#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Bastian Kleineidam
Script to get a list of smackjeeves.com comics and save the info in a JSON file for further processing.
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import sys
import os
import urlparse
import requests
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
from dosagelib.util import getPageContent, tagre
from dosagelib.scraper import get_scraperclasses
from scriptutil import contains_case_insensitive, save_result, load_result, truncate_name, format_name, format_description

json_file = __file__.replace(".py", ".json")

# names of comics to exclude
exclude_comics = [
    "ADifferentPerspective", # does not follow standard layout
    "Ahoge", # does not follow standard layout
    "AngelJunkPileFelix", # images are 403 forbidden
    "Authorbattlesthevideogame", # missing images
    "BambooArmonicKnightsGuild", # missing previous link
    "ClubLove", # does not follow standard layout
    "Darkkyosshorts", # missing images
    "DeSTRESS", # does not follow standard layout
    "DollarStoreCaviar", # broken images
    "DreamCatcher", # does not follow standard layout
    "EdgeofDecember", # missing images
    "Fumiko", # does not follow standard layout
    "FurryExperience", # timeout
    "GART", # does not follow standard layout
    "GBAsCrib", # timeout
    "HEARD", # missing images
    "Indigo", # broken domain name
    "IwillbenapoSpamDump", # missing images
    "JennyHaniver", # does not follow standard layout
    "KiLAiLO", # does not follow standard layout
    "KirbysoftheAlternateDimension", # missing images
    "LoudEra", # does not follow standard layout
    "LunarHill", # does not follow standard layout
    "MyLifewithFelENESPANOL", # does not follow standard layout
    "MylifewithFel", # does not follow standard layout
    "NegativeZen", # does not follow standard layout
    "Nemutionpobae", # does not follow standard layout
    "NightShot", # does not follow standard layout
    "NormalIsBoring", # does not follow standard layout
    "Okamirai", # images are 403 forbidden
    "OmnisSpriteShowcase", # missing images
    "OpticalDisarray", # does not follow standard layout
    "PicturesofYou", # does not follow standard layout
    "PlatonicManagementDilemma", # missing images
    "Pornjunkiesstrip", # does not follow standard layout
    "PrettyUgly", # does not follow standard layout
    "Project217", # does not follow standard layout
    "Ribon", # does not follow standard layout
    "SecretSanta2011", # missing images
    "ShinkaTheLastEevee", # does not follow standard layout
    "SimplePixel", # does not follow standard layout
    "SJArtCollab", # missing images
    "SlightlyDifferent", # missing images
    "SpaceSchool", # does not follow standard layout
    "TheAfterSubtract", # does not follow standard layout
    "THEVOIDWEBCOMIC", # does not follow standard layout
    "ThreadCrashers", # has no previous comic link
    "TotallyKotor", # missing images
    "Vbcomics", # does not follow standard layout
    "WerewolfRichard", # does not follow standard layout
    "WinterMelody", # missing images

# the latest URL of some comics repeats the previous URL
# flag this so the bounceStart uses the correct URL
repeat_comics = [

# links to last valid strips
url_overrides = {

# HTML content matcher
page_matcher = re.compile(tagre("a", "href", r'(comicprofile\.php\?id=\d+)', after="site_banner") +
  tagre("img", "title", r'([^"]+)'))
url_matcher = re.compile(tagre("a", "href", r'(http://[^"]+/comics/)') + "Latest Comic")
num_matcher = re.compile(r'50%">\s+(\d+)\s+')
desc_matcher = re.compile(r"</div>(.+?)</div>", re.DOTALL)
adult_matcher = re.compile(tagre("img", "src", r'http://www\.smackjeeves\.com/images/mature_content\.png'))

def handle_url(url, session, res):
    """Parse one search result page."""
    print("Parsing", url, file=sys.stderr)
        data, baseUrl = getPageContent(url, session)
    except IOError as msg:
        print("ERROR:", msg, file=sys.stderr)
    for match in page_matcher.finditer(data):
        page_url = match.group(1)
        page_url = urlparse.urljoin(url, page_url)
        name = format_name(match.group(2))
        if name in exclude_comics:
        if contains_case_insensitive(res, name):
            # we cannot handle two comics that only differ in case
            print("INFO: skipping possible duplicate", repr(name), file=sys.stderr)
        # find out how many images this comic has
        end = match.end()
        mo = num_matcher.search(data[end:])
        if not mo:
            print("ERROR matching number:", repr(data[end:end+300]), file=sys.stderr)
        num = int(mo.group(1))
        # search for url in extra page
        print("Getting", page_url)
            data2, baseUrl2 = getPageContent(page_url, session)
        except IOError as msg:
            print("ERROR:", msg, file=sys.stderr)
        mo = url_matcher.search(data2)
        if not mo:
            print("ERROR matching comic URL:", repr(data2[:300]), file=sys.stderr)
        comic_url = mo.group(1)
        # search for description
        end = mo.end()
        mo = desc_matcher.search(data2[end:])
        if not mo:
            print("ERROR matching comic description:", repr(data2[end:end+300]), file=sys.stderr)
        desc = format_description(mo.group(1))
        # search for adult flag
        adult = adult_matcher.search(data2[end:])
        bounce = name not in repeat_comics
        res[name] = [
          url_overrides.get(name, comic_url), num, desc, bool(adult), bounce

def get_results():
    """Parse all search result pages."""
    base = "http://www.smackjeeves.com/search.php?submit=Search+for+Webcomics&search_mode=webcomics&comic_title=&special=all&last_update=3&style_all=on&genre_all=on&format_all=on&sort_by=2&start=%d"
    session = requests.Session()
    # store info in a dictionary {name -> url, number of comics, description, adult flag}
    res = {}
    # a search for an empty string returned 286 result pages
    result_pages = 286
    print("Parsing", result_pages, "search result pages...", file=sys.stderr)
    for i in range(0, result_pages):
        print(i+1, file=sys.stderr, end=" ")
        handle_url(base % (i*12), session, res)
    save_result(res, json_file)

def has_comic(name):
    """Check if comic name already exists."""
    cname = name.lower()
    for scraperclass in get_scraperclasses():
        lname = scraperclass.getName().lower()
        if lname == cname:
            return True
    return False

def print_results(args):
    """Print all comics that have at least the given number of minimum comic strips."""
    min_comics = int(args[0])
    for name, entry in sorted(load_result(json_file).items()):
        if name in exclude_comics:
        url, num, desc, adult, bounce = entry
        if num < min_comics:
        if has_comic(name):
            prefix = '#'
            prefix = ''
        print("%sadd(%r, %r, %r, %s, %s)" % (
          prefix, str(truncate_name(name)), str(url), desc, adult, bounce

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) > 1: