witch's Quarry at Mangamagazine.net. http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Witchs-Quarry/detail-page/357?lang=en Currently Updating Here Tuesdays and sometimes Thursdays This is the tale of Sir Veolynn Moreshire's greatest and strangest achievement. Fate would have her/him led by the whims of a powerful witch. This is what really happened in the Second Great War for Oladuan; when heroes and villains were neither righteous or evil. There were other hidden creatures that placed high stakes in the outcome of the human's conflict. And there were a great many funny things that just didn't go as planned. All's fair game in love, war and species propagation! Rated PG-13 *warning* some adult situations/humor/GLBT themes Rogue X Knight Intermission short story of Wesyng Reedle meets a man who shares the same face, Sir Deshad Bright. Suggested age +16 for mature themes.", false, true], "WithACherryOnTop": ["http://wacot.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 646, "Started in 2006, currently in Issue 6 Kira Morishita is just your everyday high school student: average grades, many friends and plays on Sakio Highs Boys soccer team. His secret? He\u0092s actually a she! After finding out that Sakio High no longer has a girls\u0092 team, Kira disguises herself as a boy to play. As the saying goes, \u0093Whatever can go wrong, will. Her new best friend fell in love with her at first sight, she likes the boy that sits next to her in class, but he hates her, and on top of that she\u0092s a benchwarmer until further notice: is this what she traded her skirt in for? Will Kira be able to become a star on the boys\u0092 soccer team, and keep the others from finding out she's a girl? ~READS RIGHT to LEFT~ ^_^ Updates are usually Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, or every other day~ :) **NOTE**Pages will only be sketches for a few months, until I finish up my other series (aiming for March!)", false, true], "WithBrushandGuitar": ["http://withbrushandguitar.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Oreru's lost everyone close to him to death. But when a shy Rylee is welcomed into Oreru's home, fate temps his heart. Will a cold heart warm up to one thats never known the meaning of the word? Can love really blossom in places thought never to know of it again? Maybe a lil push can get them on their way.. *WARNING: BL; shounen-ai/yaoi; violent imagery*", false, true], "WithEyesUnclouded": ["http://witheyesunclouded.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "What does a blind British teen, his perky (and somewhat nosy) neighbour, and an enthusiastic Irish amnesiac who claims to be their bodyguard have in common? Not a whole lot, but they'll have to put their differences aside if they plan to survive a potentially deadly game of cat and mouse with a terrorist organization. Read American style, left to right. Updates once a week Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/WithEyesUnclouded", false, true], "WithoutEden": ["http://withouteden.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "Updates every Monday! Probably! Set in an alternate reality, Without Eden centres around the young orphan Jun who lives within the isolated city of Eden. With nothing to live for, he yearns for a chance to escape - yet he knows that the only way anybody could possibly leave the city is to be exiled for the heinous crime of murder. Eight years to the day his parents were murdered, however, a man overcomes the seemingly impossible and infiltrates the city of Eden. But just what does this strange person plan, and how does Jun fit into all of this... ?", false, true], "WolfsCity": ["http://wolfscity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "In a Reality close to our own, an ordinary individual beings to find himself in some less than ordinary situations thanks to an impossible person who came to him in his time of need.", false, true], "WonderfulDream": ["http://wonderfuldream.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "One day a young woman wakes up with no memories of her past life in the middle of the desert. Plagued by a feeling that something is missing, she sourly moves from place to place not knowing what she really wants and unsure that she wants to know.", false, true], "WonderfullyForbidden": ["http://wonderfullyforbidden.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Ambrosius (am BROZE ee us) a name that is synonymous with everything that is beautiful in this world or so he believes. Little does this \"super\" model know that that innocent looking letter from his grandfather is going to completely change his outlook on reality. When Ambrosius and his best friend Ace go to visit his grandfather in a small town in South Korea they never expect all that they find. In the forests surrounding this town there are said to be creatures living there but not everyone believes that. Apparently if you can't see it it doesn't exist, well at least that's how Ambrosius use to feel. A chance meeting with one of these beings will forever change everything he ever knew about his life. Read from left to right Contains: bromancing, some homosexual elements of the male and female variety, cross-dressing and mild violence.", false, true], "Wootlabs": ["http://wootlabs.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 157, "\"Square Woot is the worst supervillain I ever fought. She held her death ray backwards and vaporized half of her robot army.\" - Riot Girl, superhero \"An uplifting story for anyone that loves cute things in hats.\" - Penguin Parade Weekly \"THIS IS THE STORY OF CATBOT 9000. EVERYONE ELSE IN IT IS STUPID AND NOT CATBOT 9000.\" - Catbot 9000 Square Woot is a genius with robots, weapons, and that funky little thing called science. Joined by her penguin sidekick and her family of creations, all she wants to do is rule the world. At least, that's all she used to want. A chance encounter has the group thinking that it might be more fun to be heroes from now on. Is the city ready to be saved through mad science?", false, true], "WorkingStiffs": ["http://www.workingstiffscomics.com/comics/", 42, "Welcome to Ron's Brain, namely my brain, and my weekly comic strip Workingstiffscomics.com. A little twisted, a little perverted, and pretty damned fucked up. If you like the site it would be great if you passed it on to your buds, if not it would be best if you just kept quiet and moved on. Oh yeah, stick a crowbar in your wallet and donate a couple of bucks would ya? I have surpassed the limit of twenty items on this page. To get a complete list of stories, click on the 'news archive' icon in red below. Also, due to the undetermined and sporadic nature of my updates, I suggest using the RSS feed over there under that small copy of my latest strip on the right. The RSS feed will let you know every time that I update this website with something new, whether it be a strip or a new posting in Ron's Brain. Enjoy Ron", true, true], "WorkingTitle": ["http://workingtitle.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "An autobiographical comic about making comics about making comics about making animated films. Updates Monday, Wednesday and Friday", false, true], "WorldofArc": ["http://worldofarc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "Welcome to the series known as, \"World of Arc\". This comic features fantasy, science fiction, drama, and some romance. \"WOA\" is basically about a protagonist, named Riku, who isn't really appreciated of what life had to offer him. Riku, Xedus (gray hedgehog), and Steph (Riku's girlfriend) try and seek out for a new way of life. Curiosity leads to destiny, and destiny opens the doors to all of their fates. There's much more. It's action packed. Being a space pirate doesn't come easy. Embark on Riku's journey as he sets sail in the galaxy alongside many friends, facing many foes. With hundreds of planets to discover, over 100 unique characters, and a heart touching story, it is hard not to become captivated in a young man's quest of galactic peace.", false, true], "WorldofRandomized": ["http://wor.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "For anyone who wants simple humor, this is your comic! A picture, a subtitle, and a bad joke makes up every comic. It is also seeking co-authors! So join and put up your own randomness.", false, true], "Worldofthe8bit": ["http://wot8-bit.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "A comic about a fictious MMORPG called \"World of the 8-bit\". People who fave will borrow their username to random players.", false, true], "WorstHenchmanEver": ["http://whecomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "When Jude isn't a hapless nobody in school he becomes, Henchman #0 an evil hapless nobody. Follow him in his adventure of getting his ass kicked by Wonder Lad, best sidekick ever, and his awkward stages of becoming mature. Will he dig out of the slums of second rate and become the villain he always wanted to be or just become one epic failure his whole life? WARNINGS: Cusses, like ALOT. Terrible backgrounds, LGBT themes (Not main plot though).", false, true], "WrathRats": ["http://wrathrats.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "UPCOMING COMIC READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT \"No matter what happens , run.\" Such is the fate of the rats in District 49. To read more: http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Wrath-Rats/detail-page/2439?lang=en", false, true], "WyrdDefineyourfate": ["http://defineyourfate.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Earth is doomed to be caught between a civil war in Hell if a group of Earthlings cannot ban together and save it. In order to save humanity, two genetically altered boys,one resident alien, a murderer and a demon must put aside their past conflicts and destroy the imposing threat of an angered spirit, bent on taking the place of the Dark Prince of Hell. Warning-contains: Boys' love/yaoi, implied girls'love, violence, gore, ideologically sensitive material", false, true], "XAndY": ["http://xandy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "the story of a girl in love and a teacher with a troublesome student updated more than daily", false, true], "XEra": ["http://xera.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Alex found a strange medallion under the sea. He discovered with his new friend: This isn't just an ordinary medallion. It has some really interesting and maybe dangerous power... ---------------------------- This is NOT yaoi. (boy love) It'll get so much more interesting, just keep reading! ;) READ RIGHT TO LEFT.", false, true], "XPIRED": ["http://xpired.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Every 100 years the gods demand a sacrifice of amusement, and the penalties of disobeying are well known across the planets. Each planet in the galaxy must forfeit a person of each type of species or gender, whatever it is they use to distinguish themselves from another, but no one knows these sacrifices occur except for the leaders of the planets. People have been randomly disappearing for centuries, never to return, but this time a group finds out what's going on, and they fight tooth and nail to break the system.", false, true], "XTINTheDragonsDreamworld": ["http://xtin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 178, "The Lord Always Comes for His Sacrifice", true, true], "XYZ": ["http://xyz.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 298, "[COMPLETE] ~~~READS LEFT-TO-RIGHT~~~ Two twin sisters, Tomi and Tori, grew up with the average twin sister life- sharing everything: their faces, their clothes, their grades... And then they hit puberty. Tomi went through the expected changes- filling out in places, and going all out \"girly\". As for Tori...not so much. What her sister got in chest she got in height, and that was basically it. This unexplainable change makes everyone think Tori is a guy, and more particularly, Tomi's brother (which helps Tomi out alot). However, crossing the line can be painful and dangerous, and above all, lonely. {ZOMG, It's actually a romance/shoujo *_*} UPDATES Tues, Thurs Saturday and/or Sunday", false, true], "Xeno": ["http://xeno.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "--------------GARRYS MOD----------------- 2578 AD USS Brutus picks up a distress call from planet Deimos, at an old Weyland-Yutani site. --------------GARRYS MOD-----------------", false, true], "Xoutof100": ["http://xoutof100.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "So I fancy myself a critic. While that may or may not be true, I've decided to start reviewing. Anything. As long as I have enough experience with something to be confident in giving it a rating, and I choose to do so, I'll post the review here. Request Rules: -I have to have enough experience with it -Nothing offensive -Nothing that I might have too much personal bias with -No people", false, true], "XxAndOoo": ["http://xxandooo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "My first comic. A puppy(boys)love-story! I wanted to play with the concept of communication. Not only can the main characters not speak to each other, you as a reader won't know for sure what anyone is saying either. Some guesswork and imagination will be needed.", false, true], "YakandShadow": ["http://yakandshadow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "A comic team that makes ONE SHOT LEFT and PSEUDO SNIPE HUNT.", false, true], "YamanaokiHighSchool": ["http://yamanaokihs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "there're a lot of dimensions on this world and Honjitsu is where 8 students will live the adventure of their lives... Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Yamanaoki/167250876624086 version espa\u00f1ol: http://yamanaoki.smackjeeves.com be nice 8D", false, true], "Yamase": ["http://yamasemanga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 241, "Yamase is the story of a nonchalant young girl who randomly gets super powers. Problem is, these super powers were created with tons of secrets behind them, and now everyone in the world wants her dead. Niiiiicce. Updates on Thursdays.", false, true], "YaoiPictures": ["http://justpictures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Since 'Vengeance' is based of a rp, we decided to upload some works of our other rp too. hope you enjoy ^^ WARNING: - Contains BL , Yaoi, and yeah... thats all. Its a more heartwarming story than 'Vengeance' No regularly updates!", true, true], "YaoiTITS": ["http://yaoitits.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "omg!!!!11!! uguys best WebzComik EVER!!! sonic mario megamen krrby sprites yaoi guys doin it love bl TITS BOOBS ASS EXPLOSIONS BODIES it's awsum!!! --Ahem. Updated whenever.", false, true], "Yaoishereforareason": ["http://yaoishereforareason.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 119, "A Yaoi collab. Rules. No furries. (Sorry furry fans) You can have up to four characters. Characters can be anything. (Vampire, demon, fairy. etc.) Pro or Beginners are welcomed. NO trashing on other's work, be nice! Mature or mild things are welcomed and loved. So, if your interested, we are still accepting about.. Five or four more.. Hope to hear from you! <3 Yoai.", true, false], "YeOldDoomRelic": ["http://doomrelic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Aldwin Vadimus is the most promising young mage within the Royal Mage Institution. After receiving a family heirloom, a beetle-shaped statue, he accidentally activates it. Only to discover that it's a magic artifact, with the sole purpose of destroying the world. Updates Mondays and Thursdays.", false, true], "YearZero": ["http://yearzero.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 87, "Year Zero follows a survivor trapped in his NYC apartment during the zombie apocalypse of 2012.", false, true], "YingGuo": ["http://kurohiko.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Often times, we hear about ghost stories and superstitions that entertain or scare us. But what if there really are \"Other Beings\" that walk among us? Visit the Karma Archive in kurohiko.com!", false, true], "Ynezissolovely": ["http://ynezissolovely.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Ynez Merschen is an average guy who is always crabby and hates a lot of people. Not much folk talk to him due to his stubborn nature; if someone done it s/he could have done it because of his silky voice. Nobody cares why is he like this. Ynez was okay with this so far but a mysterious wolf boy starts to have an interest on him... Will contain boys love elements and sometimes bad language. Coming soon!", false, true], "Yokkaichi": ["http://yokkaichi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Done for an AP Art project. Inspired by Utagawa Hiroshige's 44th print in his Toukaidou series, The Bridge at Yokkaichi. READ LEFT TO RIGHT Main comic completed. More to come!", false, true], "YonkomaNuzlockeFireRed": ["http://yonkomanuzlocke-fr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "Gary Oak is fed up with his wimpy friend Doug constantly clinging to him. With the help of his grandpa, professor Oak, he sends the self-esteemless boy into the dangerous world where giant rock-bodied snakes and bugs with poisonous venom will be the least of his problems. Hilarity ensues when Doug gathers a team of Pokemon completely unfitting for a coward like him. Although slowly gaining confidence, he will also discover that battling can have various consequences... --- Adaptation of a finished Pokemon Fire Red Nuzlocke run. Consists mostly of four-panel (yonkoma) comedic strips. Gets better... (=\u203f=)", false, true], "Yoshidude56sFireRedNuzlockeChallenge": ["http://firerednuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "", false, true], "YoshisForever": ["http://yoshi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 141, "", false, true], "YoshisNuzlockeHeartGoldEdition": ["http://nuzlocke-pokemon-heartgold.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "This is my first Nuzlocke ever so let's see how this goes :I RULES: -If a pokemon faints it dies -I can only catch the first pokemon in each new route - DUPES CLAUSE ON: I cannot catch a duplicate of a pokemon. I get three chances to encounter a non-dupe, after that the route is a non-catch route. this does not exclude evolutions: if I catch a tentacruel on one route and a tentacool on the next, I must count tentacool as the catch. -however, if one of my pokemon dies, I am allowed to catch a duplicate of that one. -I must nickname every pokemon I catch -If I white out, it's game over -no catching legendaries", false, true], "YouAskWeReply": ["http://yawr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "PLEASE READ THE WHOLE DESCRIPTION! A Question & Answer comic. Here you can ask any questions to the characters of my comics, 20 Times Kirby and Kirby And The Magic Mirror. You ask, we reply! Everything you need to know is in the news post, and it's also there where you must post your questions. Go there before anything.", false, true], "YouDontChooseYourFamily": ["http://you-dont-choose-your-family.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "You don't choose your family...unfortunately. But no matter what, you're stuck with them. Follow the story of a single father and his eight rather...strange children as they navigate life's twist and turns and face the monsters hiding in their closets. You don't choose your family, but that doesn't mean they aren't the most important people in your life. Warning: Hetero/BL/possible GL Slightly sketchy since I only have a Nexus 7 for now. Abuse (not in the main family), drug abuse, alcohol abuse, partying, dysfunctional families, strong language at times, slight sexual themes, and a lot of comic mischief. You've been warned!", false, true], "YouWorryTooMuch": ["http://youworrytoomuch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "A girl is faced with her boyfriend going into the military. Short story, there will be 18 pages in total when completed. Updates Daily", false, true], "YoungCannibals": ["http://youngcannibals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 279, "The story of one girl's battle NOT to kill her friends. Updates every Monday & Friday.", false, true], "YourLifeisaMovie": ["http://lifemovie.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "Your Life is a Movie slice of life webcomic about photos, movies, and smoking.", true, true], "Yourkiss": ["http://yourkiss.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "When Jun had fallen into the lake 3 month ago and was saved by a classmate name Totsuka(a really quite, cold looking person who doesn't really had any friend). Jun had really respected him a lot since that day. But is the rumor about Tostuka dating a lot of girls true? read right to left (there is some misspell vocabulary please ignore those -_-). shouen ai,romance, ONGOING", false, true], "YuGiOh09": ["http://ygo-09.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 322, "--Updates Mondays and Thursdays-- Sakima Hirose's tragic past leads him down the path of justice as a part of the Duel Agents--a CIA-style team of ten Duelists made to take on the high crime of Neo Domino City! With the threat of the terror gang Aurora looming over the horizon, can Sakima work with his fellow Duel Agents Azuki Haneaoi and Taisuke Yatsuda to take Aurora down? Follow the story of Sakima and the Duel Agents as Yu-Gi-Oh! 09 presents all new cards, characters, and challenges in the biggest Yu-Gi-Oh! fan comic the internet has to offer!", false, true], "YurkenEnforcerSquad": ["http://yurkenenforcersquad.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Synopsis: Riley Cutlass is a young warrior who must save the universe from a demonic species called manzou. Taking place in the future about 100 years from now an enormous earthquake will hit, killing almost all life, and in the process reshape the Earth leaving one mega-continent. Earth is virtually uninhabited and at the same time, a magical species with untold power and abilities appeared on earth. The species is a dinosaur-like animal called yurken. It has been millennia since yurkens appeared and humans have repopulated themselves. But after many years the murderous race known as manzou have come to claim yurkens for their power and Riley must rely on his own yurken and mentor to stop.", false, true], "Z": ["http://zcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "When high school senior Zoe is tapped to give a back-to-school speech in the aftermath of a deadly shooting, she finds herself awakening to life-changing truths about man's inhumanity to man. Z is now available at Lulu.com for in print for $10 USD, and as a download for $2. The print and digital versions include twenty pages of concept art and extensive writer's commentary. http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/z/15262874 Z is also available for free at our website: www.peardream.com Z is the first title created under the Pear Dream banner, which consists of the same writer/artist team that produced Cerulean Sky and Oyster Choke. We think Z represents a creative step forward, and we hope it finds its intended audience.", false, true], "ZEDCOMIC": ["http://zedcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "A stupid little zombie comic", false, true], "ZONE": ["http://delzone.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 26, "Z.O.N.E is a ruthless military organization that rules one third of the world and underground business in various areas. Its existance is largely unknown but those who do know of it are greatly afraid and swear to never speak of it in fear of being targeted for elimination. It is unknown whether Z.O.N.E is hired or if it operates under its own interests. Its victims are primarily high priority criminals, killers, or shady underground businessman. It seems as though that it seeks to kill those those that they feel are seen as \"evil\" or \"corrupt\", acting as a vigilante kind of organization instead of being heartless murderers. This is seen first hand when Zeo incapacitates his target's defenders with the butt of his gun instead of shooting them. They have a special group of strong individuals, the Z.O.N.E Numbers or sometimes known as Guardians, who assassinate various targets in the way of the organization.", false, true], "ZaenWell": ["http://zaenwell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 144, "Thrown into the well of the Gods as part of an initiation, Renee Nathans has fourteen days to find a suitable God to bring back into the world of humanity. Danger lurks behind every corner, however, and when a rogue God decides humanity is no longer necessary, an already difficult task becomes even harder...", false, true], "ZeanoCore": ["http://zeanocore.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Long ago there was a peaceful race called Zeano. Their homeplanet is called Corelif it's a swampy planet, and the Zeanos kept it green for meny meny years. One day a tarrorble doom has appeard out of nowhere then multible beams of light from space has set fire all across Corelif terning it into a desert wastland. The Zeanos and everything else to never be seen agian...", false, true], "ZeldaTheNewAdventureofLinkIIMajorasMask": ["http://newlink.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "In the land of Termina, in small Clock Town, a carnival is held in honor of the seasons. A looming evil, however, lurks above the town sent by a mischievous Skull Kid wearing a foreboding mask. Now Termina is in need of heroes. Heroes who are willing to traverse the land through dangerous dungeons, defeat terrible enemies and wake the creature that can stop the coming disaster. Once again, join Link and Cloud along with some new friends on their newest adventure to stop the forces of evil... but can even they stop the evil in three days? Updated possibly Mondays for now. Based on the characters and story created and owned by Nintendo. Final Fantasy characters owned by Square Enix. Other characters parodied shown belong to their respective owners.", false, true], "Zelsen": ["http://zelsen.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 35, "The prince has declared war against the druids because they have taken away a future where he was happy. Since then his only though is to destroy all of them, but one fateful day he meets a Zelsen which marks the beginning of the end. The melody like love beckons to be free from its gilded cage. This is a BL story.(Updated every wensday) Genres: magic, fantasy, romance, drama. Themes: yaoi, smut, bishounen, tragedy", true, true], "ZensEmeraldNuzlocke": ["http://zensemeraldnuzlocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A Teenage Boy goes on an Adventure of Danger, Excitement and Loss", false, true], "Zenyaku": ["http://zenyaku.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "This manga/comic is about an ancient chinese rivalary which was settled by a chess match, but war still ravaged throughout the land. Amoung this feud, a member of the Black clan ran away from the fighting, and vowed to stop the long fued altogehter, but dies. Which is where his son, Drake, comes in. After Drake and his mother have been running from the Black clan for so long, they finally catch up with them, where Drake's world is changed dramatically where he is dragged into this deadly game of chess...", false, true], "ZeroOverdrive": ["http://zerooverdrive.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Zero Overdrive is a New perverted romance comedy by Andeh Pinkard. It follows the adventured of Zero Overdrive as he tries to run the only arcade-bar in town Arcade Destiny, while he searches out the mysterious girl who gave him the promise ring in his possession from when he was a kid.", false, true], "Zippy": ["http://zipppy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Silly adventures of a happy guy!", false, true], "Zodiac": ["http://zodiac.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 182, "A curse has fallen on the ten students along with their two teachers, and they must work together to find the source and break it, so they can spent their lives like it was before. The story will be, most of the time, stupid. You've been warned :D Updates: !!! When a page is out/Very possibly Sunday and maybe friday too, i'm a lazy butt", false, false], "ZonowTheHedgehog": ["http://zonow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 303, "As an Alien creature from a far away planet lands on Earth he soon calls it home and decides to do anything to keep it safe. This story will not tell the life of one but, The lives of many and will show how each of them intertwine with one another. This is Zonow Story. It's recommended that you read Season 2's section. Not reading season 1 will not make a difference. CAMEO'S ARE WELCOME! PLEASE SEND TO PARRISH_BROADNAX ~thankyou.", false, true], "ZosKias": ["http://zoskias.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 690, "Being a part of the gatekeeper's sepcial clean-up crew is never easy! From vampires to new magick users, there is never any time for breaks! But, the fighting is the easiest part about it... Mizuno Umishin has been a member for a couple years, but he has yet to do any real fieldwork as he's lacking a partner. When he goes to find his...it's not what he bargained for! But now, the real question isn't whethe Light is up to the task...it's whether Umishin and Light can ever get along and become true partners!", false, true], "Zutsuki": ["http://zutsuki.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "The manga is about two immortals, who were enemies (one was good, and other one was evil). They fought for thousands of years, and were equally matched. So they decided to create a scroll, and placed it on a planet. Who ever writes good on the scroll that planet and everything in it will become pleasant and peaceful for a century, and who ever writes evil...will you get the point. So 10 centuries have passed, and now both immortals must choose who will represent good and who will represent evil. Oh, and they're not human.", false, true], "_A_": ["http://a-the-stalker.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 18, "Ryza Hartfelt, a high school student has a stalker who calls himself \"A\"... Updates when a chapter is finished (I'm sorry, no fixed rate! |||orz)", false, true]}