title: SmackJeeves/Regnum url: "/comics/SmackJeeves_Regnum.html" --- Dosage comic SmackJeeves/Regnum -----------------------------------------

DescriptionThe kingdom of Regnum is beautiful and ruled by the royal family. But the prince has been kidnapped by a demon! The king hastily throws together a team of elite fighters, soldiers, and weirdos to bring his son back. These 8 strangers are to work together to gather clues, fight, and bring the little shit back home. _______________________________ This collab will most likely contain violence, cursing, and sexual content so BE WARNED _______________________________ This is a BL collab! It is a BL collab but romance doesn't have to be a central theme! Spots Taken 8/8
Adult contentno
Statusok on 24.11.2013
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