# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs # Copyright (C) 2012 Bastian Kleineidam from . import loader from .util import fetchUrls from .comic import ComicStrip from .output import out class _BasicScraper(object): '''Base class with scrape functions for comics. @type latestUrl: C{string} @cvar latestUrl: The URL for the latest comic strip. @type stripUrl: C{string} @cvar stripUrl: A string that is interpolated with the strip index to yield the URL for a particular strip. @type imageSearch: C{regex} @cvar imageSearch: A compiled regex that will locate the strip image URL when applied to the strip page. @type prevSearch: C{regex} @cvar prevSearch: A compiled regex that will locate the URL for the previous strip when applied to a strip page. ''' help = 'Sorry, no help for this comic yet.' def __init__(self, indexes=None): """Initialize internal variables.""" self.urls = set() self.indexes = indexes def getCurrentStrips(self): """Get current comic strip.""" msg = 'Retrieving the current strip' if self.indexes: msg += " for indexes %s" % self.indexes out.write(msg+"...") if self.indexes: for index in self.indexes: url = self.stripUrl % index yield self.getStrip(url) else: yield self.getStrip(self.getLatestUrl()) def getStrip(self, url): """Get comic strip for given URL.""" imageUrls = fetchUrls(url, self.imageSearch) return self.getComicStrip(url, imageUrls) def getComicStrip(self, url, imageUrls): """Get comic strip downloader for given URL and images.""" return ComicStrip(self.get_name(), url, imageUrls, self.namer) def getAllStrips(self): """Get all comic strips.""" msg = 'Retrieving all strips' if self.indexes: msg += " for indexes %s" % self.indexes out.write(msg+"...") if self.indexes: for index in self.indexes: url = self.stripUrl % index for strip in self.getAllStripsFor(url): yield strip else: url = self.getLatestUrl() for strip in self.getAllStripsFor(url): yield strip def getAllStripsFor(self, url): """Get all comic strips for an URL.""" seen_urls = set() while url: imageUrls, prevUrl = fetchUrls(url, self.imageSearch, self.prevSearch) seen_urls.add(url) yield self.getComicStrip(url, imageUrls) # avoid recursive URL loops url = prevUrl if prevUrl not in seen_urls else None def setStrip(self, index): """Set current comic strip URL.""" self.currentUrl = self.stripUrl % index def getHelp(self): """Return help text for this scraper.""" return self.help @classmethod def get_name(cls): """Get scraper name.""" if hasattr(cls, 'name'): return cls.name return cls.__name__ @classmethod def starter(cls): """Get starter URL from where to scrape comic strips.""" return cls.latestUrl @classmethod def namer(cls, imageUrl, pageUrl): """Return filename for given image and page URL.""" return None def getFilename(self, imageUrl, pageUrl): """Return filename for given image and page URL.""" return self.namer(imageUrl, pageUrl) def getLatestUrl(self): """Get starter URL from where to scrape comic strips.""" return self.starter() def get_scraper(comic): """Returns a comic module object.""" candidates = [] cname = comic.lower() for scraperclass in get_scrapers(): lname = scraperclass.get_name().lower() if lname == cname: # perfect match return scraperclass if cname in lname: candidates.append(scraperclass) if len(candidates) == 1: return candidates[0] elif candidates: comics = ", ".join(x.get_name() for x in candidates) raise ValueError('Multiple comics found: %s' % comics) else: raise ValueError('Comic %r not found' % comic) _scrapers = None def get_scrapers(): """Find all comic scraper classes in the plugins directory. The result is cached. @return: list of _BasicScraper classes @rtype: list of _BasicScraper """ global _scrapers if _scrapers is None: modules = loader.get_modules() plugins = loader.get_plugins(modules, _BasicScraper) _scrapers = list(plugins) _scrapers.sort(key=lambda s: s.get_name()) check_scrapers() return _scrapers def check_scrapers(): """Check for duplicate scraper class names.""" d = {} for scraperclass in _scrapers: name = scraperclass.get_name().lower() if name in d: name1 = scraperclass.get_name() name2 = d[name].get_name() raise ValueError('Duplicate scrapers %s and %s found' % (name1, name2)) d[name] = scraperclass