#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2013 Bastian Kleineidam """ Script to get arcamax comics and save the info in a JSON file for further processing. """ from __future__ import print_function import re import sys import os import requests sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) from dosagelib.util import getPageContent from dosagelib.scraper import get_scraperclasses from scriptutil import contains_case_insensitive, save_result, load_result, truncate_name, format_name, format_description json_file = __file__.replace(".py", ".json") url_matcher = re.compile(r'<h3><a href="([^"]+)">') desc_matcher = re.compile(r'<span class="subtext">(.*?)\[<a href', re.DOTALL) num_matcher = re.compile(r'<b>Comics:</b> <span class="comicinfo">(\d+)</span>') genre_matcher = re.compile(r'<b>Genre:</b> <span class="comicinfo">([^<]+)</span>') activity_matcher = re.compile(r'<b>Activity status:</b> <span class="comicinfo">([^<]+)</span>') # names of comics to exclude exclude_comics = [ "12yearsofmissj", # unsuitable navigation "3DGlasses", # unsuitable navigation "6tsc", # unsuitable navigation "Abyss", # unsuitable navigation "Actdr", # unsuitable navigation "Aerosol", # unsuitable navigation "Alienirony", # unsuitable navigation "AngelguardianEspanol", # unsuitable navigation "Angryalien", # unsuitable navigation "Archininja", # unsuitable navigation "Arveytoonz", # unsuitable navigation "AttackoftheRobofemoids", # unsuitable navigation "Bedlam", # unsuitable navigation "Bidoof", # unsuitable navigation "BlockTales", # unsuitable navigation "Bobcomix", # unsuitable navigation "Bonejangles", # unsuitable navigation "BoozerandStoner", # unsuitable navigation "Boyaurus", # unsuitable navigation "Brainfood", # unsuitable navigation "Bromosworld", # unsuitable navigation "BulletMythology", # unsuitable navigation "BUXY", # unsuitable navigation "CafeGruesome", # unsuitable navigation "Chanpuru", # unsuitable navigation "Christmaswithmaddog", # unsuitable navigation "Comicshortsmain", # unsuitable navigation "Conrads", # unsuitable navigation "ConradTheCaterpillar", # unsuitable navigation "ConsequencesOfChoice", # unsuitable navigation "CoolYuleComics", # unsuitable navigation "Crossworldsnexus", # unsuitable navigation "Colorforce", # unsuitable navigation "Coolstorybro", # unsuitable navigation "Crepusculars", # unsuitable navigation "CtrlZ", # unsuitable navigation "DeadNight", # unsuitable navigation "Democomix", # unsuitable navigation "Dinosaurkingdom", # unsuitable navigation "Dotcomic", # unsuitable navigation "Droned", # unsuitable navigation "Effingukookoo", # unsuitable navigation "ErraticBeat", # unsuitable navigation "Evilbear", # unsuitable navigation "Ewmic", # unsuitable navigation "Fannicklas", # unsuitable navigation "Fateofthebluestar", # unsuitable navigation "Fishbowl", # unsuitable navigation "Foe", # unsuitable navigation "Foreignterritory", # unsuitable navigation "Frigginrandom", # unsuitable navigation "Frostfire", # unsuitable navigation "Furnerdy", # unsuitable navigation "Fuzzylittleninjas", # unsuitable navigation "Garfieldminusjon", # unsuitable navigation "Gatito", # unsuitable navigation "Gbksayonara", # unsuitable navigation "Gillimurphyorig", # unsuitable navigation "Gratz", # unsuitable navigation "Greygaroutopheavyartwork", # unsuitable navigation "GrimReaperSchool", # unsuitable navigation "Goldrush", # unsuitable navigation "GRIND", # unsuitable navigation "Haywire", # unsuitable navigation "Hallodri", # unsuitable navigation "Harrysorehead", # unsuitable navigation "HazSci", # unsuitable navigation "Hellboundarchive", # unsuitable navigation "Herecomesskeeter", # unsuitable navigation "Holycowcomics", # unsuitable navigation "Houseescapeold", # unsuitable navigation "Horizongakuen", # unsuitable navigation "Icannotdraw", # unsuitable navigation "Ign", # unsuitable navigation "Illusionoftime", # unsuitable navigation "InsideOuT", # unsuitable navigation "Immortalfool", # unsuitable navigation "Insectia", # unsuitable navigation "Jackitandfriends", # unsuitable navigation "Jenffersshow5", # unsuitable navigation "Johnsonsuperior", # unsuitable navigation "Joostdailies", # unsuitable navigation "Journ", # unsuitable navigation "JourneyToRaifina", # unsuitable navigation "Junk", # unsuitable navigation "Kaze", # unsuitable navigation "Kmlssticks", # unsuitable navigation "KiLAiLO", # unsuitable navigation "Kingdomprettycure", # unsuitable navigation "Kmfe", # unsuitable navigation "Lately", # unsuitable navigation "Legendoftheredphantom", # unsuitable navigation "Littlephoenix", # unsuitable navigation "Llwhoelterran", # unsuitable navigation "Lomeathandhuilii", # unsuitable navigation "Longandexcitingjourney", # unsuitable navigation "Lovekillsslowly", # unsuitable navigation "Mannack", # unsuitable navigation "Mars", # unsuitable navigation "MaskoftheAryans", # unsuitable navigation "Megamaiden", # unsuitable navigation "Minecraft2b2t", # unsuitable navigation "Mitadakesaga", # unsuitable navigation "Mlpfib", # unsuitable navigation "Monsterloverdp", # unsuitable navigation "MoonlightValley", # unsuitable navigation "MurghComics", # unsuitable navigation "MVPL", # unsuitable navigation "Monobow", # unsuitable navigation "Mytvisevil", # unsuitable navigation "Natao", # unsuitable navigation "Nemution", # unsuitable navigation "NMG", # unsuitable navigation "Noche", # unsuitable navigation "Noprrkele", # unsuitable navigation "Nothingfitsartblog", # unsuitable navigation "Oeight", # unsuitable navigation "Ofpf", # unsuitable navigation "Old2g", # unsuitable navigation "Outtolunch", # unsuitable navigation "Parisel313", # unsuitable navigation "Pewfell", # unsuitable navigation "Phoenix", # unsuitable navigation "Pi5a", # unsuitable navigation "Pokemonwarpers", # unsuitable navigation "Princess", # unsuitable navigation "ProjectX", # unsuitable navigation "ReadershipofOne", # unsuitable navigation "Queenie", # unsuitable navigation "Rain", # unsuitable navigation "Ratantia", # unsuitable navigation "Rath", # unsuitable navigation "RawLatex", # unsuitable navigation "Remnants", # unsuitable navigation "Requiem", # unsuitable navigation "Retrofiyora", # unsuitable navigation "Rexfordavenue", # unsuitable navigation "Rocr", # unsuitable navigation "S", # unsuitable navigation "Sandgate", # unsuitable navigation "Shadowstories", # unsuitable navigation "Sigh", # unsuitable navigation "Slightlyeccentric", # unsuitable navigation "Smbhax", # unsuitable navigation "SpiritSquire1", # unsuitable navigation "Stardustthecat", # unsuitable navigation "Sticklife", # unsuitable navigation "StickMisadventures", # unsuitable navigation "StrangerThanFiction", # unsuitable navigation "SundaySmash", # unsuitable navigation "Superproultimatewrestling", # unsuitable navigation "Sweetcheeriosandorangejuice", # unsuitable navigation "Synapticisms", # unsuitable navigation "Talesofspoons", # unsuitable navigation "Terwilligers", # unsuitable navigation "Thedevilshorn", # unsuitable navigation "TheEntity", # unsuitable navigation "Theworldjumper", # unsuitable navigation "TheWorldofUh", # unsuitable navigation "Thewriter13", # unsuitable navigation "ToC", # unsuitable navigation "TOGM", # unsuitable navigation "Townburgcity", # unsuitable navigation "Tuhinaloota", # unsuitable navigation "Tezzleandzeek", # unsuitable navigation "Theredeemers", # unsuitable navigation "Thestickmen", # unsuitable navigation "Thingsthatannoyme", # unsuitable navigation "ThornsInOurSide", # unsuitable navigation "Unichat", # unsuitable navigation "UFPA", # unsuitable navigation "V4", # unsuitable navigation "Verboten", # unsuitable navigation "Warg", # unsuitable navigation "Warrior27", # unsuitable navigation "Wastedpotential", # unsuitable navigation "Wcf", # unsuitable navigation "Whoseline", # unsuitable navigation "WindRiders", # unsuitable navigation "WitchesTeaParty", # unsuitable navigation "Woohooligan", # unsuitable navigation "Xenozone", # unsuitable navigation "XWingAlliance", # unsuitable navigation "Yppcomic", # unsuitable navigation "Zeroeffort", # unsuitable navigation ] def handle_url(url, session, res): """Parse one search result page.""" print("Parsing", url, file=sys.stderr) try: data, baseUrl = getPageContent(url, session) except IOError as msg: print("ERROR:", msg, file=sys.stderr) return for match in url_matcher.finditer(data): comicurl = match.group(1) name = format_name(comicurl.split('.', 1)[0][7:]) if name in exclude_comics: continue if contains_case_insensitive(res, name): # we cannot handle two comics that only differ in case print("INFO: skipping possible duplicate", repr(name), file=sys.stderr) continue # find description end = match.end() mo = desc_matcher.search(data[end:]) if not mo: print("ERROR matching description:", repr(data[end:end+300]), file=sys.stderr) continue desc = format_description(mo.group(1)) # find out how many images this comic has mo = num_matcher.search(data[end:]) if not mo: print("ERROR matching number:", repr(data[end:end+300]), file=sys.stderr) continue num = int(mo.group(1)) # find genre mo = genre_matcher.search(data[end:]) if not mo: print("ERROR matching genre:", repr(data[end:end+300]), file=sys.stderr) continue genre = mo.group(1) # find activity mo = activity_matcher.search(data[end:]) if not mo: print("ERROR matching activity:", repr(data[end:end+300]), file=sys.stderr) continue active = mo.group(1).lower() == "active" res[name] = [comicurl, desc, num, genre, active] if not res: print("ERROR:", "did not match any comics", file=sys.stderr) def get_results(): """Parse all search result pages.""" # store info in a dictionary {name -> shortname} res = {} session = requests.Session() baseUrl = 'http://comicfury.com/search.php?search=1&webcomics=Search+for+webcomics&query=&worder=5&asc=1&incvi=1&incse=1&incnu=1&incla=1&all_ge=1&all_st=1&all_la=1&page=' pages = 382 for i in range(1, pages+1): url = baseUrl + str(i) handle_url(url, session, res) save_result(res, json_file) def has_comic(name): """Check if comic name already exists.""" names = [ ("Creators/%s" % name).lower(), ("DrunkDuck/%s" % name).lower(), ("GoComics/%s" % name).lower(), ("KeenSpot/%s" % name).lower(), ("SmackJeeves/%s" % name).lower(), ("Arcamax/%s" % name).lower(), ] for scraperclass in get_scraperclasses(): lname = scraperclass.getName().lower() if lname in names: return True return False def print_results(args): """Print all comics that have at least the given number of minimum comic strips.""" min_comics = int(args[0]) for name, entry in sorted(load_result(json_file).items()): if name in exclude_comics: continue url, desc, num, genre, active = entry if num < min_comics: continue if has_comic(name): prefix = '#' else: prefix = '' print("%sadd(%r, %r, %r)" % ( prefix, str(truncate_name(name)), str(url), desc )) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1: print_results(sys.argv[1:]) else: get_results()