title: SmackJeeves/EonsAgo url: "/comics/SmackJeeves_EonsAgo.html" --- Dosage comic SmackJeeves/EonsAgo -----------------------------------------
DescriptionEons Ago is a doujinshi to the popular Transformers Prime series, which inflicts the story of how the beloved Master and SIC met, Starscream and Megatron. How did Starscream become Megatrons second-in-command? What made them fall for eachoter? The series was first uploaded on DeviantArt in september 2011, and is still ongoing today. It has reached up till 11 chapters and is still ongoing. Eons Ago contains parental advisory material as well as humor, love and gigantic transforming mech Cybertronians.
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Statusok on 23.04.2013
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