title: SmackJeeves/PokemonMysteryDungeonAdve... url: "/comics/SmackJeeves_PokemonMysteryDungeonAdventurersofLight.html" --- Dosage comic SmackJeeves/PokemonMysteryDungeonAdve... -----------------------------------------

DescriptionBased off of the PMD series, rises the imagined sequel Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Adventurers of light! Introducing a new world! a new team! a new adventure! Join Jason and Luna as they set off on the adventure of a lifetime, making new discoveries, and facing a great evil! For this is Adventurers of light! disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, this is purely fan made. Rated T for Violence, sexual themes, alcohol reference, Language, and Suggestive Themes.
Adult contentno
Statusok on 11.12.2013
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